2012 fan guide information
2012 fan guide information
2012 fan guide information octobEr 5-7, 2012 1.877.Go2.DEGA :: talladegasuperspeedway.com 2012 FAN INFORMATION 2012 EvEnt SchEdulES tickEt, GatES & GrandStand information 2 GuESt SErvicES and fan information 12-19 traffic tiPS & maPS 34-42 3-9 SafEty Policy and GrandStand GuidElinES 10-11 rESErvEd camPGroundS on infiEld camPinG thE outSidE of thE track 20-27 arEa information and attractionS 43-45 28-33 facility maP 46-47 1.877.Go2.DEGA :: talladegasuperspeedway.com 1 SCHEDULE tALLADEGA SUPErSPEEDWAY 2012 octobEr 5-7, 2012 friday, october 5 Polk’s meat Qualifying NASCAR Camping World Truck Series SatUrday, october 6 FoodLand/Food Giant NASCAR Sprint Cup Series Qualifying fred’s 250 Powered by coca-cola NASCAR Camping World Truck Series SUNday, october 7 Good Sam roadside assistance 500 NASCAR Sprint Cup Series * This schedule of events is tentative and is subject to change. 2 GENERAL INFORMATION tIcKEt INForMAtIoN Purchasing Tickets there are five (5) easy ways to purchase your race tickets: 1 on-linE: talladegasuperspeedway.com The most convenient way to purchase! 2 in-PErSon: Talladega Superspeedway Ticket Office 3366 Speedway Blvd, Talladega, AL 35160 3 By mail: Talladega Superspeedway Ticket Office PO Box 777, Talladega, AL 35161 4 By PhonE: Talladega Superspeedway:1-877-Go2-DEGA 877-462-3342) or our TDD# 1-866-ISC-TRAK (866-472-8725) 5 By fax: 1-256-761-4748 Questions? Contact us at 877-Go2-dEGa (462-3342) or via our TDD # 1-866-ISCTRAK (866-472-8725) . The main call center is open from 7 a.m. - 8 p.m. Mon-Fri. and 8 a.m. - 9 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday Central Standard Time. Talladega Superspeedway Ticket Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. During race week, the ticket office is open from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday, Saturday 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Central Standard Time. Talladega Superspeedway accepts cash, Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover. Checks are accepted up to 45 days prior to the event purchased. During race events, the Main Ticket Office is located at International Motorsports Hall of Fame. On race days, ticket booths are open at the facility for sales and customer service purposes. All of the booths are not open each day. Please refer to the website for ticket booth hours of operation for event weekends. Please note the Ticket Delivery & Will Call section on page 7 of this fan guide for information about picking up tickets. 1.877.Go2.DEGA :: talladegasuperspeedway.com 3 GENERAL INFORMATION Gates/Parking Hours of Operation Grandstand gates open at 8 a.m. Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Parking lots open at 7 a.m. on Friday of race week and 5 a.m. on Saturday and Sunday. Fans are welcomed to tailgate after the day’s event, but all areas designated as Day Parking lots must be cleared and closed before dark, or two hours after the day’s track events have concluded. • NO OVERNIGHT PARKING IS ALLOWED IN DAY PARKING AREAS. VEHICLES LEFT IN DAY PARKING LOTS AFTER THE TIMES INDICATED WILL BE TOWED AND A TOW FEE OF $70.00 WILL BE CHARGED. • ALL DAY PARKING ON TALLADEGA SUPERSPEEDWAY PROPERTY IS FREE. Overnight parking for vehicles only is allowed in Lot 6E, which is located near Gate V9. Grandstand Admission Sunday’s NASCAR Sprint Cup Series races - All grandstand seating is reserved. Saturday’s races - All tower and Allison Grandstand seating is reserved and the frontstretch lower grandstand is general admission. Friday’s races/events – All seating is general admission. Kids age 12 and younger are admitted free into the general admission frontstretch grandstands when accompanied by a paying adult on Friday & Saturday. Kids age 12 and younger are admitted free into the Allison Grandstand all weekend. Everyone, regardless of age, must have a valid ticket for grandstand & seat to be admitted into the grandstands on Sunday. First Rows of the Lower Grandstands - Please note that the main grandstands on the frontstretch at Talladega Superspeedway were built using elevation to determine row number. The front row in each section of the grandstands may not be row one. Group Rates Get your Group on the Fast Track! The bigger the group, the bigger the savings. Perfect for your corporate gathering, church groups, birthday party or family get-together. Get your group together and call our Group Sales Office at 256-761-4725 and book your group tickets today. 4 the talladega experience Sunday, October 7th • 7 am – one hour after green flag Package Includes: Pass to The Talladega Experience located in our Legends Village Pre-race Pit Pass access from 8 am - 12 pm (schedule & weather permitting) Unlimited soda, water, beer and wine; Cash bar is available One Suite/Hospitality parking pass per two purchased Games and activities that include pool tables, foosball tables and basketball goals Driver Q&A appearances: Dale Earnhardt Jr. and Clint Bowyer* Driver introductions during Pre-Race Visit each tent for expanded and improved menu for breakfast and lunch Cost: $139 per person (Plus cost of race ticket) *Appearance can be cancelled due to time, weather and schedule changes GENERAL INFORMATION Reschedule Policy In the case of postponement, please keep your ticket or ticket stub to re-enter on the date of rescheduling. Talladega Superspeedway does not refund or exchange tickets due to any circumstances. myracetravel.com Travel Packages Pack your bags... we’ll do the rest! NASCAR Travel Packages including race tickets, hotel accommodations, motor coach transportation and more! Visit www.racetickets.com or call (1-888-472-2849) for more information. Event Ticket Insurance Event Ticket ProtectorSM insurance provides greater peace of mind by insuring you against reasonably unforeseen circumstances. Only credit card payments are allowed to participate in Event Ticket Insurance. If you choose Event Ticket Protector™ insurance, you will be billed by Mondial Assistance at a later date. If a traffic accident…or other covered reason prevents you from attending the event 100% of the ticket price, including taxes and shipping charges is returned to you, up to a maximum of $1,000. Conditions, limitations and exclusions may apply. For more information about this insurance, please go to http:// talladegasuperspeedway.com/insurance/. If you have any questions or if you upgraded/ changed an order, please contact Mondial Assistance at 1-800-628-6188. Free Look Period— Within 10 days of purchasing Event Ticket Protector™ insurance, Mondial Assistance will process a full refund of premium to you, as long as you have not already attended your event or filed a claim. No refunds shall be paid to you after 10 days of purchasing the product. Mondial AssistanceSM plans are underwritten by BCS Insurance Company, under BCS Form No. 50.231CW, 50.431, 52.201 or 52.401, or Jefferson Insurance Company, under Jefferson Form No. 102-C-XX-01 or 102-P-XX-01, depending on the insured’s state of residence. World Access Service Corp., a company of Mondial Assistance, is the producer and administrator of this plan. Ticketing Terms and Conditions VERIFY YOUR TICKETS UPON RECEIPT: QUANTITY, LOCATIONS AND RACE DATE. Please report any discrepancies to our Ticket Office Hotline at 1-877-Go2-DEGA (877-462-3342). Keep tickets in a safe place. Talladega Superspeedway will not issue replacement tickets or claim any responsibility for lost, stolen, destroyed, misplaced or forgotten tickets. 6 GENERAL INFORMATION The Talladega Superspeedway ticket office(s) is the only official ticket seller/outlet for any of the speedway’s events. Tickets obtained from other source(s) may be lost, stolen or counterfeit. In such cases, these tickets may not be honored. Tickets may not be resold on speedway property at any value. The resale of tickets for greater than face value is strictly prohibited. The initial purchaser is responsible for any subsequent resale of tickets. Talladega Superspeedway has the right to withdraw the original ticket purchaser’s renewal rights if tickets are found to have been resold for greater than face value. The holder of a Talladega Superspeedway ticket expressly assumes all risk incident to the event for which the ticket was issued, whether occurring prior to, during, or subsequent to the actual event and agrees that all participants, sanctioning bodies, and all employees, agents, sponsors, officers, and directors of Talladega Superspeedway LLC, its parent company, affiliated companies, shareholders and subsidiaries are hereby released from any and all claims rising from the event. Ticket Delivery and Will Call Talladega Superspeedway will ship tickets purchased in advance at least 14 days prior to the event. Shipments outside of the United States will not be made three weeks prior to the event. Tickets purchased within 14 days of the event will be held at Will Call, which is located at the Main Ticket Office within the International Motorsports Hall of Fame. 1.877.Go2.DEGA :: talladegasuperspeedway.com 7 PREMIUM october 5-7, 2012 BOX SEATING enhance your racing experience in one of our covered premium boxes! Perfect for group of employees or clients! $2,700 OV Hill North per box of 12 and Anniston Premium club seating for Saturday & Sunday In-seat food and drink service $30 food voucher per person for the weekend Sprint Cup souvenir program for each guest Sunday Sprint Cup pit road access $2,100 per box of 12 Gadsden and Lincoln For more information please contact Kevin bush at 256.315.4525 or email at Kbush@talladegasuperspeedway.com GENERAL INFORMATION Tickets are held under the name of record on the account and will only be released to the account holder presenting a valid I.D. If another person other than the account holder is to pick up tickets, the account holder may call in advance and submit the request and an agent will enter the information on the order in the account. The agent will provide the account holder with the order id# (their confirmation#) that must be provided at the window by the person picking up the tickets. Again, the person who eventually picks the tickets up must provide the order id# (confirmation#) along with their own valid photo I.D. and signature before tickets are released to them. On event day, customers cannot leave tickets for others to pick up at the ticket services will call window. Talladega Superspeedway is not responsible for tickets left at any location for any reason. On Thursday, Friday and Saturday and all days previous – Will Call tickets should be picked up at the Main Ticket Office located in the lobby of the International Motorsports Hall Of Fame. On Sunday - Frontstretch race day tickets are only available for pick-up at Booth D (Entrance Plaza 3) Will Call located just outside the turnstile gates between the O.V. Hill North and Tri-Oval stands. On Sunday – Allison Grandstand Race Day tickets are only available for pick-up at Booth I (Entrance Plaza 8) Will Call located behind the Allison Grandstand (south end) just outside the turnstile gates. There are no cancellations of pre-purchased tickets and no refund of unclaimed tickets at Will Call. All sales are final. For Will Call booth locations please see the map on pages 46-47. Infield Will Call will be available at the Infield Ticket Booth starting on Wednesday at noon and will stay open for 24 hours a day until Sunday half way through the race. The Infield Ticket Booth is located outside Gate V9. Overnight and After Hours – All Will Call may be picked up at the Infield Ticket Booth. 1.877.Go2.DEGA :: talladegasuperspeedway.com 9 POLICIES & GUIDELINES GrANDStAND GUIDELINES To ensure everyone in the grandstand area has a fun-filled Talladega Superspeedway experience, the following guidelines are enforced: SAFETY POLICY - Prohibited, Restricted and Allowed Items All items brought through the gate areas are subject to inspection. Guests without any carry-in items are encouraged to go directly to and use the TSS express lanes at each Entrance Plaza. The track is not responsible for any items left at the gates or along the track fence line. All items left unattended will be removed and disposed of. No item can be chained to or fastened to the fence line in any manner. Items such as binoculars, radio scanners, cameras and seat cushions are allowed in the grandstands. Seat cushions with non-soft components will be reviewed on an individual basis. A lightweight backpack or day pack, no larger than 17 inches in length is permitted. Soft-sided coolers or bags are allowed into the grandstands provided they fit the required size requirement: 14” x 14” x 14” or 2,700 cubic inches. only onE SoftSidEd coolEr or BaG alloWEd PEr tickEt holdEr. The soft-sided cooler may contain ice. Food & Beverages are allowed past the gates. Firearms, Fireworks and items restricted by Local, State or Federal laws will be not be permitted. 10 POLICIES & GUIDELINES Glass containers, thermos, freezer/ice packets, insulated cups, umbrellas, folding chairs, baby seats, strollers and steel metal stadium seats will not be permitted. Flags are acceptable for admissions, provided they are not attached to poles and do not obstruct other fans’ viewing of racing activities. No flag poles of any type will be allowed in the grandstands. Roller blades will not be permitted. Fireworks, firearms and weapons are not permitted on Speedway property. VIOLATORS WILL BE PROSECUTED. Domestic pets are not permitted in the grandstands. Domestic pets are allowed on Talladega Superspeedway property but must be on a leash at all times. Please remember to clean up after your pets. offEnSivE or lEWd BEhavior Will not BE tolEratEd. StandinG in thE SEatS, on thE fEncE or in a StairWEll arEa iS Strictly ProhiBitEd. Please respect other guests around you and do not block their view of the event. Trash must be placed in provided receptacles. These guidelines were not created to diminish your experience at Talladega Superspeedway, but were created as a means to ensure and increase enjoyment during your stay. • Talladega Superspeedway reserves the right to remove anyone who is found not complying with these guidelines. • Please be kind and respect others around you. If you see or know of anyone violating these policies, please notify track security immediately at 256-761-4877. Throwing any objects onto the track at any time will not be tolerated. Re-Entry/Pass Out Policy Guests are free to exit and re-enter Talladega Superspeedway grandstands by showing their original admission ticket and a re-entry pass or hand stamp at the spectator gates. You must have both to reenter the facility. All guests are responsible for acquiring a re-entry pass before exiting the facility gates. NO EXCEPTIONS. All bags are subject to search at time of re-entry. 1.877.Go2.DEGA :: talladegasuperspeedway.com 11 SERVICES & INFORMATION GUESt SErVIcES AND FAN INForMAtIoN Guest Services Employee Identification Guest Services Representatives throughout the facility have been assigned to assist you, and each wears a colored vest or uniform to help you locate them easily: yellow vest.............................................. Parking representatives yellow vest.............................................. usher representatives light Blue & dark Blue uniforms........... Security representatives yellow & Blue apron ............................... ticket takers & Sellers yellow vest.............................................. tram representatives Fan Experience Centers 18 Fan Experience Centers are positioned at several different locations throughout the facility. Child identification bracelets are also available at the Fan Experience Centers. These bracelets help identify children in the event of separation from their parents or group and include both name and seat location. Guest Services has contact with the control tower for announcements (on an emergency basis only) and serve as the track’s lost and found. At the end of each race day, lost and found is brought over to the security building. Guests with additional questions can call our Guest Services Hot Line at 256-761-4976. FAN tEXtING SErVIcE “to assist you during your visit with us at talladega Superspeedway, we have established a fan assistance texting service that will bring your text message right into our emergency command center for review and response assignment. 1 Text us at 69050, 2 Type TSSFAN then a space and then 3 Type your Need, Emergency or Issue and Location. We look forward to your use of this great fan assistance tool for your Emergency 12 SERVICES & INFORMATION medical, Security, Seating / usher assistance, information, etc. needs and our being able to more quickly respond to those needs during the event. available tuesday Sunday 8 am - 8 pm. Flagpole Compliance Policy For your own safety and that of other fans around you, metal flagpoles are not permitted to be erected on Speedway property. Please note the following track rules are as follows: • Only non-metallic flagpoles are permitted: Permitted: Fiberglass, PVC, vinyl not Permitted: Steel, aluminum, other metal • The top of a flagpole may not exceed a maximum height of 15 feet from ground surface. • Flagpoles or other similar objects are NOT permitted within 20 feet of an overhead electrical line. Flagpoles placed in/on the rear/bed of a moving may not exceed six (6) feet in length. Golf Cart Policy imPortant notE -Golf carts or other approved vehicles used on the talladega Superspeedway property are permitted for business purposes only. no personal use is allowed for any reason. • Permitted golf carts for business purposes must be registered (including provision of insurance) with Talladega Superspeedway and must display the yearly ISC or official event registration credential on the golf cart at all times. • Permitted golf carts must be driven by a licensed person over the age of 19. No one under the influence of alcohol may operate a golf cart. No consumption of alcohol is permitted in the cart. Alcoholic beverages are not permitted in any powered vehicle, except for outside commercial delivery purposes only. Persons with disabilities are permitted to use purpose-built, single-person electric conveyance vehicles (ECVs). See example below. a Golf cart iS not conSidErEd an Ecv. These vehicles will not require a registration credential. Violation of these regulations will result in the golf cart being impounded by TSS Security for the remainder of the event weekend and possible expulsion of the operator from the property. Impound Lot is located behind the security building. 1.877.Go2.DEGA :: talladegasuperspeedway.com 13 SERVICES & INFORMATION Impounded golf carts or vehicles must be picked up within five days after our event weekend. After five days there will be a $5.00 per day storage fee for every day over five. Talladega Superspeedway reserves the right to remove anyone found not complying with these guidelines. These guidelines were not created to diminish your experience at Talladega Superspeedway, but were created as a means of ensuring and increasing enjoyment at Talladega Superspeedway. Please be kind and respect others around you. Golf carts will not be permitted in specified locations beginning one hour before the race and for one hour following the race. visit talladega Superspeedway fan Experience center for more details. Disabled Guest Parking Information Guests with disabilities who have a state issued disabled license plate or placard may park in one of five accessible parking lots. There are accessible parking lots, HC1 and HC2, on the south end (turn 1) behind the O.V. Hill South Tower near Gate EP4. Accessible parking lots HC3 and HC4 located at the north end (turn 4) of the track are near Gates EP1 and EP3 behind the Gadsden Tower and the OV Hill North Tower. For guests with disabilities that have seats in the Allison Grandstand, parking lot HC5 is located near Gate EP8. Parking areas HC1-HC5 are available on a first come, first served basis. As with all parking on race day, accessible parking areas fill quickly, therefore, Speedway guests with disabilities are advised to arrive extremely early on race days. All of the Speedway’s parking areas are free of charge. The special parking areas are indicated, see facility map on pages 46-47. Disabled Guest Parking Permit Information Disabled person must be transported in vehicle in order to use parking permit. Permit must be hung on rear view mirror when parked in disabled person parking space. Both sides must have valid decals (Month/Year and DL#). Parking Permit # must be displayed toward the front windshield. Use of parking permit not issued in guest’s name is prohibited. 14 SERVICES & INFORMATION laW EnforcEmEnt Will BE monitorinG all diSaBlEd GuESt ParkinG arEaS for violationS. Please Make Note of the Following: Code of Alabama Title 32 – Motor Vehicles and Traffic – Code of Alabama Section 32-6233 and 32-6-233.1 contains the following sections pertaining to the display and use of a disabled parking permit: Section 32-6-233 Penalty for false representation or misuse of privileges. (a) Any person who is not an individual with a long-term or temporary disability, or who misuses or abuses the parking privilege protected by this division, or owns a vehicle bearing the distinctive special access or disability access license plate and is not entitled to that plate, or is using removable windshield placards and is not entitled to do so under this division, to include use of an altered, or stolen special access or disability access license plate or removable windshield placard, shall be guilty of a Class B misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be punished according to law. (b) Any person who misuses or abuses the parking privileges protected by this division by parking in designated special access parking or disability access spaces with expired removable windshield placards shall be guilty of a Class C misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be punished according to law. Section 32-6-233.1 Unauthorized use of parking places. It shall be unlawful for any person who does not have a distinctive special long-term access or long-term disability access license plate or placard or temporary disability placard as provided in Section 32-6-231, to park a motor vehicle in a parking place designated for individuals with disabilities. Upon conviction, notwithstanding any other penalty provision which may be authorized or employed, shall be fined a minimum of fifty dollars ($50) and up to five hundred dollars ($500). In addition for the second or any subsequent offense under this section, the person shall be ordered by the court to perform a minimum of 40 hours of community service. Disabled Guest Shuttle Service Information Please note Disabled Guests Shuttle Service pick-up points see map on page 46-47. During peak operational times please expect extended waiting time. Should a disabled guest need transportation from a location other than one of those listed above, a family member or companion is welcome to go to one of these locations and a cart will be dispatched to take them to pick up the disabled guest. This is a FREE service courtesy of Talladega Superspeedway. Please, no tipping. 1.877.Go2.DEGA :: talladegasuperspeedway.com 15 SERVICES & INFORMATION Shuttle Service will not operate beginning one hour before the race and for one hour following the race in specified locations. visit a talladega Superspeedway Guest Service’s fan Experience center for more details. Additional Disabled Guest Information Service animals trained to assist individuals with disabilities are welcomed at Talladega Superspeedway. Talladega Superspeedway also makes necessary accommodations at entrance plazas for guests requiring prescribed medications. If you have any questions about the disabilities services or other fan amenities that the track provides, please do not hesitate to ask a member of our staff, visit our information booths located throughout the property during events, or call our fan information number at 256-761-4976. Tram Services Tram services are offered at various locations around Talladega Superspeedway property. These trams run during race weekends and are free of charge to our guests (see facility map on pages 46-47 for tram stop locations and routes). GEICO West Park, Allison Grandstand and North Tunnel tram routes will run for one hour after the conclusion of the races on Saturday and Sunday. The Reserved Family Park, GEICO North Park will not run post race Saturday and Sunday. Infield Guests may reenter the infield following the Sunday race via the North Tunnel Tram. 16 SERVICES & INFORMATION ATMs Automated Teller Machines locations at this facility. Please see map on pages 46-47. inSidE frontStrEtch GrandStand GatES • Gadsden Grandstand Sect L • OV Hill South Grandstand Sect C • Anniston Grandstand Sect H • Moss Thornton Grandstand Sect A • OV Hill North Grandstand Sect HH • Talladega Grandstand Sect H • OV Hill South Grandstand Sect A inSidE allison GrandStand GatES • Allison / Sect E • Allison / Sect L infiEld • GEICO Grounds Green (turn 4) shower house outSidE GrandStand GatES • International Motorsports Hall of Fame • Corporate Display Area (Adjacent to Americrown merchandise store) *Locations subject to change. Horsepower Plaza - Souvenir And Display Area Please see map on page 46-47. Kids Zone Check Out The Free Kids Zone! Located outside the track in Souvenir and Display, the area is full of activities for children and is open Saturday and Sunday. Admission to the area is free! Lost and Found The Fan Experience Centers and Security Guests Relations Centers serve as Talladega Superspeedway’s lost and found. The Fan Experience Centers and Security Relations Centers are located throughout the property and are indicated on the maps on pages 46-47. At the end of each day, all lost and found items are delivered to the security building. Guest Services can be contacted at 256-761-4976. 1.877.Go2.DEGA :: talladegasuperspeedway.com 17 SERVICES & INFORMATION RV Pumping, Portable Toilets, Ice, Water & Propane Services Wise Environmental Solutions - RV pumping and portable toilets 205-655-5546. Pit Stop ice - ice only (601) 616-3370. thompson Gas - propane service (205) 259-0008 or Sprint NEXTEL Direct Connect Number 154*86237*3 Generators tips to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning when using generators: Never use a generator inside recreational vehicles, tents, trailers, or similar areas, even when using fans or opening doors and windows for ventilation. Deadly levels of carbon monoxide can quickly build up in these areas and can linger for hours, even after the generator has shut off. Follow the instructions that come with your generator. Locate the unit outdoors and far from recreational vehicles, tents, trailers, doors, windows, and vents that could allow carbon monoxide to come indoors. Get fresh air right away if you start to feel dizzy or weak. fire hazards: Never store fuel for your generator in recreational vehicles, tents or trailers. Gasoline, propane, kerosene and other flammable liquids should be stores outside of these areas in properly labeled, non-glass safety containers. Do not store them near a fuel-burning appliance, such as a natural gas water heater. Before refueling the generator, turn it off and let it cool down. Gasoline spilled on hot engine parts could ignite. Emergency Contact In case of an emergency, guests of Talladega Superspeedway may call 256- 761-4877. The information will be forwarded to the control tower where an announcement will be made. If the seat location of the guest is known, we will contact an usher to deliver the message to the guest. 18 SERVICES & INFORMATION 1.877.Go2.DEGA :: talladegasuperspeedway.com 19 RESERVED INFIELD CAMPING rESErVED INFIELD cAMPING Reserved Infield Zones Talladega Superspeedway’s infield is 212 acres and has reserved zones for all types of vehicles to spend the weekend. Seating is not available in the infield, so guests are encouraged to bring chairs and blankets. Sight lines are limited in the infield. Gecko Frontrunners Clubs, Talladega Boulevard and Eastaboga Boulevard are the track’s gated communities. Talladega’s infield is designed with reserved locations for motorhomes and pullbehinds in turns one and two, as well as turns three and four. Zones for tents and other vehicles also are located at both ends of the track. For specific spot numbers please see map on pages 46-47. THE INFIELD WILL BE CLEARED BY 11A.M. MONDAY FOLLOWING SUNDAY’S RACE. RESERVED INFIELD GATED AREAS Gecko Frontrunners Club I Spaces are approximately 18 feet by 50 feet. Only self-contained motorhomes are allowed in this area. No fifth-wheel trailers, pull-behinds or tents are allowed in Gecko Frontrunners Club I. All motorhomes must be parked parallel in spot. Tow Vehicles must be parked on the outside of the Frontrunners area in the designated Tow Vehicle Parking lot. For guests not wanting to take tow vehicles into the infield, an area has been designated outside the track near Gate V9. Guests staying in Gecko Frontrunners Clubs that have purchased a tow vehicle pass are allowed unlimited passes out throughout the weekend. All guests must have a FRCI wristband to enter. Gecko Frontrunners Club II Spaces are approximately 18 feet by 50 feet. Only self-contained motorhomes are allowed in this area. No fifth-wheel 20 RESERVED INFIELD CAMPING trailers, pull-behinds or tents are allowed in Gecko Frontrunners Club I. All motorhomes must be parked parallel in spot. Tow Vehicles must be parked on the outside of the Frontrunners area in the designated Tow Vehicle Parking lot. For guests not wanting to take tow vehicles into the infield, an area has been designated outside the track near Gate V9. Guests staying in Gecko Frontrunners Clubs that have purchased a tow vehicle pass are allowed unlimited passes out throughout the weekend. All guests must have a FRCII wristband to enter. attEntion GEcko frontrunnErS cluBS infiEld PaSS holdErS - Pit PaSS Entry/Exit Policy: thE Pit PaSS muSt BE accomPaniEd By an infiEld admiSSion PaSS. When properly displayed, this permit entitles the bearer to enter and exit the pit area ONLY at the gate located at the Infield TV & Vendor Compound adjacent to Gatorade Victory lane on the back side. Talladega and Eastaboga Boulevards cars, vans, tents, and rv’s. Spaces are approximately 18 feet by 40 feet. Talladega and Eastaboga Boulevard guests are allowed one vehicle pass- out for the weekend. All items must fit in your spot. Parking area is available for vehicles that will not fit. RESERVED INFIELD NON-GATED AREAS GEICO Grounds Red and GEICO Grounds Green and GEICO Grounds Orange recreational vehicles only. Spaces are approximately 20 feet by 40 feet. All tow vehicles must fit in the spot purchased and must remain parked. No driveouts from these areas. GEICO Caveman Campgrounds Blue and Yellow tents, cars, pick-ups and vans. Space is approximately 20 feet by 20 feet. All items brought in must fit on the reserved spot. Only one vehicle is allowed per spot. No drive-outs for Yellow/Blue area guests. 1.877.Go2.DEGA :: talladegasuperspeedway.com 21 RESERVED INFIELD CAMPING RESERVED INFIELD GENERAL INFORMATION Tow Vehicles Price: $75 a tow vehicle is defined as any vehicle which can be driven, or any double axle trailer. imPortant notES: Only one tow vehicle pass per spot is allowed to be purchased. All double axle trailers need a tow pass. A double axle trailer with a vehicle inside or on it is only allowed one tow pass. The trailer or vehicle without the tow pass must be parked in the designated overflow parking area located outside of Gate V9 and not in the infield. Single axle trailers do not need a tow pass Parking will be provided for tow vehicles outside of Gecko Frontrunners Clubs as well as Talladega and Eastaboga Boulevards GEICO Campgrounds Red, Green and Orange tow vehicles must remain parked within their RV spot. For our guests not wanting to take a tow vehicle into the infield, an overflow parking area has been designated outside the track near Gate V9. Tow vehicle passes can be purchased in advance or at the Gate V9 Infield Ticket Booth. Infield Shower House Talladega Superspeedway’s infield shower house is located at the North end of the track in GEICO Grounds Green. The shower house is open 24 hours a day and is equipped with more than 35 showers. Infield Walk-Ins are Welcome Walk-in admission tickets are available for purchase Wednesday through Sunday at the Gate V9 Infield Ticket Booth. Customers are allowed to walk inside the track through the South Tunnel and Gate V9, which is subject to opening and closing by track activity. Transportation is provided for infield customers entering through the North Tunnel 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily, or until one hour after event completion each day. Walk-ins are required to leave vehicles outside the track in the infield overflow 22 RESERVED INFIELD CAMPING parking areas outside of Gate V9. Vehicles must be in an overnight parking area if the customer plans on staying the night in the infield. Vehicles illegally parked will be towed at owner’s expense. Please note: Traffic will not be able to leave the infield through GATE V9 and SOUTH TUNNEL until two hours following Sunday’s race. Infield Pass-out Policy Talladega Superspeedway’s infield guests will be allowed to walk out of the infield, and visit locations outside the track, including the opportunity to purchase grand stand tickets. Each guest must have a wristband/credential to re-enter the infield. Without an infield admission ticket, the guest will have to pay full price to re-enter the infield. The North Tunnel is not a pedestrian tunnel. A tram will be located at the North Tunnel to transport guests outside the track. The tram will also be available to bring guests back into the infield through the North Tunnel until 6 p.m. or 1 hour after event completion each day. A portion of the South Tunnel is open for pedestrians, therefore, a tram will not be available. South Tunnel is open for Infield re-entry until 8 p.m. and then will close. 1.877.Go2.DEGA :: talladegasuperspeedway.com 23 RESERVED INFIELD CAMPING During overnight hours, guests may re-enter the infield through Gate V9 or the North Tunnel. For 2 hours after final race on event weekend at South Tunnel and Gate V9: • Pedestrians may only enter/exit at South Tunnel/Gate V9 • Vehicles cannot enter/exit at South Tunnel/Gate V9 Infield RV/Vehicle Entry linE-uP Begins at 6 a.m. Wednesday of race week in the gravel/ concrete staging area near Gate V9. Please note that a parking representative will arrange you in line according to the area purchased – make sure you confirm that with your line-up parking representative. Entry IMPORTANT NOTE - To facilitate quicker entry – please visit the Infield Ticket Booth before entry to purchase additional infield admissions and your tow pass. In the Spring and Fall entry into the infield for DEGA Club Members will 24 RESERVED INFIELD CAMPING begin at 9am on Wednesday. Gecko Frontrunners Clubs, FinishLine RV Park, Allison Motorhome Avenue, Talladega and Eastaboga Boulevards begins at 5:00 p.m. Wednesday of race week. After all of Frontrunners Clubs, Finish Line RV park, Allison Motorhome Avenue, Talladega and Eastaboga Boulevards have entered we will allow GEICO Grounds Red, Green, Orange and GEICO Caveman Grounds Blue and Yellow guests to enter the infield Wednesday evening at no additional cost and as time permits. Gate V9 will remain open until approximately 8 a.m. Friday. Gate V9 is used to load the infield, but because it crosses the track it is only open during the following times: • Wednesday - Opens at 9:00 am for *DEGA Club Members Only. Load-in for all others begins at approximately 5:00 pm until approximately 10:30 am Thursday. • thursday - Will remain open until approximately 10:30 am. Will re-open at approximately 7:00 pm until 9:00 am on Friday. • friday - Will remain open until approximately 9:00 am and will re-open from 12:00 pm-1:00 pm. Then will re-open at approximately 6:30 pm following the day activities and remain open until 10:30 am on Saturday. • Saturday - Will remain open until approximately 10:30 am. Will re-open at approximately 6:00 pm after track activity concludes for the day until approximately 10:30 am on Sunday. • Sunday - Gate V9 will remain closed from approximately 10:30 am until 2 hours following the completion of the Good Sam Roadside Assistance 500. • ‘DEGA Club members always have priority load-in when the cross over gate opens. • Opening and closing of Gate 9 is dictated by track activity. Schedule is tentative and subject to change without notice. Infield Rules And Regulations Talladega Superspeedway appreciates all the support given by its fans and encourages a fun-filled environment. In order to provide an enjoyable atmosphere for our fans, the following activities will not be tolerated. Any violations will subject you to immediate removal from the property. Please familiarize yourself with our infield policies below. Motorcycles, ATVs and roller blades used by Fans will not be permitted in the infield. 1.877.Go2.DEGA :: talladegasuperspeedway.com 25 RESERVED INFIELD CAMPING Bicycles are permitted in the infield. Impounded golf carts or vehicles must be picked up within five days after our event weekend. After five days there will be a $5.00 per day storage fee for every day over five. Scaffolds, temporary canopies, loose lumber and ladders will not be permitted in the infield. Talladega Superspeedway reserves the right to have any vehicle, trailer, item, platform, stand or any piece/type of equipment removed, confiscated, impounded, dismantled or prevented from infield entry that is deemed unsafe or found in violation of Talladega Superspeedway rules and regulations. Campfires must be small and contained. Campfires deemed too large or unsafe by TSS Staff will be extinguished. Portable/temporary bleachers, stands or platforms are not permitted anywhere on Talladega Superspeedway property. The resale of vehicle/admission ticket is prohibited. No box trucks (rental moving trucks, etc.) or tractor trailers. Any truck or attachment affixed to it taller than 7 feet, 10 inches (other than a recognized RV) will not be admitted to the infield. This rule also applies to buses, unless the bus has been converted to an RV. By this, we mean that it has to have permanently installed: • Cooking facilities with on-board power source • Toilet facilities with on-board holding tank • Potable water supply system including a faucet, sink and holding tank. • Heating and/or air conditioning separate from the vehicle engine No permanently installed platform can be more than 12 inches higher than the manufactured roofline of the vehicle. • “Permanently installed” means built into or attached as an integral part of a chassis, designed not to be removed except for repair or replacement. Vehicle pass must be displayed at all times. Vehicles must remain parked after entering the infield. No vehicle exit and re-entry is permitted. Infield tram will run for one hour after conclusion of the race on Saturday and Sunday. “Quiet Time” is from midnight until 6 a.m. Generators are not permitted during the hours of 12 a.m. – 6 a.m., unless needed for medical purposes. 26 RESERVED INFIELD CAMPING All generators must be properly ventilated and should be positioned not to interfere or cause harm to neighboring campers. External speakers must be faced inward towards your own camping areas and no PA or microphones are allowed to be operated at anytime. domestic pets are allowed on talladega Superspeedway property but must be on a leash at all times. Please remember to clean up after your pets. Fireworks, firearms, weapons, and glass containers will not be permitted on Speedway property. VIOLATORS WILL BE PROSECUTED! Offensive signs or lewd behavior will not be tolerated. VIOLATORS WILL BE SUBJECT TO EXPULSION AND PROSECUTION! Any method used to harass other individuals who occupy the premises will not be tolerated. • This includes, but is not limited to, signage, spotlights, megaphones, etc. Any one found participating in such an act will be escorted immediately to the Talladega Superspeedway security building for detention. Proper ventilation is required in RVs and tents. Use caution when using gas, lights and heaters. Reckless or offensive driving will not be tolerated. Vehicle pass-outs from the infield are on an emergency basis only. Riding in the back of a pickup truck is strictly prohibited on speedway property. All Federal, State & Local laws must be obeyed and will be enforced. Trash must be placed in provided receptacles or bagged for pickup. All pertinent rules of the state and county health departments must be obeyed. Dumping of waste or waste water on the ground or into holes will result in immediate ejection from the property. If you witness anyone breaking these rules, please contact Speedway Security at (256) 761-4877. aGain, thE infiEld Will rEmain oPEn Sunday niGht folloWinG thE racE, and Should BE clEarEd By 11 a.m. monday. Please note: Traffic will not be able to leave the infield through Gate V9 OR THE SOUTH TUNNEL until two hours following Sunday’s race. Infield guests may walk through the south tunnel. 1.877.Go2.DEGA :: talladegasuperspeedway.com 27 CAMPGROUNDS cAMPGroUNDS oN tHE oUtSIDE oF tHE trAcK Opening of Grounds nEW StaGinG/oPEninG/cloSinG timES Staging in advance of opening of outside campgrounds Family Campgrounds staging starts at 6am on Saturday and is located behind the Allison Grandstands. Staging for all other campgrounds begins on Tuesday at 5am. • GEICO North Park and GEICO East Park staging is located outside their respective entrance gates off of Speedway Blvd. DEGA Club members will be allowed to enter the campgrounds beginning at 9am Monday. ALL CAMPGROUNDS OUTSIDE THE TRACK EXCEPT FOR THE FAMILY CAMPGROUNDS WILL OPEN AT 6:00 AM ON TUESDAY OF RACE WEEK. THE GEICO SOUTH PARK AND RESERVED FAMILY PARK WILL OPEN AT 8:00 AM TUESDAY OF RACE WEEK. all camPGroundS inSidE and outSidE thE track muSt BE clEarEd By 11:00 am monday folloWinG thE racE. General Campground Guidelines In order to provide an enjoyable atmosphere for our fans, the following activities will not be tolerated in any of our grounds. Any violations will subject you to immediate removal from the property: You must have race tickets in your possession to present at the gate to enter the campgrounds at Talladega Superspeedway. For campgrounds on the outside of the track, only 2 passes are issued per spot. Additional passes cannot be issued or purchased. • One pass is for your RV or for your vehicle pulling your RV and the other pass is for a tow vehicle. • A tow vehicle in an outside campground area is defined as any vehicle which can be driven. 28 CAMPGROUNDS • imPortant notE - All trailers and tow vehicles must be able to fit within your spot. If they are too large for your spot, trailers or tow vehicles must be parked in the overflow 6E parking area located outside Gate 9. • A trailer with more than two vehicles(i.e. motorcycles) inside or on it must keep one vehicle on the trailer and the other vehicle can be used on Speedway property as long as it has a tow pass. • Again, The vehicle without the tow pass must stay on or in the trailer and the trailer must be parked in your spot or in the designated overflow parking area located outside Gate 9. Vehicles without a pass or unlicensed motorcycles, tractor trailers, and other 4-wheel drive vehicles will not be allowed in any campground area. Any ATVs or dune buggies brought onto the property will be impounded and held by our Security Department until the conclusion of the event weekend. Impounded golf carts or vehicles must be picked up within five days after our event weekend. After five days there will be a $5.00 per day storage fee for every day over five. domestic pets are allowed on talladega Superspeedway property but must be on a leash at all times. Please remember to clean up after your pets. The campgrounds at Talladega Superspeedway are for people who have race tickets. Fans cannot stay overnight in areas designated as Day Parking. See map on inside back cover for more information on these locations. A valid ticket must be shown each time for admission into all Talladega Superspeedway campgrounds. A vehicle pass will be issued to those entering the Free Family Park, GEICO West Park C and GEICO North Park. There is a limit to the number of vehicles that can fit in these areas. After the lots are full, only vehicles with the appropriate pass will be allowed into the Free areas. Vehicle passes are issued 1.877.Go2.DEGA :: talladegasuperspeedway.com 29 CAMPGROUNDS at the front park gates for each area when entering. • You must have race tickets in your possession to present at the gate to enter any free campground area. The Family Campgrounds are designed to be family-oriented settings. Any activity contrary to this will not be tolerated. The Free Family South Park Campground and the Reserved Family Campground are located at the south end of the track and open to guests at 8 a.m. on the Tuesday of race week. A road branching to the left has been placed at the Family Campground entrance for fans to reach the free sections of the Family Campground . In addition to the Winners Walk I & II Reserved Family Campgrounds, Family Campgrounds A, B, C & D are also reserved. THE FAMILY CAMPGROUNDS WILL CLOSE AT 10 P.M. EACH NIGHT. NO ONE WILL BE ALLOWED TO ENTER OR LEAVE THE FAMILY CAMPGROUND AFTER THIS TIME, EXCEPT FOR VEHICLES WITH A STICKER. VEHICLES WITH A STICKER WILL BE ALLOWED TO RE-ENTER AFTER 10 PM. THE FAMILY CAMPGROUND WILL REOPEN AT 7 A.M. EACH MORNING, IF SPACE IS AVAILABLE. PlEaSE notE: at the conclusion of the Sunday’s race, the family campground gate and the north Park gate will be closed for two hours to allow for day parking traffic to leave the facility. two hours after the Sunday event, the main entrance gate and back northwest gate will open for exit. For any new arrivals with reservations in the Family Campground, please make plans to arrive before 10 p. m. Stickers for the Free Family South Park Campgrounds will not be issued after dark. There are three restroom buildings with showers in the Family Campgrounds. These are to be used only by the guests who are staying in the Family Campgrounds. Gates EP7 (see map pages 46-47) will be open Friday through Sunday of race week for pedestrian traffic from the Family Campgrounds. Tickets will be onsale at Ticket Booths F & H Friday - Sunday, subject to availability, for admission to the grandstands from the Family Campgrounds. A tram will be available Friday, Saturday and Sunday of race week to take guests 30 CAMPGROUNDS to Gate EP7, which gives guests access to the frontstretch grandstands. This tram will not run post-race Saturday and Sunday. In an effort to ensure your safety, cruising is prohibited on Speedway property. Riding in the back of a pickup truck is strictly prohibited. “Quiet Time” is from midnight to 6 a.m. Generators are not permitted during the hours of 12 a.m. – 6 a.m., unless needed for medical purposes. All generators must be properly ventilated and should be positioned not to interfere or cause harm to neighboring campers. Proper ventilation is required in RVs, specialty vehicles and tents (Use caution when using gas lights and heaters.) Campfires must be small and contained. Campfires deemed to large or unsafe by TSS Staff will be extinguished. Many of Talladega Superspeedway’s parks have been striped in order to allow guests the same amount of space. If you are staying in one of the campgrounds that have been striped, please stay within the area. Everything that is brought with you also should be inside your striped location. 1.877.Go2.DEGA :: talladegasuperspeedway.com 31 CAMPGROUNDS The use of ropes and stakes to save space in our free campgrounds will not be allowed. This will enable Talladega Superspeedway to continue its first come first serve policy instead of allowing a few individuals to control the best sites. Trash must be placed in provided receptacles or bagged for pick up at all times. Anyone that keeps an area untidy will be subject to having their campgrounds space revoked. Port-O-Lets and trash barrels are located throughout the grounds. Please leave them in the areas where they are placed. This allows Talladega Superspeedway to service them more frequently. Water and waste stations are located behind the Talladega Superspeedway security building and the Family Campgrounds restrooms. See facility map on pages 46-47. Fireworks, firearms, weapons and glass containers will not be permitted on Talladega Superspeedway property. VIOLATORS WILL BE PROSECUTED! Any method used to harass other individuals who occupy the premises will not be tolerated. This includes, but is not limited to, signage, spotlights, megaphones, etc. Anyone found participating in such an act will be escorted immediately to the Talladega Superspeedway Security building for detention. No external sound systems will be allowed on Speedway property. All pertinent rules of the state and county health departments must be obeyed. Dumping of waste or waste water on the ground or into holes will result in immediate ejection from the property. All Federal, State & Local laws must be obeyed and will be enforced. 32 CAMPGROUNDS If you witness anyone breaking these rules, please contact Speedway Security at 256-761-4877. Champion’s Corner Recreational Vehicles Only Strict no-alcohol policy for all park residents & guests. Alabama Raceway Ministries will provide worship service on Sunday morning and children’s activities. Winners Walk I & II and Legends Lane All canopies in Winner’s Walk I & II or Legends Lane must be a part of the Manufacturers Chassis. Recreational Vehicles Only. No sleeping tents allowed; dining/mesh tents are allowed. Allison Motorhome Avenue Allison Motorhome Avenue is equipped with water, sewer and power at each location. Motorhomes only. Grandstand admission is not allowed with an Allison Motorhome Avenue ticket. Infield Admission is allowed with an Allison Motorhome Avenue ticket. All tow vehicles must be parked in the tow vehicle parking area behind Allison Motorhome Avenue Any vehicle outside this area will be towed at the owner’s expense. All power hookups are 220 volt and 50 amps. Come prepared with extensions for sewer hookup. All guests must have Allison Motorhome Avenue admission ticket. Additional Campgrounds Information Each of our campgrounds has a Security/Guest Relations Center. This center is in a place where our guests can go to get information, security, first-aid, lost and found, track information, etc. It will be the “front desk” area for your campground. Talladega Superspeedway is excited about welcoming and hosting our guests. We will continue to make improvements and along with your cooperation, 2012 promises to be another great racing year at Talladega Superspeedway! 1.877.Go2.DEGA :: talladegasuperspeedway.com 33 TRAFFIC TIPS & MAPS traffic tips And Day Parking recommendations Talladega Superspeedway would like to thank you for being a part of what we feel are the best NASCAR event weekends in the country. In order to make your trip to Talladega Superspeedway more enjoyable, we have put together some traffic tips and parking recommendations based on past observations. Leave as early as possible and allow extra time to get here. This is the most important component in getting everyone parked and seated in time to see the Pre-Race Ceremonies. Please note: Traffic flow on Friday, Saturday and Sunday is subject to change. Make sure and study the route you want to take before coming to Talladega Superspeedway. Then, if traffic is backing up, consider taking alternate routes into the facility. Try to carpool. If you have considered chartering a bus, keep in mind that we have special reserved parking for these vehicles. All Day Parking on Talladega Superspeedway property is free. Pay special attention to 1E, 2E, 2N, 3N, 9W, 10W and 11W parking, as they have great access in and out. It is a little farther walk to your seat than other lots, but you can exit after the race fairly easily. There is no overnight parking in areas designated as Day Parking. See facility map on pages 46-47 for more information. All Allison Grandstand ticket holders should park in the 6E or 7E lot. Plan your trip in advance, and check the following web sites for traffic and road construction updates before you leave home: • ALABAMA: www.dot.state.al.us When entering and leaving the race track, tune your radio to WTDR 92.7 FM for the latest traffic updates. Fans are welcomed to tailgate after the day’s track events are concluded, but all Day Parking lots must be cleared before dark, or two hours after the day’s track events have concluded. North Day Parking lots 2N and 3N will be open Sunday only! PlEaSE notE: Starting at 8 a.m. on Saturday all traffic coming onto Speedway Boulevard 34 TRAFFIC TIPS & MAPS from the west will be routed one way. Then on Sunday at 7 a.m., all lanes of traffic coming onto Speedway Boulevard from the east and west will be routed one way to the track’s main entrance. Saturday events during race weekend, traffic will be routed out west bound, one way only. All traffic entering the track should do so from the east. OUTBOUND TRAFFIC ON FRIDAY & SATURDAY IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE “We are coming to Talladega Superspeedway from the EAST then after the race we are going...” EAST Entry - The best route is to exit I-20 at Exit 173 Eastaboga and proceed west on Speedway Blvd. Lots 3N -5N and 1E-4E will provide the easiest exiting. Lots 1W-4W will also provide good parking, but it’s a little longer in exiting. Exit - Exit by proceeding east on Speedway Blvd. Follow signs to I-20 east. WEST Entry - See EAST above. Exit - Exit by proceeding east on Speedway Blvd. Once you reach I-20, enter the Interstate going west toward Birmingham (see map on page 36). NORTH Entry - See EAST above. Exit - Exit by proceeding east on Speedway Blvd to County Road 097 north to Highway 78 east. Then either go north on County Road 005 to Highway 77 north or continue east on Highway 78 to Highway 202 into Anniston, then north on U.S. Hwy. 431. 1.877.Go2.DEGA :: talladegasuperspeedway.com 35 TRAFFIC TIPS & MAPS traffic Map 36 TRAFFIC TIPS & MAPS Inbound traffic 78 INBOUND TRAFFIC 77 GADSDEN/ CHATTANOOGA 78 BIRMINGHAM ATLANTA TALLADEGA 1.877.Go2.DEGA :: talladegasuperspeedway.com 37 TRAFFIC TIPS & MAPS outbound traffic 78 OUTBOUND TRAFFIC 77 GADSDEN/ CHATTANOOGA 78 BIRMINGHAM ATLANTA TALLADEGA 38 TRAFFIC TIPS & MAPS SOUTH Entry - See EAST above. Exit - Exit by proceeding east on Speedway Blvd. Then take County Road 005 south into Talladega. From Talladega you can choose a number of routes south. “We are coming to Talladega Superspeedway from the WEST then after the race we are going...” EAST Entry - The best route is to exit I-20 at Exit 173 Eastaboga and proceed west on Speedway Blvd. Lots 3N-5N, 1E-4E and 1W-4W will provide the easiest exiting. Lot 5W and 6W also provide good parking, but it’s a little longer in exiting (see page 37). Exit - Exit by proceeding east on Speedway Blvd. Follow signs to I-20. WEST Entry - The best route is to exit I-20 at Exit 168 Lincoln/Talladega. Take State Hwy 77 south. Then east on Speedway Blvd. Lots 8W-11W and 2N will provide the easiest exiting. Lots 5W & 6W also provide good parking, but take a little longer in exiting. OR, exit I-20 at Exit 173 Eastaboga. Go west on Speedway Blvd. and park in 3N-5N or 1E- 4E (see map on pages 46-47). Exit - Exit by proceeding west on Speedway Blvd. Once you reach State Hwy 77 you can go north or south (see map). If you parked in lot 3N-5N, 1E-4E, proceed East on Speedway Blvd. and follow the signs to I-20 (see map on page 36). NORTH Entry - Entry into the track can be by way of Exit 168 Lincoln/Talladega or Exit 173 Eastaboga (see maps). Exit - If you parked in lot 1E-4E or 1W-4W, exit by proceeding east on Speedway Blvd to County Road 097 north to Highway 78 east. Then either go north on County Road 005 to Highway 77 north or continue east on Highway 78 to Highway 202 into Anniston, then north on U.S. Hwy 431. Exit - If you parked in lots 2N-3N or 8W-11W, exit by proceeding west on Speedway Blvd. Go north on Hwy 77 up to I-59. If you exit west on Speedway Blvd., take County Road 114 north to Hwy 78, then west to Hwy 77, and north to I-59. 1.877.Go2.DEGA :: talladegasuperspeedway.com 39 TRAFFIC TIPS & MAPS SOUTH Entry - Entry into the track can be by way of Exit 168 Lincoln/Talladega or Exit 173 Eastaboga. Exit - If you parked in lots 1W-6W or any of the lots east of the main entrance proceed east on Speedway Blvd. and take County Road 005 south into Talladega. If you parked in lot 8W- 11W proceed west on Speedway Blvd. and then take Hwy 77 south into Talladega. “We are coming to Talladega Superspeedway from the SOUTH then after the race we are going...” EAST Entry - The best route is to come to the city of Talladega and take County Road 005 north, then take Speedway Blvd. west to the track. Park in lots 3N-5N or 1E-4E. This will make for easy exiting (see map on pages 46-47). Exit - Exit by proceeding east on Speedway Blvd. Follow signs to I-20 East. WEST Entry - The best route is to come to the city of Talladega and take Hwy 77 north. Then go right on County Road 377 over to County Road 326, and take 326 north to the track. About a mile from the track (after you cross the bridge) you will see Tipton Road. It will connect you to Speedway Blvd. Recommended parking is in lots 8W-11W (see map on pages 46-47). Exit - Exit by proceeding west on Speedway Blvd. to State Hwy 77. From there go either north or south on Hwy 77. Or, go back south on County Road 326 over to County Road 377, which will run into State Hwy 77. NORTH Entry - See WEST above. Exit - Exit by proceeding west on Speedway Blvd. to Hwy 77. Take Hwy 77 North to I-59 (see map on page 36). If you exit west on Speedway Blvd., we recommend you take County Road 114 (see map on page 36) to Hwy 78. You can then take Hwy 78 west to Hwy 77. Also, if you entered the track by taking County Road 097, then Speedway Blvd. west, and parked in 3N-5N or 1E-4E, then we recommend you leave by going east on Speedway Blvd. to County Road 097 north to Highway 78 east. Then either go north on County Road 005 to Highway 77 north or continue east on Highway 78 to Highway 202 into Anniston, then north on U.S. Hwy 431. 40 TRAFFIC TIPS & MAPS SOUTH Entry - See WEST above. Exit - If you parked in lot 9W, proceed south on County Road 326 back into Talladega. From there you will have a couple of routes to choose (see map on page 34). If you parked in lots 10W or 11W, proceed west on Speedway Blvd. and take a left onto Tipton Rd (see map on page 36) to County Road 326. “We are coming to Talladega Superspeedway from the NORTH then after the race we are going...” EAST Entry - The best route is Hwy 77 south to County Road 005 south, then Hwy 78 west to County Road 097 south to Speedway Blvd. Then proceed west on Speedway Blvd. to the track. Park in lot 3N-5N or 1E-4E. This will allow for easier exiting. Exit - Exit by proceeding east on Speedway Blvd. Follow signs to I-20 East. WEST Entry - The best route is Hwy 77 south to Speedway Blvd., then turn east on Speedway Blvd. to the track. Recommended parking is in lots 9W-11W or 1E-4E. Entry to the track can also be Hwy 77 south to County Road 005 south, then Hwy 78 west to County Road 097 south to Speedway Blvd. Then proceed west on Speedway Blvd. to the track. Park in lot 3N-5N. Exit - If you parked in lots east or north of the main entrance, proceed east on Speedway Blvd. and follow signs to I-20. If you parked west of the main entrance, proceed west on Speedway Blvd. to Hwy 77. 1.877.Go2.DEGA :: talladegasuperspeedway.com 41 TRAFFIC TIPS & MAPS NORTH Entry - Entry to the track can be by way of Hwy 77 to Speedway Blvd. and then east on Speedway Blvd. into the track. Recommended parking is in lot 9W-11 W. Entry to the track can also be County Road 005 south to Hwy 78 west, then County Road 097 south to Speedway Blvd west to the track. Recommended parking is in lots 3N-5N or 1E-4E (see map on pages 46-47). Exit - If you parked in lots 9W-11W, exit by proceeding West on Speedway Blvd. to Hwy 77. Take Hwy 77 North to I-59. If you parked in lot 9W-11W, take County Road 114 north to Hwy 78. You can then go as far as you like on Hwy 78 (see traffic maps). If you parked in lot 1E-4E, 6E, 7E or 3N-5N, exit by proceeding east on Speedway Blvd. to County Road 097, then west on Hwy 77 north. Or, you may take Hwy 78 East to Hwy 202 into Anniston, then north on U.S. Hwy 431 (see map on page 38). SOUTH Entry - Entry into the track can be by way of Hwy 77 to Speedway Blvd. and then east on Speedway Blvd. into the track. Recommended parking is in lot 9W-11W. Entry to the track can also be Hwy 77 south to County Road 005 south, then Hwy 78 west to County Road 097 south to Speedway Blvd. Then proceed west on Speedway Blvd. to the track. Park in lot 3N-5N or 1E-4E (see map on pages 46-47). Exit - If you parked in lot 9W, proceed south on County Road 326 back into Talladega. If you parked in lots 1OW or 11W, proceed west on Speedway Blvd. and take left onto Tipton Road (see map) to County Road 326. lf you parked in lots 3N-5N or 1E-4E, exit by proceeding east on Speedway Blvd. to County Road 005. Take 005 south into Talladega. Once in Talladega, there are several routes to take for south travel (see map on page 38). 42 AREA INFORMATION Area Information and Attractions Transportation Birmingham Door to Door (Birmingham) - 205-591-5550 Yellow Cab (Greater Birmingham) – 205-328-4444 Anniston Taxi Co (Anniston) - 256-237-3989 or 256-236-0687 Flight Service Companies Talladega Municipal Airport (Talladega) - 256-761-4815 Mercury Aircraft Services (Birmingham) - 205-591-6830 Jet South Services (Birmingham) - 205-849-5520 Talladega-Texaco Walk of Fame The Talladega-Texaco Walk of Fame is located at Davey Allison Memorial Park in downtown Talladega. Located just off the square, the park is a tribute to the late Davey Allison. The park features a sidewalk in the shape of Talladega Superspeedway, with the tri-oval area being the memorial to Allison. Around the track are plaques of the individuals that the fans have chosen to be inducted. Each year fans vote for one active driver and one inactive driver to be inducted into the Talladega-Texaco Walk of Fame. The induction ceremony is held at the park the Saturday prior to the track’s Fall Sprint Cup Series event. The park and ceremony are free to the public. For more information on the Talladega-Texaco Walk of Fame and online voting, visit www. talladegawalk.com. International Motorsports Hall of Fame The International Motorsports Hall of Fame, located next to the speedway has a wide variety of racing vehicles, including stock cars and trucks, Indy cars, drag racers, sprint cars, motorcycles, go-karts, quarter-midgets and a world record off-shore power boat. The Hall of Fame is open daily, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and has extended hours during race week. Race Fever Night Race Fever Night - which raises funds for the Alabama Institute for the Deaf and Blind - is a dinner and auction held at the International Motorsports Hall of Fame’s Speed Channel Dome at Talladega Superspeedway on Friday evening May 4, 2012. During 1.877.Go2.DEGA :: talladegasuperspeedway.com 43 AREA INFORMATION Race Fever Night fans can meet drivers and bid on honorary pit crew positions, personal items donated by the drivers, NASCAR memorabilia and other one-of- a-kind auction items. Make plans now to attend Race Fever Night held each year on the Friday prior to the track’s Spring Sprint Cup Series event. Sponsorships are also available. For more information about Race Fever Night, log on to www.racefever. org. For ticket information contact AIDB at 256-761-3317. Birmingham - Shuttlesworth International Airport Flying In For The Race? Fly Birmingham! Birmingham-Shuttlesworth International Airport is Alabama’s largest airport serving the Greater Birmingham area and surrounding Southeastern cities, and is now the Official Airport of Talladega Superspeedway. Located only 50 miles from Talladega Superspeedway and offering over 160 daily flights to destinations across the country, travel in and out of Birmingham International is fast and easy. In fact, getting to Talladega has never been easier. So when you have a need for speed, fly Birmingham. Call your airline directly for reservations or log onto www.flybirmingham.com for more information. Golden Flake Plant Tours While you’re in Alabama, take a lap through the Golden Flake Snack Food manufacturing plant in Birmingham for a tour! Come see how Golden Flake potato chips are made and taste our “champion-chip” fresh from the cooker! Golden Flake has free tours Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. Golden Flake is approximately 50 minutes from Talladega, located two blocks off 1-65 S, Exit 259A. For more information and a virtual tour, go to web site at www.goldenflake.com. Alabama the Beautiful Whether it’s mountains or the beach, Alabama has a lot to offer its visitors, For more information on the state of Alabama, visit the Alabama Bureau of Tourism and Travel at www.800Alabama.com and tell them you saw it in the Talladega Superspeedway Fan Guide. The Alabama Bureau of Tourism & Travel • Dan Brothers 44 AREA INFORMATION The Berman Museum Berman Museum of World History exhibits more than 3,000 historical objects, works of art, and weapons spanning 3,500 years, many belonging to prominent historical figures such as Abbas I, Emperor Charles V, Napoleon I, and Jefferson Davis. Included in the collection is a royal Persian scimitar with 1,250 diamonds, bronze sculpture by European and American artists, art from Asia, and weapons and historical material from major military campaigns. Present your Talladega Superspeedway ticket stub from Saturday or Sunday for $1 off admission, The Berman Museum is located at the junction of US 431/SR 21 at 840 Museum Drive in Anniston. Open Tuesday through Saturday 10 -5 and Sunday, 1-5. Admission is $3.50; AAA members, over 60 or military, $3; ages 4-17, $2.50. For more information, contact the Berman Museum at 256-237-6261 or visit the web site at www. bermanmuseum.org. Barber Vintage Motorsports Museum George Barber created the Barber Vintage Motorsports Museum in an effort to preserve motorcycle history in the United States in a way that represents an international aspect and to supply an example of motorcycles that until then could only have been seen in books and magazines. This was the theme used in the development of the Barber collection, on display at the Barber Vintage Motorsports Museum at Barber Motorsports Park in Birmingham, Ala. – just a short drive from Talladega Superspeedway. The collection now has over 900 vintage and modern motorcycles and as well as a substantial collection of Lotus and other racecars. It is considered the largest in North American and possibly the world. There are approximately five hundred motorcycles on display at any given time. (There are over 900 in the collection.) These bikes range from 1904 to current-year production, and are from 16 countries that represent 143 different marques. Also housed at the museum you will find one of the largest collections of Lotus Race Cars as well as various other significant makes. Open April 1 through Sept. 30 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Saturday and noon to 6 p.m. on Sunday; then Oct. 1 through March 31 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday and noon to 5 p.m. on Sunday. Admission is $15 for adults; $10 for children 4 – 12 and FREE for Children age 3 and younger. Visit www. barbermuseum.org or call (205) 699-7275. The Barber Vintage Motorsports Museum is located at 6030 Barber Motorsports Pkwy. Birmingham, Alabama 35094. 1.877.Go2.DEGA :: talladegasuperspeedway.com 45 FACILITY MAP 46 FACILITY MAP 1.877.Go2.DEGA :: talladegasuperspeedway.com 47
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