BACK TO BUSINESS WORKING FOR NORTHERN MICHIGAN’S FUTURE SINCE 1920 JULY 2007 Petoskey chamber getting an overhaul THE HOOD IS UP AT THE Petoskey Regional Chamber of Commerce and work is underway to soup up the organization’s performance. When the new 2008 models roll out this fall, you’ll see a brand new chamber model rolling out as well, a higherperformance model with more options for chamber members. Fletch’s of Petoskey, with its vast experience in automobile repairs and daily sales of top-of-the-line models, is leading the way in developing the new chamber. Fletch’s, in partnership with General Motors, has agreed to be the Marquee Sponsor of the chamber’s overhaul and is challenging other members to step up and help finance this effort. “The chamber is asking 100 members to give $100 to help underwrite the costs of the overhaul,” says chamber Membership Director Lisa Hoyt. “Fletch’s is doing the work of 10 members by being the lead sponsor of this initiative.” The 100 @ $100 campaign is now underway and is simply an effort to get 100 chamber members to contribute $100 each to help fund the new initiatives that are taking shape within the organization, Hoyt says. In the short-term, each contributor will receive a framed certificate to acknowledge their contribution and will be recognized in the weekly e-mail, Back to Business, and on the website. For the long-term, contributing businesses will know they’ve helped to build an even stronger Chamber of Commerce in Petoskey that will be more focused on the success of area businesses. “We have a great chamber here in Petoskey that serves its members and the community very well,” says chamber Executive Director Carlin Smith. “But we know we can do so much more and need the members’ help to take it to that next level.” At the heart of the new chamber model will be a more powerful website being built by Gaslight Media. The site will be much more interactive and will offer members new promotional opportunities, ways to reach new customers, and even ways to promote member-to-member buying and selling. The new model will also offer members many new options to get involved in the chamber, including a new sales lead club, an executive exchange, and a women’s business owner’s group among others. Ramped up advocacy and economic development programs are also a part of the new chamber. Hoyt says, “The ideas are there and the work is underway. Now it’s up to the members to help see what this baby can do!” Members will be contacted by direct mail for this campaign. Contributions for $100 (or more) may be sent to the Petoskey Regional Chamber of Commerce 100 @ $100 campaign, 401 E. Mitchell St., Petoskey, MI 49770. n Pictured Left to Right are Kevin Delph, Sales Manager; Jeff Bodette, Business Development Manager; Carlin Smith, Executive Director PRCC and John Johnson, General Manager. Bodette commented, “Fletch’s is excited to be launching the Buick Enclave this summer, the first ever Luxury Crossover SUV. This Fall we are excited to help launch the improved performance of the Chamber.” Festival on the Bay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Lawmakers Help with Recruitment . . . . . . . .7 Ribbon Cuttings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Harbor Springs Wine Tasting . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Petoskey Sidewalk Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Movers & Shakers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Links to Harbor Springs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 PRCC Summer Interns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 PDA Updates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 CH AM B ER M E M B E R SI N C E 1 9 6 5 Harbor/Brenn Agencies 1231 US 31 North • Petoskey (231) 347-8113 Visit us on the web! www.harborbrenn.com Business Insurance Team Think differently about work. Think Manpower. Direct Hire and contract services. Assessment and selection. Skills training, recruitment outsourcing. At Manpower, we want you to see employment services in a whole new way. So you can achieve success in today’s fast-changing business world. 267 Creekside Dr. Petoskey 231.347.3971 us.manpower.com NEW! Announcing free & secure account access 24/7! If you'd like insurance protection to cover you 24 hours a day, then why settle for 9:00 to 5:00 service? As a local independent insurance agency representing Auto-Owners Insurance Company, we're here for you. We're your neighbors—people you know, people you can trust and respect. Fortunately, emergencies don't happen every day, but when they do— isn't it nice knowing we'll be here to help you through it? We're available by phone, email and new—secure account access 24/7. We'd be delighted to serve you! TEST DRIVE THE FINEST LUXURY CROSSOVER EVER! BuickEnclave Personal Insurance Team THE DIFFERENCE IS IN THE DETAILS ONLY AT Harbor/Brenn is proud to represent Auto-Owners Insurance since 1923 2 US-31 & US-131 Intersection (next to Walgreens) 347-9651 www.fletchs.com 5th Annual Festival on the Bay taking place August 17-19 PETO S KE Y ’ S FE ST I V A L ON T HE BA Y I S A MU C H anticipated, “can’t miss” family-friendly event in northern Michigan. We hope you’ll join the fifth year of the festival, so mark your calendar for Aug. 17-19 to enjoy the festivities at the waterfront. The Petoskey Regional Chamber of Commerce and festival steering committee work hard to produce a weekend event that is a communitywide celebration of those things that make living by the bay so unique. The festival features events for everyone in the family. All can enjoy the Big Brothers Big Sister’s Arts and Crafts Show. For those wanting a physical challenge, there’s a triathlon, a canoe race across the bay known as the Jiiman Challenge, and a wellness walk. Children will love spending time in the Children’s Area with many activities on Friday and Saturday. Music lovers will be treated to live entertainment on both Friday and Saturday beginning at 11 a.m. Friday night features Charlie’s Root Fusion and Saturday will feature Larry McCray. Of course, we will also celebrate—in true Key West fashion—the Million Dollar Sunset over the bay. The festival wraps up on Sunday with a Taste of Bay Harbor event in Bay Harbor. The festival takes numerous volunteers to run smoothly. If you would like to volunteer, contact Cindy or Marcie at AlphaGeek Web Design at 347-5100. If you would like to support this great event through a sponsorship, contact Lisa Hoyt at the chamber office, 231-347-4150 or lisa@petoskey.com. For a full schedule of festival activities or to learn more, visit www.petoskey.com/festival or call the Petoskey Regional Chamber of Commerce at 231-347-4150. n HARBOR SPRINGS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE • 368 East Main Street • Harbor Springs, MI 49720 • (231) 526-7999 • FAX: (231) 526-5593 • www.harborspringschamber.com • info@harborspringschamber.com PETOSKEY REGIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE • 401 E. Mitchell Street • Petoskey, MI 49770 • (231) 347-4150 • FAX: (231) 348-1810 • www.petoskey.com • chamber@petoskey.com Back to Business was prepared for the Petoskey Regional Chamber of Commerce and the Harbor Springs Chamber of Commerce by Harbor House Publishers, Inc. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information presented in this newsletter, the Petoskey Regional Chamber of Commerce, the Harbor Springs Chamber of Commerce and Harbor House Publishers, Inc. cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information presented here or be held responsible for omissions or errors. © 2007 Harbor House Publishers, Inc., Boyne City, Michigan. All rights reserved. No portion may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher. HARBOR HOUSE PUBLISHERS, INC. • 221 Water Street • Boyne City, MI 49712 • (231) 582-2814 • (800) 491-1760 • FAX: (231) 582-3392 • www.harborhouse.com • harbor@harborhouse.com 3 Dazzle Your Senses “Where Cool Meets Hot” “Dazzle Your Senses” “Distinctive Dining” Owned and operated by the Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians. 4 “Coffee-Lovers Paradise” Wine Tasting 2nd Annual Harbor Springs Waterfront an affair to remember The Chamber expresses its sincere thanks for the partnership support of Scenic Michigan in creating an event that is certain to become an annual classic. In addition to perfect weather and the incomparable backdrop of the downtown waterfront, the success of the event would not have been possible without the participation of the following Chamber partners and friends: Abby Dart American Spoon Foods Bayside Beverage Corporation Chang Cuisine City of Harbor Springs Department of Public Works City of Harbor Springs Harbormaster’s Office Cornichon’s Market Crooked Tree Breadworks Crows Nest Restaurant Emmet County Department of Public Works Griffin’s Beverage Company Harbor Springs Title Agency Island Bean Coffee Company Jody Ewbank New York Restaurant Sandy Koehler Stafford’s Pier Restaurant Teddy Griffin’s Roadhouse Woolly Bugger Roaster of Fine Coffees Congratulations to team winner Corporate Title Agency and runner-ups Insurance by Burley/ Lauer Pest Control, Culligan Water Systems, Austin Koss and Phillips Oil Company. The heartiest of Chamber thanks to the following foursomes and sponsors for making the event a day to remember. Also, a big thanks to all our volunteers. Austin Koss and Company Bank of Northern Michigan Bill Kirby Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Clark Construction Corporate Title Agency Cottage Company of Harbor Springs Dave Kring Chevrolet Cadillac Fairview Square First Community Bank Graham Real Estate Gregg Garver Hilliard Lyons John and Lesley Fischer John and Shannon Wilson Johnston Engineering/Superior Drafting Kelbel Pharmacy/RX Photo Kim Medler/Raymond James and Associates Lasting Impressions Northern Michigan Sports Medicine Odawa Casino Resort Rehmann Group Teddy Griffin’s Roadhouse The Chamber Ambassadors Ventilation+Plus Equipment, Inc. W.W. Fairbairn and Sons Wequetonsing Golf Club 5 More reliable than cable... Able to connect on a single phone line... It’s High Speed! It’s Affordable! It’s DSL!! Give us a call to see if your phone line qualifies for a DSL Internet Connection! 231.487.0692 • 120 E. Lake Street • Petoskey ISP SERVICES • WEB DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT THOUSANDS Sport Shirts and Walk Shorts gaslightmedia.com of Chamber members have reached agreement on a favorite color. from... It’s blue, and no wonder. Membership in the Harbor Springs and Petoskey Chambers of Commerce includes the option to choose the most recognized and respected health plan in Michigan. You can select • Cutler & Buck • Tommy Bahama • Fonte • Sansabelt from a range of health plans, each designed to help you live better as you focus on your business, not your health plan. Still need more reasons? There’s also the opportunity to help shape the bright economic future of our area. The chance to network with dynamic people who can help you grow your business. The chance to learn new ways to succeed, or share them with others. Call the Harbor Springs Chamber at 526-7999. ...to name a few. You and the POWER of Blue! The Clothes Post l l A Menswear Store 326 E. Mitchell Street Downtown Petoskey • (231) 347-4562 Mon. - Fri. 9:30-6:00, Sat. 9:30-5:30 6 401 E. Mitchell Street Petoskey, MI 49770 347-4150 www.petoskey.com 368 East Main Street Harbor Springs, MI 49740 526-7999 www.harborspringschamber.com Nonprofit corporations and independent licensees of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association Area lawmakers help with local business recruitment GOVERNOR JENNIFER GRANHOLM SIGNED Public Act 198 last month that makes it possible for Sovereign Deed—a business which is considering placing its corporate headquarters in Pellston— eligible for a tax abatement. Northern Lakes Economic Alliance (NLEA) President Andy Hayes says the act will add more than $5.1 million to the state incentive package and brings total incentives to more than $12 million. Hayes was quick to credit the work of Senator Jason Allen and Representative Gary McDowell for the huge role they played in making the state incentives possible. “They took a process that in normal circumstances would take seven to eight months and got it done in four weeks,” Hayes said. Pellston is one of three locations being considered by Sovereign Deed for its headquarters. Other sites under consideration are in Illinois and Wisconsin. Hayes notes that we still have a long way to go in this business recruitment effort, but says the state’s action last month will help considerably. Many local partners have played various roles in the business recruitment process. In addition to NLEA, Emmet County has been a big player in the process along with the Village of Pellston, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, the Emmet County Road Commission, the Pellston Regional Airport n and the Petoskey Regional Chamber of Commerce. INTERNS HELP CARRY SUMMER WORKLOAD Petoskey Sidewalk Sales nearing The much-anticipated, annual sidewalk sales take place on Friday and Saturday, July 27 and 28. The sales begin at 9 a.m. each day and close at 9 p.m. Friday and 6 p.m. Saturday. Thousands of buyers descend upon Petoskey during these two days. n The Petoskey Regional Chamber of Commerce is pleased to have extra staff support this summer courtesy of two college students fulfilling internships. Amanda Scott is a student at Lake Superior State University pursuing degrees in Marketing and Public Relations. Amanda already has an Associates Degree from North Central Michigan College. She is assisting the chamber with event-planning and media relations. She also is working this summer at McLean and Eakin Booksellers. The chamber’s other intern is Drew Nehrenz of Purdue University. Drew is a full-time resident of Ft. Wayne Indiana but summers with family on Crooked Lake. He majors in Organizational Leadership and Supervision. He is working closely with the Healthy Economy Action Team on economic development projects and is conducting research to update the area’s demographic data. Drew is also working at Windjammer Marina this summer. n 7 Ribbon Cuttings Congratulations on your new office CHESLEY CONSULTING Mark Avery • 877-534-4311 1525 Bear Creek Lane, Suite 1 • Petoskey, MI 49770 Congratulations on your new organization PETOSKEY BRIDGE CLUB Mike Sears, Pam Ziegel • 231-347-1258 7577 Indian Garden • Petoskey, MI 49770 8 Congratulations on 75 years of Chamber membership AT&T Stephen Balbierz • 877-617-1584 3255 U.S. 41 W. • Marquette, MI 49855 Congratulations on your new Food Market & Cafe FEAST MARKET & CAFÉ Scott & Sarah Schornak • 231-439-9400 410 Howard Street, Suite A • Petoskey, MI 49770 Congratulations on your new location LAKE STREET DESIGN STUDIO Dawn Whyte and Renee Guthrie • 231-347-1977 404 E. Lake Street • Petoskey, MI 49770 MOVERS & SHAKERS PETOSKEY Congratulations on your new addition BAY AREA CLEAN CARE Paul Theriault • 231-347-7707 1656 Clarion Avenue • Petoskey, MI 49770 The University Center partnership provides an opportunity for area residents to complete bachelor’s and master’s degree programs at North Central Michigan College. Students can save substantial money by paying low tuition rates for the majority of their programs. The remaining classes are offered on campus and taught by University Center partner faculty. Examples of current bachelor’s programs include elementary and secondary education, business administration, accounting, liberal studies, criminal justice and nursing. Two new baccalaureate programs will be offered this year: social work and information technology. For more information call John Jeffrey at 439-6546 or visit the website www.ncmich.edu/ univcenter.asp. Congratulations to the Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians on opening the new Odawa Casino Resort. The casino address is 1760 Lears Road and the telephone number is 877-442-6464. Lynne Cantrell was recently promoted to Retail Store Manager for both the Harbor and Petoskey American Spoon Food Stores. Then and Now Antique and Consignment House has moved. The new location is 1101 Charlevoix Avenue and the telephone number is 348-6170. Congratulations on your new business POINTS NORTH PET GROOMING LLC Connie Doherty • 231-549-7387 03695 Cobb Road • Boyne Falls, MI 49713 National City is proud to announce that Joanna Rautio is the new Community Bank President in Petoskey. Joanna will direct commercial lending in the Petoskey, Harbor Springs, Charlevoix, and Boyne City areas. Joanna has been in banking in the Petoskey area for more than 30 years and looks forward to building business banking relationships with clients for National City. She may be reached at 231-348-0443. HARBOR SPRINGS Congratulations and the sincerest thanks to all friends, neighbors and chamber partners in Harbor Springs for proving that the size of a town is no measure for the enormity of its heart, especially when it comes to support for the Fourth of July. The chamber also expresses its gratitude to Fireworks Fundraising “Firecracker” Wes Hovey and Parade Chairman Gregg “Line ‘em up” Garver for their efforts to ensure that the tradition of hosting the best Independence Day celebration in all of northern Michigan lives on. Congratulations on your new ownership BEAD & CO. Amanda Carriere • 231-347-7760 207A Howard Street • Petoskey, MI 49770 History comes alive. Congratulations to the Harbor Springs Area Historical Society for its ambitious project to restore the 120-yearold landmark building that formerly housed City Hall to make way for the new Harbor Springs Area History Museum. The museum is set to open in mid 2008. If you have information to share about your member business, please email the information and related photos to lisa@petoskey.com. 9 There’s a pattern developing in northern Michigan. now introducing the BlackBerry® 8100 Pearl™ smartphone 30 $ per month with voice plan of $9.99 or higher and on BIS activations only Consumer & Small Business BlackBerry Plan Monthly Charge Data Service $30 Nationwide Unlimited Email & Internet Add any GSM voice plan and stay in touch with one device! 1151 US 31 North Petoskey 231.348.0700 5% Top in the Nation for Overall Orthopedic Care 2005, 2006 & 2007 RANKED AMONG THE TOP 5% IN THE NATION FOR OVERALL ORTHOPEDIC CARE IN 2005, 2006 & 2007. 1.800.CELLONE | celloneusa.com $30 BlackBerry® plan requires a voice plan of $9.99 or higher to be added on the line of service and is eligible on BIS activations only. If BlackBerry plan is terminated within a 6 month period, an early termination fee of $100 will apply and be added to the bill automatically. Phone pictured may not be phone offered. Limited time offer. Certain terms and conditions apply. See representative of details. ad cw 4/07 northernhealth.org • 800.248.6777 BACK TO BUSINESS Your Business-to-Business publication reaching Emmet County Back to Business is the official monthly newsletter of the Petoskey Regional & Harbor Springs Chambers of Commerce. Copies are distributed every month to Chamber members throughout Emmet County. Reach these targeted, involved, active members of your business community. Back to Business is also available on the Chamber’s website. pma Peterson McGregor A N D A S S O C I A T E S Book your ad online: www.harborhouse.com/backtobusiness.htm 10 Welcome to our new members in May 2007 Petoskey Harbor Springs AmeriFirst Financial David Gahm 138 N. Otsego Gaylord, MI 49735 989-732-3526 House-In-The-Meadow Joy Labadie 2598 Red Fox Trail Troy, MI 48098 231-647-4628 Bardins Communications Kathryn Bardins 807 Howard Street Petoskey, MI 49770 231-487-1188 In-House Graphics Jeff Drews 544 Ninth Street Frankfort, MI 49635 231-651-9281 Controlled Elements, Inc. Gerald Lovelend 114 W. Jamet P.O. Box 667 Mackinaw City, MI 49701 231-436-9600 Maurices Incorporated Julie Zagar 317 E. Mitchell Street Petoskey, MI 49770 231-347-7300 Darnton Enterprises Richard Darnton Builder Richard Darnton 1131 W. Conway Road P.O. Box 204 Harbor Springs, MI 49740 231-348-2684 AAA Michigan Michael John 1321 Spring Street Petoskey, MI 49770 231-347-8284 www.aaa.com D & L Courier, LTD. dba Ski’s Place Dan Przybylski 1302 US 31 North Pellston, MI 49769 231-539-8888 Points North Pet Grooming LLC Connie Doherty 03695 Cobb Rd. Boyne Falls, MI 49713 231-549-7387 Thank you to our members who renewed in May 2007 Petoskey Circus Shop Children’s Apparel (46) Pirate’s Cove Adventure Golf (85) Stephen Bartha (89) Econo Lodge (90) Federal Express (90) Brumfield’s Photography Inc. (91) Walgreens (91) Bay Area Clean Care Inc. (93) Bay Winds Inn (94) Winner’s Circle Car Wash II (94) Spanky’s Powersports Inc. (95) Legs Inn (97) SEE-NORTH (98) Threads (00) Quality Cut Wood Specialties Inc. (00) Charlevoix-Emmet Intermediate School District (01) Latitude 45 Cycle & Sport LLC (03) Osborne and Associates, Ameriprise Financial (04) Petoskey Family Medicine PC (04) Richard Hoffman Landscaping Inc. (04) Sears (04) Top of the Hill Taxi (04) Village Inn – Pellston (04) Ark Studios (05) Engel Law PLLC (05) ICTNS (05) Law Office of Michael J. Atchison (05) Learn Great Foods (05) Northwood Mortgage LLC (05) Papa Lou’s Pizza & Grill (05) Advance (06) Ciao Bella! Garden and Home (06) Friske Orchards Farm Market (06) Gardner Incorporated (06) Harbor Springs Al & Jim’s Tree Service (79) Allerding Upholstery, Inc. (00) Attorney Mary Catherine Hannah, PLC (06) Boyer Glassworks Studio & Gallery (85) Charles F. Glass, P.L.L.C. (01) Chase Bank (88) Chuck Niersel Plumbing & Heating (97) Crooked Tree Arts Center (00) Crow’s Nest Restaurant (06) Ephriam Shay House (93) E.U.P. Fishing (04) Flood Professionals/Advanced Cleaning Experts (06) Graham Management (89) Great Northern Awning & Canvas, Inc. (98) Griffin Arena (05) Harbor Area Regional Board of Resources (02) Harbor Springs Excavating, Inc. (00) Harbor Wear (00) Hilliard Lyons (92) Hospice of Little Traverse Bay (05) Integrity Business Solutions LLC (00) Kelbel Pharmacy & Rx Press Photo (59) Laramie Crane Rental, LLC (97) Manpower (04) Michigan Heart & Vascular Specialists, PC (99) Network Management & Consulting Service (05) Northern Michigan Hospital (97) Odawa Casino Resort (01) Polly’s Planting & Plucking, Inc. (89) Sara Smith, CPA (00) Sears Architects (01) Swan Cottage (98) The Inn at Crooked Lake, Inc. (02) Tom’s Mom’s Cookies (88) Travelling Chef (04) True North Golf Club (03) Victories Casino & Hotel (01) Wentworth Builders (89) Windjammer Marina (04) Zumbaugh Painting (02) 11 28 to do note l PLACE IN JULY PDA The 5th season of Street Musique is making its return to downtown Harbor Springs. Numerous downtown galleries will host artists’ receptions and exhibits this year, adding to “street corner” performances by entertainers. The dates: July 5, 12, 19, 26 and August 2. For more information, call the chamber at 526-7999. l Save the date for these other important events: Harbor Springs Women’s Club Art Fair, July 11 at Nub’s Nob; Blissfest Music Festival, July 13-15; 4th Annual North American Indian Art Fair, July 21, downtown Harbor Springs waterfront; LTYC Regatta, July 27-29 and Emphraim Shay Days. 28 l You still have time to get a donation in for the 4th of July Fireworks. The Stars and Stripes Committee is working hard to bring Petoskey residents and visitors the best display ever. BACK TO BUSINESS 401 East Mitchell Petoskey, MI 49770 contact calendar l Call the chamber to get a Purchase Prize for Art in the Park. The show is July 21 and a purchase prize is a great way to showcase your business to attendees, as well as get some muchneeded artwork for the office or even the house. l Applications are being accepted through July 13, 2008 for Leadership Little Traverse Class 2008. If you would like a brochure and application, contact Jessica McGeorge at chamber@petoskey.com. l Don’t forget to register a foursome for the Annual Petoskey Chamber Outing. This year’s outing is Thursday, September 20 at Hidden River Golf and Casting Club. Call the chamber for sponsorship opportunities, a great way to get your name in front of 200 Chamber members and guests. PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID BOYNE CITY, MI PERMIT NO. 9
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