TEACHER OF ENGLISH IN BILINGUAL SCHOOLS THREE YEAR FAST TRACK PROGRAMME 2017-2018 HVA.NL/TEBS TEACHER OF ENGLISH IN BILINGUAL SCHOOLS TEACHER EDUCATION IN ENGLISH THE TEACHER OF ENGLISH IN WHY? BILINGUAL SCHOOLS IS AN ► TEACHER-TRAINING PROGRAMME. IT You want to develop your academic research skills. ► You are interested in an international perspective on language teaching and learning. ► You want to become a teacher of English in international or bilingual schools. PREPARES STUDENTS FOR TEACHING STUDY PROGRAMME ENGLISH IN DUTCH SECONDARY Within this programme we focus on three areas of development: subject knowledge, teaching placement and professional development. In your first year you will be introduced both to English Literature and Language as well as Educational Studies. Your placement will start in block 2. It is essential to be aware that communications around this placement will be in Dutch. INTERNATIONALLY AND ACADEMICALLY ORIENTED SCHOOLS WITH A BILINGUAL OR FAST TRACK ENGLISH PROGRAMME AND/OR INTERNATIONAL SCHOOLS. The first semester of year two will be spent at a British or European University. The AUAS is a partner of the European Erasmus Exchange Programme and has an Erasmus agreement with several universities in the UK, Sweden, the Czech Republic and Finland. In semester two you will continue to work on an academic level, broadening your knowledge of linguistics, literature and education studies. Placement will also be part of this semester. At the end of the year you will choose a specialisation in either vocational education (vmbo/mbo) or general secondary education (havo/vwo). All modules in year three cater to your chosen specialisation. You will be at a placement school for 6 weeks fulltime. Research will take a central role at your placement school. You will also be required to complete the National Knowledge Test in order to attain your diploma. ADDITIONAL ROUTES Ambitious students may follow the ICELT (In-service Certificate in English Language Teaching) route or the Master's route. The ICELT route will allow students to attain the world renowned teaching certificate. This qualification is often required for teaching in Asia and by many private language schools. The Master's route will allow students to directly transfer to a Master's programme in Linguistics or Literature at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. TITLE Bachelor of Education. CAREER POSSIBILITIES Graduates may start working as English teachers at grade 2 level (the lower years of secondary schools) in the Netherlands. They will have specialised in bilingual/international education and Fast track English in Dutch secondary schools. The combination of the Dutch teaching qualification and ICELT also make students strong contenders for work fields abroad. STUDY LOAD 42 weeks of teaching per year Average of 40 hours per week including 14,4 contact hours (lectures/tutorials, practicals, project supervision and academic counselling) involving the presence of a lecturer or other supervisor. ► The study programme consists of 180 credits. One credit equals 28 hours study time. ► ► ► In the first academic year, you must attain 60 credits from the AUAS. If you attain fewer than 50 credits, the AUAS will issue a negative binding study advice (BSA). This means you will not be able to continue with the programme. ADMISSION CRITERIA Vwo-students. Havo-students with an 8.0 grade point average may also apply. ENROLMENT AND STUDY CHECK Enrol no later than 1 May via hva.studielink.nl using your DigiD. Allow at least five working days to receive your DigiD. After enrolling you must complete the mandatory Study Check. The faculty will send you an invitation for the check, and issue you with a recommendation regarding your choice of degree programme. The Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS) is based in the city of Amsterdam in the Netherlands. Amsterdam is a cosmopolitan city, where 175 different nationalities live and work together and where the English language is widely spoken. The city is a thriving centre of education and research in all conceivable areas: culture and society, trade, logistics, aviation, shipping, ICT, sports, healthcare, education and much more. At the AUAS we take full advantage of this wealth of opportunities in order to provide the best possible education and pursue cutting-edge research. The business sector needs graduates who have both intercultural and international work and study experience. At the AUAS, internationalisation is therefor intergrally embedded in educational programmes and the research activities of our schools. The AUAS trains the professionals of tomorrow. Research oriented towards realworld practice is an important component of the programmes offered at our schools. Our research always adresses real problems from the professional field and is conducted in close collaboration with both academics and professionals working in the particular discipline. This leaflet offers a concise overview of the three year academic fast track programme. For further information please visit the following websites (in Dutch): ► hva.nl/tebs ► hva.nl/opendag ► hva.nl/inschrijven ► hva.nl/ collegegeld ► hva.nl/studiekeuzecheck ► studiekeuze123.nl CONTACT Working days 9.30 am - 4 pm WhatsApp: 06 2115 5262 Phone: 020 5995 422 Mail: studievoorlichting@hva.nl FO-117-14 We share a joint Executive Board with the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and our close cooperation with the UvA is particularly valuable for our research activities and objectives. MORE INFORMATION No rights may be derived from the information contained in this leaflet. ABOUT THE AMSTERDAM UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES AMSTERDAM UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES Kohnstammhuis Building Wibautstraat 2-4 1091 GM Amsterdam The Netherlands