Worship Bulletin – September 18, 2016


Worship Bulletin – September 18, 2016
Choral Worship—Jesus Loves Me
Celebration Choir & Praise Band
Jerry Sanderson
Pastoral Associate
Steve Hornbrook
Global Outreach
How can you help?
 Sign up to help with a shift on today’s Communication Card!
 If you have a pop-up awning that we can use the day of the
event, please email kari@bethanycentral.org.
 We are seeking wrapped candy donations. Items can be left in
the collection bins in the foyer between now and Wednesday
 Use the card in your bulletin as an invitation for friends and
neighbors; additional copies available at the table in the
If you have questions or want to know more about the Fall
Festival, please stop by the table in the foyer this morning. We
would love to chat with you!
Dr. Ritch Boerckel, Senior Pastor
Joel Smith
Lyall Sutton
Biblical Counseling
Senior Associate
Josh Beakley
Sr. High
Aaron Boerckel
Jr. High
Fred Laugherty
Traever Guingrich
Pastoral Intern
Memory Verse—Philippians 2:5-7
Scripture Reading—Esther 1-2 (Page 410)
Sermon—Trouble In Paradise—Josh Beakley
Elders: Jon Baumann, Ritch Boerckel, Bob Castle, Don Haupt, Chris Larson,
Fred Laugherty, Jack Mason, Brian Sage, Joel Smith, Steve Weaver
Song For Meditation—Congregation
Elders In Development: Cal Benedict, Tom Nofsinger, Marty Roth, Billy Schick,
Kyle Scholl, Marvin Streitmatter, Joel Taylor
Deacons: Jason Barley, Mark Ellison, Barry Heisey, Dan Hoerr,
John Myatt, Dennis Zimmerman
Christ Is Enough
Deacons In Development: Steve Hornbrook, Ron Penick, Vince Warner
Bethany Baptist Church exists to glorify God by proclaiming Jesus Christ
as Lord and preparing His people to worship Him now and forever.
Christ is my reward and all of my devotion
Now there's nothing in this world
That could ever satisfy
Through every trial my soul will sing
No turning back I've been set free
© Jonas Myrin | Reuben Morgan © 2012 Hillsong Music Publishing CCLI License # 353718
Welcome to Bethany!
Contact Us
7422 N. Heinz Lane
Edwards, IL 61528
Phone: (309) 692-1755
Email: info@bethanycentral.org
Office Hours:
Open Door:
We are so thankful that you joined us at Bethany today! First-time guests are
invited to visit the Welcome Center in the foyer to receive a welcome packet
with information about Bethany.
Available at the Welcome Center
Large-print song words are available at the Welcome Center.
Communication Card
Pastoral Staff & Church Leaders
Salvation from my sins
Church Membership
Youth Ministry
Volunteer Opportunities
E-mail Address
Prayer of the Church—Chris Larson
Cell Phone
Christ Is Enough—Congregation
Home Phone
All I Have Is Christ—Congregation
What a Friend We Have In Jesus—Congregation
11am-1pm Art Bloompott 90th Birthday
Open House
Fall Festival
Grace On Top of Grace—Congregation
I’d like information on:
Men’s Downtown Bible Study
8:15 & 11:00am
Needing Info?
Children (grade and birthdate)
Ladies’ Bible Studies
Men’s Bible Study
Ladies Bible Study
Hats of Hope
Ladies Bible Study
Ladies Bible Study (off-site)
Ladies Bible Study
 First Time Attender
Visiting Again
 Regular Attender
 Single
 Married
 Youth
 College
 20-30
 31-40
 41-50
 51-60
 61-70
 71+
 Contact Information Change
Women Helping Women
Family Meal
Jr./Sr. High Youth Group
Choir Rehearsal
Worship Service
Nursery through Age 3
Adult Bible Communities
Children’s Sunday School
Nursery through Age 2
Worship Service
Nursery through Age 2
Children’s Church Age 3-K
Lindsey King Bridal Shower
Please register your attendance with us today. Please note if you are visiting, if you have a change of address,
or would like information. Tear off and place this card in the offering or return it to the Welcome Center.
September 18, 2016
Sunday, September 18, 2016
Life at Bethany This Week
 I’d like to help with the Fall Festival on 9/24.
[ ] 12:30-2:45pm [ ] 2:20-4:30pm
] Please include this request in the Pastor’s In Prayer daily prayer.
] I would like to be contacted or visited by a Pastor/Elder this week
or be prayed over by the Elders.
Their departure leaves us with two
part-time positions that are now
available. Applicants need to be
flexible, friendly, helpful, and have a
high degree of multi-tasking
capability. They should also be
proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel,
Publisher and PowerPoint, and
generally “computer savvy.”
Applicants need to either be
members or willing to pursue
membership here at Bethany. If you
are interested in learning more
about these opportunities, please
contact Jan Mosier at
jan@bethanycentral.org or call the
church office at 309-692-1755.
 PrimeTime Fellowship on 9/19. # attending _____
Sign me up!
Please pray for:
With mixed emotions we say
farewell to Melody Lewis and
Allison Park as Administrative
Assistants. Melody has accepted a
full-time position at Samaritan
Ministries and Allison has accepted
a position at Lutheran Social
Services as a case worker. We
praise the Lord for their faithful
service and they will both be
Children’s Worship Ministry:
Children’s Choir Begins Soon
Kids age 4* through 6th Grade are
invited to join us for Children’s Choir
this fall! Our new format introduces
a holistic approach to music for the
sake of worship and will include
hymns, worship music, theory and
vocal technique, and the arts as we
gain a vision of the beauty, joy and
glory of God. Parents are welcome
and encouraged to come learn with
their children. We would love to
have you worship with us!
Children’s Choir will kick off on
Sunday, September 25 and will run
weekly through November 20 from
4:00 to 5:15pm. Register at:
*All children must be potty-trained. Children who are
age 3 may attend if a caregiver attends with them.
Bridal Shower
This Week’s Verse to
Memorize & Meditate Upon
for Lindsey King
TODAY at 2pm
Congregational Meeting
Sunday, September 25 at 9:45am
In the Sanctuary
All those who call Bethany their
church home are encouraged to
attend. Various updates will be
presented, including: proposal of
sale of Knoxville building, financial
status, and possible proposed
language for bylaw changes
regarding our adherence to
Scripture and definitions of sex
and gender and our building usage
for approval at February
congregational meeting. All ABCs
will meet in the Sanctuary. Nursery
and children’s Sunday School will
meet as scheduled.
We will also be voting on the
following for membership into our
church family: Grant & Courtney
Hannah, Gary & Jamie Irven,
Jerad Koch. If you have any
questions, please contact an elder.
Be involved in the
Discipleship of the
Next Generation!
We have opportunities
for four small group
teachers in Children's Church.
This is a one-Sunday, every-othermonth commitment (in other words,
6 times a year) during the 11:00am
service. For more information email
PrimeTime Fellowship
Monday, September 19
at 11:00am
Senior adults are invited to join us.
The lunch will be delicious and the
fellowship sweet. Please sign up
on today’s Communication Card.
Wednesday Family Meal
9/21 Menu:
BBQ Pork
Served in the gym 5-5:45pm.
Suggested donation: $3/person
($15 family max). RSVP on the
Communication Card, or sign up
online by noon on Tuesday.
Kim Benedict and Faye Talbot
invite all ladies to celebrate
Lindsey’s upcoming marriage to
Steven Kregel. The couple is
registered at Bed, Bath & Beyond
and Target.
Women Helping Women
Work Night
Monday, September 19
at 7pm in Room 815
All ladies are invited to help prepare
items for gowns and blankets which
will be distributed to local doctor's
offices and hospitals for women
who have suffered from early infant
death, miscarriage or infertility.
Visit www.bethanycentral.org then
click on Resources,
Sermons. Select
today’s date and
click the Download
Outline button.
This study is for anyone interested
in what the Bible says about caring
for the disenfranchised. Learn what
God’s Word says about caring for
the orphan. For those with a heart
to foster and/or adopt, this is the
first step in partnering with the
Open Hearts, Open Homes
Orphan Care Ministry.
Building Loan Update
In an effort to keep you apprised
of the status of our loan and
stewardship, we post these updates:
Original Balance: $10,437,952
Current Balance: $4,109,192
All funds designated to the
building fund directly reduce
the loan principal. Thank you
for your faithful giving.
Hats of Hope
Tuesday, September 20
6pm in Room 815
Kids age 3* through 6th Grade
are invited to join us on
Wednesdays at 6:15pm.
*There are additional requirements for 3 year
olds. Please see club director for details.
You are invited to join Art Bloompott
and his family in celebrating his
90th birthday. We will be having a
cake reception at Bethany Baptist
Church from 11am to 1pm on
Saturday, September 24.
The only gift requested is sharing
your time with Art.
Have this in mind among
yourselves, which is yours
in Christ Jesus, who,
though he was in the
form of God, did not
count equality with God
a thing to be grasped, but
made himself nothing,
taking the form of a
servant, being born in the
likeness of men.
Philippians 2:5-7
Help make hats for cancer patients.
All ladies are invited to come and
use your talents in sewing and
knitting, or simply to cut fabric and
make fabric flowers.
Seeking Buddies
We have a family at Bethany who
has a child with special needs in
the nursery. If you are interested in
ministering to this family by being
part of a team to care for this
special child, please contact Ginny
at ginny@bethanycentral.org.
90th Birthday Celebration
Electronic Sermon Notes
Orphan Care Study
Sundays at 9:45am in Room 810
October 2-November 6
If you have a tractor
or classic car you
would be willing to
include in the Fall
Festival Tractor & Car Show on
Saturday, September 24, email
Sun Teach us to rely on the power of the Holy Spirit and not on our own self
sufficiency to reveal your glory through Bethany Baptist Church.
Mon That Bethany is known throughout Peoria for its love of the saints, clear
biblical teaching and Godly care for the lost.
Tues Revive us! Give us singleness of heart and action so that we always fear
You and follow Your precepts as we turn to You in heart, soul and strength.
Wed That the elders of BBC would shepherd the flock in love, humility, courage,
faithfulness and zeal.
Thurs That men would think deeply and seriously about how to lead our families
in worship outside the 4 walls of our church.
That God would use Small Groups to make our large community a rich and
intimate family.
Help us to know that God is the highest good and the enjoyment of Him is
the only happiness with which our souls can be satisfied.