Annual Report 2007 - National Aquarium
Annual Report 2007 - National Aquarium
the green life annual report 2007 National Aquarium in Baltimore 2007 Annual Report green everywhere 2 Dear Friends, In 2007, all the talk was about “being green,” from recycling programs, to environmentally friendly green cleaning products, to carbon footprints and hybrid vehicles. It has been a remarkable year: most of us have gained a better understanding of the fragility of this planet and about how our day-to-day activities impact its well being. Increasingly, conserving and protecting our natural resources frames everyday choices at the Aquarium. Simply stated it has been central to our mission since we opened in 1981. The Aquarium has the unique opportunity to demonstrate actions large and small that can lessen the impact humans have on our environment. To that end, being “green” is becoming an integral part of every workday. We continually strive to improve our own practices and embrace multiple recycling efforts, including composting kitchen waste, printing on recycled paper, and taking other steps to make the thoughtful choices that mitigate our environmental impact. Through our true-to-nature exhibits, school outreach projects, and wetland restoration, we demonstrate ways our visitors and community can become involved. For our staff, we’ve introduced rewards for green commuting, launched an internal conservation committee to recommend best practices, and increased back office recycling programs. Our organization has recommitted to inspiring people to enjoy, respect, and protect our aquatic world. As you turn these pages, I hope you consider the thoughtful choices you too can make to lessen your impact on our fragile Earth. Recycle. Be mindful of using excess lawn chemicals that can wash into local waters. Consider taking one less drive each week. And get started by planting this report’s handmade envelope in your own backyard. Embedded with wildflower seeds, your envelope has the potential to bloom beautifully and grow into a habitat and food source for local species, like butterflies. We are grateful to you – our friends and partners – for your support, and excited to be green with you in future years. Thank you. David M. Pittenger Michael J. Batza Jr. Executive DirectorChair, BOARD OF DIRECTORS 3 conserving resources Choosing recycled paper and, in turn, recycling it gives a second life to a product we use daily. The Aquarium uses high-quality, recycled paper in offices, brochures, handouts, maps, mailings, Watermarks magazine, and the Annual Report you hold in your hands (its accompanying envelope is made of non-wood fiber paper). Even plates and napkins in the Aquarium cafes are made of recycled material. According to calculations from the Environmental Defense Fund, by choosing recycled paper, the Aquarium saved more than 150 trees, millions of BTUs of energy, and more than 70,000 gallons of water last year. The Aquarium also recycles used paper. Since joining Abitibi’s Paper Retriever program last May, more than 8,000 pounds have been recycled. That 4-plus tons of paper translates into more than 17,000 kilowatt-hours of energy and 26 cubic yards of landfill saved. TIP You can save trees and reduce landfill waste in meaningful ways by choosing products with minimal packaging, using cloth napkins instead of paper, and paying your bills electronically. 6 green paper 7 Aquarium staff are encouraged to do their part to help save our planet. Each year, every Aquarium employee gets a paid Conservation Day to join a conservation activity like the Fort McHenry wetland cleanup. Staffers also help support a number of other conservation efforts, including Earth Day, Baltimore Green Week, and International Migratory Bird Month. And every month, the Aquarium recognizes and rewards three staff members who embody its conservation ethos and conserve natural resources by walking, biking, carpooling, or taking mass transit to work. green team TIP Pitch in on a river or park cleanup in your area. You’ll be doing good things for the planet and having fun at the same time! 9 reducing strain on the environment Save electricity, save energy – save the planet. With all the heaters, chillers, pumps, lights, and climate controls in the Aquarium’s multiple buildings, energy consumption can add up. So wherever possible, we install powersaving lights and bulbs. Energy-thirsty incandescent bulbs in the Aquarium’s office areas are being replaced by energy-stingy compact fluorescent lighting. In areas that aren’t used often, the Aquarium has installed motion sensors that turn off lights automatically when they’re not needed. And once lighting materials have outlived their usefulness, the Aquarium has them recycled or destroyed rather than dumped in a landfill. TIP Turning off lights when you leave the room helps both the environment and your wallet. Consider ceiling fans – they are cheaper to run than turning down the thermostat. And shade trees cool a house while turning carbon dioxide into oxygen and beautifying the yard. 12 green power 13 TIP Look for groups that could benefit from your gently-used equipment. Donate used cell phones to the Aquarium’s Conservation team – through an arrangement with Sprint, the Aquarium is rewarded for each reclaimed cell phone. 14 green technology The lifespan of computer equipment can be short. To lessen the environmental impact of these vital business tools, the Aquarium’s Information Technology Department regularly recycles computer equipment and peripherals. Outdated computers, printers, and other equipment are donated to CDM eCycling, which refurbishes any reusable equipment, and then donates it through its Second Life program to charities and other nonprofit organizations that otherwise could not afford this technology. And when CDs, DVDs, and floppy disks used to record, store, and share information wear out, the Aquarium works with a company called GreenDisk to recycle this “technotrash” instead of clogging landfills and contaminating soil and ground water with harmful chemicals. reclaiming & creating habitat TIP Americans produce an average of 4.5 pounds of trash every day. You can lower your own average by reusing what you can – bring water in a reusable container rather than buying plastic bottles, and skip the store’s plastic bags and sport a reusable Aquarium shopping bag. 18 green everyday Every effort counts when it comes to going green. It’s the plates and napkins in the Aquarium cafes that are made of recycled material and are both biodegradable and compostable. It’s the green roof, which is home to a variety of plant life, installed on the new Aquarium building. It’s the new green line of products offered in the Aquarium’s shops. It’s the Cafe’s composting program. It’s the bike racks installed on Pier 3 to encourage people to pedal to the Aquarium. And, above all, it’s through everyday thoughtful choices that Aquarium staff and volunteers preserve and protect our planet. 2007 recap Chesapeake Bay Initiative: 2007 marked the 10th anniversary of the ambitious Chesapeake Bay Initiative. Using seven wetland restoration projects as living classrooms, the Aquarium has deployed dozens of volunteers from communities around the Bay to restore wetlands, shore up eroding coastline, rebuild habitats for migratory birds, and engage students in conservation. In 2007 alone, volunteers and staff stabilized an acre of coastal dune, planted 34,000 units of wetland grass, removed 45,574 pieces of debris from an urban wetland, installed more than 800 native shrubs and plants, and engaged students from 15 schools in educational activities and field trips. A FAMILY’S GIFT: Young Chad Muehlhauser was entranced by the Aquarium. To honor his memory, in 2007 Chad’s family created The Chad William Muehlhauser Education Fund, in the hope that supporting the Aquarium’s education programs will allow children to experience the same excitement and connection with the aquatic world that had so delighted Chad. As the owners of the popular Rams Head Live!, the Muehlhausers earmarked 10 cents from each ticket sold at Rams Head Live!, Rams Head Annapolis, and Pier Six Pavilion over the next five years toward the fund – in all, a pledge of $50,000. To augment this contribution, ticket purchasers are given the opportunity to donate to the fund through the Rams Head web site. The Aquarium is deeply grateful to the Muehlhauser family for their generosity and support, and look forward to continuing school outreach programs in Chad’s memory. 4-D THEATER OPENING: In 2007, the Lyn P. Meyerhoff Auditorium was transformed into an exhilarating 4-D Immersion Theater that introduced the high definition drama of a 3-D film and special sensory effects that virtually transport viewers into the action. Aquatic-themed films such as BBC’s Planet Earth give visitors an exciting, multi-dimensional way to connect to our underwater world. TECHNOLOGY TOOLS: introduced an exciting new planning function and more online ticketing options. Unveiled in May, the new Online Trip Planner allows visitors to learn about the programs and events happening on the day they plan to visit, and to print a customized itinerary to guide their journey here. Visitors can purchase tickets electronically and be ready to visit. Since its debut, more than 35,500 individual trips have been planned this way. Visit to plan your next trip online! FOSTER CARE IN MARINE ANIMALS: On September 9, the Aquarium welcomed the newest addition to the dolphin colony – a male Atlantic bottlenose dolphin. While every birth is special, this calf also had the unusual benefit of being cared for attentively by three lactating females. Named “Foster” because of these special relationships, the calf appears to be thriving and independent, is learning to interact with trainers and toys, and is beginning to enjoy fish – important skills for a young dolphin. Aquarium marine mammal trainers are encouraged by the calf’s robust health, and visitors are delighted by him. Dolphins are important to supporting the Aquarium’s mission – we believe that when visitors are drawn in by these charismatic animals, it becomes important to them to protect dolphins’ natural habitat. VOLUNTEERS – THE FUEL IN OUR ENGINE: Aquarium volunteers come from all walks of life and with varied backgrounds and experiences that all contribute to the excitement and high energy of a visit to the Aquarium. This year our nearly 600 active volunteers lent their skills to assist as exhibit guides, herpetology and aviculture assistants and divers, and in areas as diverse as horticulture and animal rescue. Their more than 113,000 hours of volunteerism in 2007 brought immeasurable benefit to the Aquarium. MAYOR’s BUSINESS RECOGNITION AWARD: In December 2007, the National Aquarium in Baltimore was awarded the Mayor’s Business Recognition Award honoring businesses that demonstrated significant corporate leadership and service for a better Baltimore and that committed their resources to improving the quality of life in Baltimore City. The Conservation Department at the National Aquarium was recognized for taking a leadership role in restoring a 10-acre tidal wetland bordering Baltimore City’s Fort McHenry and for its work to enhance the environment, restore wetlands, and develop a new generation of environmental stewards. TERRAPIN LOBBY: Two of the Aquarium’s diamondback terrapins appeared before the Maryland State Legislature in support of a bill to ban the commercial harvest of diamondback terrapins from the Chesapeake Bay. Along with several Aquarium staff members, the two helped the historic bill become law in April of 2007. The law marks the first year since the 1820s that diamondback terrapins will not be taken from the Bay to feed commercial food market demand. 2007 recap CAPTIVE BREEDING OF AUSTRALIAN FRESHWATER TURTLES: In 2007, two turtles of a newly described species of Australian turtle, the Kimberly longneck (Macrochelodina walloyarrina) hatched in Animal Planet Australia: Wild Extremes. The adults were collected in 2004 by a team that included Jack Cover and John Seyjagat but were only recently determined by Australian scientists to represent a new species. Our turtles are the only representatives of this species held outside of Australia. MARP ON THE JOB: With 24 rescues and dozens of outreach programs that promote ocean health, the Marine Animal Rescue Program stayed busy in 2007. One favorite patient was “Cookie,” a gray seal pup found stranded in Ocean City, Maryland in February. Before release, she was fitted with a satellite tag provided by the Riverhead Foundation for Marine Research and Preservation, which transmitted information about her travels. Cookie’s return to the ocean was followed enthusiastically by visitors to, where for six months the Aquarium tracked her movements and allowed web visitors to view the 6,147 miles she traveled. Stories like Cookie’s help the Aquarium forge emotional connections with people and highlight the living, breathing reasons to preserve our aquatic world. A PARTNER FOR AQUAPARTNERS: Thanks to a generous grant of $464,381 from Toyota USA Foundation – the largest in its history – the Aquarium can continue its long partnership with the Baltimore City Public School System and offer the AquaPartners program. Through AquaPartners, more than 1,500 Baltimore City 4th and 5th grade students and their teachers engage in hands-on science programs at their schools, enjoy field trips to the Aquarium, and venture to the Bay to put into action what they’ve learned. This kind of support is critical to providing up-close, educational experiences that raise interest in the sciences and encourage stewardship of the Chesapeake Bay. BIRD BIRTHS IN THE RAIN FOREST: The Aquarium continues to lead the flock with bird breeding in the Upland Tropical Rain Forest. As the nation’s leading facility in reproducing the white-tailed trogon, the Aquarium has provided nine chicks to other institutions since the original pair arrived in 1997. Aided by a camera in the nest box, staff observed egg laying and chick-rearing behaviors, and three chicks fledged successfully in 2007. This year the Rain Forest also became home to the country’s first captiveborn green and gold tanager, and the chick was hand reared by Rain Forest aviculturists. TIP Recycle this annual report, and plant its handmade envelope – it is embedded with seeds and has the potential to bloom beautifully and become a habitat and food source for local species. Tips and statistics in this annual report came from a variety of sources, including: l Internal Conservation Committee, National Aquarium in Baltimore l Conservation Department, National Aquarium in Baltimore l The Environmental Defense Fund, 1875 Connecticut Ave, NW, Suite 600, Washington, DC 20009, l Abitibi Paper Retriever, l 365 Ways to Live Green, Your Guide to Saving the Environment, by Diane Gow McDilda, Copyright © 2008, Adams Media l Challenge your workplace or your family to adopt green practices whether big or small, and recognize and reward each other for sticking with them. These actions – even the small ones done over time and by enough people – make a difference to our Earth. The Green Book, by Elizabeth Rogers and Thomas M. Kostigen, Copyright © 2007, Three Rivers Press 23 green totals 24 Attendance number of visitors General Admission Education Group sales Members Others 986,014 165,139 131,912 163,018 13,643 1,459,726 Total Revenues Admissions Contributions and Grants General Memberships Gift Shop Groups and Education Program Revenue Catered Events and Food Service Corporate and Promotional Revenue Other Revenue Investment Income dollars percent 20,253,166 6,894,872 2,626,465 1,626,047 3,719,215 1,525,876 1,072,763 176,639 405,276 46 16 6 4 8 4 2 0 1 Change in Net Assets $ 5,751,680 13 Total $ 44,051,999 100% Expenses dollars Plant Operations Depreciation Biological Programs Visitor Operations Education Catered Events and Food Service General Memberships General and Administrative Debt Service Payments to Aquarium Affiliates Marketing Development percent 7,342,267 7,417,214 5,710,512 3,532,413 3,702,165 211,442 931,214 4,343,773 1,600,317 3,896,198 4,406,498 957,986 17 17 13 8 8 0 2 10 4 9 10 2 Change in Net Assets $ 0 0 Total $ 44,051,999 100% The operating highlights cover the calendar year for the National Aquarium in Baltimore, Inc., and are based upon information contained in the audited consolidated financial statements of the National Aquarium Institute, Inc. Copies of this report are available for examination by responsible parties at the Aquarium’s office located at 501 East Pratt Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21202. Documents filed in accordance with the Maryland Charitable Organizations Solicitations Act may be obtained from the Maryland Secretary of State. 25 recognizing our supporters 2007/2008 leadership National Aquarium in Baltimore Board of Directors Ms. Renée Bronfein Ades National Aquarium in Baltimore Foundation Board of Directors Mr. Michael J. Batza, Jr. (CHAIR) Mr. Michael J. Batza, Jr. Ms. Ann K. Beegle The Honorable Stephanie Rawlings Blake (Ex-Officio) Mr. Neal D. Borden (VICE CHAIR) Mr. Howard P. Colhoun Mr. Neal D. Borden Mr. Mark M. Collins, Jr. Mr. David R. Bowen Mr. Edward J. Gallagher The Honorable Elijah E. Cummings Mr. Randall M. Griffin Mr. Wayne K. Curry Mr. Richard E. Hug Mr. James M. Dale Mr. Charles E. Knudsen III, CFA Mrs. Jane W. I. Droppa (SECRETARY) Mr. David M. Pittenger Mr. Andrew L. Good Mrs. Mary R. Graul Mr. Randall M. Griffin Mr. Frank A. Gunther, Jr. (Governor Emeritus) Mr. Mohannad F. Jishi Mr. John G. McCormick The Honorable Brian McHale Mr. William D. Norton (TREASURER) Mr. Thomas O’Neill Mr. Donald S. Pettit Dr. David J. Ramsay (CALC REPRESENTATIVE) Mr. William R. Roberts (Chair Elect) Mr. Mark Sapperstein The Honorable William Donald Schaefer (Life Governor) Mr. Timothy C. Scheve (IMMEDIATE PAST CHAIR) Mr. Richard H. Schwartz Mrs. Nina Selin 28 (Ex-Officio) Ms. Jennifer W. Reynolds (CHAIR) Mr. Kenneth H. Trout National Aquarium Society Board of Directors Center for Aquatic Life and Conservation Board of Directors Mr. James Bowers Ms. Kimberley Amprey Flowers Mr. Randall M. Griffin Mr. Roger McManus Mr. Robert A. Peck Mr. B. Dwight Perry (VICE CHAIR) Mr. John Porcari Mrs. Nina Selin Mr. Ross Simons Ms. Tamika Langley Tremaglio Mr. Michael J. Batza, Jr. (TREASURER) Mr. Peter S. Welles (CHAIR) Dr. Daniel Wubah Institute Management Council David M. Pittenger, Executive Director Mr. Mark Bearman Denise Aranoff-Brown, Mr. Neal D. Borden John Goodenow, Dr. Torrey C. Brown, F.A.C.P. Mr. Marc Bunting Ms. Ivy B. Burg Mr. Randall M. Griffin Mr. Ronald H. Lipscomb Mr. David M. Pittenger (Ex-Officio) Dr. David J. Ramsay (CHAIR) Mr. Mark Sapperstein Mr. Peter S. Welles Ms. Michele Whelley Senior Director of Marketing Senior Director of Development Bruce S. Hoffberger, Deputy Executive Director for Administration and Chief Financial Officer Robert A. Ramin, Executive Director for the National Aquarium in Washington, DC Paula S. Schaedlich, Deputy Executive Director for Programs and Operations Kathy A. Sher, Deputy Executive Director for External Affairs Brent R. Whitaker, D.V.M., Deputy Executive Director for Biological Programs contributors Lifetime Giving The National Aquarium in Baltimore exists today because of the leadership and continuing support of the entire community. The following list recognizes those who have contributed a total of $200,000 or more since the Aquarium opened through December 31, 2007. Legg Mason, Inc. M&M/Mars National Science Foundation Pepsi-Cola Company St. Paul Travelers Foundation Tetra/Second Nature Toyota Toyota USA Foundation Verizon $1,000,000 and above $200,000-$499,999 Baltimore City Baltimore County Executive, County Council, and Commission on Arts and Sciences The Jacob and Hilda Blaustein Foundation, Inc. France-Merrick Foundation Institute of Museum and Library Services The Kresge Foundation M&T Bank Maryland State Department of Education Mr. Harvey M. Meyerhoff The Joseph Meyerhoff Memorial Trusts Sodexho State of Maryland The Times Mirror Foundation The Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Foundation AEGON USA, Inc. Anne Arundel County Government AT&T Wireless The William G. Baker, Jr. Memorial Fund The Baltimore Sun Michael J. and Patricia K. Batza, Jr. The Black and Decker Corporation The Henry and Ruth Blaustein Rosenberg Foundation Chesapeake Bay Trust The Classic Catering People The Coca-Cola Company First Union Corporation The Harry L. Gladding Foundation/ Neal and Winnie Borden H&S Bakery, Inc. Harford County Government Hoffberger Foundation, Inc. Howard County Government/ Howard County Arts Council Hyatt Regency Baltimore Mr. George Lambillotte Lockheed Martin Maryland Port Administration The Sumner T. McKnight Foundation Middendorf Foundation, Inc. The Curtis and Edith Munson Foundation Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems $500,000-$999,999 The Abell Foundation, Inc. Helen and Merrill Bank Bank of America Constellation Energy Deutsche Bank Alex. Brown Larry and Jane Droppa Howard Hughes Medical Institute M includes a matching gift PNC Bank Procter & Gamble Cosmetics Rosemore, Inc. The Rouse Company The Ryland Group Richard H. Schwartz SunTrust Bank Tremont Suite Hotels T. Rowe Price Venable LLP The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company W.R. Grace & Co. Annual Giving The Aquarium’s world-class past – and exciting future – would not be possible without the generous support of special friends who make annual contributions above and beyond their membership dues. These contributions help us achieve our mission, which grows more pressing and far-reaching every year. Annual contributions in support of day-to-day Aquarium needs: $25,000 and above Larry and Jane Droppa Mr. George Lambillotte $10,000-$24,999 Ms. Mary Catherine Bunting Dex Imaging of Maryland, LLC The Harry L. Gladding Foundation/ Neal and Winnie Borden The Aquarium’s significant achievements were not accomplished easily or alone. Our plans and good intentions continue to become realities only through cooperation, alliances, and partnerships formed with individuals, groups, and institutions that share our commitment to the protection and preservation of the environment. You can become a partner in sharing the Aquarium’s vision by making a contribution, planning a legacy gift, or becoming a corporate sponsor. Call 410-576-3876 for more information. contributors $5,000-$9,999 Michael J. and Patricia K. Batza, Jr. The Herbert Bearman Foundation, Inc. The J.C. Crothers Foundation, Inc. Rosalee and Dick Davison Mr. and Mrs. Harold F. Graul, Jr. Mr. Mohannad Jishi Don and Joan Pettit Jennifer and George Reynolds Timothy and Ann Scheve Mrs. Nina E. Selin Dr. and Mrs. Michael Wise Blair Lee Barton Mr. Daniel A. Beebe Dr. Don and Mrs. Julie Berkow The Beveridge Family Mr. and Mrs. Max Bohnstedt Bill and Rose Marie Bowles Mr. William T. Brower Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Bryson Ms. Elizabeth Buck and Ms. Judith Buck Rusins J. Henry Butta Mr. and Mrs. David Clapp Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Clem Peter and Sita Culman Mr. James M. Dale Mr. and Mrs. Owen Daly II Tim and Amy Davis Mr. and Mrs. Emanuele I. Dicasagrande Mrs. Margaret W. Dulaney The Eliasberg Family Foundation, Inc. Adam R. Fein and Linda Keithan-Fein JoAnn and Jack Fruchtman Richard G. Garrett Gary and Lesley Geisel Mr. and Mrs. John D. Goodenow Mr. and Mrs. Charles Goodwin Frank and Mary Ellen Gunther Jessy and John Halaby Mr. F. Barton Harvey Mr. and Mrs. John Hoey Harley W. Howell Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Hug James and Carol Hyde Dr. and Mrs. John B. Imboden William and Tina Keithley The Abraham and Ruth Krieger Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Oliver R. Landow Mr. Andrew Lapayowker and Ms. Sarah McCafferty M $2,500-$4,999 Mr. Marc G. Bunting The Campbell Foundation, Inc. Howard P. Colhoun Mr. Martin E. Curran, Jr. Wayne Curry Charitable Fund Mr. Andrew L. Good Rand and Cheryl Griffin Linda and Bruce Halle The Hecht-Levi Foundation, Inc. Bruce, Caren, Bret, and Corie Hoffberger Mr. John G. McCormick David J. Ramsay, D.M., D.Phil. Team Riley: Whitney, Lee, Gavin, and Austin William R. Roberts Brian and Mary Jo Rogers Mr. and Mrs. W. Charles Rogers III Mr. Henry A. Rosenberg, Jr. Mark and Stacy Sapperstein Richard H. Schwartz Kenneth H. Trout Ms. C. Elizabeth Wagner M M $1,000-$2,499 Renee and Stanton Ades 30 M Mr. and Mrs. John K. Larabee Theresa and Jay Leatherbury Traci and Mark Lerner John G. Lewis The Andrew London Family The Dr. Frank C. Marino Foundation Pirkko and James McBride Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Merrick III John and Mary Messmore Ms. Sally J. Michel The Lloyd E. Mitchell Foundation Colleen and Sabrina Morris John Wesley Nash Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Novak, Jr. Thomas and Kimberly O’Neill Mr. B. Dwight Perry Mr. Michael P. Pinto Dave Pittenger and Twig George Gary and Joan Pyne Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Quinn, Jr. Mrs. Eleanor R. Riggs The Salsbury Family The Honorable William Donald Schaefer Donald P. Seibert Ms. Carole Small Dr. John F. Strahan Sullivan Family Foundation Gary L. and Sharen A. Thomas The Turrall Family University of Maryland Baltimore Foundation, Inc. Venable LLP Ms. Beatrice L. Ward Joan and Fred Ward Barbara and David Weaver Dr. and Mrs. Karl H. Weaver Mr. and Mrs. Larry Wilbur $500-$999 Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Aiken Paul and Donna Amico Reverend and Mrs. Stephen M. Anderson Robert and Dorothy Bair Mr. and Mrs. George D. Baker John and Suzanne Baker Ms. Io Betley and Mr. Ernesto Perez Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Bitzelberger Mr. and Mrs. Wallace E. Boston, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Matt C. Bradbury Mr. Sean Brandt and Ms. Dorothy Herman Mr. and Mrs. David E. Brown Mr. David R. Calhoun and Ms. Jane D. J. Daniels Caplan Family Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Carter Ms. Nancy Clack and Ms. Kate McGee Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Clare Dr. and Mrs. Steven Clarfield Caroline A. Coleman Mr. and Mrs. S. Christopher Costa The Honorable Elijah E. Cummings Ms. Donna Daugherty Mr. and Mrs. Rodney W. Frame Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Friedman Mr. and Mrs. Philip Gallant Mr. and Mrs. Rick Gay Ms. Linda L. George Dr. and Mrs. Edward Goldberg Mark and Carol Goodman Dr. David Granite and Dr. Mary Lou Oster-Granite Shirley C. Grimes Mr. and Mrs. Dean Haddle Mr. and Mrs. James T. Handa Donald and Melanie Heacock Mr. and Mrs. Ian R. Henderson Mr. and Mrs. Dale Howell M M includes a matching gift contributors Mr. Bruce E. Johnson and Ms. Cynthia L. Steinkamp Mr. and Mrs. Daryl L. Keller Mr. and Mrs. Anthony S. Kelly, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. James P. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Kern, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kent F. Knutson Mr. H. Kirke Lathrop Alan and Anne Ledbetter Mr. and Mrs. Earl L. Linehan Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Mannes Ruth Marder Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Mayer Ms. Pamela J. Mazza and Mr. Christopher B. Cyrway Mr. Thomas J. McKelvey III Dr. and Mrs. John P. McLaughlin Drs. Kraig and Katherine Melville Ms. Barbara A. Meyd Mr. Edgar L. Miller, Jr. Rob, Karen, and Mickey Mintiens Mr. and Mrs. David C. Moylan Mr. Charles E. Noell and Ms. Barbara Voss Dr. and Mrs. Charles Allen Padgett Mr. Eric Parr Mr. and Mrs. George W. Perkins Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. Poggi Mark and Joanne Pollak Mr. and Mrs. David D. Prescott Phoebe and Bob Reynolds Ms. Betty J. Rice Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Rieu Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Roberson Cynthia and Peter Rosenwald Foundation Mr. and Mrs. J. Mark Schapiro Mr. and Mrs. Benton H. Schaub, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Seipel, Jr. Mr. Kevin Shaughnessy and Ms. Desiree DeZanger M M M M M includes a matching gift Mr. Thomas V. Shepley and Ms. Nancy Vander Velde Joel and Kathy Sher Mr. and Mrs. Yoshinobu Shiota Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Smelkinson Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Sokolov Mr. Jack Steil Mr. and Mrs. Gideon N. Stieff, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. George C. Stone Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Douglas Sypolt Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Timmins III Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tychinski Mr. Alex Vladimir Mr. and Mrs. Scott Walton Mr. and Mrs. Brian D. Weese Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Wehmer Ms. Michele Whelley Ms. Betty Ann White Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Wiese Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Wyskiel Mr. Christopher M. Zarnosky M $250-$499 Anonymous (5) Mr. and Mrs. Francis E. Abbey June K. Abel and Leonard L. Abel Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Achtner Mr. and Mrs. David Ackerman Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Ackerman, Jr. Mr. Bruce A. Adams and Ms. Kalyn Bruin Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Addicks Dr. Janice G. Agazio and Mr. Tim Agazio Mr. and Mrs. Jiro Akiyama Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Alberts Mr. Calvin J. Alt, Jr. and Ms. Michele Sartain Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Amtower Mr. and Mrs. Richard Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Tom A. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Jayant R. Anjaria Ms. Carol Annechino and Ms. Faith Calhoun Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Anthony Mr. and Mrs. Steven Arczynski Mr. and Mrs. Gary E. Arnold, Jr. Mr. Nigel K. Atherley and Ms. Cecilia Chang Mr. and Mrs. Richard Attilio Dr. Jeffrey I. Auerbach and Ms. Terry H. Tretter Dr. Rula Azizi and Mr. Sayed Q. Azizi Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Baars Mr. William Badecker and Ms. Kathy Straub Mr. and Mrs. Gary K. Bahena Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bak Lewis J. Baker Mr. and Mrs. Chad I. Bankert Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Banks Dr. and Mrs. Michael T. Barbour Jean J. Barry Mr. and Mrs. Keane G. Bartizal Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Bartley Mr. and Mrs. James H. Barton III Dr. Craig N. Bash and Dr. Margaret C. Bash Richard M. Basoco Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Bateman Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Baughman Ms. Anne S. Beach Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Bean II Mr. and Mrs. James C. Beattie Mr. and Mrs. Harold D. Beavers Mr. Eric D. Becker Mr. and Mrs. John W. Beckley Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Cecil Beeler Mr. and Mrs. Joesph Belgrasch Dr. and Mrs. Emile A. Bendit Mr. and Mrs. David C. Benfield Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Benjamin Mr. and Mrs. Grayson A. Bennett, Jr. Mr. Patrick L. Bentz and Ms. Annette L. Rush Robert and Cathleen Berger Mr. and Mrs. Victor Berger Mr. and Mrs. Rob Berkebile Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Berman Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Berruz Mr. and Mrs. Dale Stuart Betterton Mr. and Mrs. A.G.W. Biddle Mr. and Mrs. William F. Bisbee Mr. and Mrs. William A. Blattner Dr. and Mrs. Mordecai P. Blaustein Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bleam John and Carolyn Boitnott Mr. and Mrs. Rolando Bolus Mr. and Mrs. David M. Bonnichsen Mr. and Mrs. Adam Borden Mr. and Mrs. Gerald H. Borleis Mr. and Mrs. Jason Brand Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Brant Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Brasser Mr. and Mrs. Kevin D. Breeden Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Brengle Mrs. Mary Lynn M. Brett Mr. and Mrs. Scott Breza Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bricken Mr. and Mrs. Al Bright Mr. and Mrs. Raymond D. Brodnax Dr. Marcus G. Brown Mary Lou Brown Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Brown Mr. and Mrs. John C. Browning E. J. Bruen Mrs. Joseph Bryan III Ms. Ivy B. Burg Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Burt Mr. and Mrs. John Busic Ms. Sandra L. Butchart Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Calhoun, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Manley Paul Calhoun, Jr. M 31 contributors Ms. Lataisha Cannon and Mr. Frantz Cadet Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Cantner Mr. and Mrs. Jon Cantor Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Carrigan H. Christopher Carroll Mr. Omar Castillo and Ms. Plesah Mayo Mr. and Mrs. Anthony C. Castorani Mr. and Mrs. William Checkley Ms. Loreen L. Chesky and Ms. Amanda M. Parlette Mr. John Chester Mr. and Mrs. Chris Chester Mr. and Mrs. Alan K. Chiogioji Mr. and Mrs. Tom Chiu Mr. and Mrs. James W. Chlada Mr. and Mrs. Joel Christianson Dr. and Mrs. Paul Christianson Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Clark Mr. and Mrs. James A. Clauson Ms. Patricia J. Clay and Mr. Jack B. Booth Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cleland Mr. and Mrs. James D. Clover Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Howard K. Cohen Ms. Linda C. Cohen and Mr. Eric Warner Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Cohen Suzanne F. Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Sean C. Collins Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Colton Ms. Lisa M. Comeau and Mr. David Bayne Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Condor Mr. Lance Constien and Ms. Lina Shamir Ms. Holly Cook Betty Cooke and WM O. Steinmetz Danilo Romon M. Coronel, MD Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Covey 32 Mr. Michael R. Crider Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Crites Mr. Chris Crittenden and Ms. Sherry Gernhofer Mr. and Mrs. John E. Cumberland Robert S. Curreri Mr. and Mrs. Roger B. Cutter Mr. and Mrs. Jim S. Czarnecki Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Dahne Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne H. David Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Davis Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Mark Davison Sahar, Mark, Nathan, and Anna Dawisha-Schilling Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. DeFranceschi Mr. and Mrs. Gregg A. DeHoff Mr. Robert O. Deibler III Mr. and Mrs. Ronald DeLanois Mr. and Mrs. Rudy De Lateur Ms. Jane M. Delever and Mr. Jon Goilam Mr. and Mrs. W. Michael Dennin Mr. and Mrs. Matt Dennis Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Denzer Ms. Marie desJardins and Mr. John Park Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. D’Esposito Ms. Ruth E. Dewton and Ms. Wendy Cole Dr. and Mrs. James A. Dicke Dr. Mukund S. and Dr. Shailaja M. Didolkar Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Dinmore E. Florence Dogan Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Dolan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Donahue Mr. and Mrs. Scott E. Dorsey Mr. and Mrs. Dale W. Dotson Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dougherty Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Dow Mr. and Mrs. Brian C. Drake Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Drapeau Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Drigotas Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Duffy Mr. and Mrs. Ronald H. Dufresne Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dunbar Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dunn IV Mr. and Mrs. John W. Dwyer Robert H. Dyer, Jr. and L. Paige Marvel Mr. and Mrs. David A. Eckersley Barbara and Louis Ehrlich Ms. Karen S. Elliott and Mr. Walter Massey Mr. and Mrs. David Endicott Mr. and Mrs. Erik K. Endler Dr. and Mrs. Rainer Engel Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Enoch Ms. Krista Evans and Mr. Joseph Prostredny Mr. Todd Evans and Ms. Lisa Cimino Ms. Elaine H. Faber and Ms. Debra Chiericoni Mrs. Sherrill M. Fachet Mr. and Mrs. Bernie J. Faloney Mr. and Mrs. William J. Farr Mr. and Mrs. James Fatheree Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Fedde Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey F. Feidelberg Mr. Bruce Feist and Mrs. Paula Goldman Mr. and Mrs. Mark Felder Mr. and Mrs. Blake Ferguson Ms. Debra Fieldhouse Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fischer Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Fitton Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Fitzsimons Mr. and Mrs. Jack B. Flechner Mr. and Mrs. Ryan M. Fleming Mr. and Mrs. Bruce W. Fleming Miss Karla K. Flores and Mrs. Ximena R. Vargas Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Flowers Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Foertsch Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Fox Dana and Wendy Frank Robert W. Frazier, MD Mr. and Mrs. John C. Frederick Mr. and Mrs. David W. Freitag Mr. and Mrs. Lou Friedman Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Frisch Ms. Sally L. Frodge Ms. Jean Fronapfel and Mr. James Peck Mr. and Mrs. Herman F. Fronefield M includes a matching gift contributors Dr. and Mrs. James M. Furukawa Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Galbraith Mr. and Mrs. Joe Galli Ms. Laura L. Gamble and Mr. Robert W. Gillison Mr. and Mrs. Philip Gardner Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Gardner Ms. Catherine C. Garofalo and Mr. Brandon Miller Mr. and Mrs. Neal R. Garverick Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Gaskin Ms. Helen Gasper and Mr. Joseph Duklewski Mr. and Mrs. Brian Gasser Mr. and Mrs. Alan Geber Mr. and Mrs. Brian K. Geiger Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan M. Genn Dr. Kathryn and Mr. Arthur C. George Ms. Sandra Levi Gerstung Mr. and Mrs. Leonard G. Getschel, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Keith E. Getter Dr. Ann C. Gettes Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Getzenberg Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Gilmore Dr. David Gius and Dr. Zena Leah Harris Mr. and Mrs. Kent Goble Ms. Patricia E. and Karen Goebert Ms. Ruby Golch Ms. Laura M. Gold Mr. and Mrs. Ned D. Goldberg Mr. and Mrs. Barton J. Goldenberg Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Goldman Mr. and Mrs. Pete H. Goller Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Gotlin Mr. and Mrs. Dale E. Gough Mr. and Mrs. Dean Gray Dr. Bert F. Green, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David Green Mr. and Mrs. Ted Green Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Greenberg Mr. and Mrs. Alan L. Greenblatt M M M includes a matching gift Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Greene Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Greenman Mr. and Mrs. Karl Greninger Ms. Kimberly S. Grimsley Mr. and Mrs. Matthew D. Gruner Mr. and Mrs. Ira Gubernick Ms. Kirstin Gulling and Ms. Brita Strandberg Ms. Linda C. Gundersen and Mr. Joseph P. Smoot Mr. and Mrs. Gary Gusler Drs. Mary and Felix Gyi Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Hagar Mr. Erich K. Hahn and Ms. Teresa D. Fawley Mr. and Mrs. H. Bard Halladay Mr. and Mrs. Erik Halvorsen Mr. Eric Hamill and Ms. Ariane E. Cerlenko Mr. and Mrs. Gregory F. Handlir Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Hanna, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Harbus Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Hardiman Mr. and Mrs. Kelvin D. Hardy The Harley Family Mr. and Mrs. James Harlow Mr. and Mrs. David Hartman Mr. and Mrs. John R. Hauge Mr. Charles Hawkins and Ms. Wendy Ness Mr. and Mrs. David Healy Tim and Denise Hearn Mr. and Mrs. Allan B. Heaver Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Heerdt Mr. Robert I. Heger Mr. and Mrs. Clinton M. Heine Mr. and Mrs. Mark Helman Dr. and Mrs. Donald A. Henderson Doris T. Hendricks Mr. and Mrs. Justin T. Hendrickson Mr. and Mrs. Randall R. Henggeler Dr. and Mrs. Robert G. Hennessy Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Herder, Jr. Messrs. Edgar J. and Guy E. Herman Mr. and Mrs. David P. Hermes Jean and Harry Hetherington Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Hettleman Mr. and Mrs. Patrick W. Hickey Robert L.C. High II Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Hill Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Hirschhorn Mr. and Mrs. David B. Hoffberger Mr. and Mrs. Christian R. Hoffman Bruce and Leslie Hoffmeister Mr. and Mrs. Brian D. Holbrook Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Holden Mr. and Mrs. Kent Hollinger Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hopkins Mr. and Mrs. John V. Hopkins William E. and B.J. Horn Ms. Nettie Horne and Ms. Suzanne Haynes Mr. and Mrs. William Howard Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Howey Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Hsieh Mr. Marvin Hsu and Mr. Hei-ti Hsu Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Huber Mr. and Mrs. James Hudec Jerry and Cindy Huesman Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Huey Mr. and Mrs. Roger T. Hughes Mr. Nik Hughes and Ms. Phyllis Robinson Mr. and Mrs. James D. Hulkenberg Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Hunt Mr. and Mrs. Dennis K. Hunter Mr. and Mrs. Keith Hurte Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Iadarola Mr. and Mrs. Masahiro Iwata Mr. and Mrs. D. Jablonski Ms. Doty J. Jackson and Ms. Elizabeth J. Westman M Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Jacobs Dr. Troy A. Jacobs and Dr. Kawsar R. Talaat Mr. and Mrs. Roger E. Jaynes III Mr. and Mrs. David L. Jennings Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Jewett Mr. and Mrs. John Jilek Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. J. Lloyd Johnson Ms. Lora Johnson and Mr. Ambre Parsons, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. W. Reed Johnston Dr. and Mrs. Raymond T. Jones Mr. and Mrs. John Jopling Mr. Max Herman Jordan, Jr. Ms. Hildegard Jorgensen Mr. and Mrs. James E. Judd Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Judkins Elizabeth Mary Juhasz Mr. and Mrs. Woo Y. Jung Dr. Karen M. Kabat Mr. and Mrs. William Kaczorowski Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kagan Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Kahan Marc and Riva Kahn Dr. and Mrs. Murray A. Kalish Thomas E. Kaltz and Mary Ellen Kaltz Mr. and Mrs. Martin Kamm Dr. and Mrs. Michael H. Kane Dr. and Mrs. Harry Kaplan Ms. Katrina Kardiasmenos and Mr. Charles G. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Karner Mr. and Mrs. Musbau Kasumu Drs. Jefferson Katims and Starr Parsons Joel and Wendy Katz Ms. Danielle N. Katzenberger and Mr. Christopher Lambert Mr. and Mrs. Ali Kazemzadeh Ms. Dorothy Keays 33 contributors Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Kehlet Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kemper Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin S. Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Kennedy Mr. Robert W. Kent and Miss Melissa A. Kent Mr. and Mrs. Sam Keo Mr. Charles Kesnig and Ms. Michelle Morgan Mr. Christopher Kim and Ms. Jane Lee Mr. and Mrs. Patrick F. Kindelan Mr. and Mrs. Steven King Dr. Suzanne C. Kinsella Mr. Chosei Kiyuna and Mr. Aaron Biddle Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Klein Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas R. Klein Mr. Philip E. Klein Ms. Amalia R. Knick and Mr. Michael J. Mahala Dr. Orly C. Korat and Dr. Lawrence R. Feldman Mr. and Mrs. Robert G Korbeck, Sr. Mr. Christian B. Korenczuk and Ms. Lisa Vowles Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Korwek Ms. Viginia Koury McCarty and Mr. Hyudmyla Koury Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kovacic Mr. and Mrs. Alan D. Kozlay Mr. and Mrs. Francis L. Kraft Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Krasauskis Mr. Dan J. Kroll Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Kuhn Ms. Amy Kyte and Mr. Arthur Devor Mr. and Mrs. Anthony V. Labesky Mr. and Mrs. Leopold Laitem Mr. and Mrs. Robert Landau Ms. Gail H. Landsman and Mr. William W. Reinhardt Mr. and Mrs. John H. Laporte Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Lawrence 34 Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Lawrence Mrs. Katharine K. Leab and Mrs. Abigail Leab-Martin Mr. Daniel Lee and Ms. Alisa Staub Mr. David Lee Mr. and Mrs. Paul William Leeper Ben and Kyle Legg Mr. and Mrs. William M. Legg Mr. and Mrs. Karl A. Leighton Dr. and Mrs. Harry J. Lessig Dr. and Mrs. Reuben Lev Ms. Anne Lewis and Mr. Peter Nord Ms. Margaret Lewis and Mr. Ken Earnest Mr. and Mrs. Bayani R. Libit Mr. and Mrs. Pascal Lim Doris and Reuben Lindenmuth Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Lloyd Ms. Christine Lofaro and Ms. Arline Ramsey Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Loh Mr. and Mrs. Wallace I. Longstreth III Ms. Debra Lopez and Ms. Karen Robertson Mr. H.M. Lopp II and Ms. Irene H. Reichert The Lord Family Dr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Loughlin Mr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Loveless Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lowden Mrs. Anita Lozenich and Ms. Yolanda Benavides Mr. and Mrs. Dana V. Lunceford Mr. and Mrs. Warren B. Lupson Ms. Bonnie J. Lushbaugh and Ms. Pat Hannum Ms. Leann Lydon and Mr. Earl Hedin Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Lyle Mr. and Mrs. William M. Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Lynch Mr. Thomas J. Lynch and Miss Theresa Marie Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Wingrove Lynton Mr. and Mrs. Alex Lysantri Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. MacAdam Amy Macht and George Grose Dr. David W. Machuga Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Mackall Paul and Anne Madden Mr. and Mrs. Sammy Mah Technical Sergeant and Mrs. Roderick O. Mance Mr. and Mrs. David Marcille Mr. and Mrs. Alan S. Margolies Mrs. Paula Mark and Ms. Illana Mark Dr. David H. Marlowe and Ms. Maria Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Miguel Marroquin Ms. Maria C. Marshall Mr. and Mrs. John Marsicano Mr. Jobe Martin and Ms. Sue Kim Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Matz Mr. David Maunder Dr. and Mrs. William Maxted Mr. and Mrs. Eddie McBride Christopher M. McCalla, Sr. Mr. Barton C. McCann Mr. and Mrs. Stewart W. McClure Ms. Gwendy McCoy and Ms. Jeanne Robinson Mr. and Mrs. John M. McDonald, Jr. Ms. Nancy McLay and Mr. Gary Pepper Mr. LeRoy B. McMillen and Ms. Jeanne Vargo Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McNamara Mr. and Mrs. David L. Meadows III Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Meilink, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Meitzler Mr. and Mrs. Eric Melchior Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Meyer Dr. and Mrs. Ramakant M. Mhatre Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Mietlicki Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mika Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Milan Dennis and Patricia Miller Mr. Karl J. Miller and Mr. Tyron F. Solorzano Mr. Michael P. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Myron Miller Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Miller Mr. T. Paul Miller Mr. and Mrs. James Milne Mr. and Mrs. Alfie Mingo Mr. and Mrs. John G. Mintiens Howard and Susan Miskimon Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Mohlmann Mr. and Mrs. Malik N. Momin Karen and John Moniz and Family Mr. and Mrs. Steve Monteith Mr. and Mrs. Michael Moore Dr. and Mrs. Donald A. Morrison Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Morton Mr. and Mrs. Lance Morton Mr. and Mrs. John Moy Mr. and Mrs. David Mudgett B. L. Mueller and Ms. Lucinda Shure Mr. and Mrs. Brian L. Mueller Mr. and Mrs. Randall R. Mullen Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher M. Munter Lieutenant Colonel and Mrs. George R. Murnyak Mr. and Mrs. N. James Myerberg Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Myers Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Myers Mr. and Mrs. Jerome F. Myers Mr. and Mrs. John A. Myrick Ms. Annette E. Nadeau and Ms. Veronique Nadeau Diane and Irvin Naylor Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Neagle Mr. and Mrs. Imad Nehme Kent and Anne Neibaur and Kendra Barton Ms. Elizabeth H. Nelson and Ms. Carolyn Pampanin M includes a matching gift contributors Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Neperud Mr. Isaac M. Neuberger Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Newsom Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nezu Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nicolaus Mr. and Mrs. Alok C. Nigam Mrs. Sharon A. Nightingale and Mr. Gerald E. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Nohe Mr. and Mrs. James M. Norris Mr. and Mrs. Mark Nugent Mr. and Mrs. Andrew F. Oechsler, Jr. Mr. Ben Omensky and Ms. Cynthia Zachrizs Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. Timothy O’Shaughnessy Mr. Emmanuel C. Osuji and Ms. Chelsea Harris Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Otto, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Oulton Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Outhwaite Chris and Jane Padgett Dr. and Mrs. David M. Paige Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence C. Pakula Mr. and Mrs. Drew H. Para Mr. and Mrs. Jose Paranilam Mr. and Mrs. Rob Parish Dr. and Mrs. Adrian E. Park Ms. Elizabeth R. Parker Mr. William M. Parker and Ms. Mary Beth Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Patterson Mr. Gregg E. Petersen and Ms. Shirley Reddoch Mr. and Mrs. Dale G. Petersen Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. Peterson Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Phalen Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Pham Mr. and Mrs. Tim Philipp Mr. John Phippen and Ms. Susan Burgess M includes a matching gift Dr. and Mrs. David Pierce Dr. and Mrs. Richard N. Pierson III Mr. and Mrs. Aaron R. Piper Ms. Carol A. Pochardt Ms. Renee Pomroy and Mr. James Walker Dr. and Mrs. Marc S. Posner Mr. and Mrs. David L. Postelnek Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Powell The P. R. F. B. Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Price Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan R. Price Mr. and Mrs. Phillip F. Pucher Mr. Randal K. Quarles and Ms. C. Hope Eccles Mr. and Mrs. Santos Quintanilla Mr. and Mrs. F. Thomas Rafferty Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Rahorn Mr. and Mrs. William J. Ramsey Mr. and Mrs. Ron P. Reagan G. Edward Reahl, Jr., MD Mr. and Mrs. Albert Receveur Mr. and Mrs. David Reddel Edith A. Redmiles Ms. Diana B. Reeves Matthew E. Rehak and Carol A. Rehak Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Reinhardt Mr. and Mrs. Beau J. Rennert Mr. and Mrs. Douglas F. Rhodovi Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Richmond Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rickwalder Betty Ann Rigney and Louis F. Marinelli Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. Rineer Mr. and Mrs. Jeff D. Ring The Ritter Family Mr. Barry Ritter and Ms. Christine Dockstader Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Rober Mr. and Mrs. Chris A. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. James G. Robinson Ms. Faira Rodriguez and Ms. Marina Rodriguez Mr. and Mrs. Jude Rodriguez Mr. and Mrs. Libaniel Rodriguez Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Rohn Ms. Alexandra Roosevelt and Mr. Ronald Dworkin Mr. George Rose and Ms. Judy A. Robertson Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Rosenquist Mr. and Mrs. Chris Ross Dr. Olga M. Rossello Patty Rouse Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rowell Lieutenant Colonel and Mrs. Robert D. Rumbaugh Dr. and Mrs. D. Henry Ruth Ms. Aline C. Ryan and Mr. Moncure N. Lyon III Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Rytter Mr. Gregory Saba Ms. Melissa Saddler and Mr. Joe Portera Mr. and Mrs. Leon J. Sadowski Dr. and Mrs. Marvin M. Sager Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Sailer Mr. and Mrs. William A. Samios Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sanchez Mr. Leonard C. Sandelli and Ms. Ana Sosa Mr. Anton Iman Santosa and Ms. Pungkiarti Thuri Wahyuni Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Satterfield, Jr. Robert, Kay, and Matthew Sauers Jay and Janice Savage Mr. and Mrs. Alton Scarborough Mr. and Mrs. Ronald H. Schack Mrs. Eleanor T. Schapiro-Russell and Ms. Martina Gillet Mr. Paul H. Schindelar Mr. and Mrs. Karl Schmitt Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Schuberth Lieutenant Colonel and Mrs. Douglas P. Schultz Drs. Penelope and William Scott Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Scott Mr. and Mrs. Stephen T. Scott Ms. Akiba Scroggins and Mr. Thomas Perry Mr. and Mrs. David M. Seager Mr. and Mrs. Stephen T. Sears Mr. Husam Semaan and Ms. Vanessa Macedo Ms. Andrea Shapiro and Mr. Aaron S. Zajic Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Shawver Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Shelley Mr. and Mrs. James Shepherd Mr. and Mrs. Scott Sheridan Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Shock, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Shultz Mr. and Mrs. John Siegel Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Sikorski Mr. and Mrs. George Silberzahn Ms. C. Lynne Silverman and Ms. Debra L. Kroll Mr. and Mrs. Harris J. Silverstone Dr. Eric Simball and Dr. Jan M. Koppelman Ms. Devika Singh and Mr. Kevin Leahy Dr. and Mrs. Kuldeep Singh Mr. and Mrs. Steven Sisney Mr. Gregory T. Skalla and Ms. Christine Manuelian Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Slade Mr. Scott M. Smiley Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Smith Mr. and Mrs. David A. Smith Mr. Gary R. Smith and Mr. Bruce Conger Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Smith Dr. and Mrs. Lex B. Smith 35 contributors Ms. Meredith J. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Michael Smith Mr. Keith R. Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Spence Mr. and Mrs. Brian Spirt Mr. Philip H. Spotts and Ms. Wendy E. Peiffer Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stahr Ms. Anne L. Stallsmith Mr. and Mrs. David Stamper Mr. and Mrs. David Standish Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Stanley Mr. and Mrs. William T. Starner Ms. Lisa A. Stern and Mr. Robert Rombro Mr. and Mrs. James Stetina R. ADM Albert H. Stevenson Mr. and Mrs. David Stickles Ron and Judy Stiff Mr. and Mrs. Clint Stinchcomb Mr. Robert P. Stockman Mr. and Mrs. Jim R. Stolarski Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stone Ms. Jackie G. Stout and Ms. Angela Overcash Leslie and John Stranford Mr. and Mrs. Andrew D. Strawbridge Mr. and Mrs. Phillip B. Strayer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Striedl Ms. Janet M. Strong and Mr. Jeff Spafford Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Stuck Ms. Sarojanie Sukhra and Mr. Raul Willem Mr. and Mrs. Neal E. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. William Surhoff Mr. and Mrs. Charles Suska III Mr. and Mrs. Lydon J. Swartzendruber Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Sweitzer Mr. and Mrs. William S. Talbott Mr. and Mrs. James A. Tambling 36 Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Tanous Ms. Pamela W. Tate and Mr. Patrick Cook Drs. Bruce T. and Ellen L. Taylor Dr. and Mrs. Mark Teachman Mr. and Mrs. Dale E. Teets, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Sanford V. Teplitzky Dr. and Mrs. Byron S. Tepper Mr. and Mrs. Steven B. Terres Edwin Thate, Jr. and Deborah Schafer Thate Mr. and Mrs. Tracy L. Thiels Mr. and Mrs. Scott Thoman Dr. and Mrs. Albert E. Thompson Mr. Brian A. Thompson and Ms. Cathy L. Tarburton Mr. and Mrs. Derrick D. Thompson Ms. Lori Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Travis S. Thorne Mrs. Mary Donnell Tilghman Mr. and Mrs. David S. Tillman Mr. and Mrs. Curt Tilmes Mr. and Mrs. George Tolley Mr. and Mrs. Andrew F. Toth Toth Distribution Service, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Ambrish Trivedi Ms. Yogendra Trivedi and Mr. Jay Dave Dr. and Mrs. Frank Turner Henry and Debbie Tyrangiel Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ukishima Mr. and Mrs. Rajendra Uppoor Mr. and Mrs. John D. Urbach Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Useller Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Vandegrift Mr. and Mrs. David VanderVelden The Family of Hap and Nick VanSant Mr. and Mrs. Mark Vaselkiv Mr. and Mrs. Hutch Vernon Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Vest Dr. and Mrs. William L. Vetter Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Vitek Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Volker Mr. and Mrs. John Vrana Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Waire Mr. and Mrs. Wayne E. Waldmann Mr. and Mrs. Russell S. Waldron Mr. Charles Walker Mr. and Mrs. Frederick D. Walker Mr. and Mrs. David Wayne Wallace Margaret and Patrick Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Waltjen Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey W. Warmke, PhD Mr. and Mrs. Karl Warner Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lee Warnick II Mr. and Mrs. Paul Washart Ms. Cristina Wasiak Mrs. Caroline Waterman and Ms. Laura B. Syron Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Weadock Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Weaver Mr. Geoffrey R. Weigle Mr. and Mrs. Ernest R. Weisman Mr. and Mrs. George J. Welte Mr. and Mrs. William Wendler Dr. and Mrs. Roland W. Wentworth Mr. and Mrs. Keith P. West Adelaide and Duncan Whitaker Mr. and Mrs. Alvin D. White Mr. and Mrs. William M. White Mr. Greg Whittaker and Ms. Colleen Herlihy Dr. Robert and Mrs. Michaele B. Wicks Mr. and Mrs. James E. Wilcher Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Wilcox Mr. and Mrs. Norman A. Wilcox, Jr. Mrs. Adeline Wilke Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Wilkers Ms. Tameca Wilkerson and Ms. Alisa Best Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Williams Mr. and Mrs. Bruce T. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Derrick Williams Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Clinton S. Winchester Dr. and Mrs. David B. Winkler Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Winters Mr. Gregory Winton Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wiseman Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Witten Commander and Mrs. Charles S. Witten Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Wofford Mr. and Mrs. Derek Wolfe Mr. and Mrs. John Wolfe Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie E. Wright Mr. and Mrs. Kip Wyatt Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Yates Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Yee Mr. and Mrs. Alec Yeo Mr. and Mrs. James M. Yonts Drs. Debra and Jeffrey Yourick Mr. Dong Zheng and Ms. Rui Chen Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Zimmerman Mr. and Mrs. Luis M. Zuniga E.J. and Diane M. Zuspan, Jr. M includes a matching gift contributors Aquadopt Animal “adoptions” support the care and feeding of the collection. The following donors made gifts of $100 and above to support the program. Anonymous (6) Ms. Delia Ablard Mr. and Mrs. Francis Babin Ms. Doreen E. Bowens and Ms. Teruko Bowens Jennifer A. Carle The Cornish Edelstein Family James Dunston Mr. and Mrs. John P. Fike, Jr. Garnet Valley Middle School Miranda Garrett Glenelg Country School Lower School Ms. Cindy Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell P. Hooper Krista A. Ingram Marilynn Katatsky Mrs. Alexandra Kouwenhoven Ms. Jessica Kowalchick Dr. William Kreiger The LCC 2A Kids Ocean Lewis The Long Family Hunter McKnight Ms. Michelle Miller Mary Moore Marissa Okamoto Ms. Katherine Perry Christopher Plott James A. Potteiger Ms. Florence M. Rand Ms. Joanne Ritchie Reese Ronayne Verna and Vincent Sanacore Jonathan Schachne M includes a matching gift 2007 Corporate Partners Alvin and Barbara Scheans Jennifer Smith and Tyrone Paige The Stengel Family David Welsh and Jennifer Neilson Employers Contributing Matching Gifts The following organizations have generously matched their employees’ gifts to the Aquarium. The Abell Foundation Inc. American Trading and Production Corporation AT&T Foundation Matching Gifts Program Bank of America BD Diagnostic Systems Boeing Casey Matching Gifts Program Computer Associates Constellation Energy Fannie Mae Foundation First Data Corporation GE Foundation General Physics Corporation Hoffberger Foundation, Inc. Home Depot IBM Corporation LandAmerica Foundation McCormick & Company, Inc. Mercantile Bankshares Corporation National Semiconductor Corporation T. Rowe Price The Vanguard Group Inc. Verizon Foundation Official Hotels Media Partners 37 contributors Memorials Gifts were made in memory of the following loved ones: Bernice Baer Robert S. Christy Louis W. Ehrlich Ronald P. Fish Henrietta Gaertner Bob Geidner Carey Hack Mildred Merowitz Hecht Loppy Chad Muehlhauser Donald H. Nichols Frances A. Ramin Walter S. Rohoblt Arnold Shapiro Paul and Betty Starkey Frances Berman Sulsky Eric Waller Helen Yanick Honoraria Gifts were made in honor of the following individuals: Amelia Barnard Duncan Braun Matthew Steven Del Grosso’s 17th Birthday The grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Gallant Charlotte and Dixon Gourley Ms. Shirley Grimes Betsy Guzick Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Mahoney Nickolas James Matsis Sarah Rachel Rosenblatt Daniel Seidman’s Bar Mitzvah Emily Sun 38 Thomas and Jacob Taloricco’s 8th Birthdays Bob and Anne Weaver Government Grants, Contracts, and Cooperative Agreements The Aquarium received funding from the following government entities: Anne Arundel County Government Baltimore County Executive, County Council, and Commission on Arts and Sciences Chesapeake Watershed Cooperative Ecosystems Studies Unit Harford County Howard County Government and the Howard County Arts Council Maryland State Department of Education National Fish and Wildlife Foundation National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Southern Maryland Conservation Development Board Grants Foundations and corporations sustain the Aquarium’s programs and defray our operating expenses through philanthropic gifts. $100,000 and above Toyota USA Foundation $25,000-$99,999 The Herbert Bearman Foundation CitiFinancial and the Citigroup Foundation Educational Foundation of America The Freed Foundation LaVerna Hahn Charitable Trust National Marine Sanctuary Foundation T. Rowe Price Associates Foundation, Inc. Triad Foundation, Inc. $15,000-$24,999 Bunting Family Foundation Chesapeake Bay Trust Helen P. Denit Foundation The Betty Lee and Dudley P. Digges Memorial Fund The Dresher Foundation, Inc. Ecological Restoration and Management The Curtis and Edith Munson Foundation Shared Earth Foundation Wachovia Bank $10,000-$14,999 Baltimore Community Foundation Youth Path Baltimore Office of Promotion & the Arts The Black & Decker Corporation Constellation Energy The Charles Engelhard Foundation The Goldsmith Family Foundation, Inc. Mr. Robert S. Maslin III MetLife Foundation Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems Staples Foundation for Learning, Inc. St. Paul Travelers Foundation Sylvan/Laureate Foundation, Inc. M $5,000-$9,999 The William G. Baker, Jr. Memorial Fund John J. Leidy Foundation Mary and Daniel Loughran Foundation Macy’s Fund of the Federated Foundation Nabit Foundation Provident Bank Rathmann Family Foundation REI Taishoff Family Foundation E. C. Wareheim Foundation $1,000-$4,999 Allegis Group Foundation The Eddie C. and C. Sylvia Brown Family Foundation, Inc. Cavanaugh Financial Group Charitable Foundation Children’s Fresh Air Society Fund Enterprise Rent-A-Car Foundation Friends of Eastern Neck, Inc. Lord Baltimore Capital Corporation Mars Foundation Nordstrom, Inc. Pirkko and James McBride The Phase Foundation Project AWARE Foundation Target Stores The Virginia Beach Foundation The Washington Post $100-$999 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Donahue Aquarium Internal Conservation Committee USI Charitable Foundation M includes a matching gift contributors Corporate Membership Through membership, corporations support our initiatives while creating a special way for their employees and clients to explore the Aquarium. Corporate Circle Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems Sodexho Executive Partner The Black & Decker Corporation Constellation Energy M&T Bank Morgan Stanley Managing Partner AEGON USA, Inc. ARAMARK Corporation BD Diagnostic Systems The Classic Catering People Deutsche Bank Alex. Brown H&S Bakery, Inc. Legg Mason, Inc. Lockheed Martin McCormick & Company, Inc. Procter & Gamble Cosmetics Tremont Suite Hotels T. Rowe Price Verizon W. R. Grace & Co. Business Partner AAI Corporation Advanced Radiology American Radiology Services, Inc. American Sugar Refining, Inc. American Trading and Production Corporation American Urological Association, Inc. Anne Arundel Community College Ascend One Corporation Automatic Data Processing, Inc. Ballard Spahr Andrews & Ingersoll, LLP Baltimore Aircoil Company, Inc. The Baltimore Life Insurance Company Baltimore Marriott Waterfront The Baltimore Sun Bradford Bank Cambridge Information Group, Inc. Caplan Bros. Glass Co. CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield, Inc. Carroll Independent Fuel Company Carrollton Bank Catholic Charities Century Engineering The Children’s House at Johns Hopkins CitiFinancial Comfort Link Corporate Office Properties Trust D & H Distributing Company DLA Piper US LLP Ernst & Young, LLP Ferris, Baker Watts, Inc. Fundamental Administrative Services, LLC General Dynamics – OTS Employees Activities Committee GKV Communications Goodell, DeVries, Leech & Dann, LLP Harbor Group Management Harkins Builders, Inc. Henry H. Lewis Contractors, LLC Hodes, Ulman, Pessin and Katz, P.A. Howard Community College HRH of Metropolitan Washington Hyatt Regency Baltimore Injured Workers’ Insurance Fund Jos. A. Bank Clothiers, Inc. Knorr Brake Corporation KPMG LLP Laureate Education, Inc. Main Street Veterinary Hospital McCormick HVP MECU of Baltimore, Inc. Mercer The Mergis Group – A division of SPHERION Merritt Properties, LLC MET Laboratories, Inc. National City Mortgage Corporation Old Mutual US Life Group Phillips Harborplace Seafood Restaurant PNC Bank Pompeian, Inc. PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Prime Retail Procter & Gamble Cosmetics Provident Bank REIT Management and Research LLC R.E. Michel Company, Inc. Ronald McDonald House Charities Rosemore, Inc. Rosenberg Martin Funk & Greenberg, LLP Rummel, Klepper & Kahl Saul Ewing LLP Semmes, Bowen & Semmes Shapiro Sher Guinot & Sandler Struever Bros. Eccles & Rouse, Inc. SunTrust Bank Sysco Food Services of Baltimore Unilever – Best Foods North America Unilever Home & Personal Care – USA United Parcel Service – Laurel United States Gypsum Company United Way of Central Maryland University Specialty Hospital URS Corporation Venable LLP The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company Williams Scotsman, Inc. Wolters Kluwer Health 39 contributors Associate Partner Adell Plastics, Inc. InterContinental Harbor Court Baltimore Jacob S. Shapiro Foundation Alliance, Inc. J. J. Haines & Co., Inc. Adelberg, Rudow, Dorf & Hendler, LLC Anchor Title Company Aquarium Products BB&T John E. Harms, Jr. & Associates, Inc. John S. Connor, Inc. Johns Hopkins Radiology Brown Advisory Johnson, Mirmiran & Thompson Carnegie Institution of Washington Department of Embryology The Joseph E. Shaner Company The Joseph Mullan Company Chemspec Kovacs, Whitney & Associates, Inc. Citrus and Allied Essences, Inc. Kramon & Graham, P.A. City Wide Management Company Kunz, Inc. Comm-Tronics, Inc. Lord Baltimore Capital Corporation Consolidated Insurance Center, Inc. McGuireWoods LLP Corridor Flooring Associates, LLC Malin Group, LLC Creative Print Group Manekin, LLC Cytec Engineered Materials, Inc. Martin Marietta Magnesia Specialties LLC Miles & Stockbridge P.C. NLS Animal Health PHH Arval The PMA Group RBC Dain Rauscher RCM&D, Inc. Renaissance Harborplace Hotel Samuel Shapiro & Co., Inc. Shannon Business Systems Shapiro, Robinson & Associates, Inc. Shawe & Rosenthal Sindler Family Foundation South River Consulting, LLC Spirit Cruises Baltimore The Stieff Foundation, Inc. The Vane Brothers Company Wheelabrator Baltimore LP Whiteford, Taylor and Preston, L.L.P. The Winner Distributing Company The Zamoiski Company Daft, McCune, & Walker, Inc. Danaher Corporation Data-Prompt, Inc. DeVilbiss Printing Diageo Global Supply EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc. Eccleston & Wolf E. John Schmitz & Sons, Inc. Forman, Inc. Gallagher Evelius & Jones LLP GBMC Foundation General Motors Corp. Giant Food LLC HAGEMEYER North America, Inc. Harbor Magic Hotels Heery International, Inc. Holiday Inn – Inner Harbor Hord Coplan Macht, LLC IBM Corporation 40 Gifts-in-Kind The following organizations and individuals have made non-cash gifts of goods or services in support of the Aquarium and its programs. Anonymous Adam Gonzales, DVM, CACVIM Dr. James Juzwiak Ira Luskin Dr. Teresa Martinoli Dr. Jay McDonnell – Veterinary Neurology/Neurosurgery Dr. Dan Petrus Rescue One Steve Rosenthal, DVMD, DACVIM Dr. Eileen Snakard University of Maryland Shock Trauma Center Dr. Michael Wise Anne K. Weigt, DVM, MS, DACVO A. Carter Middendorf Environmental Research Fund A. Carter Middendorf Library Fund Legacy Gifts Legacy gifts may include bequests, insurance policies, trusts, charitable gift annuities, or other planned giving vehicles. The following supporters have promised a legacy gift to the Aquarium: Realized: Anonymous (2) Estate of Anna Elizabeth Fehl The Estate of Daniel T. Mulheran Mr. Ernest M. Stolberg Promised: Anonymous (7) Mrs. C. Selma Carton Endowed Funds The National Aquarium in Baltimore wishes to give special recognition and appreciation to those benefactors who had the foresight and interest to create these endowed funds: The Endowment for the Marjorie Lynn Bank Lecture Series The Jacob and Hilda Blaustein Aquatic Education Endowment Fund The Jacob and Hilda Blaustein Foundation Marine Accessions Fund Marion Bowers Memorial The Gary Gallo Fund for the Preservation of Marine Mammals The Henry Hall Endowment Fund James C. McBride Endowment for Managerial and Professional Excellence Mr. Charles E. Herget, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Horwits Mr. Richard E. Hug Mr. Robert S. Maslin III Miss A. Carter Middendorf Helene R. Swearer Mrs. Margaret C. Taylor employees Andrew Aiken Samuel Carney Suzanne Ebbert Margaret M. Greig Hans Keller Douglas W. Allen Darren Carter Nikita T. Edwards Robin Griffin Juanita Keys Wayne T. Amrein Joan Carter Charles Eicholz Kimberly D. Haas Leslie Kidwell Jocelyn K. Anderson Kyle Carter John Elliott Carl S. Hackerman Kate Kiser Denise Aranoff-Brown Raul D. Chirino Lauren Esteve James Hackley Mary J. Kline Jill E. Arnold David M. Christopher Elizabeth Evans Catherine Hadfield William Kline Walter Arvinger Melanie Clark Matthew T. Evans Bert A. Hall, Jr. Peter Kriz Angie Ashley Leigh Clayton Shawn L. Evans Joseph Harber Dione Kurzmiller Donna M. Austin Ashleigh Clews Vicki O. Fabiyi Pamela Harper Erica Lambert Abdul R. Baig David K. Cohrs Katherine E. Fenn Seth Harper Phyllis Lancaster Alex B. Bailey Mark Colegrove David Ferraro Alexander F. Hayes Leslie Landsman Jeremy Bair Beatrice Cook Jonathan Fine James A. Hebb Lauren Lear Christopher Baker David Coronado Wayne Fischer Scott Heindl Johnny W. Lee, Jr. Laura Bankey John Cover, Jr. Beth Fitzpatrick Sharon Henderson Elizabeth Lehman Carrie A. Barber Charmaine M. Dahlenburg Cheryl Fournillier Alan D. Henningsen Kyle D. Leister Scott Barr Shannon Daisey Molly Foyle Hilda Henson Jill Lejcar Hillary Bates Matthew Darr Delores Francis Bruce S. Hoffberger Lisa Lerner Stacey Baylor Cynthia M. Davis Georgette Frederick Heather L. Hooper Richard A. Lerner Cynthia A. Belcher Darlene Davis Charles Fuller Nancy Hotchkiss Cortez Lewis Myra K. Bernstein Martia Davis Edward J. Furlong Ray Houston, Jr. Debora Lewis Paul Better Brady W. Decker Kimberly A. Gaeta Mark Howard Frances Lewis Tracy L. Biebesheimer Frank J. DeDomenico Rachel Gaither Bonnie S. Howell Sidney Lewis Jennifer Bloomer Andrew H. Dehart Patricia Gaitley Kenneth Howell Elizabeth M. Lindenau Marjorie A. Bollinger Sean P. Delaney Christina Gargan Darius M. Hunter Jeannine Lockwood William Boots Debra J. Dial Justin Garner Sue Hunter Shantay Loney Heather A. Bosley Christopher Diggs Beth Lacey Gill Paula Jeffers Valerie Lounsbury Karen Boyer-Day Jennifer Dittmar John Gilmore Erin S. Jenkins Jennifer S. Lyon Suzanne L. Boyle Mark Donovan Allison Ginsburg-Kimmey Marion E. Johnson, Jr. Jennifer Maddern Christine Bradley Ronnie A. Dorsey Carolina Giraldo Alexander M. Johnson Daniel P. Madigan Dawn M. Bray Sheila Dorsey Jeffrey R. Goddard Marion E. Johnson Katherine Magnusson Jerry J. Brittle Diondra Downs John D. Goodenow Renee Johnson Aishat Makanjuola Daynishia Britton Anna H. Duffie Tami Goodman Stanley Johnson Elizabeth Manning Charles Brown Ryan Dumas Stacey R. Gore Taavon J. Johnson Sarah R. Manning Cynthia Brown Megan Dunn Tracy Gould Calvin B. Jones Deron Marchant Amalie J. Burdette Jennifer Durkin George H. Grall Danielle Jones Danielle Marino Jessica Burgess Hollace Durst-Whitaker Flora Delores Green Paula Katz Kerry Martens Catherine Carey Demarus N. Dye William L. Greene Julia B. Kaylock Michele Martin 41 Please Join Us! . . . To make a contribution to the National Aquarium in Baltimore, call 410-576-8877. . . . To make a gift to the annual fund, the memorial, or tribute program, call 410-576-8877. employees Anthony Mason Suzanne Parks Zachary Shapiro Kathryn A. Tuxbury Kimberly Mathias Lisa L. Parsons Wendy Shepard Maja Tygielski Brandis Matthews Christa R. Partain Kenneth A. Shepke Linda A. Vislocky Gary P. Matthews Carly A. Pastore Kathleen A. Sher Lorrie A. Voytek Robert Matthews Victoria Payerle Kevin E. Sherwood Thandoria Wall Kim I. McCalla Esther M. Peacock Kathryn Siegfried James Walsh Tracy McCreary Katrina F. Perry Roy Simmons Jeffrey A. Walstrum Autumn Mcelroy Robbin Peterson Daniel L. Simpson Ambra Washington Toinyetta Mcgee Susan G. Pfaff George L. Sipes, Jr. Victoria S. Washington Sylvester Mcintosh Rhonda Pierce-Brooks Daniel J. Skarwecki, Jr. Deirdre A. Weadock Brenda Mclaughlin Alexandra Pinamonti Patrice Slater Angela Weems Karen Mewborn David M. Pittenger Bernard Smith Kenneth Wehrle Linda M. Michalski Bernice L. Pittman Lori Smith Brent Whitaker Kathleen Middleton Laura Ann S. Polacek Michael Smith David B. White Christina Miller Justina Pollard Richard S. Snader Juan C. Whitehead . . . To learn about individual and family memberships, call 410-659-4230. William P. Minarik Vicky A. Poole Jessica Spino Leah M. Williams Heather J. Minick Joyce Pratt Charles J. Spliedt, Jr. Kevin Wilsey Martin W. Molock Donna Price Karen Sprague James Wilson Pamela Morgan Robert A. Prince Maris St. Cyr Reneé Winchester . . . To inquire about corporate memberships, please call 410-576-3866. Dale Mullineaux Andrew Pulver Karen St. John Crystal Woodley Crystal Mumaw Robert A. Ramin Diane E. Stanley Lakeysha Worthington Michelle Murphy - Wise Jaime Ramsay Judy R. Staveley Patrick C. Wright Charles Myers, Jr. Michael Rhodes Christine L. Steinert Paula Yanick . . . To find out more about our volunteer program, call 410-576-1015. Leah Neal Tammy Roberson Eve M. Stelzer Jackie Young Carol Nelsen Helen Rogers Rosalyn Stewart Adam Nelson Christina M. Romano Kathleen Stiffler Jessica Nelson Rudy Ross Jonathan S. Sullivan . . . David Nemerson Jeffrey M. Rosshirt Allan Sutherland Christopher D. Nguyen Suzanne Rothrock David Swan Tara Oler September L. Ruddell Kimberly A. Szawan Keri L. O’Neil Vanessa Rufus Gene J. Taylor Candace B. Osunsade Emily C. Ryan Donald Testerman Tammy E. Otto Paula S. Schaedlich Elaina M. Todd Raymond L. Owczarzak Susan Schloeder Julie A. Tomita Kristy Owen Benjamin Schyan Jeffrey Topping Delores Owens John Seyjagat Donita Tramill . . . To inquire about sponsorships or media partnerships, call 410-576-1438. . . . To learn about endowments, planned giving opportunities, and the Aquarium’s charitable gift annuity program, call 410-576-8877. National Aquarium in Baltimore 501 East Pratt Street Baltimore, Maryland 21202 42 volunteers Volunteer contributions are measured in hours. 6,000 Harold Doublet Susan Magri George Stephano David Peary Kenneth King Harry Helmlinger Dianne McHale Roy Stevens Carl Perkins Carol Ikeda Henry Minch Barbara Weaver Barbara Renz 35,500 5,500 Anne London James Myers Mark Welch Michelle Ryan Marie Tillman Selden Cooper Miriam Nathanson John Olow Argatha Wright Michael Santini Jean-Marie Moore Yvonne Roe Richard Schwartz 13,000 Frederick Pahl Ford Wilson Kelly Stevenson 1,500 Susan Slowik Mary Sidlowski Terri Shanks Marilyn Thorner Michael Axelsson Darrick Sparks 12,000 Lauren Scott Carlton Treff, Sr. 3,000 Susan Treusdell Richard Baumann Alan Whitfield Edmund Truter Virginia Adams Barbara Uricheck Arthur Bennett Paul Wimmer Penny Bank Andrew Banks Robert Bonner 5,000 Mary Bannon 2,000 George Cathcart 1,000 11,000 Leo Abernathy Adele Jefferson Barbara Axelsson Elizabeth Cavanaugh Ralph W. Adams Deborah Clute Edward Carlson, Jr. Robin Korotki Janice Babus Anita Clayton Kathleen Affeldt Shirley Gibson Jeffrey Lindemuth Jerry Beard John Clippinger Laura Bankey Ann Stephens Larry Pollack Robert Buckley Loretta Commodari Joseph Barley Herb Retsky Ruth Caldwell Tom Deakin Stephanie Bates 4,500 Alfred Ryan Nicole Castagna Gary Dick Janice Baxter 9,500 Shirley Grimes Geri Schlenoff William Chalmers Eric Duce Cathleen Berlett Jean Singman Thomas Major Albert Shulley Virginia Elder James Folk Bruce Campbell Mildred Pfeffer Pache Wagner James Filipczak Dawn French-Evans William Chesnutt Mary Jane Simmons Rosalind Walman Barbara Frazier Kimberly Givens Kai-Yun Chiu Paula Yanick Geralyn Fromm Curtis Graham Jim Cleek Walter Gray, Jr. James Grim Caroline Coleman 10,500 Sally Johnson 8,000 Sidney Abrams Ralph L. Adams 4,000 Robert Nordeen Richard Carey 2,500 William Hicks Therese Haaf Patricia Cowin James Peters Bill Carson Louise Briggs Joseph Holland Abbe Harman James Cunningham Myrian Diamond Marion Carlson Michael Klein John Harman Sal D’Alessio 7,500 Shirley Guy Susan Christenbury Charles Koster Arthur Heyman Ronald Derr Tom Fischer Gordon Huggins William Coffman Pamela Kreis Paul Jendrek Kenneth DeVivo William Harris, Jr. Michael Jachelski Robert Cohan Barbara Lee Jean Kapusnik Gerry Emery Patricia Venturino Lillian Miller Gladys DeMuth Anna Martin George Kimbrow Joanne Evans Marsha Rosenberg Helen Endlich Pirkko McBride Beverly Lesko Dennis Faber 7,000 Dinny Stuelpnagel Joanna Franklin Ernestine Mills Peter Maras Joanne Faber Carol Benfield Jane Wilson Gig Grube Michele Monde April Martin Linda Falls Janet Wyper Glen Ikeda Marjorie Pearsall Mark Mercer Elizabeth Gegner Joseph Kofalt George Rabinek Connie Moore Randy Gray 6,500 Linda Halle 3,500 James Lehman Kathy Rebeck Peggy Nelson Joyce Gross Ada Johnson Louis Brown Anne Madden Edith Roth Bonnie Patton Stephen Hammond 43 volunteers Mark Hendricks Judy Hildenbrand Lourdes Jonosky Yvonne Jordan Gregory Keggins William King Patricia Krasowski Steven Kruger Darleen Landers Gregory Lang Phillip Lee Larry Lesko Alan Little Deborah Loepere William Lyman David Lynch Janice Mazur Mary McKeever Alan McKenzie, Jr. Marianne Misof Susan Morseth Joe Nickoles Jessica O’Neal Kim Neumann Carol Parmenter Carol Pimental Douglas Poole Jay Porterfield Martin Rayman Kenneth Rhoades Mary Anne Rhoades Carol Rolnick Helene Rubinstein Wilson Russell Marilyn Sachs Hannah Salvatore Martha Shaum Phyllis Smyth 44 Barbara Speight Lamont Thomas Elizabeth Wagner Richard Ward Ruth Ward Susan Weir 500 Robert Almasy Cheryl Anderson Lee Ashmore Amy Barrett Jay Bondar Barbara Bonicker Paul Bonicker Daniel Bounds Edward Bowen Sharon Bowen Justin Burke Marie Burke Robert Burrows Tanya Bushre Darryl Byrd Melissa Cameron Ralph Cass Augustin Cherng Richard Clagett M. Alan Conrad Jackie Cooper Marc Corey Barbara Craig Harold Craig Loretta Cunningham Krista Dankiw Denise Davis Richard Davis Kelly DeHart Edwin Dick Melissa Dietz Paul Dixon, Jr. Irvin Donick Amy Eagle John Ellingsworth William Emery Alexander Eng Mark England Mark Everline Ernest Feist Reginald Fenner Thomas Fuller Phoebe Gilchrist Kenneth Goodhart Frank Groblewski Joseph Gutkoska Marguerite Harding Daniel Higgins George Hoffmanner Bradley Hughes Eric Illemsky Rob Johnson Robert Johnson Stanley Johnson Bud Jones Charles Jones Marty King Lewis Kozlosky Jamie Kud Robert Leewe Jennifer Lucas Allison Luettel David Lynch Jennifer Maddern Janice Mazur Brenda McLaughlin Robert McLaughlin Brett Miller Jennifer Mohler Robert Mohler Sherry More Helga Morrow Joseph Napier Irene Newton Michael O’Connell Amanda Pack Mary Parker Nancy Pearson Gary Pickwoad David Povlitz Betsy Rath Ken Rebeck Stephanie Richards Lianne Roberts Kevin Rooney Robert Ryan Albert Sadilek Lynnette Schultz Jacqueline Sheppard Gordon Sima Kenneth Simmons Sterling Solomon Nina Sonin Wall Elizabeth Stanne Ray Steinberg Sunny Steinberg James Stofan Becky Tallman Pamela Tate Frank Thomas Amy Tich Charles Turner Elizabeth Wagner Bob Waller Deane Ware John Ware Les Weinberg Mark Weisflog Genie Wessel Marilynn Willoughby Kathleen Wolfe Phil Wujek William Zobel BKSFOLKJBKQ>I?BKBCFQPPQ>QBJBKQ PGVTJOHQPTUDPOTVNFSXBTUFGJCFSWTWJSHJOGJCFS /BUJPOBM"RVBSJVNJO#BMUJNPSFTBWFEUIFGPMMPXJOHSFTPVSDFTCZVTJOH/FX-FBG3FJODBSOBUJPO.BUUF NBEFXJUISFDZDMFEGJCFSBOEQPTUDPOTVNFSXBTUFQSPDFTTFEDIMPSJOFGSFFBOENBOVGBD UVSFEXJUIFMFDUSJDJUZUIBUJTPGGTFUXJUI(SFFOFDFSUJGJFESFOFXBCMFFOFSHZDFSUJGJDBUFT USFFT GVMMZHSPXO XBUFS HBMMPOT FOFSHZ NJMMJPO#UV TPMJEXBTUF QPVOET HSFFOIPVTF HBTFT QPVOET $BMDVMBUJPOTCBTFEPOSFTFBSDICZ&OWJSPONFOUBM%FGFOTF'VOEBOEPUIFSNFNCFSTPGUIF1BQFS5BTL'PSDF /FX-FBG1BQFSXXXOFXMFBGQBQFSDPN credits . writing, Michael Sheehan, Sr. . design, FatCat Studios, Inc. . photography, George Grall, Aquarium Staff, Pat Venturino, Tracey Brown By connecting people with aquatic life, we make a better world for both. National Aquarium in Baltimore . 501 East Pratt Street . Baltimore, Maryland 21202 .