Battle Abbey School
Battle Abbey School
2 2 Bat 01 tle hool 1 91 ey Sc -2 b Ab H ist or y 1 0 0 Ye a of rs rs of Ed uca ti o n , 1 0 0 0 a Ye Battle Abbey School Newsletter: September 11th 2015 Dear Parents Dear Parents, Welcome back to another great year of learning! The start of the school year has been filled with great anticipation and excitement and I have been delighted to see the children returning to School looking so revitalised after their summer break. Can I take this opportunity to welcome all our new children and their families as they join our School community. The Prep School has been alive with chatter as everyone catches up with news of activities from the fun-filled break. Existing friendships have been re-kindled and new ones are developing throughout the School. I would like to extend a warm welcome to all our new parents who have joined this term whilst also welcoming back all our existing families – and I very much hope that you have had a restful and adventurous summer break. On 3rd September, our new Reception children accomplished a key milestone in their lives – their very first day at School! They arrived at their classroom excited and possibly a little nervous; dressed smartly in their brand new uniform prepared for the day ahead. Mrs Geal and Mrs Thompson were there to give them a warm Battle Abbey welcome and before long they were soon learning and playing together. Mr Ball led a very interesting assembly on what it means to be British. This led on to looking at the life of Queen Elizabeth the II as she became the longest reigning monarch in British history. All the children were given a special coin to commemorate this occasion. This week we announced our School Council representatives for this half year. These are hotly contested positions of responsibility as many of the representatives were chosen by their class peers. Congratulations go to:• • • • • • Annabel Lowe – Year 1; Emilia Goldsmith – Year 2; Paige Mockridge – Year 3; Samuel Duckett – Year 4; Imogen Wheatley – Year 5; and Jemima Larkin – Year 6 who were presented with special badges. The children are already speaking to their respective classes as to how we can make our School even better than it already is. On Wednesday our Year 5/6 footballers headed off to the Abbey for their first games of the season; their opposition being Years 7/8. A great afternoon was had by all and the Prep footballers manged to win through good team play aided by goals from Jay Stovell-Davies and Jemima Larkin. It was so lovely to see many of our families at our “Meet and Greet” afternoon yesterday. This gave both new and existing parents the chance to get to know each other over a cup of tea. Staff and members of FOBAS were also on hand to chat to new and established parents alike. The first full week has flown by and the children have all settled really well. It has been lovely watching our Reception Class integrating happily and confidently into our School community and to see the enthusiastic attitude of every child towards School life at the start of this new academic year. Staff have been busy arranging exciting events and activities which will enhance the children’s learning and I know that the children will gain greatly from these inspiring experiences. For everyone at the Prep School there is a wonderful sense of a new beginning and a fresh start and we look forward with great anticipation to another successful year. The senior school has had a busy period over July and August not least the intrepid students who braved the expedition to Kenya – which proved a huge success. Those taking part in Duke of Edinburgh expeditions were equally tested physically and mentally and have benefitted enormously from a series of challenging experiences. Many students also took part in the singing course - brilliantly organised and led by Mrs Coleman and I am indebted to her and to members of the chamber choir who sang at the funeral of our school solicitor at short notice during the holidays. Finally, Mr Dennett and his team oversaw our first ever language summer course for prospective boarders which proved really useful in not just improving the standard of English of those taking part but has helped them no end to settle into the rhythms and routines of life in Battle and at the Abbey. On the staffing front Hazel Sweetman has joined the Maths Department and Rebecca Ingall joins us to teach English. We also have Francesca Grando (Dance) Sarah Morison & Tom Munro (Biology), David Beal (drama) who are here to cover maternity and adoption leave and Emma Wilson has been employed part-time to be our specialist art technician. We are delighted too by the safe arrival of Florence Buckland and proud that Dr. D has been elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry. Student news is dominated by our recent public exam results which were really impressive on so many levels. At the top end we had students achieving 3A* grades at A2 level (which is an extraordinary achievement) whilst also seeing a large number of amazing personal bests secured by students of all abilities. Alas, like most schools around the country, we have fallen victim to inadequacies in the marking procedures but, at least, many re-marks have resulted in improved grades. Overall though, we are immensely proud of what our students have achieved and, once again, very grateful to the dedicated teachers for their on-going support. Outside the academic sphere, our students have won a range of accolades this summer. Both Susan Li and Christie Samms have had work selected for the Pure Arts Exhibition – a prestigious national event in the art calendar. In sport, James Fosbery became the regional time trial cycling champion, William Ashenden is now ranked 3rd in the country in his fencing age category, George Sternberg Allen competed for England in horse-riding at the European Cup in Switzerland, Lars Thorkildsen has been selected to play rugby for the Norway men’s national team against Bulgaria and Freddie Simes has been selected to represent team GB at the sailing world championships in Lankawi, Malaysia. Not to be outdone, our choristers have been asked to perform at both the 900th anniversary concert at St. Mary’s and at the International Composer’s Festival. With best wishes. As you can imagine, all this good news has given us a spring in our steps for the start of term and we are looking ahead with real optimism to the future. Maria Maslin Best wishes. David Clark tel: 01424 772385 email: 2 2 Bat 01 tle hool 1 91 ey Sc -2 b Ab H ist or y 1 0 0 Ye a of rs rs of Ed uca ti o n , 1 0 0 0 a Ye Battle Abbey School Newsletter: September 11th 2015 Nursery News It has been great to welcome everyone back to Nursery after the summer break; the children have settled well and have been busy sharing all their holiday news with us. We also have a number of new families join us and we would like to welcome Alice, Dinah, Henry, Lola, Mason and Shazi to Nursery. Little Squirrels, our parent and toddler group made a return also this week and it was lovely to see some familiar families return and some new families join us. If you know a family with a toddler under two years old please invite them to join us on Monday afternoons between 1.30pm to 3pm. We have been making the most of the beautiful September weather and the children have really enjoyed playing on the school field, practising their ball skills and collecting blackberries and pears for baking activities. We hope this lovely weather continues but please ensure your child still brings in a named change of clothes, waterproof coat and wellington boots so that they can play and learn outside whatever the weather. The Oaks class will be commencing their Forest School sessions on Friday mornings from next week; forest school booklets are being sent out, please speak to a member of staff if you have any questions and ensure that the forest school authority form is returned by next Thursday. We hope that you have spotted our new nursery library shelves in the entrance hall, please borrow a book by signing it out and back in again. The children find it very exciting to borrow nursery books and it’s a great way to support their language development and literacy skills by sharing a book together at home each day if possible. Our nursery vegetable patch survived the summer holidays and the children have enjoyed picking the carrots, washing and cutting them up for snack time alongside the abundance of pears we’re enjoying from the pear trees in our garden. Painting has been a particular favourite activity with the children this week which has included a fun outdoor large scale foot printing session, hand and foot printing indoors, painting the shed with water and pear printing. Our travel agents in the role play area has also been popular and has encouraged the children to share their holiday experiences and bring those into their play such as talking about transport, packing, swimming, making sandcastles and visiting family and friends. Thank you for updating the staff and your child’s learning journey with photographs or news from the summer, the children have enjoyed sharing these with us and it’s great to be able to support bringing these experiences into their play. We wish you all a lovely weekend, Mrs Rapley and the Nursery Team. tel: 01424 772385 email: 2 2 Bat 01 tle hool 1 91 ey Sc -2 b Ab H ist or y 1 0 0 Ye a of rs rs of Ed uca ti o n , 1 0 0 0 a Ye Battle Abbey School Newsletter: September 11th 2015 Jemima stars at Glyndebourne On 9th August Jemima Newman (Year 4) took a staring role in Glyndebournes opera ‘The Rape of Lucretia’ with Jemima playing Lucretia’s daughter. In addition to the live performance the opera is live streamed to the Kino cinema Hawkhurst among others. It is a very small cast and being directed by Fiona Shaw (the actress who played Harry Potter’s aunt) and Jemima has found it equally exciting and exhausting! A star in the making! School Snapshot Headmaster David Clark addresses new Battle Abbey Senior School parents at the New Pupil’s Tea Party. Dr Eric Demoncheaux elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry. Dr Demoncheaux’s work helped Battle Abbey School’s receive the highly sought after eMature accreditation in 2012 through Liverpool John Moore’s University by pioneering the integrated use of digital technologies and developing teaching resources. These new approaches, which enhance engagement and learning using ICT, are routinely used by teachers from the Nursery, Prep-School and Senior School making Battle Abbey School one of the best in the UK. They allowed him to create successful partnerships between industry and academia as Head of Science at Battle Abbey School and Professor of Chemistry at Bader International Study Centre (Herstmonceux Castle) and Queen’s University (Canada). In electing him to a Fellowship, the Royal Society of Chemistry noted that his work is revealing new paradigms in Science Learning and Teaching. Dr Demoncheaux said “The real praise belongs to students, post-docs, technicians, and teachers who have worked with me over the past twenty years; I thank them. “As a French and a European, I note that Battle Abbey School was an undertaking founded by French and English people that has for more than 900 years united people to pursue a shared interest. My career has relied on working with and teaching people from across the UK, Europe and the world. Science has no nationality, no borders and is a collective enterprise; things that I greatly value. tel: 01424 772385 email: 2 2 Bat 01 tle hool 1 91 ey Sc -2 b Ab H ist or y 1 0 0 Ye a of rs rs of Ed uca ti o n , 1 0 0 0 a Ye Battle Abbey School Newsletter: September 11th 2015 Pure Arts Former Pupil Update Some pictures of the Textiles pieces which were selected for the for the Pure Arts fair due to take place in September 2015. Show coordinator Lesley Samms was very impressed with all the School’s Textiles and chose three pieces for the highly attended annual exhibition made up of talented professional artists from around Sussex. Former pupil and artist Amanda Chalmers (Left 2003) had a double lung transplant in September 2013, since when she has made the most of her new found strength and ability to move freely, as well as breathe easily! Mrs Townshend said; ‘It is wonderful to get three Textiles pieces into the show and considered as ‘Fine Art Textiles’ showing that in a Spiritual and moral sense Textiles art can be just as valid and insightful as a painting or a sculpture.’ Amanda ran and completed the Brighton marathon last year, and is now about to embark on an expedition to Ecuador with 12 other transplantees, to climb Mt Cotopaxi, to increase transplant awareness as well as raise funds for organ support machines which should make transplants more easily available for others. The pieces that were selected were: ‘Faces and Facades’ a screen printed and hand stitched piece by Mandy Chau, ‘The Seven Deadly Sins’ hand-printed, digitally printed and machine embroidered cushions by Alice Stephenson and finally ‘Ancestry’, also by Alice Stephenson, which uses embellished wools and screen printing to depict Alice’s family tree. For those who get to the top of Mt Cotopaxi, it would also be the highest that transplanted lungs have ever reached (it is higher than Mt Kilimanjiro), This is of course also to honour the donors of their lungs and hearts, and in the hope this will encourage others to register as donors. Amanda’s giving site is What an inspiration. UPDATE! Amanda got to 5350m high before they had to turn back, but definitely set a record for the highest that female transplanted lungs have ever reached! Lars makes Leap to Nationals Lars Thorkildsen (Year 13) has been invited to join the squad to play for Norway XV 1st team in the European Cup against Bulgaria on the 3rd October. This will be his 1st team debut, and a great honour to represent Norway. It’s also a great honour for BAS to have a pupil receive their first senior international cap. Well done Lars. tel: 01424 772385 email: 2 2 Bat 01 tle hool 1 91 ey Sc -2 b Ab H ist or y 1 0 0 Ye a of rs rs of Ed uca ti o n , 1 0 0 0 a Ye Battle Abbey School Newsletter: September 11th 2015 Art student’s success The Art Department is pleased to announce that Susan Li and Christie Samms have been selected for the final of the prestigious Pure Arts Competition. The competition is open to all artists including experienced professional artists, so our Battle Abbey School Art students are extremely honoured to be able to display their work at the Powder Mills exhibition. The exhibition is open on 24th October to 1st November from 11am to 6pm. The Pure Arts Group is a PR and marketing agency internationally renowned for discovering, mentoring and supporting talent in contemporary Art. Christie is studying for a Degree in Business Management at Oxford Brookes University. She attained an A level in Photography and Textiles last year under the tutorage of Dr Green and Mrs Townshend. Christie intends to continue exploring and developing her practice over the coming years alongside her business studies. Susan is currently studying for a Degree in Architecture at Edinburgh. Susan attained an A Level in Fine Art with Mrs Stewart. Her highly accomplished work has been much admired. Why not visit the exhibition to see our student’s work you may even decide to purchase of piece of artwork to take home? tel: 01424 772385 email: 2 2 Bat 01 tle hool 1 91 ey Sc -2 b Ab H ist or y 1 0 0 Ye a of rs rs of Ed uca ti o n , 1 0 0 0 a Ye Battle Abbey School Newsletter: September 11th 2015 Page 4 Speech Day! School Snapshot Ben Pearson sits on the Fleur Hughes Memorial Bench. Ben spearheaded the fund raising for the bench which now sits on the Top Terrace. Sedlescombe Rangers FC U12 Blues Tournament Success Battle Abbey School sponsored Sedlescombe Rangers FC U12 Blues, (featuring BAS pupils Alfie Walker) won their own tournament for the 2nd year running when they beat Glenco 1-0 in the final. The boys didn’t lose a game and only conceded 1 goal from the 7 group games, semi-final and final. Pictured with Team Manager Scott Lavocah and Assist Manager Allan Monk are Jacob Hart, Alfie Walker, William Bedford, Jonty Lavocah (C), Daniel-Che Tyler, Baxter Orchard, who scored the winning goal in the final and Harvey Monk. The team also won the Sportsmanship Award for their age group. tel: 01424 772385 email: 2 2 Bat 01 tle hool 1 91 ey Sc -2 b Ab H ist or y 1 0 0 Ye a of rs rs of Ed uca ti o n , 1 0 0 0 a Ye Battle Abbey School Newsletter: September 11th 2015 George top of the class in European Competition It’s been a busy Summer for Battle Abbey equestrian star George Sternberg Allen. After the FEI event in Switzerland, George went on to compete in Paris at the Reining Horse European Affiliate Championships. For this competition you have to qualify in the previous year and be in the top 10 of your category in your country. George had qualified in the ‘13 years and under’ last year and also in the ‘14yrs-18years’ after his birthday last September. It was a very strong field from 9 different nations and George rode well, being the highest placed British rider in the ‘13yrs and under’ classes. In the ‘14yrs through 18yrs’ class he had to be content with a place in the top 15, being the youngest rider in the class with the least experience! School Snapshot Sacha Highland (now Year 8) appearing in “Macbeth” over the summer holidays, in which he played the son of Macduff (murdered onstage) and three other parts. A short three days later and George was back in the saddle for the Garden of England International show! Once again George held his own in the Junior classes with some good runs but ended the competition with a flourish, winning the “Rookie” class. This is a class open to all ages and George was the only young rider competing, so was thrilled to win the class against some good adult riders. This will help him qualify for this division at the 2016 Affiliate Championships to be held in Poland. George has been a great ambassador for Battle Abbey, behaving in a mature and sportsmanlike way, despite being very nervous and we are very proud of him. Next show is the British Reining National Championships to be held on October 3/4th. Watch this space! Greek Summer School and Conference At the end of the summer term, Mrs Rapley and Mrs Richardson from the Nursery alongside Dr Demoncheux, Head of Science from the Senior School, were honoured to be invited to an European Union international conference being held in Athens in recognition of our focus in working with ICT throughout our whole school. We met teachers and professionals from most countries within Europe, sharing best practice ideas, experiences and attending training together as part of the Open Discovery Space Summer School. In our brief spare time we enjoyed beautiful sunset tours of the Acropolis and the Temple of Poseidon. It was a worthwhile conference and our collaborations with the EU partners in this project are continuing this year. tel: 01424 772385 email: 2 2 Bat 01 tle hool 1 91 ey Sc -2 b Ab H ist or y 1 0 0 Ye a of rs rs of Ed uca ti o n , 1 0 0 0 a Ye Battle Abbey School Newsletter: September 11th 2015 Textiles of the week Kate Riches (Year 12) has made a big effort to visit both the Towner Art Gallery in Eastbourne and the Bridget Riley exhibition at the De La Warr in Bexhill over the Summer, and this is the work she did as a result of her visits. This shows true motivation and the ability to be pro-active in keeping her creativity going in the holidays. School Snapshot School Snapshot Boarders relax in Matron’s sit. There’s already a real family feel about the Boarding House this year. Motivational talk to Battle Abbey Sixth Form pupils by multi-marathon runner Kevin Betts. tel: 01424 772385 email: 2 2 Bat 01 tle hool 1 91 ey Sc -2 b Ab H ist or y 1 0 0 Ye a of rs rs of Ed uca ti o n , 1 0 0 0 a Ye Battle Abbey School Newsletter: September 11th 2015 William third in Country! William began fencing for the Tongswood Fencing Club at Saint Ronan’s School in Hawkhurst and has been fencing seriously since the beginning of Year 6. He competes all over the country in the Leon Paul Junior Series which is the best way to start fencing competitively. During the summer holidays he won a bronze medal at the Leon Paul International Competition in London and a silver medal at the Leon Paul North West Sabre in Oldham near Manchester. Following his success he is now ranked joint third in the country in his age-group (Under 13 boys). He is also the reigning South East Champion having won the gold medal at the South East Qualifiers for the British Youth Championships (BYCs) last term. William fought extremely well at the BYCs in Sheffield where he came in the top third in his age-group. Having left his prep school William is now competing for the Malling MX Fencing Club. tel: 01424 772385 email: 2 2 Bat 01 tle hool 1 91 ey Sc -2 b Ab H ist or y 1 0 0 Ye a of rs rs of Ed uca ti o n , 1 0 0 0 a Ye Battle Abbey School Newsletter: September 11th 2015 Simes on way to Malaysia Article taken from Bexhill Observer (Johnson media Group) A talented teenage sailor from St Leonards has been selected to represent Great Britain on the International Stage. Freddie Simes has been picked to compete in the prestigious 2015 ISAF Youth sailing World Championships in Malaysia during December. Simes, 15, won the boys 29er two person high performance dinghy class with 17 year old sailing partner George Tardrew from Uckfield at the RYA ISAF Youth World Selection Event over the Bank Holiday weekend. With just one selection spot available for each class, the battle for the boys 29er came down to the wire at Hayling Island SC before Tardrew and Simes sealed their selection for what will be their third international event as a team. Simes said ‘We just went out to do our best, we forgot about the pressure from all the other competitors. We tried our hardest and came out on top so I’m really happy; The 2015 ISAF Youth Sailing World Championships will be held in Langkawi from December 27 until January 3rd and, open to competitors aged 19 and under, the event brings together the best youth sailors from across the World. The event is a prove talent indicator with past British ISAF Youth Worlds winners including multiple Olympic champions Sir Ben Ainslie and Iain Percy. Early success for young candidates The following talented young BAS pupils were put forward to take some chosen GCSE subjects a year early, and they did not disappoint! Katie Gibbs (A* German & A* Latin with 100%) Roxanne Greenwood (A* German and A* Latin) Oscar Godfrey (A French) In addition Charlie Heal was put forward to take his ICT two years early! Again achieving quite a superb result! Charlie Heal - GCSE ICT - A* - 93% overall A fantastic achievement. As part of our ethos of individual attention to the pupil BAS will always try to push pupils when they feel they are ready to take on a challenge. School Snapshot The biologists went on a field trip today with Mr Bishop to Dungeness. tel: 01424 772385 email: 2 2 Bat 01 tle hool 1 91 ey Sc -2 b Ab H ist or y 1 0 0 Ye a of rs rs of Ed uca ti o n , 1 0 0 0 a Ye Battle Abbey School Newsletter: September 11th 2015 New Reception Class at the Prep School! Welcome to the Battle Abbey Family! MINIBUS UPDATE We are now transporting just over 130 pupils each morning and almost 120 each evening on our minibus service. Please find attached details of the routes – some of the times and pick up / drop off points have been tweaked slightly and the new timetable will come into effect on 14th September. . Many of the routes are full to capacity but if you would like your child to use a minibus, please contact Sue Bonell at for information. Please note that priority is given as follows: • Pupils who use the service 5 days per week, morning and evening • Pupils who use the service 5 days per week, mornings or evenings only • Pupils who use the service less than 5 days per week • Pupils who travel the furthest distance Charge have not been increased this year and the minibus service continues to be heavily subsidised by the School. Current charges are as follows: • Trips of 15 miles or more - £220 per term (ie £4 per trip) • Trips of 10 – 14.9 miles - £160 per term (ie £2.91 per trip) • Trips of less than 10 miles - £100 per term (ie £1.82 per trip) • First sibling charge - £75 per term • 2nd and subsequent sibling charge - £50 per term • Ad hoc minibus charge - £5 per trip Minibus charges will be raised termly in arrears so if your child uses the minibus in the Autumn Term, you will be charged on the bill sent to you in December. It would be very much appreciated if you could encourage your child to be on time for the morning pick up so that the services can run to schedule. Furthermore, please notify the driver directly if your child will not be using the service for any reason; contact details are available from the Prep School and Senior School offices if you have not got the driver’s contact number. Drivers for each route are shown below: • Beckley – Edward Shorttle • Bexhill morning – Stephen Edmans • Bexhill evenings – Mick Hooper • Cranbrook – Colin Pendrey • Eastbourne – Mark Butler • Hailsham – Peter Unden • Hastings – Ali Nanji • Intra service – Ian Molnar • Tunbridge Wells – Taxi service (contact Sue Bonell – 01424 776813) • Uckfield – Adi Bourne Finally, if you have any suggestions on how to improve the minibus service, or if you would be interested in ‘car sharing’ for the morning or evening runs, please contact Sue Bonell. tel: 01424 772385 email: 2 01 Battle Abbey School BATTLE ABBEY SCHOOL MINIBUS ROUTES 2 Bat H ist or y 1 0 0 Ye a of rs Beckley - morning bus of Ed rs tle hool 1 91 ey Sc -2 b Ab Pick up Beckley - evening bus Newsletter: September 11th 2015 7:20 Prep School e aHotel, Peasmarsh Ash uFlackley ca 0Y ti o n , 1 0 0 Drop off 17:30 Hobbs Lane bus stop, Beckley 7:25 Senior School 18:00 Ilex Farm, Beckley 7:28 Marley Lane 18:08 Whitebread Lane, Beckley 7:30 Post Office, Seddlescombe 18:15 High Meadow and A28 junction, Northiam 7:35 Londis on A28, Westfield 18:20 Red Lion Pub, Brede 7:44 Red Lion Pub, Brede 18:25 Londis on A28, Westfield 7:50 High Meadow and A28 junction, Northiam 18:30 Post Office, Seddlescombe 7:55 Whitebread Lane, Beckley 18:35 Marley Lane 8:00 Ilex Farm, Beckley 18:37 Senior School 8:10 Hobbs Lane bus stop, Beckley 18:38 Prep School 8:30 Flackley Ash Hotel, Peasmarsh 18:45 Bexhill - morning bus Pick up Bexhill - evening bus Drop off De La Warr Pavillion, Bexhill 7:30 Senior School 18:00 Egerton Road 7:33 Texaco Garage, Ninfield 18:10 Brockley Road, Bexhill 7:35 Turkey Road and Southlands Road bus stop 18:15 Cooden Railway Station 7:40 Cowdray Park and Peartree Lane junction 18:20 B2182 and Popps Lane 7:43 B2182 and Popps Lane 18:25 Cowdray Park and Peartree Lane junction 7:48 Cooden Railway Station 18:27 Turkey Road and Southlands Road bus stop 7:53 Brockley Road, Bexhill 18:32 Texaco Garage, Ninfield 8:03 Egerton Road 18:34 Senior School 8:15 De La Warr Pavillion, Bexhill 18:37 Cranbrook - morning bus Pick up Cranbrook - evening bus Drop off Cranbrook Road, Goudhurst 7:10 Senior School 18:00 High St and A229 bus stop, Cranbrook 7:20 Vinehall School 18:10 The Moat, Cranbrook Road 7:30 Back Road, Sandhurst 18:30 The Swan Pub, Sandhurst 7:38 The Swan Pub, Sandhurst 18:35 Back Road, Sandhurst 7:40 High St and A229 bus stop, Cranbrook 18:50 Castle Inn, Bodiam 7:47 Cranbrook Road, Goudhurst 19:00 Vinehall School 8:00 Senior School 8:10 Eastbourne - morning bus Pick up Eastbourne - evening bus Drop off Cranborne Avenue, Eastbourne 7:15 Senior School 18:00 Waitrose, Old Town, Eastbourne 7:20 White Hart, Catsfield 18:10 Asda waterfront car park, Eastbourne 7:35 King’s Arms, Ninfield 18:12 Castle Inn, Pevensey Bay 7:40 Red Lion Pub, Hooe 18:17 Pevensey High Street Triangle 7:48 Olive’s Farm, Hooe 18:20 Olive’s Farm, Hooe 7:55 Pevensey High Street Triangle 18:30 Red Lion Pub, Hooe 8:00 Castle Inn, Pevensey Bay 18:35 King’s Arms, Ninfield 8:05 Asda waterfront car park, Eastbourne 18:40 White Hart, Catsfield 8:10 Waitrose, Old Town, Eastbourne 18:55 Senior School 8:20 Cranborne Avenue, Eastbourne 19:00 tel: 01424 772385 email: 2 01 Battle Abbey School BATTLE ABBEY SCHOOL MINIBUS ROUTES 2 Bat H ist or y 1 0 0 Ye a of rs Hailsham - morning bus of Ed rs tle hool 1 91 ey Sc -2 b Ab Pick up Hailsham - evening bus Newsletter: September 11th 2015 7:25 Senior School ea Road, Eastbourne uSelmeston ca 0Y ti o n , 1 0 0 Drop off 18:00 Tescos, Hailsham 7:45 Horeshoe Inn, Herstmonceaux 18:15 Horeshoe Inn, Herstmonceaux 7:55 Tescos, Hailsham 18:25 King’s Arms, Ninfield 8:05 Selmeston Road, Eastbourne 18:40 Prep School 8:25 Hastings - morning bus Pick up Hastings - evening bus Drop off Tic Toc hairdressers, Pett 7:10 Senior School 18:00 Shah Pub, Mount Pleasant Road 7:25 Beachy Head View Roundabout 18:10 Hastings FC, Elphinstone Road 7:35 Baldslow Down and Westfield Lane 18:12 Cornwallis Gardens 7:43 St Matthews Gardens and Springfield Road 18:15 St Matthews Gardens and Springfield Road 7:53 Shah Pub, Mount Pleasant Road 18:25 Baldslow Down and Westfield Lane 8:00 Tic Toc hairdressers, Pett 18:35 Senior School 8.10 Tonbridge Wells - morning bus Pick up Tonbridge Wells - evening bus Drop off Sutherland Road 7:15 Senior School 18:00 Apple Green Petrol Station, Wadhurst 7:35 The Bear Inn, High Street, Burwash 18:15 The Besr Inn, High Street, Burwash 7:55 Apple Green Petrol Station, Wadhurst 18:30 Senior School 8:15 Sutherland Road 18:50 Uckfield - morning bus Pick up Uckfield - evening bus Drop off Framfield Road, Uckfield 7:05 Senior School 18:00 Tinkers Lane, Hadlow Down 7:17 The Swan Dallington 18:10 New Inn Pub 7:20 Three Cups, Punnetts Town 18:15 Village Hall car park, Cross in Hand 7:25 Beehive, Heathfield 18:20 High Street, Heathfield 7:30 Village Hall car park, Cross in Hand 18:35 Heathfield Community College 7:35 Tinkers Lane, Hadlow Down 18:37 Three Cups, Punnetts Town 7:42 Framfield Road, Uckfield 18:50 The Swan Dallington 7:45 Senior School 8:00 Battle Railway Station 8:10 Senior School 8:15 Intra Service Pick up Intra Service Drop off Prep School 7.30 Prep School 16:20 Senior School 8.00 Senior School 16:50 Prep School 8.30 Prep School 17:20 Senior School 18:00 Prep School 18:25 PLEASE CONTACT THE BURSAR (SUE BONELL) ON 01424 776813 OR VIA EMAIL AT bursar@battleabbeyschool. com IF YOU HAVE ANY QUERIES ABOUT THE MINIBUS ROUTES tel: 01424 772385 email:
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