NEWF TAILS - River King Newfoundland Club


NEWF TAILS - River King Newfoundland Club
The Newsletter of the
March-April 2016
President’s Message
I want to start out by wishing everyone traveling to the National Safe Travels and Good
Luck, make River King proud and keep us informed!
As I am writing this, it is exactly 29 days to the first day of Water Training. I have to say
while I like training obedience and draft, I LOVE training Water, I guess it is the
comradeship of training with a group of friends that share your same love and devotion to
our Newfs (that and the fact that I hate cold weather).
We will be holding our Water Workshop on June 25 & 26 at Rowens Kennels, with the
General Meeting on Sunday at 1:00, if you are interested in a working spot, please contact
Mark Iken at I will be sending out more information later.
River King held its Draft Test on April 16 & 17 at Gordon Moore Park. We had amazing
weather, Great stewards and wonderful judges this year. Saturday brought no qualifiers, but
Sunday someone earned their DD, I’ll let them do their own bragging, but I want to
congratulate them on the well-deserved new title. I want to thank everyone that stepped up
and lent a hand at the Draft Test, Mark and I really appreciate everyone’s help and we owe
you one.
Take care,
Cassie Iken
RKNC President
RKNC Officers
President: Cassie Iken
Vice-President: Jean McAdams
Treasurer: Sylvia Steiling
Corresponding Sec’y: Mark Iken
Recording Sec’y: Janice Henderson
Board Members: Danielle Rimkus & Sue
Awards: Carol Giffhorn & Gene Manley
Conformation: Rita Jacobs & Jean
Draft Test: Cassie Iken, Pat Owens, &
Sylvia Steiling
Education: Steve McAdams & Danielle
Fundraising: Danielle Rimkus & Heather
Historian: Pat Owens
Membership: Mark Iken
Newsletter: Gene Manley
Nominating Committee: Steve McAdams,
Danielle Rimkus, & Cynthia Harrington
Obedience: Mark Iken, Sue Zientara,
Sylvia Steiling, Carol Giffhorn, Pat Owens,
& Cassie Iken
Parades: Carol Giffhorn, Kim Wankel, and
Lorrie Carpenter
Regional: Jean McAdams, Janice
Henderson, Rita Jacobs, Mark & Kimi
Wankel, Tom Brandt, Lonnie Specht, Jean
& Andy Zinsmeyer, Sue Zientara
Rescue: Debbie Fitton (chair), Lisa Noel,
Deb Berg, Marilee Hejna
Sunshine: Billie Caveny
Water Test: Mark Iken, Pat Owens, and
Tom Brandt
Website: Chris Jones
Officer & Committee Reports
River King Newfoundland Club Annual Meeting;
March 19, 2016, minutes submitted by Janice Henderson,
RKNC Secretary.
President Cassie Iken called the meeting to order at 8:13
Officers Reports:
President: Cassie thanked all for coming.
Vice President: No Report at this time.
Treasurer’s Report: Will be placed in the newsletter.
Corresponding Secretary: No report at this time.
Recording Secretary: The minutes of the last meeting were
in newsletter.
Committee Reports:
Awards: Our annual Awards Banquet if coming soon.
Gene Manley encouraged all to send in their award requests
and any Most Memorable Newfoundland Moments
(MMNM) of the past year.
Draft Test: Our April 15-16, 2016 Draft Test is almost full
now. Volunteers are encouraged to come to help with the
event. Donations of soups, side dishes of salads, desserts,
etc. are needed for Saturday and Sunday.
Donated baskets will be the raffle for Saturday and on
Sunday we are having a Christmas raffle with the prizes
wrapped in Christmas paper and you will have a surprise for
your raffle winnings. The profit on Sunday will go to
Education: The grooming seminar at Rowens Kennel
today went very well.
Regional: It was announced that the raffles for the regional
would be scissors, a beautiful Newfy Afghan and a blower.
Raffle tickets will be sold up to the Regional. Also available
will be a marble stone with a Newfy on it. The Regional is
in October.
Historian: No Report at this time.
Membership: Mark Iken presented Lana Tauben for full membership. Mark Iken and Cassie Iken
are her sponsors. Sue Zientara made a motion for Lana Tauben membership and Carol Giffhorn
seconded. Motion passed.
Newsletter: More content information is requested to be sent to the newsletter.
Parades: Everyone had a great day at the St. Patrick’s Day Parade in St. Louis.
Regional: Jean McAdams reported the Regional will be October 21-22, 2016 in Springfield, Illinois.
There is no guarantee of grooming space so we will have to fend for ourselves. The sweeps judges
are Carla Gengle and Benita Edds.
Rescue: No report at this time.
Water Test: Our water test is August 20-21, 2016 with Pam Sanders and Laura Gallagher as judges.
Website: Let Chris Jones know if you would like something on the site. They will be cleaning up
the site.
Old Business:
New Business: All ideas were covered in the committee reports.
Gene Manley moved to adjourn the meeting and Sue Zientara seconded. Motion passed and the
meeting was adjourned at 8:27 pm.
Awards Committee:
2015 Awards request deadline occurred on March 25, 2016. The normal deadline was extended due
to my personal issues. We have received 32 requests for awards and as of April 29, 2016 Two Most
Memorable Newfoundland Moments (MMNM) for 2015. Way to go, what an exciting club that
we have. I am asking, Are you sure that you don’t have a MMNM for 2015 that you would like to
share with the club at our Awards Banquet? If you do, email it, mail it, or contact me with the time
and event with attendees involved in the moment. The banquet is set for June 25, 2016 at 7:00 pm
at Castelli’s Moonlight Restaurant, 3400 Fosterburg Road, Alton, Illinois. Please RSVP to me at with your attendance. Your attendance says congratulations to those that
have awards coming for their work with their Newfs during 2015. We are looking forward to seeing
you there.
NCA National Specialty May 2-7, 2016
For all of our Members who are traveling this week to attend, Please be careful, bring back your
pictures, stories and yourselves because we have an amazing year left to go. If you are not traveling
and want to keep up with the actions: Connect up with the NCA specialty at: Once on that site look at Good Tidings or Results.
RKNC 2016 Calendar of Event
May 2- 7
NCA National
May 18th
Board Teleconference #2
May 29 – 30th
Supported Entries: Bloomington dog shows
June 25th
Water Wizards at Rowens Kennels in Brighton IL
9:00 am
June 25th
Awards Banquet @ Moonlight Restaurant
7:00 pm
June 26th
Water Wizards Day 2 in Brighton IL.
General Meeting #2 & Potluck lunch
9:00 am
1:00 pm
August 19th
Water Test at Lou Yeager Lake in Litchfield IL.
August 20-21st
Water Test at Lou Yeager Lake in Litchfield IL.
8:00 am
Sept. 11th
Board Meeting
General Meeting #3
Evaluation Seminar
To Follow
Oct. 8-9th
Obedience Trial at Westinn. Kennels in Wentzville
8:00 am
Oct. 21 – 23th
River King Regional – Tentative
8:00 am
Nov. 20th
Holiday Party- General Meeting #4
1:00 pm
Nov. 24th
Thanksgiving Day Parade in St. Louis MO.
8:00 am
Dec. 11th
Board Meeting #4
1:00 pm
7:00 pm
2016 St. Patrick’s Day Parade in St. Louis, MO.
The St. Patrick Day Parade was on March 12, 2016 and everyone that attended had a good time.
Thanks to all that made the parade and to Carol Giffhorn for getting us entered. Hey we are always
looking for more people to attend, if you have not ever attended a parade please try it, the people
make you feel great and they love our Newfoundland Dogs. A lot of people have never seen one
before. Here are some pictures from the parade for your enjoyment.
In the picture are the following: Chris and Jennifer Jones, Gig and Carol Giffhorn, Lorrie Carpenter
and her son William, Linda and Sheila Manley, Sylvia Steiling and Mark and Cassie Iken. The Newfs
are Bravo, Encore, Abby, Cami, Nitro, Samson, Julie, Zia, and Java. Let me know if I got it wrong
The Girl Scout Project that RKNC helped in was on February 27,
2016. Chris Jones was the club’s liaison with the scout.
The event was at the Lewis & Clark Museum located in St. Charles. The young scout had been
working on this project for her last badge for months and had received approval with a very limited
time to have it completed. Mark and Cassie Iken with Nitro and Cami, Chris with Abby, Eric
Fromme and his Lady, Linda Manley with Julie and Gene with Samson attended the event. Food
and Drinks were provided for us by the young scout and all visitors to the Museum enjoyed seeing
our Newfs and of course wanted to know about the puppies. Guess what the young Lady got her
gold award (I think), which is similar to an Eagle Scout badge, Congratulations to her.
2016 RKNC Grooming Seminar held at Rowens Kennels on March
19, 2016.
If you have never attended one of these seminars, I want to tell you that you are missing out, the
proceeds goes to Rescue, you have the opportunity to talk, listen to, learn from, and get assisted with
some of the best Newfoundland Groomers that there is. I can say that from my Opinion, I have
witnessed them working, saw the before and after Newfs and I must say I am astounded by how
improved they are for show. There are so many ways to learn during this, that I assure you that if
you attend more than one you will learn something new every year.
Nice Job Sue Zientara Rita Jacobs and Jean McAdams, the pictures say it all!
On April 16-17, RKNC held their Annual Draft Test at Gordon Moore
Park, Alton Illinois.
It was an exciting day for the exhibitors, judges and stewards trying to get everything right. As
always the exhibitors have worked hard with their Newfs to get ready for this day. Sometimes
nerves get in the way, or you start to ask yourself did I remember that right. So everyone listens
intently to what the judges are saying about the course and the last minute questions. Then it is time
to start. The DDX was first both days with the DD test following right after. There was an
excellent lunch prepared for all who attending, several soups and desserts, drinks, and other items to
satisfy those hunger pains.
On Saturday, April 16, 2016 we had 4 DDX exhibitors and 4 DD exhibitors test. The DDX
exhibitors were: Damian Burke with Suze, Connie Meech with Beau, Cassie Iken with Pasha and
Mark Iken with Nitro. The DD exhibitors were: Carol Giffhorn with Bravo, Andy Zinsmeyer with
Boxer, Sue Zientara with Doozie and Sue Matzke with Hailey and Tucker. On Saturday we did not
have any qualifiers, but I can tell you they worked very hard trying, while taking pictures you could
see and hear them working their Newfs.
On Sunday, April 17, 2017 we had 2 DDX exhibitors and 3 DD exhibitors test. The DDX
exhibitors were Damian Burke with Suze and Connie Meech with Beau. The DD exhibitors on
Sunday were Carol Giffhorn with Bravo, Sue Zientara with Doozie and Sue Matzke with Hailey and
Tucker. On Sunday we started again, the course was slightly modified keeping it interesting. Once
again our exhibitors started again with their Newfs, each one watching, guiding, and instructing
every step of the way. The driving figure eight is a bear, I have not seen anyone succeed in
completing it on the DDX test, while the 90 degree turns even with the improved distance for the
90 degree lines proved to be a challenge for most. On Sunday we did have a qualifier, Way to
Go Sue Zientara and Doozie, what a fantastic job on a difficult course.
On the following pages I intend to devote a page for each exhibitor, overall I took almost 700
pictures during the event, but I will only post a few of them for each exhibitor.
I do not want to leave out our stewards who worked very hard in keeping the course per guidelines,
protecting our exhibitors from outside influence, and maneuvering the objects as need be for each
team entered. We want to thank Chris Jones, Sylvia Steiling, Vince Molinarolo, Jenny Harrison,
Jennifer Jones, Robert Owens and Rick Pourchot.
In our lunchroom Janice Henderson, Patty Pourchot and Linda Manley for keeping things ready to
eat. No one works well on an empty stomach you know.
No test can be successful without a test secretary keeping us all straightened out, thanks Pat Owens.
If you were an exhibitor and would like a DVD of the pictures I took on your run on the course and
or in the obedience ring, please let me know. I ended up with over 700 pictures of the event. Of
course I had the camera set for high resolution, therefore the complete set is approximately 7
gigabyte of data. I can’t say I got every moment but I got a lot of them.
Damian Burke with Suze (Sat and Sun) during the DDX test.
Connie Meech with Beau (Saturday and Sunday) during the DDX
Cassie Iken with Pasha on the Saturday DDX Test.
Watch these photo’s for the textbook way to make a perfect 90 Deg Turn! Yeh Pasha
Mark Iken with Nitro on Saturday DDX test.
DD Test Obedience Portion on Saturday and Sunday April 16-17, 2016.
Carol with Bravo on the DD test on Saturday and Sunday.
Sue Zientara with Doozie on the DD test on Saturday and Sunday.
Andy Zinsmeyer with Boxer on the DD test on Saturday.
Sue Matzke with Hailey and Tucker on the DD Test on Sat and Sun.
RKNC April 17,2016 Draft Test Qualifier
Congratulations Sue and Doozie on your new DD Title, what a fantastic
Run on the course both days.
Canine Health:
Nutritional Concerns for Senior Dogs
If you have time and would like to read and or listen to pod casts on our four legged Children try
out this website. It is the AKC Canine Health Foundation.
Here is a link to a podcast on Nutritional Concerns for Senior and Geriatric
Keeping you dog safe during the Holidays
Here is a link that discusses Bloat, the video is approx. 40 minutes long, what
is bloat, what causes bloat, what can be done if you dog has it, possible
complications, length of recovery etc.
(Short cut to video)
Pet Therapy Programs: Tapping into your Dogs Natural Instinct
The Basics of Canine Massage and Chiropractic
Gene & Linda Manley’s Samson received his AKC Therapy Dog Advanced Certificate
at the end of February 2016.
Way to go Big Guy, you continue to surprise me with your talent every week.
Lana Tauben wrote:
On Friday and Saturday, April 22-23, 2016 at the Terre Haute, Indiana fair grounds, sponsored by
the Terre Haute Kennel Club and Bloomington, Indiana Kennel Club AKC CH, UKC, GCH, Int’l
Multi CH Jackson Cancrimo Z Lednickiego Zakola CGC and I received BOBOH for 10 NOHS
points. Although we didn’t place in group we had a great time for our first show since last
Way to go Lana and GCH Jackson Cancrimo Z Lednickiego Zakola CGC for a
job well done!
Carol Giffhorn’s Bravo, ThreePonds Standing Ovation II, earned his Championship on April
2, 2016 at Purina Farms. He was BOB on Saturday and on Sunday he was moved up and also got
BOB over a special. His Daddy George’s, GCH Silver Heartsease King of the Jungle, Owner wrote
on Facebook that George was bursting with pride when learning about Bravo.
Bravo telling Carol he likes to water train.
Way to Go Bravo & Carol!
Bravo’s Daddy George showing off!!
Rescue Report – April 2016
by: Debbie Fitton
Happy tails to all of you! Kim and Jim DeSutter have fostered Guinness, the Newf from the
Humane Society of Missouri, since the end of February. Guinness was heartworm positive and had
mange for so long that most of his fur has fallen out. Guinness continues to receive veterinary care
and is doing quite well. Kim reports that he is a super nice dog who is a good house pet and walks
well on leash. Guinness has encountered other dogs at the veterinary office and there have been no
issues. There is a picture of Guinness in this newsletter. He is a handsome boy even though he
doesn't have much fur yet. I plan to start screening for adoptive homes soon so Guinness will find
his forever family.
I have been in contact with a family member of a deceased Newf owner inquiring if rescue will assist
with placing their dog, Mia. There has been some delay as the family member lives in Houston, TX
where massive flooding has occurred. As I find out more information, I will be emailing the
In the February newsletter issue, I reported that rescue would possibly be receiving a nine year old
Newf. I'm happy to tell you that this dog's veterinary was able to assist the owner to place the dog
with another client who just happened to want to adopt a senior large dog!
Condolences to Christina Ramirez and family who lost their dog, Dutchess in March. Christina had
adopted Dutchess from River King four years ago. There was a picture of Dutchess and Christina in
the last newsletter on Dutchess 11th birthday.
Please see pictures in this newsletter of a couple of Newfs that were adopted through River King.
There is a picture of Sammy as he is pulling his teddy bear on a sled. Sammy was a sweet natured
'hand full' that has flourished the past few years in his home. Also, there is a picture of Digs who is a
brown beauty. Digs has recently had some health issues. His owners are diligent with Dig's
veterinary care and are thankful everyday that Digs brings them such companionship.
A contribution to NCA rescue recently touched my heart. Sadly, my friend Leonard recently lost his
almost 12 year old Newf, Snuffles. Leonard had a friend that he knew from a computer Newf site
who sent a memorial to NCA rescue in Snuffles name, specifically to the Precious Newf Fund for
Rose's care. Rose is the NCA rescue that Ed and I have been fostering since June 2015. Rose and
the many other Newfoundlands had suffered immense neglect and cruelty throughout their lives
until taken into rescue. Rose continues to take tiny baby steps towards learning to trust people.
Special thank-you to friends of rescued Newfs, Barry Richardson and Gene & Linda Manley for
your monetary gifts to River King Rescue. Your gifts are very appreciated and fund this program so
all Newfoundlands will find their forever families.
Please do not forget to look on next page we have some pictures of our rescues which appear to be
very happy.
This is a Picture of Guinness who is fostered by
Kim and Jim DeSutter. Kim describes his as a
Very sweet, calm, quiet and smart dog.
The big fellow pulling his sleigh with his Teddy Bear is
Sammy. Sammy was adopted through River King Newf
Rescue in December 2012 by Lynn Snook. As you can see
Sammy enjoys his life with Lynn.
I cannot speak for you but this makes me feel really good that these Newfoundlands, Sammy and
Guinness, got a second chance for a forever home. Look at their faces, there is no sadness.
Birthday Celebration of Newfoundlands that have reached 7 or more years
Birthdays of Our Newfoundlands which have reached their 7th year Birthday. (This
is something new that I will need your assistance to keep up to date. If you can send
me the information, I will create a list to aid me. Or you can just email about their
special day before it occurs for the Newsletter.
Happy 11th Birthday Kozmo on April 15, 2016.
Mom says you are a very special boy and You always make life interesting.
But I think you are one handsome dude!
No information was sent for the rainbow bridge with is perfectly alright with me. Peace and quiet is
a good thing right now. I hope you all agree.
Dog Terms Guide
I am relative new to conformation, obedience ring language, even though I have owned and or been
around canines for most of my life going on 68 years, so if you have someone like me who could use
some help in understanding what people are talking about this is it. It has most of the terms used in
the obedience and conformation area. Please share as desired, if you already know all of them please
Color Terms
List of "Dog Terms"
Belton: intermingled colored and white hairs.
Bicolor: a coat of two distinct colors.
Brindle: an even mixture of dark colors with lighter colors, usually as a striped, tiger-like coat.
Domino: reverse facial mask.
Fawn: color of a newborn deer.
Grizzled: a roan pattern that is usually a mixture of black, bluish-gray, iron gray, or red
with white.
Harlequin: black or blue patches on white.
Hound-colored: black, tan and white with a black saddle.
Lion color: tawny tan coat color with darker shading, as seen in Ibizan Hounds.
Merle: a mottled, marbled effect (usually red or black, sometimes blue).
Parti-colored: variegated patches of two or more colors.
Piebald: black and white or two other colors in patches.
Roan: an even mixture of white and another color.
Sable: black tips on silver, gray, gold, fawn or brown hairs.
Saddle: dark patches over the back.
Spectacles: dark markings around the eyes.
Ticked: small areas of black or other dark colors on a white background.
Tricolor: a coat of three distinct colors, usually black, white and tan.
Wheaten: pale yellow or fawn colored.
Coat Terms
Corded: coat that is intertwined in the form of long, narrow mats giving a mop-like appearance
(example Komondor).
Double coat: fine undercoat of some dogs that is combined with a harsher outer guard coat.
Feathered: long hair on the ears, backs of legs and beneath the tail.
Flag: long fringe on the tail.
Jacket: tight body coat of a terrier.
Mane: profuse growth of hair on the rear of the neck.
Plume: profusely feathered tail carried over the back.
Ruff: profuse growth of hair on the front of the neck, or surrounding the entire neck.
Single coat: coat that is one layer thick, lacking an undercoat.
Standoff coat: coat that sticks out from the body rather than lying flat (example:
Norwegian Elkhound).
Topknot: tuft of hair on the top of head.
Head Terms
Apple head: extremely domed skull.
Brachycephalic: Broad head with short muzzle (example: Pug)
Butterfly nose: spotted or partially unpigmented nose.
Chiseled: clean-cut muzzle and foreface.
Dish-faced: nose tipped up.
Dolichocephalic: narrow head with long muzzle (example: Collie).
Down-faced: muzzle curved downward.
Dudley nose: liver- or flesh-colored nose.
Fill: fullness beneath the eyes, not chiseled.
Flews: upper lips, especially those that are pendulous.
Haw: exposed nictitating membrane (third eyelid), especially if unpigmented.
Head Terms Cont’d
Mesatacephalic: medium-width head with medium-length muzzle (example: Beagle).
Occiput: highest point at the back of the skull, above where the neck joins the head; in
many breeds it forms a crest and is quite prominent.
Stop: transition area from the back of the skull to muzzle, often demarcated by an
abrupt depression.
Snipey: weak, pointed muzzle lacking under jaw.
Teeth Terms
Bite: occlusion; relationship of the upper and lower jaws when the mouth is closed.
Canine tooth: the first premolar; long grasping tooth or a dog's fang.
Deciduous: temporary. Example: A puppy's deciduous teeth are shed before maturity
and replaced by permanent teeth.
Canine tooth development and eruption. In the dog, there are 12 deciduous incisors that
erupt at four to five weeks of age, three on each side, six in the upper jaw and six in the
Behind them are four deciduous canine teeth, one on either side, in the upper and lower jaws
that erupt at about the same time as the incisors.
The 12 deciduous premolars erupt about a week later, and are positioned behind the canines,
three on each side, in the upper and lower jaws. They complete the set of 28 deciduous or
milk teeth.
At about three months of age, the central incisors are replaced by permanent teeth. The four
permanent canine teeth are often the last to appear, and typically are not visible until about
six months of age.
Permanent premolars begin to erupt about four months of age. There are four on each side,
on both the upper and lower jaws, and the rearmost is usually visible by six months of age.
Those 16 permanent teeth take the place of the 12 deciduous premolars.
The two upper molars on each side and three lower molars on each side also begin to appear
at about
four months, with the last of the ten erupting at about six months.
Those 42 teeth make up the permanent set of adult teeth.
Eruption: 1. Breaking out of a visible, circumscribed lesion of the skin. 2. Normal activity of the
teeth as they break through the gums.
Full dentition: no missing teeth.
Incisors: anyone of the "biting off' or "cutting" teeth directly in the front of the mouth. There are
six incisors in the upper jaw, six in the lower. They are named central, intermediate, and corner.
Level bite: when upper and lower incisors meet evenly.
Overbite: when upper incisors overlap lower incisors, leaving a gap between the teeth.
Scissors bite: when upper incisors just overlap lower incisors, such that the rear surface of the
upper incisors touches the outer surface of the lower incisors.
Premolars: smaller teeth situated just to the rear of the fangs (canines).
Punishing mouth: strong, powerful jaws.
Undershot bite: when lower incisors extend beyond upper incisors.
Ear Terms
Bat ears: large, erect ears (example: French Bulldog).
Bear ears: small erect ear.
Blunt ears: ears that are too short and rounded at the tips.
Button ears: semi-prick ears in which the top portion folds forward (example: Fox Terrier).
Cropping: the surgical removal of a portion of a dog's ear to make it stand erect. Cropping is
cosmetic surgery.
Drop ears: long, hanging ears. (Example: Basset Hound).
Ear: organ of hearing-inner ear, middle ear and external ear canal. 2. Pinna
or earflap.
Ear canal: external duct leading from the tympanic membrane (eardrum)
to the outside Ear Terms Cont’d
Ear canker: external ear ulceration and infection.
Ear carriage: 1. Describing the way the ears are held, indicating the dog's mood. 2. Position
of the ear's attachment to the head.
Ear clamps: templates or patterns that are attached to an anesthetized dog's ears to outline where
the surgical cropping cut is to be made.
Ear clip: act of cutting off and rounding the pendulant ears of hounds to give them a
shortened, uniform appearance and to lessen the probability of tearing the ear leather in the
Ear feather: long hair on an earflap, typical of the Cocker Spaniel and many other breeds.
Ear foreign bodies: grass seeds and various other extraneous matter that finds its way into the
external ear canals of dogs.
Ear fringe: long hair on the tips of the ears that is seen in
Bedlington Terriers
Ear guide dog: canine specially trained to aid deaf humans.
Ear hematoma: pocket of blood that occurs between the layers of the ear pinna cartilage and skin.
It is often caused by shaking head and Whipping the ears due to ear mites or foreign bodies in the
external ear canals.
Ear leather: pinna or flap of the ear.
Ear mange: redness and crustiness of the ear that is usually caused by ear mites
(Otodectes cynotis).
Earmark: tattoo that is impregnated in the ear leather as a means of permanent
Ear mites: Otodectes cynotis, a tiny mite that parasitizes ear canals and causes intense itching and
Ear notch: in foxhunting, a small notch, or notches, cut in the margin of the ear of the entire pack
to immediately identify the dogs of that pack.
Ear ossicles: three bones of the middle ear-malleus, incus and stapes. They transmit sound waves
from the eardrum to the otic ganglion.
Ear set: describing where on the heard the ears are attached
Ears set high: placement of ears high on the crown of the head.
Ears set low: placement of the ears set low on the head.
Ears set wide: placement of the ears on the head at the maximum distance apart.
Erect: perk ear; pinna of the ear that stands erect, either normally or assisted by ear
Rose ears: small ears folded back in repose (example: Greyhound).
Semi drop ears: ears that fall over the breaks at the tip.
Semi prick: aural appendages that are carried erect with the tips breaking forward.
Pendulant or Pendant: hanging down (example: Bloodhound's ears).
Pinna: the part of the ear that outside the head; flap or leather.
Prick ears: ears that stand upright (example: German Shepherd Dog).
Trowel: ear that is wider in the middle than at the attachment of its tip.
Tulip: ears that stand erect with a slight forward and inward curvature.
V-Shaped: drop ear that tapers to a point.
Body Terms
Barrel chest: rounded ribcage.
Brisket: chest or sternum area.
Cape: long, thick hair covering the shoulders.
Cob by: compact, short and square.
Herring gutted: gradual slope from a fairly shallow chest to tuck-up.
High in rear: a dog that is higher over its rear quarters than over its front quarters.
High-stationed: tall and long-legged.
Hock: Since the hock is a joint it cannot itself be long or short; terms such as long or short in hock
refer to the distance between the hock joint and the ground.
Hock Joint: joint on the hind limb between lower thigh and pastern.
Loin: region between the ribcage and croup.
Pastern: region of the metatarsus that extends from the hock to the foot in the hind leg, and the
metacarpal area of the foreleg.
Racy: long-legged with a slight build.
Rangy: long-bodied with a shallow chest.
Rib spring: arch formed by the ribcage; more spring refers to more arch.
Roach back: an overly arched, convex top line.
Shelly: narrow, shallow chest and body.
Short-coupled: short loin area.
Slab-sided: flat-ribbed.
Swayback: a sunken, concave topline.
Topline: line fanned by the withers, back loin, and croup.
Tuck-up: area under the loin in a small-waisted dog.
Forequarters Terms
Bowed front: forelegs that curve out between the elbows and pasterns.
Down in pastern: weak, overly sloping pastern.
East west front: when feet turn out to the sides, pointing away from each other.
Foreleg: the front leg
Fiddle front: east-west front combined with a bowed front, so that the assembly looks
like a fiddle.
Lay back: angle at which the shoulders are set on the dog's body.
Knuckled over: steep pastern, or with a reverse slope.
Loaded shoulders: overly muscled or lumpy forequarters.
Out at elbow: elbows that stick out from the sides of the ribcage.
Returned: setback of the upper arm under the dog's body.
Shoulder or scapula: also used (incorrectly) to refer to both the scapula and upper area
(humerus) region.
Shoulder angulation: angle formed between the scapula and humerus.
Toed-in front: or pigeon toed: feet pointing toward each other.
Rear quarters Terms
Bandy-legged: wide, bowed-legged rear quarters.
Cow-hocked: viewed from behind, the point of the hocks point toward each other, resulting in
the rear feet pointing outward.
Lower thigh: area from stifle to hock, also called second thigh.
Rear angulation: angles formed between the pelvis, thigh bone (femur) and second or
lower thigh bone (tibia/fibula).
Sickle-hocked: viewed from the side, an over-angulated joint between the lower thigh and hock;
an inability to straighten this joint when moving. Well letdown: short hocks.
Foot Terms
Cat foot: short, round foot.
Dew claws: extra toes on the insides of the front and sometimes rear legs.
Hare foot: long, narrow foot.
Mops: 1. Profuse hair on the paws 2. German name for the Pug.
Paper foot: flat foot.
Splay foot: toes that are not close together
Tail Terms
Bobtail: very short, almost stump-like tail (example: Pembroke Welsh Corgi).
Brush tail: tail covered in hair in such a manner as to give it a bottled-brush appearance
(example: Siberian Husky).
Docked tail: tail cut to a shorter length (example: Doberman).
Gay tail: tail carried above the level of the back.
Saber tail: slightly curved, low-carried tail.
Screw tail: short, twisted tail (example: English Bulldog).
Movement Terms
Close behind: moving with hocks close together.
Crabbing: sidewinding.
Crossing-over: when viewed from the front (or rarely, the rear), the legs converge beyond
the midline.
Drive: strong thrust from the hindquarters.
Gait: way of moving.
Hackney: high-stepping front movement.
Loose movement: erratic movement suggestive of poor muscle
Lumbering: heavy, ungainly movement.
Pacing: moving both legs on the same side of the body in unison, as though hobbled
Pounding: front feet hitting the ground with a jarring reaction.
Reach: length of forward stride.
Single tracking: as viewed from the front or rear, the legs converge toward the centerline of
balance as the dogtrots.
Sound: good movement viewed from the front and rear.
Trotting: moving diagonal legs in unison.
General Terms
Adoption: to choose or take as one's own; make one's own by selection or assent. To adopt a pet.
Agility: judged competitive timed events for dogs and their handlers in which dogs are trained to
master different obstacles such as: tunnels, bridges, various types of high jumps, jumps through
windows, board jumps and jumps through tires. The course also includes inclined planes, elevated
planks to walk, A-frames to climb and more. Various agility titles are awarded to dogs that
successfully complete the course in which they are entered.
Balance: overall proportion and symmetry of conformation.
Bitch: female dog.
Bucketing: to bucket a puppy: Bucketing, to bucket a puppy: When a breeder tosses a newborn
puppy into water, drowning it. The reason for the practice is often the breeder feels the dog is not
worthy of life because it does not make the written club standards of the specific breed or the
puppy does not display the preferred color or type even though it is accepted by the club.
Conformation: physical make-up.
Cynophobia: the fear of dogs.
Dam: female parent.
Dealer: one who buys and sells dogs bred by others.
Dominance: assertive characteristics of a dog and its influence over other dogs.
Dominant: alpha dog of a pack that displays a behavior superiority or dominance over other dogs
of the pack and exerts a rule influence
Dysplasia: abnormality of development, especially of the hip or elbow, but it may refer to an organ
of the body
Dystrophy: abnormal behavior; behavior problems.
Fl: First generation or first cross-the result of two purebred dogs mated together. The puppies
would be FI
F2: second cross--could mean any next step in the breeding program after Fl. Often the Fl
offspring bred back to a purebred dog.
F3: third cross after F2 and so on.
Feathering: whelping technique where breeder helps pregnant mother dog (dam) along in her
Feist: Rat Terrier.
Feral dog: a dog living in a fully wild state.
Flock: 1. Collected group of livestock (usually sheep) that are used in a herding trial. 2. Farm
birds or livestock that are gathered or herded together.
Flyball: in agility trails, a competition that involves a course of jumping and ends with a treadle
that the dog steps on to cause a ball to pop out of a box. The dog must catch the ball and return
it to the handler.
Game Dog: a working dog usually a hunting, herding or terrier type that will work until it drops,
never gives up, perseveres and is ready and willing for anything. See Game Dogs
High in rear: a dog that is higher over its rear quarters than over its
front quarters.
High-stationed: tall and long-legged
Hip dysplasia: a very common and debilitating genetic disease of the hips, where the junction of
the femur head (large bone in the leg) and the hip socket do not fit, as they should. Often, surgery is
necessary to correct the problem.
In and in: inbreeding of dogs without regards to results
Inbred: descriptive of offspring of mated dogs that are closely related to each other
Inbreeding: practice of mating siblings to each other-father to daughter, mother to son, or
other animals closely related to each other.
Kennel: l. backyard doghouse where family pets or breeding stock are kept. 2. Commercial
establishment used to maintain a group of dogs, such as a boarding kennel. 3. In foxhunting, fox's
lair. 4. Foxhunting term for the hound pack's lodging place.
Kennel type: bloodline or strain of dogs that has been developed by an individual breeder in a
specific kennel
Line: 1. Family of related dogs usually bred by a single kennel. 2. In foxhunting, the track of a
quarry that is indicated by scent. 3. A stripe, streak or lineal mark on a dog's coat
Line breeding: mating two dogs that have the same bloodline but are not closely related; a
technique used to concentrate and fix genetic features in dog.
Lineage: genealogical descent from a common ancestor; dog's pedigree or family tree.
Metacarpus: referring to bones leading from the carpus (wrist) to the toes; anatomical region of the
Molossian dog: Greek sculpture of a Mastiff that belonged to Olympias, the daughter of King
Pyrrhus. It is supposed to be a direct ancestor of the modem Mastiff.
Mongrel: cur; mutt; mixed breeds; dogs of unknown ancestry and
questionable parentage.
Mops: 1. Profuse hair on the paws. 2. German name for the Pug.
OFA: Orthopedic Foundation for Animals.
OFA-certified: a dog's hips have been x-rayed for hip dysplasia, a very common and
debilitating genetic disease.
Pariah dog: is used as a generic term for dogs with a more or less intensive human connection.
Some scientists reserve the term for the Indian dog of a specific type, i.e. a Pariah dog: ownerless
half-wild mongrel dog common around Asian villages especially India.
Plucking: pulling out loose hair by hand
Puppy Mill: place in which puppies are bred, often in unsuitable and sometimes inhumane
conditions, for sale to dealers
Purebred: a dog that has parents of the same breed.
Schutzhund: dog that is specially trained and conditioned for guard and attack
Schutzhund competition: tests of a guard dog's training in attacking a wellpadded "enemy".
Sch: abbreviation for the sport of Schutzhund.
Sire: male parent
Square-proportioned: height at withers equal to length from point of sternum to
point of croup.
Stacking: teaching a dog to stand in a show stance that exhibits its characteristics
Standard: the official blueprint for a breed.
Stifle: knee joint; articulation between the tibia and fibula and the femur.
Stray dog: a dog more or less associated with man who does not have a home; homeless;
without a home.
Stripping: the process of hand plucking the outer guard hairs either with your fingers or a
stripping knife. Removal of the undercoat and dead outer coat without losing the harsh texture;
Substance: fairly heavy bone and musculature
Typey: having a superior body conformation; meeting the breed’s standard
Variety: a subtype of a breed that is shown separately, but that can be interbred with other varieties
of the same breed.
Weedy: lacking sufficient bone and musculature
Wicket: device for measuring the height of a dog, consisting of two vertical bars joined by a
horizontal bar that can be adjusted for height.
Help Make Your Newsletter Valuable
This newsletter is all about RKNC, of course, and RKNC is nothing if not its members, so please
help make this newsletter all it can be by sending in your news, updates, brags, notices, photos, and
everything else Newf- related (short of classified ads.)
If you have a lot of photos from a recent RKNC event, please consider creating a slideshow on a
free photo- sharing site (such as PhotoBucket). The newsletter will publish a photo or two from
your collection along with a link to the entire set of images; this way, the size of the newsletter can
be kept manageable for emailing. (Photos, even web-resolution JPGS, consume a lot of file space
and computer memory, and ‘compressing’ the newsletter PDF file compromises the quality of the
entire document.)
The newsletter is currently published bi-monthly, and as a helpful reminder here are the current schedule and
submission deadlines:
Estimated Publication
Feb 28
Apr 30
Submission Deadline
Feb 18
Apr 20
Jun 30
Jun 20
Aug 30
Oct 30
Dec 30
Aug 20
Oct 20
Dec 20
This schedule will make the newsletter “summary” in nature, being published at the end of each
two-month period; this will allow us to include draft test results in the March-April issue, water test
results in the July-August issue, specialty results in the Sept-October issue, and obedience trial results
in the January-February issue. But that can happen only if results and reports are submitted in a
timely manner. And if you’re writing something for this newsletter, please keep in mind the
relationship between what you’re writing about and when the newsletter will be published. THANK
YOU for your support of the RKNC newsletter!
Editor’s Message: What an exciting year so far, Show and Go, St. Patrick Day Parade, Grooming
Seminar, Draft and Go and Draft Test already completed for 2016, please send me your pictures,
stories, etc.; you can send emails, mailed documents with information at any time, suggestions, ideas
on how to make the newsletter better are always appreciated, please send it to Gene