b March 2016 d - St Mary`s College
b March 2016 d - St Mary`s College
March 2016 Dan McErlean 12 Werona Street Sunnybank Qld 4109 email: Bryan McSweeney julieandb@iprimus.com.au Dear Old Boys Our next Brisbane meeting will be held at ‘The Public Service Club’, Level 1 Function Room, 84 William Street (cnr Stephens Lane), Brisbane on Friday 11th March 2016, from 12 noon through until about 2.00 pm; but feel free to drop in anytime from 11.00 am on, as your commitments dictate and join Old Boy mates in convivial fellowship. If travelling by train to the Central Railway Station, there is a free City Loop bus from Stop 8 opposite Central Station in Ann Street which allows you to alight at Stop 103 in the Government Precinct, just outside ‘The Public Service Club’ at 84 William Street. The bus services on this route are every 10-15 minutes. Tentative dates have been booked for our Brisbane meetings in 2016, so please reserve them as ‘Claimer Dates’. As well as the 11th March,, the dates are 13th May, 15th July, 16th September and the 18th November. Two meetings will also be held at Buderim again this year, about mid-year and early December. The firm dates for these gatherings will be advised in due course. All Old Boys are most welcome at all these events. At our Brisbane Sub Branch Christmas function on the 20th November 2015, thirty six Old Boys were welcomed to the gathering by Sub Branch President Bryan McSweeney. Bryan gave a special welcome to Fr Hal Ranger and former St Mary’s Principal Br Barry Buckley. Old Boys who have taken up Life Membership recently include Rev. Fr. James Byrne (1949–1953), Greg Cavanagh (1980–1987, Jim Davidson (1955–1963), Trevor Conley (1955-1963) and Denis McClure (1955 and 1962/63) who was on hand to receive his Certificate at the November meeting. The Committee would like to extend our apology to Mrs Jan Dredge for the error in the Eulogy for her late husband, James Joseph (Jim) Dredge, on Page 3 of our November 2015 Newsletter when we referred to Jan’s Christian name incorrectly as Pat. Recently deceased include Mrs Shirley Stephen (RIP 9/11/2015), wife of John (Scholarship 1958) and sister-in-law of Kevin (RIP) and Eileen, Errol Hohn (1950-1959), brother of Keith (RIP 1/5/2015) and Noel, Ross Remeeus (1954-1963), Margaret (Quinlan) O’Grady, Vince Dorge, father of Mark, Greg and Paul, and Noel Adcock, husband of Kathleen. The Committee would also like to extend our warmest gratitude and best wishes to Sandra Brock. Sandra has been the unsung hero behind the TBOBA Newsletters for 15 years. She has taken Dan’s written notes and converted them into the fantastic Newsletter for our members reading pleasure. Unfortunately Sandra is moving on to undertake her Master of Arts & Cultural Management degree at the University of Melbourne. We can only hope the standard of the Newsletter doesn’t decline as we try and fill the gap left by Sandra’s departure. ‘Coming Events’ 11/3/16 11.00am – 2.00pm 21st March – 7:00pm TBA Brisbane TBOBA Sub Branch Meeting – 1st Floor, Function Room, ‘The Public Service Club’, 84 William Street (cnr Stephens Lane), Brisbane TBOBA Annual General Meeting – Clive Berghofer Arena – St Mary’s College, Herries St, Toowoomba TBOBA Lawn Bowls Day at Stafford Lawn Bowls Club for Kevin Lee Memorial Trophy. To nominate contact: Laurie Blacka (3359 5365), Terry Gesch (3359 9228) or Eric Howe (4632 2191). 22nd April – 8:45am St Mary’s College ANZAC Commemoration Ceremony TBA Annual TBOBA Luncheon at North Toowoomba Bowls Club – For reservations please contact Eric Howe on 07 4632 2191 Bryan McSweeney President (07) 3278 9682 Dan McErlean Secretary (07) 3345 4404 Dan Reilly Co-Ordinator (07) 3395 1813 1 T.B.O.B.A. (Brisbane Sub-Branch) Meeting – 20/11/15 Present Apologies Bryan McSweeney (President) Laurie Atzeni (Hon) John Bagget Darryl Baker Nat Chandler Bernie Collins Jack Davis (Hon) Frank Deighton John Drew Les Duncan Graham Ehler Rolly Griffin John Hagan Tim Hagan John Hutchinson Peter Kennedy Barry Kuhnemann Doug Lee Jim Long Dinny Madden Jim Madden Mick Moloney Jim Mullins Denis McClure Rod McDonald Dan McErlean Justin McErlean Paul McErlean Peter McMahon Wayne Nuss John O’Neill Jack Parker Graham Swenson Kerry Taylor Trevor Taylor Gerry Williams Fr Paul Chandler Fr Tyrone Deere Bro Kevin Dwyer Frank Adamson Nev Card Noel Cronin Allan Duncan Brian Gagen Des Franklin Terry Gesch Barry Gordon Tom Hutchinson Fred Lincoln Dick Lynch Pat Mullins Bernie Murphy Terry Murphy Lee Nightingale John Noonan Martin O’Sullivan Errol Ryan Reg Taylor Glen Wiedman T.B.O.B.A. Meeting – Buderim 4/12/15 Present Rod Anderson Redmond Byrne Bob Grundy Kevin Leadbetter Jim Long Pat Long Tom Long Michael Long Bernie Murphy Terry Murphy Dan McErlean Apologies David Robson Ron Roney Laurie Walsh Brad Wilson Lance Wilson Noel Adcock Reg Boland Fr James Byrne John & Jan Cantwell Bernie Collins Graeme Dornbusch Fr Tyrone Deere Les Duncan Bill Fechner Denis Kearney Brian Lynan Mick Moloney Pat Mullins John Noonan Martin O’Sullivan Merv Paddison Darel & Chelle Sterling Jim & Carmel Stokes Glen & Adrienne Thompson Robert Trapp Jim Wiedman Dr Keith Wilkinson Annual Membership Fee ($10.00) for Calendar Year 2016 is now due / or Life Memberships are available (Fee $100.00) *** Cheques as donations towards the Indoor Sports Complex should be made payable to ‘Br. Baptiste O’Sullivan Building Fund’. They are fully Tax Deductible and will be receipted. 2 • Congratulations to Annette Drew for the recognition she has deservedly received in The Catholic Leader “Community Leader Awards 2015”. Joe received recognition separately from the State Awards Committee and other schools in the district. In 1990 Joe joined the Darling Downs Area Award committee as secretary and treasurer. For the next nine years he offered the Bridge Award to students which built confidence and resilience and was a great introduction to the Bronze level of the Duke of Edinburgh Award. Annette, wife of John Drew (1956-65), was named Professional Leader of the Year 2015 for her work as the Centacare Community Services’ disability support service Manager. Annette believes people with disabilities are a shining beacon in Australian society and has made it a lifelong commitment to make their dreams come true. In the years following Mr Jones became a volunteer for the award and the District Area Award committee. He was a registered expedition’s instructor, the area award coordinator, secretary of the AAC and records keeper. • Celebrating their Golden Wedding Anniversary on the 27th December 2015 were Francie (McGovern) and Graham Swenson. The celebrant for the wedding at Our Lady of Lourdes, Newtown was Rev Fr John Clancy. The bridal party was Beryl Arnell, Eleanor McGovern, Roy Arnell (RIP) and Neville Card. Graham and Francie celebrated their 50 years at the Sheraton Resort Gold Coast with their family. Daughter Lisa, her husband Tony and their children Lily and Hannah from Brisbane and their son Leon with his wife Kate and their children Vada and Arlo who travelled from Perth. This was a cherished celebration and a wonderful time was had by all. The former youth worker joined Brisbane agency Centacare in 1986 when government funding helped boost a new project giving people with disabilities independent homes. Annette started the first Supported Accommodation arrangement on Brisbane’s Southside. Thirty years later she manages a team offering supported accommodation services through Centacare Community Services. Her dedication to the vulnerable earned her the title of Australia’s most inspiring Catholic professional at the Community Leader Awards this year. • Another couple, Rae Elizabeth (Gower) and Patrick McErlean had their Golden Wedding Anniversary on the 15th January. The celebrant for their wedding in St Patrick’s Cathedral on 15/01/1966 was Rev. Fr. William Henry, Pat’s uncle, then Parish Priest at Laidley. Elizabeth and Pat have five (5) children, Marylu (Mrs Duncan Lloyd), Tim, Kate (Mrs Tony Zantiotis), Annabele and Marcus and three (3) grandsons. • Joseph Michael Jones was a student at St Mary’s from 1948 to 1957 and returned to the College as a teacher for 20 years from 1964 – 1984. He was also T.B.O.B.A Secretary in 1972 and is Life Member No 9 of our Association. He was on hand from 1973 to 1985 when the Duke of Edinburgh Awards operated at the College. The Leaders were Ron Hamilton, Joe Jones, Brother Tim Cosgrove and Mick Fitzgerald. Many Participants adopted Football Referring – Rugby League as a skill. • Syrena and David Scott (1947-1955) celebrated the birth of their third grandchild, Archie Patrick on 9/11/2015. The little chap is the son of Dane and Katherine (Scott) Carmody. Dane is the assistant coach with the AFL Sharks on the Gold Coast. David is Life Member Number 85 of our Association and the couple have resided at Yengarie near Maryborough for some years. In November 2015 Joe was presented with an award by the Governor of Queensland Paul de Jersey and former MP Mr Larry Anthony for recognition of his 42 years of volunteer service, encouragement and support to participants and volunteers of the Darling Downs community of the Duke of Edinburgh International Award. • Life Member Bill Moloney (Yr12–2001) is on transfer with the Education Department from Gladstone to a position at the Toogoolawah State High School. The family will live in nearby Esk. Bill is the son of Peter & Felicity and grandson of Mick and Edna. Joe and Ron Hamilton first began the award at the school in 1973 where Joe organised and directed a bottle drive over three months to raise funds for equipment. About $240 was raised through the collection of “tallies” 10c a dozen. • A Reunion for the 1945-1954 Class is proposed for August 2016 and coordinators of this event, John Bagget (3357 9349) and Justin McErlean (46343625) did an early mailout on the event to former classmates before Christmas and are expecting an enthusiastic response from the group who last met in 2006. Ron ran all expeditions while Joe handled Physical Efficiency activities. The two met the Duke of Edinburgh in Toowoomba on October 25th 1973. Between 1973 and 1985, the school achieved one gold, seven silver, and thirty seven bronze levels and Ron and 3 resorts there. After a few days back in their Newport home in Sydney it was off to Mick’s 1950/1959 Class Reunion in Toowoomba on the 14th November which was a great success. Sadly about two weeks later Mick’s eldest sister, Margaret (Quinlan) O’Grady, passed away in Hervey Bay, and was buried there on 4/12/2015. • Another Old Boy, Michael Purcell (Year 12 – 1977) and his wife Cathy (Stenzel) were also at Twickenham for the Rugby World Cup Finals. • On the 15th November 2015 there were combined celebrations for the 60th Anniversary of St Anthony’s Parish School and the 50th Anniversary of St Anthony’s Church in Harristown. The new Parish began in the 1950’s under the leadership of Rev Fr Paddy McMorrow with Old Boy Fr E’Brian O’Dwyer the first curate. Mick & Margo at Twickenham October 2015 • For our Old Boys’ Sydney Co-ordinator, Mick Quinlan and his wife Margo the last months in 2015 involved considerable travel. After organising tickets to the Rugby World Cup they set off for London in late September with a stop-over in Dubai. Committed Parish committees under the likes of Arthur Ledbury, Frank Bowdler and the Atzeni family led the fund raising to bring their dreams to reality and enable the school to start in 1955 under the tuition of the Presentation Sisters. Many old boys, like Paul Canning, received their early education at St Anthony’s. From London the couple flew to Malta, visiting numerous churches, the War Museum, the WWII control bunkers from where the Sicily landings were controlled, and the island of Gozo. The celebrations on the day began with Mass concelebrated by Fathers Hal Ranger, Jack Peard, Rod MacGinley, Fr Salvador Fernandes and the current priest director Fr Hermi Rafada. Then it was back to London for the Australia v England rugby game at Twickenham which Australia won. The atmosphere was fantastic. The next match, also at Twickenham, Australia v Wales, was very close with Australia hanging on for the win. Before the quarter finals, Mick and Margo flew to Bordeaux to catch up with friends and visit some wineries. They then spent the remainder of the week in Sarlat in the Dordogne region. A founding member of the school staff, Sister Zoe Fitzpatrick, carried in procession the lantern, the symbol They came back to London for the South Africa v Wales and Australia v Scotland games. South Africa had an easy win while Australia had a cliff hanger against Scotland – with Australia awarded a controversial penalty on full time which gave them victory by one point. of Nano Nagle’s order of nuns. The rich history of the church and school was traced in photographic displays, various memorabilia, original documents and a PowerPoint display. After mass there was a barbecue lunch, musical items, games, raffles and stalls held in the school grounds. They spent the next week in the Honfleur region of France at the mouth of the Seine, a lovely old historical town; but quite cold. There was a day trip to Caen to visit the WWII memorial, and a night in Paris before flying back to London to witness the Rugby semis. New Zealand beat South Africa and Australia won their match against Argentina to set up an Anzac final. Speakers at the event included Principal Paul Ryan, State Member for Toowoomba South, John McVeigh, and Mrs Vivienne Ruffini (nee Atzeni). Mrs Ruffini painted a picture of the new Parish in the 1950’s and how her family helped build the church. She was married in the old church, her children and some of her grandchildren had received the sacraments in the new church, and one of her daughters was a teacher at St Anthony’s School. Her husband, Raul, helped fashion – and later restore- the church pews. The week before the final was spent at Oxford touring the Colleges and their facilities, Blenheim Palace – birthplace of Churchill and his grave at nearby Bladen. Back in London the couple went to the final, won convincingly by New Zealand. Australia played poorly in the first half and gave the Kiwis too big a start. The flight back to Australia, again via Dubai, gave Mick and Margo a couple of days to visit beaches and 4 • • Old boy Tony Gollan plans to retire his 9yr old gelding Temple of Boom which finished its career running fourth in the Magic Millions Sprint. Temple of Boom won just on $2 million in prizemoney and claimed 11 wins, 9 seconds, and 7 thirds from 64 starts. It was Temple of Boom that gave Tony his first Group 1 victory with the Galaxy at Randwick in 2012 and it was at that race where he met his future wife Jane who was working as the personal assistant to Gai Waterhouse. Peter Sheridan – A Versatile Volunteer. Life Member Peter Sheridan was born in Toowoomba in 1930, the son of a prominent Toowoomba builder Jack Sheridan, and attended St. Mary’s College from 1939 to 1947. Peter represented the College in the First XV Rugby side and in Athletics and Tennis teams and he was Dux of the College in his senior year. After further studies he worked in various capacities during his professional life, ranging from a role with the Main Roads department and a spell as Shire Engineer in Mitchell and Oakey, and eventually as the owner of a pet goods wholesaling business. • The reunion committee for the St. Mary’s Class of 1950 – 1959, Graham Swenson, Pat Costigan, Justin Lunney and Michael Quinlan, were pleased with the turn-out at the Federal Hotel/Motel Toowoomba on Saturday 14th November 2015 – 50 years to the month since the class sat the Scholarship exam. A meet and greet was held in the afternoon in the private bar and this gave some who were unable to attend the night function the opportunity for an “old boys” get together with lots of old memories relived. Upon retirement in 1995 and wishing to make himself useful in the community he joined the University of the Third Age (U3A) as a student of the German language. Peter’s mothers side of the family had emigrated from Germany in 1863, so there was a little family history involved in Peter’s choice of a subject. The dinner get together with wives and partners was very much enjoyed by all who attended. A few short speeches, photo opportunities and a wonderful recitation of the “Old School Days” written and recited by Barry Gordon was appreciated by all. He rapidly built up his skill in the language thanks to the efforts of his tutor. Peter continued learning German in an intermediate class but became aware there was no class for beginners who had no prior German language knowledge. He volunteered to tutor elementary German even though he had no teaching experience. Those in attendance included, Kerry Byrne, Brian Carter (A M), Vern Chardon, Tony Collins, Pat Costigan, Fr Tyrone Deere, John Englart, Barry Gordon, John Hackett, Pat Kane, Cor Kooyman, Justin Lunney, Mick Quinlan, Brian Scott, Merv Sleba, Lionel Stower, Graham Swenson, Frank Thygesen, and John Warrian. Around this time an acquaintance pointed out to Peter that a number of older people who had played tennis in their youth were keen to get back into the sport, but lacked a club. Peter took the initiative and established a U3A tennis group and co-ordinated it for 3 years. It still continues to the present day. Apologies were received from Damien Strofeldt, Martin O’Sullivan, John Keightley, and Glen Wiedman. As if that was not enough Peter went on to teach Sudoku for a year in 2014, proving yet again that variety is the spice of life. When asked why he took on such diverse tutoring roles Peter replied “Just so I can help others – there is nothing more satisfying. For me, it goes without saying that we have an obligation to share our knowledge and skills with others”. U3A Toowoomba recently held a luncheon to thank the small army of volunteer tutors who give of their time and efforts throughout the year to provide a wide variety of classes and activities for members. • In the four day tour match between the Cricket Australia XI and the West Indies at Allan Border Field in December 2015, the Cricket Australia side won by 10 wickets. The Captain of that team was wicketkeeper / batsman James Peirson, the grandson of Jim Long (19431947) and grandnephew of Pat (1943-1949) and Tom (1946-1950). James scored 64 of the team’s total of 444 runs and managed two caught behinds in each innings of the West Indies team. • Life Member Joe O’Neill (1966-1974) and a leading syndicator of racehorses through his business “Prime Thoroughbreds” was pleased with the success of the 4yr old Hudson Eagle in the Myer Magic Millions Sprint, valued at $965,000, during the Magic Millions Carnival at the Gold Coast on 9/01/2016. Hudson Eagle was ridden by Melbourne Cup winning jockey, Michelle Payne. James has also been prominent for the Brisbane Heat in the Big Bash League competition, again as wicketkeeper / opening batsman. He made 51 runs off 36 balls for the Heat in their match against the Adelaide Strikers at the Gabba on 8/01/2016 and against the Sydney Sixers on the 10/01/2016 he hit one of the biggest sixes onto the roof of the Sydney Cricket Ground. 5 ANZAC 100 Years – Two stories of St Mary’s Old Boys – “Lest We Forget” Money claimed often went towards paying for the younger members of the family to attend the Saturday matinee at the local cinema. THE BATTLE OF SLATER’S KNOLL 1945 Two stories by war historian John Telfer. In late February 1945, the battle for Bougainville reached a significant change in Japanese military tactics to prevent the Australian 25th Battalion from gaining a foothold in the area. On 5th March, after crossing the Puriata River the Australian 7th Brigade were given the task of routing entrenched Japanese forces off a strategic piece of jungle called Slater’s Knoll and after fierce fighting they achieved their aim. The Japanese, under the command of Lieutenant-General Akinaga, intensified their attacks in order to regain the Knoll and over 1500 Japanese troops kept storming the area and as reported in despatches, “Wave after wave of screaming Japs came at them and were hurled back, the dead bodies piling up around the Australian defences. Bayonet charges amid sustained Japanese machine gun fire as well as fierce hand to hand fighting saw the Japanese attacks pushed back time after time”. It was in this chaotic atmosphere of battle in the steaming jungles of Bougainville that saw one young Australian infantryman stand out for his courage and leadership under these trying conditions, which won him the Military Medal. His name was Sergeant Stephen James Sullivan and this is his story. Steve and his brothers did the normal things that young boys do growing up in a country town by being involved in local sport but would always give their mother a portion of their wages to help with family expenses. However, in 1939 society in Australia changed dramatically when Prime Minister Robert Menzies committed Australian troops to the Middle East in support of Great Britain. At this time Steve had met a young Toowoomba girl named Daphne Briskie and after a period of courtship they were married on 9th November 1940, while Steve was working as a Yardman /Bar Tender at the Exchange Hotel in Toowoomba. The Sullivan men quickly answered the call to military service with the older 5 boys joining the army after serving in the Citizen Military Forces. They became known as the “Fighting Sullivans”( based on the American version of the Sullivans of United States Navy fame in 1942.) Brothers Frank and Eugene ended up POW’s. Steve was called up for training with the CMF often referred to as “Chockos”, a rather derogatory term used by regular army volunteers who had fought in the Middle East and saw CMF soldiers as just chocolate soldiers. However, Steve eventually enlisted in the AIF on 16th July 1943, possibly because many conscripts did to escape that slur. Stephen was born on 25th July 1917 at Pechey, Queensland, the second son of James and Sylvia Sullivan of Newtown, a suburb of Toowoomba, Queensland. He was from a large family consisting of 6 girls, Mary, Eileen, Sylvia, Daphne, Bernice and Joyce and 6 boys Jack, Steve, Eugene, Frank, Victor and Terry who all lived in Campbell Street. They were a very close knit catholic family of which one sister Mary, joining a religious order. On 21st February 1942, Steve marched into Cabarlah Barracks to begin training and then on 29th August embarked on HMT “Katoomba” to head for Port Moresby in time to serve with the 25th Battalion in the Battle of Milne Bay where the Battalion, fighting in atrocious conditions, pushed back the Japanese advance and inflicted the first ever land defeat of Japanese forces. Things were not easy for a large family as they grew up in the Depression years and although they all received a good education, the 6 boys, all attended St. Mary’s Christian Brothers College, but they had to leave school as soon as they were allowed to in order to work in helping to support the large family. Most work available in those days was in rural occupations and the eldest boys found whatever work was available with graziers doing tasks that involved heavy work clearing land, and helping with the wheat harvest. This entailed heaving bags of wheat with working hours usually from dawn to dusk. Steve helped supplement the family income in those hard times by using his skill as a crack rifle shot to kill birds that the local council had placed a bounty on, such birds as swallows and sparrows. On 25th October 1944, Steve was promoted from Corporal to acting Sergeant and three weeks later embarked on HMT “Santa Monica” bound for Torokina in Bougainville where Steve was to experience both his hardest and finest hours. The conditions in Bougainville were perhaps worse than Milne Bay. The Battalion had to endure Japanese snipers and mortar shells apart from the heat, incessant rainfall, mud and slush and disease bearing insects. It was referred to as a “Hell hole”. When the Battalion was allotted the task of securing and defending the strategic Slater’s Knoll in March – April 6 1942 to 1945. His 25th Battalion, which were awarded Battle Honours, distinguished themselves in battle with another Toowoomba boy in Peter Hall also winning a Military Medal in the siege at Slater’s Knoll. 1945, the fierce hand to hand combat and bayonet charges by the estimated 3,000 Japanese Imperial Army’s 6th Division, were supressed by the courage of soldiers like Steve Sullivan when he performed his heroic deeds at the Knoll. This is how his courage was described in the citation report written by his Commanding Officer Lieutenant – Colonel J. S. Kinna on 5th March 1945: “During a company attack on Slater’s Knoll in South Bougainville Sergeant Sullivan commanded a section of medium machine guns providing covering fire during the advance to the objective. Slater’s Knoll dominated all approaches and the enemy had a Juki medium machine gun and light machine guns dug in on commanding positions. In order to maintain accurate and sustained fire, Sergeant Sullivan stood, heedless to danger and an easy target, in full view of the enemy and ably directed the fire of his section. This action contributed in no small measure to the success of the attack and the objective was seized and consolidated. Throughout the operation Sergeant Sullivan’s conduct and devotion to duty was most exemplary and inspired all who observed it. Subsequently, Sergeant Sullivan was in charge of a small party moving along the Buin Road to Battalion Headquarters. The enemy attempted to ambush the small party but Sergeant Sullivan kept up a sustained fire from his rifle while directing their withdrawal. He inflicted casualties, remaining behind until all his men had been safely extricated before retiring himself. His cool action exerted a steadying and resolute influence on the party and prevented casualties and information of falling into the hands of the enemy. In these actions Sergeant Sullivan again demonstrated the qualities of out-standing leadership and courage which have contributed so much to the efficiency and morale of his section during operations in which they have been engaged.” When he returned to civilian life Steve was first employed as a ranger at the Clifford Park racecourse, Toowoomba and later had that same role at Eagle Farm, Brisbane until appointed the Race Day Starter there. Steve and his loving wife Daphne had two children, Stephanie and Brian, and in his later years lived in the north-side Brisbane suburb of Bray Park. Stephen Sullivan passed away in May 2003 at the age of 86 after a life of high adventure in his military service in World War 2, and people like him have become the pride of the nation in this Centenary year of the Anzacs, and he can be written into the military history of his country with pride and be classified as a true Anzac Stephen James Sullivan With the Japanese in retreat on Bougainville in full swing by late July 1945 when they had lost 620 killed and over 1,000 wounded, whereas the Australians had only lost 189 casualties, the men of the 7th Brigade on Slater’s Knoll were withdrawn and by the 4th August 1945, Steve’s war was over and he embarked from Torokina on HMT “Santa Monica” bound for Newcastle for some much needed rest. On 19th November 1945 Steve was posted back to Queensland for discharge thus ending a military career that saw him face the terrible condition of Bougainville and survive, to return home to his family in Toowoomba. Service Number: QX55815 Rank: Sergeant Unit: 25th Australian Infantry Battalion Service: Army Conflict / Operation: Second World War, 1939-1945 Award: Military Medal Steve Sullivan was indeed a genuine Australian hero who did his Battalion, his nation and his family great credit, and the awarding of the Military Medal was a just reward for a man with his courage and commitment to his men, in the steaming jungles of Milne Bay and Bougainville from 7 He got through his information and then set out back laying a new telephone line. He arrived opposite his Company to find it completely encircled. He telephoned back to Headquarters and then made a complete reconnaissance of enemy positions. On his information was based the plan for attack next day. Private Hall’s action enabled the Company to be relieved and undoubtedly saved the lives of several men.” WARWICK’S HERO OF SLATER’S KNOLL • Private Peter Joseph Hall, M. M. A.I.F: Peter Hall was born in Toowoomba on 17th January 1924, the third son of William “Skinny” Hall and Mary Hall (nee Gabbett). The family of four brothers and four sisters produced three Catholic priests, Frs Bill Frank and Pat, and two of the girls entered the convent as nuns, such was the strong catholic faith of the Hall parents. After the war Peter married his sweetheart Maureen Heeney in Toowoomba in 1948, and moved to Wallangarra where he took up employment with the army in the Army Stores Depot there and where his first of 4 children, Christopher, was born. They eventually raised five children after moving to Warwick, where they lived in Gore Street for many years. Peter was educated at St Mary’s Christian Brothers College in Toowoomba where he completed the scholarship exam after Grade 8. His first job was as a shop assistant and clerk at McGovern’s Grocery Store and he did the usual things that teenagers do by playing football with his brother Jack at the St Patrick’s Rugby Union Club, and being an active member of the Toowoomba Young Catholic Workers’ movement where he rose to the position of President. Peter became a very active participant of the Catholic Church in Warwick as a member of the St Vincent DePaul Society, and was highly respected around Warwick where he found employment in clerical and accounting duties at Cresswell Ford, the Butter Factory and Cribbe and Foote. Peter entered the army as a conscript on May 13, 1943 and completed a period of training that included the Jungle Training Centre at Canungra, before embarking on board HMAT “Duntroon” bound for Port Moresby in New Guinea. He enlisted in the A.I.F on 12th August 1943. The war affected Peter’s health severely, as the period at Slater’s Knoll gave him a lifetime of malaria attacks and scarlet fever. This eventually took its toll on Peter’s heart and at the very young age of 45, Peter passed away on 22nd March 1969 as a result of these war induced conditions, and now lies at rest in the Warwick Cemetery. In New Guinea he suffered from malaria and spent a period of time in the 2/9th Australian General Hospital. On release he attended further training with 3 Division Intelligence from January 2 – 16, 1944 in Cairns before being sent to Madang for further specialist training and then on April 29 1945 he was sent to Bougainville where he was in the thick of action against Japanese forces which saw him in the action that won him the Military Medal. The legend of Peter’s courage on Slater;s Knoll in 1945 will never be forgotten in the annals of Australian military history. Peter achieved one of his finest hours at the Battle of Slater’s Knoll with the famous 25th Battalion AIF, to which he was transferred in New Guinea. In his action, Peter was awarded the Military Medal for bravery, one of many awarded to the men of the 25th on that day so that they became one of the most decorated army Battalions in the months of early 1945. Slater’s Knoll is situated in Southern Bougainville, it became the scene of ferocious fighting by a superior number of Japanese seasoned infantry veterans who harassed the Australian forces who had to withstand suicidal Banzai charges by screaming bayonet-charging forces, committed to dying for the Emperor. Peter Joseph Hall Peter’s action that day is a story of bravery and initiative where he put his life on the line to save his company of possible decimation by a surrounding Company of Japanese troops. Peter’s story and how his citation read is: Service Number: QX56727 Rank: Private (later Sergeant) Unit: 25th Australian Infantry Battalion Service: Army “When the telephone line between his Company and Battalion Headquarters was cut, Private Hall volunteered to attempt a breakthrough to reach another Company where he could telephone to Headquarters. Conflict / Operation: Second World War, 1939-1945 Award: Military Medal 8
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