Life at Central - Central Congregational UCC Church Dallas


Life at Central - Central Congregational UCC Church Dallas
The Central Courier
April 2013
United Church of Christ
Rev. Christine Ng
Senior Minister
Kathy Lowrie
Minister of Music
Rev. Anna Humble
Associate Pastor
Steve Wilson
Pastoral Intern
Kitty Ammann
Director of
Preston Royal Preschool
Dr. Charles S. Hastings, Jr.
Pastor Emeritus
Council Members
Eric Gachelin
Vice Moderator
Doug Willis
Finance Coordinator
Ann Stockert
Property Coordinator
Kent Binfield
Outreach Coordinator
Kristi Willis
Church Life Coordinator
Steve Wilson
Education Coordinator
Michael Reinert
5600 Royal Lane
Dallas, Texas 75229
(Fax) 214/369-8939
“Feed my lambs...Tend my sheep...
Feed my sheep...Follow me.” John 21:15-19
From Rev. Ng . . .
We are an Easter people. We believe in resurrection,
rebirth, recreation. Resurrection happens – and is happening
all around us in ways large and small. There is the wonderful
energy of spring planting in the garden; the beautifully redone
bulletin boards in the hallway; children waving palms and
hunting Easter eggs; and the promise and hope of renewal for
our church home.
Some of the seeds of this renewal were planted long ago;
some are more recently sown; and some are being sown right
this very minute. Sown by the Spirit that strengthens us all
and kindles the flame within us; lovingly sown by the faithful
members of this church community over the years; brought
to us as the gift of new members who have joined us on this
journey we call faith.
During this season we call “Eastertide,” I invite you to
consider what seeds the Spirit has sown or is sowing in you; and
in what ways you are feeling called to sow seeds of your own
for renewal in your life, in our church, and in our community.
The blessings of Easter renewal on you and those you
love, on all our human family, and on the Earth that is our
Life at Central
Sundays in April
April 7th – Second Sunday of Easter – Family
Sunday – Communion. The first Sunday after
Easter always seems like such a let-down after the
celebration of the week before. But this is a wonderful
opportunity to think about how Jesus continued to
appear to his disciples, and continues to be present
with us today. The scripture reading is John 20:19-31.
Rev. Ng will bring the message based on the theme of
questioning as part of faith. Choir meets for rehearsal
at 9:30 before worship.
April 14th – Third Sunday of Easter. This Sunday
we begin a four-part worship series based on Jesus’s
Parable of the Sower – the story chosen by our
congregation during the Holy Conversations visioning
series as representing our church at this time. Rev.
Ng, Rev. Humble and intern Steve Wilson will be
examining the parable in different ways and using
different versions of this story. There is Children’s
Chapel and Sunday School this week, and choir will
rehearse at 9:30. After Worship, we are planning a
send-off for Lucille and Ken Dir, as they are moving
to Kansas to be closer to their family. Also, this
afternoon is the CROP Walk.
April 21 – Fourth Sunday of Easter. We continue
our series on the Parable of the Sower. Since Earth
Day is Monday, April 22nd, we will consider that story
from an ecological viewpoint. The choir will rehearse
before worship. After worship, those interested meet
in the library for a class on our new website, blog, and
Facebook page.
April 28th – Fifth Sunday of Easter. Next in our
series on the Parable of the Sower. Rev. Humble will
bring the message this morning. Choir rehearsal will
be at 9:30 before worship. At 12:30 after worship,
we will offer the first of two Town Hall meetings on
the Church Council’s recommendation on the church
governance structure.
CCC Endowment
Foundation Annual
This serves as notification for the 2013 Central
Congregational Church Endowment Foundation annual meeting to be held Monday, April 1,
2013 @ 7pm in the chapel. It will be followed
by a meeting of the Board of Governors at
7:30pm. I encourage all members to attend the
annual meeting. All are welcome to stay for the
Board of Governors meeting. Please mark the
date on your calendar.
I hope to see you there.
Sydney McQuoid Reichard
CCC Endowment Foundation
5600 Royal Lane
Dallas, TX 75229
Sad Goodbyes —
Friends Moving Away
In the next few months several members of
our church family will be moving away. Whenever
possible, we will bless them on their way during
their last Sunday of worship. These include: Ryan
Nurnberg, who is being transferred to Chicago;
Lucille and Ken Dir, who are moving to Kansas
to be closer to their family; Susan Barrie, who is
moving to Bastrop, TX, to be closer to her daughter;
and Michael, John, and Jeremy Reinert, who
are moving to New Braunfels, TX. Please make an
effort to wish these members of our church family
well, and keep them in your prayers in this time of
transition in their lives.
April 2013
Life at Central
Women’s Fellowship
Heart Shaped Pillows
Women’s Fellowship, led by project coordinator,
Lucille Dir, has made and delivered 40 soft, heart shaped
pillows to the American Cancer Society for patients to
use as “comfort pillows” after surgery.
The ladies of Women’s Fellowship have cutout,
sewn, and stuffed these pillows during their meetings this
past year.
Lucille Dir pictured with some of
the pillows prior to delivery to the
American Cancer Society.
Easter Crosses
Women’s Fellowship has again
sponored the Easter Cross program
as a part of a comunity effort to
honor thelife, sacrifice, and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Easter
Crosses were placed on the church
grounds on Palm Sunday, and they
were turned around on Easter to
display “HE IS RISEN.”
Easter Crosses were made available, free of charge, to anyone desiring one.
Photos by Charles Standard
April 2013
Life at Central
A Spirited Sunday with Asante
Our children get into the act!
Thank you to Cory Wentworth-Kotara for the wonderful pictures.
See more pictures from Asante up on the Music Bulletin Board.
April 2013
Life at Central
ing skills because of central role in caregiving. You
too can become a more caring listener by understanding and applying these six listening concepts from
Stephen Ministry training:
Stephen Ministry Corner:
The Art of Listening
“Then the emperor [...] asked [the hermit]
“When is the most important time? Who is the
most important person? What is the most important thing? ... [the hermit replied] there is only
one important time and that is now [...] The most
important person is always the person you are
with [...] The most important pursuit is making
the person standing at your side happy, for that
alone is the pursuit of life.”
Think of a time when you really felt cared for – a
time when someone was truly there for you. Do you
remember anything specific that the person said?
Chances are you don’t. What you probably do remember is how you felt when they calmly focused on what
you had to say and was attentive to your needs, instead of trying to fix you with all their advice, wisdom
and own stories of pain.
Empathetic listening is one of the most powerful ways
we can bring the healing love of Christ to others. Empathetic listening reveals the hurt person in front
of you for who they truly are: someone who is loved
and cared for by God. In Stephen Ministry, a great
deal of time is spent in teaching and practicing listen-
1. Listening is active. Oftentimes when someone
comes to us in crisis, we immediately begin
trying to alleviate their pain or fix their
problems. We might begin searching our brains
for “the right thing to say,” some good advice,
or even start telling our own stories of pain in
an effort to empathize with the other person.
It’s counterintuitive that simply sitting with
that person with an open mind and heart is the
most helpful, because it feels like we’re “just
sitting there!” Empathetic listening however,
is very active, and it takes focus, work, and
practice. The best caregivers listen with their
whole mind, heart, and body. They focus
deeply on what the person is saying, they look
at the person’s face, still their own bodies, and
refrain from fidgeting or doing other things.
Communicating to a hurting person that they
are truly heard takes active work, but it is the
most healing thing you can do as a caregiver.
2. Listening takes patience. Often you need to
build trust before someone will open up to you,
and for some people this can take a long time.
Constant, patient empathetic listening is the
key. And often in our fast-paced world, people
feel pressure to not take up too much of your
time, or they feel that they should “feel better
by now.” Your patient and unhurried presence
communicates that healing takes time.
3. Listening involves more than just words.
Pay attention not only to what is said, but to
what is not said – or to what is said with a
smile or sigh. Pay attention to body language,
too. Does it agree or contradict a person’s
spoken words?
April 2013
Life at Central
4. Good listeners aren’t completely silent.
They restate key thoughts or ideas to be sure
they understood correctly or ask focused
questions to show their true interest and
encourage the person to reach a little deeper.
5. Listening happens over time. One
conversation might build upon an earlier one.
As you listen over several conversations,
are there any reoccurring themes or patterns
in what the person has said? Are there any
contradictions from what was said earlier?
These are signs there may be more to explore
6. Listening is confidential. The only way
to build trust and to show the person you
truly care for him or her is to maintain
confidentiality and not to share with others
what was told to you in a private conversation.
Jesus was the model of a good listener. Much of
his ministry was listening to people. By listening
to what people had to say, he demonstrated God’s
love for us. Central Congregational Church is a
uniquely caring church family where members
and guests truly feel the love of God – that’s why
we recently described one of our core values as
church family care and support. But our pastors,
Stephen Ministers, CareNet volunteers, and deacons are certainly not the only caring ministers of
this church – you are too! So follow and practice
these empathetic listening principles to bring even
more of the caring and supportive love of Christ
into our church family and our hurting world.
Mindful Mama
Book Club
Thursday, April 18
Central Market
in Plano
Are you interested in finding ways to meditate
with children? Or to more consciously engage
with yourself as a person and a parent? Bring
your curious self to the group and share your
unique perspective on Planting Seeds: Practicing
Mindfulness with Children by Thich Nhat Hanh
and the Plum Village Community. Little ones
welcome -- there is a playground right outside
the conversation area and gilatto! A free event
led by Rev. Courtney Pinkerton. Rev. Humble
and several other church moms will also
be there, so bring a friend! More info at RSVP to
Thanks to Amy Wentworth-Kotara for
refreshing our bulletin boards!
April 2013
Life at Central
CASA Volunteers
Online Update
Congratulations to
Frank and Winston Morris
for becoming CASA volunteers — seen here
with their “graduating” class!
Have you checked out our new website?
Look around at Our
Couriers are now available on our website by clicking “Newsletter” underneath the “Media” category on
our homepage’s menu bar. Don’t forget also to sign
up for our devotional blog by clicking “Devotional
Blog” under the “Media” category on our homepage’s
navigation bar, or go to it directly by typing www. into your address bar.
There’s a box at the top right where you can enter in
your email address to receive our blog automatically
in your email inbox; a confirmation email will be sent
to your inbox first, and you’ll need to click on the link
inside the email to confirm.
Also, don’t forget to “like” our church’s Facebook
page (, and
share it’s posts on your wall! Be a lazy evangelist:
sharing our posts is the easiest and most painless way
to share the good news of Christ and our amazing
church with your friends and family! And stay tuned,
because after Easter, we’ll be having an internet tutorial after church on April 21st, where we’ll teach using
our new blog, website, and Facebook page step by
step! If you have any questions, talk to Rev. Humble!
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Our first collection of Rainbow Scarves ready to be
sent off!
April 22!
April 2013
Life at Central
Amy and Cory Wentworth-Kotara (and Alex),
Eleanor Latimer, Dawn
Reid, Kent Binfield.
Thanks to our intrepid Garden team volunteers who
braved the cold and rain to prepare the garden for
You too can have fun
playing in the dirt at our
next garden workday
April 6th
beginning at 8:30am
when we begin our spring
David Willis, Tanis
Binfield, Doug Willis.
April 2013
Life at Central
Young Adults’ Night Out
Saturday April 27th at 6pm
Pokes Bar and Grill
14831 Midway Road, Addison, TX
—Free childcare will be provided from 5:30 9:15pm, located 5 minutes away at the Humble Home.
You must contact Anna by April 17th if you would like
to reserve childcare so our childcare agency knows
how many nannies to send.
—One free drink on Anna if you bring one or more
friends who are not members of the church!
Church-wide Web Class
Sunday, April 21st
after Church
Rev. Anna Humble and Mira Russell in Chapel.
Heard the buzz about the new and improved
website, but have no idea about all the new ways it
is now designed to make your life easier? Do you
keep hearing about our blog of devotionals and sermons, but don't know the first thing about blogging?
Do you want to "follow" the church on Facebook
or Twitter, but don't really know where to start? Or
are you a tech savvy person looking for an easy and
impactful way to serve Christ and your church by
simply using your smart phone? Then come after
church on Sunday April 21st while Rev. Humble and
your website team lead you in a church web tutorial where we'll answer all your questions and take
your feedback. You can bring your tablets, laptops,
smartphones, or just follow along on with Anna's
computer on the big screen. Grab some coffee and
come down and join us in the library!
A truly multi-generational choir on Palm Sunday!
April 2013
Life at Central
Council Notes
The Executive Committee met on March
11 and the Church Council met on March 25th.
There was consensus that the Town Hall discussion
process worked well to get congregational feedback.
We will plan to use this in the future to maximize
congregational participation in the decisionmaking process. As we are nearing the end of the
congregational mandate to explore a new system of
governance, which will end after the May Annual
Meeting of the Congregation, we will again use the
Town Hall process for feedback on moving forward
with this new system of governance. Two Town Hall
meetings on this issue will be held: April 28th, and
May 5th, after worship.
Finance Coordinator Ann Stockert researched
and put together a list of funds from various sources
that had been previously donated or designated
for major maintenance repair needs of the church.
She reports that amount is about $100,000. This is
available to make some much needed improvements to
the infrastructure of the facility. Property Coordinator
Kent Binfield, the Executive Committee, and the
Council will be considering the best use of those
funds in the future. This would be separate from our
upcoming Capital Improvements Campaign, which
will be considering more visible and mission related
improvements to our facility.
At the request of Minister of Music Kathy
Lowrie, the Council also approved the purchase
of a new midi recorder for the organ to replace the
outdated and malfunctioning one we currently have,
at a cost of approximately $1,000. Most recently, that
system malfunctioned during the Ash Wednesday
service. The new system will allow Kathy to reliably
pre-record music to be played in her absence,
or to allow her to conduct the choirs with organ
accompaniment. This will be paid for out of Council
discretionary funds.
The Council met with consultant Paul
Nickerson when he was in Dallas recently. The
meeting was very productive. Paul complemented the
church on how far we have come in transitioning to
the new governance system, which he believes will
be a great benefit to the church moving forward. He
cautioned us, however, that while two years was a
long enough trial period for the church to determine
if this system is better than the old system of Boards
and committees we had been using, two years is not
long enough to get the new governance system fully
operational. We need to plan for a longer transitional
time. Therefore, it would be better if many, if not
most, of the existing Church Council planned to
remain in position for at least another year. Though
some Coordinators may rotate off so we can begin
to stagger Council terms. Paul also gave us a lot
to work on to help us continue to transition to this
new structure, and cautioned us not to over program
ourselves as a Council or as a Church, and to
celebrate our accomplishments (which are many) as
often as possible.
Property Coordinator Kent Binfield was also
authorized to create and hire a janitor to help open
and close the church and do maintenance projects on
Sundays. Mark Burgen, Ann Stockert’s son, is
available and will be hired on a three-month trial
basis beginning in April.
Lastly, the Council appointed two subtcommittees to address and make recommendations
to the Council: 1) Capital Improvements -- to
write a team brief for the function of the new
Capital Improvements Planning Committee before
that committee is appointed (Kent Binfield, Anna
Humble, Ann Stockert); 2) Town Hall – to draft
recommendation to the Council for approval of the
congregation on the governance structure that will be
presented for discussion at the upcoming Town Halls
(Doug Willis, Kristi Willis, Steve Wilson).
Next Executive Committee meeting April 8th.
Next Council Meeting April 22nd.
April 2013
Life at Central
Quarterly Congregational Meeting
March 10th
As we enjoyed a lunch coordinated by Dawn
Reid, the members of the congregation met for
our quarterly meting. Reports were given by or on
behalf of all Council Coordinators, Moderators, and
Ministerial Staff, highlighting what we’ve done for the
past several months and their goals for next quarter.
Vice-Moderator Doug Willis and Church Life
Coordinator Steve Wilson reported back on the recent
Town Hall meetings to discuss 2 issues raised in
previous congregational meetings. The general sense
was that Town Halls were a good way to get feedback
from the congregation on particular issues. That
feedback would be given to the Council and to the
congregation. This is a summary:
a) Worship Time – There was no sense from
the participants in the Town Hall meetings to
change the time to 10:30. In order to streamline
the service, announcements will begin at
b) Naming the Garage Sale – The general sense of
the participants was not to name the sale itself
– but several suggestions were made of ways to
honor Amy Eckler which have been passed on
to the Garage Sale team.
Rev. Ng reported on the conclusion of the
Holy Conversations visioning process. As a result of
that process, the Council made two motions to the
congregation which were adopted unanimously:
a) The Council moved that the congregation
adopt the Statement of Core Values crafted
by the Holy Conversations participants.
The following is adopted:
Coffee Hour Honoring
Lucille and Ken Dir, April 14th.
Come and greet them before
they return to Witchita, KS.
The Core Values of our Congregation
has these 4 pillars:
Diversity and Acceptance
(Unity through Diversity)
Family – Support and Care
Spiritual Discovery
b) The Council was authorized to appoint
a Capital Improvements Planning
Committee to begin a planning process for
capital improvements to our facility.
Moderator Eric Gachelin opened the floor
for an Open Forum. Frank Morris suggested that as
we consider capital improvements it would be good
to look at having charging stations for electric cars
in the parking lot. Sydney Reichard noted that we
should be considering a number of green projects as
part of the capital campaign.
The next congregational meeting will the
Annual Meeting on May 19th.
Delegates Needed
North Texas Association Meeting
April 13th, in Robinson, Texas
South Central Conference
Annual Meeting,
May 31-June 2, Dallas
If you are interested in going to either
of these meetings as a representative of
Central Congregational, see Rev. Ng.
April 2013
Life at Central
Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteering is not just about helping others.
What you’ll find out when you volunteer is that serving others is also the best way to grow in your relationship with God. We have many opportunities to volunteer within our church and our community to give of
your time and talents. Here are some suggestions:
Church Ministries to Volunteer
Lay Reader, Ushering, Greeting, Host Coffee
Hour, Church Up Keep, Christian Education,
Mission and Outreach Team
Sign up today. See the bulletin board in hallway.
Community Opportunities to Volunteer
Dallas CASA (Court Appointed Special
214-827-8961 (p) Web:
CASA is a non-profit organization of volunteers who are voices for abused children in
court. CASA volunteers are appointed by judges to advocate for the best interests of abused
and neglected children in protective care.
Youth First Texas
(214) 879-0400 (p) Web: www.youthfirsttexas.
The mission of Youth First Texas is to provide
a safe space for LGBTQ youth and their allied friends to strengthen opportunities for life
skills, leadership development, peer support
and educational advancement
SPCA of Texas
214-742-SPCA (7722) (p) Web:
The SPCA of Texas is dedicated to providing
every animal exceptional care and a loving
Check out our updated website – including a new
On the website there is a link to our blog – which
is currently running sermons from our Epiphany
worship series. Or go directly to the blog at:
Also, follow us on Facebook:
Altar Flowers
Wild About Flowers, a floral shop at the corner
of Preston and Royal, is now providing our flowers.
Just as before, you may request a specific color for the
bouquet. The florist asks that you make your request
as early in the week as possible. Flowers are delivered
in a plastic pot each Sunday. This florist 'recycles'
the pots. We will not be charged for them unless
they are not returned, in which case the church pays
$6.00 more per week. Please bring the pot back to the
church and leave it on the counter in the anteroom of
the sanctuary to help us avoid paying this fee. While
it would be preferable that it be returned by the following Saturday, be sure that you return it as soon as
The price of flowers is slightly more expensive
than McShann's. The cost is a flat rate of $40.00 per
week. If you would like to have a larger bouquet, that
option is still available, just be sure to have our office
contact them with your specific information. We hope
you enjoy the change.
Did You Know . . .?
The minutes of the most recent Congregational,
Council, and Executive Committee meetings, as well
as the most recent financial statements, are posted on
a bulletin board outside Fellowship Hall. There are
Take the time to volunteer today and give back to our
church and the community.
copies of the last meeting minutes available in a box
on the board to be taken. Copies of older minutes are
Mission Outreach Team
available from the Church Office.
April 2013
Life at Central
Church World Service
Dallas CROP Walk 2013
Where: When: What: Holy Trinity Catholic Church, 3826 Gilbert Avenue,
(Oak Lawn Ave & Blackburn St).
April, 14th - Registration: 2:00 p.m. at Holy Trinity Center Gym; Walk: 2:30 p.m. (CCC team lunch before we start walking!)
CROP Hunger Walks help children and families world wide, and here in the US, to have food for today while building for a better tomorrow. Every dollar raised for CROP Hunger Walk will be increased this year! The Feinstein Foundation ( will divide $1 million among hunger-fighting agencies that raise funds during March
and April. So the more funds we raise from March 1 to April 30, the more we’ll receive. 25% of all monies raised will go local [either to Stewpot ( or to The Gleaning Network of Texas
(] and 75% will go national.
On the 14th at 12:45 pm there will be a light lunch sponsored by your Outreach
Team for all church members participating in the CROP walk. We’ll meet in the chapel
before heading out to the walk. Thanks to everyone so far that’s expressed interest in
participating! And there is still time for anyone else that might want to join.
Contact Kristi Willis, Outreach Coordinator for more information!
April 2013
April Birthdays
Alana Wyatt
Christine Ng
James Navarette
Billie Willis
Liz Quezada
Lindsey Latimer
April Anniversary
Ann & Royce Peterson
Prayer Concerns
Prayer Concerns: Toby Bailin and Jim Butt, Russ
Cannon, Teresa Cipriano and family, Ken Dir, Ruthelma Doerr, Family of Tom Dublin, Diane and Dan
Durgess, Ken Eckler, Angela Frere, Family of Phyllis
Joanne Garner, Kathy Griener, John Kasson, Killam
family, Takashi Komobiachi, Cindy Lind, Christine
McFadden and family, Beverly Miller, Sharon Moore,
Ann Peterson, George Polster, Frank Ragonese, Michael Reinert, Juanita Roper, Family of George Tobey,
Peter Turner, Family of Elaine Whitican, Carole Whittemore and family, Aileen Wussow, Dona Wylie and
family, Aileen Young, Sondra and Lee Young.
Congratulations to our Nursery Staff member Yolanda
Joliviet, on her recent adoption of a baby girl, Neveah
Elizabeth, born 3/3/13 at 7 lbs, 2 oz, 7:34 am. We'll
start to see this new member of our church family on
Sundays soon. We celebrated with Yolanda during
coffee hour on March 24th.
George Tobey
Memorial Service
The family of George Tobey has selected Thursday, May 16 at 7:00 pm at Christ United Methodist
Church in Farmers Branch as the date for their father’s
Memorial Service.
Light refreshments will be served afterward as
well as a display of pictures of George, his artwork
(If someone has been on the list for eight weeks, they will be and his published book.
removed, but can be returned upon request. Be sensitive to
We hope you will attend. Chris and Maria Tobey
other’s privacy and check with them first.)
Condolences may be sent to Chris Tobey:
April 2013 14
9:30 AM Choir
11:00 AM Worship
12:30 PM Town Hall Meet‐
9:30 AM Choir
11:00 AM Worship
12:00 PM Fellowship Hour
12:30 PM Churchwide Web
9:30 AM Choir
11:00 AM Worship
12:00 PM Fellowship Hour
- Dir Celebration
12:30 PM Stephen Ministry
Continuing Ed
2:30 PM Stephen Ministry
2:30 PM Crop Walk
9:30 AM Choir
11:00 AM Worship
12:00 PM Fellowship Hour
2:00 PM Model T
9:30 AM Choir
11:00 AM Worship
12:00 PM Fellowship Hour
7:00 PM Confirmation
7:30 PM AA
7:00 PM Council
7:30 PM AA
7:00 PM Confirmation
7:30 PM AA
7:00 PM EC
7:30 PM AA
7:00 PM Confirmation
7:00 PM CCC Endowment
7:30 PM AA
Office Closed
Central Congregational Church Dallas
April 2013
7:00 PM Tai Chi/FH
9:30 AM Women's Fellow‐
7:00 PM Tai Chi/FH
7:00 PM Tai Chi/FH
10:00 AM Painting class
6:30 PM Bells
10:00 AM Painting class
6:30 PM Bells
10:00 AM Painting class
6:30 PM Bells
10:00 AM Council Sub‐
comittee Meeting
10:00 AM Painting class
6:30 PM Bells
10:00 AM Painting class
11:00 AM Canterbury Book
6:30 PM Bells
9:30 AM Women's Fellow‐
10:00 AM Pastors Meeting
7:00 PM Tai Chi/FH
7:30 PM Prayer Shawl Knit‐
7:00 PM Tai Chi/FH
6:30 PM Tai Chi/FH
6:30 PM Tai Chi/FH
6:30 PM Tai Chi/FH
6:30 PM Tai Chi/FH
7:00 PM Chess Club
9 10 11 12 13
8:00 PM AA
8:00 PM AA
8:00 PM AA
9:00 AM Staff Meeting
8:00 PM AA
9 10 11
May 2013
Page 1/1
8:30 AM CareNet
9:30 AM Tai Chi
12:00 PM Compass Hospice
9:30 AM Tai Chi
9:30 AM Tai Chi
9:30 AM Tai Chi
North Texas …UCC Meeting
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
8:30 AM Garden workday 2
9:30 AM Tai Chi
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
8:00 PM AA
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
2:00 PM Klepper Art Club
6:30 PM Tai Chi/FH
26 27 28 29 30 31
28 29 30
April 2013
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
March 2013