July 2015 - City of Urbandale
July 2015 - City of Urbandale
Volume 2 Issue 3 JUNE-JULY 2015 Urbandale Senior Recreation News www.Urbandaleseniors.org dŚĞhƌďĂŶĚĂůĞ^ĞŶŝŽƌ Recrea&on Center Thank You! Community Day ŽīĞƌƐĂǀĂƌŝĞƚLJŽĨƐŽĐŝĂů͕ Volunteer Lunchrecreaonal and educaonal eon programs for senior cizens. Wednesday, June 3, ! 11:30 am-1:00 pm ,ŽƵƌƐ͗ Calling all Volunteers! DŽŶĚĂLJͲdŚƵƌƐĚĂLJ͗ Join us for lunch & ϵ͗ϬϬĂŵͲϯ͗ϬϬƉŵ ! entertainment by &ƌŝĚĂLJ͗ violinist Shanna Ford ϴ͗ϯϬĂŵͲϭϮ͗ϯϬWD celebrating your help and support of ,ŽƵƌƐŵĂLJǀĂƌLJĨŽƌƐƉĞĐŝĂů ƉƌŽŐƌĂŵŵŝŶŐ͘WůĞĂƐĞĐŚĞĐŬ our center by volunteering ƚŚĞŵŽŶƚŚůLJĐĂůĞŶĚĂƌ͘ ! your services. ^ƚĂī͗ We couldn’t do >ŽƌƌŝĞEĂŐĞů it without you. WƌŽŐƌĂŵ^ƵƉĞƌǀŝƐŽƌ Please register ! by May 27. ^ĂŶĚLJ'ŝůŵŽƌĞ ! Donations, Donations!! Thanks to your generous donations during the March fitness equipment drive, the center raised over $1200 for the fitness program. The best part is that you showed how much you appreciate the quality of classes provided at Urbandale Senior Recreation Center! The “Cake Box” collected more than $230 dollars in donations during the bake-less bake sale. The donated funds will be used to enhance programs and special events. Thank you! The mini-golf Invitational was a huge success with more than 25 boxes of personal care items donated by our Center members and Urbandale City Department employees to the Urbandale Food Pantry. Way to Go!! As Elvis would say: “Thank you, thank you very very much!” WƌŽŐƌĂŵƐƐŝƐƚĂŶƚ ! ĂǁŶtŝƌƚnj WƌŽŐƌĂŵƐƐŝƐƚĂŶƚ Special dates to know: • Planning Committee Meetings: 12:30 pm Thursday, June 11 and Tuesday, July 14 • Advisory Board Meeting: 4:15 pm, Thursday, July 16 • Father’s Day: June 21 • Center Closed July 3 • Independence Day: July 4 Featured Volunteers All of you Monday-Tuesday-Thursday fitness members know these two ladies. Darlene Bartlett has been setting up the room for morning fitness classes since 2002. She has seen the class grow from 8-10 participants to over 70 on some days today. Dee Dalbey now joins Darlene in hauling in the stage, setting up the chairs and ensuring everything is put back for the remainder of the days activities. Thanks to you gals for making live easier for all of us!! Next time you see Darlene or Dee, give them a big smile and a “Thank you, Girlfriend!!” Reminder—Nominations Please! In each newsletter we will feature a volunteer selected from nominations received from center members. Please take a moment to pick up a nomination form from the office and nominate someone who helps make the center a better place. *Please let us know why you are nominating the individual! 7305 Aurora Avenue, Urbandale, IA 50322 * 515-278-3907 * Fax: 515– 331-6854 * Email: seniorcenter@urbandale.org 2 URBANDALE SENIOR RECREATION NEWS JUNE-JULY 2015 For Your Information…. Meals Computer Lab A balanced meal is served on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. The meal is served at 12:00 noon and the fee is $2.50. Reservations must be made by 1:00 p.m. the business day prior to the meal. (Monday reservations must be made by 12:00 p.m. Friday). If possible, the same observance should be followed for cancellations. The computer lab is available for independent use during regular center hours, unless there is a class or seminar in session (please call ahead or check schedule). An Internet connection is available. Transportation Urbandale residents may call the Caring Corps at 278-3999, for assistance with transportation. Visual Assistance A magnifier with a 20” monitor is available for personal use by anyone needing visual assistance with personal correspondence or other reading material. MySeniorCenter Our center requires a basic information form to be completed by everyone that attends programs & meals. If you would like to participate in fitness classes and activities, a physician’s release is also required annually. Once we receive your completed form, you will be issued a membership card to use with the ‘My Senior Center’ touchscreens when checking in for programs. If you do not have a card or form on file with us, please stop by the office and we will gladly assist you. Your attendance matters to us! Please Note: MySeniorCenter gives us lots of useful statistics about who uses the center and for what. However, it doesn’t let us count “guests” in our numbers. If you don’t have a membership card, please stop in the office and we will provide you with one. If you don’t have your card with you, please use the blue ‘Sign In, ‘I don’t have my card’ at the top right of the screen. Thanks!! Fitness Room 2 treadmills, 2 NuStep cross-trainers, a recumbent Senior Cycle and an elliptical machine are available for use on a first-come, first-served basis. ♥ A physician’s release is required for all fitness activities. For your convenience…. An automatic blood pressure monitor and a digital physicians’ scale with a BMI option are available for use in the Nurse’s office. Please notify staff if you need assistance. Library Visit our library in a cozy corner where you can sit and read your favorite book, browse the shelves for something new to read or quietly watch the animal life outside the window, All books and reference materials are available to borrow on an ‘honor system’. A big ‘Thank you’ to Marge Foss and Mavis Ketterer for serving as librarians for the center’s library for many years. You both were invaluable in keeping the library books filed and keeping the library current and accessible. Welcome to Marian Sprecher and Vicki Adams and thank you for volunteering to take over these responsibilities. And a big “Thanks” to the Urbandale Library who recently brought over some new books, including large print and medical books. Pool & Shuffleboard Two 8’ Pool tables and a shuffleboard table are available for first-come, first-served play Monday-Friday. Cues and pucks are available for your convenience. Drop-in Activities - During regular hours, the center offers a variety of drop-in services and activities (see top of page). If there is a program you would like to see us add, or If you would like to present a program please let the staff know. We are always looking for new ideas! IMPORTANT NOTICE - Due to interior building upgrades there may be program schedule changes in June. We will do our best to give our patrons notice however, please check our website or posted notices regularly for any notice of change. Volume 2, Issue 3 URBANDALE SENIOR RECREATION NEWS 3 Featured Fitness Program Yoga If you have attended our yoga classes , you know Keith and Margaret Gass. Together they lead the Wednesday Yoga class, with Keith instructing and Margaret facilitating alignment corrections, suggestions and alternatives. What started out as moral support for Margaret as she took the training Margaret on the right and to improve his flexibility, balance and strength, evolved into Keith’s certification and completion of YogaFit Level II and YogaFit for Seniors, along with Margaret. Keith Keith says “I believe I’ve learned more from them (my students), than they will ever learn from me. As I look back, I’m amazed at improvements I have seen in their poses, strength and stability.” In the future, he plans to continue teaching yoga and practicing yoga with his wife, Margaret. Come join them on Wednesdays. See page 6 for more information about the class. Contact Alex Nicholas to place an ad today! ANicholas@4LPi.com or (800) 950-9952 x2538 A 4C 02-1022 FOR AD INFO CALL Alex Nicholas at 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM URBANDALE SENIOR RECREATION CENTER, URBANDALE 05-15-201512:59:57 4 URBANDALE SENIOR RECREATION NEWS JUNE-JULY 2015 Fitness, Health & Recreation Programs Cook for Your Health! Health Services UFD Blood Pressure Clinic Tuesdays, 6/9 & 7/14, 9:30 - 10:30 AM Note new time! Provided monthly by the Urbandale Fire Department. Accessible Home Care Blood Pressure Clinic Thursdays, 6/18 & 7/16, 10-11:30 AM Visiting Nurse Services Thursdays, 6/11 & 7/9 * Monthly health service including: nail trim/foot care, blood sugar and cholesterol testing, blood pressure. We no longer have a provider for the third Tuesday nail care clinic. We will let you know if we are able to find a replacement provider. Zounds Hearing Screening Thursday, 7/16, 9 am - 1 pm Receive a free hearing screening and visit with a professional about your hearing. Call 278-3907 to schedule an appointment. *Appointment required. Call 278-3907. Appointments can be made 1 month in advance. Please wait a minimum of 2 months between appointments to allow everyone access to the services. tĞĚŶĞƐĚĂLJƐ͕ϭϬ͗ϯϬĂŵͲϭϮ͗ϯϬƉŵ;ƐĞĞĐĂůĞŶĚĂƌĨŽƌĚĂƚĞƐͿ >ĞĂƌŶƚŽŵĂŬĞŚĞĂƌƚͲŚĞĂůƚŚLJŵĞĂůƐƵƐŝŶŐĨƌĞƐŚ͕ƐĞĂƐŽŶĂůŝŶŐƌĞĚŝĞŶƚƐ͘ ůĂƐƐǁŝůůƉƌĞƉĂƌĞ͕ĐŽŽŬ͕ĂŶĚĞŶũŽLJƚŚĞŵĞĂů͘DĞŶƵĐŚĂŶŐĞƐĞĂĐŚ month. Class size is limited to 10. Registraon is required. ΨϴŝŶĐůƵĚĞƐůƵŶĐŚ͘/ŶƐƚƌƵĐƚŽƌ͗/ůĚŝŬŽdŝŵŵĞƌŵĂŶ Balance Workshop with Dr. Zach Kern Wednesday, June 10, 1:00 p.m. Did you know that one out of three adults age 65 and over falls each year, and that these falls are the leading cause of injury, hospital admissions, and injury-related death among these adults? There are things you can do to help tip the BALANCE in your favor. Dr. Kern is a Chiropractor with almost 10 years of experience in the areas of movement and balance. His Balance Workshop is designed to give you the tools and information necessary for you to improve your own body balance. In the workshop, you will learn daily and weekly routines that could, quite literally, save your life. Pre-registration requested. Heart Reach Mobile Lab Wednesday, June 17, 7:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Heart Reach is a unique traveling heart disease and stroke prevention program staffed by professionals from Unity Point Health - Des Moines. Call to make your appointment, and stop worrying if heart attack and stroke are sneaking up on you. 1-866-935-5432 The Effects of Hearing Loss on your Brain Health Thursday, July 9, 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. Sponsored by Woodard Hearing of Des Moines Laurie Bennett, AuD. of Widex, will present a program on hearing healthcare and how your hearing health is related to your overall health, cognitive health and wellness. She’ll also present options for diagnosing and treating hearing loss. The program will include hearing and memory skill games and refreshments. Pre-registration requested. Identifying & Preventing Medicare Fraud & Abuse Thursday July 16, 12:15 p.m. A serious problem that requires your attention! Curt Svalstad a volunteer with the Senior Medicare Patrol Program will be here to tell us how to prevent, detect and where to report Medicare Fraud and abuse. Medicare Fraud costs taxpayers Billions of dollars each year while putting beneficiaries’ health and welfare at risk. You play a vital role in protecting the integrity of the Medicare Program. Curt will also speak about some other scams that are currently happening in Iowa. Volume 2, Issue 3 URBANDALE SENIOR RECREATION NEWS 5 Special Fitness Programs Courtesy Reminder Bocce League Finals Out of respect for the Instructors and fellow participants of our fitness classes, Come watch the final four teams of the American and please keep conversations to a minimum the National Leagues battle each other for the bocce ball during group classes. Thank You. Wednesday, June 10, 10:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. team champion. Refreshments provided. Please call to verify date, in case of rain-outs. Learn to play Pickle-ball ! Thursday, June 4, 1:00-3:00 pm. (Meet at Lions Park tennis court, 71st & Prairie) Join the growing number of people playing Pickle-ball, a lively racket game that can be enjoyed by all ages and abilities. Pickle-ball can be played indoors or out and requires only a paddle and a ball to play. Attend one or both of these instructional sessions to learn the basics of the game and try it for yourself! Please pre-register at 278-3907. Outdoor Bocce Court The 60’ x 12’ outdoor bocce ball court is available for first-come, first-served use during senior center hours. Bocce sets may be checked out from the office. Your Time Is Precious. Let Us Help You Make The Most Of It! Home Care Registry *Qualified screened caregivers * From 1-24 hours a day *Assistance with bathing, dressing, meals, transportation and more… 515-221-1195 • www.careconsultants.com MJ Klouda • 515-779-4320 mjklouda@ymail.com reliableerrandsandmore.com 515-490-1882 www.completeplumbingservices.com Jeff, Melissa, Vanessa, Marcella, Calvin Garton Independent Living Assisted Living Skilled Nursing & Long Term Rehabilitation 200 SW Brookside Drive • Grimes, Iowa 50111 515-369-3900 Senior Housing in Adel, West Des Moines and Des Moines One or two bedrooms. We also have affordable assisted living. Amenities Include: Smoke-free community • Refrigerator • Stove • Microwave Garbage Disposal • On-site free laundry facilities • Central air/heat 515.223.0029 http://www.chihousing.com B 4C 02-1022 FOR AD INFO CALL Alex Nicholas at 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM URBANDALE SENIOR RECREATION CENTER, URBANDALE 05-15-201512:59:57 6 URBANDALE SENIOR RECREATION NEWS JUNE-JULY 2015 Fitness Programs Morning Fitness Take Control with Exercise Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursdays, 9:00-9:45 DŽŶĚĂLJƐ͕Ϯ͗ϬϬͲϮ͗ϱϱƉ͘ŵ͘ tĞĚŶĞƐĚĂLJƐ͕ϭϬ͗ϬϬͲϭϬ͗ϱϱĂ͘ŵ͘ 10:00 a.m. class offered again September through November The Arthris Foundaon Exercise Program is a $#*+ ##* # mance of their daily acvies. Designed to bring more movement to the individual with arthris, it , from sffness while improving mobility. -#% EŽĐůĂƐƐϲͬϯ funconal fitness. Classes may include stretching, ! " muscular strength and range of moon. Weights, # addional fitness benefit. All fitness levels are $%&$ to class, if you have special health consideraons %'()'" ! ! Tai chi tĞĚŶĞƐĚĂLJƐΘ&ƌŝĚĂLJƐΎ ĞŐŝŶŶŝŶŐ͗ϴ͗ϯϬͲϵ͗ϭϱĂ͘ŵ͘ Con$nuing: 9:15Ͳϵ͗ϱϱĂ͘ŵ͘ ."! much like what has been pracced ( %-/ -, $%($0 '12 ΎEŽĐůĂƐƐϲͬϯ͕ϳͬϯ Zumba Gold tĞĚŶĞƐĚĂLJƐ͕ϭ͗ϬϬͲϭ͗ϰϱƉ͘ŵ͘ ! -$ # $%'3 invigorang, community , all, exhilarang! Zumba Gold® provides ,$#$ healthy, acve lifestyle! Bring a small towel and water! Wear workout clothes and sneakers with a smooth bo+om. Maximum 40 parcipants each class. Instructor: Ildiko Timmerman !"# Yoga tĞĚŶĞƐĚĂLJƐ͕Ϯ͗ϬϬͲϯ͗ϭϱƉ͘ŵ͘ Line Dance &ƌŝĚĂLJƐ͕ϭϬ͗ϬϬͲϭϬ͗ϱϱĂ͘ŵ͘ΨϭƉĞƌĐůĂƐƐ -4! encourage relaxaon and provide a very good %5 " $%.# wanng to try the class before purchasing a mat. 5$0'26 $ !"# -$$"0 7$$#ĨĂǀŽƌŝƚĞ %- $$# #!0 '78 EŽůĂƐƐϳͬϯ͕ϳͬϭϳ͕ϳͬϮϰ ♥ An annual physician’s fitness release is required for all fitness activities. Forms are available at the center or online at www.UrbandaleSeniors.org Volume 2, Issue 3 URBANDALE SENIOR RECREATION NEWS 7 June 2015 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 9:00 AM - Fitness 9:00 - Amateur Artists 10 AM - Bridge group 12 PM - Senior meal 12:30 - AL Bocce 12:30 - Crochet 2:00 - Take Control 2 9 AM - Fitness 10:00 - Timely talkers 10:45 - Drop-in cards 12 PM - Senior meal 12:30 - Piano recital 12:30 - NL Bocce 1:45 - Senior Singers 3 No AM Fitness classes or Zumba 10:00 – Pendoodle 11:30 - Volunteer Luncheon 12:30 PM - Knitting 2:00 - Yoga 4 9 AM - Fitness 9:15 - Craft workshop 10:30 - Bridge w-shop 10:45 - Drop-in cards 12 PM - Senior meal 12:30 - Drop-in Bridge 1:00 - Pickleball wksp 5 8:30 AM - Beg Tai chi 9:15 - Continuing Tai chi 10:00 - Line dance 5:30 - Card Party 8 9:00 AM - Fitness 9:00 - Amateur Artists 10 AM - Bridge group 12 PM - Senior meal 12:30 - AL Bocce 2:00 - Take Control 9 9 AM - Fitness 9:30- Blood pressures, Urbandale Fire Dept. 10:00 - Timely talkers 10:45 - Drop-in cards 12 PM - Senior meal 12:30 - Birthday Bingo 12:30 - NL Bocce 1:45 - Senior Singers 10 8:30 AM - Beg. Tai chi 9:15 - Cont.. Tai chi 10:00 - Take Control 10:30 - Bocce Finals 10:30 - Healthy Cook 12:30 PM - Knitting 1:00 - Balance Clinic No Zumba gold 2:30 - Yoga 11 8:30 AM-Visiting Nurse 9:00 - Fitness 9:15 - Craft workshop 10:30 - Bridge w-shop 10:45 - Drop-in cards 12 PM - Senior meal 12:30 - Drop-in Bridge Panning Committee 12 Trip to Reiman Gardens Center closed to Walk-ins, Classes are as scheduled: 8:30 AM - Beginning Tai chi 9:15 - Cont. Tai chi 10:00 - Line dance 11:30 - Zumba Gold 15 9:00 AM - Fitness 9:00 - Amateur Artists 10:00 - Bridge group 12 PM - Senior meal 2:00- Take Control 16 9:00 AM - Fitness 10:00 - Timely talkers 10:45 - Drop-in cards 12 PM - Senior meal 1:45 - Senior Singers 17 7:00 AM - Heart Reach 8:30 - Beg. Tai chi 9:15 - Cont.. Tai chi 10:00 - Take Control 10:00 - Book Club 12:30 PM - Knitting 1:00 - Zumba gold 2:00 - Yoga 18 9 AM - Fitness 9:15 - Craft workshop 10:30 -Blood pressure, Accessible Home Care 10:30 - Bridge w-shop 10:45 - Drop-in cards 12 PM - Senior meal 12:30 - Drop-in Bridge 19 8:30 AM - AARP Driver Class 8:30 - Beg Tai chi 9:15 - Continuing Tai chi 10:00 - Line dance 1:00 PM - Healthier Habits 24 8:30 AM - Beg. Tai chi 9:15 - Cont.. Tai chi 10:00 - Take Control 10:30 - I-Cubs picnic & game 12:30 PM - Knitting 1:00 - Zumba gold 2:00 - Yoga 25 9 AM - Fitness 9:15 - Craft workshop 10:30 - Bridge w-shop 10:45 - Drop-in cards 12 PM - Senior meal 12:30 - Drop-in Bridge 26 8:30 - Beg. Tai chi 9:15 - Con’t. Tai chi 10:00 - Line dance 5:00 PM - Summer Party 22 9:00 AM - Fitness 9:00- Amateur Artists 10:00 - Bridge group 12 PM - Senior meal 2:00 - Take Control 23 9 AM - Fitness 10:00 - Timely talkers 10:45 - Drop-in cards 12 PM - Senior meal 1:45 - Senior Singers 29 9:00 AM - Fitness 9:00 - Amateur Artists 10:00 - Bridge group 12 PM - Senior meal 2:00 - Take Control 30 9 AM - Fitness 10:00 - Timely talkers 10:45 - Drop-in cards 12 PM - Senior meal 1:45 - Senior Singers * Note date change for Birthday Bingo! Father’s Day 6/21 8 URBANDALE SENIOR RECREATION NEWS JUNE-JULY 2015 July 2015 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 2 3 8:30 AM - Beg. Tai chi 9:00 AM-Fitness 9:15 - Craft workshop Closed for holiday 9:15 - Cont.. Tai chi 10:30 - Bridge w-shop 10:00 - Take Control 10:45 - Drop-in cards 12:30 PM - Knitting 11:30 - Senior meal1:00 - Zumba gold Cook Out 2:00 - Yoga 12:30 PM - Drop-in Bridge 6 9:00 AM - Fitness 9:00 - Amateur Artists 10:00 - Bridge group 12 PM - Senior meal 2:00 - Take Control 7 9:00 AM –Fitness 10:00 - Timely talkers 10:45 - Drop-in cards 11:30 - Summer Potluck 12:30 - Birthday Bingo 1:45 - Senior Singers 8 8:30 AM - Beg. Tai chi 9:15 - Cont.. Tai chi 10:00 - Take Control 12:30 PM - Knitting 1:00 - Zumba gold 2:00 - Yoga 9 9:00 AM-Fitness 9:15 - Craft workshop 10:30 - Bridge w-shop 10:45 - Drop-in cards 12 PM - Senior meal 12:30 - Drop-in Bridge 1:00 - Woodard Brain & Hearing program 10 8:30 AM - Beg Tai chi 9:15 - Continuing Tai chi 10:00 - Line dance 13 9:00 AM - Fitness 9:00 - Amateur Artists 10:00 - Bridge group 12 PM - Senior meal 12:00 - Take Control 14 9:00 AM - Fitness 10:00 - Timely talkers 9:30 - Blood pressures, Urbandale Fire Dept. 10:45 - Drop-in cards 12 PM - Senior meal 12:30 - Planning Com. 1:45 - Senior Singers 15 8:30 AM - Beg. Tai chi 9:15 - Cont.. Tai chi 10:00 - Take Control 10:00 - Book Club 10:30 - Healthy Cook 12:30 PM - Knitting 1:00 - Zumba gold 2:00 - Yoga 16 8:30 AM-Visiting Nurse 9:00 - Fitness 9:00 - Zounds Hearing 9:15 - Craft workshop 10:30 - Bridge w-shop 10:45 - Drop-in cards 12 PM - Senior meal 12:15 Medicare Fraud 12:30 - Drop-in Bridge 17 8:30 AM - BegTai chi 9:15 - Continuing Tai chi No Line dance 20 9:00 AM - Fitness 9:00 - Amateur Artists 10:00 - Bridge group 12 PM - Senior meal 2:00 - Take Control 21 9:00 AM - Fitness 10:00 - Timely talkers 10:45 - Drop-in cards 12 PM - Senior meal 1:45 - Senior Singers 22 8:30 AM - Beg. Tai chi 9:15 - Cont.. Tai chi 10:00 - Take Control 12:30 PM - Knitting 1:00 - Zumba gold 2:00 - Yoga 23 9:00 AM - Fitness 9:30 - Craft workshop 10:30 -Blood pressure, Accessible Home Care 10:30 - Bridge w-shop 10:45 - Drop-in cards 12 PM - Senior Meal 12:30 - Drop-in Bridge 24 8:30 AM - Beg Tai chi 9:15 - Continuing Tai chi No Line dance 27 9:00 AM - Fitness 9:00 - Amateur Artists 10:00 - Bridge group 12 PM - Senior meal 2:00 - Take Control 28 9:00 AM - Fitness 10:00 - Timely talkers 10:45 - Drop-in cards 12 PM - Senior meal 1:15- Senior Singers bus departs 29 8:30 AM - Beg. Tai chi 9:15 - Cont.. Tai chi 10:00 - Take Control 12:30 PM - Knitting 1:00 - Zumba gold 2:00 - Yoga 30 9:00 AM- Fitness 9:15 - Craft workshop 10:30 - Bridge w-shop 10:45 - Drop-in cards 12 PM - Senior meal 12:30 - Drop-in Bridge 31 8:30 AM - Beg Tai chi 9:15 - Continuing Tai chi 10:00 - Line dance Volume 2, Issue 3 URBANDALE SENIOR RECREATION NEWS 9 Featured Fitness Program Tai Chi Our Tai Chi instructor, Ruth Kneile, is certified by Master Wu as a fourth generation member of the “Wu Yi Jie He” family lineage (Chinese Martial Arts & Chinese Medicine Combined Teaching System !!! ), and the tai chi curriculum at the Center is based on this family system. It is a system where healing and training are combined together for prevention and health. Ruth has been studying tai chi and chi kung for over 20 years and teaching for over 10. “It is a lifelong adventure of never-ending learning for health and personal growth” says Ruth. Tai chi and chi kung are mind-body-spirit exercises with profound, proven benefit for the entire person—from cognitive (brain) improvement, to better balance and flexibility, better bone density, normalized blood pressure, improved diabetes control, arthritis relief, improved digestion, strengthened and balanced immune function, core strength, cardiovascular fitness and more… Come join the tai chi group. We think you will thoroughly enjoy Ruth’s genteel, warm, spirit as well as the benefits of the program. See page 6 for class days and times. www.CareByApril.com Contact Alex Nicholas to place an ad today! ANicholas@4LPi.com or (800) 950-9952 x2538 C 4C 02-1022 FOR AD INFO CALL Alex Nicholas at 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM URBANDALE SENIOR RECREATION CENTER, URBANDALE 05-15-201512:59:57 10 URBANDALE SENIOR RECREATION NEWS JUNE-JULY 2015 Menus Try healthy snacks and take time to smell the flowers this summer! June Menu Monday 1 Chicken Alfredo, green beans Tuesday 2 Pork with orange sauce, baked potato, carrot coins, blonde brownie Thursday 4 Meatloaf, red potatoes, summer blend vegies, pie 8 Pork riblet, O’Brian potatoes, 9 Beef chow mein, white rice, broccoli & cauliflower, cookie Asian blend vegies, oatmeal cookie 11 Sliced pork w/gravy, mashed potatoes, broccoli, pie 15 Tater tot hotdish, sweet peas, cinnamon apple sauce 18 Marsala beef, mashed potatoes, winter blend vegies, pie 16 BBQ chicken breast, sweet potatoes, summer blend vegies, sugar cookie. 22 Pork cutlet w/port gravy, 23 Oven baked chicken (bone 25 Chicken Kiev, red potatoes, mashed potatoes, diced beans, in), diced baked potatoes, winter asparagus, pie apple blend vegies, banana 29 Goulash, sweet peas 30 Hamburger on a bun, lettuce and tomato, potato wedges, diced carrots, sugar cookie July Menu Monday Tuesday Wesley Life summer cookout— free, but sign up in MySeniorCenter. Thursday 2 Lunch Served at 11:30 a.m. Hamburgers and hot dogs 6 Tator tot hot dish, sweet peas, applesauce 7 - 11:30 AM—Summer Potluck 9 Marsala beef, mashed Sign up to bring something potatoes, winter blend vegies, pie 13 Pork cutlet w gravy, red potatoes, diced beets, apple 14 Oven baked chicken, baked potato, winter blend vegies 16 Bratwurst on bun, Sauer kraut, French fries, pie 23 Stuffed green pepper, sea20 Goulash, sweet peas, apple 21 Hamburger, bun, lettuce & tomato, french fries, diced carrots soned potatoes, green beans, juice pie 27 Speghetti w meatballs, green beans, orange juice 28 Tilapia w orange sauce, baked potato, carrot coins 30 Slice turkey w gravy, red potatoes, summer blend vegies, pie Volume 2, Issue 3 URBANDALE SENIOR RECREATION NEWS 11 Special Programs & Events Mini-Golf Open The creative juices were flowing when City staff designed the 9 mini golf holes for this event, co-sponsored with the Urbandale Wellness Committee, using supplies needed by the Urbandale Food Pantry. Senior center members enjoyed the challenges of golfing the 9 holes. We had our first table shuffleboard league this past winter and all of these team players had a blast. Check our web-site and newsletters next fall for more shuffleboard fun. Jackie Julius had the lowest score of 31, Team Putters II, Diane Moore and Marie Theisen had the lowest team As you can see by their score with 67, Hole-in-Oners insmiles, everyone loved cluded Gloria Julius, Julie Lindermeeting Lily, a golden kamp, Diane Moore, and Sue Richretriever and the only ardson. And Linda Lackore won the service dog in Iowa quali- “You Gave it Your All” award!! fied to be in a courtroom. Congratulations everyone! Pinnacle of Excellence Convenient Senior Living The Reserve is located in the heart of Urbandale and adjacent to the scenic Urbandale walking trail. Take a stroll through the woods on the bike path, shop, dine out, take in a movie - it’s all close by! We support an active lifestyle - but without the hassles. Call for a tour today! 515-727-5927 • ReserveOnWalnutCreek.com 2727 82nd Place Just East of 86th & North of Hickman Proud to have served the greater Des Moines area for the past 40 years General Dentistry Accepting New Patients Kenton C. Gleichman, D.D.S. Stephen M. Karbacka, D.D.S. Sara A. Lukan, D.D.S. Benjamin J. Nagel, D.D.S. Thomas C. Quick, D.D.S. Thomas G. Small, D.D.S. 3700 Westown Pkwy • WDesM 225-6742 www.desmoines-dentalassociates.com 8525 Urbandale Ave. Urbandale, IA 50322 515-331-0970 Call today for a tour and experience our Meaningful Moments philosophy. D 4C 02-1022 FOR AD INFO CALL Alex Nicholas at 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM URBANDALE SENIOR RECREATION CENTER, URBANDALE 05-15-201512:59:57 12 URBANDALE SENIOR RECREATION NEWS JUNE-JULY 2015 Social, Cultural & Arts Programs Knitting Club Pendoodle! Wednesdays, 12:30-2:30 p.m. Bring your knitting, crochet, cross-stitch, etc. and spend some time working while socializing. Share ideas and techniques with other knitting enthusiasts. All skill levels welcome! Coffee and tea provided. Wednesday 6/3, 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. This will be Utta’s last class teaching in America (for now!) before she and her family move back to Germany on June 30. This will also be the last class until fall. Come discover your inner artist during these fun and light-hearted classes. No art experience necessary. Please pre-register. Senior Singers Tuesdays, 1:45 - 2:45 p.m. EŽƐŝŶŐŝŶŐĞdžƉĞƌŝĞŶĐĞŝƐŶĞĐĞƐƐĂƌLJƚŽũŽŝŶƚŚŝƐ ĨƵŶͲůŽǀŝŶŐĂŶĚƚĂůĞŶƚĞĚŐƌŽƵƉ͘^ŽŶŐŬƐĂƌĞĮůůĞĚ ǁŝƚŚŽůĚĨĂǀŽƌŝƚĞƐĂŶĚĐůĂƐƐŝĐƐ͘'ƌŽƵƉĞŶƚĞƌƚĂŝŶƐĂƚ ƚŚĞĞŶƚĞƌĂŶĚĨŽƌĐŽŵŵƵŶŝƚLJŐƌŽƵƉƐ͘DĞŶĂŶĚ ǁŽŵĞŶĂůŝŬĞǁŝůůĞŶũŽLJƚŚŝƐŚĞĂůƚŚLJĂŶĚĞŶƚĞƌƚĂŝŶŝŶŐ experience! Director Clara Wya Amateur Artists Group Mondays, 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Whether you have been painting or sketching all of your life or just want to get started, this is the group for you. Bring your own supplies and drop in any time during the day. We’ll provide the coffee! Get Creative Craft Group Thursdays, 9:15 - 11:30 a.m. This activity is open to anyone who loves to be creative. A variety of supplies are available for a wide assortment of craft projects. No experience necessary. Completed items may be purchased or donated for our craft shop sales. Group facilitator: Rose Mary Glasgow Van Roekle Piano Students’ Recital Tuesday, June 2, 12:30 p.m. (following lunch) Barb Van Roekle will present her music students as they perform short piano pieces for our group. The students range in age from elementary level through high school. We are proud to host the group for the third year in a row! Summer Dinner Party $15 Friday, June 26, 5:00 - 9:00 p.m. Enjoy an evening of “mock-tails” and appetizers from 5:00 - 5:30 p.m. followed by dinner and entertainment; featuring the comedy magic of Lee Cole and the island music of Tropical Steel. Put on your brightest summer attire and be prepared for a good time! A great value for a night full of fun, food & entertainment! **Tickets on sale through June 19. Bob Dabrieo Memorial Cribbage Tournament Saturday, July 4th, 1:00 p.m. Registration opens at 12:00 pm. tĂƚĐŚĨŽƌĚĞƚĂŝůƐŝŶƚŚĞhƌďĂŶĚĂůĞϰƚŚof July Celebraon flyer, or at ǁǁǁ͘ƵƌďĂŶĚĂůĞ͘ŽƌŐ͘ Volume 2, Issue 3 URBANDALE SENIOR RECREATION NEWS 13 Education, Information & Assistance Programs Calling All Card Players: Mixed Cards & Games Tuesday & Thursday, 10:45 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Drop in for a variety of card and board games. Tables, chairs, cards & games available. Coffee provided. Do you play pitch, or pinnacle?? Maybe you use to play put don’t much anymore? Don’t have a group to play with? We could use some additional players. Come “put your cards on the table” and join the fun! Bridge Workshop - Thursdays, 10:30-11:30 a.m. No reservation is required for this fun and informative session. A great program for anyone re-learning Bridge or wanting to improve their game. Instructor: Paul Spong Monday Bridge Group Mondays, 10:15 AM - 1:30 PM For reservations or cancellations, call 276-1606. ♦ Lunch reservations must be made separately. Call 278-3907 by 12:00 PM Friday. Monthly Birthday Bingo Party Birthdays are celebrated on the first Tuesday of the month at 12:30 PM. Please note the June 9 Bingo date. Treats are served followed by Bingo! Treats provided by Joyce Dana, Humana Wednesday Morning ‘Bookies’ Monthly book selecons are available for check out at the "#$3907 for monthly selecon! Timely Talkers - Tuesdays, 10:00 - 11:15 a.m. Join this discussion group for some lively conversation on a variety of topics including current events, personal experiences, and local news. Everyone is welcome. Facilitator: Mike Hanna Attention Veterans: Free craft kits available! A representative from Community Based Crafts Program, sponsored by Help Hospitalized Veterans, Inc., will be available for the therapeutic craft kit demonstrations and distribution on one Thursday each month from 12:30 - 3:00 p.m. a the Urbandale Senior Recreation Center. Stop in and visit with Theresa Johnson about the program ad choose a craft kit from a variety of categories including: leather, wood, painting, models, etc. This program is for veterans or military patients only. Call 278-3907 for dates. ! AARP Smart Driver Course Offered monthly, February-November. Please call 278-3907 for dates and times. Learn defensive driving techniques, new traffic laws, rules of the road, and more in this 4-hour course. Find out how to adjust your driving to age-related changes in vision, hearing, and reaction time. Auto insurance companies in most states provide a multi-year discount to graduates! (Consult your insurance agent.) Register at the Senior Recreation Center, or call 278-3907. ! "#$% SHIIP Medicare Assistance Call 278-3907 for a personal appointment with a volunteer. Do you have questions about your Medicare insurance or statements that you’ve received from your Medicare supplement or Part D provider? Call to schedule a personal appointment with an on-site SHIIP volunteer at the senior recreation center. This program is offered year-round for your convenience. SHIIP, the Senior Health Insurance Information Program is a service of the State of Iowa. SHIIP counselors are trained by the state and do not sell or promote any insurance companies, policies or agents. Urbandale Senior Recreation Center is a local sponsor for SHIIP in Polk County. 14 URBANDALE SENIOR RECREATION NEWS JUNE-JULY 2015 Special Programs & Events Healthy Habits for a Healthier You Friday, June 19, 1:00-2:00 pm At any age, there are lifestyle habits we can adopt to help maintain or even potentially improve our health. These habits may also help to keep our brains healthy as we age and possibly delay the onset of cognitive decline. To help people age well, the Alzheimer’s Association® is offering the Healthy Habits for a Healthier You program. This workshop covers four areas of lifestyle habits that are associated with healthy aging: Cognitive activity, Physical health & exercise, Diet & nutrition, and Social engagement. In each area, we will discuss what we know, drawing on current research, as well as what we can do - steps to take now to improve or maintain overall health in each area. Pre-registration is requested. Presented by the Alzheimer’s Association Greater Iowa Chapter Check out the many 4th of July activities in Urbandale Friday, July 3 5:00 pm - Midway & carnival rides open 8:00-11:00 - Street Dance with ‘Faculty Lounge’ Saturday, July 4 7:30 - 10:00 am - Pancakes 4 Pantry at St. Stephen’s for Urbandale Food Pantry 7:30 - William Courtney 5K Run @ Walker Johnston 8:10 - Coach Silvey Kid’s Mile Run @ Walker Johnston 8:30 - Coach Gary Page Tot Trot @ Walker Johnston 10:00 - Parade starts at old City Hall north on 70th, west on Aurora to 82nd. Grand Marshall: Ginny Olmsted-Campbell Noon - Midway and Carnival Opens Lions Park Noon - Cribbage tournament registration - Senior Recreation Center 12:30 - 2:00 pm Lee Kane Annual Alumni Soccer Game @UHS Fredrichs Field 1:00 - Bob Dabrieo Memorial Cribbage Tournament - Senior Recreation Center 1:00 - 4:00 - Kris Mandt Memorial Car Show for Urbandale Food Pantry—UHS parking lot 4:00 - 5:00 - Urbandale Community Adult Band @ Gazebo 6:30 - 8:00 - Metro Arts Jazz in July with band TBD @ Gazebo 10:00 - Fireworks display—shot from Walker Johnston Park west side (rain date is Sunday, July 5) Additional Information or parade entry forms: http://uniquelyurbandale.com/4th_of_ July/ Fireworks viewing - The City parking lots around Walker Johnston Park will be available for parking and viewing of the fireworks. Area business parking lots will also be available. Douglas Avenue will also be closed after the softball lot is filled. Volume 2, Issue 3 Food Fun! Summer Cook-out! Thursday, July 2, 11:30 am Enjoy grilled hamburgers and hot dogs with all the fixin’s during the annual WesleyLife cook-out. All you need to do is register for lunch as usual and bring along your appetite! Summer Potluck Tuesday, July 7, 11:30 am We’ll supply the fried chicken and you bring the rest. Sign up for this event in the office and let us know if you’re bringing a salad, main dish or dessert. After lunch, plan to stay for Birthday Bingo! URBANDALE SENIOR RECREATION NEWS 15 Travel Opportunities A Day at Reiman Gardens* $45 Friday, June 12, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. A Day at Reiman Gardens Highlights of this trip include an educational presentation on the life of butterflies, a tour of the indoor and outdoor gardens, the butterfly house, Hickory Park buffet lunch in a private room and time to enjoy the gardens, exhibits, and gift shop on your own. * This tour requires walking. $45 includes tour, program, meal & motor coach. Iowa Cubs Baseball - Day Game & Picnic $25 (All inclusive)* Wednesday, June 24,10:30 a.m. Cheer on the I-Cubs as they face the Omaha Royals (K.C. Royals) after enjoying an all-you-can-eat picnic lunch including hot dogs, hamburgers, potato salad, chips and a beverage on the mezzanine! Price includes transportation, Iowa Cubs baseball cap, and a reserved seat ticket. Register by June 17. * Please note the price correction. The previous newsletter erroneously listed the price at $45. Older Iowans Day at the Iowa State Fair Wednesday, August 19, 8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. $2 per person for the ride. Friday Night Card Party Friday, June 5, 5:30-9:00 pm Reserve a table for you and your friends and spend a Friday night playing cards and enjoying a light dinner of taco salad and potluck snacks. $5 per person. Taco salad & beverages provided… you bring a potluck appetizer or dessert to share. Sign-up by 6/2/15 Register to ride with us to the fairgrounds for a day of fun, rain or shine! (Fair tickets may be purchased in advance or at the fairgrounds). Limited space available! Registration begins July 6. Coming this fall….. Sullivan Brothers and Grout Museum trip. Wednesday, October 14 Travel by motor coach to Waterloo and experience the Sullivan Brothers Iowa Veterans Museum, Grout Museum of History and Science, and tour the Rensselaer Russell House Museum. The trip will include travel snacks and a hot buffet lunch with gourmet cupcakes. Watch for registration details in the August/September newsletter! 7305 Aurora Avenue Urbandale, IA 50322 www.urbandaleseniors.org On the Merle Hay Auto Mile Get an amplified phone today and hear everything. Many Iowans qualify for a discount voucher of up to 95%! Cindy’s Corner Café “No Strangers Here, Only Friends You Haven’t Met” 3017 100th St. • Urbandale 515-868-0200 If you’d like to be part of a vibrant adult community set in a Christian environment on Des Moines’ East side, check out Valley View Village! We support the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of our residents at each stage of their lives. Our continuum of care includes independent and assisted living, as well as skilled nursing, rehabilitative therapies and respite care. We’ve been faithfully providing compassionate care for more than 50 years – and we’re preparing for the next 50 years with a brand new, state-of-the-art health center. Find out why Valley View Village has been home to generations of senior adults. Schedule a tour today! E 4C 02-1022 FOR AD INFO CALL Alex Nicholas at 1-800-950-9952 • WWW.4LPi.COM URBANDALE SENIOR RECREATION CENTER, URBANDALE 05-15-201512:59:57
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