b September 2015 d - St Mary`s College


b September 2015 d - St Mary`s College
September 2015
Dan McErlean
12 Werona Street, Sunnybank Qld 4109
Dear Old Boys
Our next meeting will be held at ‘The Public Service Club’, Level 1 Function Room, 84 William Street (cnr
Stephens Lane) Brisbane on Friday 18 September 2015 from 12 noon through until about 2pm; but feel free
to drop in anytime from 11am on, as your commitments dictate and join old Boy mates in convivial
If travelling by train to the Central Railway Station, you can catch a free City Loop bus from Stop 8 opposite
Central Station in Ann Street that allows you to alight at Stop 103 in the Government Precinct, just outside
‘The Public Service Club’ at 84 William Street. The bus services on this route are every 10-15 minutes.
Our Christmas break-up meeting will be held on Friday 20 November 2015. This is a Claimer meeting, so
please make a special effort to keep this date free.
Laurie Blacka would welcome a phone call from any Old Boys interested in a social game of Lawn Bowls on
Sunday 18 October 2015 in the Inter City Brisbane v Toowoomba match at the Toowoomba North Bowls
Club for the ‘Kevin Lee Memorial Trophy’. Laurie’s phone number is 3359 5365.
Please remember Old Boys and Friends of the College recently deceased: Fr John Clancy, Fr Jeff Scully,
Bro TJN Campbell cfc, John Eaton, Jack McErlean (husband of Val (Roney) and father of Brian and
Barry), Ambrose Sullivan (husband of Rita), father and father-in-law of Carolyn and Laurie Doherty,
Monica and Brian Siemsen, Tony and Cathy Sullivan, Paul and Jenelle, 11 grandchildren, 23 great
grandchildren and 1 great great grandchild. Pat Rohde (1964/69) who passed away suddenly on 13/8/15 and
his mother, Frances Rohde (wife of Con RIP) died on 19/8/15. Pat was the husband of Denise, father
Stephen, Patricia, Matthew (RIP) brother of Marie, Anne, Jack, Margo and Helen), Jim Dredge
(husband of Jan and brother of Neville, Kevin and Bro Michael cfc) and Patricia (Long) Fisher sister of
Frances, Molly, Jim, Pat and Tom), Daphne Patricia (Dell) Garrett sister of Graham Sweeney. Jill
Rowen, wife of Jim, Peter Jeffrey who was a Counsellor on College Staff between 1996 and 2011. Please
also remember a number who are unwell or recovering from surgery: Doug and Tim Coonan, Kevin
Killoran, Pat Seymour, John Keightley, Colin Green, Joe Mulhall, Trevor Muller, Tom Hutchinson,
Bill and Pat McErlean, Reg Taylor, Greg Keen, Lorna Dunne, David Wilkinson, Jack Davis and Pat
Mrs Frances Rohde (aged 96 years) lived opposite the College entrance in Hill St and next to the Brother
Frank Rodgers’ Sports Fields. She was a much loved member of the St Mary’s College extended family.
Her brother Billy Maloney attended the College in the 1930s and as an Allied Flight Pilot in World War II
forced landed his damaged aircraft deep inside hostile territory in Holland in September 1944. He survived,
but minutes later his life was brutally ended and in July 1945 the circumstances of his death became the
subject of an Allied War Crimes Investigation. A book ‘Flightpath to Murder’ by British Author, Steve
Darlow, records the trial and outcome.
Our Special Thanks are extended to Kevin Bianchi (1969/76), Redmond Byrne (1951/54), LW (Bill)
Fechner (Scholarship 1957), Kevin Garrett 1939/48 and Dux and College Captain 1948, Tim Hagan
(1951/60), Leo Kruger (1955/63), Doug Lee (1945/46), Noel Muller (1952/59), Denis Murphy (1949/56),
Stanley Myers (Scholarship 1945), Gerard McMahon (1987/91), Bob McNaught (Year 12 – 1971),
Trevor Taylor (1958/64) and Kevin Walsh (1960/68) who have taken up Life Memberships recently.
Old Boys celebrating birthdays recently have included Jim Barron (92), Justin Dwyer, Peter Kennedy,
Fred Lincoln, Pat Long, John Orford, Fr Hal Ranger, Terry Ranger and Denis Reynolds.
Annual Membership Fee
($10.00) for Calendar Year 2015 is now due / or Life Memberships are available (Fee $100.00)
Cheques as donations towards the Indoor Sports Complex should be made payable to
‘Br. Baptiste O’Sullivan Building Fund’.
They are fully Tax Deductible and will be receipted.
Bryan McSweeney
(07) 3278 9682
Dan McErlean
(07) 3345 4404
Dan Reilly
(07) 3395 1813
TBOBA (Brisbane Sub Branch) Meeting – 17/7/15
Bro Barry Buckley
John Bagget
Nev Card
Maurie Drew
Brien Dunne
Brian Gagen
Terry Gesch
Rolly Griffin
John Hagan
Tim Hagan
Barry Kuhnemann
Doug Lee
Jim Long
Paul McClure
Dan McErlean
Bryan McSweeney
Jack Parker
Graham Swenson
Trevor Traylor
Fr Paul Chandler
Bro Kevin Dwyer
Frank Adamson
Nat Chandler
John Coyer
Noel Cronin
Frank Deighton
John Drew
Allan Duncan
Noel Frost
Joe Hanna
Merv Henson
John Hutchinson
Fred Lincoln
Mick Moloney
Bernie Murphy
Terry Murphy
Peter McMahon
John Noonan
John O’Neill
Kerry Taylor
Reg Taylor
Glen Wiedman
TBOBA (Buderim) Meeting – 31/7/15
Rod Anderson
Redmond Byrne
Grahame Dornbusch
Bill Fechner
Bob Grundy
Jim Long
Michael Long
Pat Long
Tom Long
Pat Mullins
Bernie Murphy
Terry Murphy
Dan McErlean
John Noonan
Martin O’Sullivan
Merv Paddison
Ron Roney
Glen Thompson
Adrienne Thompson
Brad Wilson
Lance Wilson
Noel Adcock
Reg Boland
John Cantwell
Jan Cantwell
John Crotty
Fr Tyronne Deere
Tim Fitzpatrick
Nev Fraser
Fr Marty Larsen
Brian Lynam
Mick Moloney
Don Rolls
Bob Stevens
Jim Stokes
Carmel Stokes
Darryl Stirling
Laurie Walsh
Jim Wiedman
Dr Keith Wilkinson
‘Coming Events’
11am – 2pm
Brisbane TBOBA Sub-Branch Meeting – 1st Floor, Function Room, ‘The Public Service
Club’, 84 William Street (cnr Stephens Lane, Brisbane)
1956 / 1965 Class Reunion: Toowoomba
Classmates from 1956 onwards to Junior 1963 and Senior 1965 will be more than
welcome. A number have already been contacted and a formal invite will be sent later in
the year with all the details to those we have contact addresses for. Mark the date on your
calendar now so you will be free. Hope most of you can make it along on the day. If you
know of any Old Boys from this period please bring it to their attention. Further details can
be obtained from:
John Drew (jedrew@powerup.com.au or Ph: 0417 246 641)
Graham Ehler (gehler@optusnet.com.au or Ph: 0412 871 604) or
Ross Fallon (rossfallon@bigpond.com or Ph: 0402 024 809)
TBOBA Lawn Bowls Day at North Toowoomba Bowls Club for ‘Kevin Lee Memorial
Trophy’. To nominate please contact Laurie Blacka (3359 5365),
Terry Gesch (3359 9228) or Eric Howe (4632 2191).
1951 / 1959 Class Reunion in Toowoomba – details available from contacts:
Bernie Collins (4129 7148) and Paul Reynolds (4635 5451)
1950/1959 Class Reunion – Contacts: Pat Costigan (0432 583 498), Justin Lunney
(4634 4756), Michael Quinlan (0418 465 159) or Graham Swenson (5561 1753).
TBOBA Sunshine Coast Meeting at Headland Golf Club on Golf Links Road, Buderim.
Contacts: Bernie Murphy (5478 0742), Terry Murphy (5456 4340) or Redmond Byrne
(5477 6705)
before attending St Mary’s College from 1950 to 1959
and the Kelvin Grove Teacher’s Training College
in 1960.
Fr John Joseph Clancy
(31/12/1931 – 8/7/2015)
• Fr John’s parents Jack and
Margaret (Logan) built their
family home in Somerset St,
Toowoomba. Jack worked at
Horn and Bowdler, later Con
Bowdler’s in Station Street.
Margaret was one of eight
children who accompanied their
parents over from Ireland in the
early 20th Century. Margaret’s father, Steve (Irish)
Logan, held the licence of the Oriental (Settlers Arms)
Hotel in Toowoomba between 1922 and 1929 and her
youngest brother, Steve, also became a hotelier. The
couple had two sons Jim and John, Jim died on
After teaching for two years Jeff began his studies for
the Priesthood in 1963 at Pius XII Seminary, Banyo and
in 1965 was sent to the University of Propaganda Fide
in Rome where he gained his Licentiate in Sacred
Theology in 1969. He was then ordained to the
Priesthood in St Patrick’s Cathedral, Toowoomba, by
Bishop William Brennan DD.
Fr Jeff’s priestly appointments included St Patrick’s
Cathedral, Toowoomba (Aug 1969 – Feb 1971),
St Mary’s Goondiwindi (Feb 1971 – Nov 1971),
St Joseph’s Dalby (Dec1971 – July1972), St Clare of
Montefaico, Tully (Jul 1972 – Nov 1976), St Thomas
More’s Toowoomba (Nov 1976 – Mar 1980),
St Finbarr’s Quilpie (Mar 1980 – May 2007).
As the boys grew up they were educated at St Saviour’s
Convent before enrolling at St Mary’s College and over
the Christmas and mid Winter holidays enjoyed the
company of their cousins, the Purcell brothers,
Andrew, Terry and Des. He studied for the Priesthood
at the Pius XII Seminary, Banyo and was ordained in St
Patrick’s Cathedral, Toowoomba, on the 29th June 1956
by Bishop William Brennan DD.
Since May 2007 he had resided in Vianney Village at
Lourdes Home in Toowoomba.
He had academic degrees that included a Certificate of
Teaching (Primary) in 1960, a Bachelor of Arts from
the University of Queensland at St Lucia in 1988 and a
Diploma of Social Justice Studies from YTU
Melbourne in 1991. His Diocesan Appointments were
Co-ordinator of Clergy Life and Ministry in the
Diocese; College of Consultors; Diocesan Council of
Priests; Diocesan Personnel Board.
Fr John’s appointments were St Mary’s Warwick
1956/59, St Mary’s Charleville 1960/61, St Patrick’s
Cathedral 1962, Our Lady of Lourdes (Newtown)
1963/67, St Joseph’s Dalby 1968/69, Mt Newman / Port
Headland 1970/75, St Joseph’s Dalby 1976/77,
St Mary’s Taroom 1978/82, St Mary’s Charleville
1982/86, St Monica’s Oakey 1987/1994, Sacred Heart
Cunnamulla 1994/2006 and St Stephen’s Pittsworth
(Priest in Residence)_ 2006/11. He also served in the
following Diocesan Offices: Diocesan Consultor,
Council of Priests, Vicar for Clergy and Vicar Forane.
Fr Scully is remembered as a pastor, a friend and a
person of the people with qualities that made him a
beloved figure in the Catholic Church and wider
community. His unexpected death left many who were
touched by his ministry wanting to pay tribute to his life
and service, particularly the people of Quilpie who
played a special part in Fr Jeff’s journey through 27
years in their community.
From 2011 to 2015 Fr John lived in Vianney Village
before moving into Lourdes Home in 2015 where he
died peacefully on 8th July 2015. Bishop Robert
McGuckin offered the Requiem Mass for him in
St Patrick’s Cathedral on 14/7/15 with the Rite of
Committal held at the Garden of Remembrance, South
His Requiem Mass held in St Patrick’s Cathedral,
where there was standing room only on 29 June 2015
was con-celebrated by Bishop Robert McGuckin,
Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Toowoomba with the
Bishop Emeritus William Morris and Clergy who
came from near and far, including his seminary
The passing of Fr John Clancy marks another milestone
in the history of St Mary’s College, as well as the
Toowoomba Diocese. He was a great sportsman who
loved his round of golf and his game of squash, a wellliked and pleasant priest for 59 years.
Bishop McGuckin paid a tribute to Fr Scully during the
Mass saying “Fr Jeff Scully was a priest who engaged
fully with those to whom he ministered”. He touched
the lives of many, as is evident by those who attended
his funeral. He lived his life as an example of Christ
and that is what we are all called to do. May he Rest in
Eternal Peace and Joy”.
Fr Jeffrey John Scully
(24/11/1941 – 24/6/2015)
• Fr Jeff Scully born on 24
November 1941 in Toowoomba
to John Trevor and Irene
(Singleton) Scully. He had an
elder sister Sandra Maree (now
Neale). He received his early
Education at St Saviour’s
Convent from 1947 to 1949
Fr Jeff was laid to rest in the Garden of Remembrance
Cemetery in South Toowoomba following the Funeral
When Jeff was ordained in 1969 he became a member
of the family of the Priests along with his loving family
of Sandra, Ted and their children. He became a very
proud, engaged member of the Priesthood family and
made very significant deep-thinking friends. I talked
with Jeff every week (the last time at 6pm the night
before he died) and once our conversations had solved
the important matters of life – like what would win the
first leg of the Quaddies, whether Brad Hadden was the
best choice as Australia’s wicket keeper, we discussed
life, social justice, the church and other meaningful
‘Special Tribute to Fr Jeff’
This is a summary of a short tribute to Jeff given ‘off
the cuff’ on the occasion of the Vigil at St Anthony’s
Church on Sunday 28 June by one of his former
College classmates, Ken Hurst.
Many years ago Jeff advised me that any sermon that
lasts longer than 7 minutes loses the congregation. I
kept that in mind.
Jeff has been a significant part of my family for many
years. He was Parish Priest at St Finbarrs Quilpie for 27
years. My wife, Ros, was baptised at St Finbarrs. He
officiated at Ros and my wedding, baptised our three
children and officiated at the wedding of our youngest
daughter Alison in Canberra. On the morning Sandra
rang me with the sad news of Jeff’s passing, our 37
years old daughter, Judith, who was visiting from
Germany at that time, said that Jeff was always happy. I
couldn’t help but think that there was no better way to
describe Jeff.
Three names of men who Jeff considered to be real men
of God and his friends kept coming up. These were
Bishop Emeritis, Bill Morris, Fr Frank O’Loughlin
and Fr Peter Dorfield. Frank and Peter are here
tonight and they and Bill will be at tomorrow’s
It gave us great consolation that Fr Peter was with Jeff,
Sandra and the family when Jeff passed away last
Tuesday night.
We started school in Prep 1 together at St Saviour’s in
1947. Looking around the congregation here are a
number of members of that class present (in fact there
were 5). In 1950 we graduated to St Mary’s to
commence ten years of further learning. Jeff had a
happy school life. In our year 3 in 1951, the Christian
Brothers conducted a state wide exam. We were a class
of 100 that year so on a state wide basis there was a
very large number of students. Jeff came 4th in the
Thank you and good-bye my friend. (Ken Hurst)
Brother Thomas Nicholas Campbell cfc
(11/3/1928 – 26/6/2015)
• Thomas Campbell was the seventh child of twelve
children with four sisters and seven brothers. His
parents George and Catherine (Kit) married on
27/11/1918 at St Mary’s Warwick. The children were
brought them up in a loving and faith filled family on
their dairy farm at Danderoo via Warwick.
At the other end of our schooling, the ‘powers that be’
at St Mary’s decided to introduce the role of School
Captain. We were a class of 16, the biggest ever senior
class at St Mary’s to that time. By a vote of students
and staff, Jeff was elected to fill that role. He wasn’t
the best runner, best footballer, best swimmer or best
cricketer. He was good, better than average, but not the
best. He was just the right person for the job. Nobody
enjoyed reminiscing on his school years more than Jeff.
His primary schooling was at a one-teacher school and
for his secondary education he attended the Christian
Brothers in Warwick in Sub Junior and Junior. This was
followed by two years at the Teachers’ College in
Brisbane in 1944. Tom then taught for the State
Education Department for six months at Killarney and
later spent two years as Principal of the Burncluith State
School east of Chinchilla. A transfer to another one
teacher school at Greymare west of Warwick followed;
but after two years he resigned from teaching and
returned home to work the family farm. Two years later
he moved into Toowoomba changing his occupation
completely, obtaining a job at the local brewery where
he worked for six years.
At the completion of our senior year (1959) Jeff and I
decided to have a very early version of ‘Schoolies
week’. We booked into a guest house in Brisbane and
attended the first cricket test between Australia and
England. Richie Benaud was Australia’s captain and
Peter May was captain of the English team. It was the
famous ‘go slow’ test. On the Saturday England scored
in the 130s and Trevor Bailey scored in the low 30s.
We were rather smart and went to the races on that day.
This began Jeff’s lifetime love for and appreciation of
On 6 January 1960, aged 32 years, his direction in life
changed again when he answered the call of Edmund
Rice and asked to join the Christian Brothers at
Strathfield. He received the Habit of the Christian
Brothers on 27/2/60 and was given the religious name,
In 1960 we went to Kelvin Grove Teacher’s College. At
the end of the year the lottery for placement nominated
Quinalow for Jeff. As was the case in all his life, the
residents fell in love with him and he reciprocated.
After two years of formation, Bro Nick then spent four
years as a Brother in New South Wales – at St Mary’s
Cathedral School, Rose Bay and Paddington. In 1966
he was transferred back to Queensland where he stayed
for the rest of his life. His missions in Queensland were
at St Patrick’s, Mackay (1966), St Mary’s, Toowoomba
During this time it firmed in Jeff’s mind that his God
was calling him to another teaching role in the
Priesthood. In 1963 Jeff entered the Seminary at Banyo.
(1969), St John Fisher’s Townsville as Superior (1972),
St Stanislaus Rockhampton (1976), Tertianship Rome
(1982), Aquinas Southport (1983), Nudgee Junior
College (Superior) (1986), Xavier Community
Indooroopilly (Superior) (1987), Dutton Park (1993),
Victoria St (1994), Edmund Rice Community Taringa
(1995) and Holy Spirit Carseldine (2011).
Edna Moloney, Tom Mitchell, Bob Mackinlay, Dan
McErlean, Justin and Yvonne McErlean, Kevin and
Jan McSweeney, John Mullen, Reg and Leona
Murphy, Vince Murphy, Andrew and Marylou
O’Dwyer, Fr E’Brian O’Dwyer, Merv Otto, Brian
and Pat Powell, Lindsay Reis and Lorraine Fraser,
Brian Reardon, Paul Reynolds, Fr Hal Ranger,
Michael Rooke, Vince Rosenthal, Nev Sarqius, Peter
Sheridan, Bill Thygesen, Max Winter.
Brother Nick entered fully into his role in the classroom
by teaching both by blackboard and example. He was
very practical in his approach to the students and
obviously used his past experiences in one teacher
schools and other positions to a very special advantage.
This outreach was also most noticeable when he was a
Superior in Townsville and Nudgee Junior and in a very
caring way for the retired Brothers at Xavier,
Indooroopilly. From 1993 to 2008 he undertook his
‘retirement’ ministry, teaching English to refugees and
migrants at Rosalie.
Apologies were received from Fr Ray Crowley,
Fr Pat Hall, Tom Hutchinson, Allan McCabe, Paul
McNally OAM, John Bagget, Doug Lee, John
Wilson, Vince Lester OAM, John F Pobar and Peter
In his address, Bishop Emeritus Morris made
reference to the four Gospels in the Bible – Matthew,
Mark, Luke, John and then went on to articulate the
need for each of us to live out and to ‘be’ the 5th Gospel
by living out the Jesus story authentically in our lives.
Keen on sport such as golf and tennis, he was a one
eyed supporter of the Broncos Rugby League Team and
had interests in photography, as his many photo albums
attest, card games and most importantly, his extended
family being the stalwart and lynchpin for the Campbell
Clan communication in recent years.
Sixty years After St Mary’s
• On the 8th and 9th of July, sixty years after completing
Senior (Year 12), all the 1955 Class – Pat Corey,
Michael McClure, Paul McNally and Jim Madden –
met in Sydney to renew acquaintances and recall school
day memories.
Brother Thomas Joseph Nicholas Campbell entered
Eternal Life on 26th June 2015 and his Life was
celebrated with a Mass of Resurrection at the Holy
Spirit Chapel, Carseldine on 3rd July 2015.
Following his graduation as a doctor at the University
of Sydney, Pat spent most of his working life as a
private medical practitioner in the Sydney area and
rarely had an opportunity to meet up with his former
classmates who remained mainly around the Downs.
• Early in August Old Boys were saddened to learn of the
death of John Eaton in North Queensland. As a young
(20) year old John joined the All Whites Rugby League
Club from Millaa Millaa on the Atherton Tableland and
had 35 games for Whites between 1955 and 1957,
scoring 11 tries and kicking 3 goals, he played
5 Bulimba Cup matches and in 1957 was a member of
Queensland sides in the interstate series on 4 occasions.
After breaking a leg in that season he returned to North
Queensland to play in the Foley Shield Competition for
Herbert River (Ingham), Eacham (Atherton Tableland),
Tully and Cairns. John captained the Eacham side in
their 35 v 10 victory over Mackay in the 1961 Foley
Shield Final and was a member of North Queensland
sides in matches against visiting international teams,
France in 1960 and Great Britain in 1962.
The four of them went through St Mary’s during the
decade following World War II when in each year of
the ‘baby boom’ the Brothers who taught had bigger
class numbers as enrolments increased and money for
school equipment was scarce.
In spite of these drawbacks the four recognised the hard
work and dedication of the Christian Brothers in giving
them the basic education to succeed in future studies at
University level. Professor Paul McNally OAM
became the first Deputy Vice Chancellor of the
University of South Queensland, Father Michael
McClure completed a doctorate in Rome and lectured
at the Banyo Seminary for many years, while Jim
Madden, teacher, writer and researcher, studied
Education to Master’s level and was later awarded the
degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
• Guest speaker at the Annual TBOBA luncheon on 26
June 2015 at the North Toowoomba Bowls Club was
Bishop Emeritus William Morris. The function
Chairman was Peter Kenny and those present included
Michael Newman, College Principal, Joe Guerrini,
TBOBA President, Frank Adamson, Marie Ah See,
Carl Betros, Noel and Betty Beven, Bill and Irene
Blacka, Brian Carter AM, Phil Cash, Barry and Ros
Coonan, Paddy Dilleen, Kevin Dixon, Neville
Dredge, Tim Erbacher, Mick and Helen Fitzgerald,
Bob Frost, Kevin Garrett, David Guerrini, Mick and
Lyn Harrington, Denis and June Healy, Eric and Vi
Howe, Brian and Yvonne Jones, Ron Jones, Bill and
Pat Kamler, Frank Kenneally, John and Maria
Keightley, Ron Lewis, Jim Long, Leo and Pat
Lunney, Phyllis Lynch, Jim Madden, Mick and
Over the two days they recalled memories of the
Brothers who had taught them, the school mates, now
living and dead, who had left St Mary’s earlier, and
school day experiences in and out of the classrooms.
They recalled with a fond nostalgia how they prepared
for Public Exams, the sporting life of the College, the
Cadet Corps and their activities in the Legion of Mary.
They parted expressing their appreciation of the
meeting as a pleasant and important couple of days,
well worth their effort.
Neville ‘Rusty’ Fraser now living at Peregian Beach
on the Sunshine Coast recalled his days at St Mary’s
College after reading about the ‘1951 Five Stones’ in
the July Newsletter. His brother Ken (deceased 1998)
was a member of this side. Three Fraser brothers –
Allen, Neville and Ken attended St Mary’s College in
the late 1940s, early 1950s before the family moved to
Kulpi, North of Oakey. In 1953 Ken returned to
St Mary’s College to complete his Primary Education.
• We have been pleased to hear from a number of Old
Boys living in various centres over the past few weeks:
Noel Muller (1952 – 1959) wrote from Darwin. He had
followed the Confraternity Rugby League Competition
at Ipswich (won by St Brendan’s Yeppoon) with a great
deal of interest, as his son in law Geoff, husband of
Carol and Noel’s daughter, Nicky, was Manager of
the Marymount College Team. The couple have 6 boys
attending that College. Another son, Michael, has lived
in Denville, New Jersey USA since 1990 and Carol and
Noel plan to visit his family in 2016.
Neville says he unfortunately had only the one year
under Brother Smith (Grade 5). One of his fond
memories was singing in the 1951 College Eisteddfod
at the Town Hall when he won the Grade 4 Vocal Solo
with ‘Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes’ and believes
he was second in the overall points on the night to Paul
McNally. His brother, Allen won the Grade 5
Elocution Section. He recalls wonderful days and fond
memories of the College and the boys.
Noel’s brother Terry still lives in Toowoomba and
made a trip to Canada recently to visit his son, while
Trevor (1948-1955), the eldest, is a resident of the
Algester Lodge Aged Care Village in Brisbane.
Life Member No. 7, Dr Keith Wilkinson (Senior
1994), and now living at Caloundra and a generous
donor to the Bro Basptiste O’Sullivan School Building
Fund, advised he could not attend the Buderim
luncheon on 31/7/15. His son David (1964-1972) and
Life Member No. 124 has been having chemotherapy;
but is bearing up well. Please remember him in
your prayers.
Terry Kuhneman did an apprenticeship in the same
pharmacy that Neville worked in and Kevin Walters
(RIP) took Neville’s place at Baker’s Pharmacy,
Newtown, in 1981. Army injuries caused Neville’s
• On 24 October one of our Year 2003 Old Boys, Craig
Sleeman, will marry Jennifer Lawrence in Pittsworth.
His former classmate, James Male, who himself will
marry on 11/9/2015 will be best man and Craig’s
brothers Trent (Year 12 – 2005) and Dan (Year 12 –
2007) will be part of the bridal party. The boys’ mother
Anne (Holmes) Sleeman who has historic links with
Pittsworth, is an Assistant Administration Officer to the
College Business Manager, Mrs Sonya Lynch.
James Connolly, St Mary’s Hennessey House Captain
in 2001, wrote from Toowoomba concerned about the
health of his former teacher Mr Greg Keen who has
been ill recently. James was one of a number of
younger Old Boys who recently supported Ben and
Luke Van Dongen following the sudden death of their
father, Arch.
• Trevor Cavanagh recently advised us that his brother
Gerard (Year 12 – 1983), an Engineer, is now working
in Sydney and living in Birchgrove. His two other
brothers are Bernard (1978 – 1986) – a teacher in
Brisbane and Greg (Year 12 – 1987) – a Veterinary
Surgeon in Gympie. Trevor lives and works in
Yeppoon based Denis Murphy (1949-1956), the
brother of Frank (1942-1947) and Joan (Falvey), both
deceased, relies on our regular Newsletters for items of
interest on his former classmates and has many happy
memories of his school years at St Mary’s College.
Dr John Frawley AM (1947 – 1956) advised his new
book was launched in Melbourne on July 21st. It is
titled ‘Controversy Confusion and Catastrophe’ –
Catholicism in the Wake of Vatican II. It can be ordered
at ‘jean23@bigpond.net.au’ for $24.95, postage free.
Payment will be by electronic funds transfer, cheque or
money order. A Credit Card facility is not available.
31/7/2015 TBOBA Meeting at Buderim
Photo above
(L to R: Tom Long (1946 – 1950), Jim Long (1943 – 1947), Patrick Long
(1942 – 1949) and their nephew Michael Long)
Photo at left
(L to R: Bill Fechner (Scholarship 1957), Dan McErlean (1939-1947), Merv
Paddison (1955 – 1963), Adrienne and Glen Thompson (1949-1957)
John McMillan was also a member of the crack ‘1951
Five Stoners’ mentioned in the July newsletter and now
lives in Townsville. That was 60 years ago, but he is
pleased to be thought of along with former schoolmates
especially Greg Adamson (RIP) the captain and
Michael Gilbert who all attended Holy Name Convent
for their early education.
Fr Kerry Costigan’s book, ‘Make Us Count – Personal
Reminiscences of a Catholic Priest’ has had a great
review by Peter Maher. Published in the Winter 2015
Edition of ‘The Swag’. Cost of the book is $20.
Living at Moffat Beach, Caloundra these days is Old
Boy Kevin (Tubby) Leadbetter. Kevin played ‘A’
grade Rugby League with the All Whites Club between
1956 and 1961 and in 27 matches scored 7 tries and
kicked 48 goals. His father, Sam, was a well-known
masseur for the Club and Toowoomba sides.
(L to R: Brendan Murphy, Mark Stephens,
Terry Fitzpatrick)
• Railway train
(1945 and 1948 –
1952) is on a 4 weeks visit to England and Wales to
1975 (Year 12) Reunion
• Congratulations to the main organisers of this 40th year
Class Reunion held over the Queen’s Birthday
weekend: Terry McMahon and Alan Reilly.
St Mary’s College must have been alright to produce so
many good men from 1 year and while the years may
have aged their appearances, their humour and
camaraderie of 1975 were present as they took the
opportunity to relive past glories and fill in
intervening years.
The following lads were amongst those who answered
the Roll Call:
(L to R: Alan Reilly, Terry Fitzpatrick, John Jansen,
Tom Denham)
ride on some of the world’s most historic rail networks.
Gary Blacka, Paul Canning, Dennis Cantwell,
Damien Cronin, Tom Denham, Terry Fitzpatrick,
John Jansen, Brendan Murphy, Terry McMahon,
Glen Perkins, Alan Reilly, Mark Stephens, Mark
Sullivan, Peter Tame, Michael Ward, Paul Wilkes
• Sydney couple, Margo and Mick Quinlan are off on
an overseas trip on 22/9/15 to follow the Wallabies on
their Rugby World Cup campaign with plans to return
for Mick’s 1950/1959 Class Reunion on 14/11/2015.
The group now plan to meet at 5pm on the first Friday
of every month at the Whistle Stop Bar, Central Station,
Brisbane. We also hope to see those who can make it at
our Old Boys’ luncheons at State Public Service Club,
William St, Brisbane every 9 weeks or so.
• Congratulations to Old Boys, Tony Gollan who was
the Leading Brisbane Trainer for the Racing Year just
concluded and Johnathan Thurston for his role in
Queensland’s success in the State of Origin Series, his
33rd consecutive game for the State.
‘College News’
• 48 teams competed in this year’s Confraternity Rugby
League Shield Carnival at Ipswich, hosted by St Peter
Claver College. The final was contested at the end of
the week by the perennial powerhouses Ignatius Park
College, Townsville, and St Brendan’s College,
Yeppoon with their teams level 22 all at full time. In
overtime St Brendan’s College scored a scrambled try
and sweetly struck a conversion to reach a 28 v 22
victory. St Mary’s College finished 6 th, beaten 38 v 10
by Marymount College.
• Northbuild Construction recently won the Master
Builders ‘Downs and West Housing Award –
(Back row: Dennis Cantwell, Mark Sullivan, Michael Ward, Alan
Reilly, Peter Tame, Paul Wilkes
Front Row: Gary Blacka, Damien Cronin, Glen Perkins)
Refurbishment/Renovation of up to $1M for St Mary’s
College classroom refurbishment of the new Food
Technology Kitchen and Tuckshop.
touchstone and entry point into deeper faith for staff,
students and parents alike.
• Congratulations to a number of College students who
have gained National or State selection in a wide range
of sports this year:
This faith, expressed in his daily respectful interactions
as husband, father, grandfather, friend, colleague and
Principal are all characterised by gentleness, humility,
care and deeply held convictions of integrity and
Campbell Coghlan in the Under 17 Australian
Schoolboys Hockey Team that won the European
Peter has always been well liked and respected by his
students and this is evident in the number of weddings
of his past students he has been invited to attend.
Brandon Spain who became Junior World Champion
in Muay Thai at the competition in Bangkok, Thailand
His interest in their individual stories and their lives
have formed the foundations of learning and preparing
them for active citizenship and participation in church
and the wider society.
Luke Broderick chosen in the Queensland Under 12
Football (Soccer) Team
Peter’s attention to details in curriculum and resource
provisions, backed up by time commitment is wellknown and recognised.
Connor Whitehouse selected in the Under 17
Queensland Softball Team
Connor Lanigan selected in the Under 19 Queensland
Schoolboys Hockey Team to play New Zealand later in
the year
In making the presentation in Warwick on 28/7/15, Mr
John Borserio, Executive Director, Toowoomba
Catholic Education Office said, ‘As Peter takes Long
Service leave at the end of the year to spend quality
time with his wife Felicity and their grandchildren, it is
only fitting that he takes this leave with the
acknowledgement of his peers and colleagues as the
very worthy recipient of the 2015 Sister Jo Carmichael
Memorial Award.
Cory Paix chosen in the Queensland Schoolboys
Rugby League Team for 2015.
Kahn Asgil (Year 9) for winning silver and bronze
at Kids
World Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
Championships in Los Angeles recently.
Peter is the eldest son of Life Member, Mick and Edna
Moloney and was educated at St Laurence’s College,
South Brisbane. Peter and Felicity have 3 children –
1 son and 2 daughters and 7 grandchildren. Their son,
William, like his father, joined the ranks for the
Teaching Profession and is posted to a Gladstone
Peter Moloney
• Word has reached Old Boys that Peter Moloney,
Principal of Assumption College, Warwick, was the
Year 2015 recipient of the Sister Jo Carmichael
Memorial Award for the Diocese of Toowoomba.
Each year during Catholic Education Week employees
of the Diocese of Toowoomba Catholic Education can
nominate a staff member to be considered for this
Award. Peter’s nominator was Mr John Coman
(Senior Education Officer, Toowoomba Catholic
Education Office).
Sr Jo Carmichael who gave great service to Catholic
Education on the Downs, before her death, was the
daughter of Des and Tessie (Gabbett) Carmichael,
sister of Marie and Denise and step sister of our Life
Member, Kerry Carmichael, now living in
Wagga Wagga
Peter had been at St Mary’s College for some years and
served as a Form Master and then was in the role of
Career Guidance Officer when John Coman was
appointed Principal in 2000. He soon recognised Peter’s
wisdom and experience was very valued by former
Principals of the College and he was appointed
Assistant Principal, Curriculum, a position he held until
he moved to his current role as Principal, Assumption
College, Warwick, in 2004.
In supporting Peter’s nomination, Mr John Coman said,
“Peter is a man committed to his faith.
Over the years, his strong faith has grown and he is now
seen very much as the faith leader of the Assumption
College community.
Peter’s reflections and prayers with the community
illustrate his grounded faith and provide both a