August/September BETHANY POST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Old One– One–Room Schoolhouse 2013 “To Love, Obey, and Proclaim Jesus Christ” Inside this issue: Staff Directory 2 Student Fundraiser 3 Senior Citizens Fellowship & Disciple Studies 4 Bethany’s Benevolent Team Griefshare Lost & Found 5 Bethany Missions Adaptive Leadership Divorce Care Please be careful out there as some schools start the end of August. Pray for the safety of our students, preschoolers and faculties. Our Sunday School movemove-up days are September 7th & 8th. The children that come to Bethany are from many different school districts; East Penn, Parkland, Salisbury, Allentown, Salem Christian, and Lehigh Christian Academy, to name a few. 6–8 9 Moms Morning Out Program Twice Blessed & Post Deadlines 10 Women’s Ministry & Mentoring 11 Kingdom Building & Elevation Picture 12 Small Groups 13-17 Annual Conference 2013 18-20 Catasauqua Celebrate Recovery, & Bethany Vacation House 20 Weddings, Births Marriage Enrichment Wayne Benjamin 21 Men’s Ministry Events September Holidays 22 VBS Photos 23 Seniors’ Birthdays 24 Bethany Post Page 2 Church Council Dave Clark – Chairperson Jim Brashear – Lead Pastor Ralph Stevenson – Associate Pastor Mike Byrd – Associate Pastor Dan Heinmets – Executive Director Christiana Buniak – Member at Large Jeffrey Markle – Member at Large John Oetting – Member at Large Patty Dudley – Trustees Chairperson Tim Woodbridge Page – PPR2 Chairperson Donna Long – Secretary (nonvoting) Lay Leaders, (LL) Paul Abbott Cheryl Tucker Class of 2014; serves on PPR and Finance Class of 2015; serves on Executive Team Lay Delegates to Annual Conference, (LD) Jeff Markle Trustees Pastor - Parish Relations Class of 2013 Lori Buss Jeff Markle Class of 2013 Mike Iacocca Michael Durrwachter Class of 2014 Paul Abbott, LL Tim Woodbridge, Chairperson Ellie Reichenbach Class of 2014 Patty Dudley, Chairperson Joan Graham Class of 2015 Gene Davis Barb Hornberger Sue Redfield Class of 2015 Gary Mitton Greg DiGiacomo Russ Siminiski Jill Lichtenwalner Lay Leadership (Nominations) Class of 2013 Class of 2014 Mary Powell Joe Riley Julie DiGiacomo John Long Staff Pastor Jim Pastor Ralph Donna Barnwell Bethany - Wescosville Campus 1208 Brookside Road, Wescosville, PA 18106 Bethany - Catasauqua Campus 429 Walnut St., Catasauqua, PA 18037 610-395-3613 Web: E-mail: Telephone and E-mail Directory Ministry Announcements: Worship Schedule - Ext. 41 Senior Citizen’s Fellowship - Ext. 49 Youth Ministry - Ext. 44 Children’s Ministry - Ext. 48 Donna Barnwell, Ext. 18 Director of Lay Ministry Dan Heinmets, Ext. 17 Executive Director Jim Brashear, Ext. 13 Lead Pastor Gordon Hendrickson, Ext. 47 Short-Term Missions Consultant Quay Brashear, Ext. 39 Sports Ministry Consultant Deborah Hill, Ext. 10 Secretary Mike Byrd, Ext. 16 Assoc. Pastor, Catasauqua Ken Hoover, Ext. 21 Director of Music & Worship Keri Crawford, Ext. 33 Director of Small Groups Adam Kern, Ext. 15 Director of Youth Ministry Donna DiSciacca, Ext. 11 Secretary Mark Dougherty, Ext. 37 Head Custodian Kathi Frantz, Ext. 35 Financial Administrator Nicolas Gold, Ext. 19 Director of Children’s Ministry Robin Hagy, Ext. 29 Director of Bethany Christian Preschool Amy Hain, Ext. 40 Director of MMO Donna Long, Ext. 27 Office Manager Dan Pense Worship Leader, Catasauqua Judy Rotkowski, Ext. 12 Secretary Steve Skekel, Ext. 38 Director of Technical Arts Ralph Stevenson, Ext. 14 Associate Pastor Kathryn Wieder Pastor of Visitation Music Ministry Staff Amanda Furbeck, Pianist Kathleen, Anthony, Organist If you have ideas, vision, etc. for Bethany UMC, contact any of the Council Members. You can also communicate any feedback and/or questions to these teams via the Page 3 Page 3 August/September 2013 BETHANY STUDENT MINISTRIES Valid only at participating restaurant listed above. Ticket valid for pancake event only. Applebee's menu items are not included as part of purchase. Bethany Post Page 4 SENIOR CITIZENS’ FELLOWSHIP Are you 55 years old or older? Then consider joining our Seniors’ Fellowship here at Bethany Church. We meet every week; twice a month for Bible study, and twice a month for fellowship events. Call the Church office and ask to be put on our monthly notice mailings. Call 610-395-3613 ext. 49 for information about our upcoming meetings. Also, you can call Pastor Ralph at extension 14 with any questions. Our Bible Studies are on Tuesdays: None in August. September 3rd and 17, 2013. We meet in the Studio Room (off of Fellowship Hall) at 9:30 AM SENIOR CITIZENS Our upcoming fellowship events are: August 20 – A day at Cape May, NJ August 27 – Picnic on the Parsonage lawn September 10 – A day in Lancaster County September 24 – Lunch at CiCi’s Pizza Buffet in Whitehall Please RSVP for all Fellowship Events by the Friday before…it will help with planning. Thanks! DISCIPLE 1 (requires 30 to 45 minutes of study time 6 days a week.) This study requires reading large portions of Scripture each week and is based on careful study and preparation. During the course of thirty-four weeks, groups will move through the biblical stories of Creation (Genesis) to the New Jerusalem (Revelation). The principal Scripture for each session follows the chronological movement of the biblical story. DISCIPLE 1 AND DISCIPLE 4 BIBLE STUDY GROUPS …will begin in mid-August, 2013. Meeting night will be on Tuesdays, twice a month for 2 hours. Contact Pastor Ralph at the Church office with any questions. DISCIPLE FOUR (requires 20 to 30 minutes of study for six days a week.) UNDER THE TREE OF LIFE concentrates on the writings in the Old Testament – Ruth, 1 and 2, Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon, Lamentations, and Daniel. New Testament Scriptures include the Gospel of John; 1, 2, and 3, John; James; Jude; and Revelation. August/September 2013 Page 5 THE MINISTRY OF BETHANY’S BENEVOLENT TEAM Pastor Mike leads this team of six individuals from our congregation. Together they seek to assist the needy in our church and community. Each case is reviewed and the team collectively decides on what should be done to best help individuals and families. Help may be: rental assistance, utilities assistance, food assistance, gas assistance, as well as mandatory Christian financial counseling and budget planning. Last year, the Bethany Mission Fund provided $1,500.00 per month towards this benevolent ministry. It is expected in 2013 that amount will be raised, as the needs continue to grow in our area. If you find yourself in need of assistance or financial counseling please contact Pastor Mike at the church office. Grief Share is a 12-week study group for those who have experienced the loss of a loved one. Sessions will be at different times in the Parsonage (approx 1 hour). Our April, May, June program for 2013 is completed. 2014 DATES: Our next seminar is January, February and March, 2014, is at 11:00 AM on Sundays. Another seminar is planned for September, October, and November, 2014, for 7:30 PM on Wednesdays. Please contact Pastor Ralph if you are interested and he will answer any questions you may have. LOST AND FOUND The following items are located in the 3 “Lost and Found” drawers behind the Welcome Desk. Items will be disposed of if not claimed by September 2013. Questions? Call Liz Phillips, 610-395-5785. Eye Glasses: Dark Blue/Black rims Jewelry: (look inside jewelry envelope) Green plastic bracelet Green beaded bracelet with silver beads between each Necklace-silver beads with heart pendant Cloth Flower Hair Clip–white and black Girl’s ring, gold blue stone Girls necklace, fairy pendant Keys: 2 sets of car keys Miscellaneous: Ladies belt – black elastic wide band with large blue bow Heart post-it-note pad Thermos Mug – Black “Tim Hortons” Page 6 BETHANY MISSIONS SHORT TERM MISSION TRIP UPDATE BY REV. GORDON HENDRICKSON, OUR STMT CONSULTANT CALL GORDON, 267-358-9507 Sandy Relief Mission Trips: August 18-23 We have a team of 10-12 who will be going to Atlantic City. Our first team of seven came back really moved by their June experience. In fact, they were greatly touched by the Holy Spirit with moving stories of how God provided for their physical needs and spiritual needs. The woman they did work for was a lady of faith who knew the team would get her back into her home. The team was able to fulfill her desire. God helped them open doors to get the necessary material to accomplish this task. If you get a chance, talk to Bud and Elaine Reed, Debbie Miller or Don and Sue Brensinger about their trip. Two other individuals from other churches joined them. One of our goals as a church has been to provide mission trips for other churches and individuals who might not have the numbers to plan a mission trip. The August trip will be our second of many trips to help those in need due to hurricane Sandy. Gordon will be talking with Adam about the youth doing some trips next summer. Also, as the opportunities arise with those in charge in NJ, we will look at day trips and weekend trips, too. Please pray to see where the Spirit can use you. Bethany Post August/September 2013 Page 7 Page 7 BETHANY MISSIONS Saving God's Children Update Tracy says we need more sponsors for Jamaica and Africa. We are trying to increase the amount we send to Jamaica but need more sponsors to make this a reality. Gordon sent $1000 to Kenya for our students there but we will be running in the red for this group. Pastor Ralph has asked Gordon to go to Costa Rica to check on our children there as well as to do some teaching of pastors. We will let you know these results after this fall trip. Kenya Trip: Feb. 6-17, 2014 From: mwita james (mail to: Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2013, 3:58 AM To: Ralph Stevenson Subject: Re: GREETING Ralph, This is a blessing to hear from you! I thank God that Gordon is okay and the plans to have the team visit us on February 7 2014. We have been missing and longing to hear from you. We are preparing to receive your team. Gordon and the team are a blessing through their mission to Kenya and parts of Muthara. But I have created a gmail account: you can use both. Thanks for the information about the progress. We are praying for you. Jamaica Short Term Mission/Retreat Trip: Winter of 2014 Some of the group who went last year are already planning a return this year. This is a five-day trip which costs around $1200 a person. We stay at a secure hotel complex in Montego Bay and Marcia Reid from the school comes to pick up the group to take them to the school. We spend two days at the school. Each day we do a Bible study at the hotel. One day becomes a sight-seeing day or another day at the School. Please contact Gordon if you are interested. Short Term Mission Bible Study Our next meeting will be September 18 at 7:00 PM in the parsonage. We encourage those who are going on trips or those of you who just want to find out what God is doing both in the Bible and in our Short Term Missions. Hope to see you there. MISSION B-MAIL A Mission B-Mail goes out every Tuesday evening. You are encouraged to read each weekly update from our missionaries and their prayer requests. The B-Mails also keep you informed about Short Term Mission opportunities and “hands on” missions in our communities. If you are not getting Mission B-Mails contact the Church office and tell them you want to be on the list. Bethany Post Page 8 ADAPTIVE LEADERSHIP BY GORDON HENDRICKSON When Jim Griffiths met with the Cabinet and some large church start pastors to talk about satellite ministry, he talked continually about forcing churches to focus outwardly. Too often, we forget we are not appointed to a local church but to a community in which the local church building resides. It is our job to define our community and then to do ministry to meet their needs. Too often, we look at the needs of our local church and forget we exist to serve not ourselves but our communities. One of the best ways to force outward focus is to use worship as a vehicle to reach others not in our local church. In growing churches, worship is the number one way to reach others. Yes, there are others such as Bible study, small groups, missions, education, music, sports, self-help groups, etc. but, worship is still the best way to reach others. It used to be we applied the 80/20 rule to worship services. When you reach 80% capacity of seating, you planned a new worship service. Now we know better. It is time to start a new service when we realize other people outside of our local church want something new and different then what we offer. Who are these people who live in our communities and what type of worship would they want? What time would they want it? Now becomes the real homework. Maybe use MissionInSite (demographic service we contract with which is free to local churches) to see who these people are and what their preferences are. Maybe, go out and talk with them to get this information. You see the outward focus! It could get uncomfortable if they like music your church hates or a different style of preaching or new technology you don’t know anything about or on a day and time you think is sacrilegious. Are you getting uncomfortable? Turn the heat up and start to have conversations about doing this! How can my small or middle size church do this? We don’t know what to do! We don’t have the resources! We don’t have money! The first place to begin is to pray. Without prayer nothing will be successful. We are limited but God is limitless! Don’t look at the mountain but look to God. If we are people of Faith and Spirit then we must ask God to show the way. It may take time. We may have failures but we must try. I am talking to churches doing worship really well with many different styles. They said they would be interested in helping other churches who really want to try to add another type of worship service. I am sure there are others who will read this and want to help, too. As we begin to strategize to accomplish this vision in the next several years, I will be looking for people and churches to help. Please email me, or call me, 267-258-9507 if you would like to be a part of this mountain moving experience. August/September 2013 Page 9 DIVORCE CARE FACILITATORS NEEDED If you are a married couple and have previously gone through the pain of divorce, or are currently single and healed from the pain of divorce or are an adult child of divorced parents, please consider connecting with the Divorce Care ministry. We need you in the adult (Divorce Care) ministry, children’s (DC4K), or teens (The Big D). Only you have walked the path that our participants are walking, and only you can relate to their pain. Please consider giving back to someone in need. Divorce Care is a 13-week program, and training is provided. Please contact Susan Farkas, 215-805-2554. Wescosville only Start: 9/5/13 6:45 PM 215-805-2554 Page 10 Bethany Post Bethany Christian Preschool Now Registering for Fall 2013 Programs for 3-5 yrs.old Contact Robin Hagy at 610-395-3613 x29 Moms Morning Out Program Christian Based Informal/Instructional Day Program Summer Program for Children 18 months to 2nd Grade Fall 2013 Program 18 months to 5 years of Age Contact Amy Hain for more info 610-395-3613 x40 Both Programs located at 1208 Brookside Road, Wescosville, PA TWICE BLESSED The Twice Blessed ministry in downtown Allentown is Twice Blessed!! First, we serve many needs of the people in the downtown Allentown area with household items, clothing and furniture. Second, we are blessed to sell these items at a low cost, to fulfill needs and further spread the word of God's love. As always we appreciate your donations to this ministry. We are ALWAYS in need of sheets, towels, bedding and blankets. Also clothing and furniture are greatly appreciated as well. Please make sure that the items you donate are gently used, clean and in good working condition. These items should be items that YOU would want to purchase. Thank you! DEADLINES FOR BULLETIN AND POST Worship Bulletin deadline is each Tuesday afternoon at 5:00 PM. You may send your announcements to or put them in the secretaries mailbox outside the church office. All announcements are limited to 25 words. The Post deadline for October/November is Friday, September 6 at 5:00 PM. You may send your articles to or put them in the secretaries mailbox outside the church office. All Post articles are limited to 225 words each. The Post will be available following worship on the last weekend of September. Contact Donna Long in the church office with any questions 610-395-3613 ext. 27. August/September 2013 Page 11 WOMEN'S MINISTRY PRAYER AND SUPPORT TEAM Ladies, do you have a heart for prayer? Would you like to reach out to other women through prayers and words of encouragement from wherever and whenever you make the time to pray? The new Women's Ministry Prayer and Support Team needs women of all ages and stages in life to help provide a network of prayer and support that all women need and crave in their daily walks. The goal of the group is to pray for women requesting prayers and to also provide feedback and support to encourage these women and each other. For more information, please contact Laura Pankoe, or 484-866-7729. Upcoming Women’s Ministry Events: August 10: One Word–Strength from 9:00-11:00 AM in the MPR August 23: Ladies’ Game Night will host a Luau in the Parsonage from 6:30–9:00 PM September 14: One Word—Service/Giving. This month’s event will follow a different format that is still being developed. Stay tuned for more details! Mark your calendars for all of the events above and watch the bulletin and the pew sheet for more information and sign-ups. We hope to see you there! BETHANY WOMEN’S MENTORING MINISTRY You don’t have to walk it alone. A godly woman mentor is ready to join you in your spiritual journey. To get the most out of a mentoring relationship, you’ll be encouraged to: Pray daily, attend church, and learn how to take your problems to Jesus. Commit the necessary time (meet 2 times per month for 6 months). Set goals for the mentoring relationship and your relationship with God. Allow your mentor to hold you accountable to the time commitment and goals. Please contact us if you have questions about mentoring or are interested in having a mentor provided by the Bethany Women’s Mentoring Ministry: Bobbi Janson 610-432-7988 Nancy Dinger 610-391-8369 We have one formal meeting scheduled this Fall. It is a Mentee Information Night on Thursday, September 12, at 7:00 PM in the Conference Room. It is specifically designed to answer any questions prospective mentees might have and introduce them to the Mentoring program. Page 12 Bethany Post KINGDOM BUILDING ON THE MOVE! The Kingdom Building team seeks your prayers in several areas. We are (at printing time) preparing for a bid choice for our Design & Build contractor, and also for financing. Our prayers also surround people that lend support to building the new Macungie Multi-Purpose Family Life center! Therefore, please pray for the following: That our Design and Build contractor selection is grounded in God’s will, and that the partnership supports all our needs at the Macungie site. That our banking partner, once selected, will prove to be a beneficial partner in all that we do as a church, to love obey and proclaim Jesus Christ. That our church family will be moved to support and continue supporting the efforts of growing God’s Kingdom. And that all will see that it is way more than a building, it is ministry leading people to Jesus Christ forever! Finally, please pray about how you can add to this important project. If you have a skill set, such as legal, communications, interior designs, landscaping/grounds, gifting outreach programs (e.g. memorial gifting, special occasion gifting, etc.), then please pray about joining us. Any requests for information and volunteering can be directed to: Susan Farkas, 215-805-2554 or Updates are posted to the web and in church services weekly. Please see any KB member with a purple “ASK ME” button for information. Many thanks from the entire KB committee! Page 13 Page 13 August/September 2013 Contact Information: Keri Crawford, Director of Small Groups 610-395-3613 ext. 33 610-905-1340 (cell) “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together…but let us encourage one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”~ Hebrews 10: 24-25 Small Groups provide an opportunity to deepen your love and commitment to God. Here at Bethany, we have opportunities for you to connect with others through many different small groups and studies for adults. These studies teach you to grow in your spiritual journey as well as participate in Christian fellowship with one another outside of Worship. Currently, there are five different types of Small Groups; Sunday Morning Classes, Weekday Co-Ed Studies, Weekday Men’s Studies, Weekday Women’s Studies and Small Groups. The Sunday Morning Classes provide a weekly opportunity to be combined with a Worship Service to deepen your commitment to God. AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2013 SUNDAY MORNINGS 9:30 AM RADIO BIBLE CLASS DISCOVERY SERIES (PARSONAGE FRONT) For the remainder of the summer, this group will be studying various individual Bible verses. The class time consists of free and open discussion of each verse. Then in September, they will be resuming studies based upon the RBC’s Discovery Series and will begin with The Forgiveness of God. In this booklet, Mart De Haan helps you discover how God’s forgiveness can lift the burden of guilt and shame to give you freedom and peace to move forward in life. Gain a better understanding of God’s love and mercy, as you explore the elements of His forgiveness. There are lots of open discussions and great conversations during these studies and anyone is welcome to join at any time. Leader: Ken Young PARABLES OF THE OLD AND NEW TESTAMENT (CHOIR ROOM) This class studies all the parables found in the Bible and is designed in such a way that each week's parable is separate from the previous week. Therefore, please feel free to join this class at any time. Leader: Mike Bunner THE BIBLE AND CONTEMPORARY ISSUES (ROOM 202/204) Join this class as they read books of the Bible to gain a better understanding of God’s teachings and how they can incorporate individual, church, community, national and international concerns or events into the discussion as the Holy Spirit leads them. Currently, this class is studying the book of Proverbs and welcomes anyone who would like to come at any time. Leader: Bud Reed THE BENJAMIN CLASS (ROOM 203) As a continuation of the class led by Wayne Benjamin for over 25 years, this class is taking a close look at the book of Proverbs by covering a variety of general topics including wisdom, problems of the heart, family and basic wisdom for daily living. Most lessons deal exclusively with what the book of Proverbs itself says about each topic, with outlines and discussion questions. This group welcomes those who previously attended the class led by Wayne, as well as, any new participants. Leader: Rich Albertson CHARLIE GARDNER’S CLASS (PARSONAGE FIRESIDE) Beginning in September, Charlie Gardner will be facilitating a class. Stay tuned to the bulletin and pew sheet for more details. Bethany Post Page 14 AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2013 SUNDAY MORNINGS AT 11:00 AM BETHANY BASICS (CHOIR ROOM) This class is offered the second Sunday of every month as a short informational session for those who are newer to our church family and want to know more about Bethany church. Leader: Donna Barnwell The Weekday Co-Ed Studies provide opportunities to deepen your love and commitment to God and to grow with other fellow believers in His Word. AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2013 CO-ED BIBLE STUDIES IDENTITY IN CHRIST (PARSONAGE FIRESIDE) You are invited to join this new small group for young adults, which meets Mondays at 7:30 PM Currently, this group is completing Max Lucado’s 4-week study Out Live Your Life, which teaches you how you can make a difference for Christ. Suggested ages are Post Hi to 29. Leaders: Lindsay Buss and Alecia Weaver ESTABLISHED IN TRUTH – MARKED BY LOVE (STUDIO) Join this 12-week, verse-by-verse examination of 1, 2, 3 John and Jude by John MacArthur, which will urge you to fight for the truth and stand firm. This study is held on Tuesdays at 7:00 PM and will conclude on August 27. Anyone is welcome to join at any time. Leader: Tony Guerrero DISCIPLE I BIBLE STUDY (PARSONAGE FRONT) This Bible Study is designed for developing strong Christian leaders through regular in-depth study of the Scripture. This 34-week study covers both the Old and New Testaments. It is truly one of the best ways to deepen your faith and grow closer to Christ. This class meets on the first and third Tuesdays of the month at 7:00 PM beginning midAugust. Please see the bulletin for specific class schedule. Leaders: Pastor Ralph Stevenson and Jeff Markle DISCIPLE IV BIBLE STUDY (PARSONAGE FRONT) This 32-week study completes the intensive survey of the Bible begun in Disciple II & III, and is open to anyone who has completed Disciple I. This study covers the Old Testament books not in the Torah or Prophets (Psalms, Proverbs, Song of Solomon, Ecclesiastes) along with the Gospel of John and Revelation. This class meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays at 7:00 PM, beginning mid-August. Please see the bulletin for the specific class schedule. Leader: Pastor Ralph Stevenson DATE NIGHT SERIES (CHOIR ROOM) We want you to reclaim that spark in your marriage through six intentional, memory making dates on Fridays from 6:00 – 8:00 PM, beginning July 19 and concluding on August 23. Childcare is available at the church for $5 per child ($15 max per family). Each week, couples meet at the church for the first 25 minutes and then head out for a date at their own expense. Feel free to join this group at any time, however, children must be registered for childcare in advance by calling Keri in the church office. Leader: Keri Crawford SUPPORT GROUP FOR PARENTS OF TEENAGERS (ROOM 202/204) Join this support group for parents of teenagers as they discuss their blessings and challenges of parenting. They will look into God's Word to find the answers on how to raise Godly teens into more spiritually mature adults. This group meets on the first Friday of every month at 6:30 PM and will resume from their summer break on September 6. Leader: Tanya Sheffer August/September 2013 Page 15 Page 15 The Weekday Women’s Studies provide opportunities for women to deepen their love and commitment to God and to grow with other fellow believers in His Word. AUG./SEP. 2013 WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDIES CANCER SUPPORT GROUP (ROOM TBD) Whether you’re a patient, caregiver, family member or friend, we invite you to join this new group to help heal the pain you may feel by offering encouragement and reassurance through the scriptures and prayer. This group will meet on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at 7:00 PM beginning in mid-August. Leader: Herb Gates PURLS (PARSONAGE FIRESIDE) Join this group of ladies on the second Monday of every month at 6:30 PM, as they stitch prayer shawls, lab robes and baby blankets for those in need. All stitched items are prayed over before giving them to a recipient. Shawls and lap robes are also donated to various nursing homes. ALL knitters, crochet stitchers or want-to-be stitchers are welcome to come at any time. Leader: Denise Morth LUNCHTIME LADIES (STUDIO) Beginning September 3, you are invited to join this group of ladies as they complete Joanna Weaver’s 12-week study of Having a Mary’s Heart in a Martha’s World, which she shows how all of us– Marys and Marthas alike–can draw closer to our Lord by deepening our devotion, strengthening our service and doing both with less stress and greater joy. Thereafter, these ladies will continue to meet on Tuesday from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM Leader: Megan Slifka BOOK CLUB (OFF-SITE) The Bethany Book Club reads Christian books and books that apply Christian principles. We use a suggested reading guide and also explore other themes of the book in a relaxed atmosphere. This club meets the first Tuesday of every month from 6:45 to 8:45 PM New participants welcome! Leader: Linda Davis EARLY BIRDS (ROOM 202/ 204) Beginning September 12, you are invited to join this group of women of all ages, as they complete Max Lucado’s 12-week study, which focuses on John 3:16, a twenty-six word phrase of hope: beginning with God, ending in life and urging us to do the same. Thereafter, these ladies will continue to meet on Thursday from 7:30 to 8:30 AM. New women are welcome to come at any time. Leaders: Jane Miller and Judy Rotkowski JESUS CALLING (PARSONAGE FIRESIDE) This summer you are invited to dive deeper into Sarah Young’s bestselling devotional, Jesus Calling on Fridays from 10:30 A.M. to 12:00 P.M. This study began on June 21 and will conclude on August 30. Each class, participants will discuss the entries from the previous week and look more closely at the Scripture used. Ladies are encouraged and welcome to join at any time. Leader: Amy Sondova WOMEN OF THE WORD (OFF-SITE) This larger, on-going group invites you to join them on Saturdays from 7:30 to 9:30 AM as they study John MacArthur’s book, Twelve Extraordinary Women. This in-depth look at some of the Bible's most faithful women shows that the God to whom they were so committed is the same God who continues to mold and use ordinary people today. Leader: Barb Hornberger AFTER THE BOXES ARE UNPACKED (PARSONAGE) More than 40 million Americans move each year, and studies show that it can be one of the heaviest strains on a marriage. For women especially, relocating can be a traumatic event. Those who are moving will find this book as valuable and as important as packing tape. With true stories, ingenious insights, and helpful hints, women can CRAZY LOVE (PARSONAGE FIRESIDE) transition smoothly and get on with their lives. In Prepare to be overwhelmed by the crazy love of our mid-September, Bethany will be offering this study. relentless God as this group embarks on a 10-week Watch the bulletin for more details. study of Crazy Love by Francis Chan on Leader: Linda Clark Wednesdays from 6:45 to 8:45 PM. This class began on June 12 and will end on August 21. Leaders: Amy Sondova and Shari Transue Page 16 Bethany Post The Weekday Men’s Studies provide opportunities for men to deepen their commitment to God and to grow with other fellow believers in His Word. AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2013 MEN’S BIBLE STUDIES KITCHEN CREW (CONFERENCE ROOM) Currently, this group is studying the book of Acts. They meet every other Tuesday at 6:00 AM and are always open for new participants to join them as they read and study God’s Word. This group also does all of the cooking for the monthly men’s breakfast held at our Wescosville campus. To find out their current schedule, please contact the church office. Leaders: Jim Byrnes and Todd Lehman MEN WITH NO REGRETS (STUDIO) The No Regrets Study Series offers men a dynamic growth experience that equips them to be strong, effective Christian leaders at home, on the job, in the workplace and out in the community. Focus is on learning and then applying what it means to be a fully-devoted follower of Jesus. New modules start every 9 weeks to model, teach and encourage practical application of biblical principles that build a solid foundation for living life for Christ. This group will meet on Tuesdays from 6:30 to 8:00 AM, beginning September 17 at which time they will start Module 2: Building Your Spiritual Muscle. New participants welcome at any time. Leader: Don Brensinger MOUNTAIN MOVERS (CONFERENCE ROOM) Currently, this group is studying the book of Ephesians. They meet on Wednesday from 6:30 to 7:30 AM and are always open for new participants to join them as they read and study the Word of God. Leader: Ron Krikorian WEDNESDAY NIGHT MEN’S GROUP (OFF-SITE) Join this group as they complete topical studies with their Bible as their guide. Some topics include forgiveness, temptation, contentment, working for God, fathering, etc. This group always has an open chair and welcomes any man at any point in his journey to join them on Wednesday at 7:00 PM. Leader: Greg DiGiacomo WEDNESDAY NIGHT MEN’S BIBLE STUDY (ROOM 202/204) Join this group, beginning September 4, as they start a study on the Book of Romans by reading and observing the passages to get a better understanding of what is being said and how they can apply it to their lives. This group also takes time to discuss current events through media and legislation and how these events align themselves with prophecy. Feel free to join them on Wednesdays at 6:30 PM. Leader: Paul Abbott MEN WITH NO REGRETS (ROOM 203) The No Regrets Study Series offers men a dynamic growth experience that equips them to be strong, effective Christian leaders at home, on the job, in the workplace and out in the community. Focus is on learning and then applying what it means to be a fully-devoted follower of Jesus. New modules start every 9 weeks to model, teach and encourage practical application of biblical principles that build a solid foundation for living life for Christ. This group meets on Thursday from 7:00 to 8:30 PM and is completing Module 4: Bringing God to Work With You, which focuses on learning how to keep your integrity, finding balance and serving others on the job. New participants welcome at any time. Leader: Tony Guerrero FRIDAY PROMISE KEEPERS (FELLOWSHIP HALL) Looking for a small group of guys to help keep you accountable? Join this group as they complete Max Lucado’s 12-week study, which focuses on John 3:16 a twenty-six word phrase of hope: beginning with God, ending in life and urging us to do the same. This group meets on Friday from 6:00 to 7:00 AM and new participants are welcome to join them at any time. Leaders: Greg Light and Dave Schreffler SATURDAY MORNING MEN’S GROUP (CONFERENCE ROOM) Every Saturday from mid-July to mid-September, you are invited to join this group of men from 7:00 to 8:00 AM for fellowship, prayer and accountability as they watch a video documentary of the Bible. The video study includes watching one of the episodes that comprise the History Channel’s recent 2013 documentary about the Bible. Discussions about the video will be followed by prayer and accountability. Leaders: Todd Farnand and Jim Tobias August/September 2013 Page 17 Page 17 AUGUST/SEPTMEMBER 2013 MEN’S BIBLE STUDIES MEN WITH NO REGRETS (CONFERENCE ROOM) The No Regrets Study Series offers men a dynamic growth experience that equips them to be strong, effective Christian leaders at home, on the job, in the workplace and out in the community. Focus is on learning and then applying what it means to be a fully-devoted follower of Jesus. New modules start every 9 weeks to model, teach and encourage practical application of biblical principles that build a solid foundation for living life for Christ. This group meets on Saturday at 6:30 AM and resume meeting in mid-September to begin completing Module 5: Becoming a Man of Influence New participants welcome at any time. Leaders: Todd Farnand and Brian Miller SATURDAY PROMISE KEEPERS (ROUTE 309 TRIVET) What can the call to discipleship, the adherence to the word of Jesus, mean today to the businessman, the soldier, the laborer, or the aristocrat? What did Jesus mean to say to us? What is His will for us today? Drawing on the Sermon on the Mount, Dietrich Bonheoffer answers these timeless questions in his book, The Cost of Discipleship, which is a compelling statement of the demands of sacrifice and ethical consistency from a man whose life and thought were exemplary articulations of a new type of leadership inspired by the Gospel, imbued with the spirit of Christian humanism and a creative sense of civic duty. Join this group on Saturday from 7:00 to 8:00 AM at the Trivet Restaurant on Tilghman Street near Route 309. Leader: Peter Brown Interested in facilitating or attending a Small Group Bible Study or Sunday School Class? Contact Keri at or call the church office for more information. SMALL GROUP SOCIAL HOUR On Friday, September 13, Bethany’s Small Group Ministry will be hosting a social hour starting at 6:30 PM in Carlson Hall. During this time, we would like to invite all facilitators and participants of small groups, Bible studies and Adult Sunday School classes to come and socialize with one another. It’s at this time, that we would also like to encourage individuals interested in joining a small group, Bible study or Adult Sunday School class to come and learn more about the opportunities that Bethany’s Small Group Ministry has to offer. Light refreshments and snacks will be provided. Please contact Keri at the church office or by email at to confirm your attendance. What is Financial Peace University? FPU is a 9-week life-changing program that empowers and teaches you how to make the right money decisions to achieve your financial goals and God’s plan for your life. Imagine what the people of God could do for the Kingdom of God if they were debt free. Bethany will once again be offering FPU this September. Please watch the bulletin for more details. Page 18 Bethany Post THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 2013 ANNUAL CONFERENCE SUMMARY 2013 Nearly 1,000 members of The Eastern Pennsylvania Annual Conference met May 16-18, 2013 at the Greater Philadelphia Expo Center, Oaks, PA, with the theme, “Wholeness: Physical, Spiritual, Relational.” Annual Conference opened with District Celebrations. Each of the six districts presented news of their churches’ ministries, and the many outstanding ways churches are reaching out with the compassion of Christ in their communities. Bishop Peggy Johnson led Opening Devotions, noting the 275th anniversary of Aldersgate Day on May 24, 2013, when John Wesley’s heart was “strangely warmed.” She encouraged listeners to be “fired up and ready to spread the Good News to the ends of the earth.” Dr. Mary White, Conference Lay Leader, presented the Laity Report, entitled, “It’s time to take a stand.” She encouraged listeners, “It’s time to be the church. It’s time to fill the gap. It’s time to put on our armor, get up out of the pews, and reach out to those that are un-churched in the community.” The Rev. Jim Todd presented the District Superintendents’ Report, calling for all to be “relentlessly outwardly focused.” He said, “Those we are called to serve are those outside the walls of our church. We bear the light of Christ and we need to be an example in our own lives.” The conference welcomed Gary Harke, executive director of the Pennsylvania Council of Churches. Steve Drachler announced organizational changes for United Methodist Advocacy in Pennsylvania, effective July 1, when it will move from being an organization affiliated with the annual conferences to becoming a ministry under the direct guidance and oversight of Pennsylvania’s three bishops. Conference Statistician Gordon Yocum presented 2012 statistical information, reporting that although worship attendance declined over last 5 years on all districts – down 5-10% - the rate of decline has slowed, and 62 churches report an increase of 10% or more. The Denman Award for outstanding evangelism efforts went to two persons: Aaron Smith (laity honoree) of Woxall Tabor UMC, who started a weekly Sunday evening service at Tabor with a youngadult focus; and Rev. Ralph Stevenson of Bethany UMC, who lives out his evangelistic call through personal interactions, leadership, and ministry, and whose church has grown to be the largest church in the northeast jurisdiction. The Kim Jefferson Award for 2013, presented by the Office of Urban Ministry, went to New Vision United Methodist Church in Philadelphia. Rev. Gregory Holston, pastor, and Ms. Jean Kershaw, lay leader, accepted the award on behalf of the congregation. New Vision, a merger of Mt. Carmel and Tioga UMC Churches, reaches out through breakfast ministry, food pantry, a church-established cleaning company, Thanksgiving Ministry and Christmas Ministry. Bishop Violet Fisher preached for the Memorial Service on the evening of Thursday, May 16, when the conference remembered deceased bishops, clergy, spouses, lay members and staff. Bishop Thomas Bickerton of the Western Pennsylvania Conference spoke on the morning of Friday, May 17. “Scripture longs to be put into action,” he said of the United Methodist Church’s “Imagine No Malaria” ministry whose purpose is to eliminate malaria death in Africa by 2015, alone, that people across the world are committed bringing them health and hope. Page 1 of 3 August/September 2013 Page 19 The Rev. Dr. Christopher Kurien, Director of Connectional Ministries, led the Celebration of Ministries. He noted the Evangelism training and the recent missions celebration. Dr. Kurien introduced new and returning program coordinators, and each one spoke of their area of conference ministry: new church development, as well as young people’s, urban, Latino, communications and camping ministry. Camp directors shared news from the four conference camps and an inspiring video to promote the upcoming summer camping season. In a Service of Recognition, the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference honored seventeen retiring clergy, representing 535 years of ministry: Homer U. Ashby, Jr., William Theodore Bach, Kenneth L. Beale, Jr., David W. Brown, James T. Ford, Daniel L. Hall, Joseph W. Hodges III, Larry D. Leister, Thomas McGill, Gary L. Meekins, Brian J. Reading, Nancy J. Shane, Robert E. Sheesley, Jr., Janet Sue Steger, Dorothy Watson Tatem, George Ayer Tigh, and Ronald A. Waite. During the symbolic passing of the mantle, the retirees placed a handmade prayer shawl over the shoulders of each ordinand, and anointed and prayed with them on the evening of Friday, May 17. The Service of Ordination included the preaching of Bishop Peggy Johnson and service. One person was commissioned toward Deacons orders: Erin Antrim Maurer. Eight persons were commissioned toward Elders orders: Helen I. Adams, Tawny Leigh Bernhardt, Andrea S. Brown, Sarah Jane Fernsler, Karyn Gerber Fisher, Jennifer Sara Sauerbrun, Jared Earl Stine, James H. Wilkin. One person was ordained Deacon: Tiffany Lynn Bidwell. Three persons were ordained Elders: Ethel Fullen Guy, Daniel E. Lebo, Eric Steven Yeakel. Bishop Peggy Johnson noted the absence of the Rev. Joyce Mounds Anderson, who was to have been ordained this year, but who passed away on June 20, 2012. On the morning of Saturday, May 18, Rev. Dr. Kirk B. Jones gave an inspiring message on “Self-Care Strategies” as part of the conference Wholeness. Delegates packaged 19,848 dehydrated, high protein, and highly nutritious meals to be distributed to schools and orphanages in Haiti by Stop Hunger Now. Annual Conference communications included live video streaming, posts on the conference website, Facebook, and Twitter. American Sign Language, assistive listening devices, and on-screen transcription of the spoken word were offered for Deaf and hard-of-hearing persons. A big-screen reader made written materials available to persons with visual disabilities. Prior to the opening of the conference, the Eastern Pennsylvania Renewal Fellowship led a prayer walk around the conference rooms. The Order of St. Luke held morning communion in the Prayer Room. Offerings received during Annual Conference will go to these important ministries: Project Tariro: $3,235.52 Scholarships: $3,939.81 Imagine No Malaria (collected by a pesky mosquito): $1,242.22 Imagine No Malaria - Offering: $ 9,037.28 Camping Envelopes: $2,690.00 Business Conference members voted on four Constitutional Amendments, instructed to vote either yes or no. The results will be combined with voting from all the other conferences of the denomination. Results will be announced later in the year. Eighteen resolutions were debated and action taken. The Nominations Committee report was accepted, with additions to the Urban Ministry Team and some edits to the list. Page 2 of 3 Page 20 Bethany Post The conference is thankful for the many talented musicians and vocalists who led music for the praise times and worship services throughout annual conference. Budget The 2014 Budget was approved (as related to six districts.) The 2014 budget includes $2,899,339 for conference ministry, and $2,395,272 for General Conference ministry, totaling $5,294,611. 2012 Membership/Attendance Membership stands at 113,192, down 2606 from 2011. Sunday School attendance stands at 13,592, down 841 from 2011. (Please note: Laity Session and Clergy Sessions were held previously on Saturday, May 4.) Thank you to volunteer reporters: Suzette James, Myra Maxwell, Mark Moore, Bob Shank, and Denise Harris; and to volunteer photographers: Jim Mundell, Sabrina Daluisio, and Paul C. Davis. *Report by Suzy Keenan, coordinator of Communications for The Eastern Pennsylvania Conference of The United Methodist Church. For further information: Abridged by Pastor Ralph for the Bethany Post. Page 3 of 3 Celebrate Recovery® A Christ – Centered Recovery Program Bethany Catasauqua Campus Every Thursday 7:00 PM “Revealing is the Beginning of Healing” Nothing is too hard for GOD No hurt is beyond Healing No habit is beyond Help No hang-up is beyond Hope Freedom is Possible Finding Peace and Lasting Freedom through Jesus Christ If You Have Any Questions, Please Contact Pastor Mike Byrd or Don & Cindy at 484.619.3647 BETHANY BEACH DELAWARE VACATION HOUSE 3 bedroom, 2 baths, central air conditioning, pool, tennis, non-smoking, no pets, close to beach, nice community, summer weekly rentals, partial offseason rentals. Call Nancy or Ken Weiland, 610-298-3378, or email, August/September 2013 Weddings Cristin Weeks & David Bowler May 25, 2013 Doris Wetherill & Jess Coleman June 15, 2013 Shelby Garner & Gabe McNabb June 15, 2013 Maxine Johnson & Brian Blanck June 15, 2013 Arrivals KATELYN PAIGE DIMOVITZ Daughter of Gary & Krista 64 Susquehanna Drive Jim Thorpe, PA 18229 Born, Thursday, May 16, 2013 7 lb. 19.5” EMMA LISA SMITH Daughter of Joshua & Greta (Markle) 46 Wake Robin Terrace W. Henrietta, NY 14586 Born, Tuesday, June 4, 2013 7 lb. 10 oz. 20” CADEN THOMAS MURRAY Son of Tom & Tammy 22 Cottonwood Street Allentown, PA 18104 Born, Monday, June 17, 2013 7 lb. 12 oz. 20.5” Page 21 Marriage Enrichment Workshop The next workshop will be November 1 –3. Contact Charlie Gardner at for more information or to register. We attended as a pre-engaged couple with the desire to develop a loving, caring family for us and our children. This program provided direction on how to really focus on each other and how to develop a better loving relationship. We would highly recommend all couples who desire a greater loving relationship consider investing in your marriage through this workshop. You, your spouse and your children will be blessed for it! Wayne Doyle Wayne Benjamin A Member to Remember Wayne and Fleda Benjamin have moved to an assisted living facility in Levittown to be near their son. We will miss their faithful attendance in the back of the sanctuary at the eight o’clock service and his Sunday School class. Wayne has taken his direction from his Lord for his entire life. He applied his many gifts as the Lord led him in an amazing Christian life with its ups and downs including nightclub performer, radio personality and much more. To learn more about Wayne go to: Perhaps his story will encourage you to move closer to the Lord to better use your gifts as you are led by the Carpenter. Page 22 CHURCH PICNIC “Macungie Memorial Park” Saturday, August 10 10:30 A.M. until 3:00 PM Bring a side dish or dessert to share with 5 others Lunch from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM Bethany Post MEN’S MINISTRY ANNOUNCES FUN EVENTS BEING SPONSORED FOR AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER OTHER EVENTS “FOOTBALL TAILGATE PARTY” Saturday “FISHING DERBY” September 14 Saturday, August 17 Bethany Furnace Dam Park 11:00 AM to Emmaus 2:30 PM Continental Style Breakfast Additional information will be begins at 8:00 AM posted for the events. Derby runs from 9:00 to 11:00 AM August/September 2013 Page 23 Vacation Bible School It was a great VBS. We had over 400 children in attendance between the morning and evening sessions. There were approximately 67 children that accepted Christ for the first time. Page 24 Bethany Post Senior Citizens Birthdays August Mary Vail (8/3) 8061 Cross Creek Cir., Breinigsville, PA 18031 John Stephens (8/5) 6530 Letterkenny Ln., Macungie, PA 18062 Carol O’Donnell (8/10) H22 Walnut Port Mobile Ct. #2, Brian Dr., Walnutport, PA 18088 Ellile Kullmann (8/11) 2189 Four Seasons Blvd., Macungie, PA 18062 Grey Berrier (8/14) 315 Cressman Dr., Allentown, PA 18104 Lois Heiser (8/16) 7772 Cross Creek Cir., Breinigsville, PA 18031 Jim Miller (8/24) 5575 Stonecroft Ln., Allentown, PA 18106 Mary Payne (8/25) 2022 Sheaffer Rd., Elizabethtown, PA 17022 Don Ludwig (8/27) 1452 Dove Ter., Wescosville, PA 18106 June Hassell (8/28) 353 West 2nd St., Alburtis, PA 18011 September Myra Woroniak (9/1) Saucon Valley Manor, 1050 Main St., Rm. 24, Hellertown, PA 18055 Liz Phillips (9/2) 4029 Westview Dr., Allentown, PA 18104 Arthur Schlicher (9/9) 6836 Mill Creek Rd., Slatington, PA 18080 Bernie Braun (9/18) 6750 Pioneer Dr., Macungie, PA 18062 Jenny Kerschner (9/24) 5493 Rodgers Rd., Center Valley, PA 18034 Jack Knauss (9/26) 1012 Valley Rd., Mertztown, PA 19539 Larry Leitenberger (9/27) 4265 David Dr., Emmaus, PA 18049 Rich Hockman (9/29) 4902 Spruce St., Wescosville, PA 18106