Fairfax First Baptist Church Fall Festival/Trunk or Treat This Sunday, October 26
Fairfax First Baptist Church Fall Festival/Trunk or Treat This Sunday, October 26
The Informer Fairfax First Baptist Church (803) 632-3228 or (803)632-2919 (fax) E-mail: fairfaxfbc@atlanticbbn.net Web Site: www.fairfaxfbc.org Radio Broadcast Dr. Larry Sizemore WDOG Monday - Friday 8:10am TAKE UP YOUR CROSS FOLLOW CHRIST’S EXAMPLE Pastor: Dr. Larry Sizemore Volume 58 Music Director: Sandra Daubard October 21, 2014 OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE WEEK Sunday, 10/26 Sunday School… ................... .………. Morning Worship ................................ Fall Festival/Trunk or Treat ................. Monday, 10/27 Young at Heart ..................................... Tuesday 10/28 Beth Moore Bible Study ...................... Wednesday, 10/29 Children’s Activities ............................ Prayer/Bible Study ............................... Youth Bible Study................................ Adult Choir Prtactice ........................... Thursday, 10/30 Men’s Wild Game Banquet (Varnville) 10:00am 11:00am 5:00pm 6:00pm 5:00pm 6:00pm 6:30pm 6:30pm 7:30pm 7:00pm SERVANTS: October 26, 2014 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH P.O. DRAWER 820 FAIRFAX, SC 29827 NURSERY AM Ruthie Wall & Paula Wall USHERS Nix Loadholt, Butch Sauls, Stan Sibley, Jan Thomas GREETERS Stan & Nettie Sibley NONPROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PAID FAIRFAX, SC PERMIT NO. 2 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED CHILDREN’S SERMON Gina Oswald Fairfax First Baptist Church Fall Festival/Trunk or Treat This Sunday, October 26 5:00pm OCTOBER TELLERS Larry Manuel & Addison Williams NO SNACK SUPPER State Missions Goal: $2000.00 Received to Date: $2055.00 Thank you for giving to missions. REMEMBER IN PRAYER HealthSouth Rehabilitation: Cambridge Stone (Hip Replacement) 2935 Colonial Dr., Columbia Rock Hill, SC: Terri Marshall (surgery Oct. 24) Louise Davis: Presbyterian Home, 201 W. 9th Street, Unit 187, Room # 307, Summerville, SC 29483 Phone # 843-819-7018 National Healthcare: 2993 Sunset Blvd., West Columbia 29169 - Louise Jowers, Evelyn Ruff Jacksonville, Florida: Willard McGraw Chicago: Dean Morisesset (Larry’s brother-inlaw) JEH Nursing Home: Jacqueline Kearse, Ogreta Thomas, Delores Brunson, Jean Ferguson Briana’s Residential Care: Mary Reid, Hilda Rahn St Matthews Convalescence Center: Omma Lee Folk, Box 157, 601 Dantzler St., 29135 Emerald Gardens Assisted Living: 201 Overland Dr., Greenwood, SC 29646 (Rm. 315) Ann Tyler At Home: Pearl Barnes, Joe, Louise & Donna Kay Cook, Sara Cook, Donnie Jones, Sue Ann Kearse (at Cecelia’s), Richard Kinsey, Dottie List, Billy Main, Jacob Oswald, Betty Sanders, Latrelle Still, L. R. Thomas, Dot Whitson, Mary Williams, Elizabeth Young Friends & Family: Thomas Benton, Redmond Bowers, Peggy Brabham, Jeff Brooks, Jr., Jimmy Burbage, David Cook, Jr., Rev. Gene Carroll, Ashley Carter, Holly Coker, Clyde Collins, DeLacy Crosby (Glory’s Cousin), Mollie Cuttino, Michael Dyches (Cecelia’s brother), Laney Futch (niece of Lynn), Faye Gooding, Carrie Grubbs (Virginia’s granddaughter), Richard Grubbs, Trevor Horn, Lucille Hutchinson, Betty Hutto, Marie Lee, Ann Keys, Gabriel Litchfield, Margaret Long, Terri Marshall, Beverly Milner (niece of Hazel Loadholt), Wayne Mole, Lexie Monroe, Resa Monts, Rev. John McKeown, Louise Pathoulas(Mother of Charles Carlson), Reid Porter, Jr., Dr. Rahman, Anthony Rivers, Mary Rouse, Dot Scoggins, Rachel Stanford, Nellie Sullivan, Patti Sullivan, Sharon Teems, Buddy Terry, Lisa Thomas, Merle Ann Wall, Deborah Welch Warren, Timothy Williams, Elese Windham OUR ACTIVE MILITARY: Chaplain Brian Bailey, Chaplain Warren Sibley, John Mark Cook PRAY WITHOUT CEASING! DISCIPLESHIP LET’S GET PERSONAL HERE 1. Remember a crisis of belief that you faced in the past and how you responded to it. If you are experiencing a crisis of belief now, tell God what you are struggling to trust him for. 2. What changes, if any, should you make in how you experience God through the Bible and prayer. 3. Do you realize that before God can catch you on His wings (see Deuteronomy 32:11), you need to be out of the nest and in the air? What do you need to do to get airborne? 4. Describe some risks you will have to take to fly with God. 5. How safe does God want you to be? Is the center of God’s will really the safest place to be? THANK YOU Dear Church Family, Thank you so much for the many things tht you have done to show your love and support during Greg’s illness and during our time of sorrow. Please continue to lift our family in prayer, as the healing process begins. There is a void within our hearts that only a strong faith in God can heal. May God richly bless each one of you. The Family of Greg Kearse PRISONER PACKETS One Black non-retractable pen (no wire clip & no other color pen), One junior legal or no larger than 5 1/2” x 8” writing tablet (no wire bound tablets), One Adult Toothbrush individually factory-sealed), no multi-packs), Five first class #10 Stamp-Embossed Envelopes (purchased at Post Office), two rolls of candy (life Savers, Mentos, Breath Savers type), One 4 oz. to 6 oz. bar of soap, (no travel size), & One 5.8 oz. or larger Toothpaste (no travel size), Put in 1 gallon size zip lock bag. Prisoner Packets due in office by Wednesday, November 12 ATTENTION YOUTH!! Wednesday night youth Bible Study will not meet for the next 2 weeks. It will resume on Wednesday, October 29 at 6:30pm in the youth room. Pastor Ponderings. . . HELP CHANGE LIVES FOR ETERNITY Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this; to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. James 1:27 Several years ago, some members of a church came across a little boy who didn’t have a mother or father. He was in need of a home and really didn’t have anywhere to go. But there was a wonderful couple who attended the church who got it in their hearts to receive this little boy into their home. So after praying about it, the couple took this little 6-year-old boy in. He had a rough upbringing. His parents were alcoholics, and he had been raised by a grandmother who then passed away. So they faced many challenges. But they loved him with the love of Christ and that little boy became their son. As the people of God, we’re called to love those who are the downtrodden of our society. This includes the homeless, the familyless, and the penny-less. And many times, these people can be overlooked as we go about our daily lives, it’s crucial the church be at the forefront of caring for them. So whether it’s adoption, working at a homeless shelter, or simply taking time out of your day to love someone who really needs it, find a way to help those in the most need. Show them the love of Christ, and you may just change a life for eternity! SHOW THE DOWNTRODDEN THE LOVE OF CHRIST, AND HELP CHANGE LIVES FOR ETERNITY! Bro. Larry ARTS & CRAFTS FAIR WANTED CRAFTERS & ARTISTS NOVEMBER 8 Bellinger Chapel Methodist Church, Fairfax To reserve space contact Marilyn 803-632-2908 Men’s Wild Game Banquet Ball Field Behind Varnville First Baptist Thursday, October 30, 2014 At 7:00pm Door Prizes (must be present to win) Guest Speaker Al Odom Chapin, South Carolina Al founded the Fishers of Men Ministries in 1996. Today, it operates 45 separate divisions of its team series and 35 divisions of its Adult/Junior Legacy series. It puts on over 300 separate events annually. Al is an avid outdoorsman, enjoys fishing, duck hunting and deer hunting. Bethel Baptist Church 64 Confederate Hwy, Fairfax, SC Jamaica Mission Trip Fundraiser $20.00 per plate 5-7pm eat at church or pick up Steak, Baked Potato, & Salad November 1, 2014 If you would like tickets please call 632-2495 or 632-2133 OUR RECORD SPEAKS 10/19/2014 SS Enrollment/Attendance ..... ………...……137/83 SS Visitors/New Members…………………. ..... 3/0 Morning Worship ............ …………………...…111 State Mission ................................................ $85.00 Community Missions .................................... $12.00 CD’s & DVD’a ............................................... $6.00 Revival ........................................................ $247.24 Workmens Comp Refund............................ $196.00 Young at Heart Memorial ........................... $435.00 VBS Memorial ............................................ $425.00 Hospitality for use of old tables & chairs ...... $25.00 Budget Offering ........................................ $4786.75 Budget Needs (weekly) ………………….$4109.00