Order of Worship - February 7, 2016 Welcome to the Mt. Airy Family!
Order of Worship - February 7, 2016 Welcome to the Mt. Airy Family!
Welcome to the Mt. Airy Family! We are thrilled to have you as our guest today! If you are looking for "a family of friends" you'll find them at Mt. Airy. I would like to personally invite you to two important things that our church offers. First, we offer small group Bible studies for all ages. Our BSF, or Bible Study Fellowship classes, meet every Sunday at 8:30am and 9:45am. We would love to have you join us next Sunday. Second, I would like to meet you at the end of the service. Please stop by and say “hello.” Thank you for investing your time with us today. I hope to see you again next week! Your Friend and Pastor, Announcements New Family Member… Congratulations to Cory and Kelly Turner on the adoption of a daughter, Mary Grace Turner, on January 25. Mason and Levi are the proud brothers. New Service Location and Time… Over the next 2 or 3 weeks, our Mt. Airy Makeover plans for the back portion of Building A will be completed. With that drawing to an end, we are ready to move on to renovating the Sanctuary! We will be moving our worship services to the Life Center starting on Sunday, February 21. The 9:45am traditional service will move to 9:30am and the blended service will remain at 11:00am. Dr. Keith Shorter, Senior Pastor Order of Worship - February 7, 2016 Morning Worship “Praise to the Lord, the Almighty” (9:45) “My Savior’s Love” (9:45) “Love Is the Theme” (9:45) “O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus” (9:45) “Praise Is the Offering” (11:00) “Break Every Chain” (11:00) “Jesus Loves Me” “Think About His Love” Offertory Special Message: “God Is Faithful” Dr. Keith Shorter “O How He Loves You and Me” Evening Bible Study “Open the Eyes of My Heart” “All Hail King Jesus” Offertory Special - Carol Pate Bible Study: “Revelation” Dr. Keith Shorter Johnny Hunt Men’s Conference… If you signed up for the Men’s Conference on Feb. 1920, please be at the church that Friday ready to leave by 4:00pm. Supper will be served as soon as we get there. Please inform Chris if you plan on leaving with the group at 4:00pm or making your own transportation arrangements. If you can’t leave at 4:00pm, then call Chris to get directions to White Oak Conference Center. We will return to the church no later than 6:00pm on Saturday. Senior Singles... The Senior Singles will meet from 10:00am-12:00pm this Tuesday, February 9, in Building A . Lunch will be provided. Please notify Connie Poole at 643-9051 if you are planning to attend and let her know if transportation is needed. Also, on March 13, the Senior Singles are planning to go see “The Foreigner” presented by the Mill Town Players in Pelzer. The play begins at 3:00pm, so please make plans to meet at 1:45. Tickets are $8 for seniors. If you would like to attend, contact Andrea Hodges at 380-3180 no later than Tuesday, February 9, as tickets will be purchased the next day. This event will take the place of the March meeting. Young at Heart... The Young at Heart group (ages 55+ or retired) will have its monthly meeting at 6:00pm this Thursday, February 11, in Building A. We look forward to welcoming Rock Turner as our musical guest. He will bless your heart. See you then for a devotion, dinner and some great singing. Contact Barbara Bagwell at 979-5060 if you have any questions. Ladies’ Group Meeting… The Margaret Mitchell Group will meet on Wednesday, February 17, 11:00am in Building A. Our guest speaker will be Brenda Adams. Daddy – Daughter Day… We will have our Daddy-Daughter event on Saturday, March 5, from 8:00am until 12:00pm. We will start off they day with breakfast in Bldg. A at 8:00am. Then we will head over to Mountain Goat Climbing and have the place all to ourselves until noon. The cost is $20 for dads and daughters are free. If you would like to attend, please contact Mandy and sign-up by Wednesday, February 24. Mission Uganda (July 22– August 2)... We are now taking deposits for any of our members interested in going to Uganda this summer. The cost is approx. $1600. If you are interested in this trip, please get your deposit of $500 in by Sunday, February 21. Disciple Now… DNow16 is coming March 11-13 for students in grades 6-12! Registration is now open at www.mtairystudents.com. Cost: $30. Adult volunteers needed! See Eric for more information. VBS Sign Up Day… Are you ready to dive in? This year’s church-wide VBS volunteer sign up day will be next Sunday, February 14, before and after the 11:00am service in both the Sanctuary and Life Center. Teacher spots, assistants, registration, food crew, penny counters, and nursery workers are all needed. See Karen Hoyt, Jennifer Meaders or Mandy Gilmore for more information. This year’s VBS will be held July 10 - 14. Taking God's Word To China!... There are numerous ministry opportunities in China, for the unregistered church and the underground church. Dot Tripp WMU will be collecting money through the end of February. You can look at the ministry of Robbie Mullinax at www.BibleTeam.org. See Donna Porter if you would like to help send Bibles to China! Ladies of all ages are invited to an appetizer and dessert social on Monday, February 29, from 6:30pm until 8:00pm in Building A. Please bring an appetizer or dessert of your choice. There will be food, games, and fellowship. Event is free but tickets are required. Please contact Jaime Gordon at 864-320-2878 or Alison Williamson at 434-534-7252 for info or to get tickets. Ladies’ Spring Bible Study All ladies are invited to a seven-week Bible study this spring based on the book "The Armor of God" by Priscilla Shirer. This is a video-driven study with a workbook ($12). The class will take place on Tuesdays from March 8 - April 19 from 6:30pm-7:30pm in Room C-202. Alison Williamson will lead the study. Childcare will be provided, but volunteers are needed. Contact Alison if you can help. If you are interested in the class, you MUST register with Alison. Contact her either by phone: (434) 534-7252 or email: abwilliamsonx3@gmail.com. Did You Know? We have three morning worship times to better serve your needs. 9:45am - Traditional service in Sanctuary 11:00am - Celebration service in Sanctuary 11:00am - Contemporary service in The Life Center What’s the Next Step? To Join a Small Group Bible Study: Stop by the Next Steps area for more information about Bible Study Fellowship, including times and classes available. To Become a Member of Mt. Airy: Stop by the Next Steps area for more information about signing up for our next membership class (Discover Mt. Airy). Additional information can be found on our website: www.mtairybaptist.com. Preschool Workers This year we are having a family Easter event called "Road to Resurrection." This will be an event for the whole family to experience together and will be on March 19 from 10:00am -1:00pm. Visit the bulletin board in the Welcome Center or click on the ad on the homepage of the website to fill out a registration form. Infants: Ones: Twos: Threes: Kinderchurch (4’s): Kinderchurch (5’s): Sunday PM (0-2): Sunday PM (3-5): Wednesday: Records for Last Week Tithes…………………………………………………………………………….…………...…..……….…$56,834.33 Building Fund………...…………….................................................................................$516.00 Mt. Airy Makeover (total to date)……………………….…….………………..………..…..$170,190.00 Bible Study Fellowship……………………………………………………………………………...…………...488 Opportunities of the Week Sunday On Sunday afternoon, February 21, Mt. Airy is hosting a church safety and security training event for several churches in the Piedmont Baptist Association. The training is from 2:00-5:00pm and will be held in either Building A or the LC (depending on advance sign ups). The topics covered in this training include children ministry issues, the need for safety teams and equipment, suspicious activity, and emergency response training, among others. This training is open to anyone interested, but is especially designed to help educate safety teams, medical teams, ushers, greeters, child care workers, golf cart drivers, parking lot workers and volunteers. If your ministry is in one of these areas, your participation is highly encouraged. Please sign up on one of the sign-up sheets located throughout the church buildings. The last day to sign up is February 14. It’s time to register for summer camp! There are several camp options available for both RAs and GAs this year. Camp information handouts are available from your RA/GA leaders or from Mandy Gilmore. You must complete a registration form and turn it in along with your total payment no later than March 9th. Please call Mandy at 295-3008 for more information. Cheri & Emily Capell; Rich/Charla Grimes Travis/Marissa Sigmon Greg/Melissa Dawkins Rob/Emily Freeman Allison Taffer Mark/Jodi Cowart Linda Orr; Rosa Tripp Charlie/Tonya Sanders Scott/Cyndi Durham Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 8:30 9:45 11:00 Bible Study Fellowship I Morning Worship I / BSF II Morning Worship II / BSF III Kidspoint 1 (Grades 1&2) in Bldg. A Kidspoint 2 (Grades 3 - 5) in LC 4:30 Ladies’ Bible Study in Choir Room 6:00 Evening Bible Study MA Big Group in LC (Grades 6-12) 10:00am Ladies’ Bible Study in LC 10:00am Senior Singles in Building A 6:30 Ladies’ Exercise Class in LC 7:00 Career Singles Home Group 6:30 M&M Nights Mission Friends; RA’s/GA’s MA Gathering in LC (Grades 6-12) 7:30 Adult Choir Practice 6:00 Young at Heart in Building A 7:00 ESL Class in LC Church Contacts Dr. Keith Shorter…………………………………..810-4743 …………………………………………. Senior Pastor Rev. David Storay, Jr……………………………..294-6818……….Minister of Worship & Pastoral Care Mr. Steve Robins……………………………….....855-1392….Director of Administration & Education Rev. Chris Meaders……………………………….979-0324….....Minister of Missions and Discipleship Mr. Eric Marvin………………………...……512-534-8677……………………………….Minister of Students Ms. Mandy Gilmore……………………….601-383-3633……….…….Director of Preschool & Children Church Office………………………………………..295-3008 Website………...www.mtairybaptist.com
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