28 February 2016 - Wasilla Bible Church
IN WBC FAMILY LIFE... For a complete listing of our Family Life announcements, join us on The City. A LL CHURCH potluck: Our monthly potluck will be happening next week, the 6th of March. Please join us for a sweet time together as a family of faith. Bring enough food for your family and some to share. H igh school Youth: Dave Eller spoke with the high schoolers last week during one of the break-out sessions at Wednesday night youth group. Thanks Dave for your insight and wisom. 2 8 Fe b r u a r y 2 0 1 6 Since then we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. Hebrews 4:14 Join Us Today: If you would like to join WBC’s common communication tool, fill out the information below or go online to wasillabible.org where you can request an invitation from Jake Davies to create a personal account on The City. For more information or help check in at our Welcome Desk in the foyer. WELCOME! Hebrews: Jesus, Son of God, King & Priest Please tear off and drop in the offering basket or at the Welcome Desk in the foyer. Welcome To Wasilla Bible Church. If you would like to be contacted by a pastor, please fill out this form, tear it off and drop it in the offering basket. Name: __________________________________________ Date: ____________________ Phone: _________________________ E-Mail: __________________________________ Request: [ ] I would like more info about WBC (getting connected or becoming a member). [ ] I would like to speak to a pastor (about a prayer request, getting baptized, or becoming a Christian). [ ] I would like to join The City (our church’s private online communication tool). We are so glad you joined us today! If you are new or have recently started attending, our Welcome Team would like to meet you! We invite you to stop by the Welcome Desk in the foyer to pick up helpful info about WBC and find ways to get connected. Our prayer is that you experience His grace as you worship with us today. W O R S H I P TO G E T H E R . L E A R N TO G E T H E R . S E RV E TO G E T H E R . 1651 W. Nicola Ave, Wasilla, AK 99654 • (907) 376-2176 • www.WasillaBible.org TODAY February 28 MINISTRY NEWS SERMON: The main theme of Hebrews is that Jesus, the Son of God, is our King & Priest. As such, we need to listen to Him. Jesus is greater than anything else – the angels, Moses, Joshua, the Levitical priests. He mediates a greater covenant. And His kingdom is greater than all others of the world; His unshakable kingdom will stand for eternity! Jesus, the Son of God, is our King & Priest! Today Pastor Ashley will preach from Hebrews 4:14-5:10. Today’s worship team: Joel Stamoolis, Sean Tracy, Amber Jefferson, Andrea Sandefur, Willy Shelton, Rachel Weaver, Erinn Jefferson, Libby Brockie, Anne-Renee Gumley, Thomas Doak, Alyssa Foss, Katie Straley Today’s Psalm: Psalm 41 Sunday School for infants through 5th grade is downstairs during both 1st and 2nd service. 9:30am 1st Service 11:15am 2nd Service Middle School Sunday School Annex High School Sunday School Rm.204 Men’s Connection Group Menard Sports Arena 4:00-6:00pmAwana Auditorium 6:30-8:30pm Young Adults CoffeeHouse THIS WEEK’S CALENDAR HIGHLIGHTS Tuesday, March 1 10:00-12:00pm Women’s Bible Studies 7:00-8:30pm Fruit of the Spirit Study Details Available Online Rm.B03 Wednesday, March 2 10:00-2:00pm 7:00-8:30pm 7:00-8:30pm 7:00-8:30pm Quilting/Craft Time - Contact Ruth Sanford 745-7884 Rm.B03 Adult Bible Studies Details Available Online Middle School Youth Group (Crosswalk) Auditorium High School Youth Group (Crossfire) Rm.B03 Thursday, March 3 6:00-7:30am 9:30-11:00am 7:00-9:00pm Men’s BreakfastCoffeeHouse Hilltop Prayer Group Rm.203 Grow Lecture Series Rm.B03 Saturday, March 5 9:00am PrimeTimer’s Monthly Breakfast GO ONLINE Offsite For more details and a complete schedule of our church events, ministry activities, Bible studies, and more visit our Event Calendar on our website at www.WasillaBible.org. M OTHER DAUGHTER TEA: Join us on March 19th, 10:00am12:00pm. Girls (4 years old & up) with their moms & grandmoms are requested to come in their Easter best for tea. Please bring a finger food to share with everyone. Sign up in the foyer today! M en’s breakfast: Come join us for a morning full of good food, fellowship, and time in God’s Word. We meet in the Coffee House on Thursdays, 6:00am-7:30am. Contact Pastor John Doak, ext 19, for more information. P RIMETIMER’S BREAKFAST: Our monthly breakfast is on March 5th at 9:00am. We will be meeting at MatSu Family Restaurant. For more information call Mel at 376-7719. N eed a Bible or blank sermon note taking page? You can find them at the back of the auditorium or in the foyer. W omen’s Lecture series: Women’s Ministry presents “Made For Another World.” We will look at our rescue outlined through Scripture. Please join us for the next lecture, which will be on March 3rd, 7:00pm-9:00pm in B03. Childcare not available. extended ministries J on & MaryAnna Casey and kids serve in Nulato, Alaska. As short term partners with our Wasilla Bible Church Extended Ministries, the Caseys seek to establish a relationship within their community in order to make disciples for Christ. They have had a winter challenged with illness to include chickenpox and many great opportunities to connect with the people of their village. As spring approaches and many activities come to life Jon and MaryAnna hope and pray that their ministry in Nulato will also grow. Please join us as we seek to get them launched in this ministry and pray that God will go before them. The picture above was taken on the Yukon River with Nulato in sight...
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