...a brand new baby and child shopping experience 2 Welcome to Grand Baby Grand Baby and its representatives sell ranges of traditional and original baby and child products sourced from quality suppliers. To support quality innovation, entrepreneurship, local, ethical green fair trade and traditional suppliers Grand Baby chooses its products from companies who meet one or more of the following criteria: Produce traditional products or use traditional methods Use environmentally friendly, natural, fair-trade or organic materials or methods Manufacture in the UK or ethically source/support overseas manufacturing Are innovative and original or are a new business venture Have a high quality or highly practical product or range We are introducing new lines all the time ² ask your representative for details, visit our website RU FDOO RU HPDLO XV ZH·UH DOZD\V KDSS\ WR KHOS The best way to see more of what Grand Baby can offer is to talk to your representative or gather a few friends or relatives at home and host a Grand Baby party where we can bring along products and tell you more, we are happy to consult with you on your individual requirements too. How to place an Order: Complete an order form and hand it back to your Grand Baby representative or party planner. Or ,I \RX GRQ·W KDYH D *UDQG %DE\ UHSUHVHQWDWLYH RU SDUW\ SODQQHU \RX FDQ RUGHU RQOLQH DW call us on 0845 3704470 with your order, or email us at Payment Payment must be on order. Delivery If you are ordering via a representative they will arrange delivery of your items with you. Standard UK delivery is free *excluding items ordered from the Flower Stork range which carry a delivery charge of SHU RUGHU DV WKH\ DUH VHQW GLUHFWO\ WR WKH FXVWRPHUUHFLSLHQW Deliveries to Northern Ireland, Channel Islands and Highlands of Scotland or outside of the UK may incur a delivery surcharge. Please drop us an e-mail or call us with your items and postcode and we will give you a quote. We will only charge excess delivery at cost. Returns If you are not completely satisfied with your order and contact your representative or contact us directly within 7 days, we will be happy to make an exchange or a refund providing the items are then returned complete, in perfect condition and in their original packaging within the 7 days following your request. If you are returning at item directly to us we regret we are unable to refund any costs of returning the order to us unless there has been damage in transit or a there is a fault in which case our standard terms and conditions will apply. Personalised gifts cannot be returned or refunded unless faulty. Any items returned because of a fault will be refunded in full, including a refund of any delivery charges incurred by you in returning the item to us. Your statutory rights are not affected. Please review our full terms and conditions with your representative or visit If you have any questions or queries or would just like further information please do not hesitate to contact us For sales enquiries email: For Information about becoming a representative email: Or call us on 0845 3704470 2. Clothes & Accessories Bamboo is the most sustainable, organic all-natural plant fibre on earth with amazing silky softness. Bamboo fabric is eco-friendly, absorbent, breathable, thermo-regulating and hypoallergenic. Founded in London in 2006 Bamboo Baby is a unique and contemporary brand that aims to have minimum negative impact on the environment. They also donate 1% of their WXUQRYHU HDFK PRQWK WR HQYLURQPHQWDO RU EDE\ FKLOGUHQ·V FKDULWLHV 6WULSH .QLWWHG %RG\VXLW Super soft and cosy. Buttons at the legs & shoulder for easy changing.. Bamboo/organic cotton knit. 0-3, 3-6mths. Drizzle Grey SKBDG Azalea SKBA Midnight SKBM Bamboo Baby denims are also super soft. (6-12mths, 1-2, 2-3, 3-4, 4-5yrs) &ODVVLF %R\V -HDQV &%- &ODVV *LUOV -HDQV &*- &ODVVLF 'HQLP 'UHVV &'' .QLWWHG 'UHVV LQ VRIW %DPERR&RWWRQ .QLW (6-12mths, 1-2, 2-3, 3-4, 4-5yrs) Chocolate KDC Cupcake KDCC 3. Powell Craft design and make a range of traditional, embroidered and handmade products. With most products 100% cotton and many handmade they feature anything from cupcakes, smocking and buttons in mother of pearl to pin tucking and polka dots. Still a family company their garments are designed in the UK and made ethically overseas. A SHUFHQWDJH RI WKHLU &KLOGUHQ V QLJKWZHDU JRHV WR WKH FKDULW\ 0RELOH &UqFKHV :H ORYH WKHVH YLQWDJH GHVLJQ URPSHUV IRU EDELHV DQG S\MDPDV IRU ER\V DQG JLUO·V Sizes 0-6, 6-PWKV 0DWFKLQJ %LE Transport Jumpsuit PT17 Bib PT1 Blue Trim featuring planes, trains, cars and boats. Girls at Play GP17 Bib GP1 Very popular range with red trim. Racing Car RC17 Bib RC1 One of the newest designs with green trim. Rose SN17 Pretty floral design with pink Trim. 4. 3\MDPDV &RWWRQ DQG +DQGPDGH Transport (1-2,2-3,4-5,6-7) SN006 Racing Car (1-2,2-3,4-5,6-7) SN002 Girls at Play (1-2,2-3,4-5,6-7) SN16 Rose SN60 (2-3,4-5,6-7) 0RUH IURP WKH *LUO·V DW 3OD\ 5DQJH 100% cotton with girls at play design trimmed with red and white polka dot. Matching Rag Doll also available Girls at Play Top and Knickers Set (0-6,6-12,12-18mths) SN303 £17.99 Girls at Play Sleeveless Dress (Sizes 1-2,2-3,4-5,6-7) GD10 £17.99 Girls at Play Cotton Frilly Knickers (One Size) GP5 £5.99 Girls at Play Sunhat (One Size) GP4 £5.99 Girls at Play Apron (One Size Age 3-4 Approx) GP7 £8.99 Parasol (30cm) GP9 £15.99 Backpack (35x35xm) GP10 £15.99 The Cupcake Range 100% Cotton and hand knitted, and adorned with crochet cupcakes or cotton cupcake designs. Cupcake Baby Grow (0-6, 6-12, 12-18) HKCC8 £7.99 Cupcake Pram Blanket (65cm x 75cm) HKCC0 £19.99 HKCC17 £17.99 Cupcake Long Sleeved Knitted Jumpsuit (0-6, 6-12) Cupcake Hooded Towel (75cm x 75cm) CC14 £9.99 Cupcake Knitted Jumper (1-2,2-3,4-5,6-7) HKCC6 £17.99 Cupcake Cotton Frilly Knickers (One Size) CC13 £5.99 Cupcake Sunhat (One Size) CC12 £5.99 Cupcake Apron (One Size Age 3-4 Approx) CC3 £8.99 5. Strawberries Knickers (One Size) SN20 FR Strawberries Hat (One Size) SN20 H Polka Dot Dresses With polka dot trims and fabric flowers. (Sizes 1-2,2-3,4-5,6- Pink GD23 Blue GD21 Pram Coats (Sizes 6-12, 12-18, 18- Pink and White Stripe PCP White PCW Blue and White Stripe PCB Hand Knitted and 100% Cotton The Boat Range Embroidered Boat Baby Grow (0-6, 6-12, 12-18) HKB8 £7.99 Boat Pram Blanket (65cm x 75cm) HKB0 £19.99 HKB18 £17.99 Boat Long Sleeved Knitted Jumpsuit (0-6, 6-12) Boat Hooded Towel (75cm x 75cm) BT3 £9.99 Boat Top and Shorts (1-2,2-3yrs) SN98 £17.99 Boat Sunhat (One Size) SN98/H £5.99 Insert Jumpsuit Image 6. Nursery &KLOGUHQ·V 5RFNLQJ &KDLUV [[FP Pink RC/P Blue RC/B White RC/W Bunting 'RXEOH 6LGHG P /HQJWKV Pink BUN/PK Blue BUN/BL Powell Craft Soft Toys A range from Powell Craft suitable for use by ages 3+ and perfect for nursery decoration including gorgeous top quality ragdolls, bears and patchwork toys. Ragdolls FP Nurse RD/N Pirate RD/PI With Cardigan and Pink Dress RD/J With Love Heart Dress RD/LH With Girls at Play Dress RD/AP With Scarf RD/SC Handmade Patchwork Toys FP Blue Owl QO1/BL Pink Owl QO1/PK 7. Height Charts & Mobiles A selection of some of our bestselling height charts and wooden baby mobiles IURP 8. %DVHG 2UDQJH 7UHH 7R\V WKH YHU\ HFR IULHQGO\ ,·P 7R\ DQG *HUPDQ manufacturer Legler. %DOOHULQD +HLJKW &KDUW +& $HURSODQH +HLJKW &KDUW *6 Giraffe Height Chart IM31411 Fabric with wooden head and feet and wooden leaf markers with Velcro. Jungle Mobile YX2587 Farmyard Mobile YX2596 Aeroplane Mobile YX2735 Sailboat and Lighthouse Mobile LE7205 /DG\ELUG%XJ 0RELOH /( Mobiles are Suitable for Ages 3* and for hanging decoration only. 8. &KLOGUHQ·V )LQH $UW 3ULQWV Designed by the very talented Fiona Reeves of Flaming Imp, Manchester who focuses on bold stunning fabric style designs created using close up photos of fabrics. Fine art 1-10 numbers poster FANP £17.95 A great way to learn numbers! An A2 fine art poster with 10 blocks of colour each representing a number from 1-10 and each containing that number of a certain animal. The poster is size A2 (59cm x 42cm) This is poster is of excellent print quality printed on 200gsm fine art paper with a gloss finish. Fine art animals and their paw prints /tracks poster )$33 This beautiful poster would make a very unique nursery decoration for girl or boy, it shows the paw prints / tracks of animals along with a fabric style collage picture of the animal they belong to and the name of the animal in small text. The size of this poster is A3 (29.7cm x 42cm). The printing goes right to the edge of the poster but the design detail is contained within 29cm x 39cm ² it will fit perfectly within the mount of a standard Ikea Ribba 40cm x 50cm frame. Not only is this poster of excellent print quality but it is also printed on high quality FSC certified (eco-friendly) 170gsm gloss art paper. Printed in the UK Fine Art Alphabet Story Poster )$$3 An A2 size kids A to Z poster with a story too, perfect for a bedroom, nursery or playroom wall Each letter is represented in both upper and lower case, along with a unique picture and a caption emphasising the letter and it's sound The captions form a story running through the poster, following the activities of Adam the antelope throughout the course of a day. There's plenty going on in this poster, which is a beautiful work of art in itself, with lots of talking points and things of interest. A great educational tool or just a lovely nursery decoration. A standard A2 size (59.4cm x 42cm) poster and is of excellent print quality printed on 200gsm fine art paper with a gloss finish. Printed in the UK All posters come wrapped in bubble wrap and packaged in a sturdy postal tube. Please note frames are not supplied. 9. Books from Childs Play 3HUIHFW IRU \RXU FKLOG·V GHYHORSPHQW HQMR\PHQW DQG HGXFDWLRQ This is just a small selection of a massive range of titles available please ask for more details . 5HDGLQJ WR D EDE\ HYHQ \RXQJ RQHV ZKR GRQ·W \HW XQGHUVWDQG WKH ZRUGV LV ZHOO NQRZQ WR VWLPXODWH PRVW DVSHFWV RI development contributing to enhanced learning and behavioural skills later. It helps with their language and social skills, develops their attention and cognitive and informational skills. Songs and Rhymes These board books have been designed for babies and are a great introduction to books using well known nursery songs, singing songs and rhymes is a great way to bond and have quality time together. 9780859356288 Ring-a-5LQJ R· 5RVHV 9781846431197 Wee Willie Winkie 9781846431203 This Little Piggie Recommended for 0-2 years More song and rhyme titles available. 9781846431852 Clap Your Hands Babies love clapping and singing and this novel hand shaped books is full of noisy clapping rhymes. Recommended for 0-2 years 9781904550822 Pat a Cake A combination of nursery rhymes to encourage movement, action, noise and laughter! Recommended for 0-3 years 9781846431272 Finger Puppet Nursery Rhymes Five fantastic finger puppets to bring this book of popular rhymes to life. Allows children to interact and develop motor skills. Recommended for 1-4 years Early Activity Books 9781904550976 Little Drivers To the Rescue Pop the little character in the pocket to let your child drive a variety of vehicles! Baby Board Books ² Baby Breezes Babies will enjoy blowing and watching the #mobiles in these concertina books. Helps babies control their breathing and exercise the muscles used for speech, again aiding early language development. 9781846430411 Baby Breezes Up and Away 10. Baby Signing Books Baby signing is becoming more and more popular for hearing children too and develops their ability to communicate wants and needs and contributes to long term increased literacy. Hand muscles develop earlier than speech and babies can produce recognisable signs from as early as 7 months. These books use British Sign Language and are suitable for hearing and deaf children. 9781904550044 My First Signs Board Book The first book which contains over 40 basic signs. Designed for Parents and Carers to share with babies, with clear instructions and endearing illustrations, this is an ideal introduction. Makatan Compatible. Please ask for details of the full range available. New Experiences Listening to stories and others experience can help little ones to prepare for something new. 9781846432750 New Experiences Waiting for Baby 9781846432767 New Experiences My New Baby Recommended for 0-2 years 9781846432811 First Time at Nursery Recommended for 2-5 years Poems for little ones 9781846430527 Animal Lullabies Its night time in the animal kingdom, and time for the animal children to go to bed. How do their parents get them to sleep ² what lullabies do they sing? &ODVVLF %RDUG %RRNV ZLWK +ROHV With bouncy illustrations and innovative holes for little one to interact with these popular rhyme books. 9780859537957 The Mulberry Bush 9780859537964 Farmer in the Dell 9780859531412 Five Little Ducks 97819045505594 Ten Fat Sausages )OLS 8S )DLU\ 7DOHV %RRNV ZLWK &'·V Traditional tales re told from the originals, with fun lift up flaps to encourage prediction and discussion. 9781846430855 Book + CD Goldilocks and the Three Bears 9781846430879 Book + CD Three Little Pigs 9781846430862 Book + CD Jack and The Bean Stalk 9781846430886 Book + CD Little Red Riding Hood 9781846431449 Book + CD Gingerbread Man Recommended for 3-7 years 11. Soft Toys & Comforters Teddykompaniet is a family-run Swedish business, well known for its high quality soft toys, made to suit children of all ages and from birth. All products are manufactured according to Swedish and European safety standards and they are machine washable at 40 degrees (except most musical toys). 'LLQJOLVDU &XGGOH %ODQNHW 35cm x 35cm, Beautifully Soft, Washable at 40C. Cow 13721 Blue Mouse 13724 Pink Cat 13721 Rabbit 13722 Diinglisar Baby On Board 24cm Cow 18643 Blue Mouse 18644 Pink Cat 18641 Rabbit 18642 'LLQJOLVDU %DE\ 6OLSSHUV 10cm, 0- 3m approx Cow 15223 Blue Mouse Pink Cat 15221 Rabbit 15224 15222 'LLQJOLVDU :LOG &XGGOH %ODQNHW 35cm x 35cm, Washable at 40C. Elephant 14874 Lion 14873 Giraffe 14873 Tiger 14872 'LLQJOLVDU :LOG 3UDP 7R\ Giraffe & Tiger 40cm approx 2062 Lion & Elephant 40cm approx 2063 'LLQJOLVDU :LOG 6RIW &XEHV 4 super soft cubes with a bell inside to rattle. With lots to keep a little one interested ² they feature animal prints, animal faces and numbers as well as being perfect for first building projects! 'LLQJOLVDU :LOG 6RIW 7R\ 12. FP Giraffe 14841 Tiger 14842 0XVLFDO 7HGG\ %HDU 27cm. This super soft bear is machine washable to 40 degrees and plays Brahms Lullaby. Gingerbread Man 6PDOO FP /DUJH FP &RPELQH ZLWK RXU &KLOG·V 3OD\ *LQJHUEUHDG Man Book + CD for a great gift! A classic design from Teddykompaniet³Alf & Fanny Rabbit Cuddle blankets [ FP :DVKDEOH DW & 6XLWDEOH IURP %LUWK Outstanding Quality from the softest micro fibre for a real luxurious IHHO OLWWOH RQHV ZRQ·W IDLO WR ORYH Handkerchief tied at the corners with soft fleece underside and delicate blue stripe or pink flower design. Alf 5118 Fanny 0DWFKLQJ 6OLSSHUV %RRWLHV 5112 Size 11cm, 0-3mths approx. Alf 5119 Fanny 5113 ,QWURGXFLQJ« « ´6QRZ\µ IURP 7LQ\ 7RGG V RI /RQGRQ *LIW %R[HG ´6QRZ\µ &RZ &XGGOH %ODQNHW 76&% Extremely soft handkerchief tied cuddle blanket suitable from birth.23 x 20cm 13. Wooden Toys Baby Rattles by Pintoy for ages 3mths + Frog 8.5 x 6 x 5.5cm 6001508 'XFN [ [ FP 7ZLVW [ [ FP ´%HDUµ :RRGHQ %DE\ :DONHU /( Excellent Quality and has lots of features including shape sorting, clock, chalk board, numbers and with a puzzle on top and doubles as a toy box too! Approx 42 x 37cm. Suitable for Age 12mths +. Assembly Required. ,·P 7R\ :DONHU ZLWK 3DWWHUQ %ORFNV ,01 With 46 coloured and patterned blocks, including 6 with additional sounds and textures. Explore different learning functions, a bell, soft and glossy textures and a baby safe mirror. The push handle is designed so that the child can use the lower or upper handle depending on their height. The wooden wheels are rubber lined for extra stability and floor protection. Size 52cm x 27cm x 49cm. Suitable from 12mths +. Minor assembly required. Recommended Product ,·P 7R\ $FWLYLW\ $UN ,01 A fantastic toy with a recommended age of 6 months plus when there are so many toys from birth and from 12 months plus out there. 7KH DUN FRPHV WR SLHFHV DQG WKH ´IXQQHOµ LV D UDWWOH ZLWK PLUURU WKH ´GHFNµ WUDQV forms into a n activity panel for the cot , the elephant is stuffed with beans and a mini finger puppet too, the hippo crinkly, the giraffe and pig squeaky, the lamb a rattle. The ark itself can be pulled along on its wheels, has holes for sorting and a flap for peek-a-boo. Plus the fabric is removable and washable. 30 x 20cm Approx. 14. Push & Pull Very popular push along toys from Orange Tree Toys. The colourful beads make a great clacking sound. Suitable for Ages 12m+ (Stick 48cm Approx) Duck WG117 Sheep WG630 Cat WG627 Dog WG628 Cow WG631 Monkey WG338 Ladybird WG633 Pig WG433 Elephant WG289 Mouse WG473 Fairy WG471 Rabbit WG229 Lion WG472 Top quality pull along toys from Plan Toys all have a great movement³the dancing alligator clacks, the snail undulates, the snake slithers and the caterpillar wiggles! Plus the Plan Toy Walk n Roll Push Along is a very sturdy toy for early walkers with wooden balls in the multi coloured roller for a noisy rainbow effect. 3XOO $ORQJ ´'DQFLQJµ $OOLJDWRU FP 3/1 3XOO $ORQJ 6QDNH FP 3/1 3XOO $ORQJ 6QDLO FP 3/1 3XOO $ORQJ &DWHUSLOODU :DON Q 5ROO FP 3/1 [ FP $SSUR[ 3/1 15. Mini Puzzles from Orange Tree Toys, great for little hands, small gifts and a good distraction toy when out and about. Suitable for Ages 12mths +. All Size: 9cm x 9.5cm, with the exception of Dog 10cm x 8 cm, Crocodile 9cm x 6cm and Cat 11cm x 9cm, £3.49 Puzzles & Music Elephant LP69 Cow LP67 Lion LP72 Snail LP66 Ladybird LP70 Bear LP62 Car LP71 Dog LP63 Cat LP64 Crocodile LP65 &KXQN\ 3X]]OHV 6XLWDEOH IRU $JH PWKV Lion 19.5x 17.5cm approx. LP15 Ladybird 19 x 16cm approx. LP02 Snail 22 x 18cm approx. LP38 Car 29 x 16cm approx LP12 Train 27 x 12.5cm approx. LP49 Crocodile 25 x 12cm LP25 Dog 24 x 16cm approx. LP41 Cat 26 x 18.5cm approx LP58 Dinosaur 25.5 x 12.5cm approx LP48 6XSHUE TXDOLW\ ZRRGHQ PXVLFDO LQVWUXPHQWV IURP ,·P 7R\ DQG Plan Toys. +LSSR &DVWDQHWV 16. 6XLWDEOH IRU $JH \ ,01 Snap Clap Crocodile Suitable for Age 2y + IMN02032 ,01 £6.49 7LQJ $ /LQJ 7LJHU 6XLWDEOH IRU $JH \ ,01 (OO\ 0DUDFDV 6XLWDEOH IRU $JH \ ,01 0RQNH\ 'UXPPHU 6XLWDEOH IRU $JH \ ,01 6FUDWFK\ )URJ 6XLWDEOH IRU $JH \ ,01 3ODQ ;\ORSKRQH [ [ FP PWKV 3/1 3ODQ 6ROLG 'UXP [ FP PWKV 3/1 George Luck have been designing and making quality wooden puzzles for over thirty years. Their imaginative and innovative designs have enthralled both children and adults. They have won numerous good toy and design awards and been widely acclaimed for being both fun and educational. Originally a team of craftsmen perfected the art of cutting puzzles using very fine blades to give greater detail to the shape of the pieces. These skills are now immortalised using the latest computerised cutting techniques. George Luck puzzles are beautiful and collectible items that families treasure from generation to generation. Their range starts from simple interesting puzzles for toddlers suitable from 18mths+. :HDWKHU SX]]OHV IRU DJHV PWKV Great for leaning, single layer Sunshine GLU-820 %XVHV */8 15 x 20cm Showers GLU821 5 layers of buses. Ages 2yrs+ 15 x 11cm $IULFDQ $QLPDOV */8 6 pieces and 3 layers. 3yrs +. 15x11cm 7UDIILF /LJKWV */8 5 layers, 5 pieces. Ages 2yrs +. 15x11cm 2 layer puzzles, average 39 pieces. 25x20cm. Ages 5yrs + Crazy Ark³ 1RDK·V $UN 3X]]OH */8 $VLDQ $QLPDOV */8 &RXQWU\VLGH */8 $QLPDO 0DSV All Animals featured are commonly found in that country. 37 x 37cm Comes with a list of animals featured Recommend for Ages 8+ Great Britain & Eire GLU227 Africa GLU224 Australia GLU225 17. Gifts for Mum³Beautiful Flowers with a difference from the Flower Stork 7KH 8.·V RULJLQDO %DE\ &ORWKHV %RXTXHWV 1HZ EDE\ IORZHUV ZLWK D PRGHUQ WZLVW D EHDXWLIXO DQG SUDFWLFDO JLIW WR ZHO come baby. Handmade in the UK and containing British made clothing with the Flower Stork label. Boxed Bouquets are cellophane wrapped with a ribbon and gift tag and hand tied bouquets are safely wrapped in tissue and have a gift tag. Fairy Cakes are individually boxed Fairy Cakes Each Fairy Cake ² Socks contains 1 pair of baby socks presented as sweet baby sock cupcake in a clear presentation box. Send one or send a dozen, the choice is yours $YDLODEOH LQ 3LQN )&63 %OXH )&6% RU &ODVVLF :KLWH )&6: Fairy Cake - Socks is the smaller cupcake shown at the back - each purchased individually Each Fairy Cake ² Bibs contains 1 baby bib presented as sweet baby bib cupcake in a clear presentation box. $YDLODEOH LQ 3LQN )&%3 %OXH )&%% RU &ODVVLF :KLWH )&%: Sized 3-6 months All clothing in the fairy cakes is a generously sized 3-6 months, ensuring it will fit a larger baby and giving the recipient plenty of time to enjoy the fairy cake before unwrapping to reveal the clothing inside. Babywear Bouquets Sweet Pea Posy The Sweet Pea Posy is sweet and delicate, a beautifully presented hand-tied posy of baby socks. This baby sock bouquet is one of our most beautiful bouquets as it really is just so sweet and delicate. $YDLODEOH LQ 3LQN 633 %OXH 63% RU &ODVVLF :KLWH 63: Bouquet contains: 7 pairs of baby socks Beautifully finished with floral wrap, paper flowers and silk foliage, organza ribbon, gift tag/contents and care swing tag. The Sweet Pea Posy was awarded Highly Commended at Gift of the Year Awards 2006 18. Welcome Bouquet The best selling Welcome Bouquet is beautifully presented as a hand-tied bouquet of baby socks and bodysuits. Bouquet contains: 5 pairs of baby socks 2 bodysuits $YDLODEOH LQ 3LQN :%3 %OXH :%% RU &ODVVLF :KLWH :%: Beautifully finished with floral wrap, paper flowers and silk foliage, organza ribbon, gift tag/contents and care swing tag. Blossom Box The best selling Blossom Box is a contemporary bouquet of baby clothing beautifully presented as a stylish boxed arrangement. Bouquet contains: 3 pairs of baby socks 2 bodysuits 1 sleep suit 1 bib 1 muslin square Available in Pink (BBP) Blue (BBB) or Classic White (BBW) Beautifully finished with floral wrap, paper flowers and silk foliage, wrapped in cellophane with organza ribbon, gift tag/ contents and care swing tag. Sized 3-6 months All clothing in the bouquets is a generously sized 3-6 months, ensuring it will fit a larger baby and giving the recipient plenty of time to enjoy the bouquet before unfurling the flower buds to reveal the clothing inside. All Flower Stork items are dispatched directly from The Flower Stork to customer or recipient and thus carry a delivery charge RI SHU )ORZHU 6WRUN RUGHU 19. email 1 or call 08 45 3704470