Home-Start Knowsley 2013


Home-Start Knowsley 2013
2013 - 2014
Home-Start Knowsley
- 201
Registered Charity No:
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Contents Page
Trustees and Staff
Chair’s Report by Susan McGuire
Scheme Manager’s Report by Pam Bowes
Organiser Report by Tracey Whistlecraft
Organiser Report by Mandy O’Melia
Report by Volunteer Representative Chantal Lee
How We Support our Families
Outcomes of families whose support has ceased
during the year
Financial Report
Page 3
Trustees and Staff
April 2013—March 2014
Chair: Susan McGuire (Elected December 2011)
Vice Chair: Jackie Sumner (Elected December 2011)
Treasurer: Dr Clare Kenny (Elected December 2011)
Trustee: Louise Johnston
Trustee: Patricia McKnight
Scheme Manager: Pamela Bowes
Senior Organiser: Thammy Lodders (From August 2013—February 2014)
Tracey Whistlecraft
Mandy O’Melia
Andrea Nolan
Volunteer Representative/Advisor to BOD
Chantal Lee
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Chairs Report
I write the Chair’s message for the Annual Report for 2013-14 with pleasure and
optimism following an interesting and adventurous year for Home-start Knowsley.
We continue to follow the course of our business plan which we developed in 2012
which aims to make us sustainable as a charitable enterprise so we can continue
supporting Knowsley families long into the future.
The stability of our staffing remains a great strength for Home-Start Knowsley. It is
a pleasure to work with Pam, Mandy, Tracey and Andrea who are so committed to
the service and the families we support. They know the organisation and its needs
inside out and they offer great strength to the Trustees. We have welcomed Julie
Barr onto our staff. Julie is the Building Maintenance Officer for our Northwood
This year I undertook the course of preparation which is our main course offered to
those who want to become Home-Start volunteers. It was wonderful to see how well
volunteers are prepared for their work with families and how the course brings out
strengths and qualities sometimes unsuspected by participants. I have also been
able to attend some of the volunteer meetings and the bond between our
volunteers fills me with respect for them. They support and encourage each other
to provide exceptional support for the families we serve.
I have been able to provide support for the crèche during one of our Fit for Life
courses. I was also able to meet volunteers whilst undertaking a counselling course
offered by Knowsley Community College through Home-Start to its volunteers. For
me personally this has been a year in which I have been able to be much more
available for and involved in the organisation. It has only served to reinforce everything I had been learning at Board meetings. In particular, that Home-Start
Knowsley is needed more than ever and needs to grow in size given the number of
referrals we are now getting.
I am proud that we have purchased our building in
Rupert Road this year and feel this will give us much
needed financial stability and opportunities to grow and
diversify. Taking on the management of the Northwood
Community centre has also proved our support for
community development in that area, our support for
the council’s strategies and also our determination to
ensure the future of the organisation.
I must pay tribute to the support from my fellow
trustees. I thank all our volunteers, many of who I have
met over the year in training events and meetings.
Finally I must thank the staff again and in particular our
manager Pam Bowes. Pam has worked selflessly and
tirelessly, here first thing in the morning and last thing at
night, especially in the months since we have taken on
Northwood. With her help we can look to our future with
Sue McGuire - Chair
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Sue cutting Home-Start’s
40th Birthday cake at last
years AGM
Scheme Manager’s Report
by Pam Bowes
2013 to 2014 has been an exciting yet challenging year for us at Home-Start Knowsley
and I am happy to report that we have risen to those challenges and we are stronger than
The Business Plan is on track as our dedicated Trustees have steered us to become more
of a Social Enterprise as we have diversified to provide much more than our core offer of
peer support through volunteer home-visiting and utilised the skills of our experienced
and qualified staff, and provided even more additional training to volunteers. This enabled us to respond to the Warmer Homes contract and Lifestyles Project, ensuring we
were able to offer knowledgeable additional information, advice and guidance relating to
saving energy, smoking cessation and alcohol reduction, to families we support and the
wider community. This funding has contributed to our sustainability, which is especially
important as we now have two premises to maintain. It has also given us the opportunity
to develop and expand our partnership working with similar-minded agencies and evidenced to Commissioners how effective the Third Sector can be.
Tracey has continued to train and manage our magnificent breastfeeding support volunteers who are always so willing to respond to our SOS’s and passionate about what they
do. Well done.
Mandy has developed the Parent and Toddler Group to incorporate our School Readiness
model and we have seen children develop and ready to take that big step on their educational journey. Mums – we are always looking for volunteers if you have time on your
Tracey and Mandy both rose to the challenge of Holiday Allsorts activities through the
school holidays and were creative to keep little people active and stimulated and adults
calm. We have laughed and cried with parents as they have been supported to address
issues including temper tantrums, bed wetting and potty training – don’t’ worry mums
and dads; most of us grow out of it eventually!! We have already taken bookings for next
Seriously, ‘My Team’ have risen to the challenges and worked tirelessly to support struggling families through crisis and heat break. We have received more referrals than in any
other year and issues have been more complex. We have shared anxieties when children
have needed hospital care, been disappointed when someone falls- off-the wagon and
supported them back on the straight and narrow, and advocated at difficult statutory
I am proud that Home-Start Knowsley’s staff and volunteers are always professional and
always go the extra mile to support struggling families. The Home-Start model of homevisiting will always be what we do best but we have shown that we can realise other ambitions with equal skill and tenacity and the determination to succeed. The fact that 20 volunteers left us to pursue other learning, educational or employment opportunities during
this year says it all. We have given volunteers the confidence to move on and contributed
to Knowsley’s Social Growth Agenda.
I must say a word of gratitude to Andrea whose sound financial head and statistical wizardry has guided me through-out the year. Thank you for never complaining when the
workload is heavy and deadlines tight.
(Continued on page 7)
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Finally, a quick word about Northwood Community Centre which will become a
Home-Start base from 1st April 2014. Welcome to the new member of the Team,
Julie Barr, who joins us as Buildings Maintenance Officer. I know there will be
challenging times ahead but I also know that if anyone can make a success of it,
the Home-Start Team can.
Thank you for the continued support of Trustees, Staff, Volunteers, Parents and
other stakeholders. We would not be Home-Start Knowsley without you.
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Report by Tracey Whistlecraft
What a year!
It seems the blink of an eye since we last had our AGM and what a year it has been.
The referrals for additional support have been coming in at a steady pace and as always
the volunteers have stepped up to the mark and provided much needed support for
families whether it be emotional support, listening to a families worries or more
practical hands on support. The feedback I get from families is that they don’t know
how they would of coped if it hadn’t have been for the volunteer support they have received. Sometimes a fresh pair of eyes and a willingness to help someone, even for a
short time makes a huge difference not only to the parents but to the children in the
As the times are changing so much for families, the same would apply to our volunteers.
More and more of the volunteers who come to Home-Start are accessing Further
Education training and yet still manage to give the most precious element of time as
well as juggling course work and their own families. This year has been one of our most
successful with many volunteers being accepted for University and their time with
Home-Start has been instrumental in them gaining places.
The La Lèche Breastfeeding
training continues to be
popular and very well
attended and there is always
a waiting list. The volunteers
who attend this training
report how empowered they
feel at the end of it and I
always expect there to be a
mini baby boom in Knowsley
as volunteers say that they
need to have another baby to
practise with!
The extra support that the
volunteers provide alongside
Bosom Buddies to mums
attending Children Centres is
well received by the mums
needing a bit more reassurance
especially as the volunteers are
parents themselves.
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Report by Mandy O’Melia
I have been employed within Home-Start Knowsley since January 2009 as Group Worker
and Organiser.
It has been another successful year at the scheme, and as a team we have supported a
diverse range of families. The escalating needs of our families in this very difficult climate
have provided many challenges as levels of need are increasing due to factors such as
benefit changes, bedroom tax, redundancy, financial hardship and struggle.
As ever our wonderful volunteers have been inspirational in their commitment and dedication to support families across Knowsley. They have continued to rise to the many challenges that they have faced in order to provide positive outcomes for families whilst supporting them on their journey. Our Jigsaw approach to working is successful and families
benefit so much from having the opportunity to work with staff, volunteers and partner
agencies. Thank you all so much, we couldn’t do it without you.
Our Parent and Toddler Group has
continued to grow each week, it
provides parents, grand-parents,
carers and children with group
support and activities within a
friendly and supportive environment. The group covers: Rhythm
& Rhyme Time, Arts & Crafts, Active Play, Healthy Eating along
with support, care and guidance.
It is very well attended and all of
our families who attend it, tell us
how much they value and enjoy it.
From this year we will also facilitate groups at Northwood Community Centre when we
takeover the management of the building in April 2014. During the summer we have
delivered our Holiday Allsorts Group which enables families to access sessions during
school holidays for vital support and opportunities to engage in activities such as:
Healthy Cookery, Arts & Crafts, Music Time, Active Play and use of scheme resources.
Most importantly it has provided a safe and supportive environment to improve
wellbeing, promote confidence and build positive experiences. I aim to strengthen our
links with local residents over the next year and hope to support many more families in
We have built and maintained successful and
professional partnership links with referrers
such as Children's Centres, Family First,
Families, Domestic Violence Support Services,
Victim Support, Police, GP's, Health Visitors, Social Care, Housing Associations, Teaching Staff,
Learning Mentors, the Benefits Agency and
many more.
I look forward to achieving even more within
the next year and hope to raise the profile of
Home-Start Knowsley and to assist an even
greater number of families.
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Report by Volunteer Representative Chantal Lee
It was great to be re-elected as Volunteer Representative/Lay Advisor to the Board in
September 2013, having undertaken this role for the previous 12 months.
2013-14 has been a busy year for the Scheme. Particularly exciting, this year has seen
the expansion of the range of services offered from the Northwood premises and the
creation of local employment and training opportunities. Attending the Board meetings
has enabled me to learn more about the hard work Home-Start Knowsley staff and
trustees put in to the running of the scheme. I am able to share this with our team of
volunteers, as well as voicing their perspective with the Board. Case studies
presented at Board Meetings give a snapshot of the breadth of challenges faced by local
families and examples of the friendship and practical support offered by Home-Start
Knowsley's volunteers and give an overview of diversity and staff and volunteer skills.
Our dedicated volunteers, who undergo extensive training to support families in their
own homes and in community settings, are instrumental to the operational activities of
the Scheme. Regular recruitment and training cycles allow us to keep up provision for the
increasing number of referrals for our services.
Volunteers have also been busy raising awareness of - and funding for - Home-Start
Knowsley, taking part in a range of promotional events. These have included representing the Scheme at the Active Knowsley Challenge and helping to run stalls in celebration
of national breastfeeding week and at local community gatherings.
The Scheme provides ongoing training updates, regular team meetings and supervision
to support volunteers and to keep their knowledge and skills up to date.
Volunteers come from diverse backgrounds
that reflect the community we are part of.
They join and offer their time from a range
of perspectives; some in employment, in
study or training, actively job seeking, on
maternity leave, career break, in retirement. We all share an enthusiasm for helping others and for children to have the best
start in life. It is a privilege to see children
who are in contact with the Scheme develop and flourish, with the love and support of their families.
The Scheme's Facebook page, launched in
2013, has reached 83 likes and is used to
provide information for staff, volunteers and the community. Posts include job adverts,
training opportunities and relevant information such as health and wellbeing articles,
local events, courses and groups. If you are a Facebook user, please "Like" and "Share"
our page, Home-Start Knowsley.
Interested in volunteering? Contact the Scheme to find out more!
Page 10
How we Support our Families
Number of Families Supported
Number of families referred this year awaiting
Number of families referred this year but not
directly supported
Number of new families referred this year who were
Number of families already receiving support as at
1st April
All of these families had an Initial Assessment. The 24 families referred but did not directly receive
support were sign-posted or referred on to agencies that more closely met their needs. Each of these
referrals have had a minimum of 2 hours, time invested. The scheme endeavours to provide awareness
sessions within the main referring agencies to take into account any staff changes within organisation
The level of referrals demonstrates a confidence in our
service and that a variety of
professionals and services are
willing to access the support of
Home-Start Knowsley yet the
bulk of referrals come from self
referrals and this has been an
increasing trend. We believe this
is brought about by parents who
have previously received support,
recommending our service to
other parents who they feel
would benefit from similar intervention.
This also backs-up feedback from parents who tell us they are suspicious of statutory services and
perceive Children’s Centres to be part of Social Care and instrumental in removing children from the
family setting.
This data evidences Home-Start Knowsley’s ability to reach and engage with families who may not
access other family services and evidences out effectiveness at preventing crisis and the need for
expensive statutory intervention.
The funding from SureStart Children’s Centres is reviewed yearly and has been cut by more than
half in the last 3 years yet expected outcomes have been doubled for 2014-2015. The fact that this
contract has been extended yearly confirms that Children’s Centres recognise the need for our
service whilst acknowledging the referrals are not always instigated by their agency, yet they are
willing to fund the support.
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How We Support Our Families
Breakdown of support
Group support
One to one support
plus group
One to one support
through a volunteer
of Organiser
The scheme continues to successfully recruit, train, and develop a significant number of volunteers.
As a result of which our services are a valued asset to the Knowsley borough.
One to one Home-Visiting Support through a Volunteer
The average length of time a family is supported for is 6-9 months. Each family supported receives a
home visit of 3 hours each week and the average number of families the scheme supports at any one
time is 60. This equates to 180 hours per week of actual family support which demonstrates the cost
effectiveness of the service. Recruiting and maintaining suitable volunteers is always a challenge and
the number of volunteers the scheme is able to sustain reflects the number of families that the
scheme can realistically support. We believe that the scheme offers excellent training and support
throughout the volunteering experience; however, there has been competition with other voluntary
projects that are able to offer their volunteers more in the way of incentives which can make these
organisations more appealing to some who are new to the voluntary sector.
Home-Start is committed to supporting Knowsley’s Social Growth Agenda and as such offer additional
training opportunities to volunteers alongside paid staff with a view to increasing their skills and employability prospects. 20 volunteers progressed to further training, education or employment during
2013-14 which makes us a victim of our own success !!
Group Support (including Health Awareness Training)
Families Fit4Life
A Target Wellbeing Commissioned Project which targets the health and wellbeing of families with a
child under 11 years. This project is monitored and evaluated on a quarterly basis and tracks the
health improvements of the parents, children and extended family who have attended the weekly
structured sessions. During April 2013 to March 2014, three courses took place and 38 adult beneficiaries took part in an 8 week course, resulting in 121 indirect beneficiaries reaping the rewards of new
found knowledge, skills and quality family experience. Continued on page 13
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Continued from page 12
Volunteers play a huge role in this project; both in supporting the sessions and by encouraging
home visited families to improve their health and wellbeing. An unexpected outcome of the
course is that it encourages male carers to take part, especially in the Family Activity Day
which promotes quality family time, positive parenting and emotional wellbeing. The course is
regularly evaluated with the parents, and changes made if necessary. Trips to the Museum,
Pantomime and Farmer Ted’s Adventure Park took place this year. For many parents and children it was the first time they had experienced such activities due to financial constraints.
Farmer Ted’s was a clear favourite as adults and children were allowed to feed animals and
learn more about them, whilst also taking part in a nature walk and tractor ride. All visits were
planned by the families, supported by volunteers including costings and transport logistics.
Families Fit for Life comments
‘At first I was nervous about coming but soon felt at ease and was
comfortable to chat to other mums’
‘I have learned a lot and am better able to deal with my problems’
‘The course was recommended to me by a friend but I feel it wasn’t long enough
and I would love to keep on coming. I’m going to come to the
Parent and Toddler Group instead and so are some of the other mums I have
become friendly with’
‘I feel more confident to ask for help now’
‘Staff were welcoming and really knew their stuff – loved the stress busting’
‘The whole family are eating more healthily now. The shopping bag challenge
was fun and surprising’
‘My son doesn’t kick off as often now’
‘The phone and text support was a god send’
‘I kept coming as I learned new things every week and made a new circle of
‘My son and I have both learned to swim now as I go with a mum I met at
‘I walk a lot now and go to the park with and without my children’
‘I’ve learned to take life a day at a time’
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Breast Feeding Training
Knowsley has one of the lowest uptakes in the country for breastfeeding and Peer Support
Volunteers work in partnership with Bosom Buddies to address strong cultural challenge to change
people’s attitudes to breastfeeding.
We actively recruit volunteers who express a wish to support, encourage and promote breast feeding
for the future health and development and, giving children the best start in life.
Tracey Whistlecraft has been delivering La Lèche training since 2010 and is our breastfeeding
expert. She is passionate to share her knowledge and expertise with others.
Volunteers who complete the 10 week training, continue to be matched to individual Children’s
Centres and are now established in their role.
25 volunteers were trained during 2013-14 making that 65 in two and a half years.
Lifestyles Project
Home-Start Knowsley is the lead agency for the Smoking Cessation strand of this new initiative
funded by Knowsley NHS 5 Boroughs Partnership and managed by the Community Foundation of Merseyside. Partner agencies include Centre 63, Changing Lives, KUC (Kirkby Unemployed Centre), and
Listening Ear (Counselling Service) with a focus on reducing smoking in Knowsley, especially those who
are pregnant or planning to conceive. As Home-Start already support many women who fit this
criteria, we are well placed to identify those who would benefit from this intervention and the
additional training staff and volunteers have received ensured we have the knowledge and confidence
to offer this support as part of the Home-Start core offer.
Co-ordinating a project with so many agencies has been challenging but has provided us the
opportunity to develop partnerships with other Third Sector Agencies and demonstrate to
commissioners that non-statutory agencies are effective in engaging with target beneficiaries who
are often hard to reach and that we are value for money.
Outcomes far exceeded targets, came in within budget and we have heard unofficially that this
contract will be re-commissioned shortly.
Parent & Toddler, Friendly Friday, Holiday Allsorts and Lunch Club
These additional groups provided by Home-Start have grown from strength to strength and were
initiated as gaps in service and the need for vulnerable families to receive support other than
through volunteer home-visiting were identified. A significant number of parents who had attended
Fit4Life requested the course to be extended to enable friendships to continue at a venue where
they felt safe and comfortable and Parent & Toddler and Friendly Friday have enabled this to happen. Families who are waiting to be matched with a volunteer are encouraged to attend these groups
whilst waiting and offers them the opportunity to access informal support prior to targeted support.
Whilst there is an identified need for this provision, there is no dedicated funding to support it. The
costs to run these groups are minimal and donations cover refreshments but it is recognised dedicated funding needs to be secured to allow these groups to continue.
Lunch Club is funded via a small grant from Greggs which covers ingredients. Home-Start provide the
venue, (this will alternate at Rupert Road and Northwood after 1 st April), is run jointly with Knowsley
Disability Concern and is well attended.
Page 14
Outcomes of Families whose support has ceased during the year
A total of 160 families ceased support during April 2013- March 2014 as their circumstances changed
and their coping strategies improved.
80% families indicated social isolation as a problem, only 4 of these families at the final visit stated
that the support had not met their needs. Home-Start Knowsley was particularly successful in the
following areas:
Improving parent’s emotional wellbeing and self esteem
Improving children’s health & wellbeing
Managing the household budget
Conflict management using Restorative Approaches
Supporting parents to access specialist services and facilities in the area – especially health related
and debt management
Of the issues identified where needs are unmet, or only partially met, this was generally due to the
number of families referred with higher level needs and living a chaotic lifestyle.
Our current electronic data system (MESH) enables us to track a family’s progress and produce
graphs to evidence the impact our support has made. This is gathered using the coping scores identified by parents at Initial Assessment, Quarterly Reviews and Exit Visits and parents tell us they like
this visual reminder of the progress they have made and their Journey of Change. This data is also
useful to present to existing and potential funders.
Activity A. Parenting Skills
B. ParC. ChilD. Family
ents' dren's Well Management Level of
Well BeBeing
Page 15
Outcome of needs at last visit
14. Other
13. Use of services
12. Coping with extra work of multiple children under 5
11. Stress caused by conflict in the family
10. The day-to-day running of the home
9. Managing the household budget
8. Coping with child’s mental health
7. Coping with child’s physical health
6. Parent’s self-esteem
5. Coping with feeling isolated
4. Coping with mental health
3. Coping with physical health
2. Being involved in the children’s development/learning
1. Managing children’s behaviour
Need Not Achieved
Need Partially Achieved
Need Achieved
Support for Knowsley Third Sector
Home-Start’s Manager has continued to represent the Third Sector on many committees and
steering groups during 2013-2014. We have played a positive role in influencing protocols and
strategy, particularly relating to safeguarding children and vulnerable adults.
Pam has been the Voluntary Sector Representative on:
Knowsley Early Help Development Group
Knowsley Integrated Workforce Strategy Group
Knowsley Breastfeeding Strategy Group
Huyton Children and Families Partnership Board
Huyton Children’s Centres Advisory Board
Interim Board Member of Forward Together (Third Sector Consortium)
Knowsley Mums for Health Early Years Project
Home-Start also attend:
Knowsley Children, Young People and Families Forum and
Northwood Big Local Board Meetings.
Safeguarding is always a Home-Start priority
Page 16
Statement of Financial Activities
for the year ended 31 March 2014
Unrestricted Restricted
2014 Total 2013 Total
Incoming resources
Incoming resources from generating funds:
Voluntary income
Activities for generating funds
Investment income
Costs of generating funds
Fundraising trading: cost of goods sold
and other costs
Total resources expended
Net income before transfers
Total incoming resources
Resources expended
Gross transfers between funds
Net movements in funds
Reconciliation of Funds
Total funds brought forward
Total funds carried forward
The statement of financial activities includes all gains and losses in the year and therefore a
separate statement of total recognised gains and losses has not been prepared. All the above
amounts relate to continuing activities.
As prepared by our Accountants Stubbs, Parkin and Taylor of Southport. The above information forms part
of the complete statement of financial activities and Trustee report, a copy of which is available on request .
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All the team at Home-Start Knowsley
would like to say a big
‘Thank You’
to all of our funders, whose support has helped us to
meet the needs of families and volunteers in Knowsley
Our Acknowledgements to:
Children in Need
Knowsley Children’s Centres
Target Wellbeing
5 Boroughs Partnership
Big Lottery – Reaching Communities
Lloyds TSB Foundation
John Moores Foundation
Community Foundation
for Merseyside
Neighbourhood Learning Grant
Knowsley Chamber of Commerce
Home-Start Knowsley
55 Rupert Road, Huyton, Merseyside, L36 9TB
Tel: 0151 480 3910
Email: info@homestartknowsley.org.uk