tbsc bulletin - The British School Caracas
tbsc bulletin - The British School Caracas
TBSC BULLETIN Week 39: Friday 1st July, 2016 TBSC Contact Details Telephone: +58 (212) 266 2270/ 265 5870 Fax: +58 (212) 265 2141 Email: info@tbscaracas.com Twitter: @tbscaracas Facebook: TheBritishSchoolCaracas Instagram: @TheBritishSchoolCaracas Message from the Head A historical and important voting process took place last week in Britain, with 52% of the voters opting to leave the European Union after 43 years of involvement. Various outcomes have come about as a result with many discussions taking place as to what happens next. The British Ambassador to Venezuela, Mr John Saville visited TBSC on Wednesday as the guest speaker for our Milepost 2 and 3 Prize Giving event. He stated that whatever one’s view was of the result, it was important that people now work together collaboratively in order to positively push Britain forward. Human character can be defined as “the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual.” One’s character can be beneficial to oneself, to others, or a combination of both. Our actions with those we interact with regularly (colleagues, family, friends and acquaintances) give an indication of how much our character leans towards serving oneself or others. However, we should be conscious of how we treat each other and how our character plays out with the various groups of people we interact with. Working together and serving others should be embraced. In and around North County San Diego, California, you will come across ‘kindness meters’. The idea behind these is to provide the public with a fast and accessible opportunity to do something good for others, including complete strangers. It only takes a few seconds to impact another person positively. More recently, some schools in the area have focussed on Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) and integrated this within the curriculum. This is nothing new but an explicit mention always helps. In the English curriculum this is referred to as PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education). The benefits of SEL and PSHE, both in the short and long term include academic success as well as emotional wellbeing. Students (and everybody) should have the opportunity to practice activities that foster respect, responsibility, compassion, courage, trust, perseverance, honesty, gratitude, self-discipline and citizenship. Students should also be given the chances to show kindness and develop their character, serving others whenever possible. Would a kindness meter work at TBSC? Maybe, maybe not, but the importance of character, kindness and working as a team for an agreed shared goal, cannot be stated enough. We continue to work together with the community in order to enhance our childrens’ learning experience. Yasir Patel (head@tbscaracas.com) Last week of Term 3 Monday 4th July Teacher Farewell Morning (8am start) Monday 4th July New EYFS Parents’ Afternoon (1pm - 2pm) Tuesday 5th July Public Holiday (no school) Thursday 7th July Last day of Term 3 for students - early dismissal EYFS: 1130am MP1: 1145am MP2 and MP3: 12pm Secondary Section: 1230pm (siblings leave with youngest child) Friday 8th July Last day of Term 3 for teachers Early Years Foundation Stage What a busy week it has been! Starting with the Art and Music evening on Monday, then Prize Giving and parties on Tuesday, and ending with a great deal of fun for Preschool with their Water Fun Day on Friday. And we have not finished yet - come back next week to see more fun and learning! Milepost 1 Year 1 completed their digital storytelling using the Puppet pals app. Watch and listen HERE It’s been a wonderful penultimate week in Milepost 1. We partied late into the early afternoon, ventured out to San Ignacio and participated in an extremely moving Prize Giving ceremony. Here’s hoping the final week can be even better! Milepost 2 Wednesday 29th June was a remarkable and eventful day. We all enjoyed celebrating all the effort and achievements of all the students from MP2 (Year 3 and Year 4). Celebrating our achievements and our friends’ achievements too! Well done to all the children! “The way I look at things everyone is a winner” - Sally Paine Milepost 2 We had a visit from Nicolas’ grandmother from Colombia who currently lives in Washington DC. We learnt many things about her life experiences and her job. We learnt about how different countries work together and how we are all connected. She told us about the history of South American and why, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador and Bolivia have similar flags. Milepost 3 Year 5 have been reflecting deeply on their learning from their Empowerment Project. They helped prepare and deliver presentations for Milepost 2 and 3 and for Secondary today (Click here ). They wanted to make a difference to the children from RISE. They thought about and planned what they could do. How would the RISE children benefit from our Empowerment Project and how would we benefit from this project? It was a magical day and had a deep impact on both the RISE and TBSC children. They have now raised additional funds and will be also sponsoring a year´s private education for a Year 7 child from Escuela Jenaro Aguirre. Empowerment Project - Year 5 Making a difference in the community If you want to see the Year 5 students’ presentation click here Primary Computing Digital Fun! Check out more HERE Primary Computing La Kaskada Presentations Year 5 & 6 students created presentations of their time at La Kaskada. You can watch them from HERE Art And Music Evening For more images from Monday evenings events, or past art exhibition please visit this site. http://tbscartexhibition.weebly.com/ Thank you to everyone that made this night a success. It is a credit to our very talented students that this night could happen. Art and Music Evening TBSC Lions Clubs Basketball i m a Orig Volleyball TBSC Lions Clubs Art Mini Football Champions!!! Book Club The TBSC Book Club has had its last meeting of 2015-2016 this week. Our summer book is Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy, and we will meet once again in the Secondary library next term, on Tuesday September 6th at 6:30 pm to discuss it. Snacks and wine will be served. According to Modern Library Classics: "Considered by some to be the greatest novel ever written, Anna Karenina is Tolstoy's classic tale of love and adultery set against the backdrop of high society in Moscow and Saint Petersburg. A rich and complex masterpiece, the novel charts the disastrous course of a love affair between Anna, a beautiful married woman, and Count Vronsky, a wealthy army officer. Tolstoy seamlessly weaves together the lives of dozens of characters, and in doing so captures a breathtaking tapestry of latenineteenth-century Russian society. As Matthew Arnold wrote in his celebrated essay on Tolstoy, "We are not to take Anna Karenina as a work of art; we are to take it as a piece of life." If you have any questions please email Eugeniavvb@gmail.com Primary Library Concurso de revista literaria Nos complace anunciar las ganadoras de Year 6G: Eva Benchimol y Marcela Maldonado. Ellas titularon su publicación “Todo sobre mí” y estuvo dedicada a resaltar la obra y vida del escritor venezolano Aquiles Nazoa. En Year 6Y las ganadoras fueron Isabella Durán y Mariana Zúñiga quienes escogieron al ilustre escritor Gabriel García Márquez. En La revista de Zúñiga y Durán encontrarán información muy interesante. Felicitamos a las ganadoras por su dedicación, compromiso y seriedad para completar este proyecto. Primary Library Concurso de revista literaria ¡Felicitaciones! Eva y Marcela, Year 6G. Revista: Todo sobre mí. Autor: Aquiles Nazoa Mariana e Isabella, Year 6Y. Autor: Gabriel García Márquez Intercambiando revistas Sponsor a Student For High School Education Thirty-five 6th grade students attending La Escuela Jenaro Aguirre have to move on to High School to complete their education in September. All of these students are A grade students. Five of these students have already been awarded places at either Unidad Educativa Martin Tovar y Tovar , Unidad Educativa Privada Americo Vespucio or Unidad Educativa Instituto Didactico Andres Bello and we are currently waiting to have confirmation of further places at these schools. . UE Martin Tovar Y Tovar educational costs for 2016 – 2017 will be Bs.94,250.00 per student. This total includes the inscription of Bs.26,250.00 and the fee per month of Bs. 6,800.00. We are waiting on the fee structure for the other schools but expect them to be similar. Fundación Madre María Luisa Casar has been established to provide private schooling and finance for these students. We are working with this foundation to support these students . If you would be interested in sponsoring a student please contact me ewilkinson@tbscaracas.com for more information. Each month you would receive an update on the student and a receipt of payment to the school. If you would like to see more information please follow the link on our charity Facebook page https://www.facebook. com/charity.tbsc R.I.S.E. Request If you are leaving Venezuela or if your child has outgrown his or her uniform please can you donate them to R.I.S.E. The children from R.I.S.E will not be able to attend school in September if the do not have a uniform and shoes. There are 3 boxes in the Entrance Hall ● A box for all uniform items ● A box for shoes and trainers ● A box of all other clothes items you would like to donate. The labels on the uniform can be changed to suit the school the child attends Yanette from R.I.S.E is coming on Friday to collect all the items. Thank you for all your support. Other Notices Toyota Corola 2015 Automático 1033Km Vidrios Ahumados USD 30000 0414 3200068 analuisaestrada27@gmail.com Chevrolet Cruze Año 2013 Automatico Km: 18.600 US$ 12.500,00 Contacto: (0414) 300-1232 Moto Suzuki. Modelo Vstrom 650. 10.000 km. 7.000$. Ideal for your bodyguard! Tel: 0412.247.44.66
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