The Role of TransportaZon Demand Management in Climate AcZon


The Role of TransportaZon Demand Management in Climate AcZon
Approach to Reducing Drive Alone Commu6ng The Role of Transporta6on Demand Management in Climate Ac6on Planning New England Board of Higher Educa6on Sustainability Summit 2010 April 23, 2010 Susan Sloan-­‐Rossiter, Principal Boston Integrated Service Team ssloan-­‐ Approach to Reducing Drive Alone Commu6ng What is Transporta6on Demand Management (TDM)? Transporta6on Demand Management is: Reducing Drive Alone Commu6ng The “art of influencing travel behavior for the purpose of redistribu6on travel demand” -­‐ North Carolina DOT Transporta6on Demand Management (TDM) also called Mobility Management is a general term for strategies that result in more efficient use of transporta6on resources -­‐ Victoria Transport Policy Ins6tute Approach to Reducing Drive Alone Commu6ng Mul6ple Benefits of Reducing Drive Alone Commu6ng  
Lower GHG emissions Reverse global warming Save energy Reduce peak period traffic conges6on Reduce parking demand Manage land-­‐use Increase choice Regulatory requirements Support broader environmental policies Develop a more livable community Improve health Change behavior and lifestyle Approach to Reducing Drive Alone Commu6ng Transporta6on Contribu6on to GHG Inventory  
GHG from Transporta6on is 28% of total US emissions Transporta6on (commu6ng, air travel, fleet) is a significant contributor to Campus GHG inventories Commu6ng GHG emissions averages can range from over 50% to 10% depending on type of educa6onal ins6tu6on The GHG emissions from commu6ng can range from 1% to 99% of transporta6on related emissions o 
Number of residen6al students Number of commu6ng students Size of faculty and staff residen6al catchment area Approach to Reducing Drive Alone Commu6ng Example: Emissions by Scope Transportation 23%
Steam Plant 24%
Purchased Electricity 52%
Approach to Reducing Drive Alone Commu6ng Example: Transporta6on-­‐Related Emissions Commuters Air Travel 10% Fleet 1% Fleet 5% 12% Other Emissions 77% Air Travel 43% Commuters 52% Approach to Reducing Drive Alone Commu6ng Transporta6on Key Campus User Groups Faculty/Staff Grad Students • Commute • Mid-­‐day • Intra-­‐campus • Long-­‐distance travel • Commute • Mid-­‐day • Intra-­‐campus • Long-­‐distance travel Undergraduate Visitors • Recrea6onal/Lifestyle • Student Ac6vity-­‐related • Intra-­‐campus • Long-­‐distance travel • University • Hospital • Events Approach to Reducing Drive Alone Commu6ng Example: Mode Shares of Commu6ng Trips and Targets for University Faculty and Staff Mode Exis6ng Target #1 Target #2 Drive Alone 78% 70% 70% Rideshare 10% 17% 13% Transit 8% 9% 10% Bicycling 2% 2% 3% Walk 1% 1% 2% Telecommute 1% 1% 2% Approach to Reducing Drive Alone Commu6ng Example: Drive-­‐Alone Reduc6on Packages Carpool Long-­‐
Distance Transit Local Transit Walk Bicycle Telecommute -­‐11.0% 7.0% 0.5% 1.0% 0.5% 1.0% 1.0% Package 2 -­‐9.5% 5.0% 1.0% 1.0% 0.5% 1.0% 1.0% Package 3 -­‐10.0% 4.0% 0.5% 3.0% 0.5% 1.0% 1.0% Package 4 -­‐9.0% 5.0% 0.5% 1.0% 0.5% 1.0% 1.0% Package 5 -­‐10.0% 5.0% 0.5% 1.0% 0.5% 2.0% 1.0% Package 6 -­‐10.5% 5.0% 0.5% 1.0% 0.5% 1.0% 2.5% Drive Alone Package 1 Approach to Reducing Drive Alone Commu6ng Key Factors Influencing Commu6ng Choices  
Availability  
Amrac6veness •  Travel Distance •  Travel Time •  Cost •  Reliability •  Flexibility/Frequency •  Convenience •  Comfort  
Market catchment area for each mode Size of commu3ng popula3on in each catchment area Approach to Reducing Drive Alone Commu6ng What is a TDM Plan? Bicycle Transit Context Walk TDM Plan Carpool Vanpool Sensi6ve Design Parking Mgmt  Comprehensive  Suppor6ve of an organiza6on’s vision and policies  Tailored for different land uses and user groups  Coupled with parking management  Encourages investment in and use of alterna6ve modes  Reinforced by physical design elements  Periodically monitored and modified Approach to Reducing Drive Alone Commu6ng Developing a TDM Plan  
Define the Right Ques6ons •  Key Issues •  Key Stakeholders •  Strengthens •  Weaknesses •  Opportuni6es •  Constraints •  Hoped for Outcomes Approach to Reducing Drive Alone Commu6ng TDM Plan and Program Development Approach to Reducing Drive Alone Commu6ng TDM Plan Inputs and Considera6ons Approach to Reducing Drive Alone Commu6ng Rideshare  
Rideshare Matching •  Tradi6onal Rideshare Agency •  Using Social Networking  
Informal Get-­‐togethers Flexible Work Hours Guaranteed Ride Home Preferen6al/Preferred Parking Occasional Parking Park and Ride •  Loca6ons •  Availability •  Cost  
Subsidy for ridesharing Approach to Reducing Drive Alone Commu6ng Transit  
Informa6onal/Promo6onal o  Maps/Routes/Informa6on Kiosks o  Employee orienta6on o  Online transit rou6ng o  Real-­‐6me transit informa6on Fixed Routes  
Shumle Connectors and Circulators  
Frequency o  Reliability o  Comfort o  Travel Time Park & Ride  
Bus Shelters  
Bikes on Buses  
Campus Transit Center  
Fare-­‐free/Subsidy  
Incen6ve Programs  
Transit advocacy/coordina6on with public agencies/service providers Approach to Reducing Drive Alone Commu6ng Bicycle and Pedestrian  
Bicycling Facili6es • 
On-­‐Road/Off-­‐Road Bikes on buses Covered Storage Rack Loca6ons Showers  
Pedestrian Facili6es • 
Sidewalk con6nuity Crossing loca6ons Ligh6ng Incen6ves Sense of Place •  Incen6ves •  Security •  Repair services •  Traffic calming Approach to Reducing Drive Alone Commu6ng Parking Management  
Parking supply limita6ons  
Parking pricing  
Parking permit buyback  
Preferen6al/Preferred parking for van/carpools  
Occasional parking  
Remote parking Approach to Reducing Drive Alone Commu6ng Incen6ves and Other Programs  
Financial incen6ves  
Commuter membership program  
Pre-­‐tax payment for alterna6ves  
Housing Incen6ves •  On-­‐campus housing •  Mortgage Programs •  Retail/Mixed Use  
Telecommu6ng  
Low emiqng vehicles  
Flexible work hours Approach to Reducing Drive Alone Commu6ng Marke6ng and Promo6on  
Commute Op6ons Programs  
Member Rewards  
Comprehensive Website  
Transporta6on Events  
Newslemers  
Kiosks Approach to Reducing Drive Alone Commu6ng Context Sensi6ve Design  
Consistency with TDM Goals •  Street and Intersec6on Design •  Parking Loca6on and Physical Design •  Walkways and Bikeways •  Transit pick-­‐up/drop-­‐off areas •  Historic Preserva6on •  Sustainability Approach to Reducing Drive Alone Commu6ng Implement TDM Op6ons and Programs  
Programs and Services: level, quality, amrac6veness  
Phasing Implementers  
Partnerships  
Stakeholder Involvement Approvals  
Budget  
Funding Monitoring  
Modifica6ons  
Approach to Reducing Drive Alone Commu6ng TDM Success to Reducing Commu6ng GHG Emissions  
Integral part of broader vision and policies  
Behavior change Lifestyle change  
Tailor for different land uses and user groups  
Amrac6ve commu6ng op6ons Both incen6ves and disincen6ves  
Communicate and promote  
Couple with parking management Reinforced by physical design elements  
Periodically monitor and modify 