Women of Bethany


Women of Bethany
This Newsletter is dedicated in loving memory to our Sister Tracy Helms.
Women of Bethany
4301 Beulah Church Road / Weddington, NC 28104 / 704-846-3943
March – April 2015
Meeting the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month
5:30p – 7:30p
Women of Bethany
Calendar of Events & Meetings
(Church & other Events in Green)
You Are Never Without
His Light.
God has always LOVED you,
and He always will.
Session dates: March 1, 15, 29
April 19 & May 3
March 1 – Children of the Day Session #5
March 8 – Daylight Savings Time
March 22 – Bethany’s Chili Cook Off
March 15 - Children of the Day #6
March 29 - Children of the Day #7
April 5 – NO Children of the Day Mtg.
April 5 – Easter Sunday
April 19 – Children of the Day #8
May 3 – Last Bible Study Session
Children of the Day #9
Bethany’s Chili Cook-Off
March 22
Our study of 1 and 2 Thessalonians has had us
focusing on the relationships shared by those who
comprise our family, friends, work, and our
Church. Just like Paul, Silas, and Timothy did.
Whether you’re facing family crises, medical
diagnoses, relationship troubles, doubts, or fears,
this study is helping us to better understand that
together we stand shoulder-to-shoulder as we look
outward, living in obedience to God’s Word and in
anticipation of Christ’s coming.
So Glad that you have taken this
journey with us!
Invite Family and Friends!
Our desire is to know God and to become more like Christ by spending
time in His Word, in prayer, and in Christian fellowship.
Financial Peace University
We all need a plan for our money. Financial
Peace University (FPU) is that plan! It teaches
God’s ways of handling money. Through video
teaching, class discussions and interactive small
group activities, FPU presents biblical practical
steps to get from where you are to where you’ve
dreamed you could be. This plan will show you
how to get rid of debt, manage your money, spend
and save wisely, and much more! This study is
designed for any age, even teens. It is highly
recommended for couples or single parent head of
Registration Deadline is April 30.
A $50 deposit is due by April 30 to secure your
space in the class and so that we may purchase
your discounted FPU kit.
By Dave Ramsey
Join Us. . .
9 Sunday Evening Sessions
5:30-7:30p @ Bethany Church
June 7 through August 9
(No Class June 21 Father’s Day)
Make Plans Now to Attend. . .
Invite Family and Friends.
Sign Up Today!
Contact Sherry Lausch
or cell/text 704-506-2872.
Or call Bethany Church office at 704-846-3943.
“FPU was very encouraging to us as individuals and as a couple.
We now know for sure we are on the same page with how we
approach daily finances and future plans. I am the main person
in charge of our budget and it was hard feeling like I was dealing
with 95% on my own. Dave put us both in charge and it has been
very freeing. Walking through the steps continues to be
challenging but because we are united we know together we can
trust the process and have hope that good things are ahead. ”
(Cerissa Hanson took the FPU class last Nov.)
Kits are $95 per family
$50 deposit due to and payable to Bethany Church
by April 30
Bethany Church will handle the purchasing of your
kit at a group discounted rate.
Childcare provided with advanced notice
at a $5 per child/per session cost.
Financial Peace University (FPU)
Bethany Class Calendar
June 7 – Summer Bible Study starts
(FPU) @ 5:30
June 14 – FPU @ 5:30
June 21 –NO FPU - Happy Father’s Day
June 28 - FPU @ 5:30p
July 5, 12, 19, 26 – FPU @ 5:30p
Aug. 2 & 9 – FPU @ 5:30p
But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be
witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”
Raised in Union County, Dee is the 2 nd of 7 children. She
graduated from Parkwood High School and started her
hairstyling career shortly thereafter, working and managing local
salons for approximately 10 years before becoming her own
salon business owner. Dee has now owned her hair salon for 28
years. Dee has been married for 35 yrs, she has two children,
one granddaughter, two step children, and one step
granddaughter. Dee has served at Bethany for any many
capacities 18 years. She volunteered many of those years in the
children’s ministry at Potterstown. She is currently on the
Bethany Stewardship Team and Offering Team. In her spare
time, she likes to read and spend time with her children and
Kristy Whittington was born and raised in Richmond, VA.
There she graduated from Virginia Commonwealth University
(VCU) with a degree in Business Admin. & Management.
Kristy and her two children, Lauren and Matt, live in Matthews.
Kristy’s mom, Jean, also lives close by. Kristy is a Contact Ctr
Manager for Wells Fargo; and has been with the company for 23
yrs. Kristy is an integral part of our Bethany Church family. She
has a heart for children and has taught Sunday school in
Potterstown for many years now. Kristy also has a heart for
showing and sharing her love for God with others. She also
serves as a Deacon of Bethany; and has served on the
Stewardship Committee. Kristy’s hobbies include reading,
cooking, swimming in the ocean, and spending time with her
family. Her bucket list includes learning how to scuba dive.
Rick and I have been coming to Bethany since 2007. We came
to a funeral of a childhood friend of Rick's which Pastor Bob
preached and we have come to Bethany ever since. The feeling
you get when you come in the door at Bethany is one of comfort
and love. Rick and I will be married for fifteen years this April.
We have three grown children Katey, Dylan and Rachel and one
grandson, adorable Princeton. I worked in Banking for 10 years.
Then for a charity for four years, now I currently do the books
for Rick's Construction Company and his family's Rental
Properties. The Lord has done so much for me. He has given
me such a deep feeling of peace and security in my life. God
has given me a wonderful husband , blood family and Bethany
Family. For all this I am grateful and the belief that there is only
the best ahead.
In the
Dee Myers
Kristy Whittington
Tracy Helms
In Loving Memory
. . .SPOTLIGHT. . .Let your light shine.
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newsletter text here.
“I can do all things through him who strengthens me.”
Philippians 4:13
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here. Continue newsletter text here. Continue new
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As part of a Community Outreach, we are adding a Women’s Health Care
to our
to better serve the Women of Bethany and their friendsnewsletter
and family.
text here. Continue newsletter text her
Continue newsletter text here.
“A New Year’s Resolution!”
by Kirsten Quick
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Continued from Jan/Feb 2015 newsletter
here. Continue
text here.
Part 3
Winter is coming to an end, which means New Year's resolutions
either been
and new
forgotten or positive changes have already happened. Let's hope for the latter! But
case, there
are ways
text in
text here.
can hold yourself accountable with your health and fitness goals. Here are some suggestions:
newsletter text here. Continue newsletter text her
* Keep a food and exercise journal: be specific, honest and consistent. It's a great
way newsletter
to see how
and how
here. Continue
often you eat and move your body.
*There are several gadgets/smart watches on the market now that will track how many steps you take in a day,
your activities, calories burned and in some instances rate the food you eat as healthy or not. The most popular
devices are from Fitbit, Jawbone and Nike. Most of the devices come with an app so you can check on your status
throughout the day on your phone.
Myfitnesspal.com is a free online site that provides calorie counting, a diet plan and nutrition facts. It's very easy to
use and does all the calculating of calories for you. It makes the process simple. This also comes with a phone app.
Find a friend or a group that will keep you accountable with your nutrition and exercise. The buddy system always
works for exercise! It also works for food!
Keeping yourself accountable with specific information will take the guessing game out of losing weight and
getting more fit.
There are a lot of things available that can help you with your fitness goals. It's really fun to start to see and
experience results!
1 Corinthians 9:24-27 (ESV)
24 Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain
it. 25 Every athlete exercises self-control in all things. They do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an
imperishable.26 So I do not run aimlessly; I do not box as one beating the air. 27 But I discipline my body
and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should bedisqualified.
Our purpose is to experience creative, supportive fellowship; and to
expand concepts of mission through participation in local and global
ministries of the church, community, world, and self.