KIRKBY MARKETL32 - Knowsley Council


KIRKBY MARKETL32 - Knowsley Council
Issue 21 – September 2009
Kirkby traditional, open air market.
Open every Tuesday, Friday and Saturday 9am – 4.30pm
• Free car parking • over  stalls • food • fashion
• household items • bespoke gifts • greetings cards
and much more...
Digital switchover
where opportunity
through Transform
We have some really talented and outstanding young people in Knowsley.
This edition’s ‘opportunity knocks’ section (Pages -) celebrates their
recent exam successes and some fantastic arts and musical achievements.
Plus, we take a look at the recently opened Centres for Learning across
the borough and what they really think of them...
Your views
If you have any comments or
would like to write a letter for
publication, please contact the
editor, Steve Roberts.
Knowsley News
Knowsley Metropolitan
Borough Council
L36 6AB
telephone: 443 3066
where opportunity knocks
Knowsley News is also available
in other formats including Braille,
large print and audio tape. If you
are registered blind or visually
impaired you should receive an
audio tape version of the magazine.
Telephone customer services
on 443 4031
Welcome to the latest edition of
Welcome to the latest edition of Knowsley News,
which is full of positive stories looking at some
of the great opportunities that are being made
available to Knowsley residents.
For example, our sustained
investment in education is once again
being rewarded through improved
exam results across the borough.
News too on the latest Centres for
Learning that have opened.
The children and young people
look like they have had fun along
the way too – reflected in their smiles
when they attended a graduation
ceremony at Liverpool Hope University,
or when they met an Olympic legend
and a radio superstar.
Future opportunities are highlighted
through updates on regeneration
projects in Halewood and Stockbridge
Village and progress reports on our
work to make Knowsley a safer,
cleaner, and greener borough.
hen you read this edition
you’ll see how the
community, especially
our children and young people,
are grasping those opportunities.
I hope you enjoy reading this edition.
Cllr Ron Round
Leader of Knowsley Council
or email
Students graduating
from Knowsley’s first
Children’s University
in this issue:
What’s hot
02 Swine flu – what you need to know
02 The year ahead for Scrutiny
03 The Digital Switchover comes
to Knowsley
03 Knowsley’s social revolution
04 A healthier, happier Knowsley
04 Thumbs up for council services
05 Blooming lovely
05 Knowsley News survey results
Opportunity knocks
Designed by
Printed by The Website on Signa
Coat Silk: 100% waste paper
(secondary fibre), mainly from
household collections, minimum
50% post-consumer waste, no
chlorine bleaching in production
15 Halewood transformation continues
15 Stockbridge – regeneration update
In focus
Knowsley News is
produced by Knowsley
Metropolitan Borough Council
four times a year and distributed
to all households in the borough.
The next edition will be published
in December 2009.
Knowsley’s first children’s graduation
Top marks for Knowsley’s students
Westvale Youth Centre
Celebrating young talent
Transform – bringing learning
to life
Disabled children aim high
Knowsley apprentice – they’re hired
Going for gold
Radio City Sound Academies
Cleaner, safer, greener
Beating the recession
Recycling made easy in Knowsley
‘Bag it and bin it’
Knowsley, a safer place
to live in 2009
20 Knowsley summer fun
The Digital Switchover
comes to Knowsley
for gold
Your neighbourhood 21
South Huyton
North Huyton
South Kirkby
North Kirkby
Prescot, Whiston, Cronton
and Knowsley Village
What’s on
summer fun
What’s hot
Knowsley News
Swine flu
what you need to know
wine flu has been hitting
the headlines for the last few
months. Below are some
questions and answers which we
hope you find useful:What are the symptoms?
The symptoms are similar to
seasonal flu including fever,
sore throat and fatigue.
What should I do if I’m displaying
the symptoms?
Stay at home. Call the National
Pandemic Flu Service, which allows
you to assess your symptoms and
access anti-virals if required, or
read advice on symptom-relief.
Log on to
or telephone 0800 1 513 100
(for treatment requests only)
between 8.00am – midnight.
A textphone number is available
on 0800 1 513 200
The Digital Switchover
comes to Knowsley
You will need to find a flu
friend – a member of the
family, a neighbour or a
friend. They could pick up
your anti-virals if you need
them, or any other medicine,
or do any essential food
he digital switchover in the
Granada TV region is about to
begin. It will happen in 2 stages:
Stage 1
4 November 2009
BBC2 analogue signal will be
switched off.
Stage 2
2 December 2009
All other remaining analogue channels
will also be switched off.
What can I do to prevent
swine flu?
Maintain a good hygiene
routine to help prevent the
spread of flu – regular and
thorough hand washing, cover
your mouth and nose when
coughing and sneezing, use a
tissue and bin it immediately
after use. Remember, catch it,
bin it, kill it.
Further information
Log on to or
telephone the Swine Flu
Information line on 0800 1 513 513
for the latest updates.
Scrutiny Co-ordinating Committee
– Monitoring the delivery
of Knowsley’s Sustainable
Community Strategy
– Looking into ways to better
support those claiming benefits
Children, Young People &
Families Scrutiny Committee
– Investigating the options and
support available to those not
in education, employment or
training (NEET)
– Improving young people’s
health, with specific reference
to sexual health and teenage
For more information about this and
to find out what you need to do to
be prepared, call the helpline
on 08456 50 50 50* or log on
*Calls are free for customers within inclusive calling plans. Call charges from other
providers may vary. The standard business hours for Digital UK’s contact centre are
am to pm Monday to Friday and am to pm on a Saturday. Opening hours will
be extended during switchover in each area.
The year ahead for
It’s been a busy couple of months for
Knowsley’s Scrutiny Committees as they
have worked to set their work plans for
the coming 12 months. Here’s an
overview of what they will be looking
at in the year ahead...
These changes will affect every
household and business in Knowsley
who will, by the end of the year, be
able to receive a new, stronger digital
TV signal.
Health and Well-being
Scrutiny Committee
– Looking at the factors contributing
to cardiovascular disease in women
– Reviewing the support and
advice available to families
dealing with obesity
Economic Development and
Environment Scrutiny Committee
Safer, Stronger Communities
Scrutiny Committee
– Reviewing the provision and
quality of affordable housing
in the borough
– Looking at what we are doing
to improve employment and
training options across Knowsley
– Reviewing the delivery of key
enforcement priorities including
environmental crime, loan sharks
and underage drinking, etc
– Ways to encourage positive
participation in cultural activity
ou can now get news,
information and events
listings from Knowsley Council
while chatting to friends online.
We are using social media sites
Twitter, Facebook, Flickr and YouTube
to connect with residents and give
them the chance to contact us in a
way that suits them.
You can view photos and videos
from across the borough on Flickr
and YouTube, and find information
about us on Facebook. By following
us on Twitter, you’ll be the first to hear
breaking news, events and get up to
the minute information in the event
of school closures or emergencies.
And we’ll be pleased to hear feedback,
suggestions and comments – just log
on and tell us what you think.
Find us online:
You can find the council on Facebook
by searching for Knowsley Council
And of course on our official site
ll residents are reminded
to supply information for
the Electoral Register.
The Annual Update Forms have
been delivered to all residential
properties in Knowsley over the
last couple of months and must,
by law, be completed and
Any changes must be confirmed
in writing and posted back in a
prepaid envelope. If there are no
changes, this can be confirmed
by freephone or via the internet.
If you have not responded,
canvassers will soon be calling
at your property to obtain the
If you do not supply the
information required, you will
not be able to vote in the Local
Elections in May  or in the
next General Election.
If you require any assistance
completing the form, please ring
the helpline on  
Knowsley News
A healthier,
Visitors flocked to the eleventh
annual Knowsley Flower Festival
to enjoy one of the finest displays
in recent years.
Rosemary Hawley MBE, Chair of NHS
Knowsley, said: “We are immensely
proud of the groundbreaking
partnership that exists between
NHS Knowsley and Knowsley Council
which enables us to put the needs
of our communities at the heart of
everything we do.”
Thumbs up for council services
nowsley residents have
given the council’s refuse
and recycling collections
the highest satisfaction ratings
in the country.
The information was collected as
part of the Government’s Place
Survey, which asks residents how they
feel about the services they receive,
and what they think of their area as
a place to live.
We strive to provide
excellent services which offer
genuine value for money.
The results of this survey are
important, as they give us your
perspective on how well
we are doing.
Cllr Ron Round
Leader of Knowsley Council
As expected, the
survey also recognised
some of the key
challenges and issues
that we are working
hard to address with our
partners. For the full
results, please go to
Health is a major
determinant of people’s
quality of life, and by supporting
residents to live healthier
lifestyles, it enables them to
maximise their quality of life.
This is a priority issue for the
council and its partners, and
we should all be proud that
the progress we have made
has been recognised.
NHS Knowsley and Knowsley Council
won the ‘Reducing Health Inequalities
Achievement’ at the Municipal Journal
awards in recognition of our
outstanding work to improve the
health and quality of life of Knowsley
What’s hot
hile the rain in June and
July may have dampened
the enthusiasm of the
average gardener, the specialist
growers seemed to be reaping the
benefit of a wetter-than-average
More than , people visited the
festival which is one of the largest
free horticultural shows of its kind in
the North West. Highlights of the day
included the winners of both novice
and expert gardeners who had
submitted their prize
winning blooms.
Cllr Ron Round
Leader of Knowsley Council
How did you rate the following services:
Refuse collection
Doorstep recycling
92.9% 89.9% 82.4%
very or fairly satisfied
(highest in the
very or fairly satisfied
(highest in the country)
very or fairly satisfied
(nd highest in the
The overall winner of the flower show
was Chris Bright from Widnes who
picked up the best-in-show award
for her fuschias.
More than  classes were on
offer at the festival. Visitors were
given the opportunity to
sample their talents at
floral art arranging vases of flowers
to growing vegetables and potted
Other attractions included displays
from Hawkeye Falconry and the H&M
Dog Display Team, the Youth Arts
Friendship Field and the Craft
Keeping public land
clear of litter and
Knowsley News survey
very or fairly satisfied
(th highest in the
In the last edition, we asked for your views on
Knowsley News. Thank you to everyone who responded.
Here’s what you said...
It is important that we keep in contact with residents to see how our
services can be improved. Every three months, we will be speaking
to  residents to see what we can do better, and how we can help
improve your quality of life.
We asked...
Do you enjoy reading Knowsley News?
Do you find it easy to read?
Do you think it is well designed?
Do you think it includes interesting and useful information?
Which sections do you like to read?
You said...
96% said yes
96% said yes
91% said yes
92% said yes
Your neighbourhood and What’s hot
We also asked for suggestions on ways in which we could improve future editions. We were delighted to
find that many of you felt that Knowsley News couldn’t be improved, but the comments from those of you
who did make suggestions will be incorporated into future editions. Thanks again!
Opportunity knocks
Knowsley News
Knowsley, where opportunity knocks
Pupils from five primary schools donned caps and gowns to attend
their own special graduation ceremony at Liverpool Hope University.
nowsley’s first Children’s
University saw pupils from
Halewood, Malvern, St
Brigid’s, St Laurence’s and St Mark’s
awarded certificates for their
attendance and participation in
a range of after school activities,
from sign language and visual arts
to drama and family cooking.
Cllr Graham Wright
Knowsley’s Cabinet Member
for Children’s Services
Pupils across Knowsley have
been celebrating. For the th
year running, the number
getting five GCSE passes at A*
to C has gone up. Around %
made the grade this year,
which is an improvement of
.% on .
Westvale Youth Centre offers
young people a great place to
socialise, get advice and support
while also providing exciting
activities to get involved with.
A level passes were achieved by
.% of students – that’s up %
on last year – and primary pupils
beat the Key Stage  national
average for the first time.
By hosting the graduation
ceremony in a university,
it shows the children that taking
a degree is an option for them
and gives them a taster of what
it would be like to graduate,
perhaps inspiring them to go
on to higher education in
the future.
Top marks
for Knowsley’s students
“The Children’s University is a great
idea, it has inspired my child to try
even harder, and the graduation
ceremony is a great thing to boost the
children’s self confidence,” commented
parent Nicola Stringer. “I really enjoyed
today,” added Bethany Christian a pupil
at St Brigid’s “the best part was
throwing our caps in celebration!”
Knowsley’s overall success is
down to a great deal of hard
work from our young people
with support from their parents,
coupled with a wide range of
support from dedicated school
and local authority staff.
Congratulations to everyone
Knowsley’s first
children’s graduation
Cllr Graham Wright
Knowsley’s Cabinet Member
for Children’s Services
Young people in Kirkby have been
socialising and enjoying a range
of activities at the recently opened
Westvale Youth Centre.
The brand new centre, which
opened in June, was designed to the
specifications of the young people
who use it. With its games
area, chill out room and coffee
bar the purpose built facility
gives youngsters somewhere to
relax with friends or take part in the
many activities on offer.
From DJ mixing and animation on
the new suite of computers to
healthy eating, sports, gaming and
pamper sessions, there’s something
for everyone.
Charlotte Lynch performs on electric guitar at the Westvale Youth Centre launch
Celebrating young talent
Meanwhile, budding young film
makers from Huyton were joined
by TV soap stars for the Knowsley
premiere of their award winning
anti gun and gang crime film and
educational pack.
Hard hitting ‘Take the Rap’ is aimed
at preventing young people’s
involvement in gun and gang crime
Christine Tremarco and Margi Clarke with
Take the Rap young film makers
and can be watched on
The short film, which was produced
by volunteers on the Youth
Development Programme and
youngsters from the Page Moss area,
scooped two prizes at the North West
Clapperboard awards earlier
this year.
Mixing it up at Westvale
Aged 11 to 19?
Find out more about Youth
Service activities where you
live by contacting:
Prescot Area Office on
443 4542 or
Halewood, Whiston and Cronton
Area Office on 443 2161
Kirkby Area Office on 443 4409
Huyton Area Office 443 5338
You can also find out what’s
going on where you live by
plingsknowsley or visiting
PLINGS on the council website.
Opportunity knocks
Knowsley News
Five down, two to go!
Five of Knowsley’s Magnificent Centres for Learning are now open, with two to go! Over the summer
months, school staff and members of the Future Schooling in Knowsley team were busy unpacking
materials in three new Centres for Learning:
Knowsley Park – which replaces
Prescot and Higher Side secondary
schools, serving Prescot, Whiston
and the wider community.
Kirkby Sports College – which
replaces Ruffwood and Brookfield
Huyton Arts & Sports Centre for
Learning – replacing Knowsley Hey
and Bowring secondary schools.
All centres were ready to open their
doors to students at the start of term
in September. Students were well
prepared as they had already seen
Halewood Centre for Learning earlier
in the year. Here’s what they thought
about their new centres:
“When I entered the form rooms
I was surprised to see all the
classrooms run off one big one and
to get to your next lesson you don’t
have to walk all the way to another
building. I was even more surprised
to see that there were outside spaces
to work. I was so excited to think that
in September I would be working in
a Centre for Learning like the one
I was stood in.” Kayleigh Cogley,
Kirkby Sports College Centre for
“The new centre is bigger, better
and more fun than anything you
have seen before. Yes, you might
think schools are really boring, but
this is not a school – it’s a Centre for
Learning,” Dylan Joinson, Knowsley
Park Centre for Learning.
Enjoy your new
community facilities!
“The Centre for Learning is for the
community. Everything is changing,
including the way we learn. It is going
to be better for us all,”
Elle-Jo Bulger, Huyton Arts & Sports
Centre for Learning.
The countdown is now on for the
completion and handover of the two
remaining Centres for Learning by the
end of the year – All Saints Catholic
Centre for Learning in Kirkby and
St Edmund Arrowsmith Catholic
Centre for Learning in Whiston –
as part of Knowsley’s Future Schooling
programme to replace all of its
existing secondary schools in the area.
Christ the King Catholic and Church
of England Centre for Learning was
opened in January 2009, followed
by Halewood Centre for Learning,
which was handed over by Transform
Schools in March 2009.
Now that five out of seven Centres for Learning have opened,
communities have been enjoying using the facilities on offer
at very generous discounts.
his summer communities in
Halewood and North Huyton
enjoyed a packed Summer Fun
programme of activities at their
centres, with the chance to win
mountain bikes for all the family.
sessions, basketball, badminton,
climbing wall, trampolining, arts
& crafts. The list is endless – please
ring   to see what’s available
in your area or visit our website
Activities available at your centres
range from dance classes, soccer
coaching, musical theatre, adult
education, cooking, sign language,
cake decoration, beauty therapies,
wheelchair basketball, judo taster
There will also be a chance to use
the facilities for free at the Open
Days later in the year, look out for
further details.
Open Days
Kirkby Sports College Open Day
 October, .pm – .pm
Knowsley Park Centre
for Learning Open Day
 October, .pm – .pm
Huyton Arts & Sports Centre
for Learning Open Day
 November, .pm – .pm
Opportunity knocks
Knowsley News
Bringing learning
to life
The Diploma is a brand new
qualification for  to  year
old learners that really does
‘bring learning to life’.
Up, up
and away!
here will eventually be  new
diplomas (pre ) and  (post
) by  when all learners
will be entitled to study the diploma
of their choice. In Knowsley we
currently have six fantastic diplomas.
Learners in all Centres for Learning
can access at least one of them.
They are:
 Creative and media – explores
the world of film, TV, radio, drama,
dance, music, visual art,
photography, graphics, animation
and much more.
 IT – looking at how a business
is run, how the IT industry works
and multi-media IT.
 Engineering – explores all aspects
of engineering from electronics
and maintenance to exploring
engineering innovation.
 Hair and beauty studies –
the opportunity to explore how
products are developed and tested
and understand what is involved in
running a salon or spa.
 Hospitality – learners will have
the chance to spend time in our
own real restaurant and see and
contribute to how it is run!
 Business, administration
and finance – learners will be
a member of their own events
management team and explore
the world of business in a real life
working environment.
In September  Knowsley will have
four more new diplomas available:
 Sports and active leisure
 Retail business
 Construction and the built
 Society, health and development.
In the construction and the built
environment diploma pupils will
study three elements – design,
create and value, and use of the built
environment as well as undertaking
a period of work experience and
developing their English, maths and
ICT skills.
Knowsley Community College and the
new Centres for Learning will work in
partnership with construction
employers such as Balfour Beatty to
deliver the diploma, giving those who
study it an excellent standard of
education as well as work ready skills
when they enter the world of
employment – putting them one step
ahead of their peers.
If you would like more information
please contact:
Klare Murray on  ;
ocal youngsters from
Simonswood Primary
School, All Saints Catholic
High and Kirkby Sports College
helped launch  balloons in
a race for a new charitable
partnership – ‘Building Better
Building Better Futures was
created by Balfour Beatty in
association with The Prince’s
Trust and Action for Children
to help disadvantaged young
people. The aim is to raise at
least £, by the end of 
and Balfour Beatty has pledged
to match every pound raised.
The winner of the balloon race
was Merv Nichols from Balfour
Beatty Engineering Services,
whose balloon travelled  miles
to Skegness!
Pictured are local youngsters
from Simonswood Primary School,
All Saints Catholic High and Kirkby
Sports College with Malcolm
Robertson, Contracts Manager for
Balfour Beatty (left) and Simon
McEneny, Service Director for
Future Schooling in Knowsley.
Opportunity knocks
Knowsley News
First day in work
for more Knowsley
Disabled children
aim high in art competition
R ged 13
The competition was divided into
four age categories, which were all
inundated with entries of a very high
standard. In two special award
ceremonies the lucky winners were
presented with a certificate and
treated to Argos vouchers for
first, second and third prizes.
Visit the council’s website for more
information about Aiming High for
Disabled Children and young people.
n September more of Knowsley’s
young residents took their first
steps on the career ladder and
started their first day in work.
Agerdis Foster
This is the second round of recruitment
for the ground breaking Knowsley
Apprentice programme.
During the summer, over 
candidates were put through their
paces with assessment centres and
interviews to secure their three year
apprenticeship with a local employer.
Agneadthan H
8 orton
They will now work full time, earn a
good wage and study towards an NVQ
-year old Joseph Birch from Huyton
secured an apprenticeship at Sterling
Services, who are based on Knowsley
Business Park.
Aiming High art competition prize winners
from Knowsley Central Primary Support
Centre: L-R: Daniel Winstanley; Ryan Jones;
Daniel Clarke; Paris Foster; Jonathan Horton
and Pauline Coulter, Children and Family
Services Manager for children with disabilities.
Paul Blennerhassett, Managing
Director at Sterling Services, said he
saw potential in Joseph during his
interview: “Joseph impressed me
immensely at the interview for his
knowledge and experience, but most
of all for his hunger for further
development. He is really enthusiastic
about his new role and he is already
making a vital contribution to the
Sporting success
Knowsley’s team at the
National Athletics for Disabled
and Deaf Pupils final at Blackpool
Thirteen pupils went through from
a regional competition to reach the
final. The team excelled in the
wheelchair racing, javelin, long Jump,
precision club and sprint events at the
regional contest at Manchester Sports
Family fun days
Ellie Desporti who visited the recent Aiming
High Family Fun Day in Halewood, is treated to
a free pampering session
Families enjoyed two fun packed
days in August arranged by Aiming
High for Disabled Children.
face painting and therapy and
pamper sessions. The events also
provided an opportunity for families
to find out more about the work of
Aiming High, including opportunities
available for disabled children and
young people to take part in
activities and take a short break
from their family.
Children and their parents enjoyed
live music performances and
majorettes displays while choosing
from a range of activities on offer,
including, wheelchair basketball,
City taking home  medals,
including  gold.
At the national finals at Blackpool's
Stanley Park stadium, the Knowsley
team won  medals – four gold,
six silver and two bronze. The points
gained helped the North West team
become outright winners. Knowsley’s
team was chosen following a series
of “Talent ID” days.
In addition, we have more than
 young people in apprentice
positions across council departments.
I was so pleased when I got the call to offer
me the job. I really wanted to get an apprenticeship
so I could go to work and earn my own money.
I was also really enthusiastic about the chance to
gain qualifications, and in time a successful career.
I’m really happy that Sterling chose me.
Joseph Birch, Trainee Estimator
Sterling Services in Knowsley Business Park
Disabled sports people from
Knowsley schools scooped a series
of medals at the National Athletics
for Disabled and Deaf Pupils final
in Blackpool.
The Knowsley Apprentice is
all about giving people a chance
to work, earn a decent wage and
get a qualification.
This is the second year we have run
the programme and we are already
thinking about the third phase so
we can give even more people the
opportunity to get into work.
hildren and young people
attending a Special School in
Knowsley took part in an art
competition last term to find out
what interests them and how they
like spending their free time.
Cllr Ron Round
Leader of Knowsley Council
Knowsley News
Going for gold
Knowsley’s budding athletes found out what is needed to win Olympic gold
when Lord Coe popped in to see the students and facilities at the Halewood
Centre for Learning.
Lord Coe, who won gold in the
1500m in 1980 and 1984, spoke to the
students about the opportunities that
the London 2012 Olympics will bring
to the region. He was impressed with
the facilities on offer too.
he transformation of
Halewood’s new district
centre is a step closer after
the council recently selected Neptune
as the developers for the scheme.
Lord Coe
Olympic Gold Medalist
The latest proposals will create a new
modern shopping centre for local
residents, with international
16-year old Katarina Thompson,
from Halewood, won the
heptathlon gold medal at the
World Youth Games in
Italy. She achieved
adio City breakfast DJ
Simon Ross has been grilled
by pupils from Knowsley
during their recent visits to the Radio
City tower in Liverpool.
Knowsley Council has teamed up
with Radio City 96.7 to run a series
of sound academies as part of our
Future Schooling in Knowsley
programme. Pupils from different
schools, and ages, are working
alongside one another to learn how
the radio programmes are put
together. They also learnt how the DJs
started their careers, how the adverts
are written, and how they select
which songs to play on the radio.
After their visit, the pupils will work
with their teachers to create a
documentary on our new state of the
art Centres for Learning, which will all
be open by January 2010. Radio City
will broadcast these documentaries
on the radio to around 486,
people in Merseyside, and will
also put them on their website.
The project has
proved to be a
huge success
with the pupils.
supermarket Aldi at the heart of
the development. The scheme will
attract other retailers and provide
space for smaller shops as well as
improve public transport with new
bus facilities.
I am pleased that the
scheme is continuing to progress.
Residents have needed new
shopping facilities and Neptune’s
proposals are very exciting for
Halewood. I am sure residents
will be happy that we are now
making some real progress.
5,750 points in the competition,
the second highest in the history
of world youth rankings.
One Knowsley resident is already
making great strides to the
London Olympics in 2012.
Radio City
It’s so nice to come into
a Centre for Learning that
recognises that sport is an
essential and intrinsic part
of the curriculum.
Congratulations to Katarina,
and best of luck to all our children
and young people who are training
hard to realise their own Olympic
In fact, quite a few of them have
said that they are now considering
a future career in radio. Who knows
– in a few years time we might be
listening to some of these former
pupils on the radio!
To find out more about Future
Schooling in Knowsley, log on to our
or call 443 3232
Cllr Graham Morgan
Knowsley Council’s Cabinet Member
for Regeneration, Economy and Skills
Stockbridge Village –
regeneration update
s you will all remember,
the council shared initial
plans for the regeneration
of Stockbridge Village with residents
at the end of last year. Since then,
we have been working with our
partners to develop these plans and
secure the funding needed to make
meaningful and significant changes
to the area.
Cllr Bill Weightman commented:
“Developing a project of this size in
the current economic climate is an
ambitious challenge for us and it is a
fantastic achievement for all involved
that the funding for this project is
already secured.
This development has the potential
to transform Stockbridge Village
and for that reason we are grasping
this opportunity and working hard
to ensure we deliver the
improvements that the community
wants and deserves.”
The large scale plans to regenerate
Stockbridge Village include the
provision of a new swimming pool
and leisure facilities, community ‘hub’
building, library, primary school with
family centre and nursery, outdoor
play area, all-weather pitches,
improved retail facility and well lit
and connected centre for the village.
The physical development is part of a
wider initiative by the council and its
partners to deliver significant social
and economic improvements to the
Stockbridge Village area.
We will be providing regular
updates on progress in Knowsley
News and keeping residents
informed throughout the
development process.
In focus
Knowsley News
safer, greener
Knowsley has launched Merseyside’s
first Cleaner, Safer, Greener Charter.
he charter is a commitment
from the council, local service
providers and the public to work
together to improve the appearance
and quality of local streets and open
spaces, and tells residents what they
can expect from service providers.
Developed in partnership with Keep
Britain Tidy, the charter is aimed at
tackling environmental issues
including litter, graffiti, fly-tipping,
dog fouling, street lighting and
community safety. Following the
launch of the charter at Sawpit Park
in Huyton, each Knowsley resident
received a summary leaflet giving
invaluable information about key
service providers and contact
Recycling rewards
Four more Knowsley residents have cardboard, plastic bottles, glass
once again scooped £ each –
and cans.
thanks to their success in our
Recycling Rewards competition.
Since its launch in the January edition
Green Flag success
Meanwhile eight of Knowsley’s
parks have received prestigious
Green Flag awards which
recognise and reward some of
the best parks in the country.
McGoldrick Park, Sawpit Park,
King George V Playing Fields and
Court Hey Park in Huyton, along
with St Chad’s Gardens and
Millbrook Park Millennium Green
in Kirkby and Henley Park and
Knowsley Cemetery, Whiston,
all impressed judges with their
excellent facilities, including well
managed green space, signage
and amenities.
Full copies of the charter can be
viewed at Knowsley’s one-stop shops
and libraries and at
It recently organised the ‘Knowsley
Credit Crunch Roadshow’ which
travelled across the borough and
helped more than one thousand
residents with advice on everything
from coping with debt to starting
a business.
was entitled to any financial support
and benefits. A benefits adviser visited
the family and was able to advise
them that they were entitled to
council tax benefit, child tax benefit,
pension credit, winter fuel payments
and even a free travel pass.
If you would like to book a free
benefit health check, contact the
council on   or 290 7408
of Knowsley News, the competition –
offering prizes totalling £, in gift
vouchers – has attracted a bumper
response from thousands of
householders across the borough.
A big ‘thank you’ to everyone who
took the time to enter – and recycle
for Knowsley.
Recycling made easy
in Knowsley
Knowsley’s latest campaign emphasises just how easy
it can be to do your bit for the environment.
Since the introduction of the grey bin
recycling service last year, residents
have recycled more than a quarter
of their household waste.
The leaflet also called on locals to sign
up to an online pledge to make their
neighbourhoods cleaner, safer and
Beating the recession
The council is providing a wide
range of services and support to
help you through the credit crunch.
Patricia Woods, of Penmann Crescent,
Halewood, Paula Murphy, of Paignton
Close, Huyton, Mrs M Lewis, of Calgarth
Road, Huyton, and Melanie Fuller, of
Georgian Close, Halewood are the
latest lucky winners in our easy-to-enter
competition, which rewards residents
who use their grey bin to recycle paper,
But Government targets, rising waste
disposal costs and pressure on landfill
sites means more needs to be done.
Start recycling today... it’s so easy!
Use your grey bin for:
Use your blue bin for:
Food waste
A new food waste recycling
service is coming to Knowsley
soon! Sign up today by calling
443 2400 or log on to
Food and cereal boxes
Phone books
Food tins and drink cans
(place lids inside cans)
Glass bottles and jars
Plastic bottles
Envelopes (please remove
Papers, newspapers
and magazines
Lawn mowings
Finished flowers
Hedge clippings
Shredded paper
Use your maroon bin for:
– General waste and items
that cannot be recycled.
(please do not place items in plastic
bags and remember to rinse bottles,
jars, cans and tins).
The family is now better off
by more than £90 per week
and received backdated
payments of over £5,000.
One family is now much better
off to beat the recession thanks to
Knowsley News. After reading
one of our recent articles, a lady
contacted us to see if her family
In focus
Knowsley News
A new campaign is being
launched in Knowsley to
encourage customers in pubs,
bars and restaurants to keep
the noise down when they are
Knowsley Council is asking people
to show respect for local residents
by not making too much noise
when they leave the premises
or go outside to smoke. The
Environmental Health team is
visiting all licensed premises in
the borough and giving out
posters and beermats bearing
the message ‘Leave Quietly’.
Knowsley Council will be making sure local dog owners
won’t be caught short when it comes to disposing of their
pets’ waste.
Dog walkers are now able to use ALL of the borough’s 800 litter bins
to dispose of their bagged dog waste. At the moment residents are
limited to using the 107 dog waste bins located in parks.
Existing dog waste bins will be replaced by general litter bins –
with posters and bin stickers reminding residents how to
dispose of their dog waste responsibly. The campaign
will highlight the fact that if it is properly bagged, dog
waste does not need to be separated from normal waste.
It is hoped the new ‘Bag it and bin it’ initiative will
help reduce the amount of dog waste on the streets.
This latest initiative is part of Knowsley’s
‘Big Deal’ clean-up campaign, which has
seen us taking a much tougher
stance to tackling environmental crimes
such as littering, fly tipping, dog fouling
and graffiti.
‘Bag it and bin it’
This campaign is all about
showing respect for local
residents who live close to
licensed premises. It is not fair
for them to have their peace
disturbed by people making a
lot of noise, often late at night,
as they leave pubs, bars and
restaurants or go outside to
smoke. We are not trying to stop
people enjoying themselves, we
are simply encouraging them to
show consideration for people
who live nearby.
Cllr Ken Keith
Knowsley Council’s Cabinet Member
for Corporate and Customer Services
The Safer Knowsley Partnership is keeping up
the work to make Knowsley a safer place to live.
The Partnership’s action results include:
Over  arrests for
a variety of offences
More than  search
warrants issued
More than  skips
of rubbish removed
Over 3500 stop checks
More than 
vehicles seized
Truancy checks
resulting in 
children being
returned to school
or home
£1.8m 350
Over £.m of drugs
taken off the streets
More than  fixed
penalty notices issued
a safer place
to live in 2009
he Safer Knowsley Partnership
has targeted crime in several
areas, including Page Moss,
Southdene, Halewood and Longview,
with more areas planned for the
coming months.
– Community Crime
Champions are also
being recruited and
trained in how to hold
the police and other organisations
to account on crime and disorder.
Knowsley is one of  Pioneer Areas
in Britain tackling crime and disorder
and is committed to several initiatives.
– Police and Communities Together
(PACT) meetings have also started
that residents can attend to help
develop policing priorities and
influence possible projects for
Community Payback.
– Community Payback, where
offenders are sentenced to
physically demanding, highly visible
work in the community. Langton
Road public open space was cleared
by Community Payback in July
following a public vote. Other areas
will also benefit in time.
For more details on any of these,
contact Louise Thomas,
Neighbourhood Crime and Justice
Coordinator on 443 3945
Your neighbourhood
South Huyton
ours i
n Pres
Knowsley flower show
unch, Prescot
The B oral Way
K mmer
su !
McGoldrick Park
flower planting
riends of McGoldrick Park and
the Pride Team planted an
array of flowers to brighten up
their local area. What was once an
overgrown and neglected shrubbery,
has been transformed into a colourful
display of beautiful flowers, provided
by Knowsley Council’s Neighbourhood
Management team. All involved
worked really hard and were very
pleased with the end result.
ley flow
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Do y
St Margaret Mary’s
planted feature
Environmental workers from
Knowsley Council refurbished the
Peace Garden at St Margaret
Mary’s primary school. The school
hold an annual remembrance
event involving veterans of World
War II. Local war veterans joined
Alan Smith from Knowsley Council
environmental teams as the
garden was rededicated, followed
by a special service in the school.
Flags were lowered and ‘the last
post’ was played to remember
those who had fallen.
Interested in your local area?
Want to see things done?
Then why not become a
Community Champion?
Did you know?
A new bike for 100% attendance
Good friends in Whiston
The Big l Way, Presco
ery fr
Summer s
ports in
You can drop in to the South
Huyton office to tell us about
incidents of anti-social behaviour,
litter problems or anything else
you think we could help sort out.
You will find us at the One Stop
Shop, Municipal Buildings,
Archway Road, Huyton L36 9YU
If you would like to report
issues in your local area to
do with street cleansing,
community spaces, green
spaces, or community
safety, you can become
a Community Champion.
Contact Steve Gow
on 443 3848 or
Tommy Dunn
on 443 3047
Melissa Lowry, a year four pupil
from Roby Park primary school, has
been rewarded with a brand new
bike for achieving % attendance
in school.
past 18 months, but still managed
to get to school on time every day.
Knowsley Council’s Travel Plan team
donated a helmet, high visibility
jacket and a bike lock to ensure
Melissa is safe on her new bike.
Melissa had to endure
two floods in her home over the
Your neighbourhood
Knowsley News
South Kirkby
North Huyton
Brookside Community Primary School
celebrated their 40th birthday with a
‘60s style street party. Staff and pupils
dressed up in ‘60s gear and played
games from the era, including oranges
and lemons.
Pupils enjoyed a research session
on family and school life back in
1969 and a competition to match
the Sixties baby pictures to the
relevant member of staff.
Crime crackdown
in Southdene
olice seized £1.8m of cocaine,
£20,000 worth of counterfeit
cigarettes and 1,800
counterfeit DVDs, CDs and games
in a week of action in Southdene.
The week included a blitz on
everything from crime and anti
social behaviour to truancy, littering,
flytipping, vandalism and drug use.
Twelve search warrants were
executed, there were 102 arrests,
 vehicles seized and 52 children
were found to be absent from school.
Coffee morning
thanks flood-help
Rangers award success
A special coffee morning was
held at Trinity Church to thank
those volunteers who supported
residents during the July floods.
Representatives from Knowsley
Council, KHT and United Utilities
met the volunteers to praise those
who went out of their way to help
affected residents. The volunteers
were awarded certificates for their
Volunteers Matty Wade and Caroline
Cashman, pictured with Sheena Ramsey,
Chief Executive of Knowsley Council (centre)
Stockbridge Junior Rangers
have won an award for their
contribution to wildlife and nature.
They were awarded the ‘Ethical
Kids Award’ as part of the Observer’s
Ethical Awards. They beat off tough
competition nationwide and were
awarded joint first place. The group
won £ per year for the next
three years towards their
funding. The group meets
fortnightly and learn
about trees and insects,
as well as building bird
boxes and bat houses.
£1.8m 1,800
of cocaine
DVDs seized
Knitting together
the generations
in bloom
A local knitting group is going
from strength to strength.
Resident Mary Edgar is now
running a second knitting group,
based in Longview shops.
The group knit clothing and
accessories for babies and young
children, which are donated to
the Women’s Hospital to sell.
All money raised goes towards
buying machinery for premature
babies. The group has even
attracted children who go along
in the school holidays to
learn a traditional skill. For more
information, please contact
Mary Edgar on 07845 419766
Residents both young and old
spent their summer brightening
up Kirkby by planting, painting
and pruning.
Did you know?
You can call in to the North
Huyton office to tell us about
incidents of anti-social behaviour,
litter problems or anything else
you think we could help sort out.
You will find us at the River Alt
Resource Centre, Woolfall Heath
Avenue, Huyton L36 3YE
Members of the community
networks in Kirkby worked
tirelessly in Towerhill, Northwood,
Southdene and Westvale. It was
also a great opportunity for people
from different generations to work
together and get to know their
neighbours. The Kirkby Street
Smart/Dream Team project was
jointly funded by Knowsley Council
and Knowsley Housing Trust.
New health
group in
A new Health Group is operating
at Southdene Community Centre
every Thursday from  noon to
pm. Residents can drop-in to
receive information on health
issues in the area. Various
activities will also be taking place
during this time, including tai-chi,
salsa dancing and a Women’s Self
Help Group. Tea and coffee and
other refreshments are also
The operation was organised by the
Safer Knowsley Partnership, based
on the priorities of local people.
Have your say
on play
There’s still time to have your
say on the new Play Pathfinder
play spaces, which will offer the
latest outdoor play equipment.
The consultation day on the
Webster Park space took place in
Southdene Community Centre
and included demonstrations of
Tai-Chi and Salsa. The consultation
event at Field Lane was supported
by the Play Rangers and sports
workers who provided games
and activities.
To find out more and have your
say, contact Daniel Wilson on
443 2484
Did you know?
You can call in to the South
Kirkby office to tell us about
incidents of anti-social behaviour,
litter problems or anything else
you think we could help sort out.
You will find us at the One Stop
Shop, Cherryfield Drive, Kirkby
L32 1TX
Your neighbourhood
Knowsley News
North Kirkby
Festival fun
irkby’s annual festival at
Millbrook Park pulled in
the crowds yet again this year.
A safe oasis
Attractions included street cage
soccer, circus skills workshops, a
birds of prey display, arts and crafts,
and the chance to try MCing.
There were also a number of
performances from local groups
including a play, Spirit of the Stone,
which starred many local young
people. Kirkby Festival is organised
by Knowsley Arts and Heritage
ork is underway to encourage
more people to make use of
Halewood Park. It is a
beautiful oasis of green in the heart
of Halewood and a group of
councillors, residents and council staff
meet regularly to think of ways to
increase its use. They are concentrating
on ensuring people feel safe in the
park and have things to do but they
would like suggestions from residents
on what they would like.
Dads zone
A dads and tots session has started
at St Mark’s Church in Northwood
every other Saturday from am to
pm. The group gives local dads a
chance to meet each other and
enjoy time with their children in a
safe and fun environment. For more
information and details of the next
session contact Dave Tully on 0794 686
4749, or call
Reward for residents
Environmental improvements
by residents in Pentland Road,
Northwood, have made the area
a cleaner and more pleasant place
to live.
As part of a Street Smart initiative, the
North Kirkby Neighbourhood Network
worked with Knowsley Housing Trust’s
tenancy involvement team to organise
activities including painting,
planting and litter picking.
As part of KHT’s advantage scheme
residents who took part were
rewarded with vouchers to be spent
at a number of local shops.
Local resident Carol Birchall said:
“We are made up with the
improvements to the green space.
The kids will be able to play in a nicer
environment and hopefully it will
stop some people from dropping
litter and letting their dogs foul.”
Offenders pay
back to community
Almost one and a half tonnes
of rubbish were removed from
Langton Road Public Open Space
in Shevington by offenders as
part of the Community Payback
The site was chosen for the work
in a public vote as part of the new
national initiative which is being
piloted in Knowsley. As well as the
massive litter pick, shrubs were cut
back and the grass cut to make the
area more accessible for local
Did you know?
You can drop in to the North
Kirkby office to tell us about
incidents of anti-social behaviour,
litter problems or anything you
think we could help sort out.
You will find us at The Barn,
Shevingtons Lane, Kirkby L33 1XA
If you have any ideas or would like to
get involved, contact: Great Outdoors
wildflowers. The Doorstep Green
bloomed over the summer with this
spectacular wildflower display. Paid for
by the Big Lottery Fund, this is part of
a programme of over  projects in the
North West to increase exercise,
encourage healthier eating and
promote mental wellbeing.
Given the current economic
situation there has never been
a better time to grow your own
fruit and veg, as well as it being
healthier for you!
The first allotment site in
Halewood is now blooming
into life, converted from a
disused garage site. With the
help of the Community Payback
team, the site is now fully
occupied by a mixture of local
groups and residents.
Change at the
Children’s Centres
This year has been a busy one
for the two Children’s Centres
in Halewood.
Cherry Tree Children’s Centre is
benefiting from a £m investment
from the Learning & Skills Council
and Knowsley Council. This will
transform it into a joint Adult
Education and Children’s Centre,
due to open in September.
At Oak Tree Children’s Centre,
staff from Halewood Family
Centre are moving in and working
alongside existing officers to
provide a more comprehensive
and effective service for families.
Did you know?
You can call in to the Halewood
office to tell us about incidents
of anti-social behaviour, litter
problems or anything else
you think we could help sort out.
You will find us at New Hutte
Neighbourhood Centre, Lichfield
Road, Halewood L26 1TT
What’s on
Knowsley News
What’s on in October and November...
Prescot, Whiston, Cronton and Knowsley village
From left
to right:
Tom Molloy
Rob Westhead
Jack Cooper
Jack Smith
Sam Humphreys
Tom Byrne
Lewis Arnold
and at the front
is Dean Marnell
Thursday 1 October
Knowsley Reading Day
A celebration of reading for all the
community. Includes visits from
authors, poets, performances and
presentations in a variety of local
Contact: Pam Jones at the Library
Service on 482 1304
Prescot and Whiston team
are England champs
MFC – A team of Prescot and
Whiston youngsters – have
become football champions
of England.
They won the national Under s
Boys Championship at Doncaster
Rovers Football Club, the other Under
s team came third, as did the Under
Police and
Together (PACT)
PACT brings together local
residents and organisations
involved in the area to fight crime
and improve the environment.
Meetings will be held on
 September at Cronton
Community Centre at pm,
 September at Knowsley Village
Primary School at pm and
 September at Prescot Leisure
Centre at pm.
s who also won the Fair Play
Award. They will now go through
to play in the Coalfield Regeneration
Trust Home Internationals
Tournament in September, playing
against national champions from
Scotland, Wales and Ireland. The team
will also be VIP guests at the Scotland
World Cup qualifier.
National status for
Prescot Museum
Prescot Museum has been officially
‘accredited’ by the Museums,
Libraries and Archives Council
(MLA), proving it meets tough
national standards. Prescot
Museum staff are planning a tour
of some of the exhibits and displays
so that more people can see them.
Sunday 4 October
Knowsley Walking Festival
Venue: Various starting points in
Kirkby, Halewood and Stockbridge
MFC was created through Game On –
a project funded by Knowsley Housing
Trust and the Coalfields Regeneration
Trust, to provide young local people
the opportunities to play and coach
football. Free football sessions are
held at Prescot Leisure Centre on
Saturdays from pm to pm. Contact
Chris Nevinson on 443 4793
Whiston clean-up
A staggering twenty five tonnes
of rubbish were shifted in a
community clean up by the Pride
Team in Littlecroft. Local residents
took the opportunity to clear out
their gardens, sheds and lofts.
If your area could use a community
clean up please contact Steve
Gowland on  
Did you know?
You can call in to the Prescot,
Whiston, Cronton and Knowsley
Village office to tell us about
incidents of anti-social behaviour,
litter problems or anything else
you think we could help sort out.
You will find us at George Howard
Community Centre, Lickers Lane
Whiston, Prescot, Merseyside
L35 3SR
Tuesday 6 October to
Sunday 3 January
Megaphones and magnetos:
A history of the British motorcycle
Venue: Prescot Museum
This nostalgic exhibition charts the
origins and development of the British
motorcycle industry. The displays will
include a range of riding gear,
photographs, magazines, owners
manuals, trophies and other assorted
memorabilia, as well as a selection of
Contact: 430 7787 or visit
Sunday 11 October
Birdwatching Walk
Venue: Acornfield Local Nature Reserve
Time: 10am to 1pm
An informative ranger led walk looking
at birds inhabiting our woodlands at this
time of year.
Contact: Kevin the Ranger
on 07810 054 159
Saturday 17 October
Lantern Making Workshop
Venue: Halewood Park
Time: 1pm to 3pm
Have a go at making your own festive
lantern sculptured from natural
materials. Experienced artists will be
on hand to offer their guidance and
encourage your creative flair.
Why not take part in this year’s walking
event? The event celebrates Mental
Health Awareness Day by joining forces
again to promote healthy bodies and
minds in Knowsley.
Contact: Rangers on 488 6151
Contact: Carol Winstanley
on 285 6003
Saturday 17 October to
Sunday 25 October
Monday 5 to Saturday 10 October
Conker competitions
See below for the venues
Time: 1pm to 3pm
Children’s Book Week
Venue: All libraries
A series of events aimed at encouraging
children up to the age of 12 years to
enjoy what libraries have to offer,
including book events, author and
illustrator workshops. The events will
take place in all libraries to celebrate
National Children’s Book Week.
Contact: Kate Deegan-Spragg
on 443 4295
Try your hand at this age old game.
All conkers will be supplied by the
Rangers. Please arrive before 1pm
for registration and ring the relevant
number at the venue:
Thursday 8 October
National Poetry Day
Venue: Various libraries
A celebration of poetry, both locally
and nationally, which will include the
launch of the Creative Writing
Competition 2009.
Contact: Sue Stone on 443 5001
Saturday  October
Court Hey Park
Contact: 443 3682
Sunday  October
Sawpit Park
Contact: 443 3682
Saturday  October
Stadt Moers Park
Contact: 489 1239
Sunday  October
Henley Park
Contact: 489 1239
What’s on
Knowsley News
Sunday 18 October
Saturday 31 October
Seed Gathering
Venue: Halewood Park
Time: 1pm to 3pm
Trick or Treat
Venue: Stadt Moers Park
Time: 5pm to 7pm
We will be collecting and propagating
tree seeds to ensure our woodlands
are there for future generations to
enjoy. Tree growing kits provided so
come and do your bit for the local
Come to the park on Halloween and
hunt for treats on the ‘Terrifying Treat
Trail’ and you may even meet a ghost
or ghoul on the way.
Contact: Rangers on 489 1239
Contact: Rangers on 488 6151
Saturday 31 October to
Sunday 15 November
Friday 6 November
and Friday 13 November
Stars in your skies
Time: 7.30pm to 9.30pm (both events)
28 September to 30 November
Liverpool Astronomical Society will be
giving an illustrated talk about the
many wonders of the solar system,
followed by a night of star gazing using
powerful telescopes. For further details,
please contact the relevant venue:
Please contact democratic services for
confirmation of times and venues on
443 3502
Friday 6 November
Stadt Moers Park
489 1239
Monday 26 to Friday 30 October
Half Term at the Wildflower Centre
Venue: National Wildflower Centre
Time: Workshops 1pm and 2pm
(charges apply)
Celebrate the magic of autumn during
half term at the National Wildflower
Centre. We have a week of fun
activities for the Big Draw.
Contact: 738 1913 to book a place
Feed the birds
Venue: Halewood Park
Help keep our feathered friends full
and happy over the coming winter
months. All bird feeding materials
provided. Please contact the relevant
venue for further information:
Saturday 31 October
Venue: Copthorne Adventure
Time: pm to pm
Contact: 07810 054 159
Thursday 29 October
Halloween Horrors
Venue: Halewood Park
Time: 1pm to 3pm
A spooky afternoon of family fun
making ghostly ghouls, batty bats and
wicked witches ready for Halloween.
Saturday 7 November
Venue: Court Hey Park
Time: 1pm to 3pm
Contact: 443 3682
Meetings in Knowsley
Friday 13 November
Halewood Park
488 6151
Thursday 19 November
to Friday  November
Christmas celebrations
for all the family
Wednesday 28 October, 6pm
Wednesday 14 October, 2pm
Wednesday 11 November, 2pm
Planning Committee
Thursday 15 October, 6pm
Thursday 12 November, 6pm
Licensing Committee
Thursday 8 October, 2pm
Appeals Committee
Tuesday 3 November, 10am
Friday  November
North Huyton Partnership Board
Thursday 15 October
South Kirkby Partnership Board
Tuesday 20 October
Prescot, Whiston, Cronton, Knowsley
Village Partnership Board
Wednesday 21 October
North Kirkby Partnership Board
Thursday 22 October
Friday  November
Council Tax 443 4476
Usef bers
Sunday 8 November
Venue: McGoldrick Park
Time: 1pm to 3pm
Contact: 443 3682
Sunday  November
and Saturday  December
Mad Hatters tea party
and Santa’s grotto
Venue: Coach House, Roby Road,
Bowring Park
Time: 12 Noon to 4pm (both events)
A treat for the whole family but
especially the little ones. An
enchanting experience in the historic
Coach House of Bowring Park.
Tea party, grotto and present £.
South Huyton Partnership Board
Wednesday 14 October
Area Partnership Board
Co-ordinating Group
Monday 2 November, 4pm
Economic Development and
Environment Scrutiny Committee
Monday 16 November, 6pm
Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny
Tuesday 17 November, 6pm
Children, Young People and
Families Scrutiny Committee
Wednesday 25 November, 6pm
Safer, Stronger Communities
Scrutiny Committee
Thursday 26 November, 6pm
Scrutiny Coordinating Committee
Monday 30 November, 6pm
Thursday 19 November
Contact: Rangers on 488 6151
Halewood Partnership Board
Tuesday 13 October
Standards Committee
Thursday 1 October, 5pm
Sunday  November
Venue: Halewood Park
Time: pm to pm
Contact:  
Sunday 15 November
Venue: Stadt Moers Park
Time: 1pm to 3pm
Contact: 489 1239
Joint Cabinet/PCT meeting
Wednesday 7 October, 2pm
Contact: Friends of Bowring Park
on  
Anti-Social Behaviour Helpline 443 2000
Council Tax and Benefits
Fraud Hotline 0800 073 111
Crime Stoppers
0800 555 111
Knowsley Council general enquiries
489 6000
Knowsley Hate Crime and Domestic
Violence Helpline 0800 953 4433
Merseyside Fire and Rescue
switchboard 296 4000
Dangerous buildings/structures/trees
443 2380
Merseyside Police switchboard 709 6010
Education general enquiries 443 3232
NHS Direct 0845 4647
Fire/Police/Ambulance (emergency) 999
Pest control 443 2455
Government’s Consumer Direct Service
08454 04 05 06
Planning enquiries 443 2380
Refuse collection 443 2400
Benefits (housing and Council Tax)
443 4042
Highways (including footways and
street lighting) 443 2400
Highways Emergency 443 2800
Schools admissions and exclusions
443 5733
Births/deaths/marriages 443 5210
Homelessness 290 7190
School attendance service 443 3279
Business rates 443 5210
Housing repairs 290 7375/449 3958
School bus passes 443 5609
Business services (advice, funding,
recruitment and training) 477 4000
Job vacancies 443 5000
Social services and homelessness
07659 590 081
Children’s Information Service 443 5633
Knowsley Community Messaging
777 6217
Traffic signal faults 443 2349
Citizens Advice Bureau 0845 122 1300
Complaints and compliments 443 4031
Knowsley Housing Trust (KHT)
General Enquiries 290 7000
Housing Repairs 0500 96 96 94
Consumer Advice/Trading Standards
443 4737
Knowsley Council’s bulky
household waste service 443 2400
Truancy Hotline 0800 073 6161
For more information visit
or email

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TAKING A HARD LINE address and contact details to Knowsley News Competition, National Wildflower Centre, Court Hey Park, Liverpool L16 3NA by August 30 to be in with your chance to win. 5

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