Notes to Financial Statementsfor - Shree Ganesh Jewellery House Ltd.
Notes to Financial Statementsfor - Shree Ganesh Jewellery House Ltd.
Statutory Reports Standalone Financials Consolidated Financials 1 Corporate InformaƟon BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mr. Nillesh Parrekh - Chairman Mr. Umesh Parekh - Managing Director Mr. Paban Singh Ingty Mr. Dwarka Prasad Mathur Mr. Raj Mohan Choubey Mr. Lokesh Kumar BANKERS & FINANCIERS Factories Allahabad Bank 1. Manikanchan SEZ Sector V, Saltlake, Kolkata - 700 091 2. Mouza Domjur Sasthitala, Dist. Howrah - 711405 3. 12/1/14, Mondalpara Lane Mondalpara, Kolkata - 700 090 Chief Financial Oĸcer CorporaƟon Bank Mr. Ashok Prakash Sahni Dena Bank Company Secretary Dhanlaxmi Bank Mr. Mukund Chandak EXIM Bank Axis Bank Bank of Baroda Bank of India Bank of Maharashtra Central Bank of India IDBI Bank BOARD COMMITTEES Audit CommiƩee Mr. Raj Mohan Choubey - Chairman Mr. Paban Singh Ingty Mr. Dwarka Prasad Mathur Indian Overseas Bank Karnataka Bank Lakshmi Vilas Bank Punjab NaƟonal Bank Sicom Limited Stakeholder RelaƟonship CommiƩee State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur Mr. Paban Singh Ingty - Chairman State Bank of Hyderabad Mr. Dwarka Prasad Mathur State Bank of India Mr. Raj Mohan Choubey State Bank of Mysore NominaƟon & RemuneraƟon CommiƩee Mr. Paban Singh Ingty - Chairman Mr. Dwarka Prasad Mathur Mr. Raj Mohan Choubey Allotment CommiƩee State Bank of PaƟala State Bank of Travancore Syndicate Bank The South Indian Bank Limited UCO Bank United Bank of India Mr. Umesh Parekh - Chairman Mr. Paban Singh Ingty Mr. Dwarka Prasad Mathur Corporate Social Responsibility CommiƩee (CSR) Mr. Paban Singh Ingty - Chairman Mr. Nillesh Parrekh Mr. Umesh Parekh Auditors M/s. Chaturvedi & Partners Chartered Accountants 1/1, Meredith Street Kolkata - 700 072 OFFICES Registered Oĸce 413 Vardaan Market 25A Camac Street Kolkata - 700 016 Ph: 033 3028 9188 Fax: 033 3022 5903 Email ID: Website: CIN : L36911WB2002PLC095086 Corporate Oĸce Avani Signature, Block 402 91A/1 Park Street Kolkata - 700 016 Ph: 033 3025 9382 Fax: 033 4007 1623 Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I) Limited • Annual Report 2013-14 (Formerly known as Shree Ganesh Jewellery House Ltd.) 2 Management Discussion and Analysis GLOBAL ECONOMIC REVIEW The global economy has been grappling with the impact of the Þnancial crisis and global recession since 2008. The US, Euro zone countries and Japan were hard hit. However, there have been posiƟve signs of quicker recovery in these economies. Unlike past global recessions, economies are recovering at three Ɵmes the speeds in 2013. Countries such as the United States and Japan appear to be on the path to growth. However, countries in the Euro Area are sƟll not fully on the road to recovery. Emerging and developing economies appear to be growing at a fairly robust pace. Global economic outlook projecƟons 2012 2013 2014 2015 World Output 3.2 3.0 3.6 3.9 Advanced Economies 1.4 1.3 2.2 2.3 United States 2.8 1.9 2.8 3.0 (0.7) (0.5) 1.2 1.5 0.9 0.5 1.7 1.6 Euro Area France Italy 0.0 0.3 1.7 1.6 Spain (1.6) (1.2) 0.9 2.5 Japan 1.4 1.5 1.4 1.0 United Kingdom 0.3 1.8 2.9 2.5 Canada 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.4 Other Advanced Economies 1.9 2.3 3.0 3.2 Emerging Market and Developing Economies 5.0 4.7 4.9 5.3 Commonwealth of Independent States 3.4 2.1 2.3 3.1 Russia 3.4 1.3 1.3 1.3 Excluding Russia 3.3 3.9 5.3 5.7 Emerging and Developing Asia 6.7 6.5 6.7 6.8 China 7.7 7.7 7.5 7.3 India 4.7 4.4 5.4 6.4 (Source: IMF, World Economic Outlook, April 2014) Indian economic review India conƟnued to struggle with the stagßaƟon-type situaƟon throughout 2013. While on one hand, it conƟnued to witness a sub-5% growth rate, quarter over quarter, the price inßaƟon occasionally breached double digit mark throughout the year. The Þscal deÞcit, slowdown in the manufacturing output, high expenditure on subsidies and subdued tax revenues slowed resulted in a submissive economic growth rate of 4.7% (Source: Economic Survey 2013-14). Global jewellery industry The gold market became polarised in 2013 as 21% growth in demand from consumers and value-seeking investors contrasted with large-scale ouƞlows from ETFs. The year witnessed the largest volume increase in annual jewellery demand since 1997 owing to an all-Ɵme high demand for jewellery, bar and coin. Chinese consumers set a new annual record, while India was resilient in the face of import restricƟons. The sharp fall in the gold price in the second quarter elicited a strong and swiŌ response from consumers in Asia and the Middle East, an eīect that extended out to western markets in the Þnal quarter of the year. Statutory Reports Standalone Financials Consolidated Financials 3 Global demand Tonnes US $mn 2012 2013* 1,896.1 2,209.5 1,983 Technology 407.5 404.9 427.9 1 21,861 Investment 1,568.1 773.3 1,410.5 (51) Total bar and coin demand 1,289.0 1,654.1 1,292.8 28 ETTs and similar products 279.1 (880.8) 117.7 – Central bank net purchases 544.1 368.6 282.6 (32) 4,415.8 3,766.1 4,104.3 Jewellery Gold demand 5 years average 2013 vs 2012 2012 % change 2013* 5 years average 2013 vs 2012 % change 87,617 (1) 18,836 18,836 16 84,144 35,085 62,462 (58) 69,169 75,049 58,686 9 14,975 (39,904) 3,770 – 14,198 (43) (15) 236,946 170,422 183,113 (28) 17 101,745 100,248 29,193 16,724 (Source: LBMA, Thomson Reuters GFMS, World Gold Council) In 2013, gold jewellery value was almost 0.14% of global GDP as compared 0.08% ten years back. SigniÞcantly, jewellery’s share of global GDP in 2013 was one ÞŌh higher than 1997, which was the peak year for gold jewellery demand in tonnage (3,293.9t). Hence, the growth in the value of gold demand has outpaced the growth of global GDP since 1997 – the peak year for volume demand. Jewellery value as a % share of global GDP % share of GDP 0.16 20% Increase 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 1997 1999 2001 (Source: Thomson Reuters GFMS, IMF WEO) 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I) Limited • Annual Report 2013-14 (Formerly known as Shree Ganesh Jewellery House Ltd.) 4 Annual jewellery demand in tonnes and value Tonnes US$bn 3,000 120 2,500 100 2,000 80 1,500 60 1,000 40 500 20 0 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 (Source: LBMA, Thomson Reuters GFMS, World Gold Council) China The Chinese demand for gold set a new high of 1,065.8t, highlighƟng the consumer strength. While some slowdown naturally followed such a powerful surge, demand picked up again throughout the fourth quarter as aƩenƟon turned to the Chinese New Year, a tradiƟonal occasion for giŌ-giving. The impact of higher demand has further marked a signiÞcant growth in both manufacturing and retail network capacity. Middle East China’s growth paƩern was replicated across the other Asian and Middle Eastern markets. The strength of demand in the preceding quarters, combined with a levelling of price expectaƟons, caused demand to tail oī in October before a fresh surge of growth in December. Turkey also witnessed the same demand paƩern. The factors driving demand in that market were slightly diīerent. Moreover, strike at the mint between July and September led to a shortage of coins in the market, beneÞƫng the jewellery demand. However, the reverse eīect was seen during the fourth quarter owing to the resumpƟon of coin minƟng. This led the consumers saƟsfy their demand for gold coins, to some degree at the expense of jewellery. Japan Japan proved to be the excepƟon to the regional trend as growth in jewellery demand was concentrated in the second half of the year. This was partly a result of a more encouraging economic environment, with the consequent boost to consumer senƟment and partly a funcƟon of the looming increase in domesƟc sales tax (from 5% to 8%) from April 2014. The prospect of the higher sales tax has encouraged consumers to make pre-empƟve purchases, where possible, to avoid paying the higher rate. USA and UK AŌer a sluggish Þrst half, demand among US and UK consumers accelerated in the second half of the year. There has been an increase in customer spending and notable increase in sales of more expensive pieces and diamond jewellery. However, Italy witnessed low demand owing to low consumer senƟment. The uncertain economic and poliƟcal environment adversely aīected disposable incomes. The annual year-on-year contracƟon in jewellery demand was below 10% for the Þrst Ɵme since 2006. India The demand in India is segmented into consumpƟon and investment. Unlike most other countries, investment demand for gold is important in India and accounts for about 45% of total market demand. Around 57% of the investment demand comes from Statutory Reports Standalone Financials Consolidated Financials 5 bars and coins, while the rest comes from jewellery. While the volume demand for gold as jewellery has remained more or less constant over 2005 to 2013, the volume demand for gold bars and coins have grown at a CAGR of around 13% in the same period. The historical jewellery demand in value terms has always been highly correlated to GDP/capita and not as much to other consumpƟon drivers like private Þnal consumpƟon, expenditure, gross domesƟc savings and number of high-income households. Hence, it is irrespecƟve of the price, individuals tend to buy based on the total price of a piece of jewellery and proporƟonately reduce the (grammage, carats) they purchase. Considering the demand based on expected GDP/capita trend, the domesƟc gems and jewellery consumpƟon demand will potenƟally reach a size of ` 5,00,000 – ` 5,35,000 Crores by 2018. Outlook of jewellery consumpƟon demand 680-720 180-190 530-560 140-150 15-20 85-70 10-15 50-55 324 85 74 64 2 8 46 2 2005 10 56 2006 3 109 19 206 36 19 4 32 8 410-425 320-330 194 77 2008 143 2010 2012 2016E 2018E (Sources: World Gold Council, GFMS, Industry interviews, A.T. Kearney analysis) 74% FDI under the automatic route for exploration and mining of diamonds and precious stones. 100% FDI for for exploration and mining of gold and silver and minerals other than diamonds and precious stones, metallurgy and processing, among others. Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I) Limited • Annual Report 2013-14 (Formerly known as Shree Ganesh Jewellery House Ltd.) 6 RETAIL JEWELLERY INDUSTRY About 80% of the jewellery market consists of local and regional players who have, at best, just a few stores. The retail jewellery industry has experienced an exponenƟal growth with retail development taking place in major ciƟes and metros. The consumers have increasingly preferred beƩer quality of gold and are thus switching to branded jewellery. This has led to a growing presence of organised retail players. Today, organised segment consƟtutes 8% of the total retail market and is expected to grow at a higher pace in the coming years. OUTLOOK Indian Gold jewellery demand is likely to witness consistent growth in the coming years which would be largely driven by cultural underpinnings in India, evolving lifestyle, anƟcipated recovery in economic condiƟons and expected improvement in demand from Ɵer 2/Ɵer 3 and rural markets. According to ICRA, the domesƟc gold jewellery industry is expected to record robust growth of ~15% over the medium to long term owing to growing penetraƟon of the organized sector. Government’s iniƟaƟves towards Þnancial inclusion and introducƟon of other Þnancial products with returns linked to gold prices to reduce Imports/investment in idle gold might impact jewellery volumes, gold’s cultural value, its role as an inßaƟon hedge, and investment characterisƟcs would conƟnue to support jewellery demand largely miƟgaƟng the threat from subsƟtutes. HUMAN RESOURCES Sound human resource pracƟces have been followed which is aligned with Company’s philosophy. As a result, the organisaƟon is now considered among the most professionally managed companies. Stringent employee training policies ensures proper skill management. Regular team reviews further enables the Company to idenƟfy the gaps and take appropriate steps to address the same. Sincere eīorts from the Company have resulted in vibrant work culture with growth-oriented mindset. INTERNAL CONTROL SYSTEMS The Company has an adequate system of internal controls to safeguard and protect from loss or unauthorised use of its assets. All transacƟons are properly authorised, recorded and reported, besides adhering to AccounƟng Standards for properly maintaining books of accounts and reporƟng Þnancial statements. The Company has an Internal Audit department to review various areas of the operaƟons with the reports thus generated reviewed periodically by the Management and the Audit CommiƩee of the Board. CAUTIONARY STATEMENT Statements in this report pertaining to the Company’s objecƟves, projecƟons, esƟmates, excepƟons and predicƟons are forward-looking statements subject to the applicable laws and regulaƟons. These statements may be subject to certain risks and uncertainƟes. The Company’s operaƟons are aīected by many external and internal factors which are beyond the control of the management. Therefore, the actual posiƟon may diīer from those expressed or implied. The Company assumes no obligaƟon to amend or update forward-looking statements in future on the basis of new informaƟon, subsequent developments or otherwise. Statutory Reports Standalone Financials Consolidated Financials 7 Directors' Report Dear Shareholders, Your Directors have pleasure in presenƟng the TwelŌh annual report of the Company, together with the audited statement of accounts for the year ended 31st March 2014. 1. FINANCIAL RESULTS For the year ended 31st March Revenue from OperaƟon Other Incomes Total revenue ProÞt before interest, depreciaƟon, and tax Less: DepreciaƟon/amorƟzaƟon Less: Interest and Þnance charge (Net) ProÞt before tax Provision for taxes ProÞt aŌer tax (` in lacs) 2014 983,087.67 174.60 983,262.27 (86,111.63) 2,242.51 28,827.70 (117,181.84) (39,994.82) (77,187.02) 2013 922,226.92 10,286.26 932,513.18 48,188.31 2,329.57 20,251.18 25,607.56 227.40 25,380.16 2. DIVIDEND In view of the loss for the current Þnancial year, your Directors regret their inability to recommend any dividend for the year ended 31st March 2014. 3. OPERATIONS The Company’s revenue from operaƟon were ` 983,087.67 lacs for the year ended 31st March 2014 as compared with ` 922,226.92 lacs for the previous year. During the year under review, your Company had entered into a bullion transacƟon. However, due to some regulatory issues, your Company was unable to execute the transacƟon and had to rescind the contract resulƟng into huge losses. Also, your Company suīered loss in the merchanƟng transacƟon due to slump in market condiƟons. As a result, your Company registered a loss aŌer tax of ` 77,187.02 lacs for the year ended 31st March 2014. Due to losses, your Company was unable to service its debts in Ɵme and approached its lenders for restructuring of the debts. Your Company has Þled request under Corporate Debt Restructuring (CDR) mechanism. State Bank of India (SBI), the Lead Bank of the consorƟum of lenders has submiƩed the Flash Report of the Company along with other documents with the CDR cell for admiƩance before the Corporate Debt Restructuring - Empowered Group (CDR EG). 4. SUBSIDIARY COMPANIES The Statement of the holding Company’s interest in subsidiary companies, namely, Easy Fit Jewellery Limited, Gaja Retail Private Limited, Sumit Jewels Private Limited, Gaja Finance Private Limited, Gaja Fincorp Private Limited, Alex Mercury Power Private Limited, Shree Ganesh Jewellery House FZE, Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (Singapore) Pte Ltd. and Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (Ghana) Limited and in its step down subsidiaries namely Shree Ganesh Jewellery House DMCC, Shirdi CommodiƟes Private Limited, Shirdi Commosale Private Limited, Kamalraj Merchandise Private Limited and Chaturbhuj Vyapaar Private Limited as speciÞed in sub-secƟon (3) of SecƟon 212 of the Companies Act, 1956 is aƩached to the report and accounts of the Company. 5. HUMAN RESOURCES The Company has always aƩached maximum importance for development of human resource, the vital asset responsible for conƟnued success of the Company. The Company is conƟnuously renewing and updaƟng the knowledge and skill of its employees at all levels through training and development. Our relentless eīort to improve the performance of our employees by sharpening and honing their knowledge, skill and most importantly aƫtude conƟnues to receive high priority. As on 31st March 2014, your Company had 102 employees on its rolls. The Company conƟnues to focus on recruitment and retenƟon, giving priority to meritocracy and ensuring that performance is recognised and subsequently rewarded in an appropriate manner. Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I) Limited • Annual Report 2013-14 (Formerly known as Shree Ganesh Jewellery House Ltd.) 8 Your Company wishes to put on record its deep appreciaƟon for the co-operaƟon and eīorts of its employees for the beƩerment of the organisaƟon. 6. LISTING OF EQUITY SHARES Your Company’s equity shares are listed on NaƟonal Stock Exchange of India Limited (NSE) and the BSE Limited (BSE) and annual lisƟng fee for the current Þnancial year to both these exchanges has been paid by the Company. 7. CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CSR) Subsequent to the year under review the Board of Directors at its meeƟng held on 30th May, 2014 has consƟtuted Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) CommiƩee in accordance with SecƟon 135 of Companies Act, 2013 read with rules formulated therein. 8. VIGIL MECHANISM/WHISTLE BLOWER POLICY Pursuant to the SEBI’s Circular dated 17th April 2014, all listed companies shall establish a Vigil Mechanism/Whistle Blower Policy with eīect from 1st October, 2014. Hence, the Board of Directors in compliance with such amendments to be made in LisƟng Agreement has adopted the policy at its meeƟng held on 30th May, 2014. 9. CODE OF CONDUCT In accordance with SecƟon 149(8) of the Companies Act, 2013 and as per the requirements of SEBI Circular dated 17th April, 2014 for amendment to Equity LisƟng Agreement (which is eīecƟve from 1st October, 2014), the Board has adopted a separate Code of Conduct for Independent Directors as per Schedule IV of Companies Act 2013 at its meeƟng held on 30th May, 2014. 10. DIRECTORS’ RESPONSIBILITY STATEMENT Pursuant to the requirements of secƟon 217(2AA) of the Companies Act, 1956, it is hereby conÞrmed : i) That in the preparaƟon of the annual accounts, applicable accounƟng standards have been followed along with proper explanaƟon relaƟng to material departures; ii) That the Directors have selected such accounƟng policies and applied them consistently, and made reasonable and prudent judgments and esƟmates so as to give a true and fair view of the Company’s state of aīairs at the end of the Þnancial year, and of the proÞt or loss of the Company for the period under review; iii) That the Directors have taken proper and suĸcient care for the maintenance of adequate accounƟng records in accordance with the provisions of this Act for safeguarding the assets of the Company and for prevenƟng and detecƟng fraud and other irregulariƟes; iv) That the Directors have prepared the annual accounts for the period ended 31st March 2014 on a going concern basis. 11. PARTICULARS OF EMPLOYEES Statement under SecƟon 217(2A) of the Companies Act, 1956 read with the Companies (ParƟculars of Employees) Rules, 1975, as amended, is given in Annexure I to this report. 12. CONSERVATION OF ENERGY InformaƟon pursuant to SecƟon 217(1)(e) of the Companies Act, 1956 read with the Companies (Disclosure of ParƟculars in the Report of Board of Directors) Rules, 1988 and forming part of the Directors’ Report for the Þnancial year ended 31st March 2014 are given in Annexure II to this report. 13. FOREIGN EXCHANGE Your Company earned foreign exchange of ` 598,553.00 lacs from gold jewellery export and suitable steps have been taken for exploring the new markets in various countries. Foreign exchange outgo and earning details appear in Item no. 39 and 40 of Notes to Accounts for the year under review. 14. RELATED PARTY TRANSACTION A statement of related party transacƟons pursuant to AccounƟng Standard 18 forms a part of this report. Statutory Reports Standalone Financials Consolidated Financials 9 15. RESPONSE TO QUALIFIED OPINION IN THE AUDITORS’ REPORT A) The Statutory Auditors in their report to the Members, have given qualiÞed opinion and the response of your Directors with respect to them are as follows: Response to point no. (i) - Fixed Deposit amounƟng of ` 2,287.58 Lacs was pledged with Axis Bank against cash credit limit sancƟoned by the bank. On the maturity of the Þxed deposit, it was adjusted with the cash credit balance in the Company’s books. However, at the Bank’s end the matured amount was not adjusted in the cash credit account but was transferred to a separate account of the bank. Your Company has taken up the maƩer with the bank and has requested for adjustment of the matured Þxed deposit with cash credit limit as per the sancƟon terms. Response to point no. (ii) - Cash credit balance of Dhanalakshmi Bank as per Company’s books was ` 1,485.55 Lacs and as per bank conÞrmaƟon was ` 1,577.15 Lacs as the Bank had charged an excess amount of ` 91.59 lacs. Your Company has taken up the maƩer with the Bank and has also contested the excess amount claimed by the Bank in the Hon’ble High Court at CalcuƩa. B) The Statutory Auditors in their report to the Members, have stated a “Emphasis of MaƩer” and the response of your Directors with respect to it is as follows: As explained in the “Emphasis of MaƩer” itself, although company has suīered signiÞcant operaƟng losses during the year and is facing Þnancial crunch with its inability to meet the Þnancial obligaƟons, your Company has applied for Composite Corporate Debt Restructuring with the banks to miƟgate the above. These facts have fully been disclosed in Note 31 of the Financial statements. 16. AUDITORS The auditors M/s Chaturvedi & Partners reƟre at the conclusion of the ensuing Annual General MeeƟng and being eligible, oīer themselves for re-appointment. 17. DIRECTORS During the year, Mr. Raj Mohan Choubey was appointed as addiƟonal Non-ExecuƟve & Independent director on the Board of the Company w.e.f. 27th November 2013. Mr. Lokesh Kumar was appointed by the Board of the Company as Nominee Director w.e.f. 29th January, 2014 as nominee of Export-Import Bank of India pursuant to the Loan documentaƟon entered into between EXIM Bank and the Company. Mr. Sharad Mohata and Mr. SaƟsh Chandra Chaturvedi, directors of the Company resigned from the Board on 27th November, 2013. The Board places on record its deep appreciaƟon of the valuable services rendered during their tenure as Directors and for their contribuƟons to the deliberaƟon of the Board. Mr. Umesh Parekh, Managing Director reƟres by rotaƟon and being eligible, oīer himself for re-appointment. 18. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Your Directors take this opportunity to oīer their thanks and deep sense of graƟtude for the cooperaƟon and support received from the government authoriƟes, Þnancial insƟtuƟon/banks, customers, vendors, shareholders and the society at large. We would also like to place on record, our sincere appreciaƟon for the total commitment, dedicaƟon, contribuƟon and hard work of employees across all levels. The credit for the Company’s achievement goes to them. We are deeply grateful to our shareholders for the conÞdence and faith reposed on us. Your Company looks forward to their conƟnued co-operaƟon in realisaƟon of the corporate goals in the years ahead. For and on behalf of the Board of Directors Kolkata, 30th May 2014 Nillesh Parrekh Chairman Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I) Limited • Annual Report 2013-14 (Formerly known as Shree Ganesh Jewellery House Ltd.) 10 Annexure to the Directors' Report Annexure – I to the Directors’ Report pursuant to SecƟon 217(2A) of the Companies Act, 1956 for the year ended 31st March 2014: A. Employed and in receipt of remuneraƟon aggregaƟng ` 6,000,000 or more : NIL B. Employed for a part of the year and in receipt of remuneraƟon aggregaƟng ` 500,000 or more per month : NIL Annexure II to the Directors’ Report pursuant to SecƟon 217(1)(e) of the Companies Act, 1956 for the year ended 31st March 2014: FORM A Disclosure of parƟculars with respect to conservaƟon of energy The Company is not covered by the Schedule of Industries which is required to furnish informaƟon in Form ‘A’. FORM B Disclosure of parƟculars with respect to technology absorpƟon I. Research and development - Your Company has one of the Þnest R&D units in the industry. The R&D team of the Company comprises some of the Þnest designers and senior craŌsman. The Company has been instrumental in developing and introducing several widely acclaimed jewellery designs. II. Technology absorpƟon, adaptaƟon and innovaƟon - The Company does not employ any foreign technology which needs absorpƟon or adaptaƟon. FORM C Disclosure with respect to foreign exchange earnings and outgo I. Total foreign exchange earned – ` 598,553.00 lacs. II. Total foreign exchange used – ` 922,947.80 lacs. The Company is engaged in export of gold jewellery, plain or studded with precious and semi-precious stones. The company is taking steps to increase its product porƞolio to increase its exports in the places like Singapore, Hongkong, UAE. At the same Ɵme, new markets in various countries are being tested so that new exports markets can be developed for the products of the Company. Taking the above steps into account, the Company plans to increase its exports. Statutory Reports Standalone Financials Consolidated Financials Corporate Governance Report I. SHREE GANESH JEWELLERY HOUSE (I) LIMITED (SGJHL)’S PHILOSOPHY ON CODE OF GOVERNANCE Corporate Governance deals with laws, procedures, pracƟces and implicit rules that determine a Company’s ability to take informed managerial decisions vis-a-vis its claimants – in parƟcular, its shareholders, creditors, customers, the State and employees. There is a global consensus about the objecƟve of “good’ Corporate Governance maximising long-term shareholders value.” Thus, Corporate Governance is a reßecƟon of a Company’s culture, policies, its relaƟonship with the stakeholders and its commitment to values. We, at Shree Ganesh, believe that sound Corporate Governance is criƟcal to enhance and retain investor trust. Accordingly, we always seek to ensure that we aƩain our performance rules with integrity. Our Corporate Governance philosophy is based on the following principles : • Corporate Governance standards should be complied with in leƩer as well as spirit. • Maintain absolute transparency and adequate disclosure pracƟces. • Individual preferences and convenience should be subordinate to Corporate conveniences. • Communicate externally in a truthful manner about how your Company is run internally. • Compliance with the laws in which the Company operates. • Simple and transparent corporate disclosure driven solely by business needs. • Management is the Trustee of the Shareholders’ fund and not the owner. Your Company understands that the customer is the purpose of our business and every customer is an important stakeholder of the Company, performing ethically and eĸciently to generate long term value and wealth for all its stakeholders. The Company complies with Corporate Governance Code as has been enshrined in the clause 49 of the LisƟng Agreement. II. BOARD OF DIRECTORS The Board plays a pivotal role in ensuring good governance. The Board’s role, funcƟons, responsibility and accountability are clearly deÞned. The members of our Board are from diverse background with skills and experience in criƟcal areas. The Board of Directors is the apex body that governs the overall funcƟoning of the Company. The Board provides and evaluates the strategic direcƟon of the Company, management policies and their eīecƟveness and ensures that the longterm interests of shareholders are being served. The Chairman and the Managing Director are assisted by the CFO/senior managerial personnel in overseeing funcƟonal maƩers of the Company. The ComposiƟon of the Board of directors is in conformity with Clause 49 of the LisƟng Agreement with the stock exchange(s). The Company’s Board consists of Six (6) members which comprise of: ¾ Two Promoter ExecuƟve Directors. ¾ Three Non-ExecuƟve Independent Directors. ¾ One Nominee Director of Export-Import Bank of India (EXIM). None of the Directors on the Board is a member of more than 10 CommiƩees or Chairman of more than 5 CommiƩees across all the Companies in which he is a Director. Board MeeƟngs held during the Þnancial year ended 31st March, 2014 Board holds periodic meeƟngs to review and discuss performance of the Company, its future plans, strategies and other perƟnent items relaƟng to the Company. During the Financial Year Ended 31st March, 2014, 06 (Six) Board MeeƟngs were held on 12th April 2013, 27th May 2013, 27th June 2013, 12th August 2013, 27th November 2013 and 13th February 2014 . The last AGM was held on 6th September 2013. The composiƟon of Board of Directors, their aƩendance at the Board MeeƟngs during the year and at last Annual General MeeƟng as also number of Directorships and Chairmanships/Memberships of CommiƩees of each director held in other companies as at 31st March, 2014 is : 11 Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I) Limited • Annual Report 2013-14 (Formerly known as Shree Ganesh Jewellery House Ltd.) 12 Sl. Directors No. * No. of Board MeeƟngs AƩended AƩendance at AGM No. of other Directorships Held* No. of other Memberships/ Chairmanships in CommiƩees** Category 1 Mr. Nillesh Parrekh DIN: 00050671 05 Present 1 Nil Promoter & ExecuƟve Chairman (Whole Time Director) 2 Mr. Umesh Parekh DIN: 00050705 05 Absent 1 Nil Promoter & ExecuƟve (Managing Director) 3 Mr. Sharad Mohata # DIN: 01688401 02 Absent Nil Nil Non-ExecuƟve 4 Mr. SaƟsh Chandra Chaturvedi# DIN: 00272435 04 Present Nil Nil Non-ExecuƟve Independent 5 Mr. Paban Singh Ingty DIN: 01681252 06 Present 1 Nil Non-ExecuƟve Independent 6 Mr. Dwarka Prasad Mathur DIN: 02373724 06 Present Nil Nil Non-ExecuƟve Independent 7 Mr. Raj Mohan Choubey## DIN: 00031305 01 - 4 1 Non-ExecuƟve Independent 8 Mr. Lokesh Kumar ### DIN: 02576600 01 - 1 Nil Nominee of Export-Import Bank of India Other Directorship does not include alternate directorship, directorship of private companies, SecƟon 25 companies and of other companies incorporated outside India. ** Includes the Membership/Chairmanship of only Audit commiƩee, and Share holders/Investor Grievance CommiƩee. # Mr. Sharad Mohata and Mr. SaƟsh Chandra Chaturvedi resigned with eīect from 27th November 2013. ## Mr. Raj Mohan Choubey appointed with eīect from 27th November 2013. ### Mr. Lokesh Kumar appointed with eīect from 29th January 2014. Directors at Sl. no. 1 & 2 are related to each other. Other than this, none of the other Directors are in any way related to any other Director as per SecƟon 6 of the Companies Act, 1956. InformaƟon placed before Board of Directors The Company has complied with Clause 49 of the LisƟng Agreement with regard to informaƟon being placed before the Board of Directors. The following items are generally tabled for informaƟon and review of the Board: • Annual operaƟng plans and budgets and any updates. • Capital budgets and any updates. • Quarterly results for the company and its operaƟng divisions or business segments. • Minutes of meeƟngs of audit commiƩee and other commiƩees of the board. • The informaƟon on recruitment and remuneraƟon of senior oĸcers just below the board level, including appointment or removal of Chief Financial Oĸcer and the Company Secretary. Statutory Reports Standalone Financials Consolidated Financials • Show cause, demand, prosecuƟon noƟces and penalty noƟces, which are materially important • Fatal or serious accidents, dangerous occurrences, any material eŋuent or polluƟon problems. • Any material default in Þnancial obligaƟons to and by the Company, or substanƟal non payment for goods sold by the company. • Any issue, which involves possible public or product liability claims of substanƟal nature, including any judgement or order which, may have passed strictures on the conduct of the company or taken an adverse view regarding another enterprise that can have negaƟve implicaƟons on the Company. • Details of any joint venture or collaboraƟon agreement. • TransacƟons that involve substanƟal payment towards goodwill, brand equity, or intellectual property. • SigniÞcant labour problems and their proposed soluƟons. Any signiÞcant development in Human Resources/Industrial RelaƟons front like signing of wage agreement, implementaƟon of Voluntary ReƟrement Scheme etc. • Sale of material nature, of investments, subsidiaries, assets, which is not in normal course of business. • Quarterly details of foreign exchange exposures and the steps taken by management to limit the risks of adverse exchange rate movement, if material. • Non-compliance of any regulatory, statutory or lisƟng requirements and shareholders service such as non-payment of dividend, delay in share transfer etc. The Board is presented with all informaƟon under the above heads whenever applicable and materially signiÞcant. These are submiƩed either as a part of the agenda papers well in advance of the Board meeƟngs, or are tabled in the course of the Board meeƟngs or meeƟngs of the relevant commiƩees. FuncƟonal heads are also called to provide addiƟonal inputs to the items being discussed by the Board/CommiƩee as and when required. ResoluƟon Passed By CirculaƟon During the Þnancial year 2013-14, Company has passed a resoluƟon by circulaƟon on 5th June 2013. Code of Conduct In Compliance of the Clause 49, to emphasize the importance of ethical behavior and for protecƟon of all stakeholders’ interest, Code of Conduct for Directors and Senior Management laid down by the Board of Directors is posted on the Company’s website. The Code of Conduct has been adopted by the Directors. Managing Director‘s cerƟÞcate of compliance of the Code of Conduct by the Directors and Senior Management is appended. Code of Conduct for ProhibiƟon of Insider Trading In accordance with the SEBI (ProhibiƟon of Insider Trading) RegulaƟons, 1992 the Board has approved and adopted a code of conduct governing all the directors, senior management and other employees at all locaƟons of the Company, Mr. Mukund Chandak, Company Secretary has been appointed as the Compliance Oĸcer in respect of compliance of the Code. BOARD COMMITTEE III. AUDIT COMMITTEE The Audit CommiƩee of the Company comprises of Mr. Raj Mohan Choubey, Mr. Paban Singh Ingty and Mr. Dwarka Prasad Mathur, all Independent Directors. Mr. Raj Mohan Choubey is the Chairman of the Audit CommiƩee. Mr. Mukund Chandak, Company Secretary acts as the Secretary to the CommiƩee. The role and duƟes of the Audit CommiƩee have been deÞned by the Board of Directors under SecƟon 292A of the Companies Act, 1956 and cover the areas menƟoned under Clause 49 of the LisƟng Agreement (as amended from Ɵme to Ɵme). The CommiƩee was reconsƟtuted during the year on 27th November 2013 to give eīect to the cessaƟon of Mr. SaƟsh Chandra Chaturvedi and Mr. Sharad Mohata from the membership of the commiƩee and co-opƟon of Mr. Raj Mohan Choubey and 13 Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I) Limited • Annual Report 2013-14 (Formerly known as Shree Ganesh Jewellery House Ltd.) 14 Mr. Dwarka Prasad Mathur as members of the commiƩee. During the year Audit CommiƩee met 4 Ɵmes on 27th May 2013, 12th August 2013, 21st November 2013 and 13th February 2014. The terms of reference of the Audit CommiƩee includes the following: • Oversight of the Company’s Þnancial reporƟng process and disclosure of its Þnancial informaƟon to ensure that the Þnancial statements are correct, suĸcient and credible; • RecommendaƟon for appointment, remuneraƟon and terms of appointment of auditors of the Company; • Approval of payment to statutory auditors for any other services rendered by the statutory auditors; • Reviewing, with the Management, the annual Þnancial statements and auditor’s report thereon before submission to the Board for approval, with parƟcular reference to: ¾ MaƩers required to be included in the Director’s Responsibility Statement to be included in the Board’s Report in terms of clause (c) of sub-secƟon 3 of SecƟon 134 of the Companies Act, 2013. ¾ Changes, if any, in accounƟng policies and pracƟces and reasons for the same. ¾ Major accounƟng entries involving esƟmates based on the exercise of judgment by the management. ¾ SigniÞcant adjustments made in the Þnancial statements arising out of audit Þndings. ¾ Compliance with lisƟng and other legal requirements relaƟng to Þnancial statements. ¾ Disclosure of any related party transacƟons. ¾ QualiÞcaƟons in the draŌ audit report. • Reviewing with the Management, quarterly Þnancial statements before submission to the Board for approval; • Reviewing with the Management, the statement of uses/applicaƟon of funds raised through an issue (public issue, rights issue, preferenƟal issue, etc.), the statement of funds uƟlized for purposes other than those stated in the oīer document/ prospectus/noƟce and the report submiƩed by the monitoring agency monitoring the uƟlisaƟon of proceeds of a public or rights issue, and making appropriate recommendaƟons to the Board to take up steps in this maƩer; • Reviewing with the Management, performance of the statutory and internal auditors and adequacy of the internal control systems; • Reviewing the adequacy of internal audit funcƟon, if any, including the structure of the internal audit department, staĸng and seniority of the oĸcial heading the department, reporƟng structure coverage and frequency of internal audit; • Discussion with the internal auditors of any signiÞcant Þndings and follow-up thereon; • Reviewing the Þndings of any internal invesƟgaƟons by the internal auditors into maƩers where there is suspected fraud or irregularity or a failure of internal control systems of a material nature and reporƟng the maƩer to the Board; • Discussions with the statutory auditors before the audit commences, about the nature and scope of the audit as well as post-audit discussions to ascertain any area of concern;. • To look into the reasons for substanƟal defaults in the payment to depositors, debenture holders, members (in case of non-payment of declared dividends) and creditors; • To review the funcƟoning of the Whistle Blower Mechanism/Vigil Mechanism. • Approval of appointment of CFO (i.e. the wholeƟme Finance Director or any other person heading the Þnance funcƟon or discharging that funcƟon) aŌer assessing the qualiÞcaƟons, experience and background, etc of the candidate; • Carrying out any other funcƟons as speciÞed in the terms of reference, as amended from Ɵme to Ɵme. Statutory Reports Standalone Financials Consolidated Financials 15 The aƩendance of members during these meeƟngs are as follows : Name 27.05.2013 12.08.2013 21.11.2013 13.02.2014 Mr. SaƟsh Chandra Chaturvedi@ Present Present Present - Mr. Paban Singh Ingty Present Present Present Present Mr. Sharad Mohata@ Absent Absent Absent - Mr. Raj Mohan Choubey @@ - - - Present Mr. Dwarka Prasad Mathur@@ - - - Present @ Ceased to be the members with eīect from 27th November 2013. @@ Became members with eīect from 27th November 2013. Note: Mr. Dwarka Prasad Mathur has aƩended the meeƟngs held on 27.05.2013, 12.08.2013 and 21.11.2013 as Invitee. All the meeƟngs were also aƩended by the Auditors (except last meeƟng held on 13th February 2014) and the Company Secretary of the Company. The Company has complied with Clause 49 of the LisƟng Agreement with regard to role of Audit CommiƩee and review of informaƟon by Audit CommiƩee. IV. STAKEHOLDER RELATIONSHIP COMMITTEE (Formerly Known as Shareholder Grievance CommiƩee) The Stakeholder RelaƟonship CommiƩee comprises of Mr. Paban Singh Ingty, Mr. Dwarka Prasad Mathur and Mr. Raj Mohan Choubey all Independent Director and is headed by Mr. Paban Singh Ingty. Mr. Mukund Chandak, Company Secretary is the Compliance Oĸcer. The Company consƟtuted the Stakeholder RelaƟonship CommiƩee to oversee the redressal of investors’ grievances. The Shareholder Grievance CommiƩee was renamed as Stakeholder RelaƟonship CommiƩee by the Board of Directors at its meeƟng held on 27th November 2013 pursuant to SecƟon 178(5) of the Companies Act, 2013. The CommiƩee was reconsƟtuted during the year on 27th November 2013 to give eīect to the cessaƟon of Mr. SaƟsh Chandra Chaturvedi and Mr. Sharad Mohata from the membership of the commiƩee and co-opƟon of Mr. Raj Mohan Choubey and Mr. Dwarka Prasad Mathur as members of the commiƩee. During the year 2013-14 the CommiƩee met twice on 30th September, 2013 and 31st March, 2014. The aƩendance of the Members at the meeƟng are as follows: Name 30.09.2013 31.03.2014 Mr. Paban Singh Ingty Present Present Mr. SaƟsh Chandra Chaturvedi@ Present - Mr. Sharad Mohata@ Absent - Mr. Dwarka Prasad Mathur@@ - Present Mr. Raj Mohan Choubey@@ - Present @ Ceased to be the members with eīect from 27th November 2013. @@ Became members with eīect from 27th November 2013. In total 6 cases of Investors’ Grievances were received during year 2013-14 out of which 5 complaints are registered through SCORES pertaining to non-receipts of warrants/Annual Reports/Non-receipts of cerƟÞcate(s)/credit of share(s), which were duly redressed and no Investors’ Grievances was pending as at 31st March 2014. All valid requests for transfer of shares in physical mode received during the Þnancial year ended 31st March 2014 have been acted upon by the Company and no such transfer is pending. Email ID for investor complaint/queries: Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I) Limited • Annual Report 2013-14 (Formerly known as Shree Ganesh Jewellery House Ltd.) 16 V. NOMINATION & REMUNERATION COMMITTEE (Formerly known as RemuneraƟon CommiƩee) The NominaƟon and RemuneraƟon CommiƩee comprises of Mr. Paban Singh Ingty, Mr. Dwarka Prasad Mathur and Mr. Raj Mohan Choubey, all Independent Directors and is headed by Mr. Paban Singh Ingty. Mr. Mukund Chandak, Company Secretary, acts as Secretary to the CommiƩee. During the year under review there was no meeƟng of the RemuneraƟon CommiƩee, as no revision in remuneraƟon was considered. The RemuneraƟon CommiƩee was renamed as NominaƟon & RemuneraƟon CommiƩee as per the requirement of the provisions of SecƟon 178 of the Companies Act, 2013 by the Board of Directors at its meeƟng held on 27th November 2013. The CommiƩee was reconsƟtuted during the year on 27th November 2013 to give eīect to the cessaƟon of Mr. SaƟsh Chandra Chaturvedi from the membership of the commiƩee and co-opƟon of Mr. Raj Mohan Choubey as a member of the commiƩee. The funcƟons of the CommiƩee include To evaluate, review and recommend to the Board, the remuneraƟon of the ExecuƟve Directors so as to be objecƟve in determining the remuneraƟon package while striking a balance between the interest of the Company and shareholders. RemuneraƟon policy of the Company RemuneraƟon policy of the Company is based on the need to aƩract the best available talent and is in line with the prevailing trends in the industry. The remuneraƟon policy is therefore market-led and aimed at leveraging the performance appropriately. There was no pecuniary relaƟonship or transacƟons between the Company and the Independent Directors. The remuneraƟon paid to ExecuƟve Directors are in terms of the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956, read with Schedule XIII thereof and the Non ExecuƟve Independent Directors and Nominee Director are paid Siƫng Fees of ` 15,000/- for each meeƟng of the Board aƩended by them. The total amount of siƫng fees paid during the year ended 31st March 2014 was ` 3.00 lacs. The NonExecuƟve Directors are also reimbursed expenses incurred for aƩending the meeƟngs. RemuneraƟon/Siƫng Fees paid to ExecuƟve/Non-ExecuƟve Directors of the Company during the Þnancial year ended 31st March 2014 and their shareholdings are detailed as under: Name of Directors Siƫng Fees (` in Lacs) Salary & Perquisites (` in Lacs) Total No. of Shares held Mr. Nillesh Parrekh Nil 18.00 9,557,200 Mr. Umesh Parekh Nil 18.00 10,141,300 Mr. Sharad Mohata 0.30 Nil Nil Mr. SaƟsh Chandra Chaturvedi 0.60 Nil Nil Mr. Paban Singh Ingty 0.90 Nil Nil Mr. Dwarka Prasad Mathur 0.90 Nil Nil Mr. Raj Mohan Choubey 0.15 Nil Nil Mr. Lokesh Kumar 0.15 Nil Nil VI. ALLOTMENT COMMITTEE The Allotment CommiƩee was consƟtuted on 12th August 2013 and comprises of Mr. Paban Singh Ingty, Mr. Sharad Mohata & Mr. Umesh Parekh as members of the commiƩee. Mr. Umesh Parekh is the Chairman of the CommiƩee and Mr. Mukund Chandak, Company Secretary, acts as Secretary to the CommiƩee. The CommiƩee was reconsƟtuted during the year on 27th November 2013 to give eīect to the cessaƟon of Mr. Sharad Mohata from the membership of the commiƩee and co-opƟon of Mr. Dwarka Prasad Mathur as member of the commiƩee. The CommiƩee met once during the year on 22nd August 2013 which was aƩended by all the members of the commiƩee. Statutory Reports Standalone Financials Consolidated Financials 17 VII. CEO & CFO CERTIFICATION As required by Clause 49 of the LisƟng Agreement the cerƟÞcate by Managing Director and Chief Financial Oĸcer of the Company is provided in this Annual Report. VIII. DETAILS OF DIRECTORS APPOINTED/RE-APPOINTED Details of directors being appointed/re-appointed in terms of secƟon 152 of Companies Act 2013, have been disclosed in the noƟce of the Annual General MeeƟng, i.e. brief resume, nature of experƟse in speciÞc funcƟonal areas, numbers of directorships and commiƩee memberships and their shareholding in the company. IX. GENERAL BODY MEETINGS The last three Annual General MeeƟngs were held as under: Year Venue Date Time No. of Special ResoluƟons Passed Details of the Special ResoluƟon passed, if any 2011 Vidya Mandir, 1 Moira Street, Kolkata -700 017 26.08.2011 11.00A.M. Nil - 2012 Vidya Mandir, 1 Moira Street, Kolkata - 700 017 24.08.2012 11.00A.M. 1 Pursuant to SecƟon 163(1) and other applicable provisions, if any, of the Companies Act, 1956, to keep the register of members, index of members, the register and index of debenture holders and copies of all annual returns in the Corporate oĸce of the Company. 2013 Vidya Mandir, 1 Moira Street, Kolkata - 700 017 06.09.2013 11.00A.M Nil - ResoluƟons passed through Postal Ballots during the year are : 1) On 21st May 2013, a Special ResoluƟon under secƟon 81 (1A) to issue equity shares on PreferenƟal Basis to Promoter and Promoter Group. 2) On 7th August 2013, a Special ResoluƟon under secƟon 81 (1A) to issue equity shares on PreferenƟal Basis to NonPromoter. 1) Special ResoluƟons passed by way of postal ballot on 21st May 2013 The Board of Directors in its meeƟng held on 12th April 2013 had appointed Mr. B. P. Dhanuka, PracƟcing Company Secretary, to act as the ScruƟnizer for conducƟng the Postal Ballot. The postal ballot process was carried out as per the procedure laid down in terms of SecƟon 192A of the Companies Act, 1956 read with the Companies (Passing of the ResoluƟon by Postal Ballot) Rules, 2011. Mr. B. P. Dhanuka, had carried out the scruƟny of all the postal ballot forms received upto the close of working hours on 18th May 2013 and submiƩed his Report thereon on 20th May 2013 addressed to the Chairman of the Company. Based on the ScruƟnizer’s Report, Mr. Nillesh Parrekh, Chairman, declared the result of the postal ballot at the corporate oĸce of the Company on 21st May 2013 and subsequently adverƟsed in the newspaper. Results were inƟmated to the stock exchanges and were put on the noƟce board of the Company as well as on the Company’s website. 2) Special ResoluƟons passed by way of postal ballot on 7th August 2013 The Board of Directors in its meeƟng held on 27th June 2013 had appointed Mr. B. P. Dhanuka, PracƟcing Company Secretary, to act as the ScruƟnizer for conducƟng the Postal Ballot. The Company had also oīered e-voƟng facility to its members enabling Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I) Limited • Annual Report 2013-14 (Formerly known as Shree Ganesh Jewellery House Ltd.) 18 them to cast their votes electronically. The Company has signed an agreement with the Central Depository Services (India) Limited (CDSL) to enable its members to cast their votes electronically pursuant to Clause 35B of the LisƟng Agreement. The postal ballot process was carried out as per the procedure laid down in terms of SecƟon 192A of the Companies Act, 1956 read with the Companies (Passing of the ResoluƟon by Postal Ballot) Rules, 2011. Mr. B. P. Dhanuka, had carried out the scruƟny of all the postal ballot forms received upto the close of working hours on 5th August 2013 and submiƩed his Report thereon on 7th August 2013 addressed to the Chairman of the Company. Based on the ScruƟnizer’s Report, Mr. Nillesh Parrekh, Chairman, declared the result of the postal ballot at the corporate oĸce of the Company on 7th August 2013 and subsequently adverƟsed in the newspaper. Results were inƟmated to the stock exchanges and were put on the noƟce board of the Company as well as on the Company’s website. X. DISCLOSURES a) The related party transacƟons have been disclosed in the Notes to Accounts forming part of the Statement of Accounts for the Þnancial year ended 31st March 2014 and no transacƟon is considered to be pecuniary and/or in potenƟal conßict with the interests of the Company at large. b) The Company has duly complied with the requirements of the regulatory authoriƟes on capital market. No penalƟes have been imposed on the Company by the Stock Exchanges/SEBI on any maƩer related to capital markets during the last three years. c) Management Discussion and Analysis Report, given in a separate annexure forms part of this Annual Report and is annexed herewith. d) The Company aĸrms that no personnel has been denied access to the Audit CommiƩee. e) The company has fully complied with the mandatory requirements of the LisƟng Agreement and the non –mandatory requirement relaƟng to RemuneraƟon CommiƩee have been complied with. XI. MEANS OF COMMUNICATION Financial Results: The results of the Company are furnished to the Stock Exchanges on a periodical basis aŌer approval of the Board of Directors. The results are normally published in prominent newspapers within 48 hours aŌer approval by the Board. The Company’s website address is and the periodic results were duly posted thereon. Oĸcial news releases and noƟces etc. are sent to the Stock Exchanges where the equity shares of the Company are listed. XII. GENERAL SHAREHOLDER INFORMATION • • • Annual General MeeƟng (Financial Year 2013-14): • Day, Date & Time : Saturday, 27th September, 2014 at 2.30 p.m. • Venue : BharaƟya Bhasha Parishad, 36A, Shakespeare Sarani, Kolkata - 700017 Financial Calendar (TentaƟve and subject to change): 1. Financial ReporƟng for the quarter ended 30th June 2014: second week of August, 2014. 2. Financial ReporƟng for the quarter ended 30th September, 2014: second week of November, 2014. 3. Financial ReporƟng for the quarter ended 31st December, 2014: second week of February, 2015. 4. Financial ReporƟng for the year ended 31st March 2015: last week of May, 2015. Book Closure Period: 18th September 2014 to 27th September 2014 (both days inclusive) for Annual General MeeƟng. Statutory Reports • Standalone Financials Consolidated Financials 19 LisƟng on Stock Exchanges & Payment of LisƟng Fee: (a) BSE Limited (BSE) P. J. Towers, Dalal Street, Mumbai - 400 001 (b) NaƟonal Stock Exchange of India Limited (NSE) “Exchange Plaza”, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai - 400 051 • Annual lisƟng fee for the year 2014-15 has been duly paid by the Company to the BSE & NSE. • Stock Code: Bombay Stock Exchange - 533180 NaƟonal Stock Exchange - SGJHL • ISIN No. in NSDL & CDSL : INE 553K01019 • Corporate IdenƟÞcaƟon Number: L36911WB2002PLC095086 • Details of Unclaimed Shares pursuant to Clause 5A of the LisƟng Agreement: i) 284 Shares of ` 10/- each were alloƩed to 4 shareholders pursuant to IniƟal Public Oīer of the company were lying in the account of the Company at the beginning of the year. ii) During the year, Company has not received any transfer request from shareholders. iii) 284 shares owned by 4 shareholders are sƟll lying in the account of the Company at the end of the year. VoƟng rights in respect of the aforesaid shares, i.e., lying in the account of the Company on 31st March 2014, will remain frozen Ɵll the Ɵme such shares are claimed by the concerned Shareholders. • Market Price Data 1. The NaƟonal Stock Exchange of India Limited: Month High Price (`) Low Price (`) Total Traded QuanƟty NIFTY High NIFTY Low April, 2013 108.50 89.00 967,337 5,962.30 5,477.20 May, 2013 112.25 95.10 1,914,730 6,229.45 5,910.95 June, 2013 103.90 71.35 1,462,589 6,011.00 5,566.25 July, 2013 79.90 59.10 1,126,565 6,093.35 5,675.75 August, 2013 74.45 55.70 1,005,246 5,808.50 5,118.85 September, 2013 64.75 53.65 2,404,206 6,142.50 5,318.90 October, 2013 58.80 48.75 58,08,217 6,309.05 5,700.95 November, 2013 53.95 30.00 5,240,398 6,342.95 5,972.45 December, 2013 31.40 20.45 3,921,356 6,415.25 6,129.95 January, 2014 31.50 25.05 1,869,091 6,358.30 6,027.25 February, 2014 29.07 24.55 1,150,884 6,282.70 5,933.30 March, 2014 27.85 24.55 885,490 6,730.05 6,212.25 Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I) Limited • Annual Report 2013-14 (Formerly known as Shree Ganesh Jewellery House Ltd.) 20 2. BSE Limited Month High Price (`) Low Price (`) Total Traded QuanƟty SENSEX High SENSEX Low April, 2013 108.30 91.25 500,190 19,622.68 18,144.22 May, 2013 112.85 95.50 501,223 20,443.62 19,451.26 June, 2013 102.95 70.50 512,911 19,860.19 18,467.16 July, 2013 79.75 59.50 539,838 20,351.06 19,126.82 August, 2013 74.20 55.50 501,621 19,569.20 17,448.71 September, 2013 64.40 54.50 866,058 20,739.69 18,166.17 October, 2013 58.90 48.70 2,392,660 21,205.44 19,264.72 November, 2013 53.95 30.00 2,119,178 21,321.53 20,137.67 December, 2013 31.50 20.50 1,594,087 21,483.74 20,568.70 January, 2014 31.50 25.00 825,812 21,409.66 20,343.78 February, 2014 29.60 24.90 466,191 21,140.51 19,963.12 March, 2014 28.10 24.85 370,073 22,467.21 20,920.98 • Top Ten Shareholders as on 31st March 2014: Sl. No. Folio No. 1 IN30154930807216 2 IN30395620000944 3 Shareholder’s Name Shares % Kamlesh Shailendra Parekh 17,364,100 24.15 Umesh Parekh 10,141,300 14.10 IN30125028510183 Nilesh Parekh 9,557,200 13.29 4 IN30125028549493 Umesh Parekh HUF 5,582,000 7.76 5 IN30125028898463 Nilesh Parekh HUF 3,646,880 5.07 6 IN30125028909515 Kumud Parekh 3,527,240 4.91 7 IN30005410023358 Credit Suisse Pe Asia Investments (Mauritus)Limited 3,200,000 4.45 8 IN30014210614508 PlaƟnum Investment Mangement Limted A/C PlaƟnum InternaƟonal Brands Fund 2,036,104 2.83 9 IN30081210491269 IFCI Ltd 1,398,531 1.95 10 IN30317320008449 Progruss Investments Limted 1,280,000 1.78 • DematerialisaƟon of Shares as on 31st March 2014: The Company’s shares are compulsorily traded in dematerialised form and are available for trading on both the Depositories in India - NaƟonal SecuriƟes Depository Ltd. (NSDL) and Central Depository Services (India) Ltd. (CDSL). Statutory Reports Standalone Financials Consolidated Financials 21 ParƟculars of Shares Equity Shares of ` 10/- each Number % of Total Issued Capital 71,906,485 100.00 Listed Capital - NSE BSE 71,906,485 71,906,485 100.00 100.00 NSDL 68,657,259 95.48 CDSL 3,249,020 4.52 206 0.00 71,906,485 100.00 Dematerialised Form Physical Form Total shares of Listed Capital • Registrar and Share Transfer Agent: Link InƟme India Private Limited C13, KanƟlal Maganlal Industrial Estate Pannalal Silk Mills Compound LBS Marg, Bhandup (West) Mumbai - 400 078 Tel : 022 25960320 Fax: 022 25960329 Email : kolkata@linkinƟ • Share Transfer System: Almost 100% of the shares of the Company are in electronic form. Transfer of these shares is done through the depositories with no involvement of the Company. The share transfers which are received in physical form are processed and the share cerƟÞcates returned within a period of 15-20 days from the date of receipt of the transfer, subject to documents being valid and complete in all respects. • DistribuƟon of Shareholding as on 31st March 2014: Slab of Shareholding No. of Shareholders % No. of Shares % Upto 500 17,002 85.29 2,230,170 3.10 501-1000 1,439 7.22 1,156,288 1.61 1001- 2000 744 3.73 1,122,785 1.56 2001-3000 287 1.44 716,244 1.00 3001-4000 124 0.62 450,140 0.63 4001-5000 83 0.42 383,555 0.53 5001-10000 134 0.67 984,840 1.37 10001 and above 122 0.61 64,862,463 90.20 1,9935 100.00 71,906,485 100.00 Total Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I) Limited • Annual Report 2013-14 (Formerly known as Shree Ganesh Jewellery House Ltd.) 22 Corporate Governance Report • Category of Shareholders as on 31st March 2014 Category No. of Shares Held % of shareholdings 52,823,320 73.46 Financial InsƟtuƟon/Banks 2,800,557 3.89 FIIs 5,296,435 7.37 317,644 0.44 Bodies Corporate 1,680,126 2.34 Public & Others 8,988,403 12.50 Total Public Shareholding (B) 19,083,165 26.54 Total (A) +(B) 71,906,485 100.00 (A) Promoters & Promoter Group (B) Public Shareholding 1. 2. InsƟtuƟons Non-InsƟtuƟons NRI, NRN & Foreign NaƟonals Subsidiary Companies: There is no material non listed Indian Subsidiary Company. The Company has following wholly-owned subsidiaries: 1. Easy Fit Jewellery Limited 2. Sumit Jewels Private Limited 3. Gaja Finance Private Limited 4. Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (Singapore) Pte. Limited 5. Shree Ganesh Jewellery House FZE 6. Gaja Fincorp Private Limited (Formerly known as Veeyu India Pvt. Ltd.) 7. Alex Mercury Power Private Limited 8. Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (Ghana) Limited Gaja Retail Private Limited (Formerly known as Gokul Jewellery House Pvt. Ltd.) is a subsidiary of Company by virtue of Company holding its majority of shares. The Company also has following step down subsidiaries: 1. Shirdi CommodiƟes Private Limited 2. Shirdi Commosale Private Limited 3. Kamalraj Merchandise Private Limited 4. Chaturbhuj Vyapaar Private Limited 5. Shree Ganesh Jewellery House DMCC Save and except the above companies there is no other subsidiary company. The requirements of Clause 49 with regard to subsidiary companies have been complied with. • Registered Oĸce : 413, Vardaan Market 25A, Camac Street, Kolkata - 700 016 Phone: 033 3028 9188 • Fax: 033 3022 5903 • Corporate Oĸce : Avani Signature, Block 402 91A/1 Park Street, Kolkata - 700 016, Phone: 033 3025 9382 • Fax: 033 4007 1623 E-mail: Statutory Reports Standalone Financials • Plant LocaƟon : • Address for Correspondence : Consolidated Financials 23 1. Module GSW, 4SW, 3SE & GNE2 Manikanchan SEZ, SDF Building, Sector V Saltlake, Kolkata - 700 091 2. Mouza Domjur Sasthitala, Dist.Howrah - 711 405 3. 12/1/14 Mondalpara Lane Mondalpara, Kolkata - 700 090 The Company Secretary Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I) Limited Avani Signature, Block 402 91A/1 Park Street, Kolkata - 700 016 Tel : 033 30259382 Fax: 033 40071623 E-mail: Website: Link InƟme India Private Limited C13, KanƟlal Maganlal Industrial Estate, Pannalal Silk Mills Compound, LBS Marg, Bhandup (West), Mumbai - 400 078 Tel : 022 25960320 Fax: 022 25960329 Email: kolkata@linkinƟ For and on behalf of the Board of Directors Nillesh Parrekh Chairman Kolkata, 30th May 2014 Corporate Governance Compliance CerƟÞcate To The Members of Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I) Limited I have examined the compliance of condiƟons of Corporate Governance by Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I) Limited (“the Company”) for the year ended on 31st March 2014, as sƟpulated in Clause 49 of the LisƟng Agreement of the said Company with the Stock Exchanges. The compliance of condiƟons of Corporate Governance is the responsibility of the management. My examinaƟon was limited to the procedures and implementaƟon thereof, adopted by the Company for ensuring compliance of the condiƟons of Corporate Governance. It is neither an audit nor an expression of opinion on the Þnancial statement of the Company. In my opinion and to the best of my informaƟon and according to the explanaƟons given to me, I cerƟfy that the Company has complied with the condiƟons of Corporate Governance as sƟpulated in the above menƟoned LisƟng Agreement. I further state that such compliance is neither an assurance as to the future viability of the Company nor the eĸciency or eīecƟveness with which the management has conducted the aīairs of the Company. Place : Kolkata Date : 30th May 2014 Mohan Ram Goenka PracƟcing Company Secretary C P No. 2551, Membership No. F4515 Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I) Limited • Annual Report 2013-14 (Formerly known as Shree Ganesh Jewellery House Ltd.) 24 CEO & CFO CerƟÞcate We, Umesh Parekh, Managing Director and Ashok Prakash Sahni, Chief Financial Oĸcer, responsible for the Þnance funcƟon cerƟfy that: (a) We have reviewed Þnancial statements and the cash ßow statement for the year ended 31st March 2014 and that to the best of our knowledge and belief: (i) these statements do not contain any materially untrue statement or omit any material fact or contain statements that might be misleading; (ii) these statements together present a true and fair view of the company’s aīairs and are in compliance with exisƟng AccounƟng Standards, applicable laws and regulaƟons. (b) To the best of our knowledge and belief, no transacƟons entered into by the company during the Þnancial year ended 31st March 2014 are fraudulent, illegal or violaƟng of the Company’s code of conduct. (c) We accept responsibility for establishing and maintaining internal controls for Þnancial reporƟng and we have evaluated the eīecƟveness of internal control systems of the company pertaining to Þnancial reporƟng. DeÞciencies in the design or operaƟon of such internal controls, if any, of which we are aware have been disclosed to the Auditors and the Audit CommiƩee and steps have been taken to recƟfy those deÞciencies. (d) We have indicated to the Auditors and the Audit commiƩee (i) That there has not been any signiÞcant changes in internal control over Þnancial reporƟng during the year under review; (ii) That there has not been any signiÞcant changes in accounƟng policies during the Þnancial year 2013-14 requiring disclosure in the notes to the Þnancial statements; and (iii) That during the year under review, we are not aware of any instances of signiÞcant fraud and involvement therein, of the management or any employee having a signiÞcant role in the Company’s internal control system over Þnancial reporƟng. Kolkata, 30th May, 2014 Umesh Parekh Managing Director Ashok Prakash Sahni Chief Financial Oĸcer DeclaraƟon of Compliance of Code of Conduct by Directors and Senior Management Personnel To The Shareholders Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I) Limited This is to conÞrm that the Company has adopted a Code of Conduct for its employees including the Board of Directors and Senior Management. The Code is hosted on the Company’s web site. I conÞrm that the Company has in respect of the Þnancial year ended March 31, 2014, received from the senior management team of the Company and the Members of the Board a declaraƟon of the compliance with the Code of Conduct, as applicable to them. Kolkata, 30th May, 2014 Umesh Parekh Managing Director Statutory Reports Standalone Financials Consolidated Financials Independent Auditor’s Report To The Members of SHREE GANESH JEWELLERY HOUSE (I) LIMITED [Formerly known as Shree Ganesh Jewellery House Limited] 1. We have audited the accompanying Þnancial statements of Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I)Limited, which comprise the Balance Sheet as at March 31st, 2014 and the Statement of ProÞt and Loss and Cash Flow Statement for the year then ended, and a summary of signiÞcant accounƟng policies and other explanatory informaƟon. 2. Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparaƟon of these Þnancial statements that give a true and fair view of the Þnancial posiƟon, Þnancial performance and cash ßows of the Company in accordance with the AccounƟng Standards referred to in sub-secƟon (3C) of SecƟon 211 of the Companies Act, 1956. This responsibility includes the design, implementaƟon and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparaƟon and presentaƟon of the Þnancial statements that give a true and fair view and are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. 3. Auditor’s Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these Þnancial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with the Standards on AudiƟng issued by the InsƟtute of Chartered Accountants of India. Those Standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the Þnancial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the Þnancial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the Þnancial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the Company’s preparaƟon and fair presentaƟon of the Þnancial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances. An audit also includes evaluaƟng the appropriateness of accounƟng policies used and the reasonableness of the accounƟng esƟmates made by management, as well as evaluaƟng the overall presentaƟon of the Þnancial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is suĸcient and appropriate to provide a basis for our qualiÞed audit opinion. 4. Basis for QualiÞed Opinion Mismatch of cash credit Þgure as per company’s books and bank conÞrmaƟon (i) Fixed Deposit amounƟng of ` 2,287.58 Lacs pledged as security with Axis Bank against cash credit sancƟoned was adjusted with the cash credit balance in the company’s books on maturity of the Fixed Deposits. However, as per cash credit account statement furnished by the bank the Fixed Deposit Þgure was not adjusted with the cash credit account balance. Thus, cash credit balance as per bank conÞrmaƟon showed excess by ` 2,287.58 Lacs. Further, as per conÞrmaƟon received from the bank the matured amount was not adjusted in the cash credit account but was transferred to a separate account of the bank (ii) Cash credit balance of Dhanalaxmi Bank was shown less as per company’s books by ` 91.59 Lacs. Cash credit balance as per Company’s books was ` 1,485.55 Lacs and as per bank conÞrmaƟon was ` 1,577.15 Lacs. As per documents furnished to us, the company had contested the excess amount claimed by the Bank in the High Court of Kolkata and had received a stay order on the excess claim made by the bank. However, as per order passed by the court on 10th March 2014, pendency of the writ peƟƟon shall not preclude the respondents (bank)to proceed strictly in accordance with the Master Circular of Reserve Bank of India on Wilful Defaulters. 5. Opinion In our opinion and to the best of our informaƟon and according to the explanaƟons given to us, except for the eīects of the maƩer described in the Basis for QualiÞed Opinion paragraph, the Þnancial statements give the informaƟon required by the Act in the manner so required and give a true and fair view in conformity with the accounƟng principles generally accepted in India: 25 Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I) Limited • Annual Report 2013-14 (Formerly known as Shree Ganesh Jewellery House Ltd.) 26 Independent Auditor’s Report (a) in the case of the Balance Sheet, of the state of aīairs of the Company as at March 31st, 2014; (b) in the case of the Statement of ProÞt and Loss, of the proÞt/ loss for the year ended on that date; and (c) in the case of the Cash Flow Statement, of the cash ßows for the year ended on that date. 6. Emphasis of MaƩer AƩenƟon is drawn to note 31 in the Þnancial statements regarding preparaƟon of these accounts ongoing concern basis, although company has suīered signiÞcant operaƟng losses during the year and is facing Þnancial crunch with its inability to meet the Þnancial obligaƟons. The Company has applied for Composite Corporate Debt Restructuring with the banks to miƟgate the above. These miƟgaƟng factors have fully been disclosed in above referred note, in view of which, the accounts have been conƟnued to be prepared under the going concern assumpƟon. 7. Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements 1. As required by the Companies (Auditor’s Report) Order, 2003 (“the Order”) issued by the Central Government of India in terms of sub-secƟon (4A) of SecƟon 227 of the Act, we give in the Annexure a statement on the maƩers speciÞed in paragraphs 4 and 5 of the Order. 2. As required by secƟon 227(3) of the Act, we report that: a. We have obtained all the informaƟon and explanaƟons which to the best of our knowledge and belief were necessary for the purpose of our audit; b. In our opinion proper books of account as required by law have been kept by the Company so far as appears from our examinaƟon of those books; c. The Balance Sheet, Statement of ProÞt and Loss, and Cash Flow Statement dealt with by this Report are in agreement with the books of account; d. Except for the eīects of the maƩer described in the Basis for QualiÞed Opinion paragraph, in our opinion, the Balance Sheet, Statement of ProÞt and Loss, and Cash Flow Statement comply with the AccounƟng Standards referred to in subsecƟon (3C) of SecƟon 211 of the Companies Act, 1956; e. On the basis of wriƩen representaƟons received from the directors as on March 31st, 2014, and taken on record by the Board of Directors, none of the directors is disqualiÞed as on March 31st, 2014, from being appointed as a director in terms of clause (g) of sub-secƟon (1) of SecƟon 274 of the Companies Act, 1956. For CHATURVEDI & PARTNERS Chartered Accountants Firm RegistraƟon No. 307068E Date: 30th May, 2014 Place: Kolkata PraƟk Niyogi Partner Membership No. 066514 Statutory Reports Standalone Financials Consolidated Financials Annexure to the Independent Auditor’s Report (Referred to in Paragraph 4 of our report) i. ii. iii. In respect of Fixed assets: a. The Company has maintained proper records showing full parƟculars, including quanƟtaƟve details and situaƟon of its Þxed assets. b. The Company has a regular program of physical veriÞcaƟon of Þxed assets by which Þxed assets are veriÞed in a phased manner over a period of three years. In accordance with this program, certain Þxed assets were veriÞed during the year and no material discrepancies were noƟced on such veriÞcaƟon. In our opinion, this periodicity of physical veriÞcaƟon is reasonable having regard to the size of the company and the nature of its assets. c. No substanƟal part of the Þxed assets of the company was disposed oī during the year. In respect of inventories: a. The inventories have been physically veriÞed by the management as at year end. In our opinion, the frequency of such veriÞcaƟon is reasonable. b. In our opinion, and according to the informaƟon and explanaƟons given to us, the procedures of physical veriÞcaƟon of inventories followed by the management are reasonable and adequate in relaƟon to the size of the Company and the nature of its business. c. In our opinion, and according to the informaƟon and explanaƟons given to us, the Company is maintaining proper records of its inventories and no material discrepancies noƟced on such physical veriÞcaƟon. a. The Company has granted loans to its subsidiary companies covered in register maintained under SecƟon 301 of the Companies Act, 1956. The maximum amount involved during the year and the year-end balance was ` 6,269.60 Lacs and ` 6,321.83 Lacs respecƟvely. b. In our opinion and according to the informaƟon and explanaƟons given to us, the rate of interest and other terms and condiƟons on which loans have been granted to its subsidiary companies and listed in the register maintained under secƟon 301 of the Companies Act, 1956 are not prima facie prejudicial to the interest of the Company. c. According to the informaƟon and explanaƟon given to us, loans granted and interest thereon are recoverable on demand. There are no sƟpulaƟons made for the recovery of the loan. Hence we cannot comment on the regularity of receipt of principal amounts and interest thereon. d. There is no overdue amount outstanding at the end of the year in respect of the above said loans. e. The company has not taken any loan secured or unsecured from companies, Þrms or other parƟes in the register maintained under SecƟon 301 of the Companies Act, 1956. iv. There is an adequate internal control system commensurate with the size of the Company and the nature of its business with regard to purchases of inventory, Þxed assets and with regard to the sale of goods and services. We have not observed any major weakness in internal control system during the course of the audit. v. In our opinion and according to the informaƟon and explanaƟons given to us, there were no contracts or arrangements made with the parƟes which required to be covered in the registers maintained under SecƟon 301 of the companies Act, 1956. vi. In our opinion and according to informaƟon and explanaƟons given to us, the Company has not accepted any deposits from the public within the meaning of secƟon 58A, 58AA or any other relevant provision of the Act and rules framed there under. vii. In our opinion and according to informaƟon and explanaƟons given to us, the Company has adequate overall internal control system commensurate with its size and nature of its business. viii. We have broadly reviewed the cost records maintained by the Company pursuant to the Rule made by the Central Government for the maintenance of cost records under SecƟon 209 (1)(d) of the Companies Act, 1956 and we are of the opinion that prima facie the prescribed accounts and records have been made and maintained. However, we have not made a detailed examinaƟon of the cost records with the view to determine whether they are accurate or complete. 27 Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I) Limited • Annual Report 2013-14 (Formerly known as Shree Ganesh Jewellery House Ltd.) 28 Annexure to the Independent Auditor’s Report ix. In respect of Statutory dues: a. According to the informaƟon and explanaƟons given to us and on the basis of our examinaƟon of records of the company, in our opinion, the amounts deducted/accrued in the books of accounts in respect of undisputed statutory dues including Provident fund, Employee State Insurance, Income Tax, Sales Tax, Wealth Tax, Customs duty, Cess and other material statutory dues have generally been deposited regularly during the year by the Company with the appropriate authoriƟes except delay in some cases and some of the amounts are sƟll not paid as detailed below. : Sales Tax – ` 104.02 Lacs Service Tax – ` 3.36 Lacs As explained to us, the Company did not have any dues on account of Excise duty and Investor EducaƟon and ProtecƟon fund. b. According to informaƟon and explanaƟons given to us, no undisputed amounts payable in respect of Employees Provident Fund, Employees’ State Insurance, Income Tax, Sales Tax, Wealth Tax, Custom duty, Cess and other Material statutory dues were in arrears as at 31st March 2014 for a period more than 6 months from the date they become payable. c. According to the informaƟon and explanaƟons given to us, there were no dues of Wealth Tax, Custom Duty, and Cess which have not been deposited with the appropriate authoriƟes on account of any dispute. Based on the informaƟon and explanaƟons available, the following Sales Tax dues have not been deposited with the appropriate authoriƟes on account of Dispute :Sl. No. Name of the Status Nature of Dues Amount (` in Lacs) Period to which the Amount Relates Forum Where the dispute is Pending 1. West Bengal Sales Tax Claim of Export rejected Act/Central Sales Tax Act by Appellate Authority on ground of non accepƟng Form 12A on quarterly basis but the commercial taxes authority issued it on quarterly basis 291.07 2006-07 Revisional Board , Sales tax Kolkata (South Circle) 2. West Bengal Sales Tax Export Sales and Input tax 1,807.33 2007-08 Appellate Authority , Sales Act/Central Sales Tax Act credit disallowed and Gross Tax Kolkata (South Circle) Turnover enhanced by 63%. 3. West Bengal Sales Tax Input tax disallowed due to Act/Central Sales Tax Act Purchase / Sale from the same party and further, Purchase tax levied on Þxed assets purchased during the year. 27.44 2008-09 Appellate Authority , Sales Tax Kolkata (South Circle) 4. West Bengal Sales Tax Tax on sales at branch outside Act/Central Sales Tax Act the state of West Bengal @ 12.5% and CST sales taxed @1%thereon. 519.46 2009-10 Appellate Authority, Sales Tax Kolkata (South Circle) 5. West Bengal Sales Tax Disallowance of export 2,078.83 2010-11 Senior Joint Commissioner Act/Central Sales Tax Act sale and purchase tax on Kolkata (South Circle) Unregistered purchase. Statutory Reports Standalone Financials Consolidated Financials 29 Annexure to the Independent Auditor’s Report x. The Company does not have accumulated losses at the end of the Þnancial year 31st March, 2014 and has incurred cash losses in the current Þnancial year. xi. In our opinion and according to the informaƟon and explanaƟons given to us, the Company has defaulted in repayment of dues to its banker and debenture holders. The Company has applied for Composite Corporate Debt Restructuring. xii. In our opinion, the Company has not granted any loans and advances on the basis of security by way of pledge of shares, debentures and other securiƟes. xiii. According to the informaƟon and explanaƟons given to us, the Company is not a chit fund or a nidhi/ mutual beneÞt fund/ society. xiv. In our opinion and according to the informaƟon and explanaƟons given to us, the Company is not dealing or trading in shares, securiƟes, debentures and other investments. xv. In our opinion and according to the informaƟon given to us, in respect of the guarantee given by the Company for the loans taken by others from a bank, the terms and condiƟons thereof are not, prima facie, prejudicial to the interest of the company. xvi. In our opinion and according to the informaƟon and explanaƟons given to us, the term loans have been applied for the purpose for which they were raised. xvii. According to the informaƟon and explanaƟons given to us and on an overall examinaƟon of the Balance Sheet of the Company, we are of the opinion that funds raised on short term basis have not been used for long term investment. xviii. The Company has made preferenƟal allotment in the current Þnancial year and has alloƩed 1,280,000 Equity Shares of ` 10 each which includes Security Premium of ` 115 each to Companies/Þrms/parƟes covered in the register maintained under SecƟon 301 of the Companies Act, 1956 during the year. xix. According to the informaƟon and explanaƟons given to us and on the basis of the records examined by us, the company has created necessary charges for the debentures issued. xx. The Company has not raised any money by public issues during the year. xxi. As represented to us by the management and based on our examinaƟon of the books and records of the Company in accordance with the generally accepted audiƟng pracƟces in India, we have neither come across any material fraud on or by the Company noƟced or reported during the year nor we have been informed of any such case by the management that causes the Þnancial statements to be materially misstated. For CHATURVEDI & PARTNERS Chartered Accountants Firm RegistraƟon No. 307068E Date: 30th May, 2014 Place: Kolkata PraƟk Niyogi Partner Membership No. 066514 Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I) Limited • Annual Report 2013-14 (Formerly known as Shree Ganesh Jewellery House Ltd.) 30 Balance Sheet as at 31st March 2014 Notes [ ` in Lacs ] As at 31st March 2014 As at 31st March 2013 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Shareholders' Funds Share capital Reserves and surplus 3 4 7,190.65 90,019.87 97,210.52 6,482.65 155,339.59 161,822.24 Non-Current LiabiliƟes Long-term borrowings Long-term provisions 5 6 3,500.00 21.47 3,521.47 10,039.53 46.75 10,086.28 Current LiabiliƟes Short-term borrowings Trade payable Other current liabiliƟes Short-term provisions 7 8 9 10 281,291.73 60,213.45 9,833.87 47.58 351,386.63 452,118.62 49,683.96 334,287.82 4,788.73 2,690.56 391,451.07 563,359.59 11 11 15,935.95 1.81 112.17 16,049.93 6,897.26 40,393.10 15,063.91 253,234.93 315,589.20 16,668.63 3.00 863.70 17,535.33 13,054.88 459.99 15,569.37 29,084.25 25,184.35 65,935.27 19,774.32 9,065.39 520.16 120,479.49 452,118.62 58,607.68 354,629.99 94,822.21 6,592.55 2,087.59 516,740.02 563,359.60 ASSETS Non-Current Assets Fixed assets Tangible assets Intangible assets Capital work in progress Non-current investment Deferred tax asset (net) Long term loans and advances Other Non-Current Assets 12 13 14 15 Current Assets Current investment Inventories Trade receivables Cash and cash equivalents Short term loans and advances Other current assets 16 17 18 19 20 Summary of SigniÞcant AccounƟng Policies 2 The notes referred to above form an integral part of the Þnancial statements As per our report aƩached For Chaturvedi & Partners Chartered Accountants Firm RegistraƟon No: 307068E PraƟk Niyogi Partner Membership No.: 066514 Place: Kolkata Date: 30th May, 2014 For and on behalf of the Board of Directors Nillesh Parrekh Chairman Umesh Parekh Managing Director Ashok Prakash Sahni Chief Financial Oĸcer Mukund Chandak Company Secretary Statutory Reports Standalone Financials Consolidated Financials 31 Statement of ProÞt and Loss for the year ended 31st March 2014 [ ` in Lacs ] Notes 31st March 2014 31st March 2013 INCOME Revenue from operaƟons 21 983,087.67 922,226.92 Other income 22 174.60 10,286.26 983,262.27 932,513.18 EXPENSES Cost of materials consumed 23 247,156.91 631,598.43 Purchases of stock-in-trade 24 669,472.77 245,877.50 Changes in inventories of work-in-progress, Þnished goods and stock-in-trade Employee beneÞts expense 25 44,157.65 1,199.36 26 1,289.63 2,916.57 Finance cost 27 28,827.70 20,251.18 DepreciaƟon and amorƟsaƟon expense 11 2,242.51 2,329.57 Other expenses 28 68,237.80 2,733.01 ExcepƟonal Item 29 39,059.14 - 1,100,444.11 906,905.62 (117,181.84) 25,607.56 (61.70) 5,190.00 - (5,190.00) (61.70) - (39,933.12) 227.40 (77,187.02) 25,380.16 (109.71) 41.81 ProÞt Before Tax Tax Expense Current tax 30 Less: Mat credit enƟtlement Net current tax Deferred tax charge / (release) 13 ProÞt For The Year Basic and diluted earnings per share 34 Summary of SigniÞcant AccounƟng Policies 2 The notes referred to above form an integral part of the Þnancial statements As per our report aƩached For and on behalf of the Board of Directors For Chaturvedi & Partners Chartered Accountants Firm RegistraƟon No: 307068E PraƟk Niyogi Partner Membership No.: 066514 Place: Kolkata Date: 30th May, 2014 Nillesh Parrekh Chairman Umesh Parekh Managing Director Ashok Prakash Sahni Chief Financial Oĸcer Mukund Chandak Company Secretary Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I) Limited • Annual Report 2013-14 (Formerly known as Shree Ganesh Jewellery House Ltd.) 32 Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 31st March 2014 [ ` in Lacs ] 31st March 2014 A. 31st March 2013 Cash ßow from operaƟng acƟviƟes Net proÞt before taxaƟon (117,181.84) 25,607.56 Adjusted for : DepreciaƟon /AmorƟsaƟon 2,242.51 2,329.57 Unrealised foreign exchange loss / (gain) (net) (2,487.05) 1,814.90 Provision for Doubƞul debts (Refer Note 31) 59,076.47 - 6,441.78 - DiminuƟon in Investment (Refer Note 31) Wealth Tax 1.57 ExcepƟonal Item (Refer Note 29) 39,059.14 - Interest expense(Net) 28,827.70 20,251.18 33.20 - 0.02 - Provision wriƩen oī / Discount recd ProÞt / Loss on Sale of FA Miscellaneous provision wriƩen back (79.95) 133,115.39 (13.21) 15,933.55 24,382.44 49,990.00 OperaƟng proÞt before working capital changes Changes in: Trade and other receivables Inventories Trade payables / other liabiliƟes (187,670.28) 33,423.33 (7,122.36) (330,909.84) (150,051.85) 169,717.65 (25,074.99) Cash generated from operaƟons (134,118.30) 24,915.01 Direct taxes (paid)/refund (net) (2,218.71) (7,396.50) (136,337.01) 17,518.51 (867.45) (1,144.98) 110.34 - (284.15) (8,574.44) - 1.65 NET CASH FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES B. 147,434.66 Cash ßow from invesƟng acƟviƟes Purchase of Þxed assets Sale of Fixed Assets Investment in subsidiaries and others Investment in Þxed deposit Investment in mutual fund Loans (Given)/RealisaƟon(net) Interest income on Þxed deposits and mutual funds Net Cash used in InvesƟng AcƟviƟes - 1,344.33 (786.84) 1,743.75 - 94.10 (1,828.10) (6,535.59) Statutory Reports Standalone Financials Consolidated Financials 33 Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 31st March 2014 [ ` in Lacs ] 31st March 2014 C. 31st March 2013 Cash ßow from Þnancing acƟviƟes Proceeds from : Short Term Borrowings 914,321.99 Long Term Borrowings 3.51 704,257.01 914,325.50 20.27 704,277.28 Repayment of: Short Term Borrowings 848,733.33 Long Term Borrowings 43.05 Interest paid(net) Dividend Paid (848,776.38) 12.80 (683,839.24) (12,731.80) (20,870.01) (0.10) (4,228.32) 10,300.00 6,216.00 63,117.22 1,555.71 (75,047.89) 12,538.63 Opening cash and cash equivalents 94,822.21 82,283.58 Closing cash and cash equivalents 19,774.32 94,822.21 50.34 153.52 203.82 5,173.20 [Excluding unrealised foreign exchange gain of ` Nil ( previous year loss ` 0.41)] - Deposit account * 19,520.16 89,495.49 Total 19,774.32 94,822.21 Money raised through PreferenƟal Allotment of Equity Shares to Promoter and Promoter Group NET CASH FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES (DECREASE) / INCREASE IN CASH & CASH EQUIVALENTS (A+B+C) 1. 683,826.44 Note : CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS - CLOSING BALANCE Cash in hand Balances with scheduled banks - Current account 2. 3. * Includes Rs. 19,314.56 (Previous year ` 89,495.49) being margin money deposit against borrowings which are not readily available for other purposes. The above cash ßow statement has been prepared under the indirect method set out in AccounƟng Standard AS 3 Cash Flow Statement as prescribed by Companies (AccounƟng Standards) Rules, 2006. Previous year's Þgure have been rearranged / regrouped wherever necessary As per our report aƩached For and on behalf of the Board of Directors For Chaturvedi & Partners Chartered Accountants Firm RegistraƟon No: 307068E PraƟk Niyogi Partner Membership No.: 066514 Place: Kolkata Date: 30th May, 2014 Nillesh Parrekh Chairman Umesh Parekh Managing Director Ashok Prakash Sahni Chief Financial Oĸcer Mukund Chandak Company Secretary Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I) Limited • Annual Report 2013-14 (Formerly known as Shree Ganesh Jewellery House Ltd.) 34 Notes to Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March 2014 1. Background Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I) Limited ('the Company') formerly Shree Ganesh Jewellery House Private Limited, was incorporated in 2002. The Company is engaged in the business of manufacture and sale of handcraŌed gold jewellery, diamond and studded jewellery. The name of the Company changed to Shree Ganesh Jewellery House Limited on conversion to public limited company with eīect from 14th August 2007. During the year 2009-2010 the Company has made an IniƟal Public Oīering (IPO) to issue 12,136,497 equity shares of face value Rs. 10 each at Rs. 260 each (including a securiƟes premium of Rs. 250 each) and got listed on NaƟonal Stock Exchange and Bombay Stock Exchange. During the year Company have further changed its name from Shree Ganesh Jewellery House Limited to Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I) Limited with eīect from 4th December, 2012. 2. Summary of signiÞcant accounƟng policies (i) Basis of preparaƟon of Þnancial statements The Þnancial statements have been prepared and presented under the historical cost convenƟon on the accrual basis of accounƟng following Generally Accepted AccounƟng Principles in India ('GAAP') and comply with the AccounƟng Standards prescribed by the Companies (AccounƟng Standard) Rules, 2006 and the relevant provisions of the Companies Act., 1956 to the extent applicable. (ii) PresentaƟon and disclosure of Þnancial statements During the year end 31st March 2012, the revised Schedule VI noƟÞed under the Companies Act 1956, has become applicable to the company, for preparaƟon and presentaƟon of its Þnancial statements. The adopƟon of revised Schedule VI does not impact recogniƟon and measurement principles followed for preparaƟon of Þnancial statements. However, it has signiÞcant impact on presentaƟon and disclosure made in the Þnancial statements (iii) Use of esƟmates The preparaƟon of Þnancial statements in conformity with GAAP requires management to make esƟmates and assumpƟons that aīect the reported amounts of assets and liabiliƟes and the disclosure of conƟngent liabiliƟes on the date of the Þnancial statements. Actual results could diīer from those esƟmates. Any revision to accounƟng esƟmates is recognised prospecƟvely in current and future periods. (iv) Fixed assets Fixed assets are carried at cost of acquisiƟon or construcƟon, less accumulated depreciaƟon. The cost of Þxed assets includes freight, duƟes (net of VAT), taxes and other incidental expenses that are directly aƩributable to bringing assets to their working condiƟon for their intended use. (v) Borrowing Cost Borrowing costs that are aƩributable to the acquisiƟon or construcƟon of qualifying assets are capitalised as a part of the cost of such assets. A qualifying asset is one that necessarily takes substanƟal period of Ɵme to get ready for intended use. All other borrowing costs are charged to revenue. (vi) DepreciaƟon/ AmorƟsaƟon DepreciaƟon on Þxed assets is provided under the wriƩen down value method at rates derived from the useful lives of such assets, as esƟmated by management. The rates of depreciaƟon so derived are in line with the rates of depreciaƟon prescribed by Schedule XIV to the Act. Leasehold properƟes are amorƟsed over Useful life of the assets as esƟmated by management or the period of lease, whichever is lower. Fixed assets individually cosƟng Rs 5,000 or less, are depreciated fully in the year of acquisiƟon. Goodwill arising on amalgamaƟon is amorƟsed over its esƟmated useful life of 5 years. Statutory Reports Standalone Financials Consolidated Financials Notes to Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March 2014 (vii) Impairment of Þxed assets At each Balance Sheet date, management assesses, using external and internal sources, whether there is an indicaƟon that an asset may be impaired. An impairment occurs when the carrying value of an asset exceeds the present value of future cash ßows expected to arise from the conƟnuing use of the asset and its eventual disposal. The impairment loss to be expensed is determined as the excess of the carrying amount over the present value as determined above. (viii) Investments Long term investments are stated at cost less amount wriƩen oī, where there is a diminuƟon in value other than temporary. Short term investments are valued at cost or net realisable value whichever is lower. (ix) Inventories Year-end inventory of raw materials and stones are carried at cost (net of VAT, wherever applicable). The carrying cost of raw materials and stones is appropriately wriƩen down when there is a decline in replacement cost of such materials and the Þnished products in which they will be incorporated are expected to be sold below cost. Year-end inventory of work in progress and Þnished goods are valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value. Cost of work in progress and Þnished goods comprises of direct material and labour expenses and an appropriate porƟon of producƟon overheads incurred in bringing the inventory to their present locaƟon and condiƟon. Fixed producƟon overheads are allocated on the basis of the producƟon. In determining cost, Þrst in Þrst out method is used. Alloys and consumables are charged oī to ProÞt and Loss Account. (x) Revenue recogniƟon Revenue from sale of goods is recognised on transfer of risk and rewards of ownership of goods to the buyer. Sales are stated exclusive of sales tax. Excise duty is not applicable to the company. In respect of contract for sale of goods at prices that are yet to be Þxed at the year end, adjustments to the provisional amount billed to the customers are recognised based on the year end closing gold rate. Revenue from job work are recognised on an accrual basis when the related job work is rendered. In respect of commodity exchange transacƟons undertaken by the company, net gain/loss arising from seƩlement of such transacƟons during the year or restatement of such transacƟons that are pending seƩlement at the year end are recognised in the ProÞt and Loss account for the year. In respect of commodity exchange transacƟon undertaken on behalf of customers, brokerage received/ receivable is recognised on accrual basis when transacƟons are entered into on behalf of the customers. Third party sales commission is recognised on an accrual basis in accordance with the terms of the related agreement. Interest is recognised on Ɵme proporƟon basis. (xi) Employee beneÞts The Company's obligaƟon towards various employee beneÞts have been recognised as follows: Short Term BeneÞts Cost of non-accumulated compensated absences is recognised when absences occur. Cost of other short term employee beneÞts are recognised on accrual basis based on the terms of employment contract and other relevant compensaƟon policies followed by the Company. 35 Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I) Limited • Annual Report 2013-14 (Formerly known as Shree Ganesh Jewellery House Ltd.) 36 Notes to Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March 2014 Post employment beneÞts Monthly contribuƟon to Provident Funds, which is deÞned contribuƟon scheme, is charged to ProÞt and Loss account and deposited with the Regional Provident Fund AuthoriƟes on a monthly basis. The Company’s gratuity scheme is a deÞned beneÞt plan. The present value of the obligaƟon under such deÞned beneÞt plan is determined based on actuarial valuaƟon carried out at the year end using the Projected Unit Credit Method, which recognises each period of service as giving rise to addiƟonal unit of employee beneÞt enƟtlement and measures each unit separately to build up the Þnal obligaƟon. The obligaƟon is measured at the present value of the esƟmated future cash ßows. The discount rates used for determining the present value of obligaƟon under deÞned beneÞt plan is based on the market yield on government securiƟes as at the Balance sheet date and have maturity period approximaƟng to the terms of the obligaƟon. Actuarial gains and losses are recognised immediately in the proÞt and loss account. (xii) OperaƟng Leases Lease rentals for operaƟng leases are recognised as expenses in the ProÞt and Loss Account on a straight line basis over the lease term. (xiii) Foreign exchange transacƟons TransacƟons in foreign currency are recognised at the exchange rates prevailing on the date of the transacƟons. Yearend monetary assets and liabiliƟes denominated in foreign currencies, other than those covered by foreign exchange contracts, are translated at the year-end foreign exchange rates. Gain / loss from exchange diīerences arising on seƩlement of foreign currency transacƟon or translaƟon of year-end monetary assets and liabiliƟes in foreign currency are recognised in the ProÞt and Loss Account for the year. In case of forward exchange contracts, premium or discounts on such contracts are amorƟsed over the life of the contract and exchange diīerences arising thereon in the reporƟng period are recognised in the ProÞt and Loss Account. TranslaƟon of integral and non integral foreign operaƟon The company classiÞes all its foreign operaƟons as either “integral foreign operaƟons” or “non integral foreign operaƟons”. The Þnancial statements of an integral foreign operaƟon are translated as if the translaƟons of the foreign operaƟon have been those of the Company itself. The assets and liabiliƟes of an non-integral foreign operaƟon are translated into the reporƟng currency at the exchange rate prevailing at the reporƟng date and their statement of proÞt and loss are translated at exchange rates prevailing at the dates of transacƟons or weighted average weekly rates, where such rates approximate the exchange rate at the date of transacƟon. The exchange diīerence arising on translaƟon are accumulated in the foreign currency translaƟon reserve. On disposal of a non-integral foreign operaƟon, the accumulated foreign currency translaƟon reserve relaƟng to that foreign operaƟon is recognized in the statement of proÞt and loss. (xiv) TaxaƟon Income tax expense comprises current taxes (i.e. amount of taxes for the year determined in accordance with the Income-tax Act, 1961) and deferred tax charge or credit (reßecƟng the tax eīects of Ɵming diīerences between accounƟng income and taxable income for the period). The deferred tax charge or credit and the corresponding deferred tax liabiliƟes or assets are recognised using the tax rates that have been enacted or substanƟvely enacted by the Balance Sheet date. Deferred tax assets are recognised only to the extent that there is reasonable certainty that the assets can be realised in future except for deferred tax assets arising from unabsorbed depreciaƟon or business losses brought forward from Statutory Reports Standalone Financials Consolidated Financials Notes to Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March 2014 prior years that are recognised only if there is a virtual certainty of realisaƟon of such assets. Deferred tax assets are reviewed as at each Balance Sheet date and wriƩen up or down to reßect the amount that is reasonably / virtually certain (as the case may be) to be realised. The Company's units, located in Special Economic Zone (SEZ) are exempted from income tax (current tax) and one unit is partly exempted Ɵll 31st March 2014 under the provisions of secƟon 10AA of the Income Tax Act, 1961. However Minimum Alternate Tax (MAT) is applicable in the proÞts derived from units located in Special Economic Zone (SEZ) w.e.f. 1st April 2011. Deferred tax pertaining to the above units are recognised on Ɵming diīerences, being the diīerence between taxable income and accounƟng income, that originate in one period and are capable of reversal in one or more subsequent periods beyond the periods during which the respecƟve units are exempt from income tax as aforesaid. Deferred tax assets on unabsorbed depreciaƟon and / or carry forward of losses are recognised only if there is virtual certainty that suĸcient future taxable income will be available against which such deferred tax assets will be realised. Such assets are reviewed as at each Balance Sheet date to reassess realisability thereof. (xv) Provisions and conƟngent liabiliƟes A provision is recognised in the Þnancial statements when there exists a present obligaƟon as a result of a past event, the amount of which can be reliably esƟmated and it is probable that an ouƞlow of resources will be required to seƩle the obligaƟon. ConƟngent liability is a possible obligaƟon that arises from past events and the existence of which will be conÞrmed only by the occurrence or non-occurrence of one or more uncertain future events not wholly within the control of the Company or is a present obligaƟon that arises from past events but is not recognised because either it is not probable that an ouƞlow of resources embodying economic beneÞts will be required to seƩle the obligaƟon, or the amount of the obligaƟon cannot be reliably esƟmated. (xvi) Earnings Per Share Basic earnings per share is computed using the weighted average number of equity shares outstanding during the period. Diluted earnings per share is computed using the weighted average number of shares and diluƟve equity equivalent shares outstanding during the period, except when results would be anƟ diluƟve. 37 Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I) Limited • Annual Report 2013-14 (Formerly known as Shree Ganesh Jewellery House Ltd.) 38 Notes to Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March 2014 [ ` in Lacs ] As at 31st March 2014 As at 31st March 2013 Notes 3 Share Capital Authorised Shares 115,000,000 (Previous Year - 115,000,000) Equity Shares of Rs 10 each 11,500.00 11,500.00 2,666,667 (Previous year - 2,666,667) 0.0001 % CumulaƟve ConverƟble Preference Shares of Rs. 300/- each. 8,000.00 8,000.00 19,500.00 19,500.00 7,190.65 6,482.65 7,190.65 6,482.65 Issued, Subscribed and fully Paid up shares 71,906,485 (Previous Year - 64,826,485) Equity Shares of Rs.10 each fully paid up (of the above share 36,048,144 equity share of Rs. 10 each are alloƩed fully paid up by way of bonus shares in the year 2009-10) The Company has made an IniƟal Public Oīer (IPO) to issue 12,136,497 Equity Shares of ` 10 each at ` 260 each (includes securiƟes premium of Rs. 250 each) in the year 2009-2010. In the year 2010-2011, the Company has issued and alloƩed Equity Shares. Out of the fund raised from IPO amounƟng to ` 31,554.89, apart from meeƟng the IPO expenses of ` 2,332.34, the Company has uƟlised the proceeds of the issue amounƟng to ` 29,222.55 (P.Y ` 29,222.55) for seƫng up and expansion of manufacturing units, seƫng up of retail outlets, meeƟng working capital requirements and for general corporate purposes upto the year ended 31st March 2013. Further, the Company in the current year has alloƩed 7,080,000 (Previous Year 4,144,000) Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each which includes Security Premium of ` 140 each for 5,800,000 equity shares issued to Promoters and Promoters Group (Previous Year Rs. 140 each for Shares to Promoters and Promoters Group) and Rs. 115 each for 1,280,000 Equity Shares issued to NonPromoters through PreferenƟal allotment. a. ReconciliaƟon of the shares outstanding at the beginning and at the end of the year As at 31st March 2014 No. Amount At the beginning of the year Add : Issued during the year - Through PreferenƟal Allotment to Promoters and Promoters Group Add : Issued during the year - Through PreferenƟal Allotment to Non-Promoters Outstanding at the end of the year As at 31st March 2013 No. Amount 64,826,485 6,482.65 60,682,485 6,068.25 580.00 5,800,000 4,144,000 414.40 128.00 1,280,000 - - 71,906,485 7,190.65 64,826,485 6,482.65 b. Terms / rights aƩached to equity shares The Company has only one class of Equity Shares having a par value of Rs 10/- per Share. Each holder of equity shares is enƟtled to one vote per Share. The Company declares and pay dividends in Indian Rupees. The Dividend Proposed by the Board of Directors is subject to the approval of the Shareholders in the ensuing Annual General MeeƟng. In the event of liquidaƟon of the company, the holders of Equity Shares will be enƟtled to receive remaining assets of the Company. The distribuƟon will be in proporƟon to the number of Equity Shares held by the shareholders. c. 73.46% (Previous Year 72.54%) of Equity Shares of the Company are held by the promoter group of the Company. Statutory Reports Standalone Financials Consolidated Financials 39 Notes to Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March 2014 [ ` in Lacs ] d. Details of shareholders holding more than 5% of total Equity Shares of the Company: Name of the shareholder As at 31st March 2014 As at 31st March 2013 Umesh Parekh No. 10,141,300 % holding 14.10% No. 10,141,300 % holding 15.64% Kamlesh Shailendra Parekh 17,364,100 24.15% 11,564,100 17.84% Kamlesh Shailendra Parekh 9,557,200 13.29% 9,557,200 14.74% Umesh Parekh HUF 5,582,000 7.76% 5,582,000 8.61% Nilesh Parekh HUF 3,646,880 5.07% 3,646,880 5.63% Kumud Parekh 3,527,240 4.91% 3,527,240 5.44% As per records of the Company, including its register of shareholders / members and other declaraƟons received from shareholders regarding beneÞcial interest, the above shareholding represents both legal and beneÞcial ownership of shares. As at 31st March 2014 As at 31st March 2013 Notes 4 Reserves and Surplus AmalgamaƟon reserve SecuriƟes premium account At the commencement of the year AddiƟons during the year: - on PreferenƟal Allotment of Equity Shares [refer note 3] Balance at the end of the year General reserve At the commencement of the year Add: Transfer from statement of ProÞt and loss Balance at the end of the year Surplus / (deÞcit) in the statement of ProÞt and Loss At the commencement of the year ProÞt for the year Add : AppropriaƟons Proposed Equity Dividend* Dividend Tax* Less : AppropriaƟons Proposed Equity Dividend* Dividend Tax* Transfer to Debenture RedempƟon Reserve** Transfer to General Reserve Balance at the end of the year Debenture RedempƟon Reserve At the commencement of the year Add: Transfer from statement of ProÞt and loss 325.59 325.59 41,856.21 36,054.61 9,592.00 51,448.21 5,801.60 41,856.21 9,824.04 9,824.04 7,286.02 2,538.02 9,824.04 100,333.74 (77,187.02) 80,266.91 25,380.16 1,944.79 330.52 - 25,422.03 1,944.79 330.52 500.00 2,538.02 100,333.74 3,000.00 3,000.00 90,019.87 2,500.00 500.00 3,000.00 155,339.59 Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I) Limited • Annual Report 2013-14 (Formerly known as Shree Ganesh Jewellery House Ltd.) 40 Notes to Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March 2014 [ ` in Lacs ] * Dividend for the Financial year 2012-13, recommended by the Board of Directors in the Board MeeƟng held on 27th May 2013 was subsequently disapproved by the Shareholders in the Annual General MeeƟng and accordingly the same and dividend tax thereon has been reversed. **The Company had not created any Debenture RedempƟon Reserve in the current Þnancial year due to negaƟve proÞts. As at 31st March 2014 As at 31st March 2013 Notes 5 Long Term borrowings Secured - 11% Non converƟble debenture * - Vehicle loan ** 3,500.00 10,000.00 - 39.53 3,500.00 10,039.53 * Debentures are due for repayment at the end of 3rd, 4th and 5th year in the raƟo of 30:35:35 from the date of allotment, viz, 20/12/2010 and 03/11/2010, Rs 5,000 each. These are Secured by Þrst charge on the Fixed Assets of the Company to the extent of 1.25 Ɵmes of the value of non converƟble debentures. ** Secured by hypothecaƟon of the vehicles purchased from the proceeds of the loan. Notes 6 Long term provisions Employee beneÞts (Refer note 40) 21.47 46.75 21.47 46.75 87,244.35 34,637.02 - 2,363.19 69,577.22 - 111,462.38 6,683.75 - 11% Non converƟble Debenture (Refer Note no. 5 Above) 6,500.00 - - Other Short Term Loan **** 6,257.78 6,000.00 250.00 - 281,291.73 49,683.96 Notes 7 Short term borrowing Secured loans From Banks - Cash credit from banks* - Bank overdraŌ ** - Short Term Loan (Amount Payable against Bills discounted crystallised and LC SBLC's devolved by the Banks)*** - Bills Discounted (Crystallised Value)*** From other Þnancial insƟtuƟons Unsecured loan - Inter Corporate Deposits from Related ParƟes***** * Secured by way of Þrst pari passu charge on current assets of the Company, both present and future, excluding assets having speciÞc charge of respecƟve Þnancing banks, and second charge on Þxed assets, both current and future. Irrevocable and uncondiƟonal personal guarantee of the Promoter Directors. It also includes the loan amount credited by the banks in lieu of Devolved LC / SBLC's and Crystallised Bills Discounted to the extent credited by the banks in Cash Credit Account. ** Secured by way of lien on Þxed deposits. *** Secured by Þrst charge on export bills discounted under conÞrmed orders & bills purchased under conÞrmed orders by banks. Also secured by way of margin money and Þrst pari passu charge on the current assets of the Company, both present and future, and second charge on Þxed assets of the Company, both present and future. Irrevocable and uncondiƟonal personal guarantee of the Promoter Directors. It excludes the loan amount credited by the banks in lieu of Devolved LC / SBLC's and Crystallised Bills Discounted to the extent credited in Cash Credit Account. **** Secured by way of margin money and Þrst pari passu charge on current assets of the Company, both present and future, excluding assets having speciÞc charge of respecƟve Þnancing banks, and second charge on Þxed assets of the Company, both present and future. Irrevocable and uncondiƟonal personal guarantee of the Promoter Director. Statutory Reports Standalone Financials Consolidated Financials 41 Notes to Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March 2014 [ ` in Lacs ] *****Some of the Banks have liquidated Full / Part of Fixed Deposits in lien and adjusted the same with the loan taken by the Company. Further, Fixed Deposit made by one of the Company's subsidiary, Gaja Fincorp Pvt. Ltd. (formerly known as Veeyu India Pvt. Ltd.) and one of the director Mr Nillesh Parrekh amounƟng to Rs. 250.00 lacs each, with State Bank of India was adjusted with loan liability of the Company. Amount of Þxed deposit adjusted of Gaja Fincorp Pvt. Ltd. is included as liability under Inter Corporate Deposits from related enƟƟes above by reducing the loan liability balance to that extent and for the amount adjusted from account of the Director, the Company had requested the bank to reverse the same hence is not reduced from the loan liability of the Company. As at 31st March 2014 Notes 8 As at [ Rupees in 2013 Lakhs ] 31st March Trade Payable Trade Payable 60,213.45 334,287.82 60,213.45 334,287.82 - 35.58 5,909.83 189.50 9.27 9.37 Advance received from customers 102.07 465.71 Statutory liability 169.82 21.22 Other payables * 3,642.88 4,067.35 9,833.87 4,788.73 Notes 9 Other Current LiabiliƟes Current maturiƟes of long-term debt Interest accrued but not due on borrowings Unpaid dividends * Other payables includes liabiliƟes for purchase of assets, employee beneÞt expenses and miscellaneous payables Notes 10 Short term provisions Employee beneÞts (Refer note 41) 47.58 16.54 Proposed dividend - 1,944.79 Tax on proposed dividend - 330.52 Provision for taxaƟon (Net of advance tax Rs. 13,638.03 (PY Rs. 11,635.17)) - 398.71 47.58 2,690.56 Notes 11 Fixed Assets DescripƟon As at 1st April 2013 Tangible Assets Freehold Land Buildings - Freehold * - Leasehold ** Plant & Equipment Furniture & Fixtures * Oĸce Equipments Computers & related equipments Vehicles Total Intangible Assets Computer SoŌware Total Previous Year Tangible Assets Intangible Assets Gross Block AddiƟons DeducƟon As at 31st March 2014 DepreciaƟon/ AmorƟsaƟon Net Block For the DeducƟons / As at As at As at year Adjustments 31st March 31st March 31st March 2014 2014 2013 As at 1st April 2013 210.86 - - 210.86 - - - - 210.86 210.86 5,147.46 391.70 14,012.33 1,741.32 87.69 237.28 1,141.55 218.23 242.41 5.32 10.80 3.19 0.96 3.44 6,289.01 391.70 14,227.37 1,982.77 93.01 244.64 778.33 118.60 3,728.76 482.51 38.25 159.75 475.15 13.65 1,441.14 251.63 9.66 33.01 0.40 2.58 1,253.48 132.25 5,169.90 733.74 47.91 190.18 5,035.53 259.45 9,057.47 1,249.03 45.10 54.46 4,369.13 273.10 10,283.57 1,258.81 49.44 77.53 291.86 22,120.50 0.67 1,618.98 157.35 164.94 135.18 23,574.54 145.67 5,451.87 17.08 2,241.32 51.62 54.60 111.13 7,638.59 24.05 15,935.95 146.19 16,668.63 19.58 19.58 - - 19.58 19.58 16.58 16.58 1.19 1.19 - 17.77 17.77 1.81 1.81 3.00 3.00 20,329.75 19.58 2,134.29 - 343.54 - 22,120.50 19.58 3,248.75 13.11 2,326.10 3.47 122.98 - 5,451.87 16.58 16,668.63 3.00 Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I) Limited • Annual Report 2013-14 (Formerly known as Shree Ganesh Jewellery House Ltd.) 42 Notes to Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March 2014 * ** ** Includes Gross Block of ` 3,864.61 (Previous Year nil) and Accumulated DepreciaƟon ` 975.84 (Previous Year ` Nil), that is held for disposable in near future. Includes Gross Block ` 201.92 (Previous Year ` 201.92), Accumulated DepreciaƟon ` 67.98 (Previous Year ` 60.93) and wriƩen down value ` 133.94 (Previous Year ` 140.99), jointly held with others. Includes Gross Block ` 102.93 (Previous Year ` 102.93) and Accumulated DepreciaƟon ` 40.04 (Previous Year ` 33.05), that are yet to be registered in the name of the Company. [ ` in Lacs ] Notes 12 Non-current investment Unquoted - at cost (Long Term - Other Than trade) Investment in equity instruments (fully paid) Shares in Subsidiary Companies Alex Mercury Power Private Limited Easy Fit Jewellery Limited Gaja Finance Private Limited Gaja Retail Pvt. Limited. (Formerly known as Gokul Jewellery House Private Limited) Oroitalia Chains Private Limited Sumit Jewels Private Limited Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (Singapore) Pte. Limited. Shree Ganesh Jewellery House FZE Less: Provision for diminuƟon in value of investments (Refer Note 31) Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (Ghana) Limited Less: Provision for diminuƟon in value of investments(Refer Note 31) Gaja Fincorp Pvt. Limited. (Formerly Known as Veeyu India Private Limited) Share ApplicaƟon Money Shree Ganesh Jewellery House FZE Less: Provision for diminuƟon in value of Investments No. of Shares 31st March 2013 No. of Shares 31st March 2014 As at 31st March 2014 As at 31st March 2013 10,000 10,000 INR 10 1.00 1.00 3,500,000 2,250,000 282,500 3,500,000 2,250,000 282,500 INR INR INR 10 10 10 4,729.68 225.00 28.48 4,729.68 225.00 28.48 5,000 5,000 INR 10 0.50 0.50 362 10,000 362 10,000 INR SGD 1,000 1 117.65 2.74 117.65 2.74 264 264 AED 100,000 - 3,290.65 Currency Face Value per share 3,290.65 (3,290.65) 1,000,000 - GHC 1 284.15 (284.15) 7,504,095 7,504,095 INR 10 - - 1,792.21 1,792.21 6,897.26 10,187.91 2,866.97 (2,866.97) 2,866.97 - - 6,897.26 2,866.97 13,054.88 Statutory Reports Standalone Financials Consolidated Financials 43 Notes to Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March 2014 [ ` in Lacs ] As at 31st March 2014 As at 31st March 2013 Notes 13 Deferred tax assets Deferred tax Deferred tax asset (net) included in the Balance Sheet comprises of : Deferred tax assets Excess of wriƩen down value of assets as per Income Tax Act, 1961 and net book value of such assets (to the extent reversing aŌer the period during which the Company is eligible for exempƟon under secƟons 10A and 10AA of the Income-tax Act, 1961) Provision for doubƞul debts 21.64 11.43 20,080.09 - Other Ɵming diīerences 20,291.37 448.56 Deferred tax asset (net) 40,393.10 459.99 - 43.23 3,600.00 3,600.00 10,923.00 10,923.00 540.91 1,003.14 15,063.91 15,569.37 253,234.93 - 253,234.93 - 21,907.42 11,173.10 30.51 20,203.28 3,246.42 27,231.30 25,184.35 58,607.68 Notes 14 Long term loans and advances Unsecured and considered good Capital advances Loan to related parƟes * (Refer note 45) MAT credit enƟtlement Security Deposit Notes 15 Other Non-Current Assets (Unsecured) (Long term Trade Receivable (including trade receivable on deÞned credit terms) - Considered Good (Refer note 31) Notes 16 Inventories (At lower of cost and net realisable value) Raw materials and stones (Refer note no 36) Work-in-progress* Finished goods [includes goods in transit ` Nil (Previous year ` 3,442.62)] (refer note 36) * Include stock lying with third parƟes ` 23.29 (Previous year ` 17,203.04). Closing stock excludes stock provided by third parƟes amounƟng to ` 107.90 (Previous Year ` 86.60) as at the year end lying with us. Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I) Limited • Annual Report 2013-14 (Formerly known as Shree Ganesh Jewellery House Ltd.) 44 Notes to Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March 2014 [ ` in Lacs ] As at 31st March 2014 As at 31st March 2013 Notes 17 Trade receivables* (Unsecured) Debts outstanding for a period exceeding six months from the date they are due for payment - considered good 36,335.16 41,935.86 - considered doubƞul 59,076.47 - 95,411.63 41,935.86 59,076.47 - 36,335.16 41,935.86 29,600.11 312,694.13 65,935.27 354,629.99 Less: Provision for doubƞul debts Other debts - considered good * Same parƟes neƫng oī were made for common balances in Trade Receivables and Trade Payables. However, Out of the above some may or may not be neƩed-oī by the banks, as the Trade Receivables may represents include both Discounted or Other bills, which is in process by the Banks for neƫng-oī as per RBI guidelines. Notes 18 Cash and cash equivalents Cash on hand 50.34 153.52 194.55 5,163.83 9.27 9.37 19,520.16 89,495.49 19,774.32 94,822.21 Balances with bank - on current accounts (including unrealised exchange gain of Rs. Nil (Previous Year loss Rs 0.41) - on unpaid dividend account and IPO refund account Other bank balances - on Bank deposits * * Bank Deposit are held as Margin Money against various secured Short Term Borrowings. Statutory Reports Standalone Financials Consolidated Financials 45 Notes to Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March 2014 [ ` in Lacs ] As at 31st March 2014 As at 31st March 2013 Notes 19 Short term loans and advances (Unsecured and considered good) Loans to related parƟes (Refer note 45) 2,968.45 2,181.61 Income tax [net of provision for income tax Rs. 11,757.90 (Previous year provision for tax Rs. 12,033.88) ] Foreign Currency Receivable 1,880.14 - - 146.06 Other loan and advances 4,216.80 4,264.88 9,065.39 6,592.55 Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (Singapore) Pte Limited 14.68 14.68 Gaja Retail Pvt. Ltd. (Formerly known as Gokul Jewellery House Private Limited) 34.11 133.46 174.12 81.33 Note : (a) Loans to related parƟes Oroitalia Chains Private Limited Easy Fit Jewellery Limited 835.41 291.69 1,910.13 1,641.22 Shree Ganesh Jewellery House FZE - 3.38 Gaja Fincorp Pvt. Limited. (Formerly Known as Veeyu India Private Limited) - 15.85 2,968.45 2,181.61 520.16 2,087.59 520.16 2,087.59 Alex Mercury Power Private Limited Notes 20 Other Current Assets Interest accrued but not due on deposits and loans given Year ended 31st March 2014 Year ended 31st March 2013 Notes 21 Revenue From OperaƟons Sale of Products (Refer note 35) 982,874.79 921,966.31 191.66 190.85 21.22 69.76 983,087.67 922,226.92 Sale of Services: -Job work charges Other operaƟng revenue Notes 22 Other income Gain on foreign exchange ßuctuaƟon (net) Miscellaneous Income - 10,201.71 174.60 84.55 174.60 10,286.26 Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I) Limited • Annual Report 2013-14 (Formerly known as Shree Ganesh Jewellery House Ltd.) 46 Notes to Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March 2014 [ ` in Lacs ] Year ended 31st March 2014 Year ended 31st March 2013 Notes 23 Cost of materials consumed * Opening stock Add: Purchases Less :Closing stock 11,173.10 2,851.37 257,891.23 639,920.16 21,907.42 11,173.10 247,156.91 631,598.43 * Refer note 37 Notes 24 Purchases of stock-in-trade Gold Jewellery and arƟcles 188,937.30 102,048.39 Precious/Semi precious stones 480,535.47 143,829.11 669,472.77 245,877.50 30.51 20,203.28 3,246.42 27,231.30 20,203.28 13,805.62 Notes 25 Changes in inventories of work-in-progress, Þnished goods and stock-in-trade Closing Stock - Work In Progress - Finished Goods Less : Opening Stock - Work In Progress - Finished Goods 27,231.30 34,828.32 (44,157.65) (1,199.36) 1,214.94 1,697.14 ContribuƟon to Employee BeneÞt Funds 20.55 35.70 Staī welfare expense 15.14 30.85 Directors RemuneraƟon 39.00 1,152.88 1,289.63 2,916.57 Interest expense (net) * 27,265.24 18,619.58 Other borrowing costs 1,562.46 1,631.60 28,827.70 20,251.18 Notes 26 Employee BeneÞts Expense Salaries and wages Notes 27 Finance Cost * Net of Interest Income on Fixed Deposits with bank held as margin money and interest on loan to subsidiaries amounƟng to Rs 6,840.30 (PY Rs 8,254.64) Statutory Reports Standalone Financials Consolidated Financials 47 Notes to Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March 2014 [ ` in Lacs ] Year ended 31st March 2014 Year ended 31st March 2013 Notes 28 Other expenses Alloys and consumables consumed 5.96 8.73 91.39 120.62 Loss on foreign exchange ßuctuaƟon (net) 458.93 - Rent (refer Note 48) 164.84 231.67 63.73 37.60 - Machinery 8.60 11.37 - Others 2.83 3.87 Power and fuel Repairs & maintenance - Building Insurance 163.90 128.39 Debtors WriƩen Oī - 393.98 - Less, already provided for - 393.98 - Provision for Doubƞul debts (Refer Note 31) 59,076.47 - 6,441.78 - 37.12 23.43 Sales promoƟon expenses 232.73 402.40 Legal and consultancy charges 228.00 236.67 Job work charges 87.38 162.40 Auditor remuneraƟon (Refer note 44) 22.25 15.70 DiminuƟon in Investment (Refer Note 31) Rates and taxes Travelling expense 296.22 373.43 Miscellaneous expenses 855.67 976.73 68,237.80 2,733.01 Notes 29 ExcepƟonal Item* Purchase Return (Purchase in Previous Year 12-13) (98,432.07) - Sales Return (Sales in Previous Year12-13) 98,427.93 - ExcepƟonal Losses on MerchanƟng TransacƟon 39,063.28 - 39,059.14 - *The Company had sold diamonds of USD 171,508,700/- (approx INR 97,184.52) in the Financial Year 2012-13 to its customers based in Hongkong under merchanƟng trade. Since there were no recovery from these customers from last one year, the Company decided to take back the diamonds and returned it to the supplier. The Company negoƟated with the supplier however since the company had availed volume discount at the Ɵme of purchase, the supplier had asked for reversal of discount oīered earlier Þnally the supplier had agreed to take back the goods at mismatch @ 40% discount value only. Accordingly in the current year the Company had incurred (approx INR 39,063.28) USD 62,350,015/- (converted @ 62.6516) loss on merchanƟng trade. Notes 30 Current Taxes Income tax for the year [Includes MAT Rs. Nil (PY Rs. 5,190.00)] Adjustments / (credits) related to previous years - Net - 5,190.00 (61.70) - (61.70) 5,190.00 Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I) Limited • Annual Report 2013-14 (Formerly known as Shree Ganesh Jewellery House Ltd.) 48 Notes to Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March 2014 [ ` in Lacs ] 31 The Company through its wholly owned subsidiary Shree Ganesh Jewellery House FZE, in the month of August 2013 entered into an agreement for purchase of bullion from one of its supplier for 35 Tons quanƟty @USD 1,420/oz based on orders in hand for bullion. However due to and due non-allowance and frequent changes in RBI policies for import of gold, the Company could not import bullion and the Company had to rescind the contract in the month of October 2013 @USD 1259/ oz and accordingly the company had incurred a loss of USD 180,820,029/- i.e. approx INR 108,599.33 (INR 60.059/USD). To fund the losses the subsidiary entered into an arrangement with the supplier for supply of diamonds on 30% COD basis(30% equals the amount of loss) and balance on a credit period of approx 2 years. Total losses suīered INR 108,599.33, of which the subsidiary of the Company had absorbed approx INR 49,522.85 (USD 82,456,536/-) to the extent of its net worth. The balance INR 59,076.47 is provisioned as doubƞul debt on account of receivables from its subsidiary because of non-ability to pay the amount by its subsidiary . Investment value of INR 6,157.63 appearing in the books of the Company is also provided for since the networth of the subsidiary has become negaƟve due to loss incurred by them as explained above. INR 253,234.93 shown as Long term non-current assets receivable from its subsidiary is because the same is sold by its subsidiary to the party with whom bullion transacƟons was booked and subsequently cancelled and arrangement for supply of bullion under 30% COD and balance on deferred payment basis i.e. on 2 years credit. As explained above the company had incurred a total loss of INR 117,156/- (PBT) in the current year. Further since the subsidiary had sold goods of Approx INR 253,235/- on a credit of 2 years. The company underwent a liquidity crunch and was not able to pay towards liquidity dues. During the year 2013-14, the company had incurred total operaƟng loss of INR 117,181.86 Lacs ,negaƟve cash from operaƟons of INR 135,296.71 Lacs, failed to repay its long term borrowings of INR 3,000 Lacs and short terms borrowings of INR 281,291.72 Lacs, unable to pay its creditors of INR 60,213.45 Lacs. Accordingly the Company had Þled a request with its bankers for composite Corporate Debts restructuring for debts taken by the Company. In the current Financial year, one of our wholly owned subsidiary Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (Ghana) Ltd. purchased gold of approx 5.00 Kgs. However there was a theŌ, the Company has taken due steps to recover but has not recovered the same yet. Hence provision to that eīect has been created. As at 31st March 2014 As at 31st March 2013 Notes 32 EsƟmated Capital Commitments not provided for (Net of Advance) Other Commitments - 377.43 255.02 337.70 - on behalf of subsidiaries 10,500.00 10,500.00 - on behalf of other group companies 33,660.00 34,160.00 - 1,49,646.17 4,724.13 2,645.30 Bank guarantee Notes 33 ConƟngent LiabiliƟes i. Corporate Guarantees given ii. Bills Discounted iii. Claims against the Company in respect of Sales Tax maƩers not acknowledged as debts Statutory Reports Standalone Financials Consolidated Financials 49 Notes to Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March 2014 31st March 2014 [ ` in Lacs ] 31st March 2013 Notes 34 Basic and Diluted Earnings per share (a) CalculaƟon of weighted average number of equity shares of Rs. 10 each for basic earning per share. Number of equity shares at the beginning of the year Fresh Issue of Equity shares - Through PreferenƟal Allotment Weighted average number of Equity Shares outstanding during the year for basic EPS (b) Net proÞt aƩributable to Equity Shareholders (c) Basic and Diluted earnings per Equity Share (Rs.) (Face value per Equity Share of Rs. 10 each) 64,826,485 60,682,485 7,080,000 41,44,000 70,352,732 60,705,192 (77,187.02) 25,380.16 (109.71) 41.81 64,826,485 (Previous Year 60,682,485) equity shares outstanding for 365 days, 5,800,000 equity shares outstanding for 299 days and 1,280,000 equity shares outstanding for 221 days (Previous Year 4,144,000 equity shares outstanding for 2 days). Notes 35 Details of product sold Finished Goods Sold - Gold Jewellery & ArƟcle - Medallions - Precious / Semi precious stones Stock-in-trade - Gold Jewellery & ArƟcle - Precious / Semi precious stones 247,462.36 462.92 47,923.37 295,848.65 392,487.22 932.62 282,072.50 675,492.34 202,045.94 484,980.20 687,026.14 102,398.00 144,075.97 246,473.97 332.55 21,574.87 21,907.42 6,088.78 5,084.32 11,173.10 30.51 20,203.28 2,245.92 58.08 942.42 3,246.42 20,121.17 746.35 6,363.78 27,231.30 212,798.56 366,500.05 34,358.35 265,098.38 247,156.91 631,598.43 Notes 36 Details of Inventories Raw Material and Component - Gold Bar - Precious/Semi precious stones Work in Progress - Gold Jewellery Finished Goods - Gold Jewellery and arƟcles - Medallions - Precious/Semi precious stones Notes 37 Details of raw material and components consumed Gold Bar Precious/Semi precious stones Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I) Limited • Annual Report 2013-14 (Formerly known as Shree Ganesh Jewellery House Ltd.) 50 Notes to Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March 2014 [ ` in Lacs ] Year ended 31st March 2014 Notes 38 Details of imported and indigenous raw materials and stones consumed Raw Materials and stones Imported Indigenous Total Year ended 31st March 2013 Value Percentage Value Percentage 239,756.50 97.01% 617,559.31 97.78% 7,400.41 2.99% 14,039.12 2.22% 247,156.91 100.00% 631,598.43 100.00% Year ended 31st March 2014 Year ended 31st March 2013 Notes 39 Value of imports on CIF basis Raw materials (including goods in transit) Capital goods 922,889.35 730,362.57 37.75 25.10 20.70 70.19 598,553.00 749,131.52 Notes 40 Expenditure and earnings in foreign currency (a) Expenditure in foreign travel (b) Earnings in Exports on FOB basis Notes 41 The details of employee beneÞts for the year on account of gratuity which is unfunded deÞned employee beneÞt plan is as under (i) ParƟculars Year ended Year ended 31st March 2014 31st March 2013 Gratuity-Unfunded Gratuity-Unfunded (a) Component of Employer Expense Current service cost 23.44 16.72 3.72 2.92 Actuarial (Gains) / Losses (2.39) (1.22) Total Expenses recognised in the Statement of ProÞt & Loss Account 24.77 18.42 Present value of DBO at the beginning of period 50.95 33.20 Current service cost 23.44 16.72 3.72 2.92 (2.39) (1.22) (12.30) (0.67) 63.42 41.95 21.47 63.42 50.95 4.20 46.75 50.95 9.20% 8.30% Interest cost (b) Change in DeÞned BeneÞt ObligaƟon (DBO) during the year Interest cost Actuarial (Gains) / Losses BeneÞts Payments Present Value of DBO at the year end Current liability Non current liability Actuarial AssumpƟons Discount Rate The Gratuity expenses have been recognised as ‘Employee beneÞt expense’ under Note 26. The esƟmates of future salary increases, considered in actuarial valuaƟons take account of inßaƟon, seniority, promoƟon and other relevant factors such as supply and demand factors in the employment market. Statutory Reports Standalone Financials Consolidated Financials 51 Notes to Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March 2014 [ ` in Lacs ] Year ended 31st March 2014 Year ended 31st March 2013 Number of contract Foreign Currency amount Number of contract Foreign Currency amount Notes 42 The company has entered into the following forward contracts which are outstanding on balance sheet date: Nature of contract Currency Forward contract buy USD – – 3 45.96 Forward contract sale USD – – 16 293.65 The purpose of entering into forward exchange Contract is to hedge foreign currency exposure on payment of creditors/ borrowings and receipts from debtors to hedge price ßuctuaƟon risk. During the current year & Previous Year the company has not entered into any derivaƟve instruments for speculaƟon purpose. As at 31st March 2014 Amount in USD As at 31st March 2013 Amount in USD Notes 43 Foreign Currency exposure not hedged by derivaƟve instruments or forward cover as on balance sheet date are as follows: Debtors 3,409.22 6,268.79 Creditors 1,039.70 5,973.01 12.00 12.00 1.50 1.50 Notes 44 Auditor's remuneraƟon includes - As auditor - For taxaƟon maƩer - For other services 8.75 2.20 22.25 15.70 Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I) Limited • Annual Report 2013-14 (Formerly known as Shree Ganesh Jewellery House Ltd.) 52 Notes to Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March 2014 Notes 45 Related parƟes disclosure in accordance with AS - 18 prescribed by Companies (AccounƟng Standard) Rules, 2006 2013-2014 (a) Gaja Retail Pvt. Ltd. (Formerly known as Gokul Jewellery House Private Limited) (b) Shree Ganesh Jewellery House FZE (c) Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. (d) Easy Fit Jewellery Limited (e) Sumit Jewels Private Limited (f) Gaja Finance Private Limited (g) Alex Mercury Power Private Limited (h) Alex Spectrum RadiaƟon Private Limited (i) Alex Astral Power Private Limited (j) Alex Green Energy Private Limited (k) Gaja Fincorp Pvt. Ltd. (Formerly Known as Veeyu India Private Limited) (l) Shree Ganesh Jewellery House DMCC (m) Shirdi CommodiƟes Private Limited (n) Shirdi Commosale Private Limited (o) Kamalraj Merchandise Private Limited (p) Chaturbhuj Vyapar Private Limited 2012-2013 Gaja Retail Pvt. Ltd. (Formerly known as Gokul Jewellery House Private Limited) (b) Shree Ganesh Jewellery House FZE (c) Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. (d) Easy Fit Jewellery Limited (e) Sumit Jewels Private Limited (f) Gaja Finance Private Limited (g) Alex Mercury Power Private Limited (h) Alex Spectrum RadiaƟon Private Limited (i) Alex Astral Power Private Limited (j) Alex Green Energy Private Limited (k) Gaja Fincorp Pvt. Ltd. (Formerly Known as Veeyu India Private Limited) (l) Shree Ganesh Jewellery House DMCC (m) Shirdi CommodiƟes Private Limited (n) Shirdi Commosale Private Limited (o) Kamalraj Merchandise Private Limited (p) Chaturbhuj Vyapar Private Limited (a) Oroitalia Chains Private Limited (a) Oroitalia Chains Private Limited (iii) Individuals owning (directly / (a) Mr. Nillesh Parrekh - Chairman indirectly) an interest in the (b) Mr. Umesh Parekh - Managing voƟng power of the Company that Director gives them control or signiÞcant (c) Mr Karan Parekh inßuence (also the key management personnel and their RelaƟves) (a) (b) Mr. Nillesh Parrekh - Chairman Mr. Umesh Parekh - Managing Director Mr Karan Parekh (iv) Enterprise over which persons menƟoned in (iii) are able to exercise signiÞcant inßuence (a) (b) (c) (d) (i) Enterprises directly / indirectly are under common control with the Company (ii) Joint Venture (a) (b) (c) (d) Kalindi Enclave Pvt Ltd Safal ProperƟes Private Limited Dhanteres Estates Pvt. Ltd. SwasƟk Wheat Product Agencies Private Limited (a) (d) Kalindi Enclave Pvt Ltd Safal ProperƟes Private Limited Dhanteres Estates Pvt. Ltd. SwasƟk Wheat Product Agencies Private Limited (i) 284.15 Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (Ghana) Ltd. - - Alex Spectrum RadiaƟon Private Limited Sumit Jewels Private Limited - - Alex Mercury Power Private Limited - - - Gaja Fincorp Pvt. Ltd. (Formerly Known as Veeyu India Private Limited) - 38,655.70 - - - - - - - - - - 285,630.22 Sale - 48.49 - - - - - - - Freight Rent & Other expense Charges - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 15.24 Rent Income - - - - - - Sale of FA - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 250.00 Client RemuneraƟon Loan Taken Advance including Received commission on proÞt - 2,105.26 - - - 129.30 200.00 490.56 26,329.31 Loan given 2,105.26 - - - 325.00 216.80 594.00 25,827.60 - - - - - 516.23 1.06 4.54 46.69 - Repayment Interest of Loan received / Given Receivable during the year - - - - 5,510.13 (250.00) 34.11 835.41 14.68 Loans Outstanding receivable / (payable) as at the year end - - - - 316,393.18 - - - 2.34 Receivable/ (payable) at year end Standalone Financials Shree Ganesh Jewellery House FZE - - Gaja Retail Pvt. Ltd. (Formerly known as Gokul Jewellery House Private Limited) - - Easy Fit Jewellery Limited - - Investment Purchases Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (Singapore) Pte Ltd Enterprises directly / indirectly are common control with the Company Name of the party (nature of the relaƟonship) (a) Related parƟes with whom there have been transacƟons during the year ended 31st March 2014 Notes 45 Related parƟes disclosure in accordance with AS - 18 prescribed by Companies (AccounƟng Standard) Rules, 2006 [ ` in Lacs ] Statutory Reports Consolidated Financials 53 Notes to Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March 2014 - Mr. Karan Parekh - SwasƟk Wheat Products Agencies Private Limited - - - - - - - - - - 284.15 38,655.70 285,630.22 - Safal ProperƟes Private Limited Total - Kalindi Enclave Private Limited (iv) Enterprise over which persons menƟon in (iii) are able to exercise signiÞcant inßuence Mr. Umesh Parekh - - 48.49 - - - - - - - Freight Rent & Other expense Charges 81.50 3.50 72.00 6.00 - - - - 25.26 - - - - - - 10.02 Rent Income 94.05 - 94.05 - - - - - Sale of FA 151.36 - - - 151.36 - - - 36.00 - - - - - - - 18.00 18.00 - 250.00 - - - - Client RemuneraƟon Loan Taken Advance including Received commission on proÞt - - - - - - - - - - - - - 590.16 - - - 21.65 Repayment Interest of Loan received / Given Receivable during the year 29,334.77 29,068.66 - - - 80.35 Loan given - - - 6,318.45 - - - 174.12 Loans Outstanding receivable / (payable) as at the year end (2.25) 157.39 Receivable/ (payable) at year end - - 316,541.67 - (4.50) (4.50) - - Mr. Nillesh Parrekh - - Sale - - Investment Purchases [ ` in Lacs ] (iii) Individuals owning (directly / indirectly) an interest in the voƟng power of the Company (also the key management personnel and their RelaƟves) Oroitalia Chains Private Limited (ii) Joint Venture Name of the party (nature of the relaƟonship) Notes 45 Related parƟes disclosure in accordance with AS - 18 prescribed by Companies (AccounƟng Standard) Rules, 2006 Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I) Limited • Annual Report 2013-14 (Formerly known as Shree Ganesh Jewellery House Ltd.) 54 Notes to Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March 2014 Sumit Jewels Private Limited Oroitalia Chains Private Limited - - SwasƟk Wheat Products Agencies Private Limited 8,574.45 - Safal ProperƟes Private Limited Total - Kalindi Enclave Private Limited (iv) Enterprise over which persons menƟon in (iii) are able to exercise signiÞcant inßuence Mr. Karan Parekh - Mr. Umesh Parekh - Mr. Nillesh Parrekh (iii) Individuals owning (directly / indirectly) an interest in the voƟng power of the Company (also the key management personnel and their RelaƟves) - 2,857.60 - Alex Spectrum RadiaƟon Private Limited Shree Ganesh Jewellery House FZE - 1,500.00 Gaja Fincorp Pvt. Ltd. (Formerly Known as Veeyu India Private Limited) Alex Mercury Power Private Limited - 4,216.85 - Gaja Retail Pvt. Ltd. (Formerly known as Gokul Jewellery House Private Limited) Easy Fit Jewellery Limited Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (Singapore) Pte Ltd Enterprises directly / indirectly are common control with the Company Investment 4,712.22 4,712.22 Purchases 128,953.24 1,28,953.24 Sale 25.63 25.63 Freight & Other Charges 84.00 6.00 72.00 6.00 - - - - - - - - - - Rent expense 20.46 - - - - 4.11 - - - 16.35 - - - Rent Income 189.00 189.00 1,181.48 - - - 590.74 590.74 - - - - - - - - Client RemuneraƟon Advance including Received commission on proÞt 16,884.01 - - - - - 80.32 80.00 - - 700.25 5,114.00 915.00 9,994.44 - 19,298.55 - - - - - - 424.46 - 105.29 - 5,515.94 1,421.00 11,831.86 - Loan Given Repayment of Loan Given - 745.32 - - - - - 1.12 13.50 - 1.31 434.74 158.61 29.95 106.09 Interest received / Receivable during the year 5,781.61 - - - - - 81.33 - 3.38 - 5,241.22 15.85 133.46 291.69 14.68 Loans Outstanding receivable / (payable) as at the year end 122,470.21 (0.45) - (0.45) (151.36) (356.66) (334.30) - - - 123,311.14 - - 2.29 - - - Receivable/ (payable) at year end Standalone Financials (ii) Joint Venture (i) Name of the party (nature of the relaƟonship) (a) Related parƟes with whom there have been transacƟons during the year ended 31st March 2013 Notes 45 Related parƟes disclosure in accordance with AS - 18 prescribed by Companies (AccounƟng Standard) Rules, 2006 [ ` in Lacs ] Statutory Reports Consolidated Financials 55 Notes to Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March 2014 Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I) Limited • Annual Report 2013-14 (Formerly known as Shree Ganesh Jewellery House Ltd.) 56 Notes to Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March 2014 Notes 46 Segment informaƟon in accordance with AccounƟng Standard 17 prescribed by Companies (AccounƟng Standard) Rules, 2006. The Company is engaged in the business of manufacture and sale of gold jewellery and other arƟcles of various designs/ speciÞcaƟon based on customer's requirements and the company's manufacturing faciliƟes are located in India. The risk and returns of the Company are aīected predominantly by the fact that it operates in diīerent geographical areas i.e. domesƟc sales and export sales and accordingly geographical segment have been considered as the primary segment informaƟon. In view of the fact that gold jewellery and other arƟcles are manufactured and sold based on design/ speciÞcaƟon speciÞed by the customer there are no business segment to be reported under secondary segment informaƟon. Segment informaƟon has been prepared in conformity with the accounƟng policies adopted for preparaƟon and presentaƟon of the Þnancial statements of the Company. [ ` in Lacs ] Primary segment disclosures 31st March 2014 31st March 2013 1 DomesƟc Export Total 285,893.86 696,980.93 982,874.79 [ 172,834.79] [ 749,131.52] [ 921,966.31] 188.86 2.80 191.66 [ 170.04] [ 20.81] [ 190.85] 2.39 21.22 23.61 [ 12.86] [ 10,271.48] [ 10,284.34] Segment revenue External sales Add: Job work charges Add: Other income Add: Other unallocable income 172.21 [ 71.68] Total Revenue 983,262.27 [ 932,513.18] 2 Segment results 1,213.78 (81,247.26) (80,033.48) [ 4,630.60] [ 43,519.56] [ 48,150.16] Less : Unallocable Expenses / (income) (net) 8,320.66 [ 2,291.42] Less: Interest expense 28,827.70 [ 20,251.18] ProÞt before tax (117,181.84) [ 25,607.56] Less: Current tax (39,994.82) [ 227.40] ProÞt AŌer tax (77,187.02) [ 25,380.16] 3 Segment assets Add: Unallocable Corporate / other Assets 12,220.74 348,024.07 360,244.81 [ 33,716.47] [ 396,217.53] [ 429,934.00] 38,677.57 [ 122,042.60] Add: Provision for tax (net) 1,880.14 [ 0.00] Statutory Reports Standalone Financials Consolidated Financials 57 Notes to Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March 2014 [ ` in Lacs ] Primary segment disclosures 31st March 2014 31st March 2013 DomesƟc Export Add: MAT Credit enƟtlement Total 10,923.00 [ 10,923.00] Add: Deferred Tax Asset 40,393.10 [ 459.99] Total assets 452,118.62 [ 563,359.59] 4 Segment liabiliƟes 842.70 61,702.90 62,545.60 [ 318.68] [ 355,986.79] [ 356,305.47] Add: Unallocable Corporate / other LiabiliƟes 7,570.77 -[ 17,165.63] Add: Loans 284,791.73 [ 59,723.49] Add: Provision for tax (net) [ 398.71] Add: Proposed Dividend (including tax thereon) [ 2,275.31] Total liabiliƟes 354,908.10 [ 401,537.35] 5 Cost incurred to acquire Þxed assets 1,600.85 18.13 1,618.98 [ 2,081.65] [ 52.64] [ 2,134.29] Add: Unallocated - (excluding capital advances) [ 0.00] 1,618.98 [ 2,134.29] 6 DepreciaƟon/amorƟsaƟon 949.02 827.06 1,776.08 [ 977.45] [ 963.39] [ 1,940.84] Add: Unallocated depreciaƟon/amorƟsaƟon 466.43 [ 388.73] 2,242.51 [ 2,329.57] 7 SigniÞcant non cash expenses other than DepreciaƟon and amorƟsaƟon (included in measuring segment results) - 104,577.39 104,577.39 [ 0.00] [ 0.00] [ 0.00] Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I) Limited • Annual Report 2013-14 (Formerly known as Shree Ganesh Jewellery House Ltd.) 58 Notes to Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March 2014 [ ` in Lacs ] Secondary Disclosure 31st March 2014 31st March 2013 1 2 Carrying amount of segment assets by locaƟon of assets Cost incurred to acquire segment Þxed assets by locaƟon of assets (excluding capital advances) DomesƟc 133,396.34 Export 318,722.28 Total 452,118.62 [ 221,123.74] [ 342,235.85] [ 563,359.59] 1,618.98 - 1,618.98 [ 2,134.29] [ 0.00] [ 2,134.29] Figures in Bracket represent previous year's Þgure. Notes 47 Based on the informaƟon available with the Company, there are no dues to micro and small enterprises under the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006 Notes 48 The company has taken an oĸce and other premises on operaƟng lease. Minimum lease payment charged during the year to the ProÞt and Loss account aggregated to Rs. 164.84 (previous year Rs. 231.67) Notes 49 The previous year's Þgures have been regrouped or reclassiÞed wherever necessary to conform with the current year's presentaƟon. For Chaturvedi & Partners Chartered Accountants Firm RegistraƟon No: 307068E For and on behalf of the Board of Directors PraƟk Niyogi Partner Membership No.: 066514 Nillesh Parrekh Chairman Umesh Parekh Managing Director Ashok Prakash Sahni Chief Financial Oĸcer Mukund Chandak Company Secretary Place: Kolkata Date: 30th May, 2014 15 13 14 12 9 10 11 6 7 8 Easy Fit Gaja Retails Sumit Jewels Gaja Finance Shirdi Shirdi Chaturbhuj Kamalraj Jewellery Pvt. Ltd. Pvt. Ltd. Pvt. Ltd. CommodiƟes Commosale Vyapaar Merchandise Ltd (Formerly Pvt. Ltd Pvt. Ltd Pvt Ltd Pvt Ltd. Gokul Jewellery House Pvt Ltd) Financial Period of the 31st March, 31st March, 31st March, 31st March, 31st March, 31st March, 31st March, 31st March, 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 Subsidiary Company ended on Holding Company's 100% 51.45% 100% 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% Interest Share Capital (Issued, Subscribed and Paid up) Equity Share capital 350.00 54.92 3.62 225.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Preference Share capital 12,712.91 743.43 484.54 44.05 (2.97) (1.83) (0.76) (0.67) Reserves (including ProÞt and loss Accountdebit Balance) Total Assets 25,409.23 2,449.96 1,819.01 273.96 1,970.29 2,909.59 2,123.21 2,124.80 Total liabiliƟes 25,409.23 2,449.96 1,819.01 273.96 1,970.29 2,909.59 2,123.21 2,124.80 Investments (Except in 14.58 subsidiaries) Turnover 28,606.65 889.52 604.26 0.26 Total Income 29,168.75 916.11 604.34 23.32 0.26 ProÞt/(Loss) - (Before (316.82) (30.56) 9.47 22.77 (3.09) (1.27) (0.62) (0.55) Tax) Provision for TaxaƟon (33.80) 6.18 1.66 7.04 (0.94) (0.37) (0.12) (0.15) (including deferred Taxes) ProÞt/(Loss) AŌer tax (283.03) (30.75) 7.81 15.74 (2.15) (0.90) (0.49) (0.40) Net Aggregate ProÞts/ Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Losses for the current Þnancial year since becoming subsidiary so far as it concerns the members of the holding company dealt with or provided for in accounts of the holding Company (283.03) (18.93) 7.81 15.74 Net Aggregate ProÞts/ Losses for the current Þnancial year since becoming subsidiary so far as it concerns the members of the holding company not dealt with or provided for in accounts of the holding Company Name of the Subsidiary Company 1,896.79 1,896.79 - 5,843.04 5,843.04 - 29.84 Nil 29.84 (18.62) 7.55 (18.62) Nil (8.23) 222.12 238.44 37.38 1,087.82 (19.57) (26.85) 750.41 100% 1.00 100% (6.38) (6.38) Nil - (6.38) 57.49 57.49 - 2.74 (17.96) 100% 31st March, 2014 316,696.73 316,696.73 - 5,696.32 (65,618.22) 31st December, 2013 100% - (232.14) (104,703.39) (232.14) (104,703.39) Nil Nil - (804.97) (804.97) Nil - 432.69 432.69 (804.97) 2,810.07 2,810.07 - (760.29) 66.67 31st December, 2013 100% Shree Ganesh Jewellery House DMCC [ ` in Lacs ] Shree Ganesh Jewellery House FZE - 452,220.43 0.00 452,220.43 (232.14) (104,703.39) 220.82 220.82 (293.39) 284.15 100% 31st March, 2014 Gaja Shree Ganesh Shree Ganesh Fincorp Jewellery Jewellery Pvt. Ltd. House House (Ghana) (Formerly (Singapore) Limited Veeyu India Pte Ltd. Pvt. Ltd.) 31st March, 31st March, 2014 2014 Alex Mercury Power Pvt. Ltd. Standalone Financials 5 4 3 2 1 ParƟculars required under SecƟon 212 of the Companies Act, 1956 Statutory Reports Consolidated Financials 59 Statement regarding Subsidiary Comapnies as on 31st March, 2014 5,875.08 130.53 426.95 28.32 (0.77) (0.89) (0.28) (0.28) Easy Fit Gaja Retails Sumit Jewels Gaja Finance Shirdi Shirdi Chaturbhuj Kamalraj Jewellery Pvt. Ltd. Pvt. Ltd. Pvt. Ltd. CommodiƟes Commosale Vyapaar Merchandise Ltd (Formerly Pvt. Ltd Pvt. Ltd Pvt Ltd Pvt Ltd. Gokul Jewellery House Pvt Ltd) Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil (0.57) Nil Alex Mercury Power Pvt. Ltd. 14.79 Nil (17.99) Nil - Nil Gaja Shree Ganesh Shree Ganesh Jewellery Jewellery Fincorp House House (Ghana) Pvt. Ltd. Limited (Formerly (Singapore) Pte Ltd. Veeyu India Pvt. Ltd.) 36,328.53 Nil (311.76) Nil Shree Ganesh Jewellery House DMCC [ ` in Lacs ] Shree Ganesh Jewellery House FZE *Exchange rate for Conversion : 1 AED = ` 16.3513 as on 31st March' 2014 *Exchange rate for Conversion : 1 Singapore $ = ` 47.7305 as on 31st March' 2014 *Exchange rate for Conversion : 1 GH Cedei = ` 22.29 as on 31st March' 2014 Notes : 1. The above details are as on 31 March, 2014, InformaƟon on subsidiaries is provided in compliance with general circular no. 2/2011, Dated 8 February 2011, issued by Ministary of corporate aīairs, Government of India. We undertake to make available the audited annual accounts and related informaƟons of subsidiaries, where applicable, upon request of the shareholders, The annual accounts will also be available for inspecƟon during business hours at our registered oĸce in Kolkata, India. 2. Proposed Dividend from other subsidiaries is Nil Net Aggregate ProÞts/ Losses for the previous Þnancial year since becoming subsidiary so far as it concerns the members of the holding company dealt with or provided for in accounts of the holding Company 17 Net Aggregate ProÞts/ Losses for the previous Þnancial year since becoming subsidiary so far as it concerns the members of the holding company not dealt with or provided for in accounts of the holding Company 16 Name of the Subsidiary Company ParƟculars required under SecƟon 212 of the Companies Act, 1956 Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I) Limited • Annual Report 2013-14 (Formerly known as Shree Ganesh Jewellery House Ltd.) 60 Statement regarding Subsidiary Comapnies as on 31st March, 2014 Statutory Reports Consolidated Financials Standalone Financials Independent Auditor’s Report To, The Members of Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I) Limited [Formerly Known as Shree Ganesh Jewellery House Limited] 1. We have audited the accompanying consolidated Þnancial statements of Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I) Limited (“the Company”), its subsidiaries, associates and joint venture (collecƟvely referred as “the Group”) which comprise the balance sheet as at March 31st, 2014 and the statement of ProÞt and Loss and Cash Flow statement for the year then ended, and a summary of signiÞcant accounƟng policies and other explanatory informaƟon. 2. Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparaƟon of these Þnancial statements that give a true and fair view of the Þnancial posiƟon, Þnancial performance and cash ßows of the Company in accordance with the AccounƟng Standards referred to in sub-secƟon (3C) of secƟon 211 of the Companies Act, 1956. This responsibility includes the design, implementaƟon and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparaƟon and presentaƟon of the Þnancial statements that give a true and fair view and are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. 3. Auditor’s Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these Þnancial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with the Standards on AudiƟng issued by the InsƟtute of Chartered Accountants of India. Those Standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the Þnancial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the Þnancial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the Þnancial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the Company’s preparaƟon and fair presentaƟon of the Þnancial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, An audit also includes evaluaƟng the appropriateness of accounƟng policies used and the reasonableness of the accounƟng esƟmates made by management, as well as evaluaƟng the overall presentaƟon of the Þnancial statements. We did not audit the Þnancial statements of subsidiaries, associates and joint venture included in the consolidated Þnancial statements, which consƟtute total assets of INR 57,307/- Lacs as at March 31st 2014, total revenue of INR 166,151/- Lacs for the year ended March 31st, 2014. These Þnancial statements and the other Þnancial informaƟon have been audited by other auditors whose reports have been furnished to us, and our opinion on the consolidated Þnancial statements to the extent they have been derived from such Þnancial statements is based solely on the report of such auditors. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is suĸcient and appropriate to provide a basis for our qualiÞed audit opinion. 4. Basis for QualiÞed Opinion Mismatch of cash credit Þgure as per company’s books and bank conÞrmaƟon in regard to Þnancial statements of Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I) Limited. Fixed Deposit amounƟng of INR 2,287.58 Lacs pledged as security with Axis Bank against cash credit sancƟoned was adjusted with the cash credit balance in the company’s books on maturity of the Fixed Deposits. However, as per cash credit account statement furnished by the bank the Fixed Deposit Þgure was not adjusted with the cash credit account balance. Thus, cash credit balance as per bank conÞrmaƟon showed excess by INR 2,287.58 Lacs. Further, as per conÞrmaƟon received from the bank the matured amount was not adjusted in the cash credit account but was transferred to a separate account of the bank. Cash credit balance of Dhanalaxmi Bank was shown less as per company’s books by INR 91.59 Lacs. Cash credit balance as per Company’s books was INR 1,485.55 Lacs and as per bank conÞrmaƟon was INR 1,577.15 Lacs. As per documents furnished to us ,the company had contested the excess amount claimed by the Bank and had received a stay order in the High Court of CalcuƩa on the excess claim made by the bank. However, as per order passed by the court on 10th March 2014, pendency of the writ peƟƟon shall not preclude the respondents (bank) to proceed strictly in accordance with the Master Circular of Reserve Bank of India on Wilful Defaulters. 61 Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I) Limited • Annual Report 2013-14 (Formerly known as Shree Ganesh Jewellery House Ltd.) 62 Independent Auditor’s Report 5. Opinion In our opinion and to the best of our informaƟon and according to the explanaƟons given to us, the Þnancial statements give the informaƟon required by the Act in the manner so required and give a true and fair view in conformity with the accounƟng principles generally accepted in India: (a) in the case of the Consolidated Balance Sheet, of the state of aīairs of the Group as at March 31st, 2014; (b) in the case of the Consolidated ProÞt and Loss Account, of the proÞt/ loss for the year ended on that date; and (c) In the case of the Consolidated Cash Flow Statement, of the cash ßows for the year ended on that date. 6. Emphasis of MaƩer – in regard to Þnancial statements of Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I) Limited. AƩenƟon is drawn to notes in the Þnancial statements regarding preparaƟon of these accounts on going concern basis, although company has suīered signiÞcant operaƟng losses during the year and is facing Þnancial crunch with its inability to meet the Þnancial obligaƟons. The Company has applied for Composite Corporate Debt Restructuring with the banks to miƟgate the above. These miƟgaƟng factors have fully been disclosed in above referred note, in view of which, the accounts have been conƟnued to be prepared under the going concern assumpƟon. For Chaturvedi & Partners Chartered Accountants Firm RegistraƟon No.: 307068E Place : Kolkata Date : 30th May, 2014 PraƟk Niyogi Partner Membership No.:- 066514 Statutory Reports Consolidated Financials Standalone Financials 63 Consolidated Balance Sheet as at 31st March 2014 Notes [ ` in Lacs ] As at 31st March 2014 As at 31st March 2013 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Shareholders' Funds Share capital Reserves and surplus 3 4 Minority Interest Non-Current LiabiliƟes Long-term borrowings Long-term provisions 7,190.65 95,199.88 102,390.53 5,911.99 6,482.65 202,241.82 208,724.47 7,750.31 5 6 31,614.40 26.25 31,640.65 31,141.37 52.28 31,193.65 Current LiabiliƟes Short-term borrowings Trade payable Other current liabiliƟes Short-term provisions 7 8 9 10 297,647.17 60,550.38 11,193.95 90.67 369,482.17 509,425.34 68,485.93 352,820.48 20,577.59 2,329.76 444,213.76 691,882.19 11 11 57,455.07 46.96 406.22 57,908.25 2,318.78 41,782.58 12,039.20 253,234.93 309,375.49 61,553.28 49.87 891.28 62,494.43 1,652.46 3,004.43 16,307.93 20,964.82 322.55 31,437.04 71,248.98 24,025.79 14,513.23 594.01 142,141.60 509,425.34 15.14 96,014.14 395,983.18 104,090.89 10,178.46 2,141.13 608,422.94 691,882.19 ASSETS Non-Current Assets Fixed assets Tangible assets Intangible assets Capital work in progress Non-current investment Deferred tax asset (net) Long term loans and advances Other Non-Current Assets 12 13 14 15 Current Assets Current investment Inventories Trade receivables Cash and cash equivalents Short term loans and advances Other current assets 16 17 18 19 20 21 Summary of SigniÞcant AccounƟng Policies 2 The notes referred to above form an integral part of the Þnancial statements As per our report aƩached For Chaturvedi & Partners Chartered Accountants Firm RegistraƟon No: 307068E PraƟk Niyogi Partner Membership No.: 066514 Place: Kolkata Date: 30th May, 2014 For and on behalf of the Board of Directors Nillesh Parrekh Chairman Umesh Parekh Managing Director Ashok Prakash Sahni Chief Financial Oĸcer Mukund Chandak Company Secretary Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I) Limited • Annual Report 2013-14 (Formerly known as Shree Ganesh Jewellery House Ltd.) 64 Consolidated Statement of ProÞt and Loss for the year ended 31st March 2014 [ ` in Lacs ] Notes As at 31st March 2014 As at 31st March 2013 INCOME Revenue from operaƟons 22 1,149,209.83 1,297,251.19 Other income 23 203.31 10,703.99 1,149,413.14 1,307,955.18 EXPENSES Cost of materials consumed 24 399,209.99 971,172.63 Purchases of stock-in-trade 25 669,867.64 247,727.50 Changes in inventories of work-in-progress and Þnished goods 26 44,126.10 3,442.93 Employee beneÞts expense 27 1,636.56 4,036.76 Finance cost 28 33,374.54 23,800.36 DepreciaƟon and amorƟsaƟon expense 11 8,617.97 9,047.33 Other expenses 29 113,794.07 4,601.22 ExcepƟonal Item 30 39,059.15 - 1,309,686.02 1,263,828.73 (160,272.88) 44,126.45 (27.28) 5,416.20 (1.93) (5,299.16) ProÞt Before Tax Tax Expense Current tax 31 Less: Mat credit enƟtlement Net current tax Deferred tax charge / (release) 13 ProÞt For The Year (29.21) 117.04 (38,776.34) (2,283.22) (121,467.33) 46,292.63 (1,710.80) (593.87) (119,756.53) 46,886.50 (170.22) 77.24 MinoriƟes share of proÞt / (loss) Basic and diluted earnings per share 35 Summary of SigniÞcant AccounƟng Policies 2 The notes referred to above form an integral part of the Þnancial statements As per our report aƩached For and on behalf of the Board of Directors For Chaturvedi & Partners Chartered Accountants Firm RegistraƟon No: 307068E PraƟk Niyogi Partner Membership No.: 066514 Place: Kolkata Date: 30th May, 2014 Nillesh Parrekh Chairman Umesh Parekh Managing Director Ashok Prakash Sahni Chief Financial Oĸcer Mukund Chandak Company Secretary Statutory Reports Consolidated Financials Standalone Financials 65 Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 31st March 2014 [ ` in Lacs ] 31st March 2014 A. 31st March 2013 Cash ßow from operaƟng acƟviƟes Net proÞt before taxaƟon (160,272.88) 44,126.45 Adjusted for : DepreciaƟon/ AmorƟsaƟon Provision for Standard Assets Provision for NPA Unrealised foreign exchange (gain) / loss (net) Provision for DiminuƟon for Investment Provision for Doubƞul debts 8,617.97 9,047.33 15.07 3.50 1.25 1.53 (2,204.91) 3,449.57 0.56 1.35 737.14 - Interest charged & Þnance charges(net) 33,394.20 23,800.36 ExcepƟonal Item 39,059.15 - (13.05) (0.21) 1.57 - (74.43) (81.40) 2.04 (177.56) Dividend Received Provision for Wealth Tax PreoperaƟve expenses Short Term Capital Gain Miscellaneous provision wriƩen back (46.75) OperaƟng proÞt before working capital changes 79,489.81 (8.58) (80,783.07) 36,035.89 80,162.34 Changes in : Trade and other receivables Inventories Trade payables / other liabiliƟes Cash generated from operaƟons 378,059.91 (143,446.54) 64,577.10 (35,562.48) (487,983.94) (45,346.93) 126,081.49 (52,927.53) (126,130.00) 27,234.81 (2,400.22) (7,943.15) (128,530.22) 19,291.66 (4,509.16) (3,648.93) Sale of Þxed assets 162.01 - Purchase of Investments (47.76) (1,018.18) Sale of Investments 90.00 274.54 Interest received 23.88 98.63 (1,375.16) (5,714.01) Investment in mutual fund - 1.65 Investment in Þxed deposit - 1,344.33 13.05 0.21 (5,643.14) (8,661.76) Direct taxes paid (net) NET CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES B. Cash ßow from invesƟng acƟviƟes Purchase of Þxed assets Loans (Given)/RealisaƟon(net) Dividend received NET CASH USED IN INVESTING ACTIVITIES Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I) Limited • Annual Report 2013-14 (Formerly known as Shree Ganesh Jewellery House Ltd.) 66 Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 31st March 2014 [ ` in Lacs ] 31st March 2014 C. 31st March 2013 Cash ßow from Þnancing acƟviƟes Proceeds from : - Proceeds from issue of Share Capital by MinoriƟes Interest " - Money raised through PreferenƟal shares Allotment Money Refunded for Share ApplicaƟon Money (436.30) 1,399.80 10,300.00 6,216.00 (127.50) - - Long term borrowings 15,470.91 4,056.94 - Short term borrowings 938,427.90 963,635.01 670,946.53 682,619.27 Repayment of: - Long term borrowings 1,605.83 - Short term borrowings (894,648.75) Dividend Paid (1,586.63) (893,042.92) (649,891.62) (651,478.25) (0.10) (4,228.32) (16,483.73) (25,586.67) 54,108.26 1,326.03 (80,065.10) 11,955.93 104,090.89 92,134.96 - - 24,025.79 104,090.89 116.83 325.13 - Current account 711.55 6,260.72 - Deposit account 23,197.41 97,505.04 Total 24,025.79 104,090.89 Interest and Þnance charges(net) NET CASH FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES Net Increase / (Decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (A+B+C) Opening cash and cash equivalents Add:- Acquired on AcquisiƟon Closing cash and cash equivalents Note CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS - CLOSING BALANCE Cash in hand Balances with scheduled banks As per our report aƩached For and on behalf of the Board of Directors For Chaturvedi & Partners Chartered Accountants Firm RegistraƟon No: 307068E PraƟk Niyogi Partner Membership No.: 066514 Place: Kolkata Date: 30th May, 2014 Nillesh Parrekh Chairman Umesh Parekh Managing Director Ashok Prakash Sahni Chief Financial Oĸcer Mukund Chandak Company Secretary Statutory Reports Consolidated Financials Standalone Financials 67 Consolidated notes to Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March 2014 1. 2. Background Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I) Limited ('the Company') formerly Shree Ganesh Jewellery House Private Limited, was incorporated in 2002. The Company is engaged in the business of manufacture and sale of handcraŌed gold jewellery, diamond and studded jewellery. The name of the Company changed to Shree Ganesh Jewellery House Limited on conversion to public limited company with eīect from 14 August 2007. During the year 2009-2010 the Company has made an IniƟal Public Oīering (IPO) to issue 12,136,497 equity shares of face value Rs. 10 each at Rs. 260 each (including a securiƟes premium of Rs. 250 each) and got listed on NaƟonal Stock Exchange and Bombay Stock Exchange. The Company have changed its name from Shree Ganesh Jewellery House Limited to Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I) Limited with eīect from 4th December, 2012. Summary of signiÞcant accounƟng policies (i) Principles of ConsolidaƟon The consolidated Þnancial informaƟon is prepared in accordance with the principles and procedures prescribed by AccounƟng Standard 21-“Consolidated Financial Statements” (‘AS-21’) and AccounƟng for Investments in Associates in Consolidated Financial Statements (AS-23) prescribed by the Companies (AccounƟng Standards) Rules, 2006, for the purposes of preparaƟon and presentaƟon of consolidated Þnancial statements. The Þnancial statements of the Company and its subsidiaries have been combined on a line-by- line basis by adding together the book values of similar items of assets, liabiliƟes, income and expenses aŌer eliminaƟng intra-group balances and transacƟons resulƟng in unrealised proÞts. Unrealised losses resulƟng from intra-group transacƟons have also been eliminated unless cost cannot be recovered in full. The amounts shown in respect of accumulated reserves comprise the amount of the relevant reserves as per the balance sheet of the Company and its share in the post acquisiƟon reserves of its subsidiaries. The diīerence between the cost of the Company’s Investments in the subsidiary and the equity capital of the subsidiary (as deÞned in AccounƟng Standard – 21) as on the date of investment, is treated as Goodwill / Capital Reserve, as the case may be. (a) Companies considered in the Þnancial statements are as follows: Name Country of IncorporaƟon % of voƟng power Date of subsidiary interest as at 31-03-2014 acquired by the Company Gaja Retail Pvt. Ltd. (Formerly known as Gokul Jewellery House Private Limited) India 51.45 25-Jun-07 Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (Singapore) Pte Limited Singapore 100 5-Oct-07 Easy Fit Jewellery Limited India 100 4-Feb-08 Shree Ganesh Jewellery House FZE U.A.E 100 25-Apr-10 Sumit Jewels Private Limited India 100 19-May-10 Gaja Finance Private Limited India 100 23-Jul-10 Gaja Fincorp Pvt. Ltd. (Formerly Known as Veeyu India Private Limited) India 100 30-Apr-11 Alex Mercury Power Private Limited India 100 30-May-11 Alex Astral Power Private Limited India 55 30-May-11 Alex Spectrum RadiaƟon Private Limited India 55 30-May-11 Shirdi CommodiƟes Private Limited India 100 19-Aug-11 Shirdi Commosale Private Limited India 100 19-Aug-11 Shree Ganesh Jewellery House DMCC Dubai 100 4-Oct-11 Kamalraj Merchandise Private Limited India 100 23-Jan-12 Chaturbhuj Vyapaar Private Limited India 100 23-Jan-12 Alex Green Energy Private Limited India 80 6-Feb-12 Ghana 100 18-Feb-13 Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (Ghana) Limited Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I) Limited • Annual Report 2013-14 (Formerly known as Shree Ganesh Jewellery House Ltd.) 68 Consolidated notes to Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March 2014 The Company has prepared the Consolidated Financial Statements by accounƟng for investment in associates under the equity method: (b) The associate Company considered in the Þnancial statements is as follows : Name Country of IncorporaƟon % of ownership interest as on 31.03.14 India 50% Oroitalia Chains Private Limited (ii) Basis of accounƟng The Þnancial statements have been prepared and presented under the historical cost convenƟon on the accrual basis of accounƟng following generally accepted accounƟng principles in India ('GAAP') and comply with the AccounƟng Standards prescribed by the Companies (AccounƟng Standard) Rules, 2006 and the relevant provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 to the extent applicable. (iii) PresentaƟon and disclosure of Þnancial statements During the year ended 31 March 2012, the revised Schedule VI noƟÞed under the Companies Act 1956, has become applicable to the Company, for preparaƟon and presentaƟon of its Þnancial statements. The adopƟon of revised Schedule VI does not impact recogniƟon and measurement principles followed for preparaƟon of Þnancial statements. However, it has signiÞcant impact on presentaƟon and disclosure made in the Þnancial statements. (iv) Use of esƟmates The preparaƟon of Þnancial statements in conformity with GAAP requires management to make esƟmates and assumpƟons that aīect the reported amounts of assets and liabiliƟes and the disclosure of conƟngent liabiliƟes on the date of the Þnancial statements. Actual results could diīer from those esƟmates. Any revision to accounƟng esƟmates is recognised prospecƟvely in current and future periods. (v) Fixed assets Fixed assets are carried at cost of acquisiƟon or construcƟon, less accumulated depreciaƟon. The cost of Þxed assets includes freight, duƟes (net of VAT), taxes and other incidental expenses that are directly aƩributable to bringing assets to their working condiƟon for their intended use. (vi) Capital Work in Progress Expenses relaƟng to operaƟons which are in progress and have not been commenced are accounted for under Capital work in progress. Income derived from Þxed deposit has been accounted for under capital work in progress as a pre operaƟve income. (vii) Borrowing Cost Borrowing costs that are aƩributable to the acquisiƟon or construcƟon of qualifying assets are capitalised as a part of the cost of such assets. A qualifying asset is one that necessarily takes substanƟal period of Ɵme to get ready for intended use. All other borrowing costs are charged to revenue. (viii) DepreciaƟon/ AmorƟsaƟon DepreciaƟon on Þxed assets is provided under the wriƩen down value method at rates derived from the useful lives of such assets, as esƟmated by management. The rates of depreciaƟon so derived are in line with the rates of depreciaƟon prescribed by Schedule XIV to the Act. Leasehold properƟes are amorƟsed over Useful life of the assets as esƟmated by management or the period of lease, whichever is lower. Fixed assets individually cosƟng Rs 5,000 or less, are depreciated fully in the year of acquisiƟon. Goodwill arising on amalgamaƟon is amorƟsed over its esƟmated useful life of 5 years. Statutory Reports Consolidated Financials Standalone Financials Consolidated notes to Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March 2014 (ix) Impairment of Þxed assets At each Balance Sheet date, management assesses, using external and internal sources, whether there is an indicaƟon that an asset may be impaired. An impairment occurs when the carrying value of an asset exceeds the present value of future cash ßows expected to arise from the conƟnuing use of the asset and its eventual disposal. The impairment loss to be expensed is determined as the excess of the carrying amount over the present value as determined above (x) Investments Non-current investments are stated at cost less amount wriƩen oī, where there is a diminuƟon in value other than temporary. Current Investments are valued at cost or Net Realisable Value, whichever is lower. (xi) Inventories Year-end inventory of raw materials and stones are carried at cost (net of VAT, wherever applicable). The carrying cost of raw materials and stones is appropriately wriƩen down when there is a decline in replacement cost of such materials and the Þnished products in which they will be incorporated are expected to be sold below cost. Year-end inventory of work in progress and Þnished goods are valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value. Cost of work in progress and Þnished goods comprises of direct material and labour expenses and an appropriate porƟon of producƟon overheads incurred in bringing the inventory to their present locaƟon and condiƟon. Fixed producƟon overheads are allocated on the basis of producƟon. In determining cost, Þrst in Þrst out method is used. Alloys and consumables are charged oī to Statement of ProÞt and Loss. (xii) Revenue recogniƟon Revenue from sale of goods is recognised on transfer of risk and rewards of ownership of goods to the buyer. Sales are stated exclusive of sales tax. Excise duty is not applicable to the company. In respect of contract for sale of goods at prices that are yet to be Þxed at the year end, adjustments to the provisional amount billed to the customers are recognised based on the year end closing gold rate. Revenue from job work are recognised on an accrual basis when the related job work is rendered. Revenue from generaƟon of solar power is recognised on the basis of generaƟon and transfer of electricity units. In respect of commodity exchange transacƟons undertaken by the company, net gain/loss arising from seƩlement of such transacƟons during the year or restatement of such transacƟons that are pending seƩlement at the year end are recognised in the ProÞt and Loss account for the year. In respect of commodity exchange transacƟon undertaken on behalf of customers, brokerage received/ receivable is recognised on accrual basis when transacƟons are entered into on behalf of the customers. Third party sales commission is recognised on an accrual basis in accordance with the terms of the related agreement. Interest is recognised on Ɵme proporƟon basis. (xiii) Employee beneÞts The Company's obligaƟon towards various employee beneÞts have been recognised as follows: Short Term BeneÞts Cost of non-accumulated compensated absences is recognised when absences occur. Cost of other short term employee beneÞts are recognized on accrual basis based on the terms of employment contract and other relevant compensaƟon policies followed by the Company. 69 Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I) Limited • Annual Report 2013-14 (Formerly known as Shree Ganesh Jewellery House Ltd.) 70 Consolidated notes to Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March 2014 Post employment beneÞts Monthly contribuƟon to Provident Funds, which is deÞned contribuƟon scheme, is charged to ProÞt and Loss account and deposited with the Regional Provident Fund AuthoriƟes on a monthly basis. The Company’s gratuity scheme is a deÞned beneÞt plan. The present value of the obligaƟon under such deÞned beneÞt plan is determined based on actuarial valuaƟon carried out at the year end using the Projected Unit Credit Method, which recognises each period of service as giving rise to addiƟonal unit of employee beneÞt enƟtlement and measures each unit separately to build up the Þnal obligaƟon. The obligaƟon is measured at the present value of the esƟmated future cash ßows. The discount rates used for determining the present value of obligaƟon under deÞned beneÞt plan is based on the market yield on government securiƟes as at the Balance sheet date and have maturity period approximaƟng to the terms of the obligaƟon. Actuarial gains and losses are recognised immediately in the proÞt and loss account. (xiv) OperaƟng Leases Lease rentals for operaƟng leases are recognised as expenses in the ProÞt and Loss Account on a straight line basis over the lease term. (xv) Foreign exchange transacƟons TransacƟons in foreign currency are recognised at the exchange rates prevailing on the date of the transacƟons. Yearend monetary assets and liabiliƟes denominated in foreign currencies, other than those covered by foreign exchange contracts, are translated at the year-end foreign exchange rates. Gain / loss from exchange diīerences arising on seƩlement of foreign currency transacƟon or translaƟon of year-end monetary assets and liabiliƟes in foreign currency are recognised in the ProÞt and Loss Account for the year. In case of forward exchange contracts, premium or discounts on such contracts are amorƟsed over the life of the contract and exchange diīerences arising thereon in the reporƟng period are recognised in the ProÞt and Loss Account. TranslaƟon of integral and non integral foreign operaƟon The company classiÞes all its foreign operaƟons as either “integral foreign operaƟons” or “non integral foreign operaƟons”. The assets and liabiliƟes of an non-integral foreign operaƟon are translated into the reporƟng currency at the exchange rate prevailing at the reporƟng date and their statement of proÞt and loss are translated at exchange rates prevailing at the dates of transacƟons or weighted average weekly rates, where such rates approximate the exchange rate at the date of transacƟon. The exchange diīerence arising on translaƟon are accumulated in the foreign currency translaƟon reserve. On disposal of a non-integral foreign operaƟon, the accumulated foreign currency translaƟon reserve relaƟng to that foreign operaƟon is recognized in the statement of proÞt and loss. (xvi) TaxaƟon Income tax expense comprises current tax (i.e. amount of taxes for the year determined in accordance with the Income-tax Act, 1961) and deferred tax charge or credit (reßecƟng the tax eīects of Ɵming diīerences between accounƟng income and taxable income for the period). The deferred tax charge or credit and the corresponding deferred tax liabiliƟes or assets are recognised using the tax rates that have been enacted or substanƟvely enacted by the Balance Sheet date. Deferred tax assets are recognised only to the extent that there is reasonable certainty that the assets can be realised in future except for deferred tax assets arising from unabsorbed depreciaƟon or business losses brought forward from prior years that are recognised only if there is a virtual certainty of realisaƟon of such assets. Deferred tax assets are reviewed as at each Balance Sheet date and wriƩen up or down to reßect the amount that is reasonably / virtually certain (as the case may be) to be realised. Statutory Reports Consolidated Financials Standalone Financials Consolidated notes to Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March 2014 The Company's units, located in Special Economic Zone (SEZ) are exempted from income tax (current tax) and one unit is partly exempted Ɵll 31 March 2014 under the provisions of secƟon 10AA of the Income Tax Act, 1961. However Minimum Alternate Tax (MAT) is applicable in the proÞts derived from units located in Special Economic Zone (SEZ) w.e.f. 01.04.2011. Deferred tax pertaining to the above units are recognised on Ɵming diīerences, being the diīerence between taxable income and accounƟng income, that originate in one period and are capable of reversal in one or more subsequent periods beyond the periods during which the respecƟve units are exempt from income tax as aforesaid. Deferred tax assets on unabsorbed depreciaƟon and / or carry forward of losses are recognised only if there is virtual certainty that suĸcient future taxable income will be available against which such deferred tax assets will be realised. Such assets are reviewed as at each Balance Sheet date to reassess realisability thereof. (xvii) Provisions and conƟngent liabiliƟes A provision is recognised in the Þnancial statements when there exists a present obligaƟon as a result of a past event, the amount of which can be reliably esƟmated and it is probable that an ouƞlow of resources will be required to seƩle the obligaƟon. ConƟngent liability is a possible obligaƟon that arises from past events and the existence of which will be conÞrmed only by the occurrence or non-occurrence of one or more uncertain future events not wholly within the control of the Company or is a present obligaƟon that arises from past events but is not recognised because either it is not probable that an ouƞlow of resources embodying economic beneÞts will be required to seƩle the obligaƟon, or the amount of the obligaƟon cannot be reliably esƟmated. (xviii)Earnings Per Share Basic earnings per share is computed using the weighted average number of equity shares outstanding during the period. Diluted earnings per share is computed using the weighted average number of shares and diluƟve equity equivalent shares outstanding during the period, except when results would be anƟ diluƟve. (xix) Project Development Expenditure Expenditure directly relaƟng to project development acƟvity is capitalised. Indirect expenditure incurred during the project development period is capitalised as part of the indirect project cost to the extent to which the expenditure is indirectly related to the development or is incidental thereto. Other indirect expenditure incurred during the development period which is not related to the project development acƟvity nor incidental thereto is charged to the ProÞt and Loss Account. (xx) Provision for Non Performing Assets Loan receivables are wriƩen oī / Provided for, as per management esƟmates , subject to minimum provision required as per Non Banking (Non - Deposit AccepƟng or Holding) Companies prudenƟal norms (Reserve Bank) DirecƟon , 2007. (xxi) Provision for Statutory Reserve A Provision for statutory reserve has been created in the Þnancial statements as prescribed under secƟon 45- IC of Reserve Bank of India, 1934. 71 Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I) Limited • Annual Report 2013-14 (Formerly known as Shree Ganesh Jewellery House Ltd.) 72 Consolidated notes to Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March 2014 [ ` in Lacs ] As at 31st March 2014 As at 31st March 2013 Notes 3 Share Capital Authorised Shares 115,000,000 (Previous Year - 115,000,000) Equity Shares of Rs 10 each 11,500.00 11,500.00 2,666,667 (Previous year - 2,666,667) 0.0001 % CumulaƟve ConverƟble Preference Shares of Rs. 300/- each. 8,000.00 8,000.00 19,500.00 19,500.00 7,190.65 6,482.65 7,190.65 6,482.65 Issued, Subscribed and fully Paid up shares 71,906,485 (Previous Year - 64,826,485) Equity Shares of Rs.10 each fully paid up (of the above share 36,048,144 equity share of Rs. 10 each are alloƩed fully paid up by way of bonus shares in the year 2009-10) "The Company has made an IniƟal Public Oīer (IPO) to issue 12,136,497 Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each at Rs. 260 each (includes securiƟes premium of Rs. 250 each) in the year 2009-2010. In the year 2010-2011, the Company has issued and alloƩed Equity Shares . Out of the fund raised from IPO amounƟng to Rs. 31,554.89, apart from meeƟng the IPO expenses of Rs. 2,332.34, the Company has uƟlised the proceeds of the issue amounƟng to Rs. 29,222.55 (P.Y Rs. 27,877.02) for seƫng up and expansion of manufacturing units, seƫng up of retail outlets, meeƟng working capital requirements and for general corporate purposes upto the year ended 31 March 2013. Further, the Company in the current year has alloƩed 7,080,000 (Previous Year 4,144,000) Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each which includes Security Premium of Rs. 140 each for 5,800,000 equity shares issued to Promoters and Promoters Group (Previous Year Rs. 140 each for Shares to Promoters and Promoters Group) and Rs. 115 each for 1,280,000 Equity Shares issued to NonPromoters through PreferenƟal allotment. M/s. Easy Fit Jewellery Limited. The Company duly passed the necessary resoluƟon for Conversion to Public Limited Company on 20th day of April, 2012 in terms of secƟon 31 and 21 read with secƟon 44 of Companies Act,1956 and Company has received approval from the Government of India, Ministry of Corporate Aīairs, Registrar of Companies, West Bengal, India on 8th day of May 2012. M/s Alex Spectrum RadiaƟon Pvt. Ltd. As per the records of register of members and other declaraƟons received from shareholders of M/s Alex Spectrum RadiaƟon Pvt Ltd, The Companies shareholding represents both legal and beneÞcial ownership of shares in case of each shareholder, except in the case of Shridi CommodiƟes Pvt Ltd, wherein the beneÞcial owner is Mrs. Kumud Parekh. M/s. Alex Astral Power Pvt. Ltd. As per the records of register of members and other declaraƟons received from shareholders of M/s Alex Astral Power Pvt Ltd, the Companies shareholding represents both legal and beneÞcial ownership of shares in case of each shareholder, except in the case of Shridi CommodiƟes Pvt Ltd, wherein the beneÞcial owner is Mrs. Kumud Parekh. M/s Alex Green Energy Pvt. Ltd. As per the records of register of members and other declaraƟons received from shareholders of M/s Alex Green Energy Pvt Ltd, the Companies shareholding represents both legal and beneÞcial ownership of shares in case of each shareholder, except in the case of Chaturbhuj Vyapaar Pvt Ltd, wherein the beneÞcial owner is Mrs. Kumud Parekh. Statutory Reports Consolidated Financials Standalone Financials 73 Consolidated notes to Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March 2014 [ ` in Lacs ] a. ReconciliaƟon of the shares outstanding at the beginning and at the end of the year As at 31st March 2014 No. Amount At the beginning of the year Add : Issued during the year - Through PreferenƟal Allotment to Promoters and Promoters Group) Add : Issued during the year - Through PreferenƟal Allotment to Non-Promoters Group) Outstanding at the end of the year As at 31st March 2013 No. Amount 64,826,485 6,482.65 60,682,485 6,068.25 5,800,000 580.00 4,144,000 414.40 1,280,000 128.00 – – 71,906,485 7,190.65 64,826,485 6,482.65 b. Terms / rights aƩached to equity shares The Company has only one class of Equity Shares having a par value of Rs 10/- per Share. Each holder of equity shares is enƟtled to one vote per Share. The Company declares and pay dividends in Indian Rupees. The Dividend Proposed by the Board of Directors is subject to the approval of the Shareholders in the ensuing Annual General MeeƟng. In the event of liquidaƟon of the company, the holders of Equity Shares will be enƟtled to receive remaining assets of the Company. The distribuƟon will be in proporƟon to the number of Equity Shares held by the shareholders. c. 73.46% (Previous Year 72.54%) of Equity Shares of the Company are held by the promoter group of the Company. d. Details of shareholders holding more than 5% of total Equity Shares of the Company: Name of the shareholder As at 31st March 2014 As at 31st March 2013 Umesh Parekh No. 10,141,300 % holding 14.10% No. 10,141,300 % holding 15.64% Kamlesh Shailendra Parekh 17,364,100 24.15% 11,564,100 17.84% Nillesh Parrekh 9,557,200 13.29% 9,557,200 14.74% Umesh Parekh HUF 5,582,000 7.76% 5,582,000 8.61% Nilesh Parekh HUF 3,646,880 5.07% 3,646,880 5.63% Kumud Parekh 3,527,240 4.91% 3,527,240 5.44% As per records of the Company, including its register of shareholders / members and other declaraƟons received from shareholders regarding beneÞcial interest, the above shareholding represents both legal and beneÞcial ownership of shares. Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I) Limited • Annual Report 2013-14 (Formerly known as Shree Ganesh Jewellery House Ltd.) 74 Consolidated notes to Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March 2014 [ ` in Lacs ] As at 31st March 2013 As at 31st March 2014 Notes 4 Reserves and Surplus Capital Reserve 102.88 102.88 AmalgamaƟon Reserve 585.67 585.67 Statutory Reserve At the commencement of the year 3.45 - Add: Transfer from statement of ProÞt and loss 5.97 3.45 Balance at the end of the year 9.42 3.45 44,553.21 38,751.61 9,592.00 5,801.60 54,145.21 44,553.21 9,824.83 7,286.81 - 2,538.02 Balance at the end of the year 9,824.83 9,824.83 Foreign Currency TranslaƟon Reserve 3,055.14 2,207.86 141,963.92 100,394.20 (119,756.53) 46,886.50 1,944.79 - 330.52 - SecuriƟes Premium Account At the commencement of the year AddiƟons during the period : - On PreferenƟal Allotment of Equity Shares [refer note 3] Balance at the end of the year General Reserve At the commencement of the year Add : Transfer from statement of ProÞt and loss Surplus / (DeÞcit) in the statement of ProÞt and Loss At the commencement of the year ProÞt for the year Add : AppropriaƟons Proposed Equity Dividend* Dividend Tax* Less : AppropriaƟons Proposed Equity Dividend* - 1,944.79 Dividend Tax* - 330.52 Transfer to Debenture RedempƟon Reserve** - 500.00 Transfer to General Reserve - 2,538.02 Transfer to Statutory Reserve Balance at the end of the year 5.97 3.45 24,476.73 141,963.92 3,000.00 2,500.00 Debenture RedempƟon Reserve At the commencement of the year Add: Transfer from statement of ProÞt and loss - 500.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 95,199.88 202,241.82 * Dividend for the Financial year 2012-13, recommended by the Board of Directors in the Board MeeƟng held on 27th May 2013 was subsequently disapproved by the Shareholders in the Annual General MeeƟng and accordingly the same and dividend tax thereon has been reversed. **The Company had not created any Debenture RedempƟon Reserve in the current Þnancial year due to negaƟve proÞts. Statutory Reports Consolidated Financials Standalone Financials 75 Consolidated notes to Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March 2014 [ ` in Lacs ] As at 31st March 2014 As at 31st March 2013 Notes 5 Long Term borrowings Secured - 11% Non converƟble debenture * - Vehicle loan ** - Term loan from bank & Financial insƟtuƟon *** 3,500.00 10,000.00 - 39.53 28,114.40 21,101.84 31,614.40 31,141.37 * Debentures are due for repayment at the end of 3rd, 4th and 5th year in the raƟo of 30:35:35 from the date of allotment, viz, 20/12/2010 and 03/11/2010, Rs 5,000 each. These are Secured by Þrst charge on the Fixed Assets of the Company to the extent of 1.25 Ɵmes of the value of non converƟble debentures. ** Secured by hypothecaƟon of the vehicles purchased from the proceeds of the loan. *** Term Loan includes: (a) Rs 193.50 from State Bank of India amounƟng to INR 29.00 Cr has been sancƟoned during the year towards the 5 MW Solar Power Project in Odisha and it carries an interest rate of 13% pa. The loan is repayable in 54 quarterly installments starƟng from Quarter - I of the F.Y. 2014-15. The loan is Secured by pledge of minimum equity share capital of the company amounƟng to INR 15 Cr held by the sponsors & Þrst charge over the Þxed assets of the project. Further exclusive Þrst charge on all the bank accounts of the Project (including TRA A/c). The loan has been secured by Corporate Guarantee of Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I) Ltd (SGJHL), Ɵll the tenure of the loan alongwith the Personal Guarantee of Shri Prannay Sureka. (b) Rupee Term loan amounƟng to Rs 24,169.99 from Banks were taken during the Þnancial year 2011-12 and carries interest @ 13%, 13% & 13.45% on loan borrowed from SBP, BOB & SBI respecƟvely p.a. Fresh disbursement of 68.44 Cr was taken from IIFCL during the year under take out Þnancing, where the outstanding balance of SBBJ & IOB as on 04.10.2013 was taken out by IIFCL. It carries an interest rate of 11% pa. The Term loan is repayable in 48 quarterly installments starƟng from Quarter -II of the F.Y. 2012-13. The loan is Secured by pledge of 51% shares of the company held by the sponsors & Þrst charge over the all the Þxed assets of the project, other moveable assets of the company, all the bank balances of project and book debt, operaƟng cash ßows, all receivables including receivables on account of carbon credits from the Project, commissions, revenues of whatsoever nature and wherever arising, present and future. Further the loan has been secured by Corporate Guarantee of Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I) Ltd (SGJHL),Ɵll the tenure of the loan. (c) Rs 3,750.92 from Banks, were taken during the Þnancial year 2011-12 and carries interest @ 13.65% and 13.75% on loan taken from SBI and Axis Bank respecƟvely. The loan is repayable in 56 quarterly installments starƟng from Quarter -II of the F.Y. 2012-13. Fresh Loan of INR 1.88 Cr was disbursed by Axis Bank during the year, carrying interest rate @ 13.75%. INR 65 lakhs is to be repaid by the Company within 10 days of disbursement and the balance amount to be paid in 16 equal quarterly installments. All the loans are Secured by pledge of 51% shares of the company held by the sponsors & Þrst charge over the Þxed assets of the project and other assets of the company. Further the loan has been secured by Corporate Guarantee of Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I) Ltd (SGJHL), Ɵll the tenure of the loan, except to the extent of Fresh Loan sancƟoned. Notes 6 Long term provisions Employee beneÞts (Refer note 36) 26.25 52.28 26.25 52.28 Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I) Limited • Annual Report 2013-14 (Formerly known as Shree Ganesh Jewellery House Ltd.) 76 Consolidated notes to Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March 2014 [ ` in Lacs ] As at 31st March 2014 As at 31st March 2013 Notes 7 Short term borrowing Short Term Borrowing Secured Loans From Banks - Cash credit from banks* - Bank overdraŌ ** - Short Term Loan (Amount payable against Bills discount crystallised and LC / SBLC's devolved by the Bank and - Bills Discounted (Crystallised Value)*** - Rupee Term Loan from Bank (Refer note 5 above) - Post Shipment Credit*** - Buyers credit**** From other Þnancial insƟtuƟons - 11% Non converƟble Debenture (Refer Note no. 5 Above) - Other short term loan ***** Unsecured Loan - Inter Corporate Deposits from Related ParƟes (Interest free) - From banks & other Þnancial insƟtuƟons - From directors & relaƟves (Interest free) - From bodies corporate and others (Interest free) - From others * 87,244.35 69,577.22 34,637.02 2,370.76 - 119,820.16 3,709.05 - 6,683.75 9,344.07 6,500.00 7,045.42 9,972.65 359.00 2,821.98 570.00 297,647.17 5,107.68 370.00 68,485.93 Secured by way of Þrst pari passu charge on current assets of the Company, both present and future, excluding assets having speciÞc charge of respecƟve Þnancing banks, and second charge on Þxed assets, both current and future. Irrevocable and uncondiƟonal personal guarantee of the Promoter Directors. It also includes the loan amount credited by the banks in lieu of Devolved LC / SBLC's and Crystallised Bills Discounted to the extent credited by the banks in Cash Credit Account. ** Secured by way of lien on Þxed deposits. *** Secured by Þrst charge on export bills discounted under conÞrmed orders & bills purchased under conÞrmed orders by banks. Also secured by way of margin money and Þrst pari passu charge on the current assets of the Company, both present and future, and second charge on Þxed assets of the Company, both present and future. Irrevocable and uncondiƟonal personal guarantee of the Promoter Directors. It excludes the loan amount credited by the banks in lieu of Devolved LC / SBLC's and Crystallised Bills Discounted to the extent credited in Cash Credit Account. **** Secured by pledge of 51% shares of the Company held by the sponsors & Þrst charge over the Þxed assets of the project and other assets of the company. Further the loan has been secured by Corporate Guarantee of Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I) Ltd, Ɵll the tenure of the loan. ***** Secured by way of margin money and Þrst pari passu charge on current assets of the Company, both present and future, excluding assets having speciÞc charge of respecƟve Þnancing banks, and second charge on Þxed assets of the Company, both present and future. Irrevocable and uncondiƟonal personal guarantee of the Promoter Director. As at 31st March 2014 Notes 8 As at 31st March 2013 Trade Payable Trade Payable 60,550.38 352,820.48 60,550.38 352,820.48 Statutory Reports Consolidated Financials Standalone Financials 77 Consolidated notes to Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March 2014 [ ` in Lacs ] As at 31st March 2014 As at 31st March 2013 Notes 9 Other Current LiabiliƟes Current maturiƟes of long-term debt Interest accrued but not due on borrowings Unpaid dividends Temporary book overdraŌs Foreign currency payable Advance received from customers - 35.58 6,125.21 354.51 9.27 9.37 129.37 - 23.92 702.20 242.24 465.71 - - 228.23 159.67 Other Payables Statutory liability Other payables 4,435.71 18,850.55 11,193.95 20,577.59 Other payables includes liabiliƟes for purchase of assets, employee beneÞt expenses and miscellaneous payables. Notes 10 Short term provisions Employee beneÞts (Refer note 36) 68.45 48.57 Proposed dividend - 1,944.79 Tax on proposed dividend - 330.52 16.60 1.53 5.62 4.35 Provision for NPA (Refer note 39) Provision for standard assets (Refer note 39) Provision for taxaƟon 90.67 2,329.76 Notes 11 Fixed Assets DescripƟon As at 1st April 2013 Tangible Assets Leasehold land Freehold Land Buildings - Freehold* - Leasehold ** Plant & Equipment Furniture, Fixtures* Oĸce Equipments Computers & related equipments Vehicles Total Intangible Assets Goodwill Computer SoŌware Total Previous Year Tangible Assets Intangible Assets Gross Block DepreciaƟon/ AmorƟsaƟon Net Block AddiƟons/ DeducƟon/ As at As at For the DeducƟons / As at As at As at Adjustments Adjustments 31st March 1st April year/ Adjustments 31st March 31st March 31st March 2014 2013 Adjustments 2014 2014 2013 7,437.32 1,224.58 497.76 - 6,015.64 510.25 56,480.43 1,932.86 92.58 282.73 1,233.80 2.95 2,672.50 263.19 6.23 20.36 456.31 74,432.70 7,437.32 1,722.34 260.43 - 513.96 - - 774.39 - 6,662.93 1,722.34 3.19 0.96 3.44 7,249.44 840.88 513.20 149.18 59,149.74 10,633.87 2,195.09 525.06 98.81 38.82 299.65 179.63 523.46 22.38 7,185.75 291.15 10.54 46.19 (6.63) (10.08) (2.05) (0.07) 2.54 1,370.97 171.56 17,829.70 818.26 49.43 223.28 5,878.47 5,174.76 341.64 361.08 41,320.04 45,846.57 1,376.83 1,407.80 49.38 53.76 76.37 103.10 0.67 4,697.46 307.04 314.63 149.94 251.55 78,815.53 12,879.42 21.74 8,615.17 150.42 134.13 122.87 21,360.46 27.07 204.76 57,455.07 61,553.28 124.69 27.07 151.76 - 0.30 0.30 124.69 26.77 151.46 80.61 21.28 101.89 2.80 2.80 0.19 0.19 80.61 23.89 104.50 70,016.75 150.93 4,846.26 0.83 430.31 - 74,432.70 151.76 3,976.70 81.54 9,026.98 20.35 124.26 - 12,879.42 101.89 44.08 2.88 46.96 7,176.89 1,224.58 44.08 5.79 49.87 61,553.28 66,040.05 49.87 Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I) Limited • Annual Report 2013-14 (Formerly known as Shree Ganesh Jewellery House Ltd.) 78 Consolidated notes to Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March 2014 * ** ** Includes Gross Block of ` 3,864.61 (Previous Year ` nil) and Accumulated DepreciaƟon ` 975.84 (Previous Year ` Nil), that is held for disposable in near future. Includes Gross Block ` 201.92 (Previous Year ` 201.92), Accumulated DepreciaƟon ` 67.98 (Previous Year ` 60.93) and wriƩen down value ` 133.94 (Previous Year ` 140.99), jointly held with others. Includes Gross Block ` 102.93 (Previous Year ` 102.93) and Accumulated DepreciaƟon ` 40.04 (Previous Year ` 33.05), that are yet to be registered in the name of the Company. [ ` in Lacs ] As at 31st March 2014 As at 31st March 2013 Notes 12 Non-Current Investment Unquoted at cost 2,318.78 1,652.46 2,318.78 1,652.46 Notes 13 Deferred tax assets Deferred Tax Deferred tax asset (net) included in the Balance Sheet comprise of : Deferred Tax Assets Excess of wriƩen down value of assets as per Income Tax Act, 1961 and net book value of such assets (to the extent reversing aŌer the period during which the Company is eligible for exempƟon under secƟons 10A and 10AA of the Income Tax Act, 1961) Provision for doubƞul debts 696.15 1,010.11 20,080.09 - Other Ɵming diīerences 21,006.34 1,994.32 Deferred Tax Asset (net) 41,782.58 3,004.43 300.00 401.02 MAT Credit EnƟtlement 10,923.00 11,026.68 Other Loan & Advances 273.00 3,874.80 Security deposit 543.20 1,005.43 12,039.20 16,307.93 253,234.93 - 253,234.93 - Notes 14 Long term loans and advances Unsecured and Considered Good Capital advances Notes 15 Other Non-Current Assets (Unsecured) (Long term Trade Receivable (including trade receivable on deÞned credit terms) - Considered Good (Refer note 32) Statutory Reports Consolidated Financials Standalone Financials 79 Consolidated notes to Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March 2014 [ ` in Lacs ] As at 31st March 2014 As at 31st March 2013 Notes 16 Current Investment (Short term, other than trade, valued at cost) Quoted equity shares * 39.02 39.02 Less : Provision for diminuƟon in the value of investment 24.44 23.88 14.58 15.14 307.97 - 322.55 15.14 27,476.62 47,927.63 Investments in mutual fund** * Aggregate value of quoted investment ` 14.58 (Previous Year ` 15.14) ** 1,030,023.28 units @ NAV of ` 29.8996/unit, Cost : ` 3.10 crores, NAV : ` 3.08 crores. Notes 17 Inventories (At lower of cost and net realisable value) Raw materials and stones Work-in-progress * Finished goods [includes goods in transit ` Nil (Previous year ` 3442.62)] 455.02 20,779.28 3,505.40 27,307.23 31,437.04 96,014.14 * Include stock lying with third parƟes ` 23.29 (Previous year Rs 17,203.04). Closing stock excludes stock provided by third parƟes amounƟng to ` 107.90 (Previous Year Rs. 86.60) as at the year end lying with us. Notes 18 Trade receivables* (Unsecured) Debts outstanding for a period exceeding six months from the date they are due for payment - considered good - considered doubƞul Less: Provision for doubƞul debts Other debts - considered good 2,949.86 50,619.78 - - 2,949.86 50,619.78 - - 2,949.86 50,619.78 68,299.12 345,363.40 71,248.98 395,983.18 *Same parƟes neƫng oī were made for common balances in Trade Receivables and Trade Payables. However, Out of the above some may or may not be neƩed-oī by the banks, as the Trade Receivables may represents include both Discounted or Other bills, which is in process by the Banks for neƫng-oī as per RBI guidelines. Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I) Limited • Annual Report 2013-14 (Formerly known as Shree Ganesh Jewellery House Ltd.) 80 Consolidated notes to Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March 2014 [ ` in Lacs ] As at 31st March 2014 As at 31st March 2013 Notes 19 Cash and cash equivalents Cash on hand 116.83 325.13 702.28 6,251.35 9.27 9.37 23,197.41 97,505.04 24,025.79 104,090.89 865.80 1,410.75 Income tax (net of provision) 2,571.71 29.79 Foreign Currency Receivable - 146.06 11,075.72 8,591.86 14,513.23 10,178.46 Balances with bank - on current accounts - on unpaid dividend account Other bank balances - on bank deposits * * Bank Deposit are held as margin money against various Secured Short Term Borrowings. Notes 20 Short Term Loans and Advances (Unsecured and considered good) Retail Loan (Gold loan receivable) Other loan and advances Notes 21 Other Current Assets Interest accrued but not due on deposits and loans given 594.01 2,141.13 594.01 2,141.13 1,140,908.64 1,288,639.03 495.71 733.93 7,560.84 7,461.34 220.59 194.11 1.79 152.63 Notes 22 Revenue From OperaƟons Sale of Products Sale of Services: - Job work charges - Electricity Units - Interest income from gold loan - Interest income from other loan Other operaƟng revenue 22.26 70.15 1,149,209.83 1,297,251.19 Gain on foreign exchange ßuctuaƟon (net) 27.19 10,393.03 Dividend Income 13.05 0.21 163.07 310.75 203.31 10,703.99 Notes 23 Other income Miscellaneous Income Statutory Reports Consolidated Financials Standalone Financials 81 Consolidated notes to Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March 2014 [ ` in Lacs ] Year ended 31st March 2014 Year ended 31st March 2013 Notes 24 Cost of materials consumed Opening stock 47,927.62 8,922.21 378,758.99 1,010,178.04 27,476.62 47,927.62 399,209.99 971,172.63 Gold Jewellery and arƟcles 189,321.65 103,868.69 Precious/Semi precious stones 480,535.47 143,829.11 10.52 29.70 669,867.64 247,727.50 455.02 20,779.28 3,505.40 27,307.24 - Work In Progress 20,779.28 14,708.32 - Finished Goods 27,307.24 36,821.13 (44,126.10) (3,442.93) 1,516.07 2,815.41 ContribuƟon to Employee BeneÞt Funds 33.37 35.70 Staī welfare expense 46.20 30.85 Directors RemuneraƟon 40.92 1,154.80 1,636.56 4,036.76 Interest expense (net) 31,655.65 21,902.54 Other borrowing costs 1,718.89 1,897.82 33,374.54 23,800.36 Add: Purchases Less :Closing stock Notes 25 Purchases of stock-in-trade Others Notes 26 Changes in Inventories of Work-in-Progress & Finished Goods Closing Stock - Work In Progress - Finished Goods Less : Opening Stock Notes 27 Employee BeneÞts Expense Salaries and wages Notes 28 Finance Cost Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I) Limited • Annual Report 2013-14 (Formerly known as Shree Ganesh Jewellery House Ltd.) 82 Consolidated notes to Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March 2014 [ ` in Lacs ] Year ended 31st March 2014 Year ended 31st March 2013 Notes 29 Other expenses Alloys and consumables consumed 21.97 18.99 110.42 144.27 1,397.14 - 278.75 539.32 63.73 37.60 - Machinery 8.60 11.37 - Others 2.94 69.19 Power and fuel Loss on foreign exchange ßuctuaƟon (net) Rent (refer Note 43) Repairs & maintenance - Building Insurance 224.73 Debtors WriƩen oī - Less : Already Provided for - Provision for Doubƞul Advances 177.45 393.98 - (393.98) - 737.14 - 38.63 24.02 Sales promoƟon expenses 239.63 411.77 Legal and consultancy charges 293.21 328.14 Job work charges 105.12 264.70 34.84 26.41 333.42 414.40 Rates and taxes Auditor remuneraƟon (Refer note 41) Travelling expense Provision for standard assets (Refer note 39) Provision for NPA (Refer note 39) Loss on Bullion Trading Provision for diminuƟon in investment Miscellaneous expenses 1.25 3.50 15.07 1.53 108,599.33 - - 1.35 1,288.15 2,127.21 113,794.07 4,601.22 Notes 30 ExcepƟonal Item* ExcepƟonal Losses on MerchanƟng TransacƟon 39,059.15 - 39,059.15 - *The Company had sold diamonds of USD 171,508,700/- (approx INR 97,184.52) in the Financial Year 2012-13 to its customers based in Hongkong under merchanƟng trade. Since there were no recovery from these customers from last one year, the Company decided to take back the diamonds and returned it to the supplier. The Company negoƟated with the supplier however since the company had availed volume discount at the Ɵme of purchase, the supplier had asked for reversal of discount oīered earlier Þnally the supplier had agreed to take back the goods at mismatch @ 40% discount value only. Accordingly in the current year the Company had incurred (approx INR 39,063.28) USD 62,350,015/- (converted @ 62.6516) loss on merchanƟng trade. Notes 31 Current Taxes Income tax for the year [Includes MAT Rs 1.93 (PY Rs 5,299.16)] Adjustments / (credits) related to previous years - Net (33.35) 5,416.20 6.07 - (27.28) 5,416.20 Statutory Reports Consolidated Financials Standalone Financials 83 Consolidated notes to Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March 2014 [ ` in Lacs ] 32 The Company through its wholly owned subsidiary Shree Ganesh Jewellery House FZE, in the month of August 2013 entered into an agreement for purchase of bullion from one of its supplier for 35 Tons quanƟty @USD 1,420/oz based on orders in hand for bullion. However due to and due non-allowance and frequent changes in RBI policies for import of gold, the Company could not import bullion and the Company had to rescind the contract in the month of October 2013 @USD 1,259/- oz and accordingly the company had incurred a loss of USD 180,820,029/- i.e. approx INR 108,599.33 (INR 60.059/USD). To fund the losses the subsidiary entered into an arrangement with the supplier for supply of diamonds on 30% COD basis(30% equals the amount of loss) and balance on a credit period of approx 2 years. Total losses suīered INR 108,599.33, of which the subsidiary of the Company had absorbed approx INR 49,522.85 (USD 82,456,536/-) to the extent of its net worth. The balance INR 59,076.47 is provisioned as doubƞul debt on account of receivables from its subsidiary because of non-ability to pay the amount by its subsidiary. Investment value of INR 6,157.63 appearing in the books of the Company is also provided for since the networth of the subsidiary has become negaƟve due to loss incurred by them as explained above. INR 253,234.93 shown as Long term non-current assets receivable from its subsidiary is because the same is sold by its subsidiary to the party with whom bullion transacƟons was booked and subsequently cancelled and arrangement for supply of bullion under 30% COD and balance on deferred payment basis i.e. on 2 years credit. As explained above the company had incurred a total loss of INR 117,156 (PBT) in the current year. Further since the subsidiary had sold goods of Approx INR 253,235 on a credit of 2 years. The company underwent a liquidity crunch and was not able to pay towards liquidity dues, accordingly the Company had Þled a request with its bankers for composite Corporate Debts restructuring for debts taken by the Company. In the current Financial year, one of our wholly owned subsidiary Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (Ghana) Ltd. purchased gold of approx 5.00 Kgs. However there was a theŌ, the Company has taken due steps to recover but has not recovered the same yet. As at 31st March 2014 As at 31st March 2013 Notes 33 EsƟmated Capital Commitments not provided for (Net of Advance) Bank guarantee Other Commitments 1,355.02 377.70 - 337.43 10,500.00 10,500.00 438,350.00 58,350.00 33,660.00 34,160.00 - 159,847.36 4,752.28 2,645.30 Notes 34 ConƟngent LiabiliƟes i. Corporate Guarantees given - on behalf of subsidiaries - on behalf of holding Company by subsidiary - on behalf of other group companies ii. Bills Discounted iii. Claims against the Company in respect of Sales Tax maƩers not acknowledged as debts" Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I) Limited • Annual Report 2013-14 (Formerly known as Shree Ganesh Jewellery House Ltd.) 84 Consolidated notes to Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March 2014 [ ` in Lacs ] As at 31st March 2014 As at 31st March 2013 Notes 35 Basic and Diluted Earnings per share (a) CalculaƟon of weighted average number of equity shares of Rs. 10 each for basic earning per share. Number of equity shares at the beginning of the year Fresh Issue of Equity shares - Through PreferenƟal Allotment Weighted average number of Equity Shares outstanding during the year for basic EPS (b) Net proÞt aƩributable to Equity Shareholders (c) Basic and Diluted earnings per Equity Share (Rs.) (Face value per Equity Share of Rs. 10 each) 64,826,485 60,682,485 7,080,000 4,144,000 70,352,732 60,705,192 (119,756.53) 46,886.50 (170.22) 77.24 64,826,485 (Previous Year 60,682,485) equity shares outstanding for 365 days, 5,800,000 equity shares outstanding for 299 days and 1,280,000 equity shares outstanding for 221 days (Previous Year 4,144,000 equity shares outstanding for 2 days). Notes 36 The details of employee beneÞts for the year on account of gratuity which is unfunded deÞned employee beneÞt plan is as under (a) Component of Employer Expense Current service cost 25.82 18.21 4.16 3.15 Actuarial (Gains) / Losses (6.83) 0.05 Total Expenses recognised in the Statement of ProÞt & Loss Account 23.15 21.41 Present value of DBO at the beginning of period 56.50 35.76 Current service cost 25.82 18.21 4.16 3.15 (6.83) 0.05 (12.70) (0.67) 66.95 4.22 52.28 56.50 56.50 4.22 52.28 56.50 9.2% / 9.10% 8.30% Interest cost (b) Change in DeÞned BeneÞt ObligaƟon (DBO) during the year Interest cost Actuarial (Gains) / Losses BeneÞts Payments Present Value of DBO at the year end Current liability Non current liability Actuarial AssumpƟons Discount Rate The Gratuity expenses have been recognised as ‘Employee beneÞt expense’ under Note 27. The esƟmates of future salary increases, considered in actuarial valuaƟons take account of inßaƟon, seniority, promoƟon and other relevant factors such as supply and demand factors in the employment market. Statutory Reports Consolidated Financials Standalone Financials 85 Consolidated notes to Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March 2014 [ ` in Lacs ] Notes 37 Related parƟes disclosure in accordance with AS - 18 prescribed by Companies (AccounƟng Standard) Rules, 2006 (i) (ii) Enterprises directly / indirectly are under common control with the Company Individuals owning (directly / indirectly) an interest in the voƟng power of the Company that gives them control or signiÞcant inßuence (also the key management personnel) (iii) Enterprises over which person menƟoned in (ii) along with the relaƟves are able to exercise signiÞcant inßuence. (with whom transacƟons have occurred during the year) (a) 2013-14 Umesh Parekh (HUF) (a) 2012-13 Umesh Parekh (HUF) (a) Mr. Nillesh Parrekh- Chairman (a) Mr. Nillesh Parrekh- Chairman (b) (b) (c) Mr. Umesh Parekh Managing Director Mrs. Kumud Parekh (c) Mr. Umesh Parekh Managing Director Mrs. Kumud Parekh (d) Mr. Hitesh Dhinoja (d) Mr. Hitesh Dhinoja (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (a) Mr. Pranay Kumar Sureka Mr. Manoj Dalal Mr. Chintan Ojha Mr. Karan Parekh Mr. Nischay Parekh Mr. Pratyush Kumar Sureka Carvan CreaƟon Pvt. Ltd. (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (a) Mr. Pranay Kumar Sureka Mr. Manoj Dalal Mr. Chintan Ojha Mr. Karan Parekh Mr. Nischay Parekh Mr. Pratyush Kumar Sureka Carvan CreaƟon Pvt. Ltd. (b) Kalindi Enclave Private Limited (b) Kalindi Enclave Private Limited (c) Safal ProperƟes Private Limited (c) Safal ProperƟes Private Limited (d) SwasƟk Wheat Products Agencies (d) Private Limited Dhanteras Estates Pvt. Ltd (e) (e) SwasƟk Wheat Products Agencies Private Limited Dhanteras Estates Pvt. Ltd Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I) Limited • Annual Report 2013-14 (Formerly known as Shree Ganesh Jewellery House Ltd.) 86 Consolidated notes to Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March 2014 [ ` in Lacs ] Name of the Party Nature of TransacƟon Year ended 31st March 2014 Year ended 31st March 2013 Notes 37 Consolidated statement of related party disclosures, as restated (conƟnued) Carvan CreaƟon Pvt. Ltd. Share ApplicaƟon money received - 570.00 Share ApplicaƟon money refunded 127.50 170.00 - 400.00 359.00 - (359.00) - Rent Expense - 269.66 Receivable/(Payable) as at the year end - 40.94 6.00 6.00 Share ApplicaƟon money pending allotment Loan Taken Loans Receivable/(payable) outstanding Dhanteras Estates Pvt Ltd Kalindi Enclave Private Limited Rent Expense Receivable/(Payable) as at the year end (2.25) (0.45) Safal ProperƟes Private Limited Rent Expense 72.00 72.00 Sale of Motor car 94.05 - 3.50 6.00 SwasƟk Wheat Products Agencies Private Limited Rent Expense Receivable/(Payable) as at the year end - (0.45) Chintan Ojha RemuneraƟon - 24.00 Receivable/(Payable) as at the year end - (6.00) Repayment of loan Taken - 0.50 RemuneraƟon - 24.00 Receivable/(Payable) as at the year end - (6.00) (151.36) 189.00 RemuneraƟon - 216.00 Receivable/(Payable) as at the year end - (205.36) Repayment of loan Taken - 12.00 Hitesh Dhinoja Karan Parekh Kumud Parekh Nillesh Parrekh Client advance received 426.00 3,942.00 Repayment of Loan Taken Loan Taken 2,416.95 1,650.00 Loans Receivable/(payable) outstanding 1,083.73 (3,074.68) RemuneraƟon including commission on proÞt 18.96 591.70 Receivable/(Payable) as at the year end (5.46) (335.26) Nischay Parekh RemuneraƟon - 216.00 Pranay Kumar Sureka RemuneraƟon - 101.75 Pratyush Kumar Sureka RemuneraƟon - 101.75 Umesh Parekh(HUF) Loans Receivable/(payable) outstanding (105.00) (105.00) Umesh Parekh Loan Taken 236.50 4,549.00 Repayment of Loan Taken 531.75 2,671.00 1,632.75 (1,928.00) RemuneraƟon including commission on proÞt 18.96 591.70 Receivable/(Payable) as at the year end (5.46) (357.62) Loans Receivable/(payable) outstanding Statutory Reports Consolidated Financials Standalone Financials 87 Consolidated notes to Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March 2014 [ ` in Lacs ] Notes 38 Segment informaƟon in accordance with AccounƟng Standard 17 prescribed by Companies (AccounƟng Standard) Rules, 2006. The Company is engaged in the business of manufacture and sale of gold jewellery and other arƟcles of various designs/ speciÞcaƟon based on customer's requirements and the company's manufacturing faciliƟes are located in India. Further the Company through its subsidiaries is engaged in generaƟon of solar power and lending against gold and other assets. The risk and returns of the group are aīected predominantly by the fact that it operates in diīerent businesses i.e. Jewellery, Solar Power & lending against gold and accordingly business segment have been considered as the primary segment informaƟon. In view of the fact that the Company operates in diīerent geographical areas i.e domesƟc and export, the geographical segment is considered as secondary segment informaƟon. Segment informaƟon has been prepared in conformity with the accounƟng policies adopted for preparaƟon and presentaƟon of the Þnancial statements of the Company. Primary segment disclosures (Business Segments) 31st March 2014 31st March 2013 1 Segment revenue Jewellery Power Sector Others Other Unallocable Income Total Revenue 2 Segment results Jewellery Power Sector Others Segment Total Unallocated Income / ( Expense ) (net) ExcepƟonal item ProÞt Before Interest and TaxaƟon Interest Expenses (Net) ProÞt before taxaƟon Less: Current tax 1,141,429.13 [ 1,289,008.39] 7,556.78 [ 7,473.89] 238.21 [ 356.53] 189.02 [ 11,116.37] 1,149,413.14 [ 1,307,955.18] (78,860.83) [ 71,215.91] 7,556.79 [ 7,464.08] 225.15 [ 356.54] (71,078.89) [ 79,036.53] (16,760.30) -[ 11,109.72] (39,059.15) [ 0.00] (126,898.34) [ 67,926.81] 33,374.54 [ 23,800.36] (160,272.88) [ 44,126.45] (38,805.55) -[ 2,166.18] Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I) Limited • Annual Report 2013-14 (Formerly known as Shree Ganesh Jewellery House Ltd.) 88 Consolidated notes to Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March 2014 [ ` in Lacs ] Primary segment disclosures (Business Segments) 31st March 2014 31st March 2013 (121,467.33) 46,292.63 (1,710.80) -[ 593.87] (119,756.53) [ 46,886.50] ProÞt AŌer TaxaƟon before Minority Interests Minority Interest ProÞt AŌer TaxaƟon Primary segment disclosures (Business Segments) 3 Segment Assets Segment LiabiliƟes Other InformaƟon Jewellery Power Sector Other Segment Total Unallocated Corporate Assets/LiabiliƟes Advance Income Tax (Net)/Provision for Tax (Net) Loan Proposed Dividend Tax on proposed dividend MAT Credit EnƟtlement Deferred Tax Asset Minority Interest Total 382,440.93 68,486.48 [ 514,981.64] [ 387,884.13] 45,819.31 191.49 [ 50,572.97] [ 131.55] 68.63 0.30 [ 78.02] [ 0.22] 428,328.87 68,678.27 [ 565,632.63] [ 388,015.90] 25,819.18 3,182.98 [ 112,188.66] -[ 14,511.10] 2,571.71 - [ 29.79] [ 0.00] - 329,261.57 [ 0.00] [ 99,627.30] - - [ 0.00] [ 1,944.79] - - [ 0.00] [ 330.52] 10,923.00 - [ 11,026.68] [ 0.00] 41,782.58 - [ 3,004.43] [ 0.00] - 5,911.99 [ 0.00] [ 7,750.31] 509,425.34 407,034.81 [ 691,882.19] [ 483,157.72] Statutory Reports Consolidated Financials Standalone Financials 89 Consolidated notes to Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March 2014 [ ` in Lacs ] Primary segment disclosures (Business Segments) Jewellery Power Sector Capital Expenditure 2,535.80 - [ 3,052.75] [ 2,561.37] [ 0.00] 2,823.49 6,064.66 - [ 1,782.82] [ 6,471.52] [ 0.00] 8.13 17.52 - [ 11.52] [ 14.44] [ 0.00] 4,697.46 8,617.97 - [ 4,847.09] [ 9,047.33] [ 0.00] Secondary Disclosure (Geographical Segments) 1 31st March 2013 - Within India 294,333.30 [ 183,265.98] - Outside India 854,890.81 [ 1,123,501.79] 189.03 -[ 7,056.08] 1,149,413.14 [ 1,299,711.69] - Within India 213,742.83 [ 254,457.98] - Outside India 295,682.51 [ 437,424.21] Total 509,425.34 [ 691,882.19] 4,460.82 [ 4,047.67] 236.64 [ 799.42] 4,697.46 [ 4,847.09] Total 3 31st March 2014 Revenue from external customers by locaƟon of customers - Unallocated 2 SigniÞcant non cash expenses other than depreciaƟon and amorƟsaƟon 1,865.84 Others Segment Total DepreciaƟon Carrying amount of Segment Assets by locaƟon of assets Cost to acquire tangible and intangible Þxed assets by locaƟon of assets - Within India - Outside India Total Shree Ganesh Jewellery House (I) Limited • Annual Report 2013-14 (Formerly known as Shree Ganesh Jewellery House Ltd.) 90 Consolidated notes to Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March 2014 [ ` in Lacs ] Notes 39 Provision for Standard and Non Performing Assets as per PrudenƟal Norms : As per the Non - Banking Financial (Non Deposit AccepƟng / Holding ) Companies PrudenƟal Norms (Reserve Bank) DirecƟons, 2007, the Company has made provisions for standard assets as well as non performing assets as per the table below : Year ended 31st March 2014 Year ended 31st March 2013 Provision for Non-Performing Assets Substandard Assets Doubƞul Assets Total Non-Performing Assets Provision at the beginning of the year AddiƟonal provision made during the year Provision at the close of the year Provision for Standard Assets Standard Assets Provision at the beginning of the year AddiƟonal provision made during the year Provision at the close of the year 156.96 3.00 159.96 1.53 15.07 16.60 7.65 7.65 1.53 1.53 1,403.84 4.37 1.25 5.62 1,406.24 0.85 3.52 4.37 Notes 40 AddiƟonal disclosures as required by circular no DNBS.CC.PD. No.265/03.10.01/2011-2012 dated March 21, 2012 issued by the Reserve Bank of India: Total Gold Loan Porƞolio Total Assets Gold Loan Porƞolio as a percentage of total assets 705.84 1,896.80 37% 1,403.10 1,847.34 76% 23.27 2.06 9.51 34.84 21.74 1.50 3.17 26.41 Notes 41 Auditor's RemuneraƟon includes - As auditor - For taxaƟon maƩer - For other services 42 Based on the informaƟon available with the Company, there are no dues to micro and small enterprises under the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006 43 The Company has taken an oĸce and other premises on operaƟng lease. Minimum lease payment charged during the year to the Statement of ProÞt and Loss account aggregated to ` 278.75 (Previous year ` 539.32) 44 The Company gives loan against Gold/Property as a security. The Gold held as security consisƟng Gross Weight 50,745.69 gm (P.Y.82,996.20 gm), Net Weight 42,496.19gm (P.Y. 72,581.02 gm) and is valued at ` 1,338.67 (P.Y. ` 2,247.54/-) (G.W) and ` 1,121.05 (P.Y. ` 1,965.49/-) (N.W ) as on 31.03.2013. 45 The previous year's Þgures have been regrouped or reclassiÞed wherever necessary to conform with the current year's presentaƟon. As per our report aƩached For Chaturvedi & Partners Chartered Accountants Firm RegistraƟon No: 307068E PraƟk Niyogi Partner Membership No.: 066514 Place: Kolkata Date: 30th May, 2014 For and on behalf of the Board of Directors Nillesh Parrekh Chairman Umesh Parekh Managing Director Ashok Prakash Sahni Chief Financial Oĸcer Mukund Chandak Company Secretary