THE Pointer GROSSE POINTE’S MONTHLY MAGAZINE Since 1975 WWW.THEPOINTER.US August 2006 Dog Day of Summer August 19 157th Annual Highland Games August 5 New column “Teen Tempo” by Marisa Krueger Trip Tips from Leontine Check out our web site for past issues www.thepointer.us Dog Day of Summer will be held at the Children’s Home of Detroit on August 19, from 1-3pm. Above are winners of the 2005 Longest Tail contest. First place Alex with owner Judy Murray, second place Sandy, owned by Mary Pargsigan and third place is Nikki, owned by Hannah Hodges. See page 3 for details. Pointer News www.thepointer.us Make Waterfront Living a Reality! Starting in the Mid $300’s Entertain me Nightly nt Celebrating 12 Years Only True Waterfront Restaurant in St. Clair Shores R • • • • • • • • • E • S I • • D • E • N • C • E • S Located in St. Clair Shores in the Miller Marina Convenience of mooring a boat in your front yard Fabulous views of Lake St. Clair Multiple golf courses and sports activities nearby Secure gated community Semi-private elevators to each home The Jewel Private pool and garden area of the Eloquently appointed lobby, Nautical club room and common areas See Our Prototype at Miller Marina Noon - 5:00 PM Seven Days a Week Mile! For More Information (586)773-8080 www.yachtharborhome.com August 2006 - 2 We’re Singin’ the Blues Every Wednesday Join us on Wednesdays and Enjoy Some of the Area’s Most Talented Musicians Great Food Specials Open Year Round for Your Dining Pleasure COMPLIMENTARY APPETIZER OR DESSERT WITH THE PURCHASE OF AN ENTREE Coupon Must be Presented With Order • Not Valid Friday or Saturday Valid For One Appetizer or Dessert Only • Offer Expires December 1, 2006 24214 E. Jefferson • St. Clair Shores Between 9 & 10 on the Nautical Mile 586-445-8080 www.jackswaterfront.com www.thepointer.us GP Theatre event raises $15,000 A Theatrical Affair, Afternoon Tea presented by The Grosse Pointe Theatre on June 25 at the Grosse Pointe War Memorial, received rave reviews from the sold-out audience and raised $15,000. Of the $15,000 raised, $12,000 will complete the theatre group’s $50,000 pledge for the Grosse Pointe War memorial’s Access for All Elevator Project and the additional money will go toward repairing stage curtains in the auditorium. For more information on the theatre, call (313) 881-4004 or go to www.gpt.org. DOES YOUR HOME NEED A LITTLE R & R? Summer is the time to Redo & Renew Reupholster & Redecorate Refresh & Refurbish ...any room in your house! PHOTOGRAPH BY PATRICIA A. ELLIS The tea featured elegant table decor, a fashion show with period costumes, musical entertainment, champagne, lunch, raffle items and silent auction items. Pointer News Pictured are Ginger Keena Hupp (l), who organized the costumes for the GP Theatre’s fashion show, and Kathy Conlon, chair of the 2005-6 teas, who created the concept for the elegant affair. Window Shopping At Its Best Since 1922 Families, Friends and Dogs Wanted Dog Day of Summer - “Every dog has its day” and the Children’s Home of Detroit (CHD) - Michigan’s oldest and a leading provider of specialized mental health residential treatment services for children since 1836 - will host a fun filled day of activities for all dogs and their families on August 19, from 1 to 3 pm. at the Children’s Home of Detroit, 900 Cook Road, GP Woods. The event will include a doggie parade (at 2 pm.), pet adoptions and dog contests with awards for best costume, longest tail, friendliest and owner/pet look-a-like. There will also be an “Ask the Vet” booth, bake sale, dog agility demonstration, doggie bags, ice cream, keepsake photos and moonwalk. Soroptimist International of Grosse Pointe and Grosse Pointe Animal Adoption Society (GPAAS) will host the event. The entry fee is $10 per dog and family and friends are free. All proceeds will benefit CHD’s Youth Assistance Services. For more information go to www. gpaas.org or call GPAAS at (313) 8841551. © ® WEST PARK FARMERS MARKET GOOD OLD FASHIONED CORN ROAST AND BBQ Saturday, August 26 11:00 AM-2:00 PM Kercheval & Lakepointe • Grosse Pointe Park 19599 Mack Avenue Grosse Pointe Woods (313) 882-9711 BACK TO SCHOOL EYE EXAM $ 4500 SAVE $20.00 Farm Fresh Michigan Corn and Specialty Butters Sweet Summer Music With a New Live Band All of Our Other Great Vendors Will be There Too! MARKET IS OPEN EVERY SATURDAY 9:00 AM-2:00 PM THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30 For Further Information and Vendor Inquiries 313-822-2812 ext. 300 www.grossepointepark.org Valid for children ages 18 & younger. With coupon. Expires 8/31/06 August 2006 - 3 Pointer News www.thepointer.us You’ve Got to Know the Numbers Contest You might have won! Twenty winners have been selected in the “You’ve Got to Know the Numbers Contest” in last month’s Pointer. Renaissance Festival tickets will be mailed out to the winners shortly. Watch the mail to see if you’re a winner, compliments of The The Pointer GROSSE POINTES’ MONTHLY MAGAZINE Since 1975 P.O. Box 36429, Grosse Pointe, MI 48236 Phone - (313) 884-3444 Fax - (313) 882-8558 pointermagazine@sbcglobal.net PUBLICATION DATE - AUGUST 1, 2006 PUBLISHER / EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Lorie L. Johnson Calendar Editor - Cari Woday Advertising Sales - Donna Sobczak CONTRIBUTORS Leontine Cadieux • Anthony Fisher • Marisa Krueger • Dr. Alice Marczewski Terri Murphy • Pointe Dentistry • Hon. Matthew R. Rumora • Skip Uhl • Ken Welch Printed by Michigan Web Press (248) 620-2990 www.thepointer.us Maintained by Communications Creative 313-884-3332 Home Delivery by The United States Postal Service Copyright by Murphy Media Group, LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the express written consent of the publisher. All materials received without a SASE are considered the property of The Pointer and will not be returned. The Pointer does not assume any responsibility for unsolicited material. August 2006 - 4 COMO’S COLLISION Ov e of Sr 20 ye Cu atisfi ars sto ed me rs Lifetime Workmanship Guarantee! SERVICING ALL INSURANCE COMPANIES Guaranteed Quality Work • Complete Collision Repair & Refinishing Auto-Theft & Recovery • Utilizing the Latest State of the Art Equipment Certified Technicians • Towing Service Available FREE LOANER CARS PICK-UP AND DELIVERY 22015 Mack Avenue, between 8-9 Mile • St. Clair Shores (586) 771-5757 Pointer News www.thepointer.us EXERCISE YOUR OPTIONS BY KEN WELCH Work out, because you can! Well, I hope all is going well for your summer. I can’t believe it’s almost over. Before we get into September and the home stretch of 2006, I’d like to thank all of you who have responded to this article. It’s been fun and a nice surprise to see how many of you have been reading, your feedback has been appreciated. As you know we’ve been covering ways to think about exercise and training in an effort to motivate you into getting over the hurdle of procrastination and as the ad says, “Just do it!” In thumbing through this months issue of Glamor magazine (there’s a lot to learn in there), I ran across something pretty astounding and something that probably summed up the number one reason why we all should work out. The news brief about interesting people in the front of the magazine had to do with a 42-year-old, British woman who has incurable breast cancer. She was told she had six months to live...six years ago. Since receiving that diagnoses, some of Jane’s highlights include completing a full Ironman triathlon, two half-ironmans, the London marathon three times, the New York Marathon and three London Triathlons all while on various medication regimes. She was recognized at the Sports- Choose insured & bonded professionals women of the Year twice, won a Great B r i t o n Award and voted the most Inspirational Women in Britain in 2003. She also has numerous awards for her charity work and raising money for cancer research. Remember, she was supposed to be dead back in 2000. Here is a person who personifies what training and a great attitude can do and the effect it can have on your life, including giving you more of it. To quote Jane, “No one can take this away. I’ve taken charge of my life, that’s liberating.” Thinking about this last summer month of August, you have the chance to develop some exercise momentum while it’s still warm before we get into the holidays (you know they’ll be here before you know it). If you’re still on the fence about getting going, think of Jane. If your body works and you’re in reasonable health, answer the question, “why work out?” with a simple answer; because you can. For more information on Jane and her story go to www.janesappeal.com. Celebrate the Dog Days of Summer & Retrieve Your Favorite Loaf. Fresh, award-winning breads that appeal to the best instincts in all of us. Our award-winning breads are baked from scratch, fresh everyday and hand-crafted by artisan bakers without additives or preservatives. Try the French Peasant loaf, whole grain breads, a crusty baguette or one of our daily specials. Check out our gourmet baked goods for your dog. Ken Welch owns Pointe Fitness & Training Center, 19556 Harper, Harper Woods (313) 417-9666. EDP, Inc. European Style Cleaning For all your home or office needs • personal laundry and ironing • errands • property management • special events & more Over 20 years local experience (313) 884-0721 20542 Harper Ave., Suite 100 • Harper Woods, MI 48225 www.edpfacilityservices.com 19487 Mack Avenue Grosse Pointe Woods (313) 417-0648 Monday - Saturday 7 am - 6 pm · Closed Sundays DOUBLE DOG PUNCHES EVERY TUESDAY & THURSDAY Get double punches on your frequency card during August. August 2006 - 5 Pointer News www.thepointer.us ASK THE DENTIST BY PATRICK G. LATCHAM, D.D.S, FAGD Are mercury fillings safe? This question remains un-answered despite many reports, are currently taking steps to outlaw many which seem to contradict. In amalgam. More information can be the current issue of BottomLine Per- found at HeartlandHealing.com. sonal, Dr. Mark Stengler warns: Ask your dentist if any of your “Studies at the University of Cal- fillings warrant replacement. Apgary have found that mercury va- propriate replacement of silver fillpor from fillings enters the body ings with composite, porcelain or and may cause brain-cell degra- gold restorations will assure you of dation and immune suppression, mercury-free restorations. I have among other problems.” not placed a silver-mercury amalThe article recommends you ask gam for over 10 years. I find propyour dentist for mercury-free white erly rendered composite, porcelain composite fillings, and try to have and gold restorations will provide a existing amalgam restorations re- better prognosis for any tooth, besides the mercury-free benefit. placed over time. Mercury fillings have already been banned in Sweden, Austria and Germany since year 2000. Norway, Denmark, Finland and Canada Village Jewelry & Repair Offering an Exceptional Selection of Jewelry & Gifts If you have a question for Pointe Family Dentistry’s “Ask the Dentist”, please send it to The Pointer, P.O. Box 36429, Grosse Pointe, MI 48236. To make an appointment with Pointe Family Dentistry, call (313)881-2480. Specializing in Custom Jewelry & Watch Repair ALL JEWELRY REPAIR IN-HOUSE 16849 Kercheval, Grosse Pointe Enter Through Cavanaugh’s Rear Vestibule (313) 881-4800 Monday - Friday 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM Saturday 10:00 AM - 3:30 PM 157th annual Highland Games, August 4 and 5 The St. Andrew’s Society of Detroit is celebrating the 157th anniversary of its annual Highland Games, the longest running Scottish festival of its kind in all of North America visited by people of all heritages throughout the U.S. and Canada. St. Andrew’s Society of Detroit is an all-volunteer benevolent organization which produces the Highland Games. This year’s events include a Ceilidh (Pronounced Kay-Lee) on Friday, August 4, from 5:30 to 11 pm., and the Highland Games on Saturday, August 5, from 9 am to 5 pm., all at Historic Greenmead Village in Livonia near the intersection of Newburgh and Eight Mile roads. August 2006 - 6 This year’s games will feature a delightful combination of Scottish history, pageantry, athleticism and good old-fashioned Celtic fun. Some of the many scheduled activities include: • Bagpipe bands competitions • Solo bagpipe competitions • Drum major and drumming competition • Parade of clans from across the country • Highland dance competition • Heavy athletics invitational • Celtic fiddle demonstrations • Wee Bairn’s Games for children ages 4-11 • Time With Jean - songs and stories for kids • Scottish food vendors and Celtic crafts/gifts • Two entertainment tents • Genealogy and clan tents • A display of animals native to Scotland Ticket prices for the Highland Games are $10 in advance or $15 at the gate, with free admission to children 12 and under. Tickets for the Ceilidh are $15 and must be purchased in advance. Tickets can be purchased through the St. Andrew’s Society of Detroit web site www. highlandgames.com, the SAS office by calling (248) 593-5064, or at Greenmead, (248) 477-7375. Park Winery and Home Brew Supply LICENSED SMALL WINE MAKER Summer Sale Ends August 31 Get in on the Summer Sale and start your Christmas Shopping early! This is a great time to reserve your Holiday wines Quality at an affordable price. Wine Tasting every Friday night 6-8pm $5.00 for wine, light hor's douvres and fun! 15230 Charlevoix, Grosse Pointe Park, MI 48230 313-821-WINE Tuesday thru Thursday 12:00 PM - 7:00 PM Friday 12:00 PM - 8:00 PM Saturday 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM Sunday by Appointment Only www.thepointer.us Pointer News Trip Tips BY LEONTINE CADIEUX Wayne County Commissioner Christopher Cavanagh presented SOC Executive Director Sharon Maier (center) with a resolution honoring her for her work with SOC. Also in attendance at the presentation was SOC President Cathy Champion (left). Wayne County commissioners honor SOC director The County of Wayne recently passed a resolution honoring Sharon Maier, Services for Older Citizens (SOC) executive director, for her commitment to older citizens and dedication to building programs and services that meet the needs of the seniors of the Grosse Pointes and Harper Woods. The resolution read in part ...”therefore be it resolved, that the Wayne County Commission salutes and commends Sharon Maier for establishing such a remarkable reputation for her boundless commitment to senior citizens.” Full Remodeling & Design Services Highest Quality - Best Value We can turn your design dreams into reality Specialists in Additions • Sunrooms Dormers • Kitchens • Baths Windows • Siding • Doors Handyman Services Available Personal Attention Professional Service Licensed • Insured Mon-Fri 8:30-5pm Sat 10-3pm Evenings ByAppointment kopkehome.com Serving the Grosse Pointes for 13 Years 29325 Harper Avenue (S of 12 Mile) St. Clair Shores (586) 777-6633 Decisions, decisions, decisions -- that is what everyone thinking about a trip faces. Where shall I go? When shall I go? With whom shall I go? Shall it be alone or in a group. How long shall I be gone? Will I stay in one place or travel about? Where shall I stay? Will I fly, drive, take the train or boat? These are but a few of the decisions facing you, but perhaps the key to the next decisions. recommended by someone whose tastes are similar to yours and who has been to the place recently. Names of their friends you might contact are also handy. Deciding about clothes can pose a big problem, but following two simple rules can solve everything. Take half the clothes and twice the money you had planned on taking. Second, if you are not going to wear an item three times, leave it home. items you buy, a good book, a deck of cards, a sewing kit, a pocket knife, a bar of your favorite soap, and waterless hand sanitizer. A votive candle might prove invaluable in an emergency provided of course that you remembered to bring a book of matches. For men, an electric razor and an adapter are musts, as are a navy blazer and gray flannel slacks. Many people recommend having a cell phone, a transistor radio with extra batteries, a flashlight and an alarm No deciclock. Many sion has to hotels do be made renot provide garding havwashcloths ing at least so having your one credit card, own with you is your ATM card, a good idea, as is your passport, your having a flat rubber glasses -- regular, readsink or tub stopper. Some ing, sun, your prescriptions, your would not think of travel without emergency phone numbers and a a camcorder and a camera, digital list of your allergies. or other. It is important too to have a copy A few extra items to slip into of your passport and everything your suitcase are a bunch of indiin your wallet in your suitcase or vidual Kleenex packs, Pepto Biswith your traveling companion. mol, band aids, liquid bandage, Loss of a wallet or passport is a scotch tape, extra ziplock bags, real possibility. bubble wrap to protect any fragile Other valuable suggestions are to take two pairs of slacks and an assortment of blouses, each in a separate ziplock bag, good walking shoes, a raincoat and rain hat. One final tip for the journey is to make a list of everything you wish to take, as you pack, check the item off. Keep that list at home so that if the luggage is lost, Make three copies of your itin- you can submit a complete claim erary -- keep one with you, one in to your insurance agent. your purse and one with a relative All of the above are merely sugor friend at home. Bring your ad- gestions offered by the many travdress book with you, a notebook elers who were interviewed. Deto jot down impressions and ad- pending on when, where, how and dresses of new friends you make what you will be doing, you may in your travels, a small pad and a want to follow none, some or all of handful of ballpoint pens. them -- the decision is yours. Leontine Cadieux is a Grosse Pointe resiBefore you go, it is fun to comdent and free-lance writer for The Pointer. pile your own guide with places August 2006 - 7 Pointer News www.thepointer.us Pointes of Nature PHOTOGRAPH BY BILL RAPAI BY BILL RAPAI, PRESIDENT GROSSE POINTE AUDUBON SOCIETY Dutch Carillonneur Concert Cicada Serenade On most days around my house, I have a tough time being heard. That’s because this dad is surrounded by girls who chatter on incessantly for no good reason about nothing in particular. The noise can be overwhelming. Which is why I love cicadas. The presence of a cicada makes a summer dinner on the patio so much more pleasant. None of my girls say much because they can’t be heard above the din coming from the silver maple right above the table. Specifically it’s a male cicada making all that noise, and he’s calling for a mate. Believe it or not, that drone you hear is a love song. I know some people might compare it to something by Kenny G., but it’s sweet music to my ears. The singing started in early July and will continue until the first frost. The male cicada has a special structure on its abdomen called a tymbal, which is capable of producing sound at nearly 90 decibels, giving the species the honor of being the loudest insect in the world. While that’s considerably short of a Who concert, it’s still about as loud as your lawnmower. Cicadas are found worldwide in temperate and tropical climates and on every continent except Antarctica, and both ancient Greek and the Chinese cultures revered them. There are 10 cicada species in Michigan – one of which is found only in southwestern Michigan and another is a periodical species that will re-appear in our state August 2006 - 8 on its regular cycle in 2007. One more species prefers oak trees in sandy areas. That leaves seven species hanging around in your yard, raising a racket. Want to know exactly which species you have? The University of Michigan’s Museum of Zoology has an excellent website where you can deduce the exact species by listening to recorded cicada songs. It’s at: http:// www.ummz.lsa.umich.edu/magicicada/Michigan/Index.html. The life cycle of a cicada is pretty simple: Hatch from an egg as a nymph, crawl into the ground and live for two or three years sucking on tree roots, crawl out of the ground, molt (which is what the cicada in the photo has just done), fly to the top of a tree and start looking for a mate. After mating the female cuts a slit in a tree branch and deposits her eggs. After the branch dies it falls to the ground and the nymphs crawl into the soil. That is unless you are a periodical cicada. If you’re one of those, expect to spend 13 or 17 years of your life underground and then emerge en mass. Because of this synchronous behavior, cicadas are often confused with locusts, which are really just a grasshopper. So, now that I’ve told you all about the male cicada, you’re probably wondering – do female cicadas make any sounds? Not really. In some species they make a clicking noise with their wings, but for the most part the females are silent. If only that were true around my house! Christ Church Grosse Pointe is hosting a concert by Dutch carillonneur Roy Kroezen on Sunday, August 13, at 12 noon. The concert is free and open to the community. Concert seating will be on the front lawn of the church, 61 Grosse Pointe Blvd, Grosse Pointe Farms. Guests are invited to bring a blanket and picnic lunch. (In case of inclement weather, seating will be moved into the Cloister. The doors and windows can be opened to hear the bells.) Kroezen (born 1967), studied organ at the Arnhem Conservatory. He studied carillon with professor Bernard Winsemius (diploma 1996), Geert D’hollander and currently studies carillon at the Leuven Lemmens Institute (Belgium) with Carl van Eyndhoven for a Master degree carillon diploma. His concert at Christ Church includes an appealing mix of classical and contemporary music including pieces by Bach, Mozart, Gershwin and Scott Joplin. For information, call Christ Church at (313) 885-4841. www.thepointer.us Pointer News Learning to Play It Safe Around Electricity DTE Energy Instructor Meghan Robertson and Louie the Lightning Bug, DTE Energy’s safety mascot, recently paid a visit to the Safety Town program at Barnes Elementary School. Miles Engstrom, Cameron Smolen, Abigail Carolan and Alexander Saurbier listened carefully as Robertson and Louie shared important rules for staying safe around electricity. Offered by the Grosse Pointe Public Schools’ Department of Community Education, Safety Town teaches children ages 4 to 6 safety and citizenship lessons. The presentation by Robertson and Louie was spon- Gifts 85 Kercheval on-the-Hill • GPF 313-884-4422 HALLOWEEN IN AUGUST 20% Off All Halloween Items Halloween Jewelry, Decorations, Cards, Figurines, Dishes, Ornaments, Wall Plaques and More Select Dept 56 Halloween Buildings up to 50% Off P.S. We Have Assorted Christmas Items on Sale Too! Grosse Pointe’s Crocs Headquarter The Perfect Palette sored by the DTE Energy Foundation as part of a partnership with Eastern Michigan University’s Communications and Theatre Arts department. Robertson and Nick Burden, who played Louie, are EMU students. ® Expert advice on choosing the perfect paint colors for every room of your beautiful home Whether you‛re a do-it-yourselfer or planning on hiring professional contractors, The Perfect Palette ® has years in the decorative painting field to advise you on getting past the difficult part of choosing colors to enhance and compliment every room in your home! We consult in your home. We get an idea of your personal taste, your home decor and the space you have to work with. The Perfect Palette ® ~Color Expert Consultant~ for in home consultation call 586-465-8105 August 2006 - 9 Pointer News www.thepointer.us TEEN TEMPO BY MARISA KRUEGER Back to School Fashion Fun The school year is fast approaching, and it is of the utmost importance to be prepared, especially when it comes to your wardrobe. Must haves for this season include “skinny” jeans and gold, bohemian-inspired jewelry. The peasant look is out and many vintage styles are coming back. Oversized hobos and bags along with retro belts paired with empire-waisted baby doll shirts and dresses are extremely popular. Long tanks and peep toe heels continue to be the craze. In order to be up to date on the latest fashion trends, always remember dressing classy is definitely the way to go this fall. Nude colors along with blacks and browns should be included in any back to school purchases. To add an international flare to your attire, include a Japanese inspired kimono top or even a dress. For a more conservative look, gaucho pants matched with stiletto boots or a flowy kneelength skirt paired with neutral flats is definitely in. With all these pointers, you’ll be sure to have a head start when looking for new additions to your fall wardrobe. S t a y Fabulous! M a r i s a Krueger is a Grosse Pointe resident and an incoming junior at Grosse Pointe South High School. "The Prescription for Damaged Furniture" E-mail: drfrank01@comcast.net Tired of Your Kitchen Cabinets? We can refinish your kitchen cabinets for a fraction of the cost of refacing or replacing. If you have a need for our services, please call us for a FREE ESTIMATE. Strip & Finish Before Kitchen Cabinets / Refinish or Color Change • Scratches Moving Damage • Pet Damage Fading • Reglue Joints Interior Woodwork • Exterior Doors After $200 Off Any Kitchen Cabinets Refinishing over $2000 Not to be combined with any other discount. CALL US TODAY! 313-881-2926 August 2006 - 10 Pointer News www.thepointer.us WINE AND DINE www.pointefitness.com BY SKIP UHL Finding Just the Right Wine A customer recently asked me if there is a wine that would go with any dish. Sort of a universal, onesize-fits-all beverage that could compliment any food. I know of only one beverage that would qualify...water. I am, however in the wine business and frankly, I find water rather boring. When it comes to paring wine and food, I try to keep it simple. There are many good books and magazines that address wine and food, and some basic knowledge of wine makes choosing the right wine more enjoyable. That is not to say one must become an expert overnight. Perhaps there is a wine you especially like. Try matching it with different dishes and see how it stacks up. Break some rules, experiment, try the unusual. Trial and error FOR ALL YOUR HOME ’ S ELECTRICAL NEEDS is an excellent way to learn. In addition to that favorite wine you always buy, pick up something you have never had before and experiment. That’s half the fun of the wine experience. One thing you should do is maintain a wine log. It might be something as simple as a spiral notebook where you can make a list of wines you have tried and your reaction to each. Invite friends for an informal wine tasting where each guest brings a bottle to taste and compare notes. At our weekly Friday night wine tasting, we encourage our patrons to keep an open mind and try something different. There is more to life than Chardonnay and Merlot. The most important thing is to have fun, learn, and enjoy life. Cheers. Skip Uhl is co-owner of Park Winery, 15230 Charlevoix, Grosse Pointe Park (313) 821-9463. Web site: www.parkwinery.com. OLDER HOME SPECIALISTS 19556 Harper • Harper Woods 313-417-9666 Life’s more fun when you’re in shape WE INVITE YOU TO JOIN US BRING IN THIS COUPON FOR A FREE GIFT WITH MEMBERSHIP Pointe Family Dentistry DIVERSIFIED EXCELLENCE IN DENTISTRY Patrick G. Latcham Paul S.VanWalleghem Tymon C.Totte James W. Cox DDS, FAGD DDS, FAGD, MAGD New Circuit Breaker Boxes • 220 Lines • Outdoor Plugs • Code Violations Security Lighting • Home Rewiring • Additions • Garages • Hot Tubs Wired Pools • Fans • Plugs • Lights • Switches • Subpanels • Meter Boxes • Cables Recessed Lighting • Troubleshooting UNIVERSAL ELECTRIC INC COMPETITIVELY PRICED • OWNER OPERATED • FREE ESTIMATES Toll-Free 1-866 FUSE-BOX or (586) 415-0153 Licensed • Insured • Professional • Roseville, MI DDS, FAGD DDS Whitening Cosmetic Dentistry Preventive Dentistry Braces • TMJ Treatment Implants • Gum Treatment Snoring / Sleep Apnea Appliances Computer Anesthesia • Extractions Root Canal • Crowns, Bridges, Dentures Children’s Dentistry • Sports Mouthguards (313) 881-2480 • Fax (313) 881-5068 18342 Mack Ave • Grosse Pointe Farms • MI 48236 Evening & Saturday appointments available August 2006 - 11 Pointer News www.thepointer.us IT’S THE LAW Special announcements and events BY THE HON. MATTHEW RUMORA Recent methamphetamine legislation Previous Legislation enacted in January, 2004, increased penalties for producing the illegal drug methamphetamine and contained provisions to prevent contamination caused by it’s production. a child to be exposed to or have contact with methamphetamine production. A new series of laws was enacted this year to deter methamphetamine production and other consequences. Within 24 hours after receiving this report, the department shall refer the report to the prosecuting attorney or begin an investigation of the child suspected of being abused or neglected. One provision of the law requires the local law enforcement agency to notify the local health department and department of community health within 48 hours of discovering an illegal drug manufacturing site with potential contamination of a property or building. Within 14 days after receiving this notice, the Department of Community Health shall review the information and make a determination if the premises are likely to be contaminated and whether it constitutes a hazard to the health or safety of it’s occupants. Once it’s determined that the premises are likely contaminated, an order is issued requiring the property to be vacated until the owner establishes the contamination has been eliminated. Another provision of the law requires law enforcement to refer to the department of social services evidence or a report of any individual responsible for the child’s health or welfare who allows Moreover, the attorney general may start a lawsuit against a person who develops or maintains a web site or page on a web site that gives instructions for the manufacture or creation of methamphetamine or information on how to obtain substances used for it’s manufacture. The court can bar the offender from continuing this activity, and can order damages both to compensate for the wrongdoing and to punish the offender, and can award attorney fees and costs against the offender. In conclusion, these laws are designed to address consequences resulting from the manufacture of this highly addictive and dangerous drug. Matthew R. Rumora is the Municipal Judge for the City of Grosse Pointe Farms and an attorney in private practice. Please call him at (586) 779-7767 for assistance. • Jennifer K. Mertz, D.D.S.,M.S. has announced the opening of her practice, Pointe Orthodontics, in Grosse Pointe Farms. Dr. Mertz’ practice specializes in all orthodontic services including appliance therapy, Invisalign and accelerated orthodontics. The practice is located between Cadieux and Moross at 18342 Mack Avenue, two doors from Village Market. She was raised in GP Park and is a graduate of GP South High School. Dr. Mertz received her Bachelor’s degree from U of M and is a graduate of the U of M School of Dentistry. She earned her certificate in Orthodontics and Masters of Science degree from U of D Mercy. She is a member of the American Association of Orthodontics. Dr. Mertz has extensive experience in cosmetic imaging, which can be utilized to give her patients the most beautiful smile possible. She is available for consultation by appointment at (313) 881-2480. • Looking for fun, exciting things to do this summer? Here’s an idea you might not have thought of; fly an airplane! Many flight schools around the country offer steeply discounted “introductory” flights -- typically for $49-$89, during which the prospective student will actually fly a plane with a certified flight instructor. Project Pilot, a program by the nonprofit Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) to recruit new pilots, has a list of schools along with answers to all your questions at its web site, www.projectpilot. org. It’s an experience you’ll never forget, and is as close as your local airport. • Comcast recognizes local students for community service and leadership. The Leaders and Achievers Scholarship Program awarded 30 Wayne County high school seniors with grants from The Comcast Foundation. Three students from the Grosse Pointe area have been recognized by the program with a $1,000 grant for their exemplary commitment to community service, leadership skills, positive attitude and academic achievement. Those Grosse Pointe students are: Peter Loy, GP Farms, De La Salle Collegiate High School in Warren; Marisa Geis, GP Park, Grosse Point South High School; Kara Miller, GP Woods, Grosse Point North High School. For more information on the Leaders and Achievers Scholarship Program and to view a list of this year¹s recipients, visit www. comcast.com/scholarships. • Marx Layne & Company names Adam Zielke account assistant. Marx Layne & Company-a full-service marketing and public relations agency, has named Adam Zielke account assistant. As account assistant, Zielke is responsible for supporting public relations strategies for clients in the automotive, environmental, real estate, financial, educational, retail and professional service industries. Prior to joining Marx Layne, Zielke served in a marketing post with The Grosse Pointe War Memorial. He graduated with honors from Wayne State University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in public relations. He resides in Grosse Pointe Woods. • Bournias launches new consulting company. George Bournias, formerly with The Second City and Olympia Entertainment Inc., announces the launching of his new company Biz Team Consulting of Grosse Pointe Woods, specializing in corporate entertainment, workshops, business improvisation training, event planning and marketing and communications. Bournias, 40, has more than 18 years of experience in all aspects of the marketing and communications business. For more information, contact Biz Team Consulting at (313) 808-1710 or visit www.bizteamconsulting.com • Glen Smiley, St. John Health Foundation, named President of Detroit Athletic Club. Glen Smiley, president, St. John Health Foundation and senior vice president, Philanthropy, St. John Health, was recently installed as president of the historic Detroit Athletic Club (DAC). In addition, Glen serves as a member of its board of directors. He resides in Grosse Pointe Farms with his wife Donna and daughter Kimberly. • U of M Dearborn announces Winter 2006 and Part-Time Fall 2005 Dean’s List. Seven Grosse Pointe students made the Dean’s List at U of M Dearborn. The students are Ryan Ash, Ramsay MacDonald, Mark Smith, Edmond Kotwick, Laura Wilton, Lindsay Wouczyna and Ian Kennedy. • Adrian College awarded two Grosse Pointe students at their annual honors awards ceremony. Grosse Pointe resident Robert Hanrahan, a senior, is a GP South High graduate. He was named to the Scholarship Cup in addition to receiving the Miles Peele Award (the highest department award). He was named an Alpha Chi Outstanding Scholar and received Scholastic Honors for maintaining a gpa between 3.75 and 4.0. Katherine Kilimas, a sophomore and GP North High School graduate was named to the Scholarship Cup for maintaining a gpa between 3.75 and 4.0. She also received the Mathmatics Dept. Award and scholastic honors for a gpa between 3.75 and 4.0. August 2006 - 12 www.thepointer.us PETS FOR POINTERS This month's featured pet is Abbey PET SENSE BY ALICE MARCZEWSKI DVM Vacationing with your pet We love our pets and there are many times we wish they could come with us on trips, visits and vacations. This may not always be the best idea. There are many things you need to consider. Try to answer these questions before you travel with your pet. Is your destination petappropriate? “ABBEY” Abbey is a 10-year-old female Lhasa Apso. She is very sweet, non shedding, housebroken, and would be best suited for an adult home as an only dog. Please contact GPAAS at (313) 884-1551 or www.GPAAS.org GPAAS holds adoptions every two weeks at The Children’s Home of Detroit The August adoption dates are Saturday, August 5 and 19, from 12 to 3 pm. The Pointer and GPAAS urge you to spay or neuter your pet. Pointe Family Dentistry DIVERSIFIED EXCELLENCE IN DENTISTRY We are Pleased to Welcome Jennifer K. Mertz, DDS, MS and Pointe Orthodontics Graduate, University of Michigan School of Dentistry Certificate in Orthodontics and Master of Science Degree, University of Detroit Mercy Versed in Cosmetic Imaging and invisalign© Member, American Association of Orthodontics Volunteer, Operation Smile Grosse Pointe Native Practice Limited to Orthodontics (313) 881-2480 • Fax (313) 881-5068 18342 Mack Ave • Grosse Pointe Farms • MI 48236 Evening & Saturday appointments available Pointer News Are pets welcome or even allowed? Are you going to be with your pet or will you have to leave him or her alone for many hours? Is the climate going to be tolerable for your pet? There are pet-friendly hotels, motels, resorts and airlines. All this information in available on the Internet. Unfortunately, not everyone loves our animals as much as we do. It is simply polite to find out if the folks you are visiting would enjoy your pet. What’s the point of taking your pet somewhere just to have him be locked up for hours in a strange location? transportation will likely not be an option if you have your pet with you. Is your pet healthy? Does he/she require medications, injections, special diet, movement or exercise restrictions? Can your pet withstand the rigors of travel? An old dog may not be able to walk the distances or terrain required on your vacation. There is absolutely no sense in taking along a pet whose condition may relapse. Is your pet friendly and calm? A pet that is aggressive, territorial, or frightened in new situations or with new people should simply not be exposed to the overwhelming stimuli on vacation. A dangerous scenario could quickly result. Only a friendly, calm pet should be imposed on fellow travelers. Barking, crying and screaming can ruin your vacation and others’ as well. Can you handle all that is reAre there requirements your quired of you and still enjoy pet must meet before being your vacation? allowed at your destination? Your pet is going to need to eat There are size restrictions in many places. Some require proof of vaccination, negative fecal tests and/or heartworm prevention. Make sure you check first so you won’t unexpectedly be turned away. Bring along health certificate, vaccine certificates and any lab results you may need to show. and drink, sleep, urinate and defecate. Will you have supplies to handle all that? In places where the water and/or food may be questionable you will have to pack enough for the pet. Human travelers frequently get diarrhea and other illnesses. What if your pet does, too? Emergencies for your pet may be Does your pet like to travel? stressful to handle and may be difThere are many pets that simply ficult. What if something happens prefer the comfort of home. Some to you? Do you have a contingency animals suffer greatly from anxi- plan for your pet? Use common sense. You wouldn’t ety and/or motion sickness. Will your pet be able to do and enjoy take your dog to Disney World and all the walking and other possible you wouldn’t take your cat canoeactivities you might be doing? How ing. If it is important to you to have will you transport your pet around your pet with you on vacation, plan with you at your destination? Will ahead and plan completely. you have to carry him/her a lot? Dr. Alice Marczewski is a partner with Dr. Will you just have to find a way to Timothy Schacht at Jefferson Veterinary Cendrive everywhere yourself? Public ter, 11300 East Jefferson Ave., Detroit. Phone (313) 822-2555. August 2006 - 13 Pointer News www.thepointer.us MARK YOUR CALENDAR CAREGIVING CONCERNS BY CARI WODAY BY TERRI MURPHY Edsel & Eleanor Ford House: Staff life on the estate. Tour behind the scenes! Aug. 5, at 2pm. Hear about the people who helped make the estate a home for the Ford family, and view the spaces where they lived and worked. Learn how to communicate, make decisions the house was run and by who. and resolve issues in a positive and The Secrets Behind the Paintings: Aug. helpful manner. 12, at 2pm. Hear the secret stories be• PROTECTOR - Stepping in and hind the great art of the Ford House, and taking charge when necessary to get a glimpse of paintings in the attic ensure the safety and well being of and basement not on display. a loved one. Cotswold Architecture: Aug. 26, 2pm. • PROVIDER - Providing assis- Explore the inner workings and learn tance when, due to physical or cog- about English Architectural styles. See nitive limitations, a loved one is how the Ford’s vision helped merge not able to care for him or herself. modern and antique architecture. Assistance often addresses the folModernism on the Cutting Edge: Aug. lowing type of needs: 29, 2pm. Edsel Ford was a trendsetter • EMOTIONAL - Listening and when it came to new American design. responding to concerns, providing See the result of his relationship with inencouragement and moral support, dustrial designer Walter Dorwin Teague, maintaining contact, and simply who designed the four show rooms. All being there for someone. events held at the Ford House, 1100 • FINANCIAL - Organizing bills, Lakeshore Rd. in GP Shores. For more writing checks, balancing the info, call (313) 884-4222 or visit fordcheckbook, and providing money house.org. to help cover expenses. GP High: Reunion for 1945-1948 on • PHYSICAL - Assisting with daiSept. 14 and 15. Please call Marilyn at ly living, including personal care, (313) 881-7808 to make reservations. household chores, meals, driving, medication, etc. Michigan Opera Theater: Tickets for • SPIRITUAL - Helping people 2006/2007, fall and spring opera sessions, as well as the Detroit Opera Housfind meaning and purpose in life. es 2006/2007 Daimler Chrysler Dance A lot of families are simply not series will be available in a special onable to provide the level of care deline only pre-sale, Mon, Aug. 14. Visit scribed above due to work, family michiganopera.org and find a secure, and community obligations. There user/friendly site. Patrons can even see is no reason why your loved one the view from individual seats as well as shouldn’t have this quality of care pre-pay for parking in the new Detroit in their lives. I feel privileged to Opera House Parking Center next to the serve many individuals and famivenue. Single tickets available at DOH lies and the trust that families put Ticket Office, 1526 Broadway Detroit, in us each day is heartfelt. There by phone, call (313) 237-SING, and at is nothing wrong with asking for all Ticketmaster outlets beginning Mon, “help” to ensure that the loved one Aug. 28. in your family is being well taken care of. What does caregiving entail? When you hear the word caregiving, what comes to mind? I find that many people underestimate what is involved in providing compassionate care. The type of support people most often think of includes personal care, general assistance, companionship, and help with transportation, meals and errands. In addition to performing tasks, caregivers also serve in many different roles. Some of the more common roles include: • ADVISOR - Offering recommendations to help a loved one identify potential challenges, talking about concerns, and considering alternatives that may help to maximize his or her independence and quality of life. • ADVOCATE - Looking out for a loved one’s best interests as an authorized agent (e.g. Power of Attorney), as a concerned family member or caregiver. Helping to ensure that the person you serve gets the information, care, support and treatment he or she needs and deserves. • COORDINATOR - Arranging for services (e.g. professional caregiving, physical therapy, lawn mowing/snow removal, heating/air conditioning repair, etc.), scheduling appointments and coordinating deliveries. • EVALUATOR - Assessing a loved one’s ability to live independently, handle his or her own personal care, manage medications, operate a motor vehicle and more. Also, identifying and evaluating programs and services that might be appropriate, and that best match a person’s needs and wishes. • MEDIATOR - Helping family members and others August 2006 - 14 Terri Murphy is an active community member and the owner of Home Helpers/Direct Link, which is the number one provider of non-medical personal care services in the country. Direct Link is a leading 24-hour Personal Emergency Monitoring Service. Contact Terri at (313) 881.4600. Please direct your submissions for the Pointer calendar to: Cari Woday, Calendar Editor, The Pointer, P.O. Box 36429, Grosse Pointe, MI 48236 -- or email to: pointermagazine@sbcglobal. net. Deadline is the 20th of each month. Services for Older Citizens: Summer garden tea party and fashion show, sponsored by The Sterling of GP- Sunrise Senior Living on Aug. 15 at 3pm. Reservations required (313) 882-9600. Located at 17150 Waterloo, GP. Children’s Home of Detroit: Champagne and Chrome Lets Ride 4 CHD Kids Kick Off Party. Fri, Aug. 18, 7-9:30pm. Wolverine Harley Davidson, Clinton Township. Only 250 tickets available. Observation Ride/Post Ride Event Sun, Aug. 27, 10:30am-noon. Register at Wolverine Harley Davidson. Noon-3pm, Observation Ride begins. 2-5pm Post Ride Event at CHD, open to the community, all proceeds benefit Wheels4Kids to help CHD purchase three, 12-15 passenger vans to transport children. More info, letsride4chdkids.org, or call (313) 417-3587. Center of Lifelong Learning for Older Adults: Computer camp 2006 fall program. No computer experience necessary! Camp counselors provide individual instruction and materials. Aug. 21- colorful notecards- gift enclosures. Aug. 22- magnetic photo frames, Aug. 23- personal business cards, return address labels. Light refreshments available, bring a bag lunch, $30/day. For more info, call (313) 886-1770. Detroit Institute of Arts: DIA presents 36th annual Fash-Bash fundraiser featuring hot new fashions by designer Elie Tahari, with the support of Saks 5th Ave. Evening includes strolling supper, live auction fashion show, entertainment and afterglow parties. For more info, call (313) 833 -6954. Make Mine a $Million Business Program: Helps women realize their dreams, Count Me In, a non-profit organization and OPEN forum have created the program. Taking applications until Sept. 29. Applicants with most promising growth plans will be invited to compete in New York Oct. 24, at the Manhattan Center Ball Room. Receive one-on-one mentoring, marketing assistance, a line of credit from OPEN, a loan from Count Me In, technology support from Cisco Systems and the opportunity to take part in QVC’s product search, and sell their products on the network. 20 awardees. Apply online at makemineamillion.org. Pointer News www.thepointer.us Unique Wall FX FOR A PROFESSIONAL AND PLEASANT REAL ESTATE EXPERIENCE ® Custom Faux Finishes Residential & Commercial ~insured~ A lifelong Grosse Pointe resident with a thorough knowledge of the market Maria Bonanni • Decorative Painter Mobile: 586-405-0689 Office: 586-465-8105 Call for your in-home consultation Contact me for a FREE, no obligation market analysis of your home “The Look Of Wallpaper, The Luxury of Personal Style” Whether you want to brighten the powder room or dramatically change the atmosphere of your great room...Faux Finishing is an alternate way to create a new mood. Making Real Estate Real Easy! STEPHEN PÁLFFY 74 Kercheval on “The Hill” 885.2000 CAFANA CLEANERS 17233 MACK AVENUE AT NOTRE DAME (313) 881-1224 7:30 AM TO 7 PM The beauty of faux opposed to wallpaper is the convenience of change. Many painting techniques can be changed when you desire a new look!! You can pick out that exact color to match a pillow, cornice boards, window treatments or carpeting. We are a small and personal company experienced in a multitude of techniques, with the advantage of one-on-one consultations at your convenience. MONDAYS $1.25 Shirts on hangers TUESDAYS 3 for 2 Sale with min. dry cleaning order of $10 Expires 8/24/06 We’ll dry-clean any 3 same priced items for the price of 2. YOU GET 1 FREE! WEDNESDAYS “Drop Trou Day” Expires 8/24/06 All Pants just $3.25! Expires 8/24/06 TUXEDO RENTAL & SALES Check Us Out. For the BEST in Prices & Service. * Ask about our Wedding Specials. August 2006 - 15 Pointer News www.thepointer.us BOSE JAMO PANASONIC JVC HARMAN KARDON SHARP AQUOS SAMSUNG ONKYO KENWOOD B B O O S S E E J J SALES SERVICE A A Sale Ends August 31, 2006 M M O O P P 12 Month Financing Available--No Interest--See Store For Details A A N N JVC DVD DIGITAL THEATER JVC 52" REAR PROJECTION D-ILA HDTV A SAMSUNG 40" HD LCD TV A LN-S4092D SYSTEM HD52G786 S S S-PVA LCD panel TH-C5 Exclusive three color (1280x720) O 16:9 aspect ratio O 5-disc changer chip technology N 1366x768 pixels N DVD-Audio/Video system 4th generation D>I>S>T> 1002 watt Mega Power 8 ms ultra-fast pixel response I I w/Genessa 720p Plays DVD-Audio/Video, DVD-RAM-RW,DVD-R ATSC/CableCARD HDTV C 5000:1 contrast ratio C (video format),CD,CD-R/RW,SVCD/VCD, 178x178 viewing angle Motion adaptive DGC MP3/WMA/JPEG Digital Still (CD-R/RW/DVD-R/RW) J J Upconverts non-HD signals (768p) 5 point color management system Digital direct progressive scan V V New $500 INSTANT CASH DISCOUNT C C Model FINAL COST $1999 SALE H H A A R JAMO SPEAKER SYSTEM R M M RXD-201 A 320PDD.3 A 100 watts per channel, 4 satellites,center N and subwoofer N 6 ohms Dolby Digital EX, Dolby Digital, K Subwoofer w/100w K Dolby Pro Logic IIx, A amplifier A Dolby Pro Logic II DTS/DTS-ES/DTS NEO:6/DTS 96 2 Hybrid R Two-way oofer and tweeter R feedback digital amplifier D Rounder profile design D Ver III USB input O O N N SALE S S H H NEW MODEL SAMSUNG 42" PLASMA HDTV SAMSUNG DVD PLAYER / VCR A ONKYO RECEIVER A HP-S4253 TX-SR 573 DVD-V5650 R 75 watts x 7 R DNIe enhancement circuitry 4 head Hi-Fi VCR P Full bandwidth rated P Integrated ATSC tuner DivX compatible Produces over 549 billion colors 10 in 2 memory card slot A Dolby Digital EX, A 1024x768 resolution DTS-ES,Pro Logic IIx Progressive scan output Q Q 175d viewing angle MP3, JPEG, WMA Satellite ready U XM U 10,000:1 contrast ration playback O Multibrand remote O 3D Y/C digital comb filter S S $ $ $ S S A A M M JVC 26" HDTV LCD TV MONITOR SAMSUNG 23" LCD HDTV S NEW MODEL SAMSUNG 32" LCD HDTV S LT26X576 LN-S2352W U LN-S3251D U 800:1 contrast ratio 3000:1 dynamic contrast N Integrated ATSC tuner N 500 cd/m2 and 170 degree 16:9 aspect ration 170 deg viewing angle G 1366x768 pixels G viewing angle SRS TruSurround XT 480i,480p,720p,1080i O 4000:1 contrast ratio O signals accepted 3.2 billion life-like colors N N 16:9 aspect ratio PC compatible K K W-XGA (1366x768) screen VESA compatible Digital 5 Point color management Y Y O $ O $ $ K K E E N N W W O O O O 20746 Mack & Vernier (Next to Big Boy’s) GPW D D BOSE JAMO PANASONIC JVC HARMAN KARDON SHARP AQUOS SAMSUNG ONKYO KENWOOD AMJ ELECTRONICS SALE Custom Home Theater Design & Installation SALE $2699 SALE $2499 SALE $499 LET US TRANSFER YOUR HOME MOVIES AND TAPES TO DVD FORMAT SALE 279 SALE August 2006 - 16 JVC RECEIVER 199 $ 2499 SALE 119 949 SALE 749 SALE 1599 399 $ SALE 313-882-8540
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