

Volume 3, Issue 5
OCT-NOV 2016
Senior Recreation News
‘LIKE US’ on Facebook at Urbandale Senior Recreation Center!
Recrea&on Center ŽīĞƌƐĂ
variety of social, recreaonal and educaonal proŐƌĂŵƐĨŽƌĂĚƵůƚƐ͕ϱϱLJĞĂƌƐ
Veterans Day Luncheon
Friday, November 11
11:30 a.m.—1:00 p.m.
Join us for our second annual Veterans Day
Luncheon in celebration and remembrance
on November 11. A buffet lunch will be
,ŽƵƌƐŵĂLJǀĂƌLJĨŽƌƐƉĞĐŝĂů served followed by the music of Festival Brass.
ƉƌŽŐƌĂŵŵŝŶŐ͘WůĞĂƐĞĐŚĞĐŬ This event is free to Veterans and spouses,
$5.00 for all others. Registration begins October 3. Please sign up and
pay, if needed, by November 4. If you are a veteran, please let us know
in the office so we can update our
records. Thanks!
Special dates:
• Planning Committee Meetings:
12:30 pm Thursday 10/13 &
10:45 am Thursday 11/10
• Healthiest State Walk 10/5 Noon
• SHIIP OEP Event 10/25-26
• Brain Game Challenge 11/4
• Election Day 11/8
• Veterans’ Day Lunch 11/11
• Fall Harvest Craft Sale 11/11
• Happy Thanksgiving - Center Closed
11/24 and 11/25.
Featured Volunteer
Hip, Hip, Hooray for Rick Mart, who volunteers for a whole host of
activities at the Center. He helps clean up after lunch by bringing items
into the kitchen, moving tables/chairs, handling the
garbage bins. He helps the Senior Singers with a
variety of things, including setting up, getting music
organized, unlocking the piano, etc. Rick is always on
alert for areas he can help and is always willing to help
when asked. All of us in the office would have to work
much harder if not for Mr. Mart! Thank you Rick for your assistance,
always willing attitude, and welcoming smile!
Reminder - Nominations Please! - Please take a moment to pick up a nomination
form for our “Featured Volunteer” and nominate someone who helps make the center a
better place. *Let us know why you are nominating the person!
7305 Aurora Avenue, Urbandale, IA 50322 * 515-278-3907 * Fax: 515– 331-6854 * Email: seniorcenter@urbandale.org
OCT-NOV 2016
For Your Information….
Computer Lab
A balanced meal is served on Mondays, Tuesdays and
Thursdays. The meal is served at 12:00 noon
and the fee is $2.50. Reservations must be made by
1:00 p.m. the business day prior to the meal. (Monday
reservations must be made by 12:00 p.m. Friday). If
possible, the same observance should be followed for
The computer lab is available for independent use
during regular center hours, unless there is a class or
seminar in session (please call ahead or check
schedule). An Internet connection is available.
Urbandale residents may call the Caring Corps at
278-3999, for assistance with transportation.
Visual Assistance
A magnifier with a 20” monitor is available for
personal use by anyone needing visual assistance with
personal correspondence or other reading material.
Our center requires a basic information
form to be completed by everyone that attends programs & meals. If you would like to
participate in fitness classes and activities, a
physician’s release is also required annually.
Once we receive your completed form, you
will be issued a membership card to use with
the ‘My Senior Center’ touchscreens
when checking in for programs. If you do
not have a card or form on file with us,
please stop by the office and we will gladly
assist you. Your attendance matters to us!
Please Note: MySeniorCenter gives us
many useful statistics about who uses the
center and for what. However, it doesn’t let
us count “guests” in our numbers. If you
don’t have a membership card, please stop in
the office and we will provide you with one.
If you don’t have your card with you, please
use the blue ‘Sign In, ‘I don’t have my card’ at
the top right of the screen. Thanks!!
Fitness Room
2 treadmills, 3 NuStep cross-trainers, a recumbent
Senior Cycle and an elliptical machine are available
for use on a first-come, first-served basis. ♥ A
physician’s release is required for all fitness activities.
For your convenience….
An automatic blood pressure monitor and a digital
physicians’ scale with a BMI option are available for
use in the Nurse’s office. Please
notify staff if you need assistance.
Visit our library in a cozy corner where
you can sit and read your favorite book, browse the shelves
for something new to read or quietly watch the animal life
outside the window, All books and reference materials are
available to borrow on an ‘honor system’.
Pool & Shuffleboard
Two 8’ Pool tables and a shuffleboard table are available
for first-come, first-served play Monday-Friday. Cues and
pucks are available for your convenience.
Outdoor Bocce Court
The 60’ x 12’ outdoor bocce ball court is available for firstcome, first-served use during senior center hours. Bocce sets
may be checked out from the office. See page 5 for leagues.
Drop-in Activities - During regular hours, the center
offers a variety of drop-in services and activities (see top of
page). If there is a program you would like to see us add, or
If you would like to present a program please let the staff
know. We are always looking for new ideas!
This light bulb indicates a brain-healthy activity. Every time you see this symbol, the activity it highlights is one that is healthy for your brain.
Have you ‘LIKED” us on Facebook yet? Like’ the Urbandale Senior Recreation Center page
and keep up with activities, see pictures from programs and events, and find out the latest
happenings at the center. We’ll also post last minute program changes and weather alerts so
you’ll be the first to know! We’d love for you to ‘LIKE’ us!
Volume 3, Issue 5
Special Programs or Announcements
Brain Game Challenge
Friday, November 4, 2016, 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
National Flu
Shot Challenge
Our Senior Center is
Who: Sponsored by Senior Helpers and Urbandale Senior Recreation competing in the national Flu Shot Challenge. If
What: A fun, exciting, and brain-healthy competition!
you get your flu shot
When: Friday, 11/4, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
anywhere in the comWhere: Urbandale Senior Recreation Center, 7305 Aurora Avenue
munity-either here on
How: Register a team of 2 and compete against other teams by playing
October 12 (see Page 4
for details) or elsewhere, then please
In each round, teams will be matched and games will be determined by a ranrecord your name on
dom drawing. Winners will move on to next round and “non-winners” can
the sign-up list outside
stay and cheer on their peers! Each round will have a 20 minute time limit.
the office. Get
Lunch will be provided for all registered participants! A prize will be awarded immunized against the
for the “Best Team Costumes”. Trophies will be awarded for 1st and 2nd place flu not only to help proteams!!! Brain sharpening skills include: Language, Visual-Spatial, Memory,
tect yourself, but also to
Strategy, Logic….and lots of healthy laughter!!!! Register your 2-person team help prevent the spread
by calling 515-278-3907, or at the Senior Recreation Center office.
of flu to those around!!
Registration deadline: October 28, 2016.
Alex Nicholas to place an ad today!
anicholas@4LPi.com or (800) 950-9952 x2538
For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • www.4lpi.com
Urbandale Senior Recreation Center, IA
A 4C 02-1022
OCT-NOV 2016
Fitness, Health & Recreation Programs
Health Services
UFD Blood Pressure Clinic
Tuesdays, 10/11 & 11/8
9:30 - 10:30 AM
Provided monthly by the Urbandale Fire
Accessible Home Care Blood
Pressure Clinic
Thursdays, 10/20 & 11/17
10-11:30 AM
Cook for Your Health!
Friday, October 14 & November 18
10:30 am - 12:30 pm
Learn to make heart-healthy meals using fresh, seasonal
ingredients. Class will prepare, cook, and enjoy the meal.
Menu changes each month. Class size is limited to 10.
Registration is required. $8 includes lunch.
Flu and Pneumonia
Vaccination Clinic
Wednesday, October 12
9:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Visiting Nurse Services
Thursdays, 10/13 & 11/10*
Flu shots will available at the Senior Center again this year.
Please remember to bring your Medicare card. Service is
sponsored by Polk County Health Department.
Monthly health service including: nail trim/
foot care, blood sugar and cholesterol
testing, blood pressure.
Memory Café
Memory Care Social Event
*Appointment required.
Call 278-3907. *No calls or messages
will be accepted before 8:30 am!
Changed from 8:00 am!
Appointments can be made 1 month in
advance. Please wait a minimum of 3
months between appointments to allow
everyone access to the services.
Reminder: Because we are only able to
offer this service once a month, it is difficult
to accommodate everyone requesting an
appointment. Thank
you for your understanding and patience
as we do our best to
meet your needs.
Wednesdays, October 21 & November 16
10:00 -11:30 am
A Memory Cafe is an activity time for folks with Memory
loss and their care partners. This program is designed to
provide a safe, comfortable, engaging environment where
people with memory loss and their care partners can laugh,
learn, and remain socially engaged with others traveling the
same journey. Each month will be sponsored by a
support organization that will provide refreshments and an
activity or social time. Call 1-800-272-3900 to register.
Pickle Ball - Open Play (weather permitting)
Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays, 9:00 - 11:30 a.m.
Court reserved for Senior Center on a first come-first
served basis (Meet at Lions Park tennis court, 71st &
Prairie). Rules are posted near the Bulletin Board at Lions.
Exploring Meditation for Your Health
No-Cost Hearing Screenings &
Provided by community partners:
Call for dates, -mes and appointment
Wednesdays, 9:30 - 11:00 a.m.
*Meets bi-monthly, check calendar for dates. Judith
Harvey has practiced meditation for 35 years and offers a
variety of meditation styles. The classes will be partly
learning experience followed by practice. This class is for
those who seek to be positive, healthy, nurturing, and
stress-free! Class size is limited, pre-registration is
requested. Minimum 5 participants required
Volume 3, Issue 5
Special Health & Fitness Programs
Mat Pilates
Indoor Shuffleboard League
Wednesdays, 1:00 - 1:45 p.m.
September 21 - October 26
Mondays, October 10 November 14,
Pilates is a system of controlled exercises that engage the mind and condition the total body. Pilates
takes a balanced approach so that no muscle group
is overworked and the body moves as an efficient,
holistic system in sport and daily activity. Give it a
try! Instructor: Jan Arro
Sorry we are full, but come to
watch the teams play. Play will
be Mondays, with matches at
11:30, 12:30, 1:30, and 2:30
1st Place Team Winter 2016,
Judy and Kent Guthrie
ASK ABBY: Skilled Nursing Q & A
Fall Bocce League Finals
Thursday, October 6. 12:30 p.m.
Finals: October 3, 4, & 5
Are you prepared for potential changes in your future as you age?
Do you plan on ever having a Skilled nursing stay for any planned
surgeries? Do you know if you want to live in a community or stay
at home for the rest of your life? Are these things attainable and
do you have the support systems to help you attain your future
Come and watch the final 8 teams of
the National and American Bocce Ball
Leagues play for the championship!
Play starts at 10:30 a.m. with the Final
Two match at 3:00 p.m. Bring a lawn
chair and cheer them on!
Alex Nicholas to place an ad today!
anicholas@4LPi.com or (800) 950-9952 x2538
Do you have
trouble hearing or
speaking over the phone?
Contact us to find out about access
to barrier-free, specialized
telecommunications equipment.
• Simple application process
• You own the equipment
• You choose the equipment
For more information, contact
On the Merle Hay Auto Mile
Access Iowa at:
(800) 606-5099
For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • www.4lpi.com
Green Meadows is now open and has become a beautiful home to many residents.
Don’t miss your opportunity to secure the perfect apartment for your loved one
or yourself! We have many options ranging from studios and 1 bedrooms to
we’re on in,
1 bedroom deluxe and 2 bedroom apartments. Whether you’re looking for a little
extra assistance or have a loved one with Alzheimer’s or dementia, Edencrestt at
Green Meadows is the key to your happiness… and peace of mind!
For more information, please contact Ashley Phelps, Community Relations Coordinator,
at welcomegm@edencrestliving.com, 515-664-8573, or 515-207-1984!
Urbandale Senior Recreation Center, IA
B 4C 02-1022
OCT-NOV 2016
Fitness Programs
Morning Fitness
Stretch & Strength
Mondays, 8:30-9:15 & *9:30-10:15 a.m.
Tuesdays & Thursdays, 9:00-9:45 &
*10:00-10:45 a.m. *bonus classes end 11/17
funconal fitness. Classes may include stretchŝŶŐ͕ƐƚƌĞŶŐƚŚĞŶŝŶŐĂŶĚƚŽŶŝŶŐ͕ĂŶĚĂĞƌŽďŝĐ
increase muscular strength and range of moon.
provided for addional fitness benefit. All fitness
health consideraons or needs. /ŶƐƚƌƵĐƚŽƌƐ͗ĂƌŝΘ/ůĚŝŬŽ
improve the ability to funcon in daily life,
movement to the individual with arthris, it is
from sffness while improving mobility.
Tai chi
Zumba Gold
Con$nuing: 9:15Ͳϵ͗ϱϱĂ͘ŵ͘
much like what has been prac2ced
an invigorang, communityͲŽƌŝĞŶƚĞĚ
most of all, exhilarang! Zumba Gold® provides modified,
acve lifestyle! Bring a small towel and water! Wear
workout clothes and sneakers with a smooth bo&om. Maximum 40 parcipants each class. Instructor: /ůĚŝŬŽdŝŵŵĞƌŵĂŶEŽůĂƐƐϭϬͬϭϮ
to encourage relaxaon and provide a very good
wanng to try the class before purchasing a
Line Dance
♥ An annual physician’s fitness release is required for all fitness activities. Forms are
available at the center or online at www.UrbandaleSeniors.org
Volume 3, Issue 5
8:30 & 9:30 AM - Fitness 9 & 10 AM - Fitness
9:00 - Amateur Artists
10:00 - Timely talkers
9:00 - Pickle ball
10:45 - Drop-in cards
10:30 - Bridge group
11:00 - Bocce League
12 PM - Senior meal
12 PM - Senior meal
12:30 - Birthday Party
12:30 - Bocce League
1:00 - Beg. Computer
1:45 - Senior Singers
2:15 - Stretch & Strength
5 Health. State Walk
8:30 AM - Beg Tai chi
9:00 & 10 AM - Fitness
9:00 - Pickle ball
9:15 - Craft workshop
9:15 - Cont.. Tai chi
10:00 - Bridge w-shop
10:00 - Zumba Gold
10:45 - Drop-in cards
10:30 - Bocce Tourney 12 PM - Senior meal
11:00 - Stretch & Stg
12:30 - Drop-in Bridge
12:30 PM - “Needlers” 12:30 - Ask Abby 1:00 - Beg. Computer
Skilled Nursing Info.
1:00 - Pilates
2:00 - Yoga
8:30 - BegTai chi
9:00 - Pickle ball
9:15 - Cont.Tai chi
10:00 - Line Dance
10:00 - Origami
1:00 PM - Beg Comp
10 Columbus Day
8:30 & 9:30 AM - Fitness
9:00 - Amateur Artists
9:00 - Pickle ball
10:30 - Bridge group
11:30 - Shuffleboard
12 PM - Senior meal
2:15 - Stretch & Strength
11 9 & 10 AM - Fitness
9:30- Blood pressures,
Urbandale Fire Dept.
10:00 - Timely talkers
10:45 - Drop-in cards
12 PM - Senior meal
1:00 - Facebook 1
1:45 - Singers @
12—NO AM Classes
9:00 - Pickle ball
9:30 - Flu Shot Clinic
9:30 - Meditation
10:00 - Pendoodle
12:30 PM - “Needlers”
1:00 - Pilates
2:00 - Yoga
13 8:30 AM-VNS
9 & 10 AM - Fitness
9:15 - Craft workshop
10:00 - Bridge w-shop
10:45 - Drop-in cards
12:00 PM - Senior Meal
12:30 - Drop-in Bridge
12:30 - Plann Comm
1:00 - Adult Coloring
8:30 AM- Beg Tai chi
9:00 - Pickle ball
9:15 - Cont.Tai chi
10:00 - Line dance
10:30 - Healthy
8:30 AM - Fitness
9:00 - Amateur Artists
9:00 - Pickle ball
10:30 - Bridge group
11:30 - Shuffleboard
12 PM - Senior meal
2:15 - Stretch & Strength
9 & 10 AM - Fitness
10:00 - Timely talkers
10:45 - Drop-in cards
12 PM - Senior meal
12:15 -Piano Recital
1:00 - Facebook 2
1:45 - Senior Singers
19 8:30 AM Beg Tai chi
9:00 - Pickle ball
9:15 - Cont.. Tai chi
10:00 - Zumba Gold
10:00 - Book Club
11:00 - Stretch & Stg
12:30 PM - “Needlers”
1:00 - Camera to PC
1:00 - Pilates
20 9 & 10 AM - Fitness
9:15 - Craft workshop
10:00 - Bridge w-shop
9:30-Accessible HC
10:45 - Drop-in cards
12 PM - Senior meal
12:30 - Drop-in Bridge
8:30 AM- Beg Tai chi
9:00 - Pickle ball
9:00 - Dress A Girl
9:15 - Cont.Tai chi
9:30 - Memory Cafe
10:00 - Line dance
12:30 pm - AARP
Safe Driving
1:00 - I-Pad Beg.
8:30 & 9:30 AM - Fitness
9:00 - Amateur Artists
9:00 - Pickle ball
10:30 - Bridge group
11:30 - Shuffleboard
12 PM - Senior meal
1:00 - I-Pad Cont’d
2:15 - Stretch & Strength
25 No Talkers
9 & 10 AM - Fitness
10:45 - Drop-in cards
12 PM - Senior meal
1:45 - Senior Singers
26 SHIIP OED Event
8:30 - Beg. Tai chi
9:00 - Pickle ball
9:15 - Cont.. Tai chi
10:00 - Zumba Gold
11:00 - Stretch & Stg
Needlers offsite
1:00 - Pilates
2:00 - Yoga
27 9 &10 AM - Fitness
9:15 - Craft workshop
10:00 - Bridge w-shop
10:45 - Drop-in cards
12 PM - Senior meal
12:30 - Drop-in Bridge
1:00 - Adult Coloring
8:30 - BegTai chi
9:00 - Pickle ball
9:15 - Cont.Tai chi
10:00 - Line Dance
10:00 - Upcycled Art
31 8:30&9:30 AM Fitness
9:00 - Amateur Artists
9:00 - Pickle ball
10:30 - Bridge group
11:30 - Shuffleboard
12 PM - Senior meal
1:00 - Bridge 2
2:15 - Stretch & Strength
5:30 Welcome to
Medicare 10/31
Courtesy Reminder
Out of respect for the
Instructors and fellow
participants of our fitness
classes, please keep
conversations to a minimum
during group classes.
OCT-NOV 2016
9 & 10 AM - Fitness
10:00 - Timely talkers
10:45 - Drop-in cards
12 PM - Senior meal
12:30 - Birthday Party
1:45 - Senior Singers
2 8:30 AM - Beg. Tai chi
9:00 - Pickle ball
9:15 - Cont.. Tai chi
10:00 - Zumba Gold
10:00 - Pendoodle
11:00 - Stretch & Stg.
12:30 PM - “Needlers”
1:00 - AARP Fraud
1:00 - Bridge Basics 2
2:00 - Yoga
9 & 10 AM - Fitness
No Regular Classes
9:15 - Craft workshop
or Activities
10:00 - Bridge w-shop
10:45 - Drop-in cards
Brain Game
12 PM - Senior meal
12:30 - Drop-in Bridge
1:00 - Adult Color Group 9:00 a.m. 1:00 - Bridge Basics 2
2:00 p.m.
8:30 & 9:30 AM - Fitness
9:00 - Amateur Artists
9:00 - Pickle ball
10:30 - Bridge group
11:30 - Shuffleboard
12 PM - Senior meal
1:00 - Bridge Basics 2
2:15 - Stretch & Strength
8—Election Day
9 & 10 AM - Fitness
9:30 - UFD BP clinic
10:00 - Timely talkers
10:00 - Origami
10:45 - Drop-in cards
12 PM - Senior meal
1:45 - Senior Singers
9 8:30 AM - Beg. Tai chi
9:00 - Pickle ball
9:15 - Cont.. Tai chi
9:30 - Mediation
10:00 - Zumba Gold
11:00 - Stretch & Stg.
12:30 PM - “Needlers”
1:00 - Bridge Basics 2
2:00 - Yoga
8:30 AM-Visiting Nurse
9 & 10 AM - Fitness
9:15 - Craft workshop
10:00 - Bridge w-shop
10:45 - Drop-in cards
12 PM - Senior meal
12:30 - Drop-in Bridge
1:00 - Bridge Basics 2
8:30 & 9:30 AM - Fitness
9:00 - Amateur Artists
9:00 - Pickle ball
10:00 - Woodard Hear
10:30 - Bridge group
11:30 - Shuffleboard
12 PM - Senior meal
2:15 - Stretch & Strength
9 & 10 AM - Fitness
10:00 - Timely talkers
10:45 - Drop-in cards
12 PM - Senior meal
1:00 - Pinterest
1:45 - Senior Singers
4:00 - AARP Drivers
16 8:30 AM - Beg.Taichi
9:00 - Pickle ball
9:15 - Cont.. Tai chi
9:30 - Memory Cafe
10:00 - Book Club
10:00 - Zumba Gold
11:00 - Stretch & Stg.
12:30 PM - “Needlers”
12:30 - Alz Series
1:00 - Camera to PC
2:00 - Yoga
17 9 & 10 AM - Fitness*
9:15 - Craft workshop
10:00 - Bridge w-shop
10:00 -Accessible HC
10:45 - Plann Comm
10:45 - Drop-in cards
12 PM - Senior Meal
12:30 - Drop-in Bridge
1:00 - Adult Color Group
*Last Day for 10 am
Fitness Class
8:30 AM - Fitness
9:00 - Amateur Artists
9:00 - Pickle ball
10:30 - Bridge group
12 PM - Senior meal
2:15 - Stretch & Strength
9 AM - Fitness
10:00 - Timely talkers
10:45 - Drop-in cards
12 PM - Senior meal
1:45 - Senior Singers
23 8:30 AM - Beg.Tai chi 24
9:00 - Pickle ball
9:15 - Cont.. Tai chi
Closed for
9:30 - Meditation
10:00 - Zumba Gold
11:00 - Stretch & Stg.
12:30 PM - “Needlers”
2:00 - Yoga
8:30 AM - Fitness
9:00 - Amateur Artists
9:00 - Pickle ball
10:30 - Bridge group
12 PM - Senior meal
2:15 - Stretch & Strength
9 AM - Fitness
10:00 - Timely talkers
10:00 - Upcycled Art
10:45 - Drop-in cards
12 PM - Senior meal
1:45 - Senior Singers
8:30 AM - Beg. Tai chi
9:00 - Pickle ball
9:15 - Cont.. Tai chi
10:00 - Zumba Gold
11:00 - Stretch & Stg.
12:30 PM - “Needlers”
2:00 - Yoga
No Fitness classes
9:00—1:00 - Fall
Harvest Craft Sale
11:30 a.m.—
Veteran’s Day
18 8:30 - BegTai chi
9:00 - Pickle ball
9:00 - Dress A Girl
9:15 - Cont.Tai chi
10:00 - Line dance
10:30 - Healthy
Closed for
Volume 3, Issue 5
Programs and Events
“Imagination is Ageless”
Senior Fine Arts Show
Healthiest State Walk
Wednesday, October 5, 12:00 p.m.
Monday, September 26
3:30 –6:00 p.m.
Join your friends and neighbors for this annual 1K Walk
Around the Park. Two route options are available: Lions
Join our local artists for an early evening tea and
Park, or Lakeview Park. Walkers meet at Urbandale
exhibition of their work. View and purchase their
amazing art, nibble on sweets, listen to music, and Senior
find that inner artist in yourself.
Center to pick
AARP Fraud Watch - Protect
up a free water
Yourself from Con Artists' Latest bottle and
route map. All
Wednesday, November 2, 1:00 p.m.
Every year, thousands of Americans are impact- ages welcome!
ed by fraud and scams – but you can beat con
available for $5,
artists at their own game by joining the AARP
Fraud Watch Network. Come hear how to sign
week before event (while supplies last)! Register at the
up and learn about some of the latest scams
being used.
We understand care, we practice compassion
The Rehabilitation Center
of Des Moines
Genesis Healthcare LLC
Skilled Nursing Facility
Certified for Medicare & Medicaid
Estate Planning • Wills • Trusts • Probate/Trust Administration
Elder Law • Medicaid Planning • VA Pension Planning
Guardianship/Conservatorship • Special Needs Trusts
701 Riverview St. • Des Moines, IA
For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • www.4lpi.com
Urbandale Senior Recreation Center, IA
C 4C 02-1022
OCT-NOV 2016
October and November
Menus not yet available.
Check the bulletin boards
for new menus.
Planning Committee Elections
Nominations being accepted. Watch for
ballots in November.
Please note: you now have two choices for
the main entree for lunches. These can be
selected on the kiosk when signing up for lunches,
or you can call to order your preference.
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which is an annual campaign to
increase awareness of the disease. While most people are aware of breast cancer,
many forget to take the steps to have a plan to detect the disease in its early stages
and encourage others to do the same. The National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc.
has made a lot of progress but still has a long way to go and needs your help!!!
Create an Early Detection Plan and invite
others to do the same.
Share Beyond The
Shock, our breast cancer educational resource, with friends
and family.
Host a Fundraiser to
help provide mammograms for women in
For more information, contact the National Breast Cancer Foundation at
Learn to Use Pinterest!
Wednesday, November 15, 1:00 - 3:00 pm.
Pinterest is a useful and simple site to find, and catalog ideas, pictures, lists, recipes and
products. During this hands-on session, learn how to find, save and share ideas that you
love, and to create your own Pinterest board! A personal e-mail address is required for
this class. Session is free, but pre-registration is required as class size is limited
Volume 3, Issue 5
Social, Cultural, and Arts Programs
Monthly Art Classes:
Origami & Kirigami - $5.00 Materials Fee, Please Pre-Register
10:00 a.m.—12:00 noon
Learn the traditional art of paper folding in this new series of classes
"Origami & Kirigami." Step-by-step we'll use fun and colorful papers
to create animals, decorations and packaging. No experience necessary!
Friday, October 7 - Make beautiful butterflies!!
Tuesday, November 8 - Make a star mobile.
Upcycle Art - $10.00 materials fee.
Pre-registration required.
10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon
Join us for Upcycle Art Class! In this new series of hands-on classes, you'll
make-and take creative projects that reflect your style. No art experience
Friday, October 28 - Baskets
Tuesday, November 29 - Call for project
We work to lower your
risk of future fractures.
Call today for your bone
health evaluation.
We would love t o have
any of the following
items if they are excess:
• National Geographic
• Outdated maps and
• Old sheet music or
Decorative scrapbooking
Dilapidated illustrated
children’s books
Vintage flat folded wrapping
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Urbandale Senior Recreation Center, IA
D 4C 02-1022
Social, Cultural & Arts Programs
Senior Singers
Tuesdays, 1:45 - 2:45 p.m.
entertaining experience! Director Clara Wya The “Needlers” thread-craft group
Wednesdays, 12:30-2:30 p.m.
Bring your knitting, crochet,
cross-stitch, etc. and spend
some time working while socializing. Share ideas and techniques
with other knitting enthusiasts.
All skill levels welcome! Coffee
and tea provided. @ senior Suites 10/26 &
No Needlers 11/24
October 12 & November 2, 10:00 a.m.
Back after a summer hiatus, join the group
to discover your inner artist during these
fun and light-hearted classes. Explore a
meditative form of pen & ink art by learning
repetitive, simple steps and patterns that are
easy to recreate. Then, use your newly
discovered skills to create paper projects
during class. No art experience necessary.
New: $5.00 materials fee for each class.
Minimum of 6 and maximum of 14 people
per class. Monthly pre-registration required.
Dress A Girl Workshop
Third Friday, 9:00 a.m. 12:00 Noon
Join the Senior Center in
this program to make
Amateur Artists Group
dresses that are hand-delivered world-wide
Mondays, 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
Whether you have been painting or sketching all to girls in need & at risk & to show them
of your life or just want to get started, this is the that they are loved. Even if you don’t sew,
group for you. Bring your own supplies and drop there are ways to get involved. We welcome
anyone interested. Cut or sew at the
in any time during the day. We’ll provide the
coffee! (Due to allergy concerns, oil paints should Center, or if you prefer, kits are available to
take home and return.
be water soluble only, please.)
Get Creative Craft Group
Thursdays, 9:15 - 11:30 a.m.
This activity is open to anyone who loves to be creative. A variety of supplies are available
for a wide assortment of craft projects. No experience necessary. Completed items may be
purchased or donated for our craft shop sales. In August various fun zipper bags will be made and you don’t really have to know how to sew. We will begin making Christmas ornaments in
September. Group facilitator: Rose Mary Glasgow. No group 11/24
Adult Coloring Group
2nd & 4th Thursdays**, 1:00 - 2:00 p.m.
A great way to discover your inner child while improving your attention, focus, and meditation skills. Join our adult coloring group two Thursdays each
month. Check the calendar for dates. Whether you’re already a pro or trying it
for the first time, you will have a great experience! Coloring pages and pencils
are provided for newcomers…but feel free to bring your own supplies!
**1st & 3rd Thursdays in November.
Volume 3, Issue 5
Education, Information & Assistance Programs
Bridge Workshop
Thursdays, 10:00-11:30 a.m.
No reservation is required for this fun and informative
session. A great program for anyone re-learning Bridge or
wanting to improve their game. Instructor: Paul Spong
No group 11/24
Monday Bridge Group
Monthly Birthday Celebration
If you attend lunch on the first Tuesday
of the month and it’s your birthday
month, your lunch will be complimentary
and your name will go in a raffle for
a gift card to a local grocery store,
restaurant, or service. We will also
celebrate with a delicious dessert
provided by Immanuel Pathways.
Mondays, 10:30 AM - 2:00 PM
For reservations or cancellations, call 276-1606.
Lunch reservations must be made separately at 278-3907
Now on Thursdays, join the mahjongg group
by 12:00 PM Friday.
at 12:30. It’s a fun way to meet new friends
Mixed Cards & Games
and to sharpen your thinking skills. Two
Tuesday & Thursday, 10:45 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
mahjongg sets available at the Center.
Drop in for a variety of card and board games. Tables,
chairs, cards & games available, coffee provided. No group
Timely Talkers
Tuesdays, 10:00 - 11:15 a.m.
Join this discussion group for some lively conversation on
a variety of topics including current events, personal
experiences, and local news. Everyone is welcome.
Facilitator: Mike Hanna No group 10/25
Wednesday Morning ‘Bookies’
Meet at the Senior Center library. Monthly book
selections are available for check out at the local libraries. !
Featured Book Selections
October 19:
“The Light Between the Oceans”
By M. L. Stedman
November 16:
“The Boston Girl”
By Anita Diamant
SHIIP Medicare Assistance
Call 278-3907 for a personal appointment with a
volunteer. Do you have questions about your Medicare
insurance or statements that you’ve received from your
Medicare supplement or Part D provider? Call to
schedule a personal appointment with an on-site SHIIP
volunteer at the senior recreation center. This program is
offered year-round for your convenience. SHIIP, the
Senior Health Insurance Information Program is a service
of the State of Iowa. SHIIP counselors are trained by the
state and do not sell or promote any insurance
companies, policies or agents. Urbandale Senior
Recreation Center is a local sponsor for SHIIP in Polk
AARP Smart Driver Course
Friday, October 21, 12:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Call for November date
Learn defensive driving techniques, new traffic
laws, rules of the road, and more in this 4-hour
course. Find out how to adjust your driving to
age-related changes in vision, hearing, and reaction
time. Auto insurance companies in most states
provide a multi-year discount to graduates!
(Consult your insurance agent.) Register at the
Senior Recreation Center, or call 278-3907.
OCT-NOV 2016
Education & Information
An Educational Series from the Alzheimer’s Association
Wednesday, November 16, 12:30 p.m. - Dementia and the Holidays
Please pre-register.
Life Long Learning for Seniors
Register in person or call 278-3907 to register via credit card.
Wednesday, December 7, 10:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Join AARP for a free hands-on workshop, for those who want to get the most out of their android tablet.
Tablets will be provided for class and participants will receive a free touchscreen stylus pen. This AARP event is
fun and free, but seating is limited. Further information available at registration. Please call 278-3907 after
October 1, 2016 to register. Held at Giovannetti Community Shelter at Walker Johnston Park.
Intro to Android Tablets
Beyond the Basics - Android Tablets
Privacy & Sharing on Facebook - Android Tablets
Digital Pictures - From your
camera to your PC - Fee $15!
Oct. 19 & Nov. 16, 1:00-3:30 p.m.
This one session class will focus on moving digital
pictures from your camera to the computer. Bring
your digital camera, and a USB cable or your camera’s digital memory card. Also covered: basic photo
editing, basic file management and organization in
your pictures library. Instructor Paul Spong
Beginning Computers for Seniors
M, W, F (3 day course),
October 3 - 7, 1:00 - 3:30 p.m.!
Participants will learn to turn on the computer, about the
keyboard, how to use a mouse, how to write letters, to
save documents, and basic word processing. Internet
activity, web sites, and search engines will also be covered.
Class Fee $41. Instructor Paul Spong
Facebook Classes, 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. - $10 - Pre-Registration Required
Participants will use the Senior Center computers, so no phone or tablets are required. Instructor Anne
Facebook I: Set up an Account & Join Social Media - Tuesday, October 11 - Learn Facebook basics; how to Friend, Follow, Like, etc. in this beginning class. NOTE: This class is for users who do not
yet have an account.
Facebook II: Making the Most of Facebook - Tuesday, October 18 - Now that you have a
Facebook account, learn more about it, including creating events, adjusting your profile, uploading photo albums,
Using Your Iphone/IPad, 1:00—3:00 p.m. - $10—Pre Registration Required
Participants need to bring their IPhone or IPad to class. Class will NOT cover Android type devices, only Apple.
Minimum 6, maximum 12 students. Instructor: Anne Nieland
Beginning Class - Friday, October 21 - In this beginning class we will cover the very basics of using
your Apple device. Topics include Wifi versus cellular connections, keyboard, Notes, apps, photos, etc.
Continuing Class—Monday, October 24 - Once you've got Iphone and iPad basics under your belt,
join us to learn about maps, the calendar, the calculator and more about photos. We'll also learn about downloading eBooks and audio books. Prerequisites include knowing how to use your keyboard, messaging, email and
your camera. You'll need your Apple ID and password, too.
Volume 3, Issue 5
Holiday Events
Fall Harvest
Craft Sale
Friday, November 11
9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Find plenty of holiday gifts for your
family and friends (maybe even something for
yourself) during the Fall Harvest craft and bake
sale. All sales proceeds benefit our senior
recreation programs.
*Donated baked goods needed! Please drop off on
Thursday, November 10 by 3:00 p.m.
Tree of
Month of December
Add new caps, scarves,
mittens, gloves or socks to
our holiday tree. All
donations will go to the
Urbandale Schools Clothes Closet.
Urbandale Community Adult Band Holiday Concert
Monday, December 5, 7:00 p.m.
Bring your family and friends to enjoy an evening of holiday music and fun. This is a FREE event!
Senior Singers Holiday Concert
Tuesday, December 13, 6:00 p.m.
Enjoy your holiday favorites, along with some
new ‘classics’ during this fun and entertaining
event. Then “feel” the music and join a carol
sing-along with the senior singers.
Holiday Meal
Our Holiday meal is Thursday, December 15,
at 11:30 a.m. Sign up early to feast on a roast
beef dinner & pecan pie served by students
from Olmsted Elementary school. Then
enjoy holiday music provided by students
from St. Pius X School.
A special bonus this year is a visit by
our very own Mr. and Mrs. Claus, Jerry and
Marlene White, who will be here from
10:35-11:30 a.m. Come early and take a seat
on Santa’s lap for a photo opportunity with
him and Mrs. Claus, or just to tell him your
Christmas wish list. Sign-up for the holiday meal
begins November 21. Please sign up
and pay $3 by December 9.
Santa and Mrs. Claus—tuckered out after a long
day with the kiddos and us old fogies!!!
7305 Aurora Avenue
Urbandale, IA 50322
Volume 3, Issue 5
SHIIP Medicare D
Enrollment Event
Welcome to Medicare’
Public Seminar
Tuesday, October 25 &
Wednesday, October 26
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Every year Medicare Part D drug
plans and Medicare Advantage plans
can change their benefits and costs.
These changes are announced
October 1 and go into effect January 1.
Doing an annual plan review could
save you money in 2017! The Senior
Recreation Center is offering appointments in October to meet with a
SHIIP volunteer to review and compare your current plan. This service is
free, confidential, and unbiased. Call
281-6793 to schedule an appointment .
Monday, October 31, 2016
5:30-7:30 p.m.
Are you going to be eligible for Medicare in
the near future? Have you been on Medicare
for a while and want to better understand
what it offers? Do you have a family member
you help with Medicare issues? “Welcome to
Medicare” is for you! This two hour seminar
is offered by the Urbandale Senior Recreation
Center SHIIP counselors. The program will
cover Medicare Part A and Part B benefits,
the prescription drug benefit (Part D), Medicare Advantage plans and Medicare supplement insurance. SHIIP, the Senior Health
Insurance Information Program is a service of
the State of Iowa. Please register by Monday,
October 24 by calling 515-278-3907.