Artificial Ecosystems for Creative Discovery
Artificial Ecosystems for Creative Discovery
Artificial Ecosystems for Creative Discovery Jon McCormack Centre for Electronic Media Art Monash University Clayton 3800, Australia 1 Computational Creative Discovery ‣ Evolutionary synthesis is creative, able to discover (for example) prokaryotes, eukaryotes, higher multi-cellularity and language through a non-teleological process of replication and selection. ‣ We would like to adapt the processes of evolutionary adaptation to problems of creative discovery (either machine initiated or human-machine). ‣ The aim is to structure these artificial ecosystems in such a way that they exhibit novel discovery in a creative context rather than a biological one. ‣ In the past, many EC algorithms have downplayed the role of environment and interactions between biotic and abiotic components. 2 Biomorphs Richard Dawkins, The Blind Watchmaker, 1986 3 Evolved Image Steven Rooke, 1998 Evolved Image Karl Sims, 1991 4 Interactive Genetic Algorithm ‣human selection bottleneck ‣genetic search is poorly balanced ‣most ‘discoveries’ depend on initial conditions ‣method doesn’t scale generative system user fitness selection phenotypes 5 Artificial Ecosystems ‣ A new kind of Evolutionary Computing algorithm, particularly for creative discovery ‣ No explicit fitness function: agents evolve to fit their environment ‣ Gives more consideration to the role of the environment and the interactions between biotic and abiotic components ‣ Macro properties emerge as a simulation outcome, from the interaction of (specified) micro components ‣ Knowledge is encoded in the environment (a different knowledge representation scheme) ‣ Environment acts as a kind of ‘memory’ ‣ Heterogeneous environments ‣ Homeostasis, mutualism, symbiosis, parasitism... 6 Essential Properties and Processes ‣ The concept of genotype and phenotype produced through enaction of the genotype; ‣ Groups of individuals represent species, multiple species are possible; ‣ Spatial distribution and (optionally) movement of individuals; ‣ The ability of individuals to modify and change their environment (either directly or indirectly as a result of their development within, and interaction with, the environment); ‣ the concept of individual health as an abstract scalar measure of an individual's success in surviving within its environment over its lifetime; ‣ the concept of an individual life-cycle, in that an individual undergoes stages of development that may affect its properties, physical interaction and behaviour; ‣ the concept of an environment as a physical model with consistent physical rules on interaction and causality between the elements of the environment; ‣ An energy-metabolism resource model, which describes the process for converting energy into resources that may be utilised by species in the environment to perform actions (including the production of resources). 7 Example: Colourfield • An ecosystem of colour, operating in a one-dimensional world ! ri = wi2 k0 + k1 log Rt = f (Ht ) ! d||Ci || dt "" + k2 dwi dt histogram resources added based on histogram distribution 1 2 3 H 4 5 S 6 7 L 9 10 11 12 13 wl wr ws colour weights left, right, self colour age health 8 R width H S ... ... ... wg individuals n-3 n-2 n-1 n cells resources genome growth weight V state individual 8 Example: Resource Maximisation 600 500 400 Total Available Resources 300 200 100 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 Iterations 9 Colourfield Ecosystem development over 5000 time steps (warm colour bias function) t = 10 t = 500 t = 1000 t = 5000 10 Horizontal Stripe Painting Patrick Heron, 1957–58, 274.3 x 154.8 cm Tate Modern Collection, London UK 11 Example: Eden ‣ An ecosystem of sonic agents, operating in a two-dimensional world ‣ Rocks, Biomass, Agents ‣ Agents learn about and adapt to their environment, based on a modified version of Wilson’s XCS ‣ Those agents that best fit the environment come to dominate the population ‣ The virtual and real worlds are connected: human interest drives resource production, giving rise to selection pressure based on maintaining human interest ‣ Agents use changing, interesting sound to maintain their food supply, hence ensure their survival 12 Eden architecture sunlight AGENT sound-related sound-related XCS learning system biomass sensors actuators agent human interest 13 14 Causal Mechanisms: Colourfield and Eden f(H) f(Aa + Ab, day) energy source energy source chroma and intensity histogram (H) radiant energy albedo (Ab) albedo (Aa) growth radiant energy hue, saturation, lightness entities animals death eat / death death biomass eat people COLOURFIELD EDEN 15 Buy the book! Impossible Nature: the art of Jon McCormack Jon McCormack, Jon Bird, Annemarie Jonson, Alan Dorin. Australian Centre for the Moving Image, 2004 16