PAC SecureNet User Guide - Fidelity Integrated Systems
PAC SecureNet User Guide - Fidelity Integrated Systems
PAC SecureNet User Guide Helpfile All Ver 3.10 August 2006 PAC INTERNATIONAL LTD A Stanley Security Solutions Business 1 Park Gate Close, Bredbury, Stockport, SK6 2SZ, England Tel: +44 (0) 161 406 3400. Fax: +44 (0) 161 430 8658 Issue Record Version Date Details 2.00 Mar 04 Administration Software 2.0 helpfile 2.10 Jul 04 Keyholder search updated and event archiving added. Magstripe specification moved to customisation. Encoder added 2.20 Nov 04 Lift control added. CCTV added. 2.21 Jan 05 Technical support telephone number updated. Bolt door overrides time profile. 2.60 Jul 05 IP Address Configuration of 500, 512IP and 2200IP 2200 local alarms added 2.61 Nov 05 All facilities included in one document 3.10 Aug 06 AEM, Multiple Org Units, Muster, Audit Trail, etc. added Helpfile All Ver 3.10 ii Version 3.10 Aug 2006 Changes are periodically made to the product and these changes will be incorporated into new editions of this manual. Stanley Security Solutions shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for any consequential damages connected with the use of this material. Copyright and Protective Notices 1. The copyright of this document and the associated drawings is the property of Stanley Security Solutions, and is issued on condition that it is not copied, reprinted or reproduced, nor its contents disclosed, either wholly or in part, without the consent in writing of, or in accordance with the conditions of a contract with Stanley Security Solutions. 2. The publication of information in this document does not imply freedom from patent or other protective rights of Stanley Security Solutions, or others. 3. Performance figures and data quoted in this document are typical, and must be specifically confirmed by Stanley Security Solutions before they become applicable to any tender, order or contract. Training and Technical Support (PAC only) Training courses covering the installation and use of all products are regularly held at PAC INTERNATIONAL LTD, Stockport. For further information on course availability, or to discuss your specific requirements, contact the Training Manager at the address below. It is strongly recommended that any persons installing or commissioning products attend a suitable training course beforehand. Technical Support for all products is available during normal office hours: 8:30am to 5:30pm (UK time) Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays. Tel: 0870 7203400 International +44 870 7203400 Fax: 0870 7203411 International +44 870 7203411 Email: This service is provided primarily for the use of trained users. End users of products should first of all contact their installation or maintenance company before contacting PAC. PAC INTERNATIONAL LTD A Stanley Security Solutions Business 1 Park Gate Close Bredbury Stockport SK6 2SZ England Helpfile All Ver 3.10 iii IMPORTANT: When installing the hardware the following should be noted: HEALTH AND SAFETY Installation must be wired in accordance with National Wiring Regulations (BS7671, IEE National Wiring Regulations in the UK). Failure to do so can result in injury or death by electric shock. It must also comply with any local Fire, Health and Safety regulations. A secured door that may be part of an escape route from an area must be fitted with: • A fail-safe lock (A) so that the door will be released if the power fails. Ideally a magnetic lock should be used as these are less likely to jam or seize. • A normally-closed break-glass or manual pull (B) in the lock supply wiring so that in an emergency the fail-safe lock can be immediately depowered. B A The controller must be earthed. Isolate the controller power supply before working on the controller. Cabling The cabling used in the PAC Access Control Systems (RS-232, RS-485, reader cables, etc.) are not prone to electrical interference. However, you should avoid routing cable close to heavy load switching cables and equipment. If this is unavoidable, cross the cable at right angles every 3.3-6.6ft/1-2m to reduce the interference. ESD Precautions The 500 series of controllers contain static-sensitive devices; an earth grounding strap should be worn when maintaining a running system. RFID Devices As similar RFID technology is now widely used in a number of other industries, for example automotive immobilisers, it is possible that interaction between your access control ID and other devices may cause one or the other to function incorrectly. Should you suspect that you have experienced such a problem the solution is to separate your access control ID from other RFID devices. Lithium Batteries There is a danger of explosion if lithium batteries are incorrectly replaced or handled. Please read carefully the following guidelines. Failure to do so can result in injury. 1. Take steps to ensure that the batteries are never short circuited. 2. Always store the batteries separately in non-conducting materials. 3. Do not place lithium batteries with normal waste collections; dispose of them correctly. For information on the disposal of used lithium batteries and your local disposal sites, call the Environment Agency Helpline (UK only) on 08459 333111. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 iv Table of Contents 1. Introduction to Help File ......................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Displaying Help Information ................................................................................................ 1 1.2 Tab Area Facilities............................................................................................................... 1 1.3 Toolbar Facilities ................................................................................................................. 1 1.4 Browse Facilities ................................................................................................................. 2 2. Specifications .......................................................................................................................... 3 2.1 Administration Software Specifications ............................................................................... 3 2.1.1 System Limits............................................................................................................. 3 2.1.2 Administration Features ............................................................................................. 4 2.2 Hardware Specifications ..................................................................................................... 5 2.2.1 500 Specifications...................................................................................................... 5 2.2.2 512 Specifications...................................................................................................... 6 2.2.3 520/530 I/O Controllers.............................................................................................. 7 3. Administration Software......................................................................................................... 8 3.1.1 Introduction to the Administration Software ............................................................... 8 3.1.2 Installation .................................................................................................................. 8 3.1.3 Updates...................................................................................................................... 9 3.2 Access Control Overview .................................................................................................. 10 3.2.1 System Design ......................................................................................................... 10 Access Types................................................................................................... 10 System Design................................................................................................. 10 System Plan..................................................................................................... 11 Hardware Configuration using 500 Channel ................................................... 12 Hardware Configuration using Offline Channel ............................................... 13 3.2.2 Simple Example ....................................................................................................... 14 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 14 Define the Areas .............................................................................................. 14 3.2.3 Add the 500 TCP/IP channel ................................................................................... 15 Add and Probe the Controller .......................................................................... 15 Define the Holiday Profiles .............................................................................. 15 Define the Time/Mode Profiles ........................................................................ 16 Update the Doors............................................................................................. 17 Define Access Groups ..................................................................................... 18 Add Keyholders................................................................................................ 18 Add Operators.................................................................................................. 18 Download Database to the Controller.............................................................. 19 3.3 Administration Software Tools .......................................................................................... 20 3.3.1 Help.......................................................................................................................... 20 3.3.2 500 Manual .............................................................................................................. 20 3.3.3 Restore Database .................................................................................................... 20 3.3.4 Release Notes ......................................................................................................... 20 3.3.5 Service Manager ...................................................................................................... 20 3.3.6 Application Software ................................................................................................ 21 3.3.7 Configure Device IP Addresses............................................................................... 21 3.4 Administration Software Overview .................................................................................... 23 3.4.1 Login ........................................................................................................................ 23 3.4.2 Administration Software Window ............................................................................. 24 3.4.3 Welcome Screen...................................................................................................... 25 3.4.4 Menus ...................................................................................................................... 26 Helpfile All Ver 3.10 v 3.4.5 Toolbar ..................................................................................................................... 30 3.4.6 Explorer Bar ............................................................................................................. 32 3.4.7 Status Bar ................................................................................................................ 33 3.4.8 List View................................................................................................................... 33 3.4.9 Property Page .......................................................................................................... 34 3.4.10 Logoff ..................................................................................................................... 35 3.5 Organisation Options......................................................................................................... 36 3.5.1 Customisation .......................................................................................................... 36 3.5.2 System Settings ....................................................................................................... 36 3.5.3 Card Format ............................................................................................................. 37 Proximity Reader ............................................................................................. 37 Magnetic Stripe ................................................................................................ 38 Wiegand (2601 format) .................................................................................... 40 Adding or Editing a Card Format ..................................................................... 41 3.5.4 Event Archiving ........................................................................................................ 42 3.5.5 System Access......................................................................................................... 43 3.5.6 Organisational Unit Details ...................................................................................... 43 3.5.7 Access...................................................................................................................... 44 3.5.8 Custom Labels ......................................................................................................... 44 3.5.9 Categories................................................................................................................ 45 3.5.10 Keyholder Extra Details ......................................................................................... 46 3.5.11 Alarms .................................................................................................................... 46 3.6 Organisational Units .......................................................................................................... 48 3.6.1 Organisational Units List .......................................................................................... 48 3.6.2 Organisational Unit Details ...................................................................................... 48 3.7 Keyholders ........................................................................................................................ 49 3.7.1 Keyholder List View ................................................................................................. 49 3.7.2 Keyholder Property Page......................................................................................... 49 Keyholder Details............................................................................................. 49 Keyholder Personal Details ............................................................................. 51 Keyholder Notes .............................................................................................. 51 Keyholder Keys................................................................................................ 51 Keyholder Extra Information ............................................................................ 52 Keyholder Personal Access............................................................................. 53 Keyholder Access Groups ............................................................................... 54 Keyholder Events............................................................................................. 54 Keyholder Area Usage..................................................................................... 55 3.7.3 Add/Update/Delete a Keyholder .............................................................................. 55 3.8 Guests ............................................................................................................................... 57 3.9 Operators .......................................................................................................................... 58 3.9.1 Operator List View ................................................................................................... 58 3.9.2 Operator Property Page........................................................................................... 58 Operator Details............................................................................................... 58 Operator Privileges .......................................................................................... 60 Operator Alarm Viewer .................................................................................... 61 3.9.3 Add/Update/Delete an Operator .............................................................................. 61 3.9.4 Specifying a Keyholder as an Operator ................................................................... 62 3.10 Time & Mode Profiles ...................................................................................................... 63 3.10.1 Time & Mode Profile List View ............................................................................... 63 3.10.2 Time & Mode Profile Property Page ...................................................................... 63 Daily Time Profiles ......................................................................................... 63 Weekly Time Profiles ..................................................................................... 64 Mode Profiles ................................................................................................. 65 Helpfile All Ver 3.10 vi Area Mode Profile Access Options................................................................ 66 Holiday Time Profile....................................................................................... 66 3.10.3 Add/Update/Delete a Time/Mode Profile ............................................................... 67 3.11 Holiday Profiles ............................................................................................................... 69 3.11.1 Holiday Profile List View ........................................................................................ 69 3.11.2 Holiday Profile Property Page................................................................................ 69 3.11.3 Add/Update/Delete a Holiday Profile ..................................................................... 70 3.12 Areas ............................................................................................................................... 71 3.12.1 Area List View ........................................................................................................ 71 3.12.2 Area Property Page ............................................................................................... 71 Area Details ................................................................................................... 71 Area Appearance ........................................................................................... 72 Area Alarm Management............................................................................... 72 Area Alarm Definitions ................................................................................... 73 Area Alarm Points .......................................................................................... 73 Area Outputs.................................................................................................. 74 Area Management ......................................................................................... 75 Area Security Level........................................................................................ 76 3.12.3 Add/Update/Delete an Area ................................................................................... 76 3.13 Access Groups ................................................................................................................ 77 3.13.1 Access Group List View ......................................................................................... 77 3.13.2 Access Group Property Page ................................................................................ 77 Access Group Details .................................................................................... 77 Access Group Access.................................................................................... 77 Access Group Advanced ............................................................................... 78 3.13.3 Add/Update/Delete an Access Group.................................................................... 79 3.14 Hardware......................................................................................................................... 80 3.14.1 Hardware List View ................................................................................................ 80 3.14.2 Channel Property Page.......................................................................................... 83 Channel Details.............................................................................................. 83 Channel Areas ............................................................................................... 84 Channel 500................................................................................................... 84 Channel Alarm Management ......................................................................... 85 Channel Settings............................................................................................ 85 Channel Dialup .............................................................................................. 86 Channel Dialback........................................................................................... 87 Channel Layout.............................................................................................. 88 Add/Update/Delete a Channel ....................................................................... 88 3.14.3 Controller Property Page ....................................................................................... 90 Controller Details ........................................................................................... 90 Controller Information .................................................................................... 91 Controller 2100/2200 ..................................................................................... 92 Controller Doors............................................................................................. 93 Controller Inputs............................................................................................. 93 Controller Outputs.......................................................................................... 96 Manual ......................................................................................................................... 98 Local Area Alarm ......................................................................................................... 98 Controller Alarm Management..................................................................... 100 Add/Update/Delete a Controller................................................................... 100 Probe/Configure/Unconfigure Controllers.................................................... 101 Online Controller Tasks ............................................................................. 101 3.14.4 Offline Channel and Controller Tasks.................................................................. 103 Download Database to the Controllers using the PC .................................. 103 Helpfile All Ver 3.10 vii Download Database to the Controllers using the PDA................................ 104 Upload Database from PDA to a PC ........................................................... 104 3.14.5 Lift Property Page ................................................................................................ 105 Lift Details .................................................................................................... 105 Lift Destinations ........................................................................................... 105 Lift Access.................................................................................................... 106 3.14.6 Add/Update/Delete a Lift Reader......................................................................... 107 3.15 Doors ............................................................................................................................. 108 3.15.1 Door List View ...................................................................................................... 108 3.15.2 Door Property Page ............................................................................................. 108 Door Details ................................................................................................. 108 Door Access................................................................................................. 109 Door Configuration....................................................................................... 110 Controller.................................................................................................................... 112 Door Auxiliary IO.......................................................................................... 113 Door Alarm Management............................................................................. 114 Door Security Level ..................................................................................... 115 3.15.3 Add/Update/Delete a Door................................................................................... 115 3.16 Video Source................................................................................................................. 116 3.16.1 Video Source List View ........................................................................................ 116 3.16.2 Video Source Property Page ............................................................................... 116 Video Source Property Page ....................................................................... 116 Add/Update/Delete a Video Source............................................................. 116 3.16.3 Video Sources - Configure................................................................................... 117 Configuring Video Sources .......................................................................... 117 Video Sources - General Tab ...................................................................... 117 Address ...................................................................................................................... 117 Video Sources - Presets Tab....................................................................... 118 Presets Tab - General Tab .......................................................................... 118 Presets Tab - View Tab ............................................................................... 119 Presets Tab - Alarm Points.......................................................................... 119 3.17 Reports .......................................................................................................................... 120 3.17.1 Report Facilities ................................................................................................... 120 3.17.2 Reports Provided ................................................................................................. 121 3.17.3 Report Search Parameters .................................................................................. 123 3.17.4 Export a Report .................................................................................................... 124 3.17.5 Add a Custom Report .......................................................................................... 124 4. Image Capture ..................................................................................................................... 125 4.1 Image Capture Introduction............................................................................................. 125 4.2 Using the Image Capture Utility ...................................................................................... 125 4.3 Capture Source ............................................................................................................... 125 4.4 Preview Window.............................................................................................................. 126 5. ID Card Designer ................................................................................................................. 127 5.1 Card Designer Introduction ............................................................................................. 127 5.1.1 Displaying the Card Designer ................................................................................ 127 5.1.2 Interactive Map....................................................................................................... 127 5.2 Card Designer Menus ..................................................................................................... 127 5.2.1 Design Menu .......................................................................................................... 127 5.2.2 Edit Menu ............................................................................................................... 127 5.2.3 View Menu ............................................................................................................. 128 5.2.4 Help Menu.............................................................................................................. 128 5.3 Toolbar, Browser and Status Bar .................................................................................... 128 Helpfile All Ver 3.10 viii 5.3.1 Card Designer Toolbar........................................................................................... 128 5.3.2 Card Designer Browser.......................................................................................... 129 5.3.3 Card Designer Status Bar ...................................................................................... 129 5.4 Design Regions ............................................................................................................... 129 5.4.1 Add Items Region .................................................................................................. 129 Creating Designs ........................................................................................... 130 ID-Card Design Overview .............................................................................. 130 5.4.2 Card Face Region.................................................................................................. 130 Selecting Card Faces .................................................................................... 130 Mouse Coordinates........................................................................................ 130 Card Face Properties..................................................................................... 130 Rulers............................................................................................................. 130 Viewing Card Face Properties ....................................................................... 131 Editing Card Face Properties......................................................................... 131 5.4.3 Properties Region .................................................................................................. 131 Editing Item Properties .................................................................................. 131 Update / Exit .................................................................................................. 131 5.4.4 Buttons Region....................................................................................................... 131 Assign a Name to this Item............................................................................ 131 Update Button ................................................................................................ 131 Exit Button...................................................................................................... 131 5.5 Card Design Overview .................................................................................................... 132 5.5.1 Drawing and Placing Items .................................................................................... 132 Dragging and Dropping.................................................................................. 132 Selecting and Clicking ................................................................................... 132 Fixed Shape Items ......................................................................................... 132 Variable Shape Items .................................................................................... 133 Line ................................................................................................................ 133 5.5.2 Editing Properties................................................................................................... 133 5.5.3 Grouping and Ungrouping...................................................................................... 133 5.5.4 Select Mode ........................................................................................................... 134 5.5.5 Move, Resize and Delete....................................................................................... 134 5.5.6 Printing Double-Sided ID Cards on a Single-Sided ID Card Printer...................... 135 Printing from the ID Card Designer ............................................................... 135 Batch Printing ID Cards from Keyholder Module........................................... 135 5.6 Item Properties ................................................................................................................ 136 5.6.1 Multiple Item Properties ......................................................................................... 136 5.6.2 Group Item ............................................................................................................. 136 5.6.3 Shape Item Properties ........................................................................................... 136 5.6.4 Image Item / Photo Item / Signature Item Properties............................................. 137 5.6.5 Line Item Properties............................................................................................... 137 5.6.6 Text Item / Text Data Properties ............................................................................ 137 5.7 Individual Properties........................................................................................................ 138 5.7.1 Name Property ....................................................................................................... 138 5.7.2 Units Properties ..................................................................................................... 138 5.7.3 Background Properties .......................................................................................... 138 5.7.4 Snap Properties ..................................................................................................... 138 5.7.5 Holopatch / Magstripe / Smart Card Properties ..................................................... 139 5.7.6 Orientation.............................................................................................................. 139 5.7.7 X, Y, Width and Height Properties ......................................................................... 139 5.7.8 Aspect Lock Property............................................................................................. 140 5.7.9 Anchor and Angle Properties ................................................................................. 140 Anchor............................................................................................................ 140 Helpfile All Ver 3.10 ix Angle .............................................................................................................. 140 5.7.10 Transparency Property ........................................................................................ 140 5.7.11 Shape Properties ................................................................................................. 141 5.7.12 Text Properties..................................................................................................... 141 Font .............................................................................................................. 141 Multi-Line ..................................................................................................... 141 Colour .......................................................................................................... 141 5.7.13 Line Properties ..................................................................................................... 141 Line Width .................................................................................................... 141 Colour .......................................................................................................... 141 5.7.14 Image Property..................................................................................................... 141 5.7.15 Shadow Properties............................................................................................... 142 5.7.16 Colour Properties ................................................................................................. 142 5.7.17 Data Field Property .............................................................................................. 142 5.8 Group Item Properties ..................................................................................................... 143 5.8.1 Group Item Properties............................................................................................ 143 5.8.2 Creating a Group ................................................................................................... 143 5.8.3 Ungrouping a Group .............................................................................................. 143 5.8.4 Editing Group Properties........................................................................................ 143 5.8.5 Resizing a Group ................................................................................................... 143 5.9 Context Menus ................................................................................................................ 143 5.9.1 Card Face .............................................................................................................. 143 5.9.2 Ruler....................................................................................................................... 144 5.9.3 Multiple Items ......................................................................................................... 144 5.9.4 Group ..................................................................................................................... 144 5.9.5 Single Items ........................................................................................................... 144 5.9.6 Image ..................................................................................................................... 144 5.9.7 Line ........................................................................................................................ 144 5.10 Common Items .............................................................................................................. 145 5.10.1 Align to Grid ......................................................................................................... 145 5.10.2 Docking Items ...................................................................................................... 145 Docking Items .............................................................................................. 145 Docking Text Data Items ............................................................................. 145 Moving Docked Items .................................................................................. 145 Undocking items .......................................................................................... 146 Preventing Docking...................................................................................... 146 5.10.3 Ordering Items / Groups on the Card Face ......................................................... 146 5.10.4 Zoom Function ..................................................................................................... 146 5.10.5 Measurement ....................................................................................................... 147 6. Alarm Map Designer............................................................................................................ 148 6.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................... 148 6.1.1 Starting Alarm Map Designer................................................................................. 148 6.1.2 Alarm Designer Interactive Map ............................................................................ 148 6.1.3 Alarm Map Designer Layout .................................................................................. 148 6.1.4 Making a Map......................................................................................................... 148 6.2 Alarm Map Designer Glossary ........................................................................................ 148 6.3 Alarm Map Designer Interactive Map.............................................................................. 149 6.4 Alarm Map Designer Menus............................................................................................ 150 6.4.1 Design Menu .......................................................................................................... 150 6.4.2 Edit Menu ............................................................................................................... 150 6.4.3 View Menu ............................................................................................................. 150 6.4.4 Help Menu.............................................................................................................. 150 Helpfile All Ver 3.10 x 6.5 Alarm Map Designer Toolbar .......................................................................................... 151 6.6 Add Items Region............................................................................................................ 151 6.6.1 General Tab ........................................................................................................... 151 Drawing and Creating Maps .......................................................................... 152 Map Design Overview.................................................................................... 152 6.6.2 Areas Tab............................................................................................................... 152 6.6.3 Inputs Tab .............................................................................................................. 152 6.6.4 Outputs Tab ........................................................................................................... 152 6.6.5 CCTV Tab .............................................................................................................. 153 Drawing and Creating Maps .......................................................................... 153 Map Design Overview.................................................................................... 153 6.6.6 Alarm Points Tab.................................................................................................... 153 Controllers.................................................................................................................. 153 Doors.......................................................................................................................... 153 Changing Alarm Point Views ......................................................................... 153 Drawing and Creating Maps .......................................................................... 154 Map Design Overview.................................................................................... 154 6.7 Design Editor Region ...................................................................................................... 154 6.7.1 Design Editor Region Introduction ......................................................................... 154 Adding / Deleting Map Pages ........................................................................ 154 Drawing and Placing Items ............................................................................ 154 Editing Map Designs ...................................................................................... 154 Properties....................................................................................................... 154 Map Making Hints .......................................................................................... 154 6.7.2 Map Making and Editing ........................................................................................ 154 Map Making Hints .......................................................................................... 154 Adding/Deleting/Copying Pages .................................................................... 155 Alarm Viewer and Map Design Editor............................................................ 155 Editing Properties........................................................................................... 156 Page Tabs...................................................................................................... 156 Group Item ..................................................................................................... 157 Grouping and Ungrouping ............................................................................. 157 Select Mode ................................................................................................... 158 Move/Resize/Delete Items............................................................................. 158 Drawing and Placing Items .......................................................................... 159 6.7.3 Context Menus ....................................................................................................... 160 Multiple Items................................................................................................. 160 Page............................................................................................................... 160 Ruler .............................................................................................................. 160 Group ............................................................................................................. 160 Single Items ................................................................................................... 160 Image ............................................................................................................. 161 Line ................................................................................................................ 161 6.8 Properties Region............................................................................................................ 161 6.8.1 Item Properties....................................................................................................... 161 Multiple Item Properties ................................................................................. 161 Group Item Properties ................................................................................... 161 Shape Item Properties ................................................................................... 162 Image Item Properties ................................................................................... 162 Line Item Properties....................................................................................... 163 Text Item Properties....................................................................................... 163 View Item Properties...................................................................................... 163 Button Item Properties ................................................................................... 163 Helpfile All Ver 3.10 xi Alarm Area Properties ................................................................................... 164 Alarm Point/Output Properties ..................................................................... 164 Video Source Property................................................................................. 164 6.8.2 Individual Properties .............................................................................................. 165 Name Property............................................................................................... 165 Tooltip Property.............................................................................................. 165 Action and Set Action..................................................................................... 165 X, Y, Height and Width Properties ................................................................. 165 Resolution and Units Properties .................................................................... 165 Background Properties .................................................................................. 166 Aspect Lock Property..................................................................................... 166 Anchor and Angle Property............................................................................ 166 Display Mode ................................................................................................. 167 Transparency Property ................................................................................ 167 Text Property ............................................................................................... 167 Font Property ............................................................................................... 167 Multi-line Property ........................................................................................ 167 Colour Property............................................................................................ 167 Line Width Property ..................................................................................... 167 Image Property ............................................................................................ 167 Shadow, Shadow X, Shadow Y and Shadow Density................................. 168 Snap Grid, Snap Grid Size, Snap Grid Colour ............................................ 168 6.9 Status Bar........................................................................................................................ 168 7. Alarm Viewer........................................................................................................................ 169 7.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................... 169 7.2 Alarm Viewer Glossary.................................................................................................... 169 7.3 Interactive Map................................................................................................................ 170 7.4 Alarm Viewer Menus ....................................................................................................... 170 7.4.1 File Menu ............................................................................................................... 170 7.4.2 Views Menu............................................................................................................ 170 7.4.3 Active Alarms Menu ............................................................................................... 170 7.4.4 Alarm Board Menu ................................................................................................. 170 7.4.5 Map Menu .............................................................................................................. 170 7.4.6 CCTV Menu ........................................................................................................... 171 7.4.7 Context Menu......................................................................................................... 171 7.5 Alarm Viewer Toolbars .................................................................................................... 171 7.5.1 Alarm Viewer Toolbar ............................................................................................ 171 7.5.2 Active Alarm Toolbar.............................................................................................. 171 7.5.3 Event Log Viewer Toolbar...................................................................................... 172 7.5.4 Alarm History Toolbar ............................................................................................ 172 7.5.5 CCTV Region Toolbar............................................................................................ 172 7.6 Alarm/Event Region ........................................................................................................ 173 7.6.1 Active Alarms ......................................................................................................... 173 Alarm Information........................................................................................... 173 Viewing Associated Active Alarm Information ............................................... 173 7.6.2 Managing Alarms ................................................................................................... 173 7.6.3 Acknowledge Commands ...................................................................................... 174 Acknowledge.................................................................................................. 174 Acknowledge All............................................................................................. 174 Acknowledge Selected Command................................................................. 174 7.6.4 Silence Commands................................................................................................ 175 Silence All ...................................................................................................... 175 Helpfile All Ver 3.10 xii 7.6.5 Event Log Viewer ................................................................................................... 175 Event Information List .................................................................................... 175 Viewing Additional Active Alarm Information ................................................. 175 7.6.6 Alarm History.......................................................................................................... 175 Alarm History Column Headings.................................................................... 175 Viewing Additional Active Alarm Information ................................................. 176 7.7 Areas Region................................................................................................................... 176 7.7.1 Areas Board ........................................................................................................... 176 Viewing Associated Alarm Area Information ................................................. 176 Viewing Additional Alarm Area Information ................................................... 176 7.7.2 Issuing Commands to Areas.................................................................................. 177 Toolbar........................................................................................................... 177 Areas Menu.................................................................................................... 177 Context Menu................................................................................................. 177 Areas Commands .......................................................................................... 177 7.8 Alarm Board Region ........................................................................................................ 178 7.8.1 Alarm Board ........................................................................................................... 178 Alarm Viewer Icons ........................................................................................ 178 Alarm Area / Alarm Point Icon States ............................................................ 179 Viewing Additional Alarm Point Information................................................... 180 7.8.2 Issuing Commands to Alarm Points....................................................................... 180 General commands ....................................................................................... 180 Door only commands..................................................................................... 180 Toolbar........................................................................................................... 180 Alarm Board Menu ......................................................................................... 180 Context Menu................................................................................................. 180 Alarm Input Commands ................................................................................. 181 7.9 Map Region ..................................................................................................................... 181 7.9.1 Multi-Page Maps .................................................................................................... 181 7.9.2 Viewing Alarms ...................................................................................................... 181 7.9.3 Viewing the Map..................................................................................................... 181 7.9.4 Issuing Commands to Areas, Alarm Points and Outputs ...................................... 181 7.10 CCTV Region ................................................................................................................ 182 7.10.1 Expanding Video Sources.................................................................................... 182 7.10.2 Panning, Tilting and Enlarging ............................................................................. 182 7.10.3 CCTV Archive Tools ............................................................................................ 183 7.11 If an Alarm Occurs......................................................................................................... 184 7.11.1 When an alarm occurs.... ..................................................................................... 184 7.11.2 What to do if an alarm occurs.... .......................................................................... 184 7.11.3 How to stop (clear) an alarm................................................................................ 184 7.11.4 What to do after an alarm... ................................................................................. 184 8. Event Facilities .................................................................................................................... 185 8.1 Event Log ........................................................................................................................ 185 8.2 Alarm Events ................................................................................................................... 187 8.3 Alarm Alerts ..................................................................................................................... 190 8.4 Event Archive .................................................................................................................. 191 8.5 Event Archive Restore..................................................................................................... 193 8.6 Event to Action ................................................................................................................ 194 8.6.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 194 8.6.2 Event to Action Details........................................................................................... 194 8.6.3 Event to Action Configuration ................................................................................ 194 8.6.4 Configure Send Email ............................................................................................ 195 Helpfile All Ver 3.10 xiii 8.7 Muster and Evacuation.................................................................................................... 197 8.7.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 197 8.7.2 Specifying the Alarm Point for Muster ................................................................... 197 8.7.3 Muster Details ........................................................................................................ 199 8.7.4 Event to Action - 1.................................................................................................. 199 8.7.5 Muster Configuration.............................................................................................. 200 8.7.6 Event to Action Configuration - 2 ........................................................................... 202 8.7.7 Muster Operation ................................................................................................... 203 9. Other Facilities .................................................................................................................... 204 9.1 Modems........................................................................................................................... 204 9.2 Modem Initialization String .............................................................................................. 205 9.3 Database Backup ............................................................................................................ 205 9.4 Import .............................................................................................................................. 206 9.5 Upgrade License ............................................................................................................. 207 9.6 Configure Peripherals ..................................................................................................... 208 9.7 Manage Controller Firmware........................................................................................... 209 9.8 Change Password ........................................................................................................... 210 9.9 Search for a Keyholder.................................................................................................... 211 9.10 Encode Keycode ........................................................................................................... 211 9.11 Configure Organisations ............................................................................................... 215 9.11.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 215 9.11.2 Multiple Organisation Units Details...................................................................... 215 License Upgrades........................................................................................ 215 Log-in Screen............................................................................................... 215 Tools Options............................................................................................... 216 Edit, Add or Delete Org Units ...................................................................... 216 Guests.......................................................................................................... 218 Operators ..................................................................................................... 219 Reports ........................................................................................................ 219 Alarm Viewer................................................................................................ 219 Database Back-Up, Archive and Restore.................................................... 220 9.11.3 Multiple Organisation Units Configuration ........................................................... 220 User Interface .............................................................................................. 220 Hardware ..................................................................................................... 220 9.11.4 Multiple Organisation Units Configure Actions .................................................... 220 Configuring Org Units .................................................................................. 220 Login ............................................................................................................ 220 Operator Property Page............................................................................... 221 Event Log Viewer......................................................................................... 221 Guests.......................................................................................................... 221 Hardware ..................................................................................................... 221 Alarm Viewer................................................................................................ 221 Miscellaneous .............................................................................................. 222 9.12 Audit Trail ...................................................................................................................... 223 10. Error Messages ................................................................................................................. 224 Helpfile All Ver 3.10 xiv Glossary Access Controller An access controller determines when a door is unlocked depending on the key code received from a reader or Request to Exit switch. The type of controller determines how many doors it can control (e.g. the 512 can control 2 doors using up to 4 readers). Access Group An access group is a list of areas to which a keyholder is allowed access. The access may be restricted to certain times by use of a time profile. Airlock An airlock is an area controlled by two doors and if one door is open the other cannot be opened even with a valid key. Closing the first door, allows the second door to be opened with a valid key. Alarm Category An alarm category is a group of alarms defined by a privileged user. Each alarm category has its own icon and alarm sound. Anti-Passback Anti-passback prevents a key being shared. Sharing occurs, for example, when one keyholder accesses an area and then either holds the door open or passes the key back so that others can gain entry. When anti-passback is applied to an area, a key that has been used to enter the area cannot be used to enter the area again until it has been used to exit the area. If passback is transgressed, it can be reset for the keyholder by an operator with the appropriate privilege; also a timed reset and/or tailgate reset can be specified for the area. Alarm Point An alarm point is an input that generates an alarm when in a specified state (e.g. an input from a door may indicate that the door has been forced open). Alarm An alarm is an event that requires attention (e.g. a door forced open alarm). Area An area has at least one door. The outside is counted as an area because it has a door for entering/leaving a building. Buddy Reader A buddy reader requires two keys to open the door (i.e. two keyholders are required before entry into an area is allowed). Bolted Door A bolted door on a 512 access controller prevents access to all keyholders except those with bolt door keyholder privilege. A bolted door on a PAC 1100/2100/2200 series door controller prevents any time profile assigned to the door from unlocking the door. Channel A channel is connection between two items of hardware (see direct channel, door channel, PC channel, RS-485 channel, and TCP/IP channel). Controller See access controller, input controller and output controller. Diagnostic Code A 2-byte hexadecimal number that can be mapped to one or more diagnostic messages. 0 indicates that no diagnostic conditions exist. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 xv Door A door allows or prevents access in and out of an area. Doors may have a reader on each side to allow access to be controlled in both in and out directions. Other doors may have a reader on one side and a Request to Exit switch on the other so that a key is not required to leave the area. Direct channel A direct channel is the connection between controllers and a PC via an RS-232 connection. The RS-232 connection is usually via an administration kit. Door Channel A door channel is the connection between a door and a controller. The 512 has two door channels because it can control two doors. Each door channel can have two readers (in and out) or one reader and a Request to Exit switch connected to it. Door Contact A door contact is a device, usually a magnetic switch, that may be installed on a door to monitor whether the door is open or closed. Event An event is a transaction (does not require attention) or alarm (requires attention) that occurs on the system. All events are logged by the system. The type of event determines how it is reported to the operator. Exit/Entry Out of Hours Exit/entry out of hours is a facility that prevents a person being trapped, e.g. a keyholder with limited time only (controlled by a time profile) enters an area with an in and out reader and stays too long. The keyholder can still exit but an alarm will be generated. Fail Full Secure Fail full secure is a communications failure mode that does not allows entry and exit into an area. Bolted doors remain bolted. Fail Safe Fail safe is a communications failure mode that allows entry and exit into an area for priority keyholders and valid keyholders that have used their key to enter or exit the area. Bolted doors are unbolted. Fail Secure Fail secure is a communications failure mode that allows entry and exit into an area for priority keyholders only. Bolted doors remain bolted. Fail-Safe Lock A fail-safe lock (or 'power to lock') requires a permanent power supply to keep the door locked, i.e. in the event of power failure the door would become unlocked. Fail-Secure Lock A fail-secure lock (or 'power to unlock') requires power to unlock the door. These can be dangerous in the event of emergencies such as fires. Always consult Heath and Safety personnel before fitting a fail-secure lock. Full Arm Area A full arm area is an area where all alarm points in the area are armed (i.e. all keys are denied access). Holiday Period A holiday period consists of a start and end date. A number of holiday periods are assigned to a holiday profile which can then be included in a time/mode profile to limit access during holiday periods. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 xvi Holiday Profile A holiday profile can be included in a time/mode profile to limit access during holiday periods. A holiday profile consists of one or more holiday periods that can span multiple days. Input An input is a digital state that is effected by certain conditions (e.g. an input from a door may have a state 0 to indicate unlocked and a state 1 to indicate locked). Input Controller An input controller provides end-of-line inputs that can be used to monitor certain conditions (e.g. a normally closed input could generate an alarm if it went open). Key A key is a token, fob or card that when presented to a reader will unlock the door. The key must be valid (i.e. known to the system, allow access to the area and not be presented outside a permitted time profile). Keyholder A keyholder is a person who has a key. This could be a member of staff or a visitor. The key allocated to the keyholder will only be valid for specified areas and times (e.g. visitors can be prevented from entering an area at any time and all areas after a certain date). Mode Profile A mode profile can be applied to an area, door or reader to determine its mode (e.g. door locked or unlocked). A holiday profile can be assigned to a mode profile to limit access during holiday periods. Offline Controller An offline controller is not permanently connected to a PC but can be programmed and updated by a personal digital assistant (PDA) or laptop computer that is connected when required. Online Controller An online controller is permanently connected to a PC and is automatically updated when changes are made via the administration software. Omitted Alarm An omitted alarm point is an alarm point that is not armed when its associated area is armed and therefore allows the area to be armed even when the alarm point is in alarm (i.e. the area said to be partially armed). An alarm point can be flagged as Always Armed, meaning it cannot be omitted and therefore must be reset and acknowledged before the associated area can be armed. Operator An operator is a keyholder who is allowed to make changes to the database determined by the operator privileges, e.g. a receptionist can add keyholders but not controllers. Output An output is a digital state that controls certain conditions (e.g. an output from a controller may have a state of 0 to unlock a door and state 1 to lock a door). Output Controller An output controller provides relay outputs that can be used to control certain conditions (e.g. a siren could be activated if an alarm condition is detected). Passive Infra Red A Passive Infra Red (PIR) detector acts as a Request to Exit switch but no contact is required as the door opens automatically when someone approaches it. PC Channel A PC channel is the connection between a controller and a PC. PIN Reader A PIN reader is a special type of reader which requires a 4-digit personal identification number Helpfile All Ver 3.10 xvii to be entered in conjunction with a valid key. Priority Keyholders Priority keyholders are stored on the appropriate access controller and are therefore allowed to enter and exit an associated area even if there is a communications failure between the server and controllers (providing that the communications failure mode has not been set to Fail Full Secure). Reader A reader sends a key code to a controller when a key is presented to it. If the key is valid, an unlock door signal is sent to the door lock. Request to Exit Switch A Request to Exit switch is a switch (or button) that unlocks a door when pressed. A valid key is not required so anyone can leave the area. RS-485 Channel A RS-485 channel is the connection between a server and controllers (or between controllers on a direct channel). Security Level A security level (range 0 to 9) can be assigned to a key to determine which doors it can open or areas it can access. A door or area is also assigned a security level and the security level of the key must be equal or greater than the security level of the door or area to allow access. However, if the security level of the door or area is 0, no access is allowed at any time by any key. Stay Arm Area A stay arm area is an area that can still be accessed by keys but selective alarm points within the area are armed (e.g. doors on the perimeter of the alarm area). Tamper Event An alarm generated when a controller case is tampered with (e.g. broken in to). TCP/IP Channel A TCP/IP channel can be a 500 TCP/IP channel (i.e. the Ethernet connection between a PC and a server) or a Direct TCP/IP channel (i.e. the Ethernet connection between a PC and an access or door controller). Time Period A time period consists of a start time, end time, and one or more days. A number of time periods are assigned to a time profile which defines when a keyholder can access an area. Time Profile A time profile can be applied to a door, keyholder or access group to only allow access during certain times (e.g. only during office hours). A time profile consists of one or more time periods that can span multiple days. A holiday profile can be assigned to a time profile to limit access during holiday periods. Transaction A transaction is an event that does not require attention (e.g. a valid keyholder opening a door). Helpfile All Ver 3.10 xviii Introduction to Help File 1. Introduction to Help File 1.1 Displaying Help Information To display Administration Software help information: • Select Help > Contents. To display context-sensitive help information: • Select an area on the Administration Software window and press F1 on the keyboard. To display the 500 series help information: • Select Start > Programs > Administration Software Tools > 500 Series Manual 1.2 Tab Area Facilities To navigate the help information: • Select the Contents tab and an item in the contents list. or • Select the Index tab, enter a keyword, and select an item in the index list. or • Select the Search tab, enter a keyword, and select an item in the search list. or • Select the Favorites tab and double click an item in the favourites list. or • Select an in-text link (indicated by blue text). To add items to the favourites list: • Navigate to the required help information, select the Favorites tab, and select Add. To remove items from the favourites list: • Select the Favorites tab, select the item in the favourites list, and select Remove. To display glossary definitions: • Select the Glossary tab and select an item in the glossary list. or • Select an in-text glossary item (indicated by red text); to close the definition, select the glossary item again. 1.3 Toolbar Facilities To hide/show the tab area: • Select the Hide icon and the tab area is closed and the icon changes to Show; to redisplay the tab area select the Show icon. To move backwards and forwards in displayed order: • Select the Back or Forward icon Helpfile All Ver 3.10 1 Introduction to Help File To display the home page: • Select the Home icon. To print a topic: • Select the Print icon and if no subtopics are displayed in the Contents tab, the Print window (that allows a printer to be selected) is displayed. • Select the Print icon and If subtopics are displayed in the Contents tab, the Print Topics window (that gives the option to display all the subtopics) is displayed before the Print window. 1.4 Browse Facilities To move backwards and forwards in table-of-contents order: • Select the Previous or Next icon. To display the home page of a main section: • Select the section name in the drop-down menu. To display a certain item: • Locate the item in the Browse area using the left and right arrows and select the item. See Tab Area Facilities and Toolbar Facilities. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 2 Specifications 2. Specifications 2.1 Administration Software Specifications 2.1.1 System Limits 9 indicates included X indicates optional via license Features SecureNet SecureNet SE SecureNet Pro 20 100 1000 Keyholders 1000 10,000 75,000 Operators 10 10 50 Time/Mode Profiles (4000 periods across all profiles) 20 100 200 Holiday Profiles (20 periods each) 2 10 10 Access Groups (132 areas each) 20 2000 5000 1000 1000 1000 Organisational Unit 1 1 1 500 TCP/IP Channels X 100 100 512 TCP/IP Channels unlimited unlimited unlimited Direct Channels 2 2 10 Dialup Channels 2 2 10 Offline Channels unlimited unlimited unlimited Controllers on a RS-485 channel on 500 channel 24 24 24 Controllers on direct channel 32 32 32 If using GSM modems 16 16 16 depends on disc space depends on disc space depends on disc space Alarm Workstations 1 1 2 Client PCs X 2 5 75,000 75,000 75,000 50 Doors 1000 1000 1000 10 Doors 1000 1000 1000 500 Access Groups 5000 5000 5000 2 x 500 Channels 100 N/A N/A 50 Dialup Channels 250 250 250 10 Dialup Channels 250 250 250 2 Dialup Channels 250 250 250 10 x 1100/2100/2200 Controllers 250 250 250 10 Operators 100 100 100 System Limits Doors Areas Event Storage System Limits Upgrades Maximum Limits 5000 Keyholders Helpfile All Ver 3.10 3 Specifications 1 Organisational Unit 25 25 25 1 Alarm Workstation 8 8 8 Client PCs 15 15 15 SecureNet SecureNet SE SecureNet Pro Keyholder Pictures 9 9 9 Start and End Dates for Keyholders 9 9 9 Block Change of Keyholders 9 9 9 Photo Identification 9 9 9 Card Designer 9 9 9 Area Administration 9 9 9 Remote Lock Activation 9 9 9 Door Mode Profiles 9 9 9 Reader Mode Profiles 9 9 9 Online Event Log 9 9 9 Online Context Sensitive Help 9 9 9 Backup and Restore 9 9 9 Firmware Updates from PC 9 9 9 Export to PDF, ODBC, Excel, etc 9 9 9 Automatic Daylight Saving Changeover 9 9 9 Alarm Management X 9 9 Event Archiving and Restore X 9 9 Audit Trail X 9 9 CCTV X 9 9 DVR X X 9 Area Management (with mode profiles) X X 9 Event to Action X X 9 Muster and Evacuation X X 9 Lift Control X X 9 Card Formats X X X PAC 1100/2100/2200 Support X X X 2.1.2 Administration Features 9 indicates included X indicates optional via license Features Helpfile All Ver 3.10 4 Specifications 2.2 Hardware Specifications 2.2.1 500 Specifications System Limits Maximum number of controllers on each RS-485 channel: Maximum distance between the server and controller on a network: 24 1500ft/500m alarm cable or 3000ft/1000m CAT5 cable Number of RS-485 channels: 2 Number of RS-232 channels: 1 Maximum number of doors served: 128 Maximum number of keyholders served: 75,000 Maximum number of events in memory buffer: 10,000 Maximum number of access groups served: 5000 Maximum number of time profiles served: 200 Maximum number of system holidays served: 20 Power Power supply: 10.5 to 14V dc (use an isolated PSU with backup battery) Lithium battery: Non-replaceable: (for real-time clock) Life expectancy 20 years @ 25°C/75°Fwhen unit not powered Environment Temperature: -10 to 55°C/14 to 130°F Humidity: 0 to 90% RH (non-condensing) Facilities One-Touch™ installation testing. High speed network communications. Built in TCP/IP & Ethernet support. Plug-n-play network management. Global anti-passback across all controllers connected to the 500 access and alarm server Alarm integration. Encrypted Communications. PSTN connectivity via external modem. Alarm dial-back. Downloadable firmware into FLASH™ Memory. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 5 Specifications 2.2.2 512 Specifications System Limits Maximum number of doors per controller: 2 Maximum number of PAC/KeyPAC readers per controller: 4 Maximum number of Wiegand or Magstripe readers per controller: 2 Maximum distance between the first controller and last controller on a network: 1500ft/500m alarm cable or 3000ft/1000m CAT5 cable Maximum distance between controllers: Maximum distance between controller and reader: 1500ft/500m alarm cable or 3000ft/1000m CAT5 cable see below Maximum number of keys: 10,000 Maximum number of events in memory buffer: 4000 see Note 1 Maximum number of access groups: 5000 Notes 1. The maximum number of keys is reduced if any keyholders have more than one access group/personal access assigned. 2. Other system limits (e.g. number of controllers per system) depend on the administration software being used. Controller to Reader Distances The following table gives the recommended maximum distance between a reader and controller assuming 24AWG/0.22mm2 unshielded cable is used and allows for 11V battery power. Note The figures below are for readers powered from the controller. The cable distances can be increased to 1650ft/500m by locally powering the readers. Type of Reader Maximum Recommended Distance from Controller Feet Metres PAC Low Profile, Panel Mount and Vandal Resistant 230 70 PAC Standard Plus, Slimline and Standard Plus Vandal Resistant 825 250 KeyPAC Medium Range, Slimline and Vandal Resistant 825 250 DualTech Reader 230 70 PIN Reader 66 20 Wiegand and Magstripe Readers Depends on the type of reader, see manufacturer's documentation Power Power supply: 10.5 to 14V dc (it is recommended to use an isolated PSU with backup battery) Lithium battery: Type CR2450: Life expectancy 3 years @ 25°C/75°F when unit not powered Life expectancy 10 years @ 25°C/75°F when unit powered Helpfile All Ver 3.10 6 Specifications Environment Temperature: -10 to 55°C/14 to 130°F Humidity: 0 to 90% RH (non-condensing) Facilities One-Touch™ installation testing. High speed network communications. Plug-n-play network management. Downloadable firmware into FLASH™ Memory. 2.2.3 520/530 I/O Controllers System Limits PAC 520 PAC 530 Maximum number of inputs: 20 2 Maximum number of low power outputs: 2 10 Maximum number of high power outputs: 0 2 Number of RS-485 channels: 1 1 Power Power supply: 10.5 to 14V dc (it is recommended to use an isolated PSU with backup battery) Environment Temperature: -10 to 55°C/14 to 130°F Humidity: 0 to 90% RH (non-condensing) Facilities One-Touch™ installation testing. High speed network communications. Downloadable firmware into FLASH™ Memory. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 7 Administration Software 3. Administration Software 3.1.1 Introduction to the Administration Software The Administration Software is a PC-based administrative software package for access control systems. To obtain information on the following tasks: • Select the appropriate icon. The tasks are listed in the recommended order for creating an access control system but editing can be performed in any order, see the Simple Example section. Logon (from Windows desktop) Customise company name, module names, categories, keyholder information, and access options. Customise the list view and alter its appearance. Add/update/delete areas (only in Access by Areas mode, see Access Type section). Start/stop the Administration Software engines (engines should be running). Add/update/delete a channels Add/update/delete a controllers. Probe/configure/unconfigure controllers. Add/update/delete a holiday profiles. Add/update/delete a time profiles. Add/update/delete a doors. Add/update/delete an access group (only in Access by Access Group mode, see Access Type section). Add/update/delete a keyholders. Add/update/delete an operators. Configure video sources (a license is required for this facility). Download database to the controllers. Logoff. 3.1.2 Installation The Administration Software is provided on CD. When the CD is placed in the CD drive of the PC the following options are available. The Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine (MSDE) must be installed on your PC before Administration Software. If it is not, the opportunity to install it is displayed before the Administration Software options are displayed. 1. Start the Administration Software installation program. If selected, the following options are displayed: • Activate the Windows 2000 Service Pack 3 installation program (only displayed if your Windows 2000 operating system does not have Service Pack 3 or above installed). • Activate DotNet framework V1.1 (greyed out if already installed). • Install windows Message Queuing (greyed out if already installed). • Install MSDE database (greyed out if already installed). Helpfile All Ver 3.10 8 Administration Software • Install Crystal Reports 11 (greyed out if already installed). • Install Microsoft Web Service Extensions (WSE, greyed out if already installed). • Start Installation. 2. Install the Administration Software Client only. 3. View the release notes. 4. Display help files. Make a note of any existing license keys. If the Administration Software is upgraded and re-installed, the license keys must be re-entered. Notes 1. Installation can only be performed by an Operating System Administrator and should be performed by the local administrator. 2. The options can also be displayed by running Setup.exe provided on the CD. 3. Before installing, ensure that File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks is enabled. 4. The software is installed with access controlled by areas and access groups. 5. The software is installed in demonstration mode which allows the database to be specified but the controllers cannot be configured until a valid license key has been specified. 6. If upgrading administration software, new license keys will be required. To ensure File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks is enabled: 1. Select Start > Settings > Control Panel and the Control Panel window is displayed. 2. Select Network Connections and the Network Connections window is displayed. 3. Right click on the connection and select Properties. 4. Ensure that the File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks checkbox is selected. 5. Select OK. 6. It may be necessary to start the 'Server' service. To start the 'Server' service: 1. Select Start > Run and the Run window is displayed. 2. Enter cmd and select OK. 3. Enter net start and a list of services that have started is displayed. 4. If 'Server' has not started, enter net start server. 3.1.3 Updates The existing software can be updated by upgrading the license agreement (see the Upgrade License section) or updating the software (see the Installation section). There is an option when updating the software to retain the existing database. Alternatively, a database that has been saved using the Database Backup facility can be restored (see the Restore Database section) or a for Windows or Vision database can be imported (see the Import section). Helpfile All Ver 3.10 9 Administration Software 3.2 Access Control Overview 3.2.1 System Design Access Types The administration software may provide the following access types options: Areas and access groups Each keyholder is assigned to access groups that allow access to certain areas. For example, used in systems where there is more than one door into most areas and a large number of areas that require grouping according to who has access. Areas and security levels Each keyholder and area are assigned a security level which determines which areas each keyholder can access. For example, used in systems where there is more than one door into most areas and a small number of areas. Doors and access groups Keyholders are assigned to access groups that allow access to certain doors. For example, used in systems where there is only one door into each area and a large number of areas that require grouping according to who has access. Doors and security levels Each keyholder and door are assigned a security level which determines which doors each keyholder can open. For example, used in systems where there is only one door into each area and a small number of areas. The access type required is specified at installation but can be changed using customisation. It is recommended to take a backup of the system before changing access type because information could be lost (e.g. access groups and areas). System Design When designing an access control system, it is necessary to plan the requirements of the system. This includes deciding how many areas, doors, keyholders, etc. are needed with consideration given to possible modification and expansion. To help you plan your access control system, an example and glossary is given below and advice given in the following sections. You should aim to have a similar map of your site before you specify, install or commission your system. A simple example to get you started is given in the Simple Example section. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 10 Administration Software Access Controller An access controller determines when a door is unlocked depending on the key code received from a reader or Request to Exit switch. The type of door controller determines how many doors it can control (e.g. the 512 can control 2 doors using up to 4 readers). The example requires seven 512 controllers. Area An area has at least one door. The example has 9 areas (the outside is counted as an area). Door A door allows or prevents access in and out of an area. The example has 13 doors. Several doors have a reader on each side to allow access to be controlled in both in and out directions. Other doors have a Request to Exit switch that allows anyone to leave the area. Door Channel A door channel is the connection between a door and a controller. The 512 has two door channels because it can control two doors. Each door channel can have two readers (in and out) or one reader and a Request to Exit switch connected to it. The door channels are specified as described in the Door Configuration section. Key A key is a token, fob or card that when presented to a reader will unlock the door. The key must be valid (i.e. known to the system, allow access to the area and not presented outside a permitted time profile). Keyholder A keyholder is a person who has a key. This could be a member of staff or a visitor. The key allocated to the keyholder will only be valid for specified areas and times (e.g. visitors can be prevented from entering the Development area at any time and all areas after a certain date). Reader A reader sends a key code to a controller when a key is presented to it. If the key is valid, an unlock door signal is sent to the door lock. Request to Exit Switch A Request to Exit switch is a switch (or button) that unlocks a door when pressed. A valid key is not required so anyone can leave an area. Time Profile A time profile can be applied to a door, keyholder or access group to only allow access during certain times (e.g. only during office hours). System Plan The example given in the System Design section requires the following information to plan the access control system. The example uses seven 512 access controllers (see Hardware Configuration using 500 Channel section and Hardware Configuration using Offline Channel section). Each access controller can control two doors. Doors Door Controller Door Channel Outside/Reception 1 1 Reception/Accounts 1 2 Reception/Technical Support 2 1 Reception/Development 2 2 Reception/Corridor 3 1 Helpfile All Ver 3.10 11 Reader/RTE In reader Out reader In reader Request to Exit In reader Request to Exit In reader Request to Exit In reader Request to Exit Administration Software Reception/Sales 3 2 Accounts/Technical Support 4 1 Technical Support/Development 4 2 Development/Stores 5 1 Stores/Corridor 5 2 Canteen/Corridor 6 1 Corridor/Outside 6 2 Corridor/Sales 7 1 Spare 7 2 In reader Request to Exit In reader Out reader In reader Out reader In reader Out reader In reader Request to Exit In reader Request to Exit In reader Out reader In reader Request to Exit Not used The example uses the following access information: Holiday Profiles Shutdown Periods Time Profiles No Access, Access at all times, Long Day, Office hours, Evening, and Night Shift. Access Groups Accountants, Canteen Staff, Cleaners, Development Team, Sales Team, Security, Stores, and Technical Support. Hardware Configuration using 500 Channel The example shows how the controllers described in the System Plan section can be connected: Helpfile All Ver 3.10 12 Administration Software Hardware Configuration using Offline Channel The example shows how the controllers described in the System Plan section can be connected if using an offline channel. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 13 Administration Software 3.2.2 Simple Example Introduction This example demonstrates how a simple access control system can be configured and administrated using Administration Software. It is recommended that the context-sensitive help (accessed by pressing F1) is used throughout the example to discover more information (e.g. how to customise the views and the use of right click). Note Although this is a simple example, access is defined by areas and access groups (see the Access Types section) to demonstrate how a more complex system would be defined. It can be used as a starting point and then modified for an actual system. Perform the following tasks in the following order: Define the areas Add the 500 TCP/IP channel Add/probe the controller Define the holiday profiles Define the time profiles Update the doors Define access groups Add Keyholders Add Operators The system can then be edited in any order to configure your own system. Define the Areas This example has 3 areas (outside, reception and sales). Outside is automatically created. 1. Select Area in Explorer bar. 2. Select New in Property Page. 3. Enter the Name (i.e. Reception). 4. Enter the Description (i.e. Access to/from Outside and Sales). Note Door access to areas is automatically entered when the doors have been defined. 5. Select Add on the Property Page. Repeat for the sales area. Now define the 500 TCP/IP channel. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 14 Administration Software 3.2.3 Add the 500 TCP/IP channel For this example, only one 500 server is required. For this example, only one 500 server is required. The 500 is connected to the TCP/IP channel. 1. Select Hardware in the Explorer bar. 2. Select New and Create New 500 on the Property Page. 3. Enter the Name (e.g. 500 TCP/IP channel). 4. Select Protocol Type (e.g. TCP/IP via permanent connection). 5. Select the computer name (e.g. PCNAME). 6. Enter the 500 URL (e.g. or select the 500 Probe button. 7. Select the Areas tab and select all the areas. 8. Select Add on the Property Page. 9. Wait for the communications to be established. Now add and probe the controller. Add and Probe the Controller For this example, only one 512 is required. The reception door has an in and out reader and the sales door has an in reader and a Request to Exit switch. To add the 512 controller: 1. Select Hardware in the Explorer bar. 2. Select New and Create New Controller on the Property Page. 3. Enter the Name (i.e. Controller 1). 4. Enter the Description (i.e. Reception and Sales). 5. Select Type (i.e. 512). 6. Select 500 (i.e. 500 TCP/IP channel). 7. Select Add on the Property Page. To probe the 512 controller: icon. The physical connections are probed 1. Select Hardware > Probe Channels or the and 512 controllers are connected, the serial number of 512 is displayed. 2. Drag the controller from the list on the right on to the serial number on the left. 3. Select the option to download to the controller and OK. Now define the holiday profiles. Define the Holiday Profiles 1. Select Holiday in the Explore bar. 2. Select New on the Property Page. 3. Enter the Name (i.e. Shutdown Periods). 4. Enter the Description (i.e. Bank Holidays and Works Shutdown). 5. Add a holiday: • Select Add Holiday on the Property Page. • Enter the name of the holiday (e.g. Christmas). • Select the start date and time from the drop-down calendar. • Select the end date and time from the drop-down calendar. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 15 Administration Software 6. Repeat Step 5 for each shutdown period. 7. Select Add on the Property Page. Repeat if another holiday profile is required. Now define the time profiles. Define the Time/Mode Profiles Note If PAC 1100/2100/2200 controllers are being used, the time profiles must be defined after the controllers and the time profile property page is different from the time profile property page displayed for 512 only systems. PAC 1100/2100/2200 controllers use daily time profiles and 512 controllers use weekly time profiles but if any PAC 1100/2100/2200 controllers are used, both types of controller use daily time profiles. To add time/mode profiles: 1. Select Time & Mode Profile in the Explorer bar. 2. Select New and Create New Time Profile, Create New Door Profile or Create New Reader Profile on the Property Page. 3. Enter the Name (i.e. Office Hours). 4. Enter the Description (i.e. 09:00 to 17:00 Weekdays). 5. If specifying a mode profile, select the Mode. 6. Specify the active period for each day: • Click on a day to create a new time period and drag the created time bar. • The period start and end can be fine tuned by using the From and To increment boxes (e.g. Monday 09:00 to Monday 17:00). • The time period can be copied to another day by pressing and holding the Ctrl key, selecting a time period and dragging it to another day while continuing to hold the Ctrl key. • The time period can also be copied by right clicking on a time period, selecting Copy, right clicking on another day and selecting Paste. • Repeat for each day. 7. Specify the active periods for a holiday: • Select the Holiday tab. • Select the holiday profile (e.g. Bank Holidays) • Click on the holiday bar to create a new time period and drag the created time bar. • Fine-tune the time using the From and To increment boxes (e.g. 09:00 to 17:00). To add daily time profiles: 1. Select Time Profile in the Explorer bar. 2. Select New on the Property Page. 3. Enter the Name (i.e. Office Hours). 4. Enter the Description (i.e. 09:00 to 17:00 Weekdays). 5. Specify the active times for each day: • Select the Period 1 check box. • Specify the Start Time. • Specify the End Time. • Select the day check boxes for each day the time period applies to. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 16 Administration Software • Repeat for other time periods (e.g. weekends may be different to week days). 6. Specify whether the time period applies during a holiday period (if the No Holiday Period radio button is selected, the time profile applies during holidays). 7. Select Add on the Property Page. Repeat if other time profiles are required. Now update the doors. Update the Doors This example has 2 doors: the reception door has an in and out reader and the sales door has an in reader and a Request to Exit switch. Reception door: 1. Select Doors in the Explorer bar. 2. Select the reception door (e.g. Controller 1 Door 1). 3. Edit the Name (i.e. Reception door). 4. Enter the Description (i.e. Outside/Reception). 5. Select the Configuration tab and ensure the settings are correct. 6. Select the Access tab. 7. Select Reader Type. 8. Define SIG A for reception door: • Select the area to access from drop-down menu (i.e. Outside). • Select Reader connected radio button. 9. Define SIG B for reception door: • Select the area to access from drop-down menu (i.e. Reception). • Select Reader connected radio button. 10. Select area to access from drop-down menu (i.e. Reception). 11. Select Update on the Property Page. Sales door: 1. Select the sales door (e.g. Controller 1 Door 2). 1. Edit the Name (i.e. Sales door). 2. Enter the Description (i.e. Sales/Reception). 3. Select the Configuration tab and ensure the settings are correct (e.g. reader). 4. Select the Access tab. 5. Define SIG A for reception door: • Select the area to access from drop-down menu (i.e. Sales). • Select Reader connected radio button. 6. Define SIG B for reception door: • Select the No reader connected radio button (Request to Exit switch is used to exit Sales). 7. Select Update on the Property Page. Now define the access groups. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 17 Administration Software Define Access Groups 1. Select Access Group in the Explorer bar. 2. Select New on the Property Page. 3. Enter the Name (i.e. Sales Team). 4. Enter the Description (i.e. Sales Personnel). 5. Select the Access Groups tab. 6. Select Profile 1 check box. 7. Select a time profile from the drop-down menu (i.e. Office Hours). 8. Select the check boxes next to each area that can be accessed by this group. 9. Select Add on the Property Page. Repeat if other access groups are required. Now add keyholders. Add Keyholders 1. Select Keyholder in the Explorer bar. 2. Select New on the Property Page. 3. Enter the details and photo. 4. Select Details tab and fill in the details. In most cases, the End Date check box should not be selected, because the end date is not known. 5. Select the Notes tab and enter appropriate text (e.g. any disability that might require longer door open time). 6. Select the Keys tab and present a key to the administration reader. 7. If required, select the Set PIN button and specify a PIN to be used with offline locks. 8. Select the Extra Information tab and enter the details (only available if extra fields have been specified, see Customisation section). 9. Select the Personal Access tab and define areas the keyholder can access: • Select the Profile 1 check box. • Select the time profile from the drop-down list. Selecting 'No Time Profile' will allow access to the selected areas at all times. • Specify the areas the time profile applies to by selecting/deselecting the area check boxes. • If required, repeat for Profile 2. 10. Select the Access Groups tab and select the access group(s) that keyholder belongs to. 11. Select Add on the Property Page. 12. Select the Events tab, present the key to the readers and check that the events are reported and access is allowed/disallowed depending on keys access rights. Repeat for other keyholders. Now add operators. Add Operators 1. Select Operator in the Explorer bar. 2. Select New on the Property Page. 3. Enter the Login Name (e.g. Supervisor). 4. Select Set Password and specify a password for the operator. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 18 Administration Software 5. Select the keyholder who is to have operator privileges. A new keyholder can be specified by selecting Create New. 6. Specify other fields as required. 7. Select the Privileges tab and select the operator template that determines which facilities the keyholder can access (see Operator Privileges section). 8. Select Add on the Property Page. Repeat for any other operators. Now download database to the controller. Download Database to the Controller 1. Select Hardware in the Explorer bar. 2. Select a controller. 3. Select the Tasks button. 4. Select Download controller database. 5. Select OK to confirm. The simple example is now configured and can be used as a basis for an actual system. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 19 Administration Software 3.3 Administration Software Tools 3.3.1 Help To display the administration software help file: • Select Start > Programs > PAC SecureNet Tools > Help For context-sensitive help: • Select an area on an administration software window and press F1 on the keyboard. 3.3.2 500 Manual To display the 500 Series installation help file: • Select Start > Programs > PAC SecureNet Tools > 500 Series Manual 3.3.3 Restore Database Note Restore can only be performed by an Operating System Administrator. To restore an Administration Software database: 1. Ensure that all users are logged off. 2. Select Start > Programs > Administration Software Tools > Restore Database and the Restore window is displayed. 3. Select a file using the browse facility. 4. Select the Restore button. 3.3.4 Release Notes To display the release notes for the administration software: • Select Start > Programs > PAC SecureNet Tools > Release Notes 3.3.5 Service Manager Note Starting and stopping an engine can only be performed by an Operating System Administrator. To start/stop an Engine: 1. Select Start > Programs> PAC SecureNet Tools > Service Manager or icon in the Windows double click the taskbar or Select which engines are to be started/stopped. 2. Select which engines are to be started/stopped. 3. Select the Start or Stop button. Client Engine A client engine can be installed on a client PC to allow administration and monitoring from the client PC. The client engine can be installed when installing the Administration Software on the client PC or by selecting Tools > Configure Client Engine on the client PC. The client engine can be unconfigured if no channels are defined by selecting Tools > Unconfigure Client Engine on the client PC. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 20 Administration Software 3.3.6 Application Software To logon to the administration software: • Select Start > Programs > PAC SecureNet Tools > PAC SecureNet or • Select the PAC SecureNet icon. 3.3.7 Configure Device IP Addresses If a DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) server is not being used, a static IP address (allocated by the Network Administrator) must be configured for the 500, 512IP and/or PAC 2200IP. To configure a static IP address: 1. Select Start > Programs> PAC SecureNet Tools > Configure Device IP Addresses (via the Windows Start Menu) and the IP Device Address Configuration Utility window is displayed. 2. Select a 500, 512IP, or 2200IP tab. 3. Select a device. 4. Select Entry > Modify and the set IP Parameters window is displayed. Note If the 500 selected is locked, it must be unlocked by powering it up with the One-Touch™ button pressed. 5. Obtain the IP address automatically or enter the IP Address, Subnet Mask and Default Gateway. 6. Select OK. MAC Address 1 The MAC address of the device (the unique identifier for the TCP/IP port). 1 Serial Number 2 512IP and 2200IP only The serial number of the device. 2 500 and 512IP only Auto IP An indication of whether the IP address has been automatically allocated (True) or not (False) Locked 3 An indication of whether the IP address has been locked and cannot be reset (True) or not (False). 3 500 only IP Address The IP address of the device. Subnet Mask The subnet mask of the network. Default Gateway 3 The IP address of the default gateway. 3 Device Type 4 The device type. 4 Helpfile All Ver 3.10 500 only PAC 2200IP only 21 Administration Software To refresh the window: • Select File > Refresh To exit the window: • Select File > Exit or Helpfile All Ver 3.10 . 22 Administration Software 3.4 Administration Software Overview 3.4.1 Login To login to the Access Control Administration Software: 1. Double click the Administration Software on/Exit window is displayed. icon on the Windows desktop and the Log 2. Select or enter an operator name and password. The operator privileges determine the facilities that can be accessed (see Operator Privileges section). 3. If a key can be used (or is required) to log on, select the Key login checkbox and present a valid key to the administration reader. 4. If the system has multiple organisational units, select the Organisation. 5. The Options button can be used by users with Operating System Administrator privileges to specify the server the client PC is connected to. The server should be inside the organisation firewall. When using 10BaseT cabling, a hub must be used to network PCs together. Do not simply plug a CAT5 crossover cable between two PC network cards as this will prove unreliable. 5. Select Log on and the Administration Software window is displayed. Note When logging on for the first time after installation, the Login Name must be Installer. Then select Log on and a password can be specified. The following will be hidden in the help file and only accessed by Help on the error message. Only one instance of the Administration Software can be running at any one time so if an activation of the Administration Software is attempted while another is already running an error message is displayed. The Windows Task Manager can be used to end the task or the current task can be logged out before attempting a re-activation. To use the Windows Task Manager: 1. Press Crtl+Shift+Esc. 2. Select the Administration Software program and End Task (to close the program) or Switch to (to locate the program). If a system alarm (or selected alarms not assigned to an area) are detected at login, a System Alarms window is displayed:. To acknowledge the alarm(s), select the Clear All button. To update the alarm list, select the Refresh list. To prevent the window being displayed other than at login, select the Do not pop up this dialog again (until next login) checkbox. To close the window, select the Close window. screenshot?? The window can also be displayed by selecting Tools > System Alarms (see Menus section). Helpfile All Ver 3.10 23 Administration Software 3.4.2 Administration Software Window After login, the Administration Software Window has a Welcome Screen, Menus, Toolbar, Explorer Bar, and Status Bar. The Welcome screen is replaced by the List View and Property Page when a module is selected in the Explorer bar. The Welcome screen can be redisplayed by selecting the company name. The company name is specified using the Customisation facilities. The window can be maximised, minimised and resized and the List View, Explore Bar and Property Page can be resized by dragging the edges. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 24 Administration Software 3.4.3 Welcome Screen The Welcome screen is displayed after the first login and when the company name is selected in the Explorer bar. The Welcome screen displays information on the system (e.g. number of keyholders and maximum limits of the system). If the operator privileges allow, it also has a Set Organisation Options link that allows the modules to be customised (see the Customisation section). To display the welcome screen: • Select the company name in the Explorer bar. To display the list view and property page: • Select a module in the Explorer bar. Further information on screen areas is given in the Administration Software Window section. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 25 Administration Software 3.4.4 Menus Normal Menu: Hardware Menu: Event Log Menu See Event Log section The menu items that can be accessed depend on the operator privileges. The list below details all options available to an Installer. File Logoff Displays the Log on/Exit window. Import Displays the File Import window. Activate Alarm Alerts Enables/Disables the Alarm Alert popups. Preview ID Card Displays a previously-created photo ID card for the selected keyholder(s) which can then be printed (Keyholder List View only). Print ID Card Prints a previously-created photo ID card for the selected keyholder (Keyholder List View only). Exit Exits immediately. Update or Add Current Record Saves a new record or updates an existing record. Create a New Record Creates a new record. Delete Current Record Deletes the selected record. Make Copy Record Copies the selected record. To paste the record, select Update or Add Record. Discard Changes to Current Record Discards any changes since the last Update or Add operation. Edit These facilities are the same as those offered by the buttons on the Property Page. View Explorer Bar Toggles the display of the Explorer bar. Toolbar Displays toolbar submenu: Standard Buttons Toggles the display of the toolbar. Show Text Toggles the display of icon names. Large Icons Toggles the display of large icons. Large Icons Displays the list with associated large icons (List View only). Small Icons Displays the list with associated small icons (List View only). Details Displays the list with extra information in columns (List View only). Thumbnails Displays the list with associated photos (Keyholder List View only). Tree View Displays the list with parent and subordinate areas (Area List View only). Helpfile All Ver 3.10 26 Administration Software Choose Columns Specifies the columns to be displayed in the list view. Back Selects the previously selected module. Forward Selects the next module if Back has been used. Keyholder Detail Report Displays the keyholder detail report for the selected keyholder (Keyholder List View only). Event Report Displays the keyholder event search parameters for selecting an event report for the selected keyholder (Keyholder List View only). Show Details Displays information on the selected record in a separate window, e.g. time profile in access groups. Navigate to Displays information on the selected record in a the Administration Software window, e.g. time profile in access groups. Refresh Updates the current display. Keyholders (only on Keyholder module) Anti-Passback Forgive Forgives an anti-passback violation by the selected keyholder. Encode Keycode Displays the Encode Keycode window (see the Encode Keycode section). Hardware (only on Hardware module) Options when a 500 TCP/IP channel is selected: Reset Password Displays a warning message to consult the hardware documentation (see the Manage Controller Firmware section). Probe Channels Examines the communications channels to locate physically connected controllers. Download direct channels Downloads the database to all controllers on selected direct/dialup channels. Download offline channels Downloads the database to a PDA on selected connected offline channels (see the Download Database to the Controllers using the PDA section). Download Channel Database Downloads the database of all controllers on the selected 500 channel. Synchronise all channel clocks Synchronises all clocks on the system with the clock on the PC. Firmware Download Displays the Manage Firmware window (see the Manage Controller Firmware section). Only download firmware to one server or controller at a time. Modems Displays the Modems window (see the Modems section). Options when a direct channel is selected: Probe Channels Examines the communications channels to locate physically connected controllers. Download direct channels Downloads the database to all controllers on selected direct/dialup channels. Download offline channels Downloads the database to a PDA on selected connected offline channels (see the Download Database to the Controllers using the PDA section). Helpfile All Ver 3.10 27 Administration Software Initialise CNC 1 Initialises the CNC if the selected channel is a PAC 1100/2100/2200 - RS232 - SWB - CNC channel. 1 PAC 1100/2100/2200 - RS232 - SWB - CNC channel only Abort Channel Download 2 Aborts a channel download. Download Channel Database Downloads the database to all controllers on the selected channel. Synchronise all channel clocks Synchronises all clocks on the system with the clock on the PC. Modems Displays the Modems window (see the Modems section). 2 PAC 1100/2100/2200 channel only Options when a dialup channel is selected: Dial Now Displays the Dialup Connection window to dialup a modem (see the Modems section). Show Call Progress Display the Dialup Connection window to show the dialup progress (see the Modems section). Hang Up Display the Dialup Connection window to hang up a dialup connection (see the Modems section). Reset Password 1 Displays a warning message to consult the hardware documentation (see the Modems section). 1 512 only Probe Channels Examines the communications channels to locate physically connected controllers. Download direct channels Downloads the database to all controllers on selected direct/dialup channels. Download offline channels Downloads the database to a PDA on selected connected offline channels (see the Download Database to the Controllers using the PDA section). Abort Channel Download 2 Aborts a channel download. Download Channel Database Downloads the database to all controllers on the selected channel. Synchronise all controller clocks Synchronises all clocks on the channel to the clock on the PC. Modems Displays the Modems window (see the Modems section). 2 PAC 1100/2100/2200 channel only Options when an offline channel is selected: Reset Password Displays a warning message to consult the hardware documentation (see the Reset Password section). Probe Channels Examines the communications channels to locate physically connected controllers. Download direct channels Downloads the database to all controllers on selected direct/dialup channels. Download offline channels Downloads the database to a PDA on selected connected offline channels (see the Download Database to the Controllers using the PDA section). Options when an online controller is selected: Probe Channels Helpfile All Ver 3.10 Examines the communications channels to locate physically connected controllers. 28 Administration Software Download direct channels Downloads the database to all controllers on selected direct/dialup channels. Download offline channels Downloads the database to a PDA on selected connected offline channels (see the Download Database to the Controllers using the PDA section). Configure controller 1 Displays the Configure Controller window (see the Probe/Configure/Unconfigure a Controller section). 1 Unconfigured controller only Unconfigure controller 2 Unconfigures the selected controller from its channel. Download controller database Downloads the database to the selected controller. Reset Diagnostic Code Resets the diagnostic code. Firmware download Displays the Manage Firmware window (see the Manage Controller Firmware section). 2 Configured controller only Only download firmware to one server or controller at a time. Modems Displays the Modems window (see the Modems section). Options when an offline controller is selected: Probe Channels Examines the communications channels to locate physically connected controllers. Download direct channels Downloads the database to all controllers on selected direct/dialup channels. Download offline channels Downloads the database to a PDA on selected connected offline channels (see the Download Database to the Controllers using the PDA section). Connect to Controller Connects the controller. Disconnect from controller Disconnects the controller. Identify Controller Displays the Identify/Configure Controller window (see the Download Database to the Controllers using the PC section). Event Log Displays the Event Log window (see the Event Log section). System Alarms Displays the System Alarms window (see the System Alarms section). Alarm Viewer Displays the Alarm Viewer window (see the Alarm Viewer section). Card Designer Displays the ID Card Designer window (see the ID Card Designer section). Audit Trail Displays the Audit Trail window (see the Audit Trail section). Alarm Map Designer Displays the Alarm Map Designer window (see the Alarm Map Designer section). Event to Action Configuration Displays the Event to Action Configuration window (see the Event to Action section) Tools Helpfile All Ver 3.10 29 Administration Software Configure Organisations Displays the Configure Organisations window (see the Configure Organisations section). Manage OEM Interface 3 Displays the OEM Interface Configuration window. Further information is given in documentation supplied with the OEM product. 3 only if license allows. Database Backup Displays the Backup window (see the Backups section). Event Archiving Displays the Event Archiving window (see the Event Archive section) Search Bar Displays the Search bar (Keyholder List View only, see the Search for a Keyholder section). Key Seek Displays the Find Keyholder by Key window (see the Search for a Keyholder section). Upgrade License Displays the License Keys window (see Upgrade License section). Configure Peripherals Displays the Configure Peripherals window (see Configure Peripherals section). Manage Controller Firmware Displays the Manage Firmware window (see the Manage Controller Firmware section). Change Password Changes the current user's password (see the Change Password section). Options Displays the Organisation Options window (see the Customisation section). Standard A list of standard reports that are displayed when selected (see the Reports Provided section). Custom A list of custom reports that are displayed when selected (see the Add a Custom Report section). Custom Report Manager Displays the Custom Report Manager window (see the Add a Custom Report section). Contents Displays this Help file. About ... Displays information about the version and build of the Administration Software currently running. The Installer tab displays information entered at software installation and the System Info button access standard Windows facilities. Reports Help 3.4.5 Toolbar To alter the appearance of the icons: • Right click on the toolbar and the following facilities are then available: • Toggle the button name by selecting Show Text. • Toggle the button size by selecting Large Icons (this also affects the Navigator tab in the Explorer bar). To display the full name of the icon: • Move the cursor over the button but do not select it. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 30 Administration Software The icons provide following facilities: Go Back selects the previously selected module. Selecting the down arrow on the left of the icon, gives a list of modules for reselection. Go Forward selects the next module if the Go Back icon has been used. Selecting the down arrow on the left of the icon, gives a list of modules for reselection. View/Hide Explorer Bar toggles the Explorer bar display. Update or Add a Current Record confirms any changes made to the current record. Create a New Record creates a new record. Delete Current Record deletes the selected record. Make Copy of Current Record copies the selected record. To add the copied record, select or the Add button in Property Page. Discard Changes to Current Record discards any changes since the last Update or Add operation. Search Criteria to Refine List View displays the Search bar (see the Search for a Keyholder section). List View Modes selects how the List View displays its contents. Selecting the down arrow gives the following options: Large Icons Displays the list with associated large icons. Small Icons Displays the list with associated small icons. List Displays the list only. Details Displays the list with extra information in columns. Thumbnails Displays the list with associated photos (Keyholder module only). Tree View Displays a tree view of the areas (Area module only). View Event Log displays the Event Log window. Alarms displays the Alarm Viewer window. Database Backup displays the Backup window. Anti Passback Forgive forgives an anti-passback violation by the selected keyholder (Keyholder module only). Probe Controller Connections collects information from physical connections (Hardware module only). Bring up Modem Configuration Dialog displays the Modems window (Hardware module only. Refresh updates the current display. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 31 Administration Software 3.4.6 Explorer Bar The Explorer bar has three tabs: The Navigator tab displays a modules list. Selecting a module, displays appropriate information in the List View and Property Page. The appearance can be altered by right clicking on the toolbar and selecting/deselecting Large Icons. The Tools tab displays a tools list. Selecting a tool (Event Log, Database Backup, Alarm Viewer, Alarm Map Designer, Event to Action Configuration, ID Card Designer, Event Archiving or Audit Trail) activates the appropriate tool. The appearance can be altered by right clicking on the bar and selecting Large Icons or Small Icons. The Reports tab displays a report folders list . Selecting a report folder, displays a list of reports in that folder. Selecting a report displays the report and provides Print facilities. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 32 Administration Software 3.4.7 Status Bar The Status bar displays the following: • Messages. • The currently logged on operator. • A count of the number of records in the module. • The maximum number of records allowed in the module (if appropriate). 3.4.8 List View The List View displays all of the records that are associated with the module selected in the Explorer bar. Selecting a record in the List View will cause the properties associated with that record to be displayed in the Property Page. The List View can be resized by dragging any of the edges. To customise the list view using the Custom Settings window: 1. Select View > Choose Columns (via the Menus) and the Custom Settings window is displayed. 2. Select the check box next to the columns to be displayed. 3. Enter the column widths. 4. Select from a drop-down list the column to be used to sort the list. 5. Select the Ascending or Descending radio button to specify how the list will be sorted. 6. Select OK to confirm or Cancel to cancel. To customise the list view from the list view: • To select which columns to display, right click on the column heading and select which columns to display from the drop-down menu. • To alter the column widths, drag the border in the column heading. • To toggle the list view order, select the column heading and the triangle will toggle for ascending or descending order. To alter the list view: 1. Right click a record, or select the View menu, or the arrow next to the icon. 2. Select a view from the drop-down menu: Large Icons Displays the list with associated large icons. Small Icons Displays the list with associated small icons. Details Displays the list with extra information in columns. Thumbnails 1 Displays the list with associated photos (Keyholder module only). Tree View Displays a tree view of the areas (Area module only). To create a record: 1. Right click on a record and select New from the drop-down menu, or Edit > Create a New Record, or the icon. 2. Edit the new record. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 33 Administration Software 3. Select the Update or Add button, or Edit > Update or Add Current Record, or the icon. To copy a record: 1. Right click on a record and select Copy from the drop-down menu, or select a record and Edit > Make a Copy of Current Record, or the icon. 2. Edit the new record. 3. Select the Update or Add button, or Edit > Update or Add Current Record, or the icon. To delete a record: • Right click on a record and select Delete from the drop-down menu, or select a record and the Delete button, or Edit > Delete Current Record, or the icon. To display a report: • Right click on a record and select Report from the drop-down menu, or select a record and View > Report List Selection. To find a record: 1. Select a column. 2. Enter the first character(s) of the record (e.g. Entering S in the Name column will find the first record with a name starting with S). To refresh the display: • Right click on a record and select Refresh from the drop-down menu, or select a record and View > Refresh, or the icon, or the F5 key. 3.4.9 Property Page The Property Page displays information associated with the record selected in the List View. Each module displays different information. The information is displayed on tabbed areas and some modules have more than one tab to accommodate all the relevant information. The Property Page can be resized by dragging any of the edges. When there is insufficient room to display the fields required, scroll bars are displayed to allow access to these fields. Each Property Page has four buttons: Update/Add Update is displayed if data is edited. When selected, any changes are saved. Add is displayed if a new record is being added. When selected, the new record is saved. New Allows a new record to be created. Delete Allows the selected record to be deleted. Cancel Discards any changes made to the current record providing Update or Add have not been selected. Note The buttons affect the whole Property Page not just the currently displayed tab. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 34 Administration Software 3.4.10 Logoff To logoff from the Administration Software: 1. Select File > Logoff or press Ctrl-Q and the Log on/Exit window is displayed. 2. You can log on again (see the Logon section) or exit the window by selecting Exit. Note The system will logoff automatically after 10 minutes if not used. This auto-logout time can be modified for each operator (see the Operator Details section). Helpfile All Ver 3.10 35 Administration Software 3.5 Organisation Options 3.5.1 Customisation Note The options available for customisation depend on the license(s). To apply license(s), see the Upgrade License section. To customise the system and organisational unit: 1. Display the Organisation Options window by selecting Set Organisation Options on the Welcome Screen or Tools > Options on the Menus. 2. To customise the system settings, select System Settings. 3. To customise the system card formats, select Card Format. 4. To customise the system event archiving options, select Event Archiving. 5. To customise the system access options, select System Access. 6. To customise the organisational unit details, select Organisational Unit Details. 7. To customise the organisational unit access options, select Access. 8. To customise the organisational unit module names, select Custom Labels. 9. To customise the organisational unit categories, select Categories. 10. To customise the organisational unit keyholder extra information, select Keyholder Extra Details. 11. To customise the organisational unit alarms, select Alarms. 12. Select Apply (window remains open) or OK (closes window). Note OK and Apply save the changes on all the tabs. 3.5.2 System Settings To customise the system settings: 1. If necessary, display the Organisation Options window as described in the Customisation section. 2. Select System Settings. 3. The following facilities are then available: • Specify a Reminder Interval for database backups. • Specify PIN Length. • Select/deselect User Definable PIN. • Select/deselect Allow PIN Change at Door. • Specify a Communication Protection Password for PAC 1100/2100/2200 Series Door Controller dialup channels. The password is an 8-digit key code that can be entered manually or via the administration desktop reader. 4. Select another option or close the window. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 36 Administration Software 3.5.3 Card Format To customise the system card formats: 5. If necessary, display the Organisation Options window as described in the Customisation section. 6. Select Card Format. 7. The following facilities are then available: • Add a new card format • Edit a card format. • Delete a card format. • Move a card format up or down (determines validation order). • Select the default card format 8. Select another option or close the window. To add or edit a proximity reader card format, click here. To add or edit a Magstripe card format, click here. To add or edit a Wiegand (2601) card format, click here. Proximity Reader To add or edit a proximity reader card format: 1. If necessary, display the Organisation Options window as described in the Customisation section. 2. To add, select Card Format and the Add button. 3. To edit, select Card Format > Proximity Reader and Edit button or Proximity Reader. 4. Enter the name and description of the format 5. Select the type of format (i.e. Proximity Reader). 6. Select the display mode. 7. Select another option or confirm the changes. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 37 Administration Software Magnetic Stripe To add or edit a Magnetic Stripe reader card format: 1. If necessary, display the Organisation Options window as described in the Customisation section. 2. To add, select Card Format and the Add button. 3. To edit, select Card Format > Mag Stripe and Edit button or Mag Stripe. 4. Enter the name and description of the format. 5. Select the type of format (i.e. Magnetic Stripe). 6. Select/deselect LRC Checking (i.e. is longitudinal redundancy checking used?). 7. Select the display mode. 8. Select another option or confirm the changes. 9. Select the Layout tab. 10. Select token Start (the position of the first character from the card's data that forms part of the keycode) and Length (the number of characters). For further information, see the manufacturer's documentation. For examples, click here. If the length is changed after adding keys, the keys will become invalid. 11. Select/deselect Facility Code. If selected, specify the facility code start and length. If Facility Code is specified then an access group can be selected to determine what access should be granted for all cards using the specified facility code. 12. Select/deselect Issue Code. If selected, specify the issue code start and length. 13. Select/deselect the Issue Code Look Ahead. If selected, specify the Offset (the value added to the issue code when the New Issue button on the Keyholder Keys page is selected) and Range (determines the maximum issue code allowed, e.g. offset 1 range 3 then 1,2,3 and 4 are valid issue codes). 14. The token length is automatically calculated (start+facility code length+issue code length) but can be increased. The bars at the bottom indicates the following: Helpfile All Ver 3.10 38 Administration Software 16. Select another option or close the window. Examples of start and length Start: 1 Length: 9 Data: 123456789 => Keycode is: 123456789 .. Start: 1 Length: 9 Data: 123456789012345690123456789 => Keycode is: 123456789 Data after the 9th digit is ignored as this is not part of the token format data Start: 3 Length: 9 Data: 123456789012345690123456789 => Keycode is: 345678901 Keycode starts from the 3rd digit and is 9 digits long Start: 7 Length: 4 Data: 123456789012345690123456789 => Keycode is: 7890 Start: 5 Length: 4 Data: 115000213 => Keycode is: 21 The keycode data has some leading zeros, which means the keycode is 0021. As the keycode is numerical the leading 0’s add nothing to the keycode, making the keycode value 21. When encoding to cards, keycodes are padded with leading zeros to the full keycode length. Start: 5 Length: 5 Keycode: 385 => Data will be written as: 000000385 4 zeros to get to the start position, and 2 more leading zeros pad out the keycode to make it the full 5 digits in length. When encoding to cards, keycodes get padded with zeros to make them work. Start: 5 Length: 5 Keycode: 385 => Data will be written as: 000000385 4 zeros move the start along, and 2 more zeros pad out the keycode to make it 5 digits in length. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 39 Administration Software Wiegand (2601 format) Note If using PAC 1100/2100/2200 Series Door Controllers, the standard Wiegand card format used with the door controllers must be used for all controllers on the system. To add or edit a Wiegand reader card format: 1. If necessary, display the Organisation Options window as described in the Customisation section. 2. To add, select Card Format and the Add button. 3. To edit, select Card Format > Wiegand (2601) and Edit button or Wiegand (2601). 4. If necessary, select the Details tab. 5. Enter the name and description of the format 6. Select the type of format (i.e. Wiegand (2601)). 7. Select Custom Wiegand, Universal Wiegand, or Corporate HID. 8. Select the display mode. If Custom Wiegand is selected, the layout can be specified: Helpfile All Ver 3.10 40 Administration Software 1. Select the Layout tab. Note: If Wiegand Universal is selected this tab is not displayed. 2. Select token Start (the position of the first character from the card's data that forms part of the keycode) and Length (the number of characters). For further information, see the manufacturer's documentation. For examples, click here. If the length is changed after adding keys, the keys will become invalid. 3. Select/deselect Facility Code. If selected, specify the facility code start and length. If Facility Code is specified then an access group can be selected to determine what access should be granted for all cards using the specified facility code. 4. Select/deselect Issue Code. If selected, specify the issue code start and length. 5. The token length is automatically calculated (start+facility code length+issue code length) but can be increased. 6. Select/deselect Number Even Parity. If selected, specify the number of bits to use in the even parity check. 7. Select/deselect Number Odd Parity. If selected, specify the number of bits to use in the odd parity check. The bar at the bottom indicates the following: 8. Select another option or close the window. Adding or Editing a Card Format To add or edit a card format: 1. If necessary, display the Organisation Options window as described in the Customisation section. 2. To add, select Card Format and the Add button. 3. To edit, select Card Format > card type and Edit button. 4. If necessary, select the Details tab. For details of a proximity reader card format, click here. For details of a Magstripe card format, click here. For details of a Wiegand (2601) card format, click here. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 41 Administration Software 3.5.4 Event Archiving Note This window defines when and where events are archived but is only displayed if the user has Installer or Supervisor privileges. To customise the system archive configuration: 1. If necessary, display the Organisation Options window as described in the Customisation section. 2. Select Event Archiving. 3. Specify the Maximum log size (event count) used by manual archive only. 4. If archiving is not required, select the Discard All Events (Do not archive) check box. 5. If archiving is required, enter the Default archive location or use the browse facility. The archive file is automatically named Edate.csv. 6. Specify the Keep Archives For (i.e. the time in years to keep archive files). 7. Select the Enable automatic archiving check box. 8. If regular archives are required, specify the Archive events older than in days and the Minimum no. of events to archive. For example, if 7 days are specified, events occurring less than 7 days ago are not automatically archived and remain in the event log until they are 7 days old. Note If events are to be discarded on archive, ensure that Archive events older than is set to at least 120 days. 9. Select another option or close the window. Only one archive can be performed each day and automatic archiving is not possible until at least Archive events older than (e.g. 7) days of events are available. Automatic archives are then performed 18:00 only if the minimum number of events to archive are available and a manual archive has not been performed that day. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 42 Administration Software 3.5.5 System Access It is recommended to take a backup of the database before changing the access type because information could be lost (e.g. access groups and areas). To customise the system access: 1. If necessary, display the Organisation Options window as described in the Customisation section. 2. Select System Access. 3. Select the Access defined by option. 4. Select the Access based on option. 5. Select another option or close the window. 3.5.6 Organisational Unit Details To customise the organisational unit details: 1. If necessary, display the Organisation Options window as described in the Customisation section. 2. If necessary, select the organisational unit. 3. Enter the organisational unit name. 4. Enter the organisational unit description. 5. Select the start of the week. 6. Select the time zone. 7. If licensed for Event to Action: • Enter the E-mail address that will send the message generated by the Event to Action facility. • Enter the name of the SMTP server that uses Simple Mail Transfer Protocol to send the Email. 8. Select another option or confirm the changes. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 43 Administration Software 3.5.7 Access To customise the organisational unit access options: 1. If necessary, display the Organisation Options window as described in the Customisation section. 2. Select Access. 3. Select/deselect Enable Anti-Passback Reset Time. If selected, specify AntiPassback Reset Time of Day. 4. Select/deselect Enable Denied Access Counting. If selected, specify the number of Attempts allowed and the Lockdown Time in minutes if the number of failed attempts is exceeded. 5. Select the another option or close the window. 3.5.8 Custom Labels Note Changing the module names will affect the names in the Explorer bar (e.g. Keyholders could be changed to Personnel). Also some of the tab labels may be changed (e.g. Category could be changed to Department). To customise the organisational unit module names: 1. If necessary, display the Organisation Options window as described in the Customisation section. 2. Select Custom Labels. 3. Enter the new names for the available customised labels. 4. Select another option or confirm the changes. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 44 Administration Software 3.5.9 Categories To customise the organisational unit categories: 1. If necessary, display the Organisation Options window as described in the Customisation section. 2. Select Categories (or relevant customised label). 3. The following facilities are then available: • Add a new category by selecting Add and entering a new name and description. • Edit a category by editing the name and description. • Delete a category by selecting the category and Delete. • Design an ID card for the selected button category by selecting the (see the ID Card Designer section). 4. If areas are assigned to a 500 channel: • Limit the number of times a keyholder in the selected category is allowed to enter the area by selecting an area, selecting the checkbox and incrementing the limit. • Reset the area usage for all keyholders in this category by selecting the • button. If the Priority Keyholders check box is selected, keyholders in this category are always downloaded to the 512 controllers. Otherwise, keyholders are downloaded on demand. 5. Select another option or confirm the changes. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 45 Administration Software 3.5.10 Keyholder Extra Details Note The fields are displayed in the Keyholder Property Page when the Extra Information tab is selected (see the Keyholder Extra Information section) but only the first 5 fields can be displayed in the Keyholder List View (see the Keyholder List View section). To customise the organisational unit keyholder information: 1. If necessary, display the Organisation Options window as described in the Customisation section. 2. Select Keyholder Extra Details (or relevant customised label). 3. Select the number of fields required. 4. Enter a description of the information to be included in the column. 5. Enter the size of the column. Alternatively, use the increment/decrement buttons to set the required size. 6. Select another option or confirm the changes. 3.5.11 Alarms To customise the organisational unit alarms: 1. If necessary, display the Organisation Options window as described in the Customisation section. 2. Select Alarms. 3. The following facilities are then available: • Specify the duration of the alarm sound. • Test the alarm sound ( the alarm sound and the alarm sound). starts stops • Change the alarm sound (select the Change button and select a .wav file). • Reset the alarm sound (select the Reset button) • Add alarm response texts (select the Add button and enter the new alarm response text). • Delete an alarm response text (select a text and Delete button). 4. Select another option or confirm the changes. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 46 Administration Software If alarm management has been licensed, the alarm points that are not assigned to an area for monitoring by the Alarm Viewer can be specified for monitoring via the System Alarms window: 1. Select Alarms > Detail. 2. Select the Show alarm dialog for unmanaged alarms checkbox. 3. Select which events are alarms and will be displayed in the System Alarms window. 4. Select another option or confirm the changes. If simple alarm monitoring is being used (i.e. alarm management not licensed) the events to be classed as alarms can be specified: 1. Select Alarms > Detail. 2. Select which events are alarms and will be displayed in the alarm view of the event log. 3. Select another option or confirm the changes. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 47 Administration Software 3.6 Organisational Units 3.6.1 Organisational Units List Note This facility is only available if licensed for more than one organisational unit. To display the organisational unit list: • Select Tools > Configure Organisations and the Configure Organisations window is displayed. Further information is given in the Configure Organisations section. 3.6.2 Organisational Unit Details Note This facility is only available if licensed for more than one organisational unit To add/edit/delete an organisational unit: 1. Select Tools > Configure Organisations and the Configure Organisations window is displayed. 2. Perform one of the following: • To add, select the Add New button and enter the organisation’s details. • To edit, select the organisation and Edit button and enter the new details. • To delete, select the organisation and Delete button. 3. Select the OK or Apply button. Further information is given in the Configure Organisations section. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 48 Administration Software 3.7 Keyholders 3.7.1 Keyholder List View On initial viewing, the Keyholder List View displays information on keyholders in columns and is in alphabetical order. General facilities are described in the List View section. Note The first 5 extra information fields can be displayed in the keyholder list view using the Customisation facilities. All the extra information fields are displayed in the Keyholder Property Page (see the Keyholder Extra Information section). To display information on a keyholder: • Select a keyholder in the Keyholder List View and the appropriate information will be displayed in the Keyholder Property Page. To search for a keyholder: • Click here. Other facilities are described in List View section. 3.7.2 Keyholder Property Page Keyholder Details The Keyholder Property Page is used to define keyholders (e.g. personal details and access group). The identification information is displayed on initial selection. Note Some labels and table names may have been changed by customisation. To display details information: 1. Select the Keyholder module. 2. Select a keyholder in the List View. 3. If necessary, select the Details tab. The following can then be specified: Title The title of the keyholder (selected from a drop-down list). Last Name The last name of the keyholder (specified by data entry). First Name The first name of the keyholder (specified by data entry). Initials The initials of the keyholder (specified by data entry). Start Date The date and time the keyholder started employment or visiting (entered by data entry and drop-down calendar). Enabled/disabled by selecting its check box. If enabled, access is not allowed until the specified date and time but events (e.g. an attempt to enter) are reported. End Date The date and time the keyholder ended employment or visiting (entered by data entry and drop-down calendar). Enabled/disabled by selecting its check box. If enabled, access is no longer allowed after the specified date and time but events (e.g. an attempt to enter) are still reported. Category The category of the keyholder (selected from a drop-down list). The Customisation facilities can be used to create/edit categories. The category determines the format of the ID card (see the Photo ID Helpfile All Ver 3.10 49 Administration Software Module helpfile). Photo A photo of the keyholder. The photo can be captured from an image file, Twain device or Video device using the Capture button (see the Image Capture helpfile). A previously-captured photo can be cleared by selecting the Clear button. A previously-created photo ID card for the keyholder can be printed by selecting the Print ID Card button. For further information, see the Keyholder List View section. Security Level 1 The security level of the keyholder (selected by increments 0 to 9, 0 preventing access to all areas). 1 Requires Extra Door Time Access by Security Level mode only An indication of whether the keyholder requires extra time to get through the door (specified by check box). To forgive an anti-passback violation by this keyholder: 1. Select the Tasks button 2. Select Anti-Passback Forgive To display a photo ID card print preview: 1. Select a keyholder (or keyholders) and File > Preview ID Card in the menus, or right click on a keyholder (or keyholders) and select the Preview ID Card option and the Print window is displayed. 2. Select a printer and the OK button and the Print Preview window is displayed. To print the card(s), select the icon. To print photo ID card(s): 1. Select a keyholder and the Print ID Card button on the Details tab, or select a keyholder and File > Print ID Card in the menus, or right click on a keyholder and select the Print ID Card option. If more than one keyholder is selected, the Print ID Card button cannot be selected. 2. Select a printer and the OK button. If one keyholder is selected, followed by the Print ID Card button, the Print Preview window is displayed. To print the card, select the icon. If using a single-sided card printer, the front is printed first and a message asking if the back is to be printed is displayed. After the front is printed, turn the card over, load it to the printer and select Yes; if the back is not required, select No. For information on batch printing, click here. To encode a magnetic stripe card using a MSR206 Magnetic Stripe Card Writer: • Select a keyholder and Keyholders > Encode Keycode in the menus or right click on a keyholder and select Encode Keycode and the Encode Keycode window is displayed (see the Encode Keycode section). To print and encode a magnetic stripe card using an Eltron P420 Card Printer: • Click here (link to TB114 info) The other buttons are described in the Property Page section. To add/update/delete keyholders: Click here. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 50 Administration Software Keyholder Personal Details To display personal details information: 1. Select the Keyholder module. 2. Select a keyholder in the List View. 3. Select the Personal Details tab. The following can then be specified: Employee Number The employee (staff) number of the keyholder (specified by data entry). Date of Birth The date of birth of the keyholder (specified by data entry or drop-down calendar). Home Tel. The home telephone number of the keyholder (specified by data entry). Work Tel. The work telephone number of the keyholder (specified by data entry). Mobile Tel. The mobile telephone number of the keyholder (specified by data entry). e-Mail The e-Mail address of the keyholder (specified by data entry). The buttons are described in the Property Page section. To add/update/delete keyholders: Click here. Keyholder Notes To display notes information: 1. Select the Keyholder module. 2. Select a keyholder in the List View. 3. Select the Notes tab. Notes can then be typed in. The buttons are described in the Property Page section. To add/update/delete keyholders: Click here. Keyholder Keys If an administration reader is to be used to add key codes, an administration reader must be connected and configured (see Configure Peripherals section). If the Search bar is displayed in the list view, the Key Code check box must be deselected (see the Keyholder List View section). If adding magnetic stripe cards, ensure that the position and length are specified first (see the Access Options section. If a PAC 1100/2100/2200 master controller has been configured on the administration kit channel, keys cannot be added if the master controller is not connected or communicating. If Helpfile All Ver 3.10 51 Administration Software this occurs, deselect the Online checkbox on the master controller Details tab. To display keys information: 1. Select the Keyholder module. 2. Select a keyholder in the List View. 3. Select the Keys tab. 4. The following facilities are then available: • Specify the PIN number for the keyholder to be used with readers that support user-defined PINs by clicking the Set PIN button. The PIN number is only displayed when the PIN field is selected. The PIN number can be cleared by selecting PIN. • next to the Enable/disable a key by selecting/deselecting a check box. If the key is disabled, the key will not open any door. • Add a new key by presenting the key to the administration reader or by selecting Add New and entering the key code. The PIN number is calculated from the keycode but is only displayed when the PIN field is selected. The card format can be selected from a drop-down list. • If Magnetic Stripe keys are being used and Issue Code Look Ahead has been specified, a New Issue button is displayed for when a new issue code is required. • Delete a key by selecting the key. next to The buttons are described in the Property Page section. To add/update/delete keyholders: Click here. Keyholder Extra Information This tab is only displayed if extra information fields have been defined using the Customisation facilities. To display extra information: 1. Select the Keyholder module. 2. Select a keyholder in the List View. 3. Select the Extra Information tab. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 52 Administration Software The buttons are described in the Property Page section. To add/update/delete keyholders: Click here. Keyholder Personal Access This tab is only displayed in Access by Access Groups mode (see Access Type section). To display personal access information: 1. Select the Keyholder module. 2. Select a keyholder in the List View. 3. Select the Personal Access tab. Note The number of time profiles that can be allocated to a personal access group is 2 (i.e. 2 columns). To allocate time profiles: 1. Select the Profile 1 check box. 2. Select the time profile from the drop-down list. Selecting 'No Time Profile' will allow access to the selected areas at all times. 3. Specify the areas the time profile applies to by selecting/deselecting the area check boxes. If required, repeat for Profile 2. Note A keyholder's time profile can be used in conjunction with a PIN reader to limit access but a valid key and PIN is always required to gain access during that time profile. To display the time profile: 1. Right click on the column heading. 2. The following facilities are then available: • Display the time profile by selecting Show Details. • Go to the Time Profile Property Page by selecting Navigate To. The buttons are described in the Property Page section. To add/update/delete keyholders: Click here. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 53 Administration Software Keyholder Access Groups This tab is only displayed in Access by Access Groups mode (see Access Type section). Notes 1. Before access groups can be allocated to a keyholder, the access groups (see Access Group Details section) must be defined first. 2. If using PAC 1100/2100/2200 Series Door Controllers, only one access group per keyholder can be assigned. To display access group information: 1. Select the Keyholder module. 2. Select a keyholder in the List View. 3. Select the Access Group tab. Note Before access groups can be allocated to a keyholder, the access groups (see Access Group Details section) must be defined first. To allocate access groups to the keyholder: • Select the appropriate check box(es). The buttons are described in the Property Page section. To add/update/delete keyholders: Click here. Keyholder Events To display recent events information for this keyholder: 1. Select the Keyholder module. 2. Select a keyholder in the List View. 3. Select the Events tab. The latest 10 events associated with the keyholder are then displayed. To update the display: • Select the Refresh button. To select which columns to display: 1. Right click on the column heading. 2. Select which columns to display from the drop-down menu. To toggle the event order: • Select the column heading and the triangle will toggle for ascending or descending order. To display information on the keyholder that generated the event: • Right click on the event and select Show Details for keyholder or Navigate to keyholder from the drop-down menu. The buttons are described in the Property Page section. To add/update/delete keyholders: Click here. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 54 Administration Software Keyholder Area Usage This tab is only displayed in Access by Areas mode (see Access Type section) and requires a 500 TCP/IP channel to operate. To display area usage information: 1. Select the Keyholder module. 2. Select a keyholder in the List View. 3. Select the Area Usage tab. The following is then displayed: Name The name of the area. Default The default number of entries this keyholder is allowed to make into this area (specified by category customisation). Note The keyholder must have the same category as that set up in customisation. If the keyholder has no category or the category default has not been specified, this field is blank. Remaining The remaining number of entries this keyholder is allowed to make into this area (specified by data entry or increments and automatically updated when display is refreshed). To allow entry into the area if the limit has been reached: • Select the Reset button. • Select the Update button and the 'remaining' value is reset to the 'default' value. The buttons are described in the Property Page section. To add/update/delete keyholders: Click here. 3.7.3 Add/Update/Delete a Keyholder Note 1. If an administration reader is to be used to add key codes (see Keyholder Keys section), an administration reader must be connected and configured (see Configure Peripherals section). 2. If the Search bar is displayed in the list view, the Key Code check box must be deselected. • Select the Keyholder module. To add a keyholder: 1. Select New or press Ctrl-N. 2. Select each tab in turn and enter appropriate information (select a property page field and press F1 to obtain help). 3. Select Add. To update a keyholder: 1. Select a keyholder (the Search icon can be used to find the keyholder). Helpfile All Ver 3.10 55 Administration Software 2. Select each tab in turn and enter/update appropriate information (select a property page field and press F1 to obtain help). 3. Select Update or press Ctrl-S to save changes or select Cancel to discard changes. To delete a keyholder: 1. Select a keyholder (the Search facility can be used to find the keyholder). 2. Select Delete or press Ctrl-D. 3. Select OK to confirm or Cancel to keep the keyholder. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 56 Administration Software 3.8 Guests This module is only displayed if multiple organisational units have been defined, see the Configure Organisations section. The Guests Page is used to allow a keyholder from a different organisational unit to enter areas in this organisational unit. To specify an access group to a guests: 1. Select the Guests module. 2. Select the Search for a Keyholders in other Organisations checkbox. 3. Enter the Last Name of the visitor. 4. Select the Organisation the visitor belongs to. 5. Select the Search button and a list of keyholders that match the search criteria is displayed. 6. Select the keyholder who is to be a allowed access and the appropriate details are displayed. 7. Select the access group required by the visitor to enter areas (possibly restricted by time profile) in this organisational unit. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 57 Administration Software 3.9 Operators 3.9.1 Operator List View The Operator List View displays a list of Administration Software users. An operator must also be a keyholder. The operator privileges determine which functions the user can access. Functions that cannot be accessed are greyed out. See List View section. 3.9.2 Operator Property Page Operator Details The Operator Property Page is used to define Administration Software users (e.g. the functions they are allowed to access). The details information is displayed on initial selection. To display details information: 8. Select the Operator module. 9. Select a user in the List View. 10. If necessary, select the Details tab. The following can then be specified: Login Name The type of user (specified by data entry). Specify a password for the user by selecting Set Password. Keyholder Name The keyholder who is also an operator (specified by searching for an existing keyholder or selecting Create New and creating a new keyholder). A keyholder can only be assigned one set of operator privileges per organisational unit. Expiry Date The date the operator privileges will be removed from the keyholder (specified by data entry and drop-down calendar). Auto-Logout Delay (mins) If selected, the operator will be logged out automatically if the system is not used for the specified time (range 1 to 120 minutes, specified by checkbox and data entry or increments). Note If this value is changed, the updated value takes affect after the next login. Key Login Allowed An indication of whether a key can be used to login (specified by check box). Key Login Required An indication of whether a key must be used to login (specified by check box). Password Expired An indication of whether the password has expired and a new password must be specified (specified by check box). Account Disabled An indication of whether the user is prevented from logging in (specified by check box). Last Login The date of the last login (automatically entered). Helpfile All Ver 3.10 58 Administration Software To set a password: 1. Select the Set Password button and the Set Password window is displayed. 2. Enter the new password (at least 6 characters) and confirm password. 3. Select OK. The other buttons are described in the Property Page section. To add/update/delete operators: Click here. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 59 Administration Software Operator Privileges To display privileges information: 1. Select the Operator module. 2. Select a user in the List View. 3. Select the Privileges tab. To allocate privileges: 1. If multiple organisational units exist, select the Organisation. 2. Select a Privilege Template from the drop-down list: Installer - All facilities Note Supervisor - All facilities. If specifying an installer or supervisor, system customisation is only allowed if installer/supervisor privileges are given to all organisational units. Security Manager - Read access to all facilities except Operators, Event Archiving and Audit Trail; plus write access to keyholders, access groups, areas, time/mode profiles, holiday profiles. Manager - Read access to all facilities except Operators; plus write access to keyholders and add access to event archiving. Operator - Write access to all facilities except Hardware, Alarm Map Designer, Card Designer, Event to Action and Audit Trail. Monitor - Event log facilities only and read only access to time profiles, holiday profiles, areas, channels, controllers and doors. Guard - Alarm Viewer and no autologout. Guest - Read access only. No access to Database Backup, Alarm Viewer, Alarm Map Designer, Event to Action, Card Designer, Event Archiving, and Audit Trail. No privilege – Cannot access the organisational unit. 3. Repeat for each organisational unit (No privilege is the default). The buttons are described in the Property Page section. To add/update/delete operators: Click here. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 60 Administration Software Operator Alarm Viewer To display alarm viewer information: 1. Select the Operator module. 2. Select a user in the List View. 3. Select the Alarm Viewer tab. The following can then be specified: Note Any changes take affect after the next login. Pop up window when alarms are activated An indication whether an alarm pop-up window is displayed when an alarm is generated (specified by check box). Use flashing icons An indication whether the alarm icon flashes when an alarm is generated (specified by check box). Disable alarm sounds An indication whether the alarm sound is disabled for this operator (specified by check box). The buttons are described in the Property Page section. To add/update/delete operators: Click here. 3.9.3 Add/Update/Delete an Operator • Select the Operator module. To add an operator: 1. Select New or press Ctrl-N. 2. Select each tab in turn and enter appropriate information (select a property page field and press F1 to obtain help). 3. Select Add. To update an operator: 1. Select an operator. 2. Enter appropriate information (select a property page field and press F1 to obtain help). 3. Select Update or press Ctrl-S to save changes or Cancel to discard changes. To delete an operator: 1. Select an operator. 2. Select Delete or press Ctrl-D. 3. Select OK to confirm or Cancel to keep the operator. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 61 Administration Software 3.9.4 Specifying a Keyholder as an Operator When specifying a keyholder as an operator or as a type of event in event to action, there are three methods of searching for the keyholder. Auto-Selection 1. Start to type in the keyholder name and the system guesses the rest of the name. 2. Accept the name or carry on typing. Dropdown Button • Select the • The last option in the list is ... which displays the Advanced Keyholder Selection window. icon to choose from a drop-down list. Advanced Search Button icon and the Advanced 1. Select the Keyholder Selection window is displayed. 2. Enter search criteria (e.g. last name). 3. If searching for a key code, select the Key Code check box and card format. Then present the key to the administration reader or enter the key code. 4. Select the Search button and all keyholders matching the search are listed. 5. Select the required keyholder and the Select button. To perform a new search: 1. Select the Reset button. 2. Enter new search criteria. 3. Select the Search button. To close the window: • Select the Close button. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 62 Administration Software 3.10 Time & Mode Profiles 3.10.1 Time & Mode Profile List View The Time & Mode Profile List View displays a list of time and mode profiles. A time profile can be applied to a keyholder or door. A mode profile can be applied to an area, door or reader. For further information on the modes that can be applied, click area, door or reader. When a time profile is applied to a keyholder (or access group) it determines when a keyholder has access through a door. When a mode profile is applied to an area, door or reader, it determines the mode (e.g. area armed or disarmed, door open or closed). For further information on the modes that can be applied, click area, door or reader. A time profile simply specifies a series of active time periods, each of which can span any period with a week or a holiday. In addition to this a mode (door or reader) profile specifies a set of properties to be applied during each time period. A time/mode profile consists of one or more time periods that can span multiple days. A holiday profile can be assigned to a time/mode profile to limit access during holiday periods. See List View section. 3.10.2 Time & Mode Profile Property Page Daily Time Profiles The Daily Time Profile Property Page is displayed on systems that include at least one PAC 1100/2100/2200 Series Door Controller. Up to four different time profiles can be specified (e.g. profile 1 for morning access, profile 2 for evening access, profile 3 for Saturday access, profile 4 for Sunday access). Note This type of profile is not applicable to mode profiles. To display daily time profile information: 1. Select the Time & Mode Profile module. 2. Select a time profile in the List View. The following can then be specified: Name The name of the time profile (specified by data entry, e.g. At all Times, Office Hours, Early Morning, Evening Night, etc.). Description A description of the time profile (specified by data entry). Start Time The start time of the time profile (specified by data entry or increments). The Profile check box must be selected. End Time The end time of the time profile (specified by data entry or increments). Sunday to Saturday The days of the week the time profile applies to (specified by check boxes). No Holiday Profile An indication of whether a holiday profile is not used (selected by radio button). If selected, the time profile applies through any holidays. Use Holiday Profile An indication of whether the holiday profile is used. Only one holiday profile can be specified for PAC 1100/2100/2200 systems. If selected, Helpfile All Ver 3.10 63 Administration Software no access is granted during the holiday periods defined by the holiday profile. To add/update/delete time profiles: Click here. Weekly Time Profiles The Weekly Time Profile Property Page is displayed on systems that do not use PAC 1100/2100/2200 Series Door Controllers. To display time profile information: 1. Select the Time & Mode Profile module. 2. Select a time profile in the List View. 3. If necessary, select the Week tab. The following can then be specified: Name The name of the time profile (specified by data entry, e.g. At all Times, Office Hours, Early Morning, Evening Night, etc.). Description A description of the time profile (specified by data entry). Sunday to Saturday A graphical representation of the start and end times of access for each day of the week (specified by selecting an area in the bar and dragging with the mouse button pressed down). A bar represents the start and end times for access and may cover more than one day and occur more than once in a day (e.g. allowed access in the morning and evening but not during the day). The start and end times can be changed by selecting and dragging the left or right edge. The boxes at the bottom of the display show the day and time of the start and end of the selected time period and can be used to alter the specification or fine tune it. (start of week may have been changed by customisation) Notes 1. The arrow keys on the keyboard can be used to move between bars. 2. Shift + arrow keys on the keyboard can be used to resize the bars. 3. Ctrl + arrow keys on the keyboard can be used to move the bars. To insert a bar: • Right click on a day and select New from the drop-down menu, press the Insert key on the keyboard or click inside the day at the required start point and, keeping the left mouse button pressed, drag the cursor to the required end time then release the mouse button. To cut/copy/paste a bar: 1. Right click on a bar and select Cut or Copy from the drop-down menu. 2. Right click on a day and select Paste from the drop-down menu. or • Press the Ctrl key, select a bar and drag it to the new position while holding the Ctrl key to copy the bar to a new day. • Press the Shift key, select a bar and drag it to the new position while holding the Shift key to move the bar to a new day. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 64 Administration Software To delete a bar: • Right click on a bar and select Delete from the drop-down menu, press the Delete key on the keyboard or select Edit > Delete Current Record on the main menu. The buttons are described in the Property Page section. To add/update/delete time profiles: Click here. Mode Profiles To display a mode profile information: 1. Select the Time & Mode Profile module.. 2. Select a mode profile in the List View. 3. If necessary, select the Week tab. The following can then be specified: Name The name of the mode profile (specified by data entry). Description A description of the mode profile (specified by data entry). Sunday to Saturday A graphical representation of the start and end times of the mode (determined by the Mode field) for each day of the week (specified by selecting an area in the bar and dragging with the mouse button pressed down). A bar represents the start and end times for the mode and may cover more than one day and occur more than once in a day (e.g. allowed access in the morning and evening but not during the day). The start and end times can be changed by selecting and dragging the left or right edge. The boxes at the bottom of the display show the day and time of the start and end of the selected time period and can be used to alter the specification or fine tune it. (start of week may have been changed by customisation) Access Options The options that are to be applied to the specified times during the time period. These options depend on the type of mode profile: Area Mode Profile Door Mode Profile Reader Mode Profile Notes 1. The arrow keys on the keyboard can be used to move between bars. 2. Shift + arrow keys on the keyboard can be used to resize the bars. 3. Ctrl + arrow keys on the keyboard can be used to move the bars. To insert a bar: • Right click on a day and select New from the drop-down menu or press the Insert key on the keyboard. To cut/copy/paste a bar: 1. Right click on a bar and select Cut or Copy from the drop-down menu. 2. Right click on a day and select Paste from the drop-down menu. or • Helpfile All Ver 3.10 Press the Ctrl key, select a bar and drag it to the new position while holding the 65 Administration Software Ctrl key to copy the bar to a new day. • Press the Shift key, select a bar and drag it to the new position while holding the Shift key to move the bar to a new day. To delete a bar: • Right click on a bar and select Delete from the drop-down menu, press the Delete key on the keyboard or select Edit > Delete Current Record on the main menu. The buttons are described in the Property Page section. To add/update/delete mode profiles: Click here. Area Mode Profile Access Options Mode The area access mode (armed or disarmed) that is applied to the specified time periods (selected from a drop-down list). Airlock Airlock can be applied to the area for the specified time periods (selected by checkbox). Anti-passback Anti-passback can be applied to the area for the specified time periods (selected by checkbox). Door Mode Profile Access Options Mode The door mode (open, first open, bolted or anti-passback) that is applied to the specified times (selected from a drop-down list). Reader Mode Profile Access Options Mode The reader access mode (PIN, token, PIN or token, or PIN and token) that is applied to the specified times (selected from a drop-down list). Two Key Access If this checkbox is selected, two valid keys are required for access.. Holiday Time Profile The Holiday Time Profile Property Page is displayed on systems that do not use PAC 1100/2100/2200 Series Door Controllers. Holiday profiles can be assigned to a time/mode profile to allow/restrict access during holiday periods. Notes 1. If a holiday profile is to be assigned to the time/mode profile, the holiday profile (see Holiday Profile Property Page section) must be defined first. 2. If the start and end times for the holiday period (specified below) overlap the time profile, the holiday period overrides the time period . For example, if a time period allows access up to 20:00 but the holiday profile prevents access after 18:00, access will be prevented after 18:00 during the holiday period. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 66 Administration Software To display holiday time profile information: 1. Select the Time & Mode Profile module. 2. Select a time/mode profile in the List View. 3. Select the Holiday tab. or The following can then be specified: Holiday Profiles A list of holiday profiles that can be assigned to the time/mode profile (selected by check box). Holiday Profile The name of the selected holiday profile (automatically entered). Start and End Times A graphical representation of the start and end times of mode for each day of the holiday period(s) (specified by selecting an area in the bar and dragging with the mouse button pressed down). A bar represents the start and end times for access (e.g. allowed access in the morning and evening but not during the day). The start and end times can be changed by selecting and dragging the left or right edge. The boxes at the bottom of the display show the day and time of the start and end of the selected holiday period and can be used to alter the specification or fine tune it. Access Options 1 The access that is applied to the specified times during the holiday period. The access options depend on the type of mode profile: Area Mode Profile Door Mode Profile Reader Mode Profile 1 mode profiles only 3.10.3 Add/Update/Delete a Time/Mode Profile • Select the Time & Mode Profile module. To add a time/mode profile: 1. Select one of the following: New > Create New Simple Time Profile New > Create New Area Time Profile New > Create New Door Mode Profile New > Create New Reader Mode Profile Helpfile All Ver 3.10 67 Administration Software Select the icon (defaults to a new time profile) or the option arrow to select Create New Time Profile, Create New Door Mode Profile or Create New Reader Mode Profile. Select Edit > Create a New Record and select Create New Time Profile, Create New Door Mode Profile or Create New Reader Mode Profile. 2. Select each tab in turn and enter appropriate information (select a property page field and press F1 to obtain help). 3. Select Add. To update a time/mode profile: 1. Select a time/mode profile. 2. Enter appropriate information (select a property page field and press F1 to obtain help). 3. Select Update or press Ctrl-S or select the discard changes. icon to save changes or Cancel to To delete a time/mode profile: 1. Select a time/mode profile. 2. Select Delete or press Ctrl-D or select the icon. 3. Select OK to confirm or Cancel to keep the time/mode profile. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 68 Administration Software 3.11 Holiday Profiles 3.11.1 Holiday Profile List View The Holiday Profile List View displays a list of holiday profiles but only one holiday profile is allowed if the system is using PAC 1100/2100/2200 controllers. A holiday profile can be applied to a time profile and takes precedence over the time profile (e.g. if a keyholder has a time profile that allows access at any time, access is still prevented at times specified by the holiday profile). A holiday profile consists of one or more holiday periods that can span multiple days. See List View section. 3.11.2 Holiday Profile Property Page The Holiday Profiles Property Page is used to define holiday profiles (e.g. start and end dates). A holiday profile can be applied to a time profile and will override it (prevent it from functioning) if the time profile occurs on any of the dates defined in the holiday profile. To display holiday profile information: 1. Select the Holiday Profile module. 2. Select a holiday profile in the List View. The following can then be specified: [1 512 only systems] Name The name of the holiday profile (e.g. Standard, Personal). Description A description of the holiday profile (specified by data entry). Holiday Period Name The name of the holiday period (specified by data entry, e.g. Easter, Christmas, etc.). Start Date The start date of the holiday period (specified by data entry or dropdown calendar). Start Time 1 The start time of the holiday period (specified by data entry or by increments). End Date The end date of the holiday period (specified by data entry or dropdown calendar). End Time 1 The end time of the holiday period (specified by data entry or by increments). To create a holiday period: • Select Add Holiday and specify the holiday period name and dates as described in the above table. The holiday period must be in the future not the current date. To delete a holiday period: 1. Select a holiday period from the Holiday Period Name list. 2. Select Delete Holiday. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 69 Administration Software To advance the holiday profile 1 year: 1. Select Add+1yr and all the holiday periods are advanced 1 year. 2. Edit any dates that have changed from the previous year (e.g. Easter). The other buttons are described in the Property Page section. To add/update/delete holiday profiles: Click here. 3.11.3 Add/Update/Delete a Holiday Profile • Select the Holiday Profile module. To add a holiday profile: 1. Select New or press Ctrl-N. 2. Enter appropriate information (select a property page field and press F1 to obtain help). 3. Select Add. To update a holiday profile: 1. Select a holiday profile. 2. Enter appropriate information (select a property page field and press F1 to obtain help). 3. Select Update or press Ctrl-S to save changes or Cancel to discard changes. To delete a holiday profile: 1. Select a holiday profile. 2. Select Delete or press Ctrl-D. 3. Select OK to confirm or Cancel to keep the holiday profile. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 70 Administration Software 3.12 Areas 3.12.1 Area List View The Area List View and Property Page are only displayed in Access by Areas mode (see Access Type section). The Area List View displays a list of areas. An area is defined by the doors that allow entry into it and exit out of it. See List View section. To move an area to a different part of the tree: 1. Ensure View > Tree View is selected. 2. Drag and drop the area in to the new position. 3.12.2 Area Property Page Area Details The Area Property Page is used to define or edit areas. To display area information: 1. Select the Area module. 2. Select an area in the List View. The following can then be specified: Name The name of the area (specified by data entry, e.g. Reception, Development, etc.) Description A description of the area (specified by data entry). Parent Area The parent area this area belongs to in the hierarchical list of areas (selected from drop-down list). Door Access A list of associated doors (specified as described in the Access section of the Door module). A list of associated readers can be displayed by next to a door. selecting Comms Failure Mode The lock action in the area if the communications should fail. The options are fail safe, fail secure or fail full fail secure (selected by radio button). The buttons are described in the Property Page section. To add/update/delete areas: Click here. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 71 Administration Software Area Appearance To display appearance information: 1. Select the Area module. 2. Select an area in the List View. 3. Select the Appearance tab. The following can then be specified: Area Icons Small and large icons to be used in the area (selected using the Browse buttons to locate a graphic file). Default icons can be used by selecting the Use default icons check box. Area Colour The colour to be used on the alarm display board to identify which area an alarm is associated with (selected using the Choose button. The buttons are described in the Property Page section. To add/update/delete areas: Click here. Area Alarm Management This tab is only displayed if the area has been assigned to a 500 channel (see the Channel Areas) or PAC 1100/2100/2200 controller (see Controller Alarm Management sections). To display alarm management information: 1. Select the Area module. 2. Select an area in the List View. 3. Select the Alarm Management tab. The following can then be specified: Arm Area Time Profile The time profile used to arm and disarm the area (selected from a drop-down list). Alarm Priority (1 to 99) The priority assigned to alarm (specified by data entry or increments). 1 is the highest priority and 99 is the lowest priority. Sounder resets when area acknowledged If the check box is selected, the sounder for this area is reset when the area alarm is acknowledged. Sounder resets when area reset If the check box is selected, the sounder for this area is reset when the area alarm is reset. The buttons are described in the Property Page section. To add/update/delete areas: Click here. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 72 Administration Software Area Alarm Definitions This tab is only displayed if the area has been assigned to a 500 channel (see the Channel Areas) or PAC 1100/2100/2200 controller (see Controller Alarm Management sections). To display alarm definition information: 1. Select the Area module. 2. Select an area in the List View. 3. Select the Alarm Definitions tab. The following can then be specified: Event Description A list of event descriptions associated with each alarm. Always an Alarm An indication of whether the event is always an alarm (specified by radio button). Only when Armed An indication of whether the event is only an alarm when the area is armed (specified by radio button). To select all Always An Alarm radio buttons: • Select the Always On button. To select all Only When Armed radio buttons: • Select the When Armed button. The other buttons are described in the Property Page section. To add/update/delete areas: Click here. Area Alarm Points This tab is only displayed if the area has been assigned to a 500 channel (see the Channel Areas) or PAC 1100/2100/2200 controller (see Controller Alarm Management sections). To display alarm points information: 1. Select the Area module. 2. Select an area in the List View. 3. Select the Alarm Points tab. The following are then displayed: Alarm Points A name and description of alarm points assigned to the area (automatically entered). To assign alarm points to an area, see following sections: • Door Alarm Management Helpfile All Ver 3.10 73 Administration Software • Channel Alarm Management • Controller Alarm Management • Controller Inputs The buttons are described in the Property Page section. To add/update/delete areas: Click here. Area Outputs This tab is only displayed if the area has been assigned to a 500 channel (see the Channel Areas) or PAC 1100/2100/2200 controller (see Controller Alarm Management sections). To display outputs information: 1. Select the Area module. 2. Select an area in the List View. 3. Select the Outputs tab. The following are then displayed: Area Sounders The names and description of outputs that activate sounders assigned to the area (automatically entered). Alarm Sensors Resets The names and description of outputs that reset inputs assigned to the area (automatically entered). To assign outputs to an area, see following section: • Controller Outputs The buttons are described in the Property Page section. To add/update/delete areas: Click here. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 74 Administration Software Area Management This tab is only displayed if the area has been assigned to a 500 channel (see the Channel Areas section). To specify anti-passback parameters: 1. Select the Area module. 2. Select an area in the List View. 3. Select an Area Management tab. The following can then be specified: Timed Forgive (mins) The timeout period when anti-passback violations are cancelled (specified by checkbox and by data entry or increments). Disallow anti-passback forgive An indication of whether an operator cannot override an antipassback violation in the area (specified by check box). Tailgate reset An indication of whether an anti-passback violation in an area is reset by presentation of the key into a different area, providing the key is valid for that area and is not within the violated area (specified by check box). To specify the area as an airlock: 1. Select the Area module. 2. Select an area in the List View. 3. Select an Area Management tab. The following can then be specified: Door The doors that determine the airlock (at least two must be selected by checkbox) No Entry The output that will be activated if entry through the door is prohibited (selected from a drop-down list). Normal The output that will be activated while in normal condition, i.e. both doors locked and no key being presented (selected from a drop-down list). Enter The output that will be activated if entry through the door is allowed (selected from a drop-down list). Note The outputs should be latched outputs with no maximum activation time or event-to action to turn them off. To specify outputs, see the Controller Outputs section. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 75 Administration Software Area Security Level This tab is only displayed in Access by Areas and Security Level mode (see Access Type section). To display access information: 4. Select the Area module. 5. Select an area in the List View. 6. Select the Security Level tab. The following can then be specified: Default Security Level The security level required to access the area outside the time profile (specified by data entry or by increments). Timed Security Level The security level required to access the area during the time profile (specified by data entry or by increments). Time Profile The time profile allocated to the area (selected from a drop-down list). Note A security level of 0 prevents access to the area at any time by any key. The buttons are described in the Property Page section. To add/update/delete areas: Click here. 3.12.3 Add/Update/Delete an Area • Select the Area module. To add an area: 1. Select New or press Ctrl-N. 2. Enter appropriate information (select a property page field and press F1 to obtain help). 3. Select Add. To update an area: 1. Select an area. 2. Enter appropriate information (select a property page field and press F1 to obtain help). 3. Select Update or press Ctrl-S to save changes or Cancel to discard changes. To delete an area: 1. Select an area. 2. Select Delete or press Ctrl-D. 3. Select OK to confirm or Cancel to keep the area. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 76 Administration Software 3.13 Access Groups 3.13.1 Access Group List View The Access Group List View and Property Page are only displayed in Access by Access Groups mode (see Access Type section). The Access Group List View displays a list of access groups. An access group is a group of areas and may have a specific time profile associated with each group. They are applied to a keyholder (see the Keyholder Access Groups section) to restrict the movement of the keyholder to the areas contained in the access group at the times specified by the associated time profiles (see the Keyholder Personal Access section). See List View section. 3.13.2 Access Group Property Page Access Group Details The Access Group Property Page is used to define access groups (e.g. the areas associated with each access group). To display access group information: 1. Select the Access Group module. 2. Select an access group in the List View. 3. If necessary, select the Details tab. Note The number of access groups that can be defined depends on the software license and the hardware connected. The following can then be specified: Name The name of the access group name (e.g. Development Team, Night Guard, Visitor, etc.). Description A description of the access group (specified by data entry). The buttons are described in the Property Page section. To add/update/delete access group: Click here. Access Group Access To display time profiles information: 1. Select the Access Group module. 2. Select an access group in the List View. 3. Select the Access tab. The following can then be specified: The Profile check box must be selected. Time Profile Helpfile All Ver 3.10 The time profile to apply to the selected areas. The time profile is selected from a drop-down list and the associated areas selected 77 Administration Software by check box. Areas A list of areas associated with the access group. The areas associated with the time profile are selected by check box. The buttons are described in the Property Page section. To add/update/delete access group: Click here. Access Group Advanced To display advanced information: 1. Select the Access Group module. 2. Select an area in the List View. 3. Select the Advanced tab. The following can then be specified: Ignore bolted doors If this checkbox is selected, when a keyholder with this access group opens a door any locked/bolted door conditions are ignored. Ignore anti-passback If this checkbox is selected, when a keyholder with this access group opens a door any anti-passback conditions are ignored. Ignore dead bolted doors If this checkbox is selected, when a keyholder with this access group opens a door any deadbolt override/door bolted conditions are ignored. Ignore ‘Two Key Access’ mode If this checkbox is selected, when a keyholder with this access group opens a door any two key access requirements are ignored. Disarm privilege If this checkbox is selected, when a keyholder with this access group opens a door the area is disarmed. Ignore airlocks If this checkbox is selected, when a keyholder with this access group opens a door any airlocks are ignored. The following conditions will only apply when access is not controlled by airlock, anti-passback, area usage limits, or two-key access: Allow passage mode If this checkbox is selected, when a keyholder with this access group presents the key twice within the Lock Release Time (LRT) the door is unlocked and remains unlocked until the key is presented twice again. This time must be > 3s. Allow first token unlock If this checkbox is selected, when a keyholder with this access group opens a door the door remains unlocked. The buttons are described in the Property Page section. To add/update/delete access group: Click here. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 78 Administration Software 3.13.3 Add/Update/Delete an Access Group The appropriate areas and time profiles must be created first. • Select the Access Group module. To add an access group: 1. Select New or press Ctrl-N. 2. Enter appropriate information (select a property page field and press F1 to obtain help). 3. Select Add. To update an access group 1. Select an access group. 2. Enter appropriate information (select a property page field and press F1 to obtain help). 3. Select Update or press Ctrl-S to save changes or Cancel to discard changes. To delete an access group: 1. Select an access group. 2. Select Delete or press Ctrl-D. 3. Select OK to confirm or Cancel to keep the access group. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 79 Administration Software 3.14 Hardware 3.14.1 Hardware List View The Hardware List View displays a list of channels and controllers. The Connected Controllers list can be expanded to display connected controllers, doors and lifts. The configuration can be set up before the actual hardware is in place (logical controllers). 500 series controller connections can be 'probed' to locate the physical controllers. Click here for more information on logical and physical controllers To improve the configuration and installation process of an Administration Software system there is the concept of logical and physical controllers in the system. A logical controller enables the configuration of an Administration Software system without the need for any physical hardware and enables the areas, access groups, etc. to be configured offsite without having hardware present. A physical controller handles the physical connection between the communications engine and the controller hardware and these are created during the probe from the Hardware module. Once the physical controllers have been located, the logical controller configurations can be dropped onto the physical controllers to link the required configuration to the physical controller. Likewise should a physical controller need replacing due a hardware failure then the configuration can be simply moved to the new controller. If there is more than one channel defined: 1. When a probe is requested, the Select Channels window is displayed. 2. Select the channels to be probed. All channels can be selected using the Select All button. All channels can be deselected by selecting the Clear All button. 3. Select the OK button to start the probe or the Cancel window to cancel the request. An example of how controllers can be physically connected is given in the Hardware Configuration section. As well as a tree view of channels and controllers, the following controller information can be displayed using the normal list view facilities to manipulate the columns (see the List View section). Name The name of the controller. Description The description of the controller. Type The type of controller (e.g. 512). #Doors The number of doors allowed for this type of controller. Base Door# The number of the first door on the controller based on its order on the channel. Loaded An indication that the controller has a valid database. Online An indication of whether controller is online (True) or offline (False). Comms OK An indication that the PC is communicating with the controller (True) or not (False). Loading An indication that the controller is being loaded with the database. Firmware Version The current firmware in the controller. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 80 Administration Software The serial number of the controller. Serial Number In addition to the normal list view facilities (see the List View section), the following facilities are also available: To contract an expanded tree view: • Select the icon. To copy or delete a channel: • Right click the channel in the tree view and select Copy or Delete. To probe/configure/unconfigure controllers: • Click here. To access 500 TCP/IP channel facilities: 1. Right click the channel in the tree view. 2. The following facilities are then available: • Reset the server password by selecting Reset Password. The password must also be reset at the 500 (see the Manage Controller Firmware section). • Download the channel database to all controllers on the channel by selecting Download channel database. • Synchronise all controller clocks on the channel by selecting Synchronise all controller clocks. • Manage controller firmware by selecting Firmware Download. To access direct channel facilities: 1. Right click the channel in the tree view. 2. The following facilities are then available: • Initialise the CNC by selecting Initialise CNC (PAC 1100/2100/2200 CNC channel only). • Download the channel database to all controllers on the channel by selecting Download channel database. • Abort a channel download by selecting Abort channel download (PAC 1100/2100/2200 channel only). • Synchronise all controller clocks by selecting Synchronise all controller clocks. • Disconnect the channel by selecting Disconnect the channel. To access dialup channel facilities: 1. Right click the channel in the tree view. 2. The following facilities are then available: • Display the Dialup Connection window by selecting Dial Now, Show Call Progress or Hang Up. • Reset the password by selecting Reset Password. The password must also be reset at the controller (see the Modems section). • Download the channel database to all controllers on the channel by selecting Download channel database. • Synchronise all controller clocks by selecting Synchronise all controller clocks. To access offline channel facilities: 1. Right click the channel in the tree view. 2. The following facilities are then available: • Reset the password by selecting Reset Password. The password must also be reset at Helpfile All Ver 3.10 81 Administration Software the controller (see the Reset Password section). • Download the channel database to a PC or PDA by selecting Download to PC or Download to PDA (see the Download to the Controllers using a PC and Download to the Controllers using a PDA sections). See also List View section. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 82 Administration Software 3.14.2 Channel Property Page Channel Details The Channel Property Page is used to define channels . The configuration information is displayed on initial selection. To display channel details information: 1. Select the Hardware module. 2. Select a channel in the List View. 3. If necessary, select the Details tab. The following can then be specified: Name The name of the channel (specified by data entry). Channel Type The type of channel (selected from drop-down list). Protocol Type The type of protocol (selected from drop-down list). Computer Name The name of the computer in a multi-PC system (selected from dropdown list). Communications Port The number of the communications port on the PC (selected from drop-down list). Note If a communications port is configured for a modem, it will not be displayed for selection even if the modem is not connected. 500 URL 2 The Universal Resource Locator (i.e. http://address) of the server (specified by data entry or selecting the 500 Probe button). IP Address 3 The IP address of the 512IP or 2200IP connected to a Ethernet (specified by data entry or selecting the IP Address Probe button). Online The channel can be taken online/offline (specified by check box). 1 1 2 3 Direct channel only 500 TCP/IP channel only Direct TCP/IP channel only The buttons are described in the Property Page section. To perform channel tasks: • Select Tasks. The following options are then available: Reset Password - Resets the 500 or offline channel password ( 500 or offline channel only, see Reset Password section). Dial Now, Show Call Progress or Hang Up - Displays the Dialup Connection window to dialup a modem (dialup channel only, see the Modems section). Download channel database - Downloads to the selected channel. Abort download 1 - Aborts the download. Only applicable during a download. Synchronise controller time- Synchronises the time on all controllers with the PC. Firmware download - Downloads the added firmware to the selected server ( 500 channel only, see the Manage Controller Firmware section). Only download firmware to one server or controller at a time. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 83 Administration Software To add/update/delete channels: Click here. Channel Areas This tab is only displayed if the selected channel is a 500 TCP/IP channel. To display areas information: 1. Select the Hardware module. 2. Select a 500 TCP/IP channel in the List View. 3. Select the Areas tab. The following are then displayed: Areas A list of areas that can be assigned to the 500 (selected by check boxes). Note The default area (i.e. Outside) cannot be assigned to a 500. The buttons are described in the Property Page section. To add/update/delete channels: Click here. Channel 500 This tab is only displayed if the selected channel is a 500 TCP/IP channel. To display 500 information: 1. Select the Hardware module. 2. Select a 500 TCP/IP channel in the List View. 3. Select the 500 tab. The following are then displayed but can not be modified: Loaded An indication that the server has a valid database. Loading An indication that the server is being downloaded. Board Identity The name allocated to the printed circuit board. Board Version The version number of the printed circuit board. Firmware Type The type of firmware in the server. Different types may provide different features. Firmware Version The version firmware that has been added. Board Support Package Version The version of WinCe build. The buttons are described in the Property Page section. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 84 Administration Software To suppress/unsuppress asynchronous events: • Select/deselect the Suppress async events check box. To use unencrypted/encrypted communications: • Select/deselect the Use unencrypted communications check box. To add/update/delete channels: • Click here. To specify the override as a 2-state or 4-state input: • Select the Override is 2-state or Override is 4-state radio button. Channel Alarm Management To display alarm management information: 1. Select the Hardware module. 2. Select a channel in the List View. 3. Select the Alarm Management tab. The following can then be specified: The alarm area that should be armed if the server is to be armed (specified by drop-down list). Alarm Area If none is specified, the server cannot be armed. Omit Permitted An indication of whether to allow alarms associated with this channel to be omitted from arming (specified by check box). Silent Alarm An indication of whether the alarms associated with this channel are silent (specified by check box). The buttons are described in the Property Page section. To add/update/delete controllers: Click here. Channel Settings This tab is only displayed if the selected channel is a direct channel. To display settings information: 1. Select the Hardware module. 2. Select a channel in the List View. 3. Select the Settings tab. The following can then be specified: Line Speed1 Helpfile All Ver 3.10 The baud rate of the channel (selected from drop-down list). 1 Direct and Dialup channels only 85 Administration Software The following are displayed but cannot be modified: Timeout The time in milli-seconds before a communication attempt is cancelled because communication has not been established. Retry Count The number of communication attempts to try before abandoning the communication. Poll Interval The time in milli-seconds between polling for communications on the line. Polls in Slow Poll The number of polls in the poll interval after a communications failure. Channel Dialup This tab is only displayed if the selected channel is a dialup channel. To display dialup information: 1. Select the Hardware module. 2. Select a dialup channel in the List View. 3. Select the Dialup tab. The following can then be specified: Phone Number The telephone number of the modem connected to the server/controller (specified by data entry). Connect Timeout (mins) The timeout in minutes to terminate the connection if there are no updates to the controller. Dialup Schedule If the check box is selected, the next dialup and dialup interval can be specified. Next schedule dialup at The date and time for the next dialup (specified by data entry or drop-down calendar and time). If the date specified is in the past, a dialup is performed when Update is selected and the next dialup calculated from the dialup interval. Dialup interval The time between successive dialups. Use any available modem Any available modem connected to the PC can be used by selecting the radio button. Use the following modems A list of modems connected to the PC. Modems to use can be specified by selecting the radio button and then the modem check box(es) from the list. The buttons are described in the Property Page section. To add/update/delete channels: Click here. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 86 Administration Software Channel Dialback Notes 1. Dialback is only applicable to the controller the modem is connected to. 2. For a PAC 1100/2100/2200 dialup channel, a master controller must be configured before this tab is displayed. To display dialback information: 4. Select the Hardware module. 5. Select a dialup channel in the List View. 6. Select the Dialback tab. The following can then be specified: Enable Dialback Dialback is enabled by selecting the radio button. If enabled, a dialback is initiated by events at the server/controller. Primary Modem The name of the primary modem connected to the PC (selected from a drop-down list). The modem must be configured, see the Modems section. Secondary Modem The name of the secondary modem connected to the PC. The secondary modem is used if the primary modem is unavailable (selected from a drop-down list).The modem must be configured, see the Modems section. Threshold (percent) The percentage events in the event buffer required to initiate a dialback to the PC (specified by data entry or by increments). PC Site Number 1 The PC site number (range 2 to 128) that is unique on each PC and identifies the channel’s site (selected from a drop-down list). Sites 2 to 33 can support up to 8 controllers (1 master and 7 slaves). Sites 34 to 128 support 1 controller (each one a master). Note Site 1 is reserved for direct six wire bus channels. 1 PAC 1100/2100/2200 only. Dialback Events A list of events that will initiate a dialback (selected by check boxes). Keep Line Alive 2 If using a GSM modem on the controller with a 'Pay as You Go' SIM card that requires at least one outward call in a specified interval (e.g. every 180 days), the line can be kept alive by specifying a periodic dialback. Notes 1. The system will make a call between 00:00 and 00:10 hours on the appropriate day and the call must be answered and kept connected for at least 1 minute. 2. Periodically check your credit by phoning the customer services department of your service provider and top up if necessary. 2 Helpfile All Ver 3.10 512 only 87 Administration Software If this radio button is selected, the phone number for periodic dialback is specified by data entry. Phone Number If your service provider allows, it is recommended to dial the speaking clock (123) and the call will automatically disconnect after 1 minute. If not dialling the speaking clock, ensure that each channel dials back on a different day or to a different number. Dialback to PC If this radio button is selected, periodic dialback is to a modem connected to the administration PC. Interval (in days) The interval for periodic dialback specified by data entry or increments. Consult your service provider to determine the call frequency required. Always ensure a call is made a few days before the expiry time to allow for service failures. A firmware download will reset the keep line alive interval counter to 0. The buttons are described in the Property Page section. To add/update/delete channels: Click here. Channel Layout To display layout information: 1. Select the Hardware module. 2. Select a channel in the List View. 3. Select the Layout tab. The layout displays a list of controllers associated with the channel. To display a list of controllers associated with a server: • Select the sign next to the server. To display a list of doors associated with an access controller: • Select the sign next to the access controller. To display a list of readers associated with a door: • Select the sign next to the door. The buttons are described in the Property Page section. To add/update/delete channels: Click here. Add/Update/Delete a Channel • Select the Hardware module. To add a channel: 1. Select New and Create New Channel or Create New 500. 2. Select each tab in turn and enter appropriate information (select a property page field and Helpfile All Ver 3.10 88 Administration Software press F1 to obtain help). 3. Select Add. 4. Wait for the communications to be established before probing for controllers. To update an channel: 1. Select a channel. 2. Enter appropriate information (select a property page field and press F1 to obtain help). 3. Select Update or press Ctrl-S to save changes or Cancel to discard changes. To delete an channel: 1. Select an channel. 2. Select Delete or press Ctrl-D. 3. Select OK to confirm or Cancel to keep the channel. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 89 Administration Software 3.14.3 Controller Property Page Controller Details The Controller Property Page is used to define door controllers (e.g. controller type and address). The controller details are displayed on initial selection. To display details information: 1. Select the Hardware module. 2. Select a controller in the List View. 3. If necessary, select the Details tab. The following can then be specified: Name The name of the controller. Description A description of the controller. 4-State Override An indication of whether 4-state monitoring of the controller override is used (specified by checkbox). Type The type of controller (selected from a drop-down list). Channel 500 1 2 The channel associated with the controller (automatically entered). The 500 associated with the controller (selected from a drop-down list). Select ' None' if the controller is not on a 500 channel. Lock Sharing (n and m) 3 An indication of whether the lock is controlled by an in and out reader on door channels n and m (specified by check box). This should only be used with PAC 1100/2100 Series Door Controllers or Wiegand in and out readers. Online 4 The controller can be taken online/offline (specified by check box). 1 Only if the controller has been assigned to a channel. 2 Only if the controller has not been assigned to a channel 3 Not input/output controllers 4 Only for connected controllers To perform controller tasks: • Select Tasks. • The following options are available for an online controller: Configure controller or Unconfigure controller - Displays the Configure Controller or Unconfigure Controller window. Download controller data - Downloads to the selected controller. Abort download 1 - Aborts the download. Only applicable during a download. Synchronise controller time- Synchronises the time on all controllers with the PC. Set Modem Initialization String - Displays the Modem Initialization String window. Firmware download - Downloads the added firmware to the selected controller (see the Manage Controller Firmware section). Reset diagnostic code – Resets the diagnostic code. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 90 Administration Software Only download firmware to one server or controller at a time. • The following options are available for an offline controller: Identify Controller - Displays status information for the controller currently connected. Connect to Controller - Connects the controller to the PC – this option will be grayed out until the Identify Controller steps have been completed. Whilst connected a further set of options becomes available under the tasks menu: Download controller database - Downloads the database to the selected controller. Firmware download - Downloads the added firmware to the selected controller (see the Manage Controller Firmware section). Only download firmware to one controller at a time. Reset diagnostic code - Resets the diagnostic code (link to glossary). Disconnect from Controller – Disconnects the controller from the PC. The other buttons are described in the Property Page section. To add/update/delete controllers: • Click here. To probe/configure/unconfigure controllers: • Click here. Controller Information This tab is only displayed if the selected controller has been probed. To display controller information: 1. Select the Hardware module. 2. Select a controller in the List View. 3. Select the Controller tab. The following are then displayed but can not be modified: Serial Number The serial number of the controller. Firmware ID The firmware identity of the controller. Firmware Version The current firmware in the controller. Firmware Type The type of firmware in the controller. Different types may provide different features. Board Revision The revision number of the printed circuit board of the controller. Power Status The status of the controller's power supply. Battery Status The status of the controller's battery. Backup Battery Status The status of the controller's backup battery. Battery Level The charge on the controller's battery. Diagnostic Code The diagnostic code of the controller. The buttons are described in the Property Page section. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 91 Administration Software To add/update/delete controllers: Click here. To probe/configure/unconfigure controllers: Click here. Controller 2100/2200 This tab is only displayed if the selected controller is a PAC 1100/2100/2200 Series Door Controller. To display PAC 1100/2100/2200 information: 4. Select the Hardware module. 5. Select a PAC 1100/2100/2200 controller in the List View. 6. Select the 2100/2200 tab. The following can then be specified: [1 PAC 1100/2100/2200 - RS232 -SWB protocol only] Master 1 An indication of whether the door controller is a master controller (specified by radio button). Slave 1 An indication of whether the door controller is a slave controller (specified by radio button). Slave Address The address of the slave controller is selected by data entry or increment. For PAC 1100/2100/2200 - RS232 - SWB protocol, the address of the master controller is always 1 and is automatically allocated if the Master radio switch is selected,. The slave address range is 2 to 8. For PAC 1100/2100/2200 - RS232 -SWB - CNC protocol, the CNC is the master controller. The slave address range is 1 to 32. Master Override Input An indication of whether a override condition on the master (e.g. fire alarm) unlocks all the doors on the slave controller (specified by check box). Anti-passback n and m An indication of whether anti-passback is enabled on the door channels n and m (specified by check box). Also apply to exit An indication of whether the anti-passback also applies to the Exit readers of the door channels (specified by check box). Anti-passback timeout The timeout period (in minutes) when an anti-passback violation is cancelled (specified by data entry or by increments). The buttons are described in the Property Page section. To add/update/delete controllers: Click here. To probe/configure/unconfigure controllers: Click here. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 92 Administration Software Controller Doors This tab is only displayed if the selected controller is an access or door controller. To display doors information: 1. Select the Hardware module. 2. Select a controller in the List View. 3. Select the Doors tab. The Doors tab displays a list of doors associated with the controller. To display a list of readers associated with a door: • Select the sign next to the door. The buttons are described in the Property Page section. To add/update/delete controllers: • Click here. To probe/configure/unconfigure controllers: • Click here. Controller Inputs To display input configuration information: 1. Select the Hardware module. 2. Select a controller in the List View. 3. Select the Inputs tab. 4. If necessary, select the Input Configuration tab. The following can then be specified: List A list of inputs associated with the controller (automatically entered). An input can be defined by selecting a check box or check boxes. If a PAC 1100/2100/2200 controller is selected, the list is a tree view that can be expanded to list the inputs on any Alarm Event Managers connected to the controller. Name of Input n The name of the selected input (specified by data entry). Description The description of the selected input (specified by data entry). Input Type 1 The type of the selected input (specified by drop-down list). 2 Note AEM input types must be set using the switch bank and jumper on the AEM. 1 500 Series Controller only Disarm Time Profile 3 The time profile that disarms the input (specified by dropdown list). If specified, no alarms or events are generated during the time profile. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 93 Administration Software Input Mode The mode of the selected input (specified by drop-down list).4 Pulse Count 1 The number of triggers that need to occur before an alarm is generated for the selected input (specified by data entry or increments). Pulse Count Time 1 The time in seconds that the pulse count operates for the selected input (specified by drop-down list). Count is reset when time expires and starts from last activation. Debounce Time 1 The time in milliseconds that the selected input must be in a state before that state is registered (specified by drop-down list). Debounce times is important for proper use of pressure switches, strain gauges and other sensors that are “bouncy”. Debouncing is also important for resistance to ac induction on long cable runs. 5 Do not set a time that will override the pulse count. Note When specifying a debounce time, the input signal must be in a stable state for at least 200mS after the end of the debounce time before it is recognised. Configured from Template 1 500 Series Controllers only 2 Input Types Type NO NC 3 State NO 3 State NC 4 State NO 4 State NC Helpfile All Ver 3.10 State A template of input conditions to aid specification (selected for a drop-down list). The template specifies the input configuration and alarm properties. 6 512 Event PAC 1100/2100/2200 Series Event Open input normal sensor open Closed input active sensor closed Open input active sensor open Closed input normal sensor closed Open input normal N/A Closed input active N/A Cut input open tamper N/A Open input active N/A Closed input normal N/A Short input short tamper N/A Open input normal sensor open Closed input active sensor closed Cut input open tamper circuit cut Short input short tamper circuit shorted Closed input normal sensor closed Open input active sensor open Cut input open tamper circuit cut 94 Administration Software Short input short tamper 3 PAC 1100/2100/2200 Controllers only 4 Input Modes circuit shorted 24-Hour Alarm If the input enters an active or tamper alarm state, an alarm message will be displayed in the Alarm Viewer and Event Log. Input inactive events only appear in the Event Log. 24-Hour Information If the input enters a tamper alarm state, an alarm message will be displayed in the Alarm Viewer and Event Log. Input active events and input inactive events only appear in the Event Log. Controlled Alarm If the input enters an active or tamper alarm state, an alarm message will be displayed in the Alarm Viewer only if the area is armed. Note that input tamper alarm messages also displayed in the Alarm Viewer when the area is not armed. Lift - An input that allows a lift button selection to be monitored. 5 Examples Input Function Debounce Time/mS Request-to-exit 200 Break-glass, DC Override, 500 Alarm Zone Door Contact, Latch Contact 6 >1s Input Templates Template Input Type Input Mode Pulse Count and Time 24-Hour Visible Panic 4 State N0 24-Hour Alarm 200ms 24-Hour Invisible Panic 4 State N0 24-Hour Alarm 200ms 24-Hour Burglary 4 State N0 24-Hour Alarm 24-Hour Information 4 State N0 24-Hour Alarm 200ms Silent alarm Controlled Interior 4 State N0 Controlled Alarm 200ms Omit permitted Controlled Exterior 4 State N0 Controlled Alarm 200ms Omit permitted Lift NO Lift 3; 5s 3; 5s • Select the Alarm Properties tab on the Controller Inputs page. 95 Alarm Properties Silent Alarm 200ms 200ms To display alarm properties information: Helpfile All Ver 3.10 Debounce Time Administration Software The following can then be specified: List A list of inputs associated with the controller (automatically entered). A single input or several inputs can be specified by selected a check box or check boxes. Alarm Area The alarm area that should be armed if the controller is to be armed (specified by drop-down list). If none is specified, the controller cannot be armed. Omit permitted An indication of whether to allow alarms associated with this input can be omitted from arming (specified by check box). Silent Alarm An indication of whether the alarms associated with this input are silent (specified by check box). Configured from Template A template of input conditions to aid specification (selected from a drop-down list). The template specifies the input configuration and alarm properties. 5 The buttons are described in the Property Page section. To add/update/delete controllers: Click here. To probe/configure/unconfigure controllers: Click here. Controller Outputs To display output configuration information: 1. Select the Hardware module. 2. Select a controller in the List View. 3. If necessary, select the Outputs tab. 4. If necessary, select the Output Configuration tab. The following can then be specified: List A list of outputs associated with the controller (automatically entered). An output can be specified by selected a check box or check boxes. If a PAC 1100/2100/2200 controller is selected, the list is a tree view that can be expanded to list the outputs on the controller and on any Alarm Event Managers connected to the controller. Name of Output n The name of the selected output (specified by data entry). Description The description of the selected output (specified by data entry). Time Profile The time profile to apply to the output (specified by dropdown list). Output Type The type of the selected output (specified by drop-down list). 1 Momentary Time 2 Helpfile All Ver 3.10 Link to output types The time that the selected output will be on (specified by drop-down list). 96 Administration Software 2 Delay Before Activation (secs) 3 The time delay before the output activates; 0 means no delay (selected by check box and specified by drop-down list if the Delay Before Activation checkbox is selected). 3 Maximum Activation Time (min) 4 5 Pulsed outputs only The period of cycle the selected output is on as % of cycle time (specified by data entry or increments). 4 Number of Pulses Latched outputs only The total time in seconds for the pulse to cycle on/off (specified by data entry or increments). 5 Active (%) PAC 1100/2100/2200 only The time in minutes before the selected output will be automatically turned off; 0 means no maximum activation time (selected by check box and specified by drop-down list if the Maximum Activation Time checkbox is selected). 4 Cycle Time (s) 5 Momentary outputs only 5 The maximum number of pulses of the selected output (specified by data entry or increments if the Number of Pulses checkbox is selected). 5 Configured from Template Pulsed outputs only Pulsed outputs only A template of output conditions to aid specification (selected from a drop-down list). The template specifies the output configuration. 6 6 Link to output templates To display output details information: 1. Select the Hardware module. 2. Select a controller in the List View. 3. If necessary, select the Outputs tab. 4. If necessary, select the Details tab. The following can then be specified: Relay Rating The relay rating on the relay on the selected controller (automatically entered). Assigned to Area The area associated with the output (selected from a dropdown list). Area Sounders If the radio button is selected, the output will activate a sounder for the specified area. Note Area sounder should not be used with a toggle output as the output is automatically reset when the alarm is acknowledged and/or restored (see the Area Alarm Management section). Alarm Sensors Reset If the radio button is selected, the output will reset an input that is in alarm, i.e. an Area Reset command from the Alarm Viewer will clear the alarm condition. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 97 Administration Software Manual If the radio button is selected, the output is activated manually. Note The output cab be placed on an Alarm Map and then manually controlled from the Alarm Viewer. Local Area Alarm If the radio button is selected, the output is activated if the area is armed. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 98 Administration Software To specify output activation information: This tab is only displayed for PAC 1100/2100/2200 Series Door Controllers. 1. Select the Hardware module. 2. Select a controller in the List View. 3. If necessary, select the Outputs tab. 4. If necessary, select the Output Activation tab. 5. Select the Add button to add an output activation condition. 6. Repeat Step 5 for each output activation condition required (e.g. if the output is to be activated when an input active or door left open alarm is detected, two output activation conditions must be specified). 7. If necessary, select an output activation condition and the Delete button to delete it. The following can be specified for each output activation condition: Name The name of the output condition (specified by data entry). When condition The event that will trigger the output activation (selected from a drop-down list). Note If PIN Reader Duress is selected, a maximum activation time for the relay output must be specified to switch off the output. Source Name The name of the item that may generate the event (selected from a drop-down list). The other buttons are described in the Property Page section. To add/update/delete controllers: Click here. To probe/configure/unconfigure controllers: Click here. Output Types Latched The output will stay on until turned off (e.g. by event to action) or the maximum activation time expires. Momentary The output will stay on until the momentary time expires. Toggle The output will toggle its state each time it is activated (i.e. if the output is on the next activation will switch it off, if the output is off the next activation will switch off). Pulsed expires. The output will pulse until turned off (e.g. by event to action) or the number of pulses Output Templates Template Output Type Internal Sounder Pulsed Sensor Reset Momentary Helpfile All Ver 3.10 Momentary Time Cycle Time Active 2s 50% 3s 99 Administration Software Controller Alarm Management To display alarm management information: 1. Select the Hardware module. 2. Select a controller in the List View. 3. Select the Alarm Management tab. The following can then be specified: Alarm Area The alarm area that should be armed if the server is to be armed (specified by drop-down list). If none is specified, the server cannot be armed. Omit Permitted An indication of whether to allow alarms associated with this controller to be omitted from arming (specified by check box). Silent Alarm An indication of whether the alarms associated with this controller are silent (specified by check box). The buttons are described in the Property Page section. To add/update/delete controllers: Click here. Add/Update/Delete a Controller • Select the Hardware module. To add a controller: 1. Select New and Create New Controller or press Alt-NC. 2. Enter the controller details and select each tab in turn to check the other information (select a property page field and press F1 to obtain help). 3. Select Add. 4. Probe and configure the controller. 5. Download the database to the controller : • Select the Details tab. • Select the Tasks button. • Select Download controller database. To update a controller: 1. Select a controller. 2. Enter appropriate information (select a property page field and press F1 to obtain help). 3. Select Update or press Ctrl-S to save changes or Cancel to discard changes. 4. Download the new database to the controller : • Select the Details tab. • Select the Tasks button. • Select Download controller database. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 100 Administration Software To delete a controller: 1. Select an controller. 2. Select Delete or press Ctrl-D. 3. Select OK to confirm or Cancel to keep the controller. Note Deleting a controller deletes its associated doors. Probe/Configure/Unconfigure Controllers • Select the Hardware module. To probe the controller configuration: 1. Ensure that the channels are correctly specified. 2. Select Probe Channels icon or Controller > Probe Channels. If there is more than one channel, the Select Channels window is displayed. Select the channels to be probed and the OK button. The physical connections are probed and the software configured. The controller barcode allocation table provided with the controller and in the Reports tab should be used to aid configuration. To configure a controller to a channel: 1. Drag and drop the selected controller on to one of the connected controllers indicated by the serial number. Alternatively, right click a controller serial number, select Configure Controller from the drop-down list, enter the controller name and select OK. The Configure Controller window is displayed. 2. Select the option to download to the controller and OK. If this option is not selected, a download can be performed later by selecting the controller and Tasks (see the Controller Details section). To unconfigure a controller from a channel: • Right click the channel serial number and select Unconfigure Controller from the dropdown list. Online Controller Tasks To perform controller tasks on a configured controller, see the Controller Details section. To perform controller tasks on a probed but unconfigured controller: 1. Select the Hardware module. 2. Select an unconfigured controller and the Unconfigured Controller window is displayed. The following are then displayed but can not be modified: Serial Number The serial number of the controller. Firmware Version The current firmware in the controller. Firmware Type The type of firmware in the controller. Different types may provide different features. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 101 Administration Software Board Revision • The revision number of the printed circuit board of the controller. Select Tasks. The following options are then available: Download controller data - Downloads to the selected controller. Synchronise controller time- Synchronises the time on all controllers with the PC. Firmware download - Downloads the added firmware to the selected controller (see the Manage Controller Firmware section). Only download firmware to one server or controller at a time. The other buttons are described in the Property Page section. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 102 Administration Software 3.14.4 Offline Channel and Controller Tasks Download Database to the Controllers using the PC A connected controller is automatically disconnected if an update is performed or a different module is displayed. Therefore the following procedure from Step 1 (or Step 9 if already identified and configured) is required after any updates. 1. Physically connect an offline controller to the PC (this controller is then the gateway controller). 2. Select Hardware in the Explorer bar. 3. Select the gateway controller. 4. Select the Tasks button. 5. Select the Identify Controller button and the Identify/Configure Controller window is displayed. 6. Select the COM port the gateway controller is connected to and the Identify button and the window is populated with the controller details. 7. Select the Configure button and the Configure Controller window is displayed. 8. Select OK to configure the controller or Cancel to return to the Identify/Configure Controller window. 9. Select the Tasks button and the Connect to Controller option and the Connect Controller window is displayed. 10. Select the COM port the gateway controller is connected to. 11. Select the Connect button and select OK on the Successfully Connected to controller window and the Controller Synchronisation Command window is displayed. 12. When the event collection process is 100% complete, select OK and the controller will be available for download. 13. Select the Tasks button and the Download controller database option. 14. When the download process is 100% complete, select OK and the controller can be physically disconnected from the PC. The controller can be left connected and any events will be displayed in the event log. 15. Select the Tasks button and the Disconnect from controller option. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 103 Administration Software Download Database to the Controllers using the PDA 1. Physically connect the PC to a PDA via an RS-232 channel. 2. Select Hardware in the Explorer bar. 3. Select Hardware > Download offline channels and the Offline synchronization required window is displayed. 4. Select the channel to download to and select Next. 5. When the download process is 100% complete, select OK and the PDA can be physically disconnected . 6. Physically connect the PDA to the an offline controller (this controller is then the gateway controller) and use the PDA facilities to download the database to the controllers. Upload Database from PDA to a PC 1. Select the Hardware module in the Explorer bar. 2. Physically connect the PDA to the PC via an RS-232 or USB port (using the cable provided with the PDA) and the upload will start automatically. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 104 Administration Software 3.14.5 Lift Property Page Lift Details The Lift Property Page is used to define lift readers. A lift reader is a multi-access reader that can be used to control access to one or more areas (e.g. floors or lockers). When used in a lift, a valid key would allow access to specific floors by enabling appropriate lift buttons. Each floor of the lift is configured as an area controlled by the same 500 as the controller the lift reader is connected to. To display details information: 1. Select the Hardware module. 2. Expand the Connected Controllers list in the List View. 3. Select a lift reader. 4. If necessary, select the Details tab. The following can then be specified: Name The name of the lift (specified by data entry). 500 The 500 controlling the lift (selected from a drop-down list). Reader The name of the lift reader (selected from a drop-down list). Lift readers must be specified first, see the Add/Update/Delete a Lift Reader section). The reader activates the appropriate destinations outputs when a keyholder presents a key to the reader. Normally the destination outputs are connected to lift floor buttons that are enabled when a valid key is presented to the reader located inside the lift. Selection Time The time (in seconds) a lift button remains selectable (selected by data entry or increments). Extra Selection Time The extra time (in seconds) a lift button remains selectable if the keyholder requires extra door time (specified by data entry or by increments). The Requires Extra Door Time check box must be enabled for the keyholder (see the Keyholder Details section). To add/update/delete a lift reader: • Click here. Lift Destinations To display configuration information: 1. Select the Hardware module. 2. Expand the Connected Controllers list in the List View. 3. Select a lift reader. 4. If necessary, select the Destinations tab. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 105 Administration Software The following can then be specified: Area A list of areas (floors) each associated destination output (e.g. connected to a lift button) gives access to (added using the Add New button and selected from a drop-down list). Output A list of destination outputs used to activate each lift button (selected from a drop-down list). Input A list of inputs (optional) that allows a lift button selection to be monitored (selected from a drop-down list). This is necessary to use the area usage facility. Out of Hours Exit An indication of whether out of hours exit is allowed (selected by check box). To add an area (floor): • Select the Add New button. To add/update/delete a lift reader: • Click here. Lift Access This tab is accessed via the Door module. Door details, door configuration and door alarm management for door channels that have lift readers are defined in the same way as ordinary door channels. To display access information: 1. Select the Door module. 2. Select a door channel that has lift readers in the List View . 3. If necessary, select the Access tab. The following can then be specified: Reader Type The type of reader(s) connected to the lift (selected from a drop-down list). SIG A / SIG B One of the door channels can be used for door access. The lift access specified on the Lift Destinations tab. The buttons are described in the Property Page section. To add/update/delete a lift reader: • Click here. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 106 Administration Software 3.14.6 Add/Update/Delete a Lift Reader The appropriate 500, controllers, areas (floors), time profiles, inputs and outputs must be created first. All the controllers providing readers, outputs and inputs must be connected to the same 500. All the areas must be assigned to the same 500 and cannot have anti-passback or airlock properties. Inputs can be assigned for monitoring and/or area usage. The readers, inputs and outputs associated with a lift are assigned by the lift reader configuration. To add a lift reader: 1. Select the Hardware module. 2. Select New and Create New Lift. 5. Select each tab in turn and enter appropriate information (select a property page field and press F1 to obtain help). 6. Select Add. To add lift inputs and outputs: 1. Select a controller in the List View, 2. Select the Inputs tab and specify each relevant input as a lift input (i.e. 2-state normally open). 3. Select the Outputs tab and specify each relevant output as a lift output (i.e. Latched with no maximum activation time). 4. Select the Update button. To update a lift reader: 1. Select the Door module. 2. Select a door channel with a lift reader. 3. Select each tab in turn and enter/update appropriate information (select a property page field and press F1 to obtain help). 4. Select Update or press Ctrl-S to save changes or Cancel to discard changes. To delete a lift reader: 1. Select the Hardware module. 2. Expand the Connected Controllers list in the List View. 3. Select a lift reader. 4. Select Delete or press Ctrl-D. 5. Select OK to confirm or Cancel to keep the lift reader. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 107 Administration Software 3.15 Doors 3.15.1 Door List View The Door List View displays a list of doors. A door is used to access an area and is configured by defining the readers that allow/disallow access into that area (e.g. a door can be defined by an in and out reader). See List View section. 3.15.2 Door Property Page Door Details The Door Property Page is used to define doors (e.g. lock behaviour and time profile). The door details are displayed on initial selection. To display details information: 1. Select the Doors module. 2. Select a door in the List View. 3. If necessary, select the Details tab. The following can then be specified: Name The name of the door (specified by data entry). Description A description of the door (specified by data entry). Door Profile A time/mode profile that determines when the door is unlocked or when the door is in particular mode, e.g. anti-passback in operation (selected from a drop-down list). Door Status 1 The Use Count ( the number of access granted events since a Reset Use Count) and Door Mode (controlled by a time/mode profile or Tasks button). 1 512 only To perform door tasks: 1. Select Tasks. The following options are then available. For Offline channels, these tasks are only available when connected to the controller: Secure Door – this will lock the door if the door is unlocked (e.g. on a time profile) Unlock Door –this will unlock the door indefinitely or for a specified time. Bolt Door – this has different functions for door types, click here for further information. (link to glossary) Normal Door Operation – this returns the door to normal operation (e.g. locked or unlocked on a time profile). Set Mode 1 – this applies a specified a door mode profile. Unlock Once 1 – this unlocks the door for the lock release time. Issue Request to Exit - this unlocks the door for the lock release time. Reset Use Count 1 - this reset the use count to zero. 1 512 only Helpfile All Ver 3.10 108 Administration Software 2. If Unlock Door is selected, the Unlock Door window is displayed. Select the Unlock door indefinitely or Length of time to unlock door radio button and specify the length of time (max. 255 minutes). Then select the OK button 3. If Set Mode is selected, the Door Mode Settings window is displayed. The Security Mode displays the current mode and can be altered by selecting the required Security Mode from a dropdown list and the length of time it will be applied. For each direction, select the Access Mode and whether Two Card Access is required. Then select the OK button The other buttons are described in the Property Page section. To update doors: Click here. Note To add or delete doors, the appropriate controller must be added or deleted (see Controller Details section). Door Access Two readers (in and out) can be attached to each door. Alternatively, one reader and one Request to Exit switch can be used. If the controller controls a lift reader, see the Lift Access section. If the controller controls a muster reader, see the Muster and Evacuation section. Note PAC 1100/2100/2200 Series Door Controllers only allow one reader per door channel and all controllers only allow one Wiegand or Magstripe reader per door channel. Therefore, if using PAC 1100/2100/2200 Series Door Controllers, Wiegand or Magstripe readers, lock sharing must be enabled for in and out readers (see Controller Details section). To display access information: 1. Select the Door module. 2. Select a door in the List View. 3. Select the Access tab. The Access tab displays the door channel for the selected door. If a PAC 1100/2100 door with lock sharing is selected, the two door channels associated with the door are displayed. The format of the display depends on the access type and reader type. If the reader type is defined as Wiegand, only one Wiegand reader per door channel can be defined. The following can then be specified: [1 Access by Areas mode only; 2 Access by Doors mode only ; 3 512 only Helpfile All Ver 3.10 109 Administration Software Reader Type The type of reader(s) connected to the door (selected from a dropdown list). Area 1 The area the reader gives access to (selected from a drop-down list). Notes 1. If the door has an anti-passback door mode assigned, SIG A is the Entry reader. 2. If the door also has lock sharing specified, door channel 1 is the Entry reader. Profile For 512, the reader mode profile to apply to the reader (selected from a drop-down list). For PAC 1100/2100/2200, the time profile to apply to a PIN reader (selected from a drop-down list). If a time profile is selected, a PIN is not required during the time period only a valid token. Allow Access 2 An indication of whether access is allowed through this door to valid keyholders (specified by radio button). Reader connected 1 An indication of whether a reader is connected to this SIG line (specified by radio button). No reader connected An indication of whether a Request to Exit switch is connected to this SIG line (specified by radio button). Out of hours access An indication of whether out of hours access is allowed (selected by check box). Tamper Mode 3 An indication of whether reader tamper is disabled or enabled on the door channel (selected from a drop-down list). The buttons are described in the Property Page section. To update doors: Click here. Note To add or delete doors, the appropriate controller must be added or deleted (see Controller Details section). Door Configuration To display configuration information: 1. Select the Door module. 2. Select a door in the List View. 3. Select the Configuration tab. The following can then be specified: [1 3 512 only; 2 PAC 1100/2100/2200 only] EOL Door Inputs Each door channel on the controller has an input (I/P), Request to Exit (RTE) and Door Contact (DC) connections that can be used to supervise detectors. Four different input states can be detected by fitting end-of-line resistors to the appropriate connector and 0V. These states are: Helpfile All Ver 3.10 110 Administration Software Input States State 1 2 3 4 Description Switch open Switch closed Short circuit Wire cut Meaning Reader tamper alarm Reader tamper alarm cleared Reader tamper line short Reader line cut RTE States State 1 2 3 4 Description Switch open Switch closed Short circuit Wire cut Meaning Normal, no message Request to exit RTE line short RTE line cut DC States State 1 2 3 4 4 Description Switch open Switch closed Short circuit Wire cut Meaning When door is locked will generate a door forced alarm A door forced alarm has been generated then cleared Door contact line short Door contact line cut Door Configuration Modes Field Selection Meaning Normal Door contact, RTE mode. RTE No Lock Lock not operated, PIR sensor. Emergency Override Free exit, lock operated, Emergency override. Emergency Override No Lock Free exit, no lock operated, Emergency override. Auxiliary Input Modes Not used I/P on controller's door channel not used. Reader tamper I/P on the controller's door channel used for reader tamper on Wiegand or Magstripe readers. (512 only) Bolt door I/P on the controller's door channel is used to bolt the door when the input is active (i.e. access is denied to all users except those with bolt door privileges). Door Modes Note A door that is usually open due to a time profile will be bolted. Auxiliary Output Mode Emergency override I/P on the controller's door channel is used to generate an emergency override and unlock the door. Latch contact I/P on the controller's door channel is used to detect lock latching. General input I/P on the controller's door channel is used for a special-to-project purpose. Not used The alarm output relay on the controller is not used. Door left open alarm 1 The output relay on the controller is activated if the door has been left open. Door forced alarm 1 The output relay on the controller is activated if the door has been forced open. Door forced/left open alarm 1 The output relay on the controller is activated if the door has been forced open or left open. (512 only) Helpfile All Ver 3.10 111 Administration Software 1 Alarm shunt The output relay on the controller is activated for the door release time if a valid access is detected. Time Profile The output relay on the controller is only used during a specified time profile. General Output The alarm output relay on the controller is used for a special-to-project purpose. Door monitoring must be enabled. Controller The name of the controller that the controls the door (automatically entered but can be changed via the Hardware module (see Controller Details section). Door Monitoring If the check box is selected, door monitoring is enabled. Door contacts must be fitted. Door Open Time The time (in seconds) the door is unlocked after a valid key has been presented to the reader (specified by data entry or by increments). Door contacts must be fitted. Logging Mode 1 The type of transactions that will be logged in the event log (selected from a drop-down list). Key presentation - access-authorised events logged when key presented. Door opened - access-authorised events logged when door opened after key presentation. If door not opened, user walked away event is generated. A door contact must be fitted and door monitoring set. Lock Release Time The time (in seconds) allowed for the door to be unlocked after a valid access (specified by data entry or by increments). Extra Door Time 1 The extra time (in seconds) allowed if the keyholder requires extra time to get through the door (specified by data entry or by increments). The Requires Extra Door Time check box must be enabled for the keyholder (see the Keyholder Details section). Enable Lock Toggle 1 An indication of whether the door remains unlocked after a valid key has been presented, or Request to Exit pressed, and only locked when the key is presented again, or Request to Exit pressed again (selected by check box). Anti-Passback Timeout 2 The timeout period (in minutes) when an anti-passback violation is cancelled (enabled by checkbox and specified by data entry or by increments). Note If Timed Passback is enabled, this timeout also specifies the duration of anti-passback. Timed Passback 2 An indication of whether the timeout period for an anti-passback violation is enabled (selected by check box). Notes 1. Anti-passback is implemented on the Entry reader to an area for the duration of the Anti-Passback Timeout. This allows anti-passback to be assigned to a door with only one reader (e.g. a Request to Exit switch is used to exit the area). 2. If anti-passback is in operation on more than one door into an area and Anti-Passback Timeout is set to different times on each door, the longest Anti-Passback Timeout timeout period will apply to all doors into the area. EOL Door Inputs 1 Helpfile All Ver 3.10 An indication of whether the end-of-line inputs are used allowing 112 Administration Software 4-state monitoring of RTE and door contact (selected by check box). 3 1 4 Failsafe 4 An indication of whether the lock is fail-safe (selected by check box). If the check box is not selected, the lock is fail-secure. Alarm inhibit 4 INHB/DR3 on the controller's door channel is used to inhibit the readers when the area is armed. Door Contact Mode/RTE Mode The type of Door Contact/Request to Exit connection (selected from the Mode drop-down list). 5 Mode The type of door to reader connection (selected from a drop down list). 5 512 only; 2 512 on direct channel only; 3 PAC 1100/2100/ 2200 only; 4 link to EOL Door Inputs ; link to Door Configuration Modes The buttons are described in the Property Page section. To update doors: Click here. Note To add or delete doors, the appropriate controller must be added or deleted (see Controller Details section). Door Auxiliary IO This tab is not displayed for PAC 1100/2100/2200 Series Door Controllers. Auxiliary IO for PAC 1100/2100/2200 Series Door Controllers is specified as described in the Controller Outputs section. To display Auxiliary IO information: 1. Select the Door module. 2. Select a door in the List View. 3. Select the Auxiliary IO tab. The following can then be specified: Auxiliary Input Mode The use of the auxiliary input (selected from a drop-down list). 1 1 Link to definitions Auxiliary Output Mode The use of the auxiliary output (selected from a drop-down list). 1 Time Profile The use of the auxiliary output (selected from a drop-down list). 1 Output Type The type of the selected output (specified by drop-down list). 1 Momentary Time 2 The time that the selected output will be on (specified by dropdown list). 3 Maximum Activation Time (min) 3 The time in minutes before the selected output will be automatically turned off; 0 means no maximum activation time (selected by check box and specified by drop-down list if the Maximum Activation Time checkbox is selected). 4 Cycle Time (s) 4 Helpfile All Ver 3.10 Momentary outputs only Latched outputs only The total time in seconds for the pulse to cycle on/off (specified by data entry or increments). 113 Administration Software 5 Active (%) 4 Pulsed outputs only The period of cycle the selected output is on as % of cycle time (specified by data entry or increments). 5 Pulsed outputs only The buttons are described in the Property Page section. To update doors: Click here. Note To add or delete doors, the appropriate controller must be added or deleted (see Controller Details section). Door Alarm Management To display alarms information: 1. Select the Door module. 2. Select an area in the List View. 3. Select the Alarms Management tab. The following can then be specified: Alarm Area The alarm area that should be armed if the door is to be armed (specified by drop-down list). If none is specified, the door cannot be armed. Omit Permitted An indication of whether to allow alarms associated with this door to be omitted from arming (specified by check box). Silent Alarm An indication of whether the alarms associated with this door are silent (specified by check box). The buttons are described in the Property Page section. To update doors: Click here. Note To add or delete doors, the appropriate controller must be added or deleted (see Controller Details section). Helpfile All Ver 3.10 114 Administration Software Door Security Level This tab is only displayed in Access by Doors and Security Level mode (see Access Types sections). To display access information: 1. Select the Door module. 2. Select a door in the List View. 3. Select the Security Level tab. The following can then be specified: Default Security Level The security level required to open the door outside the time profile (specified by data entry or by increments). Timed Security Level The security level required to open the door during the time profile (specified by data entry or by increments). Time Profile The time profile allocated to the door (specified by a drop-down list). Note A security level of 0 prevents the door being opened at any time by any key. The buttons are described in the Property Page section. To update doors: Click here. Note To add or delete doors, the appropriate controller must be added or deleted (see Controller Details section). 3.15.3 Add/Update/Delete a Door The appropriate areas, time profiles, controllers and channels must be created first. • Select the Door module. To add a door: Doors are automatically created when a new controller is created. To update a door 1. Select a door. 2. Select each tab in turn and enter/update appropriate information (select a property page field and press F1 to obtain help). 3. Select Update or press Ctrl-S to save changes or Cancel to discard changes. To delete a door: • Doors can only be deleted by deleting its associated controller. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 115 Administration Software 3.16 Video Source 3.16.1 Video Source List View The Video Source List View displays a list of configured video sources. Selecting a video source will cause the Video Source Property Page to display its settings. 3.16.2 Video Source Property Page Video Source Property Page The Video Source Property Page is used to create and manage connections to video sources. A video source is a channel for getting live or recorded video into the system. It can be either a camera, such as a web cam, or IP camera or an input channel on a more complex device such as a digital source video recorder. To display the video source property page: 1. Select the Video Sources module. 2. Select a video source in the List View or select the New button. . The following can then be specified: Name The name of the video source (specified by data entry). Description A description of the video source (specified by data entry). Type The type of video source (selected from a drop-down list). To add / update / delete a video source: • Click here. To configure a video source: • Click here. Add/Update/Delete a Video Source • Select the Video Source module. To add a video source: 1. Select New or press Ctrl-N. 2. Select the required camera type, click the Configure button and enter the camera address and press F1 to obtain help). 3. Select Add. To update a video source: 1. Select a video source. 2. Modify the video source properties as required. 3. Select Update or press Ctrl-S to save changes or select Cancel to discard changes. To delete a video source: 1. Select a video source, and click the Configure button. 2. Select Delete or press Ctrl-D. 3. Select OK to confirm or Cancel to keep the video source. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 116 Administration Software 3.16.3 Video Sources - Configure Configuring Video Sources Video sources are configured using the Configure Video Source window, which is displayed by clicking the Configure button on the Video Source Property Page. The Configure Video Source window has two tabs: General and Presets. Video Sources - General Tab This tab is used to 1. Configure the connection to the video source that was created in the Video Source Property Page, and 2. Display the feed from a configured camera. To display general video source information: 1. Select the Video Sources module. 2. Select a video source in the List View or select the New button. 3. Select the Configure button. 4. If necessary, select the General tab. The following can then be specified: Name The name of the video source (specified by data entry). Description The description of the video source (specified by data entry). Address The address of the video source (specified by data entry and selecting the Connect button). User (optional) The user name required by the source in order to connect to it (specified by data entry). Password (optional) The password required by the source in order to connect to it (specified by data entry). In addition to these options, other options may be displayed which are dependant upon the type of video source being configured. Web / LAN Image Interval (ms) The refresh rate of the video display (specified by increments or data entry). Axis IP Camera PTZ If this checkbox is selected, the video source being configured has Pan, Tilt and Zoom functionality and enables the View tab in the Preset tab. Camera The camera associated with the Intivid DVR unit (selected from a drop-down list after it has been connected). PTZ 1 If this checkbox is selected, the video source being configured has Pan, Tilt and Zoom functionality and enables the View tab in the Preset tab. Intivid 1 Only if camera has PTZ facilities. To confirm the specification, select the OK button. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 117 Administration Software Video Sources - Presets Tab The Presets tab is used to configure presets for a video source. The left hand side of the tab contains a list of presets, and the right hand side displays several tabs that are used to configure the selected preset. The tabs available are: General, View (if the source supports PTZ) and Alarm Points. The tabs General and Alarm Points are available for all three of the supported camera types (Axis IP Camera, Web / LAN Image and Intvid). In addition to the General and Alarm Points tabs, a third tab View , is only available for video sources that support PTZ. Presets A preset is an alarm point and / or view that is associated with the selected video source, and is used in the Alarm Viewer application. Three different types of preset exist: 1. Alarm Point Preset - an association of an alarm point with a video source. Selecting this preset in the Alarm Viewer application will cause the associated video feed to be displayed in the Video Source area. 2. Preset- an definition of a PTZ setting for a video source. Selecting this preset in the Alarm Viewer Application will cause the video source to move to the PTZ position specified. This option is only available for video sources that use PTZ. 3. Alarm Point and View Preset - an association of an alarm point and PTZ settings with a video source. Selecting this preset in the Alarm Viewer Application will: a. cause the associated video feed to be displayed in the Video Source area. b. cause the video source to move to the PTZ position specified by that views Adding and Deleting Presets Presets are added and deleted using the Add and Delete buttons located on the right hand side of the Presets tab. Presets Tab - General Tab A description of the Presets facility is given in the Video Sources - Presets Tab section. To display general presets information: 1. Select the Video Sources module. 2. Select a video source in the List View or select the New button. 3. Select the Configure button. 4. Select the Presets tab. 5. If necessary, select the General tab. The following can then be specified: Name The name of the preset (specified by data entry). Description The description of the preset (specified by data entry). To confirm the specification, select the OK button. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 118 Administration Software Presets Tab - View Tab This tab is only available if the video source being configured supports PTZ. A description of the Presets facility is given in the Video Sources - Presets Tab section. This tab is used to specify the pan, tilt and zoom settings of the preset. The horizontal scroll bars control the camera's panning. The vertical scroll bar is used to control the camera's tilting, and the slide bar located next to the vertical toolbar is used to set the camera's zoom level. Better control can be achieved by clicking or dragging the mouse on the video window, and using the scroll wheel. To display view information: 1. Select the Video Sources module. 2. Select a video source in the List View or select the New button. 3. Select the Configure button. 4. Select the Presets tab. 5. If necessary, select the View tab. The Set button is used to set the PTZ preset to the camera's current position. The Reset button is used to return the camera to the default PTZ settings. To confirm the specification, select the OK button. Presets Tab - Alarm Points A description of the Presets facility is given in the Video Sources - Presets Tab section. This tab is used to associate an alarm point with the selected preset. In the Alarm Viewer, clicking on an alarm point, that has been configured in this tab, will cause the CCTV region to display video from the associated source, and will PTZ to the preset specified in the View tab (if available). To display alarm points information: 1. Select the Video Sources module. 2. Select a video source in the List View or select the New button. 3. Select the Configure button. 4. Select the Presets tab. 5. If necessary, select the Alarm Points tab. The Add button is used to add an alarm point selected from a drop-down list. The Delete button is used to delete the selected alarm point. To confirm the specification, select the OK button. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 119 Administration Software 3.17 Reports 3.17.1 Report Facilities The reports available are described in the Reports Provided section. When displayed, the report will be populated with the current data in the Administration Software database. Custom reports can be created using Crystal Reports and added to the system as described in the Add a Custom Report section. When selecting a report that requests search parameters, it is strongly recommended to specify search criteria that will not generate an excessive amount of data that will take a long time to process. To display a report: 1. Select the Reports tab in the Explorer bar. 2. Select a report to display. 3. If a Report Search Parameters window is displayed, see the Report Search Parameters section. To print a report: 1. Select the Print Setup button and the Windows Print Setup window is displayed. 2. Select the printer and print options and select OK. 3. Select the Print button or icon. To close the report: • Select the Close button. The report has the following toolbar: The Close Current View icon is not used. The Print Report icon prints the displayed report. The Export Report icon exports the report to a different format which can then be saved, see Export a Report section. The Size icon displays the report in the selected size. The Go to First Page icon displays first page of the report. The Go to Previous Page icon steps backwards through the report pages. The Page Number icon displays the current page and total number of pages. The Go to Next Page icon steps forwards through the report pages. The Go to Last Page icon displays the last page of the report. The Stop Loading icon stops loading the report and is only applicable to large reports that are taking a long time to display. The Search icon searches for specified text in the report. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 120 Administration Software 3.17.2 Reports Provided The following reports are provided when applicable: Note Some reports require search parameters to be specified (see the Report Search Parameters section). 17-Week Average - Detail A detailed break down of the time worked by a specified keyholder or keyholders over a specified 17-week period and determines compliance to the Working Time (Amendment) Regulations 2003 Statutory Instrument 2003 No. 1684. A warning is displayed if the average working time exceeds 48 hours or if the working time in any week exceeds 60 hours. If entry and exit areas are not specified, the report will calculate the difference between the earliest and latest access events for each day. 17-Week Average Summary A summary of the time worked by a specified keyholder or keyholders over a specified 17-week period and determines compliance to the Working Time (Amendment) Regulations 2003 Statutory Instrument 2003 No. 1684. A warning is displayed if the 48 hour weekly average is exceeded. If entry and exit areas are not specified, the report will calculate the difference between the earliest and latest access events for each day. 2100/2200 Door Access History A list of specified keyholders who have accessed specified doors controlled by PAC 1100/2100/2200 series door controllers between specified dates. Access Groups A list of specified access groups and associated time profiles and areas. Area Access History A list of areas accessed by a specified keyholder between specified dates. Area Authorisation A list of specified areas and associated keyholders with their access groups and time profiles. Area Usage A list of specified keyholders and their area usage. Areas A list of specified areas and associated doors. Attendance A list of specified keyholders and times they entered and left an area or opened a door. The report will calculate the difference between the earliest and latest access events for each day. Note This report indicates when a key has been used to enter and leave an area but will not detect when a keyholder has tailgated into or out of an area or used a Request to Exit switch. Categories A list of keyholder categories and associated area usage. Channels A list of all communication channels and associated details and settings. Channels (500) A list of specified 500 TCP/IP channels and associated details and settings. Controller Barcode A controller barcode table of probed controllers. Dead Keys A list of keyholders who have not used their keys after a specified date. Door Controller Summary A list of all probed access controllers arranged by channel with associated channel protocol type and controller firmware version. Doors A list of all doors and associated details, configuration and access. Event Alarm History A list of alarms generated between specified dates. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 121 Administration Software Events A list of the events for specified criteria. Excessive Key Use A list of keys that have been used more than a specified number of times within a specified period. Holiday Profiles A list of all holiday profiles and associated holiday periods. Key Expiry A list of keyholders whose keys expired on or after a specified date. Keyholder Authorisation A list of specified keyholders and associated authorisation (see Report Search Parameters section). Keyholder Images A list of keyholder photos and signatures that satisfy a specified search criteria. Keyholder List A list of keyholders that satisfy a specified search criteria. Keyholders A list of specified keyholders and associated details. Last 2100/2200 Door Accessed A list of specified doors controlled by PAC 1100/2100/2200 series door controllers accessed by specified keyholders and the time accessed on the present date. Note This report indicates when a key has been presented to a door's reader but will not detect when a keyholder has tailgated into or out of an area or used a Request to Exit switch. Last Area Access A list of specified areas accessed by specified keyholders and the time accessed on the present date. Note This report indicates when a key has been presented to a door's reader but will not detect when a keyholder has tailgated into or out of an area or used a Request to Exit switch. Modems A list of modems attached to the PC and associated details. Operators A list of all operators and associated details. Offline Controllers A list of connected offline controllers associated details. 512 Controllers I/O A list of access controllers on specified 500 channel(s) and details of their inputs and outputs. 512 Controllers A list of specified access controllers and associated details, limits and doors. 2100/2200 Controllers A list of specified door controllers and associated details, limits and doors. 520/ 530 Controllers A list of input and output controllers on specified 500 channel(s)and details of their inputs and outputs. Time & Mode Profiles A list of selected time and mode profiles and associated time periods. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 122 Administration Software 3.17.3 Report Search Parameters Some reports require search criteria to display relevant information (e.g. a list of keyholders). When such a report is selected the Report Search Parameters window is displayed (e.g. only list keyholders with the surname Smith). Notes 1. When selecting a report that requests search parameters, it is strongly recommended to specify search criteria that will not generate an excessive amount of data that will take a long time to process. 2. To get the best from the Attendance, 17 Week Average (Detailed), 17 Week Average (Summary) reports, follow this recommendation: • When specifying an entry and exit area, ensure that the keyholder accesses those areas at appropriate times to ensure accurate data is generated. If entry and exit areas are not specified, the report will calculate the difference between the earliest and latest area access times. To specify report search parameters: 1. Select the Reports tab in the Explorer bar. 2. Select a report to display. 3. If report search parameters are required, a Report Search Parameters window is displayed. 4. Select the search parameters: • Select a search parameter on the left button and the search and the parameters is added to the report search options. button and all search • Select the parameters are added to the report search options. • Select the button and all search parameters are removed from the report search options.. • Select a search parameter on the right and the button and the search parameter is removed from the report search options. Note Mandatory search parameters cannot be removed. 5. Select each search parameter in turn and specify the required search criteria. Wildcards * (used to substitute zero or more characters) and ? (used to substitute a single character) can be used in data entry fields). Some fields cannot be changed. 6. If you want to create a report that always uses the same search criteria, select the Helpfile All Ver 3.10 123 Administration Software Save button and enter a name for the report. 7. Select the Search button. 3.17.4 Export a Report To export a report: 1. Display a report. 2. Select the icon and the Export window is displayed. The following can then be specified: Format The format to export to (selected from a drop-down list). Destination The destination of the export (selected from a drop-down list): Application Exports the report to a temp file in the specified format and then opens the file in the appropriate application. The file name of the report and the file name of the temp file cannot be the same. When exporting in Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) format, the 'application' and the 'disk file' are the same, so the destination is not specified. The ODBC data source must be set up through ODBC Administrator in order for the program to export to a particular ODBC database format. When exporting in HTML format, a file path is requested. Disk File Saves the report to the specified disk or diskette. Lotus cc:Mail (VIM) Exports the report to a mail message. Lotus Domino Exports the report to the specified Lotus Domino server. Microsoft Mail (MAPI) Exports the report to a mail message. The character-separated values (separator and delimiter), mail number, date format and password are requested. Version 3.0 or later of the Lotus Domino client is required and, at a minimum, depositor access. Export to a Lotus Domino OS/2 client is not possible. The formatting options depending on the format selected are requested. Note The report can be exported to Crystal Reports. 3.17.5 Add a Custom Report A report can be created using Crystal Reports and can access the Administration Software database to display current data. The report files can be created and tested in the Custom folder or added using Reports > Custom Report Manager. For further information on creating reports, contact Technical Support. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 124 Image Capture 4. Image Capture 4.1 Image Capture Introduction The Image Capture Utility is used to capture images from files, Video for Windows devices and TWAIN devices, for use in the Signature and Photo image fields in the Keyholder property page. To capture an image: 1. Select the Keyholders module. 2. Select a keyholder in the List View. • To capture a photo image, select the Details tab and Capture button at the bottom of the photo frame. • To capture a signature image select the Personal Details tab and Capture button at the bottom of the signature frame. Click here for information on using the Image Capture Utility. 4.2 Using the Image Capture Utility Image Capture Utility is divided into two panes: Capture Source and Preview Window. Capture Source This area is used to select an image file, or an item of hardware to be used to capture an image. Click here for more information. Preview Window This area displays the image that was captured / is being captured using the capture source, allowing the image to be cropped before placing it into the keyholder record. Click here for more information. 4.3 Capture Source There are three tabs displayed in this area: File, TWAIN and Video. File This tab is used to select an image file from a local or network location. A Windows explorer style "tree" is displayed that is used to navigate to, and select an image file. The image files displayed in the tree are determined by the filter options set in the Show File Types pulldown list beneath the tree. By default this is set to all supported file types. The selected image file is displayed in the Preview Window. TWAIN This tab displays a list of TWAIN compatible image capture devices, for example, scanners and digital cameras. Before selecting an image capture device ensure that it is correctly configured (you may need to refer to its documentation). Select the required TWAIN device and click the Acquire Image button - the video or scan will be displayed in a separate window (follow the instructions for your imaging device to capture the desired image). The captured image will be displayed in the Preview Window. Video This tab displays a list of Video for Windows compatible devices, for example webcams. Before selecting a Video device ensure that it is correctly configured (you may need to refer to its Helpfile All Ver 3.10 125 Image Capture documentation). Select the required Video for Windows device to view its live image feed in the Preview Window. Click the Freeze button to freeze the display in the Preview Window. 4.4 Preview Window This area displays the image that was selected or captured from the Capture Source area, and is used to place the image into the keyholder’s Photo or Signature field. Images displayed in this area may first be cropped before being captured (placed) into the keyholder record. Importing an image uncropped By default the Show Crop Box option is enabled. Uncheck the Show Crop Box option and then click the Capture button. Note A cropped image will have the same aspect ratio as the area it will be displayed in and is displayed correctly. Uncropped images may not have the appropriate aspect ratio and may therefore be displayed incorrectly. Cropping an image Ensure the Show Crop Box option is checked. Cropping an image will preserve only the selected part of it - allowing background, unnecessary detail, etc to be removed. To define the crop area: click and drag anywhere on the captured image to insert a crop box. It may then be resized by clicking with primary mouse button on the boundary box and dragging. The shape of the crop box is determined from where the Image Capture Utility is launched from: Photo Crop box ratio 3:4 Signature Crop box ration 3:1 After an area has been selected click the Crop Button. Placing an image into a keyholder record When you have cropped the selected image, or removed the crop box, click the Capture Button at the bottom of the Preview Window area to insert it into the keyholder record. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 126 ID Card Designer 5. ID Card Designer 5.1 Card Designer Introduction The ID Card Designer is used to design ID cards. Each design for an ID card is associated with a Keyholder Category - assigning a category will associate a specific card design to a keyholder. 5.1.1 Displaying the Card Designer The ID Card Designer can launched from the following locations: 1. Selecting ID-Card Designer in the Tools tab pf the Explorer bar. 2. Selecting the ID-Card Designer icon located in the Categories tab of the Organisation Options window (Tools > Options menu) 3. Selecting the Tools > Card Designer menu. 5.1.2 Interactive Map Click here to view an interactive map of the ID-Card Designer. 5.2 Card Designer Menus 5.2.1 Design Menu The Design menu contains the following items: Import - If the file to be imported was exported as a selected items, it will be imported onto the current card face. If the file to be imported was exported as a design, it will replace the current ID-Card design. Export - Two export options are displayed: 1. Selection - Exports the selected items or the selected card face to a file in the specified location. 2. Design - Exports the entire ID-Card to the specified location. Update - Updates (saves) the current ID-Card. Exit - Exits the Card Designer without saving changes. 5.2.2 Edit Menu The Edit Menu contains the following items: Cut - cuts the item(s) selected on the Main View. This function is also available in the Toolbar. Copy - copies the item(s) selected on the Main View. This function is also available in the Toolbar. Paste - pastes the item(s) that has been cut or copied. This function is also available in the Toolbar. Delete - deletes the item(s) selected This function is also available in the Toolbar. Select All - selects all items on the card face. Card Face Properties - selecting this item will cause the Properties Region to display the properties of the selected card face. Align to Grid - click here. Bring to Front - click here. Send to Back - click here. Group Items - groups the selected items. Click here for more information. Ungroup Items - ungroups the selected group. Click here for more information. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 127 ID Card Designer 5.2.3 View Menu The menu contains the following items: Units - selects the scale used by the Ruler. The scale can also be changed by the Ruler Context Menu. 1. None (turns of the ruler, e.g. for "not to scale diagrams") 2. Inches, 3. Millimetres, 4. Centimetres, 5. Metres. Zoom - Displays a submenu which allows you to change the card face zoom level. Small Icons - this item toggles between small and large icons for all items in the Toolbars and Add Items Region. 5.2.4 Help Menu Selecting the item Contents displays the ID Card Designer helpfile. 5.3 Toolbar, Browser and Status Bar 5.3.1 Card Designer Toolbar The ID-Card designer toolbar contains the following items: Select Enables select mode, which is used to select single or multiple items on the card face. Click here for more information. Zoom Allows the user to zoom in and zoom out on the card face view by using mouse buttons, keys or the mouse wheel. Click here for more information. Cut Cut the selected item or card face. This function is also available in the Edit Menu. Copy Copy the selected item or card face. This function is also available in the Edit Menu. Paste Paste the item or card face which has been cut or copied. This function is also available in the Edit Menu. Delete Delete the selected item or card face. This function is also available in the Edit Menu. Print This will print the current design using the specified printer. Click here for information about double sided printing. Preview This will display a window containing a print preview of the current design using the specified printer. Zoom in Increase the magnification of the card face. Click here for more information. Zoom out Decrease the magnification of the card face. Click here for more information. Show Full Card Decrease the magnification so that the full card face will be displayed. This function is also available in the View Menu. Face Bring to Front Helpfile All Ver 3.10 Sends the selected item to the front of the card face - click here for more information. 128 ID Card Designer Send to Back Group Ungroup Items Sends the selected item to the back of the card face - click here for more information. Groups the selected items. Click here for more information. Ungroups the selected group. Click here for more information. 5.3.2 Card Designer Browser The Keyholder/Category Browser toolbar (pictured above) is used to: 1. Select an ID-Card design to edit. which will be displayed in the Card Design region. 2. Select a keyholder associated with the selected category, which causes the card design to display its data items populated with the keyholder's relevant details. 5.3.3 Card Designer Status Bar The status bar, located at the bottom of the ID Card Designer application, displays the following information : 1. X and Y coordinates of the mouse pointer, in the selected units for the card face. 2. Item Size - the size in the specified units of the item selected on the card face. 3. Mode Selected - the icon displayed here reflects the item that has been selected in the Add Area or Toolbar. For example it displays a picture of magnifying glass and the word "zoom" if zoom mode is selected, a shape icon and the word "shape" if shapes are selected etc. 4. Operator Name - the name of the operator currently logged on. 5. Zoom Level - the current level of magnification. 5.4 Design Regions 5.4.1 Add Items Region This region contains the following items that are used to and create designs on the selected card face. Shape This is used to create shapes; the default is a square. Six other shapes are available by changing the items Shape Properties. Click here to view a shape item's properties. Image This is used to create frames which display the image file specified in its Image Property. Click here to view an image item's properties. Line This is used to create lines on the card face whose thickness is specified using the Line Width Property. Click here to view its properties. Text Title Helpfile All Ver 3.10 This is used to create a box which displays the text specified by its Text Properties. Click here to view its properties. This is used to create a title on the card face. Click here to view its properties. 129 ID Card Designer First Name Initials Last Name Date of Birth This is used to create a first name on the card face. Click here to view its properties. This is used to create an initials on the card face. Click here to view its properties. This is used to create a last name on the card face. Click here to view its properties. This is used to create a date of birth on the card face. Click here to view its properties. Employee This is used to create an employee number on the card face. Number Click here to view its properties. Photo This item displays a keyholder photo (if one is present) when a keyholder is selected in the Card Designer Browser. Click here to view its properties. This item displays a keyholder signature (if one is present) when a keyholder is Signature selected in the Card Designer Browser. Click here to view its properties. Creating Designs Click here for more information on using any of the above items to create designs. ID-Card Design Overview Click here for more information. 5.4.2 Card Face Region This region is where the ID-Card is designed by using items from the Add Items Region. Selecting Card Faces To select a card face click a tab, which are located above the current card face, Mouse Coordinates The coordinates of the mouse pointer on the page are displayed in the Status Bar. Card Face Properties The selected card face has the following properties: Name Snap Grid Colour Units Holopatch Background Colour Smart Card Background Image Magnetic Stripe Snap Grid Orientation Snap Grid Size Rulers The rulers on the selected card face can have their units changed from: 1. the View Menu, or 2. the Units Property of the Card Face Properties, or 3. the rulers Context Menu. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 130 ID Card Designer Viewing Card Face Properties To view the card face properties, select it by clicking on any empty area of the card face. Editing Card Face Properties Click here for more information. 5.4.3 Properties Region This region displays the properties of the selected item on the selected page. The properties of all pages and items in the card design define their appearance and behaviour on the card face. Changes to the properties of items in the card design will be reflected on the card face. Click on an entry below to view more information on it. Shape Properties Multiple Item Properties Image Properties Group Properties Line Properties Card Face Properties Text Properties Editing Item Properties Click here for more information. Update / Exit These buttons located beneath the properties area respectively update (save) the ID-Card design and exit the application. 5.4.4 Buttons Region Assign a Name to this Item This button is no longer used. To change the name of an item, edit the Name Property. Update Button Clicking this button will save any changes to the current design. Exit Button This button will exit the ID-Card Designer. To ensure any changes have been made, click the Update button first. You will be warned if you have not saved your changes when this button is pressed. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 131 ID Card Designer 5.5 Card Design Overview Drawing and placing items Click here for more information on creating designs. Editing ID-Card Designs Select Mode Moving, resizing and deleting Select mode is used to edit ID-Card designs. Click here for more information. Click here for more information. Grouping and ungrouping Context Menus Merge many items into one item, or breakdown a group into its constituent parts. Click here for more information. Context Menus are used to edit items. Viewing Properties Aligning items to the Grid Click here for more information. Click here for information. Rulers and Measurement Ordering items on a card face Click here for more information. Click here for more information. Docking Items Click here for more information. Properties Click here for more information on editing the properties of a card face or an item on the card face. Double Sided Printing Click here for more information on printing double sided ID-cards. 5.5.1 Drawing and Placing Items Items from the Add Items Region can be placed on the selected card face by using two different methods: 1. Dragging and dropping. 2. Selecting and clicking. Dragging and Dropping Any item from the Add Items Region can be placed on the selected card face by selecting the item and dragging it to the required location on the page while holding down the mouse button. Selecting and Clicking Items can be placed on the selected card face by selecting it, and then clicking on the required area to place it. How an item is placed is dependant upon whether it is a fixed shape item, variable shape item or line. After selecting an item the ID-Card designer stays in this mode until a different one is selected. The mode is indicated in the Status Bar. Fixed Shape Items Fixed shape items (indicated above) are items that when placed have a predetermined size, which cannot be changed. However, text items' sizes can be adjusted by using the Font Property. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 132 ID Card Designer To place a fixed shape item select it and click the required area on the card face to place it. Variable Shape Items Variable shape items (indicated above) are items whose rectangular size is determined by clicking twice on the card face: the first click specifies the location of the item’s top left corner the second click specifies the location of the bottom right corner. Line Lines can be placed in two ways: individually or many. Individually: After selecting the line item, clicking on the card face defines the line's start point and releasing it defines its end point. Many: Selecting the card face will specify a line's start point and clicking a second time will specify its end point, causing that line to be drawn, clicking a third time will specify the end point of the next line - the end point of the previous line is start of the current line. To end drawing press the Escape key, click the Toolbar's select function or right click. 5.5.2 Editing Properties The properties of all items and both ID-card faces in the ID-Card Designer define their appearance and behaviour. Changes to the properties of anything within the ID-Card Design Editor will be instantly reflected on the card face. Item Properties To edit an item's properties you must first be in Select Mode. Click the require item and the Properties Region will display that items properties allowing them to be edited. ID-Card Face Properties To view and edit the properties of the selected ID-Card face ensure that all items on the face are unselected. 5.5.3 Grouping and Ungrouping When the Group command is applied to two or more selected objects, they will behave as if they are a single item - clicking on a constituent item will cause the group to be selected, and clicking and dragging a single item will cause all of them to move. Grouped items can be rotated or docked as a single item. Grouping Items To group items: 1. Enter Select Mode, 2. Select the required items. 3. Select the group command from any of the following locations: Edit Menu, Toolbar or the Context Menu of the selected group. Ungrouping a Group To ungroup a group and return it to its constituent components, select it and then use the ungroup command from any of the following locations: Edit Menu, Toolbar or the Context Menu of the selected group. Resizing Groups Groups cannot be resized. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 133 ID Card Designer 5.5.4 Select Mode Before any item can be moved, resized, group / ungroups or deleted select mode must be entered. To enter select mode click the select item from the Toolbar or click the Esc key. Note: The current mode of the ID-Card Designer is displayed in the Status Bar. Selecting Items When an item or group is selected, its properties will be displayed in the Properties Region. To select multiple items either: 1. Hold the Shift key down and select the required items. 2. Selecting a blank part of the card face and then dragging will cause a selection area to appear. Any items that fall within the selection area will become selected. Note: Holding the Ctrl key and clicking a selected item will toggle its selection status. Select All To select all items on the card face, use the select all function by: 1. Selecting the item Select All on the Edit Menu. 2. Holding down the Ctrl key and pressing the key 'A' Properties Selecting any item on the card face will cause the Properties Region to display the properties of that item. 5.5.5 Move, Resize and Delete This page describes how to perform the listed actions on single items, multiple items or groups, after entering Select Mode. 1. Move, 2. Resize, or 3. Delete. Moving Select an item or group and drag to move it around. Release the button to stop moving it. Resizing After an item has been selected it is enclosed by a rectangular boundary box that has on each side and corner grab handles. Solid black grab handles (pictured left top) indicate that the item or group can be resized by click and drag. Outlined grab handles in each corner (pictured left middle) indicate the item cannot be resized by click and drag. The Text Properties can be used to allow resizing of text items. Items with their Aspect Lock Property set to on, have grab handles in the middle of each side (picture bottom left), and maintain their aspect ratio when resized. Notes: Groups cannot be resized. The size of a Text Item can only be adjusted with the Font Property. Deleting Items or groups can be deleted from the card face by: 1. Selecting the delete option from its Context Menu, or 2. Selecting it and pressing in the Del key, or 3. Selecting it, dragging it off the main view and releasing the button, or Helpfile All Ver 3.10 134 ID Card Designer 4. Using the delete function button on the Toolbar, or the Edit Menu. 5.5.6 Printing Double-Sided ID Cards on a Single-Sided ID Card Printer Printing from the ID Card Designer The ID Card designer will only print cards appropriate to the selected category. All of the front sides for the category will be printed first, followed by all of the back sides. Printing Double-Sided Cards To print double-sided ID cards on a single-sided ID Card printer, you must follow the following instructions: 1. Load the printer with a enough ID cards to complete the print job. 2. Begin the printing process: select Design Menu > Print, select the required printer type, and click OK. 3. The printing process will begin, shortly afterwards a dialogue will be displayed that will ask you if want to begin print the back sides of the ID Cards. You MUST wait until the printing process for the front sides has finished. Take all of the cards that have been printed, and reinsert them into the ID card printer hopper (consult the printer's operation instructions to determine the correct loading procedure). 4. Click Ok to confirm the back side printing dialogue, and the ID card back side printing will begin. Batch Printing ID Cards from Keyholder Module Batch printing is where two or more ID cards are printed in one session. This is done by selecting more than one keyholder and then the File > Print ID Card menu. The keyholders selected for batch printing may belong to different categories which will require arranging for printing: 1. All double-sided ID cards, in alphabetic order, all front sides for the category, followed by all back sides. 2. All single-sided ID cards, in alphabetic order. For example: If many categories of card holder are printed, the front side of all the first category of double-sided ID cards will be printed first, followed by the back side of the first category; this will be repeated for all double-sided categories, and then will move onto single side categories. Printing Double-Sided Cards To print double-sided ID cards on a single-sided ID Card printer, you must follow the following instructions: 1. Load the printer with a enough ID cards to complete the print job. 2. Select the required keyholder entries from the keyholder list view, and to print them: o Select File Menu > Print ID Card, select the required printer type, and click OK, or o Right click any of the selected keyholder entries, select Print ID Card, select the required printer type, and select OK. 3. Begin the printing process: select Design Menu > Print, select the required printer type, and click OK. 4. The printing process will begin, shortly afterwards a while a dialogue will be displayed that will ask you if want to begin print the back sides of the ID Cards. You MUST wait until the printing process for the front sides has finished. Take all of the cards that have been printed, and reinsert them into the ID card printer hopper (consult the printer's operation instructions to determine the correct loading procedure). 5. Click Ok to confirm the back side printing dialogue, and the ID card back side printing will begin. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 135 ID Card Designer After the first category has been printed, the next category will begin printed and so on until the final category has been completed. 5.6 Item Properties 5.6.1 Multiple Item Properties When multiple items are selected on the page, the Properties Region displays a set of properties common to all of the selected items. When these common properties are edited, the respective property for each item will be changed as well. When two or more items are selected the following properties are displayed: The following properties are displayed when multiple items are selected: Aspect Lock Shadow Anchor Density Angle Shadow X Transparency Shadow Y Editing the Item's Properties Click here for more information. 5.6.2 Group Item A group item is two or more items that have been grouped using the group command. A group item has the following properties: X Transparency Y Shadow Anchor Density Angle Shadow Y Aspect Lock Shadow X Creating a Group To create a group, you must select two or more items on the card face, and use the group command on the Toolbar or from the Context Menu of the selected items. Ungrouping a Group To ungroup a group, you must select the required group, and use the ungroup command on the Toolbar or from the Context Menu of the selected items. Editing Group Properties Any changes made to the properties of a group will be applied to the relevant properties of its constituent items. Click here for more information on editing groups. Resizing a Group Groups cannot be resized. 5.6.3 Shape Item Properties A shape selected on a page has the following properties: Name Shape X Fill Colour Y Border Colour Width Line Width Height Shadow Helpfile All Ver 3.10 136 ID Card Designer Aspect Lock Density Anchor Shadow X Angle Shadow Y Transparency Editing the Item's Properties Click here for more information. 5.6.4 Image Item / Photo Item / Signature Item Properties Image Item, Photo Item and Signature Item have the following common properties: Name Anchor X Angle Y Shadow Width Density Height Shadow X Aspect Lock Shadow Y Image Item In addition to the above properties an image item also has the following additional property: Image Photo Item / Signature Items In addition to the above properties photo and signature items have the following additional property: Image Data Property Editing the Item's Properties Click here for more information. 5.6.5 Line Item Properties A line has the following properties: Name Colour X Line Width Y Shadow Width Density Height Shadow X Anchor Shadow Y Transparency Aligning to Axis A line can be aligned to the closest axis (straightened) by selecting Align to Axis from the Context Menu. Editing the Item's Properties Click here for more information. 5.6.6 Text Item / Text Data Properties A text item selected on a card face has the following properties: Name Multiline X Colour Y Shadow Helpfile All Ver 3.10 137 ID Card Designer Anchor Density Angle Shadow X Transparency Shadow Y Font Text Item Property In addition to the above properties a text item also has the property: Text instead of the text data property. Data Item Property In addition to the above properties a text data item also has the property Data Field instead of the text property. Editing the Item's Properties Click here for more information. 5.7 Individual Properties 5.7.1 Name Property The name of the item. This is can be edited and is used if the item is to be linked to other items and is only required when configuring the Action Property. 5.7.2 Units Properties Allows the user to select the units that the card face is displaying values in. Click here. 5.7.3 Background Properties Background Colour Click the button on right hand side to display the colour picker that selects the card face's background colour. Background image Click the button on right hand side to display the Open File dialog. This will allow you to navigate to, and select a graphic file, which will be displayed on the map's selected side. The file formats BMP, GIF, JPG, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, TIF and WMF are supported. Removing an Image To remove an image from a card face background or from an image item without deleting it (i.e. leaving an empty frame), select the image property and press the delete key. 5.7.4 Snap Properties Snap Grid There are three options associated with this property: 1. No snap grid - no grid / dots displayed. This option disables the "snap to" when placing items. 2. Snap only - items snap to an invisible grid. The size of the grid is determined by the Snap Grid Size property (see below). 3. Grid - displays a grid on the card face which items snap to. The size of the grid is determined by the Snap Grid Size property (see below). Snap Grid Size Sets the scale used by the displayed grid / dots in the units specified in the Units Properties. Snap Grid Colour Sets the colour of the grid. Clicking on the button on the right side of the display will display a colour selector. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 138 ID Card Designer Preventing Snap to Grid To prevent items snapping to the grid when moving them, hold down the Shift key when moving them. 5.7.5 Holopatch / Magstripe / Smart Card Properties Holopatch This property has the following values selected from a drop-down list: 1. Off - (default) Holopatch not displayed. 2. Show - displays a square on the front of the Card Design, that indicates the location of a standard holopatch. Items beneath it remain visible. 3. Punch Out - displays a white square on the front of the Card Design. Items beneath it are not visible and not printed. Magstripe This property has the following values selected from a drop-down list: 1. Off - (default) Magstripe not displayed. 2. Show - displays a rectangle on the Card Design back, indicating the location of a magstripe on a standard card. Items beneath it remain visible. 3. Punch Out - displays a solid white rectangle on the Card Design back. Items beneath it are not visible and not printed. Smartcard This property has the following values selected from a drop-down list: 1. Off - (default) Smartcard not displayed. 2. Show - displays a square on the Card Design front, indicating the location of a the chip on a standard smartcard. Items beneath it remain visible. 3. Punch Out- displays a white square on the Card Design front. Items beneath it are not visible and not printed. 5.7.6 Orientation This property toggles the orientation of the selected face between landscape and portrait. Note In order to change the orientation of a card, items on the card design that would no longer be visible are deleted after changing the orientation. If such a situation occurs, a prompt to confirm the orientation change will be displayed. 5.7.7 X, Y, Width and Height Properties X The distance, in the selected units, of the item's origin from the left side of the card face. The origin location is set using the item's Anchor Property. Y The distance, in the selected units, of the item's origin the item from the top of the card face. The origin location is set using the item's Anchor Property. Width The width of the object, in the selected units. Height The height of the object, in the selected units. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 139 ID Card Designer 5.7.8 Aspect Lock Property The Aspect Lock Property determines how a shape changes when it is resized using the mouse. Aspect Lock Off Object's right side is clicked and dragged. Note how the grab handles' position differ from the Aspect Lock On setting. Aspect Lock On - item retains aspect ratio when resized. Object's right side is clicked and dragged. Note how the grab handles' position differs from the Aspect Lock Off setting. 5.7.9 Anchor and Angle Properties Anchor The Anchor Property controls where, in the selected item, its origin is located. The origin is the point which it rotates around, and whose location determines the shape's X and Y coordinate properties. top left top top right left centre right bottom left bottom bottom right The image below shows examples of how the alignment properties affect an item when it is rotated 45 degrees clockwise . The red dot indicates the shape's origin. Horizontal alignment: centre Vertical alignment: centre Horizontal alignment: right Vertical alignment: bottom Horizontal alignment: left Vertical alignment: centre Angle Entering a value will rotate the shape around its origin. A positive value will rotate the item clockwise, and a negative anticlockwise. 5.7.10 Transparency Property A value between 0 (opaque) and 100 (transparent). Helpfile All Ver 3.10 140 ID Card Designer 5.7.11 Shape Properties Shape The type of shape the selected item is: Circle, Square, Triangle, Star, Pentagon, Hexagon or Burst. Fill Colour Sets the colour of the selected item's fill. Clicking on the button on the right side of the display will display a colour selector. Border Colour Sets the colour of the selected item's border. Clicking on the button on the right side of the display will display a colour selector. 5.7.12 Text Properties Text entered here will be displayed in the text item on the card face. The text item can be is resized using the Font property. Font This property controls the appearance of the text in the selected item. Clicking the button on the right hand side displays the font editor, that is used to select font type, font style, font size, font effect and scripting. Multi-Line Setting this property to On will allow a text box to be resized, whilst setting it to OFF prevents a text box from being resized. Colour Sets the colour of the text. Clicking on the button on the right side of the display will display a colour selector. 5.7.13 Line Properties Line Width This property sets the line thickness of the selected: 1. Line (for lines), or 2. Border (for shapes). The default value is 1. Setting this value to 0 will turn the line off. Colour Sets the colour of the line or border. Clicking on the button on the right side of the display will display a colour selector. 5.7.14 Image Property This property is used to choose the image file that an item displays. If the image property is specified as a background image for a card face, it will expand to fill the card face, and cannot be resized. If the image property is specified as an image for an image item, the image will be sized to fit the image frame, and may therefore appear distorted. An image can be adjusted by using the image items Context Menu. Click the button on right hand side to display the Open File dialog. This will allow you to navigate to, and select a graphic file, which will be displayed within the boundary box of the image item. The file formats BMP, GIF, JPG, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, TIF and WMF are supported. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 141 ID Card Designer 5.7.15 Shadow Properties Shadow Toggles shadow visibility. Shadow X The horizontal offset of a shadow. A positive value will cause the shadow to be displayed to the right of the item. Shadow Y The vertical offset of a shadow. A positive value will cause the shadow to be displayed below the item. Shadow Density The darkness of the shadow: 0 will make it invisible, and a value of 100 makes it black. By default this value is set to 20 (light gray). 5.7.16 Colour Properties Colour Property Sets the colour of the selected item. Clicking on the button on the right side of the display will display a colour selector. Fill Colour Property Sets the fill colour of the selected item. Clicking on the button on the right side of the display will display a colour selector. 5.7.17 Data Field Property This property specifies the keyholder database field that will populate the text data item or photo/signature item when the ID-Card is printed or when a keyholder is selected from the Card Designer Browser. The database fields available are: 1. Date of Birth 2. Email 3. Employee Number 4. First Name 5. Home Telephone 6. Initials 7. Last name 8. Mobile Telephone 9. Start Time Date 10. Title 11. Work Telephone 12. Keyholder Extra Information fields 1 - 5 - these values are only available if they are defined in the Keyholder Extra Information tab of the Organisation Options window, selected from the Tools Menu. The photo/signature fields available are: 13. Photo 14. Signature Helpfile All Ver 3.10 142 ID Card Designer 5.8 Group Item Properties 5.8.1 Group Item Properties A group item is two or more items that have been grouped using the group command. A group item has the following properties: X Transparency Y Shadow Anchor Density Angle Shadow Y Aspect Lock Shadow X 5.8.2 Creating a Group To create a group, you must select two or more items on the card face, and use the group command on the Toolbar or from the Context Menu of the selected items. 5.8.3 Ungrouping a Group To ungroup a group, you must select the required group, and use the ungroup command on the Toolbar or from the Context Menu of the selected items. 5.8.4 Editing Group Properties Any changes made to the properties of a group will be applied to the relevant properties of its constituent items. Click here for more information on editing groups. 5.8.5 Resizing a Group Groups cannot be resized. 5.9 Context Menus Context menus are displayed by right clicking on an item. Click on a link below to view the Context Menu associated with an item. Single items - shapes, text group Single items - line ruler Single item - image card face multiple items 5.9.1 Card Face The card face context menu contains the following items: 1. Cut - cuts the selected page. 2. Copy - copies the selected page. 3. Paste - pastes the copied or cut page -only displayed when a page has been cut or copied. 4. Delete - deletes the selected page. 5. Zoom in - click here. 6. Zoom out - click here. 7. Show Full Card Face- this causes the card face view to fill the entire page. 8. Help - displays the help page (from this help file) associated with the selected item(s). Helpfile All Ver 3.10 143 ID Card Designer 5.9.2 Ruler The Ruler context menu allows the units used by the selected card face to be set, and contains the following items: 1. Inches, 2. Millimetres, 3. Centimetres, 4. Metres, 5. None - turns off the ruler. 5.9.3 Multiple Items In addition to the Context Menu items listed for Single Items, the context menu contains: 1. Group - click here. 5.9.4 Group In addition to the common menu contents, a context menu for a group item contains: 1. Ungroup - click here. 2. Test action – not used 5.9.5 Single Items Context menu contains the following items: 1. Cut - cuts the selected item(s). 2. Copy - copies the selected item(s). 3. Paste - pastes the copied or cut item(s) -only displayed when a item has been copied. 4. Delete - deletes the selected item(s). 5. Test action – not used 6. Set action – not used 7. Align to Grid - click here. 8. Bring to Front - click here. 9. Send to Back - click here. 10. Help - displays the help page (from this help file) associated with the selected item(s). 5.9.6 Image In addition to the Context Menu items listed for Single Items, the context menu for an image item with an image assigned contains: 1. Restore Size - this function will restore the image to its original size if it has been stretched or shrunk. 2. Restore Aspect - this function will restore the image to its correct aspect ratio at its current size. 5.9.7 Line In addition to the Context Menu items listed for Single Items, the context menu for a line contains: 1. Align to axis - this will move the end point to make the line parallel with the horizontal or vertical axis. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 144 ID Card Designer 5.10 Common Items 5.10.1 Align to Grid Selecting this option, from the View Menu or a Context Menu, will cause the selected item or items to "jump" to the nearest grid line or dot. A snap grid can be ignored by holding down the Shift key when placing an item. The snap grid is controlled by the snap grid property of the selected card face. 5.10.2 Docking Items By docking one item with another, many fields can be "stuck" or docked together - this can be used to move around groups of items on the card designer. Items can be docked to the right side and bottom of an object's boundary box. The position on the side of the item at which the docking occurs is determined by the Anchor Property of the item that is being docked. The property set for the Vertical Alignment determines the position docking occurs on the left side and Horizontal Alignment determines the position of the bottom side. By default the vertical alignment is set to Top and horizontal alignment is set to Left. Examples of the alignment properties are shown below. The yellow square is the item being docked. Anchor Properties Left Centre Right Top Centre Bottom Docking Items To dock items: 1. Moving an item so that its top left corner comes into contact with the top right hand corner of another item, or 2. Moving an item so that the left side of its top comes into contact with the left side of the bottom of another item. A small box will appear when an item is successfully docked to another item. The position of that box indicates what that item's alignment property is set to. The alignment examples above show the position of the small confirmation box. Docking Text Data Items Text data items may change in size when previewed - items that are docked to a text data item will move as that text item changes in size, Moving Docked Items When an item is moved only the items that are docked to it will move with it, not those it is Helpfile All Ver 3.10 145 ID Card Designer docked to. When an item is clicked with the primary mouse button and moved its boundary box will turn blue. For example, three items are docked together and the middle item is moved, it (and the item docked to it) will be move away from the item on the left. Undocking items To undock a item select it, and either: 1. Drag it away from the item it was docked to, or 2. Right click it and select Undock from the displayed menu (this field is only displayed when the selected item is docked). The selected item will be undocked from the object that it was docked to. Preventing Docking To move an item next to another, but not have it dock hold down the Ctrl key whilst moving it. 5.10.3 Ordering Items / Groups on the Card Face An item's or group's order reflects its position in relation to other items e.g. whether it is on top of, or beneath another item. The order of an item can be changed using the Bring to Front and Send to Back commands from: Red circle moved from Back to front. 1. the item's Context Menu. 2. the Edit Menu when the item is selected. 3. The Toolbar. 5.10.4 Zoom Function The zoom function is used to increase or reduce the magnification of a card face - zooming in to see details and zooming out for a broader view, or, Magnification Level The level of magnification is displayed in the Status Bar. Zooming The card face view can be reduced or magnified by using: 1. The Zoom function of the View Menu, or 2. The Zoom in and Zoom out Toolbar buttons, or 3. The Zoom Toolbar button, or 4. Your mouse's mouse wheel (if present), or 5. The numeric pad keys + (plus) and -(minus) keys. To view a full card face: 1. Click the Show Full card face button on the Toolbar, or 2. Select Show Full card face from the Zoom entry of the View Menu, or 3. Select the Show Full card face item from the card face's Context Menu. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 146 ID Card Designer 5.10.5 Measurement The units of measurement used by the ID-Card Designer are: Inches, Millimetres, Centimetres, and Metres. These options can be set from the Ruler Context Menu, the View Menu, or by the Card Face Property Units. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 147 Alarm Map Designer 6. Alarm Map Designer 6.1 Introduction The Alarm Map Designer is used to design maps that are displayed in the Alarm Viewer. Alarm Point Tab, such as doors, areas and controller, that are placed on the map and used in the Alarm Viewer Application to visually indicate the occurrence of alarm. Typically, a map shows a schematic of the building(s) and has placed upon it alarm points in the same location as their real world counterparts. A map can consist of many pages, that can represent floors, different sites etc. 6.1.1 Starting Alarm Map Designer To start this application: By clicking on the Alarm Map Design icon (pictured left) in the Administration Software's Toolbar, or selecting the entry Alarm Map Designer from the Administration Software's Tools Menu. 6.1.2 Alarm Designer Interactive Map Click here to see an interactive map of the Alarm Map Designer 6.1.3 Alarm Map Designer Layout To find out more about a specific part of the Alarm Map Designer select one of the following: Menu. Toolbar, General Tab, Page Tabs, Properties Region 6.1.4 Making a Map Click here for more information on making maps. 6.2 Alarm Map Designer Glossary Add Area The Add Area is located on the left hand side of the Alarm Map Designer application. It contains a list of drawing objects that are used to create shapes, text labels etc on the selected page, and a list of configured areas and their associated alarm inputs which can on the page to build a map, for example, of an area. Alarm Area An area that is associated with a 500 for alarm management. Alarm points, such as doors or inputs, can be associated with alarm areas. Alarm Point Alarm points are items capable of generating alarms, for example, doors, inputs or controllers. Child Area A child area is an area that is contained by a parent area. Context Menu A menu that is displayed when an item is clicked with the secondary mouse button. Parent Area A parent area is an area that contains one or more areas within it. Select To select an item you must first enter select mode, by clicking the select mode icon in the toolbar, or pressing the select key. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 148 Alarm Map Designer 6.3 Alarm Map Designer Interactive Map Click an area on the map below to find out more about it: For guidance on image formats and sizes of maps, click here. Guidance on Image Formats and Sizes Owing to the variety of ways in which alarm maps can be designed and used, it would be impractical to apply any limits on the format and size of images used. However, it is recommended that care be taken to use the minimum amount of bitmap images possible. The administration software imposes no limits on image formats and sizes but tries to limit the amount of bitmap data stored by resampling any images used. Ideally bitmap images should only be used to denote item locations such as those used for doors and alarm points. Wherever possible, use of vector graphics is preferable in order to obtain the best performance and scalable system since the data sizes required are minimal when compared to using raster graphics. An additional benefit of using vector graphics is that they will look good at almost any zoom factor due to their efficient image rescaling when using the zoom in and out feature. Where only bitmap images are available for a facility, the best approach is to import these into and then trace around the areas using the vector graphics features available in the Alarm Map Designer. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 149 Alarm Map Designer 6.4 Alarm Map Designer Menus 6.4.1 Design Menu The File menu contains the following items: New > New Page - Click here. Import - Click here. Export - Click here. Update - Updates (saves) the current map. The map is stored within the database. Exit- exits the Map Design Editor without saving changes. 6.4.2 Edit Menu The Edit Menu contains the following items: Cut - cuts the item(s) or page selected on the Main View. This function is also available in the Toolbar. Copy - copies the item(s) or page selected on the Main View. This function is also available in the Toolbar. Paste - pastes the item(s) or page that has been cut or copied. This function is also available in the Toolbar. Delete - deletes the item(s) or page selected This function is also available in the Toolbar. Select All - selects all items on the page. Page Properties - selecting this item will cause the Properties Region to display the properties of the selected page. Set Page Extent - makes the page slightly bigger than the objects that define its maximum width and height. Align to Grid - click here. Bring to Front - click here. Send to Back - here. Group Items - groups the selected items. Click here for more information. Ungroup Items - ungroups the selected group. Click here for more information. 6.4.3 View Menu The menu contains the following items: Units - selects the scale used by the Ruler. The scale can also be changed by the Ruler Context Menu. Zoom - Displays a submenu which allows you to change the page Zoom level. Animation - this item toggles the animation state of any animated icons or graphics on the page. Small Icons - this item toggles between small and large icon states any area and alarm items states present on the page. 6.4.4 Help Menu Selecting the item Contents displays the Alarm Map Designer helpfile. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 150 Alarm Map Designer 6.5 Alarm Map Designer Toolbar The toolbar contains the following items: Select Enables select mode, which is used to select single or multiple items on the page. Click here for more information. Zoom Allows the user to zoom in and zoom out on the page view by using mouse buttons, keys or the mouse wheel. Click here for more information. Cut Cut the selected item or page. This function is also available in the Edit Menu. Copy Copy the selected item or page. This function is also available in the Edit Menu. Paste Paste the item or page which has been cut or copied. This function is also available in the Edit Menu. Delete Delete the selected item or page. This function is also available in the Edit Menu. Zoom in Zoom out Increase the magnification of the page. Click here for more information. Decrease the magnification of the page. Click here for more information. Show Full Page Decrease the magnification so that the full page will be displayed. This function is also available in the View Menu. Bring to Front Sends the selected item to the front of the page - click here for more information. Send to Back Sends the selected item to the back of the page - click here for more information. Group Ungroup Items Groups the selected items. Click here for more information. Ungroups the selected group. Click here for more information. 6.6 Add Items Region 6.6.1 General Tab This tab contains six items that are used to draw and create maps on the selected page. Shape Item This is used to create shapes on the page - shapes supported are: circle, square, triangle, star, pentagon, hexagon or a burst. When drawing shapes a circle is drawn by default and can be changed using it's Shape Properties. Click here to view a shape item's properties. Image Item This is used to create frames on the page which display the image file specified in its Image Property. Click here to view an image item's properties. Line Item Text Item This is used to create lines on the page whose thickness is specified Click here to view its properties. This is used to create a box on the page that displays the text specified by its Text Properties. Click here to view its properties. View Item Helpfile All Ver 3.10 A view item defines a rectangular region on the map, that once configured, will be displayed in the page view when the item associated with it is double 151 Alarm Map Designer clicked, or the Test Action function is used. Click here to view its properties. A button is used to link to another item or page in the Alarm Map Designer. Clicking this item after its action property has been configured will cause the item to which is linked to be displayed. Button Item Click here to view its properties. Drawing and Creating Maps Click here for more information on using any of the above items to draw and create maps with. Map Design Overview Click here. 6.6.2 Areas Tab The Areas tab contains alarm areas that have been configured In the administration software. Each area can be dragged and dropped on to a Design Editor page to show the location and status of the area in the Alarm Viewer. An alarm area is used to signal that at least one alarm point in the area has not been cleared (i.e. not been restored and/or Alarm Areas acknowledged). Click here for more information. Click here to view an alarm area properties. 6.6.3 Inputs Tab The Inputs tab contains inputs that have been configured In the administration software. The inputs can be filtered by selected an area from the drop-down list: The default is inputs in all areas. Each input can be dragged and dropped on to a Design Editor page to show the location and status of the input in the Alarm Viewer. Inputs An input is an alarm point used to signal the occurrence of an alarm. Click here for more information. Click here to view alarm point properties. 6.6.4 Outputs Tab The Outputs tab contains outputs that have been configured In the administration software. The outputs can be filtered by selected an area from the drop-down list: The default is outputs in all areas. Each output can be dragged and dropped on to a Design Editor page to show the location and status of the output in the Alarm Viewer. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 152 Alarm Map Designer Outputs An output is a relay used to activate a sounder or reset an alarm sensor. Alternatively, an output can also be configured to be set manually or when an area is armed. Click here for more information. Click here to view output properties. 6.6.5 CCTV Tab This tab is only displayed if a video source has been defined. This CCTV tab contains a list of configured video sources, which are used to represent cameras, or display the feed from a camera on the selected page. Video Sources Once it is placed upon the page this item has two modes of behaviour that depend upon its Display Mode property. Click here to view an video source properties. Drawing and Creating Maps Click here for more information on using any of the above items to draw and create maps with. Map Design Overview Click here. 6.6.6 Alarm Points Tab The Alarm Points tab contains alarm items that have been configured in administration software. Alarm points are configured by specifying an alarm area in the Alarm Management tab of servers, controllers, and doors. The alarm points can be filtered by selected an area from the drop-down list: The default is alarm points in all areas. Each alarm point can be dragged and dropped on to a Design Editor page to show the location and status of the alarm item in the Alarm Viewer. Servers Controllers A server, controller, or door is an alarm point used to signal the occurrence of an alarm. Click here for more information. Click here to view alarm point properties. Doors Changing Alarm Point Views The alarm points tab has two viewing modes, selected from its Context Menu: 1. Selected Area - only the items associated with the area selected from the pull down menu are displayed. 2. All Areas - all areas and their alarm points are displayed. In addition, the view of items in the alarm points tab can be changed, using the pull down menu located at the top of the alarm points list. 1. Show All Items - shows all items. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 153 Alarm Map Designer 2. Show Items not on current Page - shows only the items not on the current page. 3. Show Items not in design - shows only the unused items in the entire design. Drawing and Creating Maps Click here for more information on using any of the above items to draw and create maps with. Map Design Overview Click here. 6.7 Design Editor Region 6.7.1 Design Editor Region Introduction Adding / Deleting Map Pages Click here for more information Drawing and Placing Items Click here for more information on drawing and creating maps. Editing Map Designs Select Mode Moving, resizing and deleting Select mode is used to edit map designs. Click here for more information. Click here for more information. Grouping and ungrouping Context Menus Merge many items into one item, or Context menus are used to edit items. breakdown a group into its constituent parts. Click here for more information. Viewing Properties Aligning items to the Grid Click here for more information. Click here for information. Rulers and Measurement Ordering items on a page Click here for more information. Click here for more information. Properties Click here for more information on editing the properties of a page or an item on the page. Map Making Hints Click here to view hints on making maps. 6.7.2 Map Making and Editing Map Making Hints Text or Picture Button You can use a Text Item or an image item on your map as a "button". Pressing the button will zoom to another part of the map, or another page. To do this 1. Add a text or bitmap item to the page 2. Adjust its properties to a suitable appearance, then, in the view property put the name of a page, or alarm area or preset view object. 3. Click here. Icon Size Alarm points and alarm areas have icons associated with them whose size can be toggled between large (32 pixels) or small (16 pixels) using the View Menu to set the Small Icons value. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 154 Alarm Map Designer Action In the Alarm Viewer Application the operator can select an active alarm, an alarm area or alarm point, and all of the Alarm Viewer Application panel's will highlight the selected item. When an alarm occurs the map must show the alarm to the operator immediately. This means that the map view must be able to jump to any alarm point or area automatically and display it to the user. This "zoom-to" behaviour can be set up and tested in the map editor. To jump to an object - double click it, or right click and select Test Action from the Context Menu. When you jump to an object it tries to fill the screen with the item specified in the view property. This can be the name of a page, a view, or an alarm area. if the item is rotated the view will also rotate so the item appears "right way up". Normally the view for an alarm area is the area itself. This behaviour can be changed by altering the action property of the alarm area, or by adding a view with the same name. Normally the view for an alarm point is the parent area, so using the Action Property function on the alarm point will fill the screen with its parent area (even if that area has a different view specified). However, if the alarm point is outside the rectangle specified for the alarm area it may not be visible, and you need to specify the name of a different page, view or area in the view property of the alarm point. View items can be added to the map - but they must have a name specified before they can be used. View items are not visible in the alarm viewer - but in the map designer you see an icon and name. If a view has the same name as an alarm area the view will be chosen by objects that specify that name in their view property. There may be alarm areas and views with the same name on different pages. If there is a view or area available on the current page with the specified name, then that one is chosen. Otherwise all pages are searched and the Action may change to a different page. Overriding the Area with a View The icon for an alarm area can be placed in any of the 9 anchor positions by adjusting the Anchor property, but you can place the icon somewhere else if you need to. 1. Add a view item to specify the rectangle of the alarm area. 2. Give that view the same name as the area. 3. Move the area rectangle so the icon appears in the desired location. Now the icon will be where you want it, but zooming to the area or any of its alarm points will fill the screen with the rectangle specified by the view instead of the area. Adding/Deleting/Copying Pages Adding Pages To add a blank page to the current design, select New > New Page from the Design Menu. To copy an existing page, click on the required page tab, copy it and paste it. After a page is added, a new tab will be added to the Pages Tab area. Deleting Pages To delete a page select it by clicking the appropriate tab, and select the delete function from the Toolbar or Edit Menu. Copying Pages To copy an existing page, right click the tab of the page to be copied required page tab, and copy it and paste it using the either the Toolbar or Edit Menu. Alarm Viewer and Map Design Editor The Alarm Viewer is used in the management of alarms - if maps are present it will display them in a viewer. If an alarm point goes into alarm, the appearance of that alarm point on the Helpfile All Ver 3.10 155 Alarm Map Designer map will change to indicate that it has gone into alarm, and the map viewer will zoom to the area associated with that alarm point, so that it fills the map view. Alarm Point Appearance The appearance of an alarm point is modified by the Alarm Viewer to indicate the state of that alarm point, i.e. whether it has been disarmed, armed etc. An alarm point's Alarm Status property can be used to view how an alarm point will appear in a different states in the Alarm Viewer. Associated Areas When an operator configures alarm points he or she associates them with an alarm area. This feature can be used in the Map Design Editor: double clicking an alarm point, or selecting the Test Action entry from the items Context Menu, will cause the page to jump to that associated area, so that it fills the page view. Action Zoom to can be configured for any item in the Map Design Editor. Click here for more information. Editing Properties The properties of all pages and items in the Map Design Editors define their appearance and behaviour on the page and in the Alarm Viewer Application. Changes to the properties of anything within the Map Design Editor will be instantly reflected on the page. Item Properties To edit the properties of an item on the page: select the required item and the Properties Region will display that items properties allowing them to be edited. Page Properties To view and edit the properties of the selected page select Page Properties from the View Menu. Page Tabs The page area is used to design maps: items from the Add Items and Alarm Points placed here and are shown in the Alarm Viewer. Additional pages can be added using the New Page command, located in the design menu. The page name, displayed in the tab, is entered in the page's name property. Selecting Pages Additional pages are selected using the page tabs, which are located above the page area. Page Coordinates The coordinates of the mouse pointer on the page are displayed in the Status Bar. Page Properties The page has the following properties: Name Units Tool tip Background Colour X Background Image Y Snap grid Width Snap grid size Height Snap grid colour Resolution Helpfile All Ver 3.10 156 Alarm Map Designer Rulers The rulers on the map area can have their units changed from: 1. the View Menu, or 2. the units property of the Page Properties, or 3. the rulers Context Menu. Viewing Page Properties To view the page properties, select it by 1. Clicking on any empty area of the page, or 2. Select the Page Properties entry from the Edit Menu Editing Page Properties Click here for more information. Group Item A group item is two or more items that have been grouped using the group command. A group item has the following properties: Name Aspect Lock Tool tip Transparency Action Shadow X Shadow Y Y Density Anchor Shadow X Angle Creating a Group To create a group, you must select two or more items on the page, and use the group command on the Toolbar or from the Context Menu of the selected items. Ungrouping a Group To ungroup a group, you must select the required group, and use the ungroup command on the Toolbar or from the Context Menu of the selected items. Editing Group Properties Any changes made to the properties of a group will be applied to the relevant properties of its constituent items. Click here for more information on editing groups. Resizing a Group Groups cannot be resized. Grouping and Ungrouping When the Group command is applied to two or more selected objects, they will behave as if they are a single item - clicking on a constituent item will cause the group to be selected, and clicking and dragging a single item will cause all of them to move. Grouping Items To group items: 1. Enter Select Mode. 2. Select the required items. 3. Select the group command from any of the following locations: Edit Menu, Toolbar or the Context Menu of the selected group. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 157 Alarm Map Designer Ungrouping a Group To ungroup a group and return it to its constituent components, select it and then use the ungroup command from any of the following locations: Edit Menu, Toolbar or the Context Menu of the selected group Resizing Groups Groups cannot be resized. Select Mode Before any item can be moved, resized, group / ungroups or deleted select mode must be entered. To enter select mode click the select item from the Toolbar or click the ESC key. Note: The current mode of the Map Design Editor is displayed in the Status Bar. Selecting Items When an item or group is selected, its properties will be displayed in the Properties Region. To select multiple items either: 1. Hold the Shift key down and select the required item. 2. Select a blank part of the page and then dragging will cause a selection area to appear. Any items that fall within the selection area will become selected. Note: Holding the Ctrl key and clicking a selected item will unselect it. Select All To select all items on the page, use the select all function by: 1. Selecting the item Select All on the Edit Menu. 2. Holding down the Ctrl key and pressing the key 'A' Properties Selecting any item on the page will cause the Properties Region to display the properties of that item. Move/Resize/Delete Items This page describes how to perform the listed actions on single items, multiple items or groups, after entering Select Mode. 1. Move, 2. Resize, or 3. Delete. Moving Select an item or group and drag to move it around. Release the button to stop moving it. Resizing After an item has been selected it is enclosed by a rectangular boundary box that has on each side and corner grab handles. Solid black grab handles (pictured left top) indicate that the item or group can be resized by click and drag. Outlined grab handles in each corner (pictured left bottom) indicate the item cannot be resized by click and drag. Items with their Aspect Lock Property set to on, have grab handles in the middle of each side (picture bottom left), and maintain their aspect ratio when resized. Notes: Groups cannot be resized. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 158 Alarm Map Designer The size of a Text Item can only be adjusted with the Font Property. Deleting Items or groups can be deleted from the page by: 1. Selecting the delete option from its Context Menu, or 2. Selecting it and pressing in the Del key, or 3. Selecting and dragging it off the main view and releasing the button, or 4. Using the delete function button on the Toolbar, or the edit menu. Drawing and Placing Items Items from the General Tab, Alarm Points Tab and CCTV Tab can be placed on the selected page by using two different methods: 1. Dragging and dropping. 2. Selecting and clicking. Dragging and Dropping Any item from the Add Items Region Tabs can be placed on the selected page by selecting the item and dragging it to the required location on the page while holding down the mouse button. Selecting and Clicking Items can be placed on the selected page by selecting it, and then clicking on the required area to place it. How an item is placed is dependant upon whether it is a fixed shape item, variable shape item or line. Fixed Shape Items Fixed shape items (indicated above) are items that when placed have a predetermined size, which cannot be changed. However, Text items' sizes can be adjusted by using the Font Property. To place a fixed shape item select it and click the required area on the page to place it. Variable Shape Items Variable shape items (indicated above) are items whose rectangular size is determined on by clicking twice on the page: the first click specifies the location of the item’s top left corner and the second click specifies the location of the bottom right corner. Line Lines can be placed in two ways: individually or many. Individually: After selecting the line item, selecting the page defines the line's start point and releasing it defines its end point. Many: Selecting the page will specify a line's start point and clicking a second time will specify its end point, causing that line to be drawn, clicking a third time will specify the end point of the next line - the end point of the previous line is start of the current line. To end drawing press the Esc key or click the Toolbar's select function. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 159 Alarm Map Designer 6.7.3 Context Menus Context menus are menus that are displayed by right clicking on an item. Click on a link below to view the context menu associated with an item. Single items - shapes, text, views, group alarm point, alarm area Single items - line ruler Single item - image page multiple items Multiple Items In addition to the context menu items listed for Single Items, the context menu contains: 1. Group - click here. Page The page context menu contains the following items: 1. Cut - cuts the selected page. 2. Copy - copies the selected page. 3. Paste - pastes the copied or cut page -only displayed when a page has been cut or copied. 4. Delete - deletes the selected page. 5. Zoom in - click here. 6. Zoom out - click here. 7. Show Full Page - this causes the page view with to show the entire page. 8. Help - displays the help page (from this help file) associated with the selected item(s). Ruler The Ruler context menu allows the units used by the current page to be set, and contains the following items: 1. Inches, 2. Millimetres, 3. Centimetres, 4. Metres, 5. None - turns of the ruler, e.g. for "not to scale diagrams"). Group In addition to the common menu contents, a context menu for a group item contains: 1. Ungroup - click here. Single Items Context menu contains the following items: 1. Cut - cuts the selected item(s). 2. Copy - copies the selected item(s). 3. Paste - pastes the copied or cut item(s) -only displayed when a item has been copied. 4. Delete - deletes the selected item(s). Helpfile All Ver 3.10 160 Alarm Map Designer 5. Test Action - tests the an item's action property. Click here. 6. Set Action - a sub menu that contains items present in the design that can be linked to the selected item. Click here. 7. Align to Grid - click here. 8. Bring to Front - click here. 9. Send to Back - click here. 10. Help - displays the help page (from this help file) associated with the selected item(s). Image In addition to the context menu items listed for Single Items, the context menu for an image item with an image assigned contains: 1. Restore Size - this function will restore the image to its original size if it has been stretched or shrunk. 2. Restore Aspect - this function will restore the image to its correct aspect ratio at its current size. Line In addition to the context menu items listed for Single Items, the context menu for a line contains: 1. Align to axis - this will move the end point to make the line parallel with the horizontal or vertical axis. 6.8 Properties Region 6.8.1 Item Properties Multiple Item Properties When multiple items are selected on the page, the Properties Region displays a set of properties common to all of the selected items. When these common properties are edited, the respective property for each item will be changed as well. When two or more items are selected the following properties are displayed: The following properties are displayed when multiple items are selected: Tool tips Transparency Action Shadow Anchor Shadow Y Angle Shadow X Aspect Lock Density Editing the Item's Properties Click here for more information. Group Item Properties A group item is two or more items that have been grouped using the group command. A group item has the following properties: Name Aspect Lock Tool tip Transparency Action Shadow X Shadow Y Y Density Helpfile All Ver 3.10 161 Alarm Map Designer Anchor Shadow X Angle Creating a Group To create a group, you must select two or more items on the page, and use the group command on the Toolbar or from the Context Menu of the selected items. Ungrouping a Group To ungroup a group, you must select the required group, and use the ungroup command on the Toolbar or from the Context Menu of the selected items. Editing Group Properties Any changes made to the properties of a group will be applied to the relevant properties of its constituent items. Click here for more information on editing groups. Resizing a Group Groups cannot be resized. Shape Item Properties A shape selected on a page has the following properties: Name Transparency Tool tip Shape Action Fill Colour X Border Colour Y Line Width Width Shadow Height Density Aspect Lock Shadow X Anchor Shadow Y Angle Editing the Item's Properties Click here for more information. Image Item Properties An image item has the following properties: Name Anchor Tool tip Angle Action Image X Shadow Y Density Width Shadow X Height Shadow Y Aspect Lock Editing the Item's Properties Click here for more information. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 162 Alarm Map Designer Line Item Properties A line has the following properties: Name Transparency Tool tip Colour Action Line Width X Shadow Y Density Width Shadow X Height Shadow Y Anchor Aligning to Axis A line can be aligned to the closest axis (straightened) by selecting Align to Axis from the Context Menu. Editing the Item's Properties Click here for more information. Text Item Properties A text item selected on a page has the following properties: Name Text Tool tip Font Action Multi-line X Colour Y Shadow Anchor Density Angle Shadow X Transparency Shadow Y Editing the Item's Properties Click here for more information. View Item Properties A view item is used in conjunction with Set Action to enable an alarm point to be linked to an area on the map, i.e. when the alarm point is double clicked the linked view is displayed. A view item has the following properties: Name Y Tool tip Angle Action Anchor X Editing the Item's Properties Click here for more information. Button Item Properties A button item is used in conjunction with Set Action to enable the button to be linked to an area on the map, i.e. when the button is double clicked the linked view is displayed. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 163 Alarm Map Designer A button item selected on a page has the following properties: Name Colour Tool tip Image Action Common Icon X Shadow Y Density Anchor Shadow X Angle Shadow Y Font Editing the Item's Properties Click here for more information. Alarm Area Properties An alarm area has the following properties: Name Font Action Colour X Shadow Y Density Width Shadow X Height Shadow Y Anchor Angle Editing the Item's Properties Click here for more information. Alarm Point/Output Properties An alarm point/output has the following properties: Name Colour Action Shadow X Density Y Shadow X Anchor Shadow Y Angle Font Editing the Item's Properties Click here for more information. Video Source Property A video source item selected on a page has the following properties: Name Font X Colour Y Shadow Anchor Density Helpfile All Ver 3.10 164 Alarm Map Designer Angle Shadow X Display Mode Shadow Y Editing the Item's Properties Click here for more information. 6.8.2 Individual Properties Name Property The name of item. This is not an essential property, unless the item selected is a view which you intend to link through other items, and is only required when configuring the Action Property. Tooltip Property Text entered here will be displayed, when the mouse pointer is held above the item in the Alarm Viewer. Action and Set Action Action is a property that allows one item to be linked to another. Double clicking on the item will display the linked item (e.g. display Page 2). Setting an Item's Action property An item's action property can be set by: 1. Selecting the item that you wish to link it to from the Set Action entry of its Context Menu .The name of the selected item is automatically entered into the select items Action Property, or 2. Entering the Name (defined in the Name Property) of the item you wish to link to in its Action Property. Testing an Item's Action Property To test if an items action property is correctly configured: 1. Select from its Context Menu the entry Test Action, or 2. Double click it If it is correctly configured the item to which is linked will be displayed in the page area. X, Y, Height and Width Properties X The distance, in the selected units, of the item's origin from the left side of the page. The origin location is set using the item's Anchor Property. Y The distance, in the selected units, of the item's origin the item from the top of the page. The origin location is set using the item's Anchor Property. Width The width of the object, in the selected units. Height The height of the object, in the selected units. Resolution and Units Properties Resolution Controls how detailed an object can be drawn on a page. The higher the value, the more detailed a feature can be and the more you can zoom in. This value, represents the number of pixels per selected unit within the page. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 165 Alarm Map Designer Specifically affects bitmap images, causing them to be resampled so that their resolution is not higher than the resolution of the page. Also, with fonts and lines, whose size is specified in pixels. Units Allows the user to select the units that the page is displaying values in. Click here. Background Properties Background Colour Click the button on right hand side to display the colour picker that selects the page's background colour. Background image Click the button on right hand side to display the Open File dialog. This will allow you to navigate to, and select a graphic file, which will be displayed on the map's selected side. The file formats BMP, GIF, JPG, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, TIF and WMF are supported. To remove the image select its property again and press the delete key. Aspect Lock Property The Aspect Lock Property determines how a shape changes when it is resized using the mouse. Aspect Lock Off Object's right side is clicked and dragged. Note how the grab handles' position differ from the Aspect Lock On setting. Aspect Lock On - item retains aspect ratio when resized. Object's right side is clicked and dragged. Note how the grab handles' position differs from the Aspect Lock Off setting. Anchor and Angle Property Anchor The Anchor Property controls where, in the selected item, its origin is located. The origin is the point which it rotates and scales around, and whose location determines the shape's X and Y coordinate properties. For View and Alarm Area items, this property determines the location of their icons within their boundary frame. top left top top right left centre right bottom left bottom bottom right The image below shows examples of how the alignment properties affect an item when it is rotated 45 degrees clockwise . The red dot indicates the shape's origin. Horizontal alignment: centre Vertical alignment: centre Horizontal alignment: right Vertical alignment: bottom Helpfile All Ver 3.10 166 Alarm Map Designer Horizontal alignment: left Vertical alignment: centre Angle Entering a value will rotate the shape around its origin. A positive value will rotate the item clockwise, and a negative anticlockwise. Display Mode This property toggles the selected video source's behaviour on the page. Setting the value to icon will change the video source item to a camera icon. Setting the value to image will change the video source item to a rectangular, live video feed from that video source, which can then be resized as required. Transparency Property A value between 0 (opaque) and 100 (transparent). Text Property Text entered here will be displayed in the text item on the page. Font Property This property controls the appearance of the text in the selected item. Clicking the button on the right hand side displays the font editor, that is used to select font type, font style, font size, font effect and scripting. Multi-line Property This property allows a text item to be wrap round on more than one line (e.g. when specified as ON, a long piece of text can be adjusted by altering its width). Colour Property Colour Property Sets the colour of the selected item. Clicking on the button on the right side of the display will display a colour selector. Fill Colour Property Sets the fill colour of the selected item. Clicking on the button on the right side of the display will display a colour selector. Line Width Property This property sets the line thickness of the selected: 1. line (for lines), or 2. boundary (for shapes). The default value is 1. Setting this value to 0 will turn the line off. Image Property This property is used to choose the image file that an item displays. If the image property is specified as a background image for a page, it will expand to fill the page, and cannot be resized. If the image property is specified as an image for an image item, the image will be sized to fit the image frame, and may therefore appear distorted. An image can be adjusted by using the image items Context Menu. Click the button on right hand side to display the Open File dialog. This will allow you to navigate to, and select a graphic file, which will be displayed within the boundary box of the image item. The file formats BMP, GIF, JPG, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, TIF and WMF are supported. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 167 Alarm Map Designer Removing an Image To remove an image from a page background or from an image item without deleting it (i.e. leaving an empty frame), select the image property and press the delete key. Shadow, Shadow X, Shadow Y and Shadow Density Shadow Toggles shadow visibility. Shadow X The horizontal offset of a shadow. A positive value will cause the shadow to be displayed to the right of the item. Shadow Y The vertical offset of a shadow. A positive value will cause the shadow to be displayed below the item. Shadow Density The darkness of the shadow: 0 will make it invisible, and a value of 100 makes it black. By default this value is set to 20 (light gray). Snap Grid, Snap Grid Size, Snap Grid Colour Snap Grid There are three options associated with this property: 1. No snap grid - no grid / dots displayed. This option disables the "snap to" when placing items. 2. Grid - displays a grid on the page. 3. Dots - displays dots on the page. Snap Grid Size Sets the scale used by the displayed grid / dots in the units specified in the Units Properties. Snap Grid Colour Sets the colour of the grid. Clicking on the button on the right side of the display will display a colour selector. 6.9 Status Bar The status bar, located at the bottom of the Alarm Map Designer application, displays the following information : 1. X and Y coordinates of the mouse pointer, in the selected units for the page. 2. Mode Selected - the icon displayed here reflects the item that has been selected in the Add Area or Toolbar. For example it displays a picture of magnifying glass and the word "zoom" if zoom mode is selected, a shape icon and the word "shape" if shapes are selected etc. 3. Operator Name - the name of the operator currently logged on. 4. Zoom Level - the current level of magnification. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 168 Alarm Viewer 7. Alarm Viewer 7.1 Introduction The Alarm Viewer application is used to monitor and manage alarms that occur on your Administration Software administered access control system. Alarms occur when Alarm Points are triggered. Alarm points are items capable of generating alarm events, and take the form of inputs, doors, controllers or 500s. When an alarm occurs the Alarm Viewer will: 1. Sound an alarm (if defined) 2. Highlight the Alarm Point or its associated Alarm Area in the tab selected in the Alarm / Areas Board. 3. Display information about it in the active alarms window. 4. Highlight its location in the Map Region (if maps are present). Alarm Viewer Components Three components are always present: 1. Alarm/Event Region that includes three tabs: Active Alarms, Event Log Viewer and Alarm History. 2. Areas Board. 3. Alarm Board. Two other optional components are: 1. Map Region. 2. CCTV Region. 7.2 Alarm Viewer Glossary Alarm Areas An area that is associated with a 500 for alarm management. Alarm points, such as doors or inputs, can be associated with alarm areas. Alarm Point An alarm point is a input, door, controller or a 500 that has been associated with an area, and is capable of generating alarm events. Alarm Sensor Resets An alarm sensor reset is a relay that is used to reset the condition of inputs associated with an area. Area Sounders An area sounders is a relay that is activated when the area it is associated with goes into alarm. Area sounders are connected to devices that signal when an alarm has occurred, for example an alarm bell. Child area A child area is an area that is contained by a parent area. Disarm Privilege A disarm privilege is assigned to an access group. When that access group is applied to a keyholder, it will give the keyholder the ability to disarm any armed area associated with that access group. Parent Area A parent area is an area that contains one or more areas within it. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 169 Alarm Viewer 7.3 Interactive Map Click here to view an interactive map of the Alarm Viewer. 7.4 Alarm Viewer Menus 7.4.1 File Menu Close - closes the Alarm Viewer. PC Sounder - selecting this item mutes the PC sounder (there is an identical function in the Alarm Viewer Toolbar). Acknowledge All - selecting this item will launch the Acknowledge Alarm window. Silence All - selecting the function will launches the Silence All window. 7.4.2 Views Menu Refresh - this item refreshes the Alarm Viewer. Show Text on Toolbar Buttons - this item toggles the appearance of descriptive text on all toolbar buttons in the Alarm Viewer. Muster Report (only if a muster event to action has been specified) - this item displays the Muster Report. 7.4.3 Active Alarms Menu The Active Alarms Menu is displayed in the Alarm Viewer menu list in when the Active Alarms tab is selected. This menu contains a command that the toolbar doesn't possess: Show Details of selected alarm. Start Automatic Updates - this item starts automatic updating of the active alarms list. Pause Automatic Updated - this item stops automatic updating of the active alarms. List. Acknowledge Alarm - this item acknowledges the selected alarm. Show details for selected alarm - this item displays details of the selected alarm. 7.4.4 Alarm Board Menu The Alarm Boards Menu is used to select small or large icons. 7.4.5 Map Menu The map menu will be displayed if one or more maps exist. Small Icons / Large Icons - toggles the icon sizes on the map viewer. Zoom In - enlarges the selected map. Zoom Out - shrinks the select map. Show Full Page - shows the full map. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 170 Alarm Viewer Zoom to .. - zooms to the selected item on the map. 7.4.6 CCTV Menu The CCTV menu will be displayed if one or more video sources exist. Select – this item selects a video source. Enable – this item enables a video source to be viewed in the CCTV region. Expand name / Norman Operation – this item expands the selected video source or redisplays the normal view. Show Names – this item toggles the display of the video source name(s) in the CCTV region. Connect – this item connects the video source(s) in the CCTV region. Save Image – this item saves the selected video source image in the My Pictures folder with an automatically-generated name that includes the camera name and date and time. Save Image As – this item saves the selected video source image in a specified folder with a specified name. 7.4.7 Context Menu The context menu is displayed by right clicking on one or more alarms. This menu contains displays the same options as the Toolbar plus: Show Details of selected alarm. 7.5 Alarm Viewer Toolbars 7.5.1 Alarm Viewer Toolbar The toolbar contains the following buttons: Refresh This button refreshes the Alarm Viewer application. PC Sounder Click here for more information. Silence all.. Click here for more information. Acknowledge all.. Click here for more information. All Organisations A list of organisational units that are available for filtering. The default is all organisational units. 7.5.2 Active Alarm Toolbar The Active Alarms toolbar is displayed when the Active Alarms tab is clicked. It is displayed above the icon list. Play This command allows the active alarm list to update and display alarms as they occur until the pause command is selected. Pause This command pauses the active alarm list, and prevents any new alarms from being displayed until the play command is selected. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 171 Alarm Viewer Acknowledge Alarm Click here for more information. 7.5.3 Event Log Viewer Toolbar Using the toolbar a user can determine how events are displayed: Play Allows the active alarm list to update after being paused. Pause Pauses the active alarm list, and prevents it from updating. Filter This allows event filtering, and offers the following options: 1. Alarm - alarm related events are displayed when this option is checked. 2. System -system related events are displayed when this option is checked. 3. Authorised - access authorised related events are displayed when this option is checked. 4. Denied - access denied related events are displayed when this option is checked. 5. Comms - comms (communication) related events are displayed when this option is checked. 7.5.4 Alarm History Toolbar Resume updates This will cause the event list to resume displaying events. Pause updates This will cause the event list to stop showing new events. 7.5.5 CCTV Region Toolbar The CCTV region toolbar contains the following items: Expand selected feed Click here for more information. Show all feeds Shows all enabled video sources. Select feed A drop down menu containing a list of all enabled video sources. Selecting a video source from this list will cause it to be selected (outlined in a red rectangle) in the CCTV board. this command will save a still image from the selected video source. The image is Save feed saved to the My Pictures folder with an automatically generated name, consisting of the snapshot camera name, the date and time the still image was saved. Displays a drop down menu containing a list of presets associated with the selected Presets list video source. Selecting a preset will cause the video source to behave according to the conditions of the preset. Displays a drop down menu contain zoom options. The available options are: Zoom 1. Max Zoom - sets the selected video source to maximum magnification. 2. +10% - increases the selected video source's magnification by 10%. 3. -10% - reduces the selected video source's magnification by 10%. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 172 Alarm Viewer 4. Min Zoom -sets the selected video source to minimum magnification. Zooming can also be controlled using the mouse and keyboard. Pan left Tilt up Tilt down Click here for more information. Pan right 7.6 Alarm/Event Region 7.6.1 Active Alarms This board is used to: 1. Display alarm information, and 2. Manage alarms when they occur. When the Active Alarms Board is selected the Active Alarms Toolbar is displayed. Alarm Information The Active Alarms tab displays the following types of alarms: 1. Current - this is an alarm that is currently active but has not been restored or acknowledged. 2. Restored - alarms that have had the condition that cause them cleared, for example, a door left open has been closed, but has not been acknowledged. 3. Acknowledged - alarms that have not been restored, but have been acknowledged. Active Alarm List Headings Active alarms are displayed in a list with the following headings: 1. Time - the date and time the alarm occurred at. 2. Priority - the priority of the alarm. This is a value between 1 and 99, and it is set in the Alarm Management tab of the selected Area's property page in the Administration Software. 3. Source - the source of the alarm, e.g. a door or input. 4. Alarm - the type of alarm. 5. Status - the status of the current alarm. Adding and Removing Headings The Active Alarms headings can be turned off and on by right clicking the headings and checking/unchecking the items as required. Viewing Associated Active Alarm Information To view associated alarm information, double click the active alarm point: 1. The selected Alarm Board / Areas tab will highlight all of items associated with the selected active alarm. 2. The Map Region (if displayed) will zoom to, and highlight the selected alarm point that is causing the active alarm. 3. If the CCTV Region is present, and one or more CCTV feeds exist, with presets associating them with the active alarm, those feeds will be displayed. 7.6.2 Managing Alarms Alarms are managed using the commands available in the Active Alarms tab. Commands can be issued to alarms in three different ways: Helpfile All Ver 3.10 173 Alarm Viewer 1. The Active Alarms toolbar, or 2. The Active Alarms menu, or 3. by context menu. Toolbar The Active Alarms Toolbar is displayed when the Active Alarms tab is clicked. It is displayed above the icon list. Active Alarms Menu The Active Alarms Menu is displayed in the Alarm Viewer menu list in when the Active Alarms tab is selected. This menu contains a command that the toolbar doesn't possess: Show Details of selected alarm. Context Menu The Context Menu is displayed by right clicking on one or more alarms. This menu contains a command that the toolbar doesn't possess: Show Details of selected alarm. 7.6.3 Acknowledge Commands Acknowledge The acknowledge command is used by an Alarm Viewer Operator to record information about an alarm or alarms that are displayed in the Active Alarms. To acknowledge an Alarm an Alarm Viewer Operator has to: 1. Select a predefined response from the response menu, or 2. enter a comment into the comment box, or 3. both of the above. Response Menu One of the responses in this menu must be selected when acknowledging an alarm. A response is a pre-defined phrase that has some relation to the alarm being acknowledged, for example, "false alarm", or "door forced". Predefined comments are entered in the Alarm Tab of the Organization Options window (Tools Menu > Organization Options) of the Administration Software. Comment Box Additional information about the alarm of alarms being acknowledged in this box by the operator. Acknowledge All This command will record the same response and / or comment for all occurring alarms. The Acknowledge All command is launched from: 1. The File Menu, and 2. The Alarm Viewer Toolbar. Acknowledge Selected Command This command will record a response and / or comment for the alarm or alarms selected in the Active Alarms tab. The acknowledge selected command is launched from the following locations: 1. The Active Alarms Toolbar, and 2. The Active Alarms Context Menu. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 174 Alarm Viewer 7.6.4 Silence Commands Silence The Silence command this silences the PC sound, it has no affect on the alarms. It is available from 2 different locations: 1. File Menu 2. Alarm Viewer Toolbar. Silence All The Silence All command silences the PC sounder and deactivates all of the area sounders associated with the areas in alarm. It is available from 2 different locations: 1. File Menu 2. Alarm Viewer Toolbar. 7.6.5 Event Log Viewer This tab displays an Event Log - the information displayed here is identical to Administration Software's event log. When the Event Log Viewer tab is selected the Event Log Viewer Toolbar is displayed. Event Information List All events are displayed in a list view, that, by default, contains the following headings: 1. Date and Time - the date and time the event occurred. 2. Category - the category of the event. 3. Originator - the name of the keyholder that caused the event or the type of event from an hardware item. 4. Source - the name of the operator or hardware item that is affected by the event. 5. Description - a description of the event. Editing Headings Event Log list headings can be turned off and on by right clicking on the headings and checking/unchecking the items as required. Viewing Additional Active Alarm Information Alarm Area / Alarm Input Information Double clicking an entry in the Event Log Viewer will cause the tab selected in the Alarm / Areas board to highlight items associated with it. Map Location If a map is present, double clicking an entry in the Event Log Viewer will highlight its location on the Map Region. Detailed Information Right click an event item to view additional information about it. 7.6.6 Alarm History This tab displays a list of recent alarm events that have occurred within the selected time range. This time range is specified in the dialogue box Number of hours to show in the bottom right hand corner of this tab, and is limited to a maximum range of 24 hours. To view alarm information older than this use the Alarm History report, located in the Administration Software's report tab. When the Alarm History is selected the Alarm History Toolbar is displayed. Alarm History Column Headings The following information is displayed: 1. Date and Time - the date and time at which the alarm was acknowledged. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 175 Alarm Viewer 2. Originator - the type of alarm from a hardware item. 3. Alarm Point - the name of the Alarm Point that triggered the alarm. 4. Description - this field contains the comments entered when an alarm is acknowledged or a description of the alarm if it hasn't been acknowledged. Adding and Removing Headings Alarm History headings can be turned off and on by right clicking on the headings and checking/unchecking the items as required. Viewing Additional Active Alarm Information Alarm Area / Alarm Input Information Double clicking an entry in the Event Log Viewer will cause the tab selected in the Alarm / Areas board to highlight items associated with it. Map Location If a map is present, double clicking an entry in the Event Log Viewer will highlight its location on the Map Region. Detailed Information Right click an event item to view additional information about it. 7.7 Areas Region 7.7.1 Areas Board This board is used to: 1. Issue commands to areas - click here for more information. 2. Display area status - the appearance of an icon indicates the area's current state. Click here for more information. 3. Viewing additional information - see below. When the Areas tab is selected the Areas Toolbar is displayed, see the Issuing Commands to Areas section. Area Board Menu When the Alarm Board is selected the menu area will display a menu called Areas. Click here to view its commands. Area Board Icons This icon is the default Administration Software icon for Alarm Areas. The appearance of this icon changes to indicate its current state - click here for more information. Viewing Associated Alarm Area Information To view associated alarm area information, double click the required area: 1. The selected Alarm / Event Information tab will highlight all of the events associated with the selected area. 2. The Map Region (if displayed) will zoom to, and highlight the selected area. 3. If the CCTV Region is present, and one or more CCTV feeds exist, with presets associating them with the selected area, those feeds will be displayed. Viewing Additional Alarm Area Information Holding the mouse pointer over an Alarm Area will display a yellow tool tip box which contains: 1. Area Name Status - a description of the Alarm Points which that Alarm Area possess. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 176 Alarm Viewer 7.7.2 Issuing Commands to Areas Areas that are selected in the Areas Board can have commands issued to them in three different ways: 1. By the Alarm Board toolbar, or 2. by the Areas menu, or 3. by context menu. Toolbar The Alarm Area toolbar is displayed when the Areas tab is clicked. It is displayed above the icon list. Areas Menu The Areas Menu is displayed in the Alarm Viewer menu list in the top left side of the application. Context Menu The context menu is displayed by right clicking on an area. Areas Commands The commands that can be issued to areas from any of the methods listed above are: Arm Selecting this command will display the Arm Areas window. This window contains a list of all alarm areas, with the areas selected on the alarm board The areas that where selected when this command was performed will be selected in the list of alarm areas that the window contains. Arming an area will cause all of the doors associated with that area to become bolted or locked. This will prevent keyholders without a disarm privilege access to that area. Also, arming an area may be a pre-requisite for it reporting one or more alarms. When areas are configured in the Administration Software the events that can cause it to go into alarm can be set to always cause an alarm (i.e. regardless of whether it is armed or disarmed) or Only When Armed (i.e. the area must be armed for that event to cause an alarm). An Alarm Area can be armed: • Immediately, or • By the specified delay in minutes and seconds. For example: An parent area contains several children - arming the parent will cause its children to become armed as well. Disarm This action is only enabled if an armed area is selected. Disarming an area will cause all of the doors associated with it to become unbolted or unlocked, allowing keyholders with appropriate privilege access to it. Silence Click here for more information. Omit Omitting an area will prevent it from being armed when its parent area is armed. An omit can be either permanent or for the next arm only - this choice is given in the Omit Alarm Points from Arm window that is displayed when this option is selected. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 177 Alarm Viewer For example: An parent area contains several children and one of the children requires maintenance work - if that child is omitted it will not become armed if its parent is armed, but all other children will be armed. Reinstate This option will cause any area that has been omitted to become active again. For example: an omitted child area that has been reinstated will become armed when its parent is armed. Reset This option will cause an area's Alarm Sensor Resets to reset any of it inputs that are in alarm. to a reset state. Views This option toggles Alarm Point icon size between large and small. 7.8 Alarm Board Region 7.8.1 Alarm Board This board is used to 1. Issue commands to alarm inputs- click here for more information. 2. Display area status - the appearance of an icon indicates the area's current state. Click here for more information. 3. Viewing additional information - see below. When the Alarm Board tab is selected the Alarm Board Toolbar is displayed, see the Issuing Commands to Alarm Points section. Alarm Viewer Icons The different types of icons displayed on the Alarm Viewer are listed below, and their appearance will change to indicate their state. 500 servers 500 series controllers Doors 24-hour alarm inputs Controlled alarm inputs Information only inputs (only appears in Map Region) Outputs (only appears in Map Region) Click here for more information. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 178 Alarm Viewer Alarm Area / Alarm Point Icon States The table below shows the different states of alarm areas and alarm points. Area (Default icon) Server Controller Door 24-Hour Controlled Alarm Alarm input Disarmed Armed Partially Armed In Alarm Acknowledged Restored Omitted Once Omitted Permanently Acknowledged and Silenced In Alarm and Silenced Restored and Silenced Two additional icons, the 24-hour information map region of the Alarm Viewer. The output icon changes depending on its state: and output icons only appear in the indicates output is on. indicates output is off. Acknowledged This state occurs when an alarm or alarms have been acknowledged. Silenced This state occurs when the Silence All command is executed. An area can be silenced in any three of its alarm states: Acknowledged, In Alarm and Restored. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 179 Alarm Viewer Restored This state occurs when the cause of an alarm is removed (i.e. a forced door has been closed) but the alarm hasn't been acknowledged. Omitted This state occurs when one or more Alarm Point or Alarm Input have been omitted. Partially Armed This state occurs when an Alarm Area is armed, and one or more of the constituents (Alarm Points or Alarm Areas) have been omitted. Viewing Additional Alarm Point Information Holding the mouse pointer over an Alarm Point will display a yellow tool tip box which contains: 1. Name - the name of the Alarm Point. 2. Type - the type of Alarm Point. 3. Area - the name of the Alarm Area the Alarm Point is associated with. 4. Mode - the mode assigned to the Alarm Point in its configuration page in the Administration Software. 5. Status - the status of the Alarm Point. 7.8.2 Issuing Commands to Alarm Points There are two types of commands that can be issued to alarm points: 1. General commands - these are commands that can be issued to all types of alarm points (doors, controllers and inputs). 2. Door only commands - commands that can only be issued to doors. General commands Any selected alarm point(s) can have general commands issued in three different ways: 1. By the Alarm Board toolbar, or 2. by the Alarm Board menu, or 3. by context menu. Door only commands Door only commands can be issued to the selected doors in two different ways: 1. by the Alarm Board menu, or 2. by context menu. Toolbar The Alarm Board toolbar is displayed when the Alarm Board tab is clicked. It is displayed above the icon list. Alarm Board Menu The Alarm Board menu is displayed in the Alarm Viewer menu list in the top left side of the application. Context Menu The Context Menu is displayed by right clicking on an alarm point. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 180 Alarm Viewer Alarm Input Commands Omit Omitting an alarm point will prevent it from being armed when its parent area is armed. An omit can be either permanent or for the next arm only - this choice is given in the Omit Alarm Points from Arm window that is displayed when this option is selected. Alarming an area with one or more alarm input omitted will cause it to be partially armed. Reinstate This option will cause any alarm point that has been omitted to become active again. Views 2. This option toggles Alarm Point icon size between large and small 7.9 Map Region The Map region is only displayed if a map design is present. Map designs are created using the Administration Software Alarm Map Designer Application. 7.9.1 Multi-Page Maps If the map has multiple pages, tabs allowing you to select them will be displayed at the top of the viewer. 7.9.2 Viewing Alarms When an alarm has occurred, the Alarm Point which has caused it will be zoomed to on the map. 7.9.3 Viewing the Map The following commands can performed on the selected map by right clicking a part of it: 1. Zoom in, increase the magnification of the page. 2. Zoom out, decrease the magnification of the page. 3. View full page, zoom as appropriate to display the full page. By using the Map Menu, or by selecting the map and using the displayed context menu. 7.9.4 Issuing Commands to Areas, Alarm Points and Outputs The areas, alarm points and outputs assigned to the map can be commanded by right clicking on one to display its context menu. An area's context menu contains the same commands as those offered in the Areas Board. An alarm point's context menu contains the same commands as those offered in the Alarm Board. An output’s context menu contains the following commands: Turn output on, Turn output off, Show details of output, and Small icons. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 181 Alarm Viewer 7.10 CCTV Region The CCTV region is displayed if one or more video sources are present. Video sources are configured using the Administration Software Video Source module. When the CCTV region is present, a CCTV Menu is displayed in the main menu, a CCTV Region Toolbar is displayed in the CCTV Region and pictures from the video sources that have been selected using the Select option on the CCTV Region Toolbar are displayed. Commands can be issued to video sources by using: 1. CCTV Region Toolbar 2. CCTV Menu, 3. Context Menu – right clicking in this region displays the same options as the CCTV Menu (except Select). 4. Additional controls shown when video sources are expanded. 7.10.1 Expanding Video Sources Double clicking or expanding a video source (using the CCTV Menu, Context Menu or Toolbar command) in the picture area will cause that feed to enlarge to the size of the CCTV Board. When a video source is expanded additional features will be made available, provided the selected video source supports them . The controls available are: 1. PTZ (pan, tilt and zoom) 2. Archiving. 7.10.2 Panning, Tilting and Enlarging Panning and Tilting A single click on a PTZ video source will try to move the camera to centre of the clicked point in the view. When the mouse button is held down, the cursor turns to a yellow blob and the position of the mouse now controls the speed of the camera. Return the mouse to the initial position or release the mouse button to stop. The speed of movement is represented by the mouse cursor as an arrow. Zooming Scrolling the mouse wheel forwards will cause the video source to zoom in and scrolling backwards will cause it to zoom out. Enlarging When a video source that supports PTZ is expanded vertical and horizontal scroll bars are displayed which are used to pan and tilt the feed. A slider bar to the right of the vertical scroll bar is used to control zooming. Toolbar Control Selecting a PTZ enabled feed will enable the pan, tilt and zoom toolbar buttons, which can then be used to control that camera. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 182 Alarm Viewer 7.10.3 CCTV Archive Tools This is a feature available to video sources that support archiving. Double clicking or expanding a video source in the CCTV Region will display archiving tools. Enabling the Archiving Tools Once selected, this feature is enabled by unchecking the textbox labelled live in the lower right hand corner of the window. Event Control This control represents a section of time with a starting point and an end point. The track bar in the centre can be used to move rapidly to any point in the selected time interval. The Arrow button on the left will rewind playback to the start point of the selected time interval. The right arrow will move to the end. Normal playback will pause on reaching the end of the selected interval. At any time, the Cut buttons on the left or right can be used to set the start or end point of the selected interval to the current playback time shown in the tape counter. If you want to select a larger time interval, you can go to the end of the interval and press play to continue playback past the end. You can also adjust the current position using the Tape Counter to play back video from outside the selected time interval. Use the Cut buttons as before to set the start or end point to the current time shown in the tape counter. When you select an event or an alarm the event control is set to give playback from 5 seconds before the event to 15 seconds after. To change the time period of the intervals, move to the desired event (using the date stamp or play speed control) and click the required set interval button ( ). Tape Counter This control shows the date and time of the recording currently being shown. When viewing recordings You can also set the values in this control to move to any position in the recorded video. Play Speed This shows the playback speed selected for viewing recordings. Speed 0 is paused, speed 1 is normal real time playback. Larger values are fast forward. Negative values are reverse. Play speed can be adjusted by entering a number, clicking on the buttons, or sliding the track bar. Pressing fast forward or rewind again will increase the speed. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 183 Alarm Viewer 7.11 If an Alarm Occurs 7.11.1 When an alarm occurs.... When an alarm occurs the Alarm Viewer will perform the following actions: 1. An entry will appear in the Active Alarms tab, displaying information about the alarm 2. The appearance of the Alarm Input and Alarm Area will change to indicate an alarm is occurring. 3. If an alarm sound has been defined, it will alarm will sound on your PC. The alarm sound is defined in the Administration Software in the Alarms tab of the Organization Options wind (Tools Menu > Options). 7.11.2 What to do if an alarm occurs.... An Operator has the following options: 1. Silence all alarms - turn off the Administration Software alarm sound and stop any alarm sounders. 2. View Alarm Point information - to view more information about the Alarm Point generating the alarm, select in the Active Alarms List and use the show details command. 3. View Alarm Map information (this assumes that an alarm map has been created) a. Double clicking an entry in the Active Alarms list will cause the Alarm Map display and highlight the item that is generating the alarm. b. Double clicking the Alarm Area that is currently in alarm will cause it to be zoomed to on the Alarm Map. 4. Acknowledge alarms - alarms can be acknowledged in two ways: a. All at once - If many alarms have occurred they can be acknowledged with one comment using the Acknowledge All command. b. Individually - individual comments can be recorded for the alarm selected in the Active Alarms List by using the Acknowledge command. 5. Restore an alarm - to restore an alarm, its cause must be removed, for example, a door left open has been closed. 7.11.3 How to stop (clear) an alarm An alarm is stopped (cleared) when it has been restored and acknowledged. 1. Restored is when the cause of the alarm has been removed, for example, a door left open has been closed. 2. Acknowledged is when the operator has noticed the alarm and acknowledged it via the menus, toolbar or context menu. 7.11.4 What to do after an alarm... Reset alarm The Reset Alarm command needs to be carried out on any Alarm Areas that have associated Alarm Points with the Requires Reset option checked. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 184 Event Facilities 8. Event Facilities 8.1 Event Log Note If simple alarm monitoring is being used (i.e. alarm management not licensed), click here: To display the event log: • Select Tools > View Event Log (via the Menus) or Tools > Event Log (via the Explorer Bar) and the event log is displayed. The following information can be displayed selected by right click on column heading: Category The category of the event (i.e. alarm, system, authorised, denied or comms). Date and Time The date and time the event occurred. 1st Source The name of the keyholder that caused the event or the type of event from an hardware item. Identity A unique number identifying the originator. 2nd Source The name of the operator or hardware item that is affected by the event. Description A description of the event. The event log has the following toolbar: The Dock or Undock the Event View Window icon docks/undocks the event log from the Administration Software window. The Start Event Log Viewer Automatic Updates icon refreshes the event log automatically when a new event occurs. The Pause Event Log Viewer Automatic Updates icon prevents the event log being updated when a new event occurs. The Filter Events by Category icon displays only events performed by a specified event category or categories. The event categories to display are specified by selecting the down arrow on the right of the icon. The Show controller local date time icon displays all times based on either controller or PC time dependent on the event source time zone. The Show universal date time icon displays all times based on UT time. The Repopulate Event View icon updates the event log. The Print Event Log Report icon prints the event log report. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 185 Event Facilities The undocked event log has the following menus: View Choose Columns Specifies the columns to be displayed in the event log. Refresh Updates the event log. Events Docked Docks the event log from the Administration Software window. Start Automatic Updates Refreshes the event log automatically when a new event occurs. Pause Automatic Updates Prevents the event log being updated when a new event occurs. Filter Displays only events performed by a specified event category or categories. Controller Local Date Time Displays all times based on either controller or PC time dependent on the event source time zone. Universal Date Time Displays all times based on UT time. Print Prints the event log report. To toggle the toolbar on/off: • Select View > Toolbar > Standard Buttons (see the Menus section). To alter the appearance of the icons: • Right click on the toolbar and the following facilities are then available: • Toggle the icon name by selecting Show Text. • Toggle the icon size by selecting Large Icons. To display the full name of the icon: • Moving the cursor on to the icon but do not select it. To select which columns to display: 1. Right click on the column heading. 2. Select which columns to display from the drop-down menu. To display information on items associated with the event: • Right click on the event and select Show Details for item or Navigate to item from the drop-down menu. To display information on an audit event: • Right click on the event and select Show Audit Details from the drop-down menu. To create a keyholder when an unknown keyholder event occurs: 1. Right click on the event and select the Copy keycode option. 2. Select the Keyholder module and New button. 3. Select the Keyholder Keys tab and Add New Key button. 4. Right click on the Key Code field, select the Paste option and the copied key code is entered in to the field. 5. Select each tab in turn and enter appropriate information for the new keyholder. 6. Select the Add button. To forgive an anti-passback violation by a keyholder: • Right click on the event and select the Anti-Passback Forgive option. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 186 Event Facilities To close the event log: • Select the Close button on a docked window or on an undocked window. 8.2 Alarm Events If simple alarm monitoring is being used (i.e. alarm management not licensed) the events to be classed as alarms can be specified by customisation and be monitored by the Event Log: To display the event log: • Select Tools > View Event Log (via the Menus) or Tools > Event Log (via the Explorer Bar) and the event log is displayed. The following information can be displayed selected by right click on column heading: Category The category of the event (i.e. alarm, system, authorised, denied or comms). Date and Time The date and time the event occurred. Originator The name of the keyholder who performed the event. Identity A unique number identifying the keyholder. Source The name of the controller that was the source of the event. Description A description of the event. To display the alarm view: Note If an alarm is generated when the alarm view is not displayed, it will appear in the event log but if the alarm view is then displayed it will not appear in the alarm view. • icon and the alarm view is Select the displayed. Selecting the icon again hides the alarms. To acknowledge one alarm: 1. Select an alarm in the alarm view and the icon or Alarms > Acknowledge. 2. The alarm acknowledge window is displayed and a response can be selected and comment entered. To acknowledge all alarms: icon or Alarms > 1. Select the Acknowledge all. 2. The alarm acknowledge window is displayed and a response can be selected and comment entered. The event log has the following toolbar: The Dock or Undock the Event View Window icon docks/undocks the event log from the Administration Software window. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 187 Event Facilities The Start Event Log Viewer Automatic Updates icon refreshes the event log automatically when a new event occurs. The Pause Event Log Viewer Automatic Updates icon prevents the event log being updated when a new event occurs. The Filter Events by Category icon displays only events performed by a specified event category or categories. The event categories to display are specified by selecting the down arrow on the right of the icon. The Show controller local date time icon displays all times based on either controller or PC time dependent on the event source time zone. The Show universal date time icon displays all times based on UT time. The Repopulate Event View icon updates the event log. The View/Hide Alarms icon toggles the display of the alarm view and enables/disables the acknowledge icons. The Acknowledge alarm icon displays the alarm acknowledge window for the selected alarm. A response can be selected and comment entered. The Acknowledge all alarms icon displays the alarm acknowledge window for all displayed alarms. A response can be selected and comment entered. The Print Event Log Report icon prints the event log report. The undocked event log has the following menus: View Choose Columns Specifies the columns to be displayed in the event log. Alarms Toggles the display of the alarm view and enables/disables the acknowledge icons. Refresh Updates the event log. Events Docked Docks the event log to the Administration Software window. Start Automatic Updates Refreshes the event log automatically when a new event occurs. Pause Automatic Updates Prevents the event log being updated when a new event occurs. Filter Displays only events performed by a specified event category or categories. Controller Local Date Time Displays all times based on either controller or PC time dependent on the event source time zone. Universal Date Time Displays all times based on UT time. Print Prints the event log report. Alarms Acknowledge Displays the alarm acknowledge window for the selected alarm. A response can be selected and comment entered. Acknowledge all Displays the alarm acknowledge window for all displayed alarms. A response can be selected and comment entered. To toggle the toolbar on/off: • Select View > Toolbar > Standard Buttons (see the Menus section). To alter the appearance of the icons: • Right click on the toolbar and the following facilities are then available: Helpfile All Ver 3.10 188 Event Facilities • Toggle the icon name by selecting Show Text. • Toggle the icon size by selecting Large Icons. To display the full name of the icon: • Move the cursor on to the icon but do not select it. To select which columns to display: 3. Right click on the column heading. 4. Select which columns to display from the drop-down menu. To display information on items associated with the event: • Right click on the event and select Show Details for item or Navigate to item from the drop-down menu. To display information on an audit event: • Right click on the event and select Show Audit Details from the drop-down menu. To create a keyholder when an unknown keyholder event occurs: 7. Right click on the event and select the Copy keycode option. 8. Select the Keyholder module and New button. 9. Select the Keyholder Keys tab and Add New Key button. 10. Right click on the Key Code field, select the Paste option and the copied key code is entered in to the field. 11. Select each tab in turn and enter appropriate information for the new keyholder. 12. Select the Add button. To forgive an anti-passback violation by a keyholder: • Right click on the event and select the Anti-Passback Forgive option. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 189 Event Facilities 8.3 Alarm Alerts If Alarm Alert popups are enabled, any alarms will be displayed in the bottom right corner of the screen even when administration software is not running. To enable Alarm Alert popups: • Select File > Activate Alarm Alerts (see the Menus section). Changes will not take effect until Windows is logged off and on again. An Alarm Alerts icon will appear in the Windows taskbar. The icon's appearance depends on the area/alarm state: Disarmed Area In Alarm Armed Area Acknowledged Alarm Partially Armed Area Restored Alarm Server Connection Lost To close the popup: • Select the icon. To perform Alarm Alert tasks: • Right click the Alarm Alert icon and the following options are available: Show User Interface - displays the Logon window. Run Alarm Viewer - displays the Logon window. Option - the following options are available: Popups for access events - enables/disables No popup for access events, Popup access denied only, or Popup any access events. Popups for alarm events - enables/disables All alarms in one popup, One popup per alarm area, or Popup for each alarm point. Activate Alarm Alerts - deselection disables the Alarm Alert popups. Exit - Exits the administration software and disables Alarm Alert popups. To disable Alarm Alert popups: • Select File > Activate Alarm Alerts (see the Menus section). or • Right click on the Alarm Alerts icon and deselect the Activate Alarms Alerts option. Changes will not take effect until Windows is logged off and on again. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 190 Event Facilities 8.4 Event Archive Archiving can be performed manually or automatically. Notes 1. Archiving is specified using the Customisation facilities and the name of the files created are Edate.CSV. All archive files are in CSV (Comma-Separated Value) text file format. 2. Only one archive can be performed each day and archives can only be performed if the minimum number of events to archive are available. 3. Automatic archiving is not possible until at least Archive events older than (e.g. 7) days of events are available (see the Event Archiving section). 4. Automatic archives are then performed at 18:00 only if the minimum number of events to archive are available and a manual archive has not been performed that day. When the event log is 80% full, an Event log archive due window is displayed. To manually archive the event log: 1. Select the Yes button on the Event log archive due window or Tools > Event Archiving (either via the Menus or Explorer Bar) and the Event Archiving window is displayed. 2. Enter the Archive Destination (i.e. the location of the archive file that will be created) or use the browse facility. 3. Select the From oldest event up to and including events on this day radio button and specify a date. or Select the Percentage of events to archive radio button and specify the percentage. 4. Select the Start button. To view the event archive history: • Select the Archive History tab. The following is then displayed for each archived file: Archive Date The date the archive was made. Filename The file name of archived data. Earliest Event The time and date of the earliest event in the archive file. Latest Event The time and date of the latest event in the archive file. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 191 Event Facilities Discarded An indication as to whether events have been discarded instead of archived. Reloaded An indication as to whether archived events have been restored. Location The physical location of the archive media. Comment The comment entered by the operator when events were archived. To edit the comment: 1. Select the Edit button and the Archive File Status window is displayed. 2. The archive file is marked as Present by default but can be marked as Lost if it has been lost or deleted. 3. The comment can be created or edited. 4. Select the OK button. To display the event statistics: • Select the Event Statistics tab. The following is then displayed: Event Total/Max: Then number of events not archived and the number of events required before archive will occur. Earliest event timestamp The earliest event not archived. Latest event timestamp The latest event not archived. Total days of events The number of days not archived. Total events for archive The number of events that will be archived if a manual or automatic archive is performed. If Automatic is 0, the minimum number of events for an automatic archive are not available and an automatic archive will not be performed if this condition exists at 18:00. Percentage of events archivable The percentage of events that can be archived if a manual or automatic archive is performed. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 192 Event Facilities 8.5 Event Archive Restore To restore an archived event file: 1. The event report is used to restore archived events. When the events report is selected, a range of dates are specified and if these dates require an archived event file, the Event Archive Restoral window is displayed. 2. Select which files to restore and the file path of their location. 3. Select the Continue button and the files will be restored. 4. If a file is not found, an error message is displayed which then redisplays the Event Archive Restoral window. The missing file can be removed from the list and the Continue button used to restore the other files. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 193 Event Facilities 8.6 Event to Action 8.6.1 Introduction The Event to Action facility enables system actions to be activated based on an event occurring within the system. Each set of actions for a specified event is called and each scenario can specify one or more actions linked to a specific event. To specify a scenario, click here. To add each event and its associated action in the scenario, click here. To configure muster and evacuation, click here. Note The Event to Action facility for PAC 1100/2100/2200 Series Door Controllers is implemented via the Output Activation tab of the Controller Outputs page. 8.6.2 Event to Action Details To specify a scenario: 5. Select the Tools tab in the Explorer bar. 6. Select Event to Action Configuration and Event to Action Configuration window is displayed. 7. If necessary, select the Details tab. 8. Select the New button. The following can then be specified: Name The name of the scenario (specified by data entry). Description A description of the scenario (specified by data entry). Time Profile The time profile during which the scenario is active (selected from a dropdown list). • Select the Add button and it changes to Update. Now add the event and associated actions. 8.6.3 Event to Action Configuration To specify the event and add its associated actions in the scenario: 1. Specify the scenario as described in the Event to Action Details section. 2. Select the Configuration tab. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 194 Event Facilities The following can then be specified: Type The type of item that may generate the event (selected from a drop-down list). Name The name of the item that may generate the event (selected from a dropdown list). When Condition The event that will trigger the action (selected from a drop-down list). To add an event: • Select the Add button. The following can then be specified: Perform The action to take if the event occurs (selected from a drop-down list). Target The output to turn on or off if the event occurs (selected from a drop-down list). Not used if the action is to send an e-mail. The recipient and subject of the e-mail (specified by selecting the field, then Action Settings , and the Configure Send Email window is displayed. Not used if the action is to turn an output on or off. To delete an event: 1. Select the event. 2. Select the Delete button. To test an event: 1. Select the event. 2. Select the Test button. To confirm any changes to the scenario: • Select Add/Update button. To cancel any changes to the scenario: • Select Cancel button. To delete a scenario: 1. Select the scenario. 2. Select the Delete button. 8.6.4 Configure Send Email To configure an email that is sent if a specified event occurs: • Display the Configure Send Email window as described in the Event to Action Configuration section. The following can then be specified: Keyholder Helpfile All Ver 3.10 The name of the keyholder to whom the email is to be sent (selected from a drop-down list). The keyholder must have an email address specified. 195 Event Facilities Subject The subject of the email (specified by data entry). Send cause of action An indication that the cause of the action should be included in the email (specified by check box). Message The message to be included in the email (specified by data entry). To confirm any changes: • Select the OK button. To cancel any changes: • Select the Cancel button. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 196 Event Facilities 8.7 Muster and Evacuation 8.7.1 Introduction The Muster and Evacuation facility works through the Event to Action facility, which enables system actions to be activated, based on an event occurring within the system. Each set of actions for a specified event is called a scenario and each scenario can specify one or more actions linked to a specific event. To specify a scenario, click here. To add each event and its associated action in the scenario, Click here. 8.7.2 Specifying the Alarm Point for Muster In order to configure a muster alarm, several conditions must be fulfilled. 1. The digital input must be an alarm point. Select the Navigator tab followed by the Door option. Select the door to which the Muster event is to be connected. Select the Access tab. The appropriate SIG frame will show the Reader selected in the Muster Configuration process and the name of the Muster event. Once a Muster has been configured the SIG details are not editable within this screen. 2. Ensure that the Input Mode is a 24-Hour Alarm. Select the Navigator tab followed by the Hardware option. Select the controller through which the Muster event is configured. Select the reader through which the Muster event is to be configured. Select the Inputs tab. Select the relay through which the Muster event is to be configured. Select the Input Configuration tab. This must be completed before the Muster configuration can be created, otherwise the muster configuration will fail and an error message will appear. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 197 Event Facilities 3. Ensure that the alarm is assigned to an area. Select the Navigator tab followed by the Hardware option. In the tree list view of the Connected Controllers a list of the Muster controllers is displayed along with the associated doors. Select a Muster Controller to display it’s properties. The properties frame displays tabs for Controller Details, Doors, Inputs, Outputs and Alarm Management. Within the Inputs tab are the Input Configuration and Alarm Properties tabs. Select the Alarm Properties tab and the Alarm Area box in order to assign the alarm to an area for display with the Alarm Viewer. If the area is disassociated from the alarm an error message will appear. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 198 Event Facilities 8.7.3 Muster Details To specify a scenario: Select the Tools tab in the Explorer bar. Select Event to Action and the Event to Action Configuration window is displayed. If necessary, select the Details tab. Select the New button. The following can then be specified within the Details tab: Name The name of the scenario (specified by data entry). Description A description of the scenario (specified by data entry). Time Profile The time profile during which the scenario is active (selected from a dropdown list). Select the Add button and it changes to Update. Now add the event and associated actions. 8.7.4 Event to Action - 1 The following can be specified within the Event to Action Configuration tab: The source of the input signal (specified by drop-down menu list) must be a Type Controller Input. Name The name of the signal provider (specified by drop-down menu) When condition A description of times in which the scenario is active (selected from a dropdown list) e.g. when Input normal, Input tamper cleared etc. Select Add and a new entry will be created with Perform, Target and Action settings fields. Perform Helpfile All Ver 3.10 You should select Muster for this option. 199 Event Facilities Target Not applicable for Muster configuration. expand button. Select this Action Settings This box remains empty, except for an button to display the Muster Configuration dialogue. 8.7.5 Muster Configuration Once the expand button inside the Action Settings box has been selected, a new Muster Configuration window will open and the following options will be available: General, Server Printers, Readers. General A Muster name must be added. The OK button will remain grey until a name has been entered. All alarms must be assigned to an area. If checked, the muster will not stop until the alarm generated by the muster start has been acknowledged and cleared. Muster Name Alarm reset requires acknowledgement Server Printers Helpfile All Ver 3.10 If not checked, then once the digital input (24 hour alarm point which triggered the event to action) has returned to its normal state, the muster will stop. Select and Add the Printer to be used for generating the Muster report. This can be any printer configured on the PC on which the SecureNet server is installed. 200 Event Facilities After the Printer has been selected further options become available within the General tab. General Report Printing Setup Repeat Delay Select the time, in minutes, to specify the report printing frequency. Repeat Count Select the number of times the Muster report is required to be printed. Select the one, or more, Reader(s) to be used for Mustering. The list of available readers will be displayed for selection. Readers Note: Any readers selected for mustering will not be available for normal access use. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 201 Event Facilities Once the Muster configuration has been completed, select OK to accept the changes or select Cancel at any time to abandon the changes made. Only one Muster Configuration is available per Organisational Unit. If an attempt is made to add a second Muster Configuration then an error window will appear stating “License exceeded. You are only licensed for 1 Muster record(s).” Select OK to acknowledge and close this window. 8.7.6 Event to Action Configuration - 2 The name of the Muster Configuration created will now appear in the Action Settings tab of the Event to Action window. • Select the Add button to add more actions to perform or Delete to remove the action. Test is not available when configuring a Muster. To add a scenario: 1. Select the scenario. 2. Select the Add button. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 202 Event Facilities To delete an event: 1. Select the event. 2. Select the Delete button. To confirm any changes to the scenario: • Select Add/Update button. To cancel any changes to the scenario: • Select Cancel button. To delete a scenario: • Select Delete button. Select OK to close the Event to Action Configuration window. 8.7.7 Muster Operation After a Muster alarm is raised: • Muster mode is entered – the event log shows an alarm raised. • Alarm viewer maximises to show the area where the alarm has been raised. • The Muster report window opens. • The Initial Muster report optionally prints. • The Muster report on screen refreshes each time a token is presented to any reader and/or every minute if no token is presented. • Muster mode remains active until the associated activating alarm is cleared, i.e. the alarm is acknowledged and the alarm state is returned to normal. Note: • The Alarm viewer will only display if it is already running or if the option to automatically open in the event of an alarm being raised has been selected in the currently logged on operator’s options. • The Muster report window will only open if the Alarm viewer opens. • If the Alarm viewer is closed then the Muster report window is also closed. • If the Muster report window is closed it can be re-opened from within the Alarm viewer, View > Muster Report. Each time a token is presented to a Muster reader, the Event log will show two events • A Token has been presented to the Muster reader • The Keyholder has been mustered i.e. the keyholder’s name now appears on the Muster report and triggers the Muster screen and report to refresh. If a token is used within the alarm area whilst the area is in muster mode then the report screen will refresh showing the last known location of all keyholders (tokens) still in the building. If a token is used within the area whilst no muster alarm is in process then the report screen will refresh showing the last known location of all keyholders. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 203 Other Facilities 9. Other Facilities 9.1 Modems To configure a modem: 1. Select the Hardware in the Explorer bar. 2. Select the channel the modem is connected to. 3. Select Hardware > Modems (via the icon (in the toolbar) Menus) or the and the Modems windows is displayed. 4. Select a modem from the list of available modems The following can then be specified: Use this modem The modem is enabled for use (specified by check box). Name The name of the modem (specified by data entry). Dialback number The telephone number for dialback to the PC (specified by data entry and enabled by check box). Current Number The current telephone number of the modem (automatically entered). To dialup/hangup a modem: 1. Select Hardware in the Explorer bar. 2. Select the dialup channel, select Hardware > Dial Up, Show Call Progress or Hang Up (via the Menus) and the Dialup Connection window is displayed. or Right click on the dialup channel and select the Dial Now, Show Call Progress or Hang Up option and the Dialup Connection window is displayed. 3. Select Dial Now to dialup the modem, or Hang Up to hang up the connection, or Close to close the window. To reset dialup password: This procedure is required if a Failed authentication for dialup channel message is obtained. This occurs because a password is used to establish communication between the PC and controller. If a controller or PC is changed, the password will need to be reset at the controller and PC. 1. Select Hardware in the Explorer bar. 2. Select the dialup channel, select Hardware > Reset Password (via the Menus) and the Reset Password window is displayed. or Right click on the dialup channel and select the Reset Password option and the Reset Dialup Password window is displayed.. 3. Select OK and the Reset Password Helpfile All Ver 3.10 204 Other Facilities window is displayed. 4. Power down the controller. 5. Press the One-Touch™ button whilst restoring the power and release button when the LED flashes at its normal rate. 6. Select OK to close the window. 9.2 Modem Initialization String If additional parameters are required in the modem initialisation string (see the manufacturer's modem documentation) the additional parameters can be specified before taking the controller to its remote location and connecting the modem. The controller should be connected on a direct line and probed. The additional parameters can then be specified. After specification the controller can be moved to its remote location, connected to its modem and probed again. To specify additional parameters for the modem initialization string: 1. Select Hardware in the Explorer bar. 2. Right click on the controller and select Set Modem Intialization String or select the controller select Hardware > Set Modem Intialization String (via the Menus) and the Modem Intialization String windows is displayed. 3. Select the Additional Parameters checkbox and enter any additional parameters required for the modem. 9.3 Database Backup To backup the database: 1. Select Tools > Backup Database (either via the Menus or Explorer Bar) and the Backup window is displayed. 2. Select a folder on the local disk drive using the browse facility and enter a file name. A default location is set at installation. A network disk drive cannot be used. 3. If the event log is not to be backed up, deselect the Backup Events Table check box. 4. Select the Backup button. A backup can also be performed using the following command: C:\Program Files\ Administration Software\Bin\UI.exe /BACKUP Notes 1. Administration Software is the name of the administration software. 2. This command cannot be performed on a client PC. 3. A scheduled Windows Task can be created to provide an automated, regular backup, click here. To schedule a regular backup: A Windows Scheduling Task can be created to provide an automated regular backup. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 205 Other Facilities Notes 1. Further information on running Task Scheduler is given in the Windows helpfile. 2. This command can only be used on the server PC Procedure 1. Select Start > Settings >Control Panel >Scheduler Tasks and the Scheduled Tasks window is displayed. 2. Select Add Schedule Tasks and the Schedule Task Wizard window is displayed. 3. Select the Next button and use the Browse facility to locate the UI.exe file in the Bin folder of the administration software installation. 4. Double click on the UI.exe file and specify the task name and schedule. 5. Select Next and specify when the task is to be performed. 6. Select Next and enter the user name of the computer (in domainname\username format), enter a password and confirmation. 7. Select Next and select the Open advanced properties for this task when I click Finish checkbox. 8. Select Finish and add space/BACKUP to the Run command. 9. Select OK and backup files will be created as scheduled. The backup file format name is EKA_yearmonthday_hourminute.ekb (e.g. EKA 20050127_1200.ekb) and will be located in the location of the last manual backup. To restore the backup, see the Restore section. 9.4 Import To import a database: 1. Select File > Import (via the Menus) and the File Import window is displayed. 2. Select the type of import file from the list and use the Browse facility to select the file to import. 3. Select the Import button. Note After an import a database download is required on all channels. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 206 Other Facilities 9.5 Upgrade License The software can be upgraded to an option that provides more facilities (e.g. more keyholders and doors (see the Specification section). Make a note of the license key. If Administration Software is upgraded and re-installed, the license key must be re-entered. To upgrade the software license: 1. Contact your license provider to obtain a new license key. They will require your system fingerprint number and your current license key. These are displayed on the License Keys window 2. Select Tools > Upgrade License (via the Menus) and the License Keys window is displayed. 3. Select the New Licence button and the new window is displayed. 4. Enter your new license key provided by license provider. 5. Select the OK button. To delete a licence key: 1. Select a licence key. 2. Select the Delete button. To print the software license details: • Select the Print button. To close the window: • Select the Close button. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 207 Other Facilities 9.6 Configure Peripherals An administration reader (desktop reader) can be connected to a controller via PC interface kit. This administration reader can be used to assign keys to keyholders. The Admin Reader tab configures the COM port that the administration reader is connected. The Encoder tab specifies additional information required if a MSR206 Magnetic Stripe Card Writer is being used as an administration reader. To configure the administration reader: 1. Select the Hardware module. 2. Select Tools > Configure Peripherals and the Configure Peripherals window is displayed. 3. .If necessary, select the Admin Reader tab. 4. Select the channel that has the administration reader connected. 5. Select the Click to test checkbox, present a key to the reader, and the key's code should be displayed. If the token number does not appear, check: • The administration kit is connected to the correct port on the PC. • The administration kit is powered up. • The administration kit is correctly wired to the desktop reader, administration computer, and controller (if one is connected via the administration kit). • If a PAC 1100/2100/2200 master controller has been configured on the administration kit channel, the administration kit cannot be configured if the master controller is not connected or communicating. If this occurs, deselect the Online checkbox on the master controller Details tab. To specify additional information for a MSR206 Magnetic Stripe Card Writer: 1. Select the Encoder tab. 2. Select the PC communications port that has the administration reader attached. Ensure that the encoder is not connected to a COM port that has been configured for something else. 3. Select the coercivity (High or Low) . 4. Select the density at which information is written to the card (range 75 to 210 bits per inch). Consult the reader manufacturer's documentation for correct settings. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 208 Other Facilities To close a window: • Select the Close button. To encode a magnetic stripe card: • Click here. 9.7 Manage Controller Firmware Updated firmware for the 500 series can be added to the Administration Software database and downloaded to the servers and controllers. To add the controller firmware: 1. Copy the firmware file to the Firmware Images folder. 2. Select Tools > Manage Controller Firmware (via the Menus) and the Manage Controller Firmware window is displayed. 3. If servers and controllers have been specified, select the appropriate tab. 4. If a firmware version has already been added, it can be deleted by selecting the Delete button. 5. Select the Add button and the Controller Firmware Files window is displayed. 6. Navigate to the Firmware Images folder. 7. Select the required firmware file and Open or double click on the file. 8. The Manage Controller Firmware window is then updated with the following information: Firmware Version The firmware that has been added. Firmware Type The type of firmware added. Different types may provide different features. Min Board Rev The minimum revision number of the printed circuit board required for a download to the controller. Max Board Rev The maximum revision number of the printed circuit board required for a download to the controller. Support Hardware The type of controllers supported by this firmware. 9. Select the Close button. To download the added firmware to a server or controller: Only download firmware to one server or controller at a time. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 209 Other Facilities 1. Select the Hardware module. 2. Select a server or controller in the List View. 3. .Select the Tasks button and Firmware download from the drop-down menu or Hardware > Firmware download (via the Menus) and the Manage Firmware window is displayed. 4. If necessary, select the firmware version. 5. Select the Download button. Repeat for each controller. To reset the server password: This procedure is required if an Authorisation failed (password reset may be required) message is obtained. 1. Select Hardware in the Explorer bar. 2. Select the 500 TCP/IP channel, select Hardware > Reset Password (via the Menus) and the Reset Password window is displayed. or Right click on the 500 TCP/IP channel and select the Reset Password option and the Reset Dialup Password window is displayed.. 3. Select OK and the Reset Password window is displayed. 4. Power down the server and press the OneTouch™ button for app. 7 seconds while powering up. The LED goes out when the password has been reset and then resumes normal flashing. 5. Select OK to close the window. 9.8 Change Password To change a password: 1. Select Tools > Change Password (via the Menus) and the Change Password window is displayed. 2. Enter the old password. 3. Enter the new password (at least 6 characters) and confirm password. 4. Select OK. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 210 Other Facilities 9.9 Search for a Keyholder When searching for a keyholder, there are two methods. Key Seek 1. Select Tools > Key Seek (via the Menus) and the Find a Keyholder by Key window is displayed. 2. Select the type of reader. 3. Present the key to the administration reader or enter the key number. 4. Select Find. Search Bar (only available in Keyholder module) 1. Select the icon, press Ctrl-F or Tools > Search Bar and the Search bar is displayed. 2. Enter search criteria (e.g. last name). 3. If searching for a key code, select the Key Code check box and card format. Then present the key to the administration reader or enter the key code. Note The Key Code check box must be deselected before adding keys. 4. Select the Search button and the keyholder is displayed in the Keyholder Property Page. An icon next to the field indicates that the field is being used in the search. To perform a new search: 1. Select the Reset button. 2. Enter new search criteria. 3. Select the Search button. To close the Search bar: • Select the Cancel button. 9.10 Encode Keycode To encode a magnetic stripe card using a MSR206 Magnetic Stripe Card Writer: 1. Select a keyholder and Keyholders > Encode Keycode in the menus, or Tasks > Encode Keycode on the Keyholder Details tab, or right click on a keyholder and select Encode Keycode and the Encode Keycode window is displayed. 2. A list of keycodes available for encoding is displayed 3. Select a keycode and swipe the card and the card will be encoded (the encoding can be cancelled by selecting the Cancel button). 4. Another keycode can be selected and card swiped or the window can be closed. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 211 Other Facilities To print and encode a magnetic stripe card using an Eltron P420 Card Printer: Printing and Encoding Magnetic Stripe Cards using an Eltron P420 Card Printer This section describes how to print and encode magnetic stripe cards using a P420 Card Printer and should be used in conjunction with the P420 manufacturer's documentation supplied by the Zebra Technologies Corporation. Procedure to set up the P420 1. Connect the P420 to a parallel port of the PC. 2. Insert the P420 CD and install the Windows Driver. 3. Select Start > Settings > Printers and Faxes and the card printer should be listed. 4. Right click on the Eltron P420 Card Printer and select the Properties option to display the Eltron P420 Card Printer Properties window. 5. Select the Device Settings tab and set the With magnetic encoder to Yes. If encoding is not required, select No. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 212 Other Facilities 6. Select the Magnetic encoder settings and then the Properties button to display the Encoder Settings window. 7. Select the Restore Defaults button to enable macro processing, start of data to ${, and end of data to }$. 8. Select the Advanced settings button to display the Advanced Settings window. 9. Specify the following settings: HiCo/LoCo High or Low (depends on card type) Encoder position Normal Encoder type ISO Track Track 2 Mode ISO2 Density 75bpi (or 210bpi if your reader supports it) 10. Select the Apply button to redisplay the Encoder settings window. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 213 Other Facilities Procedure to test the P420 1. Select Close on the Encoder settings window to redisplay the Device Settings tab. 2. Select Tools and then the Properties button to display the Printer Tools window. 3. Select the Track 2 check box and enter a dummy code in to the data entry field. 4. Insert a card into the card input hopper on the P420 (the magnetic stripe must be on the underside of the card and towards the back of the P420). 5. Select the Encode button and the printer should printer the card. If the test is successful, the card will be ejected into the card output hopper. If test is unsuccessful, the card will be ejected into the rejected card box. Procedure to print and encode a card via PAC EasiNet/SecureNet 1. Select Tools > Card Designer and design a magnetic stripe card for a category (e.g. Staff) using the ID Card Designer. 2. Select the Keyholder module and add a keyholder with a key that has a magnetic stripe card format and the keycode you require for that card. The keyholder must have the same category (e.g. Staff) as the designed card. 3. Select Tools > Options > Access Options and specify the magnetic stripe position and length. 4. Select the Keyholder Details tab and print the keyholder card using the P420. The card will be printed and encoded with the specified keycode. Batch printing can be performed by selecting a number of keyholders (all must have magnetic stripe cards) and loading the appropriate number of cards in the printer. If only printing the back of cards, encoding will not be performed. When printing and encoding cards for a keyholder that has multiple keycodes assigned, only the first keycode in the list will be encoded. All others will be ignored. It not recommended to print and encode from the ID Card Designer because the orientation may be incorrect. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 214 Other Facilities 9.11 Configure Organisations 9.11.1 Introduction Multiple Organisation Units allow a customer’s database to be split into logical units for the purposes of administration. All data from any of the org units is maintained within one database. Multiple org units are activated by means of additional licensing options. The licenses procured will control the number of permitted org units. Upon the introduction of a new license, a new module is added to the system called ‘Guest’. This allows access to be granted to keyholders from other org units. These keyholders can be added to the local org unit access groups in order to gain access to the local org unit. Keyholder name, title and org unit details are shown on the property page (read only), but no other details are accessible. An operator can be assigned privilege rights to multiple org units. The system will then allow the operator to login to any of his privileged org units. The operator can have different operator templates for each org unit, from “no privilege” with no access rights to “installer” with full privileges. A keyholder in an area that is not in his own org unit may require keyholder forgive e.g. an antipassback lock-out. As a guest, his keyholder record does not appear in the keyholder list at the org unit site, therefore the forgive operation is available on the ‘Guest’ module. The operator can simply select the event and hit ‘Forgive’. This can also be done from the event log viewer. ‘Keyholder Search’ is available via a search bar within the Guest option. ‘Key Seek’ also searches guests to the local org unit. The operator sees all entries for all privileged org units when he uses Alarm Viewer. Maps are tied to particular org units and do not contain items from separate org units, however, multiple maps are visible simultaneously without the need to log into each org unit individually. The alarm/area status panes are partitioned to display their entries by org unit. The event log viewer shows events for the current org unit as well as any system events not associated with any particular org unit. The event log contains a new column for org unit name 9.11.2 Multiple Organisation Units Details License Upgrades Select Tools > Upgrade License and insert the new code provided. The software must be restarted for the changes to take effect: • The Login screen has a new box for “Organisation”, select the required org unit and enter the appropriate login details. • The Tools drop-down menu option now includes the new option “Configure Organisations”, to configure, add or delete org units. • A new module called ‘Guests’ appears in the Navigator explorer tree Log-in Screen At the Login screen a new box for “Organisation” appears, with a drop-down menu, allowing the operator to select which org unit to log into. The box defaults to the option selected during the operator’s last login. The Options button is used to hide or reveal the Server name and Organisation boxes. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 215 Other Facilities Tools Options The Tools drop-down menu now includes the new “Configure Organisations” option. Select Tools > Configure Organisations and a new “Configure Organisations” window appears. Edit, Add or Delete Org Units This function enables operators to configure current org units and to add new or delete existing Org units according to the limits of their license. Changes occur within the Tools menu. To edit an org unit, select the org unit to be edited. A frame opens with text data boxes showing the configuration of the chosen org unit, make the required changes and select the “Apply” button. Click on the Add New button to create the new org unit. A new window appears with a series of data boxes. Enter the new org unit name in the “Name” box; give the org unit a Description, Prefix (to be displayed when personnel are visiting other org units to differentiate between personnel of different org units) and Location. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 216 Other Facilities Once the new org unit has been created, select the OK button. A new Organisation Information window opens showing the customer the new information for the org unit. To delete an org unit, select the org unit to be deleted then click on the Delete button. Nonempty org units cannot be deleted. There must always be one org unit in the system. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 217 Other Facilities Guests A new module called ‘Guests’ will appear in the Navigator explorer tree. This option presents a list of personnel, from other org units within the database, who have been given access group privileges, which grant them access to the local org unit. From here, the operator can control their access to the local org unit by changing their access group privileges. The list view displays the guests by org unit and allows simple searches to be carried out. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 218 Other Facilities Operators It is possible to allocate different administration privileges to operators within the different org units available. The operators’ page displays a drop-down list of org units available within the database. Once an org unit has been selected a privilege template drop-down menu is available displaying the available operator privilege options. Reports An operator can only produce reports for the org unit into which he is currently logged. Some reports may need org unit as one of the report parameters. Alarm Viewer Alarm Viewer allows a simultaneous view of multiple org units to which an operator has privilege rights. Every org unit for which the operator has access privileges will be incorporated into the alarm viewer display. Multiple maps and multiple pages of video sources are available. It is possible to amend the view to show only one selected org unit, however, in the event of an alarm occurring, the alarm viewer automatically defaults to show the appropriate map for the org unit area concerned. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 219 Other Facilities Database Back-Up, Archive and Restore All operators have database back-up privileges, however, if a back-up is initiated then the entire database for all org units is backed up, not merely the org unit which the operator is currently logged into. If an operator carries out a database archive restore then the entire database is restored to the earlier state, not merely the database for the org unit the operator is currently logged into. 9.11.3 Multiple Organisation Units Configuration User Interface Org unit options needs splitting into system settings + org unit options. Keyholder search and key seek will need modification. Event log viewer changes. Entities from foreign org units are prefixed by the org unit name or prefix. Hardware Controller downloads include keys from foreign org units with the potential for access. This means any guest who is allocated an access group will have his keys downloaded to the controllers for that org unit regardless of whether access is actually required. 9.11.4 Multiple Organisation Units Configure Actions Configuring Org Units • When adding a new organisation unit, the properties are copied from the current org unit, e.g. custom labels, extra info, token formats, alarm settings. • When adding a new organisation unit the current operator and installer are given full privileges. • It is possible to delete an organisation unit which has an empty database, but not current org unit. It is not possible to delete an organisation unit with any data saved into it. • It is possible to change organisation unit details such as name, description, prefix and location. • Duplicate and blank organisation unit names are not allowed. • Operator privilege is respected, it is not possible to view or delete organisation units for which the operator has no privilege. It is not possible to add an organisation unit unless the operator has ‘add’ privileges in the current organisation unit. • Discard (Cancel) gives the appropriate warning if details have been changed and unsaved. Login • When an operator with 'no privilege' to an organisation unit tries to log into the system an appropriate error is displayed and the operator is blocked. • Guards log into guard view for each appropriate organisation unit, i.e. Event Log Viewer or Alarm Viewer, showing the appropriate data for the logged in org unit. • The User Interface remembers the last record accessed for each individual organisation unit. • When the server is unavailable, or the user types an invalid server name, the system remains responsive and displays a warning triangle next to the server name. The organisation unit list becomes unavailable. An error is displayed when the user attempts to login. • When multiple organisation units are licensed, the login and logout events include a drop-down list of the available organisation unit names. • Session timeouts do not appear in the event log, but are displayed to the user. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 220 Other Facilities Operator Property Page • Copy operator copies template privileges for all org units. • When the operator changes the privileges of his own account in the current organisation unit, the user interface forces the system to close so that the operator must login again. The operator may change privileges in other organisation units without the logout. Event Log Viewer • Events for the current organisation unit are displayed, plus any system events which are not associated with any organisation unit. • Simple alarms are reported for the current organisation unit only. • ‘Show details’ and ‘Navigate To’ functionality works for all entity types. • The ‘Navigate To’ function will take the user to either the keyholder page for keyholders in the current organisation unit, or the guests’ page for keyholders in other organisation units. • The ‘Show Details’ function will show either the keyholder page for keyholders in the current organisation unit, or the guests’ page for keyholders in other organisation units. Guests • The operator can assign local access groups to ‘Guest’ records provided he has ‘keyholder’ privilege in the local organisation unit. • Keyholders who have access to other organisation units can be deleted. • The guests’ list supports multiple select and multiple updating (like keyholders). • Search results count appears in the status bar. • Key seek will navigate to the guests’ page, if the required key is held by a guest, but only if the operator has privilege to view keyholders in the other organisation unit. • If key seek criteria matches an entry in 2 organisation units, the local organisation unit is always favoured. Hardware • Guest keys are downloaded to controller. • When probing for 500s or IP controllers, if the IP address is in use by hardware in another organisation unit the user interface makes this clear, rather than allowing multiple assignment. • When checking that a dialup channel has a unique phone number, the system checks channels in all organisation units. • Modems are available to all organisation units and can be used by channels on different organisation units. Alarm Viewer • Alarm points are qualified by organisation unit prefix or name, when there are multiple org units. • Events / Alarms list shows records for all organisation units which the operator is privileged to see. There is a column showing organisation unit name. • Video sources are shown for all organisation units which the operator is privileged to see. • Alarms in any of the displayed organisation units are handled appropriately and can be acknowledged. • Alarms not assigned to any of the displayed organisation units are not shown. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 221 Other Facilities Miscellaneous • Reports are organisation unit aware i.e. data from other organisation units is not exposed to unprivileged operators. • Data imports into the current organisation unit only. • Duplicate names for entities are allowed if the entities are in different organisation units. • Restoring a database restores all data, not just the current organisation unit data. • Event To Action is limited to entities in the current organisation unit only. • Licensing limits apply to the total number of entities across all organisation units. • SWB hardware can only be added to any organisation unit which does not have weekly time profiles. • The current organisation unit name appears on the status bar of the application. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 222 Other Facilities 9.12 Audit Trail The Audit Trail module gives the ability to track changes made to the administration system. A search can be specified to determine what changes an operator had made to items (e.g. keyholders) over a specified time period. To display an audit trail report: 1. Select Tools > Audit Trail or select Audit Trail in the Explorer bar and the Audit Trail Parameters window is displayed. 2. Select a Start Date and End Date for the search. 3. Select all operators or an Operator from the drop-down list. 4. Select all items or an Item from the dropdown list. 5. Select the OK button and the Audit Report window is displayed. 6. Different pages of the report can be displayed by selecting the Next and Previous buttons. 7. The report can be refreshed by selecting the Refresh button 8. If required the report can be printed by selecting the Print button. 9. A new search can be specified by selecting the Parameters button. 10. The report can be exported to Crystal Reports by selecting the Export button. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 223 Error Messages 10. Error Messages If the error message does not give sufficient information to correct the error, contact your installation or maintenance company. Helpfile All Ver 3.10 224