Accurate Predictions with KP Astrology


Accurate Predictions with KP Astrology
 Professional Video Course
Accurate Predictions with KP Astrology SA
Dr. Andrew Dutta (Sri Indrajit) Advanced Level Study Material First Published: © Copyright: Shubh Akshaya Tritiya, May 2013 Moumita Dutta and M/S Bhagya Ratna Gems & Jewellers, Kolkata All rights reserved. No part of this case study material may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Disclaimer M/S Bhagya Ratna Gems and Jewellery, And Mrs. Moumita Dutta +91‐977 7285 175 SA
Publisher: Contact: Website: PL
This video course and the study material describe techniques and information which have been used throughout the orient for many years. These techniques and information are to be used by the users at their own discretion, liability and risks. The use of the material offered in this video course and study material is totally at the user’s own responsibility and the producers, author and the director are not responsible or liable in any manner whatsoever. Actions taken by the users through this video course and study material are at their own risk, liability and responsibility. Case Contribution: Dr. Andrew Dutta (Sri Indrajit) This study material is not to be sold separately without the educational DVDs accompanying this video study course. Unique Product ID: AD/KP/A/O1/……… 2 Contents Page About the Author Author’s Note Terms Used in this Course 1. Events and Multiple Houses V VII XI 11 2. Concept of Significators in KP Astrology 18 3. Planetary Signification 22 4. Significators of Houses 24 5. Joint Significators of Events 27 6. What is Ruling Planet? 30 33 8. KP 1‐249 Horary/Prashna Chart 36 9. KP Time Horary/Prashna Chart 41 43 11. Practising Moon’s Reflection of Mind 47 12. Fundamental Rules of Judging KP Horary 50 13. Horary Case Practice PL
7. KP Birth Horoscope 10. Moon’s Reflection of Mind 52 14. Correctness of Birth Time 55 15. Rule of Origin Method 58 16. Wrong Method of Birth Time Rectification 64 17. Rahu and Ketu as Significators 70 18. Practice Charts 75 3 SA
4 About Dr. Andrew Dutta (Sri Indrajit)
r. Andrew Dutta is popularly known in the field of astrology and among his innumerable clients as ‘Sri Indrajit’. He was born on 7th September 1975 in Calcutta (now Kolkata) in a family that is continuing astrological practice for the last 200 years. Andrew’s maternal great grandfather was Sri Surendranath Jyotir Vachaspati of Khulna in Bangladesh who handed down the lineage to Andrew’s mother, Srimati Deblina, an eminent and illustrious astrologer of Kolkata. Even though he was initiated in to the field of astrology by his mother, Andrew was extensively trained and groomed by Kolkata’s famous astrologer Jyotiryogi. Andrew was very fortunate to be the only disciple of Jyotiryogi who not only groomed and trained Andrew in the field of astrology but also taught him and shared with him all the experiential knowledge that Jyotiryogi gained in his 40 years of experience. While staying in Hyderabad, India from 2002 to 2008, Andrew got an opportunity to be personally trained by late P.V.K. Punneswara Rao of Hyderabad who himself was the disciple of the direct student of K.S. Krishnamurti, Sri V.B.N. Sarma of Warangal, AP. As a result, his knowledge in astrology is something that goes many miles beyond the textbooks and is rich with the ‘Guru‐Shishya Parampara’ of Indian culture. Andrew is one of the all India record holders by scoring 99% in the Indian Secondary Council Examination, New Delhi, 1994 in the paper ‘Structure of Commerce’. He graduated from the St. Xavier’s College, Calcutta with a First Class in Accountancy in 1997 and completed his post‐graduation in Business Finance from the University of Calcutta in 1999. Andrew was awarded a Gold Medal by the University of Calcutta for academic excellence and ranking ‘First in First Class’ in the University. He completed his MTP from IIMT in 2004 in the field of Human Resource Management and is trained as a researcher. He was a Visiting Research Scholar to Bentley University, Massachusetts during 2004‐2005, where he developed his PhD thesis in Information System. Before joining industry and then later academics, he used to professionally consult in Kolkata and was a strong voice against the rationalists denigrating astrology. Andrew’s first book ‘Jyotish Shastrer Biagnanic Vitti’, written in Bengali, is a very popular book amongst the astrologers and general public. Andrew was awarded the title of ‘Jyotish Bibhakar’ and ‘Jyotish Vidya Ratna’ by the Krishnamurti Institute Of Astrology, India in 2001. To provide voice to many unsung astrology authors, researchers and practitioners, Andrew became the honorary Editor of the Journal for Advancement of Stellar Astrology (JASA), which started in July 2011 and is today the biggest and widely read online journal of astrology from India. Today, Dr. Andrew Dutta (Sri Indrajit) is one of the most respected names in the field of Indian astrology both in India and abroad for truth, knowledge and correct prediction. 5 PL
6 Author’s Note
Dear KP Learner, Since the time my Astrology Home Video Course in Birth Time Rectification through Krishnamurti Paddhati was launched, thousands of people told me directly, over phone and by email that do I have KP astrology course. When I said “No I haven’t yet authored one”, they insisted me in doing one. It is my long time dream that I will author a complete Krishnamurti Paddhati course which will help thousands of astrology learners all over the world who wants to master this system of prediction PL
invented by late Kuthur Subbarayaiyer Krishnamurti (KSK). The dream is fulfilled as you are now holding this video course in your hand with a lot of expectations. Firstly let me thank you that you reposed your faith on my teaching and mastery over this subject by buying this course. You will definitely get the benefits that you desire. This course in 3 Levels namely Foundation, Advanced and Professional is meant to take the learner, both a new comer in the field as well as the SA
seasoned practitioner to move ahead and master the beautiful science of KP Astrology. This course is a result of my 14 years of sheer hard work. Way back in 1999 when I started reading the 6 Readers of KSK, I understood that KP is an accurate predictive methodology. But soon I understood that the 6 Readers are just the tip of the ice berg and there are many untold secrets of KP astrology that are scattered in other places of publication and also it is closely held by great masters who have themselves been trained by KSK or his direct students. In the year 2008, my search for the KP Guru ended when I was chosen by one of my gurus, late Sri P. V. K. Punneswara Rao ji of Hyderabad, who gave me private lessons on a one‐to‐one basis and did not allow anyone to come between us during those sessions. Oh ! what great KP lessons they were. Rao ji was the student of late Sri V. B. N. Sarma ji of Warrangal, who himself was the direct student of KSK by living 7 in KSK’s house in Madras for months and learnt the science from the great inventor himself. So, what you are getting in this video course is the AUTHENTIC AND CLOSELY HELD SECRETS of Krishnamurti Paddhati that has been handed down from KSK to his students and to their students through GURU SISHSHYA PARAMPARA. This is the biggest tradition in India, where knowledge in the form of principles and experiences is transmitted by word of mouth from the teacher to the student. Also be prepared to do some unlearning. In today’s internet‐based world, PL
knowledge is available at the click of your mouse button, but the quality of that knowledge depends on whether you are clicking on the right place. What I mean to say is that, there are too much unnecessary learning and guidance materials available on various internet locations that do more misguidance than enabling you to make a correct prediction using KP astrology. If you are not ready to give up many of these faulty inputs, then this video course will not be able to make you give correct predictions based on KP Astrology. This is the Advanced Level course that you have now with you. This Advanced SA
Level is made at such a standard that one who has good knowledge of the fundamentals of Indian astrology can start understanding and applying the principles of KP astrology outlined here. Also to start working with the Advanced Level it is assumed that you know the fundamentals of Krishnamurti Paddhati which I have meticulously dealt in the Foundation Level. The idea is that one Level builds upon the other. In this Advanced Level video course you will learn the application skills of KP astrology by understanding and using the original KP principles that have been handed down to me through Guru‐Shishya Parampara. Also, there are many jewels that are found in the articles authored and published by K.S. Krishnamurti in his own magazine Astrology Athristha, which will be used by me while teaching you this video course. Plus, I have also given you many of my experience‐based application rules that I use in my professional consultancies. 8 Like my other courses, there are many Golden Rules abound in this Level and each of them are tried and tested not only by me but by many Gurus from the KSK lineage. You need to feel confident about these rules and start applying them without any hesitation. “Faith heals”, is a statement which is very true for astrology. If you trust this knowledge in this level you can do magic in the lives of people and transform yourself into a very able astrologer in a very short time. You will find the main body of KP astrology in this level and I have taken a lot of care and concern in making this level keeping in mind that there are plenty of PL
internet sources where misguidance is the order of the day. Prepare to unlearn. You must throw away your shaky learnings from internet sources first before you start taking in the pure knowledge that has been made available in this level. So, read this study material over and over again and watch my video carefully. Each and every word that I have spoken in the video or written in this study material is important and it has not been said or written casually. There is inner and deeper meaning in what I have said. I wish you all the best in your endeavour to learn KP astrology. If you are want SA
to further enhance your KP astrology predictive ability then I will suggest you to read and understand the Professional Level of this course where the process of actually making a prediction has been revealed. It would be a great value addition to me if you can send your feedback to or Good Luck! 9 Terms Used in this Course
An Indian term for Planets An Indian term for Signs An Indian term for Houses An Indian term for Ascendant An Indian term for Sun An Indian term for Moon An Indian term for Mars An Indian term for Mercury An Indian term for Jupiter An Indian term for Venus An Indian term for Saturn An Indian term for Moon’s North Node An Indian term for Moon’s South Node Mesha: Vrishabha: Mithuna: Karkata: Simha: Kanya: Thula: Vrischika: Dhanus: Makara: Kumbha: Meena: Ayanamsa: An Indian term for Aries An Indian term for Taurus An Indian term for Gemini An Indian term for Cancer An Indian term for Leo An Indian term for Virgo An Indian term for Libra An Indian term for Scorpio An Indian term for Sagittarius An Indian term for Capricorn An Indian term for Aquarius An Indian term for Pisces An Indian term for precision of the equinoxes SA
Graha: Rashi: Bhava: Lagna: Ravi: Chandra: Mangal/Kuja: Budha: Bhrihaspati/Guru: Sukra: Sani: Rahu: Ketu: 10 Chapter 1
Golden Rule 1
ALL events of life happen due to interaction of at least 3 Houses in astrology, and sometimes more than 3 houses also. There is 1 Main House for the event and 2 or more Supporting Houses for the event.
t is a fundamental rule in astrology, as well as in KP astrology, that every event in life is governed by at least 3 houses. Any event such as marriage, child birth, court cases etc. have a Main house from which the SA
analysis is to be started. Along with this, there is other at least 2 more houses that act as the Supporting houses to the Main house. The Main house is also known as the Primary House and the Supporting Houses as the Secondary House. No matter what be the name, the concept is the same. So, for example, if we have to analyze child birth of a woman, then 5th house is the Main house2. But along with this 5th house, the other 2 houses considered as the Supporting houses are the 2nd and the 11th house. The reason is entirely based on the logic of Sthana‐
Kaal‐Patra. Irrespective of the nation or culture you remain in, the birth of a child is an ‘addition’ of a member in the immediate family of the woman. It is 1
Here the English term ‘House’ has been used for easy understanding. But the meaning is Indian as ‘Bhava’ as explained in the Foundation Level. The two words are NOT SAME. 2
See the Foundation Level Course for knowing the various matters that are controlled by each of the houses. 11 increase in ‘Jana’ (people) of the family. This is seen from the 2nd house of the horoscope. Now 11th house gets into the picture for another reason. Child birth cannot happen without the man donating his sperm, whether manually or medically. This means that the child is much the mother’s as it is the father’s. So, for the woman, the child birth happens due to her partner and it is also her partner’s child. Partner is seen from the 7th house and the 5th house counted from 7th is the 11th house. Thus, child birth is PL
seen from 5‐2‐11 houses. It is very important that you understand, derive and apply the logic of houses selection based on the Sthana (place/culture)‐Kaal (zeitgeist/era)‐Patra (native) of the horoscope, instead of any blind and mechanical application of house rules found in some books or other sources. SA
WATCH MY VIDEO TO UNDERSTAND THIS FURTHER I am now giving a Basic House Relation Table3 which will help you to find some of the day‐to‐day events. In the Professional Level course there will be many critical events clearly discussed with House Rules and example charts. Please note that the Main House is the main or the starting house cusp that we will be using, while the Supporting Houses must be related with the Main House. In this Advance Level course we will understand fully what is meant by this relation. Also in this Table, there is written “ the 3
A full set of 500+ events of life and their KP combinations have been provided in the Foundation Level 12 

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