tbsc bulletin - The British School Caracas
tbsc bulletin - The British School Caracas
TBSC BULLETIN Week 12: Thursday 19th November, 2015 TBSC Contact Details Telephone: +58 (212) 266 2270/ 265 5870 Fax: +58 (212) 265 2141 Email: info@tbscaracas.com Twitter: @tbscaracas Facebook: TheBritishSchoolCaracas Instagram: @TheBritishSchoolCaracas Message from the Head As school ended last Friday, terrible news broke in France, but sadly, it was not dissimilar to incidents that are happening every day in other parts of the world, including here in our Venezuela. The attacks, we know, were horrific and extremely saddening - all the more so because they seem closer to home. We all know Paris, or know of it through friends. It was a reminder that we live at a time of discord and hatred, much of which seemed far away though now much closer. A complex range of emotions were no doubt felt by the community as is normal following such devastating acts of violence. What do we do as an international school? How do we explain this to our children? How do we react? It is time for moral courage in our response. All international schools must be aware of the social impact attacks like this can have and their effect on others. This begins in our immediate surroundings and around our school. It can, should and does go way beyond in creating a positive impact in our world. How deep that impact is, depends on our intentions. At times like these, we must go beyond academia, beyond bickering, beyond first world complaints, and seek to create a positive impact in our world as deeply and with the best intentions we can. Part of TBSC’s Vision statement says: Our students will be inspired to become lifelong learners who contribute actively and positively to the global community We want students (and our community) leaving our school as young adults to influence the world by making decisions with moral direction. This is a necessary long-term strategy. However, we must acknowledge the here and now too. What are we doing to make the world a better place now? We should consider everything at our disposal, from facilities to technology to purchasing power. How can we use all these various aspects of our lives in order to enable a situation of reconstruction and reconciliation for “the other”? Part of TBSC’s Mission statement states that: ● The school community fosters attitudes that promote intercultural understanding ● TBSC students will help nurture the physical, social and emotional well-being of those around them ● TBSC students will be mindful of the impact they and others have on the environment and its inhabitants (continued on next page) Message from the Head (continued) We must encourage civil, harmonious and peaceful attitudes towards each other. A critical mind is required in times like these; ask the Why? What? Maybe? questions, which may be tough and initially not seem harmonious and peaceful. But honesty in asking them, with love for each other, seems a positive and genuine way forward. TBSC, in order to achieve its vision and mission will: promote an open and positive climate for debate and discussion of local and international issues Friday was and still is scary, discomforting and we enter an unknown, both physically and emotionally wary. However, the unknown brings excitement, discovery and possible solutions to the discomfort both now and in the long term. We need to be bold in our aim for equity, justice, peace and a better world for our children and their children. The International Baccalaureate's Mission states that the organisation aims to create young people: who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. The time is now. Our impact needs to be felt now. I am sure you will join me in expressing our sorrow at the events in Paris last Friday, as well as similar suffering here in Venezuela, and around the world. Yasir Patel head@tbscaracas.com ADMISSIONS - OPEN! We are now accepting applications (form downloadable on our website) for the new school year. Please pass on the word to any interested families. ELECTIONS: School Closure Dear Parents, Please note that due to the upcoming elections (Sunday 6th December), the school will be closed on Friday 4th December and Monday 7th December. If there is a need to close for more days, we will inform you through email, social media, telephone, cascade etc. Virtual Learning will take place during these days. More information about this will be passed on via the Heads of Sections. Regards, Yasir Patel Head of School The British School Caracas TBSC Parents’ Afternoon Survey Dear Parents, On Thursday 12th November we held our first TBSC Parents' Afternoon. TBSC is always looking to improve and would appreciate your feedback in order for us to improve for the next afternoon in Term 2 by completing this quick survey HERE. Thanks. A cup of tea with the Head Dear Parents, I would like to invite you to the second 'A Cup of Tea with the Head' gathering for this academic year. This will take place this Tuesday 8th December from 8am to 9am in the Staff Room. This will be a general session in an informal environment so please bring along your thoughts, questions, issues, ideas and positive comments, Please send an email to my Assistant, Pamella Carrasquel (pcarrasquel@tbscaracas.com) to confirm your attendance. I look forward to meeting you and chatting. Regards, Yasir Patel Head of School The British School Caracas Books and Shoes! Spanish Books and Shoes: The school is collecting shoes and Spanish books to donate to Centro Cultural Chacao. They will pass them on to children that need them in local schools. The boxes are located at the main entrance. Please ask your students to donate. Early Years Foundation Stage Kinder F and S had a treat this week when Valentina brought her tortoise (Morrocoy in Spanish) to visit. The children were excited to see it and had lots of questions. They asked many good questions so the classes investigated. D ts. rro eat? to and ca t i s ma t doe Wha lettuce, to s It eat from? t and f? se it is a e it come Where did My farm. Wh a It is t is its like s our hell m a nail s. de out o becau Is it small Yes oes it Tortois live in the w at es live on the er? clawe land. d feet Look a . t th baby? uie be q to it. need e age w m o a d rd Why ? e it o r a e c l t gen not to s s So a Milepost 1 - Year 1 Year one have been composing questions about the world around us and using our observation techniques to help answer them. This helps us to build skills for our upcoming genius hour projects : ) Milepost 2 - Year 3 Year 3 had so much fun reading to Pre-School on Tuesday. We love reading! Milepost 2 - Year 4 Vi Visit to the Hindu Temple! Milepost 3 - Year 5 Assembly Vi Milepost 3 - Year 5 Assembly “Not only was it interesting and educational, yet fun, contemporary and romantic; it had drama, comedy and great music.” “Mil felicitaciones por el trabajo y los resultados de esa Assambly que fue estupenda. Los niños todos estuvieron maravillosos. Felicitaciones a todo el equipo.” Just superb! Congratulations to all involved. Slick, educational and hilarious. 'Love politics, romance, I think we had it all' “That was amazing, I loved it!!!” “Wow..I am lost for words... CONGRATULATIONS” “It was the most amazing Assembly I’ve seen” Milepost 3 - Year 5 Assembly Vi Well done Year 5 for all your hard work and passion on the day! A spectacular performance, totally enjoyed by everyone who attended the assembly. Milepost 3 - Year 6 Year 6 were doing a Science experiment this week about how exercise affects the heart rate. They had to take their resting heart rate then exercise and take it again. Once they had done that they needed to record their results and say what happened as well as giving a scientific explanation as to why. Exhausted after exercising and being the scientist and recording the results. Giving each other a helping hand finding heart beats after skipping. Exercising and taking her heart rate afterwards. Spanish Department Haz click aquí para ver el video. Durante dos semanas, los niños de Y5 y Y6 estuvieron trabajando ortografía, haciendo especial énfasis en la acentuación. Como cierre de la actividad, hicimos un concurso de deletreo en el cual los niños participaron de forma activa y prestando atención a lo aprendido en clase. ¡Felicitaciones a todos por su esfuerzo y excelentes resultados! Mrs. Briceño y Mrs. Rodríguez recordando las reglas de la competencia. ¿Cómo se escribe “extranjero”? ¿La palabra oxígeno lleva acento? Empowerment This week Year 3 and Year 6 introduced the Empowerment programme to the whole of primary. The Empowerment team are extremely excited to hear all your fantastic ideas on how we can improve our community. Year 1 showcasing their wonderful ideas! If you have an ideas please email Miss Santos (osantos@tbscaracas.com) Follow us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/empowermenttbsc/ Year 6 presenting their fantastic Empowerment ideas to the whole of primary. Empowerment Year 6 are working extremely hard on their Empowerment projects. They are using ICT to plan their PowerPoint presentation. We love Cross-Curricular activities at TBSC! Empowerment Empowerment quote of the week: “ Don’t be afraid to start over. It is a new chance to rebuild what you want” These students are unknown author. reflecting on our recycling projects “what could we do to make it even better?” Look at our colourful Empowerment display! Lions Clubs - Basketball Playing basketball helps children learn basic coordination and team-building skills with an added bonus of having fun with their friends. Learning basic basketball skills not only encourages exercise, but serves as a foundation for a staying active later in life. Primary Library Recommends ... KS1 Early Years Pig Gets Lost By Heather Amery Living in a farm is not boring at all. Poppy and Sam have lots of fun taking care of dog Rusty, Curly the pig, and Wooly the sheep. This time Curly is not found in the pen, in the hen run not even in the barn. Where would Curly be? The Monster Diner By Mairi Mackinnon Have you ever tried blue chicken, cheese full of bugs or a can of worms? If you have, maybe a monster chef has cooked for you. Primary Library Recommends ... KS2 Español Masks By Ruth Thomson This is the ideal book to learn how to make masks from around the world. You will find out what kind of materials, techniques and decorations are used to create these amazing masks. Monstruos que nadan De Mercedes Franco Descubre en este maravilloso libro nueve cuentos que hablan de monstruos, de los lugares que habitan y muchas cosas más. Year 8 - 3D Letter Sculptures The Year 8 students have been studying perspective and lettering this term. The current project in class which they have just finished is 3D letters. They have created their own designs and created a letter made from cardboard, toilet paper rolls and modroc. Year 9 Art - Figure Sculptures The Year 9 pupils have been studying Alberto Giacometti for the last few weeks and they have been doing figure drawings and from these they have created wire sculptures. Secondary Library Quiz Dear All, Please find this month’s Secondary Library Quiz HERE Good luck and have fun! Andrew Cathcart. Secondary Librarian. Secondary Library Quiz Answers from last two months. October HERE November HERE TECHO - Community Centre Project On the 25th November there will be a meeting for parents and secondary students who are interested in taking part and helping with this amazing project that TBSC are working on with TECHO. Ana Hernandez will be coming in to talk about the project and answer any questions you may have and E.Fravigar will be giving a bit of information about what CAS is as part of the IB Diploma and what is required. The meeting will take place in the Hall at 4pm. If you are interested please come along. Tapas por vidas We have had a great week collecting the lids, thank you everyone for your support. We now have 2 charts up by the bins; one so you can see how many lids each house has brought in on a weekly basis and the second one to count the number of chemotherapy sessions each house has provided. The second chart is an ongoing one throughout the whole term and the house that has provided the most chemotherapy sessions (by bringing in the most lids) at the end will be able to come to school in their house colours on one day in the last week of term. Even more reason to bring those lids in! The totals are as follows (500 lids = 1 chemotherapy session). Andres Bello: 548 lids = 1.1 chemotherapy sessions Bolivar: lids 1897 = 3.8 chemotherapy sessions Miranda: 564 lids = 1.1 chemotherapy sessions Sucre: 236 lids = 0.5 chemotherapy sessions Great work guys, keep bringing those lids in :) Book Club For TBSC's December book club we will be reading "The unbearable lightness of being" by Milan Kundera. We will meet on Tuesday December 8th at 6:30 pm in the school's Secondary library. Refreshments (and wine!) will be served and everyone is welcome. According to Bookrags: "First published in 1984 in both Paris and New York, Milan Kundera's The Unbearable Lightness of Being is a rich and complicated novel that is at once a love story, a metaphysical treatise, a political commentary, a psychological study, a lesson on kitsch, a musical composition in words, an aesthetic exploration, and a meditation on human existence..." If you have any questions, please write to eugeniavvb@gmail.com Visit From ONTV Secondary students were lucky to be given a talk from ONTV (organizacion de transplantes de Venezuela) at our last assembly. Kindly organised by Ms. Lucila Velutini, students learned about the medical and moral issues concerning organ transplantation here in Venezuela. We would like to thank them for sharing this important topic with our students. Tiramisú Designer Charity Dress For Sale If you would like to purchase this exclusive designer dress please purchase it through the following ways: Instagram@tiramisumoda or www.tiramisumoda.com or vsuels.tiramisu@gmail.com The dress is also being sold in a shop called Rosa Azul in Paseo Las Mercedes The proceeds will go towards repairing the playground at La Escuela Manuel Aguirre in Petare Thank you for your support Other Notices Missing a shoe? A student in Year 3 went home on Monday 16th November with two right foot shoes, one of which was one size too big. If you happen to have the other shoe (a size 34 black GEOX - photo on the right) please contact Ricardo (rllerena@tbscaracas.com) or Eulalia (eolivier@tbscaracas.com) at the PMT office and we will get you in touch with his mom. Littlelife Baby Carrier for sale Littlelife All Terrain Baby Carrier, en buenas condiciones, compatible con sistema de hidratación, asiento ajustable, cuenta con gazas para juguetes y bastones de alpinismo además de todos sus accesorios: capucha para el sol y para la lluvia, estribos. Para bebés/niños desde los 6 meses hasta los 3 años, hasta 20Kg. El mejor modelo de la línea de carriers de Littlelife. Escríbeme para más información! $190 kallesuomi@hotmail.com (0414) 370.69.90 Other Notices Upcoming Dates Friday 20th November Staff INSET (training) no students Tuesday 24th November Secondary PSHE visit Wednesday 25th November Year 3 Assembly Sunday 13th December TBSC Carol Service Tuesday 15th December EYFS and Milepost 1 Xmas Show Secondary PSHE visit Wednesday 16th December Mileposts 2 and 3 Xmas Show Thursday 17th December Primary Section class parties Friday 18th December Last day of Term Reports Handed out Saturday 19th December to Sunday 10th January Xmas Holidays
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