Automated Tool Presetting - Bruderer


Automated Tool Presetting - Bruderer
Automated Tool
Préréglage d’outils
>> Le fabricant de poinçonneuses, la maison
Bruderer AG de Frasnacht avec ses 350 collaborateurs, dispose d’un système de préréglage
d’outils des plus modernes en Suisse.
>> The 350-employee-strong stamping machine manufacturer Bruderer AG
from Frasnacht am Bodensee boasts one of the most advanced toolpresetting systems in Switzerland. This is very indicative of the company's
strong drive towards Industry 4.0. A total of 14 500 tools are completely digitally mapped, managed and automatically measured by Speroni measuring
Let's get to the crux of the matter, at the time
of its inception, the integration of automated
tool measurement at Bruderer AG in
Frasnacht was anything but a self-evident step.
This visionary project presented many challenges and consumed countless work hours,
but in the end, delivered handsome returns.
Process-integrated tool measurement
Now that the tool measuring system is in
place, with Speroni measuring technology
integrated into the company's processes, the
satisfaction of all the participants is more than
obvious. People are
Ainsi, l’entreprise fait un grand pas en direction
du concept Industrie 4.0. En effet, 14’500 outils
entièrement numérisés sont gérés et automatiquement calibrés par des machines de
mesure Speroni.
already thinking about how the system
could be further perfected and fine tuned.
This a prime example of how Bruderer AG
has consistently followed a strategy for
achieving the goal of fully-automated process-integrated tool measurement.
Bruderer AG, founded in 1943, proudly
remains a family-run company to this day
and exports more than 90% of its stamping
machines, with Germany representing 40%
of its customer base.
Remo Ackermann, Head of Production
and Member of Bruderer AG's executive
board says the following about the family
business, "Technologically, our stamping
presses are at
a very high standard. Our stamping presses
are exceptionally efficient, delivering the
highest stroke rate in the industry. We have a
strong market position, but our competitors
are certainly not resting on their laurels. In
light of the prevailing currency situation,
production at the Swiss-based facility is
quite a challenge. Our investment into the
three Speroni measuring machines in order
to increase automation has certainly proven
to be forward-looking, helped mitigate the
impact of currency movements and all-in-all
made us more efficient. Of course, we thoroughly reviewed and analyzed this project
from many angles before proceeding, but the
achieved benefits have convinced executive
30 percent reduction in
throughput time
Daniel Bänziger, Department Head of Tool
Management at Bruderer AG comments,
"Our tool throughput is enormous. Sometimes, up to 100 tools need to be provided
for a tool set when we retool a machine.
Altogether, we have more than about
14 500 tools, which have to be regularly
assembled from 7500 different tool components. Our target has been to reduce our tool
assembly lead time by 30 percent".
A Bruderer stamping press's massive cast iron machine housing, which provides for
outstanding, balanced load distribution during the stamping process thanks to a
special lever system
Only the best prerequisites
At Bruderer AG, the implementation of such
a project had outstanding prerequisites for
success. The company has been using a tool
management system from TDM Systems
(Tool Data Management) since 1991. A
large part of tool
Schweizer Maschinenmarkt 25 2015
Tool data must be prepared
Innovations strengthen the company over the long haul
SMM: What is the current situation in your business sector and to which industries do your machines go?
Remo Ackermann: The repeal of the minimum euro exchange rate by the Swiss
National Bank has severely impacted our country's predominantly export-oriented
economy and once again we find ourselves under enormous pressure. Bruderer has
optimized its cost structure as far as possible and has made promising parallel investments. We're convinced that we're strengthening and securing the company for
the long-term with various production innovations. Our machines go to a variety of
sectors such as automotive, electrical, electronics, the watch industry, machine
construction, textile industry, construction, aerospace, etc. Bruderer highperformance stamping presses are the right investment when high stroke rates and
precision accuracy are required".
What role do the various software interfaces play in this project?
R. Ackermann: Software development was, in fact, an important focus area within
the context of the project. We had to further develop and adapt to the existing conditions, the standard Speroni interface for the TDM system as well the postprocessors for the individual CNC machines. We - all four partners - have worked very
closely and well together here.
How much time has passed from the first request to completion?
R. Ackermann: After preliminary discussions at Prodex 2012, we ordered the three
measuring machines in August 2014. They were delivered on December 24, 2014,
a Christmas presents in no uncertain terms. Then we stepped on the gas in the new
year. The level of cooperation between Kaiser, Speroni, TDM Systems and Bruderer was exceptional.
What possibilities do you see for the future?
R. Ackermann: A further potential innovation would be the inclusion of data storage media on the tools themselves, with information about time remaining until future downtime stored individually on each tool. We currently define downtimes
according to our experience-based indicators; they're stored in the TDM. A specialist has to swap out the replaceable cutting insert when the tool expiration period expires. If we were to think further in terms of Industry 4.0, then we'd have to
go in the direction of power consumption and oscillation measurement to investigate tool wear dynamically. But those are all future projects.
>> If we were to think further in terms of Industry
4.0, then we'd have to go in the direction of power
consumption and oscillation measurement to investigate tool wear dynamically. But those are all future projects. <<
Daniel Bänziger adds, "When you decide for
this type of system, you need to be aware of
the fact that tool data has to be continuously
stored and maintained. This can quickly turn
into 'dog work'. 'Dog work' means that during the first few years, the TDM database
has to be 'fed' with tool data. Today, this task
is essentially much more straightforward
because manufacturers now provide us with
such comprehensive tool data. With all
factors taken into consideration, the TDM
system has substantially reduced our tool
costs because it offers an outstanding overview of our tool portfolio".
The new Speroni tool measuring machines
have automated tool measurement, providing
a software interface through which the TDM
system's data can be accessed directly. When
a tool is measured, it is clamped into the
measuring machine's tool receptacle where
the tools are always drawn in with exactly
the same pull-in force. The measuring device
recognizes the tool via the ID number
uniquely assigned to it and stored in the
TDM system, and can thus measure the
cutting edge autonomously. Automatic tool
recognition can be retrofitted using RFID
chip technology or a data-matrix laser.
Assembly errors recognized
The new system-integrated tool measuring
technology optimizes process safety and
reduces the incidence of faulty tools. An
example: The measuring machine recognizes
when an employee has incorrectly assembled
a tool (specified measurement tolerance
range) and issues an error message to the
operator. So effectively, only tools that
actually meet the requirements stored in the
TDM system are used.
Measured values go directly to
the CNC controller
Remo Ackermann, Head of Production and Member of Bruderer AG's Executive Board
data was already being stored digitally.
Michael Fankhauser, Systems Support /
Systems Engineering at Bruderer AG: "In
1991, we were one of the first companies in
The actual measurement of a tool by the
Speroni machines takes about as long as the
previous manual measurement. A drill bit is
measured in about 30 seconds. With multiedged tools, it takes about two minutes including run-out measurement. The Speroni
machines transfer the measured values to the
to integrate a TDM tool management system tool machine's CNC after a single postproand to consistently expand it thereafter. Today, cessor run.
we remain at the forefront of implementing
bleeding-edge technologies".
Schweizer Maschinenmarkt 25 2015
The production team is very impressed with the results of automated
tool measurement (from left to right): Michael Fankhauser (System
Support / System Engineering, Bruderer AG), Daniel Bänziger (Department Head, Tool Management, Bruderer AG), Armin Landolt
(Product Manager Speroni, Big Kaiser AG), Remo Ackermann
(Head of Production and Member of Bruderer AG's Executive
Board), Daniel Stadelmann (Technical Consultant, Big Kaiser AG).
the Speroni measuring machines are able to
recognize and automatically scan each tool".
Remo Ackermann: "To be honest, we had
previously underestimated this aspect and
have had to do a great deal of homework
and integrate the missing tool data".
Mountain of work continually
Remo Ackermann is convinced by the end
result: "Today, we've got all the tool data
cleanly stored. But when you're at the beginning of a project like this, it seems like
the mountain of work is insurmountable.
The decision to take the difficult first few
steps of this long journey has made things
much easier today and will continue to bear
fruit in the future.
Armin Landolt, Product Manager Speroni,
Big Kaiser AG, "Existing standard software
interfaces for the TDM system and for the
individual tool machines' postprocessors
must be further custom developed and adjusted to conditions on the ground. Specific
tool data must also be loaded into the system".
To answer SSM's question about the kind
of data that is required for this system to
operate, Daniel Bänziger says the following:
"The Speroni measuring machines need the
precise positions of the cutting edges so that
the system knows where it has to take away
the contours of the tool's edges. You don't
need such data when measuring manually,
the technician takes care of that. Now we've
completely updated that with our 14 500
tools so that
Here a Big-Kaiser boring tool is being placed into the Speroni measuring machine for fully automatic measurement including data transfer to the CNC.
A glance into the hallowed halls of tool reconditioning. Good to see:
the three networked CNC Speroni tool measuring machines.
Daniel Stadelmann, Technical Consultant,
Big Kaiser AG, "I'd say the way that Bruderer has integrated tool measuring into its
operations, has given the company the most
modern tool-presetting station in Switzerland".
Remo Ackermann: "Mr. Stadelmann is
probably right, though I would be a little
more modest. Nevertheless, we have certainly taken a big step into the future and Industry 4.0".
Tool upgrade: From three
days to two
It was mentioned right at the start that the
investment must pay off. Daniel Bänziger
explains what the three automatic measuring
machines deliver each and every day
TDM system and the postprocessor interfaces
Image: Matthias Böhm
The system recognizes the tool by its ID number and invokes the
corresponding measuring program. The system issues an error message if the tool isn't correctly assembled.
Schweizer Maschinenmarkt 25 2015
Image: Matthias Böhm
Production engineering
The Speroni machine's measurement work station is neatly arranged. All necessary data is available on demand.
as follows, "The lead time for assembling a
complete tool set for a larger tool machine
had previously been three days because only
one employee had been able to work on a
tool set at any one time. With the Speroni
measuring machine, its ready in two days.
The three measuring machines are networked, meaning that all the machines can
be used to work on the same set. That delivers a time saving of 30-percent".
Fully automatic measurement of a multi-edged milling tool takes
about two minutes.
Speed is one thing, but as was already pointed
out above, process safety has also improved
significantly. Earlier, if an error had crept into the tool assembly process then that was
how the tool went on to the machine. In the
worst case scenario, a crash occurred with the
typical consequences. Today, scenarios like
that are a thing of the past. Remo Ackermann
notes, "We're clearly marching in the direction of greater process safety
and zero error tolerance. With the system
integration of Speroni tool measurement
including data transfer, we've clearly taken a
decisive step in this direction".
Simulation brings protection
from collisions
Michael Fankhauser, "Let's not forget process safety. Before we go into solid material,
Providing special
steel solutions
Swiss Steel, Emmenbrücke (Switzerland)
The SCHMOLZ + BICKENBACH Group is one of the leading producers of high-quality special steel long products. We are
number 2 worldwide in tool steel as well a rust-, acid- and
heat-resistant steel and number 2 in Europe in engineering steel. We
focus on the specific needs of our customers worldwide
with our sales and service network.
Deutsche Edelstahlwerke
Finkl Steel
Swiss Steel
Sales and Services
A complete success: the process-integrated tool measuring method
convinces the whole team.
A glance into one of the largest measuring
machines in Switzerland, which Bruderer
also uses for contract work.
All of the data necessary for assembling tool components and automatic measuring has been stored in the TDM system, which was a
considerable but worthwhile effort.
programmer needs to use Vericut software
to check whether or not the workpiece can
be produced without collisions. The exact
control image and the machine's kinematics
are stored in Vericut. We have the NC program analyze everything and check the
production process for collisions. Our process safety has once again seen significant
improvement due to the fact that today, the
tool matches 100% with the data stored in
the system. These too are factors that have
had a very positive impact on the entire
production process".
you absolutely nowhere. The new Speroni
measuring machines have strengthened our
workflows and the return on investment is
very fast indeed - of that I am certain". <<
Long-term success in the
Swiss Speroni representative:
Big Kaiser Präzisionswerkzeuge
AG Glattalstrasse 516
SSM's editors wanted the head of production
to articulate exactly how the new measuring
system had benefited Bruderer. Remo
Ackermann: "A perfect fleet of machines
with slow tool measurement gets
8153 Rümlang
Bruderer AG
Egnacherstrasse 44
9320 Frasnacht
Phone: 071 447 75 00
Phone 044 817 92 00
Fax 044 817 92 01
Tenba AG
CH-4710 Balsthal
Phone +41 (0) 62 386 60 80
Fax +41 (0) 62 386 60 85
Schweizer Maschinenmarkt 25 2015