Accademia Italiana via Roma, 39 84121 Salerno


Accademia Italiana via Roma, 39 84121 Salerno
design: doppiavù • photos: M.Linguiti
ministry of education
of the upper-austria
Conservatory of Music
Accademia Italiana
via Roma, 39
84121 Salerno-Italia
tel. +39.089.256965
fax +39.089.250399
director: Dr. Francesca Romana Memoli
Italian Language and Culture Centre
Ministry of Education,
University and Research
the Region of Campania, the
onage of
ce of
for Foreigners
of Siena
d th
Authorised Examination
The Italian Language is an “Excellence” of our country, to preserve and to
disseminate all over the world. The interest shown by international students
and operators for the learning of our language is a valid proof of this.
I am delighted to introduce the 2010 brochure of Accademia Italiana
in Salerno, because such an important institution, known to myself, operates
with great professionality in the promotion and the teaching of the Italian
Language. The Accademia Italiana is situated in the Province of Salerno, a
famous area of great tradition and extraordinary beauty. It combines the
teaching of the language at highly specialized and professional levels with the
knowledge of its wonderful surroundings, thereby promoting Italy in the world.
Dear Friends of Accademia Italiana, our Culture is a treasure and your
institution is a proof of this. I wish you the greatest success for your activity
and I send my best wishes to all the staff and the students.
On.le Vincenzo Scotti
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs,
Traditions, Art and Modern Life
The town has preserved its wonderful medieval historical
centre dominated by the castle of the Prince Longobardo
Arechi (IX Century) and noted for its imposing Romanesque
Cathedral (XI Century) which is situated in the middle of
a characteristic medieval area in which the ancient
atmosphere mingles with the buzz of modern life, creating
an astonishing blend of Italian originality. The symbol of
the town, without a doubt is its wonderful seafront
promenade which offers the pleasure and beauty of a
splendid panorama and a place to relax amid flower-filled
pathways, ancient buildings and open-air cafés, pubs
and restaurants.
Salerno, the Town
Rich in history and deep-rooted traditions, the town of
Salerno is situated in the gulf of Salerno which also has
as a neighbour the wonderful Amalfi coast. Its fortunate
geographical position in one of the most beautiful parts
of the world allows one to enjoy a healthy mild climate
and a clear blue sea all year round, favouring outdoor
life and offering a tranquil rhythm of life which is both
pleasurable and stimulating.
Studying in Salerno, an Interesting Opportunity
A course of Italian in Salerno represents a unique occasion for those who
appreciate the fascination of the more authentic aspects of Italian life,
away from the tourist masses.
The hospitality, courtesy and traditional joy of life of the people make
it possible for one to become part of their bright, exciting life. The mild
maritime climate which permits a dynamic outdoor life all year round
together with the comfortable living size of the town prepares the student
for a positive attitude towards study commitment and allows him to
experience an unforgettable taste of Italian life.
Salerno is also the right place for mixing study and holidays because
thanks to its perfect position, it offers students the possibility
of visiting beautiful and historical treasures of Campania.
How to reach Salerno
The nearest airport is Naples Capodichino which
is linked to airports all over the world. It is 50
Km from Salerno.Rapid connections at all hours • • • by air
of the day permit speedy transfer to Salerno
Salerno is connected with the national rail network • • • by train
by fast Eurostar and Intercity
Salerno is well connected to the national network • • • by car
of motorways
Who we are
The Accademia Italiana was founded in 1997 by dr. Francesca
Romana Memoli, graduated and expert in modern foreign languages
and cultures. Today, the school represents one of the most valid
and accredited institutions in the South of Italy.
Accademia Italiana is recognised by:
Ministry of Education,
University and Research
for Foreigners
of Siena
of Campania
University for
Foreigners Perugia
Authorised Examination Centre
of Salerno
City Council
Teaching Method
The teaching method of the school is based
on the most modern techniques of teaching Italian
as a second language. The student will develop
a practical capacity for understanding, learning
and communication. Our method uses linguistic
practice aided by modern text books, audio-visual
and multimedial material and a direct student-teacher
relationship. The small number of participants
in each group (maximum 10) means that the necessary
conditions exist for a truly direct methodology making
it possible for the teacher to keep a constant personal
relationship with individual students.
of Music
The Accademia Italiana
The Accademia Italiana school is situated in one of the most
beautiful and most visited streets in Salerno, via Roma, a short
distance from the medieval Cathedral Square right in the heart of
the historical centre of the town. The school itself is in a charming
antique building of noble origin, Palazzo Angrisani, facing the
seafront in authentically unique surroundings for those who really
wish to immerse themselves in the Italian life and culture. From
the windows of the school one can enjoy the wonderful panorama
of the sea and in only a few minutes on foot it is possible to
reach all the most important artistic attractions of the town.
Teaching Staff
All the teachers are highly qualified and specialised
in the teaching of Italian as a foreign language.
All have university degrees and have been selected
for their teacher-training qualification and their great
ability to transmit enthusiasm and encourage lively
participation. The teachers are the main daily point
of reference for the students who attain through them
the stimulus of learning the use of the language
and the development of their own particular
cultural interests.
Italian Language Courses
General Courses in Italian Language run all year round with
a programme divided into 6 levels, respecting the CEF
Common European Framework from absolute beginners to
advanced level (A1-C2). Students from the age of 16 are
accepted and the minimum period of attendance is 2 weeks.
4 group lessons a day, 20 lessons
per week:
6 group lessons a day,
30 lessons per week:
from Monday to Friday (55 minutes each lesson)
from Monday to Friday (55 minutes each lesson)
• 4 weeks/80 lessons
• 3 weeks/60 lessons
• 2 weeks/40 lessons
• Each additional week
This course is recognized
as Bildungsurlaub in Germany.
• 4 weeks/120 lessons
• 3 weeks/90 lessons
• 2 weeks/60 lessons
• Each additional week
Super Intensive
4 group lessons + 1 individual lesson
a day, 20 + 5 lessons per week:
4 group lessons a day, 20 lessons
per week:
from Monday to Friday (55 minutes each lesson)
from Monday to Friday (55 minutes each lesson)
• 4 weeks/80 + 20 lessons
• 3 weeks/60 + 15 lessons
• 2 weeks/40 + 10 lessons
• Each additional week
• 12 weeks/240 lessons
• 16 weeks/320 lessons
• 24 weeks/480 lessons (1 semester)
• 32 weeks/640 lessons
• (1 academic year)
• 48 weeks/960 lessons (1 year)
Individual Courses
These courses are suitable for those who wish
to reach high level results in a short time by
means of a personalised programme both in
terms of time and method. Courses are offered
all year round, starting on Monday and lasting
a minimum of 2 hours a day for 1 week.
The programme is planned around the
requirements of each student.
CILS and CELI Preparation Courses
The Accademia Italiana is an Authorised Examination Centre
of the University for Foreigners of Siena and Perugia
for CILS and CELI examination, which are official certificates
of the Italian language recognised by the Council of Europe.
They assess the competence of the Italian language
(A2-C2). These exams take place in some yearly sessions
(march, june, November, December) and the school offers
special preparation courses for them. Enrolment must be
submitted 60 days before the exam and students are assessed
by an entry test.
• 4 weeks/80 + 20 lessons
• 2 weeks/40 lessons
4 group lessons + 1 individual
lesson a day
4 individual lessons a day
*Standard course + individual lessons of specific preparation
for exams.
Accademia Italiana
• level 1: Beginner
• level 2: Elementary
• level 3: Pre-Intermediate
• level 4: Intermediate
• level 5: Upper-Intermediate
• level 6: Advanced
CEF - Common European
• A1 Breakthrough
• A1
• A2
• B1
• B2
• C1
The classes are made up of a minimum of 4 and a maximum
of 10 students, which allows the creation of a group environment
in which the teacher can follow the linguistic progress of each
individual student. The groups are formed according to the
initial linguistic level and are composed of varied nationalities
so that a linguistic stimulus is created and the students are
encouraged to use Italian as their official language.
Entrance Test
The first day of the course at h 8.30 students who are
non-beginners take a written and oral entry test to assess
their ability and to decide which study group they will be
placed in.
At the end of each course students receive a certificate which
states the level studied, the programme followed and the final
result reached. At the end of the sixth level students gain the
special Diploma of the “Accademia Italiana”.
Courses for Teachers
Accademia Italiana organizes Courses for teachers of Italian
L2/FL which aim to provide teachers with new ideas,
new techniques, new skills and great confidence in their
own Italian in order to work more effectively in Italian
classes. These courses run all year round according to
teachers’ needs, with the possibility of choosing personalized
solutions. The theoretical-practical courses give the
opportunity of deepening the understanding of the theoretical
aspects of glottodidactics. Furthermore, the direct teaching
training in classes, the interaction with students
and colleagues from all over the world, complete this
rich experience for all the Teachers of Italian.
Glottodidactic Training Course*
4 group lessons + 1 training lesson a day,
20 + 5 lessons per week:
from monday to friday (55 minutes each lesson)
• 2 weeks/50 lessons
*This course occurs under the auspices of
Grundtvig/Comenius database for the Scholastic and
Adult Education of the European Community (Lifelong
Learning Program) code number: "IT-2009-480-004”
Combined Course: Language+ Glottodidactics
4 group lessons + 1 individual lesson a day,
20 + 5 lessons per week:
from monday to friday (55 minutes each lesson)
• 2 weeks/50 lessons
Preparation for DITALS
The DITALS is an official certification released by the University
of Siena for Foreigners which aims to certify the theoretical
and practical preparation of teachers of Italian L2/FL.
Preparation Course for DITALS I and II levels
6 group lessons a day
from monday to friday (55 minutes each lesson)
• 1 week/30 lessons
Training for DITALS
3 weeks/60 lessons - 4 lessons a day
from monday to friday (55 minutes each lesson)
6 weeks/150 lessons - 5 lessons a day
from monday to friday (55 minutes each lesson)
Courses for Professionals
These courses are for professional people who need
to improve the Italian language for their work, developing
their knowledge of general language and studying the specialised
language of their business field.
Tailor-Made Individual (1-to-one) or SEMI-INDIVIDUAL
(2/3/4 - to-one) LESSONS are offered with a personalised
didactic program held by high qualified Italian teachers trained
in all business fields: trading, administration, law, medicine,
banking, diplomacy, HR, military, airline, etc.
These courses are available for a minimum of 1 week/20 lessons.
Students can start on any Monday. A detailed questionnaire
ensures that the program is fully tailor-made to meet the
professional‘s individual requirement.
Course for Professionals
20 or 30 individual (1-to-1) or semi-individual
lessons (2/4-to-1) / 1 week
from Monday to Friday / 4-6 lessons a day
(55 minutes each lesson)
Course in Villa on the Amalfi Coast
20 or 30 individual (1-to-1) or semi-individual
lessons (2/4-to-1) / 1 week
from Monday to Friday / 4-6 lessons a day
(55 minutes each lesson)
Lessons are held directly to the Villa
on the Amalfi Coast
Special Programs
Mare e Monti
These special programs are made in order to satisfy
specific student needs.
They are tailor made taking into consideration
the Students age, needs and time availability.
All the lessons are well-structured so as to optimize
your study-holiday for maximum results.
The duration of the stay is different according
to the program chosen. 1 week courses are also
This program allows to visit the most beautiful
treasures in Campania and Umbria far from
the mass tourism. Salerno and Todi are the
right places for combining studying Italian
with a unique traditional Italian experience.
The program has a duration of 4 weeks and
is available all year round. It includes:
• 4 weeks / 80 lessons
4 group lessons a day/20 lessons per week
(55 minutes each lesson)
1 Week
50 Plus
This program is designed for people who
want to improve the Italian language and
to learn about the culture for just 1 week.
It includes:
• 4 group lessons a day / 20 lessons
of language
This program designed for mature people
who want to experience Italian language
and culture together with other students
of a similar age. It includes:
• 2 weeks / 40 group language lessons
(4 lessons a day)
(55 minutes each lesson)
1 school activity
1 seminar
1 Salerno city tour
1 special visit to mozzarella, olive oil,
wine or lemoncello factories followed
by tasting
(55 minutes each lesson)
1 class in cooking or pottery
1 school activity
2 seminars
1 Salerno city tour
1 full-day excursion
1 special visit to mozzarella, olive oil,
wine or lemoncello factories followed
by tasting
2 weeks in SALERNO + Italian Course
• 2 weeks in Todi + Italian Course
• 27 nights in a host family in single
roomwith half board
Italian Culture and Art Courses
These courses are combined with General Language Courses
and are offered throughout the year, starting every 2 Mondays.
They last for a duration of 2 weeks up to 6 months.
They are also valid for university and college credits in
academic programs.
Italian Literature
Various programmes are scheduled covering the most important
periods of Italian literature, from its origins to modern times,
dealing with the most important classical and modern prose and
poetry writers: Dante Alighieri, A. Manzoni, S. Quasimodo,
E. Montale, A. Barricco.
History of Italian Art
This course presents a wide view of the most important periods
of Italian art, dealing with the most significant works and artists.
Particular attention is given to the regional history of art from
the origins of the Magna Grecia era up to the modern period.
History of Italian Cinema
This course presents a complete panorama of the history of Italian
cinema by means of an analysis of the most important classic
film writers, such us De Sica, Fellini, Pasolini, and contemporary
ones such us Tornatore, Salvatores, Scola, Bertolucci and Moretti.
History of Italian Theatre
This course presents a view of the history of Italian Theatre by
means of an analysis of the most important classic and modern
authors: Carlo Goldoni, Luigi Pirandello, E. De Filippo, Dario Fo.
Italian for Business
This course is indicated for those who are interested in the professional
sector of business, finance, law, medicine and architecture.
Students get an insight into the Italian commercial and professional
situation, acquire a deeper technical knowledge and meet Italian
colleagues in the same field to discuss professional issues.
Italian in Opera
This course presents a study of Italian Opera “libretti” and a playback
of the main opera arias with a specialized teacher. A wide view of
the most important classic composers in Italian:
W. A. Mozart (the three librettos by Da Ponte), G. Rossini and V.
Bellini (Lyricism), G. Verdi (Romanticism), P. Mascagni and R.
Leoncavallo (Realism), G.Puccini (Opera between 1800 and 1900).
Italian Pottery and Ceramics Decoration
The school organises courses in the art and decoration of ceramics,
which take place in Vietri the most famous centre in Italy.
Lessons are held in a typical local crafts laboratory and the teachers
are professional craftsmen specialised in showing the antique methods
of creating objects.
Italian Cooking
This practical course is for those who wish to learn the secrets
of Italian cooking with particular emphasis on regional specialities.
The lessons are given by an expert chef who teaches how to prepare
complete dishes: hors-d’oeuvres, pasta, meat and vegetables dishes,
pizza and desserts. Students eat the food prepared accompanied
by Italian wines.
This course is to provide students with the basic techniques for making
jewellery with a guide of a specilised teacher. Students work at the
work-bench to create simple jewels in silver: the design, the sculpture
and the incasing of stones.
This course consists on one-to-one Singing lessons taught by a professional
singer who guides students toward a correct use of the most recent techniques
for vocalists: breathing techniques and the correct use of the muscles in order
to enhance the emission of sound. This course is designed for students who
wish to specialize in the lyrical-operatic repertoire.
Musical Instruments
The courses are designed for students who either wish to begin, better
or perfect their playing of a musical instrument of choice. An expert
instructor for any instrument and any level is provided to study violin,
guitar, viola, cello, bass, harp, flute, oboe, double-bass, clarinet, trumpet,
horn, trombone, tuba, drum and others.
Recreational Activities
Evening meals with teachers and friends
One of the aims of the school is to give a daily point of reference
for students, providing a meeting place in a relaxing and friendly
atmosphere. During the week many cultural and recreational
activities are organised, which are included in the cost of the
language course. Students need only pay for entry to museums,
cinemas or theatres, for public transport, guides and for evening
meals in restaurants. Students receive full information about
these activities on the first day in an Orientation Meeting and
during the Welcoming Party.
Once a week the school organises special dinners
in characteristic and picturesque restaurants
where, for a special price, students together with
their teachers and Italian friends can taste typical
specialities in an ideal atmosphere for creating
friendships and practicing Italian.
Sea and Sport
Thanks to its mild climate, Salerno is a
city which permits a life in contact with
the sea all year round.
Wonderful beaches and limpid bays offer
the possibility to practice water sports.
The school provides information on the
best local sports organisations to practice
one’s own favourite sport even on holiday.
Concerts cinema and theatre
Special evenings are organised to attend
the theathre, cinema and classical and
modern musical events. Students are
accompanied by teachers.
Cinema meetings
Each week an Italian film is shown in the Aula Magna
of the school. A film by one of the most famous
classic or modern film-writers. Each showing is
preceeded by an introduction given by the teacher
on the history of the Italian cinema.
Seminars on Italian culture and topics
Meetings are scheduled to discuss culture and events
of common interest, on the economic and
social-political situation and the customs
of the Italians today.
Seminars on Italian music
These meetings are organised to get to know and listen
to the most well-known Italian classical and modern
singer-composers by listening to their most famous
Visiting Salerno
Weekly guided visits are organised to the historical
centre of Salerno: the ancient areas, monuments,
churches, museums, craft shops and local markets.
Seminars on the history and the art of Salerno
Special meetings are held by the history of art teacher
before visiting the town, to illustrate the places to be
visited, all in a clear and simple style of language
with the aid of illustrative pictures,
videos and cd-roms.
Beautiful places of interest for their history and landscape
are numerous around Salerno and at all times of the
year interesting excursions are organised by the school.
Once a week the Accademia Italiana arranges a trip for
its students at special rates.
Sea-side trips: to bustling, colourful places such as Amalfi,
Ravello, Positano and Sorrento which are ideal for visits,
cultural walks and marine activity.
History and archaeology: among the most famous
archaeological sites in Italy are Paestum and Pompei where
precious examples of Greek and Roman remains have
been preserved intact and where the Greek-Roman civilisation
is most evident.
Special Visits with Tasting
Visit to Lemoncello Factory
The Accademia Italiana organizes special guided visits
for small groups to local factories, following final tasting
of typical products.
These visits take place in the afternoon all year round.
Visits generally last 2 hours each.
Participants visit a factory on the
Amalfi Coast where it is possible to see
the lemon trees, producing the famous
lemoncello. They are also involved in
preparing lemoncello with a final tasting
of this original liqueur.
Visit to Mozzarella Factory
Participants have the possibility to see how to make the original
local mozzarella, getting a final tasting of this fresh product.
Visit to Olive Oil and Wines Factory
Participants visit local wines and olive oil factories
with a final tasting, enjoying local handmade
products like typical bruschetta and cheese.
Accommodation in Salerno
Accommodation in Salerno is arranged by a special
housing office which assigns each student his/her preferred
accommodation. It has the task of constantly controlling
the assigned accommodation regarding quality and the
fulfilment of student requirements. All accommodation is
in the centre and within walking distance from the school.
Lodgings are available to students from the Sunday before
the beginning of the course (from 12.00) until the
Saturday (10.00) after the course. (Extra days must be
requested at the moment of enrolment). Accommodation
includes: sleeping facilities, required meals, bed linen
and blankets, water, gas and electricity consumption.
In a shared apartment
(with shared kitchen and bathroom)
• in singleroom/4 weeks
• in singleroom/3 weeks
• in singleroom/2 weeks
• in singleroom/each additional week
• in doubleroom*/4 weeks
• in doubleroom*/3 weeks
• in doubleroom*/2 weeks
• in doubleroom*/each additional week
In a family with breakfast
• in singleroom/4 weeks
• in singleroom/3 weeks
• in singleroom/2 weeks
• in singleroom/each additional week
• in doubleroom*/4 weeks
• in doubleroom*/3 weeks
• in doubleroom*/2 weeks
• in doubleroom*/each additional week
In a family with halfboard
• in singleroom/4 weeks
• in singleroom/3 weeks
• in singleroom/2 weeks
• in singleroom/each additional week
• in doubleroom*/4 weeks
• in doubleroom*/3 weeks
• in doubleroom*/2 weeks
• in doubleroom*/each additional week
In an independent apartment
On special request
In a Hotel
(Various categories) in a single or doubleroom with
breakfast or half board.
*For two people travelling together.
Transfer Service
The school arranges a Transfer Service from Naples Airport
or Railway Station (option n.1) or from Salerno Railway
Station (option n.2) directly to their accommodation.
This service, available 24h a day, must be requested in the
enrolment form and details of arrival (date and time arrival,
number of flight/train) must be communicated at least
1 week before arrival. Those who choose to stay in apartments
are obliged to book for their arrival one of the 2 Transfer
Options in order to get their accommodation with
keys and necessary instructions.
How to Enrol
It is necessary to fill in the attached enrolment form and
to send it to the school secretary’s office preferably within
30 days before the beginning of the course.
• • • by post
• • • by fax
Accademia Italiana
via Roma, 39
84121 Salerno-Italia
• • • by e-mail
At the same time it is necessary to send the amount of E 160 as a
downpayment on the cost of the course. The difference must be paid to
the school on the first day of attendance. Downpayment can be sent in
one of the following ways:
• Bank transfer in favour of:
Accademia Italiana
Bank Account No 11128
Banca di Salerno-Credito Cooperativo
IBAN: IT92T0856115201000030011128
via S.Baratta,92-Salerno 84124-Italia
• International postal order
• Travelcheque
All bank expenses are charged
to the students so additional
E 10 will be added to the
downpayment of E 160.
Francesca Romana Memoli
n La
Italia annguage
d Cu
Sa tu
r o
Salerno is the ideal place for combining
the study of the italian language with a
holiday rich in art, history, culture and sea.
Here you will live the authentic italian life,
and get to know its rythms and its
We will be happy to welcome you in our
suggestive environment.
We are waiting for you with open arms!
Accademia Italiana
via Roma, 39
84121 Salerno-Italia
tel. +39.089.256965
Prices 2010
4 weeks
3 weeks
2 weeks
each additional week
Standard 4 group lessons a day, 20 lessons
80 lessons: E 700
60 lessons: E 550
40 lessons: E 400
E 175
Intensive 6 group lessons a day, 30 lessons
120 lessons: E 1.000
90 lessons: E 810
60 lessons: E 600
E 250
per week
per week
Super Intensive 4 group lessons + 1 individual
lessons a day, 20 + 5 lessons per week
Long-term 4 group lesson a day, 20 lessons
per week
80 + 20 lessons:
E 1.380
12 weeks
240 lessons:
E 1.920
1 week
60 + 15 lessons:
E 1.060
16 weeks
320 lessons:
E 2.400
30 lessons: E 1.020
40 + 10 lessons:
E 740
24 weeks
32 weeks
1 semester
1 academic year
480 lessons:
E 3.360
20 lessons: E 680
640 lessons:
E 4.160
15 lessons: E 510
E 345
48 weeks
1 year
960 lessons:
E 5.760
10 lessons: E 340
Individual Courses
CILS and CELI Preparation Courses
General 4 group lessons + 1 individual lesson a day
4 weeks / 80 + 20 lessons: E 1.380
+ exam fee
Individual 4 individual lessons a day
2 weeks / 40 lessons: E 1.360
*Courses for beginners too
Dates 2010: 11 January* - 1 February* - 15 February - 1 March* - 15 March - 29 March* - 12 April - 3 May*
The school remains closed on all the following national holidays and the
17 May - 31 May* - 14 June* - 5 July* - 19 July* - 2 August* - 16 August* - 6 September* - 20 September* - 4 October* lessons lost cannot be made up on other days: to 10.01.10 - 5.04.10
18 October - 2 November* - 15 November - 29 November* - 6 December* - 13 December
02.06.10 01.11.10 - 08.12.10 - and from 24.12.10 to 07.01.2011.
Dates 2010
Glottodidactic Training Course
2 weeks / 50 lessons: E 740
8 February - 22 March - 3 May - 14 June - 28 June - 12 July
9 August - 30 August - 13 September - 29 November
Combined Course: Language+ Glottodidactics
2 weeks / 50 lessons: E 740
Check dates Italian courses 2010
1 week / 30 lessons: E 330
I level: 21 June - 12 July - 30 August - 6 September
II level: 29 March - 17 May - 07 June - 5 July - 26 July
9 August - 6 September - 25 October
4 group lessons + 1 training lesson a day
4 group lessons + 1 individual lesson a day
Preparation Course for DITALS
Preparation Course I and II levels 6 group lessons a day
Training I level 4 lessons a day
Training II level 5 lessons a day
Course for Professionals (1-to-1)
Course in Villa on the Amalfi Coast (1-to-1)
+ exam fee
3 weeks / 60 lessons: E 350
6 weeks / 150 lessons: E 750
1 week
30 lessons: E 1.020
30 lessons: E 1.200
Every Monday
Every Monday
1 week
20 lessons: E 680
20 lessons: E 800
Every Monday
Every Monday
Dates 2010
1 Week
1 week / 20 lessons + activities: E 280
50 Plus
Mare e Monti
2 weeks / 40 lessons + activities: E 560
4 weeks / 80 lessons + activities + accommodation: E 1.830
1 February - 29 March - 3 May - 28 June - 30 August - 20 September
2 November - 13 December
29 March - 31 May - 4 October - 13 December
Check dates Italian courses 2010
Enrolment fee for each language and training course is 80 and includes:
registration fee, entrance and final tests, didactic material, certificates, assistance in finding lodging, recreational activities.
Italian Literature
History of Italian Art
History of Italian Cinema
History of Italian Theatre
Italian for Business
Italian in Opera
4 weeks
2 weeks
each additional week
16 lessons: E 260
8 lessons: E 130
4 lessons: E 65
10 individual lessons:
E 340
16 lessons: E 320
8 lessons: E 160
4 lessons: E 80
10 individual lessons:
E 340
2 afternoon lessons/4 group lessons per week
Italian Pottery and Ceramics decoration
Italian cooking
2 afternoon lessons/4 group lessons per week
Musical Instruments
10 individual lessons:
E 530
10 individual lessons:
E 530
In an apartment
(with shared kitchen
and bathroom)
In a family
with breakfast
In a family
with halfboard
In an independent apartment on special request
4 weeks
E 500
E 396
E 504
E 420
E 840
E 640
3 weeks
E 390
E 315
E 405
E 330
E 660
E 510
2 weeks
E 280
E 220
E 290
E 240
E 460
E 360
each additional week
E 125
E 99
E 126
E 105
E 210
E 160
In a Hotel (Various categories) in a single or doubleroom with breakfast or half board.
*For two people travelling together. All costs are per person.
Option 1: Naples Airport
or Railway Station > accomodation
Option 2:
Salerno Railway Station > accomodation
time of arrival
from 6.00 to 22.00
from 22.00 to 6.00
from 9.00 to 22.00
from 22.00 to 9.00
1 person
E 90
E 100
E 16
E 18
2 people
E 160
E 180
E 26
E 28
Cost for each Transfer
(one way)
*Compulsory for those who
book shared apartments.
Fill in the form with the information requested and send it by mail to the address on the back
Enrolment Form
or by fax to: +39.(0)89.250399 or by e-mail to:
together with the receipt of the downpayment of E 160 + E 10 for bank charges.
Name and Surname
Courses for Professionals
Course for Professionals
Course in Villa on the Amalfi Coast
Place and date
of birth
for weeks
1 Week
for weeks
Super Intensive
Knowledge of italian:
I level
In an apartment
in doubleroom
In a family
in doubleroom
In a hotel
with halfboard
In an independent apartment
(alergies, vegetarian, smoking, etc.)
*Transfer requested from:
II level
date and flight/train details
How did you hear about
the Accademia Italiana?
Training DITALS II level
with breakfast
Preparation Course for DITALS
Training DITALS I level
Combined Course: Language+ Glottodidactics
Accommodation required:
How long?
Courses for Teachers
Glottodidactic Training Course
Mare e Monti from
Have you already studied Italian?
for weeks
Course of preparation
50 Plus
Italian Culture and Art Courses
Italian Language Courses
Individual Course
hours per day
Special Programs
for weeks
*obligatory service for accommodation in apartments
I have read and I accept all the terms and conditions of enrolment and in accordance with the
art. 10 of Italian Law 196/2003, I authorize Accademia Italiana to utilise my personal data
for promotional reasons.
C2 speaking
All enrolments are subject to the following General Conditions, which become legally binding on acceptance of enrolment by ACCADEMIA ITALIANA.
1.a. All Language Group Classes run Monday through Friday except during official Italian public holidays. Students must present themselves at school on their first day at h 08.30. One lesson equals 55 minutes. Group lessons are usually
held in the mornings, however on occasion (high season) these group lessons may be scheduled in the afternoons. Individual lessons are generally held in the afternoons.
The number of lessons includes the entrance/placement and the final exam, as well as the final feedback. The number of level of knowledge is 6 and completion of a 4-week course does not guarantee advancement to the next level.
In the rare event that a student is the only one for a particular level after getting his placement test, tuition fee will be converted to private one-to-one lessons, reducing by 50% (ex: 2 individual lessons instead of 4 group lessons a
day). In the event that there are only 2 or 3 students for a particular level, tuition fee will be reduced by 25% (ex: 3 semi- individual lessons instead of 4 group lessons a day), given the more intense nature of a small class size.
It is possible to change the course after it has begun, but only with a more intensive course and not the opposite, respecting all the whole period of attendance previously booked. If a student does not attend or wants to
shorten his/her course after the course has begun, lessons subsequently lost can not be made up and tuition fees will not be refunded.
1.b. Teacher Training Courses run Monday through Friday except during official Italian public holidays with a minimum number of 4 participants. Lessons are usually held in the mornings, however on occasion (high season) these
group lessons may be scheduled in the afternoons One lesson equals 55 minutes. Preparation Courses for DITALS certification consist of 30 lessons in 1 week. As far as Combined Course is concerned, conditions are the same as language
courses (see above). If a student does not attend or wants to shorten his/her course after the course or training has begun, lessons subsequently lost can not be made up and tuition fees will not be refunded.
1.c. All Italian Art and Culture Classes are Combined with General Language Courses and start on Mondays. Group Lessons generally take place for an extendable duration of 2 weeks for 2 lessons/8 hours per week in the afternoons
with a minimum of 4 participants. These courses can be booked in advance in tour enrolment form, In the event that there is not the minimum number of participants of n. 4 for a particular Course, tuition fee will be converted to
private one-to-one or semi-individual lessons: with n. 1 participant, lessons will be reduced by 50% (2 weeks/4 hours of individual lessons instead of 8 hours group lessons); from n. 2 to n. 3 participants, lessons will be reduced by 25%
(2 weeks / 6 hours of semi-individual lessons instead of 8 hours group lessons).
Finding accommodations is a service reserved only to all students regularly enrolled. All housing is strictly booked from the Sunday before the starting date from h 12.00 on, until the Saturday after the
by h 10.00. All the accommodation available has been selected by a Housing Office, according to our Inspection Scheme for cleanliness, comfort, and location. All details about accommodation will be communicated 2 weeks before the
starting date. In case of complaints, students can address our administrative office in written form to the Housing Officer within the first week of staying, which will do its utmost to find the best and most satisfying solution taking into
account the student’s fully justifiable reason and the actual availability. Accommodation fee is never refunded after having booked the lodging for the whole period required.
This service must be booked at least 1 week before the arrival. All last minute changes or delays must be immediately communicated directly to the Picking-up Manager whose telephone number is always provided by our booking office.
The school is not responsible if students or agents do not follow the stated conditions The service is not cancellable within 48 hours of your arrival.
Eur 160 non-refundable downpayment is required to secure reservation. Payments can be made by cash, bank transfer, international postal order. All bank expenses are charged to the students so an additional
Eur 10 will be added to the downpayment. All tuition and accommodation fees must be paid in full by cash or by travel cheques on the first day of attendance otherwise, the student will not be allowed to attend the course. Those who
send the total payment in advance before arriving in Salerno, are asked to provide the bank payment receipt to the school administrative office the first day of attendance.
Payments can be made by cash, bank transfers, travel checks. No credit cards are accepted. All bank transfers must be made in favour of:
Account number: 11128; Banca di Salerno – Credito Cooperativo
via S. Baratta 92- Salerno 84124 - Italia
SWIFT/BIC: CCRTIT2T91A; IBAN: IT92T0856115201000030011128
Students must clearly specify the name and the course in the bank receipt
The school reserves the right to levy an additional administration fee to cover the costs of any change for courses or accommodation after we have confirmed the registration. It is possible to upgrade the course
for a more intensive course but the contrary is not possible. The school must be informed immediately of any requested changes or cancellations in written form.
6.a Refunds prior to arrival.
The downpayment of Eur 160 is never refundable sending the confirmation of enrolment. For changes or cancellations communicated earlier than 15 days before the arrival the Eur 160 will be credited for a future course within 12 months
after the original starting date. For changes or cancellations communicated in less than 15 days before the arrival the downpayment of Eur 160 will not be credited for any future courses.
6.b Refund after course start date.
If a student does not attend or shortens the course after the course has begun, tuition fees will not be refunded. No refunds are allowed for a delayed start or premature departure. Tuition is never refunded due to absence from class and
study hours subsequently lost can not be made up.
Students not citizens of the European Union who want to enrol for a period exceeding 90 days need to make a request for an Entry Visa for Study Purposes at the Italian Embassy in their country. Accademia Italiana will issue a Certificate
of Enrolment to students who apply for it, only after receiving all the total tuition fee for the course booked. If the visa application is rejected by the Italian Embassy, the student will have a credit note for a future course valid 12
months after the original date. After having obtained the entry visa, it is not possible to cancel or change the dates of courses booked. Once in Italy, every non-EU student must request a Staying Visa “Permesso di Soggiorno” at the local
Police Station (Foreigners Office) within 8 days of their arrival. For students who have been granted the entry visa as our students, Accademia Italiana takes the responsibility to inform the Authorities in case of no-show for 3 consecutive
days, without any justified reasons.
All enrolments are subject to the above mentioned General Conditions, which become legally binding on acceptance of enrolment through electronic and/or signed registration form or any written form of registration (also through agencies
and representatives), the applicant tacitly agrees to accept these General Conditions.
All enrolments are in accordance with the art. 10 of Italian Law 196/2003, so students authorize Accademia Italiana to utilise their personal data, comments and photos for promotional and administrative reasons, subscribing this enrolment