Europe`s largest selection of billiard accessories
Europe`s largest selection of billiard accessories
0600581 ш he Ultimate Billiard Accessories 10П0СГ тв . CUE TIPS Europe's largest selection of billiard accessories »„....—,.. Rubber buffer push-in-type Jubbele-x2-vert)inding Rubber buffer insteek model Si ШЩ Наклейка с бронзовым резьбоаым соединенней Tutkally uc halkalary Mdaly iif halkalary (дарма Ясень) Super Slim Tapper i budak *)acy .afUary D Super Slim Tapper HolzpwifKk Г™ MatalvWalyalilama Pool badlama yari ^ ^ SdimlhmnchluB Nylongriffband Talon caoutchoi Gu mmipuffer Paracolpi dl Comma Резиновая пятка "Пробка" Kau«uk jepneli dip laitlklefl Cue Cases Ul О) <й (б и ш 3 и All Cue Cases are with "Double Т" construction 3120.000 Hard Covered Black 78 cm 3120.100 Hard Covered Burgundy Red 78 cm 3120.600 Hard Covered Thuya style 78 cm 3120.068 Hard Covered Black "For Russian Piramid cues" 78 cm 78 cm 3120.200 Hard Covered Croco style 91 cm 91 cm 78 cm 78 cm D 3120.800 Hard Covered Rosewood style 78 cm 3120.700 Hard Covered Dark Oak style 3121.000 Soft Covered Black 78 cm 78 cm 3122.200 Soft Covered Burgundy Red 3122.100 Soft Covered Black ЖЕ*? 3132.555 Soft Covered Black de Luxe 4 cm 1Л ЧЭ 78,5 cm 78,5 cm 3132.568 Soft Covered Black de Luxe "For Russian Piramid cues" 8 cm <TI 78 cm 78 cm D 3132.850 Hard Covered Black Croco style de luxe 3132.800 Hard Covered Black de Luxe 3132.860 Hard Covered Blue Croco style de Luxe 79,5 cm 79,5 cm 3132.870 Hard Covered Burgundy Croco style de luxe 79,5 cm 79,5 cm 79,5 cm 79,5 cm (Л ш (Л л и 01 3 и 3120.300 Hard Covered Black 78,5 cm 78,5 cm 78.5 cm 3120.430 Hard Covered Thuya style 3123.100 Soft Covered Black 78 cm 78 cm 78 cm 3132.920 Hard Covered Black de Luxe 3131.450 Aluminium Covered De luxe with lock 77,5 cm 77,5 crn 77,5 cm 3122.300 Soft Covered Black Za -5 cm 7S i2 75 ,5 cm 79 .5 cm cm 78,5 cm 78,5 cm 78.5 cm 80 cm 80 cm 80 cm 6 cm о 92 cm 3131.468 Aluminium Covered Black de luxe with lock "For Russian Piramid cues" 3133.000 Soft Covered Black 92 cm 92 cm 3,5 5,5 78 cm 78 cm 78 cm О 3120.500 Hard Covered . Cues case Black 3131.750 Aluminium Covered 3/4 Cues case 79 cm 124 cm 45 cm 3120.568 Hard Covered 1 Piece case Black Black "For Russian Piramid" 78 cm 3131.768 Aluminium Covered "For Russian Piramid cues" 92 cm 124 cm 3124.010 Hard Covered Showcase 10 cues 3124.010 On Display 3124.020 Soft Covered Showcase For 20 cues 3124.020 On Display 92 cm Pool Cue Cases и n и о; 3 и о о о. 3132.016 Tube Black Laperti 1 Butt 1 Shaft 3132.068 Tube Black Buffalo with pouch 1 Butt 1 Shaft "For Russian Piramid cues" 3132.017 Tube Black Laperti For 1 - piece cue (145cm. maximum) 3132.018 Tube Grey Laperti with pouch 1 Butt 1 Shaft Oo 3132.116 Tube suede Black Laperti with pouch 1 Butt 1 Shaft OO 3132.019 Tube Light Brown Laperti with pouch 1 Butt 1 Shaft OO 3132.117 Tube suede Burgundy Laperti with pouch 1 Butt 1 Shaft Oo 3132.118 Tube suede Blue Laperti with pouch 1 Butt 1 Shaft 3132.042 Tube Triangle Black Laperti 1 Butt 1 Shaft 3132.020 Pool Case Tube Black 1 Butt 2 Shafts 3132.030 Pool Case Flat Black 2 Butts 2 Shafts 3132.003 Tube Flat : Butts 4 Shafts Oo ooo OOOO 3132.041 Tube Triangle Black Laperti 1 Butt 2 Shafts 3132.031 Tube Flat Black Laperti 2 Butts 2 Shafts 3132.050 Tube Black Laperti 2 Butts 3 Shafts 3132.015 Tube Black Laperti 3 Butts 5 Shafts OOCX) 3132.000 Pool Cue Case Square Black 2 Butts 2 Shafts 3132.010 Pool Cue Case Square Black 3 Butts 6 Shafts 3132.043 Tube Triangle Black Buffalo 1 Butt 2 Shafts 3132.044 Tube Triangle Burgundy Red Buffalo 1 Butt 2 Shafts 3132.045 Tube Triangle Light Brown Buffalo 1 Butt 2 Shafts 3132.033 Tube Flat Black Buffalo 2 Butts 2 Shafts ORO 3132.034 Tube Flat Burgundy Red Buffalo 2 Butts 2 Shafts 3132.035 Tube Flat Light Brown Buffalo 2 Butts 2 Shafts CRO CRO 3136.800 Cue Bag California Black / Black Butt 2 Shafts 3136.500 Cue Bag California Black / Black 2 Butts 2 Shafts ooo 3136.200 Cue Bag California Black Economy 2 Butts 4 Shafts 3136.600 Cue Bag California Black / Brown 2 Butts 4 Shafts uffal* 3136.700 Cue Bag California Black / Red : Butts 4 Shafts 3108.964 Cuebag "Heavy Duty" Buffalo 4 Butts 8 Shafts 3108.965 Cuebag "Heavy Duty" Laperti 4 Butts 8 Shafts (Л О) п CD V 3 и 3108.960 Cuebag Laperti Suede Brown 4 Butts 8 Shafts 3108.968 Cuebag Buffalo Suede Brown 4 Butts 8 Shafts "For Russian Piramid cues" 3108.961 Cuebag Laperti Suede Black 4 Butts 8 Shafts 3108.962 Cuebag Laperti Suede Blue 4 Butts 8 Shafts 3108.963 Cuebag Laperti Burgundy Red 4 Butts 8 Shafts 3108.950 Cuebag Black 4 Butts 8 Shafts 3108.500 Cuebag Black 2 Butts 4 Shafts 3108.600 Cuebag Burgundy Red 2 Butts 4 Shafts 3108.900 Cuebag Black Butts 6 Shafts 3110.068 Cuebag Buffalo Suede Black 1 Butt 1 Shaft "For Russian Piramid cues" 3110.100 Cuebag Laperti Suede Black 1 Butt 2 Shafts 3110.200 Cuebag Laperti Suede Burgundy Red 1 Butt 2 Shafts 3110.300 Cuebag Laperti Suede Blue 1 Butt 2 Shafts 3110.500 Cuebag Laperti Suede Brown 1 Butt 2 Shafts 3110.800 Cuebag Laperti Black 1 Butt 2 Shafts 3110.850 Cuebag Laperti Black with suede 1 Butt 2 Shafts И Ol ГО CD 0) 3 и 3101.050 Laperti Bag Simple 1 Butt 1 Shaft 3100.068 for Piramid 3101.100 Cuebag with clip Black 1 Butt 1 Shaft 3101.200 Cuebag with clip Brown 1 Butt 1 Shaft 3101.300 Cuebag with clip red 1 Butt 1 Shaft 3102.000 Cuebag Black 3102.001 Cuebag Black Economy (Thin) 1 Butt 1 Shaft 3109.050 Cuebag Laperti Nylon Black 1 Butt 1 Shaft 3109.068 Cuebag Buffalo Black 1 Butt 1 Shaft "For Russian Piramid Cues" 3109.051 Cuebag Laperti Red Nylon 1 Butt 1 Shaft 3109.100 Cuebag with strap Black Butt 1 Shaft 3109.200 Cuebag with strap Blue 1 Butt 1 Shaft 3109.300 Cuebag with strap Burgundy Red 1 Butt 1 Shaft 3109.400 Cuebag with strap Grey 1 Butt 1 Shaft MASTER 1. 2. 3. 4. 3003.144 Blue 3003.344 Red 3000.200 3003.000 Blue 5. 3003.010 Blue 6. 3003.020 Green 7. 3003.030 Red 8. 3003.040 Grey 9. 3003.050 Black 10.3003.060 Brown TRIANGLE 1. 3001.144 Blue 2. 3001.244 Green 3. 3000.100 4. 3001.000 Blue 5. 3001.010 Blue 6. 3001.020 Green GOLDSTAR '^91 3004.010 12 Pieces Box 3004.000 2 Pieces Box 3002.010 High Performance Chalk 12 Pieces Box о X Л) £ и •о с m 3017.010 Blue 3017.144 Blue 3017.244 Green 3017.344 Red 3005.010 Blue и Chalk Holders 3145.200 Magnetic Chalk Holder (Supplied without chalk) 3145.100 Magnetic Chalk Holder (Supplied without chalk) 3144.100 Black 3144.300 Green (Supplied without chalk) 3146.000 Silver plated (Supplied without chalk) 3144.200 Red 3144.400 Yellow 1. 3141.000 Suede 2. 3142.000 Leather (Supplied without chalk) 3140.000 Rubber (Supplied without chalk) 3006.020 Green ф 3 3 ь* ы и 3 3 11,5 mm fi ь* 3 MOOR! PROFESSIONAL CUE TIPS N1 О ы 0 ы го о ы о ы ы о ы * ы о го о Ы СП Ю (Л Ь *-* м о о £ К 5 к 8 3 3 £ С 3 3 ы 0 ы го о ы о ы 3 3 3 3 N1 0 3 3 3 ы о L* ы 3 Ы О М N1 Е 3 к С и з з з з Ы О N) 3 3 2 3 3 а а а & а§ & G Ы О N» ы о § S 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 o UJ o o CO W o W NJ М Г О Ь ' -С* Ы Г О А Ы o W Ь ' Г o LJ Ь О ' А o LJ О 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 <n 01 О О О 2 с с с го гв ф о ex 9. s < Г> П о' 9; 3 с 3 3 «Их o W О Ы N С 3 3 o (jj К О } (Л а 0) з и TRIUMPH 3024,090 9 12 mm 3024.095 9,5 mm 3032.130 13 mm 3024.100 10 mm 3032.140 14 mm 3024.105 10,5 mrn 3024.110 11 mm 3024.115 11,5 mm 3024.120 12 mm 3024.125 12,5 mm 3024.130 13 mm 3024.140 14 mm 3032.11Q И mm 3032.120 CYCLONE mm 3025.095 3025.100 3025.105 3025.110 3025.115 3025.120 3025.125 3025.130 CYCLONE CUE-TIP'S "BULK BAG'S" PER 1000 PIECES 3028.100 10 mm Cyclone Economy 3028.105 10,5 mm Cyclone Economy 3028.110 11 mm Cyclone Economy 3028.120 12 mm Cyclone Economy 3028.125 12,5 mm Cyclone Economy 3028.130 13 mm Cyclone Economy 3028.150 15 mm Cyclone Economy CYCLONE CUE-TIP'S "BULK BAG'S" PER 1000 PIECES 3034.095 9,5 mm Cyclone Standard 3034.100 10 mm Cyclone Standard 3034.115 11,5 mm Cyclone Standard 3034.120 12 mm Cyclone Standard 3034.135 13,5 mm Cyclone Standard 3035.110 11 mm Cyclone Crown 3036.110 11 mm Cyclone Professional 3036.115 11,5 mm Cyclone Professional 3036.125 12,5 mm Cyclone Professional ОМЕ DOZEN TWEETERS 10 MlNllTc ЛЕММ»» CEMENT *«""««* тшвл,, •"MINIMA. 3293.000 10 minute cement 3292.000 Cerocite cement 20gr. 3291.000 Innergames Super Cuetip Glue 3gr. 3294.000 Cloth Spray Glue 500 ML Т ^ffllte^^^l Buffalo Carom Ferrule 3040.100 3040.105 3040.110 3040.115 3040.120 10 10,5 11 11,5 12 mm mm mm mm mm 3055.100 3055.105 3055.110 3055.115 10 mm 10,5 mm 11 mm 11,5 mm 3055.120 12 mm 3055.125 12,5 mm 3055.130 13 mm 11 mm 12 mm 13 mm 3041.412 3041.413 12 mm 13 mm Cyclone Carom Ferrule With Tip White Fibre Ferrule 3041.230 13,7mm closed 3050.110 3050.115 3050.120 3050.125 11 mm 11,5 mm 12 mm 12,5 mm rlne Pool Ferrule White Fibre Pool Ferrule 3042.110 3042.120 3042.130 Ivorine Carom Ferrule Cerocite Carom Ferrule 3039.105 3039.110 3039.115 3039.120 10,5 11 11,5 12 mm. mm. mm. mm. Cuetec Pool Ferrule 3041.313 13 mm Brass Snooker Ferrule 3044.209 3044.210 3044.211 9 mm 10 mm 11 mm D Push-on-tips ii» j Nylon Push On Tips Innergames Push On Tips 3060.100 3060.105 3060.110 3060.115 3060.120 3060.125 3060.130 3065.100 3065.110 3065.115 3065.120 3065.125 3065.130 3065.140 10 10,5 11 11,5 12 12,5 13 mm mm mm mm mm mm mm 10 11 11,5 12 12,5 13 14 •Ц I Push On Tips Cuetec (Only For Tip-Tec System) mm mm mm mm mm mm mm 3066.130 13mm HP* De Luxe 3071.011 3071.012 11 12 mm mm M6 M8 Cyclone 3071.111 3071.112 Innergames 3082.011 11 3082.012 12 mm mm M6 M8 Superba 3086.010 3086.011 3086.012 3086.013 10 11 12 13 mm mm mm mm 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 De Luxe 3075.011 3075.012 Superba 3085.012 12 mm 3/16 Wooden Cuetip Clamp (upto 13 mm) 3254.100 Wooden de Luxe Cuetip Clamp (upto 12 mm) 3255.000 11 12 mm mm M6 M8 Screw-on-tips Superba 3081.011 3081.012 11 12 mm mm Мб M8 De Luxe 3076.011 3076.012 Screw-on-ferrules De Luxe 3070.011 3070.012 11 12 mm mm M6 M8 Cuetip Clamps Plastic Cuetip Clamp (upto 14 mm) 3254.000 Teflon 3250.000 Pocket type shaper 3257.250 Ultimate tool Pool 3256.750 Willards 3250.500 metal 3256.000 plastic 3256.100 Sandman Cuetip Shaper 3257.600 Wooden trimmer 3257.000 о 8 Ball Scuffer and Shaper 4622.208 - keyhanger 9 Ball Scuffer and Shaper 4622.209 - keyhanger Buffalo Cuetip Shaper 3257.051 Brown 3257.050 Black Smooth Sand Papers 3256.900 Winners Sand Papers 3256.950 Porqupine tapper 3256.300 Metal tapper 3259.000 Cuetip measurement plate 3252.000 10/13,5 mm D Repair Sets (Л 0) > о ****f^ и •о с го Repair set 3251.000 (А Slicker 3265.000 Plastic topper 3258.000 ь, V С о •о с о и V э и (А Sandpaper and machine 3261.000 3260.000 Tenoning machine 3262.000 3264.100 Cue Conditioners 3264.200 3263.100 3263.200 1 . CUEAN 3266.101 Q Clean Shaft Cleaner 3266.102 Q Smooth 4-steps Shaft Sand Papers 3266.103 Q Slick Cue Shaft Sealer/Slicker П 1 Cuetec Hi-Tech Shaft Cleaner (40ml) 5609.901 3266.104 Q Glide Cuetec Hi-Tech Spray (50ml) 5609.910 Gloves Laperti 3269.002 3269.102 5 M Laperti with leather patches 3269.262 M 3269.263 L Laperti gloves 3269.450 M 9.451 L Laperti multi coloured, assorted 3269.250 Buffalo multi coloured, assorted 3269.300 Thick 40cm. long 5901.000 With Profile 30cm. long 5902.001 Polyurethane "Buffalo" 32cm. long With Profile 30cm. long 5908... 5901... .116 .119 .121 .126 5906.101 5906.102 5906.103 002 .003 Beige Black Purple .004 50 cm 50 cm 50 cm .005 .006 BUFFERS 1. 5910.000 2. 5911.000 о и 3. 5912.000 4. 5913.000 .W с о in Ol с IA Ol С 5. 5915.200 О t WEIGHT SCREWS MAXTON JC 01 t 6. 5916.100 7. 5915.000 WEIGHT RINGS BUFFALO © Ь6 6 о 1. 5924.002 8 gr. 2. 5924.009 34 gr. 3. 5924.104 12 gr. 4. 5924.109 28 gr. 5. 5924.112 10 gr. 6. 5924.114 20 gr. 7. 5924.119 42 gr. 5926.114 11.4 gr. 5926.020 20 gr. 5926.045 45 gr. 5926.264 26.4 gr. 5926.065 65 gr. 5926.338 33.8 gr. 5926.080 80 gr. 5926.422 42.2 gr. 5926.544 54.4 gr. 5926.648 64.8 gr. WEIGHT SCREW BUFFALO V) 5 0) L. u (A О) 01 § -S, и BUTTRING CAPS 1. 5928.100 2. 5928.200 О) чч3 3. 5928.500 ш 1. 5929.100 2. 5929.200 1 4,'j 3. 5929.300 4. 5928.700 4. 5929.600 5. 5928.800 5. 5929.700 6 6О WOODEN SCREW BUTTRING CAPS •• • о 6. 5929.800 4-PIECE TOP JOINT PROTECTORS f ff f 9 • ff * f II I 5927.800 1. 5938.000 X2 Adam 5. 5938.004 Plastic Pool 18 TH 2. 5938.001 Wood Caram Buff 6. 5938.005 Plastic Pool Jump 3. 5938.002 Plastic Caram Buff 7. 5938.006 Plastic Caram Adam 4. 5938.003 Plastic Pool 14TH 8. 5938.007 Plastic Pool Adam 5932.100 3204.000 3204.002 3204.003 3206.000 3206.002 3206.003 3206.100 3206.102 3206.103 3217.001 68cm high 3218.001 68cm high 3217.002 68cm high 3217.003 68cm high 68H x74W cm 3209.001 103H x 93W cm. 68H x74W cm 68H x74W cm 3209.002 103H x 93W cm. n с Л TO 01 П 3206.001 3216.000 62Н x37W cm 3213.000 3216.100 82H x 96W cm. 87cm high 79H x 82W cm. 3211.000 61cm high For 36 Cues С 3206.300 3 d II У 5 W 3217.000 For 10 Cues 167cm high 1. 3200.100 2. 3200.150 3. 3200.168 4 6 У 4. 3200.200 5. 3200.300 6. 3200.500 Spectator Chairs И •o u П О CD V L. О и (A •о С ш 10 с и 1. о и <и а (Л 3325.000 Spectator's chair extra strong Seat 75 cm high 3325.001 Spectator's chair extra strong. Seat 75 cm high Score Boards 3152.000 41/33 cm (Л n о и о а т а (Л ш 3 а 3162.000 41/12 cm о n 3900.060 Scoreblock 60 frames 3165.000 70/39 cm 3900.015 Score sheet 15 persons 3900.025 Score sheet 25 persons Score Boards & Clocks Intercount Deluxe with remote control 35/47 cm. 220/230 Volt 50 Hz. (3194.101 Spare remote control) 3194.000 Intercount with remote control 31/47 cm. 220/230 Volt 50 Hz. (3194.101 Spare remote control) 3194.100 3194.200 Intercount with remote control 63/64 cm. 220/230 Volt 50 Hz. (3194.201 Spare remote control) Timer with coinshute 3195.213 Intercount timer 3195.313 Intercount timer 33,5x28 cm. 220/230 Volt 50 Hz 33,5x28 cm. Battery Operated Timers 3197.800 3195.910 Multi Timer for 10 tables 47x61 cm 3197.632 Micro 32 computer for 32 tables 220/230 Volt 50-60 Hz. 3197.801 Play 8 with wired remote control 19/55 cm. 220/230 Volt 50-60 Hz. Play 8 with infrared remote control 19/55 cm. 220/230 Volt 50-60 Hz. 3197.638 Micro 8 computer for 8 tables 220/230 Volt 50-60 Hz. Controle lamp for 8 lamps Controle lamp for 16 lamps Loose cable for control lamp Timer Accessories 3197.600 Printer for Micro 32 computer 220/230 Volt 50-60 Hz. 3197.608 3197.616 3197.610 3197.716 3197.610 Controle for 16 ball cassettes Loose cable for ball control cassettes 1 3197.601 2 3197.602 3 3197.603 printer tape printer paperrol printer loose cable Ш Ш 3 CD 3197.501 Cassette for Micro 32 Pool 3197.502 Snooker Cassette for Micro 32 3197.503 Carom Cassette for Micro 32 3196.003 Balltimer for 2 balls Carom 3196.016 Balltimer for 16 balls Pool 3196.022 Balltimer for 22 balls Snooker 3196.068 Balltimer for 16 balls Piramid C* я • 3277.000 Lamp 220 Volt 28W. (150W) и о. Е л 98cm. 3274.000 ХЗ Brass Lamp Set, with Green shades total length 133 cm. ZX 98cm. 3274.003 X3 Brass Lamp Set, with Brass shades total length 133 cm. П 7Г 7Г Л 98cm. 3274.004 X3 Chroom Lamp Set, with Chroom shades total length 133 cm. .1. 7Г 7Г7Х 98cm. 3274.005 X3 Chroom Lamp Set, with Blue shades total length 133 cm. A A A ZX 145cm. 3274.050 Х4 Brass Lamp Set, with Green shades total length 180 cm 7Г7Г7Г7Г 145cm. 3274.060 X4 Brass Lamp Set, with Red shades total length 180 cm 3274.040 X4 Brass Lamp Set, with Chroom shades total length 180 cm f A A A 7X 145cm. 3274.070 X4 Brass Lamp Set, with Blue shades total length 180 cm U) a E я 3270.000 0 27cm 3277.035 Solo lamp 3277.045 Solo lamp 3272.860 Aluminium snooker lamp 12 ft. (Other sizes available upon request.) 0 35cm 0 45cm 3277.135 Solo lamp 0 35cm 3271.600 Brass lamp deluxe 0 38cm 3277.145 Solo lamp 0 45cm 3277.245 Solo lamp 3271.400 0 33cm 0 45cm V I 104 cm. 3273.001 Milano 0 33cm (Normal fitting) 3273.011 Milano 0 33cm (Incl. Circolux lamp and fitting) 3273.002 3273.012 (Normal fitting) (Incl. Circo/ux lamp and fitting) Milano set, 2 shades Milano set, 2 shades I Г 7X 159cm. 3273.003 3273.013 Milano set, 3 shades Milano set, 3 shades (Normal fitting) (Incl. Circolux lamp and fitting) Л Z\ A 7X 183cm. 3273.004 3273.014 Milano set, 4 shades Milano set, 4 shades (Normal fitting) (Incl. Circolux lamp and fitting) ZX 7\ ZX 7Г 7X 214cm. 3273.005 3273.015 Milano set, 5 shades Milano set, 5 shades (Normal fitting) (Incl. Circo/ux lamp and fitting) •о с re (Л а 115 cm. 3274.100 Х2 Brass Lamp Set, total length 150 cm Е я A 112cm. 3275.000 X2 Brass Lamp Set, total length 149 cm 7Г 7Г A 91 cm. 3276.000 X3 Black & Brass Lamp Set, total length 121 cm Table Covers 3354.000 220cm Wide/50 mtr a roll 3355.000 3355.100 170cm Wide Green with backing 29 mtr on a roll 170cm Wide Brown with backing 29 mtr on a roll 3356.007 for 7ft. Pool 275/175 cm 3356.008 for 8ft. Pool 300/200 cm 3356.000 for 9ft. Pool 325/210 cm 3356.100 for 9ft. Pool with binding 280/170 cm 3359.050 for 8ft. Table cover de luxe Brown 3359.100 for 9ft. Table cover de luxe Brown 3359.060 for 8ft. Table cover de luxe Green 3359.200 for 9ft. Table cover de luxe Green 3359.630 Carom Table cover de luxe Brown 260x145x15 3359.210 Carom Table cover de luxe Brown 240x135x15 3359.880 Carom Table cover de luxe Brown 315x175x15 3359.730 Carom Table cover de luxe Green 260x145x15 3359.310 Carom Table cover de luxe Green 240x135x15 3359.980 Carom Table cover de luxe Green 315x175x15 3357.000 Snooker table cover 425x 250 The De Luxe table covers are also available with your own logo. (Minimun order quantity 50 pieces) For more information contact our sales team. Pool Ball Sets V 01 о о a 2557.600 Pool Brunswick style 57,2mm 2557.699 Pool Pool Al style 57,2mm 2557.000 Pool Super Aramitn Pro 57,2mm Pool Aramith Standard Quality 2557.200 0 57,2 mm 2 1/4" 2554.200 0 54,0 mm 2 1/8" 2548.200 0 48,0 mm 1 7/8" 2557.651 Pool Glow in the dark 57,2mm Complete set incl. balls. 2557.050 Pool Aramith Premium 57,2mm Pool Aramith Economical 2557.250 0 57,2 mm 2 1/4 2557.650 Pool Fluorescent set 57,2mm Pool Aramith 1st Quality 2557.100 0 57,2 mm 2 1/4" 2554.000 0 54,0 mm 2 1/8" 2552.000 0 52,4 mm 2 1/16" 2550.000 0 50,8 mm 2" 2548.000 0 48,0 mm 1 7/8" Pool Aramith Continental 2557.300 0 57,2 mm 2 1/4" 2548.300 0 48,0 mm 1 7/8" 2545.000 0 44,5 mm 1 3/4" 2540.300 0 41,3 mm 1 5/8" 2535.300 0 35,0 mm 1 3/8" Trainim Pool Aramith Casino Quality 2557.400 0 57,2 mm 2 1/4" 2552.500 0 52,4 mm 2 1/16" 2550.400 0 50,8 mm 2" 2550.499 0 50,8 mm Al Quality 2" Pool Al Quality 2557.899 0 57,2 mm 2 1/4" Inlayed poolball set Incl. 0 63 mm cueball 2557.999 0 57,2 mm 2 1/16" Inlayed poolball set Excl. cueball 2557.799 057,2 mm Laminated poolball set Incl. 0 57,2 mm cueball 2557.599 057,2 mm Inlay ECO poolball set Incl. 0 57,2 mm cueball 1. 2752.500 Snooker Training ball 0 52,4 mm 2. 2557.500 Pool Training Q-tru ball 0 57,2mm lets П HI т 0 3 (Л •э о о 7? Л -i Ш 2270.100 Super Aramith Tournament 61,5 mm 2270.000 Super Aramith DeLuxe 61,5 mm 2271.100 Super Aramith Dark Red 61,5 mm 3 a Ш 3 CO 01 (Л (D 2263.000 Carom Aramith Standard 63,0 mm 2261.000 Carom Aramith Standard 61,5 mm 2254.000 Carom Aramith Standard 54,0 mm 2252.000 Carom Aramith Standard 52,4 mm 2250.000 Carom Aramith Standard 50,8 mm 2248.000 Carom Aramith Standard 48,0 mm 2281.000 Carom Super Aramith Demonstration set 61,5 mm II Sets Snooker Aramith Super Chrystalate 2752.300 0 52,4 mm 2 1/16" Snooker Aramith Super Chrystalate 2752.200 0 52,4 mm 2 1/16" Snooker Aramith Standard Quality 2757.100 0 57,2 mm 2 1/4" 2754.000 0 54,0 mm 2 1/8" 2752.100052,4mm 21/16" 2752.999 0 52,4 mm Al Quality 2 1/16" 2748.000 0 48,0 mm 1 7/8" 2745.000 0 44,5 mm 1 3/4" 2735.000 0 35,0 mm 1 3/8" Sets 2668.000 Piramid Aramith Premium 68,0 mm 2660.000 Piramid Aramith Premium 60,3 mm 2668.100 2668.099 2660.099 2657.099 Piramid Aramith Standard 68,0 mm Piramid Al Quality 68,0 mm Piramid Al Quality 60,3 mm Piramid Al Quality 57,2 mm 2668.199 Piramid Pool Al Quality 68,0 mm Loose Balls Loose Pool Balls Aramith n со Sizes. 2145. 2148. 2150. 2152. 2154. 2157. 01 I/I о о 0 0 0 0 0 0 44,5 mm 48,0 mm 50,8 mm 52,4 mm 54,0 mm 57,2 mm .201 .202 .203 .204 .205 .206 .207 .208 .209 .210 .211 .212 .213 .214 .215 Numbers # # # # # # 10 11 12 13 14 15 Loose Pool Balls Al Quality Sizes. . . . 2157. 0 57,2 mm .901 .902 .903 .904 .905 .906 .907 .908 .909 .910 .911 .912 .913 .914 .915 Numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 # 11 # # # # 12 13 14 15 Loose Pool Balls Aramith Quality Sizes. 2138. 2140. 2145. 2148. 2150. 2152. 2154. 2157. 2160. 2161. 2168. 2152.050 2152.070 2157.300 2157.308 2160.500 2161.500 0 0 0 0 0 0 52,4 52,4 57,2 57,2 60,3 52,4 mm White mm Black mm White mm Black mm White mm White Snooker Snooker Pool #8 Pool cue ball Carom Super Aramith 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 38,0 mm 41,3 mm 44,5 mm 48,0 mm 50,8 mm 52,4 mm 54,0 mm 57,2 mm 60,3 mm 61,5 mm 68,0 mm 2157.700 Magnetic Ball 57,2 mm . . . Colours ,000 White 100 Red .220 Yellow ,230 Green ,240 ,250 ,260 ,270 Brown Blue Pink Black .999 .199 .229 .908 White Red Yellow Black Al Al Al Al Machine CD ui TJ О VI у 3 из 2 a n ar э a со Ш n a э п 01 3 3312.006 Buffalo Ball Polishing Machine For Pool, Carom & Snooker Balls 3312.057 Ring Set Pool 57,2mm For Buffalo Ball Polishing Machine 3312.006 3312.061 Ring Set Carom 61,2mm For Buffalo Ball Polishing Machine 3312.006 3312.052 Ring Set Snooker 52,4mm For Buffalo Ball Polishing Machine 3312.006 3320.000 Ball Polish "Buffalo" 250 ml 3320.100 Ball Conditioner "King Shine" 100 ml 3320.300 Ball Cleaner "Aramith" 250 ml 4040.068 X16 Ball Tray Piramid 4041.000 X22 Ball Tray Snooker (all Tray's 4040.000 X16 Ball Tray Pool Cloth's (A Simonis Cloths С. Carom Cloths 1522.165 172 cm International 1522.172 175 cm International 1522.190 195cm International 4-1 О и 1523.172 1523.165 1524.165 1523.190 1524.190 170 170 170 195 cm cm cm cm 300 300 300 300 195 cm 300 Rapide Rapide Rapide Rapide Rapide Yellow/Green Blue/Green Yellow/Green Yellow/Green Blue/Green Delsa Blue Blue/Green Delsa Blue 1525.172 170 cm Simonis 585 Cush .Cl. 1526.172 170 cm Simonis 585 Cush .Cl. Yellow/Green Blue/Green Pool Cloths 1530.160 165 1532.160 165 1531.160 165 1534.160 165 1533.160 165 1530.195 195 1530.295 195 1530.395 195 1530.495 195 Yellow/Green Blue/Green Bright Red Electric Blue Delsa Blue Yellow/Green Blue/Green Bright Red Electric Blue cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm Simonis Simonis Simonis Simonis Simonis Simonis Simonis Simonis Simonis 760 760 760 760 760 760 760 760 760 Simonis Cloths Pool Cloths 1542.160 165 1540.160 165 1541.160 165 1544.160 165 1543.160 165 1540.290 195 1540.190 195 1544.190 195 1544.290 195 cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm cm Simonis Simonis Simonis Simonis Simonis Simonis Simonis Simonis Simonis 860 860 860 860 860 860 860 860 860 Yellow/Green Blue/Green Bright Red Electric Blue Delsa Blue Yellow/Green Blue/Green Delsa Blue Electric Blue Snooker Cloths 1550.193 193cm Simonis 4000 30oz. 1560.193 193 cm Simonis 5000 36oz. Yellow/Green Yellow/Green Piramid Cloths 1543.190 195 cm Simonis 920 1543.290 195 cm Simonis 920 Yellow/Green Blue/Green Other qualities and colours available on request Granito Cloths Carom Cloths 1649.150 150 cm Granito Star 1649.151 150 cm Granito Star Blue/Green Yellow/Green 1650.165 172cm Granito A 1651.165 172cm Granito A Blue/Green Yellow/Green 1684.165 GR/\NITiUG ...RINA 172 cm Granito M Blue/Green 1691.180 185 cm Granito Star Blue/Green Pool Cloths 1670.160 165cm Granito Pool 1670.180 185cm Granito Pool Blue/Green Blue/Green 1674.180 180 cm Granito Pool 2000 Blue/Green Other qualities and colours available on request n о Challenger Cloths Pool Cloths 1749.160 160cm 1750.160 160cm 1751.160 160cm 1753.160 160cm 1754.160 160 cm 1755.160 160cm 1756.160 160cm (117) (118) (119) Challenger Challenger Challenger Challenger Challenger Challenger Challenger 117 118 119 119 119 119 119 Blue/Green Blue/Green Blue/Green Canadian Green Bright Red Burgundy Red Blue/Green 84% carded-wool 16% nylon 85% carded-wool 15% nylon 86% carded-wool 14% nylon Pool Cloths Cottonbacked 1750.922 147 cm Challenger 117 Blue/Green Pool Cloths Worsted 1752.160 160 cm Challenger 121 1752.260 160 cm Challenger 122 Blue/Green Yellow/Green (121/122) 65% worsted-wool 35% nylon Milliken Cloths Pool Cloths 1901.160 160 cm 1902.160 160 cm 1903.160 160 cm 1901.190 190 cm 1902.190 190 cm 1903.190 190 cm 1904.190 190cm Milliken Milliken Milliken Milliken Milliken Milliken Milliken Super-Pro Super-Pro Super-Pro Super-Pro Super-Pro Super-Pro Super-Pro West of England Cloth Snooker Cloths 1806.027 193cm West of England 6811 27oz. 1806.076 193cm West of England 6811 30oz. Hainsworth Cloths Snooker Cloths 1807.627 193 cm Hainsworth Snkr. Cloth 27oz. 1807.630 193 cm Hainsworth Snkr. Cloth 30oz. 1807.632 193 cm Hainsworth Snkr. Cloth 32oz. Yellow/Green Blue/Green Blue Yellow/Green Blue/Green Blue Red г» У Brushes (Л <u £ in 3 i_ m 3280.000 Under Rail Brush 3281.000 - 23 cm 3282.000 - 23 cm 3283.000 3284.000 - 26 cm 3285.000 26 cm Deluxe (Mangrovewood with horsehair) 3282.500 Buffalo Brush 23 cm 3332.000 Vacuum Cleaner - 26 cm .ones I 3320.400 Liqued Brush Cloth Cleaner 250 ml. 3303.000 White Marker Pen 3302.000 White Pencils 12 pcs in a box 2 ш JT rt> -I и о 3 ш э о. 4166.000 Iron with thermostate 220/230 Volt 3345.000 Billiard Waterleveler Deluxe 4461.000 Cushion Facing с ег nons n с 1Й о 3 (Л 4450.212 4450.232 4451.232 4451.305 4453.212 4453.232 4453.260 4453.305 4453.082 4453.182 4460.042 4460.048 4460.125 4470.070 4470.072 Artemis Profile #37 Grey Lenghts 212 & 232cm Artemis Profile #79 Red Lenghts 232 & 305cm Buffalo Piramid Profile #37 Grey Lenghts 212, 230,260 & 305cm 4421.250 Wooden Profile 250cm Buffalo Piramid Profile #37 Grey Lenghts 182cm Green Lengths 182cm Buffalo Profile K66 Grey 25 mtrs. on a roll Buffalo Profile K66 Grey 40 mtrs. on a roll (Available upon request) Buffalo Snooker Cushion Black 183cm Buffalo Snooker Cushion Red 183cm Pocket Liners 4060.000 Rubber 4061.000 Vynil о Gully Boots ей з (О и с 4080.000 Rubber 4070.000 Rubber Plastic Pockets L 4092.105 Plastic Molded with Bose 4092.100 Plastic Molded-Cin 4090.100 Short Vinyl 4090.115 Plastic Webbed-Cin Lets a ш •o о n sr n 4095.500 Buffalo Set of Pockets x4 Corners x2 Middle Pockets with base plate 4095.000 Black Leather Set of Pockets x4 Corners x2 Middle Pockets with base plate 4095.010 Brown Leather Set of Pockets x4 Corners x2 Middle Pockets with base plate 01 3 0. Z n n о I •3 n 4095.300 Leather Black nets 4095.400 Leather Brown nets 4096.000 Leather Pockets Liners 4097.000 Chrome 4098.000 Silver with 2 pins. Metal Levelers 3441.002 3441.001 Copper 3441.000 Chrome Bronze 4130.168 Large Nylon net for Piramid (35 cm) 3447.000 Chrome Snooker Table Accessories 1. 4130.000 (15cm) 2. 4130.100 (23 cm) 3. 4135.000 (30 cm) 4. 4131.000 (20 cm) 5.4145.000 6. 4141.000 (12 cm) 7. 4141.010 (10 cm) 1. 4150.000 2. 4153.000 3. 4151.000 4. 4196.000 1. 4119.000 2. 4120.000 4. 4122.015 5. 4122.090 Middle Pocket 4161.000 Все Style 4163.000 Riley Style 4140.000 ВСЕ Style 3. 4121.000 H Ш tr 01 3 o. 01 3 л •o 3450.300 Thermostate Termo Delta 3450.100 Thermostate - • 3451.000 Spirals 3452.200 Insulator 3470.013 0 13mm 3220.100 Skittles 10,5cm 3225.100 Skittles 13cm 4604.000 Mini Pool Table 92/50cm 36" 3279.000 Mirror 71/40cm 3300.000 - 62x49cm Barak Board HI Bridges and Rests 4110.000 D 4114.000 4115.000 4110.500 Spots 4001.000 0 60mm Bag 4007.000 0 100mm Rol 4008.000 0 12mm Bag 50 pcs 4009.000 0 12mm Bag 50 pcs 4057.000 57,2mm Dark Coulored Wood With Brass Fittings 4052.300 52,4mm 4054.300 4057.300 57,2mm Also available for Russian Piramid 4058.168 Black 0 68,0mm 4057.100 Professional 57,2mm DeLuxe 57,2 mm 4057.... .601 Also available for Russian Piramid 4058.068 Mahogany 0 68,0 mm 4058.060 Mahogany 0 60,3 mm 4058.061 Maple 0 60,3 mm Maple with Brass Pin 4052.500 52,4mm 4057.500 57,2mm Nine Ball Rack Maple 4059.500 57,2mm 4059.152 52,4mm .603 54mm 4059.100 57,2mm Nine Ball Rack DeLuxe 57mm 4059.... .603 .601 .602 Posters (Л L. V *J (Л о о. POOL BALLS + TRIANGLE 3922.001 59x75 cm FAST BREAK 3922.003 77x53 cm COOL POOL 3922.004 61X76 cm W C FIELDS W.C.FIELDS TOP HAT 3922.007 WANNA PLAY 3922.019 61X76 cm 60X76 cm •о о Ю г* Л п (Л ELISA BRIDGES 3922.028 LAUREL&HARDY 3924.002 25x20 cm PAUL NEWMAN 3923.111 NICO VRI6UNK RIDE THE NINE 3922.002 59x75 cm CORNER POCKET 3922.008 91x61 cm CORNER POCKETSCHEFFER CAROM 3922.010 53x74 cm 8 BALL STRIKES BACK 3922.013 61x76 cm HOT SHOT 3922.016 76x61 cm v У fa, Л-."" Miff - NIGHT AT THE PARLOR 3922.025 CLINT EASTWOOD 3923.113 61x91 cm TAKE YOUR BEST SHOT 3922.026 56x87 cm CROOKED CUE 3923.115 71x96 cm •0 О «1 rift 1 U) BILLIARD CLOWN 3910.081 56x44 cm JACK THE RIPPER 3920.013 51x39 cm lilaramith. SCRATCHING BEAGLE 3920.014 51x39 cm ISlaramith. SCRATCHED AT DAWN 3920.012 51x39 cm 1 LEG ON THE FLOOR 3920.015 51x39 cm ISlaramith. GIRL 8 ARAMITH 3923.118 70x100 cm CAROM ARAMITH 3923.119 70x100 cm POOL VIDEO ARAMITH 3923.120 70x100 cm SNOOKER ARAMITH 3923.121 70x100 cm SAXOPHONE ARAMITH 3923.122 70x100 cm NICO VRIELINK "MINI 3923.118 40x30 cm High Voltage Signs (A С Dl (Л с о V z 7040.008 Sign Exit 50,5x30,5x7,5 cm 7040.009 Sign Toilet 50,5x30,5x7,5 cm 7040.010 Sign Erotik 50,5x30,5x7,5 cm 7040.011 Sign Snooker 50,5x30,5x7,5 cm 7040.012 Sign Billiard 50,5x30,5x7,5 cm 7040.013 Sign Open 50,5x30,5x7,5 cm 7040.014 Sign Bar 50,5x30,5x7,5 cm 7040.015 Sign Pool 50,5x30,5x7,5 cm 7040.016 Sign Pizza 50,5x30,5x7,5 cm 7040.017 Sign Video 50,5x30,5x7,5 cm 7040.018 Sign Cafe 50,5x30,5x7,5 cm 7040.019 Sign Darts 50,5x30,5x7,5 cm Z ro О 3 (Л 3 и 7040.024 Sign Casino 50,5x30,5x7,5 cm 7040.031 Sign Internet 70x45x10 cm Signs SALE 7040.507 Sign Sale 30x45x7,5 cm 7040.508 Sign Darts 30x45x7.5 cm 7040.509 Sign Billiard 30x45x7,5 cm 7040.504 Sign Open in Cup 30x45x7,5 cm 7040.510 Sign Darts 30x45x7,5 cm 7040.516 Sign Arrow 30x45x7,5 cm 7040.501 Sign Open (Non moving) 7040.502 Sign Open (Filling) 20,5x45,5x7,5 cm 7040.505 Sign Cafe 50,5x30,5x7,5 cm ROUTE 7040.506 Sign Route 66 30x45x7,5 cm и •о с л WELCOME (А С о» (Л 7040.513 Sign Cuetec 61x31x7,5 cm 7040.514 Sign Billiard Welcome 61x41x7,5 cm 7040.512 Sign Buffalo 51x66x7,5 cm 7040.515 Sign Pool Welcome 61x41x7,5 cm с о 0) Gift Items X t 4622.001-015 Pool Ball Keyhangers 025 mm 4622.101 White 4622.121 Red 4622.131 Yellow 4622.050 Keyhanger Buffalo 8 cm Also available in your own logo. Min. 500 pcs. 1. 4618.000 2. 4617.200 038 mm 3. 4618.100 4620.100 Lighter in Carom ball 057,2 mrn 4620.000 Lighter in Pool ball 057,2 mm 4. 4621.100 057,2 mm 5. 4619.000 038 mm 6. 4619.100 038 mm 4630.005 Money clip 8 ball 4630.006 Money clip 9 ball СП л 3 Irt 4630.003 4630.004 Towel - 30x45 cm 9- Ball Towel - 30x45 cm 8- Ball Magnetic Memo Balls 0 25 mm 4623.008 - No. 8 4623.009 - No. 9 4663.051 Pin 4663.053 ^wa^.4 4625.000 Figure on No. 8 Ball (17cm High) 4625.001 Figure on No. 9 Ball (17cm High) 4625.100 Figure on White 8 Ball (17cm High) 4622.150 Keyhanger set (16 Pieces) Glow in the dark 0 25mm 3198.900 0 29cm Pin Extensions и 3 •о о •о ф X и я а Е га и ев и с о U) с 0) •м X ш 1 5890.200 2 5890.300 3 5889.700 4 5889.600 5 5890.310 6 5890.320 7 5609.420 Buffalo Extension Buffalo Extension (Telescopic) Extension (Telescopic) Extension Extension 15,5 cm Extension 73,5 cm Extension Cuetec xl 15 cm xl 73 cm (All push-on-extensions are useable for Pool, Carom and Snooker Cues) Clam-Packed Products 5560.201 Maple Cue & Bag Set Blue Grip 5560.202 Maple Cue & Bag Set Red Grip 5560.203 Maple Cue & Bag Set Black Grip 5560.101 Ramin Cue & Bag Set Blue Grip 5560.102 Ramin Cue & I Set Red Grip 5560.103 Ramin Cue & Bag Set Black Grip r> Ш 3 •o ш n JT n a О 3021.ЮС Elk Master Cue Tip 10 mm 3086.11C Screw on Tips with brass screw 11 mm 3145.IOC Magnetic Chalk Holder 4102.OOC Nylon Cross Head 3269.OOC Cueing Glove 3291.OOC Cue Tip Cement 03 gr. 4622.28C Key Ring no. 8 Scuffer Shaper 4622.29C Key ring no. 9 Scuffer Shaper Complete list of Clam packed accessories available from 2154.00C White Cue Bali 54 mm 2157. OOC White Cue Ball 57 mm 2157. 28C Pool Ball 57 mm No. 8 3001. 02C Triangle Chalk Green - 4 cubes 3003.01C Master Chalk Blue - 4 cubes 3005.01C Pioneer Chalk Blue - 4 cubes 3006. 02C Pioneer Chalk Green - 4 cubes 3020. 09C Le Pro Cue Tips 3x09 mm 3020. IOC Le Pro Cue Tips 3x10 mm 3020.11C Le Pro Cue Tips 3x11 mr 3020.12C Le Pro Cue Tips 3x12 mm 3020. 13C Le Pro Cue Tips 3x13 mm 3020. 14C Le Pro Cue Tips 3x14 mm 3020. 15C Le Pro Cue Tips 3x15 mm 3021. 09C Elk Master Cue Tips 3x09 mm 3021. IOC Elk Master Cue Tips 3x10 mm 3021. 11C Elk Master Cue Tips 3x11 mm 3021. 12C Elk Master Cue Tips 3x12 mm 3021. 13C Elk Master Cue Tips 3x13 mm 3021. 14C Elk Master Cue Tips 3x14 mm 3023. 09C Diamond Plus Cue Tips 3x09 mm 3023. IOC Diamond Plus Cue Tips 3x10 mm 3023. 11C Diamond Plus Cue Tips 3x11 mm 3023. 12C Diamond Plus Cue Tips 3x12 mm 3023. 13C Diamond Plus Cue Tips 3x13 mm 3023. 14C Diamond Plus Cue Tips 3x14 mm 3023. 15C Diamond Plus Cue Tips 3x15 mm 3065. IOC Push On Tips 3x10 mm 3065. 11C Push On Tips 3x11 mm 3065. 12C Push On Tips 3x12 mm 3065. 13C Push On Tips 3x13 mm 3065. 14C Push On Tips 3x14 mm а с n ?3uffalu 3081.11C Screw On Tips with Plastic Screw 3x11 mm 3081.12C Screw On Tips with Plastic Screw 3x12 mm 3086.IOC Screw On Tips with Brass Screw 3x10 mm 3086.11C Screw On Tips with Brass Screw 3x11 mm 3086.12C Screw On Tips with Brass Screw 3x12 mm 3086.13C Screw On Tips with Brass Screw 3x13 mm 3140.00C Rubber Chalk Holder 3142.OOC Leather Chalk Holder 3145.10C Magnetic Chalk Holder 3254.OOC Plastic Cue Tip Clamp 3254. IOC Wooden Cue Tip Clamp 3269.00C Cueing Glove 3280.OOC Table Brush 3291.OOC Cue Tip Cement 03 grams 3292.OOC Cue Tip Cement 20 grams 4000.OOC Pool Table Spots 35 mm 4101.OOC Nylon Rest Head 4102.00C Nylon Cross Head 4103.OOC Nylon Spider Head 4110.50C Q-Rite Bridge Rest Aid 4111.OOC Brass Rest Head 4112.00C Brass Cross Head 4113.OOC Brass Spider Head 4622.07C Pool Ball Key Ring No.7 4622.08C Pool Ball Key Ring No.8 4622.09C Pool Ball Key Ring No.9 4622.13C Pool Ball Key Ring No.13 4622.28C Pool Ball Key Ring No.8 Scuffer & Shaper 4622.29C Pool Ball Key Ring No.9 Scuffer & Shaper 4630.03C Cue Towel 9-ball design 4630.04C Cue Towel 8-ball design Complete list of Cue Cases packed with Header Cards available from $»uffalfl 3102. OOC Soft Cue Bag with Zipper 3109. 05C Nylon Cue Bag 3120. OOC Cue Case 3132. 16C Tube Cue Case Complete list of Cue & Bag sets packed with Header Cards available from 5560.201 Cue and Bag set Maple Blue 5560.202 Cue and Bag set Maple Red 5560.203 Cue and Bag set Maple Black 5560.101 Cue and Bag set Ramin Blue 5560.102 Cue and Bag set Ramin Red 5560.103 Cue and Bag set Ramin Black ipuff ЯШ Solid Wood Core Ч Clear fiberglass Over Maple High-Tech Grip i i • Solid Wood Core •• .!.':."/ /^ ^-~*-~~~~ . ^~—-—-""""" „.———""""" ,^-" S53 • - High -Tech Material EXCLUSIVE PATENTED WARP & DENT RESISTANT TECHNOLOGY GL © 1.Elite 4-prong Inlay 2. Toronto 3.Casino Snooker Cues 4.Toronto Snooker Cues 5452.200-120 cm-SC-012mm 5454.100-140 cm-GL-0I2mm 5454.111-140 cm-GL-011mm 5454.200-140 cm-SO012mm 5480.000-145 cm-GL-013mm 5462.200-120 cnvSO012mm 5463.200-130 cm-SC-012mm 5464.100-140 cm-GL-012mm 5464.111 • 140 cm-GL-011 mm 5464.200-140 cnvSO012mm 5474.000-145 cm-GL-013mm 5455.120-120 cm-GL-010mm 5455.130-130 cm-GL-010mm 5455.000-145 cm-GL-010mm 5460.130-130 cm-GL-010mm 5460.000-145 cm-GL-010mm SHAFTS OF SELECTED WHITE CANADIAN MAPLE V) си 3 и и а га и и V Е 3 Е v 5333.000-130 cm-SC-012mm 5332.000-120 cm-SC-012mm 5335.130-130 cm-GL-012mm 5335.120-120 cm-GL-012mm 5331.000-110 cm-SC-012mm 5330.000-100 cm-SG-012mm 5334.000-140 cm-SC-012mm 5334.500-145 cm-CL-013mm 5335.140-140 cm-GL-012mm 5345.145-145 cm-BR-011mm SHAFTS OF SELECTED WHITE CANADIAN MAPLE 5339.140 I 140 cm GL« 0 12 mm 5339.145 I 145 cm CL* 0 13 mm 5339.245 | 145 cm SO 0 13 mm 1 8ЭПЭ 3 D 3 l d - T J Эб U I т 1-Piece 5344.1451145 cm - 4-Prong Inlay Ash Wbod | Snooker Cue | GL 0 10 mm. j|B 5344.1201120 cm - 4-Prong Inlay Ash Wood | Snooker Cue | GL 0 10 mm. 5274.00011145 cm - 4-Prong Inlay Ramfal Wood | SC 0 12 mm. 5272.0001120 cm - 4-Prong Inlay Ramin Wood | SC 0 12 mm 5294.0001145 cm SC 0 12 mm. 5293.0001132 cm | SC 0 12 mm. 5292.000 1 2 cm SC 0 12 mm. 5290.0001102 cm I SC 0 12 mm. ; Cues 5202.101 1145 cm - Fiber Glass 0 12 - mm Push-on-tip 1145 cm - SC 0 12 mm \ 5284.100 1145 cm - BR 0 11 mm \ 5285.100 145 cm - GL 0 10 5281.01 1107 cm - SC 0 12 mm \ 5281.100 1107 on - BR 0 11 mm 5280.000 1102 cm - SC 0 12 mm 5279.100 | 90 cm - BR 0 11 mm I sэпэ э ээid-Т in V 3 и оЗ (Л <0 £ «Л (Л 4-1 И О) с* (и •о га ш £ 0) О» •о ! S гч ГЧ i 8 1 5 in in 4101.000 §т in in 4102.000 in 4103.000 4111.000 4112.000 4113.000 Cue 75 cm. long |eiJ3jew |e u о ! j o ш о j Polo's Adam Black re Medium Large extra Large extra eXtra Large re 2 4624.001 4624.002 4624.003 4624.004 re с о *j о E о Polo's Buffalo Navy Blue Medium Large eXtra Large extra extra Large Low Profile Buffalo Cap 4624.005 4624.006 4624.007 4624.008 4624.000 Polo's Cuetec Steel Grey Medium Large eXtra Large extra extra Large 4624.009 4624.010 4624.011 4624.012 3940.009 Sticker Adam small (240x123mm) 3940.010 Sticker Adam large (570x240mm) THE C H O I C E OF P R O F E S S I O N A L S *% JSuffalb tfwts Quality 3940.007 Sticker Buffalo small (240x123mm) 3940.008 Sticker Buffalo large (570x240mm) 3940.004 Sticker Buffalo logo (570x240mm) 3940.005 Sticker Cuetec small (240x123mm) 3940.006 Sticker Cuetec large (570x240mm) THE NEXT DIMENSION IN CUES —I QUAljry CUKHM IS * < ЯIIVKS 3940.002 Sticker Laperti for inside window (120xl20mm) 3940.003 Sticker Laperti for outside window (120x120mm) Art nr. Page Art nr. Page Art. nr. Page Art nr. Page Art. nr. 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