Richard Chronicle - Grosse Pointe Public School System


Richard Chronicle - Grosse Pointe Public School System
September 2012
Richard Chronicle
Mary MacDonald-Barrett, Principal
Dates to
Sept. 18th
PTO Meeting, Library, 7
PM. Everyone welcome!
Sept. 20th
PTO Family Fun Night
Pasta Dinner, 5—7:30 PM
See attached flyer.
Oct. 1st
School Wide Assembly
Jim “Basketball” Jones
Oct. 3rd
Count Day
Partnership for Different
Learners Meeting, 7 PM
Oct. 17th
PTO Meeting, Library, 7
PM. Please join us.
Oct. 25th
Picture Re-Take Day
Oct. 31st
Halloween—1/2 day of
school, dismissal at 11:36
Yes, there is Kid’s Club!
Letter from the Principal
Dear Père Gabriel Richard Families and Friends,
Welcome to the 2012-13 school year at Père Gabriel Richard School! We welcomed many new students to our school in addition to our kindergarteners who
will be our class of 2018 at Richard and will graduate from high school in 2025.
We are off to a great beginning and our students are busy learning each day, continuing to focus on our school improvement goals of increasing achievement in
the areas of reading, writing, and mathematics.
I am so proud to be a part of Richard School for another great year. Our Back-toSchool night was a big success. Our school has a tradition of excellence and,
working together, we continue to do our best for our remarkable students. We
have a dedicated staff of teachers who work hard to teach a challenging curriculum. Parents are an important part of our learning community and your support,
involvement, suggestions, and ideas are essential for our students’ learning.
Open communication between school and home helps everyone work together
and succeed. We have a great team!
Our school website: continues to be
updated and has quite a bit of useful information. Our Annual report (PA 25) has
been added recently. Click on the Annual Reports link. Our district has new report cards this year for grades K-5. They are available for parents to view now.
Please take time to read these important documents.
Mary MacDonald-Barrett, Principal
Ricky Raccoon welcomes students
back to school Sept.
4th. The children
were thrilled to see
our school mascot
and are happy to be
back in the building.
Attention parents:
The G. P. Farms police
are ticketing parked
cars and asking parents in cars to move
along when dropping
off students.
The front of our building on McKinley is a
“drop off” only area.
Note: The police are
issuing tickets.
You have been
Pere Gabriel Richard Elementary School.176 McKinley. Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236. 313-432-4900. ATTENDANCE Line 313-432-4901
Partnership for Different Learners
A group to empower parents whose child or children receive an IEP
or 504 services in the Grosse Pointe Public Schools
Or for anybody who wants to be more engaged in their student’s education process
Join us for our 2012/13 kick-off meeting:
Wednesday October 3rd, 2012 7:00 p.m.
Barnes School Gym
This will be an informal meeting. We will discuss our goals for the upcoming year and
everyone will have a chance to share ideas and catch-up with one another
Free childcare will be available, courtesy of Judson Center
Partnership for Different Learners (PDL) Mission Statement: “To be the voice of and a
resource to parents of children with diverse needs in the Grosse Pointe Schools.”
• This is a parent-driven group. We need your help to make it a success; whether you attend one meeting
per year or every one. All ideas are welcome and needed
• We will collaborate with Director of Student Services, Deborah Jackson, and other staff and
administrators to address the needs of our children
•Meetings to be held approximately every other month, minutes will be posted online (see address below)
•Future meetings will include range of topics: IEPs, advocacy, transitioning to middle and/or high school,
curriculum, understanding your child’s legal educational rights, summer activities and more -> Our District -> Departments -> Student Services and Special Education
(There’s a link for the Partnership for Different Learners, plus other great contact information)
Visit our parents-only Facebook Page: Grosse Pointe Partnership for Different Learners
(It’s a great way to reach out to each other)
Meeting dates 2012/13 school year, all at 7 p.m. in the Barnes School Gym
Wednesday October 3rd, 2012 • Thursday November 29th, 2012
Wednesday January 9th, 2013 • Thursday March 14th, 2013
Wednesday May 8th, 2013
contact Michele Lynch for more info at
Mama Mia! Save the Date!
Richard Elementary PTO presents...
Italian Family Dinner Night
Thursday, September 20th, 2012
5:00 - 7:30 PM
Richard Gym
Please join us for pasta, salad and more!
$7 a plate
Come Hungry, Bring your Family, and Support
your School!
Green School Update
As part of the MI state requirements reached to obtain MI GREEN SCHOOL status
the Richard PTO sponsored an adoption at The Detroit Zoo. The A.D.O.P.T.S
program stands for:
The program is based on Celebrating and Saving wildlife of endangered species
from around the world and after careful deliberation we chose the Warthog!
Richard’s symbolic adoption of the Warthog also allows us to be listed as
“Champions of Wildlife” on the A.D.O.P.T.S honor roll of giving found on the
Detroit Zoo’s website .
The only problem is our Warthog needs a name! The PTO will be sponsoring a
“name the adopted Warthog” contest for the kids on Oct.21 at Richard’s annual
Pumpkinfest. The winner will be able to share our plush version of the Warthog
with his/her class for a month of classroom fun and be honored with a prize from
the Detroit Zoo.
Visit the schools adopted Warthog this Thursday at Back to School Night to
receive more information on this important initiative.