Volume 23, Issue 4, 2007
Volume 23, Issue 4, 2007
\I . 1' I I I I\ 1· I \ I\ . Printed in the Spirit of the Mid-Town Journal and Dedicated to Being the Collective Conscience of Urb.an Renewal and Eminent Domain in the City of Boston. December 2007 VOLUME 23, NO 4 James Campana, Editor/Publisher + Email: j.campano@worldnet.att.net + (617) 628-2479 Grand Opening of the West End Museum Exhibit On Sunday, October 28 the originally from the West End West End Museum celebrated and Rosann's mother lived in the opening of its new ex- the West End on Wall Street. hibit. In attendance were Paul Paul has been an ' enthusiastic Donato and Marty Waltz who supporter of West End causes were instrumental in getting for many years. the grant for the exhibit. ; ..Marty Waltz is also a strong Paul Donato's wife is from · supporter of the museum. Also the West End (Rosann Fanta- in attendance were City Counsia Donato). The Fantasia's are cilors Mike Ross and Stephen Murphy. They all spoke saying that the museum was a great memorial to a neighborhood which no longer existed. Mike Ross has been helping the mu-· seum on many different fronts and is a great help to the museum. Stephen Murphy spoke and also vowed to help. The board of directors of the muse- Cutting the ribbon at the West End Museum opening were: (/"-r) urn were in attendance which Paul Joltki, City Councilor Stephan Murphy, State Representaincluded Frank Privitera who tivePaul Donato, Attorney Frank Privitera, State Representative has been extremely ge~~rous - Marty Waltz, _CJJy Councilor Mike Ross, Sam Bellistri, Jim CamContinued on page 7 pano, Richard Nedd and Richard Hartnett. West End Museum's 2007 fundraiser ends successfully and 2008 fundraiserseeks even more support On October 28th the fourth drawing of the West End Museum fundraiser was held. Here are the winners: $1500 - Dorothy Calabruso $300·- Emily Moran $50 - John Pastore $50 - Mr. & Mrs. S. Montillo Jim Campana hanging out at the West End Museum. $50 - Daniel Colangelo $50 - Richard Hartnett The West End Museum fundraiser will continue into 2008 with all drawings being The West End House Camp ni are planning a number of held on the last Sunday of Jais celebrating its 1OOth anniver- events for 2008 (both in the nuray, April, July and October. sary in 2008. From its humble Boston area and at the camp The first drawing to be held beginnings in 1908 to its cur- itself). "Our goal is to ensure rent modem facility, the Camp that anyone who has ever been Help Us to Help You has been a strong and positive affiliated with WEH Camp in The West Ender is compilinfluence on thousands ofboys any capacity (camper, couning an e-mail data base. from all walks of life. selor, employee, parent, friend, Send your e-mail address to To commemorate this re- donor, etc.) will join us in the medd@comcastnet so we ·markable achievement, alumContinued on page 3 can inform you about West If you haven't renewed your subscription to End ·functions & events. The West End House Camp is about to make history 'acbe We!it <!Enber, now's the time- $10 Per Year P.O. BOX440-413 SOMERVILLE MA 02144 January 27, 2008 at 1 p.m. time of the drawing to receive For only $60_for the year, the prize. you will be eligible to win The West End Museum $1500 four times during the direly needs your support if it year. At each drawing, prizes is to continue. So please sup..: of $1500, $300 and four $50 port this endeavor. You could prizes will be awarded. There . benefit by winning and even if is also a $200 attendance prize, you lose, you benefit by supbut you must be present at the porting the museum. \ tl f f I -,._,.. J f J J f r J J if j f I I J I • Utbe We!it <fnber PAGE2 DECEMBER 2007 West End Museum donations Jim Campana is on the ballot in · February for the Democratic _State Committee man in the Second Middlesex, Somerville, Medford and Winchester. If you are in those districts and are going to vote, give Jim. yqur vote. If you are a West Ender and your name is not on the West End Museum's donation list-it should be. Fill out the donation form below and drop it in the mail. WEST END HERO - $25,000 or more Frank Privitera GOLD PHILANTHROPIST - $3,000 or more Bruce Guarino PHILANTHROPIST- $1,000 Sean Jackman-In honor of his Mother and Father Jim and Claire Jackman Judge Domenic Russo Michael "Mikey Shoo" Scimeca Carmella Scott William Sharrio Spina & Delia Families William Tomczyk Robert Vatalaro Zina Venezia Arthur Venditti Malcom Zimmerman SUPPORTER - $50 S. James AI berino Theresa Arria - In memory of Isabel & Conatto Arria BENEFACTOR - $500 Santo Aurelio Louis & Bebe Aurelio Jim Campana John DeMarco Mr. & Mrs. James Bramante Paul Joltki Leonard Nimoy In Memory of Dominic J. Bruno SPONSOR - $250 Francis Cartolano Jo~Annello Angela Deluca Anthony Castagnozzi - In memory of Millie Castagnozzi Irene Collyer- In memory of her deceased parents Beth & Marshall Arkin Alan Gropman Salvatore Condelli AI & Anna Cohen Kevin McGrath Joe DiFazio John Cucinotta Dorothea (Koresky) Josephine Zizzo Dzygala - In loving memory of parents Pastore Rose & Joe Zizzo Mrs. Helen· Feeney PATRON- $100 Gloria Fernandez James (Jay) Almeida · Ed Fitzgerald Sam Bellistri June Getchell Alan Berkman - In memory of his father, Oscar Berkman La.urence Goodman Robert Bova Theresa lmbornone Carlo Caccia Tom MacDonald Louis.& Laura Caccia Christopher Nikolla Joseph Calabruso - In memory of his mother, father, Reginaldo Rasa sister Connie and brother Mario Virginia Rogalski The Cancellieri Family John Rosato Kevin Clifford - In memory of his father, John Clifford Barbara Ruchames Bernard Condelli Mary Ann Russo - In memory of her parents Bernard & John Cucinotta Francesca Bettinelli Angie Deluca Vincent J. Russo Tony DeMarco Mr. Vincent Saraceno Joe DeSantis John C. Sergei Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Franchina Mark Skiffington Herbert Gans Richard Settipane Arthur Geller Jonathan Slate Conrad Geller Dorothy and Leonard Sudenfield Richard Hartnett Richard and Lois Testa Agnes lwanow Eleanor Venezia Shirley Kresse! · Bill & Carolyn Wood Joe Leece Nadine Zdanovich John Locatelli - In memory of his brother Lee Tony LoVoulo We are stopping listing anything under William MacAuley $50 mor:e than once because this list Joseph J. Matara is getting too big and cutting down on Richard Nedd Jim Noe space used for letters. Sorry. Anthony Pallotta Joe Peterkin NEW Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Phillips Mrs. Sheppard Werner - $25 John Rasa John Pastore - $25 Vincent Rasa AI (Jr.) Testa - $25 Sal Rabbio - In memory of his parents, Frank & Sally Gervais - $20 Eufemia Rabbio Harold Kaplan - $25 Bruno Roberto . Rosemary Good - $25 Mimi (Baker) Roberto - Remembering Vinnie Roberto City Councilor Mike Ross Judge Santo Ruma Donations to .the Museum are tax Andrew Sarno Ms. Margaret Scimeca - In memory of her Husband, deductable. The reason we cut the Museum donation list is because The West Ender is not a part of the museum. It is a separate entity and the friends part of the list is the biggest. If we keep printing the list we will not have space for stories and pictures .ofthe old West End. So we have to shorten the list. In the future we may have to cut the supporter list as well. Sorry. The West End Museum needs a fundraiser who has the ability to explore all phases and avenues of fundraising. If you know of anyone with these skills please contact .the museum: PO Box 8996, Boston, MA 02114. The West End Museum is resuming its Video Oral History program. Call the museum 617-723-2125 for an appointment to tell your story. ~be West ~nber P.O. BOX 440-413 • SOMERVILLE, MA 02144 TEL. 617-628-2479 Staff Editor •.•......•.....••..•.•....•..•.•........•. JAMES CAMPANO Co-Founder...........-•••...•....•.•....•.• RAYMOND J. PAPA All letters; articles and photos submitted to this publication become the property of The West Ender. Jim Campano is the only person authorized to accept memorabilia for The West Ender. The West Ender will return pictures if you enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope, but will retain all rights to publish them and to use the images The West Ender is a quarterly publication. , r-----------1 West End Museum Donation , I I wish to donate to The West End Museum to hasten its progress so I the story ofthe West £nd will not be forgotten. Send donations to: PO 1 Box 8996, Boston, MA 02114. Donations are tax deductable. I West End Hero I Gold Philanthropist Silver Philanthropist Philanthropist Benefactor $10,000+ $3,000+ $2,000+ $1 ,000 $500 Sponsor Patron Supporter Friend Other_ _____:__ $250 $100 $50 $25 Name ____________________________________ Address-------------------------------City-----------------State/Zip --------------------------------Donations to The West End Museum do not support or in any way go to the West Ender Newsletter. . . ...J L------------------- ~be l»eiit ~nber Reprint from Betsy's Best Bets- Town Crier, Wilmington; MA DECEMBER 2007 PAGE3 Here today- Gone tomorrow Hi, Hope you enjoy this column that I wrote for the Town _ Crier, a weekly newspaper in Wilmington. Betsy Woods Wilmington, MA betsymcg@comcast.net getting. a little lost (!) on our sweep. The blirlesque district way back. Many times we was easy to paint as shabby were left in the car, windows and cheap. Iri its place Govrolled down, while he ran an ernment Center was built errand, not having to feel con..; acres of barren, open, windcerned for our safety. There swept brick covered ground were · neighborhood people with a tasteless big ugly lump · called City Hall. everywhere, older women L(!.st month the West End leaning into the open apartRecently a teacher friend Museum celebrated its Grand windows watching all ment of mine, in casual conversa· of the goings on below, lots Re-Opening. The small, two tion, mentioned' that many ten day a week exhibit has dou~ _ of kids playing outside. The year old kids don't know how of bled its size and hours and West End was safe, as most to cross the street by them~ expanded its collection of the City neighborhoods were selves. The reason, you may .photos, murals, artifacts and in those days. have guessed, is that they 1 'Yes, neighborhoods change relies. A true labor of love have never been· allowed to .. and shared pain, the West End over time. Some get a bit run The same kids that have easily down, others are gentrified, Museum is the result of never mastered the computer have letting · go, never forgetting the ethnic and racial balance never played unsupervised, what happened, holding on to can shift. But what happened probably never climbed a each other over the decades, to the old West End was a tree, some have never learned keeping in touch and finally crime. Words like urban reto ride a bike. memorializing their near to newal, revitalization, modernWell, well, society certainly ization and economic rebirth one:s heart fateful nejghborhas changed, hasn't it? Geez, were used to justify the near hood. maybe we should all be put total demolition of an intact, · A gathering room lets those in protective custody the day who want to talk and tell stoself contained; lower working we're born. Now that would ries and reminisce sit together class beloved neighborhood. keep u.s safe, wouldn't it? - and there are videos and The area was tabeled 'a slum, ' My best frierid's father .was home movies to watch. A the · row houses were called a Russian immigrant. Before large soft gray bulletin board tenements, the private propmoving to Wilmington he erty, the homes were conlike wall is covered with snap lived in Boston's West End shots and the very personal demned and taken by eminent · but it seemed to me, at the words underneath the smildomain. time, that all he did in Wilming faces - touching, simple It's one thing to leave your ington was sleep. He still old neighborhood, to ' m ove stories and remarks, summer worked in the City and he in the West End, swimming in to be on, so to speak. But did all of his shopping in the out, · to have a time and forced the Charles, friends together City and his social life was place and space, more than a in front of a bakery or deli or totally in the City. Being very half century, plucked out of market, looking .at the camclose to the family I went just existence, erased like chalk era, close and caring for one about everywhere with them. on a blackboard, forever lost, another, happy, optimistic. A My girlfriend's mother didn't left all of those neighbors.livwalking history mural takes drive, preferred to stay home, ing in a kind of irreconcilable you on a poignant chronology so much of the time it would of life in the West End, a vitime warp of haunting memobe just the three of us. He let ries.and hurt. brant place of narrow streets us do whatever we wanted to The callousness with which and alleys, three and four and do while he spent some time the wreckage was carried out five story walk-up apartments, in his small basement work · said volumes about the attismall family businesses linspace office (I think he sold tude of the government, both ing the streets ov-erflowing wallpaper to interior decofederal and local, toward a to obliteration, at the hands of _ rator~). At ten years old. we a faceless devouring governwere loose on the streets of · powerless community ofhard ment working immigrants and first of bureaucrats. Boston killing time while he generation Americans. The After spending over an took care of business for a taxes collected on the -hour the Museum, I wracked "tenefew hours on a Saturday afmy brain trying to think of ments" couldn't compa~e to ternoon. I remember going to what would be reeled in on something positive, just one a small movie house without new luxury high rise good thing that came out of com· his knowledge, laughing and plexes. the West End story. It's a hard talking and being shushed The Scollay Square area lesson, but by now it's obviand getting up and down too was also part ous that this experiment was of the clean many times, -leaving early and a mistake, right? Well, think · again. In June 2005 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of the right of cities and towns to force the sale of private property for the economic benefit · of development projects. This judgment ended a bitte.r battle between · hot,neowners and the City of New London, Connecticut. . Where to go from here is not ch~ar but we must ~tay invo!ved, informed active citizens, persistently watchful. keeping a jaundiced eye wide open. In the profound words of once popular Joni Mitchell song, "You don't know what you've got 'till it's gone, pave paradise, put up a parking lot." a •J Old friends meet A few days before returning to Florida from South Carolina, Paut and Joyce (FC11'etruj Dembicld (left) enjoyed getting together with Stan and Cleo Mirowski (right) . As usual, a good time was had when these oldfriends .meet. Jim- I'm taking the opportunity to enclose my subscription re-. newal plus ·something extra. Thanks, Chuchi ps Sorry to hear that Kazy is not fat and bald. Now, THAT would have been a picture worth printing! The West End House Camp is about to make history Continued from page 1 many parts of the celebration;''·says Bill Margolin, Executive Director. The celebration will kick off at the annual camp breakfast on January. This spring, the camp ·will host a Gala Dinner at Gillette Stadium in _ Foxboro, Massachusetts. The event at Gillette will take place on May 3, 2008. Save the Dates! January 22, 2008- Camp Breakfast at the Spangler Center/Harvard Business School May 3, 2008 - Celebration at Gillette Stadium Contacting former campers . "Although we already have a large mailing list of Camp Aluinni, there are many more people out there ·for whom we have little or no information," says Margolin. "If you know any of these folks who had been connected in some way with the camp (or who, indeed, would just like to be made aware of the Centenni- · al events), please share their names and addresses with by contacting us." Board president Marty Jacobs is working with Margolin on a book chronicling the history of the camp. if you have any memorabilia, pictures, or stories, please email Bill at ·wehbgclub@aol.com or call Marty at cjt@jacobsthomas.com. 'Orbe West ~nber PAGE4 DECEMBER 2007 Myfriend Peggy (Adelson) Saslow No one has known me longer or better than Peggy and that is true of my knowing her !lnd having been her - friend for all of these years. We lived on Beacon Hill all of our child,hood years, which we considered part of the West End. I can recount the many times and many ways Peggy served as a caretaker for family, friends and the organizations, many of which Peggy Adelson Saslow and Sam London at West End House gala she is still involved in. Usually such involvement is weekend, April 2006. overlooked. And so it is my pleasure to announce to all who knew her that Simmons College will honor her with a special luncheon this month · · for the many hours she has This photo was taken at aSimmons Alumnae Luncheon that Peggy spent volunteering. serves as Chairperson. Peggy is on the right, her friend Evelyn It helps that we grew up Ruby in the center and Joyce Spector Mekelburg on the left. in an ·area that took pride in , helping others, some- . that many neighborhoods school that put her on the thing tl)at was instilled in us produced a sen.se of caring path of teaching others and • . ' from early on. · It helps that such as. tlie West Erid'~- Peg- h~Iiiing othe'rs. Congratulations Peggy! we never lost that connec- gy, as well as her children From your friend, tion. That ·pride was more and . granddaughter, graduJoyce Spector Mekelburg than evident at the wonder- ated from Simmons but conOctober 2007 ful bash we both attended tinued her allegiance -to the in the summer Of 2006. Not Morris Bresloufand Joyce Spector Mekelburg Charles River Conservancy seeking public .help The Charles River Conservancy is currently seeking submissions for "River Portraits," intended to be the voices of everyone in the comniunity affected by the river and the parklands. Share your memories of running, walking, biking, swimming, picnicking, going to concerts, rowing, etc. along the river to show why the parklands are important to you. . The Conservancy's goal is to revitalize the parklands into vibrant recreational areas. Increasing public awareness of the parklands' plight and soliciting conimunity involvement to refurbish them will help to reclaim this urban treasure. That's why we'd like ):'Our help in creating a . series of "River Portraits" for publication in the spring. If interested, please email crc@thecharles.org. Deadline for submission to be considered for publiation is December 31,2007. Thank you and enjoy the parklands .. Thanks, Elissa .N eed info on Joseph Marino Anyone with information about Salvatore Joseph Ruma · aka Joseph Marino. His family is looking for past history. Conta~t: Nela·Fula- Marinela.fula@tufts.edu Subscription renewals keep coming in... ~ ' Dear Jim, Dear Mr. Campano, Enclosed is my check to Enclosed is my chck for renew my subscription to The The West Ender to renew my West Ender and a little extra subscription. for postage, etc. I enjoy· readI would like to advertise in ing the paper. Keep up the The West Ender. Please let me know what the cost ·is and I good.work. Sincerely, . will send you a check. Rose (Noe) Matthews It's ~lways a pleasure when Falmouth, MA I receive each issue. Thank you, Marilyn Longo Barrett Hi Jimmy, thanks for,the reminder. I'd Enclosd is my renewal for hate to miss an issue. I heard thti museum looks great and The West Ender and a little exnext time I'm downtown, I'll tra to help defray costs . . Leo Cipriano be sure to stop by. Why don't you stop by for lunch with the Enclosed is my renewal and boys some Thursday? It would a little extra. Enjoy The West be good to see you. Ender - keep up the good Regards, work.Steve Curley · "Anna My" Riminiscenza . Ed note: If I can find time I · will try. Hi Jim, Enclosed is my check for The West Ender subscription. Thanks to my old West End buddy, Barry Shulman, I've enjoyed reading the articles and letters in the issues he's sent to me. (He lives in Las Vegas). Now, I'm loo~g forward to receiving my own quarterly issue fun of many fond memories. · Goodluck, Alan Siegal Sharon., MA / Enclosed is my subscription to The West Ender. Looking forward to another year. Joann Owen Hi Jim, - It's that time again. Hope you're doing good. · ' Don Nicholosi .i : ' ' ~be DECEMBER 2007 We!it ~nber PAGES ,Q BITUARIES C. Rose Finkelstein C. Rose (Luftman) Finkelstein, 101, of Brookline, died on Monday, November 5, 2007. Beloved wife of the late Samuel. Devoted mother of Reva Greenberg and her late husband Larry of Framingham and Deana Ganz and her late husband Irving of Winthrop. Dear grandmother of 13 grandchildren and 2 late grandchildren. Great grandmother and great great grandmother of several. Sister of the late Julius, Jack and Samuel Luftman, Rhoda Bourne and Ida Holsberg. For over 50 years she was a dedicated employee and volunteer at Beth Israel Medical Center. Services were at Levine Chapels, 470 Harvard St., Brookline. Memorial observance was private. In lieu of flowers, remembrances may be made to the C. _Rose Finkelstein~ Sc]lolarship Fund, c/o Beth Israel Deaconess 'Medical Center, 330 Brookline Ave., Boston, MA 02215. gartown. He is also survived by his loving grandchildren, Erin, Courtney, Ryan, Katie, Tristan and Cameron Kozul. He is further survived by his brother Walter Kozul and his wife Gina ofMN. Funeral services. and interment were ·private. Memorial contributions may be made in Ted's memory to the ESSCOMGH Breast Cancer Research Fund, c/o MGH Development Office, 100 Charles River Plaza, Suite 600, Boston, MA 02114: Vincent N. Salamone and Gilbert SanFilippo. Former mother-in-law of Sandra Rosato of East Providence, Rl. Mary is also survived by several nieces and nephews. Funeral was from _CotaStruzziero-McKenna Funeral Home, Somerville. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery, Everett. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in Mary's memory to the Lutheran Home of Southbury, CT, 900 Main St. . North, Southbury, CT 06488. lis M. (Bevilacqua) Bartolino. Devoted ' father of Lori Carbonneau and her husband John of Medford and the late Sherry Krol. Loving grandfather of John, Craig, Nicole, and Jillian. Brother of Joseph Bartolino of Reading, the late Louise DiMeo and Rose Hernandaz. Fimeral was from the Dello Russo Funeral Home, Medford. Services concluded with burial at Oak Grove Cemetery, Medford. In lieu of flowers memorial contributions may be sent in John's name to a charity of ones' choice. Vincent N. "Vinny" Salamone, a 4 year resident of Charlestown and former resident of South Boston and the West ·End, died unexpectedly on Sunday October 28, 2007 at his home in Charlestown. He was 67 years old. Vinny was born in Boston on December 25, 1939. He grew up in The West End section of Boston. He attended Boston Public Schools. Vinny worked on the Boston fish piers for several years before Annette Costa Annette (Giordano) Costa William A. Zankowski he began working as a barof Dorchester, formerly of William A. Zankowski of tender for Todd English's Bar Holbrook, and the West End of Norwood, formerly of Ja- in Boston for almost 30 years. Vinny is the devoted fa~ Boston, died on Oct. 4, 2007. maica Plain, born in the West Beloved wife of the late Mary D. Venditti End of Boston, at age 91, died ther of Christine Salamone of Mary D. (Foti) Venditti of peacefully at Highgate Manor Charlestown. He is the loving John and loving mother of Jo- Arlington formerly of the Old Nursing Home, November 15, grandfather of John F..Collier seph and Paul Costa, both of West End of Boston, died on surrounded by his loving fam- 11 and Nicole Katherine Col- Dorchester, Anthony and his November 10. lier. He is the great-grandfather wife Noreen Costa of Hotily. Beloved wife of the late of Caiden J. Collier. He is the brook, and John and his wife Beloved husband of MilJohn D. Venditti. Mother of dred R .. (Kennaley) and the beloved brother of Ann Marie Anne Costa of Abington. Lov- Arthur and his wife Mary of late Mary E. (Ulaskiewicz). DeFelice of Weymouth and ing sister of Salvatore Giorda- Wilmington, Joseph of LexLoving father of Patricia A. Geraldine Ehrstein of Marsh- no of Boston, and the late Jo- ington, Mary Wright and her Johnson of Billerica, Paula.R._ . Jield. He.is also survixed.Qy•.L . seph and Concetta Giordano. usband Riehstd · of · C>hio. A so surviVe Y gran c 1 McCusker and her husband niece and several nephews. Also survived by 7 grandchil-· In lieu of flowers, kindly dren and several loving nieces James of Farmington,~ and dren and 16 great grandchilWilliam A. Zankowski, Jr. and · make memorial donations in and nephews. dren. Sister of the late Jim and Funeral was from the Sealhis wife Anne E. of Mansfield. Vinny's name to The Charles.Richard Foti, Josephine Fields, . Also survived by 4 grandchil- town Boys and Girls Club, 15 ly & Trayers Funeral Home, Lucy Paci and Carmella Foti. Theodore L. Kozul dren and 2 great grandchil- Green St. Charlestown, Mass. Dorcester, Interment Holy Funeral was from The 02129. Cross Cemetery, Malden. Theodore L. "Ted" Kozul, dren. DeVito-O'Donnell Funeral age 80, of Medford formerly A Memorial Service will be Mary Carmella Rosato John J. Bartolino Home, Arlington. of Boston's West End, died held at a future date. Mary Carmella (Sanfilippo) John J. " Johimy Batts" November 6th in his home Rosato of Southbury, CT and Bartolino, 85 of Medford, Frank Lavine following a lengthy illness. He James A. Gigante d.1 dF ·da ft b · f'lln Frank Lavine of Medford, Somerville, MA, October 22, e n Ya er a ne 1 ess was the beloved husband of in the Massachusetts General died on December 1, 2007 at . James A. Gigante of Rethe late Mary F. (Smith). Born vere, formerly of the \Vest End 2007 Hospital, Boston, MA. age 83. Beloved wife of 64 years in Boston he was the son of Of Boston, November 23. Born in Boston, he lived in Husband of Katherine. Also of Luc1·tle of the late Anthony J. RoDev.oted c.ather the late Caroline (Lukowski) 1, Medford since 1969 and for- survived by his daughter Sarah Giganti-Passacantilli of Mel- sato. Mother of John Rosato and Michael Kozul. · c. h' f rth merly of the West End of Bos- of New Orleans; two brothers, rose. Loving grandf:ather of and h1s wi1e Cynt 1a o No Ted was retired from the ton. John was the son of the Solomon Levine of Malden Giganti-Passacantilli. Providence, RI and . Marie electronics industry and was Julie late Constance (Costanza) and .and Peter Levine of Atlanta; the former owner and operator Brother of Marie Giuffre, Lo- Braun and her husband Carl Joseph Bartolino. He worked many nieces and nephews. of Woo dbury, CT. Daugh1' of both the Baytron Company retta Papa' Angela '~"'oscano, · with the Ice Crew at the forBurial was private. and Aerowave Inc of Med- Jannine Ellis, John Gigante, ter of the late Francesca and . mer Boston Garden for 40 Former Library Director for ford. He was a member of the all of Revere, Anna May Rim- Francesco SanFilippo. ·Grand- years and retired in 1980. the City of Medford. Masons and was also a mem- iniscenza, Dorothy Alonardo mother of Christopher Braun Beloved husband of Phylber of the Institute of Electri- both of Medford, and the late - and his wife Charlotte of Melrose, MA; David Braun of cal and Electronics Engineers. Arlene Settipane. Late U.S. Navy Veteran of Redmond, WA and Anthony Ted was also a proud veteran Rosato of East Providence, Dolores "Calitri" Giuliano from Maria Alexander WWII. and served with the United In lieu of flowers memorial RI. Great grandmother of BenMildred Bova from Robert Bova States Navy during WWII. contributions may be sent in jamin and . Adeline Braun of Joseph and Rose Zizzo from Josephine Dzygala He is survived by his sons, Michael Kozul and his wife James' name to the Chelsea Redmond, WA. Sister of John Tut Johnson from Ricky Johnson Maria of Natick, Leon Kozul Soldiers Home, 91 Crest Ave., SanFilippo of Brookline, MA; Sicuso Family from Josephine Polcari Josephine Ciulla of Malden, and his wife Kathy of Med- Chelsea, MA 02150. Julio Scala from Loretta Scala MA and the late Phyllis Bash ford and Tracy Kozul of Ed- 1 {" r I I 1! 'I I ' I I ' ' '. I ' r • • 1 t 1 1 I • '' • I I I I\ I PAGE6 DECEMBER 2007 :O BITUARIES Mildred L. Bova Carmen and his wife, Phyllis, four great grandchildren: Mildred L. (Falino) Bova, Jessica, Anthony, Amanda, 92, formerly of Revere, MA, 'and Gianna, and four great, died Thursday, September 6, great grandchildren: Allysa, 2007 in Nashua, New HampMadyson, Emily, and Joshua. shire. Born and raised in the Mrs. Bova also leaves a sisWest End of Boston, she had ter, Mary LeBranti of Peabeen a resident of Revere for body, and several nephews 50 years. and nieces. She was also the Mrs. Bova was the daughsister of the late Pasquale, ter of the late Joseph and AnCharles, and Joseph Falino, gelina (Napoli) Falino, and the - wife of-the late FtanlcJ. Bova. - ~:Jr. "6f Revm;-amt- Rose Cdi of Winthrop. She is survived by a son, Private funeral services Robert J. Bova of Asheville, were held from the VertucNorth Carolina, three daughcio Funeral Home in Revere ters: Lorraine C. Addario of on September 12, 2007, and Revere, Angela M. Bova of were followed by a Solemn Windham, NH., and Joyce P. Requiem, Mass at St. AnthoBova Koster of Pelham, NH, ny's Church, Revere. Burial and her husband, Peter. was at Woodlawn Cemetery Survivors also include in Everett, MA. two grandchildren: Lori, Robert Anthony Minichiello Robert A. Minichiello of Mill Valley, CA, who grew up on North Anderson Street in Boston's West End, died of cancer on September 26,_ 2007, after a brief hospitalization. Rebert was bomApril28, 1942 to the late George P. Minichiello and the late Angelina (Repici) Minichiello, .· proprietors of the Evergood Store on Charles Street, where Robert worked as a teenager. Robert was an observer of nature, art and beauty, and often blessed his family and friends with his sketches and architectural drawings, as well as favorite classical music. He played Pied Piper for numerous younger cousins, nephews and nieces, urging them on in their musical or_artistic talents. Robert is/survived by siblings: George M. Minichiel- . lo, and his wife, Ellen; Judith M. Montes, and her husband, Daniel; John C. Minichiello, and his wife, Kim. Robert's nieces include: Caterina Montes, and her husband, John Forest; Wendy Minichiello McFadden, and her husband, John McFadden; Jennifer Minichiello; Deborah Krog, and her husband, John Krog; and Angela and Kristi burlesque comedians Toinmy Rose Award, given to a volunMoe Raft and Phil Silvers. His teer who has provided outstandtalent took him all over the ing and compassionate service world to casinos, theaters, fairs,to new mothers and babies. festivals, private parties and of"She did · whatever she ficers' clubs for the military. could, and she liked being up Mr. Penta never used curse in the maternity floor," said her words or blue material. His act daughter, Deana Ganz of Winwas good, , clean, wholesome throp. entertainment for the entire When she could not hold family. He performed with the the babies any longer, she perlikes of Connie Frances, Enformed other tasks on the floor gelbert Humperdinck, Al Marsuch as folding clothes, Dunbar tino, Florence Henderson, Tony said. Bennet, Renny Youngman and But her attention never many others. He was also regustrayed far from the babies: She lar guest on the late night show would always sing to them. ''Talk of the Town" on the BBC Her popularity stretched beNetwork in England yond the hospital, according to In the Boston area he was a her daughter. regular performer at outdoor "Rose is very special to all City Hall Plaza, Blinshows at of us at the Senior Center," a friend wrote to the family, ac- · strub's, Chateau De Ville and Rose Finkelstein The Monticello supper club in cording to Ganz. "She was a When asked how she kept Framingham. In2005, he starred going, Rose C. (Luftman) Finreal treasure; we will always in a short comedy movie, ''The remember her!" . kelstein ':"ould wag her finger Great Pretenders," which won and recite her motto: "ActivShe was a~ a regular at best comedy documentary film . . d d d . Rubin's Deli in Brookline. 1ty, attltu e, an eterm1naB . 1906 Mrs F·ink 1_ in an LA film festival. ti that' "t All d to om m ' · e - o~ . s 1 . you ~ee - - - steitf~gtew up in Boston"s"West ·- . ~~ar,Miiltf'h'R ;,wuuW keep gomg. Oh, and you ve got End. She married Samuel Fingenerously donate his time to to have a sense of humor, or k 1 te" . 1962 entertain the elderly. esmm . , l"kd" you re lC e . Her daughter remembers Former husband of the late She lived by ~at ge~ for her mother as being very indeJoanne ''Terri" (Pruette)~ Mr. 101 Y~· Mrs. ~inkelstem,_ of pendent. Penta is survived by a daughter, Brookline, a dedicated hosp1ta, 1 h Judy Penta of Pompano Beach, . "S e lived the way she volunteer and retrred nurses wanted to," Ganz said. Fla.; a sister, Connie Saitta of aide, died Mon., No_vember 5. Charlesto In addition to her daughter, wn; two grandchilMinichiello. Robert is survived by nephews: Marcos J . Montes; Luis D. Montes, and his wife, Alyson Greiner; Miguel C. Montes, and his wife, Angie; and Tony Minichiello. Robert is also survived by four uncles, three aunts and many cousins, as well as many friends, including Zoe Borkowski . and James Eilers, who were present with him when he died. Robert brought special joy to greatnieces: Paige, Michaela and Angelina, and greatnephews: Nicolas, Carlos, Max, Orlando, Jeremiah, Bobby, JP and Eric. Cremation has taken place and services will be announced at a' later date. She started wo* at what is now known as Beth Israel Dea- · coness Medical Center during World War IT as a nurse's aide on the maternity floor. She retired in 1976 at 70 but couldn't bring herself to leave, so she returned a day later and worked as a volunteer for 31 more years. "She was the heart and soul of Beth Israel. She · showed what the best could be," said Juba Dunbar, director of volunteer services at the hospital. Without giVing a thought to the weather conditions, the day, or her age, Mrs. Finkelstein went to work without fail, relatives and coworkers said. She volunteered at Beth Israel on weekends and accumulated more volunteer hours annually than anyone else. In 2004, Beth Israel created the Mrs. Finkelstein leaves another daughter, Reva Greenberg of Framingham, and 13 grandchildren. dren, four great granchildren, a · mece and six nephews. Burial with full military bonors was held at Massachusetts Anthony J. Penta National Cemetery, Bourne. Anthony J. ''Tommy" Pe.nta of the North End, a Boston standup comedian, died Friday at Mass. General Hospital. He was 85. Born in Boston, Mr. Penta was a native of Boston's North End And grew up in the city's Italian neighborhood. He was a former resident of Charlestown. fie briefly lived in Germany and · England when he toured in Europe. Mr. P.enta was an Army veteran ofWorld War IT. Mr: Penta started his career as a ·comedian at an. early age on the stage ofThe Old Howard Theater in Scollay Square with Patrick J. Fiorello Patrick J. Fiorello, 85, of Medford, died peacefully on November 4, 2007. In addition to his wife Mary C. Fiorello (Tina DiFrancesco), he is survived by his daughter, Patricia and her husband Alan Wittenbach; his son, Joe Fiorello and his partner Brian Hyde; his grandchildren Ann and Greg Ehlert and Christine and Jonathan Wood and three great-grandchildren. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the MidCentury Fund of the Boston Foundation, 75 Arlington St., Boston;_MA02116. 'I I I I I / : I 1 I ,r I I 't ' 1 · , 'J I ' ' I I f, ; ' ' ' I ' - ' • I I r - • ~ ..t,. } } • ; ... ; J ., ) • . ' • ••• J t I I I -c. t - I \. I -' J 't J, ) • -t. I ~ I" I L .... 1.. ' 't l l J. ' J,. ~t ]' ·r 'l J. !\ DECEMBER 2007 1~ I II. r I 'J I ~ ' I I I I I ., ! I I ' ' { : 1 'J J PAGE7 LETTERS West End Museum celebrates opening Continued from page 1 Cutting the ribbon to dedicate the official opening of the West End Museum. to the museum and his office has supplied needed secretarial help. The museum had people coming and going from . the opening at 10 a.m. until its closing at 3 p.m. Former West Enders met and relived past stories and events. Among the people who attended were historians and people with just a general mterest in the history of the West End. Mrs. Blood's granddaughter was also in atten-dance, Mrs. Blood's family was the last family to leave the West End. They were forcibly thrown out of their house, along with their furniture, onto Charles Street. The end of a sorrowful era with a last tragic episode. But it was a great day and everybody had a wonderful time. Come visit the museum. 0 West End Hero's Memorial came to reminise End at the new West End Museum. (1-r) Rep. Marty Waltz, Rep. Paul Donato, Angela Rolando, Joe Peterkin (1-r) Sil Maccarone, Frank Privitera, Rep. Paul Donato, Rep. Marty Waltz, City·Coun. Stephen Murphy, City Coun. Mike Ross. Paul Donato and Frank Privitera Jim Campano, Mrs. Blood's Paul Joltki ~ Boston City Councilor Mike Ross speaks at the opening as Museum Board ofDirectors look on. Jimmy Campano, president ofthe West End Museum, at the podium with other dignitaries at the official dedication of the long-awaited landmark. State Rep. Paul Donato addresses the crowd at the museum dedication. Donato helped the West End Museum secure a $50,000 grant from the State of Mass. for cultural and historical preservation. ·' j t i ' '' I : ' ' ' I I I I \ 1 ' ' I 1 I 1 I I l! I 1 I J /I l PAGES . ,. , 'ar:be Wes5t ~nber DECEMBER 2007 The memorable West Ender Mass at.St. Joseph's Church At the West Ender_ Mass - Frank Privitera with the Limone s: (left-right) Frank Privitera, Mary Limone Bramante, Peter Limon((, Millie Limone, Jimmy Bramante Outside before Mass old friends make small talk. (left-right) Mrs. ·John Silvestro, Helen Silvestro and her sister, Frank Privitera (rear), Peter Limone and John Silvestro Peter Limone, Margaret DiMare and Frank Previtera converse before Mass at St. Josephs Church. Having refreshments after Mass in the downstairs church hall are Peter Limone, Nancy Cannalongly and Frank Privitera. Chairman ofthe West Enders Mass event Vincent Raso (cent"er/wlilfPeteFllmone lind Ffli1'f7fPrivitera. -........- Some West Enders gather before Mass in front of St. Joseph s Church. Frank Privitera and his sister Nancy with Peter Limone before Mass in front ofSt. Jospeh s Church. About 11 a.m. Sunday morning on September 23, 2007, a trickle of people started gathering in front of St. Joseph's Church. They all had one thing in common. They were former residents of the old West End. They canre~ frotil neanm1l far; they·were young and· old They were rich and poor, but they were ·all West Enders; in body, in spirit and in mind In 10 minutes, the few small groups had mushroomed . into hundreds. You could tell from their happy faces and fraternal hugs that they were friends of many years. You could sense the,nostalgia in their voices and the sincerity in their handshakes. It was a sight to make your heart beat faster. By ·11 :30 a.m. the swarm of happy people flocked to enter St. Joseph's Church to begin the heart warming festivities that commenced with the Mass inside the church. The seriousness of the Holy Mass was made sOmewhat jovial by a humorous sermon by Father O'Donnell, who is Father Buck's replacement. The first reading was given by Margaret DeMare formerly ofHale Street. Vmcent Raso, formerly of wali Street, presided over organizing the secular portion of the Mass and his wife delivered the second reading. After Mass the crowd of over 100 adjourned to the downstairs hall at St. Joseph's to enjoy soft drinks, sandwiches, cake and coffee and various other refreshments. The old West Enders were consumed with stories, fables and tales of yesteryear, about places and times that had long ago faded into oblivion. Nothing could restrain the fervor and enthusiasm of the West Enders' quest to resurrect stories of times gone by. It was enough to bring tears to your eyes and nostalgic warmth to your heart. You could sense the reverential yearning from West Enders to do it again. They say, "that virtue is its own reward," and so it is with West Enders- being together and reminiscing about ''yesteryear" is its own reward At the reception after the Mass is Father O'Donnell . (center) with Peter Limone (left) and Frank Priv- . "itera. Having coffee and juice bfore light lunch at the reception after the Mass at St. Josph s downstairs hall - (left-right) Jimmy Bramante, Mary Limone Bramante and Jimmy LoGrippo. Some Hale Street alumni gather for refreshments after Mass - Peter Limone, Frank Privitera, Zena Mignosa Venezia. • ' ' t. ' DECEMBER 2007 'OI:be We~t Qenber r.__. LETTERS .,. • . ' , • • I' ' • . ' ·~ ' . .. • ·~ t .. t ' ' ' : i . .,. . # ( \· ' ( # .. PAGE9 ~. A great time was had at 50's l)ance Re.union Hi Richie, I just want you and everyone else- seeing you at;1d everyone at the "50's Dance was great! Thank you!! Richie Pappa, Donardo Gentile, everyone! Wow!!!!!!! Paul Joltlki! Thanks, Paul, I am so glad that I attended it was absolutely fabulous! See- . ing so many West Enders and Bruno, seeing you meant so much. I could have talked to you . for hours about all the memories with your brothers and sisters. Thank you Bruno. _ My brother Richie Currie · and sister Sandra are sorry they weren't there. Hopefully, will attend the next one! Thanks - I could list all the West ily all live in Revere. She is Enders · that I often think Mrs. Peter Rich. about and wish I could see sq • Please keep me updated. many! God, I wonder where Can't wairto stop by the Muthey are? seum! Just think, where else And Angie DeLuca, she in this wor~d does a neighboris just wonderful. Thanks hood that doesn't exist any Angie! She brought me and longer continue to care and Nancy Lynch and Yvonne feel so connected to one ~ Sannicandro back together other! No where, bthe good again. Being with Nancy and Old West End! No where else on this earth!!!!!!!! And God Yvonne and Angie was like bless all of you keep it going! we were never apart. ' How about Marie Longo, Thank you from my heart, Lavey, Bootsie, Marie Russo, Rich and everyone .who and everyone!n!!!!!!! Too worked so hard to make it much .to list everyone! happen! Best Regards and I'm still in touch with the have a healthy, Happy Maryann Pokomicki. She Thanksgiving! is not in good health and _ couldn't attend. Love· her to .Ronnie Currie-DeBrizzi · pieces! Maryann and her fam- Remembering Feeling lucky Hi Jim; Jim; I remember the West End! Enclosed find our check Enclosed find a check for · I enjoyed visiting the exhibits for renewal of our subscripmy renewal and l:l donation on the day of the opening ret<> the inuseufu: -My sincerest: · , cepttoh".'"it surel{wilrcapiufe·' - tion we look'forward to~it arrd··enjoy reading it. thanks to you for all you do the interest of locals as well . We can repeat it over and to keep the West End alive in as well as visitors. over again, there will never our hearts. Rosemary Good be. another "West End". We · Sincerely. Good feeling are lucky to have spent our Carmella A. Scott childhood there. Keep up· the Gentlemen; Great job! . good work.. When sorting out the daily Sincerely, mail and seeing that The West . Hi Jim, _ Dom And Margaret DiMare has arrived, I'm imEnder Enclosed is a check for the mediately filled with a "good renewal of The West Ender. Donating feeling." Thank you for the · e-mails Hi, EncJosed is my subscripabout the West End Museum. When I se~ (in recent istion and an additional amount The pictures were awesome. sues ofThe WestEnder) that to help with the publication You're doing a great job my old West End buddies and of this wonderful journal. and thanks for that too. Crusader Club teammates like Thanks, so long. Sincerely, .6arcy Shulman, Dave WizanJulius Breslouf FranMeucci s~, Tony LoVoulo and Ralph Santoussouso have made donation to the West End Muse2~007 um, I regret waiting so long in sending the enclosed check. · Keep up the good work. The following West Enders have contributed $100 or more to our cause in Alan Siegal 2007. We salute them! Now is the time to send your check in the amount of -$100 ifyou are interested in becoming a member. \>Vest Enders Century Club Beth and Marshall Arkin Sarito Aurelio · Frank Celeste William Corcoran John Cucinotta Alan Gropman Bruce Guarino TedKozul Walter Kozul Kevin McGrath Leonard Nimoy JimNoe Nino Parisi Frank Privitera Judge Santo Ruma Yvonne Sannicandro Richard Terranova Donald Zerendow Good work Enclosed is my check for The West Ender. Please apply the balance to the West End Muse~ Always a pleasure to receive The West Ender. Keep up the good work. Harold Kaplan - (back) Harry & Celia Silbert, (front) Helen & Stoney Proud Please send me your West Ender paper. I am an ex-West E1_1der and proud of it! Thank you! Frank Castagnozzi N. Weymouth, MA Looking for Spring Streeters · Jim, Enclosed is for subscrip.:. tion; plus. I never see anyone from · Spring Street. I also lived .on Eaton for a short time and then on Chamber· (landlady was Mrs. Yaffe). I went to North Russell Street Shut with my grandmother, Sima Styman. ~ Used to move around sawdust with my feet at Barney Sheffe. I went t~ Mayhew School. I know I wasn't the only one. Where are you? · I once sent you a JJS club pin. Did it ever get to ·museum? I'll nev~r get here. I have a neurologic disability · and I even find it difficult to write. Laurie Leibowitz Good value Editor: , It is time to renwe my subscription to· The West Ender. I would not hesitate to say that The· West Ender is an extremely good value. lt offers page after page of memories. How do you put a value on memories. . My , check is enclosed. "RENEW." 'I often get the pangs of nostalgia. J.Almeida (Bomber) 2007 vVEsT END:ER GoLD ClUB Th~ following Wlo~t Enders hav~ contribuud $500 to. our caus~ in 2007, aim£d at ke~ping aliv~ th~ spirit th~ Wlost End, ? Frank Privitera ~be PAGE 10 West ~nber DECEMBER 2007 Noe's ·50th Anniversary·celebration gala . . Lucille and Jim Noe celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on September 23, 2007. with their children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, cousins, nieces, nephews, great nieces and nephews. Relatives - ~ -- . .... . and friends came<from New Hampshire, Vermont, VIrginia, Florida and Puerto Rico, Arizona. Fr. "Joe" McDermott (healing priest from Stoughton Immacu·late Conception Church) said the invocation. Usher Domenic ~~ttinelli and his sisters Maryann and Josie were present, along with Raso's, Silvestro's, Sarto's, Patania's, Joe Noe, Biccheri ~s, Specuzza's, Gloria Griffin, etc. And Innzy LoGiudice (the . name lnnzy was made up by Jim Noe) on streets of the West End, mainly Wall Street. About 174 attended the gala event and we all had a great time·with the DJ Fancy Nancy keeping the music going and people dancing. Food and drinks were delicious. The time was · held in Avon, MA at the Genera-- Luciile and Jim Noe with children and grandchildren. ---- Healing Priest Father "Joe" McDermott Ralph Silvestro with Sam and Josie Patania Childhoodfriends Jim and Innzy LoGiudice Lucille and Jim with children, Donna Frank and Ann Lucille andJim with brothers gnd sister$-in-law aiu:l . sisters and brothers-ih-law Lucille with Marie Spicuzza and Gloria Griffin 1 1 r·r ,..,..- i ' r f 1 f' yo. • ' I, ' ~be DECEMBER 2007 In memory of... West <fnber 1 ' I l I t I I I I I '1 ' 1 I ' j I I ) ·, ' '1 .I '• 't I '1 '1 't '1 '· ' '· I ' 1 1 ·, '1 PAGE 11 In memory of..• Dear Carol and Philip, Dear James; My heart is so sad. Andrea I thought you would like to and I J:tave been praying since know we just buried my sister today.. your mother's passing. We went Dolores "Calitre" Giuliano to the cemetery after everyone was gone and had some private - A wonderful and gracious time and prayed with her. In my lady, much loved by everyone mind's eye I see her and your she came in contact with. Better kilown as ''Del" to all. Her West · father walking arm and arm up Lynde St. (The most beautiful End friends were all there at the couple.). Philip, you have your wake, especially Dolly "Ruma" father's face and smile. I .see Ferraguto, Rose Zanelli, Nat their faces smiling at Carrie's Spinale, and many others ... too SCHOLARSH_IP PRESENTATION-Frank Privitera gives scholarship to grandshower and will always rememnumerous to name. daughter of "August Club" member D. Silvestro at the August Clubs annual banquet. (1-r) ''Del" will always be remember your Mom's face smiling at J. Tringale, Frank Privitera, Mary ·Gallagher, Payton Privitera, Philip Privitera, J. Morelthe New Year's Eve Party. bered for her kindness and carlo, John Russ.o, D. Silvestro, S. Pustizzi. The Augusta Club was founded in the West End and ing for friends and her laughter Forme to deal with her death, located on Staniford Streei until the West End was demolished and has since been relocated I see her on the top of a moUnwas infectious. Always at the in the North End of Boston. The Augusta Club 'J*jffrmer name was the Augusta Fraternal tain with the sun shining and Mercury Club and a great dancAssociates. then eases all her pain and takes er. Married 56 years to hert husher into it where God and your band Frank, and had been at a father are waiting for her. God few Mercury Club dinners. publishing a full list at least Dear Jim, idea and in the end you will Sonny Fazio flew up from gives us the strength to go on, once a year. Please think this . I admire and respect you · have less money coming in. but there is nothing to replace Florida, a very close and wonover. Myself, I think by your for the time and effort you put I am sorry but I had to write endless love of a Mother. derful friend George and Mary doing what you suggseted into The West Ender. to you and let you see what's "Affectionally'' as always, Tringale and Carmen and Babe. will put off many people that However, I don't agree called discrimination. Betty Diorio from the West-End So wonderful to see them. could only afford what they . with your stopping the printThankS for all you do and Love you both Dolores, rest in peace. You can give. fig of those who donated $50 think this over. were loved and will never be or less. I don't think it's fair. You, I think, will end up September, 23,2007 Sincerely, forgotten. Dear West Ender; Those that give you $50 _losing_thos~ ~~t don't like th~ Fran~es (~pip.ale) S:elino your L9vil!g_sis~ -·we remeni&r our DOO, my -- or less give it- Wfth -all the Maria "Calitre'' Alexander Mom Stella Moroz, my sister love and devotion they have P.S. Lucy Zappa's three daugh2007 vVc'lt :Ender" Nlcn1oric:ll Circle Kristine N3zzaro and I, Miof their memory of the West ters came, Lucy was a close The following West Enders have contributed $100 or more chelle Gustafson, remember our End. In fact those that give friend and passed a~ay several in memory of their loved ones for 2007. Now is the time $50 or less should be comyears ago. Dolores also.has two . wonderful Dad and husband to send in your donation to be included in the 2007 West Mike Moroz. He died so early. plimented because this is all sons, M3rk and Paul Giuliano, Enders Memorial Circle. Today would be his first they can afford to give and it and also the late Steven GitiliaAl Cohen from Anna Cohen granddaughter's first birthday comes from the heart as much no. Burial was at St. Michael's -Ava Lee Hill is one today. Edward W. Kawa from Lillian Kawa as those that can afford more. Cemetery. .Thanks to all the hard work To me it sounds like there Catherine Loguidice and Mario Stancato from Charlie Larosa that goes into the paper. Special Dear Mr. Campano: is a discrimination between Anthony Manzelli from Mario Manzelli thanks to Paul and VrrginiaJoltI ·am enclosing a copy of those that have and those that Bill MacAuley from Jim Campano ki and hello to Andy and Sandy don't have big bucks, my brother's obituary, which Barney, Ida, Manny, Sheff and Lillian SheffWalluck, Sarno. I hope can be placed in the If you cannot possibly list Ruth Sheff Rosenburg from Michael Sheff Love, upcoming edition of The West all the names of those donors Michelle GustafsOn Ender. perhaps you might consider Rose Tringale from Richard Tringale (Aunt Helen) Although Robert, and all Gaetano & Josephine Privitera from Frank Pri~tera of us have moved from the Jimmy; Jack, Mirium & Frank Gropman from Alan Gropman West End, we have enjoyed Please find my subscription reading about the "old times" Anthony Manzelli from Mario Manzelli to The West Ender. In addition, there, on North Anderson St. Philomena Spina from Rose Mercadante a donation to the memory of my especially. I believe Dan Curlate father, Tut Johnson, who Philomena Spina from Anne Rameior tis, who has written recently, ioved and missed the West End was an old neighbor of ours Vmcenzo & Rosaria Interrante, Salvatore & Olympia Bramante, until his departure. from that street. Mary & John Marchesini & Rose Interrante . Sincerely, Thank you for letting this froin Joseph Interrante Ricky Johnson community live again in the Anthony (Junior) Comperchio, William (Bossy) Hoar, James people's stories. I'm renewing my subscrip(Gussie) Guskiewcz, Roger Jackman & Joseph Lanza from Sincerely, tion of The West Ender · in Tony LoVoulo and Ralph Santoussouso Judith (Minichiello) Montes remembrance of my beloved Joseph and Anita Russo, Donald and Sylvia Grey, Moe husband, Julio Scala, I a•so Guarino, Joe Solano and Carmine Steriti from added a little extra. Vmcent J. Russo Joe Bova Loretta R. Scala Disagree with donation listing policy # 1' 1 \ \~\ .,._,.._. I I I · -•' · 1' 1 1'1 I\ ' 1 l '•' •' j'\ 1 ! I' I I' ; l I I I....., I' ! J ,-, I • 1 -r , -,- 1-1" - •- ' ' 1 t \ ....- ..- _, r"" ~\ PAGE 12 · 1 \\_ I I DECEMBER 2007 West Enders Business Directory •••••••••••••••••••••••• •• LEARN- TO- SKATE CLASSES • • •• •• • ,_.. •• •• • • . w..a J. Cambftclge rC4tHe1we. "Dedicated to Service" National Insurance Concepts Malcolm Zimmerman Ctev. Clr.IBrooldlne • Hyde Parti:IDedhMI • ~ghton Qukq • Lynn Medford FAX.(781) 391-2912 390 MAIN STREET MEDFORD, MA02155 . OFFICE (781) 396-8000 RES. (781) 272-4548 som.MIIe ROY • SCARPATO w.ww.bayatateskatlngschool.org S<Mhao.ton w.ttham AoXbuiY Weymouth Sales • Residential • Commercial • Rentals • Management • Appraisals TEL (617) 666-0300 Weddings • Anniversaries • Social Events... East Brook Executive Park 20 Eastbrook Road • Suite 103 Dedham, MA 02026 (781) 320-0770 FAX (781) 320-0410 # PRIVITERA, PRIVITERA & PRIVITERA ATIORNEYS AT LAW Video/Photo Jaseph Fortunato Box 379, MEDFORD, MA.ssAcHUSETIS FRANCIS D. PRIVITERA JEANNINE PRIVITERA FRANCIS D. PRIVITERA, JR. PHILIP J. PRIVITERA BARRISTER'S HALL 59 UNION SQUARE SOMERVILLE, MA 02143 02155 Email: josephfurtunato@yahoo.com Voicemail617-625-4438 T -MOBILE I SPRINT J NEXTEL MAXKUDIN DAVID A. LEONE ATTORNEY AT LAW 288 Cambridge Street Boston, .MA 02114 TEL: (617) 367~3310 FAJ<: (617) 367-2070 NorthGare Plaza 339 Squire Road R evere . M A 02151 . 78 1; 853- 0 1 0 0 781-853-0956 (718) 648-2345 FAJ<(781)648-2544 . REX. 643-9700 phone 617-742-0011 fax 617-742-0021 LEONE & LEONE IPizzettal 637 MASSACHUSETTSAVENUE ARLINGTON, MA02174 Marilyn J. Barrett (Longo) Gou.. anet Broker, RELO Coordinator Office: 781-245-5011 V.M. 18 Fax: 781-246-7707 Hot $10 a 16 oz. J~u Contact: Paul 280 Cambridge Street (near MGH), Boston, MA 02114 E-Mail: cbarren @slwre.net Stuffed Peppe..s · I J~tki 46 Adams St. Malden, MA 02148 781-322-4230 '---~-----' Ch~opherj.Ba~t ·.~Real~o-..c.o ~ ~ •~ · 73 Albion st. ' Wakefield, MAOI880 DoNATIONS TO TI-U vVI,SI ENDI'R The following West _Enders have donated above the subscription amount: .•1 : Marjorie Alberti Marie ALexander Jay Almeida Louis Aurelio Marilyn Barrett Mary Bramante Julius Breslouf Ted Christo Leo Cipriano MIM Charles Costa MIM Anthony Costanzo Steve Curley Ms. Susan Darish Carolyn DiCenso Maragret DiMare Margaret Donigan Lucille Donoghue Josephine Dzygala Joseph FreniMitni Graney Bruce Guarino Ronald Guarino Mary Gucciardi Theresa Imbomone Ricky Johnson Marvin Katz Rocco Larffarello . Mary Lawless Laurie Leibowitz Rose Matthews George Mazelli Joyce Mekelberg Fi:anMeucci Stanley Mirowski Don Nicolosi Christopher Nik:olla VincentNoe JimNoe • •••••••••••••••••••••••• PRESIDENT Director of Marketing ' I Kathy Pagliuca Josephine Polcari Reginaldo Raso Alfred Raso Anna May Riminiscenza Mimi Roberto Joseph Salmeri Lenny and Sandra Sarver Loretta Scala Joseph Scarlata Alan Siegal Phil Zucco Friday 8 PM Hundreds of Sing/est Saturday 8 PM Free Hors d'oeuvresl Sunday "Oldies" For ages 35 and over Dance 7 PM Admission $10 3 Great Locations including Moseley's On the Charles! Couples Welcome! For Info: 617-325-4900 or Giganti Insurance Agency 787 Broadway • Everett, MA 02149 Lucille Giganti, C.I.C. Tel: 61'7-387-8400 Fax: 617-389-7554 Complete Insurance Service • Auto • Homeowners • Fire • Commercial • Life · ' I\ Ill
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