the bench 2016
the bench 2016
O C D I BRIEF CANADA 2016 STUFFgroup WINNIPEG DESIGN COMPETITION THE BENCH 751 CORYDON FOR THE STREET IS HUMAN MOVEMENT INST IT U T IO NAL I Z E D. AN IN DIVIDUAL MAY C L E A R O R MARK A PATH IN A WILDERNESS; BUT UNLESS HE ARE IS FOLLOWED BY OTHERS HIS SOCIAL PATH NEVER BECOMES INSTITUTIONS A ROAD OR A STREET AN D IT IS THE IR BECAUSE THE ACCEPTANCE BY THE ROAD AND COMMUNITY THAT GIVES STREET THEM THE NAME AND THE FUNCTIONS WITH WHICH I AM H E R E C O N C E R N E D - JOSPEH RYKWERT V2 2016 STUFFgroup -Spiro Kostof CANADA BRIEF WINNIPEG DESIGN COMPETITION THE BENCH 751 CORYDON The only legitmacy of the street is as public space. Without it, there is no city. V2 THE BENCH DESIGN COMPETITION DESIGN BRIEF THE BENCH is an idea based design competition open to all ages and backgrounds. The challenge of the competition is to design and install a temporary structure on a street to transform the street environment to a form of public space. The competition is to design a seasonal-seating-space along the street edge of a retail front. The competition will unfold in three stages: selection by jury; construction and seasonal use, and an exhibition of entries. The winning entry, selected by the jury, will be constructed for public use during the summer and fall season of 2016. All entries will be documented and exhibited for public viewing, to generate awareness and discussion about ‘street as public space’. The organizers of THE BENCH will facilitate ongoing discussions of the topic during the use of THE BENCH and will seek ways to disseminate THE BENCH (i.e. donate to public school/park) at the end of the season. How can we (re) imagine the street as a public space? How can we imagine the street beyond its function as a ‘route’? How can we enact new dynamics and life on to the street? What are the existing potentials? How can we engage and interact with the existing potentials on the street? What kinds of (new) street dynamic can we imagine today? What new kinds of public space/scene could emerge from streets today? What are the elements that could trigger such a spatial transformation? PUBLIC SPACE The objective of the competition is to reenvision and re-engage the street as a public space. The competition invites ideas to transform the street as a public space through an infrastructure intervention, a seating-space. The challenge is to design a public seating that can engage and transform the dynamics on the street, triggering and sustaining temporary (short) social and cultural transactions. THE BENCH will be installed on the street curb’s edge facing towards two local retail shops, MAKE Coffee + Stuff and Tutti Frutti Frozen Yogurt, framing an urban space. FUNCTIONAL SPACE THE BENCH must function as a public seating with minimum of 12 seating space-surfaces. Ease of use and access is important consideration to facilitate instant, ongoing and changing street dynamics. General street safety including traffic related issues and legibility of its physical presence are important considerations in the design. Ancillary functions such as bike racks, planting areas, and storage can be considered as a part of the design, as long as they do not interfere or compromise the ‘seating function’ and ‘street-safety’ aspects of THE BENCH. WINNIPEG OVERVIEW 751 CORYDON B R I E F WPG MB BRIEF CANADA 48” 24 ’0 2016 PE STUFFgroup ” DE S TR V2 IAN TRAF FIC THE BENCH F A B R I C AT I O N I N S TA L L AT I O N BUDGET / STIPEND THE BENCH, as a temporarily public infrastructure, will be installed on the street’s edge [see site description] during the summer and early fall of 2015. Once installed, THE BENCH will remain outdoors exposed to the weather conditions and public interactions for the entire duration of its season. The fabrication, installation and the material condition of THE BENCH must consider such exposure and interaction. The design must also consider the structural and functional integrity of THE BENCH for the entire duration of its installation season. The sponsoring businesses will assume the lease of the ‘site’ from the city and general public liability for the duration of the season. From digital fabrication the competition is open and methods. However, expected to position responding to following A set of three benches made out of stacked 2x4 lumber and painted plywood sheets has been planned for the site at a budget of CD$300. The entrants are asked to challenge this plan. A total amount of CD$500 will be granted to the winning entry as the project budget/stipend. The competition invites new ideas to realize an affordable and efficient public space-structure for individual retailers, including innovative fabricationconstruction, in-kind donations, and recycle/ reuse/repurpose of materials. The entrants can use a portion or all of the budget/stipend towards the realization of THE BENCH. to reuse/recycle, to all mediums all entries are their ideas in general criteria: - Simplicity in construction and ease of assembly - Exposure to elements of the street environment - Ease of cleaning and maintenance of functional and structural integrity, including general safety within the street environment. WINNIPEG CANADA BRIEF DESIGN COMPETITION TEMPORARY STRUCTURE 751 CORYDON B R I E F SE OO 2 X 4 BE NC H BL OC K STUFFgroup I RS AND 2016 V2 C HA TABLE S L IO PAT SITE / CONDITION THE BENCH REGISTRATION + SUBMISSION SCHEDULE Design Document - 2 sheets of 11”x17” Registration Deadline July 20th, 2016 Mid-night CST COMPETITION CLOSURE JULY 20TH JURY DELIBERATION JULY 20TH - 25TH WINNERS ANNOUNCEMENT J U LY 2 5 T H (horizontal) with graphic illustration of the proposal including important dimensions, fabrication methods, and spatial/street use scenarios Manitoba, Canada Permitted Area Team Document - single sheet of 8.5”x11” Permit Duration July ~ September 2016 (vertical) - team bio (100 words max.) -project description, including budget and fabrication scenario (200 words max.) Submission email to Q&A email to T U T T I FRU TT I F ROZE N YOG U RT 75 3 CO RDYO N AV E NUE CANADA BRIEF WINNIPEG DESIGN COMPETITION 48” x 24’ 0” Registration Fee CD $20 (paypal to competition@ 751 CORYDON Physical Address 751/753 Corydon Avenue, Winnipeg, SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS M AK E COFFEE + STUFF 751 CORDYON AVENUE COVERED ENTRY E X I ST I NG BE NCH 6’8” 4’ 0” C URB BUFFER P ERMITTED BEN C H LOC ATION 6’8” PERM ITTED BENCH LOC ATION 4’ 0” 2016 2’ 0” STUFFgroup 12’ 8 “ 2’ 0” C U RB E D GE CO RYDO N AV E NU E PERMIT PLAN CORY D ON AV E NU E PERMIT SECTION V2 P EDESTRIAN TR AFFIC THE BENCH JEFF GARCIA Liz is a Landscape Architect and Principal of Plain Projects, a landscape architecture and environmental design studio in Winnipeg. Plain Projects works collaboratively with architects and creative communities to produce simple and effective places; settings for the stories that form our lives. The firm consistently engages in complex works of landscape architecture of various scales, contexts and scope - from urban design to public art. Liz is a Sessional Instructor in the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Manitoba. She has also served on the City of Winnipeg Urban Design Advisory Council and on design competition juries in Canada and the United States. Leehong Kim lives and works in N e w Yo r k C i t y , w h e r e h e o p e r a t e s Leehong Kim Architects. Work focuses on both architectural and conceptual works integrated to the given spatial condition. Leehong received his BS in Architectural E n g i n e e r i n g f r o m Yo n s e i U n i v e r s i t y (Seoul, Korea) in 2004 and Master in Architecture from Harvard Graduate School of Design in 2009. His work experience includes four years at Samoo Architects & Engineers from 2009 to 2012 and most recently at Steven Holl Architects from 2012 to 2016. He is a registered architect in Massachusetts and New York state and a LEED accredited professional. He is currently an adjunct professor at the School of Visual Arts (SVA) in New York City. Thom Jeffrey Garcia is a sessional instructor at the University of Manitoba Faculty of Architecture. Additional to teaching in the undergraduate Environmental Design Program, he also instructed at the graduate level in the Interior Design Department. His current body of work includes curation and exhibition design, graphic design, and various competition entries. His research interests include the exploration of design as cultural curatorial content and proposing new pedagogical approaches to foundation design education. From 2011 to 2015, Jeffrey was a partner focusing on design and project development at STUFF (Studio for Transformative Urban Forms and Fields), an innovative network practice and think-tank founded by Jae-Sung Chon. He worked for the radical industrial design firm Plastic Buddha Design Inc. from 2000 to 2004, focusing on research projects and special commissions. He has recently been admitted into Graduate Studies at OCAD University in Toronto, Ontario in the Interdisciplinary Master’s in Art, Media and Design program. CANADA 2016 STUFFgroup BRIEF DESIGN COMPETITION LEEHONG KIM WINNIPEG LIZ WREFORD 751 CORYDON J U R Y V2 THE BENCH MAKE is a cafe and event/retail venue at 751 Corydon Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba. We serve made-to-order coffee and espressobased drinks from Canadian micro-roasteries along with single-origin teas. One of core the mandates of MAKE is to provide a venue that can provoke an engagement between the public and the profession of design. We are interested in facilitating opportunities to promote ‘design culture’ while creating new potentials (through event, exhibition, and retail) to interface with various communities and constituents.MAKE first began public events in the summer of 2012, and formally opened as a cafe environment in the winter. To date, design in the fields of architecture, fashion, industrial/product, landscape, photography + drawings, film, publications, and installations have been featured. 751 CORYDON OPEN CITY DESIGN INSTITUTE Tu t t i F r u t t i i s a s e l f - s e r v e / c h o o s e your-own topping frozen yogurt chain. The ‘fro-yo’ stop prides itself on offering several yogurt flavours, fresh toppings, as well as other healthfull o p t i o n s . Tu t t i F r u t t i C o r y d o n i s a recent addition to Corydon Avenue, however it has already embedded i t s e l f i n t o t h e c o m m u n i t y . Tu t t i F r u t t i often hosts local sports teams, charity events, and other group events. The shop attracts customers of all types however it’s especially busy during the lunch hours of a few nearby schools. Open City Design Institute is an independent non-profit organization that engages the city through public programs, exhibitions, competitions, publications, research, learning and practice. MAYER’S CONSTRUCTION THE BENCH Build will be sponsored by Mayer’s Construction this year. We believe that tomorrow is defined by the new generation of designers and their urban visions. We are committed to building this tomorrow through the cross-exposure and crossexploration of designers, their works, values and visions. We are also interested in strengthening and constructing the city’s capacity to value and celebrate design. Open City Design Institute will activate and speculate new perspectives and capacities through four generative program strands: platform, press, practice, and projects. 753 CORYDON FACEBOOK May 2 Main Wordmark 2016 STUFFgroup Mayer’s Indentity / V3 CANADA O C D I BRIEF FACEBOOK MakeCoffeeAndStuff?ref=bookmarks TUTTI FRUTTI FROZEN YOGURT WINNIPEG DESIGN COMPETITION MAKE COFFEE + STUFF 751 CORYDON S P O N S O R S V2 WINNIPEG DESIGN COMPETITION THE BENCH 751 CORYDON THE BENCH V . 1 LEEHONG KIM ARCHITECTS PHOTO BY JOSEPH VISSER BRIEF CANADA DONATED YOUTH CENTER - ‘THE EDGE SKATEPARK’ 2016 STUFFgroup THE BENCH 2015 V2 THE BENCH Jae-Sung has maintained various forms of design practice since 1995. He was the founding partner of both DIN Projects and OS1 Architecture/Design. In 2010, Chon initiated STUFF, an Environmental Design collective, to reflect his interests in the broader engagement of design in the environment. Since 2014, Chon has been developing a researchpractice branch OUI (office for urban interiority) focusing on posthuman/cyborgian conditions and ‘interiority’ within contemporary cities. Jae-Sung Chon currently teaches Environmental Design in the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Manitoba. He has taught architecture internationally since 1 9 96 , in S e o u l , To k y o , S h a n g h a i , B e r l i n a n d L o n d o n . Chon has studied Architecture (U.Manitoba), Architectural Engineering ( Yo n s e i ) , Housing (McGill), and Urbanism (UCL) in various contexts. Kent Mundle received his Bachelor of Environmental Design from the University of Manitoba in 2015 with a Gold Medal Standing in Architecture. He recently won the 2016 RAW:almond design competition and 2016 Archishorts Film Festival. His design career has been largely involved in design-build. He has worked on a range of projects from small family residential to commerical interiors. He is currently a designer with OS1 Design Inc, STUFFgroup, and a design editor for the To p t a l D e s i g n B l o g . H i s i n t e r e s t s s u r r o u n d architecture, media and publication. CANADA 2016 STUFFgroup BRIEF DESIGN COMPETITION KENT MUNDLE WINNIPEG JAE-SUNG CHON 751 CORYDON O R G A N I Z E R S V2