20 March 2016 - Wasilla Bible Church
IN WBC FAMILY LIFE... For a complete listing of our Family Life announcements, join us on The City. L ost & Found: There are many coats, gloves and other items piling up in our Lost & Found boxes (one is in the CoffeeHouse; the other is at the Family Life entrance downstairs). These items will be donated if not claimed. C ommunity group: Members of the Stamoolis community group enjoying their Irish themed brunch. 20 March 2016 Now the point in what we are saying is this: we have such a high priest, one who is seated at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in heaven Hebrews 8:1 Join Us Today: If you would like to join WBC’s common communication tool, fill out the information below or go online to wasillabible.org where you can request an invitation from Jake Davies to create a personal account on The City. For more information or help check in at our Welcome Desk in the foyer. WELCOME! Palm Sunday Please tear off and drop in the offering basket or at the Welcome Desk in the foyer. Welcome To Wasilla Bible Church. If you would like to be contacted by a pastor, please fill out this form, tear it off and drop it in the offering basket. Name: __________________________________________ Date: ____________________ Phone: _________________________ E-Mail: __________________________________ Request: [ ] I would like more info about WBC (getting connected or becoming a member). [ ] I would like to speak to a pastor (about a prayer request, getting baptized, or becoming a Christian). [ ] I would like to join The City (our church’s private online communication tool). We are so glad you joined us today! If you are new or have recently started attending, our Welcome Team would like to meet you! We invite you to stop by the Welcome Desk in the foyer to pick up helpful info about WBC and find ways to get connected. Our prayer is that you experience His grace as you worship with us today. W O R S H I P TO G E T H E R . L E A R N TO G E T H E R . S E RV E TO G E T H E R . 1651 W. Nicola Ave, Wasilla, AK 99654 • (907) 376-2176 • www.WasillaBible.org MINISTRY NEWS TODAY March 20, 2016 SERMON: The main theme of Hebrews is that Jesus, the Son of God, is our King & Priest. As such, we need to listen to Him. Jesus is greater than anything else – the angels, Moses, Joshua, the Levitical priests. He mediates a greater covenant. And His kingdom is greater than all others of the world; His unshakable kingdom will stand for eternity! Jesus, the Son of God, is our King & Priest! Today Pastor Larry will preach from Hebrews 8. Today’s worship team: Joel Stamoolis, Kim Hopkins, Alyssa Foss, Willy Shelton, Bob Congdon, Brian Beaudry, Jason Collins, Herb Dunham, Tanya Galloway, Igor Galloway, Brandon Berta, Phil Evans Today’s Psalm: Psalm 44 Sunday School for infants through 5th grade is downstairs during both 1st and 2nd service. 9:30am 1st Service 11:15am 2nd Service Middle School Sunday School Annex High School Sunday School Rm.204 Men’s Connection Group Menard Sports Arena 1:00-3:00pm Choir Rehearsal Auditorium 4:00-6:00pmAwana Auditorium 6:30-8:30pm Young Adults Offsite THIS WEEK’S CALENDAR HIGHLIGHTS Tuesday, March 22 10:00-12:00pm Women’s Bible Studies 7:00-8:30pm Fruit of the Spirit Study Details Available Online Rm.B03 Wednesday, March 23 10:00-2:00pm Quilting/Craft Time - Contact Ruth Sanford 745-7884 Rm.B03 7:00-8:30pm Adult Bible Studies Details Available Online 7:00-8:30pm Middle School Youth Group (Crosswalk) Auditorium 7:00-8:30pmHigh School Youth Group (Crossfire) Rm.B03 7:00-8:30pm Grief ShareAnnex Thursday, March 24 6:00-7:30am Men’s BreakfastCoffeeHouse Friday, March 25 7:00pm GO ONLINE Good Friday Service Auditorium For more details and a complete schedule of our church events, ministry activities, Bible studies, and more visit our Event Calendar on our website at www.WasillaBible.org. W bc Chili Cookoff coming your way April 10th! It is once again time to mark your calendars with our annual Chili Cookoff date. This year we will be having our 20th annual Chili and Dessert contest. If you are well known for your tremendous cooking abilities get that crock pot ready, pull out those dessert platters and make sure to sign-up in the foyer at our Chili Cookoff table! ALSO, we still need noncompetition chili and desserts so that we can feed all of you! If you are willing to do this, please sign-up at our table in the foyer! More info on the bondservant work to come! Looking forward to seeing you and your family! F inancial Peace University: Join us for this 9 week class, on Tuesdays, March 22nd-May 17th, 6:30-8:30pm in the WBC Annex. There will be a $100 materials fee. Childcare is available upon request. Sign up in the foyer TODAY! For more information, please call Dave Eller at 745-6247. H eartREach Center is offering an 8 week class, “Surrendering the Secret”, for those who have experienced abortion. Classes begin April 1st. Please call 373-3466 with any questions. All is kept confidential. E aster Choir: Singers, come join our Easter Choir! Our last rehearsal will be TODAY, 1:00-3:00pm in the auditorium. For more information, join the WBC choir group on The City. extended ministries V ictory Bible Camp in Sutton, Alaska has been an Extended Ministries partner with our church for years. For the past number of months we have been praying that God would bring them a new director. God has answered our prayers! On March 1st, Dan Hoover became the director of Victory Bible Camp. Dan spent 19 years running camps for Orlando, Florida based Mud Ministry. His wife Kim is a special education teacher at Big Lake Elementary. With summer quickly approaching, they are jumping in with both feet and would appreciate prayers for wisdom and guidance as they move forward in this ministry. They look forward to getting to know their ministry partners at Wasilla Bible Church in the coming months.
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