Thank you all for another wonderful School year. See you on
Thank you all for another wonderful School year. See you on
2 2 Bat 01 tle hool 1 91 ey Sc -2 b Ab H ist or y 1 0 0 Ye a of rs rs of Ed uca ti o n , 1 0 0 0 a Ye 30th July 2014 Thank you all for another wonderful School year. See you on September the 4th! Senior School A Fond Farewell Angela Valentino leaves Battle Abbey School after 4 years as Deputy Head (Pastoral) and we would like to thank her for the significant contribution she has made to the School during her time with us. She has made huge strides in improving our pastoral policies, has re-vamped our appraisal system, has taken a lead in improving our PSHE and Careers provision and has line managed the heads of Key Stage as well as several departments. In addition, she has overseen our links with SCITT and the 1066 Partnership, has overseen our INSET programme, has acted as trips and visits coordinator, organised our weekly assembly schedule and was in charge of ensuring that our extensive extra-curricular programme was operating effectively. Angela leaves us to further her career and take on other challenges and opportunities in education; she will be greatly missed at Battle Abbey and we wish her well for the future. Tony Payton came to Battle Abbey School as Head of Science in 1996, sharing his unique enthusiasm to all those who passed through a Science department he had passionately brought back to life. In 2002 Tony became Director of Studies and mastered the art of the ‘timetable’ for which his scientific brain was invaluable, and certainly provided a challenge or two! Following the retirement of Monica Steward in 2003, Tony continued on his journey at Battle Abbey School, and became Deputy Head (Academic), a post he has held with great pride for 11 years. Now retiring to take on new challenges, he will still be doing some Physics teaching to our A-Level students and there may be some musical guest appearances to look forward to as well. Tony is held in very high regard by staff, parents and pupils, and his vast contribution to school life will be missed greatly, but we wish him very well and he begins a new chapter in his life. Suzy Reilly came to Battle Abbey School in September 1998, after teaching Learning Support at Newlands School, in Seaford. Suzy worked exceptionally hard to set up the SEN department from scratch and has taught Learning Support lessons on a one to one basis over many years to the benefit of many pupils. Suzy has been a Form Tutor, but is well known for her service as House Mistress of St Mary’s, a role she undertook with immense dedication, enthusiasm and great competitiveness! A teacher of English, Religious Studies and Citizenship, and also SENCO for several years during her 15 years of service, Suzy has made a sizeable contribution to the lives of many at Battle Abbey School, all with loyalty, integrity and humour in equal measure. She is wished every success and happiness in her new venture, ‘Suzy and Canines’, and if you have a dog exhibiting weird behaviour or that is plain disobedient, Suzy may well be the person to contact! Jennifer Glasspool came to Battle Abbey School in September 2010 as a Teacher of Science. Having a wealth of experience teaching all sciences up to Key Stage 4, Jennifer has been a most valuable member of the department, and instrumental in the creation of a Gifted and Talented programme. She has inspired pupils and colleagues alike, and set up a highly popular Science Club which had previously been poorly attended. Many pupils go on to pursue a science-based career such as medicine or veterinary science. A perfectionist in all aspects of her work, from her diligent planning and preparation and classroom delivery to extracurricular activities and school trips. Jennifer has a wonderful rapport with all those she comes into contact with, whilst commanding good discipline in the labs, and retaining a sense of humour! Jennifer leaves us to join Kent College and is wished very well for the future. “I have loved my few years here - it has been a privilege to teach in such a unique environment”, Dr Glasspool. Mike Ansar-Carver came to Battle Abbey School in September 2002 as Head of History, and has taught with great success, a subject that surrounds our School community every day! In September 2004, Mike took on the additional role of Head of Sixth Form for a short time, and together with his wife, also ran the School Boarding House for two years, which required enormous commitment to the life of our boarding pupils. Mike has organised many presentations/excursions and is particularly recognised for the annual visit to Ypres, where a Battle Abbey School poppy wreath is laid in remembrance by pupils and staff. In 2009 Mike became Head of Key Stage 3, an opportunity that involved contribution to the Senior Management Team and culminated in some excellent exam results. Mike now leaves Battle Abbey School to take up a post at a Grammar School in Kent and he is wished every success as he moves on. Profiles provided by HR - correct as of 14th July 2014 2 2 Bat 01 tle hool 1 91 ey Sc -2 b Ab 30th July 2014 1 0 0 Ye a H ist or y of rs rs of Ed uca ti o n , 1 0 0 0 a Ye A Fond Farewell Prep School Jane Blau is retiring from Battle Abbey Prep School after 25 years’ service. Jane first joined the staff at Glengorse Prep School as cover for Sue Eckersley when she was called up for jury service. At that time her younger daughter Sophie was in Mr Croft’s form! She became a full-time teacher when Glengorse merged with Battle Abbey. Jane initially taught Year 6 in the morning and a combined Reception and Year 1 class in the afternoons on the Glengorse site. When the Prep School moved to the Abbey the Reception/Year 1 class were split into separate classes and Jane became the Reception class teacher. She remained the Reception class teacher through the Prep School’s move to the Bexhill site until 2004 when Mrs Green retired and Jane took the long journey up the stairs to become the Year 1 teacher! Jane will be remembered for setting up the Key Stage 1 day at the beach, which is firmly fixed in our summer calendar and for giving the many children who have passed through her care a love of books and reading. Stephen Croft is retiring from Battle Abbey Prep School after almost 39 years of continuous service. Steve began his longstanding teaching career in 1976 at Glengorse and Hydneye House Prep School in Battle after qualifying as a teacher at Keswick Hall – an outpost of Cambridge University. Whilst there he was Head of Geography and later Senior Master and taught most subjects on the curriculum. When, in 1989, Glengorse merged with Battle Abbey Steve became the Year 6 form teacher and taught Key Stage 3 Geography in the Senior School. Since the Prep School moved to Bexhill he has become IT Co-ordinator and Year 5 form teacher. He has also enjoyed the pastoral role as House M for St. Patrick’s House. The children in his classes enjoyed encouragement and enthusiasm for the subject and lessons delivered with a great sense of humour. His writing talents led to him penning and producing numerous pantomimes to the delight of the children! Patricia Corrigan is retiring from the Prep School after 19 years’ service to Battle Abbey School. Trish started her teaching career, in 1976, at St. Richards and remained there for 10 years. While her sons were young, Trish taught PE, part-time, at Bexhill 6th Form College and then at Charters Ancaster. In 1995 when Battle Abbey and Charters Ancaster merged, Trish joined Battle Abbey and taught PE in both the Prep and Senior Schools. From 1997 Trish worked full time at the Prep School and gradually took over all of the KS2 Science. She later became Senior Teacher at the Prep School and then in 2011 was appointed as Deputy Head; giving invaluable support and serving the School with pride. She was Year 6 Form Teacher and has enjoyed the pastoral responsibility of being St. Martin’s House M. Trish was instrumental in coordinating the extra-curricular activities programme where children’s talents are nurtured. She instigated the inaugural Inter House Pancake Race, which has now become an annual event. With over 83 years service to the School between them they will all be greatly missed. Jane, Steve and Trish are all held in very high regard by staff, parents and pupils alike and we wish them all a very happy retirement. Summer Ball 2 2 Bat 01 tle hool 1 91 ey Sc -2 b Ab 30th July 2014 1 0 0 Ye a H ist or y Day 2014 of rs rs of Ed uca ti o n , 1 0 0 0 a Ye Battle Abbey School say a fond farewell to Ian Mercer at Speech Day On Saturday 12th July in bright sunshine, Battle Abbey School once more took to St. Mary’s Church in Battle for their annual Speech Day. A key part of the tradition and Heritage of the School and a chance to look back on the year’s achievements, award the schools outstanding contributors, and say goodbye to some of the leaving pupils who will be sadly missed when the School restarts in September. The church was more packed than usual. No doubt due to the fact that the School wanted to say goodbye to the day’s guest of honour, outgoing Chairman of the Board of Battle Abbey School Governors, Ian Mercer. Speech Day is always a welcome chance to bring the school community together before the summer break with readings from the School Guardians, Harry Roffey, Helen Butcher, Georgia Cook and Josephine Milne, as well ‘Our Greatest Fear’ by Nelson Mandela read beautifully by Steven Finley, Hymns by the Schools Choir and of course the prizes and awards themselves. David Clark, Headmaster, officiating at his first Speech Day opened proceedings ‘From September, we will have record numbers in the school and we will be full or oversubscribed in all but two year groups. We have real ambitions going forward and watch this space for big changes, innovations and developments in our facilities and in certain faculties including Sport and Maths to name but two. Already we are reaping the dividends of new thinking and new approaches and I can’t tell you how grateful I am to the staff, both bursarial and academic, for the way in which they are embracing this change. I am convinced that it won’t be long before Battle Abbey is rightfully recognised as one of the best small school in the country… exciting times lie ahead.’ Incoming Chairman Peter Dass then gave the congregation a summary of what the Governing body do (not Govern!) and thanked Ian and Vera for their service and dedication to the School before handing over to Ian for the main event. Ian Mercer, looking back at his 21 years serving on the Battle Abbey Board, 11 of which as Chair, spoke of the huge changes at the School in his time. Changes managed while maintaining the core value system that underpin all the best of education at the Abbey. Ian finished by passing on some advice to the leaving pupils that was originally given to him many years ago by a Major who taught him at Sandhurst. ‘Never ask anyone to do anything you are not prepared to do yourself.’ Ian Mercer then handed out the prizes and cups to pupils to much applause ably supported by Prep School Head, Maria Maslin. The entire ensemble then reconvened across at the Abbey for one of the School’s fantastic Speech Day teas, and many took the opportunity to exchange a few words of thanks with Ian Mercer and wife Vera before making their way home. 2 2 Bat 01 tle hool 1 91 ey Sc -2 b Ab 1 0 0 Ye a H ist or y 30th July 2014 of rs rs of Ed uca ti o n , 1 0 0 0 a Ye East Africa Expedition July 2015 Young Artists Meet Harry Hill It is hoped that Battle Abbey School will be running a major expedition to Kenya/Tanzania next summer. Zofia Malewicz and her team are currently looking at possible projects on the Tanzanian /Kenya border. There will be a building project at a school or orphanage and a safari in the Masai Mara or Serengeti. The expedition should be taking place during the first two weeks of the July 2015 summer holidays. The costs and more information will be available at the start of next term. It is envisaged that the cost will be in the region of £1500 but will be confirmed when the projects are confirmed. Team members will also be expected to take a lead role in fundraising for the projects during next year. This will be an exciting challenge and long awaited as the expedition this year did not take place due to the unstable situation in Nairobi and northern Kenya. Please email Miss Malewicz if you are interested at East Africa Expedition July 2015 It is hoped that Battle Abbey School will be running a major expedition to Kenya/Tanzania next summer. Zofia Malewicz and her team are currently looking at possible projects on the Tanzanian /Kenya border. There will be a building project at a school or orphanage and a safari in the Masai Mara or Serengeti. The expedition should be taking place during the first two weeks of the July 2015 summer holidays. The costs and more information will be available at the start of next term. It is envisaged that the cost will be in the region of £1500 but will be confirmed when the projects are confirmed. Team members will also be expected to take a lead role in fundraising for the projects during next year. This will be an exciting challenge and long awaited as the expedition this year did not take place due to the unstable situation in Nairobi and northern Kenya. Please email Miss Malewicz if you are interested at 2 2 Bat 01 tle hool 1 91 ey Sc -2 b Ab H ist or y 1 0 0 Ye a of rs rs of Ed uca ti o n , 1 0 0 0 a Ye Trip to Elephantom 30th July 2014 Year 11 Graduation 2 2 Bat 01 tle hool 1 91 ey Sc -2 b Ab 30th July 2014 1 0 0 Ye a H ist or y of rs rs of Ed uca ti o n , 1 0 0 0 a Ye Sports Dinner Staff Bowls 2 2 Bat 01 tle hool 1 91 ey Sc -2 b Ab 1 0 0 Ye a H ist or y of rs rs of Ed uca ti o n , 1 0 0 0 a Ye Inter-house Sports 30th July 2014 hool 1 91 ey Sc 01 1 0 0 Ye a or y 2 Bat 2 -2 tle School Magazine Advertising offer! BAS PRE– 30th July 2014 b Ab of H ist of rs rs 26/08/14 (Years 7, 8 & 9) Girls E d 9:00 – 13:00 a uca Ye ti o n , 1 0 0 0 Boys 14:00 – 18:00 27/08/14 (Years 10 & 11) Girls 9:00 – 13:00 Boys 14:00 – 18:00 28/08/14 (Sixth form) Girls 9:00 – 13:00 Boys 14:00 – 18:00 01/09/14 (Fitness all ages) 9:00 – 13:00 PE kit and trainers please Girls will be participating in Hockey and are required to bring the following: • Standard Battle Abbey PE kit • Gum shield • Shin pads • Footwear for use on the astro • Hockey stick • Water bottle Boys will be participating in Football and are required to bring the following: • Standard Battle Abbey PE kit • Shin pads • Football boots / Astros • Water bottle This year we will be selling limited space in our School magazine to parents. An ideal opportunity to advertise your business to other Battle Abbey Parents and beyond for what amounts to a very low rate. The magazine will be full colour and A4 portrait in size and will be available free to all parents, former parents and pupils, prospective parents and a number of local and regional groups including local schools, from September. We will be offering space at the below rates on a strictly first come first served basis. · Quarter page advert - £75 (w-90mm h-133mm portrait) · Half page advert - £110 (w-184mm h-133mm landscape) · Full page advert - £200 (w-184mm x h-271mm portrait) For those who have an art department or print ready artwork that can be modified, art specs are available on application with dimensional data listed above. For those without print ready art the price includes free artwork created by the in-house designer at the School. To utilise the in-house design option you will need to supply any text and images you wish to include in your advert. We will do the rest, submitting revisions by email to you until you’re happy with the result. Only limited space is available so if you are interested please get your booking in early to avoid disappointment. All bookings to be submitted by Friday 24th July. Please email all questions, bookings, text and images to James Dennett on 01/09/14 Swim Training at the pool 10:00am -11:30 am All Senior School swimmers. This is an invite to current club swimmers and to ex-club or former Prep School Bazuka team swimmers. We are entering the County School Relay Championships on Sept 24th. Please come to this preseason training session. Sean Collins, pool Manager will be coaching, this session will be similar to the early morning session. Don’t forget your hat, goggles and water bottle. Dominic’s dip for charity Email for more information and to confirm your attendance.You are also welcome to just turn up! Dominic Harvey (Year 4) at Battle Abbey Prep School, completed a sponsored swim for “Special Kids Bexhill” and raised a fantastic £180. Dominic said,“I love swimming - it is my chosen sport and I am thrilled that by doing something I love I have been able to help this amazing charity”. 2 2 Bat 01 tle hool 1 91 ey Sc -2 b Ab H ist or y 1 0 0 Ye a of rs rs of Ed uca ti o n , 1 0 0 0 a Ye Sports Day 30th July 2014
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