The TRUMPET - East Woodstock Congregational Church


The TRUMPET - East Woodstock Congregational Church
March 2015
A publication of the East Woodstock Congregational Church, 220 Woodstock Road, East W oodstock, CT 06244 Pastor: Rev. Susan J. Foster Director of Christian Education: Lynn Looby Youth Group Co-­‐Director: Anne Sorensen Director of Music: Kristen W edegis Organist: Nancy Ducharme Secretary: Heidi Tucker Office: 860-­‐928-­‐7449 Residence: 860-­‐928-­‐7145 email address: secretary’s email: Sunday School: 10:00 am Sunday Worship: 10:00 am routines during Lent can produce great rewards. It is not so
much the practice of “giving up” something for Lent that is
important, but rather it is taking the opportunity to use our
time differently in the coming weeks so that we can learn
and experience more about God. How will you use the gift of Lent? What will feed
your spirit and remind you of God’s love? What will
renew your soul? Here are some suggestions:
And so – the season of Lent
begins Lent offers the promise of Easter in the same way
that February offers the promise of
spring. It’s something that can’t be seen, we can only trust
that it will really happen. Certainly all of our senses tell us
only one side of the story. It feels cold, it looks like the
North Pole, it sounds like winter as the plow pushes by my
house. Even the air smells cold. And as for taste? Our
family leans towards comfort foods like stews and corn
bread on these frigid winter days. As I look out my windows at the mountains of
snow lining the ever-narrowing roads,
it is difficult to believe that my daffodil bulbs are happily
waiting for the opportunity to burst forth and provide us
with the bright colors of spring. Where is the proof? It
may be hidden to our eyes, but hope is offered to our
spirits. We are told that faith is “confidence in what we
hope for and assurance in what we do not see” (Hebrews
I do not see any signs of spring. But I trust that
spring will come. I do not see any hint of Easter. But I believe that
the celebration of new life, resurrection, and hope
cannot be stopped. During this season of Lent, we are invited to trust
that Easter will come – and therefore, we must take the
time to prepare for it. Even the smallest changes in our
Sign up for a daily devotional from the UCC. This
short reading can provide some “food for
Come to a Lenten supper on Wednesday evening
or Lenten gathering on Wednesday morning. Take
some time for conversation and fellowship. Turn off the TV – just for 15 minutes (or longer) –
and do something different with that time. Read,
knit, call a friend, write a note, read a Psalm.
Give yourself the gift of time. Spend at least 5 minutes each day looking – really
looking – at God’s creation. Notice the birds,
watch the shadows, look at the clouds. Read Psalm
8 and Genesis 1 and 2 and give thanks to our
Creator God. Create your own Lenten discipline. Think about it
– what will help you receive the Good News of
forgiveness and hope? This is a special time – we are preparing for
Easter. If we make these preparations now, long
before Easter is on the horizon, we will be ready to give
thanks and celebrate when the Day of Resurrection finally
Wishing you a blessed Lenten season, Rev. Dr. Susan J. Foster
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The following are the scriptures for the month of March:
You are invited to read them as part of your daily devotions and as
preparation for worship.
March 1
Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16
Psalm 22:23-31
Romans 4:13-25
Mark 8:31-38
Mark 9:2-9
March 8
Exodus 20:1-17
Psalm 19
1 Corinthians 1:18-25
John 2:13-22
March 15
Numbers 21:4-9
Psalm 107:1-3, 17-22
Ephesians 2:1-10
John 3:14-21
March 22
Jeremiah 31:31-34
Psalm 51:1-12
Psalm 119:9-16
Hebrews 5:5-10
John 12:20-33
March 29
Mark 11:1-11
Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29
John 12:12-16
Worship News
A mid-week
opportunity for
conversation, coffee,
learning, and
Give yourself the gift
of time…
morning study
10:00 a.m.
We hope that you can join every Sunday for worship and fellowship –
and bring a friend!
March 1: Communion Sunday.
March 8: International Peace Partners: Representatives
from Hartford Seminary
March 15: What’s it like to be you? Kelsey Seabold
March 22: Blessing of prayer shawls
March 29: Palm Sunday. EWCC Men’s Chorus. Special
music will be provided by Raissa Katona
Bennett, Broadway actress and singer.
Everyone is
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Lenten Conversation series:
What’s it like to be you?
The season of Lent is an opportunity to reflect on our faith and
how we called to live it. Join us for conversation and fellowship
during Lent as we explore the question, “What’s it like to be you?”
This is a chance for us to get to know one another better as we share
ideas and experiences. We will gather for a light supper and then conversation in small groups. Some of
the topics to be discussed are:
• Growing up and learning faith. Did you go to church growing up? What was it like?
• What led you here?
• Why I do what I do. What did you want to be when you grew up? What kind of work –
• paid or volunteer – do you do?
• Struggles and Joys. What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever done? What brings you joy?
• Learning about race. Where did you grow up? Was it racially diverse? How did you learn
• about races and cultures different than your own?
• Hopes and Prayers. What do you deeply long for? What does God dream for you?
Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m.
February 25th: EWCC
March 4th: Hill Church
March 11th: EWCC
March 18th: Hill Church
March 25th: EWCC
Can’t come in the evening? Join us on Wednesday mornings at 10:00 a.m. instead!
A Thought about Hospitality
EWCC is a congregation committed to hospitality and welcome. Here is some food for
thought about that ministry…
In order to unite with one another we must love one another;
In order to love one another, we must know one another;
In order to know one another, we must go and meet one another.
Cardinal Mercier, 1926
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Thank you!!!
Men’s Fellowship News
Our church is blessed by the work of many volunteers.
Every bit of effort and caring helps the church live out
its calling to be the Body of Christ. This month we
especially would like to thank…
The men of the congregation have been enjoying
gathering for breakfast at the church for good food and
fellowship. Our next gathering will be on Sunday,
March 8th at 8:00 a.m. All men are invited – and
please invite a friend along!
All the people who have helped with all the snow
removal! This has been an enormous task this year.
Many thanks to Mark Billings and Dennis Kelly
for plowing, Glen Lessig and Christine Lessig
for snow blowing and shoveling. Bill Cruttendon
did a great job putting down ice melt, Noah
Tomkins and Andy Tomkins helped out with
shoveling early on some Sunday mornings.
Undoubtedly there have been other “snow angels” who
have also helped us during this snowy winter – thank
you! Your hard work, time, and effort made it possible
for us to continue to gather as a congregation during
this cold winter.
Ladies Benevolent Society
All are welcome to attend the LBS meeting
in Fellowship Hall on
March 18, 2015, at 1:30 p.m.
Refreshment will be served.
A new stove!
Many thanks to the LBS for purchasing a new stove
for our church kitchen. This stove is user-friendly and
will be a huge help for church events, big and small. If
the kitchen is the heart of the home, then this stove will
help us provide warm meals and hospitality for years
to come! Thank you, LBS!
News from the Pews
Feel free to share your news with us. Just
email Heidi at or call the
church office at 928-7449.
Blessing Our Prayer Shawls Attention knitters! We will bless our prayer
shawls during worship on Sunday, March 22nd.
Please bring the prayer shawl that you are working
on – whether it is completed or not – so that we
can brighten up our sanctuary with these
wonderful symbols of caring and compassion.
In Memory
We give thanks for the completed life of
Peter Wetherell
Into your hands, O merciful Savior, we commend your
beloved children. Receive our loved ones into your
merciful arms, into the shelter of your care, and into
the glorious company of your saints in your light.
Five Things Necessary for a Fulfilled Life:
~Good prayer
~Good sleep
~Good work
~Good food
~Good relationships
St. Teresa of Avila
“As people of faith, we are summoned to push back
against those who try to distort our religion -- any
religion -- for their own nihilistic ends. And here at
home and around the world, we will constantly
reaffirm that fundamental freedom -- freedom of
religion -- the right to practice our faith how we
choose, to change our faith if we choose, to practice no
faith at all if we choose, and to do so free of
persecution and fear and discrimination.”
- Barack Obama, February 5, 2015 The TRUMPET
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for a St. Patrick’s Day Dinner
When: Saturday, March 14, 2015
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Where: East Woodstock Congregational Church
Fellowship Hall
Ticket Price: Adults - $14
Children (10 & under) - $8
Enjoy a traditional St. Patrick’s Day meal, along
with music by Cashel Rock
and fellowship!
Tickets are available by calling the church office: 928-7449
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East Woodstock Congregational Church 3rd Annual Clothing Sale 1000’s of new and gently used items for men, women, and children *Friday, April 17th 3:00 – 7:00 pm *Saturday, April 18th 9:00 – 2:00 pm (fill a bag for $5) Loads of brand named items Exceptional prices – Amazing bargains 220 Woodstock Road
Woodstock, CT
Please contact Dorrie Scranton
at (860) 974-3096
for question or donations.
*Please note change of date!
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Exploring New Testament Lands today…
A trip to Greece
April 16-26, 2016
Bring the Bible stories to life! Visit cities where St. Paul’s letters to Thessalonians, Philippians, Corinthians,
and Ephesians were received in first-century churches. See the cave on the Island of Patmos where the book of
Revelation was written.
We will:
 Follow the journeys of St Paul through mainland Greece  Explore Athens, Philippi, Thessaloniki, Corinth, Berea, and Ephesus  Enjoy a three-day Mediterranean cruise including islands that Paul visited and Patmos, where John
received visions of his Revelation
We will hear some biblical stories in the places where they occurred and have the opportunity to explore the time and
culture of Greece during the early days of Christianity.
Would you like more information? Talk with Pastor Sue!
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Missions Committee News
The Missions Committee met Tuesday, February 10th
Thank you for your response to our Food Pantry request! As always, your love and generosity knows
no bounds!!
Don’t forget to join the Missions Committee during the Lenten season in creating a TOWER OF
TOWELS. Missions will be constructing towers of towels (and bed linens) to share with our outreach
services groups. Watch the tower grow week by week with your donations. Completion of the tower is
scheduled for Easter Sunday. Help us reach our goal!
Marching for Missions – Each Sunday in March, Missions will be sharing information about the services
and programs we support. It is our mission to educate and share with you your generosity at work.
Missions will be filling Easter buckets for the children of Covenant to Care. Filled buckets will need to be
returned by Sunday, March 22nd. Listen for announcements for additional details.
EWCC Scholarship – Despite the cold and snow, spring IS coming, it is. And in the spring, we
celebrate our high school senior’s graduations. The EWCC Scholarship application is available on the
church website. All high school seniors are encouraged to apply. Consideration is given to those
majoring in Christian ministry, missions, or social services such as teaching, nursing, social work, etc.
Application deadline is May 3rd
Do you work for a non-profit organization? Do you personally support a non- profit that is close to your
heart? If so, please see a member of the Missions Committee to discuss how we can help support your
organization. Or feel free to attend one of our monthly meetings.
Donations - The group reviewed several requests for donations and the following were agreed upon:
$50 Peer Health Exchange in honor of Alaina Spalding
$50 Alternative Spring Break UCONN in honor of Olivia Arsenault & Ian Sorensen
Missions is moving their meetings to the 3rd Tuesday of the month. The next Missions Committee
meeting is Tuesday, March 17th, 7:00 pm at Christine Lessig’s house.
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A poem for Palm Sunday:
The Poet Thinks about the Donkey
by Mary Oliver
On the outskirts of Jerusalem
the donkey waited. Not especially brave, or filled with understanding,
he stood and waited.
How horses, turned out into the meadow,
leap with delight!
How doves, released from their cages,
clatter away, splashed with sunlight.
But the donkey, tied to a tree as usual, waited.
Then he let himself be led away.
Then he let the stranger mount.
Never had he seen such crowds!
And I wonder if he at all imagined what was to happen.
Still, he was what he had always been: small, dark, obedient.
I hope, finally, he felt brave.
I hope, finally, he loved the man who rode so lightly upon him,
as he lifted one dusty hoof and stepped, as he had to, forward.
March = “Missions Month”
Join us for worship during the month of March and you will learn about some of the activities of
our busy Missions Committee. The missions committee is an important part of the outreach of our
congregation. Each Sunday they will highlight one way that they make a difference in the lives of
people near and far.
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Easter Flowers
IN HONER OF: _____________________________________________
IN MEMORY OF: __________________________________________
GIVEN BY: ______________________________________________
PHONE NUMBER: __________________________
Flower Choices:
Tulips or Daffodils: $11.00 ea., Lilies: $13.50 ea.
Tulips ______@ $11.00
Daffodils ________@ $11.00
Lilies _______@ $13.50
Total $____________
Fill in the necessary information. Enclose a check for the cost of the pot(s)
wanted, made out to EWCC. Mail to: Mary Ellen Blake, 210 Pond Factory
Road, Woodstock, 06281 or leave in the office. Call Mary Ellen with any
questions at 928-7420. Deadline: March 22.
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A Retreat for the Women of the
East Woodstock Congregational Church
March 27-28, 2015 at Camp Wightman
207 Coal Pit Hill Road, Griswold, CT 06351
“I will make all things new”: A retreat of hope
The one sitting on the throne said, “See, I am making all things new!” ~Revelation 21:5
Is it time for a change in your life? Are you looking for a new direction, new hobby, or a renewed spirit? What
might be “next” for you? Come and gather in the beauty of God’s creation at Camp Wightman. We can listen for
God’s voice and discover God’s renewing presence.
This retreat will include time for renewal and fellowship. We will start at 3:00 pm on Friday and conclude at 4:00
pm on Saturday. There will be free time for knitting, scrapbooking, reading, quilting, or even just relaxing.
**Come for just Friday evening, overnight, or join us on Saturday. Please fill out the registration
form and return it to Heidi Tucker as soon as possible. (Mailing address: EWCC, PO Box 156, East Woodstock,
CT 06244)
The cost for Friday evening, including dinner is $25, for both Friday and Saturday the cost is $80. This price
includes dinner on Friday evening, lodging for Friday night, breakfast and lunch on Saturday.
If you wish to come in time for breakfast on Saturday, the cost will be $40. If you wish to join us after breakfast,
the cost will be $30. Both options include lunch on Saturday plus all activities. Plan to arrive by 8:00 am for
breakfast or 9:00 am for the start of the day’s activities. We will conclude at 4 pm.
For our Friday and overnight guests:
You are welcome to arrive between 3 – 6 pm on Friday. Join us in Cathcart. The camp will be serving dinner at
6:00 pm on Friday. Please let us know if you will not be joining us for dinner. We will have a short program after
The beds at Camp Wightman come with a bottom sheet, blanket, and a pillow with a pillow case. For your
comfort, please bring a top sheet or sleeping bag, a towel and a wash cloth.
When you arrive, you will pick a room and a roommate.
For all our guests:
Please wear comfortable clothing and walking shoes. The camp is beautiful. You may want to go for a walk.
There will be free time during the retreat. You are encouraged to bring a good book, knitting, your scrapbook, or
anything you enjoy.
Directions: Go to
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Paid: Check #_______
Women’s Retreat Registration Form
Name ______________________________________________________________________
Phone Number ______________________________________
Email Address _______________________________________________________
In case of emergency, please contact:
Name ______________________________________________________________________
Phone number ____________________________________________
We are offering several options, so please read carefully!
I will attend for dinner and Friday evening only. I will not be staying overnight. Cost is $25.
I will be staying overnight on Friday, March 27. Cost is $80. Dinner on Friday, breakfast
and lunch on Saturday are included. Please check one:
I will be there for dinner.
I will not be there for dinner.
I will be coming just for the day on Saturday, March 28. Cost is $30. Lunch is included.
I will be coming just for the day on Saturday, March 28, and will arrive in time for breakfast. Cost is $40.
Any dietary restrictions? ______________________________________________________
Please return this registration form and your check to us by March 8 (Mail to EWCC, PO Box 156, East Woodstock,
CT 06244).
Please make your check payable to EWCC, with the word “retreat” on the memo line. Financial assistance is
If your plans change, please let us know before March 8. We cannot do refunds after that date. Thank you.
I need financial assistance. Please call me with more information.
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Senior Youth Group News
March 2015
Sunday, March 1
10:00 AM at EWCC
You are invited to help make our worship special this morning. We are looking for
greeters, readers, help collect the offering, or spend time with the youngest
members of our church in the nursery. If you are willing to help, please let Anne
Sunday, March 8
10:00 AM at EWCC
Join us for breakfast and conversation after the children’s story. Meet in the
hospitality room. We will be talking about our trip to NYC plus other upcoming
events. Come learn how you can become involved with youth group. It is never
too late to join and your friends are always welcome.
Friday & Saturday, March 13 and 14
The Youth Group will be participating in a mission trip to NYC
in partnership with the Newtown Congregational Church! We
will be working with an organization called YSOP – Youth Service Opportunities
Project. We will work to serve hungry and homeless people through their shelters
and soup kitchens in NYC.
Sunday, March 22
Giv2 Project
Carpool from your home church to spend some time volunteering at WAIM, Windham
Interfaith Area Ministry. We will be helping them clean and sort donations. Watch our FB
page and your email for more details.
Sunday, March 29
Palm Sunday
Come to worship with your family. Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week.
Experience it firsthand!
The Senior Youth Group has a new email address –
Please add it to your address book.
Questions? Call or text Anne Sorensen at 860-428-2198
Join our “Youth Group 14-15” on FACEBOOK for updates and invites.
Follow us on Instagram “Woodstocksyg”
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grow your spirit /put faith in action /change the world/ learn/have fun with friends/make a difference/open your eyes/ COMPASSION CAMP 2015
All students who are currently in grades 6-9 are invited to join us for a
week of fun, friends, and service learning. This is a day program (9:00
am to 3:00 PM) for youth who want to help neighbors in need. We will
use the Hill Church as a home base and take a different field trip each
day to put faith in action.
Download your registration form from the church website and mark
your calendar. Those who register by April 15 will receive an EARLY
We will be gathering a staff of volunteers, including CITs and counselors, so contact Anne
at 860-428-2198 if you can help out. APPLICATIONS for youth staff are due by April 15.
For youth in grades 4 and up
Over 37 week-long Conferences to choose from!
All God’s Critters, Silver Lake’s Funniest Videos, Water World, and
Hammer and Nail—these are a few of the great Conference titles for
summer 2015. Brochures are available at the church and online
registration is now open at
Silver Lake has all kinds of fun camp stuff like swimming, basketball, singing, hikes, campfires, as
well as a low and high ropes course. Sign up early to get your first choice of programs at OUR
beautiful Conference Center at Sharon, CT!
Scholarships are available, so speak to Pastor Sue or Anne Sorensen if you are interested.
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MARCH 2015
Are You Ready to Meet Flat Jesus?
Easter Service
On Sunday, March 8, I will be handing out Flat Jesus
to each family. During the months of March and
April, Sunday School families will meet Flat Jesus
who will become a member of their family.
The children will be singing during the Easter Service
and heralding the good news that Jesus Has Risen by
bringing balloons into the Sanctuary at the beginning
of the service.
Based on the Flat Stanley books, Flat Jesus is a paper I will also be doing a project with them during the
doll that will accompany the children for two months. Sunday School time.
This visible expression of our faith will show them
Two Units Remaining
that Jesus is always with them.
You will take pictures of your children during March
and April doing things with Flat Jesus. It could be
riding in the car, on vacation, sports, dance, school,
playing with friends, doing homework, etc. Be
creative. Flat Jesus can even travel to relatives or
friends through the mail. As you take the photos,
forward them to me so I can share a few throughout
the two months.
Vacation Bible School
Hometown Nazareth: When Jesus Was a Kid
Planning has begun for the 2015 Vacation Bible
School. The program will run from Monday, July 13,
through Thursday, July 16. It will be an evening
event from 5:00pm to 7:30pm and dinner will be
More information will be forthcoming.
for the Sunday School Year
Below are the remaining rotations for the Sunday
School year. Please take a look at them and
determine which rotation will work with your
March 22 – April 19 (Children together for Easter)
April 26 – May 17
I will be asking for volunteers to teach or shepherd
for each of these rotations. Please watch your email
for more information.
Children’s Day – June 14
Our Children’s Day service will be June 14. This is a
service that is done by the Sunday School children.
The theme will be centered around the activities done
with Flat Jesus. Every child will have a part and it’s
a wonderful service to experience. Bibles are given
to children entering 1st grade, 3rd grade, and 7th grade.
If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at
or (860) 923-9210.
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Children’s Page
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Our Time, Talent and Treasures at Work…
Annual Meeting
Bell Choir
Bible Study
Breakfast Club
Child Care
Choir Practices
Church Council
Coffee Hours
Committee Meetings
Community Service
Confirmation Class
Covenant to Care
Daily Bread
Ham and Bean Supper
Hospital Visitation
Men’s Breakfast
Nursing Home Worship
ONA Action
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Special Music
Staff Meeting
Star Gifts
Sunday Bulletins
Sunday School
Tai Chi
Worship Services
Youth Group
Youth Ministry Search Team
Bell Choir
Bible Study
Breakfast Club
Child Care
Choir Practices
Church Council
Coffee Hours
Committee Meetings
Community Service
Confirmation Class
Covenant to Care
Daily Bread
Hospital Visitation
Italian Supper
Men’s Breakfast
Nursing Home Worship
ONA Action
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Special Music
Staff Meeting
Sunday Bulletins
Sunday School
Tai Chi
Welcome Lunch (ONA)
Worship Services
Youth Group
Youth Ministry Search Team
Ash Wednesday Service
Bell Choir
Bible Study
Breakfast Club
Child Care
Choir Practices
Church Council
Coffee Hours
Committee Meetings
Community Service
Confirmation Class
Confirmation Retreat
Covenant to Care
Daily Bread
Hospital Visitation
Jazz Sunday
Men’s Breakfast
Nursing Home Worship
ONA Action
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Saint Patrick’s Dinner
Special Music
Staff Meeting
Sunday Bulletins
Sunday School
Tai Chi
Women’s Retreat
Worship Services
Youth Group
Youth Ministry Team
Christian Education
Stewardship + Giving = The building blocks of our faith
Page 18
MARCH 2015
Daily Bread Donations for this month: Juice & Crackers
Jazz Sunday
& Soup
7:00 pm
Council 10:00 am Tai Chi 10 am Study Group
7:00 pm Deacons 6 pm Lenten
7 pm Sanctuary
Conversation (Hill)
Singers 7:30 pm Al-anon 10:00 am Tai Chi
7:00 pm Bells
8:00 am Men’s
Breakfast Club
Baby Shower
10:00 am Tai Chi 10 am Study Group 10:00 am Tai Chi Youth Missions
7 pm Pastoral Rel. 6 pm Lenten
7:00 pm Bells
Trip to NYC
7 pm Sanctuary
Conversation (EWCC)
Singers 7:30 pm Al-anon
11:00 am
7:00 pm Society 10:00 am Tai Chi 10 am Study Group
Historical Society
7:00 pm Missions 1:30 pm LBS
Annual Meeting
7 pm Sanctuary
6 pm Lenten
Singers Conversation (Hill)
7:30 pm Al-anon
10:00 am Tai Chi
7:00 pm Bells
6:30 pm
St. Patrick’s
First Day of
Democrat Town
“True Colors”
7:30 pm Capital 10:00 am Tai Chi 10 am Study Group 10:00 am Tai Chi W omen’s
Blessing of
7 pm Sanctuary
6 pm Lenten
7:00 pm Bells
Prayer Shawls Campaign
Singers Conversation (EWCC)
Giv 2 Project
7:30 pm Al-anon
6:30 pm EWCB
Palm Sunday
10:00 am Tai Chi
7 pm Sanctuary
6:30 pm EWCC
Looking Ahead:
April 2: Maundy Thursday – Tenebrae
April 3: Good Friday Vigil
April 5: Easter Sunday
April 17 & 18: Clothing Sale
April 25: Benefit Concert for Jasmin
March Birthdays:
The coffee hour in February will be served
courtesy of: CE/Teachers
The coffee hour in March will be served
courtesy of: Society
Greyson Magnan
Heidi Pohlman
Kaylyn Converse
Mitchell Child
Gavin Bottone
Gavin Washburn
March 5
March 14
March 17
March 25
March 30
March 30
Page 19
Prayer Page
Today and every day let us be open to God, who promises always to be with us.
“We pray this day”: A Lenten prayer
O Lord we pray this day:
for all who have a song they cannot sing,
for all who have a burden they cannot bear,
for all who live in chains they cannot break,
for all who wander homeless and cannot return,
for those who are sick and for those who tend to them,
for those who wait for loved one and wait in vain
for those who live in hunger and for those who will not share their bread,
for those who are misunderstood and for those who misunderstand,
for those who are captives and for those who are captors,
for those whose words of love are locked within their hearts and for those who
yearn to hear those words.
Have mercy upon these, O God.
Have mercy upon us all.
- Ann Weems, Kneeling in Jerusalem
A cradle and a cross
And between these—a life
Bethlehem and Jerusalem
A birth and a death
One “of sorrows”
Who often wept
One of joy who also kept
Sensitivity and compassion
Alive and real
Today let us feel
The surge of that life
The beauty of that love
The power of that cross
~Terence Elwyn Johnson
May your kingdom come, O God...
for those who worship through persecution...
for those who worship through war...
for those who worship through conflict...
for those who worship through grief......
for those who worship through new found joy...
for those who worship through drought and famine...
May your kingdom come, O