Press release - Museo Ettore Fico


Press release - Museo Ettore Fico
Ministry of Cultural Assets and Activities and Tourism
Directorate General for Contemporary Art and Architecture and Urban Suburbs
Directorate General for Museums
promoted by
GAI – Association for the Circuit of Young Italian Artists
and developed by
CITY OF MODENA - Giovani d'Arte
in collaboration with
MEF – Museo Ettore Fico, Torino
DAB - Design for Artshop and Bookshop at MEF, Turin
Friday 20 February 2015 at the MEF - Museo Ettore Fico, concept-store area on the mezzanine, will open
the exhibition DAB Design for Artshop and Bookshop. The display presents the prototypes selected on the
occasion of the 5th edition of the homonymous national contest.
The project DAB, started in 2006, is promoted by GAI - Association for the Circuit of Young Italian Artists and
developed by Giovani d'Arte Office of the City of Modena. DAB is part of Project Convention DE.MO. supporting new design and mobility, signed by GAI and Ministry of Cultural Assets and Activities and Tourism
(MiBACT) - Directorate General for Contemporary Art and Architecture and Urban Suburbs and Directorate
General for Museums.
The Exhibition DAB presents the projects developed by 20 designers selected by the Commission made up
by Sandra Tucci, coordinator of the project for MiBACT - ex DG PaBAAC Servizio V; Patrizia Rossello from
GAI Association and Michele Zini, Architect and Designer from Studio ZPZ Partners.
On display there will be prototypes of: Antonio Abatangelo; Chiara Angioli; the collective made up by Margarita
Aviles De Carlos, Marco Fogaccia, Shi Jintian, Nicoletta Marangoni and Maria Montes De Oca; Emilio Baria;
Ilaria Bartolini; Lucia Biancalana and Eleonora Bompieri; Bottega Krua of Giada Fogliato and Arianna Piazza;
Code0039 of Dante Antonucci, Laura Crognale, Stefania Quintili and Alessandro Zuppa; De-sign of Daniela
Cavasin and Enrica Zanini; Alessandro Esposito, Federico Fiordigiglio; Alberto Galotta and Federica Lissoni;
Gian Piero Giovannini; Massimiliano Marianni; Elena Maurigh; Costanza Palmirani; Lorenzo Passi; Arianna
Piazza; Daniele Piazzola; Studio Alchemico of Giulio Bogani and Sofia Crescioli
The selected projects meet three contest requirements: being part of the cultural scenario of contemporary
design; effective compatibility with the museum stores for price, market and features of the object; possibility of
self production or unconventional chain of production. The commission tried to select also projects developed
in heterogeneous areas of research or capable of proposing new typologies of products, in order to get a wide
range of proposals offering the deepest possible reading of both the catalogue and the exhibition.
On the occasion of the 3rd edition of DAB, the Commission awarded ex-aequo Alberto Galotta and Federica
Lissoni the MiBACT - Cultural Heritage Special Prize, established in 2011 in order to incentivize young
designers to create contemporary objects, freely inspired by the vaste Italian cultural heritage and thus
suitable to be exposed in the commercial spaces of various museums and archeological sites. The MiBACT
Prize consists in the assignation of funds for the self production of the objects and the promotion of the latter in
important national and international showcases.
The exhibition, coming from Rome’s MAXXI, in April will open at the bookshop area of Fondazione Fotografia
at Foro Boario of Modena, and in May at the prestigious Castello di Acaya in Lecce.
DAB, during the previous editions, met a remarkable acclaim among the specialists and promoted several
public events. Since 2006, the prototypes have been showcased at Galleria Civica of Modena, Palazzo delle
Esposizioni of Rome, Castel Sant'Elmo of Naples, Macef of Milan, Bologna Licensing Trade Fair at Fiera di
Bologna and MEF Museo casa Enzo Ferrari of Modena; the DAB product lines were presented at Milan
Triennale, Paris Museum Expressions and Venice Open Design Italia.
Digital catalogue and materials on previous editions of DAB are available on Giovani d'Arte website:
DAB - Design for Artshop and Bookshop
21 February – 22 March 2015
MEF – Museo Ettore Fico
via Francesco Cigna 114, Torino
PRESS CONFERENCE Friday 20 February, h 12
OPENING TIMES Wednesday to Friday 14 – 19 / Saturday 11 – 22 / Sunday 11 - 19
info Giovani d'Arte, City of Modena, call 059.2032604 email
MEF – Museo Ettore Fico, call 011 853065
Ministry of Cultural Assets and Activities and Tourism - Directorate General for Contemporary Art and Architecture and Urban Suburbs;
works for the quality of architecture and urban planning in connection with the upgrading of urban suburbs, research activity, care and promotion of
contemporary art and architecture, with great attention to development, diffusion and support to youth creativity. www.
Ministry of Cultural Assets and Activities and Tourism - Directorate General for Museums curates museums and state cultural venues
collections, with regard to accession, loan, cataloguing, enjoyment and development policies. It supervises the national museum system and
coordinates the regional museum centres. It carries out functions and tasks aimed at developing the cultural heritage as well, favouring the active
participation of the users and assuring effective knowledge and common enjoyment experiences.
GAI – Association for the Circuit of Young Italian Artists is a nonprofit association currently encompassing 41 Italian public administrations,
aimed at supporting new generations of artists through activities of promotion, production, international mobility and research. Thanks to an
extensive network of offices and facilities in every Italian region, GAI gather information on different activities, offers information services, organizes
training initiatives and opportunity of visibility, in relation to the market, for young people who work in a professional perspective in the fields of
innovation, visual arts, design, theatre, dance, music, cinema and videomaking, creative writing.
Giovani D'Arte – City of Modena, established in 1986, is a service of Culture Department sharing the same goals and actions of GAI, being one of
its founding partners, in the field of promotion and support of young art and creativity. For years it has planned and developed various events, many
of which at a regional and national level, including, besides “DAB”: “Proforme”, “Portfolio-Giovane Fotografia in Italia”, “ArteinContemporanea
emilia-romagna”, “Festival Cabaret Emergente”, “designER giovani designer in Emilia Romagna”, “A cura di…, giovani curatori e critici d'arte in
emilia-romagna”, “ArteinAttesa”.