Bulletin 2016 (1) - Hillcrest Church of the Nazarene
Bulletin 2016 (1) - Hillcrest Church of the Nazarene
District Assembly April 10-12 Hymnspiration TONIGHT! This special service tonight, 6:00pm, is one of our favorite times of worship as we share in m usic, praise, scripture and testimony… “addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs.” Ephesians 5:19 The Sunday night Opening Service is April 10, 6:00pm, at Church of All Nations, in Tacoma, WA. Monday and Tuesday, April 11 and 12, we begin at 8:30am, at Puyallup Nazare ne Church. The Ordination Service will take place Monday night at 7:00pm. Better Together this Week Mark Your Calendar Each week one of the ladies in our church opens her home for one hour of fellowship and to get acquainted. This is our way of getting connecte d and getting to know one another. This week we will be at Beth Kaler’s home, 12911 NW 43rd Avenue, on Tuesday, April 5, 7—8:00pm. Bring a friend! Upward Sports registration opens for Flag Football and Cheerlea ding on May 16. See the sche dule and de tails for the 2016 season at hillcrest.org. Ladies’ Card-Making Party We are having a Ladies’ Card-Making Party on Tuesday, April 12, 7-9:00pm, in Linda Arhus’s home workshop. A hand-made card with the matching envelope is $1 for the materials—you can make as few or as many as you like—no experie nce ne cessary! A ll supplies and access ories will be available. Seating is limited to 10—registe r today at the Informa tion Center in the church foyer. Spring Girlfriend’s Closet On Saturday, April 30 from 10:00am-noon, we will have a drop-in brunch and a “Girlfriend’s Closet” exchange. You can drop off up to FIVE up-to-date clothing items, up to FIVE pieces of jewelry and up to FIVE sets of shoes or purses. You will receive a ticket for each item you donate up to five in each category. When the boutique opens April 30, you’ll be able to redeem your tickets for up to FIVE new items from someone else’s closet! FUN!! Remembe r: only up-to-da te clothing—in ALL sizes! Sunday, April 3 9:00 am Adult Book & Bible Study 10:00 am Famil y Worship 11:00 am Bible Discover y for All Ages 11:00 am First Impressions Rec epti on 6:00 pm Hymnspirati on Monday, Apr il 4 Tuesday, April 5 7:00 pm Ladi es’ Better Together Meeting @ Beth Kal er’s home Save the Date: CPR Class May 13 This class will take place on Friday, May 13, 6-8:30pm. There will be charge for the training of $25 each and will include AED training. Please see Ba rb Ke nnard for more information. New Men’s Bible Study Manhood” by Tony Evans, teaches hus bands a nd fathers how to step up to the challenge of leading with authority while also providing an atmos phere of peace, productivity and protection for the family God has given them to love. You will discover how to be the loving leader that a wife and family will want to follow! There is no cos t— please contact Je rry Goodman for details (360) 597-5405 “Meaningful Hillcrest Student Ministries Happy S pring Break to all of our hard working students! We are so proud of you!! We will meet at Hillcrest, 6:30pm, this Wednesday for a DQ run! We’ll be back by 7:30pm. And it’s FREE! Bring a friend! W ednesday, April 6 Youth Group will meet for a DQ run tonight, 6:30pm— ALL other mid week activities are cancelled due to Spring Break! See you next week! Thursday, April 7 Friday, April 8 Saturday, Apr il 9 7:30 am Men’s Prayer Breakfast @ Vanc ouver Pointe Senior Village 4555 NE 66th Avenue (Just North of Vanc ouv er Ford) Sunday, April 10 9:00 am Adult Book & Bible Study 10:00 am Famil y Worship 11:00 am Bible Discover y for All Ages 6:00 pm District Assembly’s Opening Servic e in T acoma 4/03/16 “Courageous Obedience” Matthew 4:18-22 “Courageous Obedience” Ma tthew 4:18-22 April 3, 2016 | 10:00AM
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Bulletin 2016 (2) - Hillcrest Church of the Nazarene
atmosphere of peace, productivity and protection for
the family God has given them to love. You will discover
how to be the loving leader that a wife and family will
want to follow! The re is no co...