Annual Report - Saddleback College


Annual Report - Saddleback College
Annual Report
Saddleback College Foundation
2012-2013 Annual Report
Message from the President of Saddleback College
Saddleback College will be the first choice of students who seek a
dynamic, innovative, and student-centered postsecondary education
– this is the vision of Saddleback College.
Dr. Tod A. Burnett
Saddleback College
Saddleback College has
been the f irst choice for
higher education and
training in South Orange
County since 1968. Our
more than 500,000 alumni
can attest to the quality of
our academic and career
training programs that
enable students to successfully
achieve their educational,
professional, and personal
goals. Our rich academic
traditions and strong
reputation make Saddleback
College an ideal place for
students seeking associate
degrees and certificates,
transferring to four year
colleges and universities,
preparing for the workforce,
or pursuing lifelong
learning opportunities.
Every day, thousands of people participate in making this vision
a reality. Our beautiful campus would clearly not exist without
our talented faculty, dedicated staff and inquisitive students.
The support of the larger south Orange County community is
what enables our campus to truly thrive. Thanks to the Board of
Governors and the leadership of past presidents Gary Capata and
Donna Varner and current president Jim Leach, the community
support for Saddleback College has grown dramatically over
the past five years. During this time the endowment grew from
$497,181 to $5,242,081 (954% increase) and we increased the total
scholarship dollars awarded from $198,650 to $509,790 (157% increase). This enabled us to expand
the number of students receiving support from 180 to 326 (81% increase).
This year our community supported us in remarkable ways that enhanced our programs and prepared
our students to transfer successfully to top notch four year institutions and enter the workforce with
the background they need to succeed. Below are just a few examples of the incredible generosity
bestowed upon the Saddleback family.
This was a very exciting year for students majoring in science, technology, engineering or mathematics
(STEM). During the first year of a three year grant from the National Science Foundation, 14
academically talented and financially needy students received scholarships of more than $9,000 each.
Edison International also focused their funding on STEM students. By combining their resources with
matching funds from the Saddleback College Foundation, $37,500 was available for scholarships and
tutorial services.
The Automotive Technology Department received substantial community support in a variety of ways:
Tuttle-Click Tustin Chrysler Jeep Dodge provided $50,000 for scholarships and
toolkits for students entering the automotive technology certificate program
Grainger Tools for Tomorrow Scholarships also gave scholarships and toolkits, but
focused on technical education students entering their second year
Kia Motors America once again ensured that our students had cars with some of the
latest technology to work on by donating three vehicles this year bringing their total
to 12. The value of this year’s cars is $65,000
The California Community Foundation is ensuring that our nursing program remains number one in
the nation in licensure exams by providing nearly $25,000 in scholarships for nursing students.
I would be remiss in not highlighting the changes experienced by the Foundation. Under the guidance
of the Board of Governors and with the approval of the Board of Trustees, the Foundation has an
entirely new look. Instead of a part time, interim director and temporary support staff, the office now
consists of an executive director, a director of annual giving and part-time permanent support staff. We
relocated the office to a more central location on campus. Once again, I extend a sincere thank you to
the Board of Governors and everyone who made this a remarkable year for Saddleback College.
Student Success Story: Kyle Long
“My wife Diane and I handed Coach Mark (McElroy) a man-child
three years ago. What we got back was a young man who understood the
importance of classroom, and the importance of being reliable,” said Howie
Long, Former NFL player and parent of former Saddleback football player
Kyle Long.
This was a remarkable year for the Saddleback College Football program due
to both former student success and money raised to support the program.
Two former Saddleback offensive linemen, Kyle Long and Menelik Watson, were drafted into the NFL.
Drafted in the first round, Long is playing for the Chicago Bears and in the second round Watson was
drafted by the Oakland Raiders. These individuals are remarkable athletes and shining examples of
what our athletic program stands for. Howie Long, said that the football program is, “Helping young
men from all walks of life grow both as players, but more importantly as young men.” Their belief in the
strength of our athletic program inspired Howie and Diane Long to give a $25,000 gift in support of
the Saddleback College football program.
Giving Tidbit
The generous gift made by the Long Family was a gift of cash. The Foundation office
gladly accepts, checks, cash or credit card. You can also make a gift online at
Student athletes at
Saddleback out-perform
all other cohorts on
campus in:
Units attempted
Units earned
Success rate
Term GPA
Transfer rate
Gala & Alum of the Year
Gold Sponsors $5,000
Capital Bank
C.W. Driver
Dr. Tod A. Burnett
Hudson Pacific Properties
Mercedes Benz of Laguna Niguel
Silver Sponsors $2,500
On April 20th a record breaking 400 people gathered in the gymnasium at Saddleback
College for the 13th annual Saddleback College Foundation gala, Vegas Meets Hollywood.
Through general sponsorships, table sponsors, gaming and a silent auction, funds were
raised to provide scholarships and support for college programs. While coordinated by the
Foundation and the Board of Governors, the success of this event belongs to the entire
Saddleback College Community. Faculty, students and community members provided items
for the silent auction. Students prepared and served the hors d’oeuvres and dessert. The fine
arts faculty designed the décor and worked with students to create the ambience for the
evening. The entertainment was provided throughout the evening by our extremely talented
faculty and students. In addition to raising money to support a wonderful community
institution while having a great time, attendees also experienced so much of what makes
Saddleback College such an incredible place.
At the gala, Richard
Crawford, cornerback
of the Washington
Redskins, was honored
as the Alumnus of
the Year. Guests that
evening listened intently
as Crawford shared his
story and the role that
Saddleback played in
his football career. After
not being picked up by
any four year institutions
during his senior year of
high school, he chose
to attend Saddleback
College due to the
outstanding reputation
of the coaches and
past football teams.
Determined to get to the NFL, he did all he was asked to do and more. With support and
guidance from the football coaches, Crawford became a model scholar-athlete, student and
human being. After spending 2008 and 2009 at Saddleback, he went on to study and play
football for Southern Methodist University. He joined the Redskins in 2012. While he may
no longer wear the Gaucho uniform, it is clear that he will always be a Gaucho at heart as he
made it crystal clear that he will do whatever he is asked to help Saddleback College.
Saddleback College is fully accredited, offering over 300 associate degrees, certif icates, and occupational skills
awards in 190 program areas taught by a faculty renowned for its expertise, experience, and commitment to
student success. Study abroad, cooperative work experience, online learning, and honors are just some of the
additional programs we offer for a well-rounded educational experience.
Capata & Co. – CPA’s
Cox Communications
Irvine Valley College Foundation
Neudesic, Inc.
Santa Margarita Water District
Table Sponsors
Atkinson, Andelson, Loya, Ruud
& Romo
Audi Mission Viejo
Dougherty & Dougherty
Infiniti of Mission Viejo
Midland Management
Perception Public Relations
Saddleback College Associated
Student Government
Saddleback College Athletics
Saddleback College Football/
Track & Field
Saddleback College Faculty/Staff
Dr. Donald & Mrs. Sandra
Saddleback College Sports
Students of Business Science
Saddleback College VETS
San Diego Gas & Electric
South Orange County
Community College District
Faculty Association
Athletic Stadium Renovation
Saddleback College has
hundreds of student
athletes who compete on
nine men’s and 11 women’s
teams. The Gauchos are
truly outstanding, having
won three national
championships, 24 state
championships, 44 regional
titles, and 155 conference
titles. Our student athletes
not only succeed on the f ield,
they excel in the classroom
as well. For the fall 2009
semester, nearly half of all
student athletes made the
Athletic Honor Roll—
completing 2-or-more units
with a 3.00 or higher grade
point average and 83%
of the sophomore athletes
transferred to a four-year
college or university.
Saddleback is committed to being the college of choice in
south Orange County for lower division college study. The
Foundation understands that being the college of choice
means Saddleback must also offer attractive facilities of
the highest quality. In support of that goal, the Foundation
supports the growth and renovation of the athletic stadium.
As Howie Long said, “It is the front porch of the college
and a new stadium is the key to taking our already excellent
athletic programs to an even higher level of prominence and
achievement.” During the 2012-2013 academic year the
Foundation provided funding for conceptual drawings of the
new stadium and is garnering support for the project from the
communities that will benefit from it.
234 Scholarships
326 Scholarships
The numbers above illustrate the record breaking year the
foundation had raising funds for scholarships. Part of this success
was due to an innovative program created by the Saddleback
College Foundation and supported by the Associated Student
Government. Both groups challenged contributors to maximize
the impact of their gift by offering matching funds. For every $2
someone gave, the Foundation added $1. These matching funds
were available to the first $140,000 contributed. The concept
inspired people to give generously especially since the bottom line
was – more students received the financial assistance they needed.
When you ask Gil Rowland (pictured above), member of the
Saddleback Kiwanis what inspired him to get involved with their
scholarship program he shares the story of the first person he met
who received a scholarship from their Club. A woman came to their
weekly meeting to tell them about the work of her non-profit. She
started by telling them that she owed her success to Saddleback
Kiwanis. After getting into some trouble in high school, she
managed to straighten her life out and wanted to attend Saddleback
College. The college accepted her and she enrolled in classes only
to discover that she could not afford the books. Kiwanis provided
a scholarship to cover the cost. Fast forward, she went onto a four
year institution, and then earned her Ph.D. and started a non-profit
to help others. Gil ends the story by saying, “Can you imagine a
better return on investment?”
Giving Tidbit
Scholarships are a wonderful way to make a tax deductible gift and directly impact
the life of a Saddleback College student. You have the option of contributing to the
general scholarship fund or for a gift of $500 or more you can create a scholarship that
benefits a specific type of student. You can focus on someone within a specific major,
an individual transferring to a favorite four year institution and many other variables.
One way to fund a scholarship is through a gift of stock. Gifts of marketable securities
or stocks listed on an exchange can be donated with no taxation on the gain of the
appreciated stock as long as it is given directly to the Saddleback College Foundation.
Of the 112 California Community
Colleges, Saddleback College ranks
8th in transfers to the University
of California and 17th in transfers
to the California State University.
Of the nine community colleges in
Orange County, Saddleback College
ranks f irst in transfers to UC Santa
Barbara, UC Santa Cruz, San
Diego State University, Cal Poly
San Luis Obispo, USC, and ASU
and ranks second to UC Berkeley,
UCLA, and UC San Diego.
Impact of Significant Gifts
Collaboration can produce remarkable results. The creation of
Math and Science Learning communities is a perfect example of
the impact groups can have when they work together. Thanks to
combined support from Edison International, Associated Student
Government, the President’s Office, the Saddleback College
Foundation, and LRC Tutoring, in coordination with the Division
of Math and Science an innovative peer tutoring program launched
this spring. The program, referred to as Math and Science Learning
Communities (Supplemental Instruction), focused on promoting
student success in at risk math and science courses at Saddleback
College. With the additional funding, faculty members recruited,
mentored, trained and equipped their tutor to serve as a peer tutor
for the class. The peer tutor attended class sessions for two hours
per week and tutored for eight hours within the tutoring center. In
this pilot program, 14 tutors served over 600 students.
Close communication between students, the tutor, and the
instructor created an atmosphere of learning and engagement that
allowed students to grasp difficult content and to complete the
course successfully. LRC Tutoring success rates are 81% compared
with the college average of 71%. Persistence rates for students
using LRC Tutoring for six or more hours have soared to 94% as
compared to a 78% persistence rate for the general Saddleback
College student population.
Students Served
Contact Hours
Spring 2012
Spring 2013
Veterans Art Project
When a friend of the College heard about a program Steve Dilly
created to help veterans and their families deal with post-traumatic
stress disorder, he wanted to help. As the son of a veteran and a
veteran himself, he knew all too well the challenges members of
the military face as they enter civilian life. Inspired by research
into alternative treatments for veterans, faculty created a ceramics
program to help Saddleback College veterans and their families
with the adjustments. The veteran loved the program and made a
generous $36,000 contribution to cover all the costs of the program
– materials, faculty time, and even money for snacks to ensure
that there was a social aspect to the class. Each week an average
of 11 participants gathered to learn about ceramics, create their
own pieces, and socialize. The class is seen as a bridge to academic
success, especially for those who are not yet ready to take traditional
classes, as well as for students enrolled in regular academic courses.
As an activity, ceramics leads to a deeper understanding of the
materials, processes and opportunities a college education offers.
The veterans embraced the opportunity as they lost themselves in
the creative process and reported that seeing the final product was
remarkably satisfying. Everyone involved felt the impact of this
program and how much it helped.
2012-2013 Annual Report
Saddleback College offers a vibrant student life, with an active student
government, more than 50 campus clubs, champion athletic teams,
eclectic arts scene, and diverse cultural events.
KSBR – Celebrating the 25th
Anniversary of the KSBR
What began in 1989 as a small party in
a hotel lounge has grown to what the
Orange County Register called, “The
Super Bowl of Smooth Jazz.” This year’s
Bash proved to be the most successful
in its history in every way. More than
2,500 people gathered to hear the
incredible concert and raise a record
breaking $150,000. The “star-studded”
line-up incorporated more than 30
musicians including Dave Koz, Boney
James, Peter White, Rick Braun, Keiko Matsui, Greg
Adams, Chris Standring, and Paul Brown. Each of the musicians mentioned
reached the top spot on one of the various Billboard sales and airplay charts.
What makes the KSBR Birthday Bash unique is that many of the performers
are bandleaders in their own right, but on this day, everyone plays on each
other’s songs in various all-star configurations, making each Bash a once-in-alifetime experience for both the artists and the audience.
For the second year in a row, a
Saddleback College Cinema/TV/
Radio student was named “Best DJ”
in the National Student Production
Awards. Esmeralda Olamendi
received the honor during the
National Student Electronic
Media Convention.
Saddleback College Foundation 2012-2013 Annual Report
Attendance Growth
2013 . . . . . .
2008 . . . . . .
2000 . . . . . .
1988 . . . . . .
Dollars Raised
2013 . . . . . .
2008 . . . . . .
2000 . . . . . .
1988 . . . . . .
The Impact of Your Gift
Your gift to the Saddleback College Foundation changes lives. With 24% of the
student population receiving financial aid you have the opportunity to give a
student the gift of an education. Here are a few examples of how a contribution
impacts Saddleback College students:
$19,000 provides a full scholarship for a student living away from home*
$12,000 provides a full scholarship for a student living at home*
$10,000 creates an endowment which funds a program or scholarship in perpetuity
$6,000 funds a class to teach students how to succeed in online classes
$2,000 funds a learning community
$700 covers the cost of books for one semester
$138 covers the cost of one class
The bottom line is every dollar contributed to the Saddleback College Foundation
is an investment in the College, in our community and in our future.
*Compared to $25,000 at a CSU and $32,000 at a UC
Supporting students at Saddleback College has never been easier. Through gifts of cash,
stock, property or matching funds, you can invest in the future of Saddleback College,
our students and our community.
You can make your gift Online at
Through the mail by sending a check to:
Saddleback College Foundation
28000 Marguerite Parkway | Mission Viejo, CA 92692
If you would like to discuss giving opportunities in more detail, please contact the
Saddleback College Foundation development professionals.
Dr. Donald Rickner
Executive Director
949.582.4968 |
The Saddleback College Foundation is extremely fortunate to have Dr. Donald L.
Rickner serving as the executive director. Dr. Rickner brings a vast knowledge of
community college fundraising to his position having consulted at more than 35
of the California Community Colleges. He was dean of community relations and
executive director of the Irvine Valley College Foundation and served as the director
of foundations for the South Orange County Community College District. He is
an active member of the board of directors and served two years as president of the
Network of California Community College Foundations, from which he received a
lifetime achievement award in 2001.
Elissa Oransky
Director of Annual Giving
949.582.4481 |
Elissa Oransky started working as a professional fundraiser during her second year
of graduate school. Through her 17 years of development experience, Elissa had
the opportunity to work at every level of development from annual fund activities to
planned giving. During her career, she worked for a variety of non-profits, including
the American Cancer Society, San Diego State University and the Jewish Federation
of Rhode Island. Last year she became a Certified Fund Raising Executive and is an
active board member with the Association of Fundraising Professionals.
For those interested in the arts, Saddleback College offers one of
the most comprehensive and progressive programs in the nation
including art, cinema-television-radio, music, photography,
speech, and theatre. We boast state-of-the-art facilities and
equipment and feature an on-campus television station
(Channel 39), award winning radio station (KSBR 88.5 FM),
and internet radio station ( where students
gain hands-on experience. Our 400-seat McKinney Theatre
provides the largest performance space in the area, featuring
recently upgraded state-of-the-industry lighting and
sound technology.
Giving Tidbit
The gift described below is comprised of
both an upfront gift of cash and a planned
gift. Don Greenspan generously included
the Saddleback College Foundation in his
will in order to fully endow the scholarship in
memory of his wife.
The Julienne Callahan Greenspan
Endowment for the Arts
After his beloved wife, Julienne Callahan
Greenspan passed away, Don Greenspan
wanted to honor her memory in a way
that would reflect her passions and make
a difference in the lives of students in
perpetuity. Working with Dr. Rickner, he
created a plan to celebrate her life’s passions.
As a student at Saddleback, Julienne focused
her time on journalism. She contributed to
the Crow’s Nest, a literary campus magazine
and ultimately became the editor. Under her
leadership, the magazine won 19 awards.
Her love of writing continued throughout
her life. She also developed an interest in
the arts, specifically in drawing, painting
and photography. It was with this in mind
that Don endowed two scholarships, one
for a journalism student and another for
someone majoring in drawing, painting
or photography. Don will support the
scholarships during his lifetime by making
annual gifts of cash. He included an
endowment in his estate to continue the
scholarship in perpetuity. This thoughtful
gift not only memorializes a woman who
was dedicated to the areas she loved, but
it also provides extra encouragement and
support to students who show aptitude in
these areas.
Endowment List
Alan Lugena, M.A. Memorial
Art Osher Endowed
Dr. Richard McCullough
Student Veteran Osher American Association of
University Women, Mission
Viejo Osher Endowed
Eric Holke Memorial Veteran Osher Endowed
Algebra2go Osher Endowed
American Association of
University Women, San
Bay Osher Endowed Scholarship
Ann Hagerty Endowed
Associated Student
Government Excellence
in Leadership Osher
Endowed Scholarship
Ben Orel Memorial
Endowed Scholarship
Bernard Osher Endowed
Capata & Company,
CPA’s Endowed
Catherine Orrison Memorial Endowed
Costa del Sol/ El Toro/
Saddleback Area Historical
Curt O’Brien Film,
Television, and Radio
Endowed Scholarship
Dale Belyea Memorial
Nursing Endowed
David B Lang & Julie M. Gelfan Endowed Scholarship
Dr. Rebecca T. Rollins
Music Osher Endowed
Dorothy Marie Lowry Endowment
Endowed ScholarshipElenor
Greenburg Memorial Art
Endowed Scholarship
Flood Endowment
Frank Panezich
Automotive Technology
Endowed Scholarship
Fred Hassouna Architecture Endowed
Friends of the Library
Osher Endowed
Gary Stakan Memorial
Education Osher
Endowed Scholarship
Geology/Marine Science/
Environmental Osher
Endowed Scholarship
Hagerty Family
Engineering Osher
Endowed Scholarship
Harry Wandling Endowed
Hunt Endowment
Howard Bergman
Memorial Endowed
Jim Hutchings and Steve
Franco Memorial
Endowed Scholarship
Joan Townsend Memorial
Health Sciences Endowed
Joseph S. Tinervia
Business, English,
Endowed Scholarship
Julienne Callahan
Greenspan Endowment
for the Arts
Iftikhar & Edith Ahemd
Lawrence D. Boyer
Student Aid Osher
Endowed Scholarship
Lillian & Francis Drag
Piano Endowed
Linda Richardson Rice
Endowed Scholarship
McKnight Endowment
Mission Hospital Regional
Medical Center Osher
Endowed Scholarship
Mission Viejo Endowment
Mission Viejo Soccer
Foundation Endowment
Mixter Memorial
Nursing Osher Endowed
Monte La Bonte Memorial
Fine Arts Endowed
Morgan Tree Environmental
Education Endowed
Natalie Elizabeth
Mitchell Osher Endowed
Neudesic Computer
Science Osher Endowed
Neudesic Saddleback
College Computer Science
Endowed Scholarship
Patricia Grignon Memorial
Liberal Arts Endowed
Patricia C. Reilly Memorial
Endowed Scholarship
Paul R. Wagner Memorial
Osher Endowed
Revukas Family Nursing Osher Endowed
Rik Beatty Memorial Art
Endowed Scholarship
Robb D. Nimmo Memorial
Endowed Scholarship
Rufus Lee Platt Memorial
Education Endowed
Samanta Family
Trust Osher Endowed
San Clemente Men’s Golf
Club Endowed
San Clemente Men’s Golf
Club Osher Endowed
Saddleback College
Endowed Scholarship
Saddleback College
Mathematics Scholarship
Smetz Endowed
Stacey Kice Memorial
Nursing Endowed
Steve Adam Miller
Memorial Veteran Osher
Endowed Scholarship
Tom Gaines Memorial
Art Endowed Scholarship
Tom Padberg Memorial
Endowed Scholarship
Valentine Family Music
Osher Endowed
Vern and Anne Nelson
Student Veteran Osher
Endowed Scholarship
Victor and Louise Cifone
Memorial Business Osher
Endowed Scholarship
Woman’s Club of San Juan
Capistrano Nursing
Osher Endowed
Board of Governors
Officers and
Executive Committee
Jim Leach
Director External Affairs
Santa Margarita Water District
1st Vice President
Gary Capata, CPA
Capata & Co., CPA’s
2nd Vice President
Michael S. Hamilton
Partner, Chief Learning &
Development Officer
Ernst & Young
Kent Falk
Executive Vice President,
Senior Loan Officer
Capital Bank
John Heffernan
Director of Legislative and
External Affairs
Past President
Donna Varner
Perception Public Relations
Dr. Tod A. Burnett
Saddleback College
Dr. Donald L. Rickner
Executive Director
Saddleback College Foundation
Michelle Brough, Esq
Brandes Investment, Partners,
Dr. Joe Brown
Midland Management Corp
Anthony Ferry
Vice President Marketing
Neudesic, Inc.
Dr. Michael Foudy
Foudy Chiropractic
Allen Gutierrez
Executive Director
The Latino Coalition
Christopher Harrington
Vice President Strategy &
Business Development
Toshiba America Information
Systems Inc.
Trish Kelley
Mayor Pro Tem
City of Mission Viejo
Dr. Diana McCullough
Counselor, Professor
Irvine Valley College
Matthew “Mal” Richardson, Esq
Best, Best and Krieger, LLP
Nancy Padberg
SOCCCD Board of Trustees
Bahman Sabahi
Associated Student Government
Saddleback College
Ralph Selway
Vice President Private Client
Wells Fargo Bank
Barbara Sendaba
Classified Senate Representative
Saddleback College
Col. (Ret.) Joseph D. Snyder
United States Marine Corp
Synder Consultants
Blake Stephens
College Faculty
Saddleback College
Advisory Council
Patricia C. Bates
Orange County 5th District
John Ben
Acqua Ben
Judy Bethe, RN, MSN
Hoag Hospital, Retired
Duane Cave
External Relations Manager
San Diego Gas & Electric
John Gibson
President and Chief Executive
United Intelligence Corp
Matthew Gunderson
President and Owner
GSM Auto Group
Barry McCarthy
Business Consultant
Brian S. Probolsky
Moulton Niguel Water District
Penny Spellens
President, Owner
Mercedes Benz, Laguna Niguel
Charlie Ware
Director Governmental
Rancho Mission Viejo
“The members of the Board of
Governors of the Saddleback
College Foundation are
true community leaders—
volunteers who give their time
and their money to support the
college and its programs. They
know, as I do, what a great
resource the college is to our
community. It does a superb
job of preparing students for
whatever path they pursue—
transfer to a four-year school,
a good job, career re-training,
or simply life-long learning.
The opportunities are there
whether you’re a graduating
high school senior or a senior
citizen returning for the
college’s outstanding Emeritus
Saddleback is, without
question, the best lower
division college option for
citizens and students of all
ages in south Orange County.
It’s a great institution, a
great economic engine and
a wonderful cultural center
nestled right in the heart of
where we live.
I have a spouse and a son
who have benefitted from
the college and what it has
to offer, so I know firsthand
how Saddleback can make
a difference. This college
significantly impacts the
lives of tens of thousands of
students every semester.
It is my privilege to lead the
Board of Governors and to be
associated with so many who
contribute to Saddleback’s
Jim Leach
President of the Board of Governors
Joyce Van Schaack
Board of Directors
Christopher Columbus
Fellowship Foundation
Rev. Mark E. Whitlock, II
Senior Pastor
Christ Our Redeemer Church
Honor Roll
Donald K. Greenspan
Estate of James Lathers
AAUW Laguna Beach
Abacus Project Management
Aliso Viejo Girls Softball
Barbara Cox
Cox Communications
Ernst & Young, LLP
Goodwill of Orange County
Laguna Beach Garden Club
Jim and Dorothy Leach
Maria Mayenzet
Cliff Meyer
Midland Management
Pepsi Bottling Group
Perception Public Relations
Rowley Portraiture
Saddleback College Athletic
Santa Margarita Water District
S. L. Gimbel Foundation
Gerald Smith
Donna Varner
Mr. and Mrs.
William Ward
Robert Wittig
Associated Student Body of
Saddleback College
Kia Motors America, Inc.
William Lycette
Tuttle-Click Chrysler Jeep
Dodge Ram
California Community
The Community Foundation
Serving the Counties of
Riverside and San Bernardino
Edison International
Howard and
Diane Long
Saddleback Kiwanis
$10,000 - $24,999
Bradford Renaissance Portraits
Coast Community College
Follett College Bookstores
Ann Hagerty
Toshiba America Information
Systems, Inc.
AAUW Mission Viejo Saddleback Valley
Dr. Morgan Barrows
Donald and Marie Bowman
Dr. Tod A. Burnett
Capata and Co. - CPA’s
Gary Capata
Capital Bank
City of Mission Viejo
C.W. Driver
Gary Damsker
Mike Hamilton
Hudson Pacific
Properties, Inc.
Dr. Diana McCullough
Dr. Terence Nelson
Neudesic, Inc.
Orange County United Way
Nancy Padberg
Jane Rosenkrans
Marian Siersbeck
$1,000 - $2,499
American Psychological
Atkinson, Andelson, Loya,
Ruud and Romo
Audi Mission Viejo
Doug and Deanie Barr
Barbara Belyea
Mary Ellen Bonner, TTEE
Wendy and James Brooks
Dane and Dixie Bullock
Custom Comfort Mattress
Beth Deeter
Del Mar Thoroughbred Club
Elaine Dethlefsen
Dougherty & Dougherty
Architects LLP
Edwards Lifesciences
Hyam Fink
Patricia Flanigan
Jennifer and Mohammed
Foudy Chiropractic
Ralph and Nancy Gang
Linda Gleason
John Hambuch
Kylee Hawthorne
Sean Hudman
Leslie Humphrey
Matthew Hunt
Anthony Huntley
Infiniti of Mission Viejo
Laguna Niguel Rotary Club
Macmillan Publishers
Magnus Mobility Systems, Inc.
Yash and JMA Nayyar
Patty and Lonny McCalla
Tim McMahon
Meggitt, Inc.
Mission Hospital Regional
Medical Center
Mission Viejo Lions Club
Mission Viejo Nadadores
Curt O`Brien
Orange County Baseball
Authority Colts
Kevin O’Connor
Alannah Orrison-Rosenberg
and Alan Rosenberg
Pacific Tech Construction, Inc.
Palmia Women’s Issues Group
Parker Aerospace
Parochial Athletic League
Angela Plunkett
R2A Architecture
Rancho Mission Viejo, LLC
Dr. Donald and Mrs. Sandra
Ellen Rose
Rose Society of Saddleback
San Diego Gas & Electric
San Juan Capistrano Fiesta
Santa Clarita Community
College District
Jared and Lindsey Schumaker
Mark and Lynda Schwartz
Robert Snyder
South Orange County
Community College District
Faculty Association
Saint Margaret’s Episcopal
M. Kay Stewart
The Latino Coalition
The Woman’s Club of San Juan
University Sports Publications
Wendt Landscape Architecture
Workman Molina, LLC
Alan and Carolyn Yamashiro
Jacqueline Zimbalist
$500 - $999
All American Carpet Services
William Alston
Alda Babusek
Barbara Belyea
Kevin Boden
Indigo Brude
CA, Inc.
California Native Plant Society
Teresa Camacho
Canyon Crest Garden Club
Jerilyn Chuman Maremont
CNDK Inc dba Harcourts
TCG Real Estate
Bob Cosgrove
Cosmetix & Body Contouring
David Ehlow
Lindsay Fox
Emily Geller
GM Business Interiors
Armando Gonzales II
James Graham
Community College District
James Halderman
Robert Henderson
Carol Hilton
Seniye Huang
William O. Jay
Dana Kroeger
Laguna Woods Village Chorale
David Lang
John Ludwig
Marie Lyons
Bart McHenry
Sophie Miller-Gilliland
Brandon Mindt
Music Teachers Association of
California/San Francisco
National League of American
Pen Women
Candy Nelson
Palomar Community College
Gregory Pautsch
Larry Perez
Antonio Pira
Lesya Pishchevskaya
Gary Poertner
Darcee Anna Quigley
Reaching Our Goal
Retirement Income Center
Carole Rice
Riverside County Treasurer
Rockcrest Seven Video
Rotary Club of San Juan
Rush Limbaugh Club of South
Orange County
Philip Sacks
Saddleback Area Historical
Terry Schafer
Schools First Federal Credit
Caeser Sereseres
Penny Spellens
Steve Teh
The Irvine Museum
Susan Thompson
Duane Vajgrt
Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post
Vinyl Visions
Marianne Von Eckardt
Amina Yassine
Advanced Medical Billing
Joe Alhanti
Alicia Air Conditioning &
Heating, Inc.
John Allen
Joy Allen
Harry Allen
Derenda Almand
Christian Alvarado
Michelle Amira
Dave Anderson
Aquarium of the Pacific
Arroyo Trabuco Golf Club
Associated Students of
Pasadena City College
Juan Avalos
Ayala Saturnino
Azusa Pacific University
Nicholas Babchuk
Chris Baclawski
Trudi Baggs
Janet Bagwell
Juanita Baltierra
Shellie Banga
Gary Barnak
Pamela Barr
Robert Beckman
Sue Bennett
Bennett Family Trust
Catherine Beres
Judith Bethe
Vickie Bianco
Michelle Bignardi
Thomas Birch
Jim Boisdenghien
Bone Clones, Inc.
Roy Bower
Julie Brady-Jenner
Jack Brashears
Elizabeth Brewington
Brad Bridges
John Brongo
Dixie Bullock
Chuck Burnes
Don Busche
Claire Bussanich
Douglas Butsko
Bymar Tire, Inc.
C&A Tripp Associates
Kay Callas
Camden Property Trust
D’Leo Cameron
Martin Carbone
Minette Carden
Estella Castillo-Garrison
Donald Cate
Henry Chambers
Sarah Chang
Rocky Cifone
Dan Clark
Greg Clements
Ana Maria Cobos
Christina Cody
Susan Cody
Beverly Colligan
Robert Contestabile
Alice Coop
Karin Cooper
Mary Cordes
Council for Advancement &
Support of Education
Jody Cox
Kerry Crabb
Steve Crapo
Crown Concrete Pumping, Inc.
James Custeau
Stephen Datte
Dave’s Clock Shop
Andrea Davila
Shelley Davis
James Day
David Deberry
Bernard Dehlin
Clifford Deller
Mary Demoss
Diane Diaz
Chris Dierl
Eric Diomartich
Audra DiPadova
Marilyn Ditty
Diversified Business Services
David Dole
Shedwill & Associates, Inc.
Sharon Dudley
Cheryl Dunlap Browning
Caroline Durdella
Philip Eddins
Edison High School Football
Booster Club
Ed’s Fencing
James Edward
Diane Edwards
Albert Ehlow
El Camino Community
College District
Michael Engels
Patricia Evans-Wallin
Anthony Fahr
Daniel Farrell
Heidi Ferguson
Scott Ferguson-Greene
Ronald Field
Dennis Flynn
Karen Fong
Ron Foster
Danaka France
Linda Friedly
Paul Frisina
Jeffrey Frum
Full Circle Sports Management
Paulo F. Fundament
Rebecca Galvan
Barbara Galyean
Robert Garcia
Brian George
Gary Gerber
Elizabeth Gergerin
Arthur Geringer
Carolyn Gillay
Giving Circle Laguna Niguel
Leon Goldberg
Betty Goldenberg
Ruben Gomez
Frank Gonzalez
David Graham
Michael Graham
Candyce Gray
Nancee Gray
Pat Grazer
Gregg’s Mission Viejo Mobil
Nancy Guelff Evans
Matthew Gunderson
William E. Hale
Hall & Foreman, Inc.
Katherine Ham
John Ham
Joan Hanson
Julie Hardaway
Wendy Harder
David Harper
Chris Harrington
Jeanne Harris-Caldwell
Kevin Hart
Grant Hein
Paul Hicks
Daniel Hile
Dennis Hlozek
Hoffman Fabrics
Diane Holt
Alexis Honens
Loma Hopkins Webber
Gina Houston
Barbara Huggins
Improv Comedy Club, Irvine
Robert Jacobsen
Jennifer Jana
Tim Jemal
Karen Johnson
Donna Jost
Kenneth Kaeser
Joseph Kapana
Katnik & Katnik
Keenan & Associates
Debra Kerr
Norma Kershaw
Veronica Khristov
Elizabeth King
Maile King
Knotts Berry Farm
Olivia Komp
Hiromasa Konishi
Kramer Engineering
John Krill
Mark Kruhmin
John Krygier
KSBR Radio Station
Kurt Westling
Daniel Lacatus
Laguna Playhouse
Barbara Lavenstein
Linda Lavin
LaVine & Associates
Stan Levin
Jim Lindstrom
Peter Lindstrom
Long Beach Community
Teddi Lorch
Neal Lowrey
Laura Lyons
Elizabeth MacEy
Jeanette MacKenzie
Frank Mahar
John Maloney
James Manarino
Florence Manarino
Manarino & Associates
Manarino Realty LLC
Kent Marangi
Maricopa County Community
College District
Susan Markey
Sandy Marzilli
Mater Dei High School
Associated Student Body
Lori May
Tamara McCall
Mary McCall
Barry McCarthy
Mary McCarthy
Sumaya McCleave
Carrie McCracken
Christe McDaniel
Christopher McDonald
Patricia McGinley
John McGovern
William McGuire
Patricia McIntosh
Brad McReynolds
Chuck Melendez
Daniel Meyer
Miki Mikolajczak
Marcia Milchiker
June Millovich
Matthew Miner
Milan Miner
Mission Viejo High School
Scott Moeller
Norma Molina
Angela Monteilh
Michael Monti
Patricia Moore
Karla Moore
James Moore, TTEE
Richard Morley
Johe Morris
Judith Morton
Linda Morvant
Loretta Mosher
Greg Mount
Mount San Antonio College
Auxiliary Services
Charlotte Mueller
Therese Mulcahy
Paul Murai
Mission Viejo High School
Football Boosters, Inc.
Charlie Myers
National Institute for
Automotive Service Excellence
Kay Neal
Barbara Neal
Nellie Gail Ranch Tennis and
Swim Club
Cathy Nelson
Robert Nesler
New Mexico Association of
New York Deli Case
Hoa Nguyen
Katie Nguyen
Amy Nili
Robin Noah
Nortridge Software
Jerry Nunnally
Sharon Nussenbaum
Sophie Nyles
Veronica Obermeyer
Jennifer Ohl
Clayton Olivier
Shirley Olson
Vivian Olson
Wayne Olson
D.R. Ostrander
Pacific Coast Tool & Supply
Tom Padberg
Elroy Paikai
Craig Pardoe
Spencer Park
Lori Parra
Michelle Pellissier
Julianna Pettengill
Ronald Picchi
James Piper
Potters and Sculptors Club
T.J. Prendergast III
Prestige Worldwide Lacrosse
Everett Procter
Emily Quinlan
Rainbow Sandals
Donna Rane-Szostak
Cecil Reames
J. Michael Reed
Mike Reed
Kathy Reed
Joanne Reid
Tamera Rice
Michael Richards
Sandra Robbins
Patti Rocklin
Lynn Rogers
Antonio Romero
David Ruggles
Todd Rusinkovich
Saddleback College Fine Arts
Saddleback College
Horticulture & Landscape
Design Dept.
John Salazar Jr.
San Diego Community
College District-San Diego
Mesa College
Sandpiper Lounge
Santa Margarita Catholic High
Santa Margarita Ford
Arnold Santos
Ayala Saturnino
Mike Sauter
Saddleback College
Community Education
Lawrence Schmidt
Betsy Schmitz
Phillip Schreiber
Jamee Sealey
Joyce Semanik
James Shanks
Leslie Shattuck
Karen Shaver
Kelly Sheldon
Lorinda Shew
Nancy Shield
Linda Shield
John Shipp
Osmar Simoes
Jimmy Sims
Georganna Sizelove
Jeannie Sjogren
Matthew Smith
David Smith
Joe Snyder
Esther Sokolick
Julie Sommer
Denise Sonnenberg
Southwestern Community
College District
John Spiering
James Staub
Victor Stegman
Blake Stephens
Bradley Stephenson
Nevine Steward
Barbara Steyn
Phyllis Stine
Ian Stone
Karah Street
Susan Strogatz Wilcox
Fred Strong
Garne Stubbs
Studio C Salon, Inc.
Craig Sullivan
O. Leonard Sumner, Jr.
Robert Swanson
Don Taylor
Tarik Terry
Tesoro Titans Football
The Irvine Improv Comedy
The Toll Roads
Maryanne Thomas
Jose Thomas
Floyd Thompson
Bill Tidwell
James Tomac
Claire Tracey
Paul Traum
Stephen Tripp
Tucker Tire Company
Tuttle-Click Ford Irvine
Lawrence Twicken
Michael Valentine
James & Joyce Van Schaack
Deena Van Slyke
Kelly Vanderwarker
Sean Varner
Samantha Venable
Christa Verwayne
Mark Wade
Ronald Wade
Dennis Warn
Genevieve Watanabe
Skip Watson
Terry Wedel
Patti Weekes
Mark Wegener
Martine Wehr
Cheryl Weimer
Nina Welch
Karla Westphal
Michael Whipple
Scott Whisler
Richard White
Bruce White
Terri Whitt
Jeffrey Whitton
Ted Williams
Kolin Williams
James Williams, Jr.
Charles Wilson
Wineworks For All
Russell Winninghoff
Kenneth Wong
Dr. James R. Wright
Cadence Wynter
Stephen Yale
Prospective students, current
students, and graduates enjoy
excellent support services at
Saddleback College. A full range
of counseling, career planning
and job placement services,
and assistance for students
with learning and physical
disabilities are available daily.
On-campus childcare,
fully-staffed health center,
f inancial aid, and services for
re-entry men and women are
available. We are especially
proud of the support services
provided to veterans. Our
Veterans Education and
Transition Services (VETS)
center has resources and
counselors to support students
and their families transitioning
from the military to college and
civilian life.
Foundation Funds
Foundation Revenue 2012-2013
Foundation Assets 2012-2013
Interest/Dividends and Investment Income
$234,140 | 11%
Temporarily Restricted
$1,139,537 | 52%
Special Events
$459,028 | 21%
Unrealized Gain on Investments
$356,744 | 16%
Endowments 2008-2013
Dorothy Marie Lowry
Bernard Osher
Scholarship Endowment
Other Endowments
Students Receiving Scholarships 2008-2013
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Scholarship Awards 2008-2013
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Saddleback College enriches its students and the south Orange County community by providing a comprehensive array of high-quality courses and programs
that foster student learning and success in the attainment of academic degrees and career technical certificates, transfer to four-year institutions, improvement
of basic skills, and lifelong learning.
Saddleback College embraces:
We commit to fulfilling our mission to serve the south Orange County
We dedicate ourselves to excellence in academics, student support, and
community service.
We foster a climate of integrity, honesty, and respect.
We anticipate and welcome change by encouraging innovation and creativity.
Academic Freedom
We endorse academic freedom and the open exchange of ideas.
We promote environmental sustainability and use our resources responsibly to
reduce our ecological impact.
Global Awareness
We place our highest priority on student learning and delivering
comprehensive support for student success.
We strive to develop strong and lasting partnerships among students, faculty,
staff, and the community.
We cultivate equity and diversity by embracing all cultures, ideas, and
We recognize the importance of global awareness and prepare our students to
live and work in an increasingly interconnected world.
Saddleback College Foundation
28000 Marguerite Parkway • Mission Viejo, CA 92692
Phone: 949.582.4479 • Fax: 949.364.9312
The Saddleback College Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Tax ID # 33-0390547
Dr. William O. Jay, Timothy Jemal, David B. Lang, Marcia Milchiker, Nancy M. Padberg, T.J. Prendergast, III, Dr. James R. Wright, David Robinson, Student Trustee • Gary L. Poertner, Chancellor
SADDLEBACK COLLEGE: Dr. Tod A. Burnett, President