Concordia Nachrichten 2016-05 web
Concordia Nachrichten 2016-05 web
Nr. 543 Mai 2016 87 1 Nachrichten 142 JAHRE 142 YEARS 3 - 2015 ISSN 0384-952X Concordia Club, 429 Ottawa St. S., Kitchener, Ontario, Canada N2M 3P6 / Tel. (519) 745-5617, Fax 745-5141 Internet: or for e-mail: Stephanie Kauntz Miss Concordia 2016 CONCORDIA IM MAI - JUNI 2016 Klub Vorschau/Club Events Concordia in May 1st Main Hall Choir Spring Concert - 7:00p.m. 3rd Office Members Oktoberfest Ticket Sale Doors at 6:00p.m. & Ticket Sales at 7:00p.m. 7th Spring Clean up 8:00a.m. 7th Schenke Graham & Bowie 8th Main Hall Mother’s Day Buffet 12:00-2:00p.m. and 5:00-7:00p.m. 14th Schenke DJ Novak 14th Main Hall Fruehlingsfest 8:00p.m. 21st Schenke Edelweiss Duo 23rd Victoria Day – Club Closed 27th Schenke Deutscher Bierabend 28th Schenke DJ Novak Concordia in June 4th Schenke 7th Patio 10th Patio 11th 12th 16th 18th 19th 21st 25th Schenke Schenke Schenke Schenke Farm Schenke Schenke Edelweiss Duo Patio Opening – 5:00p.m. Summer Cruise Night & Live Entertainment – D & D 8:00p.m. DJ Novak Euro Cup – Germany vs. Ukraine 3:00p.m. Euro Cup – Germany vs. Poland 3:00p.m. TC Alpine Echos Father's Day Picnic Euro Cup – Germany vs. N. Ireland – 12:00Noon DJ Novak Office Telephone Extensions & Info Line Front Office Membership Banquet Inquiries Manager Payroll Accounting 101 101 101 102 103 104 Group Events SUNDAY Halle MONDAY Halle Jaegerstube 1.00–5.00 Ballroom Dancing 7.00–8.30 8.30–10.00 6.00–7.00 7.00–8.00 Gemischter Chor Männerchor Kinderchor Jugendchor TUESDAY Halle 6.00–8.00 Kinder & Junior Garde, Senioren Garde Jaegerstube 8.00–10.00 Narrenzunft Schenke 7.30–10.00 Skat-Gruppe Beach Volleyball Evening from May to August WEDNESDAY Halle 6.00–10.00 Enzian Group Jaegerstube 3.00–5.30 Senioren Gruppe (1st Wed. of month) Jaegerstube 7.00 pm Ladies Group (1. Wednesday of month) Weinstube 19.00 Tennisgruppe (Jeden 2. Mittwoch im Monat) Weinstube 7.00 pm Tennisgruppe (2nd Wed. of month) THURSDAY Halle 8.00–10.00 Table Tennis Group Jaegerstube 7.00–1.00 Schach/Chess Eisstock 7.00–10.00 Eisstock-Gruppe Schenke 9.00 Fussball/Soccer FRIDAY Victoria Bowl 6.30 Bowlers Jaegerstube 8.00 “Treffpunkt” (2nd Friday of month) Reservations 105 General Inquiries 105 Ticket Sales 105 Portier/Doorman 106 You can call the extensions or announcements by using any touch tone telephone. 2 Bericht des Präsidenten Während ich diesen Bericht schreibe, frage ich mich, was hat uns der “Groundhog” vorausgesagt? Statt Fruehlingsblumen brachte der April Eis, Schnee und Regen! Ich möchte allen Mitgliedern und Gaesten danken, die den Präsidentenball mit ihrer Anwesenheit unterstützt haben, so auch den Vorstand. Danke an das Vergnügungskomitee für die wunderbare Dekoration. Diese Eleganz und Stil zeigt unseren Klub über 142 Jahre mit Kultur und Herkunft. 3 Danke an das gesamte Personal, für das exellente Dinner und Service! Ich möchte auch den Gardemädchen der Narrenzunft, sowie der Black Forest Band danken, für die Unterhaltung an diesem Abend. Janice und ich hatten einen wunderschönen Abend beim Bockbierfest der Frauengruppe. Danke an Mary für die Einladung, einen Abend mit Tradition, Herkunft und Kultur. An diesem Abend wurde auch Miss Concordia 2016 gekrönt! Doch zuerst Danke an die Bewerberinnen für diese Position! Gratulation an Stephanie Kauntz, Miss Concordia 2016! Janice und ich freuen uns auf das bevorstehende Jahr um mit der nächsten Generation zusammen zu sein! Danke an Megan Kerr, Miss Concordia 2015, Du hast den Concordia Klub bei vielen Veranstaltungen vertreten und den Klub bestens repräsentiert. Wir wünschen Dir für deine Zukunft als Lehrerin viel Erfolg! Bekannt für gutes Essen - das beweist der ausverkaufte Sonntags Brunch der letzten Monate. Auch der Osterbrunch und das Dinner waren voll ausverkauft! Und für Muttertag sind die Reservierungen auch schon vorgenommen. Eine gegenseitige Unterstützung ist notwendig um weitere 142 Jahre den Concordia Klub mit Tradition und Kultur zu erhalten. Größere Reparaturen sind für dieses Jahr nicht vorgesehen, doch immer wieder ist am Gebaeude oder Inventar etwas zu erneuern. Der Vorstand ist mit Arbeiten für Oktoberfest und Farm beschäftigt. Janice und ich sind schon ganz aufgeregt, da wir bei der Chorreise dabei sein werden! Wir freuen uns auf 2 Wochen mit Klubmitgliedern und Gästen. Bitte notieren Sie: 7. Mai Klubreinigung Start 8:00 Uhr 14.Mai Frühlingsfest in der Halle 20:00 Uhr 4. Juni Fussballtournament auf der Farm 7. Juni Patio Eroeffnung 10. Juni 1. “Cruise Night” und Patioparty mit Dave und Dean Ich hoffe Sie alle zu sehen Ihr Praesident Rob Kerr President’s Report As I sit here and write this report I am wondering if we are ever going to see that spring that the groundhog has promised us. It is usually April showers that bring May flower’s, so now my questions is what do April flurries bring? I would like to thank all the members and guests that attended the President’s ball this year, your support for the new board and myself is appreciated. I would like to thank my entertainment committee for all the behind the scenes work that went into this evening as well as for choosing the Victorian lace theme. This tied in well with the Concordia clubs beliefs as we are a club that has been around for over 142 years and we still hold our heritage and culture in the highest esteem. The elegance of the lace is reflected in the way that we carry ourselves when entertaining guests at our club. Thank you to the staff for the excellent meal and service that they provided for our showcase event. I would also like to extend a thank you to the Mardi Gras dancers, the choir and the Black Forest band for the entertainment that was provided for the evening. Janice and I had a wonderful evening at Bockbierfest, courtesy of the ladies group. Thank you to Mary and the ladies group for the invitation to join them as well as for organizing and holding an event that shows our dedication to our traditions, heritage and culture. In conjunction with the Bockbierfest festivities we celebrated the crowning of our new Miss. Thank you to the three participants that ran for the title of Miss Concordia 2016. I encourage all the young ladies of our club to run for this position as it is a great way to expand your horizons, knowledge and love of the German community. Congratulations to Stephanie Kauntz for being crowned Miss Concordia 2016. Janice and I look forward to you attending many events in the upcoming year with us. We also look forward to getting to know you better as we have with 2 other outstanding young women. It is great to work with the next generation of leaders in our German community. I know that you will be a great ambassador for the Concordia club following in the footsteps of your predecessors. Thank you Megan Kerr, Miss Concordia 2015, for your representation of the club at many events. You always carried yourself in a pro- 4 fessional manner and could always be counted on to promote our club at any event that you attended. Good luck in your career as a teacher and may some of the interactions and friendships that you have made in the past year help guide you through life. The word is spreading about how good our food is here at the club. The Sunday buffets have been full for the past few months, we had sell outs for the Easter buffet sittings and are well on our way to having sell out for Mother’s Day. The public are realizing what a diamond in the rough we have here. I ask that we as members embrace and support this club in the way that the general public does. In order for us to remain sustainable and realize another 142 years in this community we must all support each other and the events that we host here at the club. There are no big repairs that we need to undertake this year but will be doing many small projects to enhance the esthetics of our 5 grounds and buildings. The board is also working on the farm and preparing for Oktoberfest. Janice and I are getting excited as the choir trip to Germany is drawing closer. We look forward to all the events that are planned and spending 2 weeks with a great bunch of people in a country that is near and dear to many. There are many events planned for the Concordia club in the next few months and I hope to see many of you at: - Club clean-up on May 7 starting at 8 a.m. - Fruehlingsfest May 14 in the hall at 8 p.m. - Soccer tournament at the farm on June 4 - Patio opening on June 7 - and our first cruise night (5 p.m. start) and patio party (starting at 8) featuring Dave and Dean on June 10. Your president, Rob Kerr From the Manager’s Desk ommended for this special menu so please mention it when you call to reserve. Patio Opening Party Members Oktoberfest Ticket Sales Just a reminder that the members Oktoberfest ticket sale is on Tuesday, May 3rd with waiting numbers being handed out at 6:00p.m. and the ticket sale will be begin at 7:00p.m. Spring is here! It is time to celebrate the beginning of summer with our annual Patio Party on Tuesday, June 7th starting at 5:00p.m. Live entertainment and beer sampling as well as some tasty treats from the BBQ! We have been lucky the last few years with great weather so keep your fingers crossed that we will be as fortunate this year. Mother’s Day Summer Friday Night Fun We will be offering our Mother’s Day Dinner buffet starting at 5:00p.m. Please call for reservations as the noon seating has been sold out for a month already! We have a busy summer planned! Here are some of the highlights: Deutscher Bierabend Join us in the Schenke on Friday, May 27th at 8:00pm for a night of German beer tasting and food pairing. We will have a group of beer connoisseurs on hand to teach us about the different beers and Chef Andreas will be preparing samplings that are best paired with them! Bring your friends for a night of good food, cold beer and I am sure a few good laughs. Call the office to reserve your spot. White Asparagus Special Another sign that Spring is here! As I am writing this report there is still snow on the ground but hopefully by the beginning of June it will be gone. Be sure to check the showcase at the front desk once we have the dates confirmed. Check our website calendar as well. Reservations are definitely rec- We will be hosting four Summer Cruise Nights and Live Entertainment on the Patio! The dates are June 10th, July 22nd, August 19th and September 9th! Euro Cup Action in the Schenke Come cheer on Germany! The Schenke will be open for the Germany games: Sunday June 12th at 3:00pm Thursday, June 16th at 3:00pm Tuesday, June 21st at 12:00noon I look forward to seeing many of you at some of these events. Until then, Ruth Rajna, Manager Contact: Mike Doersam, 519-622-7777 | 1-800-294-0656 | 1425 Bishop St., Cambridge 6 7 Volleyball Group Hello fellow club members We are the brand new Concordia Club Volleyball group. The group was formed in mid-February of 2016. With our members we held an election. The executives include: Hans-Peter Malthaner President Amina Suljovic Vice President Jyoti Nagpal Treasurer Julie Schmidt Secretary/media coordinator/ registration We would like to thank the board of directors for the vote of confidence in securing the funds to build the sand courts. The goal of the volleyball group is to provide a sustainable stream of new members and keep current young and seasoned members active in the Concordia Club. In the next couple of weeks you will see some activity in the “old tennis courts”. The post holes will be dug out and the sand framed in. Sounds simple, yes? If you feel you have extra time on your hands feel free to join us. Our first league game will be on May 24, 2016. The more people the better. If you have any questions call Julie or All current members of the Concordia Club are only 10 dollars. For new members check out the flyer in this edition. BUMP IT ! SPIKE IT ! PROSIT! Grüsse! The Volleyball Group Barristers & Solicitors, Notaries Public Suite 604, 30 Duke Street, W. Kitchener, Ontario N2H 3W5 Tel: 578-8010 Fax: 578-9395 e-mail: M.M.President’s Walters, Q.C. (1921-1997) Report Adolf Gubler, M.A., LL.B. Areas of Practice Include: Powers of Attorney Wills and Trusts Estate Planning and Administration Real Estate and Mortgages Corporate Law Business and Commercial Law Weekend and Evening Appointments Available English and German Spoken 8 9 Concordia Bowlers HAPPY SPRING EVERYONE! By the time you read this report, we will have had our Play-Offs. I will report the results in the next bulletin. Our closing banquet takes place at the club on Friday, May 6th at 5:30p.m. For our year end trip, the bowlers are heading to Toronto. We will be visiting The Cheese Boutique followed by brunch at The Hot House and finishing the day with the Cirque du Soleil performance, Luzia. The trip takes place Sunday, July 31st. Finally, best wishes go out to our bowlers who are celebrating a birthday this month. Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag: May/Mai 12. Karin Gaysek 16. Carol Bergen 21. Helga Engel Until next time, Monica Kauck CONCORDIA KEGLER Als ich diesen Bericht schreibe, stehen die Play-Offs noch vor uns. Die Ergebnisse werden im nächsten Bericht bekanntgegeben. Unser Abschlussbankett findet am Freitag, den 6. Mai um 5 Uhr 30 im Klub statt. Am 31. Juli machen wir einen Ausflug nach Toronto. Zuerst besuchen wir The Cheese Boutique. Dann haben wir Brunch im Hot House und Cirque du Soleil folgt danach. Bis zum nächsten Mal, Monica Kauck Seniorengruppe Wo bleibt der Frühling? Aber trotzdem hatten wir unser Treffen am 6. April in der Schenke. Mit Humaor bei Kaffee und Kuchen verbrachten wir einen schönen Nachmittag. Was jung ist will jung sein, Das is so der Brauch. Als wir jung waren, wollten wir’s auch. Unser nächstes Treffen findet am 4. Mai wie immer um 14:30 Uhr in der Jägerstube statt. Bis dahin in alter Frische, Rotrud Schaar 10 11 Treffpunkt It’s that time of year again when the Treffpunkt’s annual Frühlingsfest spring dance kicks off on May 14th in the main hall! Come out and join us as we celebrate spring with The Seven Castles playing your favourite music to dance to! Like last year there will be a silent auction with lots of great items to choose from. Doors open at 8pm. Tickets are $15 each or $25 a pair. A mystery tour is being secretly organized by Diane Hatchwell for April 16,2016. I will have more details to follow in my next report. This event is always a fun and exciting time with our friends! Often at our monthly meetings some Treffpunkt members enjoy dinner in the Jaegerstube before the meeting. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the wonderful staff who provide us with a delicious meal at the club! Many in our group came out for President’s Ball held on March 19, 2016. Down South Vacation ORIENTATION Wednesday, May 25, 2016 We have not confirmed the destination at the time of writing this report. Please watch for a flyer in the show case near the Schenke or call Mike Doersam. This will be our 20th year for our group to fly south. Goligers Travel Michael Doersam Ph. 519-622-7777 As always this event is a highlight for our club and we look forward to seeing everyone dressed looking their best! Bockbierfest was held April 9 in the main hall as we celebrated the crowning of Miss Concordia 2016. Each year the Treffpunkt gives a donation to the new Miss Concordia. This tradition continues to be something we honour. As always we continue to donate blood. If you can donate, please do. Our partners in life number is CONC010846. Till next time, Andrea Schilha 14 Skat-Group Dear Friends Spring will come, be sure of it. We will have played the Tony Dissler Pokal by the time you read this. Our group enjoyed their traditional Easter Brunch on April 10th, we want to thank Concordia Kitchen and Restaurant Staff for their hard work and for making this very enjoyable for us. I am very happy to announce our newest member Nancy Kessler. Herzlich willkommen und Gut Blatt The Skat Group plays every Tuesday starting 7:15 in the Schenke. Stop by or contact me if you are interested to join our fun group Gut Blatt - Marcus Kallweit, Secretary SKAT GRUPPE Hallo Freunde Fruehling wird kommen, verlasst euch drauf! Wenn ihr dies lest, haben wir schon um unseren Tony Dissler Pokal gespielt. Unsere Gruppe hat sich am 10. April zu ihrem traditionaellen Oster Brunch getroffen. Wir hatten wie so oft einen leckeres Essen und wir alle moechten der Kueche und der Schenke fuer ihre harte Arbeit danken. Wir freuen uns Nancy Kessler als neuestes Skat Mitglied begruessen zu duerfen. Herzlich willkommen und Gut Blatt Die Skat Gruppe trifft sich jeden Dienstag um 7:15 Uhr in der Schenke. Kommt doch einfach mal vorbei oder kontaktiert mich wenn ihr Interesse habt unserer lustigen Runde beizutreten. Gut Blatt - Marcus Kallweit, Schriftfuehrer YOUR COMFORT IN RETIREMENT 483 and 507 OTTAWA STREET SOUTH, KITCHENER, ONTARIO Mailing Address: 483 Ottawa Street S., Kitchener, Ontario N2M 5H1 Tel. (519) 745-1200 • email: Attraktive 1-SchlafzimmerWohnungen in gewohnter heimischer Atmosphäre Call the office for information 15 Radio Herz, German Broadcast Inc. 63 Hoffman St., Kitchener, Ont. N3M 3M8 Radio Herz können Sie folgendermaßen hören: Übers Internet für $7.00/Mo. unter Abonnieren erhältlich. Über Bell-TV, auf Kanal 986 als Abonnent erhältlich und über NexTV, Deutsches Internet TV auf Kanal 1252 als Abonnent erhältlich Tel: 1-866-365-6724 Concordia Chöre April snow, oh no I mean, showers bring May flowers. Our flowers are finally in full bloom, after a rather challenging April. We are in the final phase of preparation for our trip to Germany. It has been an exciting time of preparation and planning. I would like to take a moment to once again acknowledge the hundreds of hours of work by our trip committee, Adolf, Elisabeth, Helmut and special thanks to Fred for keeping us in the black. Great work folks, we really appreciate it. In a few short weeks we will board a plane for Amsterdam and begin our journey. May is also the month when we think about and celebrate mothers. Some of us are fortunate to still have our moms with us, others must rely on treasured memories. The origin of Mothers Day goes back to the era of ancient Greek and Romans. Today the festival is celebrated across 46 countries around the world (though not on the same date) and is a hugely popular affair. Millions of people take the day to honour their mother. For all of our Concordia Mothers, past and present here is a poem to celebrate you. To My Dearest Mother by Kirsten Rollander. My mother is a special part, of all that's cherished in my heart, She is my pearl, my soul, my mate, She is the one to make life great, She is an angel without wings, Who makes life special with the little things, 17 I’m sorry for the times I caused you pain, But after these brief storms My love still remains, I love you so much I will love you forever, I carry your name in my heart, And it will stay there for ever....and ever HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY LADIES Until next time, Keep a song in your heart, Beverley Outdoor Group A big Thank You to everyone that came out to help with the Home on the Range cleanup on April 23rd! Our next event is our annual Father’s Day celebration on Sunday June 19, 2016 with breakfast from 9 – 11 a.m. and our tasty BBQ ribs and cold refreshments being served in the afternoon. This will be a family friendly event, so please plan on coming out to join in the fun - everyone is welcome. We have something new this year – a Fishing Derby and Fish Fry on Saturday July 16th and more details will follow in the next Bulletin. Our Annual Meeting and Corn Roast will be on Sunday August 14th starting at 11:00 a.m. For more details see our Facebook page: or call 519-743-0651 Bruce Emmerson Old or New Residential - Commercial Industrial PLUMBING AND HEATING Serving Southern Ontario Water Softeners Water Purifiers Water Heaters Heating & Air Conditioning We now do COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION 1-38 McBrine Place, Kitchener ON N2R 1G8 Phone 519-748-4588 - Fax 519-748-4584 Email: Chess Group Happy Spring everyone! The annual meeting of the Chess Group took place on February 4th. Our new executive committee is: welcome and free lessons. A beginners class is currently in progress and takes place from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm every Thursday night in the same location. Andrew Lehman President The chess group keeps chess sets in a cabinet in the Jägerstube and encourages members to play friendly games at any time. Gord Olheiser Vice-President Stephen Humphreys Stephen Humphreys Treasurer Chris Cober Marketing Director Kathie Dowswell Secretary The group meets every Thursday evening at 7:30 pm in the Jägerstube if it is available, or in the Weinstube. Casual games are usually available. Beginners are assured of a warm For any chess players reading this, here is a famous problem composed by Paul Morphy in 1856. White moves and checkmates in 2 moves. Can you find it? Ladies Group I do hope that spring is here now, as my predictions last month were false. The day that I received the bulletin we had lots of snow and it was very gloomy outside On Saturday, April 9th we had our Bockbierfest combined with the introduction of our new Miss Concordia 2016. Thank you to the Enzian Schuhplatter for their lovely performance and to the Twin City Alpine Echo for some great music to dance to. The only problem that we had was that there weren’t as many people as we would have liked. Also, with not being able to have a tombola it cuts into making a profit. Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, June 1st at 7 pm. Our picnic will be held on June 22, at which time we will discuss what kind of outing or trip we will have this year, so make sure ladies that you all attend. This picnic is always great fun. As we have fewer ladies, we would like to open up our bazaar to a few vendors who are members of the Concordia Club. Handmade crafts only. If interested, please contact Mary Stammwitz at 519-576-1333. Solution: 1) Ra2-a6! if 1)...b7xa6, then 2) b6b7 is checkmate! If 1)... B moves anywhere, then 2) Ra2xa7 is also checkmate. 19 Until next month be safe, but have fun. Elisabeth Rowsell Welcome to. . . The Schenke Open 6 days a week CONCORDIA DAILY FEATURES TUESDAY through FRIDAY THURSDAY EVENING: WEEKLY LUNCHEON SPECIALS CHEF’S NIGHT SPECIAL or SOUP & SANDWICH COMBO 2 Wiener Schnitzel Dinners with Potatoes and Vegetables only $19.99 FRIDAY EVENING: TUESDAYS: BUY ONE, GET ONE FOR 1/2 PRICE purchase one entree and get the second of equal or lesser value at half price!! IT’S THE FRIDAY EVENING BUFFET all your favorites, Salads, Schnitzel, Desserts and so much more only $17.95 WEDNESDAY: SATURDAY EVENING: BAVARIAN BUFFET Lunch: $12.95 Dinner: $15.95 DINE & DANCE Live Entertainment All prices plus applicable taxes as of November 2015 Gratuity not included Regular Menu & reasonable prices SUNDAY: BRUNCH $19.99 Reservations are recommended 20 Wichtige Veranstaltungen Important Events MAY / JUNE 2016 May 1 May 3 Choirs Spring Concert Hall, 7 pm Oktoberfest Ticket Sale Doors open 6:00 - Ticket Sales 7:00 pm May 7 May 8 Spring Clean-up Concordia Club, 8 am Mothers Day Buffet 12:00-2:00 and 5:00-7:00 pm May 14 Fruehlingsfest Hall, 8 pm May 23 Victoria Day - Club closed May 27 June 7 June 10 June 12,16, 21 June 19 Deutscher Bierabend Schenke Patio Opening 5 pm Cruise Night & Live Entertainment on the Patio Euro Cup 3 pm (June 21 at noon) Fathers Day Picnic Farm Bitte reservieren Sie ihren Tisch und besorgen Sie die Eintrittskarten zu den Veranstaltungen rechtzeitig. 21 Concordia Club Board of Directors 2016/2017 Entertainment Sarah Fretz Michelle Zimmer Alexandria Thoene Farm Committee Mike Matich Peter Bergen Andrew Saur Finance Committee Ali Nowak Mike Matich Rob Kerr Peter Bergen Float Committee Mike Brasch Ruth Rajna German Culture Sarah Fretz Rob Kerr Mike Brasch Honorary Member Martin Patzold Sarah Fretz Rob Kerr Long Range Planning Ali Nowak Mike Matich Andrew Saur Rob Kerr Membership Michelle Zimmer Miss Concordia Alexandria Thoene Nominations and Bylaws Karl Braun Rob Kerr Mike Brasch Alexandria Thoene Oktoberfest Chair Rolf Malthaner Oktoberfest Inc. Ali Nowak Rolf Malthaner Andrew Saur Sales and Marketing Mike Matich Rolf Malthaner Andrew Saur Security Rob Kerr Alexandria Thoene President: 1st Vice President: 2nd Vice President: Rob Kerr Michael Brasch Alex Thoene 1st Secretary: 2nd Secretary: Sarah Fretz Elaine Keller 1st Treasurer: 2nd Treasurer: Ali Nowak Mike Matich Directors: Peter Bergen Helmut Kruschat Michelle Zimmer Rolf Malthaner Andrew Saur Martin Patzold Manager Committee Members Arbeitsgemeinschaft Archives Alexandria Thoene Martin Patzold Bulletin Elaine Keller Martin Patzold Christkindlmarket Peter Bergen Elaine Keller Mike Matich Michelle Zimmer Club Buildings Mike Brasch Andrew Saur (Helmut Kruschat) Club Historian Leo Tukums Club Ombudsman Harald Schwegel Club Rental Properties Helmut Kruschat Andrew Saur (Mike Brasch) Concordia Seniorenhaus Rob Kerr Mike Brasch Mike Matich Economic Affairs Ali Novak Rob Kerr Mike Matich Employee Liaison Ali Nowak 23
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call to reserve.
With best regards,
Ruth Rajna, Manager