Jul 2016 - Living Word UPC
Jul 2016 - Living Word UPC
Preserving Christian Homes http://www.livingwordupc.org/ July 2016 http://www.livingwordupc.org/ Choices It is widely believed that having choices is a good thing. It doesn’t really matter whether you choose chocolate or vanilla ice cream, thin crust or deep dish pizza or McDonald’s coffee versus Starbucks latte. In the end the only casualty may be your waist line. In our Spiritual life we also have choices. However the stakes are much higher if you are cavalier about your choices. Exodus 20:10 but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God. In it you shall do no work: you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates. For many we see the weekend as a time for rest and recreation. A family vacation often is an excellent way to share family time and that is encouraged. Issue arises when we choose to treat Sunday (Sabbath) as just another day off. This may be a problem because the Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath. In other words, God established the Sabbath as a rest for His people, not because He needed a break, but because we are mortal and need a time of rest, a time to focus on God. In this, our spirits and bodies are both renewed. Will missing an occasional Sunday Service or Wednesday night Bible Study be detrimental to your well-being? I am not qualified to say. Is this an article of condemnation? Not at all. As Christians it is incumbent among us to help and look out for one another and encourage Council from those who are qualified to provide guidance. Red or green chili is a choice but serving God is not an option. Congratulations to Bro Mathew Trowbridge for his successful completion of the ExCELL Bible curriculum. During the tri-semesters he worked closely with Bro/Sis Hernandez to complete the in-depth course of study. 1 July Anniversaries Living Word Church wishes all of our Couples a very Happy Anniversary Our Youth in action for the Lord Jesus each Wednesday night! 2 Youth Camp in Amarillo While the Summer rains fell outside the Holy Ghost rain blessed those inside ministered by Rev. Lee Stoneking. We love him Wet or Dry Everyone is welcomed to come out to the Living Word Church Annual July 4th Picnic at Kirtland Air Force Base. There will be lots of food, fun and fellowship. There will be volleyball, basketball and a water slide for the kids. You are also welcome to bring your Super Soakers and Water Cannons. Possession of Fireworks is strictly prohibited. For more information or directions please contact Bro/Sis Nichols. Rules of Engagement: While we want you to enjoy yourselves, the area will have many unarmed Civilians. Therefore please don’t fire your Super Soakers unless first fired upon. This includes firing at the Pastor. 3 Memorial Day Picnic 4 July 2016 Sun 3 Mon 4 July 4th Picnic @ Kirtland AFB 11:30 Sunday School 10:30am Prayer 6pm Service 6:30pm 10 Armor Bearers 9:30 Sunday School 10:30am Prayer 6pm Service 6:30pm 11 Sugar and Spice Ladies Fellowship 7pm 17 Sunday School 10:30am MAX Men's Fellowship and Dinner 6:30pm Prayer 6pm Service 6:30pm 24 Armor Bearers 9:30 Prayer 6pm Service 6:30pm 31 Prayer 6pm Service 6:30pm 25 Wed 6 5 Bible Study 7pm Pastor’s Prayer 10am 12 Pastor’s Prayer 10am 19 Pastor’s Prayer 10am Pastor’s Prayer 10am 9 15 16 Power Prayer Student Activities 7pm 21 27 Sat Student Activities 7pm 22 23 Student Ministries Bible Study 7pm Pastor’s Prayer 10am Bible Study 7pm 8 14 20 Bible Study 7pm Fri 7 Pastor’s Prayer 10am Evangelist Chris Erickson Ministering 26 Thu 13 Bible Study 7pm Pastor’s Prayer 10am LWC Single’s Fellowship and Dinner 6:30 pm Sunday School 10:30am Sunday School 10:30am 18 Tue 28 Pastor’s Prayer 10am 29 30 5 6 Date Night 6:30 – 10pm 1 2 Pastor’s Prayer 10am 3 Bible Study 7pm 4 Pastor’s Prayer 10am 5
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