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2400000.5) TDB a (AU): Sumbu setengah panjang orbit asteroid dalam AU e: Eksentrisitas orbit i (deg): Inklinasi orbit terhadap bidang ekliptika dan ekuinok J2000 (J2000-Ekliptik) dalam derajat w (deg): Argumen perihelion (J2000-Ekliptik) dalam derajat Node (deg): Longitude dari ascending node (J2000-Ekliptik) dalam derajat M (deg): Mean anomali asteroid pada epoch, dalam derajat q (AU): Jarak perihelion orbit dalam AU Q (AU): Jarak aphelion orbit dalam AU P (yr): Periode orbit dalam tahun Julian H (mag): Magnitudo mutlak V asteroid MOID (AU): Minimum orbit intersection distance (jarak minimum antara orbit-orbit yang berosilasi dari NEO dan Bumi) Ref: Referensi solusi orbit Class: Klasifikasi asteroid: NEA = "Near-Earth Asteroid", AMO = "Amor", APO = "Apollo", ATE = "Aten", atau IEO = "Interior Earth Object". Tanda "*" menandakan kalau asteroid tersebut juga merupakan potentially hazardous asteroid. 93 LAMPIRAN B Data-data fisis (1998 ST27 ) Discovery Circumstances: LINEAR - Lincoln Laboratory ETS, New Mexico 24 Sep 1998 (1) Orbital Type: AT (*) Taxonomic Type: - - Albedo: m;0.05 ( 2)( 3) Diameter: 0.4;0.8 km ( 4)( 5) H: 19.50 (#) G: 0.15 (#) U-B: - - B-V: - - Rotation Period: ~3.1+~100 hr ( 6) Quality: BR ( 6) Lightcurve Amplitude: low mag ( 6) Spin Vector: - - Radar Observations: Y ( 7)( 8) ( 9) Spectral Observations: - - IR Observations: - - Keterangan: * - tipe orbit diturunkan dari elemen orbit yang berosilasi 94 # - magnitudo mutlak H diturunkan dari observasi astrometri melalui penentuan orbit, dengan nilai G di asumsikan sebesar 0.15 B - binary asteroid R - observasi radar Kolom paling kanan merupakan referensi data, dimana: (1) M.P.E.C. 1998-S34 (2) Binzel, R.P. et al. 2002. Physical Properties of NEOs. Dalam Asteroids III, W.F.Bottke et al, ed., Univ.Ariz.Press, Tucson, USA, hlm. 255-271. (3) Benner, L. et al. .2003. Radar imaging of binary near-Earth asteroid 1998 ST27. DPS 35, 24.01. (4) Binzel, R.P. et al. 2002. Physical Properties of NEOs. Dalam Asteroids III, W.F.Bottke et al, ed., Univ.Ariz.Press, Tucson, USA, hlm. 255-271. (5) Benner, L. et al. .2003. Radar imaging of binary near-Earth asteroid 1998 ST27. DPS 35, 24.01. (6) Petr Pravec's Ondrejov NEO Photometric Program Webpage (7) JPL's NEO Radar Detection Program Webpage (8) Benner, L.A.M. et al. 2001. 1998 ST27 Binary asteroid detection. I.A.U. Circ 7730. (9) Benner, L. et al. .2003. Radar imaging of binary near-Earth asteroid 1998 ST27. DPS 35, 24.01. 95 Lampiran C I. Elemen-elemen Keplerian dan laju perubahannya, terhadap ekliptik rata-rata dan ekuinok J2000, berlaku untuk selang waktu 1800-2050 M. 96 II. Elemen-elemen Keplerian dan laju perubahannya, terhadap ekliptik rata-rata dan ekuinok J2000, berlaku untuk selang waktu 3000 SM-3000 M. Perhitungan M untuk Yupiter sampai Pluto harus ditambahkan dengan suku tambahan seperti pada persamaan (3.27) yang nilai-nilainya diberikan pada tabel C III. III. Suku-suku tambahan yang harus ditambahkan pada perhitungan M untuk planet Yupiter sampai Pluto, pada selang waktu 3000 SM-3000 M. 97 LAMPIRAN D PROGRAM AsCaO I. Source Code Program AsCaO /* AsCaO: A Program of (Simple) Asteroid Close-approach Orbit Computation*/ /* Ver. 7.3; B. Dermawan */ /* This program runs interactively. Before employing this program the user should prepare the asteroids and planetary (Earth) data with the following orders (notice that MJD = JD 2400000.5). The asteroid data file (*.???) must have 8 columns, i.e. Column 1 -> Calculation epoch of asteroid's data (t0 --MJD), Column 2 -> Asteroid's semimajor axes (a --AU), Column 3 -> Asteroid's eccentricities (e), Column 4 -> Asteroid's inclinations (inc --deg), Column 5 -> Longitude of asteroid's ascending nodes (node --deg), Column 6 -> Argument of asteroid's perihelions (w --deg), Column 7 -> Asteroid's mean anomalies (m0 --deg), and Column 8 -> Asteroid's orbital periods (per --year). Assumption: the above asteroids orbital elements are at the epoch of calculation, instead of their osculating elements. The planetary (Earth) data file (*.???) must have 7 columns, i.e. Column 1 -> Calculation epoch of planetary data (pt0 --MJD), Column 2 -> Planetary's semimajor axis (pa --AU), Column 3 -> Planetary's eccentricity (pe), Column 4 -> Planetary's inclination (pinc --deg), Column 5 -> Longitude of planetary's ascending node (pnode --deg), Column 6 -> Argument of the planetary's perihelion (pw --deg), Column 7 -> Planetary's true anomaly (pta --deg). The asteroids and planetary data are available and can be extracted from the JPL-NASA. The output files: *.pos: Coordinate position (cartesian) of the Earth and asteroids, including the asteroid's distances from the Earth (Delta). Number of asteroids whose distances shorter than the close-approach criteria (crit) will be provided. This program computes asteroid's positions at the same MJD as that of the planetary data, which can be propagated within about +/- two years from the data epoch. *.orb: Orbital paths of the asteroids. An asteroid orbital path consists of 100 points. Each of the output files consists of maximum 60 asteroids. */ /*This code is free and no warranty, freely improved and distributed.*/ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stddef.h> #include <math.h> 98 #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> #define NR_END 1 /*Constants*/ #define FREE_ARG char* #define ORBP 100 #define TWOPID 6.2831853071795865 #define EPS 1.0e-6 #define SWAP(a,b) {swap=(a);(a)=(b);(b)=swap;} int *ivector(long nl, long nh); /*Subroutine Names*/ double *dvector(long nl, long nh); double **dmatrix(long nrl, long nrh, long ncl, long nch); void free_ivector(int *v, long nl, long nh); void free_dvector(double *v, long nl, long nh); void free_dmatrix(double **m, long nrl, long nrh, long ncl, long nch); float SQR(float); void Sort(int *varb, int n); main() /* ### MAIN PROGRAM ### */ { char *forb, *fpos, b, c, buf[80], fas[80], fpla[80], fout[80], orbf[]=".orb", posf[]=".pos"; int ca=1, *caob, ic, nas=1, npla=1, OBJ, nfile, point, i, j=0, k=0, l; double aa, bb ,cc, dd, ee, ff, gg, hh, eao, ea, xa, ya, za, delta, t1, tini, tend, tstep, crit; double *t0, *a, *e, *inc, *node, *w, *m0, *per, *pt0, *pa, *pe, *pinc, *pnode, *pw, *pta; double *t, *xe, *ye, *ze, **m1, **d, **xob, **yob, **zob, **x, **y, **z; FILE *asPtr, *plaPtr, *orbPtr, *posPtr; printf("\nAsCaO: A Program of (Simple) Asteroid Close-approach Orbit Computation\n"); printf("\nAsteroids data file (*.\?\?\?): "); /*Filename Assemblages*/ while((c=getchar()) != '\n') fas[j++]=c; fas[j]='\0'; for (i=0;i<=j-5;i++) fout[i]=fas[i]; fout[i]='\0'; if ((asPtr = fopen(fas,"r")) == NULL) { printf("Asteroid data file could not be opened\n"); return 0; } else { /*Checking number of asteroids data*/ fscanf(asPtr,"%lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf", &aa, &bb, &cc, &dd, &ee, &ff, &gg, &hh); while (!feof(asPtr)) { fscanf(asPtr,"%lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf", &aa, &bb, &cc, &dd, &ee, &ff, &gg, &hh); nas++; } } printf("Planetary data file (*.\?\?\?): "); /*Filename Assemblages*/ while((b=getchar()) != '\n') fpla[k++]=b; fpla[k]='\0'; if ((plaPtr = fopen(fpla,"r")) == NULL) { printf("Planetary data file could not be opened\n"); return 0; } 99 else { /*Checking number of planetary data*/ fscanf(plaPtr,"%lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf", &aa, &bb, &cc, &dd, &ee, &ff, &gg); while (!feof(plaPtr)) { fscanf(plaPtr,"%lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf", &aa, &bb, &cc, &dd, &ee, &ff, &gg); npla++; } } printf("\nNumber of asteroids data = %4d\n",nas-=1); printf("Number of asteroids [max 60] stored in a file: "); scanf("%d",&OBJ); if ((OBJ > 60) || (OBJ < 1)) OBJ = 60; if ((nas-(nas/OBJ)*OBJ) != 0) {nfile = 1+ nas/OBJ;} else nfile = nas/OBJ; /* forb = (char *)malloc(1+nas/OBJ); fpos = (char *)malloc(1+nas/OBJ);*/ /*Allocation of number of file*/ forb = (char *)malloc((size_t) (nfile*sizeof(char))); fpos = (char *)malloc((size_t) (nfile*sizeof(char))); x=dmatrix(1,nas,1,ORBP); y=dmatrix(1,nas,1,ORBP); z=dmatrix(1,nas,1,ORBP); t0=dvector(1,nas); a=dvector(1,nas); e=dvector(1,nas); inc=dvector(1,nas); node=dvector(1,nas); w=dvector(1,nas); m0=dvector(1,nas); per=dvector(1,nas); asPtr = fopen(fas,"r"); for (i=1;i<=nas;i++) { fscanf(asPtr, "%lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf", &t0[i], &a[i], &e[i], &inc[i], &node[i], &w[i], &m0[i], &per[i]); /*Reading the asteroid data file*/ inc[i] = inc[i]*TWOPID/360.0; node[i] = node[i]*TWOPID/360.0; w[i] = w[i]*TWOPID/360.0; m0[i] = m0[i]*TWOPID/360.0; } /* fprintf(stdout, "\nPlanetary data file (*.\?\?\?): "); strncpy(fpla, fgets(buf, 79, stdin), 79);*/ printf("Number of planetary data: %4d\n",npla-=1); pt0=dvector(1,npla); pa=dvector(1,npla); pe=dvector(1,npla); pinc=dvector(1,npla); pnode=dvector(1,npla); pw=dvector(1,npla); pta=dvector(1,npla); plaPtr = fopen(fpla,"r"); for (i=1;i<=npla;i++) { fscanf(plaPtr, "%lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf", &pt0[i], &pa[i], &pe[i], &pinc[i], &pnode[i], &pw[i], &pta[i]); /*Reading the planetary data file*/ pinc[i] = pinc[i]*TWOPID/360.0; pnode[i] = pnode[i]*TWOPID/360.0; pw[i] = pw[i]*TWOPID/360.0; pta[i] = pta[i]*TWOPID/360.0; } tini = pt0[1]; tend = pt0[npla]; tstep = pt0[2] - pt0[1]; printf("\n The start MJD = %11.5f\n",tini); printf(" stop MJD = %11.5f\n",tend); printf(" Time-step = %4.2f%s",tstep," day(s)\n"); 100 point = 1 + (tend - tini)/tstep; t=dvector(1,point); xe=dvector(1,point); ye=dvector(1,point); ze=dvector(1,point); m1=dmatrix(1,nas,1,point); d=dmatrix(1,nas,1,point); xob=dmatrix(1,nas,1,point); yob=dmatrix(1,nas,1,point); zob=dmatrix(1,nas,1,point); printf("\nClose-approach distance (AU): "); scanf("%lf",&crit); /*user-defined closeapproach distance*/ /* printf("Asteroid's time-span/-step are same as that of the planetary data\n");*/ for (i=1;i<=nas;i++) { for (l=1;l<=point;l++) { t[l] = tini + (l-1)*tstep; if (l == point) t[l] = tend; ea = m1[i][l] = xob[i][l] = yob[i][l] = zob[i][l] = 0.0; m1[i][l] = m0[i] + TWOPID*(t[l]-t0[i])/(per[i]*365.25); ea = m1[i][l] + e[i]*sin(m1[i][l]); delta = 10.0; while (delta > EPS) { /*Iteration step to solve Kepler equation;*/ eao = ea; ea = ea + (m1[i][l] - (ea-e[i]*sin(ea)))/(1.0-e[i]*cos(ea)); delta = fabs((ea-eao)/ea); } xa = a[i]*(cos(ea)-e[i]); ya = a[i]*sqrt(1-e[i]*e[i])*sin(ea); xob[i][l] = (cos(w[i])*cos(node[i])-sin(w[i])*sin(node[i])*cos(inc[i]))*xa - (sin(w[i])*cos(node[i])-cos(w[i])*sin(node[i])*cos(inc[i]))*ya; yob[i][l] = (cos(w[i])*sin(node[i])+sin(w[i])*cos(node[i])*cos(inc[i]))*xa - (sin(w[i])*sin(node[i])+cos(w[i])*cos(node[i])*cos(inc[i]))*ya; zob[i][l] = (sin(w[i])*sin(inc[i]))*xa + (cos(w[i])*sin(inc[i]))*ya; if (i == 1) { xe[l] = (cos(pw[l]+pta[l])*cos(pnode[l])sin(pw[l]+pta[l])*sin(pnode[l])*cos(pinc[l]))* (pa[l]*(1.0-pe[l]*pe[l]))/(1.0+pe[l]*cos(pta[l])); ye[l] = (cos(pw[l]+pta[l])*sin(pnode[l])+sin(pw[l]+pta[l])*cos(pnode[l])*cos(pinc[l]))* (pa[l]*(1.0-pe[l]*pe[l]))/(1.0+pe[l]*cos(pta[l])); ze[l] = (sin(pw[l]+pta[l])*sin(pinc[l]))*(pa[l]*(1.0pe[l]*pe[l]))/(1.0+pe[l]*cos(pta[l])); } } ea = xa = ya = za = 0.0; for (j=1;j<=ORBP;j++) { xa = a[i]*(cos(ea)-e[i]); ya = a[i]*sqrt(1-e[i]*e[i])*sin(ea); x[i][j] = (cos(w[i])*cos(node[i])-sin(w[i])*sin(node[i])*cos(inc[i]))*xa - (sin(w[i])*cos(node[i])-cos(w[i])*sin(node[i])*cos(inc[i]))*ya; y[i][j] = (cos(w[i])*sin(node[i])+sin(w[i])*cos(node[i])*cos(inc[i]))*xa - (sin(w[i])*sin(node[i])+cos(w[i])*cos(node[i])*cos(inc[i]))*ya; z[i][j] = (sin(w[i])*sin(inc[i]))*xa + (cos(w[i])*sin(inc[i]))*ya; ea = ea + TWOPID/ORBP; } 101 } caob=ivector(1,nas); fclose(asPtr); free_dvector(t,1,point); free_dvector(t0,1,nas); free_dvector(a,1,nas); free_dvector(e,1,nas); free_dvector(inc,1,nas); free_dvector(node,1,nas); free_dvector(w,1,nas); free_dvector(m0,1,nas); free_dvector(per,1,nas); for (k=1;k<=nfile;k++) { sprintf(forb,"%s_%02d%s",fout,k,orbf); orbPtr=fopen(forb,"w"); for (j=0;j<=ORBP;j++) { if (k < nfile) { ic = k*OBJ; } else ic = nas; for (i=(k-1)*OBJ+1;i<=ic;i++) { if (j == 0) { fprintf(orbPtr,"%s%04d%s", "#", i, "--X Y Z "); } else fprintf(orbPtr,"%11.7f %11.7f %11.7f ", x[i][j], y[i][j], z[i][j]); if (i == ic) fprintf(orbPtr,"\n"); } } fclose(orbPtr); } for (k=1;k<=nfile;k++) { sprintf(fpos,"%s_%02d%s",fout,k,posf); posPtr=fopen(fpos,"w"); for (l=0;l<=point;l++) { if (k < nfile) { ic = k*OBJ; } else ic = nas; for (i=(k-1)*OBJ+1;i<=ic;i++) { if (l == 0) { if (i == (k-1)*OBJ+1) fprintf(posPtr,"%s","#---MJD XEarth YEarth ZEarth "); fprintf(posPtr,"%s%04d%s","#", i, "-X Y Z D "); } else { d[i][l] = sqrt(SQR(xob[i][l]-xe[l]) + SQR(yob[i][l]-ye[l]) + SQR(zob[i][l]ze[l])); if (i == (k-1)*OBJ+1) fprintf(posPtr,"%11.5f %11.7f %11.7f %11.7f", pt0[l], xe[l], ye[l], ze[l]); fprintf(posPtr," %11.7f %11.7f %11.7f %11.7f", xob[i][l], yob[i][l], zob[i][l], d[i][l]); if (d[i][l] <= crit) { for (j=1;j<=1;j++) caob[ca] = i; ca = ca+1; } 102 } if (i == ic) fprintf(posPtr,"\n"); } } fclose(posPtr); } Sort(caob,ca-1); printf("\n%s","Close-approach asteroid(s): "); k = 1; for (j=1;j<=ca-1;j++) { if (j > 1) if ((caob[j]-caob[j-1]) != 0) k++; printf("%s%04d ","#",caob[j]); } if (ca == 1) k = 0; printf("\n%4d%s",k," object(s) found\n"); free_ivector(caob,1,nas); free_dvector(pt0,1,npla); free_dvector(pa,1,npla); free_dvector(pe,1,npla); free_dvector(pinc,1,npla); free_dvector(pnode,1,npla); free_dvector(pw,1,npla); free_dvector(pta,1,npla); free_dvector(xe,1,point); free_dvector(ye,1,point); free_dvector(ze,1,point); free_dmatrix(m1,1,nas,1,point); free_dmatrix(d,1,nas,1,point); free_dmatrix(xob,1,nas,1,point); free_dmatrix(yob,1,nas,1,point); free_dmatrix(zob,1,nas,1,point); free_dmatrix(x,1,nas,1,ORBP); free_dmatrix(y,1,nas,1,ORBP); free_dmatrix(z,1,nas,1,ORBP); free(forb); free(fpos); printf("\n%s","Done!\n\n"); return 0; } /* ### SUBROUTINES ### */ float SQR(float var) /* Square function */ { return var*var; } void Sort(int *varb, int n) { int j,k,swap; for (k=1;k<=n-1;k++) for (j=1;j<=n-1;j++) if (varb[j] > varb[j+1]) SWAP(varb[j],varb[j+1]); } int *ivector(long nl, long nh) /* allocate an int vector with subscript range v[nl..nh] */ { int *v; 103 v=(int *)malloc((size_t) ((nh-nl+1+NR_END)*sizeof(int))); if (!v) { /*nrerror ("Allocation failure in ivector()");*/ printf("Allocation failure in ivector()\n"); return 0; } return v-nl+NR_END; } double *dvector(long nl, long nh) /* allocate a double vector with subscript range v[nl..nh] */ { double *v; v=(double *)malloc((size_t) ((nh-nl+1+NR_END)*sizeof(double))); if (!v) { /*nrerror("Allocation failure in dvector()");*/ printf("Allocation failure in dvector()\n"); return 0; } return v-nl+NR_END; } double **dmatrix(long nrl, long nrh, long ncl, long nch) /* allocate a double matrix with subscript range m[nrl..nrh][ncl..nch] */ { long i, nrow=nrh-nrl+1,ncol=nch-ncl+1; double **m; /* allocate pointers to rows */ m=(double **) malloc((size_t)((nrow+NR_END)*sizeof(double*))); if (!m) { /*nrerror("allocation failure 1 in matrix()");*/ printf("Allocation failure 1 in matrix()\n"); return 0; } m += NR_END; m -= nrl; /* allocate rows and set pointers to them */ m[nrl]=(double *) malloc((size_t)((nrow*ncol+NR_END)*sizeof(double))); if (!m[nrl]) { /*nrerror ("Allocation failure 2 in matrix()");*/ printf("Allocation failure 2 in matrix()\n"); return 0; } m[nrl] += NR_END; m[nrl] -= ncl; for(i=nrl+1;i<=nrh;i++) m[i]=m[i-1]+ncol; /* return pointer to array of pointers to rows */ return m; } void free_ivector(int *v, long nl, long nh) /* free an int vector allocated with ivector() */ { free((FREE_ARG) (v+nl-NR_END)); } 104 void free_dvector(double *v, long nl, long nh) /* free a double vector allocated with dvector() */ { free((FREE_ARG) (v+nl-NR_END)); } void free_dmatrix(double **m, long nrl, long nrh, long ncl, long nch) /* free a double matrix allocated by dmatrix() */ { free((FREE_ARG) (m[nrl]+ncl-NR_END)); free((FREE_ARG) (m+nrl-NR_END)); } II. Tampilan Program AsCaO AsCaO: A Program of (Simple) Asteroid Close-approach Orbit Computation Asteroids data file (*.???): Planetary data file (*.???): Number of asteroids data = 4091 Number of asteroids [max 60] stored in a file: 60 Number of planetary data: 365 The start MJD = 54101.00000 stop MJD = 54465.00000 Time-step = 1.00 day(s) Close-approach distance (AU): Close-approach asteroid(s): Asteroids data file dan Planetary data file diisi dengan nama file dan format penyimpanan file (dat, txt, dsb). Pilih jarak di Close-approach distance (AU). Keluaran dari Close-approach asteroid adalah berupa nomor urut asteroid yang disimpan pada file dan jumlah asteroid yang memiliki jarak ≤ jarak yang telah dipilih pada Close-approach distance (AU). 105 III. Bentuk Keluaran Program AsCaO AsCaO: A Program of (Simple) Asteroid Close-approach Orbit Computation Asteroids data file (*.???): NEA25juli1.txt Planetary data file (*.???):earth2007.DAT Number of asteroids data = 4091 Number of asteroids [max 60] stored in a file: 60 Number of planetary data: 365 The start MJD = 54101.00000 stop MJD = 54465.00000 Time-step = 1.00 day(s) Close-approach distance (AU): 0.03 AU Close-approach asteroid(s): #307 #399 #573 #750 #921 #923 #928 #960 #989 #1117 #1190 #1771 #2001 #2422 #2422 #2717 #2749 #3051 #3115 #3471 #3471 #3940 20 object(s) found Done! 106 LAMPIRAN E ORBIT 32 ASTEROID NEA DAN PHA YANG AKAN MEMILIKI JARAK TERDEKAT DENGAN BUMI < 0,05 AU DAN POSISI ASTEROID NEA DAN PHA TERSEBUT DENGAN BUMI SAAT BERADA DI JARAK TERDEKAT DI TAHUN 2007 107 Gambar E-1a 108 Gambar E-1a 109 Gambar E-2a 110 Gambar E-2b 111 Gambar E-3a 112 Gambar E-3b 113 Gambar E-4a 114 Gambar E-4b 115 Gambar E-5a 116 Gambar E-5b 117 Gambar E-6a 118 Gambar E-6b 119 Gambar E-7a 120 Gambar E-7b 121 Gambar E-8a 122 Gambar E-8b 123 Gambar E-9a Orbit 4 PHA yang akan memiliki jarak terdekat dengan Bumi < 0,05 AU di tahun 2007 124 Gambar E-9b Posisi 4 PHA dan posisi Bumi untuk masing-masing PHA pada saat jarak terdekat 125 Keterangan gambar: Gambar –gambar (a) Merupakan orbit asteroid-asteroid selama tahun 2007 Gambar-gambar (b) Merupakan posisi asteroid-asteroid (lingkaran berwarna) dengan posisi Bumi untuk masing-masing asteroid (tanda silang dengan warna disesuaikan dengan warna lingkaran asteroid yang dimaksud) saat berada di jarak terdekat. Gambar E1 sampai E8 merupakan asteroid-asteroid NEA, gambar E9 merupakan empat asteroid-asteroid NEA yang termasuk ke dalam anggota PHA 126