20160210 newsletter webt1w3 - St Mary`s Catholic Primary School
20160210 newsletter webt1w3 - St Mary`s Catholic Primary School
Wednesday 10th February, 2016 Week 3 Term 1 FROM THE PRINCIPAL Dear Parents, Friends and Students, Today is Ash Wednesday, the first day of one of the most important seasons in the Church’s liturgical year - Lent. As I explained to the children on Monday’s assembly, Lent is a time when we try to get closer to God. The children were encouraged to think of things they could do to achieve this eg have conversations with God, do good deeds and give to Project Compassion. As adults we understand these acts to be FASTING, PRAYER and ALMS GIVING. FASTING: Fasting is an ancient action linked to Lent and is considered a sacred act. The goal of fasting is connected to prayer. The pangs of hunger remind us of our hunger for God and prayer and fasting brings us to what Lent is about – a deeper conversion and relationship with God. PRAYER: Fasting and almsgiving are merely actions we do out of tradition, if not connected to prayer. Prayer is our conversation with God. In these conversations we find the strength to fast, to develop a closer and more intimate relationship with God. This relationship makes us grateful for our many blessings and motivates us to give to those less fortunate. ALMSGIVING: This is simply a response by us to God, a response that we have come to through prayer and fasting. It expresses our gratitude for all we have been given. We come to a realization that we all make up the Body of Christ and with this realization there is a responsibility. That responsibility is to all who are part of the Body of Christ. This means that our acts of charity and the promotion of justice are integral elements of the Christian way of life. Frank Gilbert Drive BUNDABERG 4670 Ph: 07 41522167 Fax: 07 41527660 Email: smbg@rok.catholic.edu.au www.stmarysbundaberg.qld.edu.au Office Hours Monday - Friday 8AM – 4PM School Hours 8:40AM – 3:00PM TUCKSHOP Wednesdays & Fridays MASS TIMES SATURDAY 6PM St. Patrick’s SUNDAY 7AM St. James 8AM Holy Rosary 9AM St. Mary’s 5:30PM Holy Rosary Youth Led Mass 5:30PM Holy th Rosary 4 Sunday of Month Parish Office Ph: (07) 4151 6666 Parish Bulletin http:/www.bundabergcatholic.net.au A PRAYER FOR ASH WEDNESDAY: God our Father, as we begin this holy season of Lent, help us to see that your merciful love is with us always, even when we wander far from you. With the help of your grace, may our prayers and sacrifices over the next forty days lead us closer to you and to each other, the poor, the sick and the lonely so that together, we can fulfil your promises for all who live in your love. AMEN. Liam Bury, Dane Harris & Bridget Doyle with Father Andrew Page | 1 School Arrangements for Melanie Robinson’s Funeral A letter and email was sent yesterday informing parents of school arrangements to give staff the opportunity to attend Malenie’s funeral. If you have not returned the reply slip, please return it tomorrow or contact the school. As mentioned in the letter there will be supervision provided by the remaining teachers and OSHC will operate as normal from 3PM. ICT Code of Practice Teaching our students to treat their access to technology with respect and awareness of others, along with instructions on how to remain aware and safe when using technology is vital. The teachers have revised the Code of Practice with their students. We ask that you reinforce this at home and return the signed letter of agreement. Like us on Facebook Our school facebook page is operational. This is another way to keep up to date with what is happening in our school. Please notify the school office if you do not wish your child’s image to be used on the school facebook page or website. https://www.facebook.com/St-Marys-Catholic-Primary-School-181509128555925/ School Fees Term 1 accounts have been sent home with the oldest child in each family today. Due date for payment is Thursday 25th February. Madonna Prayers…. Marie Schmeider, mother of Prep teacher Leisa Gardiner, grandmother of Ava (Year 5), Harry, Lara & Darna who is seriously ill at present. Lorraine Knott and her family as they grieve the loss of Melanie. Our Yr 6 students as they prepare for their leadership roles in the school. ON SALE NOW!!!!! Are you in our beautiful “TIME TO EAT” cookbook??? They are on sale at St Mary’s School Office for $25.00 It is bursting at the seams with photos of St Mary’s students and hundreds of recipes contributed by our families and friends. APRE NEWS Ash Wednesday & Lent Today we celebrated Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent, which is the time leading to the celebration of Easter, the most important season in the Church’s calendar. Lent is a season of penance, reflection, and fasting which prepares us for Christ's Resurrection on Easter Sunday, through which we attain salvation. Page | 2 Why We Receive The Ashes On Ash Wednesday, our foreheads are marked with ashes to humble our hearts and remind us that life passes away on Earth. We remember this when we are told "Remember, Man is dust, and unto dust you shall return." (or something similar) Ashes are a symbol of penance made sacramental by the blessing of the Church, and they help us develop a spirit of humility and sacrifice. The distribution of ashes comes from a ceremony of ages past. The Ashes The ashes are made from the blessed palms used in the Palm Sunday celebration of the previous year. The ashes are christened with Holy Water and are scented by exposure to incense. While the ashes symbolize penance and contrition, they are also a reminder that God is gracious and merciful to those who call on Him with repentant hearts. Sacramental Program For families participating in the sacramental program, below are some important dates to remember: Parent Session 3: Reconciliation Family Workshop 4: Reconciliation The Ritual of Choosing: First Reconciliation: Wednesday, 10 February Sunday 21 February or Wednesday 24 February 27/28 February at all Masses Thursday 10 March, 7pm Holy Rosary Church David Boge APRE LITURGIES AND ASSEMBLES WEEK DATE th 3 Wednesday 10 February 4 5 Thursday 11th February Friday 19th February Friday 26th February 6 Friday 4th March 7 8 9 Friday 11th March Friday 18th March Monday 21st March – Thursday 24th March LITURGIES 9:00AM Ash Wednesday Liturgy 10:20AM Year 6 Retreat Opening School Mass Details to be advised First Friday Mass Year 5B Year 2PA Year 2 O’ Holy Week NET Team & Year 3G DATES TO REMEMBER FEBRUARY 2016 Mon – Wed 01–10 Mon – Thurs 08-11 Wednesday 10 Thursday 11 Wednesday 17 Thursday 18 Tuesday 23 Friday 26 Life Education visit Parent Information Evenings Ash Wednesday Year 6 Leadership training day Pupil Free Day – Bishop’s Inservice Day – Staff attending School Board Meeting Brisbane Lions visit School Census Day 3:45PM 10AM-12PM Page | 3 MARCH 2016 Friday Thursday Saturday 04 17 19 Sunday Monday Thursday Friday Sunday Monday 20 21 24 25 27 28 School Clean Up Day St Patrick’s Day St Joseph’s Day Catholic Schools Race Day Palm Sunday Harmony Day Term 1 concludes Good Friday Easter Sunday Easter Monday CURRICULUM NEWS Parent Information Evenings Parent Information sessions will be conducted during Week 3 of term. Teachers will send notes home with dates and times for these sessions. Time Wednesday 10 Feb Thursday 11 Feb Friday 12 Feb 5:00PM Year 1 6:30PM After School Homework Club – Bundaberg Neighbourhood Centre. The After School Homework Club is a tutoring and family support program based at the Neighbourhood Centre. Sessions are held weekly during school terms from 3:30pm-5:30pm every Wednesday afternoon. The program was originally developed to support students with English as a second language, however all students and families requiring assistance are welcome to attend. Click here to view flyer with further information. PHYSICAL EDUCATION PMP Thank you to those who have volunteered their time and energy to help the young children in Prep - Year 2. I hope you enjoy your time with them and find it rewarding. Information concerning activities and some procedures has gone home. I hope you receive these. On Monday I held an information and training day for those of you who were able to make it. Many responded that they would like to attend but were unable to make Monday. Some of this may have been my fault as in the initial note I had written Monday 10th February. I corrected this in the Newsletter to Monday 8th February but am aware there may have been some confusion also. I would like to offer the session again if there are enough parents who would still like to attend. At this stage I can offer it again this Friday 12th February from 8:50am-10:00am. Morning tea is provided. If you would like to attend, please contact me personally via text message (0428516226) or email (linda_fulton@rok.catholic.edu.au). I will then be able to respond and confirm if the session will go ahead. Looking forward to meeting you and sharing. Year 2 Helpers: Due to the funeral on Thursday afternoon, the P.M.P. will not be starting this Thursday, 11th February. I look forward to seeing you for the first session next Thursday 18th February, and we will continue the sessions, for a period of 6 weeks up until the Easter Break. Linda Fulton Specialist PE Teacher Page | 4 BRONCOS VISIT Visiting Bronco Anthony Milford speaking to the students President of Brothers Sports Club, Mr Mark Barrett presenting the new football post Pads with Tokoia Arobati (6C) & Broncos The whole school getting active with the Broncos Our tuckshop convenor Mrs Theresa Pascoe is the Broncos biggest fan! Ms Davitt meets the Broncos FROM THE SPORTS DESK Congratulations…. A BIG congratulations to all of our students who participated in the Surf Lifesaving Branch Carnival on the weekend. Many of our students placed first, second or third in a range of events. Some have also qualified for Queensland trials. Well done!! Swimming Once again it is that time for the Bundaberg District’s swimmers to nominate for the 2016 Queensland 10 - 12 Years Schools Swimming Championships which will be held at Chandler Aquatic Centre, Brisbane over 3 days. Click here to view letter with further information. Click here to view regional selection procedures. If you want to know more please come and see Mr Boge in the office. Brisbane Lions Visit Players from the Brisbane Lions will visit St Mary’s on 23rd February from 10AM - midday. Brothers Netball Sign On - Saturday 13th February Click here to view flyer with more information. Page | 5 Upcoming Sport Trial Dates Below are dates for upcoming sport trials. When we receive more information regarding these we will notify students and pass on appropriate details. Softball 15/18 February Soccer 15/17/22/24 March Australian Rules 15 February Touch Football 4/11 March Basketball 1/3 March Hockey 14/21 March Golf 7 March Tennis 10 March Netball 10/17 March Rugby League 15/17/22/23 March David Boge MUSIC & DRAMA NOTES Acting and singing group lessons will now be available in lunchtimes. Days may vary depending on interest. Class sizes will be limited and the cost is only $10.00 PER CLASS, invoiced once a term. If you are interested please contact Rebecca Hutchins from Drama Queens – the studio. The aim is to participate in local and state eisteddfods, develop confidence, skill building, and a barrel of fun through this vital yet creative medium. This fabulous opportunity extends to all in the school as a result of the connection established during the rehearsal of the 2015 Nativity Play. Please contact 0428510616 or drama.queens@westnet.com.au for further information. Music Dates 16th March 2016 Sound of Music QPAC - senior music students excursion LIBRARY & BOOK CLUB Thanks…. Thank you to Pauline Harris for covering new books for our library. We greatly appreciate this help. The 2016 Issue 1 of Scholastic Book Club was sent home this week. Orders are due in TODAY, Wednesday 10th February to the library. Credit card payments can be made by phone to Scholastic and the receipt number entered on the order form. If asked we do not use Loop (a direct student ordering system). Payment may also be made by cash; or a cheque made payable to Scholastic Book Club. Siblings orders may be added together to make just one total payment. Orders are usually distributed about 10 days after the due date of each Book Club. Any orders large or small are gratefully received as the school receives a substantial choice of free resources for our library and classroom use via commission from student orders. Lorraine Knott Library & Book Club Coordinator STUDENTS OF THE WEEK Year 1H Year 1KM Year 1P BRAITON STREETER for being a wonderful new addition to St Mary’s. Thank you for a great start to the term. GRACE LECKY for a wonderful start to the term. Thank you for being motivated and enthusiastic to learn. IMOGEN ANDERSON for working hard in reading groups. What a great little reader you are! TANNER MELEIN for making an exceptional effort to listen to instructions and follow them from start to finish. CHLOE PEACOCK for the beautiful work you did when creating your bird. BLAKE ARNOLD for the creative colouring you did when making your bird. Page | 6 Year 2 O Year 2 PA Year 3B Year 3G Year 3R Year 4B Year 4P Year 5B Year 5SJ Year 6C Year 6N ISABEL CHUNG for being kind and helpful to others. You are a caring student. BELLE CAUGHLEY for being an awesome listener and an independent worker. You always make good choices. Thanks! ZAYDEN BUSBY for starting the new school year with conscientiousness. Well done Zayden. KIANA YAMAN for starting the new school year with a conscientious attitude and a determination to do well. COHEN JARRETT for being a thoughtful and considerate member of our class. You have been trying so hard in Year Three. Thank you. SEAMUS McELDOWNEY for sharing your wonderful vocabulary and knowledge with us in the Life Education Van. You amazed us all (including Kathy and Harold) CHARLOTTE O’BRIEN for always being so well organised, presenting beautiful work and being a great friend to others. You are a star! ETHAN McKEOWN for always putting 100% effort into everything you do! You are a super worker! SOPHIA RUSSO for putting a huge effort into her writing. Keep up the good work. MITCHELL ELLERY for trying his hardest to complete all his work quietly. ALL OF YEAR 4B for working well as a class and being able to work effectively in groups. OLIVIA JACOBSEN for being our class superstar! You continually set a great example to your classmates with your lovely manners, excellent listening skills and beautiful work. MARISSA HARRIS for always giving everything your best shot. Thank you for always being so polite and ready to work! SAM KENNY for always contributing to class discussions. I love hearing your ideas. AVA GARDINER for being super organised and reading so beautifully to me. I love listening to you read. BELLA ALLISON for being a conscientious and enthusiastic team member. Thank you for being a positive role model. KAI RYAN for being a friendly and thoughtful team member. Thank you for watching out for your friends. AMARA BURNS for putting in a super effort in completing homework. Sensational effort Amara! LIAM BURY for always having a positive, enthusiastic approach to your schoolwork. Your kind, conscientious nature is an asset in our class! KATIE MAHER for being a hard-working, conscientious student every day and a wonderful friend to all. You are a delight to have in our class! CONGRATULATIONS SO WHAT’S HAPPENING IN YEAR 4P This year we are all in Year 4P We are trying to be the best we can be We are superheroes all day long If we work together we will stay strong. It is awesome, fun, fantastic and cool in 4P because…. Zac- it is amazing at my new school and I am having loads of fun Oren- we learn Maths Rylee- we work as a team and when things are difficult we are superheroes Isaac- we learn heaps of subjects Issy- we play Maths games Summer- we have fun learning together Amelia- we work in different spaces around the room Zye- we do sports Devon- rotations rule!!! Charlie- we have awesome books Emilio- we make new friends Tenamo- we help and respect each other Olivia- we play instruments with the continent’s song Page | 7 Caitlin- we share about our cares and concerns in our circle time Kallee- our teacher is superb Jed- we never give up……mistakes are proof that we are trying Jaiden- we work as a team and we each use our brain to earn links in our class paper chain Marissa- we enjoy Art Ryan- we help each other to solve problems Adam- we are really good and nice Kyia- I have made some new friends Josh- Mrs Plumb is the best teacher ever Gracie- we inspire each other to be happy chappies Andy- we learn new things IT IS GOING TO BE A SUPER YEAR!!! TUCKSHOP The school tuckshop operates on Wednesdays and Fridays throughout the term. Please place orders by 9AM. Click here for Term 1 Menu Click here for Term 1 Gluten Free Menu SCHOOL BANKING School Banking day is Wednesday each week of school term. School Banking is a fun, interactive and engaging way for students to learn about money and develop good savings habits. To help reward individual savings efforts, every time a student deposits into their Youthsaver account through School Banking, regardless of the amount, they’ll receive a Dollarmites token. Once they’ve collected 10 tokens, they can redeem them for a variety of exciting reward items. Find out more at commbank.com.au/schoolbanking Enquire at the office if your child would like to join the school banking program. CATHOLIC SCHOOLS RACE DAY 2016 Mark your diaries now! CATHOLIC SCHOOLS RACE DAY WILL BE HELD ON SATURDAY, 19th MARCH 2016 We currently have 1 Race Sponsorship and 1 Major Sponsorship available which secures you a table in our main marquee. For further information regarding sponsorship or general enquiries please contact Peter O'Beirne on 0419 787 279. Looking forward to your continued support of this annual fun day out for the Catholic Schools Community. COMMUNITY NEWS Chinese New Year Celebrations – Saturday, February 13 If the kids are leaving your house looking more like a jungle than a sanctuary, bring them along to the Chinese New Year Celebrations where their monkey business can be put to good use! The celebrations, being held in the Bundaberg CBD from 3pm to 9pm on Saturday, February 13, will feature a range of free children’s activities to welcome in the Year of the Monkey including face painting, jianzi Chinese featherball workshops hosted by Bundaberg Regional Galleries, monkey-themed craft activities and storytelling hosted by Bundaberg Regional Libraries and an interactive Chinese animal zodiac trail. For $5, children can also take part in lantern-making workshops and help to illuminate the night as they join in on the lantern parade at 8pm which will also feature giant lanterns. The evening’s grand finale will be a fireworks display which is sure to delight onlookers. For more information head to bundaberg.qld.gov.au or call 1300 883 699. Page | 8 Sunday Children’s Tournaments 2016 Sunday Children’s Tournaments will most likely be held on 28 February, 27 March, 24 April, 29 May, 31 July, 28 August, 30 October and 27 November. A 2016 Grand Prix will be held in conjunction with the Sunday Tournaments. There will be two free draws of $10 and $15 each Sunday. For scoring, a competitor gains three points each Sunday they attend. If a lower rated player defeats a higher rated player, they will get four points. If a higher rated player defeats a lower rated player, they will get one point. In the event of a draw a higher rated player defeating a lower rated player will get half a point. If a lower rated player draws with a higher rated player they will get two points. QJ ratings will be used for competitors. If a competitor has no QJ rating, the DOP will allocate a rating. Players attending for the first time do not have to pay the playing fee of $10 on that day!!! Many lucky draws for vouchers from Maccas, Subway, Red Rooster, Eagle Boys and Cold Rock Ice Creamery!! A T Menham Chess Club Secretary Bundaberg Vocal Academy Does your child like to sing and dance? Would you like to help them discover themselves through dramatic play, expression, stage skills and team work? Then Bundaberg Vocal Academy’s “Melody, Movement and Me” Program – an under 9’s ‘FUN’ introduction to the performing arts may just be for you! Watch as your child builds confidence, self-esteem and makes new friends! We are inviting all little groovers for a FREE TRIAL LESSON commencing February 2016. We also have varied Performing Arts classes from 2 years through to adult. Bookings are essential. For more information please phone Kara on 0428 651 447 or go to www.bundabergvocalacademy.com.au to enrol online. Vocal, Drama & Musical Theatre Classes Private and group lessons available with Natalie at Bach to Rock, 54 Woongarra Street, Bundaberg, Monday – Friday. Students will work on singing, acting, dance and performance skills in a fun environment. For more information phone 41514144 or email enquiries@bachtorock.com.au. Lost Cat Have you seen Moses? Fluffy tabby cat missing from Avenell Heights on 29th January, 2016. Male, 10 years old, desexed, micro chipped. Moses is very new to the area and has lost his way home. He may not seem lost to you but if you see Moses in your yard or around the school, please let an adult know so they can help Moses find his way home. Contact Ambre Moisel Ph: 07 41511322 or 0427727383 Page | 9