Dear Friends - North Carolina Symphony


Dear Friends - North Carolina Symphony
Dear Friends,
As I think back on the 2014/15 season, I feel an enormous sense of pride. Using our strategic plan, “Strategy 2017,” as a guide, we continue
to make a difference across the state. Last season, the Symphony received some of the largest gifts in our history, had a record-breaking
year in ticket sales, was named as one of four inaugural orchestras in a national festival, and extended its collaborations with other cultural
organizations in the state, including the Hayes School of Music at Appalachian State University and the University of North Carolina School
of the Arts.
The North Carolina Symphony is recognized as a Symphony on the move – stories mentioning the Symphony in 2014/15 appeared in the
San Francisco Globe, the Washington Post, the New York Times, and of course in many media outlets across our state. Each year, we touch the
lives of more than 250,000 of our citizens in communities large and small, fulfilling our mission of music education and statewide service.
I am especially proud that the Symphony impacts the lives of our children as we reach more than 50,000 students each year through our
nationally recognized curriculum-based education program.
Serving as the Board Chair for the North Carolina Symphony Society has been a high honor. Like me, my successor Don Davis is a
“Symphony Kid,” who first heard the orchestra as a youngster. A long-time Trustee, he has served over the years on the nominating, audit,
finance and executive committees, and is our immediate past Treasurer. Don, who retired from Progress Energy as its Executive Vice President,
also served as the Symphony’s Interim President & CEO for a year before Sandi Macdonald came to us in 2011. My wish for him is to benefit
from the same great teamwork and sense of mission that I have experienced in my work with your North Carolina Symphony. Working
together, all of us – donors, patrons, musicians, Trustees, and staff – will help the Symphony reach ever greater heights.
Board Chair (2013-15)
North Carolina Symphony Society
as a Percentage of the Total Operating Budget
as a Percentage of the Total Operating Budget
State of North Carolina
Ticket Sales and
Investment Income
from Endowment
Statewide Artistic and
Education Programs
Marketing and Advertising
Administrative and Other
To be North Carolina’s State orchestra, an orchestra
achieving the highest level of artistic quality and
performance standards, and embracing its dual legacies
of statewide service and music education.
“I am inordinately proud of every time
an individual audience member stops me in the street
to sing the praises of the orchestra, whether it was for a
Beethoven Symphony or a 4th grade education concert.”
The North Carolina Symphony bookended its 2014/15 season with
performances featuring saxophone legend (and Symphony Trustee)
Branford Marsalis – the season opener in September, 2014, showcasing
Mr. Marsalis playing both classical and jazz, and a special benefit
performance in June of 2015 from Branford Marsalis and Friends. In
addition to his quartet, audiences heard the Symphony perform with
North Carolina’s own Kruger Brothers and Rhiannon Giddens. All of those
guest artists donated their time and talents for the sold-out evening.
Other guest artists throughout the year included pianist Lang Lang,
violinist Joshua Bell, and vocalist Storm Large singing with the always
amazing Pink Martini. More season highlights included the Symphony
performing Leonard Bernstein’s score to West Side Story while the film
played on a giant screen; Handel’s Messiah; an orchestral/theatrical
collaboration with the UNC School of the Arts of William Shakespeare’s
A Midsummer Night’s Dream; a two-day residency with students at
Appalachian State University; and free outdoor “Concerts in Your Community” programs in nine communities across eastern North Carolina.
The season also featured Symphony musicians performing for its new
Millennial Chamber Music Program in nightclubs in Raleigh and Chapel
Hill; as well as its popular Soundbites series that mixed chamber music
and delicious food in a restaurant setting.
The Rex Healthcare Summerfest Series at Cary’s Koka Booth
Amphitheatre saw 10 exciting concerts thanks to wonderful sponsors
and an increased investment by the Town of Cary. Summerfest
audiences heard a mix of classical music and Pops performances,
including a two-night Russian Festival, a weekend of music from
stage and screen, Music of the ’80s, and the Symphony’s annual
Independence Day concert.
Kids have fun
at a MetLife
Instrument Zoo
During the past season, we had many things to celebrate as we went about
our work as the state’s Symphony. We had a record-breaking year in ticket
sales, and our fundraising efforts allowed us to balance the budget. Both are
absolutely vital, since private support continues to be the most important
source of revenue for the North Carolina Symphony.
We met the state’s $8 million Challenge Grant for the sixth year in a row.
Once the Symphony garners $8 million in private support through ticket
sales and donations, the challenge grant provides an additional $1.5 million
from the state. The legislature’s support is built on our dedication to serving
the state – each year we travel more than 18,000 miles to perform for more
than 250,000 North Carolinians, including 50,000 fourth and fifth graders.
In our role as the state’s largest performing arts organization, we impact
the cultural life and creative economies of communities across North
Carolina. Our work is truly made possible by our brilliant musicians, who are
the heart of our organization. From the 175 full orchestra concerts to the
40+ chamber music, ensemble, and outreach programs, they give their all
every time they step on stage. Led by Music Director Grant Llewellyn, the
North Carolina Symphony continues to pursue its commitment to providing
visionary performances, educating our children, and serving our state.
“As I prepare my elementary school music students in the classroom, it gives me a
great feeling to know that they will experience the same excitement I felt when I was
their age and attended a North Carolina Symphony Education Concert.”
JENNI SONSTROEM, Wake County Music Teacher
Holiday concert
with N.C. Master
Music education has always been a cornerstone of the mission of the North
Carolina Symphony. Last year, more than 50,000 schoolchildren in North
Carolina worked with their teachers in the most extensive education program of any major U.S. orchestra.
Students follow curriculum-based lesson plans that outline the fundamentals of music, teach about the instruments that make up a Symphony
orchestra, and profile the great composers. An education concert, either at
one of their local schools, or in a field trip to Meymandi Concert Hall, introduces students to the power of live orchestral music.
In addition to strategic and important support from the State of North
Carolina, generous annual giving from individuals, corporations, and
foundations enabled the North Carolina Symphony to present a fantastic
season and pursue our educational mission. These generous benefactors,
including an eight percent increase in new donors, enabled the Symphony to fulfill important initiatives while balancing the budget in 2014/15.
Throughout the year, the North Carolina Symphony brings people together in support of excellence in music performance and music education.
Notable special events included a sold-out “Friends of Note” luncheon to
benefit music education; a dinner honoring cellist Zuill Bailey; receptions
honoring pianist Lang Lang and violinist Joshua Bell; pre-concert events in
Southern Pines honoring music education in Moore County; and gatherings
in Tarboro, Jacksonville and New Bern prior to the Symphony’s “Concerts in
Your Community” program.
Your continued support counts, and is a wise investment. Here’s why:
Classical Concerts Performed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Pops Concerts Performed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Education Concerts Performed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Collaborations with Other NC Organizations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30+ Miles Traveled. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18,000 Concerts Outside the Triangle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
People Served . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250,000+
Years of Service to NC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
“Our work is made possible by patrons’ purchase of tickets to
concerts and their philanthropic support. There is no better
way to experience the North Carolina Symphony than as a
Symphony ticket buyer and donor.”
North Carolina Symphony Society, Inc.
The Society Board is the governing, policy and operating board of the Symphony Society. It secures
financial resources, approves program goals, engages in strategic planning and oversees budgets,
continuing the Society’s mission to achieve the highest level of artistic quality and performance
standards, and embracing the dual legacies of statewide service and music education.
Mr. Don Davis, Chair, Raleigh
Mr. Jeffrey A. Corbett, Past Chair, Raleigh
Mrs. Ruth Dzau, Vice Chair, Durham
Dr. Mary Susan Fulghum, Vice Chair, Raleigh
Ms. Deborah M. Aiken, Raleigh
Ms. Catharine Biggs Arrowood, Raleigh
The Honorable June Atkinson*, Raleigh
Mrs. Janie W. Bird, Raleigh
Ms. Patty Briguglio, Cary
Mr. Martin H. Brinkley, Raleigh
Mr. Steve Burriss, Raleigh
Mr. Philip P. Cave, Raleigh
Mr. Tim Clancy, Raleigh
Mr. Edward M. Coman*, Raleigh
Mr. David R. Crabtree, Raleigh
Mr. Richard L. Daugherty, Raleigh
Mr. Robert C. Doherty, Raleigh
Dr. Marijanet Doonan*, Pinehurst
Mrs. Susie Farrell**, Raleigh
Mr. Evan Fultz, Raleigh
Mrs. Margaret Poyner Galbraith, Raleigh
Mr. Robert Graham, Chapel Hill
Mr. Joe Bastian, Treasurer, Chapel Hill
Dr. Ted R. Kunstling, Assistant Treasurer, Raleigh
Dr. Sally C. Johnson, Secretary, Raleigh
Ms. Sandi M. A. Macdonald, President & CEO, Raleigh
Mr. Don Haile, Raleigh
Mr. Jim Hansen, Raleigh
Mrs. Elaine Bryant Hayes, Fayetteville
Dr. Wm. Charles Helton, Raleigh
Mr. Richard E. Hinson, Chapel Hill
Mr. Douglas C. Hornberger, Raleigh
Mr. Kevin Howell**, Raleigh
Mr. Jerry Hwang**, Raleigh
Secretary Susan Kluttz*, Salisbury
Dr. Robert Lacin, Raleigh
Dr. Earnest Lamb*, Fayetteville
Mr. Branford Marsalis, Durham
Mrs. Lee Anne McClymont, Hillsborough
The Honorable Pat McCrory*, Raleigh
Mr. Clifford B. Meltzer, Chapel Hill
Mr. Graham Mosely, Wilmington
Mr. Sharat Nagaraj, Raleigh
Mr. Thomas L. Norris, Jr., Raleigh
Mrs. Florence Peacock, Chapel Hill
Dr. Emily Mann Peck, Raleigh
Mrs. Ashley Matlock Perkinson, Raleigh
Dr. P. Ramachandra Reddy, Henderson
Mr. Jeffrey B. Sheehan, Raleigh
Mr. Jason Smith, Raleigh
Mrs. Tracey Fodor Smith, Farmville
Mrs. Linda J. Staunch*, New Bern
Mr. Terry L. Stevens, Raleigh
Dr. Shaler Stidham, Jr., Raleigh
Ms. Sandra Sully, Cary
Mrs. Jennie Harris Wallace, Raleigh
Mrs. Darliene Woolner, Cary
Mr. Robert E. Zaytoun**, Raleigh
*Ex Officio Members
**Governor’s Appointee
TOP PHOTOS (L-R): Symphony Quartet plays at Kings; Principal Cellist Bonnie Thron hosts a table at a Musicians
Circle donor breakfast; Grant Llewellyn and Branford Marsalis; Lang Lang and Trustees Patty Briguglio and Catharine
Arrowood; Joshua Bell performs with Grant Llewellyn and the North Carolina Symphony. (Photos by Michael Zirkle)
North Carolina Symphony
The Foundation Board holds the
permanent endowment of the
Symphony, solicits additions to the
endowment, safeguards and invests
assets and prudently expends funds
for the exclusive use and benefit of the
Symphony Society.
Mr. Edward M. Coman, President, Raleigh
Mr. Richard L. Daugherty, Vice President, Raleigh
Col. Matt Segal, Treasurer, Cary
Mrs. Carroll Clancy, Secretary, Raleigh
Mr. Chip Anderson, Raleigh
Mr. Don Davis*, Raleigh
Dr. Robert N. Eby, Chapel Hill
Dr. Warner Hall, Raleigh
Dr. Wm. Charles Helton, Raleigh
Mr. David Heuser, Raleigh
Dr. Mark E. Leithe, Raleigh
Mr. Gray Reed, Raleigh
Mr. Thomas H. Roberg, Raleigh
Mr. Donald M. Rorke, Chapel Hill
Mr. Josiah Stevenson IV, Pinehurst
Mr. Larry Wilson, Raleigh
Grant Llewellyn, Music Director
The Maxine and Benjamin Swalin Chair
William Henry Curry,
Resident Conductor &
Summerfest Artistic Director
The Governor and Mrs. J. Melville
Broughton Chair
David Glover, Associate Conductor
The Lucy Moore Ruffin Chair
Violin I
Brian Reagin, Concertmaster
The Annabelle Lundy Fetterman Chair
Dovid Friedlander, Associate
The Assad Meymandi and Family Chair
Rebekah Binford, Assistant
The Anne Heartt Gregory Chair
Karen Strittmatter Galvin, Assistant
Emily Rist Glover*
Paul Goldsberry
The Richard and Joy Cook Chair
Janet Gayer Hall
R. Marshall Johnson
Suzanne Kelly
Oskar Ozolinch
Bonita Stoughton
Samuel Gold, Principal
The Florence and Charles Jacob Cate and
Alma Yondorf and Sylvan Hirschberg Chair
David Marschall, Associate Principal
The Betty Ellen Madry Chair
Christopher Fischer, Assistant Principal
Petra Berényi
Paul Malcolm
Double Bass
Leonid Finkelshteyn, Principal
The Martha and Peyton Woodson Chair
Robert K. Anderson, Associate
The Dr. and Mrs. Preston H. Gada Chair
Craig Brown
The Mark W. McClure Foundation Chair
Erik Dyke
The Harllee H. and Pauline G. Jobe Chair
Bruce Ridge
The John C. and Margaret P. Parker Chair
Anne Whaley Laney, Principal
The Mr. and Mrs. George M. Stephens Chair
Christine Martin
Mary E. Boone, Assistant Principal
The Dr. and Mrs. Shaler Stidham, Jr. Chair
Amy Mason
The J. Sidney Kirk Chair
Elizabeth Anderton Lunsford
The Jack and Sing Boddie Chair
Sandra Schwarcz
The Samuel H. and Anne Latham
Johnson Viola Chair
Elizabeth Anderton Lunsford
The Jean Dunn Williams Chair
So Yun Kim
The Governor James B. Hunt, Jr. Chair
Marilyn Kouba
The Phyllis (“Pat”) Conrad Wells Chair
Bonnie Thron, Principal
The Herman and Marga Roberg Chair
Analisé Denise Kukelhan †
The Jessie Wyatt Ethridge Chair
Elizabeth Beilman, Associate Principal
The Herbert Family Chair
Melanie Wilsden, Principal
The Hardison and Stoltze Chair
To Be Filled
The J. Felix Arnold Chair
Peng Li, Assistant Principal
Anonymously Endowed
Alex Liedtke, Acting Associate Principal*
The Lizette T. Dunham Chair
Susan Gardner
Anonymously Endowed
Sandra Posch
The Clarence and Alice Aycock Poe Chair
Eric McCracken
The James C. Byrd and Family Chair
Maria Meyer
The Tom and Mary Mac Bradshaw Chair
Eileen Wynne
The Harvey At-Large Chair
Violin II
Elizabeth Phelps, Principal
The Nancy Finch Wallace Chair
Jacqueline Saed Wolborsky,
Associate Principal
The Blanche Martin Shaw Chair
David Kilbride, Assistant Principal
Paul Gorski
John McClellan
The William Charles Rankin Chair
David Meyer
The Nell Hirschberg Chair
Lisa Howard Shaughnessy
The Sara Wilson Hodgkins Chair
Nathaniel Yaffe
The Secretary of Cultural Resources Betty Ray
McCain Chair
English Horn
Alex Liedtke, Acting English Horn*
The Bruce and Margaret King Chair
Andrew Lowy, Principal †
The Mr. and Mrs. J. Christopher Walker II Chair
Samuel Almaguer, Acting Principal*
Michael E. Cyzewski, Assistant Principal
The Kathryn Powell and
Green Flavie Cooper Chair
John Pederson, Principal
The Mr. and Mrs. Fitzgerald S. Hudson Chair
John Feddersen, Principal
The Patricia R., Steven T. and
George F. Hackney III Chair
Spencer Phillips, Acting Assistant
The Beethoven Chair
French Horn
Richard Motylinski, Principal
The Margery and Earl Johnson, Jr. Chair
Rebekah Daley, Principal
The Mary T. McCurdy Chair
Matthew Decker, Assistant Principal
The Abram and Frances Pascher Kanof Chair
Kimberly van Pelt, Associate Principal
The James Marion Poyner Chair
Christopher Caudill
The Roger Colson and
Bobbi Lyon Hackett Chair
Rachel Niketopoulos
The Paul R. Villard and Gabriel Wolf Chair
To Be Filled
The Mary Susan Kirk Fulghum Chair
To Be Filled
The Albert and Susan Jenkins and
Family Organ Chair
Deborah Nelson, Principal Orchestra
The Mary Colvert and Banks C. Talley Chair
Paul Randall, Principal
The George Smedes Poyner Chair
Janice McLaughlin, Senior Assistant
Timothy Stewart, Associate Principal
The Henry and Martha Zaytoun
and Family Chair
Pam Halverson, Assistant Librarian
Don Eagle
Anonymously Endowed
John Ilika, Principal
The Thomas Warwick Steed, Jr. Family Chair
Jonathan Randazzo, Assistant Principal
The Frances Armour Bryant Chair
Bass Trombone
Terry Mizesko
Anonymously Endowed
David G. Lewis, Principal
The Governor and Mrs. James G. Martin Chair
Anita Burroughs-Price
The Ron and Janie Kupferman Chair
Vonda Darr
John Clapp, Orchestra Personnel
Amanda Meliosky, Orchestra
Personnel & Operations Assistant
Stage Crew
Bo Osborne, Stage Manager
Joshua Fisher, Assistant Stage Manager
Patrick Parker, Stage Crew
† Leave of absence * Acting Position
All string players rotate stands on a
periodic basis in each section with the
exception of titled players (Principals, Associate
Principals and Assistant Principals).
The North Carolina Symphony is a member
of the League of American Orchestras and the
International Conference of Symphony
and Opera Musicians.
Sandi M.A. Macdonald, President & CEO
Sue Guenther, Executive Assistant
to the President & CEO
Stan Williams, Senior Director for Public Affairs
Martin Sher, Vice President & General Manager
John Clapp, Orchestra Personnel Manager
Joshua Fisher, Assistant Stage Manager
Sarah Gilpin, Director of Education
Pam Halverson, Assistant Librarian
Janice McLaughlin, Senior Assistant Librarian
Amanda Meliosky, Orchestra Personnel &
Operations Assistant
Deborah Nelson, Principal Orchestra Librarian
Bo Osborne, Stage Manager
Patrick Parker, Stage Crew
Donald Tippett, Director of Operations
Robert Schiller, Senior Vice President for Finance,
Administration & CFO
, Information Processing &
Fulfillment Manager
Marsha Holt, Accounting Manager
Brenda Knight, Financial Manager
Lanita Mattison, Payroll & Computer
Systems Manager
Andrea Newby, Information Systems Manager
Linda Charlton, Vice President for Marketing &
Audience Development
Jennifer Blackman, Graphic Designer
Gavin Brown, Box Office Manager
Maria H. Ewing, Director of Advertising
& Promotions
Richard Hess, Box Office Associate
Standish Lietz, Box Office Associate
Kimberly Little, Group Sales & Promotions
Susan Lynch, Box Office Associate
Jonathan Naylor, Box Office Associate
Joe Newberry, Director of Communications
Mary Russell, Box Office Associate
Emma Wall, Assistant Vice President of Marketing
Lisa Ransom, Vice President of Philanthropy
Chelsea Eversmann, Coordinator, Principal Gifts
Rebecca Gunn, Annual Fund Manager
Anne Wolverton, Research & Events Manager
The Lamar Stringfield Society, named in honor of the founding music director of the North Carolina Symphony, celebrates
individuals who have included the North Carolina Symphony in their estate plans (Legacy Donors) and/or have made significant
contributions to name a musician’s chair (pages 14 and 15) or endowed a special fund (below). For more information about the
Lamar Stringfield Society or to make changes to the lists, please contact Lisa Ransom, Assistant Vice President of Philanthropy,
Principal Gifts, at 919.789.5487 or
Endowed and Special Funds
The Bell Family Fund
The Ruby and Raymond A. Bryan Foundation Fund
The Kathleen Price and Joseph M. Bryan Youth Concerto Competition Fund
The Capitol Broadcasting Company Fund
The Else R. Couch/John N. Couch Fund
The Melissa Jane Moran Carawan Fund
The Marion Stedman Covington String Internship Program Fund
The Charles E. Couns Viennese New Year’s Eve Concert Fund
The Distinguished Guest Artists Fund
The Robert H. and Eva Davies Duncan Memorial Fund
The Margaret E. and Edgar W. Dunham Fund
The Edgecombe/Tarboro Fund
The Mary Whiting Ewing Charitable Foundation Fund
The A.J. Fletcher Foundation Fund
The Drs. James* and Mary Susan Fulghum Fund
The Glaxo-Wellcome Fund
The Guilford/Greensboro Fund
The Betty Lou Fletcher Goodmon Guest Pianist Fund
The Helton Family Foundation Fund
Hulka Ensemble and Chamber Music Programs Fund
The Janirve Foundation Fund
The Elaine Tayloe Kirkland Fund
The Kyser Foundation String Internship Fund
The Carolyn S. Leith Fund
The Marynancy McLaughlin Fund
The Moore County Fund
The Arthur and Campbell Moss Solo Artist Fund
The New York Times Foundation Fund
The Charles E. Potts/Fanny R. Potts Guest Pianist Fund
The Ina Mae and Rex G. Powell Wake CountyMusic Education Fund
The E.T. Rollins, Jr. and Frances P. Rollins Foundation Fund
The Smith Family Fund
The Kay Struffolino Fund
The Alice Wynne Suiter Fund
The Summerfest Endowment Fund
The Banks C. Talley, Jr. Fund
The Wachovia Bank of North Carolina N.A. Overture to Greatness Fund
The Wake County Chapter of the North Carolina Symphony Fund
The Gerhardt Zimmermann Fund
Special Gifts to the North Carolina Symphony Foundation Seat
Endowment Campaigns
Legacy Donors
Anonymous (4)
Chip and Judy Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn C. Andrews
Mrs. Christine M. Baermann
Mr. John Becton and
Ms. Nancy B. Tannenbaum
Ms. Mary C. Best
Dr. and Mrs. Richard E. Bird
Mr. and Mrs. Jack G. B. Boddie*
Patty Briguglio
Mr. Doyle R. Brown, Jr.
Mrs. Helen Abel Brown*
Ms. Wendy Brown and
Mr. James Baker*
Dr. Clyde E. Browning
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Bryant
Mr. and Mrs. A. Leon Capel
Ms. Frances M. Carawan*
Judy C. Casey
Marion Lee Johnson Church
Dr. Joseph C. Ciechalski
Dr. Dennis Clements and
Dr. Martha A. Keels
Dr. John Philip Couch*
Dick and Marlene Daugherty
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Deltz, Sr.*
Ms. Leah L. Dey
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Doherty
Mr.* and Mrs. Edgar W. Dunham
Mr. and Mrs. J. Reid Durbin
Bob and Connie Eby
Ronald G. Ellis, Jr. and
Earl Lynn Roberson*
Mrs. Ina R. Evans
Mr. Don Farthing
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ferreira, Jr.
Drs. James* and
Mary Susan Fulghum
Ms. Margaret S. Glass
Ms. Lena Anne Gordon*
Ms. Stephanie R. Gray
Norman and Gilda Greenberg
Robert and Laura Gutman
Dr. Peter Hamilton
Mr. Thomas H. Hamilton, Jr.
Mrs. Elaine Bryant Hayes
Mr. William H. Heins, Jr.*
Dr.* and Mrs. Donald L. Henson
Jack and Madge Hinson*
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Hogen
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas C. Hornberger
Ms. Susan Wainwright Hudson
Dr. and Mrs. Albert M. Jenkins, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. William A. Jenkins
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnson, Jr.
Mrs. Sondra Hall Jones*
Mr.* and Mrs. Paul Kaplan
Joyce E. Kidd
Mrs. Nancy Wallace Kirk
Mrs. Doris Knecht*
Mr.* and Mrs. Max V. Krebs
Mr. Roy Lawrence*
Ms. Carolyn S. Leith
Dr.* and Mrs. LeRoy B. Martin, Jr.
Dr. James O. May
Dr. Mark McClure and
Ms. Cheri Elliott
Harry W. Meredith, Jr.
Louise and Andrew Miller
Mr. John R. Mitterling
Mirtha and Royce Murray
Grace Nelson*
Mr.* and Mrs. Warren Newman
Ms. Martha H. Noyes
Ed and Laura Owens
Mrs. Anne R. Packer
Roy and Patricia Palmer*
Ms. Frances A. Parker
Mrs. Margaret P. Parker
Mrs. Florence Fowler Peacock
Dr. Emily Mann Peck
Mr. Goutham Penmetsa
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Peters
Mrs. Anne W. Phoenix*
Anne A. Platsky
Ms. Edythe M. Poyner
H. Wade Reece and
Kathy Myers Reece
Dr. and Mrs. Alexander
N. Richardson
John S.* and Dellaine A. Risley
Mrs. Jane Robbins*
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Roberg
Catherine Rosin*
Rebecca and Scott Rothney
Miss Elizabeth Moore Ruffin*
Rev. and Mrs.* Robert Seymour
Mrs. Dorothy Shollenberger*
Mr. Lee Simon
Mr. and Mrs. George Simpson
Mrs. Dale P. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Smith
Josiah and Jane Stevenson
Dr. and Mrs. Shaler Stidham, Jr.
Ms. Elizabeth Stoker*
Ms. Susan F. Stoker*
Maxine Swalin*
Mr. Arthur Swanson
Philip W. Terrell
Dr. Richard Tuttle
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wells
Mr. and Mrs.* Steven
van Westendorp
Mr. Leland Whitmire
David and Andree Wolf
R. Peyton Woodson, III
Michael Morrison Woody and
Lydia Fields Woody*
David Worters
Mrs. Frances H. Wynne*
Mr. and Mrs. B. Grant Yarber
Mr. Robert P. Yoder
Ann Marie and Ed* Zalewski
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Zaytoun
Annual Fund Donors
Thank you! The North Carolina Symphony is grateful for the generous support of the following donors from across the state who
have helped to sustain and advance the mission of the orchestra. This list recognizes charitable contributions from donors made
between July 1, 2014, and July 31, 2015, to the Annual Fund. Please contact us at 919.733.2750 to learn more about supporting the
Annual Fund. An * denotes a deceased donor.
Pinnacle Circle ($25,000+)
Chip and Judy Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Edward O. Woolner
Chairman’s Circle ($15,000+)
Ms. Catharine Biggs Arrowood
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Clancy
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Corbett
Mr. and Mrs.* Hugh Cullman
Bob and Connie Eby
Robert Graham and Cheryl Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas C. Hornberger
Ross W. Lampe, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Assad Meymandi
Louise and Andrew Miller
Prof. James L. and Mrs. Florence Peacock
Mr. and Mrs. C. Hamilton Sloan
Mr. and Mrs. O. Temple Sloan, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Shaler Stidham, Jr.
Ms. Sandra L. Sully
Mr. R. Peyton Woodson III
Composer’s Circle ($10,000+)
Ms. Wendy Brown
Dr. Bennett A. and Elaine Bryant Hayes
Mrs. Julia Elsee
Don and Mary Haile
Mr. A.C. Hall, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Dilwyn Huey
Mark and Linda Leithe
Peter and Ona Pickens
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Roberg
Donald M. Rorke
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Smith
Jennie H. and Stuart Wallace
Conductor’s Circle ($7,500+)
Dr. Victor Behar and Dr. Lenore Behar
Mr. Don K. Davis and Mrs. Peggy Wilks
Drs. James* and Mary Susan Fulghum
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Hinson
Dr. and Mrs. Albert M. Jenkins, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Jernigan
Dr. Sally A. Johnson and Mr. William D. Johnson
Sandi M.A. Macdonald and Henry J. Grzes
Mr. and Mrs. Graham Mosely
Dr. Emily Mann Peck
Dick Robinson
Terry and Diana Stevens
Josiah and Jane Stevenson
Mrs. Joseph Vanhoenacker
Concertmaster’s Circle ($5,000+)
Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Briggs
Patty Briguglio
Mr. and Mrs. Martin H. Brinkley
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Burriss
Mr. and Mrs. Philip P. Cave
Mr. Edward M. Coman and
Mrs. Leslie Bevacqua Coman
Dr. and Mrs. Peter B. Corson
Ellis and Bettsy Cowling Donor-Advised
Fund of the Triangle Community
Jerry and Jacobi Daley
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Daugherty
Mrs. Judy G. Davis
Valentine and Elizabeth Fischer
Mr. and Mrs. George Fishman
Hannah and Clark French
Dr. Shayne C. and Novie Beth Ragan Gad
Dr. Leonard Gettes and Dr. Ann Gettes
Drs. Norman and Gilda Greenberg
Drs. Lewis and Olive Greenwald
Dr. and Mrs. Warner Hall
Mr. Thomas H. Hamilton, Jr.
Steve and Pat Hodges
Norman and Rhonda Innes
Lisa Jones and Keith Smith
Dr. and Mrs. Ted Kunstling
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Lacin
Dr. and Mrs. William D. Lee
Mr. Daniel R. Lewis
Nancy and Ron McFarlane
Rose and Cliff Meltzer
Mrs. Stephen P. Montgomery
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Norris, Jr.
Mrs. Margaret P. Parker
Ashley and Sterling Perkinson
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Peters
Anne Platsky
Dr. P. Ramachandra Reddy and
Dr. Sarala Reddy
Mrs. Frances P. Rollins
Ms. Elizabeth Moore Ruffin*
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Sanders
Mary and Ernie Schoenfeld
Joe and Dorothy Schmelzeis
Matt and Meg Segal
Ed and Nedra Van Gombos
Mr. Jason A. Williams
Mr. Robert E. Zaytoun
Principal Players’ Circle ($2,500+)
George and Debbie Aiken
Dr. and Mrs. James E. Allen
Nancy and Myron Banks
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Barnett
Mrs. Evelyn Barrow
Mr. John Becton and
Ms. Nancy B. Tannenbaum
Dr. and Mrs. Richard E. Bird
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Boericke
Dr. Stuart Bondurant and
Ms. Susan Ehringhaus
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Bradshaw
Mary Bratton
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Bryant
Mr. Arnold Burk
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Byrne
Susan and Gordon Carson
Ms. Janice R. Christensen
Gordon and Rebecca Christian
Marion Johnson Church
Roy Cromartie M.D. and Paul Fomberg
Julia and Frank Daniels, Jr. Endowment
Fund of the Triangle Community
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Dannelly
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander De Grand
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Dean
Mr. and Mrs. Burton H. Dietz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Doherty
Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Donleycott
Ms. Betsy T. Douglass
Mr. and Mrs. Ian Dunn
Mrs. Sandra M. Fain
Marsha Ferree and Michael Gering
Frank and Gail Ferreira
Mary Forrest and Jimmy Parks
Mr.* and Mrs. John W. Fox
William and Jody Frank
Evan and Lisa Fultz
Jack and Rita Gartner
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Gosselin
Howard* and Carole Guld
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Hansen
Randy and Ginny Hartley
Mr. and Mrs. David Heuser
Fran and Paul Hoch
Mr. David Houck
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Houpt
Hannelore and Konrad Jarausch
Mrs. Ann W. Joyner
Joseph and Elizabeth Kahn
Jim and Jo Ellen Kalat
Dr. Samuel Katz and Dr. Catherine Wilfert
Robert and Marilyn Ketchum
Mike Killam and Candace Turney
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Kimmel
Mrs. Nancy W. Kirk
Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Kline
Dr. Robert C. Kochersberger and
the Rev. Janet C. Watrous
Judith and Gordon Legrand
Linda J. Leith
Mrs. Charlotte Martin
Col. F. Richard Matthews, Jr. USMC (Ret.)
a contribution of his trust: WE THE PEOPLE; through the Triangle Community Foundation
Catherine M. Mayleben
George D. McCoy and Phil R. Poovey
Donor List continued...
Dr. Julie McVay
Mr. and Mrs. John Medinger
Dr. Robert W. Morrison, Jr.
Musicians of the North Carolina Symphony
Sharat and Lavanya Nagaraj
Dr. and Mrs. Paul D. Naylor
Mrs. Rebecca Newton
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Overby
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan L. Pollack
Dr. and Mrs. Steve Prystowsky
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Reiss
Fran and Bill Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. William Roberts
John and Martha Robinson
Bob and Luanne Roth
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Rustin, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scheper
Bob and Judy Spaziano
Dr. Jean Spooner and Mr. Robert Fisher
Joyce W. Stroud
Ray and Mary Tait
Dr. and Mrs. Banks C. Talley, Jr.
Mr. Philip W. Terrell, Jr. and
Mrs. Stephanie Gray
Paul and Holly Tesar
Richard and Jamie Thomas
Dr. Nadine Tope
Ms. Barbara E. Trapnell
Ms. Alice Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Ward
Steven van Westendorp
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Webb
Phyllis M. Weldon
Francis and Sue Ann Westmeyer
Ms. Katherine White and
Mr. Thomas W. Urquhart
Mrs. David K. Witt
Musicians’ Circle ($1,000+)
Anonymous (2)
Mark and Gayle Acuff
Dr. and Mrs. Edward M. Arnett
Robert and Beverly Atwood
Ms. Bess Averre and Mr. J. B. Patchett
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Bailey
Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Baillie
Mrs. Susan Joan Smiley Baker and
Mr. Robert S. Baker
Mr. Michael Barefoot and Mr. Tim Manale
Joseph C. and Diane Bastian
Vernon and Talitha Benignus
Bruce and Dianne Birch
Carolyn Miller and Carl Blackman
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Blanchard
Richard Blanton and Candace Haigler
Richard and Nancy Blum
Susan and Robert Boswell
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bowers
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Braaten
Dr. Rebecca Brent and
Dr. Richard M. Felder
Ms. Meade Bridgers
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde E. Browning
Dr. and Mrs. James A. Bryan II
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Byrd
Dr. and Mrs. William Byrd
Dr. and Mrs. Edward D. Carey
Dr. and Mrs. Kevin Carter
Dr. Judith W. Caves
Mrs. Margot F. Christensen
Dennis Clements and Martha Ann Keels
The Honorable George G. Cleveland
Mrs. Joan Cohen
Tama and Dillon Coleman
Dr. James B. Congleton
Mr. Charles W. Cook
Dr. and Mrs. Maurice N. Courie
Hurt Covington
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Davis
Mr. Mahlon W. DeLoatch, Jr.
Anne and Jeff Derby
Mr. and Mrs. Ron E. Doggett
Mrs. Anna Lee Dorsett
Ms. Mary A. Dotson
Carol and John Duvall
Dr. and Mrs. David B. Eddleman
Dr. and Mrs. George S. Edwards, Sr.
Dr. and Mrs. Timothy Edwards
Mr. Ronald G. Ellis, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene T. Franklin, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Futrell, Jr.
George and Carol Gardner
Ms. Billiegene A. Garner
Julia V. Garrison
Lydia and Doug Gill
Mr. Robert Gillam
Jeff Glenn
Mr. and Mrs. James Godwin
Paul E. Green, Jr.
Marie and Craig Griffin
Ruth Gross and Hans Kellner
Mr. and Mrs. R. Gordon Grubb
Dr. J. D. Gupta and Dr. G. K. Gupta
Dr. Peter Hamilton and
Mr. Alan Ryder
Mr. William F. Hamlin, Jr.
Ms. Carolyn D. Hardy
Emily Hauslohner
Richard Hendel
Nancy and Robert Holm
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Hornaday, Jr.
Mrs. Nell M. Howell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Hykes
Henry and Mary June Jones
Bobby and Claudia Kadis
Betty P. Kenan
Mr. Thomas S. Kenan III
Mrs. Warner W. Kent, Jr.
Secretary Susan Kluttz and Bill Kluttz
Mr. Carl Koch
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Koonce III
Mrs. Myra Kornbluth
Jeffrey Krolik and Michelle Shrott
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Lamb
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Langley
Mrs. Judy Larson
Mary Mc and Kevin Lawson
Mrs. Gale Lewis
Msgr. Gerald Lewis
Judith Lilley
Diane Linfors
Ms. Beth Lynn
Dr. and Mrs. H. J. MacDonald
Bruce Maggs and Jennifer Chang
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Marley, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Clinton Massey
Colette and Tom McCarty
Dr. and Mrs. F. W. McCracken III
Mr. and Mrs. William H. McCullough
Mr. John G. McGrew and Ms. Barbara Ivy
Scott McIlhenny
Mr. and Mrs. Ross E. McKinney
Dr. Scott McRae and Dr. Gail McRae
Dr. and Mrs. Phil Miller
Ronald and Melissa Mitchell
Sue Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. Moyle, Jr.
Mrs. Charlene Murphy
Mrs. Warren S. Newman
Mr. David R. Nimocks, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Magnus Ohman
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Okel
Susan and Dale Oller
Mrs. Frances A. Parker
Raymond and Jill Parker
William S. Pate
Dr. and Mrs. Llewellyn E. Piper
Lee and Garland Radford
Dr. and Mrs. Scott Ralls
Ms. Dolores M. Raynor
Mr. and Mrs. H. Wade Reece
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Reynolds
Pam Rideout
Marion and Stanley Robboy
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph L. Roberson
Susanne and Mark Rose
Dr. Harry Rosenberg and
Ms. Theresa Joan Rosenberg
Mr. Joseph F. Rosinski
Dr. and Mrs. Peter Rowlett
Jo Anne Sanford and Billy Brewer, Jr.
Robert and Lisa Schiller
Alice Schnapier
Bob and Kay Schoellhorn
Mr. Wayne Schriever
Catherine Scott-Wilson and Kerrick Wilson
Dr. Miriam Settle
Mr. and Mrs. Louis W. Sewell
S. Leon and Judith Lewis Shackleford
Martin and Cecily Sher
Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Sherman
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Shertz
Mr. Jerry Slaymaker
Mr. David Sontag
Ms. Mary Louise Spain
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Stanley
Mrs. Linda Staunch
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Stephens, Jr.
Dr. Anne E. Stephenson and
Mr. Charles H. Gunn
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Stith, Jr.
Anne Stoddard
Dr. and Mrs. H. Ben Stone
Jim and Cathy Stuart
Drs. Barry and Lynne Taylor
Lois Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tiemann
Ms. Eunice L. Toussaint
Ms. Cynthia Turco
Charles Waldren and Diane Vannais
Dr. Robert S. Watkins
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew W. Weidner
Dr. Charles Weiss
Jack and Claudie Wells
Andrew Wheeler
Mrs. Louis R. Wilkerson
Patrick and Barbara Woellhof
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Wrede
Ramon and Virginia Yarborough
Mr. Robert P. Yoder
Arthur and Betty Zucker
Donor List continued...
Sustainer’s Circle ($500+)
Dr. B. Jasmine Adams
Corina Clarke Albert
Terrie Allison
Elliott and Ina Alterman
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Andre
Robert and Katherine Angier
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ansbacher
Mr. and Mrs. James Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Asbeck
Ralph and Daphne Ashworth
Gary and Susan Atwell
Susan and Ron Aycock
Merle and Mimi Bauer
Geoffrey and Jenny Bell
Mrs. Sarah Benbow
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Benson
Mr. Edward Berke
Sam and Barbara Bidwell
Mr. and Mrs. Murchison Biggs
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond F. Bird
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Bisbee
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley W. Black III
Dr. John I. Boswell, Jr.
James H. Bradley
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Bradshaw, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Braks
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Broun
Drs. Robert and Monika Brown
Mr. David C. Bryan
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Buchanan, Jr.
Mr. Jesse H. Byrd, Jr.
Margaret K. Champion
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Chance
Patricia Chiarell and Frank Hanna
Dr. and Mrs. John T. Chiles
Tom and Terry Clark
Dr. and Mrs. John G. Cleland
Mr. C. Perry Colwell and Ms. Betty J. Neese
Mr. and Mrs. Alan W. Cone
Brian and Cathy Cosens
Dr. and Mrs. Christopher Coughlin
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Currie
Amy Danforth
Dr. Louis B. Daniel, Jr.
Barbara DaSilva-Tillmann
Harold E. and Patricia S. Davis
Mr. Richard Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Day
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Delauter
Leigh DeNeef and Barbara Baines
Griffin and Mary Carroll Dodd
Michael and Barbara Doran
J. Stephen and Judith Duerr
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dunton
Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. Edgar
Mr. and Mrs. John Erdody
Barry Evans and Marla Wright-Evans
Mr. George J. Evans
Ms. Gabrielle C. Falk
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Farias
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Field
Cindy Cole Fitzgerald
Ellen Fort
Dr. and Mrs. Preston H. Gada
Mr. and Mrs. William D. George, Jr.
Drs. Brian and Elizabeth Gilger
Brent and Cathy Gill
Dr. James Godwin and
Dr. Elizabeth Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. John Grace
Sara and Tom Graves
Richard and Julia Gray
Lloyd and Cille Griffith
Dr. and Mrs. Albert D. Guckes
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hall
C. M. Happer
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Hardison
Mr. and Mrs. Wade H. Hargrove
Clark and Karen Havighurst
Charles and Paula Head
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Heartinger
Margaret Heberlein
Dr. and Mrs. James B. Hemby
Mrs. Charlotte Henshaw
Norman and Cathy Herman
John Hicks
Mr. and Mrs. James C. High
Jim and Harriet Hill
Mr. Mark M. Hogan
Ms. Olivia Holding
Ms. Elizabeth Holsten
Mr. Kevin Howell
Skip Hulland and Donna Ryder
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Infuso
Ms. Barbara Irlbeck
Mr. and Mrs. David Jackson
Mrs. Jennie C. James
Rex B. Jarrell and Mary M. Martorella
Dr. and Mrs. John Jennings
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Jetter
Dr. and Mrs. E. Smith Jewell
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jewell
James Dwight Johnson
Dr. Margaret G. Johnson
Robert and Melissa Johnson
Amy Jones
Dr. Will Jones
Mr. Ben E. Jordan, Jr.
Robert and Mary Kadarauch
Lucinda and Jeffrey Kahler
Drs. Stephen and Judith Kandall
Mr. and Mrs. Diederick E. Kanning
Joan and Howard Kastel
Mrs. Genevra B. Kelly
John and CeCe Kennedy
Lawrence Kessler and Bonnie Bechard
Jeanette Kimmel
Dr. and Mrs. Peter Klopfer
Jack and Pam Lamberton
Dr. Richard and Emmi Langellotti
Margaret Lawrence
Ms. Carolyn S. Leith
James and Dianne Leloudis
Mrs. Victoria Leuzzi
Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Lilly, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Myron Liptzin
Dr. and Mrs. James C. Lorentzen
Stephen J. and Karen S. Lyons
Mr.* and Mrs. John MacMillan
Rob Maddrey and Mark Tulbert
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Mainwaring
Ellie and Ed Margeson
Agnes Marshall and Bob Auman
Mr. and Mrs. James Matthews
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Mattocks II
Dr. and Mrs. Vernon C. Matzen
Paul and Janet McCarthy
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. McClay
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin McConnell
Mr. and Mrs. Claude E. McKinney
Mr. Harry Meredith
Dr. and Mrs. Ash Mikhail
Dr. and Mrs. David C. Miller
Mr. James C. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Champion Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Gary N. Mock
Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Moore
Claire Boone Morley
Ms. Wilhelmina Muther
Richard and Carol Nasca
Ms. Susan C. Newell and Dr. Richard Tuttle
Mrs. Helen S. Nycum
Dr. and Mrs. John T. Oates
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. O’Brien
Karen O’Donnell
Ms. Betty Burrow Osborne
Elizabeth and Dan Page
Ms. Elizabeth A. Palmer
Daniel and Elizabeth Palmieri
Sondra Panico and Stuart Levin
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas T. Pearce
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Pearson
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Perlov
Mr. and Mrs. Bob N. Perry
Vicki and Charles Phaneuf
Mr. Gary Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Ashmead P. Pipkin
Cathy Poole
Lilian Pruett
Karen Prus and Lewis Carson
Mr. Steve Quessy and Ms. Marna Doucette
Mr. Charles W. Rakow
Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd F. Redick
Mr. Stephen Reynolds and Ms. Susan Osborne
John and Judith Ridenour
Mrs. Diane Rogers
Ms. Jane Rogers
Dr. Hal and Maggie Rotman
Mrs. Jane Davis Rourk
Dr. and Mrs. Herbert A. Saltzman
Mr. and Mrs. Greg E. Sandreuter
Mr. Donald N. Schroeder
Robert Schulte
Charles and Marie Schwab
Jennie Schwoebel
Frances S. Selvidge
Reverend Robert Seymour
Stephen Shafroth
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Shapiro
Sally L. Shaver
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Sheehan
Angeline Shell
Matthew, Dolly and Peyton Sickles
Bill and Su Skahan
Rob and Chris Skrotsky
Eleanor and Michael Smith
Margaret Anne and Bill Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Squillace
Susan Stedman
John Steel
Drs. Ann Stuart and John Moore
Mr. Art Swanson
Dr. Alina M. Szmant and Dr. Daniel G. Baden
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Tesh
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Thomas, Jr.
Susan and Dicky Timmons
Dr. and Mrs. John Tinga
Edwyn Tiryakian
Jerry and Glenda Trenholm
Donor List continued...
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Trubia
Bill and Mayme Tubbs
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart A. Tuffnell
Mr. and Mrs. John Tyrrell
Jay and Sandy Valentine
Mr. and Mrs. Julian Wachs
Steve and Charlotte Wainwright
David L. Ward, Jr.
Mr. John Welch
Marty and Larry Weltin
Antoinette R. Wike
Mrs. Emmons J. Williams
Florence H. Wilson
Dr. L. George and Claudia Wilson
Rev. Jonathan A. Woodhall
Randy and Grace Wrigley
Duncan and Susan Yaggy
Mr. and Mrs. L. Clement Yancey
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Young
Ann Marie Zalewski
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Zollinger, Jr.
Patrons’ Circle ($250+)
Mr. J. Allen Adams
Sally K. Albrecht and Jay Althouse
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Alexander, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Anderson
Thomas B.* and Jane H. Anderson
Mrs. Dorothy Arold
Mrs. Mary Louise Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Barker
Carolyn and Ed Barnes
Trude and Michael Bate
Nancy Battiste
Nancy Baughman
Shawn Bayle
Mrs. Ruth H. Beacom
Jennifer Behrens
Elizabeth Beilman and Jimmy Gilmore
A. L. Bell
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Bell, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William Bell
Dr. and Mrs. Jerome Beloff
Mr. Stephen Bernard
Mr. Gregory Bertics
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Beuerman
Ms. Marilyn Beumeler
Mr. and Mrs. Thad Beyle
Dick Bierly
Mrs. Dolores Bilangi
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Bixiones
Mrs. Betsey B. Blake
Babette Goodman Blaug
Peter and Denise Bleckner
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Blount, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Blum
Rev. and Mrs. Charles T. Bodkin
Mr. and Mrs. Josh Bonczkowski
Mr. James B. Borden
Roxana and Edward Bossen
Ted Botzum
Ms. Emily Bowen
Mrs. Jean C. Bowen
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bowen III
Suzanne and Glenn Bower
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bowyer
Dr. Betty B. Bradley
Pamela J. Bradley and Richard Pabst
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Bramwell
Mr. and Mrs. J. Miles Branagan
James and Linda Brannan
Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Breed
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Bride
Ruth Bromer and Joseph Huberman
Mr. Robert B. Bronec
Dr. and Mrs. H. D. Bruton
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bryan
S. Michele Bryson
Mr. Timothy Bukowski
Dave and Missy Bullamorr
Ray and Nan Burby
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Burgess
Ms. Bea Burnett
Thornton and Eve Burnette
Ms. Ann M. Burns
Ms. Colette A. Burrus
Mr. and Mrs. Farrell Bushing
Dr. James A. Bustrack
Beth and Carl Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Cannon
Peter Cap
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph N. Carlson, Jr.
Ms. Barbara Carman
Ed Carpp
Mattie and Bill Carstarphen
Ms. Judy C. Casey
Mr. and Mrs. Duane H. Cassidy
Mrs. Emily M. Castrodale
Robert Chamberlain
Mr. Hugh M. Chapin
Sandy and Jesse Chappell, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Charlesworth
Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Cherry
Dr. Thomas Kevin Cherry
Billy Chow
Terry Alan Church
Howard and Julie Clark
Ms. Jane M. Clark
Mrs. Mary Ann Clarkson
Charles and Kathleen Clift
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Collins
Dr. and Mrs. Philip Collis
Mr. and Mrs. Henry O. Colomb
Susan and Reginald Cook
The Honorable and Mrs. Michael W. Cotter
Mrs. Patricia B. Courtright
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J. Crane
Sandra Deutsch Crane
Elizabeth M. Crawford
Mrs. Mary C. Croghan
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Crosson
Dawn and Tom Crotty
Ms. Anne C. Dahle
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Daniels
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Davis
William Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Dean A. De Masi
Mrs. Marie S. Dee
Mr. George Delic
Nancy and Robert Deutsch
Mrs. Diana DeVusser
Mark and Elaine Dibner
Walter and Donna Dobrogosz
Mr. and Mrs. George Douglas
Gregory Dozier
Henry P. Dozier
Patricia S. Dube
Mrs. Gail Dunn
Ms. Clare S. Dupree
Mr. Michael J. Dykstra
Ms. Elsie M. Eads
Dr. and Mrs. H. S. Earp, III
Terry Byrd Eason and Jonathan Whitney
Ronni S. Ebbers
Mrs. Cynthia W. Eckard
Daniel Edwards and Kathy Lamb
Mr. and Mrs. H. Jack Edwards
Janet and Carl Edwards
Marilyn Ehrenshaft
Drs. Roy Ehrlich and Marijanet Doonan
MaryLou Einloth
Robert and Candace Elder
Doris and Marvin Elkin
Nancy and John Ellis
Gerald and Naoma Ellison Advised Fund
Ms. Risa S. Ellovich
Dr. Barbara Entwisle
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Epps
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall C. Evans
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Fain III
Susanne I. Farrell
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Farris
Mr. Sam Fayed
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Felker
Ms. Susan Ferguson
Ms. Laurice Ferris
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Finn
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Fleck
Douglas Flint
Susan Flood
Ms. Laura Ford
Drs. William and Sharon Foster
Ms. Betty M. Fox
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley H. Fox
Dr. and Mrs. J. Lawrence Frank
Mr. and Mrs. Werner W. Friederichs
Judith and David Fruend
Michael and Giuliana Gage
John and Marion Gaida
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gaitens
Nancy Galambush
Gregory and Emily Gangi
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Gatchel
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Gates
Margaret M. Gautier
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Geiger
Mr. Bruce Gensemer
Martha L. Gentry
Ruth and Arthur Gerber
Dr. and Mrs. Rod Gerwe
Vasudev Gharpure
Bill and Libby Gilbert
Terry and Sandra Gilda
Ms. Patricia Glaser
Dr. and Mrs. J. Conrad Glass, Jr.
Mr. Howard Glicksman
Mrs. Jocelyn Glynn
Dr. and Mrs. William Goldston
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Goldsworthy
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney F. Gonski
David Mark Goodman
Mrs. Gloria Goodwin
Kathy Gourley
Ellen and Henry Graden
Mrs. Jean Graham
Cary Gramsch
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Grendler
Jean Gross and Don Miller
Eunice and Herman Grossman
Donor List continued...
Susan and Richard Guenther
Mrs. Jane T. Gurry
Drs. Robert and Laura Gutman
Phillip and Nancy Hablutzel
Carol and Nortin Hadler
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Hahn
Mr. and Mrs. Stirling Haig
Charles and Cheryl Hall
Mrs. Maidi Hall
Dr. Carolyn and Mr. Michael Halpern
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Hamilton
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas I. Hammer
Drs. Anthony and Arlene Hantjis
Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Haskell
Thomas Havener
Dr. and Mrs. Carl Haynes, Jr.
Ms. Martha Hays
Drs. Cynthia Hazen and Nicholas Stratas
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Heagler
Jill Heath
James M. Heatley
Ellen Herron
Samuel Hershey
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heunemann
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hill
Jane Hinton-Smith
Beverly W. Hodges
Mr. and Mrs. Norris L. Hodgkins, Jr.
Carl Hoffman
Barbara Holderby
Mr. and Mrs. Vivian E. Hollinshed, Jr.
Daniel and Annette Homiller
Dr. and Mrs. H. Robert Horton
Dwight House
Debra O. Howard
Kenneth B. Howard
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Hubby
Mr. Andrew R. Huber
Bruce and Theresa Huffine
Mr. Kenneth D. Humphries
Rebecca and William Hunter
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hwang
Dr. Peter J. Irigaray
Barbara Smith Irwin
Marija Ivanovic
Mrs. Susan Izatt
Mr. and Mrs. Fred I. Jacobowitz
Mr. and Mrs. William Janning
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Jennings
Dr. and Mrs. Donald Jenny
Mr. and Mrs. James Jillson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Johnson
Mr. William A. Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Jones
LTC and Mrs. Carl M. Jordan, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Henry Jordan
Hilda and Harvey Joyner
Dr. David B. Kaber
Mr. and Mrs. H. Richard Kahler
Charles and Annette Kahn
Patricia Kapp
Dr. Carol E. Kasworm
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Kees
Jeff and Janet Keever
David J. Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Kepler
Patrick Kernan
Charles and Carolyn Kerr
Dr. A. Dean Kesler, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kessler
Mr. Winburne King
Ms. Brenda Knight
Dr. and Mrs. Hervy B. Kornegay, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Krauss
Debra Kubiet
Dr. Catherine Kuhn and Glenn Tortorici
Bill Kurtz and Kathy Aalfs
Levin and Jean Lake
Dr. Earnest L. Lamb
Eleanor Lamb
Mary Ann Pregnall Lamb
Joshua Lanier
Mr. Charles R. Latimer
Doris and Russ Laustsen
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leavell
Ms. Judith Leggett
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Lehrman
Bill and Marie LePre
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Levine
Lilyan and Sid Levine
Allyn and Maggie Clay Love
Mrs. Teddy Lovejoy
Dayna Lucas
Mrs. Betsy Anne B. Lumsden
Suzanne Lyman and Byron Ellis
Mr. John T. Maher
Michael and Wendy Malone
Mrs. Paula F. Mangnum
Marvin and Ronni Marblestone
Billie Marrow
Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Marshall
Marinna Martini
Mr. and Mrs. C.D. Mayes
Joan McAllister
R. Elliott and Nancy McBride
Patricia McClary
Gary and Marilyn McCollum
Steve McCombs
Dr. Sue Ann McCutcheon
Emily and R.C. McGaffin
Mr. and Mrs. Ross McKinney
Jeff and Anna McLamb
Dr. Neill McLeod
Dean McMurry
Mr. Charles Meekins and
Dr. Bettina Meekins
Leonard and Ofeila Melley
Mr. Duard Michael and Mrs. Phyllis May
Mr. Charles Millard
Mrs. Sylvia Mills
Eileen and Larry Mintz
Mr. and Mrs. Don H. Mitchell
Dr. Wayne T. Moore
John and Judy Morgan
Willette Morman
Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Morrison, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Moss
Lisa and Richard Mowat
Patricia A. Moylan
Mr. and Mrs. Brent D. Nash
Allison Nebel
Charles B. Neely, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Nesnow
Mr. and Mrs. John Neter
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nettesheim
Mrs. Virginia Alexander Neustadt
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell H. Nicholson
Mr. Richard Nolan
Joseph Normandeau
Joe and Elaine Norwood
Donald and Patricia Novak
Jay and Marie Novello
James H. Noyes, Jr.
Thomas and Gail O’Brien
Jerry and Anne Ocorr
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Oehman
Mrs. Betty Jo Oglesby
Sherri Ontjes
Curtis Ostrom and Colin Dietch
Mrs. Anne R. Packer
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Padmore
Carole and Gerry Paige
Ms. Elsie Painter
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Palm
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Pariser
Ms. Mary Jo Parks
Mr. J. Robert Passmore
Andy Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Patty
Mrs. Sandra D. Peace
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold G. Pender
Patricia G. Perrin
Kristen Phend
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Phillips
Ken and Peggy Powell
Richard Prevatt
Bob and Virginia Price
Mary and Bill Price
Elizabeth C. and John J. Pringle
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Proia
Gary Prose
Mr. and Mrs. William Rand
John and Debra Ratliff
Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Ratliff
Warren Raybould and Sherry Essig
Lacy Reaves
Philip and Peg Rees
Dr. and Mrs. Mitchell Reese
Ms. Mary B. Regan
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Reichenbach
Joan C. Renner
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rhodes
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas K. Richmond
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin C. Roberts
David Rockefeller
Mr. and Mrs. Randolph M. Rodgers
Mr. and Mrs. Mark G. Rodin
Dr. and Mrs. Hector Rodriguez
Darwin and Deborah Roseman
Mr. and Mrs. John Roth
Ms. Joyce Rothchild
Joy and Rich Ruhmann
Jane D. Rustin
Dr. Samuel G. Ryan, Jr.
Paul and Florence Safran
Sarah Jo Safrit
Mrs. Sue Salomon
Richard and Kathryn Salwitz
Ms. Molly C. Sanders
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Sapp
The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Sawyer
Leonard and Anna Scarola
Jerome Schaeffer
Mr. Raymond Scherzer
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Schick
Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Schiermeier
Susan L. Schneider
Derek Schroder and Alka Mehta
Mr. William K. Schwab, Jr.
Donor List continued...
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Schwartz
Dr. and Mrs. William M. Selvidge, Jr.
Dr. Joel and Norma Shapiro
Rollin and Dr. Frank S. Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Shearin
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Sheriff
Mrs. Watson N. Sherrod, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Shirk
Kenneth and Nancy Shugart
Dr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Simon
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Singletary
Carol and Robert Sirota
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald K. Sley
Lawrence and Deborah Slupianek
Dr. E. Thompson Smith, Jr.
J. Jordan Smith
James David Smith, RC4 Wireless
Mr. Nathaniel Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip G. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Preston J. Smith, Jr.
Mr. Richard Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood H. Smith, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Smoak
Ms. Harriet Solomon
Shawn and Eric Sowers
John Spitznagel
John Sprague
Jenny and Jack Spruill
Mr. and Mrs. Brant Sprunger
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stanback
Cathy Staneck
Douglas and Evelyn Steele
Thomas Steet, DDS and Julie Steet
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Stein
Mrs. Edward O. Stejskal
Mrs. Kristeen Storrs
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Strobel
Gray and Barbara Styers
Dr. Mary Sugioka
Patrick and Elizabeth Sullivan
Rob and Kim Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. James Summers
Mr. and Mrs. H. Bryan Sutton, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry D. Swaim
Sandra and James Swenberg
Patricia Talton
Cmdr Robert H. Tate, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs.* Edward Taws, Jr.
David C. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Howard P. Taylor
Mrs. Betty Temple
Janet Thiel
Maj. and Mrs. Mark C. Thoman
Dr. Judith Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tiller
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Timken
Julie Tomlin and Phil Lewis
Mr. James W. Townsend
Michael Townsley
Mrs. Athena Tracy
Jan Tuchinsky
Dennis Turner and Kathleen Kaiser
Alice Underhill
Dr. and Mrs. Henry Unger
Mr. and Mrs. Steve A. Van Pelt
Mark D. Vitacco
Ms. GaNelle Voss
Dr. and Mrs. John Wagnitz
Mary Ellen Walkama
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Walker
George T. Ward, D.D.S.
Ms. Margaret Warner
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph S. Weaver
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Webb
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Weimer
Sally and Ron Wenda
Mrs. Edith Werther
Mr. Walter Whaley
Katherine K. White
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wile, Jr.
Charles and Mary Lille Wilkins
David and Judi Wilkinson
Leigh and Greg Wilkinson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Wilkinson
Stan Williams
Kevin and Pam Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Wilson
Priscilla Winn
Mr. Sam Witherspoon III
Cheryl and Joe Wolozyn
Mrs. Genevieve Woodall
Jack Woodring
Mr. Cecil W. Wooten
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey T. Wright II
Mrs. Louise J. Wurst
Susan R. Wyatt
Gail Yaffe
Sandra Phillips Yaggy
Mr. and Mrs. Thornton H. Yancey
Mr. and Mrs. David Zendels
Cathryn Zevenhuizen
Mr. Charles Zubieta
Gifts Made in Honor of:
Michael Barefoot and Tim Manale
Elizabeth Beilman and Jimmy Gilmore
Jessica Killian Booth
Harry Booth
Judy Cardy
Mr. Edward Coman
Matthew Decker
Erik Dyke
Bob and Connie Eby
Charles and Mary Jo Godwin
Dr. Bennett A. and Elaine Bryant Hayes
William Horozan
Mrs. Margie Johnson
Suzanne Kelly and John Pederson
John Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. David Kilbride
Mrs. Myra Kornbluth
Rob Maddrey
Cliff Meltzer
Marillyn and James Mulholland
Morris and Andrea Platsky
Terri Swanson
Dr. Kenneth Touw
Bruce Turner
Jennie H. and Stuart Wallace
Gifts Made in Memory of:
Dr. Joseph Aceves
Mr. Jack G.B. Boddie
Julien Boesinger
Frances Mae Carawan
Betty Clemens
Mrs. Nan Ogburn Cullman
Sarah Carlyle Herbert Dorroh
Dr. James Fulghum III
Mr. Joseph Hollinshed
Dr. Jaroslav Hulka
Marjorie South Idol
Loretta Kouba
Jess Levin
John C. Lucht
Edna Macdonald
John MacMillan
Corinne Marshall
Marion M. Martini
Ruth Mary Meyer
Nathan Sapp
Lois Pearce Smith
Ms. Elizabeth Stoker
Lea Sutker
Ann P. Taws
Glenn Wilson
Duke Energy
Duke Medicine
Merrill Lynch
Rex Healthcare
Clancy & Theys Construction Co.
First Citizens Bank
Highwoods Properties
Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina
CEI: The Digital Office
Fidelity Investments
Highwoods Properties
Marriott Raleigh City Center
Northwestern Mutual
PotashCorp - Aurora
Synergy Spa & Aesthetics/Collins & Franklin
WakeMed Health & Hospitals
18 Seaboard
Baird Wealth Management
CaptiveAire, Inc.
Carol Woods Retirement Community
Elliott Davis Decosimo
Fifth Third Private Bank
Keihin Carolina System Technology Foundation
Lord Corporation
Paragon Bank
Plaza Associates, Inc.
Raleigh Windows & Siding
Reed-Lallier Chevrolet
Regency Park Corporation
RGA Investments
Smith Anderson
Southern Bank Foundation
Summit Hospitality Group, Ltd.
The Businesses of Market Street, Southern Village
The Cardinal at North Hills
The Cypress of Raleigh
The Travelers Companies, Inc.
Time Warner Cable
Donor List continued...
Alfred Williams & Company
AT&T North Carolina
Bank of North Carolina
BB&T Wealth
Belk, Inc., Northern Division
Brooks Pierce
Capitol Advantage Associates, Inc.
Capitol Broadcasting Co.
Carolina Hurricanes
CarolinaEast Health System
Celito Communications, Inc.
Cherokee Fund
Citrix Systems, Inc.
First Bank
First Citizens Bank
Fluhrer Reed, PA
Douglas R. Gill, Attorney at Law
Gregory Poole Equipment
Harris, Creech, Ward & Blackerby, P.A.
Holt Brothers
Jackson Hill & Chapman of Merrill Lynch
Marine Chevrolet Cadillac
Marine Federal Credit Union
McDonald York Building Company
McGladrey LLP
Mine Safety Appliance Co.
Modern Exterminating Co.
Mt. Olive Pickle Company, Inc.
Myers Bigel Sibley & Sajovec, P.A.
News & Observer
North State Bank
Northwest Creek Marina
Onslow County Tourism
Onslow Memorial Hospital
Parker Poe Adams & Bernstein, LLP
Perkinson Law Firm, P.A.
Plexus Capital
PNC Private Client Group
Sears Contract, Inc.
Southern Village Homeowners Association
St. Joseph of the Pines
SunTrust Investment Services, Inc.
Tarboro Savings Bank, SSB
The Carolinas Financial Network
The Sorin Group
Umicore USA Inc.
James R. Van Camp, Attorney at Law
Vidant Edgecombe Hospital
Watkins Flowers of Distinction
William Peace University
North Carolina Symphony Foundation
The Bastian Family Charitable Foundation
Golden Corral Corp
Mariam and Robert Hayes Charitable Trust
William R. Kenan, Jr. Charitable Trust
John William Pope Foundation
The McLean Foundation
Wells Fargo Foundation
Alamance County Government
R. A. Bryan Foundation, Inc.
William C. Ethridge Foundation, Inc.
The T.H. Maren and S.K. Fellner Fund
of the Triangle Community Foundation
George Foundation, Inc.
Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation
Gipson Family Foundation
Robert P. Holding Foundation, Inc.
The Landfall Foundation, Inc.
George Smedes Poyner Foundation
Publix Super Markets Charities
The Blanche and Julian Robertson
Family Foundation, Inc.
The Rolander Family Foundation
The Eddie and Jo Allison Smith
Family Foundation, Inc.
Margaret C. Woodson Foundation
Youths’ Friends Association
The Harold H. Bate Foundation
Bell Family Foundation
The Big Rock Foundation
The Borden Fund, Inc.
Craven County Community Foundation
Edna Williams Curl and Myron R. Curl Charitable
Dr. Albert Joseph Diab Foundation
The Dickson Foundation, Inc.
George Foundation, Inc.
Howell Family Charitable Gift Fund
for Chrystal G. Stefani
Iredell County Community Foundation
Ina Mitchell Jordan Endowment Fund
The Thomas S. Kenan Foundation, Inc.
Kinston Community Council for the Arts
The Kyser Foundation
Luddy Charitable Foundation
Moore County Community Foundation
Orange County Arts Commission
Poole Family Foundation
Prescott Family Charitable Trust
The Florence Rogers Charitable Trust
The Norman and Rose S. Shamberg Foundation
SunTrust Foundation
Swearingen Foundation
Civic Support
Carteret County Schools
Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools
City of Raleigh
Alamance County
Cumberland County Schools
Durham Public Schools
Edgecombe County Schools
Fayetteville Cumberland Recreation and Parks
Harnett County Schools
Lee County Schools
Lincoln County Schools
Martin County Schools
New Hanover County Schools
Orange County Schools
Robeson County Schools
Salisbury-Rowan Symphony Society
Sampson County Schools
State Employees Combined Campaign (SECC)
State of North Carolina
Town of Cary
Town of Garner
Wake County
Wake County Public School System
Wilson Education Partnership
Media Partners
Cary Magazine
Curtis Media Group
The Daily News - Jacksonville
Fayetteville Observer
Indy Week
JT Austin Productions
Kidsville News
The News & Observer
North Carolina Public Radio – WUNC 91.5
Our State Magazine
Public Radio East
Sun Journal – New Bern
The Total Connection
UNC-TV Kids Club
WCPE 89.7
Wilma Magazine
WHQR 91.3
WLHC-FM 103.1
WRAL 101.5
Gifts in Kind
18 Restaurant Group
Blue Diamond Worldwide Transportation
Caffé Luna
Clean Design
Chapel Hill Restaurant Group
Don K. Davis and Mrs. Peggy L. Wilks
Dr. Leonard Gettes and Dr. Ann Gettes
Dr. Bennett A. and Elaine Bryant Hayes
Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Charles Helton
Mrs. Sandra L. Henson
Hopper Piano and Organ Company
Hughes, Pittman & Gupton, LLP
Thomas S. Kenan III
Drs. Mark and Linda Leithe
Sandi M.A. Macdonald and Henry J. Grzes
Manning Fulton
Jackie McLaughlin
The News & Observer
Mid-Towne Grille
Ogletree Deakins
Ora Designers/Fine Jewelers
Donor List continued...
Parker Poe Adams & Bernstein LLP
Mr. Tom Payne
Prof. James L. and Mrs. Florence Peacock
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Pitt
Rye Restaurant
Smith Anderson
The Sorin Group
Wallace & Nordan LLP
Watered Garden Florist
Watkins Flowers of Distinction
Matching Gift Companies
Advanced Instructional Systems, Inc.
Aetna Foundation, Inc.
Bank of America Charitable Foundation
Caterpillar Foundation
Cisco Foundation
Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation
Duke Energy
ExxonMobil Foundation
GE Foundation
GlaxoSmithKline Foundation
ITW Foundation
Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies
Macy’s Foundation
Norfolk Southern Foundation
Pfizer Foundation
PNC Foundation
Red Hat
The Duke Energy Foundation
Verizon Foundation
XL America
Specialty Sponsors
Dr. James B. Congleton
Ashley Baxter Curry
Harris, Creech, Ward & Blackerby, P.A. and
Bonnie J. Refinsky-Knight and J. Dean Knight
Howard, Stallings, From, Hutson, Atkins, Angell &
Davis, P.A.
Mr. and Mrs. W.G. Champion Mitchell
Pamlico Distributing Co.
Ward and Smith, P.A.
Wells Fargo Advisors
Williams Scarborough Smith Gray LLP
Maggy Costandy Interiors, Inc.
Duke Energy
Garris Evans Lumber Co.
Segal Family Charities
Helmut and Carmen Weisser
Edward Jones/Kevin Page
Dr. Bernard and Ruth Levin
Gifts in Kind
Foster Family Fund
Sally Anger
Sandy Bruno
Alessandro Cagiati
Janet Dixon
Gary Gowans
Jim Herring
Dee Mayer
Gee Vee Meyer
Chris Morgan
Dan Nelson
Jack Saylor
Elizabeth Spencer
Hunter Stephenson
Daphne Thomas
Catherine Thornton
Vicki Vitale
Gold Sponsor
Platinum Sponsor
Nicholas C. Sparks
Diamond Sponsor
Minges Bottling Group
Silver Sponsors
Bengel Hospitality
CarolinaEast Health System
PotashCorp - Aurora
Laura Overman
R A L E I G H , N C
3700 Glenwood Ave, Suite 130, Raleigh, NC 27612
Printing of the 2014/15 Report to the Community is courtesy of Jerry’s Printing Service
Statewide Impact
Serving the state with great performances of orchestral music and music education
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
production with UNCSA
Counties served by
North Carolina Symphony
performances in 2014 and 2015
Counties also served by North Carolina Symphony
education programs and performances
in 2014 and 2015
Gr eene
Caswell Person
de ota
am squ
String Quartet performed for
Hertford County students at
Chowan University
Pianist Gabriel Crist won 2015
Junior Division of the Bryan
Youth Concerto Competition
Pianist Kiffen Loomis won
2015 Senior Division of
the Bryan Youth Concerto
UNCSA students rehearsed
Beethoven’s 5th Symphony
with NCS
Two-day residency at
ASU concluding with
students performing
side-by-side with NCS
( WATA U G A )
1,000 students from Robeson
County Schools heard education
String Quartet performed a PNC
Grow Up Great Music Discovery
program for Pre-K students
The North Carolina Symphony, in grateful acknowledgment of its generous grant-in-aid,
performs under the auspices of the state of North Carolina, the Honorable Pat McCrory, Governor.
( DARE )
Woodwind Quintet performed
Peter and the Wolf for elementary
school students
Free outdoor “Concerts in
Your Community” program

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