Agricultural research tackling climate change in


Agricultural research tackling climate change in
Agricultural research tackling climate change in Uruguay G. Cardozo V. Ciganda, L. Salvo & V. Pravia AnimalChange Project Regional Workshop Livestock and Climate Change 12th and 13th February 2015 Embrapa Agriculture InformaKcs, Campinas, SP, Brazil Content •  IntroducKon •  NaKonal GHG inventory. •  Systems and farm level studies. •  Research plaPorms and main results. •  GRN and internaKonal cooperaKon •  Summary Argen7na Uruguay • Area:176.000 km2 (17.600.000 ha) • PopulaKon: ~ 3.500.000 • PBI: Agriculture ~10% • Climate: temperate, seven ecoregions • 2009: Na7onal Plan for the preven7on, mi7ga7on and adapta7on to Climate Change Introducción “Agricultural research tackling climate change in Uruguay” DistribuKon of Livestock Stock 2014 Beef ca]le 11.400.000 56% Sheeps 8.200.000 40.3% Dairy ca]le 755.000 3.7% Livestock producKon systems in Uruguay Grassland w/ 20% improved & culKvated pastures Based on NaKve Grassland (w/ 11% improved pastures) 81% 17% < 1,5% Strong ac7vity data available on-­‐
line by the Direc7on of Agricultural Sta7s7cs (DIEA) Feedlots Weather outlook for Uruguay •  IPCC Model agrees with observed trends: –  increase in intense precipita7on events (summer) –  lower frequency of days with meteorological frost –  increased number of warm nights –  increased dura7on of heat waves HIGHER VARIABILITY Beathgen & Terra, 2010 Government inventory at na7onal level. The Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries has developed strong acKons to esKmate GHG emissions for various types of producKon: livestock, crops, dairy and rice. Coopera7on at the na7onal and interna7onal level -­‐  Global Research Alliance for Greenhouse Gasses -­‐  Research insKtutes -­‐  UniversiKes Goal: -­‐to use the informaKon at commercial level -­‐supporKng new specific policy miKgaKon and adaptaKon to CLIMATE CHANGE. Introducción “Agricultural research tackling climate change in Uruguay” NaKonal Climate Change System ( Climate Change Unit (DINAMA – MVOTMA) Technical Commi]ee of Experts MGAP Others Prepara&on and upda&ng of the Na&onal Inventory of net greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Inventory of GHG •  Uruguay raKfied Kioto protocol in 2001 •  NaKonal DirecKon of the Environment (DINAMA) √ Inventories GHG (Tier 1 and Tier 2): 1990, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2002 & 2004 √ NaKonal CommunicaKons: 1st: 1997 2nd: 2004 3rd: 2010 AnimalChange Project Regional Workshop Livestock and Climate Change Introducción Neta,kkton
Net Emisión
Emission, ton CO2
eq. GHG evoluKon in Uruguay 25000
1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006
Año­‐nacionales Introducción DistribuKon of Net GHG Emissions in 2004 21.2%
Excludes net emission of CO2 (nega&ve). h]p:// "Inventory “Agricultural of GHG ermissions: esearch tCackling omponent climate livestock. change Rieality n Uruguay” in Uruguay " Introducción Methane Emissions 2004 1.8%
Energy 0.2%
Agricultura -­‐ Fermentación
Agriculture-­‐ Enteric Entérica
Fermenta7on. Agricultura -­‐ Arroz
Agriculture-­‐ Rice. Agricultura -­‐ otros
Agriculture-­‐ others. Desperdicios -­‐ Residuos Waste -­‐ Solid Waste sólidos
Desperdicios -­‐ Aguas residuaes
Waste -­‐ Wastewater h]p:// Nitrous Oxide Emissions 2004 31.8%
Energy Energía
Agriculture-­‐ Grasslands Agricultura -­‐ S suelos oils. pastoreo
Agriculture-­‐ Indirect Agricultura -­‐ Emisiones indirectas
Emissions. Agriculture-­‐ Direct Agricultura -­‐ Emisiones directas
Emissions. Desperdicios
Waste­‐nacionales EsKmaKons at farm level Ø  Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Beef Cow-­‐Calf Grazing Systems in Uruguay.2014 Gonzalo Becoña, Laura AsKgarraga & ValenKn D. Picasso. Sustainable Agriculture Research; Vol. 3, No. 2; 2014. Canadian Center of Science and EducaKon. Ø  Prac7ces to Reduce Milk Carbon Footprint on Grazing Dairy Farms in Southern Uruguay: Case Studies. Carolina Lizarralde, ValenKn Picasso, C. Alan Rotz, Monica Cadenazzi & Laura AsKgarraga. Sustainable Agriculture Research; Vol. 3, No. 2; 2014. Canadian Center of Science and EducaKon. Ø  Sustainability of meat produc7on beyond carbon footprint: a synthesis of case studies from grazing systems in Uruguay. Valenrn D. Picasso, Pablo D. Modernel, Gonzalo Becoña, Lucía Salvo, Lucía GuKérrez, Laura AsKgarraga. Meat Science 98 (2014) 346–354. Ø  Global versus local environmental impacts of grazing and confined beef produc7on systems. P Modernel, L AsKgarraga and V Picasso. Environ. Res. Le]. 8 (2013) 035054 (10pp) FARM LEVEL PROJECT •  Co-­‐innova7on approach that allows re-­‐designing livestock produc7on systems. •  14 farms based on natural grassland. •  Improving grazing management combined with beaer animal technologies. •  SOC evolu7on, monitoring through POM, and ac7ve Carbon. COORDINATED WITH • 
Project “Rural Developement and Adapta7on to Climate Change” (DACC) – Préstamo Banco Mundial 8099-­‐UY OBJECTIVE: To support farmers to develop a sustainable use of natural resources, adapKng to climate variablity and climate change. • 
Project “Livestock family farmers and climate change”. (GFCC) – Donación Fondo de Adaptación del Protocolo de Kyoto • 
General ObjecKve: Built naKonal capacity to adapt to climate variability and climate change, focusing on livestock farmers in two vulnerable zones 2 REGION More livestock family farmer More vulnerability RESEARCH PLATFORMS AND MAIN RESULTS. Evolu7on of soil organic carbon There have been studies on the evoluKon of SOC in integrated crop-­‐pasture and conKnuous cropping under different soil Kllage systems. •  Long-­‐term experiment of INIA La Estanzuela 1963 •  Long-­‐term experiment of Agronomy-­‐Paysandú 1993 •  Long-­‐term experiment INIA 33-­‐ Palo a Pique 1995 Long term pasture, 2 and 3 years In purely pastoral systems, studies on evolu7on of COS have been less frequent. • Experiments long-­‐term improvements field with P ferKlizaKon. INIA 33-­‐ Palo a Pique 1995 At present there are many projects within their objec7ves pose the study of the evolu7on of COS in pastoral systems, with different grazing management. Fac. de Agronomía 48
SOC INIA 33 Crop-­‐pasture systems Long term experiments 18 years, 0-20 cm depth, slope: 0-1%
NT system, 8 years, 0-­‐15 cm depth 44
SOC (Mg ha-­‐1) SOC (Mg ha-1 year--1)
45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 b
ConKnuos Long rotaKon cropping Salvo & Bayer 2014 Improved pasture Terra et al., 2006 INIA La Estanzuela Pasture systems 50 year, 0-­‐20 cm depth, slope 3% SOC (%) Crop pasture systems CC with ferKlizaKon CC without ferKlizaKon SOC (g kg-­‐1) 25 20 15 10 Quincke et al., 2013 a
5 0 Conven7onal 7llage 9 years, 0-­‐15 cm depth NaKve pasture Imp. Pasture, Imp. Pasture, 30 units P2O5 60 units P2O5 Salvo et al., 2008 Quan7fica7on of CH4 and N2O emissions – soil. • In conKnuous cropping systems and crop-­‐pasture integraKon the first GHG measurements were performed approximately on 2003 (Long-­‐term experiment of Agronomy-­‐Paysandú 1993). Perdomo et al, 2009 Cycl Agroecosyst Nutr 84: 119-­‐128. • In Riceland since 2007 GHG measures have been conducted conKnuously by INIA 33-­‐Paso de la Laguna. INIA-­‐Fac. Agronomy -­‐ Faculty of Science. Irisarri et al. 2012. Emisiones de CH4 y N2O en un arrozal: primeras medidas en el sistema
productivo uruguayo. Agrociencia, V16, N°2, 1-10.
• In grasslands
emission factors of urine and feces have been
Perdomo et al, . 2012. Emisiones de óxido nitroso de suelos bajo cultivos anuales, pasturas y plantaciones
forestales en Uruguay. Actas del XIX Congreso latinoamericano de la Ciencia del Suelo y XXIII Congreso
argentino de la Ciencia del Suelo, Mar del Plata, 2012. CD –ROM
Ciganda VS. 2011. Inventario de emisiones de GEI: Componente ganadería. Realidad en Uruguay. In: Taller
internacional: Limitaciones y Desafíos para los Inventarios Nacionales de GEI del sector Pecuario ,
FAO-INIA Chile, Osorno.
GHG Fac. de Agronomía Soil-­‐N2O average of 3 years N-­‐N2O (kg ha-­‐1 ano-­‐1) 3.5 3.0 2.5 Emission factors urine and feces: ~=0,1% (Perdomo et al., 2012) 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 CC Soil-­‐CH4 CP NT Average of 2 years CC C-­‐CH4 (kg ha-­‐1 year-­‐1) CT CP CT NT 0.0 Soil-­‐N2O -­‐0.2 -­‐0.4 -­‐0.6 -­‐0.8 -­‐1.0 Salvo & Bayer 2014 INIA -­‐ La Estanzuela Ciganda 2011 Nitrous Oxide DeterminaKons a) Urine collecKon b)Treatment applicaKon and gas collecKon Nitrous Oxide DeterminaKons • StaKc closed chamber technique •  Gas analysis by gas chromatography Quan7fica7on of enteric CH4 emissions One of the first effort to quantify enteric CH4 emission was the Research
INIA-EPA Project: Mitigation of Methane Emissions by Ruminants in
Uruguay (2001 – 2004). J. Mieres y D. Martino.
•  Mieres et. al 2003. Methane Emissions from Holstein Heifers Grazing
Contrasting Pastures in Uruguay. Third International Methane and
Nitrous Oxide Mitigation Conference, Beijing, China, November 2003.
• Dini Y. 2012. Enteric methane emissions from dairy cows at grassland
pastures dominated by grasses or legumes. UNIVERSIDAD DE LA
• Dini, Y. F., Ciganda V.S. & Cajarville, C., 2014. Emisión de metano de
bovinos de carne en condiciones de pastoreo: efecto de la calidad de
pasturas utilizadas en Uruguay. Congreso AUPA 2014.
Fac. de Agronomía Enteric methane measurements in Holstein cows: 22,2 gCH4 kg-­‐1MS (Dini, 2012) GHG Results similar than other works in temperate climate INIA -­‐ La Estanzuela Beef cow Enteric methane measurements in Holstein heifer: 104,9 gCH4 d-­‐1 (Miere et al, 2003) Dini, Y. F., Ciganda V.S. & Cajarville, C., 2014 Enteric Methane DeterminaKons: SF6 tracer technique A) Methane collec7on through vacuum metal cilinders B) Dry maaer intake • Titanium Oxide technique Research Studies on N2O & CH4 Emissions from Animal Agriculture •  To quanKfy CH4 and N2O emissions from grazing ca]le under na7ve vs. cul7vated pastures. •  To quanKfy CH4 emissions from feedlots systems •  To develop country specific emission factors •  NaKonal and Regional Projects in progress (FTG/RF-­‐1028-­‐RG) Climate Change and Livestock: QuanKficaKon and MiKgaKon OpKons of Methane and Nitrous Oxide Emissions of Bovine Origin in grazing condiKons.h]p:// G. Berra 2011 – 2014 M. Alfaro E. Cárdenas P. Núñez V. Ciganda Project Coordinator: Verónica Ciganda URUGUAY PROCISUR (FTG/RF-­‐1028-­‐RG): Climate Change and Livestock: Objec&ve QuanKfy emissions of CH4 and N2O from ca]le under grazing condiKons and develop specific emission factors for each country; Set opKons for miKgaKon, depending on the producKve reality of the countries of the consorKum; and Strengthen research capaciKes. Global Research Alliance Community Focus Research, development and extension of technologies and pracKces to grow more food without growing GHG emissions. Livestock Research Group Structure and GRN GRN is the natural point of interac7on of the LRG with: -­‐ Soil C & N cycling cross-­‐cu|ng group modeling -­‐ Inventories & Measurement cross-­‐cu|ng group (soil C in grasslands) -­‐ Feed & NutriKon Network -­‐ To explore cooperate with other iniKaKves: Global Agenda of AcKon (AGAL-­‐FAO) Restoring Value to Grassland Focus Group Scope of the Network •  Scoping meeKng defined to focus on both Rangelands and Pastures •  Best management pracKces related to C sequestraKon (GHG removals) at farm perspecKve and potenKal of C sink in different farming systems •  Explore synergies between adaptaKon and miKgaKon strategies •  Improve understanding of the implicaKons of SOC losses and degradaKon •  IdenKfying knowledge gaps and opportuniKes for research collaboraKon between grasslands systems and rangelands systems •  Build capacity Specific research programmes and interna8onal coopera8on Agencies and Ins7tu7ons that promote and fund research on Climate Change: ANII – Research grants, Graduate fellowships, Posdocs INIA – Research projects Universidad de la República – Research projects In the three cases, GHG research projects compete with other disciplines. Interna7onal coopera7on (regional, global) is seen as an advantage and benefit by the three agencies/ins7tu7ons. But, up to now, we don’t have a Na8onal Research Programme on Greenhouse gases from Animal Agriculture Summary •  Increased work at different levels in coordina7on with government. •  Need to generate more knowledge to our specific condi7ons. •  Need to generate more research capabili7es. •  Great opportunity for synergies and interna7onal coopera7on. THANKS Gerónimo Cardozo