Beyond What You Think Ephesians 3:20


Beyond What You Think Ephesians 3:20
Maple Messenger
Volume 27
Issue 4
April 2015
Beyond What You Think
Ephesians 3:20
Two Wednesday nights ago, we started our prayer service with a look back in
church history. I am calling this “Greatness from the Least.” What can God
do through one person? We have learned about two persons so far. John
Wycliffe was called the Morning Star of the Reformation. His greatest
contribution was the translation of the first English Bible. He influenced a
Bohemian named John Hus. John Hus was used of God to bring refreshing
teachings from the Bible, such that had not been heard for years in Europe in
that time. Hus was silenced by the religious establishment by burning him at
the stake. But they did not silence the Holy Spirit as the years went on.
Question: What common thread runs through the stories we have heard so
far and the stories that will be told in future Wednesday nights? Answer: The
Holy Bible.
The fire in the soul of John Wycliffe began by his study of the Bible. The fire
in John Hus began by his study of the Bible. As we will learn in future stories,
the fire in their souls began by the study of the Word of God.
Is there a lesson we can learn from history? I think so. Could God begin a
rekindled fire in the spirits of His people through a new
hunger for and feasting on the Word of God? History
proves that to be true time after time. Even scripture
teaches that to be true.
“Like newborn babies, long for the pure milk of the word,
so that by it you may grow in respect to salvation, if you
have tasted the kindness of the Lord.” 1 Peter 2:2-3 NASB
A command is given. Long for, crave, thirst for, earnestly desire the pure milk
of the Word.
That longing and craving is like a newborn craving for its mother’s milk. Crave
for the Word of God so that you can grow since you have tasted the kindness
of the Lord.
Oh Father, Cause us to long for Your Word. Though we are filled, cause us to
crave for more so that we may continuously grow in You and that You can
stoke a spiritual fire that will burn throughout our church and spill over into
our community. In Jesus name.
-Pastor Gary
Maple Baptist Church
4500 Highway 65, Conway, SC 29526
Pastor Gary Reeves
cell 843-421-7583
Member of the SC Baptist Association and the Waccamaw Baptist Association
Monday Nights: Upper Room 7:00 pm, Alternately meet @ Spearman/Hall Homes
Wednesday Nights: Supper6:30, Children, Youth, Young Adult Discipleship 7:15
Sundays: 10:00am– Kid’s Bible Study, 11:00am– Mission Friends, 6:00 pm– GAs & RAs & Acteens meet
Bible Quiz:
As Jacob used a rock for a pillow — later to become
a pillar honoring God — which of the following did
he experience in a dream?
A. Angels going up and down on a
ladder between earth and heaven.
B. The Lord promising that Jacob’s
family would be a blessing to all nations.
C. God’s assurance: “Know that I am
with you and will keep you wherever
you go.”
D. All of the above.
Knees of Maple
In Prison Sentenced to Death
Years ago, I was living in a foreign land where I had run into trouble with the law.
The laws seem unfair, confusing and harsh. I was sentenced to death for my
crimes. I wish I could say I was not guilty but according to the laws of the land I
was guilty as charged. The situation was hopeless.
The prison was a horrible place. As I waited in my prison cell, I learned about a
seldom used law that could give me either a glimmer of hope or a greater despair.
The law stated if a person could be found who was guilty of no crimes and was
willing to take my place I could be set free from prison. Now I have to ask you,
what is the chance that this would ever happen?!! Someone else to take my place?
After all, I was guilty and deserved to die according to the laws of the land!
Then one day the prison guards came to me with amazing news. A man visiting
from another country had offered to take my place! My first response was disbelief.
Was this a sick joke? But it was true. I did not know him. I had never met him. All I
had to do was accept the offer. On the day I was to be executed, he died. I was set
free and immediately offered a home in a new land, with the promise of a new start
on life. The arrangements were all made. I was met by someone at the prison with
a ticket as well as directions to a new future. I had so many questions but she said
I just had to accept the offer and my many questions would be answered in time.
I so wanted the freedom and a new start but I had so many doubts and questions.
Who was this person who took my place? How could this actually be happening to
me, in prison with a death penalty on my head one moment, and walking out of the
prison door the next? Was this for real? Why me? Who was behind all this?
I was sent to a new land, a place I had never been. The freedom was
overwhelming. I felt so relieved! I was officially declared not guilty. I could start a
new life. But I still pondered, “Why would anyone die for me?” When I arrived I was
taken to a palace! I thought that there must be a mistake. I was a convicted
criminal and was being treated as if I were an important person.
How could this be? Somehow I thought this must not be good. Maybe I would
again be put in jail, once my sordid past was revealed. I was lead into a beautiful
and grand room. A distinguished man dressed in fine clothes smiled and called me
by name. He came to me and embraced me! All I could say was, “Sir, I am so
confused. How do you know me and why am I here?” He offered me a chair and
began to explain. “I have followed your story for a long time. In fact from the
moment of your birth I have watched the circumstances of your life. I know all the
details. I know what you got for your 5th birthday. I know about your father’s death.
I know you find this hard to believe but I love you. You see, my son is the one who
took your place. He took your guilt and death sentence. He was the innocent one
who died for you.”
I began to weep out of amazement, wonder and gratitude. I deserved none of this.
As if he read my thoughts, he said, “I knew you had no hope. I had to do
something. It was the only way. The law was clear that without the death of an
innocent person there could be no freedom, and my son was willing to take your
The man turned and called for an aid. “Please show my son to his room.” Sir,” I
asked in amazement, “you called me son? “Yes,” he replied with a look in his eyes
I will never forget, “You are now my son. This is your new life. I have adopted you.
You are now in my family, my son and heir. We will live together from now on.”
I know my Redeemer Lives!!
Colossians 1:13-14
For He has rescued us from the dominion of the darkness and brought us into the
Kingdom of the Son He loves, in whom we have redemption through His blood, the
forgiveness of sins.
Easter Blessings,
Page 2
The Maple Messenger
WMU Meeting
Woman’s Missionary Union
Maple on Mission
April 4
Dorothea Long
Sewing Ministry
April 6
“But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run,
and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31
Maple WMU groups are doing well! Girls in Action participated in Children’s Ministry Day in February and, in keeping with the
theme, reached out to the community, chose a family to visit, took a homemade pound cake, and sang songs. Plans are
underway for girls to attend the July 13-15 Camp LaVida mini-camp. On April 26, the girls will attend the annual GA Tea, hosted
by Cedar Grove Baptist.
Royal Ambassadors participated in the recent RA Racer Event at North Conway Baptist Church; leaders are planning to contact
and work with nearby churches who have Royal Ambassadors in an effort to expand and grow Royal Ambassadors in this area.
The Dorothea Long Sewing Group will travel to Columbia on Saturday, April 18, and visit the Store of Hope at DJJ. If anyone has
materials or old furniture to donate, please contact Betty Sue Parker, Pam Clark or Elaine Anderson. The Store of Hope has been
invited to have a booth at the Maple spring festival. Current focus is the cancer center; any need for a blanket, cap, or pillow
should be made known by the church family to Pam Clark, Betty Sue Parker, or Elaine Anderson.
The Sallie Powell Group continues meeting on the third Tuesday of each month and has prayer as its main focus. The group
invites women of the church to join them at 2:30 pm on that day; call the church office (365-2627) to determine the meeting
Bible Study/
Fellowship Group
Ethel Stephens
6:30 pm
April 21
Sallie Powell
2:30 pm
The Ethel Stephens Group mission action group met on March 26 for brunch at Tupelo Honey at Market Common. In February
2015, the group baked dozens of cookies and distributed them to several fire stations and the police department to show thanks
for their dedication and service to the community.
The Bible Study and Fellowship Group delivered several bags of peanut butter and jelly to CAP and is collecting pennies, nickels,
dimes, quarters (and even bills!) as their ongoing missions project to support water filters for the WMU Pure Water Pure Love
WMU had as guest speakers on Sunday morning, March 22, 2015, missionaries who depart this summer for service on an
international mission field.
The 2015 Season of Prayer for Association Missions and the Martha Compton Offering (goal: $170.00 per church) is May 1723. Please continue to pray, give, and go as we enter this season. “Prayerwalk the Association” at 1607 Ninth Avenue, Monday,
May 18, 12:30 pm until 1:30 pm. PRAY for our Association Missionary, his family, WBA staff, and especially pastors & staff
within churches of Waccamaw Baptist Association!
Plan to attend the 2015 Associational WMU Spring WMU Meeting: Reaching Lostness, Monday, April 6, at Buck Creek Baptist
Church. The purpose is to inform members of Woman’s Missionary Union (WMU) about missions education in the association;
to increase awareness of Southern Baptist missions, emphases, and goals; to strengthen fellowship; and to conduct the business
of associational WMU. Schedule: Registration ($5.00 for meal payable at door); 5:30 pm Program - Welcome, Prayer, Business;
Missionary Speaker: “How I Reach Lostness”; Meal; Visit the Ministry Fair Booths; 7:15 pm Regroup for Brief Q&A, Comments,
and Sharing;
7:30 pm Prayer for Missionaries and Benediction. RSVP by April 2 - 248-9358 (Diane).
Participate in these upcoming projects: 2015 Camp La Vida Work Day, Saturday, April 18; HEALTH KITS should be delivered to
the Association Office between April 13 (Monday) and April 16 (Thursday) from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Note: toys can be included
in some packets for children; also, bottles of shampoo are needed (separate) Thank you for helping!
“He will show him
even greater works
than these, so that
you will be
John 5:19-21
balance in
the account
Don’t Forget
Your Pledges!
God Bless. Peggy J. Jones, Director
I S SU E 4
Page 3
April 2015
Easter Morning
Supper 6:15 pm
Youth Disciple Training
7:00 pm
Children’s Choir (G’s K-6)
7:00 pm
Young Adult Bible Study
7:00 pm
Prayer Service and Bible
Study 7:15 pm
No Wednesday
Night Meetings
or Prayer
Evening Service
ESL Class 6:00pm
Spring Flowers
Trip to Florence
Farmers Market
meet at 10:00am
at MBC
VBS Clinic
Baptist Church
9:30 to 12:30 am
Easter Egg Hunt
at Ann Hucks’
house 11:00am
SCBC Band of Brothers at White Oak
WMU Spring
Meeting 5:30pm
Sunrise Service
WMU Bible Study
Brother hood
Upper Room
Andrea Johnson
Bridal Shower
Dorothea Long
Sewing Ministry
Trip to the Store
of Hope in
BCM Golf
ESL Class 6:00pm
WBA Quarterly
Meeting Living
Water Baptist
6:00pm meal and
7:00pm meeting
Page 4
Sarah Majewski &
Loren Morse
Street Reach 6:00
Upper Room
ESL Class 6:00pm
ESL Class 6:00pm
Upper Room
ESL Class 6:00pm
Craft and
Product Fair
9:30am to
Sallie Powell
Group 2:30pm
Upper Room
ESL Class 6:00pm
Mission Friends– after children’s
RAs, GAs, Acteens, &
Challengers– 7:00 pm
Discipleship Courses – 6:00 pm
Adult Choir meets 5:00pm
The Maple Messenger
Robert & Earline Edge
Sonny & Minnie Long
Sonny & Barbara Fullwood
Alex & Tammy Calder
Alan & Kelly Jordan
Parker High
Clark Stephens
Chestley Stevens
Melissa Boyd
Brenda Capps
Charlotte Thomas
Brian Roberts
Maggie Agle
Wedding Shower
David Norris
Andrea Johnson
Brad Skipper
Tommy Bennett
Estelle Norris
05 Raymond Hairston
12 Gene Abercrombie
19 Leroy Clewis
David Long
26 Price Todd, Jr.
Pam Blake
The Deacons meet the first
Sunday of each month at 8:30
David Long
Alex Calder
Ronnie Norris
Bonnie Todd
Ricky Blake
Steven Tompkins
Pattie Hairston
Easter Lilies
Jarrette Jacobs
Megan Harris
Placed in honor of Ella Mae Long’s
birthday by her children.
Brittney Anderson
The couple is registered at Curtains - n - Things and Target
Egg Hunt
Saturday, April 4,
Betty Causey
Maple Baptist Church
Fellowship Hall
April 7, 2015
between 7:00 and 8:30pm
A - B: Neil Allsbrook
C - Di: David Harris,
Do - Ha: Guy Majewski
He - Johnson (A-K): Gene Abercrombie
Johnson (L-Z) - Lee: Raymond Hairston
Lef - Norris (A-E): John Johnson
Norris (F-Z) - Ri: Leroy Clewis
Ro - Ta: Price Todd, Jr.
Te - Z: John Spearman
Home of Ann Hucks
4956 Boggy Road
Sonny Long
Bonnie Todd &
Elizabeth Calder
Ellis Spearman
Mary Beth
Bennett &
Katelyn Hucks
Kristi Bratcher &
Helen Stephens
Helen Hall
Tonya Todd
Paula Allen &
Taylor Stevens
Pam Allsbrook
Lance Stephens
Greg Faulk
Sylvia Dorman
Wilfred Benton
Ella Mae Long
Rachel Mason
Ryver West
Thank you to all those who volunteer in the nursery so
parents may attend the worship services. Questions about
the schedule? Call Helen Hall 488-4463
Bible Quiz Answer: D (See Genesis 28:10-19.)
Volume 27
Issue 4
Page 5
Maple Baptist Church
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Conway, South Carolina
4500 Highway 65
Conway, South Carolina 29526
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“Growing a Family of Faith”
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Maple Baptist
Rev. Gary Reeves
Music Director
Jacelyn Spearman
Julie Holliday
If you would you like to be removed from this mailing list, call 843-365-2627 or email
Ministry Opportunities
Deacons Meeting - 1st Sunday 8:30 am
RAs, GAs, Acteens, & Challengers– 7:00 pm
Mission Friend– after children’s sermon
Brotherhood Breakfast - 2nd 8:30 am
Church Council Meeting - TBA
Business Meeting - 2nd evening
The Lord’s Supper - 5th, Morning Worship
Discipleship Courses – 6:00 pm
Upper Room 7:00 pm
WMU Bible Study / Fellowship - 1st at 7:00pm
Street Reach Ministry - 2nd 6:00 pm
Sallie Powell Prayer Group Meeting - 3rd 2:30 pm
English as a Second Language - 6:00pm
Supper 6:15 pm
Youth Disciple Training 7:00 pm
Children’s Choir (G’s K-6) 7:00 pm
Young Adult Bible Study 7:00 pm
Prayer Service and Bible Study 7:15 pm
English as a Second Language - 6:00pm
Dorothea Long Sewing Ministry—1st at 8:30am
Curtains and Things has Maple
Baptist Church decorative tiles
on sale !
Design by Lon Calhoun
Large $18.00
Stop and smell
the Flowers!
Farmers Market
April 10 at
Small $10.00
Lunch at Red Bone Alley
All proceeds go toward the
building fund.
For more information call Joyce
Moran or Joanne Morris.