Volume 25, Issue 4, 2009
Volume 25, Issue 4, 2009
\!rbe West (fnber Printed in the Spirit of the Mid-Town Journal and Dedicated to Bei~g the Collective Conscience of Urban Renewal and Eminent Domain in the City of Boston. VOLUME 25, NO 4 James Carripano, Editor/Publisher December 2009 + Email: j.campano@worldnet.att.net + (617) 628-2479 West End ~eunion -A night to remember! Friends gathered to attend annual West Ender Mass President Jim Campana greets some former West Enders before the annual September West Ender Mass at St. Josephs Church. (1-r) Jim Campana, Frank Privitera, Margaret DiMare, Francis Malara (mo~e photos on page 6) Starting in March the cost of The West Ender will be going up to $15 a year we haven't raised the cost in 13 years_but pqstage, printing and typesetting costs have all gone up considerably. ---Jim Campano m On Friday, October 2, over 300 former West Enders gathered to celebrate the 51st anniversary of being uprooted from the West End and scattered to the four winds. They were one in heart, one in mind and one in spirit and nothing could take that away from them. The evening began with hors d'oeuvres and cocktails. Dinner was a · fantastic buffet table catered by the son of former West Ender, Rinaldo . Raso of · Continued on page 8 2009 'VVEST ENDER GOLD CLUB The following west Enders have contributed $500 to our cause in 2009, aimed at keeping alive the spirit the west End. Frank· Privitera Joe DiMare If you haven't renewed your subscription to e West ~nber, now's the time- $15 Per Year _ ..,............:.:~~..::;'lli:ioi The West End Reunion was a great event where a lot of old friends met and remembered. (seated, 1-r) Howie Marc./ey, Jimmy Limone, Little Peter Limone; (standing, 1-r) Frank Limone, Frank Privitera, "Big" Peter Limone and Peter Limone. (more photos on pages 4 and 7) West End Museum's October drawing The West End Museum fundraiser held their fourth and final drawing for the 2009 year in October. Here are the winners: $1500 - Lorraine Alessandro $300 - Dom Russo $100 - Dolores Anderson $100 - Richard Hartnett $100 - Emily Moran $100- John Caccia The door prize of $300 was won by Richard Hartnett. This was the last drawing of the year. Next year's drawing has been finalized as yet. More details will be forthcoming. The West End Museum direly needs your support if it is to continue. So your support in fundraising efforts by the Museum are greatly appreciated. 'atbe We!St ~nber P.O. BOX 440-413 SOMERVILLE, MA 02144 ' ! •• . • . • . f • • • DECEMBER 2009 PAGE2 Letter from Tony Oddo to Phil _West End Museum aonations If you are a West Ender and your name is not on the West End Museum's donation · list-it should be. Fill out the donation form below and drop it in the mail. WEST END HERO - $30,000 or more Richard Nedd Jim Noe Frank P.rivitera Anthony Pallotta GOLD PHILANTHROPIST - $3,000 or more Bruce Guarino . PHILANTHROPIST- $1,000 Joe DiMa~e (of Hale St.) now of California -In memory of his Mom &Dad & all Deceased family members. Nora (DeGrande) Haywood now of Australia Sean Jackman-ln. honor of his Mother and Father Jim and Claire Jackman Francis Rothwell-ln mempry of Marie Elaine Rothwell Judge Domenic Russo BENEFACTOR - $500 Jim Campano Alan Gropman +100 Anna Cohen -·In memory of Paul Joltki her husband AI Cohen · Leonard Nimoy · . John DeMarco Richard Teranova Joe Peterl<in John Raso Reginaldo Raso Vincent Raso Sal Rabbio - In memory of his parents, Frank & Eufemia Rabbio Realty Line Inc. Bruno Roberto Mimi (Baker) Roberto - Remembering Vinnie.Roberto City Councilor Mike Ross Judge Santo Ruma Russo Family -In Memory of Dominic (Chickie) Russo Vincent J. Russo Andrew Sarno Ms. Margaret Scimeca - In memory of her Husband, Michaei"Mikey Shoo" Scimeca Carmella Scott William Shariio Spina & Delia Families William Tomczyk Robert Vatalaro Zina Venezia Arthur Venditti Malcom Zimmerman SPONSOR - $250 Joe Annello +$200 Kevin McGrath Beth & Marshall Arkin Dorothea (Koresky) AI & Anna Cohen Pastore John Cucinotta + Arnold &Barbara Phillips Angela Deluca Laurie Leibowitz - In memory of the Berman Family, my beloved Grandmother, Simma Styman and the Styman family. PATRON- $100 James (Jay) Almeida+ Sam Bellistri Alan Berl<man - In memory of his father, Oscar Berkman Robert Bova Carlo &Jennie Caccia +$100 Louis & Laura Caccia Joseph Calabruso - In memory of his mother, father, sister Connie and brother Mario The Cancellieri Family Francis "Frank" Cartolano Kevin Clifford - In memory of his father, John Clifford Bernard Condelli John Cucinotta Angie DeLuca Tony DeMarco · Joe DeSantis Mr. &Mrs. Joseph Francina Herbert Gans Arthur Geller Conrad Geller Richard Hartnett Agnes lwanow+$100 Shirley Kresse! Joe Leece John Locatelli - In memory of his brother Lee TonyloVoulo \ William MacAuley Joseph J. Matara ~ Michelle Moroz Gustafson - In memory of her father Michael Moroz What we do in the land of the old people (and my other half, whether we like it or not, we are the. old people)there is something to be learned from old people. They get hit with some unbelievable shit, and still keep going. As Bette Davis said, "old age is not for sissies." We belong to the organization known as "J.T.T.S.A.", Jlist Trying To Stay Alive. We pick the brains of anyone who has a similar ailment (very helpful) and then'we put one foot in front of the other The West End Museum is open. For museum -hours plt~ase call 617-723-2125 for up-to-date information. ~be SUPPORTER - $50 S. James Alberino Theresa Ariia -In memory of Isabel & Conatto Arria Santo Aurelio Louis & Bebe Aurelio Mr. & Mrs. James Braniante In Memory of Dominic J. Bruno Francis Cartolano Anthony Castagnozzi -In memory ofMillie Cas1agnozzi Irene Collyer -In memory of her deceased parents Salvatore Condelli Joe DiFazio Josephine Zizzo Dzygala - In loving memory of parents Rose & Joe Zizzo Mrs. Helen Feeney Gloria Fernandez Ed Fitzgerald June Getchell Lawrence Giove Laurence Goodman Theresa lmbornone Tom MacDonald Richard Mignosa Christopher Nikolla In memory of Andrew A. Raneri Reginaldo Raso Virginia Rogalski John Rosato Barbar:a Ruchames Mary Ann Russo -In memory of her />arents Bernard & · Francesca Bettinelli Mr. Vincent Saraceno John C. Sergei Marl< Skiffington Richard Settipane Jonathan Slate Dorothy and Leonard ~ Sudenfield Richard and Lois Testa Richard Tringale Eleanor Venezia Bill &Carolyn Wood ~ping listing anythi~~jp~i~re than once because "The West Ender" is not a part ofthe · museum, it is a separate entity. The Friends part ofthe list is the biggest and if we keep printing the list we will not have space for stories and pictures of the old West End. So we have to shor(en the list. In thefoture we may have to cut the supporter list also. Sorry. - Donations to the Museum are tax deductable. You ca:ri email the museum at: westendmuseum@yahoo.com and keep on going, and if we wake up the next day, we assemble and sing "Kumbaya". Everyone inflates their . previous position (before retirement) and tries to impress each other with how important they were. As for my previous writing (of which there will be no more) feel free to do whatever you want with them. I have enclosed a writing that was published in the local paper. You don't have to use it, it is for you. ' Love, Tony Oddo West ~nber P.O. BOX440-413 • SOMERVILLE, MA02144 TEL. 617-628-2479 Staff f • ..... - -.. t.. ' , ...... ~- ~ Editor .................... .._.! ••••••••••••••••••• JA~ES CAMPANO Co-Founder ••.••..••.•••.•.•••..•.•.• ,•••.• RAYMOND J. PAPA All letters, articles and photos submitted to this publiGation become the property of The West Ender. Jim Campano is the only person authorized to accept ·- memorabilia for The West Ender. The West Ender will return pictures if you enclose a self-addressed, stamped envelope, but will retain all rights to publish them and to use the images The West Ender is a quarterly publication. r- ---- - West End Museum Donation , I wish to donate to The West End Museum to hasten its progress so the stary ofthe West End will not be forgotten. Send donations to: PO Box-8996, Boston, MA 02114 West End Hero Gold Philanthropist Silver Philanthropist Philanthropist Benefactor $10,000+ $3,000+ $2,000+ $1,000 $500 Sponsor Patron Supporter Friend Other_ _;___ _ $250 $100 $50 $25 Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~----- City----------------..,..--State/Zip - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Donations to The West End Museum do not support or in any way go to the West Ender Newsletter. ... >-----------:----------' .j Qebe West Qfnber DECEMBER 2009 PAGE3 Personal recollections of the West End Dear Jim, These are some personal recollections of · the West End that might be of some use to you. I . didn't ~xactly grow up in the West End; I was bQrn on Joy Street, number 70. It still exists today, a yellow brick building. My parents, however; both grew up in the West End; my mother on Green Street and my father on Leverett Street; but the Passanisi family Jived . in many places, finally on North Anderson . Street, which is now part of the MGH complex. My mother's name was Giuseppina (Josephine) Amara-. She was born ·on December 2, 1922 (a lot of two~ there). Her parents were Emanuel and Domenico Amara. My grandfather had served in the Italian Coast Guard in WWI. They came to this country from Augusta in Sicily in 192 1, and my grandfather worked · for many years at Necco . Candy Factory in Cambridge. They lived next to Joe Russo's Funeral Home (upstairs actually). Joe, of course, became .a prominent - ~ t'"'"' ~ .. . politician in the West End, very hard worker my father serving on the Ward Council still tells the story of how he for several terms. worked over two years durJoe and Anita Russo were ing the Depression without dose friends of my ~and- . missing a day. . parents, and my grandmothThe "Augustanese" in er used to often babysit their the West End were very · four childfen when the Rus- close many of them formed sos attended political events. · "clubs" where the men ofMy mo_therhad a younger ten went after supper to play brother, Rosario (changed to cards and chat. Roy) After WWII, he moved ·. My ·parents married in to California and became a 1947. After serving as a nationally kllown futurist medical officer in Europe and wrote several books. during WWII, my father at-My mother, on the other tended Boston College on hand, married, became a the GI Bill and received a housewife, and took care of · Masters Degree in Educaher parents for ~any years. tion from Boston State College. He taught in several She passed away in 2003. My father's name is John .Boston elementary schools Passanisi. He was born on before becoming an AssisJune 6, 1920, and is still in tant Principal and then Prinfairly good health today at cipal. He retired as Princithe age of 99. He was the pal of the Mozart School in oldest of six children - 4 Roslindale in 1985. boys ' and 2 girls, four of 1 was born in 1949. An whom are still alive. My only child, I lived on Joy grandfather, · Salvatore, Street and attended the Peworked for year~ at Sim- ter Faneuil Schpol for the · plex Wire and Cable ·Com- kindergarten and first grade. pany in Cambridge. Both he In 1956, my parents and I and my grandmother Lucia moved to Hyde Park, where came from Augusta to Bos- I grew up. ton in th€ first decade of the I consider myself a proud 20th century and married in product of the West End. 1918. My grandfather was a Mike Passanisi Renew our subscriptions... for I had mistakenly let my West Ender; Enclosed is my renewal subscription to The West Ender lapse. Pleas~ accept and a -little more. The7news f· my $10 to reactivate my is always great. Remembering all the Wesi Ender and an extra $10 for a small donation towards STORROW JRS. Bill Black the ~eat work you do keepWillard St. near Gloomfs . ing everyone informed. pool room. Margie (Stolman) Alberti Dear Jim, Editor, _ Enclosed is my renewal Enclosed is a little some- fee plus a little extra. Thanks thing extra. for everything. Thank&., Anna Martin Lillian Kawa· I .. I Santo and Josephine Aurelio, both formerly of Ashland Street, recently enjoyed a 35-day .cruise to Alaska, Siberia, and Asia to celebrate 56 years ofmarriage. The above photo was taken in.front of a temple within the Forbidden City, B~ijing, China, during their trip.. Thanks for the memories Dear Jim; Enclosed please find a · check. Please apply $10 to my renewal subscription to the The West Ender paper the · remaining amount towards.a donation as you choose. Very grateful and most ap.,. preciative to keep me and all our former· "West Enders" Subscription for a fr,iend Hi, Enclosed is my subsc~Jp tion to The West Ender and ~he another for a new subscription for a friend . who has Jim, been very interested in the E~closed please. fin4 my check for $110 to cover the West End and the paper, and costs associated with my re- this is my way of thanking newal membership as well as a Ilsting in the Memorial Circle. Keep up the good Dear Jim; work. We enjoy the paper I am sorry it took me so especially articles and pho- long to renew my subscriptographs directed toward life tion. I really look forward to in the good old West End. seeing how everyone is doSincerely, ing. · Thanks for keeping it · Joseph Interrante going~ I know it takes a lot memories engulfed in all the bea'u~iful memories! I will never forget my roots. Best ofluck in your election Ward 6 Alderman. Thanks for all your efforts! _, Sincerely,Carmella Scott Editor Note: Unfortunately I lost, but thank you. him for his friendship and years of talking about the West End together. Thank you, Margaret Ventre McDougall P.S. I share my paper with him and now he can have _ his own. Thanks for keeping it going of your time. I hope this will · cover it for this year. One ·df the older West Enders. Thanks again. George Manzelli formerly of 5 Grove St. Qtlfl(" i-CiH1 M r,l ) •li I DECEMBER 2009 Everyone is renewing! . - West End Reu_n ion fun-t!me memories Hi Jim, Please try to use some of the pictures from the 2009 reunion in the "West Ender." I truly enjoyed sharing memories with some of my dearest -childhood friends ·during the celebration. I'm going to try to make as many of these reunions in the future. If I can travel all the way from South Carolina then I would hope thatthose living in Massachusetts can do the same. Come on guys, we shouldn't make it so hard to spend time with other West Enders. Thanks again Jim for all your efforts. Pat Caparas McKeown (formerly Patty-girl Doucett) Enclosed is my check to renew The West Ender. I enjoy reading about the wonderful people and how close everyone was and how everyone would help each other. I miss all the friends. who have passed on. Santo Tringale from Pitts St. Hi Jim, Enclosed you will find my check arid a little extra for my subscription· of The West Ender. Keep up the· good work and best of luck in the election. Take care, Bill Sarcia Jim, Time for renewal. Also look forward to the paper and the news regarding old friends. You all due a great job! .· Thank you! Marcella P. Unis Celine MacFarland Dear Jim, Enclosed is check for my r-enewal for- the West End . newspaper. It's good to see all the wonderful photos of people I grew up with. It's a great reminder. Thank you, Sal &·connie Athanas Hi Jim; Enclosed is a check for Hi Jim, my renewai subscription Enclosed is my check for and -an additional amount my subscription to The West to help with your expenses Ender 2010 plus a little ex- . which is needed to keep. this tra: "super journal going". Keep The West Ender Sincerely, commg. Julius Breslouf Happy Holidays! Edith Cohen Dear Jim, Thanks for the memories. Hi Jim, Enclosed is my rene-wal Enclosed is my renewal and for The West Ender. Thanks extra. for a great publication. Anna r-.;tay Riminiscenza Thanks again, Jim; Here is my subscription Leo Salvato Jr. renewal and ~orne more to Thanks for the reminder. help with expenses. Keep up There is something extra for the good work and memothe paper. "Always a West nes. Ender." DomRanzo Norm Snider I IN Dear Jim; Enclosed is a check for the renewal of my subscription and the cost -of a subscrip-:tion for Irene (Frongello) (Manupelli) Bosworth. Irene was from Poplar St. and doesn't presently get The West Ender and I know she do he can have my dungarees will enjoy it. I am enclosing a but they will probably be too little extra to be used as ado- long for him. (HA HA) . Keep up the good work. We nation as well. Please say Hi to Carol Z ..... look forward to receiving each Lovey .. ~ .. Red Ferris: ... Carol· . and every issue. Sincerely, S .... Barbara ... Armando ... Richard Manupelli and Stevie. Please tell Arman- M:tlVlORY 01' ... Dolores "Calitri" Guiliano from Marie Alexander Toronto, Costanza and Comperccio Families from Phyliss Budreau Vincenzo and Rosario Interrante, Salvatore & Olympia . . Bramant-e, Mary and John Marchesini, & Rose Interrant from Joe and Joseph Interrante The Sicuso Family from Josephine Polcari Joe and Margaret Indelicato from Joanne Scialdone .. .. DECEMBER 2009 PAGES In Memory Of..... 0BITUARIE.S ielsand Margaret Sambuco. . She was the beloved wife Burial was in Massachu- of the late Robert Sh~ugh Concetta M. (Temulsetts National Cemetery,' nessy. Devoted sister of John lo) Correnti, 82 years, of . McGinty of Mashpee, Lois Brockton, died unexpect- Bourne. edly Tuesday, September Leonarda Catizone Lacy of Ohio, and the late 22, 2009 at Tufts Medical Leonarda "Lee" (Spinale) Rita Brenner, Janet RockCenter. · Catizone, of Medford, for- ford, Russell Guertin, and She was the beloved wife merly of the West End, died Douglas McGinty; daughter of the late Edward Guertin for 62 years of Antonio L. on June 11, 2009. Correnti. She was the beloved wife & Rose (Poirier) McGinty. Mrs. Correnti was born · of the late Eugene Catizone. In memoryofYvonne, doand raised in the West End Devoted . mother of John ' nations may be made to the of Boston a daughter of the Catizone ofDerry, NH. Lov- Salvation Army, 147 Berklate Filipe and Maria (Trin- ing grandmother of 6 grand- ley St., Boston, MA 02116. gale) Temullo and had been children and 9 great-grand- ·Victor "Ritchie" a resident of Brockton since children. Sister of Joseph Terranova1958. She had worked for Spinale, Frances Celino and ,. We regret to announce the 30 years in the cafeteria of Carmella DePasqua. passing of Victor "Ritchie" the Brookfield School m Burial was at Oak Grove Terranova of Golden, ColoBrockton. Cemetery, Medford. rado; formerly of the West Concetta enjoyed sewLucia C. Petringa End.. He died October 8, ing, playing cards and was Lucia C. Petringa, of Bos- 2009 at the UMass Memorian avid New England sports ton, on .Sunday November al Hospital, Worcester, MA. fan. She had also been a 29,2009. He had been spending longtime communicant She was the loving wife of several days visiting relaof Our Lady of Lourdes the late Joseph A. Petringa. tives and friends in the BosChurch. She will always be Loving mother of Christo- ton area. He was the son of remembered as a devoted pher A. Petringa of Stough- the late Jeanette Terranova wife, mother and grandton, MA, Joseph R. Petringa and nephew of Victor "Termother. of Salem, MA, and Maria ry" Terranova, both formerIn addition to her husband A. Petringa ofParis, France. ly of the West End. He was she is survived by her three Dear grandmother of Han- the father of Tanya Stocking children John Correnti and nah R. Petringa of Salem, and her husband Michael his wife Marguerite of SagMA~ Loving sister of Mary and grandfather of Elizabeth amore Beach; Maria BaldL. Postizzi ofArlington, MA and Katherine Stocking all win of Plymouth wife of the and the late Rose D. Postiz- ofDenver, CO. late George and Lisa Corzi, J<;>sephine D. Lombardo, Richie was buried at the renti and her husband James Santo, Salvatore, and Anto- Fort Logan Cemetery, DenAnas of Arlington. She was nio Postizzi. ver, CO with military honthe grandmother of Anthony Funeral was from the ors. He was an Air Force and Phillip Correnti, Tricia Boston Harborside Home, veteran. Mahoney, Tony and Marissa Boston. Interment at MassaRitchie was a generous Baldwin and Andrew Barchusetts National Cemetery donor to many West End ter. ·She also leaves 2 ·great in Bourne, MA. causes and a frequent visitor grandchildren and was the to many West End get-tosister of Frances Danieli of M. Yvonne gethers. Donations in RichMarshfield; Josephine La- Shaughnessy ie's memory may be made to monica of Port Richie, FL; M. Yvonne (Guertin) the West End Museum. Anna Regolino of Tewks- Shaughnessy, of Columbus, Sincerely, . bury and the late Guy, John, OH, formerly of the West Victor "Terry" Terranova Dominic, Salvatore and End of Boston, died Nov. 8, & Family Frank Temullo, Mary Dan- 2009. Concetta M. Correnti Here Is my renewal along with a little extra in memory of my father Larry Naglin and all: his West End buddies. Keep up the good work. Barbara Ruchames Joseph J. Scarlata has passed away. He always enjoyed receiving The West Ender. Thank You, Joe's Wife. Micky (Loretta M.) Scarlata Hi; Enclosed is a little extra in memory of my parents Joe and Margaret Indelicato. Joann Scialidone Dear Mr. Campano; Check enclosed ts for dues, in_useum and lottery in memory of Dolores "Calitri" Guiliano She is missed by her families and loved reading your paper as I do. Best wishes and good health. Marie "Calitri" Alexander Enclosed is my check for The West Ender subscription. Also a little something extra for the memory of the Sicuso family. We lived at 17 Hale St. until 1960. Best wishes to all! Josephine (Sicuso) Polcari ' 2009 NII·tviORIAl I CIRCll' The following West Enders have contributed $100 or more in memory of their loved ones for 2009. Now is _the~ time to send in your donation to be included in the 2009 West Enders Memorial Circle. · Catherine LoGuidice and Mario Stancato from Charlie LaRosa Barney and Ida Sheff, Lillian Sheff Wallack, Ruth Sheff Rosenberg and Manny Sheff from Dr. Michael Sheff Joseph & Anita Russo, Donald & Sylvia Grey, Moe Guarino, Joe Solano an4 Carmen Steriti from Vincent J. Russo Gaetano & Josephine Privitera from Frank Privitera Bill Sharrio from Rita Sharrio J~ck, Mirium and Frank Gropman from Alan Gropman Vincent Raso from Theresa Raso Harvey L. Fleitman from his devoted wife, Vivian (Getz) Fleitman Frances Ruma Bellis from Pudgy Ruma & Fa~ily Anthony (Junior) Comperchio,William (Bossy) Hoar, James (Gussie) Guskiewcz, Roger Jackman & Joseph Lanza from Tony LoVoulo and Ralph Santoussouso Members of the Toronto, Costanza (cousins), and Comperchio Families from Phyliss Budreau Vincenzo and Rosario Interrante, Salvatore & Olympia Bramarite, Mary & John Marchesini and Rose Interrante from Joe & Joseph Interrante - ' 'Orbe West ~nber . ·Friends gathered at annual West Ender Mass They came from near and far. They were young and old. They were rich and poor, but they were all West Enders .... in heart, in soul and in spirit. Nostalgic tales of yesteryear were over flowing with excitement at the annual West Ender Mass · held this past September at St. Joseph's Church. Father Dan gave a super sermon laden with humor. After Mass over 200 loyal West Enders had brunch in the downstairs hall at the church. Stories of bygone days never ended. After brunch a raffie of great pri~es created greater excitement West End loyalist Margaret DiMare conversing among the attendees who hoped the day would with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Morello before the Mass. Jim Campano greets former Boston Mayor Ray never end. Flynn. (1-r) Mrs and Mrs. Campano, Ray Flynn, event chairperson Theresa Raso. Former Mayor ofBoston Ray Flynn (c) talks with Frank Privitera (r) and Silvio Maccarone (I) be. foreMass. Program and event arranger Theresa Raso greets Frank Privitera before Mass. Mrs. Raso s tireless efforts insured a successful West Ender Mass event for 2009. Father Dan, pastor ofSt. Josephs Church, greets the West End loyalists before Mass. (1-r) Peter Limone, Eleanor Venezia, FAther Dan and Frank Privitera Frank Privitera (c) with two Peters: Peter Limone (I) and Peter Privitera (r). West Enders arrive for annual Mass. Old friends meet before Mass: (1-r) Petet Limone, Frank Privitera, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Morello, and Maragaret DiMare Jimmy Campano with Alfie Raso (Wall St.) and ' -~~~~;;. Vinny G. before the buffet brunch which was held Some of the crowd which gathered for brunch in Peter Limone (c) greets Frank Privitera (I) and after the Mass in the lower church hall. the lower church hall at St. Josephs after Mass. Silvio Maccarone (r). ~ t· ... . ' I; .·. .. t DECEMBER 2009 .. t ' • ' . . ' DECEMBER 2009 West End Reunion -A night to remember! Continued from page 1 Wall'Street. After din~er came an endless night of dancing and nostalgic story telling. It was a night to remember. A night West Enders will not forget. Let's do it again next year! Street meets Peter Limone,_ Rinaldo Raso, Alfie Raso, Frank Privitera meet the Limone's: (seated, 1-r) Helen Limone, Lena Limone, Rosie Limone; (standing, 1-r) Mary Limone Bramante, Frank Privitera, Peter Limone and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Saliba (seated, 1-r) Dave Saliba, Jimmy LoGrippo and Frank Privitera; (standing) Sal Manganaro and Peter Privitera Eleanor Venezia greets Tony DeMarco (r) and Frank Privitera (/) (seated) Frank Privitera and Gilda Saliba; Saying hello to "Big Peter": ..-(seated, 1-r) Dave (standing, 1-r) Dave Saliba, Jimmy LoGrippo, Saliba, Peter Limone, Frank Privitera; (standBarbara Intravaia, Fran Pantadosi and Paul ing) Little Peter Limone and Paul Pantadosi Pantadosi Some Limone 's arrive early: (1-r) Jimmy Limone, Ron Limone, Frank Limone and Michael Limone. Hale Street girls with Jimmy LoGrippo: (1-r) Zena Mignosa Venezia, Margaret DiMare, Nancy Paterna and Jimmy LoGrippo .... ,.,.. c~ Jimmy Campana (c) greets early arrivals Peter Old time Hale Street friends reminisce nostalgi- Limone (/) and Frank Privitera (r). cally: Andrew Mignosa (/) and Frank Privitera (l~r) Jimmy LoGrippo, Howie Marcley, Frank Privitera, Little Peter Limone, Silvio Maccarone Old friends meet: (1-r) Tony Lavolo, Frank Privitera and Peter Limone . .... ' \. ' • PAGES DECEMBER 2009 Diploma at last! =-e__.,_~-,....- A HUGE THANK YOU to all my wonderful friends who were able to join in the fun at my birthday party. I appreciated it. We managed to get a few girls together for this picture. Angela Lupo, Barbara Lovuolo, _me, Carol Zucco, Lavey, Patty Lombardi, Barb_a ra Indelicato, Brenda Toppi-Lynch, Carol Spinale and my sister Carol. Thank you dll for being _th_e_re_._L_o_ve_,_S_te_v_ie_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.;___ _......__ _ _ Thanks for the reminder Dear Jim, Enclosed is my renewal for The West Ender. A little extra to help defray the cost of mailing. May the good Lord bestow upon you 'continued health and strength you ·so richly deserve in keeping The West Ender going. -A true and happy memory of the old West End. Sincerely, Leo S. Cipriano Melrose, Mass. Thanks for our West Hi guys; Ender! Enjoy it so very Would you please start much- goodjob! P.S. use St?nding a copy of The West this donation to keep it go- Ender to a dear friend of mg. mine that lived on Auburn Thx, St. she is 85 and loves to Jack LaSpina read, she would love it. I am sending a check for her, Tina Enclosed is a check for Pazyra. Thank you so very the dues for 2010 with a much. little extra. We always enjoy EmmaFama the newspaper. Mary Noe Gucciardi Thanks for your reminder. Enclosed is check to renew Dear Jim, my subscription to The West Thanks for the reminder. Ender. Still enjoy letters and Enclosed are my dues for a photos from out of the past. little extra for experses to Shirley (Savitsky) Sheinfeld cover my renewa~ subscription to The West Ender. I enjoy reading the paper. Keep Dear Jim, Thank you· ·for the reup the good work and happy minder. You do a great job holidays to all. Sincerely, of keeping us old timers inRose (Noe) Matthews formal. Keep up the good work. A little extra for postage. God bless. Margaret Gianino Domigan · Received my West Ender in Oregon. It was forwarded to me a&_ I was on my yearly motor home trip. Thank God for a real newspaper from Boston. Enclosed is a small donation. Hello to my brother Fred and we'll be there or Thanksgiving. Barry Shulman formerly ~6 Alan St. l I .. \" . ~ .. . ~ . ~ ...... . . -· . This was in June 2009 (from Boxing Digest, August 2009). Tony might like to see this. Jack Carroll In June, Carmen Basilio, his professional boxing cathe former welterweight and reer in 1948 at the age of middleweight champion, 21. In 1955, Basilio won the · f!_nally received his high welterweight crown with a school diploma at the age stoppage of Tony DeMarco of 82 from Canastota High and less than two years later School. A student during the upset "Sugar" Ray Robinonset of World War II, Basi- son for the middleweight lio was drafted into the Ma- title. He retired in 1961 with nnes before having a chance a record of 56-16-7 (27). to graduate. He then started -------------.l-1---.----Ms Kravetz Stl actzve Dear West Ender, sisted living in Chelsea. She Enclosed are my checks, loves it there and is doing one for renewal and one for well. My brother Mendy, donation. I am eighty and lives in Chestnut Hill and is one half. Am still working at 84, doing well also. Metro Credit Union in Pea- · My two brothers, Morbody. I love working with ris and Myer passed away. the young employees I am Morris in 2001 and·Myer in very active in many local 2004. organizations, and march in Wishing you all a Happy, our various parades. Healthy Year. My sister, Gerty Botman Fondly, is 86, and lives at Cohen, Freda ~ecf:er Kravetz Florence Levine Estates, as- Wishing Happy Holidays Great job as usual. Happy Holidays. _ Ben & Barbara Tankle Thanks for memories Thank you for the memories of many happy -days. I enjoy the paper immensely. Sincerely yours, Helen Fiorino Palky .. . . . . / {)flll5: ~r.:J M ..g, i}i H DECEMBER 2009 . A look back at my life I was born at 10 Leverett St. in 1936. My grandmother had a rooming house there an_d my father had a TV repair shop. My father's name was Lisle Bassett and my grandparents were Andrew and Lempi Bassett. When I got married in 1955, the West End was still there. My father bought a .house in Gloucester when my brother was born in 1945. But he kept his business there. Their building was one that was taken by eminant domain. (My rear) Mass General wanted it for expansion. When we were young my sister and I went to St. Joseph's School and Church. . The boys were in one building, the girls in another. We lived at 17 N. Anderson St. . I bet the BRA didn't dare touch ·McLillan St. · My sister and I went there in 1945, 1944,1943 and 1942 I think. I had three friends there: Eleanor Snow, Carlene Womack and Marie Campanella, We used to walk up Beacon, cross Cambridge, up another ·hill and walk through the state house. The guard would always ask "where are you going girls?" and we'd tell . him Fannie Farmers, Woolworth's, Public Gardens, frog pond; swan boats, etc. Sometimes we went down Thanks for the effort Hi Jim, Thanks for all your efforts to keep the West End aliv~. Here is my donation for a subscription to The West Ender. Thank you so mucli. Emily Salamone_ by the Charles River and see · who could yell the loudest in the Hatch Shell. After I was married, I'd· take my kids and their ·friends to get school clothes in Jordan's or Filene's basement. I'd take them one ar a, time and the others stayed_ on the Common feeding · squirrels and pigeons. Then we'd all go to lunch in Jor-·. dan's restaurant. How I miss those days. My aunt~ Bassett Lievestro met her husband in Scolly Square. That's where all the sailors congregated She had 12 children and spots. The peddlers were not she's still alive in a nursing Dear Jim, Enclosed are two pictures allowed to sell before 3 p.m; home in Ohio. Her husband relative to marketing days at Later on they would be aldied two or three years ago. Her kids still visit Boston Blackstone and North streets, lowed to sell both Fridays and · Ninety percent of the ped- Saturdays. and Gloucester. She had dlers were from the West End. Wagons with horses were two girl f!iends that lived on Leverett St.: Josie and Rosie .The pushcarts would lme tip at allowed to park back-tO-hack Atlantic Ave. to draw position . to the pushcarts. Later the Correro. When I got married I numbers. Then came the wild horses were removed. The winter months wre bought all my furiliture in ra<;:e to Blackstone and North streets for a . place; Upon arvery cold and trips _to a bowla store on Leverett St. I remember. Maxie the butcher rival about 20 carts had choice ing alley kept peddlers warm. and a lot of other people fondly. My father would have been 101 this year, so I'm guessing nobody would remember him. But if anyone else remembers any of these names, please write to me. Sincerely, · - Judith Burgess 3 Ferry St. #A Gloucester, MA 01930 Remember marketing days Competition was strong, for example, on 'f!lanksgiving eve., every other cart sold celery for the holiday. The carts were allowed to sell until 11 :30 p.m. on Saturdays at : _ which time police would send all carts home. What goods not sold were distributed to friends • an4 relatives on Sunday. Very truly, Leo S. Cipriano Melrose, Mass. Inner rage Editor: The displacement of lifelong West Enders without any provisions for those · forced out still fuels my lastmg mner rage. J. Al~eda "Bomber" . - . ' • • · PAGE 10 DECEMBER 2009 · M Y G ran dfath er My grandfather married my grandmother, Phyllis Manfredi, on May 20, by Jared Sciarappa favorite subject wh~ he was a kid 1972, Chlldhood was history because he liked.dealing, Greatest Memory My grandfather Peter Bicchieri was with facts instead of figures because . My grandfather's most memorable born on, August 11, 1931 in Boston, he wasn't that good ·at math. He says moment is when he met Babe Ruth. One day in 1946 when my grandfaMass. He grew up in the West End .of that "I always thought you could learn Boston when life was simple with not a lot about the present from the past." ther was fifteen he was working at many complications, unlike today. He He says that today schools are much his grandfather's store when Babe came from a.. family of six children and different today. There are more choicRuth walked in. As soon as he walked he was the second oldest. There were . es, greater variety, and J:?.Ore diversity. in people crowded around him. My grandfather says that this memory is six kids, s0 his parents never devoted Years ago schools were smaller physi.., a lot of time to any specific child. His . cally and class wise. My grandfather eight years at New England Farms, so special to him. because not many parents were pretty ~iberal. He says did not play any sports when he was but when the Korean War was loom- people got ·the chance to meet Babe "I was born post depression era, so a kid because he not have time or ing closer and closer my grandfather Ruth in the flesh. Although he met we did not have many luxuries. Also money to.buy bikes or baseballs. The decided to enter the army. Babe Ruth he did not get the chance compared to today we were poor, but neighborhood kids and him used to Because he entered the army in- to get an autograph or a picture with what we lacked in material posses- play handball or other games. stead of getting drafted he was able - him. Even though be was not able sions we made up in other ways." When my grandfather was growing to attend the Army Administrative to get an autograph or picture he has One thing that my grandfather re- up his favorite sport was baseball and School. When my grandfather was never forgotten that day. members from his childhood · is the of course his favorite team was the give!! orders to be sent to Korea to - Today Today, my grandfather is long re1938 hurricane. He was seven years Red Sox. His favorite player was Ted fight in the war, my grandfather did old and the things he saw were hor- Williams, my grandfather says that not end up going to Korea because · tired fro working, but he still works rific, He says "I can remember, look- "he was the best all around baseball while on the train to California here- part time as a limo driver for Joseph's ing outside my kitchen window see- player." alized he left his orders at home. He limousine. Every night my grandfaing debris flying everywhere. I think My grandfather's favorite food called back home and told his parents ther and my grandmother eat over that we were very lucky because all when he was younger and nowis Ital- · to air mail them to California. Unfor- oirr house. My grandfather still loves the houses in our neighborhood were ian food. He says that "Italian food tunately his prders did not make it in the Red Sox and he watches most <1'f made ofbrick so there was less dam- was all we ate. I grew up in an Ital- time so he was sent to Japan instead their games with my father and I. Toage. Ifthey weren't the damage would ian neighborhood and that was all you in 1951 . He was stationed on the Is- day though, he has some new favorite have been more severe." In the neigh- could buy," land ofKyushu, the smallest island in players like Manny Ramirez and DaFinally my grandfather grew up in Japan, at Camp Hakata. From where vid Ortiz.. borhood my grandfather, lived in there were no fatalities due to the hurricane. the Big Band Era of the 50s. He lis- he was. stationed he could actually My grandfather and I love to do My grandfather has many other mem- tened to Beruiy Goodman, Tommy see Korea on a nice day with a pair things together. We watch TV, talk ories besides this bad one of the hur- .Dorsey, and Glenn Miller. He also en- of binoculars, One specific example ·about things happening today or when ncane. joyed classical pieces. my grandfather remembers while in he was a kid and other things. Most the army while on R&R in Japan he days after school my grandfather My grandfather had a happy child- . Adulthood · - hood even though they, were poor. When my grandfather was growing . went into the crater of Mt. Aso, not picks me up and drives me home. On During WWII his father could not get up he wanted to be a big success in knowing that the volcano was· active the way home we talk about all differdrafted because he had six kids. So in- some type of business. Unfortunately not dormant. When he finally got baGk ent things and listen to the radio. stead he worked in the ship yard down this dream did not come true. Instead to the states he saw in the newspaper That is what my grandfather's life near Nantasket Beach. When he was his first real job was NECCO candy · that the ,volcano had erupted killing 10 has been like from his childhood to done working they would stay at a factory. He worked inside the wafer people. · the present. cottage on Nantasket Beach.' He says room and only made $1.10 an hour. that this was really the highlight ofhis After working at the NECCO candy childhood. factory for about five years he went to work for Western Union. After Dear Jim; School and Favorites Enclosed please find check for Enclosed is my check for The My grandfather . went to three only about a year at Western Union different schools. He a~nded /the he went to go work at Joy Manufac- West Ender subscription plus. Thank subscription renewal plus~ little exWinchell School until the 6th grade, turing. Joy Manufacturing was one you for keeping us informed and to- tra. Really enjoy all the . West End after that he went .to the Blackstone _ of the biggest manufacturers of min- gether through youi paper. I know School until 9th grade, and finally he ing equipment in the U.S. After three of no other neighborhood that has news. Happy holidays to all. attended Boston English.High School years at Joy Manufacturing he went to what we h~ve. Thank you again! Joe Zimbone Jeni (Naso) Skiffington · and graduated in 1949. He received a work for ~ew England Farms a packtotal of~e~ve y~~ .~f education. 'His: ~~g ·comp~y. He worked a totaJ of m Really enjoy the newspaper t I . ~ . I . . ~be We~t DECEMBER 2009 ~ t ~ ' qenber · · PAGE 11 Caccia's celebrate 6 · Giovanni Noe, Francesco Daniele, Francesco Silvestro, President Salvatore Pustizzi, recipient Philip J Privitera, Joseph Morello, and Past President Andrea _Costa Augusta Boston Club honors Philip J. Privitera . At it's annual anniversary dinner dance, the Augusta Boston Club honored Philip J. Privitera with .its "High ~ Achievement Award" for 2009. Philip was recognized as a person of Augustanese · heritage who has· achieved outstanding success in his real estate ventures. Upon his graduation with a law degree, Philip joined his father, Francis Privitera, in the family business. Through hard work and perseverance, he was able to increase their business holdings ten-fold. He has been very active in community affairs. Philip is a family man, married to Toni-Ann, with two wonderful ·children, Payton -~ and Presley. His involvement with the Privitera Family Charitable Trust has provided many students with scholarships to further their education. His support of organizations such as Augusta Boston Clul? nasbeen much appreciated. Philip recently journeyed to his grandparent's homeland, Augusta, Sicily. Combining business with pleasure, he was able to enjoy the full meaning of his .Augustanese heritage.'< The Augustanese community is proud to have the Privitera family as a staunch supporter of it's ideals and traditiorts, and wishes continued success to Philip and the Privitera family. Enjoyed Camp Gannitt picture Hi Jim, . finding me .. It was so· much Encl~sed · is my check fun remembering a lot of for the renewal of The West the girls. I enjoy the paper · · so much. Ender. I think I am a little late in I really enjoyed that photo of us campers at Camp sending in my check, sorry. Gannett a long time ago. Of Keep up the good work. course I knew where I was Take care. Stay safe. Frank Meucci in the picture but family and friend had such a hard time 18 Auburn St. . Hi Jimmy, Lou & Laura Caccia celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on August 28, 2009. Congratulations to the happy couple and we all wish them many more .happy years together!! . The family took them to the Florentine wedding anniversary Cafe Bar-Bistro in the North End recently for an evening of celebration, fun and a lot of laughs. · Their family and extended family send all their love to them!! Anita Harmon (Lou and Laura's daughter) . Subscriptions renewed Mr. Campano, EnClosed is check to continue . subscription, Look forward to receiving it and reading it. God · bless you The following West Enders have contributed $100 and your staff. . or more to our cause in 2009. We salute them! Now Lucille Fallavollita is the time to sendyour check in the amount of$1 00 Please renew my subifyou are interested in becoming a member. . scription for the coming year. Enclosed is a check. RobertVatalaro Nora (DeGrande) , It's always a pleasure to reRichie Terranova Haywood ceive The West Ender. Keep Beth and Marshall Joe DiMare up the good work. Nino Parisi Arkin Harold Kaplan · Dear Mr. Campano, Enclosed is my check for the renewal of my subscription to The West Ender with a little extra to use as needed. Your memories bring back the good old days. Sincerely, Ralph Saya ' "' . > Bruce·Guarino Frank Privitera Kevin McGrath Alan Gropman Santo Aurelio Donald Zerendow Evelyn Berd~ Morris Breslouf . L~onard Nimoy · Judge Santo Ruma Yvonne Sannicarno Victor DeMarco Jack LaSpina . • • ~be PAGE 12 Goa..anet Bot Staffed Peppe..s ' $10 a 16 oz. Jar Contact: Paul Joltki 46 Adams St. - Malden, MA 02148 781-322-4230 ~ West ~nber West Enders Business Directory MA 02174 NorthGate P laza 339 Squire Road Revere. MA 02151 781-853c01 00 781-853-0956 PRIVITERA, PRIVITERA & PRIVITERA FRANCIS D. PRIVITERA JEANNINE PRIVITERA FRANCIS D. PRIVITERA, JR. PHILIP J. PRIVITERA BARRISTER'S HALL 59 UNION SQUARE SOMERVILLE, MAP2143 Friday 8 PM Hundreds of Singles/ Satur~ay 8 PM Free Hors d'oeuvresl Sunday "Oldies" For ages 35 and over Dance 7 PM Admission $10 3 Great Locations including Moseley's On the Charles! Couples Welcome! 288 Cambridge Street Boston, MA 02114 TEL: (617) 367-3310 FAX: (617) 367-2070 For Info: 617-325-4900 or "Florida's Refinery" (718) 648-2345 FAX (781) 648-2544 REX. 643-9700 AAuNGTON, MAXKUDIN ATTORNEYS AT LAW ATTORNEY AT LAW 637 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE T -MOBILE I SPRINT I NEXTEL TEL. (617) 666-0300 DAVID A. LEONE LEONE & LEONE DECEMBER 2009 GOLD DIGGERS Paying Cash for Almost Anything We Buy in Any Condition • Gold • Silver • Platinum • Jewelry • C~ins Marilyn J. Barrett Broker/Reio Coordinator Office: Fax.: Email: 1460 Gulf-to-Bay Blvd. -Clearwater, Fl33755 781-245-5011 xl8 781-246-7707 mjbarrett@cjbarrett.com Dino Papas- formerly ofStaniford S . (727) 441-4979 The following West Enders have donated above the subscription amount: Christopher J. Barrett ~~~i~~~i~ R 73 Albion St. eaJtors Wakefield, MA 01880 w~~NG -,;;-THfWORLD- "Dedicated to Service" National Insurance Concepts Weddings • Anniversaries • Social Events ... Video/Photo Malcolm Zimmerman Director of Marketing P.O. Box 13 Dedham, MA 02027-0013 (781) 320-0770 FAX (781) 320-0410 The West End Museum needs your help ... Buy 300 fundraising t1ckets & we have our condo fees for the year (condo Joseph Fortunato Box 379, MEDFORD, MAssACHUSEITS 02155 Email: josephfurtunato@yahoo.com Voicemail617-625-4438 ' ~i«e9- rW•ul. FAX (781) 391-2912 390 MAIN STREET MEDFORD, MA02155 OFFICE (781) 396-8000 RES. (781) 272-4548 ROY J. SCARPATO fees are $1200 a mo.) PRESIDENT PLEASE HELP!! . ..... ' Sales • Residential • Commercial • Rentals • Management • Appraisals Marjorie Alberti . Marie Alexander Mary Athanas Salvatore Athanas Walter Baratta Maryln Barrett Bill Black Julius Breslouf Phyliss Budreau Judith Burgess Carlo& Jennie Caccia Joseph Calabruso John Cashman John Cashman Salvatore Castro ·Mike Celata Ted Christo Martha Christo Leo Cipriano Edith Cohen Steve Curley Daniel Curtis Jr. Ms. Susan Davidson Dr. Nicholas Delio Russo Victor DeMarco Paul & Joyce Dembicki Margaret DiMare Nancy DiModica Margaret Donigan Lucille Fallavollita Yvonne Ferraggamo Joseph Freni Conrad Geller Charles Grasso Nick Gregory John Griffin Bruce Guarino Ron Guarino Sal Gulla Teresa lmbomone Joseph Interrante Michael lwaski Lillian Kawa Freda Kravetz Rocco Larffarello Jack LaSpina George Leary Richard Manupelli George Manzelli Ann Martin · Rose Matthews Fran Meucci Stanley Mirowski Christopher Nikolla Leonard Nimoy Sebastian Paci Frances Paorie Dino Papadakis Josephine Patania Nathan Patt Josephine Polcari Dom Ranzo Rich Raso Anna May Riminiscenza Antonetta Rosati Judge Santo Ruma Leo Salvato Yvonne Sannicandro · Martin Saradjian Ralph Saya Loretta Scarlata Joanne Spialdone Carmella Scott Shirley Sheinfeld Jeni Skiffington Norman Snider Edward Solano John Stoeckle Ben & Barbara Tankle William Tomczyk John Tricomi Santo Tringale Michelle Turner Marcella Unis John Wilson JoeZimbone ... .
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