Portfolio - Michele Badia
Portfolio - Michele Badia
Portfolio Michele Badia Industrial Designer CONTACT Michele Badia 1 Ellingfort Rd. E8 3PA London Uk +44 (0) 7908 274160 www.michelebadia.com michelebadia@yahoo.it 3D Printing Product Design for 3D Printing: -Glasses Design -Footwear Design -Accessories -Homeweare Design Footwear Design This section is going to be about shoes design for 3D printing. I Iearned how to design shoes for FDM 3D printer machines, these products are quite unique and the challege was to create shoes that prints well without any support on the desktops 3d printer. The process that I followed was ‘Form follows function’ like a principle associated with modernist architecture but adopted on the machine in orther to get a printable wearable and also nice shoes. The most advanced shoes are the LEOPARD based on a urban style and APRHODITE more classic. Info: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-zjvwdnqTM http://3dprint.com/11696/3d-printed-shoes-gun-heels/ http://3dprint.com/5749/3d-printed-shoes/ Leopard Shoes Aprodite Douring the experienc with 3D printer I worked for Fit Flop for a reproduction of a lost sole. I scanned the original sole, redisign it and I printed it to validate the desing. 3D Printing: Fashion Accessories: I came across several fashion projects as Bags, and hats. 3D Printing: Mobile Accessories, headphones, watchs, toys. Homeweare Design This section include a series of decorative obejcts as clocks, table clock, vasespicture frames, and lamps. ARCHITECTURE VISUALIZATION Worked with different Architects / Companys to present Architecture concepts, about exteriors Interior Design, space layout and Architecture survey. Exhibition Desing Projects The following images are about 2 years of exhibition design projects in the same company. There are Exhibition stands designed for jewellery events, and Jewellery displays. Most of this projects are real, manifactured in Uk and China. The Jewellery Display Company Ltd black varnish The Jewellery Display Company Ltd Drawing Name: 7.00 86.00 7.00 Drawing Name: Drawn By: Drawn By: 7.00 Michele Badia Michele Badia black varnish Date: Date: 76.00 46.50 Notes: Scale: white inside Lights misures in cm door with lock LED purle metal frame painted chrome 194.98 2.00 Notes: misures in cm 20.50 74.00 Scale: milled logo with back light 3.98 x2 5mm red stripes (red black red) metal frame 100.00 Proprietary and Confidential 50.00 Proprietary and Confidential The information contained in this drawing is the the sole property of The Jewellery Display Company Ltd. Any reproduction in part or whole without the written permission of The Jewellery Display Company Ltd is prohibited 2.00 The information contained in this drawing is the the sole property of The Jewellery Display Company Ltd. Any reproduction in part or whole without the written permission of The Jewellery Display Company Ltd is prohibited 40.00 50.00 Foots leveling black varnish 10.00 30.00 The Jewellery Display Company Ltd 10.00 9.98 Drawing Name: The Jewellery Display Company Ltd black varnish Drawing Name: 25.02 Drawn By: Drawn By: Michele Badia 10.00 Date: 115.00 Scale: 10.00 white inside Michele Badia 100.00 Date: 7.00 Scale: Notes: 84.00 Notes: misures in cm 2.00 50.00 76.00 14.98 11.00 9.98 misures in cm 30.00 Lights metal frame painted chrome 50.00 5.33 31.46 40.00 4.26 39.32 Proprietary and Confidential Proprietary and Confidential The information contained in this drawing is the the sole property of The Jewellery Display Company Ltd. Any reproduction in part or whole without the written permission of The Jewellery Display Company Ltd is prohibited The information contained in this drawing is the the sole property of The Jewellery Display Company Ltd. Any reproduction in part or whole without the written permission of The Jewellery Display Company Ltd is prohibited 40.00 door with lock milled logo with back light Portfolio Michele Badia Industrial Designer CONTACT Michele Badia 1 Ellingfort Rd. E8 3PA London Uk +44 (0) 7908 274160 www.michelebadia.com michelebadia@yahoo.it