Ready Freddy - Salvation Army


Ready Freddy - Salvation Army
Coalface News | Diary Dates | Enrolments | Features | Mission Priorities Supplement | Opinion | Promoted to Glory | Reviews
The Salvation Army
Australia Eastern Territory
October 2010
Volume 14 Issue 10
Salvos Stores a mission
field for marketing man
Commissioner Linda Bond | Major Barbara Sampson | Lieut-Colonel Jan Cairns | Major Alan Harley | Lieut-Colonel Miriam Gluyas
Editoria l
The best is yet to come
t the start of this year, whenever I heard Chris
Tomlin’s song God of this City, I felt God telling me
that “greater things” were yet to come in my life.
I had a few of my own ideas about what that
meant, but in June God revealed his ideas when I applied for a
job in Canada.
From the initial email correspondence with the Editorial
Department in The Salvation Army’s Canada and Bermuda
Territory, I felt God saying, “Trust me”. I did (although not
as easily as it sounds), and from this month I will be living in
Toronto, Ontario, writing - as part of what I believe is my Godinspired ministry - for that territory's Salvationist magazine.
For the past 19 months, I have been employed by The
Salvation Army Australia Eastern Territory Communications
Department writing for Pipeline, Creative Ministry, Women in
Touch and More ( In that time, I have
discovered a passion for communicating the message of Christ
and promoting the work of the Army through the written word.
I have also experienced wonderful mentoring, support and
encouragement from all of my colleagues plus my superiors:
Scott Simpson, Major Peter Sutcliffe and Captain Peter
McGuigan (2009).
The move overseas is a challenging, and even scary,
adventure. I am leaving behind family, friends, and familiarities
in my church, job and home town. Despite that, I depart
Australia with not only my husband, but also my God, who
will never leave me nor forsake me.
The Salvation Army
International Headquarters
101 Queen Victoria street
London EC4P 4EP
Linda Bond, Commissioner
Territorial Commander
Julia Hosking meets the Salvos Stores marketing manager who is passionate
about evangelism
Television has MasterChef, The Salvation Army has MasterClass – a four-day
course to aid Christian ministers with the demanding task of preaching
Bill Simpson suggests a way to give and receive a gift at the same time
Scott Simpson
Managing Editor
Graphic design: Kem Pobjie,
James Gardner
Louise and Matt found love in an unexpected place. By Lauren Martin
Cover photo: Shairon Paterson
Editorial and correspondence:
Address: PO Box A435
Sydney South NSW 1235
Phone: (02) 9266 9639
Email: eastern.editorial
Captain Paul Moulds talks about what has shaped his commitment to
Australia’s young homeless
Peter Sutcliffe, Major
Communications Director
Pipeline is a publication of the
Communications Team
Julia Hosking
(Former) Pipeline writer
Shaw Clifton, General
Australia Eastern Territory
140 Elizabeth Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Furthermore, I am going to continue my work for The
Salvation Army, an international movement that unites
people on a global level. Already my husband and I have felt
welcomed by many strangers who are offering us friendship
and advice, simply because of our Salvation Army affiliation.
Writing for the Canada and Bermuda Territorial
publications will provide me with an opportunity to further
contribute to The Salvation Army’s international ministry something I have already been blessed to do. An additional
perk to this part of God’s plan for my life is being able to learn
how another country operates and see God’s beautiful creation
on another continent.
While I am somewhat nervous (though excited) about the
adventure ahead, and it is sad to leave so much behind, I know
that I can trust God and he will never lead me astray.
I end this editorial, the last thing I write for Pipeline (well,
for the time being, anyway), with a verse of Scripture that
really helped my husband and I as we struggled with, and
contemplated, all of our decisions leading up to this point.
I pray this verse will bless you, whether it helps you to
relax in God’s sovereignty, provide you with confirmation of
your calling, or challenge you to depend on God. Its reassuring
words say, “We can gather our thoughts, but the Lord gives the
right answer” (Proverbs 16:1, NLT).
Rural ministry remains a challenging arena as Lieutenant-Colonel Jan Cairns
recently found out
Published for:
The Salvation Army
Australia Eastern Territory
by Commissioner Linda Bond.
Printed by:
SOS Print + Media Group
65 Burrows Rd, Alexandria
NSW 2015, Australia
Print Post Approved
ALSO INSIDE: Eight-page Mission Priorities supplement
The creative force behind
the Agents of T.R.U.T.H.
pipeline 10/2010 3
Happy trails to you,
until we meet again
Itinerary for the visit
of Salvation Army
Chief of the Staff
Barry Swanson
and his wife
Sue Swanson
to the Australia
Eastern Territory in
Friday 10 December
7.30pm - Celebration
- 125th anniversary of
Salvation Army
- Chandler Theatre
Saturday 11 December
7pm - “The Night of a
1000 Stories” - Sydney
Convention Centre
Sunday 12 December
8.30am - Prayer Conc
- the Sydney
10am - Ordination and
Commissioning of the
Ambassadors of Holin
session of cadets Convention Centre
ld at
Kids Church will be he
this time in a sepa
at the centre
2pm - “Celebrating ou
Heritage” - includ
appointments of the
Ambassadors of Holin
session of cadets - Sy
Convention Centr
As she prepares to farewell two of her closest colleagues to new
appointments, Commissioner LINDA BOND ponders how life experiences
help to shape our faith
an any of you remember the early TV western, The Roy
Rogers Show? You know you are getting old when the
answer to that question is yes, especially as it was one
of the first shows when TV was launched.
It always ended with Roy Rogers and Dale Evans riding off
into the sunset, singing, Happy trails to you, until we meet again. It
was a novel way of signing off and saying farewell. It encouraged
us to keep smiling until we meet again. But just recalling it is a
reminder that my age is showing.
Recently, in attending our Leaders’ Conference (Wider
Cabinet), I mentioned my commissioning year was 1969. One
of the attendees said that he was born in that year. What a rude
awakening! I am getting old. And there are more indicators than
this one to confirm it. I checked out the internet by typing in “you
know you are getting old when…” and found a very lengthy list
and related to so much of it. Things like:
• Your joints are more accurate than the National
Weather Service;
• You finally got your head together, now your body is
falling apart;
You look forward to a dull evening;
Your mind makes contracts your body can't keep;
You wake up looking like your driver's license picture;
You begin every other sentence with, "Nowadays ...";
You sing along with the elevator music;
Your idea of weight-lifting is standing up;
You know all the answers, but nobody asks you the
You read more and remember less.
But all the aches, pains and wrinkles don’t tell the whole story.
The life journey is more positive than the mirror image or energy
loss. Life experiences shape our faith, and faith makes sense of life
Albert Orsborn wrote about this journey in his song, I
Know Thee Who Thou Art. For him, it was definitely a road of
companionship with God. Yet that relationship was strengthened
through human friendship. “My name is joined with thine by
every human tie.” So this was not a solitary life lived only with
an awareness of the unseen One. This was a flesh and blood
journey, with blessings of countless friends along the way.
As the years pass, one becomes more reflective, more
appreciative of life’s companions. You value your friends more.
Distance only sharpens appreciation and relocation only creates
new opportunities. Salvation Army officership opens the door to
For me, 2008 was a year of goodbyes and hellos; goodbye to
family and friends in Canada and hello to new colleagues in the
Australia Eastern Territory.
Thanks to the Army, I met James (Chief Secretary) and Jan
(Territorial Secretary for Women’s Ministries) Condon when we
were appointed together in territorial leadership. From day one,
it was a promising friendship of mutual respect and support. I
could not have asked for better.
Those of you who know them, know what I mean, don’t you?
They are a godly couple, none more hard-working. Pastoral? For
sure! Efficient? A-plus! Team spirit? Exceptional! Both are warm,
honourable people. They have the territory on their heart and
have given visionary leadership. Will they be missed? You know
they will. We will miss them as leaders, colleagues and friends.
When James and Jan Condon take up their leadership
roles at The Salvation Army’s International Headquarters in
London, as leaders of the South Pacific and East Asia zone (as
Commissioners), they’ll give it 120 per cent. We will also be the
recipients of their care and will be partners with them in mission
within the zone.
For all they have contributed, for all they have meant to us as,
we say thank you to them and to the Lord. And we say goodbye.
Happy trails until we meet again!
Commissioner Linda Bond is Territorial Commander of
The Salvation Army Australia Eastern Territory.
pipeline 10/2010 5
Growing Saints
Using Scriptures to nourish your soul
Major BARBARA SAMPSON, former writer of The Salvation
Army’s best-selling book of daily Bible readings and comments,
Words of Life, encourages adopting an imaginative approach to
reading God’s Word
remember as a child being given my
first Bible. It was small and squat with
a black cover and tiny printing in the
King James Version.
My ordered mind told me that there
was only one way to read it and that was
from the beginning, chapter by chapter,
right to the end. There was plenty of
colour in the early stories but eventually I
came to Leviticus where I limped my way
through laws and lists. I danced through
the descriptions of Deuteronomy and then
crashed in Chronicles.
Still I read on, trying to cover three
chapters a day – that sounded like a holy
number. If I missed a day, I’d skim through
a double portion the next day. If I missed
several days, I’d feel a kind of despair
about this Bible-reading thing.
Somehow I knew that it needed to
be regular, like medicine, in order to do
my soul good. The prospect of missing
the daily dose was fearsome. Who
knows what thunderbolts might fall on a
neglectful little girl?
Along the way I found some friends.
Promises in the heart of Isaiah (“I have
called you … I will take hold of your
hand … I will keep you and make you
…” Isaiah 42:6), and words of Jesus in the
storm-tossed boat (“It is I; don’t be afraid”
John 6:20), spoke reassurance to me at a
time when my dad left me by dying much
too early, and my childhood world was
suddenly not “happy ever after”.
Seeking God’s direction for my life I
was inspired by the Psalms (“I will instruct
you and teach you in the way you should
go” Psalm 32:8) and the reassurance of
Jeremiah (“I know the plans I have for
you …” Jeremiah 29:11).
Liberating discovery
For years, these and other promises kept
me going. They were road-markers on my
journey that kept me on the straight and
narrow. But daily Bible reading was more
like checking up on familiar friends, rather
than exploring new territory. For seven
years of public ministry I dug deeper to
prepare sermons, food for other people,
but my own personal Bible reading was
a very thin diet, surface and unsatisfying.
And that’s how it seemed to be for ages.
Then I discovered St Ignatius and his
imaginative approach to Bible reading.
“Put yourself in the picture,” he says.
“Imagine you are the person Jesus is
talking to. What does he say to you? What
do you see, hear, taste, touch, smell? How
do you respond? Let this be your prayer.”
Suddenly a world of colour and contrast,
taste and texture, sound and sense opened
up to me.
I’m Zacchaeus, invited down from
my leafy hiding place to take Jesus home
for lunch. Lord, help me to have an open,
Zacchaeus’ heart that welcomes you into
the privacy of my heart’s home.
I’m standing in the home of Simon
– the one who used to be a leper – when
a woman dashes forward and pours
expensive perfume on Jesus’ head. I
hear the reaction of those around me,
the disapproving tut-tuts. “Who does
she think he is? How outrageous! How
wasteful!” But I think, “How amazing,
how brave to offer such an unashamed
display of love.” I envy her spontaneity
and unselfconsciousness. Lord, help me to
love you like that.
I’m Peter’s mother-in-law, steamed up
with annoyance about my impetuous sonin-law who invites a crowd home for lunch
without even warning me. But I calm
down when his friend Jesus lays a cooling
hand on my forehead and the world stops
spinning. Lord, you know the things that
steam me up. Please lay your hand on me
as I seek your calm.
“Put yourself in the
picture ... imagine
you are the person
Jesus is talking to.
What does he say
to you? What do
you see, hear, taste,
touch, smell? How
do you respond? Let
this be your prayer.”
I’m Thomas after the death of my
dearest friend, my face turned to the wall.
I’ll believe what the others are banging
on the door to tell me, when I see it for
myself. God, you know the things I find
St. Ignatius inspires a
“community of the broken”
hard to face. Help me to walk towards
them rather than turning away.
I’m next in line after Peter for footwashing. In anticipating Jesus’ gentle
hands and the cold water on my grimy
feet, I feel a whole range of emotions –
shame, hurt, embarrassment. I should
have washed your feet, Lord, yet how I
long for you to wash mine.
I’m a guest, led every day to a table
prepared for me. Who are the enemies that
sit just back in the shadows? How can I
welcome them to the table?
Scriptural nourishment
What is spread out before me? Who leads
the conversation – Jesus or me? What do
we talk about?
This is one way the Bible nourishes me
now. It touches my every sense, my whole
being in fact.
It asks questions I cannot avoid. It
exposes me in a way I cannot escape. It
takes me deeper, to a meeting place
with God.
In contemplation I gaze at him. In
this way of using the Scriptures to pray,
he gazes at me, gently, probingly, and
asks me the same question he asked of
Bartimaeus, “Barbara, what is it you want
me to do for you?”
Major Barbara Sampson
is Team Leader for the
Officer Support Unit, New
Zealand, Fiji and Tonga
very Sunday my husband and
I gather with a group of other
worshippers at a Salvation Army
centre not far from where we live.
It is not a corps but a community
ministry out of which a small
group of worshippers has evolved.
Numbers range from a dozen to 20,
depending on a host of factors –
weather, wellness, willingness.
The beauty of this “corps that
is not a corps” is that there are no
traditions, no set ways of “doing”
worship. There is a lovely openness
and spontaneity among this
“community of the broken”. Their
prayers are gut prayers, real and
ready. Their testimonies of black
to white, lost to found, darkness to
light, are told in stark, unpolished
language. The cup of tea after the
morning service is a time of sharing
and communion in the richest,
widest sense of that word.
Sermons for such a group need
to be real and related to everyday
life. There is no point talking
eschatology or predestination, not
yet anyway. What is needed are the
gospel stories that we can step into
and engage with. Once again St
Ignatius comes to our aid.
We read a story – everyone has
a copy – and bring our questions
to it. What do we see and hear?
What can we smell, touch, taste in
this story? Then we listen to the
questions that the story asks of us.
For example, on a recent Palm
Sunday we read the story of Jesus
riding into Jerusalem (see Mark
11:1-11). We wondered:
* How did Jesus pre-arrange the
* How did he know what the
reaction would be of people who
saw the disciples untying the colt?
Did he have a saddle?
* How did the colt carry Jesus
peacefully when it had never been
ridden before?
* How did this praising Palm
Sunday crowd turn into an angry
mob baying for murder within just
a few days?
Having wandered round in the
story using all our senses we then
listened to the questions that the
story asks of us:
* Where do we stand in the crowd?
* What cry is on our heart –
“hosanna” or “crucify”?
* What is our response and our
Once again I discover, thanks
to Ignatius, that I/we cannot read
a story in this way of using all the
senses and come away unchanged,
- Major Barbara Sampson
pipeline 10/2010 7
set ...
There’s no stopping Salvos Stores
manager’s passion for evangelism
A visit to Salvos Stores can be a life-changing
experience if you run into Freddy Choo who,
as JULIA HOSKING discovered, combines his
marketing role with opportunities to evangelise
Photos: Shairon Paterson
alvos Stores is a treasure
trove for quirky second-hand
clothing, antique furniture and
other unique buys. However,
Salvos Stores is no ordinary op-shop.
Ministry, mission and life-giving
relationships are also key components
of The Salvation Army-run business.
“I see the operation [of Salvos
Stores] as watering hole,” says Freddy
Choo, Salvos Stores Manager –
Marketing and Retail.
“People come to the store to buy
and to get support, to find a social
network or just to exchange stories.
It’s like a hub of activity. It’s not
just about retail, it’s about
exchanging life.”
Freddy is a passionate Christian
who attends Cityside church (a
plant of Shirelive) in Sydney. He
has worked for Salvos Stores for 15
years, the past five in his current
marketing role.
Born in Malaysia to a Buddhist
family, Freddy was first introduced
to Christ at the Catholic school he
attended. After finishing school,
Freddy realised something was
missing in life and turned to his
passionate Christian friend, Eric, for
some answers.
“Eric was offered a place [to study]
in Canada, but chose not to go, so I
said, ‘Are you crazy? Why are you
not going?’” Freddy recalls. “And he
said, ‘Well, I think it is God’s will for
me to stay’. He then invited me to a
life group.
“So I went there and found out all
about Christ … and then I knelt beside
the bed and accepted Christ into my
heart and then became very involved
in church life.”
Due to his own experience of a
friend sharing the gospel with him,
Freddy emphasises the value of
“friendship evangelism” for Salvos
Stores. He says there are many
non-Christian volunteers, staff and
customers walking through the doors
of Salvos Stores centres every day.
“They enter the door of their own
free will,” he says enthusiastically.
pipeline 10/2010 9
Photos: Shairon Paterson
“With that we can [see] a softening of
the heart. And if we do what we do
and enjoy doing, and we’re talking
about Christ and talking about the
mission and just allowing them to
observe how we conduct our lives at
work and our personal life, through
that example we could win them to
Christ. It’s a perfect opportunity for
friendship evangelism.”
Platform for ministry
Building relationships, developing
trust, talking about Christ and sharing
the message of Jesus are the most
effective ways that Salvos Stores can
contribute to The Salvation Army’s
One Army One Mission statement,
says Freddy.
One Army One Mission is
something he is very eager to discuss
and implement. Freddy believes it is
imperative to link the stores with local
corps and other Army services and
initiatives. Having Salvation Army
officers as Salvos Stores chaplains is
one method.
While many Christians volunteer
or work for the stores – and Freddy
believes this is important – he is also
aware how many non-Christians visit
the store on a regular basis.
“How sad it would be if they come
and work for us and miss out on the
whole message about Jesus Christ in
their lives,” he says.
In order to share the gospel
and also encourage Christians, the
chaplains (Major Brian Unicomb,
Major Amanda Choy-Show, Captain
Bryce Steep, Captain Robyn Collins,
and Captain Bev Kingston) often
engage with the various people and
activities at the centres.
“We’ve got three
million people coming
through our door [each
year] and that is such a
huge mission field
in my mind.”
– Freddy Choo
Furthermore, Freddy believes it is
important that corps take advantage
of the relationships that can be built
with their local thrift shop.One simple
way is through the “store and corps
connection board”, placed near the
counter in most stores with details of
the nearest community church.
“We are trying to present Salvos
Stores as a platform for ministry for
the corps,” Freddy says. “We’ve got
three million people coming through
our door [each year] and that is such
a huge mission field in my mind.
And if that is not tapped, it is such a
waste. The opportunity’s there. If they
come through our door they already
have recognised The Salvation Army,
they’re comfortable coming in, let’s
bring them to the next step.”
Having corps members and other
committed Christians volunteer is
one way to do this, and Freddy cites a
successful example.
“The Kallangur store [in Brisbane]
was connected to the local corps
and through that a few of the corps
members or soldiers came on board
the store and volunteered their
services,” Freddy shares.
“They became quite close to
the store manager. Through their
conversation, interaction, social
activities, working out the back and
having a good laugh, they invited
Mel Schrader [store manager] to the
This “friendship evangelism” had
a deep impact on Mel.
“[I was at] a very small church, my
son was the only one in Sunday school
class and I was not very fulfilled
there,” Mel shared in a Salvos Stores
newsletter. “But I enjoyed coming to
work each day and felt passionate
about the Salvos’ mission.”
From the moment Mel and her
family started attending the local
corps, they felt welcomed. Over time,
her son went on a Salvation Army-run
kid’s camp, gave his life to Jesus and
became a junior soldier.
Later, Mel wrote: “I had a regular
customer at the store enquire about
services at the local corps. Alongside
my volunteer from the corps, we
invited this lady and her family to
the next Sunday service. They also
became part of our church family. God
wanted me serving as a senior soldier
in The Salvation Army. I was enrolled
on the same day as the lady customer
from my store. When the corps gets
involved with the stores, it can have
Kingdom results.”
Philip Cooke is another example of
a passionate Salvation Army soldier
engaging with Salvos Stores as part
of mission. While working at the
Wollongong store in the Illawarra
region of NSW, Philip connected
with the volunteers and employees
and eventually commenced a Bible
study. Four of those volunteers now
regularly attend a Salvation Army
Philip has since moved to another
Salvos Store and plans to commence a
similar group there soon.
As part of supporting The
Salvation Army’s wider mission,
during the Red Shield Appeal
campaign, Salvos Stores cease their
advertising, help promote the appeal
and set themselves up as a static
point for donations. The Salvos Stores
contribution to the Red Shield Appeal
through point of sale registers for 2010
was double the 2009 result at $27,000.
“We have banners hanging up
in some stores; we have the staff
members wearing the red apron
instead of our normal Salvos Stores
blue apron, so it’s very, very visible,”
Freddy says.”
Through all of this, The
Salvation Army is seen as a cohesive
organisation and service – One Army
One Mission.
Another example of the way
Freddy endorses One Army One
Mission is through his desire to work
alongside The Salvation Army Family
Stores, which are directly linked with,
and managed by, local corps.
“We have our doors open [to them]
all the time,” he says. “I give them
all my contacts and [assist] when
they’re holding training sessions, and
sometimes they invite us to give them
input into the store layout.”
Sharing the gospel and connecting
with other Salvation Army services is
how Salvos Stores works to live out
The Salvation Army’s mission, says
Freddy. When we understand the
heartbeat of God, we can transfer it.
Deeper understanding
Freddy’s personal understanding of
God grew significantly when his late
wife became seriously ill.
“There were lots of times where
I stood in the gap and prayed and
interceded for her,” he says.
When she passed away seven years
ago, Freddy desperately depended
on God and came to know him on
another level; knowing his heartbeat
and walking in rhythm with him.
This level of understanding is evident
when he interacts with others, with his
excitement about sharing the gospel
clear and contagious.
While Freddy is passionate about
The Salvation Army’s mission, he
acknowledges that some volunteers
and staff members at Salvos Stores
don’t necessarily share his passion.
To help them engage with the
mission, Freddy tries to lead by
example and connect with people. He
remembers people’s birthdays, writes
encouraging articles for the “What’s
New at Salvos Stores” newsletters and
mentors others in the same way he
has been mentored by Neville Barrett,
General Manager of Salvos Stores.
Taking any and every opportunity
to connect with the wider Salvation
Army, build relationships and share
the message of Christ is Freddy’s way
of living out One Army One Mission.
He wants the community who see
The Salvation Army as an op-shop,
community organisation or wellmeaning charity to also see Jesus – the
message and motivation behind all of
his work.
Julia Hosking is a writer for
Pipeline and supplements.
pipeline 10/2010 11
A new book, Clay in the Potter’s Hands, features the stories
of many prominent and some lesser-known Salvationists of
the Army’s Australia Eastern Territory. In an extract from the
book, Captain PAUL MOULDS, the director of the Army’s
Oasis Youth Support Network, talks about what has shaped
his passionate commitment to Australia’s young homeless
t seems that almost my whole life
has been spent working with
young people living on the margins
of society.
As a teenager, I was extensively
involved in the social ministries of my
(Salvation Army) corps, meeting people
dealing with all types of challenging
When I was in Year 12 at school, a
friend gave me a plaque that still sits on
the wall of my office. It records a quote he
discovered that he believed fitted my life.
It says: “Some want to work within the
sound of church or chapel bell. I want to
run a rescue shop within a yard of hell.” –
C T Studd.
After leaving school, I began studying
teaching at Sydney University. In my
second year at university, I accepted a
holiday position at a new outreach centre
The Salvation Army had just opened in
Kings Cross (Sydney).
Following a number of dramatic
experiences where I was confronted with
need and poverty on a scale I had never
before encountered, I responded to an
inner prompting that I needed to give
my life to a greater cause. Changing my
university course to part-time, I stayed on
as the full-time Street Outreach Worker at
Kings Cross.
So, by the age of 19, I was a street
worker, walking in the back streets of
Kings Cross, seeking to befriend and
connect homeless and damaged young
people with help and hope.
Where do these promptings come
from? What leads someone to recognise
in a Year 12 student and passionate young
Salvo the potential to run a rescue shop for
those in danger of being lost? What causes
a 19-year-old uni student, with the course
of his career mapped out, to change the
direction of his life?
Impact of early life
It was only much later in life that I came
to understand that part of the motivation
for this urge and passion to work with
damaged, alienated young people lay in
my own journey.
Often, you don’t recognise the impact
that early life experiences have on your
later decisions.
As a baby, I was given up for adoption
by my mother. I have never met her. I
know she was only 17 and came from a
rural community. I was born in a Salvation
Army maternity hospital and was adopted
when only a few weeks old.
When I was nine, my adopted father
died. He had been gravely ill for a long
time after being involved in a work
In reality, he was absent from my life
for many years prior to this and I have
very few memories of him.
Following his death, our family
struggled financially to survive. Mum
worked incredibly long hours.
We were never homeless or went
hungry, but I was aware it was a constant
struggle to make ends meet, and there
were few holidays, new clothes or special
When I eventually started as a youth
worker, I wanted to change the world! I
was passionate and totally committed to
the cause. I worked incredibly long hours.
I was driven; I felt a constant, pressing
need to save as many young people as I
could from their horrific situations.
There is no doubt that this produced
some amazingly fruitful results as I saw
young people helped, restored and find
However, it came at a cost to my family
and myself. I was not always present for
those who were closest to me. I ran from
crisis to crisis, rarely having time for
reflection or rest.
As I reached a breaking point in
my ministry and personal life, I had a
significant revelation from an encounter
with God that has been a huge moulding
point in my ministry and leadership.
I came to realise that I was undertaking
ministry and serving out of the deficits
that were in my own life. In a time of
crisis, God showed me that the absence
of my own father led me to believe that
I needed to be a father to all lost young
people who, like me, felt abandoned,
rejected or had not experienced the love
and nurture of a father.
In a moment of deep revelation, God
showed me that he was the father of the
fatherless (Psalm 68:5) and that my role
was to point young people to him, rather
than seeking to be this myself to all those
who crossed my path.
Focusing on bigger picture
What a liberation! What a lifting of
burden! Suddenly, it didn’t all depend on
me. The scores of kids I encountered every
day, with terrible stories of fathers who
let them down and abused them, never
being there for them, was no longer my
responsibility. I could, with confidence,
still do what I could, but not feel the
burden of filling the gap.
This understanding has been liberating
and pivotal to my ministry ever since.
It has released me to focus on the bigger
picture and to give time to other important
aspects of my ministry, such as staff
development, planning strategy, reviewing
programs, advocacy to governments and
the community, and most importantly,
caring for my own family. As I have
focused on these things, I have witnessed
the influence and impact of my work and
ministry increase exponentially.
This came about because of a
revelation that even our good works are
sometimes driven by unconscious and
misguided motivations that can influence
the way we undertake our ministry and
lead our people.
These underlying factors often come
from deep-seated hurts and deficits from
our past, and need to be brought to the
surface where God can heal them and
speak into them and then release us to be
all we are meant to be.
Someone has written: “Sometimes we
must revisit the past in order to live well
Understanding who we are today
and how we lead is often dependent
on understanding where we came
from. As we face our past, our pain and
disappointments, and seek God’s healing
and understanding, we are released to be
able to work from a place of freedom and
That’s a great place to live.
This story is taken from the new Carpenter
Media book Clay in the Potter’s Hands which
will soon be available from Salvationist
Supplies, Sydney (
Captain Paul Moulds (above) has dedicated his life to
helping young people on the streets of inner-Sydney.
pipeline 10/2010 13
Preaching course
a masterstroke
elevision has MasterChef. The
Salvation Army has MasterClass.
MasterChef is obviously for chefs.
MasterClass is for preachers.
There can be only one winner in
MasterChef. Everyone is a winner in
Unlike MasterChef, MasterClass is
a four-day course intended not to find
the best or most popular, but to provide
every participant with an opportunity to
improve their style and content.
The course will be held at the The
Salvation Army Australia Eastern
Territory’s School for Leadership Training
in Sydney on 1-4 November. Organisers
are gearing the course specifically for
corps officers – the front-line preachers.
But other officers and lay people with
an interest in preaching are invited to
“MasterClass is about equipping
our preachers to do the job even better,”
course convenor Major Ian Channell told
“It will assist and encourage our
preachers to communicate the Word of
God in an interesting way that moves the
hearer to be challenged by it, uplifted by it
and encouraged by it. The course will help
our preachers to preach truthfully; just as
the Scriptures tell it.
“We’re not suggesting that our
preaching isn’t good enough. But we do
think that we can all do better in the way
we communicate the message.”
“Preaching is one
of the most
important tasks of the
Christian minister.”
The pre-publicity puts it this way:
“Preaching is one of the most important
tasks of the Christian minister. It is
also one of the most difficult and
demanding tasks to master, and many feel
inadequately prepared to discharge such
an important ministry.”
Therefore, this intensive course
of lectures, discussion and practical
workshops will provide preachers
with principles, skills and resources
“to improve their ability to effectively
communicate the Word of God”.
Morling College (Sydney) preaching
lecturer Marc Rader has been engaged to
conduct the course. Marc is also Senior
Associate Pastor at Gymea Baptist Church
in Sydney’s southern suburbs, where he
has been ministering since 1997, shortly
after arriving from Canada.
Marc graduated with a Bachelor of
Religious Studies from Tyndale Bible
College in Toronto (Canada) and is a
candidate for Doctor of Ministry. He
is regarded as a gifted and dynamic
communicator, committed to helping
people understand “the big picture of the
Topics to be covered by the course
include developing a theology of
proclamation, an introduction to three
useful homiletic structures, evangelistic
preaching, storytelling techniques and
reflections on the history of preaching and
principles of delivery
The cost of the four-day course is $300,
which includes morning and afternoon tea
and lunch. Overnight accommodation is
available at the school.
Enrolment can be made by contacting
the School for Leadership Training on 02
9502 0400. Further details are available at\boothcollege\ and
accessing the courses tab (non-accredited
short courses and then Preaching
pipeline 10/2010 15
Gifts that
keep on
Pipeline writer BILL
SIMPSON suggests a
way to give and receive
a gift at the same time
this Christmas through
The Salvation Army’s
unique international
development program
to aid Third World
was given a goat for Christmas last
Actually, I didn’t get the goat. I
got a card to say that I had been given
a goat. The goat was given to somebody
else – a struggling family in Mozambique,
I understand.
They’ve had the benefit of the goat for
the past year. The main benefit, I am told,
is the rich milk the goat produces for the
family. It’s a benefit, I am assured, that will
be ongoing.
A colleague asked me how I felt about
getting a goat. I said that I felt pretty good,
even though I had never seen the goat.
He said he felt the same about the
chickens he had been given under similar
circumstances. Like my goat, the chickens
went to somebody else in Tanzania.
It’s a great idea. It’s like receiving, but
giving, at the same time.
The Salvation Army International
Development (SAID) office in Sydney
makes it possible through a program to
assist less fortunate people in mainly Third
World countries.
Salvation Army representatives in
the countries apply for funding, the
International Development office finds the
funds and the money is sent to the area in
Most of the money is given by people
like you and me – or on behalf of you and
me. In the last financial year, more than
$160,000 was donated.
My goat was paid for from a $45
donation by a family member. My
colleague’s chickens cost $10 per chook.
Rabbits cost $30, pigs $65 and sheep $80.
You can give somebody a mosquito net
or a school desk for $25. My corps last year
gave ourselves 100 desks for others to use
in one of the struggling countries.
There are lots of other gift ideas – a
wheelchair for $100, a blackboard for $70,
seed packs for $65 – even an entire water
system for a village.
Chickens, goats and feeding programs
for children were the three most popular
gifts last year.
This is how it works: You or a person
making a gift in your name donate to
a project. The donation is sent to the
International Development office and then
passed on to the appropriate Salvation
Army territory of the project. The project
territory distributes the donations to the
local corps or centre overseeing the project.
Ninety per cent of the donation is spent
on the intended objective. Ten per cent is
used for administration costs.
Donors receive a card. If a donation
is made on behalf of somebody else as
their birthday or Christmas present, for
example, they receive the card.
Last year, two couples asked that
instead of receiving wedding gifts, guests
provide donations to a project. Almost
$2000 was given.
Another two families asked that
instead of flowers at the funeral of a family
member, attenders donate to a project.
“There are numerous ways that
gifts can be given,” says International
Development office Information and
Resources Officer Betsy Pineda. “We call
them gifts that keep on giving.”
For example, a pig is given to a family
on condition that a couple of its piglets are
given back for the benefit of other families.
From the Kenya East Territory,
Christmas gift ideas for Third World countries
come in all sort of shapes and forms,
whether it’s sewing machines for making
clothing, goats for milk production or wells
for clean water. A relatively small donation
via a gift catalogue can make a huge
difference for a community.
Australian Projects Officer Marshall Currie
reports that a school desks campaign was
incredibly successful. That’s the project my
corps supported. Hundreds of desks were
financed for three schools.
There has been such a shortage that
three to four children had been sharing
one desk, or sitting on the floor to do their
school work.
Just in time for Christmas, the SAID
office has launched its 2010-11 gift
catalogue, which is included with this
month’s Pipeline. Orders can also be placed
So, place your Christmas gift orders
now. Give your mate a goat, maybe. Like
me, not only will they feel they have
done something good for somebody else,
they will still be talking about it this time
next year.
Bill Simpson is a senior writer
for Pipeline and supplements.
pipeline 10/2010 17
‘I was lost but now I’m found’
On the Saturday evening of the recent Just Men Conference at The Collaroy
Centre, DAVE MURRAY was asked to share his testimony. This is his story ...
ood evening, I am Dave
and I am here to give my
testimony. I am also an
alcoholic and compulsive
I was raised in a Catholic family,
the third youngest of eight children.
I lost my faith at the age of 10
after being sexually abused over
a number of years. However, I
continued to attend church with
my parents but to me, it meant
nothing. Being just 10 years old I
couldn’t really say that I didn’t want
to go. I was just told what to do.
Over the next 31 years I couldn’t
stand anyone talking to me
about religion or church as I kept
blaming God for being abused and
everything else that went wrong
in my life. I turned to alcohol and
anything else that would numb the
pain that I was going through.
I married and had four children
by the time I was 28, however by
the time I was 30 I had nothing
left in my life except myself. I
was miserable and on numerous
occasions people of different
religions attempted to talk to me
but I just kept pushing them away.
I also tried, on numerous occasions,
to take my own life.
In April 2009, I ended up living
in Sydney’s Centennial Park. I was
homeless, lonely, and drinking
anything from beer right through to
methylated spirits.
It wasn’t until one day in
September last year that I had a
dream that is still clear to this day. In
it I saw my grandmother who had
died in 1979 but who I really looked
up to. She told me that it was
time to get up and get myself well
and that the process will involve a
It’s funny but the more I think
about it, that’s when I believe that
God spoke to me through my
grandmother because she was the
only person I would listen to when I
was young.
So on Tuesday, 29 September,
2009, I arrived at (The Salvation
Army’s) William Booth House rehab
(centre) and started a 10-month
It was over these 10 months that
I believe I really worked on my issues
from the past and with the help
of God, my peers and staff in the
program I could start to deal with
the previous 31 years.
I truly believe that God had been
with me all of those years; if I only
took the time to talk to him and let
him in.
I know that he is my strength
and my Saviour. Without his
guidance and me handing my life
over to him on a daily basis then I
know for sure that I would not be
here tonight.
I am now an active member of
The Salvation Army Glebe Corps
and for the first time in 31 years
I look forward to attending a
religious service every Sunday. I also
attend chapel at William Booth
House on Wednesdays.
I graduated from William Booth
House on 28 July this year and I
believe that I have started on the
journey that God saved me for
when he spoke to me through my
I would just like to close with a
Bible verse from Luke 15:32: “But
we had to celebrate and be glad
because this brother of yours was
dead and is alive again, he was lost
and is found.”
I love this parable of the Lost
Son. I see myself as the lost son and
God as my father.
I am no longer lost because I
know that God is with me every
step I take for the rest of my life,
until he calls me to be with him in
the Kingdom of Heaven.
ouise Harris couldn’t believe it
when her flatmate kicked her out.
The 32-year-old TAFE student
was suddenly homeless and
unable to find enough money at short
notice to secure her own rental property.
A long-term sufferer of Crohn’s disease,
she turned to her doctor for advice. He
referred her to The Salvation Army.
Louise found shelter at Pindari (Qld)
– a crisis accommodation service for
women who are homeless. At around the
same time, Matt Hitzman arrived at the
reception of the Pindari Men’s Hostel,
located on the same campus.
Unlike Louise, 35-year-old Matt was no
stranger to homeless shelters. “I was never
socially accepted as a kid and always
picked on during school…Then I found
myself being socially accepted [by] people
who dealt in drugs, so I started doing
Matt’s first contact with The Salvation
Army came when he made a decision to
turn his life around, in early 2000, and
entered the Salvos’ Moonyah Recovery
Services Centre, in Brisbane. The assistant
manager at the time, Major Bryce Davies
says: “He was a friendly and sincere guy
but he’d been hurt in his life. He’d been
bullied and those sorts of things, so he
had a pretty low self esteem and lots of
challenges to overcome.”
Despite several unsuccessful stints
at rehab, Matt didn’t give up. He finally
became clean and sober three years ago
and undertook numeracy and literacy
programs whilst in rehabilitation. To his
surprise, he began passing the education
modules and discovered a passion for
Whilst at Pindari, both Matt and
Louise received counselling and support
from Salvation Army staff, where the aim
is to help clients move from situations of
homelessness to sustainable, independent
ne of
at K
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an a
in Bris
rite s
living. During this time the pair met
through mutual friends at the service.
They soon started to spend lots of time
together, talking and admiring the view
of the Brisbane River at Kangaroo Point.
“It was always a beautiful time for both
Louise and I at Kangaroo Point,” says
Matt. Love soon blossomed.
“I’d never gone to
The Salvation Army
for help before. I
was amazed at …
how accepting the
people at the
Salvos are.”
Pindari staff encourage clients to
attend chapel at The Salvation Army
Streetlevel Mission (church) in inner
Brisbane, where Matt reconnected with
Major Bryce Davies. “The thing that really
struck me was that they just love each
other. There’s a really lovely acceptance of
each other’s past [and present]…journey”,
says Major Davies.
“Louise has got significant health
problems and Matthew’s completely
understanding…and supportive about all
those health issues. And Louise obviously
has an awareness of Matt’s past and some
of the lingering issues of addiction and
she’s very patient with that.”
Matt and Louise are now adherents
(members) of The Salvation Army’s
Streetlevel Mission and volunteer their
time to help run the mission’s services.
These include: providing a family meal for
people each week and running a pamper
day for women from the surrounding
shelters and Salvo services. The weekly
chapel service is vibrant and helps people
connect with God in relevant ways.
Major Bryce Davies recently married
the couple in the presence of their
Streetlevel family. Matt and Louise say
they’ve been blown away by the support
the Salvos have given them over the past
Matt says: “Time and time again on TV
and on the radio you hear ‘Thank God for
the Salvos’ but it’s not until you’re really
down and out that you can truly know
what those words mean.”
The couple is looking forward to the
birth of their first child in September. Matt
now has employment as a youth worker
– a fulfilment of his dream to help other
troubled young people take steps towards
recovery. Louise is recommencing her
Louise says: “We just want to have a
happy and healthy family. And to continue
with our bond with Streetlevel Mission
and our volunteer work there in order to
give back a little of what’s been given to
pipeline 10/2010 19
Election turns spotlight on rural issues
Issues plaguing rural Australia were put back in the spotlight as three
regional independents played a crucial role in deciding which political
party would govern the nation after the recent federal election.
LAUREN MARTIN looks at the ongoing crisis for people on the land
or too long the needs of rural
Australia have been put in the “too
hard basket” by politicians of both
major political parties, according
to Pam Wilkes, The Salvation Army
Australia Eastern Territorial Consultant for
Rural Support Services.
“It seems that the metropolitan
concerns always take precedent,” she says.
So Pam, along with most Salvation
Army rural chaplains, was buoyed by
the election outcome in which rural
independents Bob Katter (Kennedy MP),
Tony Windsor (New England MP) and Rob
Oakeshott (Port Macquarie MP) had the
opportunity to bring regional issues to the
“It gives me a great deal of hope that
rural needs will be on the agenda and
will be brought before the attention of the
Parliament,” she says.
Despite the drought being over in
most parts of the country, the Australia
Eastern Territory has recommitted itself
to the bush. At a recent rural consultation,
leadership and selected corps officers
and chaplains set down a number of core
values and mission priorities.
The Assistant Territorial Mission
and Resource Director (Social), Major
Susan Reese, says: “With the closure of
so many other community and service
organisations in the bush, including many
corps and churches, the rural chaplains
represent the ongoing commitment of The
Salvation Army to people who often feel
abandoned by the rest of the nation.”
North NSW Rural Chaplain Major
Peter Ridley believes the withdrawal
of services in the bush over the past
few decades puts the Army in a unique
position for ministry.
“We don’t see it as a negative,” he says.
“There’s an opportunity for The Salvation
Army to move into the bush and make
a huge impact on people’s lives. Really,
what we need to do is to come up with
some way of marrying together rural corps
and rural chaplaincy so that we can get on
with the work of God and do it really well
for the bush.”
And rural chaplains say the need is
greater than ever, pointing to an increase
in bankruptcy proceedings in the bush,
with banks and creditors demanding
payment now that the rains have fallen.
“A lot of these people who are on
properties owe millions of dollars that
they’ve now got to try and pay off,” says
Southern Queensland Rural Chaplain
Major Ron McMellon.
“And so while there may be rain
around, cash flow is going to be their
biggest problem. A lot of them don’t have
the money to be able to buy in new stock,
to get the business working again.”
Pam Wilkes says the difficulties being
faced by rural Australia are not just issues
for rural chaplains to deal with. She’s
urging the whole territory to begin a
concerted prayer effort.
“One of the things I’m passionate
about is informing corps across the
territory about the ongoing struggles
farmers are going through,” she says.
“So there’s informed concern out there.
That people will know what and who to
pray for and that they’ll be able to support
the ministers and congregations in the
areas that are being affected.”
This article is an edited excerpt of a history
of Salvation Army rural chaplaincy that will
appear in the upcoming edition of Hallelujah!
Eye-opening odyssey in the Outback
Rural ministry remains a challenging arena as Lieutenant-Colonels Phil and Jan
Cairns found out during a recent trip to the NSW Outback. Lieut-Colonel
JAN CAIRNS shares a little of their experience for Pipeline
itting around waiting for a
barbecue to be cooked is not so
unusual in Australian culture.
But to sit around a blazing fire
in the Pilliga scrub country with a
group of strangers is not your usual
Saturday night outing.
The venue was a farm in the NSW
Outback. The people – not strangers
for long – were local farmers who had
been invited by The Salvation Army’s
Rural Mission Chaplains, Majors Peter
and Jean Ridley, to meet Phil and I,
Army officers from the city.
For two days prior to the barbecue,
Phil and I had followed the Ridleys on
their “run” as they drove hundreds
of kilometres, calling in at property
after property to catch up with their
It was like watching old friends
meet up again after being apart for
a few months. Their conversations
usually started with chit-chat about
the weather, the cattle or the sheep
before inevitably turning to latest
news on the family and then always
concern about how they were
managing their farm in the middle
of a drought (59.1 percent of NSW is
still in drought). The drought remains
a major issue for farmers as they
struggle to stay financially viable.
I sat in the farmers’ warm and cosy
lounge rooms or kitchens and listened
as Peter and Jean invariably turned
the conversation around to God. I
heard stories of triumph and tragedy,
despair and hope. I met men and
women who have found salvation and
who are trying to live their new life in
the spirit’s power. I might add they do
this without the usual support given
to new Christians – the vast distances
don’t make it easy for ongoing
discipling and spiritual support.
I heard how other churches had
not been able to maintain their
ministry in the outback areas and
how appreciative the farmers are of
The Salvation Army’s commitment
to continuing their pastoral care and
ministry. I also heard grateful thanks
for the various means of support that
has been given to farmers by the
Army since 2003 and the ongoing
commitment to rural ministry.
The day after the barbecue we met
local farmers for a church service in a
tin shed. Two new families joined us
as well as a Catholic nun and 20 other
people from the farming community.
God was honoured as the Word
was preached, a testimony shared and
foot- tapping songs sung to his glory.
And of course, the sausage sizzle after
church meant that relationships and
friendships were further strengthened
and enjoyed.
I thank God for the four days spent
in the Outback, for the new friends
made, for some understanding of
what life is like for our farmers in that
area and most importantly, for an
appreciation for what God through
The Salvation Army is doing for the
farmers and their families.
People are being listened to and
supported, they are being given
material help, but most importantly,
people are being saved. My prayer
is that The Salvation Army will not
remove itself from the bush but will
continue to support, encourage and
lead people to Jesus through this
Lieut-Colonel Jan Cairns
is Assistant Secretary for
Personnel, The Salvation
Army Australia Eastern
pipeline 10/2010 21
Fr o m t h e c o a l f a c e
Fr o m t h e c o a l f a c e
Pobjies honoured for lifetime of service
ommissioners Barry and Raemor Pobjie celebrated more
than 85 years of combined service as officers of The
Salvation Army at their retirement service in Sydney on
5 September.
After formally retiring on 31 August from their positions at
International Headquarters in London as International Secretary
and Zonal Secretary for Women’s Ministries in the Europe Zone,
the Pobjies celebrated the occasion with family and friends at
Parramatta Corps.
Among the guests were Australia Eastern Territorial
Commander Commissioner Linda Bond, Chief Secretary Colonel
James Condon, Commissioners Ian (who officiated the service)
and Nancy Cutmore, and Colonels Peter and Jennifer Walker,
from the Australia Southern Territory.
Other special guests included Majors Andy and Yvonne
Westrupp from the New Zealand, Fiji and Tonga Territory where
the Pobjies served for six years, and Commissioner Raemor
Pobjie’s Victorious session-mate, Commissioner Lyn Pearce
(recently retired World Secretary for Women’s Ministries).
A video and photo slideshow celebrated the Pobjies’ many
appointments throughout the Australia Eastern Territory, Papua
New Guinea Territory, New Zealand, Fiji and Tonga Territory,
Eastern Europe Territory, and at International Headquarters in
London - first as International Secretary and Zonal Secretary
respectively, for the South Pacific and East Asia Zone, then in the
same positions for the Europe Zone.
Major Peter Farthing, a long-time close friend of
Commissioner Barry Pobjie, was the first of two representative
speakers. “[Commissioner] Barry’s officership has been marked
by hard work, risk-taking, sacrifice, vision, communication,
leadership, [and] investment in people; he’s been a door-opener
for God,” Major Farthing said.
The Pobjies served in the Eastern Europe Territory from
1999-2007. On behalf of the territory, Captain Victoria Lalac,
Romania Regional Women’s Ministries Director, who was once
Commissioner Raemor Pobjie’s secretary, shared a message via
“They are God’s people; people of prayer, people of vision,
and people of action ... I thank God for all Raemor’s good
qualities; her ability to listen to and hear people – people’s
hearts – and to be open to their ideas and opinions, and
concerns,” she said.
The Pobjies’ children then shared a few words each.
Daughter Sandra, an officer of the USA Southern Territory,
spoke to her parents by way of a pre-recorded message. “You
have given me a heart for missions … and you inspire me to be a
better daughter, a better wife and a better officer,” she said.
The Pobjie's three sons, Brenton, Kem and Roen, all spoke,
with Roen expressing the pride they have in their parents.
“We’re extremely proud of everything you’ve accomplished in
your life … and we’re proud of you as officers. We’re also proud
of you as parents,” he said.
This was followed by the Parramatta Songsters' presentation
of God Loves You – a fitting choice, said Commissioner Raemor
Pobjie, as it was sung at their farewell in Russia. Commissioner
Pobjie also expressed her thanks to the Parramatta Citadel Band
for its musical support during the service.
Commissioner Pobjie then said of her husband: “I thank God
for his passionate and purpose-driven life. And he’s just one
Raders target grace in Coutts Lecture
Commissioners Barry and Raemor Pobjie (left) being addressed
by Lieut-Colonel Peggy Stephens and Commissioner Ian Cutmore,
who later made a presentation (below) to Commissioner Pobjie..
proof to me of God’s transforming grace in a person’s life.”
Commissioner Barry Pobjie spoke about the impact of three
women on his life: his late mother who shared his Christian
faith and believed in him; his first wife Ruth (dec), who “gave
me a sense of being who I am”; and Raemor. Of her, he said:
“She’s an effective, hard-working Salvation Army officer … I
thank God for her love, her perseverance, her patience and her
General Shaw Clifton’s letter to the Pobjies was read by
Commissioner Ian Cutmore: “We honour them as faithful
servants of God and distinguished Salvation Army leaders …"
the General wrote. "Their joyful service means that the Army is a
stronger Army.”
Following this, Commissioner Bond said of the Pobjies: “The
Lord who called you into officership has blessed and used you
in ways beyond your expectations. You could not have known
that your yes to his call to officership would provide you with
such an adventure. You’ve served your territory well.”
Commissioner Raemor Pobjie was then presented with
her retirement certificate by Lieut-Colonel Peggy Stevens who
was at the Army's Training College when she was a cadet.
Commissioner Ian Cutmore then presented Commissioner
Barry Pobjie with his certificate. Commissioner Nancy Cutmore
offered a prayer for the Pobjies before Colonel James Condon
delivered the benediction.
eneral (Dr) Paul Rader (ret.) and his wife, Commissioner
Kay Rader, were the guest speakers at The Salvation
Army Australia Eastern Territory Booth College
Association’s annual Coutts Memorial Lecture in late August.
Together, on 26 August at Booth College in Bexley North in
Sydney, they spoke on the subject “Reaching for Metaphors of
The lecture was streamed online to allow maximum
engagement throughout the Australia Eastern Territory. The
audience included an online guest from Hong Kong and one
from the United Kingdom. The Raders also presented the lecture
in Brisbane on 29 August.
General Rader, an American who was world leader of The
Salvation Army from 1994 to 1999, discussed three Wesleyan
theological views regarding the act of sanctification: the Shorter
Way (occurs when believers submit to Christ), the Middle Way
(continual process of pursuing grace and God) and the Longer
Way (long process that few achieve prior to death).
Despite the theological differences, the General said: “All
posit a death to the self-life and a cleansing from the inner
pollution of sin. They all affirm the possibility of living selfcontrolled, upright and godly lives.”
Among discussion and references to other people’s writing
on the topics of sanctification and holiness, General Rader
presented several other metaphors of grace, including breaking
the addiction to self for growth in Christlikeness, making a
decisive move to a healthy environment, and reprogramming
the software of the soul.
The General then invited his wife to share her personal
encounter with holiness. Commissioner Rader spoke honestly
and openly as she shared her death to self and deliverance from
doubt, disobedience and disbelief. This she called “Application
220 Voltage”, that is, an application of Galatians 2:20.
The General ended the lecture by quoting Cheryl Bridges
John from The Holiness Manifesto. “There is beauty in a holy life,
and that beauty is rare today,” he said. “But because holiness is
rare, it does not mean it is impossible.”
At the conclusion of the lecture, John Cleary, Chairman,
Booth College Association, chaired a discussion between the
Raders and the audience.
“It [was] quite a spiritually invigorating talk and I don’t
know that anyone will be going home feeling any degree
of disappointment,” said Major Kelvin Alley, the Assistant
Principal at the School for Officer Training, of the General’s
“He’s a very scholarly speaker, and of course speaks from
a lifetime of experience and not only that, but he captures
the heritage of The Salvation Army in his own family. We got
the benefit of it all tonight and I think some really wonderful
insights into the life of holiness.”
Captain Donna Evans (Booth College Vice Principal for
Administration and Personnel) agreed.
“I thought General Rader was superb in the way he drew
[together] all the history and the theology and different writers,”
she said. “But for me, it was special that Commissioner Kay
shared her own personal experience ... it was great to have that
personal touch.”
Major Gavin Watts (School for Officer Training Principal)
were also impressed by the vulnerability of the Raders.
“[The General and the Commissioner] portrayed what
it means to be a Salvationist, a spiritual leader and how that
impacts their lives in being like Jesus,” he said.
After the Sydney Coutts Lecture, the Raders were involved
in the Cadets Retreat Day before heading to Brisbane. General
Paul and Commissioner Kay Rader participated in outreach
in Queen St Mall before speaking at the Brisbane City Temple
morning meeting, and then the repeat Coutts Lecture in the
On Monday, 30 August, they spoke at the Newcastle and
Central NSW Divisional Holiness Meeting at Eastlakes Corps,
followed by a mission forum on Tuesday.
Prior to their travel within the Australia Eastern Territory,
the Raders had several engagements in the Australia Southern
Territory including the Brengle Conference in Geelong, a lecture
in Hobart and a lecture at Ringwood Corps (Victoria).
*Listen to the Coutts Lecture online at:
General Paul Rader speaks at The Salvation Army Booth College
Association’s annual Coutts Memorial Lecture (top). General
Rader and his wife Kay with Korean Cadet Ji-Sook Wunderlich at
the college (above).
pipeline 10/2010 23
Fr o m t h e c o a l f a c e
Fr o m t h e c o a l f a c e
Social justice worth fighting for
lmost 200 people converged on The Salvation Army’s
Territorial Headquarters in Sydney over one weekend in
late August in the name of social justice.
The annual I’ll Fight conference convened on Friday 27 and
Saturday 28 August, with the purpose to educate, empower and
mobilise people to take action in the fight for social justice.
“There was a spirit of enthusiasm and a sense that things
can change,” said Robyn Evans, the Army’s Australia Eastern
Territory Social Justice Coordinator, at the conclusion of the
conference. “There is a need for revival within the Christian
Commissioner Linda Bond, Australia Eastern Territorial
Commander, was the first of four keynote speakers. Her
message urged the delegates to take hold of the Holy Spirit’s
power and be active in the fight for justice.
“It’s one thing to see something; it’s one thing to hear a
cry; it’s another thing to react with deep, deep emotion,” the
Commissioner said. “But it has to go from seeing and hearing
and reacting, to doing something. You’ve got to do something!”
Jarrod McKenna, from the Lockridge Peace Tree Community
in Western Australia, spoke in the afternoon about the need to
fight non-violently against social injustice.
On Saturday morning, Envoy Judith Nuriyn-Yumba (North
Ipswich Indigenous Ministries) joined with Aunty Jean Philips
(a founding pastor of the Aboriginal Evangelical Fellowship) to
discuss – in relation to Indigenous communities – the need for
healing and moving forward with understanding and respect.
Captain Brendan Nottle (Melbourne 614 Corps) closed the
conference by challenging the church to repent of its oppression,
and respond to the causes of injustice as well as its results. To
express his repentance, Captain Nottle dressed in sackcloth with
ashes, akin to the Old Testament expression.
Workshops that discussed practical solutions to social
injustices were held on both days of the conference. Choices
included refugees and asylum seekers, creating justice within a
culture, social justice mentoring, eco-justice, biblical justice and
advocacy, and developing policy that affects change.
Also, on Friday night, more than 70 people attended a panel
discussion on human trafficking with Luke Geary from the
Army’s Salvos Legal office, Jenny Stanger, Supervisor Samaritan
Accommodation, and Fiona David, Australian Institute of
Criminology researcher.
The discussion covered legal aspects (such as visa and
migration issues), local and global perspectives, and everyday
practical elements (this included volunteers sharing their
experiences with trafficked victims).
On Saturday afternoon, Nathan Moulds (Edify Coordinator)
chaired a tour of Gallery for Justice ( – an
avenue to tell stories of social justice.
Meantime, a resource centre offered delegates information
on various organisations involved in the fight for justice. Stalls
included: The Salvation Army International Development
Office, World Vision, Compassion, Be a Hero, Micah Challenge,
Australian Wildlife Conservancy and OXFAM (Close the Gap).
Additionally, The Salvation Army’s Justice Unit had a stall
promoting three new resources: two books and one album.
Message for Change – a CD produced by The Salvation
Army’s Social Justice Department to promote social justice –
was launched at I’ll Fight on Friday. The songs were written by
various songwriters (including some from the Australia Eastern
Territory) who are actively pursuing justice and/or working on
the front line. Salvos Legal is the recipient of all album profits.
The latest offering by Carpenter Media is 50 Ways to Do
Justice – a book that provides practical solutions for people
wanting to “do something” about injustice. Authors including
Robyn Evans, Luke Geary, Casey O’Brien, Captain Paul Moulds
and Major Danielle Strickland, offer motivational teaching and
ideas regarding topics such as the environment, asylum seekers,
poverty and hunger, human trafficking and fair trade practices.
The third resource released at the conference was Challenging
Evil a book originally published as Social Evils the Army has
Challenged by S Carvosso Gauntlett. Major Strickland wrote
some discussion guides to accompany the text with the purpose
of further challenging and inspiring readers.
Salvos embark on
Big Rescue mission
rom this month, every child who attends a Salvation
Army corps in the Australia Eastern Territory for the first
time will receive a Big Rescue Bible to keep.
Major Kevin Unicomb, the Territorial Youth and
Children’s Secretary, has developed an initiative which will
see children equipped with the necessary material to teach
them about God and how to live as young Christians.
A total of $30,000 has been spent on buying 3000 Big
Rescue Bibles from the Bible Society of Australia. Initially,
every corps in the Australia Eastern Territory will be given 20
Bibles to distribute to children.
“We want the giving of these Bibles to become the
culture of The Salvation Army when kids first come,” Major
Unicomb said.
The Bibles contain colourful pictures and easy navigating
tools for children to understand.
Additionally, Major Unicomb is keen to see individuals
within corps trained to be able to present these Bibles to the
children in a way that is simple and fun.
“They will be equipped to explain God’s Word and how
it applies to the children’s lives,” he said.
The Federal Government’s Communities for Children
program in South Queensland has already contributed
$5000 to the initial cost of the Bibles while further
donations have brought the amount of financial support for
the project to $16,000.
Major Unicomb is encouraging families or individuals
within corps to consider making a regular contribution to
the cost of these Bibles, with the intention that the program
will be ongoing.
“Ultimately, we would love to have people sponsor and
buy a Bible each month to keep it as an continuing project,”
Major Unicomb said.
If you would like to help this initiative, please contact
your corps officer for details about how you can support the
Major Kevin Unicomb with copies of The Big Rescue Bible which
will be given to children attending The Salvation Army for the first
time. Photo: Shairon Paterson
Opportunities blossom with nursery
This one word was the platform on which William Booth founded
The Salvation Army and it was the centrepiece of the I'll Fight
A demonstration march through the streets of inner Sydney
accompanied the I'll Fight Conference which addressed the issue
of social injustice.
he opening of the Riverview Farm plant nursery near
Brisbane last month is an opportunity for more jobs for
Salvation Army clients and an increase in the community
“feeds” that occur each week, says the centre’s manager.
The nursery was officially opened on 14 September by Sir
John Pidgeon, a strong supporter of The Salvation Army.
Brad Strong, Manager of the Army’s Canaan School for
Training and Development which incorporates Riverview Farm,
said the nursery project was in its infancy but was already
pursuing lucrative contracts with major retailers like Big W.
“Whatever money we make goes to the work of the Army
and this site,” Mr Strong said.
“It’s certainly going to be a good venture for us,” he said.
“We have been doing a community feed for about five years
- and this will now enable us to do it five days a week instead of
The nursery has been employing 10 to 12 of The Salvation
Army’s clients on a part-time basis.
“The idea is to give them an opportunity to work in a real
workplace,” Mr Strong said.
Plans are also well advanced to move the old Salvation Army
hall from nearby Blackbutt to the Riverview complex. When the
Blackbutt hall opened in 1912 it was overseen by the Ipswich
Mr Strong said the 8x17m historic hall was in original
condition and would fit in well at the complex.
“Because it was in a tiny town, it’s never been altered. The
original furniture is still in there,” he said.
pipeline 10/2010 25
Fr o m t h e c o a l f a c e
Queensland kids benefit from Aged Care Plus walkathon
he Salvation Army Australia Eastern Territory's Aged Care
Plus service held its second annual walkathon on Friday,
10 September, aiming to raise money to help disadvantaged
Indigenous children in six Far North Queensland communities.
A target of $10,000 was set to provide 200 children with
school bags, books, pens, pencils and Bibles. Optus generously
donated the school bags, each worth more than $40, while
money raised from the walkathon will cover the items to be put
in the bag including the Bibles.
Aged Care Plus is also sponsoring 10 children on a trip to
Sydney to attend Kids Camp at The Collaroy Centre - the first
beach holiday any of these children will have experienced.
“The impact that event [Kids Camp] will have is very
exciting,” said Aged Care Plus Chief Executive Officer, Sharon
“We will not only help children in need and give them the
opportunity to see the ocean for the first time, but also work
towards fulfilling The Salvation Army’s evangelical mission.”
Of the walkathon fundraiser event, Ms Callister said: “This is
all part of our new five-year strategic plan to integrate with the
wider Salvation Army.”
Salvation Army officers - including Territorial Commander
Commissioner Linda Bond and Territorial Secretary for Women's
Ministries Colonel Jan Condon - employees and members of
the community took part in the walk through the centre of
Sydney. The 5.4km walk started in Hyde Park, near Territorial
Headquarters, and continued to Mrs Macquarie’s Point on
Sydney Harbour.
Every Aged Care Plus centre in the territory also organised
its own walkathon or similar event, with walkathon patron,
Chief Secretary Colonel James Condon, participating in
Kingdom come
sydney 2011
10-13 January 2011 • The King’s School Sydney Australia
The Salvation Army’s T3 Youth Congress
llister, Maria Fragatti
(from left) Sharon Ca
Aged Care Plus staff
set off on the walkatho
and Elizabeth Cupitt
Newcastle. Centres that did not host a walkathon signed
up people who committed to walking 50,000 steps in five
consecutive days.
The project chosen to be the recipient of money raised came
out of “roadshows” conducted by Aged Care Plus Mission
and Personnel Manager Major Robin Pullen, and Ms Callister.
They found that Aged Care Plus staff were keen to support a
project that assisted children, the Indigenous community and
disadvantaged people.
The 2010 walkathon has grown in popularity from last year,
with more participants and donations. When Pipeline went to
print, almost $22,000 had been raised with more donations still
to be counted.
Colin Daines
ndon and Major
Colonel Jan Co
of e walkathon
relax at the end
The walkath
on organisin
g committee
Major Beatric
(from left) Ro
e Kay, Colon
byn Evans,
el Jan Condo
Bond, Sharon
n, Commissio
Callister, Mar
ner Linda
ia Fragatti an
d Elizabeth C
24-7 Prayer Roster
27 September-1 October: Casino Corps
3-10 October: North NSW Divisional Headquarters;
Moree Corps
5-7 October: Lismore Corps
10-17 October: Nambucca River Corps
17-24 October: Kempsey Corps; Inverell Corps
22-24 October: Armidale Corps
24-31 October: Coffs Harbour Corps
pipeline 10/2010 27
Fr o m t h e c o a l f a c e
Fr o m t h e c o a l f a c e
Conference encourages generous lifestyle
ourney to a Generous Life was the theme of the The Salvation
Army’s Tri-Territorial Planned Giving Conference held at The
Collaroy Centre in late August.
The event drew 37 delegates (pictured below) from the
Australia Eastern, Australia Southern, and New Zealand, Fiji
and Tonga territories, as well as two representatives from Papua
New Guinea and the Philippines.
The goal of the conference, held from 21-26 August, was to
“present biblical principles of giving in a challenging format so
that each delegate gains a greater personal understanding of
the ‘generous lifestyle’ and is confident in implementing these
principles in their own life and within their appointment”.
Among the main speakers were Major Norm Beckett and
Reverend Karl Faase. The
conference drew much of its
focus from the material of
United States-based Reverend
Brian Kluth, author of the
best-selling 40 Day Spiritual
Journey to a More Generous Life
“I certainly think that
the lives of delegates,
and subsequently their
congregations, will be changed
in the coming days as strong
challenges were laid down
at the conference regarding
generosity within our lives,”
said Steve Burfield, the
Appeals (Internal) Operations
Manager for the Australia
Eastern Territory, which hosted the event.
“Even the [Territorial Commander] Commissioner [Linda
Bond] indicated, in her opening keynote address, that she is
keen to do the 40 Day Spiritual Journey to a More Generous Life
Meantime, The Salvation Army’s Tri-Territorial Courts and
Prison Chaplains Conference was held in Sydney in August.
More than 90 delegates from the Australia Eastern, Australia
Southern, and New Zealand, Fiji and Tonga territories attended
the biennial conference, from 15-18 August.
The event attracted a wide range of speakers including a
police prosecutor, chief magistrate and the Australia Eastern
Territorial Commander Commissioner Linda Bond.
Redcliffe blessed by Commissioner Bond visit
Weekend to remember
with Commissioner
(Majors David and Lea Palmer)
he Gosford Corps of The Salvation Army celebrated a
memorable weekend with Australia Eastern Territorial
Commander Commissioner Linda Bond in August.
“Hey! Hey! It’s Saturday Night with the Commissioner” was
well attended including visitors from other corps, Selah (Central
Coast Recovery Services) and another church on the Central
Gosford’s “Seeds of Praise” led a time of worship, while the
dance group challenged the congregation to look into Jesus and
not into this world.
“Celebrity Heads” created a few laughs before a panel of
three then presented questions, submitted by Gosford Corps
members, to Commissioner Bond.
The Territorial Commander kept the crowd's attention as she
explained The Army’s view on the Sacraments, revealed what
her favourite song was, talked about God’s calling on her life
and gave some insights into her recent visit to Kenya.
It proved to be a very informative night in which those
present came to know more about Commissioner Bond, and
grew in their understanding of the international Salvation Army.
On the Sunday morning, Commissioner Bond spoke about
the territory's first Mission Priority – "Prayer and Holiness". The
Holy Spirit’s presence was very evident as people made their
way forward seeking fullness of life.
Linda Bond chats
to Gosford Corps
members during her
visit in August.
(Majors William and Judith Hutley)
he congregation at The Salvation Army's Redcliffe City
Corps had been praying and looking forward to the "Big R"
weekend for a number of months.
Earlier this year, the corps had decided that age (the average
age at Redcliffe Corps is approximately 70) would prevent
many from attending a house party, but a special weekend with
Australia Eastern Territorial Commander Commissioner Linda
Bond was an option.
So it was that 80 people gathered on Saturday, 11 September
for Commissioner Bond's visit and they were not disappointed.
The day's programme offered time for great fellowship, good
food, excellent Bible teaching, inspiring singing as well as time
for laughter.
During the introduction to the Commissioner, a PowerPoint
presentation showed how the corps is endeavouring to fulfil
each of the territory’s seven Mission Priorities.
There was excitement in the air on the Sunday morning as
the whole corps came together for morning worship. More than
90 people returned on Sunday afternoon for a Meeting of Praise
featuring various corps sections. The congregation was also
encouraged as it heard 11 people briefly share their testimony of
Over the weekend, the Territorial Commander focused on
the Gospel of Luke, under the headings Revelation, Reaction,
Brisbane City's
got tons of
young talent
(Majors Earle and Christine Ivers)
alent comes in all forms, shapes and sizes and this was more
than evident at the Brisbane City Temple’s Young People's
Anniversary weekend on 14-15 August.
In a concert based on the popular television programme
Australia's Got Talent, the young people demonstrated on the
Saturday evening their versatility, covering a wide range of
genres including brass, woodwind and strings, timbrel playing
(littlies, learners and young people), skits, a puppet show, dance
in various forms, vocal, sparkling spoons and dogs (both dressup and real).
There was a guest appearance by a barber shop quartet,
Outta Tune, a group of high school-aged boys who thrilled the
audience with their versatility.
The judges were rendered speechless by some of the
performances, particularly by the surprise appearance of the
Temple's very own "Susan Boyle", the singer who stunned the
UK during the Britain's Got Talent version of the hit show last
The Brisbane City Temple Kids’ Connection was voted the
winner of a highly entertaining evening.
Earlier in the day, the young girls of the corps had enjoyed
an afternoon of pampering while the boys participated in
outdoor activities. This emphasised to the young people and
their friends that they were not only valued by God but also the
corps family.
The story of the apostle Paul was highlighted in the primary
children’s rendition of “Viva Damascus” on the Sunday
morning. The children sparkled and amongst the laughter the
central theme of God being the King resounded.
The young people were also highlighted in the morning
family service at which Corps Officer Major Earle Ivers brought
the Saturday evening and Sunday morning performances
together with his theme of “Look at Him” which focused on
giving God our talents.
General cancels visit to Australia
Commissioner Linda Bond shares a moment with long-serving
Redcliffe Corps soldier and former Corps Sergeant Major Rosalie
Hunt, and corps adherent Clyne Jameson.
Recommitment, Resolve.
A number of significant decisions were made openly and
personally by many people over the weekend.
eneral Shaw Clifton, world leader of
The Salvation Army, has had to cancel
his visit to Australia at the end of the year
for personal reasons.
The General (right) and his wife,
Commissioner Helen Clifton, had been
due to spend a week in the Army's
Australia Eastern Territory from 7-14
December, visiting Brisbane and Sydney.
They were to be the special guests at the
Commissioning weekend in Sydney on the
weekend of 11-12 December.
The Chief of the Staff Commissioner
Barry Swanson, the second-highest
ranking officer in the international
Salvation Army, and his wife,
Commissioner Sue Swanson, the World
Secretary for Women's Ministries, will now
be visiting in the place of the General and
Commissioner Clifton, in what will be
their first visit to Australia.
The Commissioners, who only took up
their new appointments earlier this year,
will also be visiting The Salvation Army's
Australia Southern Territory as part of
their Australia.
pipeline 10/2010 29
Fr o m t h e c o a l f a c e
Salvo named Brisbane's best dad
Brisbane father of the year David Howell at home with three of his nine children – (from left) Billy, Gavin and Esther. Photo courtesy of the
Brisbane Courier Mail
avid Howell, a member of The Salvation Army's Pine
Rivers Corps, has been named as Brisbane’s Father of
the Year for 2010.
Mr Howell, of Bracken Ridge in Brisbane's north, is the
father of nine children aged 11 to 31 and the grandfather
of five. He was nominated for the award, organised
by Scripture Union Queensland, by the youngest of his
children, son Gavin.
With five children still at home and a concreting business
to run, Mr Howell's life is busy, but at the top of his
priorities is guiding his children through life.
"That's what it's all about," said the 61-year-old who is
also involved with The Salvation Army's emergency services
team in Brisbane.
"I just want to influence them to be able to make a
choice and see the difference in which way they go.
"And when they do make a bad choice they can govern
themselves and correct themselves without getting into a
big mess.
"A lot of kids need dads, men to stand up and be dads.’’
The award is all the more poignant for Mr Howell after
his wife, Pamela, died in March last year after a long battle
with cancer.
He points to his Christian faith, and the support of his
children, for sustaining him through a difficult 18 months.
"We all have our ups and downs; we're not a perfect
family at all. But that's fine," he said.
"I feel really humble".
Celebration time on Mid North Coast
he Salvation Army on the Mid North Coast of NSW is
preparing for a great time of fellowship, fun and spiritual
blessings as it meets in Taree for the Mid Coast Celebration from
8-10 October.
People of all ages will be catered for as the Army celebrates
youth on Friday night, Celebrate Salvos Expo on Saturday,
Celebrate Music on Saturday night and Celebrate Holiness and
Celebrate Praise on Sunday.
Special guests for the weekend are Commissioners Ross and
June Kendrew from New Zealand and the Salvo Country Band
from Macksville.
Corps from Port Macquarie, Hannam Vale, Moorland,
Harrington, Taree and Forster/Tuncurry will all be involved in
this great celebration weekend.
If you would like to join in this weekend, email: taree.
pipeline 10/2010 31
Fr o m t h e c o a l f a c e
Fr o m t h e c o a l f a c e
Petersham celebrates
milestone anniversary
(Captain Greg Pack)
ver the weekend of 28-29 August, the Petersham Corps
(Sydney) of The Salvation Army celebrated its 125th
The festivities commenced on the Saturday evening when
more than 230 people attended a Celebration Concert which
featured as its special guests the Sydney Youth Band under the
direction of Joshua Mann.
Other participants on the night included the timbrel brigade
from Sydney Congress Hall, the Jannawi Dance Theatre group
which performed a welcome dance, the Portuguese Pentecostal
Church Worship Band, and 14-year-old violinist Harry Ward
who had the congregation on their feet after playing Introduction
and Rondo Capriccioso for violin.
The evening was led by Sydney East and Illawarra
Divisional Youth Secretary Major Stephen Briggs who also
shared some greetings from people who could not attend the
weekend. There was also video message given by Petersham
Corps’ oldest soldier, 99-year-old Edna Mayne.
On the Sunday, the hall was once again packed with 160
people attending worship led by the Sydney Staff Songsters.
During the meeting, Major Narelle Rees, Sydney East and
Illawarra Divisional Director of Women's Ministries, invited
people to share some of their memories of Petersham before a
video interview with Mrs Mayne on her memories of the corps
was played.
This was followed by an interview with 11-year-old Susan
Denner, the only young person now attending Petersham Corps.
When asked what her prayer was for Petersham, Susan replied
that more young people might attend and know Jesus Christ as
their Saviour.
Bandmaster Jon Mayne was also presented with a Certificate
of Appreciation and Long Service Badge for 40 years of service
to Petersham Corps by Sydney East and Illawarra Divisional
Commander Major John Rees.
The celebrations concluded with a fellowship lunch and the
cutting of the 125th anniversary cake by Mrs Mayne.
Temora Corps
hree new Adherents and three Junior Soldiers were
enrolled at Temora on Sunday 29 August. Pictured (below
left) are the Adherents (from left to right) Craig and Michelle
Robins, and Anita Thrippleton with Corps Leaders Doug and
Ruby Smith; and (below right) the new Junior Soldiers (from
left to right) Tyesha Thrippleton-Amos,
Tanya Dawson, and Jasmine Hammond with
prayer partners Envoy Yvonne McCallum,
Ruby Smith and Auxillary-Captain Don
Ward. Heather Clarke is holding the flag.
Redcliffe City Corps
Edna Mayne, flanked by Sydney East and Illawarra divisional
leaders Majors John and Narelle Rees, cuts the 125th anniversary
cake at Petersham.
hree new seniors soldier were enrolled by Corps Officer
Major William Hutley at Redcliffe City on Sunday 19
Septmeber. At the conclusion of the enrolment ceremony, each
of the new soldiers - Sheila Arnott, Acacia Cuthbertson and
Michael Halloran (pictured right with Major Hutley) - gave
their testimony. Sheila told the congregation of her love for
Jesus; Acacia spoke of how God had led her to The Salvation
Army through personal circumstances, youth group and her
interesting in brass banding; while Michael thanked those who
had shown interest in him, prayed for him and encouraged him
to recommit his life to God.
Bundamba Corps
undamba has celebrated the enrolment of 14 new corps
cadets, strengthening the thriving young people's program
of the south-east Queensland corps.
The corps cadets led a special Sunday morning meeting
during which they all knelt at the mercy seat and signed their
commitment cards.
They were then joined on the platform by their prayer pals
before the congregation stood and prayed for them.
The corps cadets are pictured in their Salvation Army shirts
with two of their leaders, Linda Beaver (far left) and Renae
Strong (far right).
Mackay Corps
ive adherents were enrolled during the morning meeting at
Mackay Corps on Sunday, 19 September. The corps is under
the command of Lieutenants Jeff and Terri Goodwin and they
were privileged to oversee the commitments of Pam Young, Val
Hazeldene, Shirley Barba, Terry Wright and Tracey Davison.
Lieut Terri Goodwin is seen in the photo after the service with
(from left) Pam, Val, Shirley and Terry. Terry and Pam have
been part of a worship team that has been operating a church
service at the local Langford Pub on Sunday afternoons, where
Christian songs are played and a Christian message is brought.
pipeline 10/2010 33
Fr o m t h e c o a l f a c e
Fr o m t h e c o a l f a c e
Congo communities rising from the ash
he village of Kibirga, in the eastern Democratic Republic of
Congo, no longer exists but The Salvation Army is helping
to rebuild the lives of people who survived after a volcanic
eruption laid waste an entire region.
The village, 35km from the city of Goma, was one of five
communities buried on 16 May this year when Mount Kirisimbi,
a volcano that had lain dormant since 1952, erupted. At least
47 people were killed and hundreds more lost their houses,
belongings and livelihoods.
The Salvation Army reacted quickly and implemented a
project providing clothing for the affected population. Panga, an
elderly man who lost all 16 members of his family, remembers
with gratitude the help provided by Lieutenant Jean Marc, the
local Salvation Army officer. The lieutenant was among the first
people to arrive with assistance and even helped to find land to
bury the dead.
More than four months on from the eruption, the people are
still in a desperate situation. They live with host families or in
one of three camps. The area where they lived is destroyed and
they won’t be able to return.
However, the local government has allocated new land for
240 families and The Salvation Army is looking to see how it can
support this community.
Lieutenant Jean Marc speaks to Panga, who lost all 16 members of
his family in the disaster.
Aussie Salvos help in earthquake relief effot
he Salvation Army Australia Eastern Territory has been
heavily involved in the relief effort in the wake of the
devastating earthquake which struck the New Zealand city of
Christchurch early last month.
Three critical incident debriefing teams from the territory
have each spent a week in New Zealand supporting The
Salvation Army’s response to the 7.1 magnitude quake which
struck in the early hours of 4 September.
They've been helping provide psychosocial support to those
affected by the disaster, giving some much-needed relief to
their New Zealand colleagues. This has included provision of
emotional support and information/referral to other services.
“Many people are suffering and need someone to talk to and
The Salvation Army has the ability to provide this support and
link people in distress to other services and agencies," said
Major Susan Reese, team leader of the first group to head to
“The ongoing aftershocks have exacerbated the trauma
people have suffered. Many cannot yet go back to their homes
and are still living in emergency shelter situations.
“Many people from rural areas of New Zealand have also
been affected, so part of our role will be to offer some kind of
support to them. We have team members experienced in dealing
with rural issues, which can be different to issues faced by city
The Salvation Army in Zealand swung quickly into action in
the hours after the quake struck.
It has been involved in channelling food and goods provided
by New Zealand companies to its food banks, for distribution
through the Army’s network of Community Ministry centres.
At the height of the relief effort the Army was feeding
around 2000 people a day at two Christchurch welfare centres,
First Salvation Army
building opened in Mongolia
Salvation Army Emergency Services Coordinator Major Rex Cross
with people being fed by the Army at a welfare centre. Photo:
John Gardner
400 of whom were staying at the centres overnight. It was also
feeding people in the outer Christchurch suburb of Rangiora.
A number of Salvation Army properties were damaged in
the quake. One house moved off its foundations, with cracks
and broken windows reported in other buildings. The St Albans
Corps hall suffered significant structural damage, with one crack
that started on the hall’s asphalt driveway extending through
the building.
he Salvation Army has opened
its first building in Mongolia in a
significant development for the newly
established ministry.
The opening ceremony included
the participation of Salvationist
personnel from Korea who have
supported or sponsored the
establishment of Army work in
The International Secretary
for South Pacific and East Asia,
Commissioner Robert Street, and the
Territorial Commander for Korea,
Commissioner Chun Kwang-pyo,
jointly cut the traditional yellow, red
and blue tape to officially declare the
building open.
The premises will accommodate
administration offices, a worship
hall, living accommodation and
multi-purpose rooms for outreach
programmes, including a feeding
programme for the homeless.
During the visit of the
International Secretary and
Commissioner Janet Street, official
talks were held with the Deputy Prime
Minister of Mongolia, Miyeegombyn
Enkhbold, who has ensured the
provision of land in Tov Aimag
Province for a Salvation Army social
welfare centre.
The visiting party was also able
to view recently established water
projects in the area and the Solongos
kindergarten run by the Army on an
estate in Ulaanbaatar, the country's
Commissioners Robert and Janet Street (front) and Commissioner Yoo, Sung-ja (back left)
visit Solongos Kindergarten
The ribbon-cutting ceremony, featuring (far left and right) officers appointed to open the
work in Mongolia, Captain Lee, Min-ho and Captain Chang, Mi-hyun with delegates from
Korea – including the territorial leaders – and South Pacific and Asia zonal leaders
Support for volcano victims
alvation Army personnel in Indonesia are continuing to
provide assistance to some of the thousands of people made
homeless after the eruption of the Mount Sinabung volcano on
the island of Sumatra in late August.
The volcano, which had been inactive for 400 years, sent
huge plumes of ash thousands of metres into the atmosphere,
covering surrounding towns and villages in thick ash. With
little time to gather their belongings, 29,000 people living in the
shadow of the volcano were evacuated to emergency shelters in
surrounding towns.
The local Salvation Army Compassion in Action has been
working out of the nearest corps in the town of Kabanjahe,
where a team will remain for the next few months
Flood relief continues
mergency work is ongoing in the flood-hit regions of
Pakistan, where an estimated 20 million people – more
than 10 per cent of the population – have been affected by the
The flooding began in the north-west of the country in July
but continues to move to the south, with people now having
to leave their homes in Sindh province where flood water
continues to impact on families and communities.
Salvation Army relief teams are working in three provincial
areas – Punjab, Sindh and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa – distributing
household goods including bedding and cooking utensils.
Almost 20,000 families have received goods from Salvation
Army teams including nearly 5000 tents.
pipeline 10/2010 35
Fr o m t h e c o a l f a c e
Fr o m t h e c o a l f a c e
promoted to glory
Woman of faith
rs Brigadier Hazel
Woodbury was
promoted to glory on 21
August from Sydney, aged
Commissioner Earle
Maxwell conducted a
service at the Woronora Crematorium
on Monday, 30 August. Mrs Brigadier
Woodbury’s 101-year-old brother, Vivian,
attended the service along with his
daughter and son. Major Julie Campbell
(granddaughter) read Psalm 71, and
Envoy Alan Staines (a weekly visitor to
Mrs Brigadier Woodbury) prayed.
This was followed by an afternoon
Celebration Service at Hurstville Corps,
conducted by Mrs Brigadier Woodbury’s
son, Major Errol Woodbury with assistance
from Lieutenant-Colonel Don Woodland.
A musical prelude by granddaughter
Pam O’Dea (Northlakes Corps) and band
commenced the service. This was followed
by the song, My Jesus, I Love Thee, I Know
Thou Art Mine.
Hazel Alley (granddaughter) offered
a prayer and then Major Joanne Slater,
Macquarie Lodge Chaplain, read selected
verses from Ephesians (one of Hazel’s
favourite books of the Bible). After a
chorus, Lay up Treasure in Heaven, Hazel
Woodbury’s children: Major Gweneth
Woodbury, Major Noreen Clanfield and
Major Errol Woodbury paid tribute to her
From this point, Lieutenant-Colonel
Woodland officiated the service. During
the tributes, Lieutenant-Colonel Woodland
read a message from General Eva Burrows
(R) who was always close with the
Woodbury family.
The Hurstville Songsters gave a
message, You Are My All in All, and
this was followed by tributes from the
grandchildren: Hazel, Julie, Pam, Wendy,
Neil, Janelle and Errol. Ever is the War Cry
was sung and then the great-grandchildren
shared their favourite memories.
Australia Eastern Territorial
Commander, Commissioner Linda Bond
read her letter to the family. “As corps
officer and soldier, [Mrs Brigadier Hazel
Woodbury’s] steadfast, strong spirit
matched her energy and enthusiasm as a
Salvationist,” the Commissioner read.
Brian Pethybridge then spoke on
behalf of Hurstville Corps, where Mrs
Brigadier Woodbury soldiered for more
than 40 years. Major John Wiseman and
band presented a vocal solo, My Tribute,
and then Major Errol Woodbury delivered
the message. He spoke about the way
God brings his good works to completion
(Philippians 1:6). Major Woodbury said
that his mother knew her personal identity,
promoted to glory
plan and purpose throughout her life –
this is what was important.
To close, he led into the chorus, When
We All Get to Heaven, and then O Boundless
Salvation. During the final song, the
congregation spontaneously commenced
a Hallelujah rally, waving Salvation Army
flags, in remembrance of Mrs Brigadier
Hazel Woodbury who regularly marched
with the Army flag until she was 99 years
Hazel Olive Wemyss was born on
2 December, 1904, in Wellington, NSW,
to Salvation Army officers Daniel and
Madeline. Hazel was their fourth child
of five. She had three brothers: Bram
(deceased), Victor (deceased), Vivian
(the youngest, aged 101), and one sister:
Thelma (deceased). Daniel and Madeline
resigned from officership due to health,
and then moved to Orange, NSW.
At the age of 18, Hazel responded to
the Lord’s call to officership, and became a
cadet of the Victory session in 1923. Cadet
Wemyss’ first appointment was to Nowra
in NSW. She was subsequently appointed
to Deniliquin Corps and Leeton Corps.
In 1926, on 22 December, Hazel
married Norman Bradford Woodbury at
Forest Lodge Corps, Glebe.
The Captains were appointed to West
Wyalong Corps, followed by Albury
(where Gweneth was born), Hornsby,
Paddington (where Noreen was born),
Redfern, Goulburn, Newcastle and
Townsville (where Errol was born).
Following this, they went to Brisbane City,
Petersham and Bundaberg Corps’.
In 1942, Hazel was appointed to
the Subscribers Department, the North
Queensland Division and then the
Goulburn Public Relations Department.
Mrs Brigadier Hazel Woodbury
commenced her final appointment in 1961
in Special Efforts/Evangelism.
Hazel was a wonderful organiser
and cook, and is well-known for her
many Home League and youth camps,
both in Queensland and NSW. She
was community-minded and peopleorientated. Her home was always open to
the ‘whosoever’ for a meal.
Mrs Brigadier Woodbury is also
remembered for her love and passion
for the youth of the corps. She taught
Directory and Corps Cadets at Hurstville,
and many people of that era remember
her leadership and encouragement for the
Lord and The Salvation Army.
Following the Woodburys’ retirement
in 1968, they lived in Carlton (Sydney) and
soldiered at Hurstville. They were asked to
be responsible for the development of the
Engadine Outpost and for several years
built up a corps and a hall – supported by
the Hurstville Corps. Hazel also worked at
Sunset Lodge, Marrickville, for a number
of years, helping with the many demands
of the ageing residents.
After Norman’s death in 1982, Hazel
moved to the Trigg Village Collaroy Beach
and was a faithful soldier of Dee Why
Corps. She decided it was time to go to
the Macquarie Lodge Hostel Care at 95
years. This year, after a couple of months
following the transfer to the new complex,
the Lord ‘called her home’.
The Brigadier is survived by her
three officer children: Major Gweneth
Woodbury, Majors Noreen (and Max)
Clanfield, Majors Errol (and Dot)
Woodbury; seven grandchildren: Hazel
(and John) Alley, Pamela (and Ian) O’Dea,
Majors Neil (and Sharon) Clanfield, Majors
Julie (and Mark) Campbell, Majors Wendy
(and Rodney) Walters, Janelle (and Greg)
Cocking, Errol (and Tracy) Woodbury; 23
great-grandchildren; and 10 great-greatgrandchildren.
Hazel’s favourite saying was “If you
can’t be great, be faithful” – this was true
for her to the end.
Life of faithfulness
ajor Gordon Hosking
was promoted to
glory on 7 August from
Eddystone Nursing Home
in Bexley, Sydney, aged 81.
A service was held at
Woronora Crematorium on
12 August conducted by Commissioner
Earle Maxwell, who spoke on the promise
of the resurrection, and the confidence
this gives us, both in life and when facing
Major Dorothy Hosking (wife) read
from the Scriptures, and Kathryn Lattouf
(daughter) shared a family tribute,
speaking about how “Dad was always
keen to see his family growing spiritually”.
Kathryn also mentioned that her dad
was always the last to leave the hall on a
Sunday as the Corps Officer. Even though
this was part of his role, the family saw
it more as a reflection of him as a people
person. “He couldn’t help himself,”
Kathryn said. “Dad loved being around
Following the crematorium service,
Lieutenant-Colonel Philip Cairns
conducted a Thanksgiving Service at
Dulwich Hill Corps, where Gordon and
Dorothy worshipped.
David Hosking (son) presented a
family tribute. He said, “Dad was above
all a man of strong and vibrant faith. He
said to Christine at one time that being a
Christian turned his life from black and
white to colour. His faith and service were
also very practical. He really enjoyed
living the Christian life.
“One particular memory is of him
approaching people with, “Dear friend”,
usually said with a grin. This innocent
phrase could strike fear into your heart as
it was generally followed by a request to
do something in the meeting this Sunday,
this week.”
Six of Gordon’s 12 grandchildren
who were able to attend the service also
presented a tribute that spoke of their
many different and happy memories of
their Grandpa.
Lieutenant-Colonel Philip Cairns
based his message on the Christian’s
hope of resurrection and the surety of
the Christian’s belief in a life beyond this
earthly life. He included his own tribute
from the days when Gordon, as Campsie
Corps Officer, prepared him and Jan for
their entry into the Training College.
Gordon Henry Hosking was born on
22 March, 1929, to a Brisbane Salvationist
couple, Ivy and Jim Hosking, active in
Albion (now North Brisbane) Corps.
He taught in juniors, was corps pianist,
bandsman and songster, and was on
the Youth Group Committee. He also
joined the Methodist Order of Knights,
which introduced him to an ecumenical
outlook which developed further in later
appointments as an officer.
Music always attracted him,
particularly brass music. His early piano
lessons provided grounding in theory and
he was blessed with a ‘good ear’. An 80
Bass piano accordion, acquired in 1950,
saw service in many corps settings in early
officership. He studied accountancy and
worked in the Queensland Railways Audit
Office before going to Training College
from Albion Corps in 1951 as part of the
Ambassadors session.
Commissioned in 1952 in Marrickville
Town Hall, Gordon was appointed to assist
at Kendall Corps – a circuit corps taking in
Herrons Creek, Hannamvale, Dunbogan,
and Wauchope each Sunday – 70 miles for
the day.
An appointment as Corps Officer to
Bega Corps followed, then his marriage to
Lieutenant Dorothy Cathcart in January
1954. They wed on a Friday evening to
gain a few more hours honeymoon before
their entry to their first married corps,
Yass, on the following Thursday.
The first of four children was born at
Yass. In time, Lyn (Cook) was followed by
David, Christine (Cooper) and Kathryn
(Lattouf). Their children and their families
gave Gordon a great deal of pleasure; he
was always proud of their spiritual growth
and achievements.
Appointments at West Wyalong
Corps, Holland Park (Brisbane), North
Rockhampton, Inala and Wynnum
preceded Captain Hosking’s entry into
Red Shield Defence Services, where he was
responsible for the welfare and morale of
In 1971, Majors Gordon and Dorothy
Hosking were appointed to Townsville
City Corps, Gordon with added
responsibility as City Director. Ecumenism
was strong in Townsville and Easter was
a great Christian festival involving all
churches. Gordon became a Rotarian and
continued membership for the following
17 years. As corps officer at Bundaberg,
Dulwich Hill, Campsie and Parramatta,
he found great opportunities for service,
fellowship and spiritual growth.
In 1988, Gordon and Dorothy were
appointed to Newcastle and Central NSW
Divisional Headquarters, Gordon as
Divisional Secretary. Travelling throughout
the division to conduct audits and
meetings enabled Gordon to fellowship
with, and counsel younger officers. His
sense of humour relaxed people.
A final appointment to Sydney East
and Illawarra Divisional Headquarters,
again as Divisional Secretary, then as
General Secretary, brought Gordon and
Dorothy closer to family around Sydney,
and they valued this.
Major Hosking retired in April
1994. He and Dorothy lived at Bexley in
retirement until severe disability prompted
Gordon’s move to Eddystone Nursing
Home for his final weeks.
Loved by all
ajor Alan Rushbrook
was promoted to
glory on 27 July, aged 71.
A funeral service was
held on 4 August at Cardiff
Salvation Army Corps
following a morning tea
that enabled people to gather and share
stories about Alan.
Amongst 200 other guests, were Major
Lynette Rushbrook (wife), five daughters,
five son-in-laws, 12 grandchildren and one
Alan’s daughter, Captain Wendy-Sue
Swann (Dubbo Corps Officer) conducted
the funeral, which was predominantly
planned by Alan himself.
Alan’s granddaughters carried items
that signified his life, including a helmet,
boots, flyswat and a Bible. The grandsons
escorted him in to the song Bat out of Hell.
He also chose the songs sung in the service
which included I’ll go in the Strength and
I’m a Soldier Bound for Glory.
Captain Andrew Schofield presented
a tribute on Alan’s work life, and each
of Alan’s daughters, his sister, selected
friends and his grandchildren gave a
tribute. All remembered how funny,
loving, supportive and outrageous he was.
One of the memories shared by the
grandchildren was how he would pick
them up at the airport dressed in some
form of outlandish outfit, and although
slightly embarrassed, it would make them
feel special.
During the committal service, each
family member placed a sticker on Alan’s
casket; sending him off as he would send
his mail – covered in stickers.
Alan Francis Rushbrook was born
on 24 February, 1939 in East Hornden,
England. Alan, his parents Frank and
Josephine, and his sister Jenny, migrated to
Australia in 1949.
In March 1968, Alan married Lynette
Carter, whom he always loved dearly. Alan
and Lynette had five children: Roselyn,
Evelyn, Wendy-Sue, Lyndal and Jose.
In 1979, Alan and Lynette began
Salvation Army service as Territorial
Envoys and then Auxiliary-Captains at
Macksville Corps (now Nambucca River
Corps), which was followed by Tuggerah
Lakes Corps.
In 1988, Alan received the rank of
captain; and was appointed to Wellington
Corps, Maroubra Corps and then Gympie
During his Gympie Corps
appointment, Captain Rushbrook
commenced an additional appointment
as Chaplain to the Gympie Queensland
Police Service.
This ended in 2000 with his move
to the Broken Hill Corps, where he
simultaneously acted as the Associate
Chaplain for the Broken Hill NSW Rural
Fire Service, and as the Area Co-ordinator
for the Emergency Services in The Greater
West Division.
In 2002, Alan was appointed as the
Corps Officer of the Upper Blue Mountains
Corps. During this appointment, he was
promoted to major before retiring in 2004.
Alan had a life-long love for
motorbikes, and they were always a major
part of his ministry.
His bike was always covered with
Australian and Salvation Army flags, along
with signs and stickers that promoted God
and the Good News.
Major Rushbrook was full of life and
would never pass up an opportunity to
talk to people and share Jesus’ love with
Throughout his life, he touched a lot of
people that would otherwise never have
listened to the message of Jesus.
Alan had a big personality, and was
loved by all who knew him.
He loved The Salvation Army and after
moving to Australia, always considered
himself Australian. Alan also always
remembered the salvation offered to him
by Jesus.
pipeline 10/2010 37
Fr o m t h e c o a l f a c e
about people
10-16 October
Effective 26 August: Major Bruce Harmer, Team Leader, Townsville
Riverway Recovery Mission.
Katharine Dale, Ghana Territory; Singleton Corps, NSW; Social Justice,
Social Programme Department, both THQ; South Burnett Region Corps,
South Queensland Division Chaplaincy Services, both Qld; Sydney East
and Illawarra Division community welfare centres training day (15).
17-23 October
Additional Appointment
Effective 26 August: Major Carolyn Harmer, Captain Bev Kingston,
Captain Carole Smith, all Team Members, Townsville Riverway
Recovery Mission.
Effective 1 November: Major Mark Campbell, Divisional Commander,
South Queensland Division; Major Julie Campbell, Divisional Director
of Women’s Ministries, South Queensland Division.
Major Valda Mole of her brother Donald James Green on 6 August;
Major Dorothy Hosking of her husband, Major Lyn Cook of her father,
and Major Joyce Cathcart of her brother-in-law, Major Gordon Hosking
on 7 August; Major Howard Smartt of his uncle Dr Ray Smartt on
7 August; Major Sherrie Nicol and Major Jean Ridley of their father
George Thompson on 15 August; Captain Louise Nicholson of her
father Robert Nicholson on 18 August; Major Gweneth Woodbury, Mrs
Major Noreen Clanfield and Major Errol Woodbury of their mother,
Mrs Brigadier Hazel Woodbury on 21 August; Mrs Major Jean Bedwell
of her husband Major Neville Bedwell on 23 August; Mrs Captain
Betty Fuller of her husband Captain Les Fuller on 24 August; Captain
Lincoln Stevens of his brother, and Captain Leanne Stevens of her
brother-in-law, Noel Stevens on 30 August.
To Captains Anthony and Janice Rees a girl Penelope Cate on 17
August; to Captain Emma and Lieutenant Matthew Moore a girl
Zephaniah Evangeline Emma on 4 September.
Envoy Judith Nuriyn-Yumba to Ernest McAvoy on 26 September.
Promoted to glory
Major Gordon Hosking on 7 August; Major Gordon Fletcher on 19
August; Mrs Brigadier Hazel Woodbury on 21 August; Captain Les
Fuller on 24 August; Major Neville Bedwell on 23 August.
The following people have received the Commissioner’s Challenge
Award: Jasmin-Rose Pinney, Lucinda Scott, Palm Beach Elanora
Corps; Taryn Barstow, Emilie Ryan-Paroz, Charlotte Smith, Dee Why;
Melodey McGregor, Hayden Voight, Pine Rivers Corps; Shakara Best,
Maryborough, EstherPerry, Rockdale.
time to pray
Malawi Command; South Queensland Divisional Headquarters,
Southport Community Welfare Centre, both Qld; Spiritual Life
Development Department, THQ; Springwood Corps, NSW; Tri-territorial
conference, Collaroy (18-21); Communication and Public Relations
conference (18-21); The Greater West Division WOW weekend (22-24);
ACT and South NSW Division Kids Camp (22-24).
24-30 October
Captains Allan and Carolyn Kerr, Australia Southern Territory; St George
Community Welfare Centre, St Marys Corps, Sydney Chinese Corps, all
NSW; Stafford Corps, Still Waters, both Qld; Territorial Seniors Assembly
(25-29); Sydney East and Illawarra Division women’s celebration (27);
Sydney East and Illawarra Divisional kids camp (29 Oct-1 Nov); Booth
College Gala Day (30).
31 October – 6 November
Captains David and Kim Hawke, Zimbabwe Territory; Sydney Congress
Hall, Sydney East and Illawarra Division Chaplaincy Services, Sydney
East and Illawarra Divisional Headquarters, Sydney Korean Corps,
Sydney Streetlevel Mission, all NSW; Recovery Services Network
Conference, Wollongong (1-5); Sydney East and Illawarra Division officers
day apart (4); Territorial Headquarters retreat, Wollongong (5-7).
7-13 November
Majors Philip and Deslea Maxwell, Papua New Guinea Territory;
Tamworth Corps, Taree Corps, Tarrawanna Corps, Temora Corps,
Tenterfield Corps, all NSW; Territorial Mission and Resource Team, THQ;
Chaplaincy Sunday (7); Sydney East and Illawarra Division community
welfare centres forum (8); first year officers retreat (8-12); Sydney East and
Illawarra chaplains forum (11).
engagement calendar
Commissioner Linda Bond (Territorial Commander)
Wyong: Fri 8 Oct – Meeting with ministry workers
Dulwich Hill: Sun 10 Oct – Farewell to Colonels James and Jan Condon
Wollongong: Mon 11-Wed 13 Oct – THQ officers retreat
North Ipswich: Sun 17 Oct – corps visit
Collaroy: Mon 18-Thu 21 Oct – Tri-territorial conference
Central Coast: Sun 24-Thu 28 Oct – Territorial Seniors Assembly
Brisbane: Thu 4 Nov – Installations of Colonels Wayne and Robyn
Maxwell and Majors Mark and Julie Campbell
26 September – 2 October
Colonels James (Chief Secretary) and Jan Condon
3-9 October
*Gosford: Tue 5 Oct – home league
Rockhampton: Wed 6 Oct-Thu 7 Oct – Central and North Queensland
Division future strategy days
Dulwich Hill: Sun 10 Oct – farewell to Colonels James and Jan Condon
Wollongong: Mon 11 Oct-Thur 14 Oct – THQ officers retreat
Collaroy: Mon 18 Oct-Thu 21 Oct – Tri-territorial conference
#Hong Kong: Tues 19 Oct-Wed 20 Oct – China taskforce
Singapore, Malaysia and Myanmar Command; SAMIS Department,
School for Christian Studies, School for Leadership Training, School
for Officer Training, School for Youth Leadership, all THQ; Gospel Arts
Camp, Collaroy (26 Sept-3 Oct); Sydney East and Illawarra Division
chaplains forum (30).
Lieut-Colonels Laurie and Simone Robertson, International Headquarters;
Serenity House, Qld; Shekinah Campbelltown, Shellharbour Corps,
Shoalhaven Bridge Programme, Shoalhaven Corps, all NSW; Sydney East
and Illawarra Division crisis and support services forum (1); Central and
North Queensland Division review (7).
* Colonel Jan Condon only
# Colonel James Condon only